VMGA Web Minutes Aug 2011 - Jun 2012


VMGA Web Minutes Aug 2011 - Jun 2012
V MGA Minut es A ug 2 0 1 1 – J un 2 0 1 2 A ug us t 1 3 , 2 0 1 1 Oc t ober 8 , 2 0 1 1 [ p. 6 ] Dec em ber 8 , 2 0 1 1 [ p. 1 2 ] F ebruary 2 2 , 2 0 1 2 [ p.2 2 ] A pril 1 4 , 2 0 1 2 [ 2 6 ] J une 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 [ 3 2 ] VM GA, Inc. BI-­‐M ONTHLY BOARD M EETING AUGUST 13, 2011 GREENSPRING GARDENS, FAIRFAX COUNTY, VA HOSTED BY F airfax / Greens pring Mas t er Gardeners M EETING BROUGHT TO ORDER AT: 1 0 :1 0 am by Pres ident B ill S c ot t , Princ e William W ELCOME C y ndi B is hop, J oan Ric hards , S andra Reic hart , A g ent V C E ATTENDANCE A rling t on/ A lex andria J oe K elly C ent ral Rappahannoc k A nit a T ut t le C hes apeake Pinky Derieux C hes t erfield L y nne F oot e F airfax Georg e Graine, Elaine Hom s t ad, Mart y S ewell, Mis t y K uc eris , Diane Runnels F ranklin Nelda Purc ell Glouc es t er Ros ly n T harp Green S pring C y ndi B is hop, J oan Ric hards , C at hy B onner, K aren Ulans , Mary lou Wall, Paulet t e Rog t , S unny Greene, Mary J ane Medeiros , Renee J ohns on, Norm a S arg eant Hanov er C hris t y B rennan Hill C it y Deb S t raw J C C / Wm s bg A ng ela C ing ale, Marily n Riddle L ouis a T ina C haleki, Edna Mus s er, Penny C lark Newport News Peg g y F ox , A nit a S m it h Nort hern Nec k T ed Munns Princ e Georg e B arbara Geer M inutes— Peggy Fox, Newport News Due t o t he unc ert aint y t hat a quorum was pres ent at t he J une 2 0 1 1 board m eet ing , a m ot ion was m ade and s ec onded t o adjourn t hat m eet ing and beg in t he A ug us t m eet ing . Mot ion pas s ed. A ug us t m eet ing broug ht t o order at 1 0 :1 8 am . Treasurer’s Report— Jim Kincaid, VA Beach Report fig ures prov ided in hard c opy . Report is at t ac hed. STANDING COM MITTEE REPORTS Newsletter— Peggy Fox, Editor It was announc ed a new edit or for t he news let t er has been found: F ranc es Wall of A bing don. A rt ic les for t he news let t er are needed and s hould be s ent t o Peg g y by t he 2 0 th of t he m ont h. M embership— Christy Brennan, Hanover 2 7 4 m em bers hav e not y et renewed 3 1 3 hav e renewed 6 3 new m em bers 2 unit s paid t he m em bers hip fees for t heir new MGs 1 5 7 life m em bers 1 0 aux iliary m em bers 3 s us t aining m em bers V MGA unit repres ent at iv es m us t be m em bers of V MGA in order t o s erv e as a repres ent at iv e. Unit Support— Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam Dav e C los e report ed. Unit S upport Mem bers : Pat Reilly , K aren S ac as ky , Pinky Derieux , and F rank Reilly and whoev er els e we need. T he purpos e of t he Unit S upport C om m it t ee is t o help loc al Unit s wit h adm inis t rat iv e proc es s es and relat ions wit h V C E. We operat e by s haring inform at ion dev eloped eit her by t he c om m it t ee or at ot her loc al Unit s . Y ou c an s ee t he Unit s upport web pag es for inform at ion about t ax filing , t ax -­‐ex em pt proc es s es and ot her proc es s es . S inc e t he las t m eet ing we helped ex plain t he requirem ent s for t ax -­‐ex em pt s t at us t o a unit . T o be elig ible for t ax -­‐ex em pt s t at us t here are s ev eral requirem ent s . T he org aniz at ion m us t operat e under s om e t y pe of c hart er ( for ex am ple a C ons t it ut ion, B y -­‐
laws , or C hart er) . T he doc um ent m us t s pec ify t hat t he org aniz at ion is operat ing as a t ax -­‐ex em pt org aniz at ion. It m us t als o m ake a prov is ion about dis s olv ing t he org aniz at ion, and t hat prov is ion m us t s t ipulat e t hat t he as s et s of t he org aniz at ion will be dis t ribut ed t o anot her t ax -­‐ex em pt org aniz at ion. We rec om m end t hat y our Unit not s pec ify anot her org aniz at ion by nam e, bec aus e t hey m ay hav e c hang ed by t he t im e y our Unit dis s olv es . Communication Committee— Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam Dav e C los e report ed. Mem bers : Dawn Mey erriec ks t he webm as t er, C heri Hag g ert y , T om B olt , whoev er els e we c an g et . 1 . S inc e t he J une reg ularly s c heduled m eet ing t here hav e been 1 1 3 9 7 unique v is it ors t o V MGA .net . T hey v is it ed a t ot al of 1 9 1 2 2 pag es . T he v is it ors v is it bet ween 3 and 4 pag es pas t t he front pag e when t hey c om e, and c lic k on about 8 it em s per v is it . T his is a v ery fav orable “dwell t im e” t hat m os t c om m erc ial s it es would be proud t o hav e. 2 . S inc e t he J une reg ularly s c heduled m eet ing , t he web pag e has been updat ed on 1 7 4 s eparat e oc c as ions . 3 . T he m os t popular pag es in t he las t t wo m ont hs hav e been Endowm ent , Educ at ional Ev ent s , C alendar, “A bout V MGA ” and Mem bers hip; but m ore t han 6 8 % of our pag e v iews c om e in t hroug h t he front pag e. 4 . F rank Reilly is c urrent ly ac c ept ing c hang es t o t he c alendar. 5 . Mem bers hip A pplic at ions are av ailable on-­‐line at t he Mem bers hip pag e. Education Committee— Barbara Geer, Prince George Nelda Purc ell report ed. T wo ev ent s c om ing up: • S ept em ber 2 4 , 2 0 1 1 C ult iv at ing C om m unit y F ood S y s t em s Roc king ham C ount y A dm inis t rat ion C ent er, Harris onburg , V A L ink t o applic at ion c an be found on V MGA webs it e educ at ion pag e for C om m unit y F ood S y s t em s . • Oc t ober 2 2 Wat erwis e L ands c aping S kelt on 4 -­‐H C ent er, S m it h Mount ain L ake Planning for MG Day at V S U is in t he works . It will be held F ebruary 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 at V S U. T he c om m it t ee m et A ug us t 8 wit h new c om m it t ee m em bers . T hey are looking for ideas . State Fair 2011— Christy Brennan, Hanover T he S t at e F air will run S ept em ber 2 9 t hroug h Oc t ober 9 . Dat es t o v olunt eer are s t ill av ailable. Pleas e c ont ac t C hris t y . Phot os of MGs working wit h c hildren or c om m unit y are needed. S he is looking for bug dis play s from a unit willing t o lend it out for t he fair. V olunt eering at t he fair is well wort h t he effort . SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS VCE State MG Coordinator Endowment— Bill Scott, Prince W illiam C om m it t ee m em bers : B et t y V illers , V A B eac h; B ill S c ot t ; Dav id Mim m s , Roc kbridg e. T he av erag e am ount of m oney rais ed eac h y ear t hroug h t he MG C olleg e S ilent A uc t ion is $ 3 0 0 0 . We are looking for a lis t of c orporat ions t o s olic it for funding t o t he endowm ent . A m em ber s ug g es t ed part nering wit h nurs ery as s oc iat ions and t he Int ernat ional S oc iet y of A rboris t s ( IS A ) . Dav e C los e report ed t hat relat ions hips are being built wit h independent g arden c ent ers . When MGs are as s is t ing c lient s at t he Help Des k or a plant c linic , as k t he c lient ( s ) t o t ell t heir nurs ery / g arden c ent er t hat a V C E Mas t er Gardener s ent t hem t o g et a s pec ific plant . T his c an help rais e awarenes s of Mas t er Gardeners in t he c om m unit y . VA Green Industry Council— New c hairpers on for t his c om m it t ee will be c onfirm ed s oon. Fundraising— P. Diane Relf Education Endowment Fund— T here was one anony m ous donor t o t he fund. It was rec om m ended by A nit a S m it h, Newport News t o m ake s ure t he unit ag ent s g et word of t he s c holars hip applic at ion. Georg e Graine, F airfax , m ent ioned t hat m ore unit s are t aking c are of t heir own unit v olunt eers t o at t end MG C olleg e. F ran S helt on, V A B eac h: one rec ipient did not at t end C olleg e. Will t he m oney g o bac k t o t he endowm ent ? Y ES C hris t y B rennan, Hanov er: Ov er $ 1 0 0 0 was c ollec t ed from donat ions m ade by Mas t er Gardeners . B arbara Geer, Princ e Georg e: T here are m any ques t ions about t he bas is of how s c holars hips are awarded. Perhaps t he inform at ion c an be inc luded in t he news let t er. Finance Committee— Bill Scott, Prince W illiam T he budg et for F Y 2 0 1 2 was pres ent ed at t he V MGA A nnual m eet ing . T he audit c om m it t ee was headed by Deb S t raw. Committee chair changes— Bill Scott B ill announc ed t he following c hang es : Educ at ion C om m it t ee Y olan William s C at hy S t uart C at hy F rain Gwen Pot e B arbara Geer, B et t y J o Hendric ks and Ira Wallac e will rem ain ac t iv e as adv is ors . News let t er F ranc es Wall, B edford Mem bers hip L inda S ilv er, Newport News . We are hoping s he’ll be able t o t ake ov er in t he fall F undrais ing Ros ly n T harp, Glouc es t er LUNCH DOORPRIZES Extension Liaison— Dave Close, M G Coordinator, VCE 1 . MG C olleg e was s uc c es s ful by m os t ac c ount s ; we s hould end t he c onferenc e in t he blac k t his y ear; approx im at ely 1 9 5 reg is t ered at t endees . 