Meeting of the Committee on Graduate Studies
Meeting of the Committee on Graduate Studies
New Degree Request - *University of Kansas* Criteria Program Summary 1. Program Identification Master of Science in Geography 2. Academic Unit Department of Geography 3. Program Description As an interdisciplinary field, geography spans the humanities, physical sciences, and social sciences, often distinctly incorporating spatial and temporal analysis in its understanding of Earth Systems. Although the Geography Department offers B.A., B.G.S., as well as B.S. degrees for undergraduates to reflect this breadth and diversity, it only offers a M.A. degree for graduate students. However, research and professional employment in Physical Geography and GIScience typically require graduate level education with rigorous scientific training. Several recent changes to the Geography Department have also led to the lack of an M.S. degree becoming an issue. First, the Atmospheric Science program has moved to the Department of Geography. This has doubled the number of undergraduate student majors who are pursuing B.S. degrees. Many of these students have expressed an interest in a graduate program in Physical Geography or GIScience. Second, the funding of the NSF Center for the Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets has led to faculty hires that emphasize fields of study that require M.S. degrees and a need for students with interests in such a degree. Third, the newly developed Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Computing degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has a Geography concentration and will motivate some undergraduate students in computer science to pursue an M.S. degree in GIScience. To ensure the required scientific background, to allow undergraduate B.S. degree students a better graduate degree option, and to make graduate students in those subfields more marketable we propose this new M.S. degree option. G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\Summary of Proposed Academic Program for NEW academic program_100807.doc 4. Demand/Need for the Program There is a nationwide interest in climate change, earth system science, and GIScience. Graduate study in physical geography and GIScience is quantitative in nature, and forms the core of these fields of study. We are finding that these types of studies are beginning to attract more students presently pursuing undergraduate degrees in engineering, mathematics, computer science and other earth sciences. The M.S. degree proposed here is a more natural continuation after these B.S. degrees, as well as for students presently pursuing the B.S. degree already offered in the Geography department. A M.S. degree in geography would better reflect the nature of students’ training and benefit them in markets where a strong physical science background is required. In a recent survey, 12 (out of 13 responses) current Master graduate students and 3 (out of 4 responses) undergraduate students have expressed the desire to obtain a M.S. instead of a M.A. degree, which would better reflect the nature of these students’ interests. We also had several cases that students didn’t apply for our graduate program once they heard that we don’t offer an M.S. degree. Federal government agencies and laboratories and state government are increasingly tending to hire people with graduate degrees with a science focus. Both private research and the Bureau of Labor found strong growth in the geospatial market. Kansas City is a major environmental consulting hub in the nation – a M.S. degree would greatly benefit those students who wish to enter this growing environmental job market. In addition, students obtaining an M.S. degree through our program will be well positioned to enter Ph.D. programs in our department or other universities. 5. Comparative /Locational Advantage Several leading geography programs in the nation offer M.S. degrees. The University of Wisconsin at Madison offers M.S. programs in GIScience. Penn State offers a M.S. in GIS. SUNY Buffalo also offers M.S. programs in GIS and Environmental and Earth Systems sciences. Northwest Missouri State University is the nearest school that offers an on-line M.S. degree in GIS. Several other regional universities also offer M.S. degrees in GIS and physical geography including Michigan State, Indiana University, Northern Illinois University, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, and North Texas. In Kansas, no geography program offers M.S. degrees. Our proposed M.S. degree will, therefore, provide a unique program within the state to serve graduate students whose interests are focused on physical and GIScience areas in geography. 6. Curriculum A minimum of thirty credit hours will be required for the M.S. degree. Students must pass an oral examination and write a thesis. In addition, students are required to take the two-day (non-credit) field trip before classes begin in the fall semester and GEOG980 (Colloquium) for 1 credit hour during each of the first two semesters in residence at KU. 7. Faculty Profile We have 15 core faculty members for the program. All faculty members involved with the program have Ph.D. degrees and are also involved with the undergraduate program either in geography or the atmospheric science program. Curriculum vitae of all faculty involved are in the Appendix A of the narrative document. G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\Summary of Proposed Academic Program for NEW academic program_100807.doc 8. Student Profile Students could come from a variety of different backgrounds. As the only program in the state to offer this degree we would expect significant demand from students within the State of Kansas. We anticipate that most of these students would have earned an undergraduate degree in geography (at the University of Kansas or other State institutions) and wish to earn a graduate degree in geography specializing in Physical Geography or GIScience. Students from related disciplines in earth sciences, engineering, computer science and other physical sciences who meet the necessary prerequisite courses form another likely source of participants. People who have moved to Kansas and are employed and now want to earn a graduate degree in geography are another source of students. We also anticipate drawing students from other states, especially states which do not have M.S. graduate programs in geography. In addition, the program could attract international students as the demand for graduate study in the U.S. is high in geography. 9. Academic Support The main support services needed by this program are computer technicians and library materials and services, which are already in place in the Geography Department. 10. Facilities and Equipment The program will use the current departmental instructional facilities. The geography department and faculty research labs have sufficient facilities for student research. No new equipment will be required. 11. Program Review, Assessment, Accreditation This degree program would be reviewed under the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences departmental review and the department of Geography’s self-study and external review that takes place every 7-8 years. The department was reviewed in 2009-2010 and was in strong support of developing this program. Student grades in graduate level courses, quality of student master’s theses and oral presentations of their research, and publication of student research in peer reviewed journals will be used to assess the effectiveness of the program. The department evaluates students annually for awards of fellowships from KU, Graduate Teaching Assistants, and Graduate Research Assistants. No professional organization accredits masters programs in geography. There are no recommendations published by a professional society for minimum requirements for a M.S. program in geography. 12. Costs, Financing No new funding is required. G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\Summary of Proposed Academic Program for NEW academic program_100807.doc CURRICULUM OUTLINE NEW DEGREE PROPOSALS Kansas Board of Regents I. Identify the new degree: Master of Science in Geography II. Provide courses required for each student in the major: Course Name & Number Credit Hours GEOG 805 History of Geographic Thought 2 GEOG 716 Advanced Geostatistics or an equivalent course in statistics and experimental design 3 Students are required to take the two-day (non-credit) field trip before classes begin in the fall semester and GEOG980 (Colloquium) for 1 credit hour during each of the first two semesters in residence at KU 1 One course (500-level or above) in each of the three areas in geography (GIScience, Physical Geography / Atmospheric Sciences, and Regional / Human Geography) 9-10 Three courses (500-level or above) in an approved area of concentration (GIScience or physical geography). For GIScience concentration, a graduate level (500-level or above) computer programming course must be one of the three electives 9-10 Research Thesis 6 Practica None Core Courses Electives Total 30 G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\13 01 24 GEOG MS Curriculum Addendum.doc Implementation Year FY 2013 Fiscal Summary for the Proposed Academic Program Institution: University of Kansas - Lawrence Proposed Program: Master of Science in Geography Part I. Anticipated Enrollment Implementation Year Year 2 Year 3 Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time Full-Time Part-Time 6 2 10 4 16 6 A. Headcount B. Total SCH taken by all students in the program 8 14 22 Part II. Program Cost Projection A. In the implementation year, list all identifiable General Use costs to the academic unit(s) and how they will be funded. In subsequent years, please include only the additional amount budgeted. Implementation Year Year 2 Year 3 Base Budget Salaries $ $ - OOE Total - $ - - $ $ Indicate source and amount of funds if other than internal reallocation: G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\13 01 24 GEOG MS Fiscal Summary Addendum.xls - - $ - Revised: September, 2003 Approved: _____________________ G:\IR\Provost\Academic Program Proposals\Provost Website Documents\13 01 24 GEOG MS Fiscal Summary Addendum.xls Basic Program Information (1) Proposing institution: University of Kansas (2) Title of proposed program: Geography (3) Degree(s) to be offered; M.S. in Geography (4) Anticipated date of implementation: 8/20/2013 (5) Responsible department(s) or unit(s): Geography (6) Center for Education Statistics (CIP) code associated with the program: 450701 Program Proposal Narrative a. Program Need and Student Characteristics (1) Is the program central to the mission of the institution? The Department of Geography wishes to institute a Master of Science degree in Geography with specializations in physical geography and geographic information science (GIScience). There are several reasons this program should be considered central to the mission of the university. One of the main missions of the Geography Department at KU is to provide instruction on environmental processes, human-environment interactions and on methods for detecting and documenting such processes and interactions. Although classified as a Social Science program in the CIP, the Geography Department at the University of Kansas is a part of the Physical Sciences Division of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and actively pursues physical science research related to: Atmospheric processes and climate change (Atmospheric Science) Studies of earth surface processes and human impacts on hydrologic, geomorphologic and ecological systems, as part of expanding human development (Physical Geography) Development and application of computational tools for documenting, mapping and analyzing the processes and the interactions. This includes the development and use of geographic information systems, global positioning system, and remote sensing satellites (GIScience) As an interdisciplinary field, geography spans the humanities, physical sciences, and social sciences, often distinctly incorporating spatial and temporal analysis in its understanding of Earth Systems. Although the Geography Department offers B.A., B.G.S., as well as B.S. degrees for undergraduates to reflect this breadth and diversity, it only offers a M.A. degree for graduate students. However, research and professional employment in Physical Geography and GIScience careers typically require graduate level education with rigorous scientific training. Therefore, to make graduate students in those subfields more marketable, to ensure the required scientific background, and to allow our undergraduate B.S. degree students a better graduate degree option we propose this new M.S. degree option. Several recent changes to the KU Geography Department have led to the lack of an M.S. degree becoming an issue. First, the Atmospheric Science program has moved to the Department of Geography. This has doubled the number of undergraduate student majors who are pursuing B.S. degrees. Many of these students have expressed an interest in a graduate program in Physical Geography or GIScience. Second, the funding of the NSF Center for the Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets has led to faculty hires that emphasize fields of study that require M.S. degrees and a need for students with interests in such a degree. Third, the newly developed Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Computing degree at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science has a Geography concentration and will motivate some undergraduate students in computer science to pursue an M.S. degree in GIScience. In the last few years it has also become apparent that the lack of an M.S. degree is resulting in our in inability to attract graduate students with the required research and teaching expertise to support these research activities and for teaching support in the physical geography and GIScience. In addition, ongoing activities in such programs as the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, the Kansas Biological Survey, the Kansas Geological Survey and other GIS and remote sensing activities on campus should greatly benefit from a more science oriented degree in physical geography and GIScience. (2) What is the student demand for the program? The M.S. in Geography is of interest to students with a variety of different backgrounds because geography integrates concepts from various disciplines. There is also a nationwide interest in climate change, earth system science, and GIScience. Graduate study in physical geography and GIScience is quantitative in nature, and forms the core of many observational studies related to these fields of study. We are finding that these types of studies are beginning to attract more students presently pursuing undergraduate degrees in engineering, mathematics, computer science and other earth sciences. The M.S. degree proposed here is a more natural continuation after these B.S. degrees, as well as for students presently pursuing the B.S. degree already offered in the Geography department. A M.S. degree in geography would better reflect the nature of students’ training and benefit them in markets where a strong physical science background is required. The current graduate program in Geography has 97 students. 