Connect. Support. Develop.


Connect. Support. Develop.
Connect. Support. Develop.
Winter 2013 Edition
A quarterly publication for
iPEC Students, Graduates,
and Coaches
In This Issue
Passion To Payoff
iPEC Coaching Campus
November 2013 Coaching
World Magazine News
Coach Community in Action
New Training Dates
Coaching Excellence Blog
HRPA Conference
Energy Leadership
Website Launch
Community Buzz
And More!
Page 2 | iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013
Coach Community Coordinators
Below is a list of iPEC Coach Community Coordinators. If you’re
interested in working with the Coordinator in your area, or
starting a new group, please contact Raechel Anderson:
Mike Vigil
Asheville, NC
Hanna Goss
Diane Dempster
Gary Breininger
Charlotte, NC
Maribeth Jaklik
Mark Fechner &
Lesley Picchietti
Cjay Smith &
Tanya Lelo
Cherri Tulloch,
Leila Friedman,
and Jodi Rupp
Jessica Salazar
Kathy Jo
New York City
Renee Sullivan
Belinda Brown
Diane Seader
Cheryl Toney
Portland, OR
Marlene McEvoy
Raleigh, NC
Lisa Baker
Heidi Christianson
Southeast Florida
Tanya Ragbeer
Paul Monahan
Mark Sprout &
Raylene Browne
St. Louis, MO
Pantelis Moissis &
Angela Eisenbeis
Janice Christopher
Las Vegas
Cherlyn Arrington
Judy Martin
Los Angeles
Dan Nance
Western Florida
Vicki Colton &
Barrie Pressly
Jim Friedman
Kathy Larson
Season’s Greetings!
December marks a time when family and friends get together to celebrate the holidays. For me, this time of year
signals my trip to the iPEC headquarters located in New
Jersey. I live in Chicago, so I don’t get the opportunity to
frequent this amazing place too often—but, I make sure
to get there on a quarterly basis. And, after all, iPEC is my
second home and very much an extended family.
You see, life has been challenging recently, and the energy
here is uplifting, nurturing, accepting, and, most of all, inspiring. They are entraining me to their energy. I know that
I’ll go home refreshed, and in turn, allow others around me
to entrain to my newly minted, “feel good” vibes. This continues on and on…entrainment is nothing short of a domino effect. If you were to shake a snow globe everything
swirls around and eventually settles. Life is more of the
I was scheduled to have a meeting on a Friday, but arrived same, but when obstacles are omnipresent, you can enlist
a few days in advance. Why did I leave my family and my the help of your fellow coaches to keep you anabolic—to
bustling business behind, in Illinois,
feed off of their verve while things
for more face time than what was
are shifting all around you at any
needed? Quite simply, to practice
given moment.
Welcome to the Coach Community
What a great gift to bestow during
newsletter, brought to you quarterly
One of the most important things
the holidays and throughout the
to keep our iPEC community
we, as core energy coaches, do is
whole year. To help lift someone’s
connected, engaged, and informed.
raise our clients’ energy. Of course,
spirits, to come from a place of
we use our coaching tools and
awareness, and pass it on. We all
skills when we work with them, but
benefit greatly from changing our
a big part of elevating one’s energy is actually “being”— perspective, when we can take the light from dim to bright
coaching and “showing up” in the higher energy levels. for all to see. Entrainment, more than any coaching tool,
That entrains our clients to our higher energy and, thus, is proof positive that we can make an astounding differshifts their energy.
ence in the lives of others. When our impact can be felt for
Every staff member, from Irene Doll, our Office Adminis- miles…there’s a sense of peace reverberating in the world.
trator, to Luke Iorio, our CEO, lives and breathes the iPEC
principles and high potential concepts every day. In fact,
those principles are plastered all over the walls in the office. Everywhere you turn you’re surrounded by concepts
of high consciousness.
So, there’s rarely anything I can’t do, virtually, with the individuals in the iPEC organization. And, while carrying out
my work in-person is fun, that’s not the reason for my quarterly visits. I come because I want—dare I say need—the
anabolic energy of the people in this office. I’m so deeply
impacted by their higher energy levels that it’s worth taking the extended time away from home.
