Vol. 35 Issue 2 — Apr 2012
Vol. 35 Issue 2 — Apr 2012
Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten April Meeting and Auction at the Elliott’s in Vallejo Our April 28 meeting will be held at Steve and Suzanne Elliott’s home in the historic town of Vallejo. The Elliott’s home has always been a favorite meeting place, filled with their large and numerous collections that represent Steve and Suzanne's diverse interests. Antique ice cream scoops, oyster plates, beautiful wood carvings, and high-quality steins fill their house, each item typifying their discriminating collecting tastes. ners of your closets, garage, or in your basement for those items you’ve stashed away for this event. Since it has been about two years since our last auction I am sure that there will be many interesting and valuable treasures to be offered. You’ll surely want to take something home so don’t forget your checkbook, because in order to have a successful auction we need buyers as well as donations! Suzanne reminds us that the Elliott home is on a cul-de-sac, with parking limited to the street. Please do not park in or block the driveway. Members may be dropped off at curbside, with the driver then finding street parking nearby. We hope to see you at the April 28th Zecher meeting and Auction in Vallejo, CA! Our auction promises to be outstanding. Steve and Suzanne are gracious hosts, and with their large and diverse collections a visit to their home is always an interesting adventure! The highlight of the day will be our everpopular Zecher auction. This fun-filled event, usually accompanied with a lot of good-natured teasing and banter, is our only club fundraiser. Members and guests are asked to donate for the auction those steins, go-withs, white-elephants or other items that have been pushed to the back of your closet shelves. Donate them to a very worthy cause - our Zecher treasury - which is used to bring us knowledgeable speakers, special events, and also to keep our membership dues low! Start looking in the dark cor- Donate those steins, those go-withs, whiteelephants and other items that have migrated to the back of your shelves and closets. Bring your wife, husband, or significant other, and your checkbook, and do your part to support your Zecher chapter! A Newsletter for Northern California and Nevada Stein Collectors Volume 35, Issue 2 April, 2012 2012 EVENTS CALENDAR March 31 EG - Kellogg -Lake Elsinore April 28 GG Zecher Auction Elliott - Vallejo, CA June 30 EG - Monterey Park, CA August 15 -17 SCI Convention Annapolis, Maryland Sept GG Zecher - Watch for date Oct 13 EG - Hill - Ojai, CA Oct 27 & 28 Wilson’s Mettlach Collection, American Museum of Ceramic Art, Pomona, CA Nov GG Zecher - Watch for date Dec 8 GG Zecher Christmas Party Harry’s Hofbrau, Redwood City Dec xx EG - Christmas Party Inside this issue: April Meeting in Vallejo 1 President’s Message 2 February Meeting Report 3 Some Dumler and Breiden Go-Withs 4 Zecher Member News 6 Musicbox Steins 7 Zecher Contacts, Buy & Sell 8 April Dinner Reservation 9 And Map Membership Form 10 Page 2 Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten A Message from the President A fun time was had by all Zechers at the Seavers’ home in Alameda on Feb. 11th We had the usual great food, beer, steins, and friends there. Many members had brought steins for sale and quite a few changed ownership, were adopted by new "parents" and are now living in a new home. We had a unique speaker portion of our meeting where the members themselves spoke on a stein or a few steins that are in their personal collections. They spoke on what is unique about them or just why they like each one. Thanks to Ron Fox, Les Paul, Arvid Frende, Steve Morris, Bea Taus, and Mark Fieger taking an active part. Dave Lowry I know I sound like a broken record, but we need a Secretary to record the minutes at our Board and General meetings. I know I sound like a broken record, but we need a Secretary to record the minutes at our Board and General meetings. This is an important, yet easy position to serve in. I say easy because it does not take a lot of effort. Only 4 times a year, the Secretary takes notes at the meetings, then sends them via email to our newsletter editor and sends a thank you card to our meeting hosts. That's all there is to it! Try it - it's fun! In the near future, we will cover the "business" side of our club at the Board meeting only. We will attempt to cover what is most interesting and fun at the General meeting level. For those interested in the "business" side, attend the Board meetings or read the minutes in each newsletter- IF we can obtain a Secretary. Our Vice President asked for ideas for upcoming topics for future speakers/talks. What