CEIAG Provision Mapping (What is on offer


CEIAG Provision Mapping (What is on offer
 CAREERS EDUCATION, INFORMATION AND GUIDANCE : An introduction for Students, Parents and Carers CAREERS PACK 1.
• Head Teacher's Vision Statement
• What do we expect from YOU?
• CEIAG Provision Mapping (What is on offer for your child in each Year Group)
• CEIAG Entitlement Cycle (What is happening in each month of the academic year)
• Data Sharing Information
• Tell us how we are doing
• The Team
The Parent/Carer
•Every learning opportunity and extra curricular activity
prepares you for the World of Work.
•Every day counts ‐ so ensure your attendance is excellent ‐
give yourself the best possible chance for success.
•From Year 7 onwards, it is vital that you begin to recognise
your strengths and what you are good at.....and what you are
not so good at; build on those strengths and develop your
•There are plenty of opportunities for helping you in areas you
find difficult and you will learn more about these in Year 7 and
throughout your school life.
•Prestwich Arts College offers over 40 lunchtime and after
school clubs. Taking part and joining a club will help build your
life skills e.g. communication, social interaction, confidence
and a whole lot more.....Don't be shy ‐ APPLY!
•Get to know the Careers Team (their photographs are on the
flyer contained within this pack) ‐ THEY ARE HERE TO HELP
•Prestwich Arts College is committed to ensuring that we
respect and support all students from all different backgrounds
and cultures....we expect that from our students too.... this
way we can ensure that Careers Education and Guidance is a
truly personalised experience for YOU!
•Give us feedback on how we are doing!
•We want what you want for your child : THE BEST !
•From Year 7 right through to Year 11 every day prepares your
child for the world of work; it is vital then, that no opportunity
for learning is lost. Excellent attendance will ensure that your
child does not miss any opportunity to reach their full potential.
•Read this guidance and know what is on offer for your child at
each stage of their school journey.
•Regularly ask your child about what they are doing in school and
encourage them to recognise what they are good at and where
they may need help and support.
•Encourage your child to join clubs ‐ there are a whole host to
choose from and these build vital skills that are required for the
world of work.
•Support your child by attending parents' evenings and special
events that will help to support their career choices.
•Regularly visit our web site for information updates. Give us
feedback on how we are doing! Ways you can do this are
contained within this pack.
•Raising Aspiration
•Career Exploration
•Career Planning & Management
•To Aid Effective Partnership Working
OUTCOMES: From an effective careers education programme, young people will:
•Raise Aspirations
•Be Comprehensive
•Challenge Stereotypes
•Help Young People to Progress
•Empower Young People
•Respond to the needs of the Individual Learner
•Encourage young people to make use of independent, external sources of help
•Be integrated into all parts of the school curriculum
•Be confident of their ability to make well thought through decisions about learning and work
•Understand the local, regional and national labour market and opportunities within it
•Understand the benefits of post‐16 learning
•Understand and demonstrate the main qualities, attitudes and skills needed for working life and independent living
Year Transition Day : Dragons' Den &
Team Building Activities
Year 7 Induction
Year 7 Parents' Evening
Creativity Week
Development of the Political System:
UK Government & Politics
Functions & Use of Money
Being A Good citizen (School Council, Allotments, Sustainability)
European Day of Languages
Citizens and Their Communities:
All About Me
Start Year 7 Careers Tracking Booklets
How Safe Is My Street?
Access to the Careers Hub
Access to JED
The Active Citizen : Crime & Investigation Project
STEM Club/Activities
Healthy Life Styles:
School Lunchtime/After School Clubs
Keeping Clean
Healthy Lifestyles & Healthy Eating
Risk and Consequence:
Assessing Risk & Making Healthy Choices
Alcohol, Tobacco, Legal & Illegal Drugs
Year 8
Careers Event : Pathways and Introduction to Apprenticeships
Precious Liberties enjoyed by UK Citizens:
My Place, My Space (Difference & Diversity)
Introduction to CEIAG Resources
Career Action Planning
Our Community
Passport to Success
Budgeting and Managing Risk
Career Assemblies
Voting and the Elections including: European Day of Languages
The Role of Political Parties
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Mock Elections & Manifestos
Creativity Week
Achievements : Strengths & Self Worth:
Start Year 8 Careers Tracking
