The AHCC Discussion List - The Afghan Hound Club of Canada
The AHCC Discussion List - The Afghan Hound Club of Canada
VOLUME 1 SEPTEMBER ISSUE 3 2004 AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AFGHAN HOUND CLUB OF CANADA EXECUTIVE President: Larry Kereluke Past President: Lorrie Stayura V/President: Fred Haywood Secretary: Val Hansen Treasurer: Ellen Hawkins DIRECTORS B.C. - Lynn Haywood Mid Canada - Kerry Russell Ontario - Ole Nielsen Eastern - Donna Doran Editor: Tannis Tindall Archives: Janis Nixon Rescue: Bob Guerette Near Ch. Alphaville’s Link To The Past “Maja” Yvonne Ljungkvist Alphaville’s Afghanhounds Sweden From The President Larry Kereluke,15 Frigate Bay, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3X 2E9. Phone: (204)256-2906. Email: Good Lord, it is hard to believe it's September and Tannis is pestering me for the newsletter. What's worse, as usual my mind is a blank! It has been a busy summer. Lorraine and I went through a mid-life crisis and sold our home in Oakbank and moved to the city. Our Afghans went from having a huge fenced yard, to be confined to a 10 x 30 run attached to our garage. Because of the bad weather (rain, rain and more rain), we are having great difficulty in finishing our yard. The good news for our 3 Afghans is that we go for daily walks to get our exercise and they love it! I have never picked so much poop in my life............... at Val and Marshall’s home, they even were gracious enough to let us put the “girlies” in their dog run and let them stretch their legs for a while. For those of you with email, please take a moment and check your address on the membership list. Val and I both have had emails bounced back to us with ‘email address unknown’. If your email address is not correct – or if you have a new one, please let either the Secretary or I know and we will update it on the membership list. It is time to start thinking about the 2004 Afghan Actions Annual. I am looking for your contributions of articles, photos, poetry, anecdote, adventures, seminar information and anything else you would like to submit to share our readers Keep in mind that ADVERTISING is what pays for the ANNUAL (and our newsletter). A full page colour ad is only $70.00 and is a reasonable price. To keep our publications in the black, we need more advertising from you the members. To keep it interesting we need your input! Please take this opportunity to showcase your dogs, we would all love to see and hear about them. I was sorry to miss the Specialty in Calgary. I understand Carol Graham replaced me as the Ring Steward and I can not think of a more capable person. I heard Bob and Ken looked after the auction and made a tidy profit. Carol did say the entry was great and the Afghans were wonderful. From The Vice President I will look elsewhere on this newsletter to catch up on the Specialty reports. Well this has been a busy summer. Just when you think you will have a break, up pops something else for you to do. Lynn’s report sort of fills everyone in on the goings on here on the West Coast. Cheers, Larry Kereluke From The Editor Tannis Tindall, 54 Burland Ave Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 2W5 Phone: (204)255-3986. Email: Brrrrrr. That’s all I have to say about the last few months in Manitoba. The coldest wettest summer in about 100 years. Rain, rain and yet more rain. I know we had more rain dates for lure coursing practices than scheduled dates. I certainly hope the fall brings warm and dry weather for us. Bob and I had a wonderful time at the National. (Well Bob was a bit miffed with himself for hurting his foot the day before the show). Our congratulations to the National Committee for doing such a wonderful job. We are eternally grateful to Karen Pearson for taking Georgia Peach in the ring during the Sweepstakes and winning Best in Sweeps ! Thanks also to Lorrie Stayura for showing Xena for us. We certainly enjoyed the bbq Fred Haywood, 16378 - 50 Ave., Surrey, British Columbia V3S 0L2. Phone: (604)576-0346. Fax: (604)-576-4482. Email: Our attendance the National in Calgary was the highlight of our summer. For my part, I was thrilled to be able to Chair a Club meeting; according to Val the first actual members meeting in ten years. We were, unfortunately, one body short of a quorum. But it was certainly nice to meet old friends and make many new ones. You see names on a membership list or and the web chat line but meeting them in person is much better. As for the National, this was certainly one of the best. I need to thank our Judges, Mr. Gene Vaccaro, and Mr. Leo Maxwell for their very capable work. Thanks must also go to Kathy Saville and Val Hansen who, with their committee, put on what can only be described as a fabulous show and great Art Auction and Wine and Cheese party after the event. We saw many many wonderful dogs. Being in the ring with 28 gorgeous Afghans for Best in Specialty certainly sent a chill down my spine. A special thanks to Val for hosting the get together on Sunday night. Both Lynn & I had a wonderful time. We now look forward to the 37th National to be held in Vancouver in July 2005. I can now confirm our judges for the Specialty. Mr. Joseph Inguaggiato from LeRoy, New York will handle all Regular classes and Ms. Marilyn Thompson from Bonnie Lake, Washington will be judging our Yearling and Veterans Sweeps. The Metro Valley Afghan Hound Association will be having Ms. Abbe Shaw from Santa Barbara, California handling the regular classes and Ms. Robin Aaseby from Spokane, Washington judging the Sweepstakes. The Western Gazehound Club has invited Mr. Robert Frost from Honolulu, Hawaii to judge all regular classes and Mrs. Carol Blaikie from White Rock, B.C. to handle the Sweepstakes assignment. The Sight Hound Club of B.C. will also be hosting a Specialty but the judges have not bee approved at this time. They will also be hosting a Lure Course Trial on the Sunday. So, this “Sighthound Extravaganza” is shaping up to be the event of the year. We hope that your plan to attend and please let anyone you know that have sight hounds that the invitation is open to them as well to “Come On Out” to the beautiful West Coast and Supernatural British Columbia. Until Next time, Happy Showing, Coursing and Trialing!! Fred Haywood From The Secretary V. N. Hansen, 188 Bowdale Cres. N.W., Calgary, Alberta, T3B 1J4. Phone: (403) 247-9843. Email: vmhansen@telusplanet. Afghan Hound Club of Canada