42 of them are Master students. In a recent survey, 12 (out of 13 responses) current Master graduate students and 3 (out of 4 responses) undergraduate students have expressed the desire to obtain a M.S. instead of a M.A. degree, which would better reflect the nature of these students’ interests. The need for the degree is not only driven by student demand. As more graduate students seek to specialize in the study of the Earth System’s bio-physical components, it is apparent that the advanced skills in quantitative and spatial analytical techniques are at the core requirements for careers in regional and national data analysis and in environmental consulting firms. As an example, NASA graduate fellowships require enrollment in a M.S. program, and a M.A. program is not acceptable. We also had several cases that students didn’t apply for our graduate program once they heard that we don’t offer an M.S. degree. Based on our survey and these other pieces of evidence, we estimate the number of enrolled students after 3 years will be more than 20. (3) What is the demand for graduates in this program? The traditional employer of geography graduates with a science focus is the federal, state, and local governments. Federal government agencies and laboratories (for example, U.S. Geological Survey, National Resource Conservation Service, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other DOE and DOD laboratories, and National Renewable Energy Laboratory) and state government (Department of Natural Resources, Department of Health and Environment, and Department of Transportation) are increasingly tending to hire people with graduate degrees. Kansas City is a major environmental consulting hub in the nation – a M.S. degree would greatly benefit those students who wish to enter this growing environmental job market. Our students will continue to be at a disadvantage in applying for these positions if they do not have an M.S. degree. In addition, students obtaining an M.S. degree through our program will be well positioned to enter Ph.D. programs in our department or other universities. Overall employment of physical geography and GIScience is expected to grow in the next few decades. According to private research firm Daratech, the GIS industry grew in the double digits in 2010 and another 8% in 2011. The Bureau of Labor Statistics' 20102011 Handbook labeled GIS skilled workers as having "favorable job prospects" and the US Department of Labor's High Growth Industry Profile--Geospatial Technology report found that the geospatial market is "growing at an annual rate of almost 35 percent, with the commercial subsection of the market expanding at the rate of 100 percent each year." (4) What are the locational and comparative advantages of this program? Several leading geography programs in the nation offer M.S. degrees. The University of Wisconsin at Madison offers M.S. programs in GIScience. Penn State offers a M.S. in GIS. SUNY Buffalo also offers M.S. programs in GIS and Environmental and Earth Systems sciences. Northwest Missouri State University is the nearest school that offers an on-line M.S. degree in GIS. Several other regional universities also offer M.S. degrees in GIS and physical geography including Michigan State, Indiana University, Northern Illinois University, UW Milwaukee, and North Texas. In Kansas, no geography program offers M.S. degrees. Our proposed M.S. degree will, therefore, provide a unique program within the state to serve graduate students whose interests are focused on physical and GIScience areas in geography. (5) What are the characteristics of the students who will participate in this proposed program? Students for this proposed program could come from a variety of different backgrounds. As the only program in the state to offer this degree we would expect significant demand from students within the State of Kansas. We anticipate that most of these students would have earned an undergraduate degree in geography (at the University of Kansas or other State institutions) and wish to earn a graduate degree in geography specializing in Physical Geography or GIScience. Students from related disciplines in earth sciences, engineering, computer science and other physical sciences who meet the necessary prerequisite courses form another likely source of participants. People who have moved to Kansas and are employed and now want to earn a graduate degree in geography are another source of students. We also anticipate drawing students from other states, especially states which do not have M.S. graduate programs in geography. In addition, the program could attract international students as the demand for graduate study in the U.S. is high in geography. Entering students are expected to have a B.S. degree in geography or in related physical science, earth science, mathematics, or engineering disciplines. Applicants should have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. Applicants with a GPA of less than 3.0 may be considered for admission on a probationary or provisional status. Entering students will be expected to have studied quantitative methods. Graduate Record Examination scores (verbal, quantitative and analytical) are required of all applicants. We expect that most students in this program will be funded as graduate teaching assistants or graduate research assistants for at least part of their program. Teaching assistants will learn about presenting geography material to undergraduates. Research assistants will work with faculty, other students and technicians on research projects. The program will be flexible and thus amenable to part time study and we expect that some people who are interested in the degree program will want to continue to work full time, while looking to advance/supplement their careers with this degree. b. Curriculum of the Proposed Program (1) What is the curriculum of the proposed program? We propose to develop an M.S. degree in Geography. The program would require a 30 credit hour minimum. Students must pass an oral examination and write a thesis. In addition, students are required to take the two-day (non-credit) field trip before classes begin in the fall semester and GEOG 980 (Colloquium) for 1 credit hour during each of the first two semesters in residence at KU. The program will aim to expand the student’s knowledge of how earth systems work and how humans interact with its components. The student will become familiar with how to analyze geographic data both statistically and through models. The student will gain an in depth ability to learn a set of specific skills and use these skills in his/her thesis work. These skills may consist of statistical analysis, numerical modeling, working with laboratory or field instrumentation, or other skills useful for collecting or analyzing geographic data. The students will learn to apply this knowledge and these skills to new problems in geography. The program will be flexible by requiring only a few specific courses and having a wide variety of acceptable courses for meeting degree requirements. Thus, it will be able to accommodate students with a variety of interests. When a student is admitted to the department by the Graduate Affairs Committee, the student should have already declared an advisor and the advisor should have agreed to work with the student. Early in the first semester (preferably in the first week of classes), the student should meet with this advisor to outline a tentative program of coursework for the degree. Such programs should be solidified by the time of enrollment for the second semester and submitted to the student’s graduate committee for approval. The student and advisor are then expected to continue to discuss and update programs each semester, bearing in mind that any substantive changes must be approved by the student’s graduate committee. Program sheets are available in the department office and must be filed before the oral examination can be scheduled. The student will have a thesis committee consisting of at least 3 faculty members. At least two of these faculty members must have regular appointments in Geography. All candidates must pass an oral examination and must submit a thesis. The thesis will also be defended in a public presentation. Required courses GEOG 805 History of Geographic Thought GEOG 716 Advanced Geostatistics or an equivalent course in statistics and experimental design Electives One course (500-level or above) in each of the three areas in geography (GIScience, Physical Geography / Atmospheric Sciences, and Regional / Human Geography). At least three courses (500-level or above) in an approved area of concentration (GIScience or physical geography). For the GIScience concentration, a graduate level (500-level or above) computer programming course must be one of the three electives. c. Program Faculty (1) What is the quality of the faculty? The following are the core faculty for the program. All faculty involved with the program have Ph.D. degrees. Curriculum vitae of all faculty are in Appendix A. David Braaten (Professor) Nathaniel Brunsell (Associate Professor) Jerry Dobson (Professor) Stephen Egbert (Associate Professor) Johannes Feddema (Professor) Daniel Hirmas (Assistant Professor) William Johnson (Professor) Xingong Li (Associate Professor) George McCleary (Associate Professor) David Mechem (Assistant Professor) Margaret Pearce (Assistant Professor) David Rahn (Assistant Professor) Terry Slocum (Associate Professor) Donna Tucker (Associate Professor) Cornelis van der Veen (Professor) All the faculty listed above are also involved with the undergraduate program either in geography or the atmospheric science program. Although new faculty would be desirable, we are not proposing any at this time. (2) How many graduate assistants will serve the program? We presently support 21.5 graduate teaching assistant positions in the Geography program. No new GTA positions will be created, but students in this program will have equal access to GTA positions with those in the M.A. degree. These teaching assistants will teach laboratory sections in various geography courses. We also anticipate some students will be supported by research assistantships rather than teaching assistantships. The number of these students will vary depending on support available from the research programs of the individual faculty members but we anticipate there would be 6-8 of these students at any one time. d. Academic Support (1) What are the academic support services for this program? The main support services needed by this program are computer technicians and library materials and services, which are already in place in the Geography Department. The computers themselves will be described in the facilities section of this proposal. (2) What new library materials and other forms of academic support are required beyond normal additions? The library already has subscriptions to online or paper copies of the key journals in geography. The library also has a large variety of books on geography subjects. In addition this program will benefit from and in turn will benefit the GIS services presently offered by the Library system. Thus, we feel that present library resources and normal additions will be sufficient to support this program. (3) What new supporting staff will be required beyond normal additions? The department of geography has two full time office staff and one part time office staff. These staff members already support the M.A. degree in geography and we feel they are able to handle the additional workload the M.S. degree in Geography will require. In addition the Department has access to 2 technical support staff through the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; these positions will be sufficient to support the proposed program e. Facilities and Equipment (1) What are the anticipated facilities requirements? The M.S. program in Geography will use the current departmental instructional facilities. (2) What new equipment will be required beyond normal additions? The geography department and faculty research labs have sufficient facilities for