2 . Urban Nut rient Manag em ent ( UNM) in-­‐s erv ic e c oinc ided wit h MG C olleg e; it was rec ent ly found out t hat our Ex t ens ion MG UNM prog ram s being m anag ed by Ex t ens ion s t aff, who are c ert ified by t he Dept . of C ons erv at ion and Rec reat ion ( DC R) as UNM planners , would c ount in t he C hes apeake B ay Model ( num ber of t urf ac res under nut rient m anag em ent ) . A s a res ult of dis c ov ering t his , a m eet ing bet ween Dr. Mike Goat ley , Dr. Greg Ev any lo, Dav e, Dr. J ones and Dr. C at hy S ut phin was org aniz ed t o dis c us s V C E’s c ont inued inv olv em ent wit h UNM, addit ional t raining res ourc es , and ideas about lev erag ing our s upport of DC R for pot ent ial funding from DC R in t he fut ure 3 . J oy c e L at im er held a planning m eet ing wit h t he PMG Des ig n T eam t o dis c us s t he 2 0 1 2 PMG; we are s hoot ing for an earlier releas e in 2 0 1 2 t han we had for 2 0 1 1 ; hope t o c ont inue inc orporat ing addit ional s ug g es t ions / c hang es t hat hav e been rec om m ended 4 . V olunt eer Manag em ent S y s t em ( V MS ) is in t he proc es s of rec ruit ing m ore unit s t o t es t t he new s y s t em ; S arah K elly has c reat ed a S c holar s it e t o hous e V MS doc um ent s , t ut orials , and ot her res ourc es ; m os t of t hes e res ourc es hav e been c reat ed by t he firs t g enerat ion of t es t unit s ; hope t o fully roll out by t he end of 2 0 1 2 . 5 . MG C olleg e 2 0 1 2 – 2 5 th A nniv ers ary of MG C olleg e; J une 1 9 -­‐2 4 6 . 2 0 1 2 Int ernat ional MG C onferenc e – Oc t ober 1 1 -­‐1 5 in C harles t on, WV ; c urrent ly t here are 5 0 part ic ipant s from V A ; approx im at ely 3 0 of t hos e reg is t ered are V C E MG v olunt eers ; Dav e, F rank Reilly and B arb S t ewart ( from t he Nat ional Park S erv ic e) will be g iv ing a pres ent at ion on our S m art Y ard C are book 7 . A ls o in Oc t ober, Dav e will be t rav eling t o L ondon t o part ic ipat e in a panel dis c us s ion during t he Int ernat ional L eaders hip A s s oc iat ion m eet ing ; he will be t alking about v olunt eer leaders hip in t he c ont ex t of t he Ex t ens ion Mas t er Gardener prog ram 8 . Online m odules are t o be dev eloped for t he MG t raining ; B edford jus t c om plet ed t heir pilot t raining us ing as y nc hronous m odules ; t hey s t art ed wit h 5 enrolled but ended up wit h 1 3 who c om plet ed t he m odule t raining and pas s ed t he ex am ; Dav e will be working wit h B edford in t he dev elopm ent of s t at ewide m odules ; t hey are planning for t heir s ec ond t raining 9 . MG C olleg e A dv is ory T eam will be m eet ing in m id-­‐S ept em ber t o beg in work on our 2 5 th A nnual MG C olleg e President’s Report— Bill Scott, Prince W illiam T he V MGA webs it e is our s ec ond priorit y for t his y ear. Goal is t o g et it updat ed. We are looking for help from v olunt eers who hav e IT ex perienc e. Perhaps t he A s s oc iat ion needs it s own s erv er. We c urrent ly operat e under F rank Reilly . Ques t ion: Has as king a s t udent t o m aint ain t he s it e ev er been c ons idered? Silent Auction— Betty Villers, VA Beach One hundred ninet y s ix ( 1 9 6 ) it em s were donat ed for auc t ion. T hirt y s ev en ( 3 7 ) plant s were rec eiv ed from B eaut iful Gardens . We had 6 0 buy ers . $ 3 3 4 5 was rais ed for t he V C E S t at e MG C oordinat or Endowm ent . T he Raffle rais ed $ 2 2 1 for t he Endowm ent . T he raffle it em was a handm ade hy pert ufa fount ain by S helby S nider of Roanoke. A ddit ional v olunt eers t his y ear were prov ided by S uffolk, J C C / Wm s bg , Roanoke, Princ e William , and V A B eac h. Nex t y ear: V A B eac h will av ailable t o as s is t nex t y ear’s unit who t akes on running t he auc t ion for 2 0 1 2 . Unit Reports— B rief Unit report s were prov ided by t he following unit repres ent at iv es : J C C / Wm s bg — Marily n Riddle/ A ng ela C ing ale Newport News — A nit a S m it h V A B eac h— B et t y V illers C hes apeake— Pinky Derieux F airfax — Georg e Graine Greens pring — C y ndi B is hop/ J oan Ric hards Hill C it y — Deb S t raw L ouis a/ C ent ral V A — T ina C halec ki C hes t erfield— L y nn F oot e Princ e Georg e— B arbara Geer Nort hern Nec k— T ed Munns Roanoke— L ewis S hont el F ranklin— Nelda Purc ell A rling t on— J oe K elly Roc kbridg e— Dav id Mim m s Hanov er— C hris t y B rennan S uffolk— Wanda Gerard UNFINISHED BUSINESS: NEW BUSINESS: Nex t V MGA m eet ing will be held on Oc t ober 8 by t he Roanoke and New Riv er V alley MGs Meet ing adjourned at 1 :2 3 pm . Res pec t fully s ubm it t ed, Peg g y F ox , V MGA S ec ret ary Virginia M aster Gardener Association, Inc. Bi-­‐ M onthly M eeting October 8, 2011 Roanoke, New River Valley M aster Gardeners (Draft) Attendance: (Arlington, Alexandria) Joe Kelly; (Alton: SSMG/Halifax) Charles and Loretta Stallard; (Bedford) Pat Waring; (Gloucester) Roslyn Tharp; (Green Spring) Joan Richards; (Hanover) Christy Brennan; ( J am es C it y C ount y / William s burg ) A ng ela C ing ale (Louisa) Tina Chaleki ; (Prince George) Barbara Geer; (Prince William) Janet and Bill Scott; (Rockbridge) David Mims; (Roanoke) Kathryn Debnar, Mildred McDuffie, Bonnie Surface, Barbara Bricks, Chas Anderson, Jack Frankel, Kathy Reid, Becky Stinett, Pat Stackhouse, Pat Jordon; (VA Beach) Jim and Mary Anne Kincaid, Paul Campbell; ( VCE/VA Tech ) Dave Close. VMGA meeting was called to order at 10:10am by President Bill Scott. Kathryn Debnar, the Roanoke VMGA representative, welcomed everyone to Roanoke and introduced Sheri Dorn, the VCE Extension Agent. Sheri welcomed everyone to Roanoke and they were glad to host the VMGA meeting. Sherri thanked Kathryn Debnar for a wonderful job in organizing the meeting; she also thanked the Roanoke Master Gardeners for volunteering to help with the meeting. Introductions went around the room. M inutes-­‐ Peggy Fox Peg g y was not pres ent ; approv al of t he m inut es from t he A ug us t 1 3 m eet ing will be deferred t o t he nex t bi-­‐m ont hly m eet ing . Treasurer’s Report – Jim Kincaid Jim presented copies of the treasurers report, there have been no significant expenses incurred. The treasurer’s report was accepted as read and will be filed for audit. The report is attached at the end of this document Standing Committee Reports: Newsletter-­‐ Peggy Fox-­‐ Content Editor, Dawn M eyerriecks-­‐ Layout Editor Neither was present. - Rem inder t hat unit report s s hould be s ent t o C hris t y B rennan, by t he 2 4 t h of eac h m ont h aft er t he V MGA m eet ing . M embership – C hris t y B rennan, T em porary C hair A s hort s urv ey and V MGA B roc hure and applic at ion were s ent t o all pas t m em bers had not renewed t heir m em bers hip for 2 0 1 1 . Mem bers were s ent a renewal form , and t he s urv ey whic h inc luded t he following ques t ions : Pleas e let us know why y ou hav e c hos en not t o renew y our m em bers hip: pos s ible reas ons inc lude: L ac k of res ourc es ( financ ial or ot her) L ac k of s upport unit s upport , m em bers hip s upport , educ at ional opport unit ies Uns ure of where V A c ooperat iv e ex t ens ion and t he prog ram is headed in t he fut ure. Ot her c onc