email: Secretary Report, September 2004 Hi Everyone, Well, the national is over, the dust has settled, almost all of the bills are in and paid - we’re still waiting for CKC’s final statement. Our art auction was a huge success, however, it seems our expectations on the TShirts and Sweatshirts were a little high. I’m sure you’ve all been on the website to note that we have declared a sale on these. Following the sale, we’ll probably donate leftovers to a charity. There will be a full report in the annual, complete with recommendations to future committees - particularly regarding contracts for judges as our judge didn’t make his airline reservation until approximately 3 weeks before the show date. It is likely that he could have saved us some money by booking earlier. These recommendations will go out in the form of a report to the executive and to the 2005 and 2006 specialty committees. Hopefully they will become part of a “how to” specialty timetable and procedure document I’m thinking about for our Club. Something else we did at the national was to have a “General Meeting” just before the art auction and wine and cheese party. Unfortunately a few people didn’t or couldn’t come, so we missed having a quorum, but we had a meeting anyway - just didn’t vote on anything. Please see the “minutes” attached to the end of this report. Our art auction was a huge success, and when the final bills are paid, Bob can expect a very large cheque contributing to rescue. It was decided that we would contribute 20% of the profit to Rescue in addition to the usual 10% to the parent club coffers. Perhaps this is something that other national committees could consider - remember - profit - not gross. Some of the attendees at the national came to my little abode for a chicken & rib barbeque. Thanks to everyone who brought stuff for dinner. It was really great - firstly, we’re not far from the show grounds - 5 minutes at most, and secondly, it was really great to sit around and talk about dogs - just like the old days. I know I really had a great time. Thanks to Ken Wolosiuk for barbequing the ribs because I’m fairly hopeless at that part. Marsh poured drinks, everyone contributed in some way or another. Also, really big thanks to Ken for being our auctioneer, along with Barb & Ken’s friends Kathy and Dennis Pinko. Please note that the 2005 national is in BC, the 2006 national is in Winnipeg (date & place to be announced). It’s time it was back in the east for 2007, so how about you folks starting to think about it. Now, to bring you up to date on a few things, I was speaking with Joan King last week and she told me she’s really been doing well and her injured foot is on the mend. She might even consider running for Maritime Director for the 2005/06 term. Bob Guerette’s foot seems to be healing - he injured tendons on the first day of the national weekend. Tannis tells me that he’s now walking around in “old man shoes”, ie. orthotics (I know how that feels too). Of course, that resulted in Tannis doing Bob’s job in the ring at the national where she was quite successful, winning Best in Veterans Sweeps and first in the competitive Veterans Bitch class. (Tannis will tell you that she’s not the bitch, it was their girl Georgia Peach who was the bitch). was secretary in years past. In those days she was Debbie Hodgins. Good to have you back Deb. Speaking of elections, you will find the nomination form included with this newsletter. As well, the most up-todate copy of the membership list is also attached. PLEASE CHECK THIS LIST TO ENSURE ALL OF YOUR INFORMATION IS CORRECT. I’ve been getting emails bounced, so please let me know of any changes so we can keep in touch. Additionally, please note that only Regular and Life Members can nominate and vote. The membership status is included on the membership list. Also, note that this time the Honourary Member nomination is included. Unfortunately, in the past, this was not included; however, on review of the constitution, I realized that incumbent Honourary Members must be voted on each election. You can also nominate new Honourary Members. Honourary Membership must be passed by a 2/3 majority of the ballots cast. NOMINATIONS FOR ALL POSITIONS MUST BE IN BY OCTOBER 31, 2004. The Elections clause from the constitution is appended to the end of this report. Also, with many huge apologies to her, I’d like to welcome Lorna POYSER, LIFE MEMBER, 740 Adamdell Cres, Winnipeg, MB R2K 2B1. This came about because Bob Guerette paid Lorna a visit to see how she and her rescue Afghan were coming along. Bob noticed a plaque on her wall which recognized her life membership in the Afghan Hound Club of Canada. I don’t know how or when she disappeared off of the membership list, but it was well before I became secretary, and also well before Ed was secretary. I remember Lorna from back in my very early days in Winnipeg. I got my very first Afghan in 1969 and of course I met Lorna very shortly after. Lorna may remember me as Valerie May from back in those days, my first Afghan was Ch. Kophi’s Duke of Shadrack, CD. Lorna bought her first Afghan from Dr. Dave Marsh of Marchonique Afghans in Winnipeg, and told Bob she even remembers when Larry Kereluke got his first Affie and that she mentored Larry at that time. Lorna is a very wonderful person who is totally dedicated to our great breed and who should never be forgotten. I’m so happy that Bob relayed this information to me and I could put her back on the list as a Life Member with all privileges associated with that. Once again Lorna, we send our greatest apologies for those years you were missed. If you haven’t sent in your applications for annual awards, please do it immediately. Awards are only presented to applicants for awards. You may miss out on an award if you don’t apply. The awards info was sent out by email, and by snail mail to those whose emails bounced, and to those who are not on-line. The membership renewal application is also attached to this newsletter. It would be very helpful to the new secretary (whoever that may be after elections) if the membership was in place by the end of the year. We’re all grown-ups, so nagging you should not have to happen. Please ensure you complete the renewal form don’t just send a note and your cheque. The renewal forms are the only way to cross-check the membership list in case of errors. Next year, at the end of March, you will fall off the membership list if