student research. No new equipment will be required. f. Program Review (1) What is the program review process or what evaluation methods will be used to review the program? The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences conducts departmental reviews. The department of Geography was reviewed in 2009-2010 and every 7-8 years thereafter. The review would include both self study and external review. This degree program would be reviewed under this process. Curricula for department courses are reviewed each year during the faculty evaluation process to ensure that they are appropriate for the courses being taught. The department meets annually to decide which students to award Graduate Teaching Assistants to for the following year. At this meeting overall graduate funding is reviewed as the department examines which students have fellowships from KU, which are supported as Graduate Research Assistants, and which have other types of funding. The 2009-2010 review was in strong support of developing this program. (2) What student learning outcomes measures will be used to assess the program’s effectiveness? A number of measures of student learning will be used. Student grades in graduate level courses reflect student learning. Quality of student master’s theses and oral presentations of the research show how the student has applied what was learned. Publication of student research in peer reviewed journals will confirm research quality. Quality of student presentations at professional conferences will make the program’s effectiveness clear. We will also examine how long it takes students to finish their degrees. Students would normally finish their degrees in two years of full time study but we do expect some part time students in this program to take longer. (3) What are the institution’s plans regarding program accreditation? No professional organization accredits masters programs in geography. There are no recommendations published by a professional society for minimum requirements for a M.S. program in geography. Appendix A (next page) – Faculty curriculum vitae Curriculum Vitae DAVID A. BRAATEN Professor Deputy Director Geography Department Center for Remote Sensing of 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. Ice Sheets (CReSIS) The University of Kansas 2335 Irving Hill Road Lawrence, Kansas 66045 The University of Kansas Voice: (785) 864-3801 Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Fax: (785) 864-5378 Voice: (785) 864-7790 E-mail: Education Ph.D., Atmospheric Science 1988, University of California - Davis. Dissertation Title: Particle resuspension and associated coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer. M.S., Meteorology 1981, San Jose State University, San Jose, California. Thesis Title: Long range transport of visibility reducing pollutants in the southwest U.S. B.S., Meteorology 1977, State University of New York – Oswego. Employment Deputy Director, 2005 - present, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), University of Kansas. Professor, 2006 – present, University of Kansas, Geography Department. Associate Professor, 1995 - 2006, University of Kansas, Geography Department (Prior to 6/2003, Dept. Physics and Astronomy) Assistant Professor, 1989 - 1995, University of Kansas, Dept. Physics and Astronomy Visiting Scientist, 1996-1997, Laboratory for Nuclear and Environmental Chemistry, Paul Scherrer Institute, Switzerland. Academic year sabbatical leave from the University of Kansas. Postgraduate Researcher V, 1988 - 1989 University of California, Davis, Dept. LAWR. Meteorologist, 1977-1980, H.D.R., Inc., Sciences Division, Santa Barbara, CA Courses Taught at the University of Kansas Introduction to Meteorology Air Pollution Meteorology Dynamic Meteorology Unusual Weather Seminar for Seniors Advanced Dynamic Meteorology 2 Professional Society Memberships American Meteorological Society IEEE American Polar Society American Geophysical Union International Glaciological Society Sigma Pi Sigma Research Activities • • • • • • • Deputy Director and co-founder of the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS) at the University of Kansas. CReSIS was one of two Science and Technology Centers established by the National Science Foundation in 2005. The vision of the Center is to understand and predict the role of polar ice sheets in sea-level change. Appointed by Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius to serve on the Kansas Energy and Environment Policy (KEEP) advisory group, 2008-2010. Co-Principal Investigator of an Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) grant from the National Science Foundation: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment. Managed the outreach program of the Polar Radars for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) project at the University of Kansas. Field experience in Antarctica (seven field seasons) and Greenland (four field seasons). Chaired a workshop in 1998 on aviation weather hazards at the University of Kansas sponsored by NSF-EPSCoR, FAA and the U.S. Weather Research Program. Designed and deployed an instrumentation system called the Microsphere Dispersal System (MDS) which provides a detailed characterization snow accumulation in hostile polar or alpine environments for periods of up to one year. Used the system to characterize snow accumulation processes in Antarctic regions dominated by katabatic winds. Sponsored a high school teacher and student under NSF’s Antarctic Research Experiences Program. Current Funded Projects IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment, NSF, J. Nagel, PI, D. Braaten, L. Krishtalka, T. Peterson, D. Wildcat Co-PI’s, $3,000,000., 7/1/08 – 6/30/13. Recommended for funding. Collaborative Research: GAMBIT - Gamburtsev aerogeophysical mapping of bedrock and ice targets, NSF, D. Braaten, PI, S. Gogineni, co-PI, $597,000., 10/1/07 – 9/30/11. Science and Technology Center: Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), NSF, S. Gogineni, PI, D. Braaten, K. van der Veen, C. Leuchen, co-PI’s, $17,976,000., 6/1/10 – 5/31/15. Science and Technology Center: Ice Sheets and Sea Level Rise, NSF, S. Gogineni, PI, D. Braaten, coPI, $19,000,000., 6/1/05 – 5/31/10. Development of an Anechoic Chamber and Instrumentation for Remote Sensing and Transportation Interdisciplinary Research and Education, NSF, C. Leuschen, PI, S. Seguin, D. Braaten, S. Gogineni, C. van der Veen, M. Ewing, co-PI’s, $1,374,617., 08/01/09 – 07/31/14. 3 Recent Administrative Committees Colloquium Committee, 2009-2010 Faculty Search Committees (Geology Dept.) 2007-08 Faculty Affairs Committee, (Geography; Physics & Astro.), 2001 – 2006. Chair, Faculty Search Committees (Geography Dept.) 2003-04, 2005-2006. Publications Li, X., R.J. Rowley, J.C. Kostelnick, D. Braaten, and J. Meisel, 2009: GIS Analysis of Global Impacts from Sea Level Rise, Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75 (7), 807-818. Braaten, D.A., and S. Gogineni, 2008: Understanding ice sheet changes and their impact on sea level, Technology, 11 (3), 5-12. Rowley, R.J., J. C. Kostelnick, D. Braaten, X. Li, J. Meisel, 2007: Risk of Rising Sea Level to Population and Land Area, EOS Transactions, 88(9), 105,107. Braaten, D.A., 2007: New Aircraft Will Survey Ice Sheets to Understand Rapid Change, EOS Transactions, 88 (38), 371. Gogineni, S., D. Braaten, C. Allen, J. Paden, T. Akins, P. Kanagaratnam, K. Jezek, G. Prescott, G. Jayaraman, V. Ramasami, C. Lewis and D. Dunson, 2007: Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM), Remote Sensing of Environment - Special Issue: Cryosphere, 111, 204-211. Chernyakov, S., and D. Braaten, 2007: Interaction between Public and Business Communities and the Government Regarding Higher Education for the Benefit of Society, Policy Brief, International Research and Exchange (IREX), Washington, D.C., 8 pp. (In English and Russian). Braaten, D. A., 2006: Greenland. Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, McGraw-Hill, New York, pp. 263-264. Gogineni, S., P. Kanagaratnam, T. Akins, D. Braaten, and K. Jezek, 2005: Wideband Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Sub-Surface Interfaces in Glacial Ice, Invited paper, Proceedings, 6th European Conference on Synthetic Aperture Radar, Dresden, Germany Gogineni, S., D. Braaten, C. Allen, and G. Prescott, 2005: Strategic and Implementation Plan, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, available at: Website%20SI%20Plan.pdf, 24 pp. Gogineni, S., D. Braaten, C. Allen, G. Prescott, and the STC team, 2005: An Introduction to the Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), Proceedings, Program in Arctic and Climate Assessment (PARCA), Baltimore, MD, 24-26 October, 2005. Gogineni, S., D. Braaten, P. Kanagaratnam, T. Akins, V. Ramasami, C. Veeramachaneni, and J. Plummer, 2005: Airborne Radar Measurements Over Greenland in 2005, and Signal Processing Accomplishments, Proceedings, Program in Arctic and Climate Assessment (PARCA), Baltimore, MD, 24-26 October, 2005. 4 Moore, R. K., D. Braaten, V. J. Kurisunkal, B. Natarajakumar, G. K. Narayanan, J. Arockiam, 2005: Correcting wind scatterometers for rain, Proceedings, XXVIIIth URSI General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 23-29 October, 2005. Gogineni, S., K. Jezek, J. Paden, C. Allen, P. Kanagaratnam, T. Akins, and D. Braaten, 2005: Radar imaging and sounding of polar ice sheets, Proceedings, XXVIIIth URSI General Assembly, New Delhi, India, 23-29 October, 2005. Kanagaratnam, P., S. Gogineni, V. Ramasami and D. Braaten, 2004: A wideband radar for highresolution mapping of near-surface internal layers in glacial ice, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sensing, 42, 483-490. Rignot, E., D. Braaten, S. P. Gogineni, W. B. Krabill, and J. R. McConnell, 2004: Rapid ice discharge from southeast Greenland glaciers, Geophys. Res. Lett, 31 (10), L10401, doi: 10.1029/2004GL019474. Natarajakumar, B., V. Kurisunkal, R. K. Moore, D. Braaten, 2004: Rain heights over the oceans: Relation to rain rates, Proceedings, URSI Commission F Triennium Open Symposium, Great Barrier Reef, Cairns, Australia, 1-4 June, 2004. Braaten, D., J. Holvoet, and S. Gogineni, 2004: Virtual PRISM – On the Ice via the Web with the PRISM Project. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, Alaska. Mohammad, A., D. Braaten, V. Frost, and G. Prescott, 2004: Multi-channel Iridium communications for polar field experiments. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, Alaska. R.K. Moore, Braaten, D., B. Natarajakumar, V. J. Kurisunkal, 2004: Correcting SeaWinds measurements for convective rain that only partially fills the scatterometer footprint.. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Anchorage, Alaska. Braaten, D., J. Holvoet, C. Bowen, M. Koeppe, and S. Gogineni, 2003: Outreach activities of the polar radar for ice sheet measurements (PRISM) project. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France. Moore, R.K., D. Braaten, B. Natarajakumar, V. J. Kurisunkal, 2003: Correcting scatterometer ocean measurements for rain effects using radiometer data: Application to SeaWinds on ADEOS-2. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France. Ramasami, V., Gogineni, S., B. Holt, P. Kanagaratnam, K. Gurumoorthy, S.K. Namburi, J. Henslee, D. Braaten, A. Mahoney, and V. Lytle: 2003: A low frequency wideband depth sounder for sea ice. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France. Gogineni, S., G. Prescott, D. Braaten, C. Allen, and the PRISM team, 2003: Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toulouse, France. 5 Braaten, D., S. Gogineni, D. Tammana, S.K. Namburi, J. Paden, and K. Gurumoorthy, 2002. Improvement of radar ice thickness measurements of Greenland outlet glaciers using SAR processing. Annals of Glaciology, 35, 73-78. Braaten, D.A. and S. Gogineni, 2002: Radar measurements of ice sheet thickness of outlet glaciers in Greenland. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Toronto. Gogineni, S., D. Tammana, D. Braaten, C. Leuschen, T. Akins, J. Legarsky, P. Kanagaratnam, J. Stiles, C. Allen, and K. Jezek, 2001: Coherent radar ice thickness measurements over the Greenland Ice Sheet. J. Geophys. Res. 106, (D24), 33,761-33,772. Braaten, D.A., 2000: Direct measurements of episodic snow accumulation on the Antarctic Polar Plateau, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 105 (D8), 10119 - 10128. Braaten, D.A., and K.L. Ratzlaff, 1998: An automated tracer dispersal system for snow accumulation and transport investigations. Rev. Sci. Instruments 69 (2), 572-577. Braaten, D.A., 1997: A detailed assessment of snow accumulation in katabatic wind areas on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica, J. Geophys. Res. 102 (D25), 30,047-30,058. Braaten, D.A., and K.T. Paw U, 1996: A stochastic model of particle reentrainment- deposition in turbulent boundary layers. J. Aerosol Sci. 27, S601-S602. Roshanaei, H., and D.A. Braaten, 1996: Indoor sources of airborne particulate matter in a museum and its impact on works of art. J. Aerosol Sci. 27, S443-S444. Braaten, D.A., 1995: A new technique to provide high time resolution snowpack dating for stratigraphy and chemistry assessments. Atmos. Environ. 29, 2535-2539. Paw U, K.T. and D.A. Braaten, 1995: New perspectives on rebound and reentrainment processes. Aerosol Sci. Technol. 23, 72-79. Braaten, D.A. 1994: Wind tunnel experiments of large particle reentrainment-deposition and development of large particle scaling parameters. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 21, 157-169. Braaten, D.A., R. H. Shaw, and K.T. Paw U, 1993: Boundary-layer flow structures associated with particle reentrainment. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 65, 255-272. Braaten, D.A., and K.T. Paw U, 1992: A net deposition model. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 17, 289-302. Paw U, K.T. and D.A. Braaten, 1992: Experimental evidence of the importance of rebound in net deposition of particles. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 17, 278-288. Braaten, D.A. and K.T. Paw U, 1992: A stochastic particle resuspension and deposition model. Precipitation Scavenging and Atmospheric Surface Exchange. Vol. 2, pp 1143-1152, Hemisphere, Washington. 6 Braaten, D.A., K.T. Paw U, and R.H. Shaw, 1990: Particle resuspension in a turbulent boundary layer - Observed and modeled. J. Aerosol Sci., 21 (5), 613-628. Braaten, D.A., K.T. Paw U, and R.H. Shaw, 1988: Coherent turbulent structures and particle detachment in boundary layer flows. J. Aerosol. Sci., 19 (7), 1183-1186. Raabe, O.G., D.A. Braaten, R.L. Axelbaum, S.V. Teague, and T.A. Cahill, 1988: Calibration studies of the DRUM impactor. J. Aerosol. Sci., 19 (2), 183-195. Braaten, D.A., and T.A. Cahill, 1986: Size and composition of Asian dust transported to Hawaii. Atmos. Environ. 20 (6), 1105-1109. Other Publications Braaten, D. A., LaBrie, R., McDermott, D., Gogineni, P. S., Bell, R. E., Studinger, M., Frearson, N., Damaske, D., and Ferraccioli, F., 2009: The Impact of Data Density on Interpolation Methods Used to Develop a Digital Elevation Model of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains in East Antarctica. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C43A-0488. Jordan, T. A., Ferraccioli, F., Studinger, M., Bell, R. E., Damaske, D., Elieff, S., Finn, C., Braaten, D. A., and Corr, H. 2009: Investigating subglacial landscapes and crustal structure of the Gamburtsev Province in East Antarctica with the aid of new airborne gravity data. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C43A-0484. Ferraccioli, F., Bell, R. E., Studinger, M., Damaske, D., Jordan, T. A., Corr, H., Braaten, D. A., Gogineni, P. S., Fahnestock, M.A., Finn, C., and Rose, K. 2009: New Aerogeophysical exploration of the Gamburtsev Province (East Antarctica). Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C52A-01. Studinger, M., Bell, R. E., Ferraccioli, F., Damaske, D., Finn, C., Braaten, D., Fahnestock, M.A., Jordan, T. A., Corr, H., Elieff, S., Frearson, N., Block, A. E., and Rose, K. 2009: The East Antarctic Ice Sheet and the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains (Invited). Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract G52B-03. Bell, R. E., Studinger, M., Ferraccioli, F., Damaske, D., Finn, C., Braaten, D., Fahnestock, M.A., Jordan, T. A., Corr, H., Elieff, S., Robinson, C., Frearson, N., Geue, D., McMinn, M.C., Burton, B., Goldmann, F., Block, A. E., Bates, M., and Rose, K. 2009: AGAP: Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with Aerogeophysical Surveys during the IPY. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C53B-08. Wolovick, M., Frearson, N., Block, A. E., Bell, R. E., Studinger, M., Ferraccioli, F., Braaten, D. A., and Damaske, D., 2009: Preliminary Analysis of the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Morphology from AGAP Airborne Radar Data. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C43A-0486. Studinger, M., Bell, R. E., Ferraccioli, F., Damaske, D., Finn, C., Braaten, D., Fahnestock, M.A., Jordan, T. A., Corr, H., Elieff, S., Robinson, C., Frearson, N., Geue, D., McMinn, M.C., Burton, B., Goldmann, F., Block, A. E., Bates, M., and Rose, K. 2009: AGAP: Exploring the Gamburtsev 7 Subglacial Mountains with Aerogeophysical Surveys during the IPY. IGS Symposium – Glaciology in the IPY, 27-31 July, 2009, Newcastle, UK Bell, R. E., Studinger, M., Damaske, D., Ferraccioli, F., Braaten, D., Finn, C., and Fahnestock, M.A., 2009: Exploring Antarctica’s Gamburtsev Mountain Province (AGAP): A flagship program of the international polar year 2007-8. IGS Symposium – Glaciology in the IPY, 27-31 July, 2009, Newcastle, UK. Studinger, M., Bell, R. E., Damaske, D., Ferraccioli, F., Braaten, D., Finn, C., Fahnestock, M.A., 2009: Antarctic earth system science during IPY: Exploring linkages between tectonic, Glaciologic and Biologic processes in Central East Antarctica with geophysical methods. International Workshop – Exploring Frontier Regions in East Antarctica During IPY and Beyond, 19-20 March 2009, Cambridge, UK. Ferraccioli, F., R.E. Bell, M. Studinger, D. Damaske, C.A. Finn, P. Gogineni, D. Braaten, T.A. Jordan, 2008: International Partnerships Launched to Explore the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains Province Under the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. SCAR-2008, St Petersburg, Russia. Bell, R., M. Studinger, N. Frearson, P. Gogineni, and D. Braaten, 2007: Development of a next generation polar multidisciplinary airborne imaging system for the International Polar Year 20072009. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract NS34A-02. Gogineni, S. and 27 others, 2007, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (CReSIS), On-line EOS Supplement. Link to this article is in Braaten, D.A., 2007 EOS Transactions, 88 (38), 371. Hayden, L., and D. Braaten, 2007: Development of Educational Partnerships Dedicated to Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets Cyberinfrastructure. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Barcelona, Spain. Marathe, K.C., V.A. Jara, T. Akins, P. Kanagaratnam, Gogineni, S., K. Jezek, C. Allen, D. Braaten, 2006: Airborne Radar Demonstrator for Imaging of Ice-bed Interface, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21A-1135. Gogineni, S., J. Paden, T. Akins, C. Allen, P. Kanagaratnam, D. Braaten, K. Jezek, 2006: Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging of Ice-bed Interface, Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C14B-06. Studinger, M., R.E. Bell, D. Braaten, D. Damaske, F. Ferraccioli, C. Finn, S. Gogineni, C.J. Wilson, 2006: Exploring the Gamburtsev Subglacial Mountains with Aerogeophysical Surveys During the IPY. Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract U21B-0814. Kanagaratnam, P., T. Rink, D. Braaten, T. Akins, and S. Gogineni, 2006: A Wide-band Radar for Mapping Near-Surface Isochronous Layers in Snow. Proceeding, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Denver, CO. Rink, T., P. Kanagaratnam, D. Braaten, K. Mullenberg, T. Akins, and S. Gogineni, 2005: A FineResolution Radar for Mapping Near-Surface Isochronous Layers. Eos Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN13B-1091. 8 Gogineni, S., P. Kanagaratnam, R. Parthasarathy, T. Akins, D. Braaten, K. Jezek, , 2004: Ultra wideband radar mapping of near surface internal layers: Systems, results and analysis. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C41D-01. Studinger, M., C.A. Finn, R.E. Bell, S. Gogineni, L. Hayden, and D. Braaten, 2004: GAMBIT – Gamburtsev aerogeophysical mapping of bedrock and ice targets during IPY. Eos Trans. AGU, 85(47), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C21A-0972. Braaten, D., S. Gogineni, T. Akins, P. Kanagaratnam, R. Parthasarathy, and C. Allen, 2004: Advanced radar systems for airborne ice thickness measurements and near-surface internal layer mapping. Proceedings, Workshop on Science Opportunities for a Multidisciplinary Long-Range Aircraft for Antarctic Research (LARA), Herndon, VA. Braaten, D.A., J.F. Holvoet, S. Gogineni, 2003: Web-based tools for educators: Outreach activities of the Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) project. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract ED21B-1217. Parthasarathy, R., P. Kanagaratnam, T. Akins, J. Wuite, D. Braaten, K. Jezek, S. Gogineni, 2003: Fine-resolution mapping of near-surface internal layers. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C11C-0843. Chalishazar, N., G. Prescott, D. Braaten, 2003: A high speed, long-range mobile communications link for use in Polar Regions. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C41C-1001. Mohammad, A., V. Frost, D. Braaten, 2003: Results of an Iridium-based data communications system providing Internet access to polar expeditions. Eos Trans. AGU, 84(46), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract C12A-0863. Moore, R.K., D. Braaten, B. Natarajakumar, V. J. Kurisunkal, 2003: Correcting SeaWinds measurements for rain effects using AMSR data. Proceedings, Ocean Wind Vector Meeting, Jan 1416, Oxnard, CA. Braaten, D., P. Kanagaratnum, T. Akins, S. Gogineni, 2003: Measurement of thickness of the Greenland ice sheet and high-resolution mapping of internal layers. Technical Report, RSL 20780-2. Braaten, D., S. Gogineni, and the PRISM team, 2002: An Overview of the Polar Radar for Ice Sheet Measurements (PRISM) Project. 9th Annual West Antarctic Ice Sheet (WAIS) Workshop, Sterling, VA. Moore, R.K., D. Braaten, B. Natarajakumar, V. J. Kurisunkal, 2002: Correlation of rain rate and rain height: A study relating to correction of seawinds scatterometer data for rain. Proceedings, 27th URSI General Assembly, Maastricht, The Netherlands. P. Kanagaratnam, B. Parthasarathy, T. Plummer, T. Akins, D. Braaten and S.P. Gogineni, 2002: A High-Resolution Airborne Radar System for Near Surface Mapping of Internal Layers to Estimate Accumulation Rate, Proceedings, 32nd European Microwave Conference, September, 24 – 26, 2002, Milan, Italy. 9 Moore, R. K., D. Braaten, and S. Taherion, 2001: Correction of Seawinds Measurements Based on TRMM Rain-Height Measurements, presented at the Specialist Meeting on Microwave Remote Sensing, 5-9 November, Boulder, Colorado. Braaten, D.A., and D. Tucker, 2001: A ceiling and visibility prediction system suitable for Antarctic flight operations. Preprints, Sixth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, 365-366. Braaten, D., D. Tucker, C. Pan, I. Jirak, and P. Browning, 2000: Identification of key parameters for aviation forecasts of ceiling and visibility, Preprints, Antarctic Weather Forecasting Workshop (NSF), Ohio State University, pp. 59-62. Braaten, D., I. Jirak, D. Tucker, C. Pan, and P. Browning, 2000: Key parameters in forecasting IFR conditions: Two case studies. Preprints, Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., pp. 165-166. Tucker, D., D. Crnkovich, D. McCann, and D. Braaten, 2000: An investigation of clear air versus in cloud turbulence. Preprints, Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., pp. 212. Pan, C., I. Jirak, D. Tucker, Braaten, D., P. Browning, and D. Beusterien, 2000: Improvement of terminal area forecasts. Preprints, Ninth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., pp. 377-380. Braaten, D., and M. Wu, 1999: Assessment of sublimation algorithm parameters on observed snow height changes in Greenland, EOS Transactions, 80, F236. Droegemeier, K.K., D.A., Braaten, and D. Rodenhuis, 1999: Report of the first study conference on aviation weather hazards. Eighth Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., pp. 27-32. Braaten, D.A., 1999: Direct measurements of episodic snow accumulation in Antarctica. Fifth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA., pp. 124-125. Braaten, D.A., 1998: Direct measurements of episodic snow accumulation on the Antarctic polar plateau. Chapman Conference on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Orono, ME, pg. 40. Braaten, D.A., M. Schwikowski, U. Baltensperger, and C. Fierz, 1998: An investigation of the role of vertical temperature gradients in snow on changes in snow chemistry. Annual Report 1997, Laboratory for Radiation and Environmental Chemistry, University of Bern and Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland). Braaten, D.A., 1997: The role of winds on the growth of polar ice sheets. Eos (Supplemental Issue), 78 (46). 10 Braaten, D.A., 1997: Precipitation, winds, and net snow accumulation: What's really going on? 4th Conference on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, Sterling, VA. Braaten, D.A., M. Schwikowski, U. Baltensperger, 1997: Assessment of snow accumulation dynamics on a high alpine snow field using glass microspheres. Annual Report 1996, Laboratory for Radiation and Environmental Chemistry, University of Bern and Paul Scherrer Institute (Switzerland), 13. Muldumala, K. and D.A. Braaten, 1997: The Role of Gravity in the Reentrainment-Deposition Trajectories of Large Particles. American Association of Aerosol Research, Cincinnati, OH, pg. 479. Braaten, D.A., 1997: Characterization of Seasonal Snow Accumulation on the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 32(5), 50-52. Stewart, J., D.A. Braaten, and C. Bennett, 1997: Characterization of Wind Generated Snow Surface Features on the Ross Ice Shelf. Antarctic Journal of the U.S, 32(5), 48-50. Braaten, D.A., 1996: Temporal variation of snow accumulation rate at two Ross Ice Shelf locations influenced by katabatic winds. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 31(2), 235-236. Paw U, K.T., H.B. Su, and D.A. Braaten, 1996: The usage of structure functions in estimating water vapor and carbon dioxide exchange between plant canopies and the atmosphere. 22nd Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. Braaten, D.A., 1995: Assessment of snow accumulation and transport dynamics using glass microspheres. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 30(5), 331-332. Braaten, D. A., 1995: Experimental evaluation of a stochastic particle resuspension and deposition model. American Association of Aerosol Research, Cincinnati, OH, pg. 405. Rockey, C.C. and D.A. Braaten, 1995: Characterization of polar cyclonic activity and relationship to observed snowfall events at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. Fourth Conference on Polar Meteorology and Oceanography, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. Braaten, D.A., 1994: Instrumentation to quantify snow accumulation and transport dynamics at two locations on the Ross Ice Shelf. Antarctic Journal of the United States 29(5), 86-87. Braaten, D.A., 1993: Particle reentrainment in transition boundary layers. American Association of Aerosol Research, Cincinnati, OH, pg. 118. Paw U, K.T., and D.A. Braaten, 1993: Large aerosol rebound or reentrainment: Who wins after all these years. American Association for Aerosol Research, Cincinnati, OH, pg. 336. Braaten, D.A., 1993: Instrumentation to quantitatively measure dynamic snow accumulation processes in remote regions. Eighth Symposium on Meteorological Observations and Instrumentation, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 72-73. 11 Braaten, D.A., and G.A.M. Dreschhoff, 1993: Maximum and minimum temperature trends at McMurdo Sound Station. Antarctic Journal of the United States, 25, 282-283. Braaten, D.A., 1992: Experimental determination of large particle migration scaling parameters. American Association for Aerosol Research, San Francisco, CA, pg 76. Braaten, D.A., 1991: Book review of "The RAINS model of acidification: Science and strategies in Europe". Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 72, 640-643. Braaten, D.A., and K.T. Paw U, 1990: A net deposition model. American Association for Aerosol Research, Philadelphia, PA, pg 145. Paw U, K.T., and D.A. Braaten, 1989: Oblique deposition of pollen spores. Ninth Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, pp. 251-252. Braaten, D.A., K.T. Paw U, and R.H. Shaw, 1988: Single point detection coherent turbulence associated with energetic wall shear stress. Eighth Symposium on Turbulence and Diffusion, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. Braaten, D.A., 1988: Particle resuspension and associated coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Davis, 175 pp. Braaten, D.A., R.H. Shaw, and K.T. Paw U, 1986: Particle detachment in turbulent boundary layers. In: Aerosols, Formation and Reactivity, Proceedings of the Second International Aerosol Conference, West Berlin, Pergamon Press, Oxford. Raabe, O.G., D.A. Braaten, R.L. Axelbaum, S.V. Teague, and T.A. Cahill, 1986: Calibration studies of the DRUM impactor. In: Aerosols, Formation and Reactivity, Proceedings of the Second International Aerosol Conference, West Berlin, Pergamon Press, Oxford. Cahill, T.A., and D.A. Braaten, 1983: Size characteristics of Asian dust sampled at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. Geophysical Monitoring for Climatic Change, Summary Report, 1982, No. 11, 117-119. Braaten, D.A., and R.D. Bornstein, 1982: Long-range transport of visibility reducing pollutants in the Southwest. Third Joint Conference on Applications of Air Pollution Meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA. Braaten, D.A., 1981: Long range transport of visibility reducing pollutants in the Southwest U.S., M.S. Thesis, San Jose State University, 74 pp. Nathaniel A. Brunsell Contact Information Department of Geography University of Kansas 417 Lindley Hall 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045-7613 USA Voice: (785) 864-2021 E-mail: Research Interests Biometeorology, scaling processes from leaf to pixel, remote sensing of the surface energy balance, turbulence measurements using large aperture scintillometry and eddy covariance, ecological consequences of regional climate change, surface-precipitation feedbacks, implications of regional climate change on extreme value statistics, application of nonlinear time series analysis to meteorological datasets Education Ph.D., Biometeorology, 2003 Utah State University, Logan UT Dissertation: An examination of scale issues involved with remotely sensed data B.S., Earth and Planetary Sciences, 1997 University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM Undergraduate Honors Thesis: The effect of topography on precipitation Professional Experience Associate Professor, 2010 - Present Department of Geography - Atmospheric Sciences Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Visiting Scientist, 2010 - 2011 Biospheric Theory and Modelling Group (Sabbatical from KU) Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemisty, Jena, Germany Assistant Professor, 2004 - 2010 Department of Geography - Atmospheric Sciences Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS Postdoctoral Research Associate, 2002 - 2004 Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC Awards Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. 2010-2011. Lecia Geosystems Award for best scientific paper in remote sensing: Second Place. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. 2003. 1 of 9 Publications † indicates a graduate student, ‡ indicates an undergraduate student co-author Submitted Barve, N., A. J. Bonilla, J. Brandes, J. C. Brown, N. Brunsell, F. V. Cochran, R. Crosthwait, J. Gentry, L. M. Gerhart, T. Jackson, A. J. Kern, H. Owens, A. T. Peterson, A. S. Reed, J. Sobern, A. D. Sundberg , and L M. Williams: 2011, Climate-change causation of mass mortality events in overwintering monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) and potential future winter distributions. PLoS One, in review. Mahecha, M. D., L. M. Fürsta, H. Lange, N. A. Brunsell, N. Gobron, M. Hauhs, M. Jung, M. Reichstein, B. Reu: 2011: Multiscale variability of FAPAR in relation to climate: towards a global characterization. Journal of Climate, in review. Arnold, K. A., J. M. Ham and N. A. Brunsell: 2011, Energy balance closure at eddy covariance towers in tallgrass prairie. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, in review. [28] [27] [26] [25] [24] [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] Published/In-press Brunsell, N. A. and M. C. Anderson: 2011, Characterizing the multi–scale spatial structure of remotely sensed evapotranspiration with information theory. Biogeosciences, in press. Petrie† , M. D., N. A. Brunsell and J. B. Nippert: 2011, Climate change alters growing season flux dynamics in mesic grasslands. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, in press. Brunsell, N. A., J. M. Ham and K. A. Arnold: 2011, Validating remotely sensed land surface fluxes in heterogeneous terrain with large aperture scintillometry. International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press. Petrie† , M. D. and N. A. Brunsell: 2011, The role of precipitation variability on the ecohydrology of grasslands. Ecohydrology, in press. Brunsell, N. A., S. Schymanski and A. Kleidon: 2011, Quantifying the thermodynamic entropy budget of the land surface: is this useful? Earth System Dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-2-87-2011, 2, 87-103. Brunsell, N. A., D. B. Mechem and M. C. Anderson: 2011, Surface heterogeneity impacts on boundary layer dynamics via energy balance partitioning. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, doi:10.5194/acp-11-1-2011, 11, 3403-3416. Nippert, J. B., T. Ocheltree, A. Skibbe, L. Kangas, J. M. Ham, K. Arnold, and N. A. Brunsell: 2011, Scaling above-ground growth by landscape position in mesic grassland. Oecologia, doi:10.1007/s00442-011-1948-6, 1-12. Brunsell, N. A.: 2010, A multiscale information theory approach to assess spatial-temporal variability of daily precipitation. Journal of Hydrology, doi:j.jhydrol.2010.02.016, 385, 165-172. Brunsell, N. A., A. R. Jones† , T. L. Jackson and J. J. Feddema: 2010, Seasonal trends in air temperature and precipitation in IPCC AR4 GCM output for Kansas, USA: evaluation and implications. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.1958, 30, 1178-1193. Logan‡ , K., N. A. Brunsell, A. R. Jones† and J. J. Feddema: 2010, Assessing spatiotemporal variability of drought in the U. S. Central Plains. Journal of Arid Environments, 74, 247-255, doi:10.1016/j.jaridenv.2009.08.008. Brunsell, N. A., P. P. B. Pontes, and R. A. C. Lamparelli: 2009, Remotely sensed phenology of coffee and its relationship to yield. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 46, doi:10.2747/1548-1603.46.3.1, 289-304. Jones† , A. R. and N. A. Brunsell: 2009, A scaling analysis of soil moistureprecipitation interactions in a regional climate model. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 98, doi:10.1007/s00704-009-0109-x, 221-235. 2 of 9 [16] [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] [9] [-] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] Jones† , A. R. and N. A. Brunsell: 2009, Energy balance partitioning and net radiation as controls on soil moisture-precipitation feedbacks. Earth Interactions, 13, doi: 10.1175/2009EI270.1, 1-25. Baum, K. A., J. M. Ham, N. A. Brunsell, and P. I. Coyne: 2008, Surface boundary layer of cattle feedlots: implications for emission measurement. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 148, 1882-1893. Lash, R. R., N. A. Brunsell and A. T. Peterson: 2008, Spatiotemporal environmental triggers to Ebola and Marburg virus transmission. GeoCarto International, 23, 451-466. Brunsell, N. A., J. M. Ham and C. E. Owensby: 2008, Assessing the multiresolution information content of remotely sensed variables and elevation for evapotranspiration in a tall-grass prairie environment. Remote Sensing of Environment, 112, 2977-2987. Lyon, S., F. Dominguez, D. Gochis, N. Brunsell, C. Castro, F. Chow, D. Fuka, Y. Hong, P. Kucera, S. Nesbitt, Y. Fan, N. Salzmann, J. Schmidli, P. Snyder, A. Teuling, T. Twine, G. Lee, S. Levis, J. Lundquist, G. Salvucci, A. Sealy, T. Walter: 2008, Coupling terrestrial and atmospheric water dynamics to improve prediction in a changing environment. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 89, 1275-1279. Young, C. B. and N. A. Brunsell: 2008, Evaluating NEXRAD precipitation estimates for the Missouri River Basin: an analysis using daily raingage data. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 13, 549-553. Brunsell, N. A. and C. B. Young: 2008, Land surface response to precipitation events using MODIS and NEXRAD data, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29, 1965-1982. Brunsell, N. A.: 2006, Characterization of land-surface precipitation feedback regimes with remote sensing. Remote Sensing of Environment, 100, 200-211. French, A. N., F. Jacob, M. C. Anderson, W. P. Kustas, W. Timmermans, A. Gieske, B. Su, H. Su, M. F. McCabe, F. Li, J. Prueger, and N. Brunsell: 2005, Erratum: surface energy fluxes with the Advanced Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) at the Iowa SMACEX site (USA). Remote Sensing of Environment, 99, 471. French, A. N., F. Jacob, M. C. Anderson, W. P. Kustas, W. Timmermans, A. Gieske, B. Su, H. Su, M. F. McCabe, F. Li, J. Prueger, and N. Brunsell: 2005, Surface energy fluxes with the Advanced Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) at the Iowa SMACEX site (USA). Remote Sensing of Environment, 99, 55-65. White, M.A., N. Brunsell, and M.D. Schwartz: 2004, Vegetation phenology in global change studies. In Phenology: An Integrative Environmental Science. M.D. Schwartz, editor. Kluwer Academic Publishers, New York, NY. 453-466. Brunsell, N. A. and R. R. Gillies: 2003, Length scale analysis of surface energy fluxes derived from remote sensing. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 4, 1212-1219. Brunsell, N. A. and R. R. Gillies: 2003, Determination of scaling characteristics of AVHRR data with wavelets: Application to SGP97, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, 14, 2945-2957. Brunsell, N. A. and R. R. Gillies: 2003, Scale issues in land-atmosphere interactions: implications for the remote sensing of the surface energy balance, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 117, 3-4, 203-221. Brunsell, N. A. and R. R. Gillies: 2002, Incorporation of surface emissivity into a thermal atmospheric correction, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 68, 12, 1263-1269. 3 of 9 [2] [1] [4] [3] [2] [1] Presentations Brunsell, N. and Gillies, R.: 2001, The effect of emissivity on evaporation, in Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000: Proceedings of a Symposium Held at Santa Fe, New Mexico, April 2000. eds: M. Owe, K. Brubaker, J. Ritchie and A. Rango, 267, 276-280. Menking, K. M., R. Y. Anderson, N. A. Brunsell, B. D. Allen, A. L. Ellwein, T. A. Loveland and S. W. Hostetler: 2000, Evaporation from groundwater discharge playas, Estancia Basin, central New Mexico. Global and Planetary Change, 25, 133-147. Non-peer reviewed publications Feddema, J. J., N. A. Brunsell, T. L. Jackson and A. R. Jones: 2008, Climate change in Kansas. Technical report for the Climate and Energy Project of the Land Institute. 10 pages. Young, C. B., T. M. Brown† , and N. A. Brunsell: 2008, Evaluation of NEXRAD operational precipitation estimates in Kansas. Technical report for the Kansas Department of Transportation. 108 pages. Brunsell, N. A.: 2007, Book Review - Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast by David Archer, Palios, doi:10.2110/palo.2007.BR011. Brown, J. C., M. Purcell, and N. Brunsell: 2007, Scale, Problems of. Encyclopedia of Environment and Society. ed. by Paul Robbins. SAGE Publications. † indicates a graduate student, ‡ indicates an undergraduate student co-author Invited Presentations [7] Brunsell, N. A.: 2011, A multi-scale perspective for sustainability: the challenge of synthesizing processes. University of Wyoming. Laramie, WY. [6] Brunsell, N. A.: 2010, Information theory approaches to scaling of landatmosphere interactions. AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 December. San Francisco, CA. [5] Brunsell, N. A.: 2010, Scaling land-atmosphere interactions using observational and modeling frameworks. Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry. Jena, Germany. [4] Brunsell, N. A.: 2009, A multi-scale approach to assessing the role of surface heterogeneity on land-atmosphere interactions. National Center for Atmospheric Research. Boulder, CO. [3] Brunsell, N. A.: 2008, Assessing the predictability of the water cycle: a multiscale framework. Seminars in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. [2] Brunsell, N. A.: 2008, Trading carbon for water: assessing climate change in Kansas. KU Commons: University Lecture Series. University of Kansas. Lawrence, KS. [1] Brunsell, N. A.: 2007, Understanding water cycle dynamics for increased predictability: where are we? WyGISC Geospatial Forum. University of Wyoming. Laramie, WY. [28] [27] Conference Proceedings and Presentations (Last five years only) Brunsell, N. A., L. Miller and A. Kleidon: 2011, The role of dissipation on spatial and temporal structure of turbulent fields. EGU General Assembly, 4-8 Apr, Vienna, Austria. Hirmas, D. R. and N. A. Brunsell: 2011, Application of wavelet and fractal techniques to the analysis to soil structure and color. EGU General Assembly, 4-8 Apr, Vienna, Austria. 4 of 9 [26] [25] [24] [23] [22] [21] [20] [19] [18] [17] [16] [15] [14] [13] [12] [11] [10] N. A. Brunsell, S. Schymanski and A. Kleidon: 2010, The role of vegetation fraction on the thermodynamics of the land surface. AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 Dec, San Francisco, CA. Cochran† , F. V., N. A. Brunsell, and A. T. Quick‡ : 2010, Comparing surface and mid-troposphere CO2 concentration and fluxes from central U.S. grasslands. AGU Fall Meeting, 13-17 Dec, San Francisco, CA. Brunsell, N. A. and M. C. Anderson: 2010, Characterization of the multiscale spatial structure of land atmosphere interactions. ESA-iLEAPS-EGU Joint Conference on Earth Observation for Land-Atmosphere Interaction Science, 3-5 Nov, Frascati (Rome), Italy. Hirmas, D. R. and N.A. Brunsell, and B.L. Allen: 2010, Soil morphological applications of wavelet and fractal analyses. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meetings, 31 Oct - 4 Nov, Long Beach, CA. Cochran† , F. V., N. A. Brunsell, and A. T. Quick‡ : 2010, Assessing surface and mid-troposphere CO2 concentration and fluxes from grasslands in northeastern Kansas. General Land Project Open Meeting, 15-17 Oct, Phoenix, AZ. Brunsell, N. A. and D. B. Mechem: 2010, Assessing the role of surface heterogeneity on energy balance partitioning and land-atmosphere feedbacks. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Lin† , P. L., and N. A. Brunsell: 2010, Implications of altering land use for biofuel production on carbon and water cycling in the central US. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Huber, D., D. B. Mechem, and N. A. Brunsell: 2010, Influence of Irrigation on Mid-Summer Convective Rainfall in the Great Plains. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Quick‡ , A., N. A. Brunsell and T. L. Buck† : 2010, Variations in land cover conditions on scalar similarity and correlation of scalar transport by turbulent eddies. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Wilson‡ , C. and N. A. Brunsell: 2010, Seasonal dynamics of the thermodynamic entropy budget for a heterogeneous grassland. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Buck† , T. L. and N. A. Brunsell: 2010, The role of land cover and precipitation variability on carbon and water fluxes in central US grasslands. 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2-6 Aug, Keystone, CO. Brunsell, N. A.: 2009, A multi-scale information theory approach to assess spatial-temporal variability in daily precipitation and temperature. AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December, San Francisco, CA. Petrie†, M. D. and N. A. Brunsell: 2009, Nonlinear Ecosystem Responses to Variable Precipitation Timing and Magnitude Using a Low-dimensional Modeling Framework. AGU Fall Meeting, 14-18 December, San Francisco, CA. Brunsell, N. A.: 2009, Multi-scale analysis of surface-precipitation feedbacks in the central United States. AGU Joint Assembly, 23-27 May, Toronto, CA. Maksimowicz‡, M., N. A. Brunsell, and J. M. Ham: 2009, Spatial and temporal alterations on carbon and water cycles due to grazing. AGU Joint Assembly, 23-27 May, Toronto, CA. Ham, J., J. Nippert, J. Blair, K. Arnold, and N. A. Brunsell: 2008, Sensor networks for measuring spatial variability in the landscape energy balance. 2008 GSA-SSSA-ASA-CSSA-GCAGS-HGS Joint Annual Meeting, 5-9 October, Houston, TX. Brunsell, N. A., J. M. Ham and C. B. Young: 2008, A wavelet based information theory approach to assess scaling of evapotranspiration. CUAHSI Biennial Colloquium on Hydrologic Science and Engineering, 14-16 July, Boulder, CO. 5 of 9 [9] [8] [7] [6] [5] [4] [3] [2] [1] Brunsell, N. A., A. P. Barros and T. A. Rahn: 2008, Determination of the areal averaged fluxes in CLASIC: a synthesis of methodologies. 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 28 Apr-2 May, Orlando, FL. Buck‡, T. A. and N. A. Brunsell: 2008, Soil moisture controls on carbon and water cycling. 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 28 Apr-2 May, Orlando, FL. Ham, J. M., N. A. Brunsell and K. B. Arnold†: 2008, Effect of landscape position on carbon and water fluxes from tallgrass prairie. 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 28 Apr-2 May, Orlando, FL. Brunsell, N. A., T. L. Buck‡, K. Arnold† and J. M. Ham: 2007, Variation in scintillometer and eddy tower footprints and implications for the validation of satellite derived energy fluxes in heterogeneous terrain. AGU Fall Meeting, 10-14 Dec, San Francisco, CA. Jones†, A. R. and N. A. Brunsell: 2007, Investigation of the impacts of spatial variability of soil moisture on convective precipitation in the central plains. AGU Fall Meeting, 10-14 Dec, San Francisco, CA. Arnold†, K., J. Ham and N. Brunsell: 2007, Energy balance closure when using eddy covariance: How good is good enough? American Society of Agronomy, 4-8 Nov, New Orleans, LA. Ham, J., N. Brunsell, K. Arnold, and K. Baum: 2007, Effect of sampling frequency and integration interval on eddy covariance measurements of heat, water vapor, and CO2 fluxes. American Society of Agronomy, 4-8 Nov, New Orleans, LA. Brunsell, N. A. and J. M. Ham: 2007, Scaling evapotranspiration in prairie ecosystems: remote sensing, modeling and field measurements. American Ecological Engineering Society, 21-25 May, Manhattan, KS. Brunsell, N. A. and A. R. Jones†: 2007, Determining the spatial variability of water and carbon cycling, First Annual Kansas EPSCoR Ecoforecasting Meeting, 21 Apr, Manhattan, KS. Funding 2011-2013 2011-2012 2010-2011 2010-2013 2009-2014 2009-2012 2008-2011 Currently Funded Projects Assessing regional scale variability in extreme value statistics under altered climate scenarios. DOE. $510,554. (PI). Scaling ecosystem function: Novel approaches from MaxEnt and Multiresolution. NSF. Total: $135,803. (Co-PI, PI: P. Stoy MSU). Changes in temporal scaling characteristics of water and carbon dynamics due to precipitation events. NSF, Subcontract to Konza Prairie Long Term Ecological Station. $25,000. (PI). System for Integrated Modeling of Metropolitan Extreme Heat Risk (SIMMER). NASA. KU Funding: $367,116. (CO-I, PI: O. Wilhelmi, NCAR is lead institution). Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Mitigation. NSF EPSCoR. KU Climate Group Funding: $1,086,575. (Co-I, KU PI: J. Feddema). RET: Shaping Inquiry from Feedstock to Tailpipe (SHIFT). NSF. $499,477 (Co-I, PI: S. Williams). KU biofuels ‘feedstock to tailpipe’ initiative. Transportation Research Institute. $516,814. (Co-I, PI: S. Williams). 6 of 9 2008-2013 2009-2012 2006-2009 2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 Currently Funded Projects: Collaborative Role IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment. NSF. $3,200,000. (Teaching Faculty, PI: Joane Nagel) Collaborative Research: EPSCoR RII Track 2 Oklahoma and Kansas: A cyberCommons for Ecological Forecasting. NSF EPSCoR. $2,999,997 (Collaborator, KU PI: L. Krishtalka). Previously Funded Projects Understanding and forecasting ecological change: causes, trajectories and consequences of environmental change in the Central Plains. NSF EPSCoR. KU funding: $3,599,997. (Collaborator, KU PI: L. Krishtalka). Assessing climate change in Kansas. The Land Institute. $36,012. (PI). Water and heat fluxes in a prairie ecosystem assessed using scintillometry and physically based modeling. KUCR General Research Fund. $7,015.00. Assessing multi-scale spatial-temporal variability of surface energy fluxes using scintillometry and remote sensing. KUCR New Faculty General Research Fund. $7,914.56. Service Editorial board Associate editor Member Member Representative Member Member Member Member Chair Session chair Session chair Agricultural and Forest Meteorology International Journal of Agriculture Sciences Editorial Duties 2008-Present 2010-Present Scientific Agricultural and Forest Meteorology Scientific and Technological Activities Commission (STAC) for the American Meteorological Society National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) Domain Science and Education Coordination Committee (DSECC) for Domain 6. KU representative to the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. CUAHSI (Alternate) Kansas Mesonet Steering Committee Science Steering Committee for EPSCoR Track II Project, joint between Kansas and Oklahoma DOE Scientific Discovery through Advanced Computing (SCIDAC) proposal review panel NSF IGERT Pre-proposal review panel Committees 2007-2013 2009-2011 2008-Present 2008-Present 2009-Present 2011 2010 Conference Chair and Session Chair 29th conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteo- 2009-2010 rology, 1-6 August 2010, Keystone, CO. “Scaling in biogeosciences and Earth system science” 2011 at the EGU Joint Assembly, 4-8 Apr, Vienna, Austria. “Scaling issues in land-atmosphere interactions” at 2010 the 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 1-6 August, Keystone, CO 7 of 9 Session chair Session chair Mentor Mentor Member Member Member Undergraduate Research Awards Research Committee of the University Honors Program Search committee (Kansas Geological Survey, Hydrologist) College Academic Misconduct Committee Faculty search committee (Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Ecological modeler) Member Member Member Faculty affairs committee Graduate student affairs committee Faculty search committee (Geography, Soils/Geomorphologist) Faculty search committee (Geography, Atmospheric scientist) Faculty search committee (Geography, Glaciologist) Undergraduate studies committee Member Member Course ATMO 731 ATMO/GEOG 521 ATMO 680 ATMO 642 EVRN 720 GEOG 531/731 GEOG 104 HNRS 190 DUKE TIP 2009 2008 Teacher Mentoring Research Experience for Teachers (Hosted 1 high 2010 school and 1 junior college teacher for the Summer) Middle School Science Educators Research Experi- 2008 ence (Hosted 2 middle school teachers for the Summer) Member Member Member Teaching Experience “Biosphere-atmosphere interactions: empirical, modeling, and simulation studies” at the AGU Joint Assembly, 23-27 May 2009, Toronto, CA. “Areal flux averaging measurements and methods” at the 28th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 28 Apr-2 May 2008, Orlando, FL. Title Atmospheric Turbulence Microclimatology Physical Meteorology Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere IGERT, Climate and Borders Land-Atmosphere Interactions Introduction to Physical Geography State of Fear: Assessing Climate Change State of Fear: Assessing Climate Change (Weekend course for junior high school students at the University of Kansas) 8 of 9 University 2010-Present 2006-Present 2008-2009 College 2006-2009 2006-2008 Department 2008-Present 2005-2008 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 Time Sp 2009, 2010 Sp 2006, 2008-Present F (2004-2006, 2009) Sp (2005-Present) F (2009) Sp 2005, F 2007 Sp 2007, F 2007 F 2006 2007 Advising Graduate Students † indicates departmental honors Student Y. Zheng P. L. Lin F. V. Cochran D. Huber A. Reed T. L. Buck M. Petrie† A. R. Jones† T. Brown Degree PhD Geography PhD Geography MA Geography MS Atmospheric Sciences PhD Ecology and Evolutionary Biology MS Atmospheric Sciences MA Geography MA Geography MS Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering Date Current Current Current Current Current 2010 2010 2008 2006 Role Advisor Advisor Advisor Member Member Advisor Advisor Advisor Member Graduate Student Honors A. R. Jones - 2009 College Outstanding Thesis Award: “Impacts of soil moisture variability on convective precipitation in the Central Plains through land-atmosphere feedbacks” Undergraduate Research Advisor † indicates that research resulted in a peer-reviewed publication ‡ indicates presentation at an international/national conference A. Quick‡ (2010), C. Wilson‡ (2010), M. Allen (2009-2010), N. Parks (2009), M. Maksimowicz‡ (2008-2009), T. Buck‡ (2008), K. Logan† (2008; Honors), C. Painter (2007-2008), K. Zimmerman (2006; McNair Scholars Program) Professional Organizations American Geophysical Union American Meteorological Society European Geosciences Union Reviewer Proposals Department of Energy, National Science Foundation Manuscript Reviewer Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Applied Geography, Earth Research Letters, Ecosystems, GeoForum, Geophysical Research Letters, International Journal of Climatology, International Journal of Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Journal of the American Water Resources Association, Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, Remote Sensing of Environment, Theoretical and Applied Climatology, Water Resources Research 9 of 9 JEROME E. DOBSON Professor of Geography University of Kansas VITA March 10, 2010 Department of Geography University of Kansas 