erns wit h V C E Org aniz at ional C onc erns ( leaders hip) : T his v ent ure c os t $ 2 0 6 .1 1 C opies of form , s urv ey and let t ers , env elopes and s t am ps . Ov er 2 4 0 let t ers s ent : Res ult ed in 2 0 m em bers hip renewals in A ug and 3 4 renewals in S ept em ber, 7 renewals in Oc t . T here were 4 m em bers who had paid dues and had not been updat ed in t he s pread s heet and were unhappy about m y lac k of s preads heet ex perienc e, and I would like t o form ally apolog iz e t o t hem and ot her MG’s t hat did not inform m e t hat I had m ade a m is t ake. T wo m em bers hav e m ov ed out of V irg inia and are not renewing . Mos t m em bers t hat c om plet ed t he s urv ey report ed t hat t hey were unaware t hat t he m em bers hip needed t o be renewed and did not c it e any of t he ot her reas ons pres ent ed on t he s urv ey . Ot her c om m ent s : One m em ber s t at ed t hat due t o t he ec onom y t hey had elec t ed not t o renew any m em bers hips . One m em ber rec om m ended t hat we s hould foc us m ore on hort ic ult ure, inform at ion and res ourc es on our web s it e and hort ic ult ure inform at ion ins t ead of polit ic s . Mem bers are rem inded about dues in t he news let t er and during MG C olleg e. It m ig ht be a g ood idea for V MGA applic at ion t o be inc luded in t he MG C olleg e and Mini-­‐ educ at ion ex perienc e ag endas and s c hedules and hav e May m em bers hip rem inders pos t ed on t he web s it e. A s of Oc t 5 , 2 0 1 1 6 8 9 Mem bers 4 2 0 A c t iv e m em bers 1 0 A ux iliary m em bers 1 5 9 L ifet im e m em bers 3 Em erit us 1 7 6 m em bers hav e not renewed m em bers hip for 2 0 1 1 -­‐2 0 1 2 Peas e let C hris t y and B ill know if y ou are int eres t ed or know of s om eone who would like t o v olunt eer as t he Mem bers hip c hair. Unit Support -­‐ Frank Reilly, Chair Mem bers : Pat Reilly , K aren S ac as ky , Pinky Derieux , and whoev er els e we need. F rank was not pres ent and no report was s ubm it t ed. Communication Committee -­‐ Frank Reilly, Chair Members: Kathryn Debnar, Betsy Lyon, and whoever else we can get. F rank was not pres ent and no report was s ubm it t ed. Education Committee: Barbara Geer Mem bers : B et t y J o Hendrix , Ira Wallac e, B arbara Geer, Mildred Mc Duffie ( and a num ber of ot hers who as s is t at t he C E prog ram s ) . Welc om e t o new m em bers : Pat L us t ( F arm v ille) , Y olan William s ( Monroe) , K at hy S t ewart ( S t . Paul) , K at hy F ram e ( F airfax ) , Gwen Pot e ( S t afford) , S herry K ern ( V A . B eac h) Ev ent s : “C om m unit y F ood S y s t em s ”, S ept 2 4 , in Harris onburg was t he m odel of what an ev ent s hould be: full part ic ipat ion by C S V MGA and t heir ag ent , A m ber V allot t on: v aried and c om plet e dis c us s ions of all t he int erfac ing elem ent s and how t he c om m unit y banded t og et her t o m ake t he m os t of t heir res ourc es . A c t iv e part ic ipat ion in s m all g roup s es s ions -­‐plus a wonderful “t hem ed” lunc h wit h dec orat ions s t raig ht from t he loc al F arm er’s Market m ade t his prog ram an all around winner. F ut ure Ev ent s 2 0 1 2 MG Day at V S U S at urday , F ebruary 2 5 , 2 0 1 2 at V irg inia S t at e Univ ers it y , Pet ers burg , V A . F oc us ing on “F ood from F ield t o t he T able” ( from produc t ion t o nut rit ional v alues ) . Inc ludes s es s ions on pollinat ors , s t art ing s c hool g ardens , t he S out hern V irg inia B ot anic al Garden and s oc ial m edia for MG’s . Reg is t rat ion form s t o be av ailable by m id Dec em ber open t o J anuary 2 , 2 0 1 2 . In t he works : at leas t one s pring and one fall C E ev ent . We are s t ill in s earc h of s om eone t o bec om e t he c hair of t his c om m it t ee. Pleas e c ont ac t B arbara Geer or B ill S c ot t if int eres t ed. Special Committee Reports: M G Coordinator Endowment: Mem bers : Dawn L erc h, B et t y V illers , K at hry n Debnar, B ill S c ot t , Dav e C los e T he C om m it t ee has not been ac t iv e. B ill would like t o rec ruit m ore m em bers . T he c om m it t ee needs bus ines s c ont ac t s t o obt ain c ont ribut ions -­‐ pleas e inform t he c om m it t ee if y ou know of any c ont ac t s . A c om m it t ee m eet ing will be s et s oon and will as s ig n a c hairm an. B ill would like t he c om m it t ee t o will dev elop a long rang e plan. Pleas e let B ill K now if y ou are int eres t ed in s erv ing on t his c om m it t ee. Virginia Green Industry Council: Dawn Lerch Dawn was not pres ent at t he m eet ing , no report s ubm it t ed. Finance Committee – Members: Jim Kincaid (Virginia Beach), Nancy Golden (Goochland/ Powhatan), Bill Scott (Fairfax) T ed was not pres ent at t he m eet ing , but B ill S c ot t report ed t hat t here is not m uc h g oing on wit h t he c om m it t ee as of now. Fundraising: Roslyn Tharp -­‐ Chair Roz is t he new c hair of t his c om m it t ee. S he would like t o g et feedbac k on what new it em s t he g roup would like t o s ell. S he dis ribut ed a flier of a c offee m ug in t he s hape of a flower pot t o s ee if t here was enoug h int eres t t o purs ue. S he would like t o binig t he wines g als s es bac k but will dis c us s wit h Dav e C los e. Roz wondered if we c ould updat e t he V MGA web s it e wit h Pay pal and a s y s t em for elec t ronic c ards . Roz will c om pos e an art ic le for t he nex t V MGA news let t er. P. Diane Relf Education Endowment Fund: Paul Campbell -­‐ Chair Paul will beg in t o s elec t new c om m it t ee m em bers and dis c us s way s t o educ at e unit reps , Ex t ens ion A g ent s and Mas t er Gardeners about t he av ailibit it y of s c holars hips . C om m it t ee will be c om pris ed of pas t rec ipient s of t he s c holars hip. State Fair: Christy Brennan T he F air is in full s wing and will end on Oc t 9 th. A t t endanc e has been down during t he c old s nap but prom is es t o pic k up as t he weat her warm s . T he MG boot h s t affing is g oing well. MG’s from 1 5 c ount ies and 9 unit s are part ic ipat ing . A v erag e c ont ac t s : 5 0 0 per 4 hour s hift ; weekends hav e report ed m any m ore c ont ac t s . Extension Liaison -­‐ Dave Close, M G Coordinator VCE Friday Sept 23rd, 2011 it was annouced that Dr Roger Harris is offically the Chair of the Horticluture Department, effective Oct 1st. A survey was released Friday by e-­‐mail seeking input/ feedback of the 2011 Home, Grounds, and Animals PMG. Tuesday October 18th from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, the second VMS (Volunteer Mangement System) training will be held at the Bedford County Extension office . We have 6-­‐10 new units coming on board with the new system. The 2012 International MG Conference is October 11-­‐15 in Charleston, West VA. MGCAT met on Setptember 12th to begin planning for the 25th Annual MG College; we have brainstormed our keynote speakers, concurrent sessions, tours and workshops. We will likey be focusing on the quality of all sessions instead of quanity. We hope to pull in more sponsors and a trade-­‐