you have not renewed. Applicants received after that date will revert to “Associate” status which means you won’t qualify for annual awards, you can’t hold executive positions, etc. this is in the constitution. This gives you a total of 5 months, which includes several reminders usually. With this in mind, there should be no excuses. The membership list is published with the annual complete with a column which indicates whether memberships are paid or not. For you Life Members, please remember to send in the form and indicate life member on it - just for our records. On to less official stuff. Please join me in welcoming back Debbie HITTEL, 73 Galt Court Saskatoon, SK S7L 4P1. Debbie was a member in years past and also Speaking of Life Members, it would be nice to have something commemorative like a plaque of some description. I’d like to ask if any of our members are talented in such things as wood carving/burning or something of the sort which would be appropriate to present to our Life Members when they achieve this distinction. Feel free to contact me with any suggestions. I know we have some very talented people in our club. Unfortunately, over the years, we’ve lost our annual awards trophies, and now I just send out a framed certificate. It would be nice to either have those trophies/plaques back from whoever has them, or if someone would come up with an idea for something more permanent for these awards - feel free to send in your suggestions. Don’t forget you long-time members. As records were sketchy, you must let us know if you think you qualify for Life Membership. Congratulations to Bob & Tannis - they acquired a brand new puppy from Micky & Wayne Rathwell. This is their first baby - they acquired their two adult ladies when they were full grown, with full coat, fully trained, etc. You now have those puppy joys - chewed shoes, pee spots, puppy coat blow, etc. You are now fullblown Afghanites. Believe it or not I think I’ve covered everything. Please let me know if you think I’ve missed anything and get those nominations in. We need more members in Quebec too - we don’t have a Quebec director, so have at it Louise. Val Hansen, Secretary, AHCC ARTICLE VI – ELECTIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. All Regular Members and Honorary Members as defined in Article III, in good standing with the Club, shall be eligible to run for office and vote on the nominees. The Secretary shall publish the most current membership list of Regular members. This list along with the nomination ballot shall be sent to the Regular Membership, in good standing with the Club, by 01 October of the election year. The Nomination Ballot shall be prepared by the National Executive Board and shall include a place for each position on the Board less the Past President. All members nominated must be notified and give their consent before they are placed on the Election Ballot. Those not affirming their willingness to run shall not be placed on the Election Ballot. The Election Ballot shall have a place on it where the names of all Honourary Members can be printed so that they may be voted on. All nomination ballots must be returned to the Club Secretary no later than 31 Oct of the Election year. The election ballot shall be sent to those members with voting privileges no later than 15 November of the Election year. The completed election ballots must be returned to a CKC Director or their designated representative, as designated by the National Executive Board, no later than 15 December of the Election year. Voting by Proxy is Not Allowed. In the event of a tie vote, a runoff election shall be held within one month to break the tie. If a meeting is held prior to the completion of the runoff election, all those tied shall have full voting privileges. AGENDA - GENERAL MEETING CALGARY, ALBERTA JULY 31, 2004 A. ATTENDANCE B. Minutes of the previous meeting - waived - there are none. C. Financial Report - To be published in the Newsletter D. Reports from Various Committees - 2005 National Committee - Rescue Committee E. Correspondence - none F. Business arising from the minutes - there is none G. Old Business - to be raised at the meeting H. New Business - to be raised at the meeting I. Chairperson’s closing remarks - Fred Haywood, VP J. Adjournment MINUTES - GENERAL MEETING CALGARY, ALBERTA JULY 31, 2004 The meeting was called to order with some opening remarks by Fred Haywood, Vice President. He indicated that this was the first General Meeting to be held in some years, but that this was the largest attendance of members in one place at one time for many years. Attendance: Barb Wolosiuk, Ken Wolosiuk, Tannis Tindall, Bob Guerette, Val Hansen, Kathy Saville, Karen Pearson, Fran Mester, Lorrie Stayura, Fred & Lynn Haywood, Lynn Woods, Bev McKenzie, June Beard, Leanne James and Kerry Russell. Everyone was asked to stand and introduce themselves, as many people from the east and west had never met each other. Fred then asked Bob Guerette to give a report on Rescue, followed by his own report on the 2005 National to be held in White Rock, BC, July 22 through 24 2005. Tannis Tindall also spoke with respect to the Newsletter and Annual, asking for people to contribute and once again formally thanked Joan King for her great job over the past years and for her huge assistance to Tannis this year. Kathy Saville also welcomed everyone and congratulated the winners who were in attendance. Val Hansen brought up the upcoming elections and asked everyone to think about nominations. Bob Guerette moved the meeting be adjourned because the wine was getting warm and the food might go stale. Leo Maxwell, our Sweepstakes Judge and host to Gene Vacarro, arrived with Gene to participate in the auction and wine and cheese party, and the fun began. Submitted by V. N. Hansen, Secretary. From The Treasurer Ellen Hawkins, 216 McGregor Street, Fredericton, New Brunswick. Phone:(506)444-9818. Email: No major changes to the Financial report at this time. It will be published in the Annual. From Our Directors Maritimes Donna Doran, 15 Chelmsford Place, Halifax, N.S. B3M 4R2 Email: to Halifax….without success…. due to the tropical storm season. It appears that it may be God’s will that keeps us here, and if so, then the rest of the clan will just have to move back here……I am giving the BWI Government one last chance to seal my contract to set up a Children and Family Mental Health Program….if the deal