November 2015 Canyon Echoes
November 2015 Canyon Echoes
Our geographic area covers the southwest corner of the United States including all of Arizona, Southern Nevada and St. George, Utah GC Synod Women’s Gather Bible Study Event Volume XXVIX Issue 5 November 2015 Saturday, January 9, 2016 Love of Christ Lutheran 1525 N Power Rd, Mesa AZ 9 am—2:30 pm Inside This Issue President’s Musings Page 2 LWR Ingathering Page 2 Fall Retreat Highlights Page 3 Let’s Light Up Phebe Page 4 Sex Trafficking Forum Page 5 Discipleship, Justice, Stewardship Page 6 Get To Know Your Board Page 7 2017 Triennial News Page 8 Treasurer Message, Thankoffering Page 9 Stitching Sisters Page 10 Happenings Around Our Synod Pages 11-12 Pep Talk For Your Unit Page 13 Upcoming Events Page 14 Gather Bible Study Registration Page 15 GC WELCA References Page 16 Gather, the magazine of Women of the ELCA. Come and meet the authors of our winter 2016 Gather Bible Study to enhance your understanding of Philippians. This study’s authors are E. Louise Williams and Rev. Phyllis N. Kersten. Louise, executive director emerita of the Lutheran Deaconess Association, lives in Valparaiso, IN. Phyllis is a retired pastor and lives in a Chicago suburb. These authors wrote our 1990 study, “Companions on Your Journey.” This four-month study from January through April explores the book of Philippians under the theme of “Christian Citizenship 101.” The authors will lead us through the January study, provide background information in the development of the overall theme and content and give us tips on leading our own Bible studies. We’ll have small group activity as well as music. The November issue concludes the three-part study on Slow Faith, “Tempo giusto.” In December we’ll enjoy a short Advent devotional study written by Valora Starr from our churchwide office of Women of the ELCA. Subscribe Digital access (computer, I-Pad, Android) is free to print subscribers. Yearly subscription cost is $15. Canyon Echoes November 2015 Bring your January issue of Gather, your WELCA Bible Study group, your Bible, and get your January Gather study done with the pros! The cost is only $25, including lunch, if you register on or before December 18. After Dec. 18, the cost is $30. You’ll find a registration form on page 15 of this issue, and also on our website at Page 1 Musings from President Laura Sisters in Christ: As we begin another day give us, O Lord of all hopefulness, awareness of your presence, insight into our problems, humility to acknowledge our need, willingness to seek your help, trust to believe you will act on our behalf, and gratitude for all you are and all you do for us. Amen. As another year draws to an end, and we look with anticipation to the celebration of our Lord's birth in a humble manger, I pray that God is with your ministry through the women of your congregation and community. At our retreat held just a few weeks ago, the attendees learned to look for God's touch in the many seasons of our lives. Through sharing with others, walking alone with God, singing praises and digging into the scriptures, participants were able to look at the beauty that has been blessed on each of us. These God-given blessings are not to be hidden away. They should be shared, in your family, in your congregation, with other women and in your community. No matter what season you find yourself in, God has a plan for you. He has something for you to do. I challenge you to ask God how He can use you! Then Listen..... He will call you to where you are to be! Maybe He is calling you to be a worker in a mission project. Maybe He is calling you to be a mentor to a young woman. Maybe He is calling you to step up and lead. Maybe He is calling you to encourage. Whatever the call, be ready to respond! We are all called to discipleship in Jesus Christ and we are empowered by the Holy Spirit! Your humble servant in Christ, Laura Krueger Lutheran World Relief (LWR) Ingathering for Kits/Quilts LWR has graciously arranged a truck to pick up our Kits, Quilts, Fleece Tied Blankets and Soap at the upcoming Rally in the Valley at Prince of Peace Lutheran in Scottsdale on Feb. 15-16, 2016. Please remember the guidelines for packing: Pack “like” items together in boxes. Do not mix kits with quilts, etc. Label contents in LARGE BLOCK LETTERS on the outside of the boxes. Also, include the name and address of your congregation on a slip inside each box. Use strong cartons secured with packing tape: NO string. 40 lb. or less in each box. DO NOT USE plastic or paper bags to pack donations. Items will not be accepted unless boxed and labeled. If you need space in your vehicle for kits/quilts while traveling, pack your items un-boxed, flatten out your boxes, and bring tape and labels to box everything up once you arrive. If you aren’t coming to Rally in the Valley in February, you can bring your packed and labeled LWR items to our January Bible Study event on January 9, 2016 at Love of Christ in Mesa. We hope the truck will be filled to capacity! Thank you for sharing your talents and gifts for LWR! Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 2 GC Women's Fall Retreat Highlights October 23—24, 2015 Spirit in the Desert Retreat Center in Carefree AZ Garden Getaway: Where Women Walk With God We filled the Ravenscroft Chapel to its capacity with 91 registrations from 28 churches across Arizona and southern Nevada. Women enjoyed the beautiful weather and the company of their sisters in faith as we explored walking through many seasons of our lives, using Ecclesiastes 3 as our scriptural basis. Session leaders included Suki Kisling, Susan Girouard, and Myrna Wells-Ulland from the GC synod women’s board, and Terry Nelson and Kathy Swan from the Retreat planning team. Friday night’s events included an opportunity for “Wine, Women and Holy Conversation” following our opening session. The Retreat Planning team did an exceptional job in creating a welcoming garden atmosphere for our attendees. Our service project was fleece blanket tying for Lutheran World Relief, and 51 blankets will be delivered to the LWR Ingathering Truck at Rally in the Valley in February. Thrivent provided a generous gift to help with our retreat expenses, as well as a $250 Thrivent Action Team Grant to purchase fleece for our blankets. Women had an opportunity to “walk with God” outdoors on Saturday, including the labyrinth at Spirit in the Desert. Our offering totaled $1493, with half going to the Native American Urban Ministries in Phoenix. The GC Synod Women’s Board thanks our retreat planning team of Myrna Wells-Ulland, Terry Nelson, Julie Ann Walker and Kathy Swan. Welcome to our Garden Getaway Retreat Garden Getaway: Where Women Walk With God Cyndy Warnier Worship/Music Leader Scatter Your Stones Craft Project Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 3 Let’s Light up Phebe! Lighting up Phebe Hospital in Liberia is an initiative of Women of the ELCA known as PV for Phebe, spearheaded by the women from NE Minnesota following a site visit to Phebe Hospital in November 2012 as part of the 25th anniversary of Women of the ELCA. In 2014, a memorial was passed at the Women of the ELCA Ninth Triennial Gathering in Charlotte, NC to support the raising of funds for PV for Phebe. In June, 2015, the GC Synod Assembly adopted a resolution asking all churches to become involved in this environmental and humanitarian effort. We now have an opportunity to “Light Up Phebe!” Phebe Hospital was built by the Lutheran, Methodist and Episcopalian Churches in 1921 and serves a population of 450,000 as the sole option for health care services in rural Liberia. It’s School of Nursing trains 250 mid-level health care workers each year. In the 1970’s and 80’s our churchwide ELCA contributed $250,000 a year; however, since the Liberian civil wars ended in the early 2000’s, Lutheran financial aid to Phebe has dwindled to $50,000 a year. Liberia’s electrical grid infrastructure was destroyed during their 14-year civil war and Phebe Hospital has suffered from chronic electrical instability. The hospital generates all of its electricity with a string of diesel generators, costing $35,000 per month, consuming more than 90,000 gallons of fuel annually, with fuel costs over $300,000 each year. Generator failure and fuel disruptions make campus-wide blackouts a daily reality. During the rainy season, the road to the hospital often washes out, making delivery of fuel impossible. The hospital must often shut down its power system for periods of time to conserve fuel, resulting in operations that are risky and jeopardized vaccine storage. Without consistent and reliable power, Phebe faces an uphill battle in managing the very real health challenges faced by the rural Liberian people. Women and children in Liberia are especially at risk. Liberia is burdened with several infectious diseases that hamper development. 42% of children have stunted growth due to disease and malnutrition. Only 26% of births take place in hospitals in rural areas; maternal mortality is measured at 994 deaths per 100,000 live births, and adolescent pregnancy has risen to 32%. There is a solution for Phebe Hospital: solar energy. The Solar Power Project at Phebe Hospital, known as PV for Phebe, aims to install a large-scale array of solar panels that will contribute 75% of the hospital’s energy needs, with energy storage to allow them to function for a day without direct sunlight. “PV” is short for photovoltaics, a method used to convert light energy into electricity employed in common solar panels. Local people will be trained on installation, operation and maintenance of the solar grid. The diesel fuel that Phebe Hospital currently burns produces the carbon equivalent of 800 metric tons of waste each year. Replacing this dirty energy production with clean, renewable energy is a life-giving act of environmental stewardship. By investing funds in a photovoltaic microgrid, Phebe Hospital and its staff will be empowered to achieve self-reliance through solar power, and will serve as a powerful model for rebuilding critical infrastructure in a resilient manner. The bold women from NE Minnesota have pledged to raise $200,000 of the first $500,000 needed to get this project moving forward and have taken steps to rally our full church to stand behind and support this women-inspired mission. This pledge will literally and figuratively light the way to improved health outcomes for the Liberian people now and for the generation to come. The estimated cost of the project is $2.5 million and construction of the solar grid is being led by RREAL, a Minnesota solar energy nonprofit and a pioneer in the use of solar energy to address poverty. RREAL is also leading the major fundraising and has a target implementation date of Phebe’s solar grid in 2016. A female electrical engineer, inspired by this mission, has volunteered her services to develop the plans. This sustainable, long-term solution would free up over $250,000 annually to fight illnesses like malaria and Ebola in Liberia. How can we help “Light Up Phebe?” Your gift today means giving clean energy to power critical health infrastructure in Liberia. Our GC Synod Women’s Board has made a $100 offering to PV for Phebe. We challenge each congregation to match, or increase, that offering. Make an offering to PV for Phebe as part of your individual and unit offerings. If you can, do it yet this year. Checks may be made out to GC Women of the ELCA and sent to Marlene Haller, our GC Synod Women’s Treasurer, at 324 W Culver St, #9, Phoenix AZ 85003. Marlene will forward all PV for Phebe offerings to the NE Minnesota Synod, the collection point for gifts to PV for Phebe. Visit for more information and resources to help tell the story of PV for Phebe to your women and to your congregation. News and updates are also posted