Careers Day in Resistant Materials
Self Image
Self Concept
Self Esteem
Access to to CEIAG Coaches
Changing Relationships : A healthy Person:(physical/mental/emotional/sexual)
(one to one interviews or small
The Media and its Impact
group work) including Connexions
Resisting Peer Pressure
Access to the Careers Hub
Building Resilience
Access to JED
Alcohol & Drugs
CEIAG Questionnaire
STEM Club/Activities
School Lunchtime/After School
Personal Awareness & Safety
Financial Choices : Good Debt ‐ Bad Debt
Career Attributes : Where I want to be
Employment in Elizabethan England
The Media : How the papers are made
Ambassador Experience
Year 9
Enterprise Day
European Day of Languages
Option Assemblies
Options Evening
Option Choices supported by SLT
Parents' Evening
Careers Event (Employers Based)
Creativity Week
Aspirational Visiting Speakers
Start Year 9 Careers Tracking Booklet
Careers Assemblies
Apprenticeship Pathways
Access to Careers Hub
Opportunities for the More Able
One to One Interview with CEIAG Coach
Small Group Work (Including Connexions)
CEIAG Questionnaire
STEM Club/Activities
School Lunchtime/After School Clubs
The Nature of Rules and Laws
The Justice System : Criminal Law
Age of Criminal Responsibility (Case Study)
The Courts Justice : Sentencing, You Be The Judge
The Role of the Police and the Operation of Courts and Tribunals
The Role of Parliament
Legal Aid
Bills to Laws
Challenging Prejudice & Discrimination
Community Cohesion (Case Study)
Recognise Good Relationships:
Reproduction and Contraception
Parenthood and Family Life
Teenage Pregnancy
Sex, Gender Identity
Drugs Education Child Soldiers
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Same Sex Relationships
Tourism : The Effect on Jobs
The Changing World of Work : The Labour Market
Creating a CV that will get you noticed
Option Choices : The Jobs for Me
Insulation Payback
Year Assertive Mentoring (Grades and Progress)
10 Careers Tracking Booklet
Careers Assemblies
College Visits
University Visits
Careers Roadshow
Creativity Week
College Prospectuses
Parents' Evening
Young Enterprise Project
Controlled Assessment : Active Citizenship
Controlled Assessment : Community Cohesion
Bury College Preview and Review
Media City Trip
Business Partnerships (Interviews)
Apprenticeship Pathways
Opportunities for the More Able
Access to Careers Hub (Timetabled Appointment)
Follow Up Interview with CEIAG Coach
Small Group Work (Including Connexions)
CEIAG Questionnaire
STEM Club/Activities
School Lunchtime/After School Clubs
Working Skills Day
Careers Fair
Careers Group Sessions
Citizenship (Full Course and Campaign)
Rights and Responsibilities
Labour Market and Skills Gaps Money Matters
All Kinds of People
Respecting Relationships
Pornography & the Media
The World of Work (MFL)
Pocket Money and its Uses (MFL)
1920's Boom and Wall Street Crash Jobs within the Science/Medical Industry People in Business Interest Rates, Finance and Managing Money
Different Businesses
The Scope of Job Roles
Executive Level of Seniority
Company Aims and Objectives.
Working Conditions
Contracts of Employment
Safe Working Conditions
Adherence to Procedures within Business
Complying with Health & Safety
Year 11
Revisit PSHE Themes and end of KS4 Statements
Appraisal Schemes
Assertive Mentoring (Grades and Progress) Rewards in the Workplace
Careers Tracking Booklet
Employment Law Careers Assemblies
Careers Fair
Employment Rights and Employment Legislation
Access to Careers Hub (Timetabled
Applying for Jobs
Writing a CV
College Visits by FE Tutors
Letters of Application and Application Forms
College /Apprenticeship Applications
Interview Questions and Techniques
(Supported by CEIAG and House Teams)
Courses and Entry Requirements
Mock Interviews with Business Links
Personality File
Challenge Programme
Visits from Industry Professionals
Apprenticeship Pathways
Follow Up Interview with CEIAG Coach Taster Days (Colleges and Universities)
Opportunities for the More Able
Supported College Visits for SEN Students
Parents' Evening
Revision Techniques
Examination Techniques
Examination Preparation
Mock Examinations
Reference Requests
CEIAG Exit Questionnaire
Study Leave
STEM Club/Activiities
School Lunchtime/After School Clubs
Year 7 Activity Days
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 7 Induction Eve.
Year 11 Coaching
Year 10 Revision
Years 7, 8, and 9 Preparation for new Academic Year.
Year 8 Career Event
Year 10 CEIAG Coaching
Year 10 Career Event
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 10 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 College Visits by FE Tutors
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
European Day of Languages : All Year Groups
Year 11 CEIAG Coaching
Apprenticeship Ambassador Event
Careers Info. Eve.