show will be added on Thursday during the conference. Special 25th Anniversary events will be announced. Mark your calenders June 19th-­‐ 24th 2012, Tree Steward Program. Dr. Jones has announced the following: 1. VCE wil launch a national search for an ANR Director ( this postion has been vacant for 2 years). 2. Dr. Brian Calhoun has been appointed Associate Director of FCS and will lead the dlevelopement of a statewide reporting system to accurately collect and document the total impact by VCE. 3. Community Viability specialist will be transitioned to acedemic departments to improve the connection to faculty and improve capacity building potential for the respective programs. 4. Caroline and King George counties are being moved from the Southeastern District to the Northern District. T he s um m er is s ue of In Season is now av ailable online. T his is s ue inc ludes an art ic le about MG C olleg e, t he nem at ode lab on c am pus , t he new V MS , and an updat e on t he MG Endowm ent . V C E is m ov ing forward wit h hiring 2 5 new ag ent s s t at ewide; s ev eral pos it ions hav e already been pos t ed ( around 1 1 ) , t he rem aining 1 4 will be pos t ed in S ept em ber/ Oc t ober. T his is in addit ion t o filling 6 v ac anc ies . F or m ore inform at ion and announc em ent s about V C E v is it t he new webs it e: ht t p:/ / fut ure.ex t .v t .edu President’s Report: Bill Scott B ill pas s ed around a lis t of V MGA C om m it t ees for 2 0 1 1 -­‐2 0 1 2 C oordinat or Endowm ent : Dawn L erc h, Wes ley F ord, B et t y V illers K at hry n Debnar, B ill S c ot t , Dav id Mim s , Dav e C los e F undrais ing : Ros ly n T harp-­‐ C hair A udit : Deb S t raw C hair, Mag g ie Mc Goug h F inanc e: B ill S c ot t , Pat Waring , J im K inc aid Education: Chair Needed B arbara Geer, B et t y J o Hendrix , Ira Wallac e, Y olan William s , K at hy S t ewart , K at hy F ram e, Gwen Pot e, Pat ric ia L us t , S herry K ern Diane Relf Educ at ion Endowm ent : Marg aret B as ford-­‐C hair; J ac k Pric e M embership: Chair Needed C hris t y B rennan-­‐t em porary . C hair-­‐ L inda S ilv er News let t er: Peg g y F ox C hair, F ranc es Wall, J im Dav is Nom inat ing C om m it t ee: Paul C am pbell, C hair; J oe K elly , Marily n Riddle B ill as ked for a m ot ion t o approv e t hes e c om m it t ees . Mot ion m ade, s ec onded and pas s ed. V MGA s t ill has s ev eral v olunt eer opport unit ies open wit h t hes e c om m it t ees , pleas e let B ill know if y ou are int eres t ed. Unit Reports: B ill ent ered a dis c us s ion on t he his t ory of unit report s . S ubm it t ed bi-­‐m ont hly c arefully edit ed and ent ered in t he news let t ers . S om e were ups et t hat t he report s were edit ed for s pac ing in t he news let t er, and t hen t he report s hav e been s ubm it t ed and pos t ed in t heir ent iret y on t he web s it e, but not in a t im ely m anner. B ill as ked for s ug g es t ions . T he unit reps were as ked t o s end t heir report s t o C hris t y B rennan by t he 2 4 t h of eac h m ont h. C hris t y is working on a new report t em plat e. T hey will be pos t ed at www.V MGA .net Unfinished Business-­‐ C harles S t allard s ug g es t ed dev eloping an annual report of news wort hy it em s for inc orporat ion int o a pam phlet or broc hure t o us e for educ at ing deleg at es , t he g eneral as s em bly and ot hers . T he financ e c om m it t ee c om plet ed 2 0 1 1 audit report May 3 1 st. T he c om m it t ee res ult s rec orded t hat all rec ords were ac c urat e and c orrec t ly repres ent ed V MGA bus ines s May 2 0 1 0 t hroug h May 2 0 1 1 . A m ot ion was m ade, s ec onded and pas s ed t o ac c ept t he report . B ill is s t ill looking for v olunt eers t o help wit h updat ing t he V MGA webs it e. C urrent ly t he web s it e is hos t ed by F rank Reilly . Pleas e let B ill know if y ou are int eres t ed or know s om eone who c an help wit h updat ing t he web s it e and g et t ing our own s erv er. T his is an im port ant im pres s ion and “fac e” for V MGA and needs t o be updat ed on a m ore frequent bas is . New Business: Nex t V MGA m eet ing will be held on, Dec 1 0 th 1 0 :0 0 a.m . at t he S out h B os t on Mus eum in Halifax Pleas e let B ill know if y our unit is int eres t ed in hos t ing V MGA m eet ing in 2 0 1 2 . Meet ing adjourned at 1 :2 0 p.m . Res pec t fully s ubm it t ed, C hris t y B rennan, V MGA V ic e Pres ident VM GA, INC BI-­‐M ONTHLY BOARD M EETING DECEM BER 8, 2011 SOUTH BOSTON, VA HOS T ED B Y S OUT HS IDE MA S T ER GA RDENER A S S OC IA T ION ATTENDANCE Officers: Pres ident : B ill S c ot t , Princ e William V ic e Pres ident : C hris t y B rennan-­‐Hanov er S ec ret ary : Peg g y F ox -­‐Newport News T reas urer: J im K inc aid-­‐V irg inia B eac h Pas t Pres ident : B et t y V illers -­‐V irg inia B eac h V C E S t at e MG C oordinat or: Dav e C los e-­‐V T Unit Reps and VM GA M embers: Arlington/Alexandria: J oe K elly Bedford: Pat Waring Central Virginia: T ina C haleki Chesterfield: L y nne F oot e Franklin: Nelda Purc ell Gloucester: B onnie B ernard Green Spring: J oan Ric hards Hill City: Deborah S t raw JCC/W msbg: Marily n Riddle, A ng ela C ing ale Newport News: A nit a S m it h Prince George: B arbara Geer, C hery l S ebera Roanoke: K at hry n Debnar Rockbridge: Dav id Mim m s Virginia Beach: Mary A nn K inc aid, B et t y V illers Southside: Dean Pay ne, Mary S m it h, Edna Gut hrie, William Roy s t er, J oani L ay m an, K at hy C ornell, L ori Ham let t , Doc C lark, S hirley A rc her, C harles S t allard, L oret t a S t allard, J oan Whit t Eliz abet h Ov ert on, B arbara Roy s t er, J ewel Giles Peg g y B urt on, A g nes Greg ory , J udy S t ot lar, C arol Nels on, Meredit h B owm an, Pauline Dec ker, Day le B erg er, Pat L us t Meet ing was c alled t o order at 1 0 :0 5 am W elcome by: C harles S t allard, V MGA Unit Rep and Pres ident of S out hern V irg ina B ot anic al Gardens L ori Ham let t , S out hs ide Mas t er Gardeners Unit Introductions Unit Reps and V MGA m em bers ident ified t hem s elv es , t heir unit s and any V MGA offic e held. T he Unit repres ent at iv e ros t er was pas s ed around and repres ent at iv es were as ked t o updat e inform at ion and ret urn t he form t o Peg g y F ox . MINUT ES OF T HE DEC EMB ER 8 , 2 0 1 1 MEET ING C orrec t ion t o m inut es : A ng ela C ing ale, J C C / Wm s bg was om it t ed from at t endanc e ros t er. Mot ion m ade t o ac c ept m inut es wit h c orrec t ion, s ec onded and approv ed. TREASURER’S REPORT –Jim Kincaid, VA Beach Report was approv ed as pres ent ed and will be filed for audit . STANDING COM MITTEE REPORTS NEW SLETTER – Peggy Fox, Newport News, Content Editor A n apolog y was m ade t o t he m em bers hip for t he abs enc e of t he Oc t / Nov is s ue of T he Report . It was not publis hed. S end art ic les t o Peg g y F ox by t he 2 0 t h of t he m ont h in whic h t he bim ont hly board m eet ing is held. ( F eb/ A pr/ J une/ A ug / Oc t / Dec ) Unit report s are av ailable on t he V MGA webs it e. M EM BERSHIP— Christy Brennan, Hanover t ot al m em bers hip c om pris ed of: 5 1 6 ac t iv e 1 1 aux iliary 1 5 9 lifet im e 3 em erit us UNIT SUPPORT – Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam No report . COM M UNICATIONS – Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam No report . EDUCATION – Barbara Geer, Co-­‐Chair, Prince George; K at hy F ram e, B arbara Geer, Pat L us t , Gwen Pot e, K at hy S t ewart , Y olan William s T hank y ou t o T ina C haleki who v olunt eered t o help wit h planning of MG Day V S U. T wo prog ram s rec ent ly held: S ept em ber Harris onburg : Oc t ober F ranklin C ount y : Wat erwis e L ands c aping S A V E T HE DA T E F eb 2 5 3 rd A nnual MG Day at V S U Reg is t rat ion av ailable s oon SPECIAL COMMITTEE REPORTS M G COORDINATOR ENDOW M ENT FUND B ill S c ot t report ed on behalf of t he c om m it t ee. T he fundrais ing c om m it t ee rais es m oney for V MGA . Ov er t he pas t few y ears , m oney rais ed from t he s ale of t -­‐s hirt s and ot her it em s has been des ig nat ed t o be c ont ribut ed t o t he c oordinat or endowm ent fund. T he MG C oordinat or Endowm ent F und C om m it t ee foc us es it s energ y on rais ing m oney s pec ific ally for t he c oordinat or endowm ent . B en Grov e, V T F oundat ion, report ed t o B ill t hat V T has c los ed out it s billion dollar c apit al c am paig n. Ques t ions : Mary A nn K inc aid, V A B eac h: Do we hav e a c om m it t ee? B ill: Y es . Will plan t o m eet in J anuary . Mary A nn: s ug g es t ed V MGA dev elop a new c am paig n, s im ilar t o “$ 5 0 for 5 ” whic h was run s ev eral y ears ag o. People c an pledg e t o donat e any dollar am ount for a 5 y ear period. Dav e C los e, V C E: T here has been dis c us s ion wit h Dawn L erc h t o prom ot e s ug g es t ed g iv ing lev els . VA GREEN INDUSTRY COUNCIL – Dawn Lerch, Hanover T he c ounc il c ons is t s of any bus ines s in t he “g reen” indus t ry . No report