In the words of John Lennon, “imagine all the people”
we can have a profound effect upon. That, my friends, is
the real magic of the season. Pass it on to you and yours
this holiday.
Raechel Anderson Dressler
Coach Community Director
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 3
Energy Leadership:
Digital Delivery, Learning Management,
and Client Management System LAUNCHES!
We’ve changed the name of our Preferred Partner program to the Strategic Partner program, as that name
better reflects how we think of the coaches who have
partnered with iPEC and committed to spread the
concepts of Energy Leadership. The program still includes access to support materials and preferred pricing on iPEC products, as well as a special new benefit
—the ability to access iPEC’s Coaching Campus. iPEC’s Strategic Partners will receive invitations to try
out the new iPEC Coaching Campus—an online learning management system that allows for secure, digital delivery of the Energy Leadership Development
System and the Law of Being. The Campus, which has
been in use with an initial group of Strategic Partners,
will be available to all Strategic Partners rolling out in
January and February. The Campus also includes a client management system which allows for easy client
communication and scheduling.
Reviews by users have been very positive so far—and
we’re excited about the possibilities that the system
provides to our coaches and their clients. Page 4 | iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013
And that’s not all! In other
Energy Leadership news…
Updated Energy Leadership Index (ELI) 360 assessment— A combination of the ELI self-assessment
and ratings on core leadership competencies, the
new 360 has been well-received by the pilot group
of coaches and clients and will be available for purchase within the next month.
Translations of the Energy Leadership Index (ELI)—
The Spanish translation of the ELI will be available in
the Assessment Manager very soon. Translations to
several other languages have also been completed
and are in the process of being programmed. Look
for more announcements over the next few months.
More enhancements and research in support of
Energy Leadership are planned for 2014. Stay tuned!
November 2013 Coaching
World Magazine Available
25 Power
Questions l
ng for
Subscriptions Open to the Public at No Cost
Effective communication is at the heart of masterful coaching. It’s also the key to advocating for the
coaching profession. The November 2013 issue of
Coaching World,, provides
tips and tools for communicating with clients and
communicating the value of coaching to others.
ICW 2014
and Tool Tips
Coaching World
Making th
of Metap e Most
Write Win
Web Copy ning
Conversa ent
vember 201
In the November issue, find out:
• Why coaches cannot create awareness
for their clients.
• How to craft Web copy that brings clients
to your site—and keeps them there!
• Which coaching tools are best-suited to
your client’s unique learning style.
A coach ca
nnot crea
te awaren
Find out
ess for th
why on pa
e client.
ge 33.
• What you can do to get ready for
International Coaching Week 2014.
Coaching World
• And much, much more!
• This issue is full of tips and tools rooted in the
ICF Core Competencies and guaranteed to
sharpen your communication skills. Check it
out at today!
Sign up for an enhanced subscription to Coaching
World to have exclusive bonus content delivered to
your inbox with every issue. You do not have to be
an International Coach Federation Member and it’s
free. Sign up today at
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 5
‘Tis the Season—To Reflect, Ask Questions,
and Plan for the Year Ahead
On Day One of Life & Leadership Potentials Training
• Does my website design “feel” like my other
(LPT), you learned the concept of WHO you are…determines WHAT you do…and HOW you go about it.
• Would a video message be effective?
You also learned that coaching is associated with
• How can I increase lead generation through my
both evaluation (where you’re at) and learning (your
innate patterns), a powerful process that helps us determine what works and what doesn’t, what beliefs to
let go of, how to shift energy, and incorporate and Networking:
re-enforce all those fabulous things that redefine our
• “Google” local networking events to see where
collective “WHO.”
your coaching niche might be gathering in the
The end of 2013 marks a special time to highlight this
• What “bridges of influence” are established in
very process and to examine the efforts of your
your community that you can leverage?
coaching practice over the course of the last 12
• Practice your elevator pitch so you can easily
months. So, hold up your magnifying glass, explore,
communicate what you do.
and ask yourself the following questions:
• Make a commitment to be spending at least 4
hours a week networking (for full-time coaches).
On a scale of 1- 10, how satisfied am I with the
results of my efforts?
• When you meet people, ask if they want to
receive your eNewsletter.