is not sealed by next Thursday, then the next time I see you all will be in the ring this Fall. Our very special boy Nirvana continues to do well after his episode of Bloat in the Spring….He looks better than ever and is now, once again enjoying his runs on the beach. I am composing an article for the annual regarding our experience with CGDV, and would welcome any of your comments and/or experiences to include in the article. You can forward information to my email address As far as show news is concerned I have emailed all of my Maritime compadres, however receiving no show results…..As I am not there to represent the Afghans Hounds in Group Two….I am only hoping that our members have been out there……allowing their hounds to have presence in the group. Congratulations go out to Ed and Johanna on Honey, Spirit and Dick’s wins at the Miramichi Shows in September in Beresford, New Brunswick……..You can take people out of the Maritimes, but it seems you can’t take the Maritimes out of the people…….so I hope that Ed and Johanna continue to make the long journey home each year……to enjoy our Maritime hospitality and of course the fresh seafood. Kudos to the two of you and your four legged family. Our sincere condolences go out to Joan and her family from Katima Hounds…..Dear Old Mozart, Davlin's Rock Me Amadeus Azmar, crossed Rainbow Bridge, and I know he will be sadly missed……He was a great friend to the King family and will be sadly missed. saludar a nuestro compadres…….hello to my friends. Once again I sit here in the British West Indies, writing this small note…..I have men taking the hurricane shutters down…finally…..the seas are calm and the kind persons and four legged friends up above have spared us the devastation which many of the Caribbean Islands have endured with the past hurricanes…..I have never experienced a more active hurricane season, and will never want to go through this again…..As your Maritime Director, I have been back and forth between Canada and the BWI for a year and a half…..My destiny is still not sealed…and it now looks as though my hounds will be enjoying the cool weather of Halifax this month. We have had three tickets to move the rest of the clan home Joan has her hands full with that very handsome young boy “Liam”……Burydown Hilerica Whistler. He has honored his family, bringing home a Puppy Group and Group Second with a three point win from the Pictou Show in September……I saw pictures of him recently and he has truly matured over the months and is looking exquisite……Joan and her family will have lots of fun with him. Liam will have tons of fun at the Invitational Atlantic Puppy Awards Show, to which he has earned his place. Congratulations to the King Family and Liam. Miss Myeah, Sharwind’s Sun Angel-Blu@Newharbi is thoroughly enjoying being home with her owner Donna Marie George, and I have visions of her competing for her CD in the near future. Other than that, my friends, I have little to report. I urge the Maritime folk to begin thinking of nominations regarding positions in the Club, specifically who they want as their new Maritime Director. When I canvassed you all two years ago, no one was interested….but this year ONE OF YOU MUST STEP UP TO THE PLATE…….so get your typing fingers warmed up and lets begin the new year with some new blood. May you all have a peaceful and playful Fall. ¡ten cuidado!....Take care! 2nd place was Am/Can Ch Nalikar Shot In The Dark FCH Sunday. Sept. 5, 2004 BB and High Aggregate in Coursing and Conformation combined in Trial was Am/Can CH. Nalikar Fatal Attraction FCH. Owned as above 2nd in Coursing Am/Can Ch.PNP Echelle De Richter FCH. owners K Savile, D. Petersen, L. Marx 3rd Am/Can Ch. Nalikar Shot In The Dark FCH owned by K.Saville and K. Pearson BB in Conformation and Group 2 Am/Can. Ch. PNP Echelle De Richter FCH. Owned as above. No Afghans ran on the Monday. Donna and the Sharwind Afghans Results Foothills Gazehound Club Sept. 17,18,19 Friday, September 17, 2004 BB and BIF and Highest Score in Trial AM/Can Ch. Nalikar Fatal Attraction FCh. Owned as above Saturday, September 18, 2004 BB Am/Can Ch. Nalikar Fatal AttractionFCH. Owned as above 2nd Am/Can Ch. Nalikar Shot In The Dark FCh. 3rd Am/Can. Ch. PNP Echelle De Richter FCh. No Afghans ran on Sunday For coursing results in Edmonton for Sept. 4 2nd place was Am/Can Ch Nalikar Shot In The Dark FCH Quebec News At present we have no Director for Quebec. Ontario News Ole Nielsen, 412 Pinehurst Rd., R.R. #2, Paris, Ontario N3L 3E2. Phone: (519)442-2038. Until next time – Keep Brushing Ole Nielsen The big news here in Manitoba is the arrival of a brand new baby boy named “Misha” (aka Zanzara Al-Majïd). This beautiful 11 week old cream coloured gentleman just arrived at his new home with mom and dad, Tannis Tindall & Bob Guerette. Big sisters Georgia Peach and Xena love the little guy and will show him the ropes of canine life in Manitoba. Misha certainly was the hit of the party at our Manitoba Gazehound Association’s lure coursing Fun Run recently. We were all instantly captivated by his velvety cream coat, the big fluffy ears, long legs and huge feet, that sweet, sweet face and those wonderful white eyebrows! Misha divided his day between visiting with all the new people and napping in his quiet kennel. I look forward to watching Misha grow up. Kerry Mid-Canada News Kerry-Lynn Russell, 36 Sandal Dr., Winnipeg, Manitoba R2N 1C8. Phone: (204)694-8870 Results for The Alberta Lure Coursing Association Field Trial and Conformation show in Edmonton are as follows: Saturday, September 4, 2004 BB Am/Can. Ch. Nalikar Fatal Attraction FCH. Owned by K.Pearson, K Saville, D&S Chapdelaine British Columbia News Lynn Haywood, 15378 - 50 Ave., Surrey, British Columbia V3S 0L2. Phone: (604)576-0346. Fax: (604)576-4482. Email: procyon The Pacific Coast Reporter Message from the sunny, and now that it’s fall, sometimes foggy West Coast. We’ve had such beautiful weather this summer that the past few weeks have been a terrible shock to our system—we actually have had rain! In some ways it certainly was needed but damn if the grass hasn’t started to grow again. Metro Valley Afghan Hound Association held their 8th Annual Specialty on July 17th. Richard Rupert from California handled the judging duties. Can. Int. Ch. Procyon’s Overture V Spectrum (Delaney), owned by F & L Haywood, was Best of Breed and Ch. Boannes Love Song O’Dhivia-Jenfield (Dhivia), owned by J Beard, B McKenzie and A Evans, was Best of Opposite Sex. Best Puppy went to Joha Galaxy Solo Swiftwind (Galaxy), owned by Laurel Deptuch. Winners Male went to Raffica’s Make Mine Stripes Samar owned by G & S Games and Winners Female went to Raffica’s UnMiss-Takably Blu also owned by G & S Games. Western Gazehound Club Afghan results. Barbara Rupert judged. “Delaney” won Best of Breed Afghan. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Raffica Cryztal Blu Persuazion, owned by T & K Farmer. Winners Male was Bev Thompson’s Allsatin Italian Dance (Dancer) and Best Puppy and Winners Female and Best of Winners was won by Laurel’s “Galaxy”. Ch. Procyon’s Madison Ave V Sprectrum (Madison) also owned by Fred & Lynn Haywood took Best Veteran in Specialty honours. Trip to Calgary for the National. Was great to meet new people and put some faces to names. What a hospitable group and what fun we had at the BBQ at Val and Marshall Hansen’s place. So delightful to talk to people and to listen to Leo’s tales of times gone by. We also enjoyed the Art Auction and Wine & Cheese party. I guess we ended up being the big spenders but it was worth it and is all for a good cause. We picked up a couple of really nice art pieces, especially Elaine Smith’s two pen and ink drawing to say nothing of the Marcia Van Woert drawing. . Show results. I’m sure everyone knows all the results but I would like to say that BC dogs did rather well, as shown below: At the Alberta Sporting Hound Association “Aries” took Best of Breed Afghan. AHCC National - “Aries” Best of Breed, “Dhivia” Best of Opposite Sex, “Galaxy” took Best of Winners and Best Puppy. Winners Male went to Bev Thompson’s “Dancer”. Alberta Kennel Club – “Aries” Best of Breed all three shows, “Dancer” took Winners Male two out of three shows. Foothills Gazehound Club – “Dancer” again took Best of Winners and “Galaxy” won Reserve Winners Female. A Lure Coursing Trial for the AHCC National, sponsored by Foothills Gazehound Club, saw our “Nikita” (Ch. Procyon’s Arpeggio V Spectrum) place 4th. I must comment on the wonderful job done by Rachelle Descent. I’m not sure but I think she ran the whole trial single handed. It was a very interesting course. First one I have seen where a snow fence divided the field. It was also the first time I have seen the lure operation being done from the sidelines. We all came back to BC, and the following week traveled to the Vancouver Island Afghan Hound Association Specialty, where “Aries” went Best of Breed, “Dhivia” Best of Opposite Sex, Mykhans Kolor of Kohl, owned by B Blackstock/C Thompson/J Shurb/C Brunell, won Winner Male and “Galaxy” won Best of Winners and Best Puppy. Our Veteran “Jazz” (Ch. Spectrums Iceworks V Samos) had a wonderful time in Veterans Sweeps and Parade of Titleholders. As well, in Junior Handling, he and 9 year old handler, Michelle, won their class and placed second overall. Both dog and handler were thrilled. We were down at the Montana circuit 10 days ago and our “Delaney” finished his U.S. title with a 5 point and a 4 point major. He already had a 3 pointer from earlier this year. All of this owner handled. These shows traditionally have very small entries, 4 - 5 dogs, but this year, the entry jumped and there were 21 Afghans entered. So, these were not shabby wins. 2005 A.H.C.C. National Specialty Just a reminder that the 2005 National will be back in B.C. on July 23rd (mark your calendars now!!). The C.K.C. has approved our dates and panels for three of the four shows. Here is the list to date. Sighthound Club of B.C. July 22, 2005. Judge: TBA, Date and Judges Pending C.K.C. Approval Metro Valley Afghan Hound Association. July 22, 2005, Judge: Abbe Shaw, Santa Barbara, California. Sweepstake: Robin Aaseby, Spokane, Washington. Afghan Hound Club of Canada National Specialty July 23, 2005. Judge: Joseph Inguaggiato LeRoy, New York. Sweepstake: Marilyn Thompson Bonnie Lake, Washington Western Gazehound Club July 23, 2005. Judge: Robert Frost, Honolulu, Hawaii Sweepstake: Carol Blaikie, White Rock, B.C. Sighthound Club of B.C. July 24, 2005. Lure Coursing Trial, Date and Judges Pending C.K.C. Approval A day in the life of the owner of an Afghan show dog: Well I will now tell you about the day from hell. My husband set the alarm for 2 a.m. as I had to leave by 2:45 to get to the airport to catch a flight that would take my dog back east to visit her breeder and compete in several shows. The drive was to Seattle airport would likely take over 2 hours. I woke to hear the dogs barking and someone knocking at the door. Looked at clock - 2:30 alarm hadn't gone off! Person at door was my daughter who luckily had come round early. My husband could not come with me to the airport so she had kindly said she would come to help keep me awake and also help with unloading, etc. I have never got ready so quickly in all my life, threw on some clothes, threw the dog out to go to the bathroom which she didn't do, one because she was too excited about what was going on in the house with my daughter there and two, because it was too damn early to do anything. We stuffed her in van which, luckily, I had made ready the night before and took off. Made the border with no problem and got to the airport in record time as there sure isn't much traffic on the road at that hour. Found the right desk and checked her in. However they would not allow me to send a bag full of all her stuff like raincoat and boots, bag of dog food, snood, medication, bowl etc. etc that I had bungeed to the top of the crate. Not allowed as I was not traveling with it and this was a regular passenger flight. So took it off and they suggested I walk to the other side of the airport and send it FedEx. Left “Her Highness” in her crate and found FedEx and, of course, they wouldn't send it as I didn't have breeder’s Postal Code. I spent the next ten minutes locating breeder, who was now on her way to the airport, for her postal code. Thank God for cell phones and a three hour time difference back East. Eventually got it and sent it off. $85! It was necessary for it to get there in a hurry as breeder had not been able to locate Precise which is what she eats and I had sent a bag with her. One expensive bag of food that turned out to be. We hung around the airport, had a coffee, etc., and when the guy at the desk said it was time for her to go downstairs to the plane (half hour before it was due to leave) we said our goodbyes to our