P. DIANE RELF EDUCATION ENDOW M ENT FUND— M argie Bassford, Loudoun; Jack Price, Four County B ill S c ot t report ed. A ddit ional m em bers are needed for t his c om m it t ee. T he c om m it t ee is c om pris ed of form er MG C olleg e s c holars hip rec ipient s . Work beg ins in J anuary . Prom ot ion of t he s c holars hip will be a priorit y . S elec t ion is bas ed on m erit wit h t he ex c ept ion of 2 0 1 1 . A s c holars hip was awarded t o one v olunt eer bas ed on need. C om m ent s : Mary A nn K inc aid, V A B eac h: public iz e t he s c holars hip in t he news let t er; inc lude t he proc es s of applic at ion and s elec t ion. B et t y V illers , V A B eac h: t he c om m it t ee s elec t s rec ipient s from larg e unit , s m all unit … Deb S t raw, Hill C it y : t he dut y of t he unit repres ent at iv e t o s hare t he inform at ion. Rec ipient is res pons ible for c om plet ing applic at ion and s ubm it t ing it t o t heir ag ent or c oordinat or. B ill S c ot t : S ug g es t ed V MGA prov ide a s c holars hip bas ed on need Deb S t raw: Giv e c om m it t ee lat it ude t o pay for one applic ant who is in need and would g reat ly benefit from at t ending B ill S c ot t : Money has been donat ed t o be applied t oward s c holars hips B ill Mc C aleb, S out hs ide: S c holars hips are av ailable t o all MGs A ng ela C ing ale, J C C / Wm s bg : C an applic at ion and c rit eria be s ent t o unit repres ent at iv es ? K at hry n Debnar, Roanoke: I will c om pos e an art ic le for t he news let t er. J im K inc aid, V A B eac h: $ 8 0 0 in budg et for s c holars hip C hris t y B rennan, Hanov er: $ 3 0 0 has been donat ed t o dat e. Georg e Graine: A pplic at ions are t o be c om plet ed by t he Ex t ens ion A g ent or t he MG Unit C oordinat or. FINANCE-­‐Jim Kincaid, Bill Scott, Pat W are No ac t iv it y at t his t im e. FUNDRAISING-­‐Ros Thorp, Gloucester S he is int eres t ed in new ideas for it em s t o offer for s ale. Rec ent ly plac ed orders are av ailable for pic k-­‐up. STATE FAIR— Christy Brennan, Hanover T he S t at e F air has ent ered int o C hapt er 1 1 . 2 0 1 1 at t endanc e was g ood. V C E and Hanov er MGs s pons or t he MG B oot h. MGs from t went y c ount ies s t affed t he boot h. T hank y ou t o y ou all. V is it ors S ept 2 9 -­‐Oc t 9 : 2 7 0 ,0 0 0 C ont ac t s : 1 6 ,0 5 5 MG V olunt eers : 1 6 5 C om bined hours of s erv ic e: 9 5 4 Dis play s inc luded: s t ream t able by Hanov er S oil & Wat er, ins ec t s B onnie B ernard, Glouc es t er: K udos t o Hanov er MGs for a job well done. EXECUTIVE OFFICER NOM INATING COM M ITTEE-­‐Joe Kelly, M arilyn Riddle, Paul Campbell Nom inat ions for V ic e Pres ident and S ec ret ary hav e been m ade. S t ill looking for c andidat es for Pres ident and T reas urer. T he lis t m us t be report ed t o t he V MGA B oard of Direc t ors 1 5 0 day s prior t o t he annual V MGA m eet ing in J une. V ot es m us t be c ollec t ed, t abulat ed and report ed t o t he Ex ec ut iv e C om m it t ee at leas t 9 0 day s prior t o t he annual m eet ing . STATE M ASTER GARDENER COORDINATOR LIAISON REPORT Dav e C los e, S t at e MG C oordinat or www.hort .v t .edu/ m as t erg ardener -­‐May 2 0 1 2 S out heas t Reg ional MG C onferenc e will be held in Nat c hez , MS -­‐4 T rees If y ou lov e t rees and want t o help pres erv e t hem , y ou c an help t he effort wit h an applic at ion for t he s pec ial V irg inia L ov es T rees lic ens e plat e. A t leas t 4 5 0 applic at ions for t he plat e are needed by t he end of Dec em ber. V irg inia L ov es T rees s pec ialt y lic ens e plat e. S arah Gug erc in, applic at ion c oordinat or for t he nonprofit g roup at ht t p:/ / www.v alov es t rees .org . A t leas t 4 5 0 applic at ions are needed by Dec . 3 1 t o help fund t ree educ at ion. 1 . T he elec t ronic v ers ion of Hom e, Grounds , and A nim als PMG s hould be av ailable online by t he firs t week of J anuary wit h print ed c opies bec om ing av ailable by t he end of J anuary . 2 . T he s ec ond V MS ( V olunt eer Manag em ent S y s t em ) t raining was held at t he B edford C ount y Ex t ens ion offic e in m id-­‐Oc t ober. It is hoped a t hird t raining will be offered during t he t hird week of J anuary . Dav e will be rec ruit ing addit ional MG unit s t o c om e online wit h t he s y s t em . 3 . 2 0 1 2 Int ernat ional MG c onferenc e was a s uc c es s . T here were around 5 0 part ic ipant s from V A , fort y of whic h were V C E MG v olunt eers . Our at t endanc e put us in t he t op 1 0 s t at es . F rank Reilly , B arb Reis er and Dav e had jus t fewer t han 5 0 people at t end t heir s es s ion on S m art Y ard C are. 4 . MG C olleg e A dv is ory T eam m et on Nov em ber 7 t o c ont inue planning for t he 2 5 th A nnual MG C olleg e. B efore T hanks g iv ing it was announc ed a log o des ig n c ont es t would be open unt il early J anuary . T hree s ubm is s ions hav e been rec eiv ed s o far. More are welc om e. T here will be s om e m inor adjus t m ent s and c hang es t his y ear in an at t em pt t o c ont inue im prov ing t he qualit y of t he ex perienc e for our c onferenc e at t endees . S t ay t uned for m ore inform at ion. T here will s oon be a prom ot ional v ideo on Y ouT ube. 5 . T he fall is s ue of In S eas on will be av ailable online nex t week. Pleas e m ake s ure it g et s dis t ribut ed t hroug hout y our ent ire unit . 6 . Dr. A lan Grant held a Dean’s forum y es t erday . S om e of t he it em s from t hat m eet ing : • C urrent ly t here are up t o 1 9 0 ag ent s s t at ewide; hope t o be up t o 2 2 0 by J une 2 0 1 2 . • S earc h for A s s oc iat ed Direc t or of A NR will s oon beg in and t hey hope t o hav e s om eone in plac e by J une 2 0 1 2 . • C A L S Int ernat ional Prog ram C oordinat or was rec ent ly hired. Dr. J erz y Nowak ag reed t o t ake t his part -­‐t im e pos it ion. • C A L S S t rat eg ic Plan c ont inues t o be dev eloped. T he g oal is t o hav e t he final plan in plac e by May 2 0 1 2 . It will s pan 2 0 1 2 -­‐2 0 1 8 . •
Ground breaking will beg in nex t week or in J anuary for t he firs t of four res earc h building s for C A L S . T his one will hous e lab and offic e s pac e for F S T and B S E. L oc at ion: C ag e parking lot . C am paig n for V T c onc luded in J une and t he Univ ers it y a held a g ala ev ent in Nov em ber t o c elebrat e t he s uc c es s . T he g oal was $ 1 B illion. $ 1 .1 1 billion was rais ed bet ween 2 0 0 4 and 2 0 1 1 . T he C A L S g oal was $ 5 2 .4 m illion. T his was ex c eeded by $ 2 m illion. Monies rais ed and pledg ed for t he S t at e MG C oordinat or Endowm ent c ount ed t oward C A L S ’ g oal and is c ount ed in wit h t he Univ ers it y ’s c am paig n. S ec ret ary of Educ at ion, L aura F ornas h, rec ent ly releas ed her ag enc ies ’ report on V C E. T he full report is 5 8 pag es . T he Ex ec ut iv e s um m ary is 8 pag es and lis t s 7 rec om m endat ions for V C E. Report c an be ac c es s ed t hroug h V C E webs it e. Ques t ions : Deb S t raw, Hill C it y : Is t he MV P link t o F ood L ion for V MGA fundrais ing s t ill in effec t ? Peg g y F ox : V MGA no long er m eet s t he c rit eria t o part ic ipat e. T he link is no long er ac t iv e. LUNCH BREAK 11:45-­‐12:30 PRESIDENT’S REPORT— Bill Scott, Prince W illiam T he webs it e is in need of rev is ion. S ilent A uc t ion at MG C olleg e: V olunt eer unit is needed t o run t his ac t iv it y . Educ at ion S c holars hip DOORPRIZES UNIT REPORTS UNFINISHED BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Education Committee event pricing: B ill S c ot t Mis s ion of V MGA : F os t er educ at ion, c om m unic at ion and fellows hip for MGs . Pric ing for V MGA s pons ored prog ram s s hould be $ 2 5 ( half day ev ent ) and $ 4 5 ( full day ev ent ) for non-­‐m em bers $ 2 0 ( half day ev ent ) and $ 3 0 ( full day ev ent ) for m em bers B arbara Geer B arbara res ig ned from Edu. C om m . C hair pos it ion in A pril but was as ked t o s t ay on t he c om m it t ee. S peaking on behalf