Newsletter April-May 2005


Newsletter April-May 2005
AprilApril-May 2005
President’s Message
Setting The Agenda
“Making a list and checking it twice” is the kind of excited effort an eight year old
puts into forming a Christmas list. Delivering on such a list has a different reality
that often requires more difficult choices. The event that recently brought the
Board to this topic of priorities and setting an agenda was the loss of the Point Irrigation Project. Board Members Jim Orling and Scott Jackson together with others put in countless hours of work only to see three-quarters of the outside funding dry up literally days before ground breaking. Believe me, we feel the heat of
the breath from those clamoring, “What have you done lately?” However, Jim and
Scott’s effort is no less than the sacrifice put forth by the many neighbors who
organize and execute the events we all too often take for granted: Easter, Halloween, New Neighbor Receptions, Membership Meetings, the House Tour, Newsletter, Band and the list goes on. For Compton Heights, the agenda must be realistic
yet contain those “wish list” items that require long term planning and sustained
effort necessary to accomplish such goals. The agenda must balance multiple projects working at various stages without stretching too thin the time of those involved. The agenda must represent a consensus that can stand unparalyzed by the
harsh lashing of changing views and the minority opinion. I believe this organization should be focused on restoration, not just of physical structures but in building the personal relationships we share that make us a cohesive neighborhood. It
is around these principles that this Board is focused. At the Membership Meeting
on June 8, we invite you to participate and share in this ongoing discussion of the
future of your neighborhood.
Kurt E. Wolfgram
Inside: Garden Gazing Tuesdays (formerly “Weedless Wednesdays” and formerly
“Tootling Tuesdays!” * Vote on ByLaw Revision on June 8 * Do You Like to
Snoop? * New Board Member, Sharon Roberts * “Can You Dig It”?
Compton Heights Neighborhood Betterment Association
Board of Directors
Kurt Wolfgram, President
3525 Longfellow
314/771-1084 (Home)
Jim Orling, Beautification
3446 Hawthorne
314/771-7458 (Home)
Lindsay Barth, Vice President
3120 Hawthorne
314/773-4757 (Home)
Pam Coffin, Neighborhood Relations
2904 Accomac
314/773-4286 (Home)
Scott Jackson, Secretary
3101 Hawthorne
664-1959 (Home)
Richard Gaines, Fundraising
3439 Longfellow
314/771-5550 (Home)
314/444-1969 (Office)
Betty Lindsley, Treas. & Membership
3214 Longfellow
314/664-7741 (Home)
Bill Brush, Jr., Safety & Security
3025 Hawthorne
314/664-3694 (Home)
Jeanna Jackson, Real Estate & New
2914 Allen
314/664-1061 (Home)
Rick Constance, N’hood Standards
3247 Longfellow
314/772-8630 (Home)
Sharon Roberts, Neighborhood Relations
3125 Hawthorne
Kitty Swanger, Publications
3522 Hawthorne
314/776-7764 (Home)
FREE Compton Heights Concert Band’s Annual Memorial Day Concert!
Monday, May 30, 2005
Tower Grove Park, South Grand & Magnolia, St. Louis, MO
3:00 PM
Soloist: Robert Ellison, Baritone
Maybe you've noticed the three new red maples planted by the Forestry Division
along the Hawthorne side of the Grand Point. Also, a number of trees have been
planted around the Heights in the past few weeks. Write down or save this web site
to order free street trees from the City. Their planting season is about over for
now, but they'll be planting again this late fall.
Spring is officially here!! That means it's time to get dirty out in the yard and garden. Here are a few tips for May and June.
1. Pinch azaleas and rhododendron blossoms as they fade. Double flowered azaleas
need no pinching. Fertilize azaleas after bloom. Use a formulation which has an acid
2. Don't remove spring bulb foliage prematurely or next year's flower production will
decline. Either braid or rubberband daffodils to get them out of the way to make
room for annuals. Bulbs can be moved or divided as the foliage dies.
3. Plant summer bulbs such as caladiums, dahlias, cannas, elephant ears. Begin planting warm-season annuals. Begin fertilizing annuals. Continue at regular intervals.
4. Trees with a history of borer problems should receive their first spray now. Repeat twice at 3 week intervals.
5. Pinch back mums to promote bushy growth.
6. Birds eat many insect pests. Attract them to your garden by providing good nesting habitats.
(Continued on following page . . . .)
As the article in the 'special edition' newsletter indicated, we've been assured by the
City that the $15,000 grant for Compton Heights (Sixth Ward) can be used by us for
historic lighting. Once we can firm up the design and cost estimates we'll let you know.
There are 110 street lights throughout Compton Heights!! Think about donating to the
cost of a new light as a memorial to a friend or relative, or to celebrate an anniversary
or holiday. Jim Orling
1. Deadhead bulbs and spring flowering perennials as blossoms fade.
2. When night temperatures stay above 50 degrees, bring houseplants outdoors for
the summer. Check soil moisture daily during hot weather.