Creativity Week : All Year Groups
Aug. Year 8 Passport to Success
Sept. July Year 10 College & University Taster Days
Oct. Year 9 Enterprise Day
Year 10 CEIAG Coaching
Year 10 Young Enterprise Project
Year 10 Assertive Mentoring
Year 10 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Challenge Programme
Year 10 Working Skills Day
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 CEIAG Coaching
Year 11 Parents' Evening
Nov. Year 11 College Applications
Year 11 Mock Interviews
May March Feb. Year 10 CEIAG Coaching
Dec. Year 9 Careers Event
April Year 9 Options Interviews
Jan. Year 10 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
CEIAG Exit Questionnaire
Year 11 Careers Event
Year 8 Parents' Evening
Year 7 Parents' Evening
Year 9 Parents' Evening
Year 9 Options Evening
Year10 CEIAG Coaching
Year 8 CEIAG Coaching
Year 10 Parents' Evening
Year 10 Working Day Skills
Year 9 CEIAG Coaching
Year 9 Careers Event
Year 10 Assertive Mentoring
Year 9 Careers Event
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Careers Event
Year 11 Assertive Mentoring
Year 11 Mock Examinations
Information Held
Who do we share the information with?
Opting Out
Sources of further information
• Prestwich Arts College is the Data Controller for the purposes of the Data
Protection Act.
• We collect information from you and may receive information about you
from your previous school and the Learning Records Service. We hold
this personal data and use it to:
• Support your teaching and learning
• Monitor and report on your progress
• Provide appropriate pastoral care, and
• Assess how well you are doing in school
• We will not give information about you to anyone outside the school
without your consent unless the law and our rules allow us to do so.
• Name, Address and Contact Details
• National Curriculum Assessment Results
• Attendance Information
• Personal characteristics e.g. ethnic group, any special educational needs or specific medical information.
• Once you are aged 13 or over, we are required by law to pass on certain
information to providers of youth support services in your area. This is
the local authority support service for young people aged 13 to 19 in
England. We must provide the names and addresses of you and your
parent(s)/carer and any further information relevant to the support
services' role. We may also share data with post 16 providers to secure
appropriate support on entry to post 16 provision.
• Parent(s)/carer(s) can ask that no information beyond names, addresses
and date of birth be passed to the support service. This right transfers to
your child on their 16th birthday. PLEASE WRITE TO THE HEAD TEACHER
if you wish to opt out of this Data Sharing arrangement.
• https://nationalcareersservice.direct.gov.uk/aboutus/Pages/default.aspx
• http://www.bury.gov.uk/index.aspx?articlei=3500
• https://www.gov.uk/data‐protection‐how‐we‐collect‐and‐share‐research‐
TELL US HOW WE ARE DOING : Feedback from Students, Parents and Carers will ensure that we are providing the appropriate information and guidance to enable young people to make informed career choices. Your views are important to us so that we can develop our CEIAG programme to meet the needs of our students. THERE ARE SEVERAL WAYS YOU CAN DO THIS By Email
By Web Site
• njw@prestwich.bury.sch.uk
• Visit our CEIAG page on the school Web Site and leave a comment on the feedback page. www.prestwich.bury.sch.uk
• Information and Guidance
• Careers
By Telephone
• Contact our School Office on
• 0161 773 2052
By Questionnaire
• At the end of each academic year, a parent/carer questionnaire will be available on the school web site for you to complete. A hard copy can also be requested.
Prestwich Arts College
The Team
At Prestwich Arts College we wish to be at the forefront of good
practice and are re-shaping our careers structure and delivery
mode. We are committed to:
 Ensuring individual students are signposted to different career
activities at the relevant stages of their development and decision making.
 Ensuring that the CEIAG programme is led by a Senior Mem-
Head Teacher
Asst. Head Teacher
Leading the Vision
Leading the Delivery
Careers Education
Information and
ber of Staff
 Ensuring that such a careers guidance has a well understood
structure, is well co-ordinated and reviewed, so that its quality
and impact can be determined.
This includes ensuring that
the effective use of data is made to match pupil destination.
 Ensuring that Prestwich Arts College develops amongst its
staff the key skills and expertise to deliver a comprehensive
Director of Business & Resource
Head of Personal
Implementing the Vision
service along with its relevant partners. These should include
not only organisations such as Connexions but also with employers. Such links will broaden students’ ideas about possible future employment.
 Ensuring that students are exposed to and supported in a
wide range of employment pathways including apprenticeships and vocational training as traditional ‘A’ level routes.
CEIAG Coach and
Prestwich Arts College in Partnership with Connexions
 Ensuring that specific sub-groups and our more vulnerable
students are identified, supported and monitored and those
aspirations for further education are actively and universally
 Ensuring we develop a careers strategic plan to ensure the
roll-out of an access and entitlement model that encom-
passes all year groups in a graduated manner.
 Ensuring that our commitment and code of conduct is published to encourage engagement of parents and carers.
Prestwich Arts College in Partnership
with Connexions
Here at Prestwich Arts College student enƟtlement to
CEIAG is progressive as the students move through
school. We are commiƩed to ensuring individual
students are given appropriate, imparƟal and relevant
advice at the relevant stages of their development and
decision making milestones.
Individual, personalised interviews begin in Year 8 so
by the Ɵme a student reaches Year 11 they will have
had access to a minimum of four personal interviews.
This may well be more if the students choose to use
the drop in facility which runs every week!