of t he c om m it t ee, fees c am e int o ques t ion due t o orig inal c harg e reques t ed by S andy ’s Plant s . T here was c onc ern about t he im pac t of an inc reas e on at t endanc e at MG Day . Pleas e delay t he effec t iv e dat e of a fee inc reas e. L et t er from Gwen Pot e was read oppos ing t he inc reas e. T he c urrent fees are $ 1 5 for V MGA m em bers , $ 2 0 for nonm em bers . F ee does not inc lude lunc h. J oan Ric hards , Greens pring Pres ent ed an ex am ple of pric ing for t heir ev ent s $ 5 0 plus $ 1 2 for lunc h A ng ela C ing ale, J C C / Wm s bg Is t his an is s ue t hat s hould be broug ht before t he m em bers hip? C hery l S ebara, Princ e Georg e Educ at ion C om m it t ee s hould hav e aut horit y t o det erm ine t he ev ent fee bas ed on ex pec t ed ex pens es . B et t y V illers , V A B eac h Will t his fee be perm anent ? B ill S c ot t V MGA board dec ides on t he fee Dav e C los e, V C E F ees s hould be det erm ined and s et in order t o build a c apac it y for fut ure ev ent s . It ’s im port ant t o keep c os t down but t hinking / planning forward in order t o c ont inue prov iding hig h qualit y educ at ion is nec es s ary . B ill Mc C aleb, S out hs ide Made a m ot ion to table the decision to raise fees until the February board meeting. Go forth with M G Day at VSU at the original prices of $15 and $20. Nelda Purc ell Is in fav or of m ot ion. T his appears t o be a financ ial and budg et ing is s ue. Mot ion was m ade and s ec onded. V ot e: A y es hav e it Bylaws Due t o t he dis c us s ion t hat ens ued reg arding t he abov e, it was det erm ined t he V MGA by laws are in need of c larific at ion of t he des c ript ion of who is elig ible t o v ot e. T hank y ou t o S out hs ide MGs for hos t ing t his m eet ing . ANNOUNCEM ENTS Nex t bi-­‐m ont hly board m eet ing : F ebruary 1 1 , 2 0 1 2 C hris t y B rennan, Hanov er T he May m ont F lower S how will be held F eb. 9 -­‐1 2 . MGs c an v olunt eer. Meet ing adjourned 1 :5 8 pm Res pec t fully s ubm it t ed, Peg g y F ox , Newport News S ec ret ary VIRGINIA MASTER GARDENER ASSOCIATION, INC.
FEBRUARY 11, 2012
Attendance: (Amherst, Lynchburg, Hill City) Debra Straw; (Arlington, Alexandria) Joe Kelly;
(Chesterfield) Lynne Foote; (Fauquier) Jim Scibek; (Fairfax) George Graine, Laurie Anderson, Pat
Waring; (Franklin) Nelda Purcell; (Green Spring) Joan Richards ; (Halifax) William McCaleb ;
(Hanover) Christy Brennan; (Heart of Virginia-Cumberland, Prince Edward, Buckingham) Pat Lust;
(James City County) Angela Cingale, Marilyn Riddle, (Louisa) Tina Chaleki, Jerry Giaccai, ; (Prince
George) Barbara Geer, Cheryl Sebera; (Newport News) Anita Smith; (Norfolk) Tom Bolt; (Prince
William) Janet and Bill Scott, D.S. Scott, Vernelle Boykin, Jean Bennet, Leslie Paulson, Desiree
Schlitz-Velez, Lorrie Andrew Spear, Paige Thacker, (Rockbridge) David Mims; (Roanoke)
Kathryn Debnar;(Stafford) Chuck Heath; (Suffolk) Wanda Gerrad; (VA Beach) Jim and Mary Ann
Kincaid, Betty Villers.
The meeting was called to order at 10:15 by Bill Scott.
Welcome to Manassas by Paige Thacker, Ag. Agent.
Introductions went around the room.
Minutes of Dec 2011 m eeting
Two corrections brought up by George Graine in the paragraph concerning the education
scholarships and those interested should inform the agent or coordinator to complete the
Corrections will be made and posted on the web site.
Treasurer’s Report – Jim Kincaid, VA Beach
Jim presented copies of the treasurer’s report, no significant expenses incurred. The treasurer’s
report was accepted as read and will be filed for audit.
Newsletter- Peggy Fox, New port New s
Peggy was not present.
- Reminder that all articles should be sent to Peggy by the 20 th of each month in which
the VMGA meeting is held. Peggy needs volunteers to help with this committee.
Mem bership – Anita Sm ith, Newport News
Total membership
535 Active
11 Auxiliary
161 Lifetime
3 Sustaining
Membership forms are still going to all of the past membership chairs. Please ensure that any
VMGA membership forms you use have Anita Smith’s information on them for accurate and
efficient handling. A suggestion: to distribute a corrected form out on Dave Close list serv might
Unit Support - Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam
Members: Pat Reilly, Karen Sacasky, Pinky Derieux, and whoever else is needed.
Frank was not present and no report was submitted.
Com m unication Com m ittee - Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam
Members: Kathryn Debnar, Betsy Lyon, and whoever else is needed.
Frank was not present and no report was submitted.
Bill announced that David Banks, JCC/Wmsbg, is updating the VMGA Web site and is seeking
volunteers to help and also information for posting. Mary Ann Kincaid, VA Beach, mentioned that
VMGA might be interested in starting and maintaining a Facebook page.
Finance Com m ittee –
Members: Jim Kincaid (Virginia Beach), Pat Waring (Bedford), Bill Scott (Prince William)
The Committee has not been active but will be getting together to start planning a budget for
the next year.
Education Com m ittee— Barbara Geer, Prince George
Members :Pat Lust, Gwen Pote, KathyFrame, Kathy Stewart, Yolan Williams
The next event MG Day at VSU:
Registration going well 139 people are currently enrolled.
The Education Committee presented two written proposals for the structuring of setting fees for
VMGA Educational Events. 1) the minimum base amount and 2) a fixed rate amount. Members
of the educaion committee presented how the education committee has structrured the fees in
previous years and how they would recommend that the fees be set for upcoming events
including a mimium fee. After a lively discussion of both of the proposals, Jim Kincaid proposed
a motion to add a 10% increase to the proposed education committee fee to be added to the
education committee funds for future events as needed. The recomendations presented by the
Education Committee proposal providing the flexibility of the education committee in suiting the
fee of each specific program was voted on and passed. The motion proposed by Jim Kincaid was
discussed and a suggestion of a rounded value to the nearest dollar amount was added to the
motion. The motion was seconded and passed.
The Virginia Green Industry Council— Daw n Lerch, Chesterfield
Dawn was not present and no report was submitted. Christy Brennan mentioned that she has
received an e-mail stating that the Green Industry Fall Garden Festival has been cancelled for this
Nom inating Com m ittee— Joe Kelley, Arlington/Alexandria; Paul Cam pbell, VA Beach
Joe thanked everyone for their cooperation in filling the slate of officers.
The slate of officers for 2012-2014
President- Tom Bolt (Norfolk)
Vice President- David Mimms (Rockbridge)
Secretary- Mary Anne Kincaid (VA Beach)
Treasurer- Laurie Anderson (Fairfax)
Elections will be by electronic ballot prior to March 24th.
Fund Raising— Roslynn Tharp, Gloucester
Ros was not present and no report was submitted. Bill Scott displayed a coffee mug in the shape
of a flower pot that VMGA could consider selling, several issues were discussed as to the safety
of shipping and handling the items. Tech Horticulture Gardens sells the same type of mug.
State Fair— Christy Brennan – no report, Christy is waiting to hear how the State Fair will
restructure after filing for Bankruptcy.
P. Diane Relf Education Endowm ent Fund—
A suggestion to get Dave Close to send a letter and the applciation out on the list serv.
Intersted indivuals should contact the Agents and MG Coordinators to submit the applicaton.
Leslie Pauslon volunteered to chair the committee for this year.
Extension Liaison - Dave Close, VCE State MG Coordinator
Dave was not present; no report submitted
Unit Reports—
The unit reps were asked to send their reports to Christy by FEB 20th. They will be posted at
www.VMGA.net .
Presidents Report: Bill Scott
Bill would like to have the 2012 -2013 VMGA meeting calendar filled. Please let Bill know if your
unit would like to host a meeting.