3. Apply a balanced rose fertilizer after the first show of blooms is past. Continue
spraying roses with a fungicide to prevent black spot disease.
4. Apply organic mulches as the soil warms. These will conserve moisture, discourage
weeds, and enrich the soil as they decay.
5. Prune spring flowering trees and shrubs before the month's end.
6. When using any gas powered equipment, be sure to allow the engine a few minutes
to cool before refilling empty fuel tanks.
Enjoy the warm days and cool nights!
Beautification Committee
Do You Like to Snoop?
Do you like to spend long quiet hours in dark, gloomy basements?? Do you like to discover interesting facts about historic places?? If so, then Compton Heights
Neighborhood needs you!! We need a few volunteers to continue the fantastic work
that Bev Cochran initiated for the Compton Heights house historical files. We need
volunteers to rummage around the archives at City Hall downtown looking up the original permits, plots, and records on our wonderful homes.
In addition to completing our files, we are asking all neighbors for COPIES of photos,
newspaper articles, magazine articles, and any other fun facts about the home that you
have. If you are interested in this research, please contact me for your
assignment. Even if you want to just research your own home, we will
take it!! If you have any material you would like to contribute, just drop
it by or mail it and I will make sure it is categorized and filed appropriately. Thanks!
Lindsay Barth, Historian
Call Take Action Personal
Training and Health Consulting
for all your fitness needs.
We’re your Local Fitness
Experts !
Sculpt & Stretch Classes are April 5th
through May 26th.
Water Aerobic Classes are coming June
through August. Call Jeanna at 308–4075 to
Real Estate Report as of April 13, 2005
3005 Allen
Orig. List
Sale Price
3222 Hawthorne
3408 Longfellow
3011 Hawthorne
2950 Milton
2911 Russell
Orig. List
New Price
3107 Russell
Orig. List
New Price
3118 Allen
Orig. List
New Price
For Sale by Owner
2909 Accomac
Orig. List
New Price
Garden Gazing Tuesdays
Share Your Patio or Garden with Your Neighbors
May 17 through June 7, 2005
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Garden Gazing Tuesdays are social events - not gardening
contests. They provide an opportunity to meet neighbors
and see neighborhood patios and gardens. They are a wonderful way for the entire
family to see the variety of formal and informal Compton Heights patios and gardens,
exchange gardening ideas, and -- most importantly -- meet and visit with neighbors.
Would you like to share your garden or patio with your neighbors? Contact Pam Coffin
or Sharon Roberts to sign up.
Balloons or signs will signify which patios and gardens are open on each Garden Gazing
Tuesday from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM. Gather the family and look for the balloons or
signs on Tuesdays beginning May 17!
May 17 -- Hawthorne & Longfellow east of Compton
May 24 -- Geyer, Allen & Russell
May 31 -- Accomac & Milton
June 7 -- Hawthorne & Longfellow west of Compton
To volunteer your patio or garden -- or if you have any questions, contact:
Pam Coffin at 588-2528 (work) or 773-4286 (home) or
Sharon Roberts at 664-8667 or
Thanks in advance to all who volunteer!
Easter—Cool Weather and “Cool” Easter Bunny!
The 30th Annual Easter Egg Hunt and Parade took place on Sunday March
27. It was chilly but it didn't rain. 68 children found about 750 eggs
in far less time than it took to "hide" them. The police escort was
late, so the parade took a shortened route, led by the Easter Bunny and President Kurt
Thanks to David & Betsy Carson, Sharon and Don Roberts, Dan Shelton, Kitty
Swanger, Terry Lueckenhoff and all of the neighbors who brought cookies or
cupcakes for their help with the event. Special thanks to Jim Orling for cleaning up
the Point.
The major dilemma of the day was deciding whether or not Easter Bunny could “talk”!
One young fan chatted with “EB” endlessly, while another was heard to say, “I didn’t
know the Easter Bunny could talk!” David Carson was our verrrrry “cool” Easter Bunny!
Easter Bunny (“EB”) and Fans! Photo by Betsy Carson
Wednesday, JUNE 8, 2005
The Annex at SqWires Restaurant and Market
All CHNBA members are cordially invited to attend the June 2005 Membership dinner and
meeting, to be held in the Annex at SqWires Restaurant on Wednesday, June 8, 2005. The
Annex entrance is on South 18th Street (around the corner from the SqWires Restaurant
entrance, which faces Park Avenue in Lafayette Square).
6:30 pm -- Cash Bar
7:00 pm -- Dinner
8:00 pm -- Business Meeting
MENU: Baby Spinach Salad; Chicken Breast Grilled with Herb Provencal; Garlic Cream Potatoes; Chocolate Blackout Cake & Kaldi’s coffee. A vegetarian dinner option is available if you
request it at the time of registration.