frequently at Together, we can light up Phebe! Myrna Wells-Ulland GC Synod Women’s Board Stewardship Committee Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 4 Report of our Sex Trafficking Forum in Mesa, AZ on October 3rd At our GC Synod Women’s Justice Committee forum in Mesa, Keynote speaker, John Raeder, State of Arizona Program Administrator, Governor’s Office for Children, Youth and Families, and Laurie Kessler of the Mesa Police Department, shared red flags that could indicate that a child might be being trafficked or sexually exploited. When children and youth experience sexual violence, they may not talk about what is happening to them or they may talk about it in ways that we are not listening for. It is up to attentive adults to be engaged in young people’s lives, recognize signs, ask questions, and connect with other adults for information and support when there is cause for concern. The indicators below are not a guarantee that sexual exploitation or trafficking has occurred; rather it is a list of “red flags” that signal the need for support and conversation. Victims of varying ages may exhibit a variety of physical and behavioral signs. The presence of these signs may be significant; it may also suggest problems other than sexual abuse, exploitation, or trafficking. If you suspect a child or youth has been abused because you see the following indicators, or if he or she hints at abuse or outright disclose sexual exploitation or trafficking, seek support of your local police department. Forum participants discuss issues Adults should be alert to “red flags” such as: Extreme changes in behavior, such as loss of appetite Expressing affection in ways inappropriate for a child of their age Physical marks such as bruises, bites or cut marks Change in school patterns; specifically, reduced attendance, inability to concentrate, excessive daydreaming, sudden changes in grades Having unaffordable new things, such as clothes, money, technological devices Having a significantly older “boyfriend” or “girlfriend” Has markings/branding (identifying tattoo) Has minimal knowledge of their community or location Lacks access to a parent or guardian Other behavioral signals, such as aggressive or disruptive behavior, withdrawal, running away, or delinquent behavior Patty Gee, GC Synod Women’s Board Justice Committee Our Next GC Synod Women’s Sex Trafficking Forum is in West Phoenix Saturday, January 23, 2016 Alleluia Lutheran Church 8444 W Encanto Blvd, Phoenix AZ 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cost: $10.00 (includes lunch) The program details are currently being finalized For event updates and registration information go to our website: Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 5 Discipleship LOCATION. . . LOCATION. . . LOCATION.. . . is what Realtors look for. COMMUNICATION. . .COMMUNICATION. . . .COMMUNICATION is what women of the church need. In today’s world of multiple technologies, communication has become much easier and we are beginning to see positive results from the newly revised Canyon Echoes newsletter, postings on Facebook, and now, Twitter! Members of your WELCA Synod Board will be present at all of your Spring Gatherings. Use them to share ideas and answer questions about how you might better serve your Congregation and all people of the Church worldwide. Your Synod Board is working hard to make connections and communications a key issue in helping your Units survive and thrive. Another communication tool will be the WELCA 2016 Convention. This is one you won’t want to miss! It’s a three day holiday (November 11-13 and NOT Reformation week-end) and we have secured amazing room rates at the Alexis Park Resort (all suites) for the event. Workshops are coming back and there will be LOTS of surprises. One of our key objectives will be to elect 12 women to represent you and carry on the purpose of the WELCA. Block out your calendar NOW ~ we have contracted the room rates to include Thursday thru Sunday. Watch for a special Canyon Echoes Convention issue scheduled for March, 2016. Committee Members: Wanda Frenchman-Takacs, Susan Girouard, Suki Kisling, Randi VenHuizen Justice The social statement of the ELCA's ‘Freed in Christ: Race, Ethnicity and Culture’ highlights three important areas meant to encourage and guide debate and discussions within the church. • It is primarily a call for the Church to be a leading force in society against racism and for tolerance, understanding, and cooperation between cultural communities. • It outlines the ways social, political, and economic injustice is rooted in the spiritual crisis of racism, and it suggests both strategies and theological resources for the Church’s response. • It calls upon leaders and others in this church to “persevere” and “live up to” commitments to be an inclusive church witnessing and working for justice. At our Grand Canyon WELCA Convention in Las Vegas in November, 2016, our Justice committee will lead a workshop focusing on "Diversity and Racial Relations." For more information, contact our GC Synod Women's Justice Committee members: Susan Drane, Patty Gee, Pat Shaw Stewardship Stewardship: Everyone has a different definition. Here’s one that works for Audrey Novak Riley, Director of Stewardship and Development for Women of the ELCA. Stewardship means: to use the gifts God has generously given to us to care for the gifts that God has graciously entrusted to us so that those who come after us can rejoice in them in their turn. Our loving God has given us so much—everything we have, everything we are, everything. And one of the many gifts that God has graciously entrusted to us is our beloved community of women created in the image of our loving, generous God. When you lovingly, generously use some of what God has given you to care for Women of the ELCA, you are helping to sustain our organization for our daughters and granddaughters, nieces and greatnieces, young friends and younger friends for generations yet to come. Your faithful support of Women of the ELCA will make a difference in the lives of women you may never meet, maybe even in the lives of women not yet born—who, through the organization your generous giving sustains, will reach out to love and serve our neighbors in Christ just as you have done. That’s the power of grateful, generous stewardship! Thank you. “Reprinted with permission from Interchange, the churchwide newsletter of Women of the ELCA, Copyright © 2015 Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.” Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 6 Get To Know Your Board Patty Gee, Board Member High Country Conference, Flagstaff Patty and her husband, Jerome, were educators within the Washington State Public School system for 27 years, raising their five children and being active participants with lay leadership positions within their church. Following Jerome’s official retirement, they both became Facilities Directors of a Christian Camp near Snoqualmie Pass. For several years, they provided retreats and summer camps. In 1994 they were called to Japan as Special Assignment Missionaries to replace a missionary couple who had spent 35 years as pastors and educators at the church-sponsored Middle School. In Inagi, Japan, Jerome became a licensed pastor of a Japanese Christian Church. Patty lead worship praise and prayer, as well as became the Christian Education Director for the church and three Christian Hoikuins (schools). Upon returning to the U.S., they were called to be missionaries to the Yakima Native Americans and Hispanic community within the poorest county in Washington State. After several years, a crisis in the family brought them back to their hometown of Olympia, Washington. Their son-in-law became a crack cocaine addict, and they assumed responsibility of their three granddaughters, ages 4 to 8 years. During this time, Patty became very involved with Women’s Ministries and Stephen Ministry. She found support and Christian balance within these groups and this made all the difference. When life smoothed out, Patty and Jerome opened an Autism Clinic, using her degree as a Speech and Language Pathologist/Autism Specialist, and masters in School Administration. Over the years they provided therapy and support to over 500 families. During this time, Patty also served as Executive Director of the state-wide Autism Society of Washington. Patty has a brother who has autism, and she has been his guardian since he was in his 20’s. He is now 62 and living on his own with state paid caregiver support. In 2013, Patty and Jerome closed the clinic and left their four other children and grandchildren and moved to Flagstaff to support their son and granddaughter during a custody battle. As the proceedings lingered on, they came to love Flagstaff and their Christian community, deciding to fully retire. Living in a cabin at the base of Mt. Elden with a son, granddaughter and four dogs seems perfect, as does being involved on the board of WELCA with an active role on our Justice Committee, currently focusing on Human and Sexual Trafficking. This is Patty’s first term on the Grand Canyon WELCA Board. Days are filled and complete! Pat Shaw Rio Salado Conference, Mesa If you have heard of Rutland, Massachusetts, then you have heard more than most people. That is Pat’s hometown and place of birth. It is about 60 miles west of Boston, and in the middle of Massachusetts, Pat was raised on a small family farm which raised dairy cattle. They were known to make the best homemade ice cream in the whole state! In 1970 the family moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, when it was still the West’s Most Western Town. Although baptized Lutheran, the family attended a Congregational church. Pat began attending a Christian church in Scottsdale. This led her to Young Life while attending Mesa Community College. Faith has always been an important part of her life. She continued on her faith journey through college at Arizona State University (ASU) where she received her teaching degree in Special Education. She finished her education at Northern Arizona University (NAU) with a Master’s Degree in Career and Technical Education. Pat and Tom (the ‘love of my life’) were married in 1984 and became members of Love of Christ Lutheran in east Mesa. They have been active members since that time. Pat decided to form a Women’s Hiking Group with hiking trips all over the state and beyond. Pat is serving her second term on the Board and is active on our Justice Committee. She, along with a few others, is also determined to bring the Rio Salado Conference back to life and more visible in the Grand Canyon Synod. They have two son and two grandsons ~ who keep them VERY busy. August issue, page 12 Canyon Echoes November 2015 Oops, We Goofed! Community Lutheran contact should be WELCA GC Synod Convention in Las Vegas - November 11-13, 2016 Page 7 2017 Triennial Gathering Promoters Chosen We are excited to report that the WELCA Grand Canyon Synod will be represented by our own Randi VenHuizen from Spirit of Joy, Mesa, Rio Salado Conference. Randi has been selected to be a Triennial Gathering Promoter (TGP)! In the past, TGP’s have been appointed from each Synod. For the next Triennial in 2017, women were asked to submit an application to be among the 915 chosen nationally. Requirements included having attended at least one Gathering and being an active participant in a Unit. Candidates should also be comfortable speaking in public, enthusiastic about travel, have hands-on knowledge of social media and be able to tell a story about why they love Women of the ELCA. Experience with marketing is a bonus. Candidates are also required to be computer literate and reachable by email on a daily basis. Randi was also required to submit a two minute video as to why she would like