April 14, 2012
June 25
October 13
February 9, 2013
April 13
June 21
August 10
MG College, VA Tech
Host needed
The suggestion to ask Danville Master Gardeners to host a meeting was made.
Silent Auction at MG College –Newport News and Williamsburg MGs will run the auction this year.
Unfinished Business: David Banks has been cleaning up the VMGA web site and could use
some volunteers to help him with this task.
Plans for the 25th Master Gardener College are going well. There will be many surprises. College
will be held June 20-24th at VA Tech. The theme is Tree Stewardship. A Youtube promo video is
available. Registration cost will stay at $165.00 for early registration.
There has been some discussion about the Search for Excellence (SFE) and Brag boards, and
dropping the SFE and going to Brag Boards to encourage units to participate. Units have always
been encouraged to bring brag boards to MG College. Bill will let Christy know of the decision
from the planning committee about the SFE. Leslie Paulson mentioned that her group was told
that their unit was not eligible for the International competition. Christy mentioned that the
entry date for the International Competition was Feb1st of last year even though the College
was held in October and that the entries were judged well before the College actually started and
that was the most likely reason they were told that the exhibit was not eligible. Deb Straw
mentioned that in Feb people might not know if they will be attending the International College.
Betty Villers reminded everyone that the exhibits are mailed or e-mailed to the committee and
you do not have to attend in order to enter the competition. Anita Smith mentioned that she
thought the VA MG College offered more and is a better value hands down. She also mentioned
that the next International Master Gardener College was going to be a cruise.
New Business: At the last meeting there was mention of a VMGA By-Law review. It was
mentioned that the VMGA standing rules should be reviewed also. Please let Bill Scott or Tom
Bolt know if you are interested in serving on this committee.
Announcem ent:
Cheryl Sebera, Prince George
Don’t forget about the Goo Gardening Symposium March 10th, in Prince George. She has
registration information and handouts.
The April meeting will be April 14th at the James City County Recreation Center near Eastern
State Hospital.
Remember to send Christy your unit reports by February 20th.
Meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Christy Brennan, VMGA Vice President
APRIL 14, 2012
Williamsburg, VA
JCC/Wmsbg Master Gardener Association
President: Bill Scott, Prince William
Vice President: Christy Brennan-Hanover
Secretary: Peggy Fox-Newport News
Treasurer: Jim Kincaid-Virginia Beach
Past President: Betty Villers-Virginia Beach
VCE State MG Coordinator: Dave Close-VCE
Unit Reps and VMGA Members:
Arlington/Alexandria: Joe Kelly
Bedford: Pat Waring
Central Virginia: Tina Chaleki
Charles City: Mary Edwards
Chesapeake: Pinky Derieux
Chesterfield: Lynne Foote
Fairfax: George Graine
Franklin: Nelda Purcell
Gloucester: Bonnie Bernard, Ros Tharp
Green Spring: Cyndi Bishop
Southside/Halifax: Loretta Stallard,
Charles Stallard
Heart of Virginia: Pat Lust
Hill City: Margaret Mundy
Prince William : Janet Scott
JCC/Wmsbg: Marilyn Riddle, Angela
Cingale, Sue Liddell, Kendra Swann, Nelda
Pressly, Jim Pressly, Linda Lucas, Mandy
Miller Doggett, Roger Evans, Harriet Parsons,
Katie Wilhide
Newport News: Anita Smith, Mary Wright
Norfolk: Tom Bolt
Prince George: Barbara Geer, Cheryl
Rockbridge: David Mimms
Virginia Beach: Mary Ann Kincaid, Betty
Villers, Fran Shelton, Lisa Cary
Stafford: Gwen Pote
Suffolk: Wanda Gerard
Meeting was called to order at 10:00am.
W elcom e by:
Marilyn Riddle. Roger Evans, JCC/WMSBG MG President
Doris Heath, VCE Agent, Unit Coordinator
Unit Introductions
Unit Reps and VMGA members identified themselves, their units and any VMGA office
Report was accepted as presented and will be filed for audit.
Minutes of the February 11 meeting are deferred to the June meeting. They were not
distributed to the membership in time to be reviewed before the meeting. The minutes
of the February and April board meetings will be presented for approval at MG College
NEW SLETTER – Peggy Fox, Newport News, Content Editor; Tom Bolt,
Norfolk, Electronic Distribution
Send articles to the Peggy Fox by the 20th of the month in which the bimonthly board
meeting is held. (Feb/Apr/June/Aug/Oct/Dec) Unit reports are available on the VMGA
MEMBERSHIP— Anita Sm ith, Newport New s
Total membership comprised of:
570 active
11 auxiliary
161 lifetime
3 sustaining
745 total
Membership renewal notices are going out this week. The membership year is June 1May 31. The roster will be current as of July 1. Distribution will be done electronically.
To all unit representatives: Please update the membership application form that is in
your unit files to reflect the current application. Not all of the application forms that
are available on the VMGA website are correct. The application form you should use
should NOT include the State MG Coordinator Endowment donations. David Banks,
JCC/Wmsbg, is working hard to bring the website up to date with current and correct
UNIT SUPPORT – Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam
No report.
COMMUNICATIONS – Frank Reilly, Prince W illiam
No report.
EDUCATION – Barbara Geer, Co-Chair, Prince George
MG Day at VSU:
February 25
Focus on Food—From Field to Table
151 registered
141 attended
10 speakers
Total expenses: $3,859.56
Results of evaluation (most important to least important in regard to future planning)
Sound research information
Updates/new information on “basics”
Skills development
Lowest possible cost
Nationally known or ‘name’ speakers
Overall result according to evaluations:
Excellent for Program content, Logistics, Site, and “Time and Cost Benefit”
The records of the committee have been delivered to the VMGA President.
Goals: $50 for 5
Increase awareness and membership
A presentation will be made at MG College in June.
VGIC— Daw n Lerch, Chesterfield
The council consists of any business in the “green” industry.
The Fall Festival, held at the Science Museum in Richmond, has been canceled.
Jack Price, Four County
No report
Paulson, Prince W iliam
There will be 8 scholarships awarded this year for MG College.
FINANCE-Jim Kincaid, Bill Scott, Pat W are
Preparation of the annual budget will take place the week of April 16.
FUNDRAISING-Ros Thorp, Gloucester
MG Day raised $600
Ros will step down from her position as chair. New chairperson needed.
STATE FAIR— Christy Brennan, Hanover
State Fair has been cancelled. The Meadow Event Park is up for auction. Virginia
Raceway may take over the park but only conduct the rides. Closing of the Fair will
affect volunteer contacts and service hours.
Dave Close, VCE State MG Coordinator www.hort.vt.edu/mastergardener
• Printed copies of the 2012 edition of the Home Grounds and Animals PMG were
shipped in late February/early March to local Extension offices for Extension MG
Help Desks and Plant clinic kits. The file can be accessed at
http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-018/456-018.html. The publication number is
• MG College Advisory Team (MGCAT) met on March 26 to finalize the concurrent
• The winter issue of In Season was uploaded in late March. Please make sure it
gets distributed throughout your entire unit. A special MG college edition is
VCE held their first statewide conference since 2008, in mid-March. Nearly 350
attended: agents, specialists from the ARECs, 4-H Education Centers and faculty
from VT and VSU. More than 50 new faculty members who were hired since July
1, 2011, were introduced. The vast majority of these hires were county agents.
The Department of Horticulture interviewed two candidates for the new
Sustainable Food Production position. This is a teaching/research split
appointment, but there will be some natural spillover into Extension. The
successful candidate should be on campus by August.
Leadership Development Training is typically held as a pre-conference offering
during Master Gardener College. This year we are removing it from MG College
and taking it on the road. One training in each of the four VCE districts will be
held in late summer/early fall.
Dave is working with the VT Marketing and Communications office to develop
some basic guidelines and suggestions for MG Association websites to clarify
issues of branding and appropriate use of logos and indicia statements.
Dates for Volunteer Management System (VMS) training sessions have not yet
been set.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT— Bill Scott, Prince W illiam
Maintain education for VMGA
Website cleanup continues by David Banks, JCC/Wmsbg
ELECTION COMMITTEE— Joe Kelly, Arlington/Alexandria
Election results:
777 ballots distributed
-693 electronic
- 84 sent via USPS
232 persons voted
President: Tom Bolt, Norfolk
Vice President: David Mimms, Rockbridge
Secretary: Mary Ann Kincaid, Virginia Beach
Treasurer: Laurie Anderson, Fairfax
REVIEW OF BYLAW S— Tom Bolt, Norfolk
Any changes that members would like to suggest, please contact Tom by email
Committee is made up of past presidents and others who would like to help with the
AUDIT COMMITTEE— Deb Straw , Hill City
The treasurer’s books will be audited at the end of May.
It was announced that Fran Gregory has resigned from VCE MG.
Maym ont Hom e and Garden Show—Christy Brennan, Hanover, is reviewing this
event for volunteering.
Unit Reports are due to Christy Brennan by the 20th of the month. Please include
special project contact information so other units may contact them to get more
Search for Excellence (SFE) and Brag Boards
All units are encouraged to display a board at MG College to highlight what their unit is
doing or has done over the past year. Units are also encouraged to participate in the
SFE competition but it is not required.