The cost for the dinner is $30.00 per person. ADVANCE REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED
If you do not register and pay for the dinner by May 27, or if you prefer not to join us for
dinner, please feel free to attend the Membership meeting at approximately 8 pm. Seating
will be available in the Annex.
THE MEETING. If you have not done so, you may pay your tax-deductible 2005 membership dues ($45.00 per household) with your dinner registration, or, if you want to attend the
Membership meeting only, you may pay your 2005 dues at the door.
Please return the form below to Sharon Roberts, 3125 Hawthorne, or Pam Coffin, 2904 Accomac, no later than Friday May 27. If you have questions about the dinner, call Pam at
Checks should be made payable to CHNBA.
_____ Dinners @ $30.00 per person
Total enclosed: $_______________
_____ Check here if you are paying your 2005 dues ($45.00) at this time.
Name(s): ___________________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________ Phone:___________________
Your Chance to Host a Tip-Top Fireworks
You will be regarded as the savviest party host in
town this Fourth of July weekend when you and 15 of your
friends watch the Fair Saint Louis fireworks from one of
St. Louis’ most spectacular views − atop the 170-foot-tall
Compton Hill Water Tower.
The Water Tower Park and Preservation Society is
raffling off a chance for you to win one of three private
parties, complete with light snacks and Ted Drewes Frozen Custard, in the Tower’s viewing platform during the
Fair Saint Louis fireworks displays on Sat., July 2; Sun.,
July 3; and Mon., July 4th.
The 360 degree view from the top of the historic
Tower stretches as far as Illinois and the Jefferson Barracks Bridge, with a spectacular view of downtown St.
Louis and the Gateway Arch. The Compton Hill Water
Tower is located at the Southeast corner of Highway 44
and South Grand Blvd. Parties start at 8:00 p.m., with
fireworks running from 9:00 – 9:45 p.m.
Raffle tickets are just $5 and can be purchased from
GEORGE THORNBURGH, our Compton Heights representative to the Water
Tower’s Board of Directors (Call George at 771-2086), or at the following locations:
· Gringo Jones Imports - 4468 Shaw Blvd.
· Botanicals on the Park - 3012 South Grand Blvd.
· Missouri Botanical Garden’s Garden Gate Shop - 4344 Shaw Blvd.
Tickets will be drawn on Mon., June 6th, and winners will be notified within seven
days. For more information, visit
Proceeds from the raffle will help support The Water Tower and Park Preservation
Society’s efforts to restore the Tower, which was built in 1898, and its surrounding
park to their original historic, Victorian splendor.
Safety and Security Report
03/09 31xx Russell Accident, car hit a fence and left the scene.
03/18 29xx Allen—Burglary 1st (residents were home at the time) 4:40 A.M. Residents heard a loud noise in their kitchen, which woke them up. Suspect only described as a black male wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt was leaning inside the
kitchen window reaching for a stereo. Suspect then scaled a 7 foot privacy fence.
03/20 31xx Allen—Burglary 2nd (residents not at home) between 9:00 P.M. and 8:00
A.M. Unknown suspect entered through the kitchen window and stole a wallet.
03/20 31xx Allen—Destruction of property Victim's tire on his vehicle was slashed.
03/23 19xx Longfellow Pl.—Attempted stealing of a motor vehicle
04/02 34xx Hawthorne—Accident 8:00 P.M. The driver of vehicle #2 stated that
vehicle #1 passed him on his left side at a high rate of speed. He further stated vehicle #1 swerved to the right to avoid striking a parked vehicle, at which time vehicle #2 was struck on the driver's side front corner of his vehicle.
04/11 29xx Milton—Burglary 2nd The basement door was forced open. Tools, and
bathroom and kitchen fixtures were stolen.
04/16 31xx Allen—Attempt Burglary 1st 9:15 P.M. Suspect attempted to gain entry
while residents were at home.
Bill Brush, Jr.
Four Distinguished Young Lads Are the Flag Bearers for the 30th Annual Easter
Celebration (Photo by Betsy Carson)
CH Board Welcomes Sharon Roberts!
Sharon Roberts is a very recent CH resident, having moved here with husband Don little more than a year ago. Since that time, they have opened their home for house
tours on two occasions. They “jumped into” the neighborhood with both feet!
Don said he would NEVER move to the City unless it was to Compton Heights. They had
a home in Jefferson County in a lovely wooded area--so they really never thought of
moving until one lovely Sunday morning in October 2003, they drove thru the neighborhood and noticed an "open house" at 3125 Hawthorne. And, as they say "the rest is
The couple was very glad to move back to South St. Louis, inasmuch as they have been
coming into the City for years— Muny, Fox, Tower Grove Park (including the Summer
concerts), and Botanical Garden. Sharon is on the Board of Operation S.P.O.T. (Stop
Pet Overpopulation Today) and GeesePeace St. Louis. Don is a volunteer at Jefferson
Barracks. They own Subway Sandwich Shops in DeSoto and Hillsboro, MO.