little girl who was by this time crying pathetically, which upset me dreadfully. Left the airport and drove back home, another 2 hour trip. Got home, phoned breeder and she said "haven't you heard what happened?" You can imagine the things that ran through my mind in that split second. Evidently our baby was on her way to Houston, Texas. Her original flight had been cancelled because of some trouble or other with the plane and the flight was cancelled, and so they were shipping her to Houston where she would get a connecting flight to Cleveland. I was hysterical. Got through to Houston and raised merry hell. How dare they put her on this flight without my permission! I would have returned, taken her home and come back another day if I had known. So poor breeder had to wait and wait at that airport and she had two dogs with her. One dog had been with a junior handler for some handling competition and the other she had decided to get collected. Houston phoned me later and said there may be a problem as the flight from Seattle was running late and it may not arrive in time for the connection. This time I really lost it and told them that if anything happened to that dog heads would roll and I didn't care what they did, but they were to make sure she got on that other plane. Nail- biting time. Phoned breeder again and she said she knew someone in Houston that worked at the pet cargo desk there and she would phone them and see if they could do anything. What was worrying me also was what was the temperature in Houston? Think it was about 90 and their policy is not to fly dogs to a destination to temperatures over 84. Go figure. They evidently held the plane for her and she made it. She arrived in Cleveland at 8 p.m. their time. Then breeder had to drive 2 and a half hours home. What had been a 3½ hour direct flight turned into a marathon 11 hour ordeal. She had actually been traveling from 3 a.m. until breeder got home at 8 p.m. our time or 11 p.m. Cleveland time. So she had been on the road or up in a plane for 18 hours. Poor little thing! I was sick with worry and couldn't wait for the phone call from breeder from the airport to tell me if she was O.K. She was. I phoned at 6.30 the next morning, our time, to find out how she was doing and they said she came home, jumped all over breeder’s husband, ate her dinner and fell asleep on the chesterfield in the grooming room where she left her all night. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you about the icing on the cake. I got home from the airport to find out that my entries for the 3 day show that weekend got to the Secretary Service half an hour too late. Apparently I had not taken into account the time difference when faxing the entries in. So the poor dog went through all this for absolutely nothing. Well I have learned my lesson, the hard way, and that's never to let a dog fly alone. In retrospect how important was it for me to ship her and risk endangering her life for a championship. It sure wasn't. Authors Name Withheld Well that’s it from the West end of the country. We will have more next time Lynn Haywood B.C. Director. RESCUE NEWS Rescue co-ordinator Bob Guerette 54 Burland Ave., Winnipeg, MB R2N 2W5. Phone (204)-255-3986. Email: I’m sure the National Specialty weekend has been well reported in other parts of this newsletter so I will briefly take this opportunity to thanks all those generous souls who dug deep into their pockets at the Auction and supported Rescue in this manner. My special thanks to Ken and Dennis for making it an entertaining as well as profitable venture. .A special note to Fred Hayward…cha-ching! You win, but then I just wanted up the ante!! Thanks for the generous donation and please enjoy the Marcia Van Woert piece. It was also great to meet Linda Jo Bugbee from the Oregon chapter of Afghan Hound Club of America Rescue and Kathy Saville. Linda and I have chatted many times by e-mail regarding various rescue issues and it was nice to put a face to a name. Although Kathy and I e-mail and talk often, it was the first time that I have met this wonderful woman in person. I just wish that we had more time to visit. I received this update from Helen Vincent, regarding Kennedy, the 80 pound 7 year old boy from Creston, B.C. that I reported on last issue. Helen fostered Kennedy for a time and started him on his road to recovery. Kennedy required dental work, a reducing diet, and appeared to be suffering from arthritis. Hello Bob, I hope this finds both people and hounds in your household well and happy. You may be interested in a little update on Kennedy, the Afghan Hound from Creston, B.C. Last February you found his kennel owner for us, Gerri Bracewell. Kennedy's new owner keeps in touch with me. Kennedy is doing very well, having settled in with her, the two young girls, and their Rottweiler. He gets lots of affection and activity from the whole family and he and the Rottweiler have made their peace. The family recently went to a dog show and the girls were captivated by the agility activities. There are plans afoot to try to start this with Kennedy this winter. Kennedy's health has improved tremendously. He has gone from limping with obvious pain to easily jumping into the box of a pickup truck. Don't worry; he doesn't ride in the back of one, just jumped in when a visitor let down the tailgate. What a nice surprise! His weight is near normal. This has been a wonderful placement, yielding both a happy dog and a happy family. Thank you for your part in making it happen. Hope you've all had a grand summer. Sincerely, Helen If Afghan Hounds have guardian angels, then I think you will agree that Helen Vincent is one of them. This charmer is out of Am Ch Tifarah Hi-Flying Victory and Alphaville’s She’s Livin’ La Vida Loca (American/Austrailian/Scandanavian lines). “Maja” represents the type of afghan hound we like and are trying to preserve in our breedings. Puppies are expected early in 2005 out of both “Maja’s” Mum (Alphaville’s She’s Livin La Vida Loca) and half sister. . should be discussed by the Executive and get everyone’s input regarding Ed’s suggestions. BREEDLINES Look at me – I’m airborn and going to get that Bunny! Stephanie Bajona, sent this to Laurel to assure her that afghan coursing is alive and well in Ontario The AHCC Discussion List The AHCC has its own Yahoo Groups discussion list. Membership is open to AHCC members ONLY and presently there are 22 members on