the opportunity to promote the next Triennial Gathering. This volunteer job comes with no pay, but plenty of perks. Randi is serving her first term on the Grand Canyon WELCA Synod Board and you can bet she is going to be one busy lady! “all anew” has been chosen as the theme for Women of the ELCA’s Tenth Triennial Gathering in Minneapolis, MN, July 13-16, 2017. The theme is supported by several biblical texts that speak of renewal. The logo above is in the joyful, organic shape of a butterfly — or, is it a flower? It represents transformation and growth. Splashes of color honoring the four elements (earth, wind, fire air) spill outside the lines to create an uplifting symbol that is bright, bold and vibrant. Because the Tenth Triennial Gathering falls during the observance of the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation in 2017, the theme resonates with reformation and transformation images. At the Gathering, participants will explore ways in which the Holy Spirit changes us, acknowledging that reformation and transformation have happened and continue to happen within the community of women known as Women of the ELCA. One theme verse, Psalm 104:30: “Lord, send forth your spirit — and renew the face of the earth” calls on God to send the Holy Spirit to renew not just God’s people, not just God’s church — but ALL God’s earth, the creation that God called good. Interchange/Intercambio is published four times a year by Women of the ELCA, in spring, summer, fall and winter. It is sent without charge to each congregational unit of Women of the ELCA and to elected leadership in synodical women’s organizations and conferences. You can download the English or Spanish version free anytime by clicking Interchange/ Intercambio. Helpful Websites and Contacts This will access the ELCA’s national churchwide office Churchwide website of Women of the ELCA; resources for your congregational unit as well as Café, an e-magazine for young women Website for our Grand Canyon synod women Email to reach our Grand Canyon synod women’s leadership Website for Gather magazine, the magazine of Women of the ELCA Online magazine for Lutheran women Website for Lutheran World Relief Bread for the World—find out how to write congress, donate and order your copy of bread, find out what’s happening, request email updates ELCA World Hunger—hunger facts, resources, stories, how to give Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA Women of the ELCA Canyon Echoes November 2015 Women of the ELCA Page 8 Reflect, pray and prepare for the day Daily Grace is an on-the-go companion for your journey, offering a faith reflection every day. Provided from our churchwide office, Daily Grace’s brief writings will help you encounter God’s extravagant, boundless and often surprising grace! You will be comforted, challenged, inspired, consoled and confronted. The daily reflection will stir you to live out your baptismal calling. Daily Grace is available from the I-Tunes App Store or Google Play for your smart phone or tablet. Read the Daily readings, reflections, prayers daily message Connections to the church’s liturgical calendar and to the secular calendar or choose Connections to Facebook, Twitter and Women of the ELCA Random Grace Or, sign up to receive Daily Grace by email See more at: Women of the ELCA Resources A Note From Your GC Synod Women’s Treasurer, Marlene Haller As servants called by God, we look forward to 2016. Many exciting events are being planned, beginning with the January Gather Bible Study and concluding with the Biennial Convention in Las Vegas in November. In between there are conference gatherings and regular unit Bible Studies. The fall is a time when we look ahead and we look back. What have we done that went well and we should repeat, and what did not turn out as we expected? From our responses we develop our budget for the coming year. The Synod Board counts on your regular remittance of a portion of your regular offering and your annual Love Offering to help fund our budget in the coming year. If you didn't bring your 2015 Unit Love Offering to our Fall Retreat at Spirit in the Desert, please forward it to me before the end of the year. The summer months have been quiet at my mailbox. Have you been faithful in forwarding a regular offering from your unit? The Synod Board has pledged to set aside $100.00 of our personal offerings for the PV for Phebe Hospital project in Liberia. Can your Unit add this project as a benevolence item in your 2016 budget? Do you have funds to make a gift yet this year? (See the article on “Light Up Phebe” on page 4 of this issue.) I’m excited for what we can do together. Let your board member know your exciting plans for 2016. November is Thankoffering Month In many of our units and congregations, the month of November is the time we collect and send in our Thankoffering. This Thankoffering shares in a tradition dating back to the 1800s, when Christian women formed “mite” or “cent” societies to fund mission. When others in the church said there wasn’t enough money to carry out mission projects, the women believed otherwise. In these societies, each woman collected offerings at home. On occasion, they would gather as we do in November to combine their offerings and offer them up with thanks and praise. When Women of the ELCA was formed nearly 30 years ago, we committed to continue this tradition of giving in gratitude for blessings. Each year, in thousands of congregations, Thankofferings are collected and sent to support the life-changing ministries of Women of the ELCA. Together, we can do more than we can ever do apart. In gratitude for all God has given us, and with hope for all that is to come, we collect our Thankoffering. God bless your offering! Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 9 Stitching Sisters of Community Lutheran (CLC) in Las Vegas Submitted by Shirley Lizotte This story goes back to before 2000. At our Spring Retreat in Zion, we heard Pastor Kim Sterner tell about the three orphanages in Haiti which had been financially supported by our Women’s Ministries for a number of years. We envisioned what those children felt when they went to bed every night with little or no blankets. I called together three other ladies and we decided to make quilts for each one of those children. By the next year we made 64 quilts — just the right amount to be delivered to Haiti. In January 2010 a massive earthquake hit Haiti and most of the buildings were destroyed along with the quilts. (Ben Larson was the only casualty at St. Joseph’s). Word spread around Community Lutheran and the Women’s Bible Study. Fabric samples were donated, a room was reserved, and the Stitching Sister were called to action. We made 99 quilts and raised over $400 to help transport the quilts to Haiti. Brand New Horizons, a non-profit that works with homeless and underprivileged youth, came to our attention in 2012. There were 37 girls enrolled in the summer program. Once again the Stitching Sisters gathered and finished 37 quilts for Brand New Horizons, plus 18 quilts for the Layette Ministry at CLC, and 66 quilts to Richard Rundle Elementary School. “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.” Romans 12:13 According to an article in the Las Vegas Review Journal, the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth have identified 15,234 homeless youth in Nevada! When Community Lutheran Youth became involved with the Nevada Partnership for Homeless Youth, the Stitching Sisters applied for and received a monetary grant from Thrivent Care Abounds in Communities. Added to money received from CLC’s Endowment Fund, we were able to buy cute children’s prints. We joined the youth on one of their ‘Feel Good Friday’ events and distributed 139 quilts!! Every child, including those in strollers, received a quilt. We have continued to help support the mission of the Youth of our church in ministering to the homeless youth in the Las Vegas area. Our group of ladies grows, but we could always use more sewers and ty-ers. We have been blessed by Grants from Thrivent, donations from W-ELCA and the CLC Endowment Fund, and many generous private donations of fabric and funds. Our efforts received recognition by FOX Channel 5 and Fairway Chevrolet in Las Vegas when I was nominated for the Shining Star Award. This award, given to people who make a difference in their community, consisted of a filmed segment of our Stitching Sisters and a presentation of $500 cash!!! It was music to my ears to hear the news anchor say on TV “The Stitching Sisters of Community Lutheran Church.” So far this year we have made 173 quilts and we’re still sewing and tying! Give generously to the poor, not grudgingly for the LORD your God will bless you in everything you do.” Deuteronomy 15:10 Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 10 Happenings Around Our GC Synod Keep us informed Is your church or women’s ministry having an interesting event or speaker? What ministries are your women involved in? Do you have photos? What you are doing just may be the inspiration for another unit/congregation. Share your news with us by emailing to our GC Synod email at Our Canyon Echoes article deadlines are October 1, January 1, April 1 and July 1. We publish in November, February, May and August. Watch for special CONVENTION ISSUE in March. New Song—Henderson, NV “Lavender Spa” On Saturday, October 10, 2015, the Women’s Ministry of New Song Church (Colorado River Conference) held their annual Retreat at the church. This year’s theme was Lavender Springs Spa –Where Women Rest in God’s Faithfulness. A total of 27 women attended the retreat. The women participated in various activity sessions, including singing, discussions and private time, based on the book of Psalms. The women also completed a service project, putting together encouragement bags (containing various personal care products, a mini prayer shawl, and words of encouragement) for young girls ages 12-22. These bags were donated to Street Teens, a Las Vegas based organization dedicated to helping abandoned, homeless and at-risk youth. On October 18th, the Flagstaff WELCA Cake Social event's goal was to raise local funds to join the effort started by the NE Minnesota Synod Women to raise funds for Phebe Hospital, which serves over 70,000 people in central Liberia annually, and we raised several hundred dollars (see the related article on Page 4 of this issue). At the June 2015 Grand Canyon Synod Assembly, a resolution was passed to raise awareness and potential funding for the solar energy project for Phebe Hospital, in partnership with the GC Synod Women. The Flagstaff WELCA challenges other congregational groups to organize a fundraising event for Phebe. Camp Aloma, a Christian camp in the Bradshaw Mountains 15 minutes from Prescott is offering an upcoming Free Family Week-end: Disconnect to Reconnect on December 4-6. You can find more information on their family camping opportunities from their website. Tenth Triennial Gathering of Women of the ELCA July 13-16, 2017 Theme verse: Psalm 104:30 “Lord, send forth your spirit….and renew the face of the earth” Minneapolis MN Convention Center For more info: Mark your calendars and begin planning now to attend! LATE BREAKING NEWS!! 2020 Triennial Gathering: Phoenix AZ 2023 Triennial Gathering: Spokane WA Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 11 More Happenings around our synod Heidi Gerrish, our GC Synod YAGM (Young Adult in Global Mission) Greetings from Uruguay! All is well here in Montevideo, as I begin to adjust to my new life. I live in a hogar (home) with 11 other people. Four others are international volunteers like me, and the other seven are students from other cities in Uruguay. We often share dinners together, and I am always surrounded by the sounds of people