What worked really well?
• Send a personalized follow-up email to those
What did I learn?
you meet at events.
What am I willing to do differently?
• Make notes about people you meet. Connect
What is the number one thing I can do to start
people you know to them. (Remember…energy
2014 out on the right foot?
attracts like energy).
Where does fear hold me back?
• Make sure you have a stash of business cards in your
car just in case you are out and about and meet
someone who might be interested in your services.
By being willing to answer these questions, you might
be able to identify some gaps in effort, action, knowledge, and desire. At Passion to Payoff, we feel so
strongly about the importance of reflection and it’s Social Media:
great to start with these broader, big picture insights.
• Commit to at least one social media platform to
Next, it’s time to peel back the layers even more…
promote your business.
sound familiar? We created a 360° view of your entre• Review your bio, about page, and the public
preneurial pursuits and suggested to-do’s to really
information that you share to make sure it’s
evaluate where to spend your energy and effort in
the New Year. So, let’s do a clean sweep—top to bot• Are your website, phone number, and email
tom—of your coaching business…are you ready?
address easily visible on all platforms?
• What is your strategy for engaging on Social Media?
• What groups can you become involved with?
• When it comes to content, what needs to be
• Where does your niche interact on Social Media?
• How consistently are you showing up on social
• How effective is my copy?
sharing platforms?
• Are the benefits that people get from my coaching crystal clear?
• Does my “About Me” section really showcase my eNewsletter:
skills and expertise?
• Determine your frequency for consistent publication.
• Are there easy ways for prospects to find out
how to contact me?
• Review the “topics” of your newsletter. How
Page 6 | iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013
effective are they?
How do they connect
with your niche?
• Is your “About Me”
section consistent
with other bios that
you publish?
• Are you following the
75/25% rule…that is,
75% valuable content
and no more than 25% promotion?
• Create an editorial calendar for the next 6
months so your content can be leveraged across
many forms of communication.
• Grow your list. Come up with strategies to
increase your reach with your newsletter.
• Create a list of possible topics for your workshops
that will most likely resonate with your niche.
• Ask yourself: what do I need to do to create an
effective workshop?
• Check out newspapers for local workshops
being offered to evaluate pricing, location, and
how most are being advertised.
• Create a 2014 calendar of when you want to
offer these events.
• Develop a marketing plan on how to increase
• How are you leveraging
your efforts?
• What forms do you use
with clients?
• What can help you “step
up” a notch in terms of
• How are you collecting
and managing resources?
Passion to Payoff is committed to helping iPEC students
and graduates to develop the right strategies to take
their business to the next level. By reflecting, asking
questions, and planning ahead you’re addressing gaps
in effort, action, knowledge, and desire—head-on.
Here’s to an amazing 2014 and knowing that your
passion is going to payoff!
Sales Process:
• Do you have a defined sales process?
• What do you need in order to put a sales process
in place?
• How confident are you in explaining the results
people will get from working with you?
• What is your prospect “follow up” process?
• How do you respond to these concerns? “I don’t
have the money.” “I don’t have enough time.” “I
need to check with others.” “We don’t have the
• What can be fine-tuned with your complimentary sessions?
• What do you need to do to get confident in
order to ask for the business?
The Passion to Payoff Team:
As the Payoff to Passion Team, Ed Abel and Jenn Barley, have some serious fun while taking you through the fundamentals as well as creating
advanced strategies for your business. Together they bring a balance of
both the feminine and masculine perspective. They’re clear on why they
do what they do to help you do what you love to do!
Together, they educate, challenge, create, review, plan and take you
through a step-by-step system that meets you exactly where you are as
you’re building your practice. As part of the Passion to Payoff programs,
you will feel supported, clear, and ready to get the clients you deserve.
Also—please join our highly interactive Facebook Group. This is a
coaches’ collaboration around coaching and building your coaching practice with tips and strategies to get your passion to payoff. To
be a part of it, please click here: Passion to Payoff for Coaches and
• What is your client management process? What
is working for you? What needs to be refined?