MG College
June 21-24
25th Anniversary
Anyone wishing to swap plants with other MGs will be able to do so through a
Arrangements for swaps between volunteers will need to be made with
each other prior to college.
VT Horticulture Plant Sale:
Due to the cancellation of the VT class which produces the plant material for the
annual plant sale, the Plant Sale will not be held this year.
New this year: Vendors will be on location at the registration tent on Thursday, June
Potted plants were given to lucky winners.
Thank you to James City County/Williamsburg Master Gardeners for hosting this
Next bi-monthly board meeting:
June 22
MG College
Annual Meeting
June 23
MG College
Meeting schedule and host units for 2012/2013
August 11 Stafford
October 13 Fauquier
December 8 Host needed
February 9 Franklin
April 13
June 21
August 10
MG College
Mother Earth New s magazine will be advertising Sustainable Gardening Month
Joe Kelly, Arlington/Alexandria , announced the two-day symposium, “Working with
Nature for Sustainable, Beautiful Gardens, to be held June 9-10 in Arlington.
Meeting adjourned 1:10pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Fox
Newport News
VMGA Secretary
VMGA, Inc.
Annual Meeting
June 23, 2012
Virginia Tech - Blacksburg, VA
Corrected – 6/22/13
Executive Committee
Membership sign in not circulated.
SECRETARY’S REPORT—Peggy Fox, Newport News
Minutes of 2011 Annual Meeting approved as presented.
TREASURER’S REPORT—Jim Kincaid, Virginia Beach
Fiscal year ended May 31, 2012. Motion made and seconded to accept
Treasurer’s Report as presented. A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is attached
to these minutes.
EDUCATION COMMITTEE—Barbara Geer, Prince George
Bill Scott reported for the Education Committee.
The mission of Education Committee is to provide low cost, advanced level
education at various locations across the state.
2011/12 Events
September Cultivating Community Food Systems
Water Wise Landscaping
MG Day at VSU
These events provide an opportunity for MGs to gain advanced education hours
in a single day.
NEW SLETTER—Peggy Fox, Newport News
Effective July 1, Peggy will be stepping down from her position as Newsletter
Editor/Layout after four years of service. Peggy advised that the position is one
that can be divided among several team members: editor, layout, reporting, and
distribution. She noted that experience with Microsoft Word and Publisher are
very helpful.
MEMBERSHIP—Anita Smith, Newport News
Bill Scott reported.
745 current members as of 4/14/2012
570 Active
11 Auxiliary
161 Lifetime
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3 Sustaining
As of 5/31/2011 membership totaled 733 members.
UNIT SUPPORT—Frank Reilly, Prince William
Members: Pat Reilly, Prince William; Karen Sacasky, Hill City; Pinky Derieux, Chesapeake;
and whomever else is needed.
During the past year, questions from units included:
State budget impact on VCE
Spending accounts
COMMUNICATION—Frank Reilly, Prince William
Members: Kathryn Debnar, Roanoke; Tom Bolt, Norfolk; George Graine, Fairfax, and
whoever else is needed.
We have a new webmaster, David Banks from JCC/Wmsbg. He has been making
updates to the website. The VMGA web pages began in November 1999 when
Frank was the VMGA secretary. Since that time there have been 52,000 unique
visitors to website; 132,000 page counts. Most visitors access the site via the
front or home page followed by the calendar page then the endowment page.
The Communication Committee can assist units with the establishment of a
website. They can also link their unit site to VMGA or vice versa.
There are a total of 5,000 Master Gardener volunteers in Virginia.
VMGA is a dues paying organization. Membership in the state association is not
required in order to be a Virginia Master Gardener volunteer and membership
cannot be required according to VCE policy.
FINANCE—Pat Waring, Bedford; Jim Kincaid, VA Beach; Bill Scott, Prince William
Bill Scott reported.
VMGA annual dues are currently $12. The fiscal year is June 1- May 31.
A line item in the budget was set up in 2011 for the purpose of covering
incidental expenses incurred by the Executive Committee.
Scholarships from the P. Diane Relf Endowment Scholarship Fund will be
presented tonight to the 2012 recipients. The scholarships are being paid by
General Funds as the endowment is not large enough to withdraw funds to cover
the costs.
Question by Frank Reilly, Prince William, concerning money allocated to the
Coordinator Endowment Committeee in the budget as presented. Bill Scott
replied that any expenses incurred would be paid by General Funds.
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Motion was made and seconded to approve the budget as presented. Three
members opposed. Motion passed. A copy of the approved budget is attached
to these minutes.
P.DIANE RELF EDUCATION ENDOW MENT—Leslie Paulson, Prince William
This year the committee received 22 applications for scholarship. Each unit is
allowed 2 applicants. This year’s recipients were:
Alexandra Wunderly, Prince George
Anita Smith, Newport News
Larry Baker, Culpepper
1st time MG College attendee, newly certified
MG volunteer
Karen Sacasky, Hill City
Bill Scott, Prince William
Don Peschka, Prince William
Laura Collinsworth, Central Rappahannock
Elaine Benzio-Hild, Central Rappahannock
Bill Scott reported.
Current status as of June 8, 2012
Cash on hand
O/S pledges
Dempsey deferred gift
Lerch deferred gift
$ 352,804.91
SEARCH FOR EXCELLENCE—Christy Brennan, Hanover
This year’s winners:
1st place: Bedford
accepted by Ellen Huff
2 place: Suffolk
accepted by Wanda Gerard
This year’s judges were Dr. Joyce Latimer, VT Professor of Horticulture and Joe
Hunnings, Director, Planning & Reporting, Professional Dev-Civil Rights
Compliance, CALS Extension.
Completed score sheets will be returned to all units who participated.
VIRGINIA STATE FAIR—Christy Brennan, Hanover
2011 saw the largest attendance recorded at The Meadow Event Park. One
hundred fifty MGs representing seven units recorded 637 service hours and set
a new reporting record of 10,736 contacts. Thank you to all for their hard
work, enthusiasm and commitment. The State Fair of Virginia filed Chapter 7
bankruptcy earlier this spring and the property was sold in May.
Hanover MGs have been working with the State Fair of Virginia since the 1980’s.
Evelyn Parker, a founding Hanover MG, and VMGA State Fair chairperson for 25
years, initiated the involvement of the VMGA. In 2002 she trained Christy to be
the chair. During this venture with the State Fair, VMGA has helped educate
over 60,000 contacts in proper lawn maintenance, proper pruning technique,
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planting and plant choices for the right place and taught children that insects
are cool. MG volunteers have also performed thousands of DNA extraction tests
from strawberries and recently demonstrated the effects of storm water runoff
and erosion. We have developed many friends and it will be sad to see the Fair
go. Thank you to Hanover Master Gardeners and Pattie Bland for their help.
FUNDRAISING—Ros Tharp, Gloucester
Bill Scott reported.
Ros has resigned her position. A new chairperson is needed. Total gross income
this year from VMGA logo merchandise was $3,458. The profit will go to the
State MG Coordinator Endowment Fund. Sales thus far during MG College have
been $1,579.00.
SILENT AUCTION—Mary Wright, Newport News
Sales from this year’s auction totaled $3,927.00. This amount will go to the
State MG Coordinator Endowment Fund.
Nothing to report.
Number of first time MG College attendees: 15 present at meeting.
Total number of attendees at 25th anniversary of MG College: 262.
PRESIDENT’S REPORT—Bill Scott, Prince William
Bill briefly reviewed the mission of VMGA and the benefits of membership.
Bill provided highlights of meeting between VCE Director, Dr. Ed Jones and
VMGA Executive Committee.
Fiscal Year 2012 statistics:
347,675 volunteer hours
530,704 contacts
Service valued at $7.46 million ($21.45 per hour)
Thank you to all units who hosted a VMGA Board meeting during 2011/2012
and thank you to those who will be hosting meetings in the coming year. We are
in need of a unit to host the December 2012 meeting.
Leadership opportunities are available in:
Education Endowment
Search for Excellence
A formal ceremony marking the end of term of the outgoing officers and the
beginning of term of office for the incoming officers was conducted. Each new
officer received a portfolio for use in their duties.
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The incoming officers for the term 6-12 to 6-14 are:
Tom Bolt
David Mims
Rockbridge Vice President
Mary Ann Kincaid
Virginia Beach
Laurie Anderson
Bill Scott
Prince William
Immediate Past President
CLOSING REMARKS—Tom Bolt, President 2012-14, Norfolk
Focus on: Education and promotion/marketing of VMGA
Motion made by Paul Campbell, VA Beach, to adjourn the meeting. Motion
seconded and passed.
Meeting adjourned 8:27pm
Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Fox, Newport News
VMGA Secretary 2010-2012
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Proposed FY2013 Budget
June 1, 2012 to May 31,
Lifetime / Advanced Payments
Gifts for EEF Scholarships
Total Income
Coordinator Endowment Committee
EEF Scholarships
Fundraising Committee
Fundraising Gifts to VT Endowment
Membership &
MG College Sponsorship
State Fair
Officers Expense
Vice President
Total Expenses
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