singing, playing guitar, and laughing. It is such a blessing to be part of this community! The building that we live in is also host to a dentist’s office, a Tai Chi studio, a therapist’s office, an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting area, and my church’s chapel. Quite a busy place! Soon I will have a few more jobs to do with my church, but for now, I work with an organization called La Obra Ecumenica Barrio Borro. It’s basically a community center in a marginalized neighborhood outside of Montevideo. The organization hosts many programs that we have been exploring over these past two weeks. For now, we’re deciding where we fit the best, which basically means that we get to play with kids all day long! The day begins with job training classes for older youth in the community who are outside of the traditional education system. They learn about cooking, electricity, and art, among other things. In the afternoon, younger children come to La Obra after school for workshops in a variety of subjects, and to take the hour-long bus trip to the pool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. There are also classes for older youth who want to teach physical education, and a women’s group that meets to chat and create art. I feel so incredibly blessed to have the opportunity to be here and learn from the people of my new community. Even though my Spanish has a long way to go, I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and welcoming I have received from everyone here – from the littlest chiquilines (kiddos) at La Obra, to the elders in my new congregation. I’m looking forward to sharing my stories with you all! Sending many abrazos y besos (hugs and kisses) to my ELCA community! To follow my blog: To donate to the Young Adults in Global Mission program online: Grace Lutheran Church Women’s Ministry Grace Lutheran Church Women’s Ministry Kingman AZ The first event for the 2015 year was the December 2014 Tea where we elected leadership and started our planning. Our first big event was the “Spring Family Gathering” held in April for the entire church family, with 17 families signed up and 35 total attending. Boys had cowboy theme dress up and girls had spring flower dress up and bonnets. We commit to local charities a total of $750.00 divided equally to the “Advice and Aide Pregnancy Center, Kingman Aid to Abused People (KAP) and the Kingman Area Food Bank. We also do a Blanket Ministry in the fall and $200 is allocated to buy blankets for homeless people. We also ask for donations of gently used blankets from our members at large. In addition, we do a “Quilt Raffle” for a chance to receive a new quilt, hand sewn by our women’s quilting group. On November 14 and 15th, at all three services, our Grace Lutheran Church Women’s Ministry Thank Offering Service will be held, where the women of the committee will provide help with the service, read lessons, collect the offering, and assist with communion. Our big event is the annual garage sale on November 7th, one of our biggest fund raisers of the year. We can’t wait to see what we can do this year! We also have a “Layette Ministry,” collecting newborn outfits up to 3 months with delivery to new mothers giving birth at Kingman Regional Medical Center. This year we also donated $300.00 to our youth. Our final event of the year is the Christmas Tea. Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 12 A Pep Talk for your Unit Editor’s Note: This article’s author is Dorothy Nevils, of Gary Indiana, a president of the Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization. A version of this article first appeared in the Indiana-Kentucky SWO newsletter and the following article appeared in a past issue of Interchange, published by Women of the ELCA. It gives all of us food for thought in our individual church units, so read on: “Every congregation can have an active unit of Women of the ELCA. There is nothing in our Purpose Statement that women can’t do. What they say is “Take us off the list. We’re not active.” What I hear is “We’re too old to do anything.” Now, my brain just won’t process that. I can’t and will not take your church off the mailing list….because God has obviously blessed you with a long life! That would be, in my mind, dismissing your worth for the price of a postage stamp. That would be saying that the quantity of life is more important than the quality. “We can’t come together for study, support and action.” CEOs, heads of state, college students come together all the time—without walking out the door. You can come together in new ways too. “We can’t participate in the ministry of Women of the ELCA beyond the congregation.” Says who? Certainly not me! Get on the computer. Read Gather. Connect with a partner at another congregation to do mutual ministry. “We can’t support financially the total program of Women of the ELCA.” There is no rule that says your women must send a certain amount of money to a specific ministry. It’s easy to collect an offering or Thankoffering. What’s important is your support. “But...we can’t designate leadership that shall be in communication with the synodical and churchwide women’s organization.” That simply means that one woman needs to be responsible for receiving information….and making sure that the other women get it. What’s so hard about that? So, there. See how easy it is to be active! You don’t have to lug your firstborn up the side of a mountain and prepare him for a burnt offering; you don’t have to build an ark and fill it with a bunch of smelly animals before the invention of pooper scoopers; and, you don’t have to get dropped down through a hole in a roof to get Jesus’ attention. We’re doing a new thing in the Indiana-Kentucky Synodical Women’s Organization, and we want our congregations to not only be a part of it, but to shape it. What’s the bottom line? Every congregation can have an active unit. Simply do it a different way.” WANTED ~ a Parliamentarian for November 11-13, 2016 Convention. Does not have to be licensed, just familiar with Roberts Rules. Your Convention Registration will be paid, along with reimbursement for two nights lodging at the Alexis Park Resort in Las Vegas, NV. If interested, please submit resume to or call 702 493-7436 for more information. God’s Plans “Enjoy serving the LORD, and he will give you what you want.’’ Psalm 37:4 Bold Connections is a free monthly e-newsletter of Women of the ELCA. Whether you participate a lot or a little in Women of the ELCA in your congregation, you’ll find helpful news and information on our programs and activities, and stories of how together we live out our purpose and mission. It is delivered via e-mail toward the end of the month. To sign up for Bold Connections, go to and look under Publications. Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 13 Upcoming Events for Women in Our GC Synod GC Women’s Bible Study Event January 9, 2016 Love of Christ Lutheran, Mesa AZ Registration Contact: Patty Gee GC Women’s Sex Trafficking Forum January 23, 2016 Alleluia Lutheran, Avondale (Phoenix) AZ Contact: Patty Gee Southern AZ Trafficking Forum January 30, 2016 Desert Hills Lutheran, Green Valley AZ Contact: Suki Kisling Our GC Synod Conferences Community Lutheran (LV) Women’s Retreat “We See Through Eyes of Faith” January 28-31, 2016 Lake Havasu City AZ Contact: Shirley Lizotte Desert Hills Lutheran Mini Retreat “The Grace Within’ February 6, 2016 Green Valley AZ Contact: Mira Jane Johnson Rally in the Valley “Go Into the World” February 15-16, 2016 Prince of Peace Lutheran, Phoenix AZ Contact: Tanya Cockram GC SWO Board Meeting February 19-20, 2016 Location: TBD Sunrise/Santa Cruz Conference Gathering “Altered at the Altar” March 5, 2016 Abounding Grace, Tucson AZ Contact: Judy Gunson Cactus Conference Spring Gathering March 12, 2016 Spirit of Grace, Surprise Contact: Margaret Yurecko GC SWO Board Meeting April 8-9, 2016 Capital Conference Spring Gathering April 9, 2016 Location: TBD Colorado River Conference Saturday, April 23, 2016 New Song, Henderson, NV Contact: Debbie Romboletti Canyon Echoes November 2015 27th WELCA GC Synod Convention November 11-13, 2016 “God Acting Through Us” Matthew 7:16a KJV Alexis Park Resort and Hotel Las Vegas, NV Contact: Suki Kisling Tenth Triennial Convention and Gathering of Women of the ELCA Convention is July 11-13, 2017 Gathering is July 13-16, 2017 Minneapolis MN Page 14 Grand Canyon Synod Women's Gather Bible Study Registration Saturday, January 9, 2016 9:00 am - 2:30 pm LOVE OF CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1525 N Power Rd, Mesa AZ 85205 $25 per person*, includes lunch Come and meet the authors of our winter (January-April) 2016 Gather study and explore the book of Philippians with us. This four-month study in Gather is titled "Christian Citizenship 101", written by E. Louise Williams and Rev. Phyllis N. Kersten. Join us to do the January Gather study, "Confidence in God's beginnings and endings," led by the authors. They'll also provide background information in the development of the overall theme and content and give us tips on leading our own Bible studies. We’ll have small group activity as well as music. Invite your full WELCA study group to join you! Complete the registration information below and return the lower portion to our event registrar, Patty Gee. *All registrations must be postmarked by December 18, 2015 for the $25 registration fee. After December 18, the registration is $30. Registration can be transferred. Contact Patty at or by phone at 360-556-8151 of any changes. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Complete this form. Keep a copy for yourself if you'd like. Return lower portion with your check made payable to Grand Canyon Women of the ELCA. Mail to Patty Gee, c/o Living Christ Lutheran, 6401 US-89, Flagstaff AZ 86004. Must be postmarked by Dec. 18, 2015 for $25 fee, after Dec. 18 fee is $30 Last Name __________________________ First Name ____________________ Email address _____________________________________________________ Home address _____________________________________________________ City ______________________________ State___________ Zip _____________ Home phone _______________________ Cell phone ______________________ Church Name __________________________ Church city__________________ Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 15 2014-2016 Grand Canyon Synod Women of the ELCA Our website: Our email: Executive Committee President: Laura Krueger (Alleluia, Phoenix-Cactus) 10851 W Monte Vista Rd Avondale AZ 85392 623-374-2152 (h) 623-606-8309 (cell) Vice-President: Suki Kisling (Desert Hills, Green Valley1917 W Mintbush Dr Santa Cruz) Green Valley AZ 85622 520-648-7648 (h) 702-493-7436 (cell) Secretary: Susan Drane (Our Savior’s, Mesa-Rio Salado) 7322 E Balmoral Ave Mesa AZ 85208-1144 480-984-9352 (h) 480-980-8316 (cell) Treasurer: Marlene Haller (Grace, Phoenix-Capital) 324 W Culver St #9 Phoenix AZ 85003 602-595-5517 (h) 480-785-6843 (cell) Board Members Patty Gee Living Christ, Flagstaff-High Country Pat Shaw Love of Christ, Mesa-Rio Salado Susan Girouard Community Lutheran, Las Vegas-Colorado River Randi VenHuizen Spirit of Joy, Mesa-Rio Salado Wanda Frenchman Takacs Native American Urban Ministry, Phoenix-Capital Martha Weld Prince of Peace, Phoenix-Northeast Valley Patricia Johnson Abounding Grace, Tucson-Sunrise Myrna Wells-Ulland Living Water, Scottsdale-Northeast Valley Your board wants to hear from you. If you have concerns or ideas you would like us to consider, please send your thoughts to our email: Canyon Echoes November 2015 Page 16
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Our service project is fleece blanket tying for Lutheran World Relief. Bring one or two pieces of fleece, 5859” x 80”; no religious, patriotic or camouflage designs per LWR. Visit