the list. The list allows members to discuss topics relevant to the AHCC, brag about our hounds success and antics and share our sorrows and passings. The Home Page menu allows members to share pictures, links to various web sites, have chats with each other and many more things. We can use the Home Page to quickly pass information to the majority of the members and even hold a General meeting on-line. Just think, a General Meeting where we can share our opinions and ideas with fellow members. Putting the Newsletter on the Home Page, only available to members, can save the Club money and we can still send out hard copies to those not on line. The “Chat” feature allows people to instantly write and respond similar to telephone services. The Executive/Board of Officers can hold meetings on line and many more great things can be done using the “Chat” feature. The fact so many other Afghan Hound lists are available is irrelevant. This is a Club list for Club members only, a means to quickly communicate with our peers. Anyone interested in joining can send an empty email to or to . Editor’s note: Perhaps holding a General Meeing online and putting the Newsletter on the Home Page June's Issue of DIC featured the top field dogs. As I was perusing the article two things struck me. All the top 10 Afghan Hounds were Canadian Champions and several were also American Champions. In no other breed in any field event was this true. I think it is a significant indication of the quality afghan hounds here in Canada. It is also a tribute to all of the breeders who produced hounds that were not only correct in conformation, but functional as well. We want to always remember that the standard of a breed is not just a description of a certain look, but also a description of a certain purpose. If we breed to the standard, we will have functional, beautiful hounds. These are hounds that not only look good in the show ring, but can run and perform their original purpose. The other fact that was immediately apparent to me was the age of the hounds running. The top hound, Ch.Forever's Atomic Fireball Fch, owned by Gayle Nelson, is close to five years old. The second place hound, Ch. Iskur's Nyx Fch., owned by Geri Bracewell, is almost six years old. It is exciting to know that these Afghans are still running and running well and I want to congratulate all the breeders and owners of these wonderful hounds. It should be heartening to all Afghans owners to know that it is never to late to start coursing your hound. And who knows, you may find that you like lure coursing as much as your Afghan. Go on and give it a try. In the meantime, cherish your hounds and if you have anything to share with DIC about Afghans please contact me by e-mail or write. 1.Nelson 137 points 2.Bracewell 132points 3.Ch.Nalikar Shot In The Dark,FCH Saville/Pearson 111 points 4.Ch.Nalikar Russian Roulette Asals/Saville/Pearson 94 points 4.FC.Ch.Forever Hot Time'N Rio,CanAmFCH Nelson 94 points 4.Ch.Forever Dazzle'N Tiara,CanAmFCH,SC Nelson 94 points 7.Ch.Dhivia Jenfield Kara Bibi,FCHX McKenzie/Beard 86 points 8.Ch.Nalikar Fatal Attraction Pearson/Saville 75 points 9.CanAmCh.PNP Echelle De Richter,FCH Saville/Petersen/Marx 70 points 10.Ch.Dhivia Jenfield Joha's Zoe,FCHX Hall 65 points Laurel The 2004 Canadian National: An event to remember. It was a beautiful day in Calgary, perfect weather, big rings, friendly people, gorgeous trophies and, of course, glorious Afghans everywhere. As the champions filled the ring in the Special Class, an audible sigh of appreciation was heard from the sizable crowd of spectators. What a stunning sight! My hats off to the organizers, as they did a wonderful job making everyone feel welcome. It was a great time to renew old friendships and make new ones. I think we are very blessed to have such wonderful people involved in our breed. That is what truly makes an event unforgettable. I have listed below the Canadian National Result. Ironically, the following week, over 1,000 miles away, Peter Belmont chose the same dogs for BOB, BOS, BOW and BP at the Vancouver Island Afghan Hound Association. Sweeps Judge: Leo Maxwell Best In Sweeps: Allsatin Italian Dance, owner: Beverly Thompson Best Opposite: Aries Rio De Janeiro, owner Jacquie White Regular Classes Judge: Gene Vaccaro Winners Dog from 12-18 Month Class: Allsatin Italian Dance Reserve Winners Dog: from 9-12 Month Class: Crysalis Stealing Beauty, owners: Elaine Smith/Andy Kosmala Veterans Dog: Am/Can Ch. Genesis-Ambelike River Dance, owners: Barb & Ken Wolosiuk & H.Nave & L. Guerrero Winners Bitch & Best of Winners: from 9-12 month class: Joha Galaxy Solo Swiftwind, owner: Laurel Deptuch Reserve Winners Bitch: from Bred by Exhibitor: Perfection-Elmo Evenstar Veterans Bitch: Ch. Swiftwind Spirit Georgia Peach, owners Tannis Tindall & Bob Guerette Best of Breed: Can/Am. Ch. Polo's in the Air Tonight, owner: Lorianne Amadeo Best of Opposite: Can. Ch. Boanne's Love Song, owners: June Beard & Anne Evans 1st Award of Merit: Ch. Kjavu Scoobie Doo, owners: Elaine Smith/Leanne James 2nd Award of Merit and Best Veteran in Show: Am/Can. Ch. Genesis-Ambelike River Dance Best Stud Dog & Get: Ch. Kjavu Scoobie Doo Best Dam & Progeny: Ch. Khardhani Satrdaynite Special, owner: Val Hansen Best. Vet. Can.Am.Ch. Genesis-Ambelike River Dance Best Bred By: Perfection-Elmo Evenstar, owned by Dianne Kroll & Debbie Petersen Best Brace: Can.Am. Ch. Nalikar Fatal Attraction, F.Ch (F) & Can.Am.Ch. Nalikar Twisted Fate (F), owned by Karen Pearson & Kathy Saville Best Dam & Progeny: Ch. Khardhanis Satrdaynite Special, owned by Val Hansen Best Sire & Get: Ch. Kjavu Scoobie Doo, owned by Elaine J. Smith & Leanne James BB Coursing Afghan at the Foothills Gazehound Club Coursing Trial, (boosted by AHCC): Can.Am. Ch. Nalikar Fatal Attraction (F), owned by Karen Pearson, Sarita & Darcy Chapdelaine and Kathy Saville High Score Triathalon: Ch. Ishkur's Athena, Can.Am. C.D. (F), owned by Lynn Woods & Gerri Bracewell (2 events were Novice A and coursing) High Score Obedience Winner: Cyrsalis Ice Inferno at Dio (F), owned by Angela D. Fleming, from the Novice B class My next report will be from the Afghan Hound Club of America to be held in October in Minnesota. In the meantime, cherish your hounds and if you have anything to share with DIC about Afghans please contact me by email or write. Laurel Deptuch, Breedlines Columnist, Afghan Hound Club of Canada, 2863 River