does the membership want to hear about? Some ideas were: Lithophanes, Munich Child, Regimentals, Pipes and other Go-withs, specific stein manufacturers. If you have other ideas, please tell Ron so he can schedule for upcoming meetings. We have other fun and exciting meetings planned for this year, including a well known and loved location that we will experience again on April 28th in Vallejo at the home of Steve and Suzanne Elliott. Our Member's Auction will take place here as it has in the past to generate funds for the club, but we always have fun also. Bring your items, anything to the auction. You can even bring steins! There will be other meetings later in the year, the SCI convention in August in Annapolis, MD, and our Christmas party at Harry's Hofbrau in Redwood City again, on Dec. 8th from 5:30-9:00pm. Thanks to Harlean for suggesting the location, and Julie and Nancy making the arrangements. A great time was had by all last year. If the Zechers don't offer enough stein-filled meetings, we have the opportunity of attending our sister chapter meetings at Pacific Stein Sammlers and Erste Gruppe, as well as an event on October 27-28 when only part of the Bob & Colette Wilson Mettlach collection will be on display at the American Museum of Ceramic Art in Pomona. Ron Fox will also be conducting an auction there during this time frame. Make plans now to attend all of these fun times for 2012! Use the Zecher business cards and informational sheets to invite others to our meetings and let them know they will learn much about steins and have a lot of fun! Chuck Schoppe had corresponded with a potential Las Vegas member and he has sent in membership dues for the next three years. We now have a Nevada member - Welcome, Eric Sanders! I also have corresponded with a potential member from Livermore who joined SCI for three years and plans on joining the Zechers! So, it does work when we try to generate membership. A surprise- In a box that I had totally forgotten about in one of the closets was found a wooden stein with a Mettlach lid that has a ringing bell on top that is passed between the Zecher Presidents. It is used to call the meetings to order. On the bottom is an engraved plate that states: "Presented to Die Golden Gate Zechers by Aurel Keck, President and Vera Parr, Secretary Jan. 1989 - Jan. 1991". This stein was passed to me upon my election as President in 1993 but over the years was forgotten about. I guess I was holding it hostage until I became the President again. Well, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!! I will bring it to the meeting in April and to future meetings and will pass it to my successor eventually. We have a lot to look forward to this year! Until April, Prosit! Dave Volume 35, Issue 2 Page 3 A Fabulous February Zecher Meeting! By Dave Lowry Claire Fieger and Julie Hughes say "Wish you could be here". A great time was had by all at the Zecher meeting on Feb. 11th at the home of Marc & Maxine Seavers in Alameda. We were glad to have Les Paul with us after his recent illness and surgery. And, of course, we always enjoy the loads of steins that he brings for display and sale, as shown in the stein display area which used to be Mark's garage! Great munchies, beer , and dinner were served and we had a nice show and tell session by our members, including VicePresident Ron Fox and Arvid Frende . Another nice and enjoyable time was experienced by many Zechers this fine day and we look forward to seeing everyone at Steve and Suzanne Elliott's home in Vallejo on April 28th ! Page 4 Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten Some Dumler and Breiden Go-withs By Dave Lowry There are many stein manufacturers in history and many of them, at the same time that steins were being designed and manufactured, were also producing other wares. Since my primary collecting stein category is Dumler & Breiden, it would make sense that I would be interested in and collect other wares by this manufacturer from the same historical period. To show this "go-with" category, I offer a large 15" plate entitled "Minerva" which is D&B mold # 74. It is a highly detailed plate that has a portion of the design displayed on every part of the surface. As stated previously, this is one of the distinguishing factors of D&B designs. See Fig. #2 for a close-up of the center facial display, and Fig. #3 is a closeup of the edge of the plate. Figure 1 Why this depiction? Minerva in Roman mythology is the goddess of wisdom, war, and the liberal arts. What a busy woman! She seems to have had an Etruscan origin and was the counterpart to the Greek Goddess Athena. On this plate, she is seen wearing a Roman military headdress to denote her role in war. Figure 2 Figure 3 