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 7
Extra! Extra! International
Coach Federation
Launches Microsite
The International Coach Federation (ICF) has
launched a microsite to advocate for quality
coaching by encouraging professional coaches
to consider getting an ICF Credential. The site
can be viewed at
The microsite features the stories of ICF Credentialed coaches and highlights research that
demonstrates the value of an ICF Credential,
such as increased earnings. Nearly 100 stories were submitted as part of The Credential Legacy contest. ICF
Credentialed coaches were encouraged to submit stories about how the Credential provided value to them,
both professionally as well as personally. The winner was determined by popular vote. More than 13,000 votes
were cast and in the end Al Jessa, ACC, COO of Joey Restaurant Group, won a lifetime of free Credential renewal applications with more than 3,000 votes. All other participants will be given a free Credential Legacy t-shirt
for sharing their stories. You can watch Al Jessa’s story, along with many others, at
One of the ICF’s primary strategic goals for 2013 was to create an attractive, credible presence and voice for
professional coaching by constructing a global standards system though a world-class credentialing program. For more than a decade, a total of over 11,000 professional coaches have advanced their education and
their careers by pursuing an ICF Credential. Achieving credentials through ICF signifies a coach’s commitment
to integrity, an understanding of coaching skills, and a dedication to clients. Visit for
more information.
ICF is Hiring a Director
of Coaching Science
The International Coach Federation (ICF) has launched a global
search for a Director of Coaching Science. This new staff position
is one of several new values being added for ICF Members in 2014. With the addition of a Director of Coaching Science, ICF will be able
to collect and curate information around the science of coaching
for its members, so they can enhance their practice and demonstrate these theoretical benefits to their clients.
This position extends ICF’s already robust market research agenda
into a new niche. ICF has released several industry research reports
in conjunction with PricewaterhouseCoopers, in order to help ICF
Members communicate data about the benefits of coaching, as
well as trends in the coaching industry.
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iPEC launched its
new website this
month! Visit
to see our new look
and feel!
Spread the word about our upcoming trainings!
London, UK:
Pennsylvania Metro:
Boston Metro:
Los Angeles:
San Francisco:
San Antonio:
New Jersey:
New York:
DC Metro:
Simply, direct your friend, colleague, or family member
to visit our Online Training Schedule to register.
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 9
Coaching Exc
Creating Your BEST Year Yet
As this year draws to a close, I know I’ll be thinking
about that which is most important to me—my family – especially my children. I’ll be thinking about the
world that I hope they’ll come to know as they grow
up. And I’ll be thinking about my role, iPEC’s role, and
our role—as a conscious community—in creating
that world.
However, creating that world cannot start in the
future—it needs to start NOW. It doesn’t need to
be global in nature; it just needs to start with “your
world,” the one around you that you see and touch
every day—and then expand from there, one step at
a time.
As we welcome the year ahead, I’ll be thinking of
how I can impact those around me, each and every
day, and propel them forward. And, I’ll also be considering ways in which to get involved in the larger community, to be a part of movements and causes—and
D. Luke Iorio, CPC, PCC, ELI-MP
President & CEO
Institute for Professional
Excellence in Coaching
not just be a supporter, but a joiner.
If you haven’t heard your own inner voice calling for
greatness, then here it is. I’m calling out to you – loudly, directly, overtly, and passionately. Will you answer?
I wish you joy and happiness through the remainder
of this holiday season and, in 2014, I hope you’ll join
me in answering the call more loudly than ever. Let’s
make the year ahead our BEST one yet!
in 2014
Page 10 | iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013
cellence Blog
The Present as Your
Favorite Present
We’ve all been trained that success needs to be earned. Too often, we delay
true happiness, as if that has to be earned as well. And we mostly worry
about the future, or regret the past, and so we’re everywhere but here and
now. Success and happiness are subjective and occur whenever we choose
to see things that way.
This coming year, develop a trigger, such as wearing a watch on your other
hand, and whenever you see it, stop whatever you’re doing, take a deep
breath, look around and appreciate the moment, and realize the valuable
gift of life offered to you in that instant.
And remember, there’s no better time to appreciate the present than now.
Happy Holidays.
Bruce D Schneider, MCC, PhD
Founder, Institute for Professional
Excellence in Coaching
In 2014, our Coaching Excellence Blog is
gaining a new look and feel. But, will be
packed with all the coaching insights that
you’ve come to know and love. Stay tuned!