Don and Sharon were married in 1984 and “share” five children, love to travel and have
an RV. Their favorite places include National Parks, Europe and Civil War Battle
Fields. They also love their cats!
Welcome to the Board, Sharon, and welcome to Compton Heights, Sharon and Don!
Do You Want Neighbors & Friends to Know About Your Services?
At this time, our CH newsletter has limited circulation – residents and “Friends of
Compton Heights - but we invite you to consider an ad in the upcoming issues. It is our
goal to broaden the circulation to include neighboring residents and businesses. The
newsletter is published bi-monthly.
The Board of Directors recently adopted a policy related to advertising fees for businesses and “free” ads for not-for-profits. Advertising fees for one issue are as follows:
Business Card - $10.00
Quarter Page - $20.00
Half Page - $40.00
Full page - $80.00
Ads for inclusion in multiple issues per year will be discounted. Please call or e-mail
Kitty (776-7764) or ( if you are interested in advertising in the newsletter.
Our sympathy . . .
Mark Your Calendars!
Tuesday, May 17 thru June 7
(6:00—8:00 PM)—Garden Gazing
Tuesdays in Compton Heights!
Thursday, May 12—(7:30 PM) 3rd
District Public Affairs Meeting;
2832 Arsenal—5 Star Senior Center!
Monday, May 30 (3:00 PM) —
Compton Heights Band Concert in
Tower Grove Park!
Wednesday, June 8—Membership
Meeting at SqWires. (See accompanying info about a vote to
change the by-laws)!
to Karen Isbell, (3011 Longfellow)
whose husband Philip Alderman died suddenly
on April 9. Karen and Philip resided in CH for
more than 15 years and very active in its activities. Philip was an avid cyclist and retired
early from Defense Mapping Agency in 1995.
Bits ‘n Pieces . . . .
Ginger Austin, our new neighbor on Geyer, is a
co-owner of Van Goghz Martini Bar & Bistro.
Stop by 3200 Shenandoah and sample exquisite
drinks, superb appetizers, and sparkling desserts! (An interview with Ginger will appear in
the next issue of this newsletter.
Membership Meeting to Include Vote on By-Laws
As noted in a previous issue of the newsletter, at the December 2004 meeting, the Membership submitted sufficient signatures to the Board to provide for a Membership vote to
change the by-laws related to the amount of dues.
The current by-laws provide:
Section 3.5: Dues. Each member of the Corporation shall pay $45.00 for a one-year membership or $500.00 for a “lifetime” membership. “Friends” of Compton Heights shall pay
$45.00 per year. Dues shall be collected by the Treasurer of the Corporation. Dues must be
paid prior to the participation in a business meeting. New residents of the Compton Heights
District who join the Corporation after June 30 shall pay dues constituting fifty percent
(50%) of the amount of a one-year membership for the remainder of the first year.
The proposed by-laws provide:
Section 3.5: Dues. Each member of the Corporation shall pay $100.00 for a one-year
membership or $750.00 for a “lifetime” membership. “Friends” of Compton Heights shall pay
$100.00 per year. Dues shall be collected by the Treasurer of the Corporation. Dues must
be paid prior to the participation in a business meeting. New residents of the Compton
Heights District who join the Corporation after June 30 shall pay dues constituting fifty
percent (50%) of the amount of a one-year membership for the remainder of the first year.
Want to Join the Compton Heights Group Email Group?
Alyson Robinson, 3405 Hawthorne Boulevard, and Steve Crouch, 2902 Milton, are
the Moderators for the Compton Heights group email list. If you would like to be
added to this group and receive emails of neighborhood interest, please email the
following information to Alyson at
Your Name(s)
CH Street Address
Email address
Only Compton Heights residents and “Friends of Compton Heights" are on the
neighborhood Yahoo list. If you change your e-mail address, you also need to notify Alyson or Steve to maintain your status within the group.
A BIG Thanks . . . .
TO our CH residents who generously opened their homes for the Grand South
Grand Home & Garden Tour— Dan Shelton & Jon Davis and Sharon & Don Roberts!
TO Marilyn Horst for serving as the CH representative to the multi-neighborhood
tour and to all those who volunteered during the weekend’s events!
TO Sandy & Larry Koesterer for hosting the Friday night dinner for homeowners
on tour!
TO all residents who participated in Operation Blitz!
TO all neighbors who drive the correct way on our one-way streets AND within
posted speed limits!
TO all neighbors who obey the leash law and clean up after
their pets!
Plans are continuing to update the CH website, thanks to Board member Scott Jackson.
Check out the current site at