Continued on nest page Volume 35, Issue 2 Next is a small vase (Fig. #4), which is only 3.5" tall. It shows a phoenix bird on each side. In Egyptian and other mythologies, the phoenix was a beautiful, lone bird which lived in the Arabian desert for 500 or 600 years and then consumed itself in fire, rising renewed from the ashes to start another long life; it is used as a symbol of immortality. It is usually depicted with colorful plumage and a tail of gold and deep red. In heraldry, a charge depicting a bird surrounded by flames was sometimes used. Page 5 One of the most prevalent themes on steins, plaques, and many other wares is dwarves. Many of us love their reputation of being whimsical, playful, and somewhat a little prankster. In fact, in many stories they have magical powers. This piece will not be used as an ash tray but as a nice addition to my collection. Figure 5 Figure 4 Fig. #5 is an ash tray with two dwarves, one with an umbrella and the other hoisting a stein! This was made by D&B immediately after WWII for the back is marked "Ardalt Zum Wohl Hohr Germany French Zone" (Fig. #6), made for sale to the soldiers stationed in that area after the German surrender to end WWII. It is colorful and detailed. In Germanic mythology, a dwarf is a being that may dwell in the mountains or in the earth. After the Christianization of the Germanic peoples, tales of dwarfs continued to be told in the folklore where German was spoken. Today dwarfs are common in modern popular culture. Figure 6 I have many other Dumler & Breiden Go-With items, including at least several tobacco jars, soup tureens, humidors, mugs, small pottery figurines, mustard pots, etc. And, of course the steins!! I love to learn about these pieces and to share what I find with you, my fellow collectors and friends. Until next time, Mr. D&B (Dave) DGGZ Page 6 Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten Marie Carvalho Passes Welcome! A hearty Zecher welcome to Eric Sanders of Las Vegas, Nevada, our newest DGGZ member! Eric says that he enjoys the newsletter, and was especially interested in Roy DeSelms’ article “The Old Germans and the Romans” published in the February issue, since he had recently acquired the subject Mettlach stein #2100. Just six short months after the sudden death of Zecher life-member Gene Carvalho, Marie Carvalho passed peacefully, joining her husband Gene and three of her children. Marie was a well-loved member of the Zecher and her local community, active in church activities and other charitable organizations. She was particularly interested in and supportive of several charities relating to children. Marie was always a gracious hostess in the many Zecher activities conducted at the Carvalho home in San Jose. We will miss them both. Eric is a Mettlach collector, and is interested in acquiring the Mettach #2235, 1 liter Schutzenliesl etched stein with a winner’s pokal on the inlay and a displayed eagle thumb lift. This is a very nice stein, one I am proud to have in my own collection. If any of our members can help Eric add this one to his collection shoot him an email with the information. His ad appears in the “Buy and Sell” column. THIS IS YOUR LAST NEWSLETTER! Yes, it is if you have not mailed in your 2012 membership form and dues! If you are behind in mailing in your renewal, you will miss out on future meetings and the activities that your Zecher officers and board members have planned, scheduled and arranged, just for you. Please help us to minimize our bookkeeping and membership paperwork by mailing in your membership renewal on time - this is your last reminder - we don’t want to lose you! For your convenience you will find a membership renewal form on the last page of this newsletter. Don’t delay, mail it today! Editor’s Note: In the absence of a chapter secretary, and because there was no member willing to take minutes during our February meetings there will be no publication of meeting records. Page 7 Volume 35, Issue 2 Musicbox Steins by Steven Wessling I have two steins in my "other" collection that I would like to share with you. The first is my "favorite stein". It is a 0.5 liter etched Mettlach, #2235 Schützenliesl or target girl stein that I purchased on Ebay approximately three years ago. This stein has a very unusual feature, a music box with the green Mettlach Mercury mark on the wood. It also has the original label with the name of the song it plays, "Komm Karlice Komm", typed on it. Since this is way out of my field I called Bob Wilson, a recognized expert on Mettlachs, to get some help. Bob told me that the Mercury mark should also say "MADE IN GERMANY" and that this was required after 1891 for export. Mine does, if you use your imagination. He also told me that 1 in 400 Mettlachs had music boxes and of that 10% to 20% were meant for export. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with the Schützenliesl or target girl character, there is a great article in the June 1990 edition of Prosit by Liselotte Lopez. I will be glad to send anybody a copy who would like one. You may also recognize the target girl from the Blatz Beer advertisements of the past. The second stein I would like to share with you is also a Mettlach with a music box. This one is unusual in that it plays two tunes. It is a relief # 2130 called "man drinking" in the Mettlach book. This stein was purchased at auction from Richard Hatch (Hatch Auctions, Hendersonville, NC). The music box wasn't installed at the time of the purchase. It was in a rust stained plastic bag and Richard said it didn't work. Three weeks later, with a few new parts, the music box worked great. It plays two tunes by moving the cylinder left or right by way of an odd rectangular block at one end of the cylinder. The music box starts playing as soon as you pick up the stein and doesn't stop until you set it down. Even then, it continues to play until the end of the song. The next time you pick up the stein it plays the other tune. This stein doesn't have the Mercury mark or a label with the name of songs and I have been unable to find anybody that recognizes the tunes. I don't quite understand the purpose behind beer steins with music boxes but I do have a strong belief it has something to due with some sort of medieval punishment. From the “Show and Tell” section of the SCI website www.steincollectors.org If you are not a member of SCI, you should be! Page 8 Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten Buy and Sell Die Golden Gate Zecher 2012 Officers and Board of Directors President - Dave Lowry Phone: 510-828-4333 Email: drlowry@comcast.net Vice President – Ron Fox Email: starbuckseditor@yahoo.com Secretary – Could Be You! Phone: Email: Treasurer - Dick Hughes Phone: 650-593-1261 Email: dandjhughes@hotmail.com Newsletter Editor/Publisher - Chuck Schoppe Phone: 408-867-9229 Email: chuck_sch@hotmail.com or zechernews@yahoo.com Board Members Steve Elliott, Director, Phone: 707-552-8400 Email: stephen_r_elliott@pacbell.net Sage Gunderson, Historian; Phone: 408-267-6734 Email: tomandjerry@pacbell.net Julie Hughes, Director; Phone: 650-593-1261 Email: dandjhughes@hotmail.com Nancy Morris, Director; Phone: 650-349-5345 Email: snmorris@comcast.net Steve Morris, Director; Phone: 650-349-5345 Email: snmorris@comcast.net Marc Seavers, Director; Phone: 510-523-1338 No Email Bea Taus, Director; Phone: 510-490-8965 Email: beataus@sbcglobal.net Chapter Contact Les Paul - Phone: 510-523-7480; Email: oldsteins@aol.com Wanted: Early Steins (16th to 18th Century), Characters, and Miniatures. Phone Les Paul, 510-523-7480 Wanted: Schierholz character steins. No problem meeting your price for the right pieces. Email Steve Morris: snmorris@comcast.net Wanted: Dumler & Breiden steins and other wares. Merkelbach & Wick character steins. Falstaff depicted on steins. Trichter shaped or depicted steins. Also above categories depicted on postcards. Dave Lowry at drlowry@comcast.net or phone 510-828-4333. Wanted: J.W. Remy steins; Stoneware steins marked with initials A.R., A.Roeseler, or P.Neu; Blown glass steins with set-on lids (mid 1800s); and Full-body Schafer & Vater porcelain liquor bottles (around 1900). Email Lyn Ayers: layers@wa-net.com or phone 360-693-0025, or cellphone: 360-609-1389 Wanted: Mettlach #2235, 1 liter Schutzenliesl etched stein. Eric Sanders, email: mesanders2@gmail.com, or phone 702-254-9347 April 27 - 29, 2012 November 2 - 4, 2012 at the San Mateo County Event Center, San Mateo, CA “Die Golden Gate Zecher Nachrichten” is published four times a year for the benefit of our members. Die Golden Gate Zecher, an affiliate of Stein Collectors International, covers the Northern California and Nevada areas. We welcome contributions of articles, illustrations and photographs, letters of suggestion or encouragement, or general interest items from the membership. Material submitted to this newsletter originally appearing in another publication other than SCI must be accompanied by written permission to reprint. Permission to reproduce material from this newsletter is granted to SCI or affiliate chapters, providing full attribution to this newsletter is given. Zecher newsletter articles in native format will be provided upon request for the publication in SCI chapter’s newsletters. Deadline date for submitting articles for the September 2012 issue is August 18. SCI members’ ads run free! Send articles or ads to: zechernews@yahoo.com
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