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 11
Spread the word!
iPEC’s Leadership Engagement Services (LES) team will be exhibiting at the Human Resource Professionals Association’s (HRPA)
2014 Annual Conference & Trade Show from January 22nd—24th
in Toronto, Canada. The theme of the conference, HR Excelerated,
will focus on innovation in HR Leadership: pairing high-performing talent, diverse thinking, and perseverance with leaders that
build trust and engagement across a connected organization. In
2013, LES conducted more than 26 multi-day workshops which
speak to this sentiment, enhancing industries across hospitality, IT, and healthcare markets. HRPA’s 2014 Annual Conference
is Canada’s largest trade show featuring more than 230 exhibitors—join us at booth # 231 where we’ll be bringing a coachcentric approach to the frontlines of businesses. Coach Community in Action
As coaches, we understand the most important gift is the ability to make conscious choices. And, sometimes those choices are
simply easy and incredibly rewarding! During our second mobile
Coach Community in Action event, members of the iPEC family
set out to brighten the lives of local area children. Several markets including Chicago, Los Angeles, and New Jersey, helped designated nonprofits with their holiday drives. Pictured here, iPEC
staff in partnership with the United Way of Monmouth County,
spent a brisk December morning sorting through coats, hats,
scarves, and gloves, for distribution to area school districts. In
the spirit of the holiday season, consider making a donation to
one of the following:
Feed My Starving Children
United Way
Baby 2 Baby
And, if you have an idea for a coach community event in your
neighborhood, we can help you make it happen! Contact
Raechel Anderson at to get started.
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In the Spirit of the Season
Neighbors helping neighbors! iPEC President &
CEO, D. Luke Iorio, is joined by staff who helped
sort through winter coats for distribution to local
area schools. This is the second mobile Coach
Community in Action event held this year.
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 13
iPEC’s CEO Earns Distinguished Nomination
“My biggest motivator is
doing meaningful work
that makes a meaningful
difference. I’ve been able
to help people take greater
control of their lives by
helping them realize that
they are at the center of
their results—change what
you see, change what you
can choose, change what
results you get. “
Congratulations to iPEC President & CEO, D. Luke Iorio, who was honored as a finalist in NJBIZ’s
“Executive of the Year ” awards program, celebrating New Jersey ’s most dynamic business leaders who share a commitment to professional excellence, business growth, and the community.
During Luke’s tenure from Business Development to CEO, iPEC has grown from 5 training locations to 16 (including Toronto and London), annual enrollment has increased more than 400%,
(including nearly 250% growth since the beginning of the recession in October 2008), 3 new divisions have been established spanning corporate, education, and healthcare, and staff has grown
from 7 employees to 37, respectively.
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Did you know? Up to 62 general HRCI (HR Cer tification Institute)
credits are granted to Human Resource Professionals who complete iPEC’s Coach
Centric Leadership Engagement Program. If you know someone in the HR field who is
looking to add coaching to their skills set or seeks to be instrumental in building an
energized and engaged organization for innovation and growth, encourage them to
reach out to Lynette Epps, Program Manager, at 732.982.8155 ext. 747. Making Waves in the Media
iPEC is joining the conversation! Check out what’s
trending in the areas of coaching and leadership.
“Why Bosses Should Encourage Failure”
The Huffington Post
“Seven Evolving Leadership Qualities for the
Twenty-First Century”
IT Business Edge
iPEC Coach Community Newsletter | December 2013 | Page 15
Thanks for reading!
Wishing our Coach Community the happiest
of holidays and a successful New Year!
Connect. Support. Develop.
149 Avenue at the Common, Suite 202
Shrewsbury, New Jersey 07702
Atlanta, GA | Berkeley, CA (Bay Area) | Chicago, IL | Dallas, TX | Denver, CO | London, UK | Los Angeles, CA
Marlborough, MA (Boston Metro) | McLean, VA (Washington, DC Metro) | Miami, FL | Mt. Laurel, NJ (Philadelphia Metro)
New York, NY | San Antonio, TX | Seattle, WA | Shrewsbury, NJ (HQ) | Toronto, Ontario