Road, Chemainus, B.C. V0R 1K0. October 9 and 10 The Rocky Mountain Whippet Association of Alberta is holding a Sanction Lure Trial in Calgary. There are no points involved; they are trying to get sanctioned to run lure trials. So come out and support this new club! It would be great to see more Afghans running! For more information, you can contact me, Karen Pearson 1-403-271- 0464 or e-mail Hopefully, soon we will have 4 clubs in Alberta that run coursing meets! Thanks. -Karen Pearson Hi everyone – just had to brag about Tazi’s latest achievement. We went to a Go and Show (for those of you not familiar with them, you have to qualify in coursing before you are eligible to show in conformation. There was an entry of 6 Afghans, what a sight, as they all ran beautifully. Tazi was second in the breed. He went on to win BISS over 50 other sighthounds under Judy Newton. I am soooo proud of my boy. Take care, Laurel, Tazi and Galaxy (who hates sitting on the sidelines) I took Tazi and Galaxy to Montana in June. Tazi received a 5 and 3 point major for BOW and one Reserve. I entered Galaxy at the tender age of 8 months in just one show. She took WB, BOW and BOS over Specials for a 4 point major under Pat Trotter. I am so proud of my kids. Laurel. Hi everyone, I have another big brag for my little girl. Galaxy took back to back best puppy in specialty at Metro Afghan hound club and Western Gazehound club (there was 25 pups in the show) She was also WB and BOW for 4 points. The judges were Mr. and Mrs. Rupert. All out of the 6-9 month puppy class. It was sooo hot, but my little girl showed like a trooper. I am soooo proud of her. Congratulations to all the other winners out there, take care, Laurel, Tazi and Galaxy won the Breed and her ½ brother Polo's Lukon of Kabik (his first Canadian shows) at the same shows took WD all three shows and at the Speciality went on to Best of Winners, one of the regular days he was also Best of Winners., During his first shows out he has 5 points towards his Canadian Championship. Aries was in the States with Chris Terrell of Kabik and earned 2 Group 3rd’s. Sterling Afghan's in A laska has a litter of 9 puppies sired by Aries,, 2 females remaining, both black and tans Lorianne Aires is the first Afghan Hound to win the USA and Canadian Nationals. At this year’s Canadian National Aries was awarded BISS. Also in Calgary he was awarded a Group 2 in the Specialty and in the three all breed shows, won the Breed, a Group 1st and Group 2nd. The following weekend in Victoria won the VIAHA speciality under Peter Belmont, and in the 2 shows he was shown won the Breed and a Group 1st and Group 3rd In the States he won another BIS under Edgar Bajona and is currently ranked at # 2 in all breed points. Lorianne Amadeo Multi BIS,Multi SBIS,AmCh.Multi BIS,Multi SBIS,Can.Ch.Polo's In The Air Tonite,Fch his get are doing great in the States, most just needing majors to complete their Am.title - all owner handled Galaxy finishing her championship under P. Belmont at VIAHA. Tazi gazing out the cave entrance – what a picture! Lexus, Am.Can.Ch.Polo's I Did It Myway, won the breed both days and went on to a Group 2 at the Kamloops shows. And at the Gazehound Speciality here, Newsletter - front page picture with short story inside $6.00 MOMENT AT YOUR COMPUTER TO SHARE YOUR STORIES, LETTERS, ETC ~ SO HOWABOUT IT FOLKS LET'S MAKE 2005 A REALLY GREAT PARTICIPATION YEAR. Newsletter - full page $25.00 picture included, black and white Newsletter - Classified Ad - $2.00 for the first 20 words and .12 cents per word after that. Phone numbers, fax numbers, email identification, each count as one word. All cheques to be made payable to The Afghan Hound Club of Canada and be clearly marked on the back "Newsletter Advertising". Send the information you want in your page ad to me and I will create and ad for you at no extra cost. All ads must be paid in full prior to publication PLEASE HAVE YOUR SUBMISSIONS ON MY DESK NO LATER THAN th December 20 !! DON'T FORGET TO SEND ANY UPCOMING EVENTS OR OTHER SPECIAL FUNCTIONS FROM THE END OF DECEMBER ON LETTERS TO THE EDITOR WITH YOUR COMMENTS, QUESTIONS OR REPLIES WILL ALSO BE PUBLISHED ********************************* PHOTOS ACCOMPANYING YOUR REPORTS, ANECDOTES ETC ARE VERY WELCOME AND ENCOURAGED YOU ALL HAVE "DOG STORIES" ~ DON'T JUST KEEP THEM TO YOURSELF ~ SHARE THEM ~ WHETHER THEY BE EDUCATIONAL OR GREAT FUN. THIS CLUB DOESN'T ASK TOO MUCH OF IT'S MEMBERS EXCEPT TO ASK YOU TO PARTICIPATE IN YOUR NEWSLETTER AND ANNUAL AND THAT ONLY TAKES A DISCLAIMER Afghan Actions and Afghan Actions Annual are published by the Afghan Hound Club of Canada and are not responsible for any errors or omissions. Afghan Actions, the Afghan Hound Club of Canada and it's members are not legally responsible for, nor do they necessarily agree with the viewpoints herein expressed. The editor reserves the right to edit any submissions. Please direct all correspondence to the Club Secretary. 2004 AHCC ANNUAL It’s that time of year again for you to make your submissions for our 2004 Annual. Stories, anecdotes recollections and poetry. Lure coursing items. Health problems that you have dealt with. Agility experiences. Don’t’ forget to add a picture or drawing to make your items more interesting. ADVERTISING IN THE ANNUAL This the way that our club pays for its newletters and annual. The Annual goes out across Canada and the United States. It goes to all judges in Canada who applied for their permit for Group Two during 2004 and to others who just like to have a copy for their coffee table. Advertise your wins, your puppies, and your pride in your dogs. ADVERTISING RATES Full page ad – colour – one large picture or two small ............................$70.00 1/2 page ad – colour – one picture ...........................................................$40.00 Full page ad – black and white – one large picture or two small .............$40.00 1/2 page ad = black and white – one picture ............................................$25.00 I will produce your ads at no additional cost to you. Send the photos – either the original or as an email attachment and tell me what you would like to say and I will do my best to create the ad you want. We can remove backgrounds or items in photos that you would rather not have in the photo – just ask. Remember to let the picture do the talking and keep the words to a sentence or two. Deadline for all submissions is December 1, 2004.