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard 214 Lindley Hall Lawrence, KS 66045 Phone: (785) 864-5536 Fax: (785) 864-5378 E-mail: CURRENT AFFILIATIONS University of Kansas (2001-present) Professor, Department of Geography (2003-present) Chair, Outreach Committee, Department of Geography (2008-2009) Restricted Research Committee, Member (2005-2009) KU-Ft. Leavenworth Advisory Committee, Member (2004-present) Research Professor, Kansas Biological Survey (2001-2003) Adjunct Professor, Department of Geography (2000-2001) American Geographical Society, President (2002-present) Councilor (1997-2002) Director of Exploration (1999-present) Fellow (1997-present) National Academy of Sciences Jefferson Science Fellow (in perpetuity, starting 2009) U. S. Department of State Senior Scientist, Office of the Geographer and Global Issues (2009-2010) American Association for the Advancement of Science, Fellow (elected 2007) Royal Geographical Society, Fellow (2004-present) Association of American Geographers Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division, Chair (2009-present), Vice Chair (2008-2009) Honors Committee, Member (2005-2008), Chair (2007-2008) Long Range Planning Committee, Member (2000-2004) 1 Program Committee, Member (1994-1995) Geographic Information Systems Specialty Group, Chair (1990-1991) Vice Chair (1989), Board of Directors (1987-1989) Energy Specialty Group, Co-founder and First Chair (1979-1982) Director (1982-1984) The Professional Geographer, Editorial Board (1985-1987) Southeastern Division, Professional Careers Development Committee, Chair (1980) Sigma Xi (2004-2009) University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Lead Delegate for KU (2001-present) President (1996-1997), Past President (1997-1998), President-Elect (1995-1996) Chair, Interim Research Committee (1994-1995) PREVIOUS AFFILIATIONS Haskell Indian Nations University, National Science Foundation, Tribal Colleges and University (TCUP) Keystone Grant, External Advisory Committee, Member (2005-2008) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (1975-2001) Distinguished Research & Development Staff (2001) Geographic Information Science and Technology Group, Computational Physics and Engineering Division Senior Development Staff (1996-2001) Senior Research Staff (1990-1996) Research Staff, Computing and Telecommunications Division (1984-1990) Leader, Resource Analysis Group, Energy Division (1979-1984) Research Staff Member, Energy Division (1976-1979) Consultant (1975-1976) GeoWorld (formerly GIS World) Magazine Contributing Editor with Regular Column,"The G in GIS" (1990-2004) Board of Directors (1990-1997) Scientific Editor, GIS World Sourcebook, 1991-1996 U. S. Delegate and Expert to the International Organization for Standardization, Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics, Working Group 1 (ISO/TC211/WG1) (19971998) National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, Varenius Board (1997-1998) 2 National Center for Environmental Decision-making Research (funded by the National Science Foundation), Research Team Leader for Information Infrastructure (1995-1997) Kansas State University, GIS Steering Committee, Outside Member, 2004-2008. Roane State Community College, Advisory Committee on Geographic Information Technology (1996-1997) Department of Energy, Geographic Information Council (1995-1996) National Committee for Digital Cartographic Data Standards, Steering Committee (19851993) Applied Geography Conferences Steering Committee (1986-1991) Co-Director of Conference (1990) Co-Host of Conference (1987) Geographical Information Systems/Land Information Systems Conference (GIS/LIS Conference), Program Committee (1988) Co-Host, Symposium on Information Technology and Emergency Management (Organized for Senator Albert Gore, Jr.) (1988-1989) The Columbia Lippincott Gazetteer of the World, Advisory Committee (1986-1990) Arizona State University, Department of Geography, Visiting Associate Professor (Fall Semester 1983) Geographic Information Systems Subcommittee, Information Handling Committee (An Interagency Committee of the Federal Government) (1983-1989) International Geographic Information Systems Symposium, Program Committee (1987) University of Tennessee, Department of Geography, Graduate Teaching Assistant (1971-1974) University of Georgia, Department of Geography, Graduate Teaching Assistant (1968-1971) Cherokee County, Georgia, Elementary School Teacher (1968-1969) Governor’s Task Force on Education for Loudon County, Tennessee, Chair (1985-1986) Hospital Advisory Committee, Loudon County, Tennessee (1987) 3 HONORS AND AWARDS Robert T. Aangeenbrug Distinguished Career Award conferred by the Geographic Information Systems and Science Specialty Group of the Association of American Geographers (2009). Jefferson Science Fellow awarded by the National Academies (National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, and National Research Council) and United States Department of State (in perpetuity, starting 2009). Award of Distinction conferred by the Cartography and Geographic Information Society (CaGIS) (2008). This is the first Distinguished Career Award for Lifetime Achievement ever granted by CaGIS, and the honor will be repeated only at two-year intervals. Elected Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (2007). Special Achievement in GIS Award, 26th ESRI Users Conference (2007), Awarded to the AGS Bowman Expeditions for work conceived and led by Dobson. Special Achievement in GIS Award, 26th ESRI Users Conference (2006), Awarded to the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, for Work Involving FGM Corporation and KU. Applied Geography Conference Citation Award (1991). Award for Excellence in Scholarly/Professional Articles, ("Forest Blowdown and Lake Acidification," Annals of the Association of American Geographers) Society for Technical Communication, February 1991. EDUCATION Ph.D. in Geography, University of Tennessee (1975) M.A. in Geography, University of Georgia (1972) A.B. in Geography, University of Georgia (1967) A.A., Summa Cum Laude, Reinhardt College (1965) MAJOR PUBLICATIONS 4 Refereed Journal Articles: Kostelnick, J. C., J. E. Dobson, S. L. Egbert, and M. D. Dunbar. 2008. “Cartographic Symbols for Humanitarian Demining,” The Cartographic Journal 45(1):18-31. P. H. Herlihy, J. E. Dobson, M. Aguilar Robledo, D. A. Smith, J. H. Kelly, and A. Ramos Viera. 2008. “The AGS Bowman Expedition to Mexico: Digital Geographies of Indigenous Lands.” Geographical Review 98(3):396-415. Dobson, J. E. and P. F. Fisher. 2007. “The Panopticon’s Changing Geography.” Geographical Review 97(3): 307-323. Dobson, J. E. 2007. “In Harm's Way: Estimating Populations at Risk. Technical paper in NRC [National Research Council]. Tools and Methods for Estimating Populations at Risk from Natural Disasters and Complex Humanitarian Crises. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. p. 183-191. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Why Can’t Geographers Tell Their Own Story?” Geographical Review 96(3): 480-483. Fisher, P. F, and J. E. Dobson. 2003. “Who Knows Where You Are, and Who Should, in the Era of Mobile Geography?” Geography 88(4): 331-337. Dobson, J. E., and P. F. Fisher. 2003. “Geoslavery,” IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 22(1): 47-52. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “Fieldwork in a Digital World,” Geographical Review 91(1-2): 430-440. Dobson, J. E., E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, R.C. Durfee, B. A. Worley. 2000. “LandScan: A Global Population Database for Estimating Populations at Risk,” Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (inc. front cover of journal) 66( 7):849-857. Dobson, J. E. 1998. "The Iodine Factor in Health and Evolution," Geographical Review 88 (1):128. Dobson, J. E.. 1996. "A Paleogeographic Link Between Australia and Eastern North America: A New England Connection?" Journal of Biogeography 23:609-617. Dobson, J. E. 1995. "GIS and Remote Sensing for Carrying Capacity and Sustainability Studies," Acta Environmentalica Universitatis Comenianae (Bratislava) 4(5):231-237. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "The Geographic Revolution: A Retrospective on the Age of Automated Geography," The Professional Geographer 45(4):431-439. 5 Dobson, J. E. 1993. "A Conceptual Framework for Integrating Remote Sensing, GIS, and Geography," Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 59(10)1491-1496. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "A Rationale for The National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis," The Professional Geographer 45(2):207-215. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Czechoslovakia and America: Bridging the Geographic Gap," Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 1992 Geographica 27(1):37-43. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Spatial Logic in Paleogeography and the Explanation of Continental Drift," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 82(2):187-206. Klemas, V. V., J. E. Dobson, R. L. Ferguson, and K. D. Haddad. 1992. “A Coastal Land Cover Classification System for the NOAA Coastwatch Change Analysis Project,” Journal of Coastal Research 9(3):862-872. Barkenbus, B. D., B. C. Zygmunt, and J. E. Dobson. 1991. "HMIMS: Hazardous Materials Incident Management System for Air Force Fire Departments," Journal of Chemical Information and Computer Sciences 31(1):137-143. Dobson, Jerome E., Richard M. Rush, and Robert W. Peplies. 1990. "Forest Blowdown and Lake Acidification," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 80(3):343-361. Dobson, Jerome E., Robert W. Peplies, Edward C. Krug, and Richard M. Rush. 1987. “Versauerung von Seen in Neu-England," Geographische Rundschau 39(9):492-497. Dobson, J. E. 1985. "Automated Geography and Emergency Management," The Information Society 3(4):347-359. Dobson, J. E. 1983. "Automated Geography," The Professional Geographer 35(2):135-143. Dobson, J. E. 1979. "A Regional Screening Procedure for Land Use Suitability Analysis,"Geographical Review 69(2):224-234. Refereed Monographs and Reports: Khorram, S., G. S. Biggings, N. R. Chrisman, D. R. Colby, R. G. Congalton, J. E. Dobson , R. L. Ferguson, M. F. Goodchild, J. R. Jensen, T.H. Mace. 1999. Accuracy Assessment of Remote Sensing-Derived Change Detection, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Monograph Series, 64 pages. 6 Dobson, J. E., E. A. Bright, R. L. Ferguson, D. W. Field, L. L. Wood, K. D. Haddad, H. Iredale, III, V. V. Klemas, R. J. Orth, and J. P. Thomas. 1995. NOAA Coastal Change Analysis Proram; Guidance for Regional Implementation Version 1.0, NOAA technical report NMFS 123, 92 pages. Barkenbus, B. D., R. J. Carter, J. E. Dobson, et al. 1990. Environmental Protection for Hazardous Materials Incidents, ORNL/TM-11421. David L. Feldman and Jerome E. Dobson. 1990. Decision Making Technical Support Study for the U. S. Army's Chemical Stockpile Disposal Program: Enhancing Command, Control, and Computer Operations at Aberdeen Proving Ground and Pine Bluff Arsenal, ORNL/TM-11412. Durfee, R.C., and D. L. Wilson, J. E. Dobson, et al. 1988. Review of Geographic Processing Techniques Applicable to Regional Analysis, ORNL/CSD/TM-226. Rush, R.M., J. E. Dobson, et al. 1985. An Investigation of Landscape and Lake Acidification Relationshps, ORNL/TM-9754. Hildebrand, Steve G., Raymond J. Borkowski, Jerome E. Dobson, et al. 1983. Water Research Opportunities in the 1980s: An Analysis of Selected Topics, ORNL/PPA-83/5. Spiewak, I., E. S. Bomar, T. R. Butz, J. G. Delene, J. E. Dobson, G. K. Eddlemon, E. C. Fox, C. W. Gehrs, R. N. Helgerson, R. H. Ketelle, J. F. McBrayer, J. P. Nichols, C. H. Petrich, and M. D. Silverman. 1982. Chattanooga Shale: An Assessment of the Resource and Technology for the Recovery of Hydrocarbons and Minerals, ORNL/TM-7920, 230 pp. Dobson, J. E., et al. 1981. Environmental Implications of Small Fixed-Bed Gasifiers for Industry, ORNL/TM-7361, 163 pp. Dobson, Jerome E., Richard L. Church, Thomas L. Bell, and Alf D. Shepherd. 1980. Conceptual Design of a Water Quantity Model, ORNL/TM-7397. Dobson, J. E., and A.D. Shepherd. 1979. Water Availability for Energy in 1985 and 1990, ORNL/TM-6777, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. 7 Dobson, J. E., and A.D. Shepherd. 1979. "Water Availability," in An Assessment of National Consequences of Increased Coal Utilization, TID-2945 (Vol. 2), Argonne National Laboratory. Dobson, J. E. 1977. The Maryland Power Plant Siting Project: An Application of the ORNL Land Use Screening Procedure, ORNL/TM-80, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Jalbert, Jeffrey S., and J. E. Dobson. 1977. A Cell-Based Land Use Screening Procedure for Regional Siting Analysis, ORNL-NUREG/TM-80, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dobson, J. E. 1976. "Land Resources," in Cal C. Burwell et al., Nuclear Energy Center Site Survey-1975 Part V, Section 4, NUREG-0001, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Invited Cover Story (350,000 circulation worldwide): Dobson, J. E. 2007. “Bring Back Geography!” ArcNews 29(1): 1-5. Reprinted in numerous newsletters and online publications, including translation to Turkish. Reprinted in Essays on Geography and GIS, ed. T. K. Miller. Redlands, CA: ESRI Press. Invited Journal Articles, Books, and Book Chapters: Dobson, J. E. Accepted. “GIS Drives an Institutional Revolution.” The History of Cartography, Volume 6: Cartography in the Twentieth Century. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 8 pp. (manuscript). Sui, D. Z. and M. Ball, eds. 2006. Geospatial Matters: Exploring the Implications of a Digital Earth, a book collection of GIS World and GeoWorld columns by J. E. Dobson,, N. M. Waters, D. Z. Sui, and J. W. Crampton (GeoTec Media: San Francisco). Dobson, J. E. 2005. “Every Step You Take, Every Move You Make,” Ubique, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 1-2, 4. Reprinted in The Introductory Reader in Human Geography: Contemporary Debates and Classic Writings, W. Moseley, D. Lanegran, and K. Pandit, eds. (Blackwell Press: Malden, MA). Also published as op-ed under various titles in The Chicago Tribune, Casper Star-Tribune, Anchorage Daily News, North Jersey Record, Akron Beacon Journal, Southern Mississippi Sun Herald, and Directions Magazine. 8 Dobson, J. E. 2003. “The GIS Revolution in Science and Society,” Chapter 24 in Geography and Technology, co-edited by Stanley D. Brunn, Susan L. Cutter, and J. W. Harrington, Jr., (Kluwer Academic Publishers) pp. 573-587. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Estimating Populations at Risk,” Chapter 5.5 in Geographical Dimensions of Terrorism edited by Susan L. Cutter, Douglas B. Richardson, and Thomas J. Wilbanks (Routledge: New York and London) pp. 161-167. Dobson, J. E., E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, and B. L. Bhaduri. 2003. “LandScan2000: A New Global Population Geography,” Chapter 15 in V. Mesev (ed.) Remotely-Sensed Cities. (London: Taylor & Francis) pp. 267-279. Dobson, J. E., S. W. Trimble, J. R. Dobson, D. A. Friend. 1999. “In Memoriam: Kirk H. Stone, 1914-1997,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89(3):535-548. Dobson, J. E., and R. C. Durfee. 1998. "A Quarter Century of GIS at Oak Ridge National Laboratory," Chapter 15 in The History of GIS: Perspectives from the Pioneers, T. Foresman, ed. (Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ) pp. 231-263. Dobson, J. E., and R. C. Durfee. 1995. "ORNL and the Geographic Information Systems Revolution," ORNL Review Vol 28, No. 1. Reprinted 2003 in Annual Editions: Geography 04/05G. R. Pitzl, ed. (McGraw Hill, New York, NY). Dobson, J. E. 1984. "Introduction to Section II-Spatial Assessment and Impact Mitigation" in M.J. Pasqualetti and D. Pijawka (eds.), Nuclear Power: Assessing and Managing Hazardous Technologies(Boulder: Westview) pp. 93-101. Dobson, J. E., and Richard C. Durfee. 1987. "Automated Geography: Status and Prospects," The Role of Geography in a Post-Industrial Society, Vechtaer Arbeiten zur Geographie und Regionalwissenshaft, 5, edited by H. W. Windhorst (Vechta, F.R.G.: Department of Geography, Universitat Osnabruck, abt. Vechta). Congressional Testimony, Invited by Representative Albert Gore, Jr.: Dobson, J. E. 1984. "Statement of Dr. Jerome E. Dobson," The Role of Information Technology in Emergency Management, Official Record of Hearings Before the Subcommittee on 9 Investigations and Oversight of the Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives (Washington: Government Printing Office). MINOR PUBLICATIONS Commentaries and Replies: Dobson, J. E. 2009. “Big Brother Has Evolved.” Nature 458, 968. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Independent Corroboration of a Previously Proposed Palaeozoic Link between Eastern Australia and Eastern North America,” Journal of Biogeography 30 (3): 473. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Comment in Reply: An Interdisciplinary Discourse on the Role of Iodine in Human Evolution,” Geographical Review 92(1):97-103. Dobson, J. E. and Glenn W. Geelhoed. 2001. “The ChÂtelperronian/Aurignacian Conundrum: One Culture, Multiple Human Morphologies?” Current Anthropology 42(1):139-140. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “On “Metabolic Maladaptation: Individual and Social Consequences of Medical Intervention in Correcting Endemic Hypothyroidism” by Glenn William Geelhoed, MD, DTMH, MPH, FACS; George Washington University Medical Center,” Nutrition 15(11/12):939. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "Reply to Comments on Spatial Logic in Paleogeography and the Explanation of Continental Drift," Annals of the Association of American Geographers 83(2):369-370. Dobson, J. E., R.W. Peplies, and Acidification,"Environment 29(5):2-3. R.M. Rush. 1987. "Commentary on Lake Dobson, J. E. 1983. "Reply to Comments on Automated Geography," The Professional Geographer35(3):349-353. Magazine Articles: Bhaduri, B. L., E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, and J. E. Dobson. 2002. “LandScan; Locating People is What Matters,” GeoInformatics, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 34-37. 10 Dobson, Jerome E., and Edward A. Bright. 1991. "CoastWatch: Detecting Change in Coastal Wetlands," GeoInfo Systems. Dobson, J. E. 1990. "The Two Faces of Geography," Mensa Bulletin, 337:1,3-4. Book Reviews: Dobson, J. E. 2002. Book Review: Great Feuds in Science: Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever by Hal Hellman. Geographical Review 92(1):148-150. Dobson, J. E. 1992. Book Review: Geographical Information Systems: Principles and Applications by David J. Maguire, Michael F. Goodchild, and David W. Rhind (editors), The Professional Geographer 44(3):358-359. Dobson, J. E. 1984. Book Review: Nonconventional Energy Resources by Philip R. Pryde, The Professional Geographer 36(2):273-274. Encyclopedia Entries: Dobson, J. E. 2009. “Fisher, Peter F.,” forthcoming, Encyclopedia of Geography, B. Warf ed. (Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA). Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Automated Geography,” Encyclopedia of Human Geography, B. Warf ed. (Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA) p. 15. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Geoslavery,” Encyclopedia of Human Geography, B. Warf ed. (Sage Publications: Thousand Oaks, CA) p. 186-187. Dobson, J. E. 2005. “Geographic Information Systems,” Encyclopedia of World Geography, R. W. McColl, ed. (Golson Books: Croton-on-Hudson, NY). 11 Editorials: Dobson, J. E. 2010. “GEOGRAPHERS WANTED!” Forthcoming. Ubique, Vol. 30, No. 1. Dobson, J. E. 2009. “A 21st Century Definition for Geography?” Ubique, Vol. 29, No. 3:1, 3, 56. Dobson, J. E. 2009. “Obama Gets Even for Dixie Losses.” Ubique, Vol. 29, No. 1:9. Also appeared as “Snow Days a Treasured Thing Here,” Athens Banner-Herald, February 7, 2009. Dobson, J. E. 2009. “Let the Indigenous People of Oaxaca Speak for Themselves.” Ubique, Vol. 29, No. 1:1-2, 4, 7-8, 10-11. Dobson, J. E. 2008. “Geography’s Century.” Ubique, Vol. 28, No. 3:1-2. Dobson, J. E. 2008. “Americans Ignore Geography.” Athens Banner-Herald, October 4, 2008. Dobson, J. E. 2008. “The First Bowman Conference.” Ubique, Vol. 28, No. 2:1, 3-4, 6. Dobson, J. E. 2008. “America’s Most Scorned Minority,” published under various headlines in at least 13 newspapers: Arkansas Times, Athens (GA) Banner-Herald, Athens (OH) News and Messenger, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Knoxville News-Sentinel, Macon Telegraph, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, San Francisco Chronicle , Tampa Tribune, Tacoma News Tribune, Valley Morning Star (Harlingen, TX), and Washington Times. Dobson, J. E. 2008. “Where is Casablanca Today?” Ubique, Vol. 28, No. 1:1-2. Dobson, J. E. 2007. “Under an Electronic Eye, 24/7." Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, December 27, 2007, also appeared as “Geoslavery in the Stacy Peterson Case,” The Cleburne News, January 3, 2008. Dobson, J. E. 2007. “A Geographer’s Life List.” Ubique, Vol. 27, No. 3:1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2007. “People Who Love Geography.” Ubique, Vol. 27, No. 2:1-3. 12 Dobson, J. E. 2007. “Reply to President David Oxtoby of Pomona College.” Ubique, Vol. 27, No. 2:3. Dobson, J. E. 2007. “Today Pomona, Tomorrow the World.” Ubique, Vol. 27, No. 1:1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Restoring Geography In America.” Ubique, Vol. 26, No. 3, pp. 1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Bowman Expedition to the Antilles.” Ubique, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 1-2. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “Geographic Ignorance Has Led U.S. Into Folly.” Rocky Mountain News, May 7, 2006, also appeared as “Who gunned down geography?” Worcester Telegram and Gazette, April 25, 2006 , and “Who shot geography?” Tampa Tribune, May 6, 2006. Dobson, J. E. 2006. “AGS Conducts Fieldwork in Mexico,” Ubique, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2005. “AGS Tackles Landmines,” Ubique, Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2005. “Foreign Intelligence Is Geography,” Ubique, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2004. “The G Moves Onward,” GeoWorld, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 20-21. Dobson, J. E. 2004. “Geographic Ignorance Drives Foreign Policy,” GeoWorld, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 20-21. Dobson, J. E. 2004. “A Unified Legislative Agenda for Geography and GIS,” Ubique, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1-3. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “GIS Helps Estimate Populations at Risk,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 11, pp. 22. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Global GIS Demands Global Fieldwork,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 9, pp. 24. 13 Dobson, J. E. 2003. “The Barrage of Baghdad Changes Everything,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 7., pp. 22. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Think Twice About Kid-Tracking,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 5., pp. 22-23. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “Foresman’s Geomander Shows GIS Origins,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 3., pp. 22-23. Dobson, J. E. 2003. “3-D Geovisualization Is Coming of Age,” GeoWorld, Vol. 16, No. 1., 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 2002. “Geographer Questioned at Pearly Gates.” GeoWorld, Vol. 15, No. 9, pp. 2627. (Reprinted in Ubique, Vol. 22, No. 3, pp 1, 6) Dobson, J. E. 2002. “An Evil King Used Geography to Enslave the Congo.” GeoWorld, Vol. 15, No. 7, pp. 28-29. Dobson, J. E. 2002. “Scientific Integration Means GIS.” GeoWorld, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 2002. “What’s New About GIS?” GeoWorld, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 22-23. Dobson, J. E. 2002. “GIS Supports the War on Terrorism in Many Ways.” GeoWorld, Vol. 15, No. 1, pp. 22-23. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “How Will GIS Help Fight the War on Terrorism?” GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 11, pp. 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “ORNL Created a Powerful Legacy for Geographic Research.” GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 9, pp. 26-27. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “Geography’s Public Image Impacts GIS.” GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 7, pp. 2829. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “Global Data Coverage Makes Progress.” GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 2627. 14 Dobson, J. E. 2001. “Six Heroes of Geography Sign Fliers’ and Explorers’ Globe.” GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 26-27. Dobson, J. E. 2001. “America's Oldest Geographic Association Celebrates Its 150th Anniversary,”GeoWorld, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 26-27. Dobson, J. E. 2000. “Real Survivors Wrote Geography,” GeoWorld, Vol. 13, No. 11, pp. 26-27. (Reprinted as “The World of the Real Survivors,” Chattanooga Times Free Press, March 11, 2001, Section G, p. 1). Dobson, J. E. 2000. “Geography Gets a Boost From USGS,” GeoWorld, Vol. 13, No. 9, p. 28. Dobson, J. E. 2000. “A New Spatial Statistic Is Needed To Measure “Probability-ofFit,’”GeoWorld, Vol. 13. No. 7, pp. 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 2000. “What Are the Ethical Limits of GIS?” GeoWorld, Vol. 13, No. 5, pp. 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 2000. “Who Will Land First on Digital Earth?” GeoWorld, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 2627. Dobson, J. E. 2000. “LandScan 1998 Provides Global Population Data at High Spatial Resolution,”GeoWorld Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 24-25. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “The Fliers’ Globe Exemplifies 20th Century Exploration,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.11, pp. 30-31. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “Science Needs a Better Macroscope,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.9, p. 26. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “Pseudo-GIS Retains a Market Niche,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.7, p. 28. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “NOAA Proposes New Nautical Charts,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.5, pp. 3031. 15 Dobson, J. E. 1999. “The Quest Continues for Nationwide Land Cover Data,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.3, pp. 28-29. Dobson, J. E. 1999. “Explore Aquaterra–Lost Land Beneath the Sea,” GeoWorld, Vol. 12, No.1, p. 30. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “Geographic Analysis Yields New Neandertal Theory,” GeoWorld, Vol. 11, No.11, pp. 32-33. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “The American Geographical Society Serves Geography and GIS,” GIS World, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp. 36, 38. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “Is GIS a Privacy Threat?” GIS World, Vol. 11, No. 7, pp. 34-35. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “GIS Standards Advance Slowly,” GIS World,, Vol. 11, No. 5, pp. 32, 34. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “Decision Makers Need Information Infrastructure,” GIS World, Vol. 11, No. 3, pp. 36, 38. Dobson, J. E. 1998. “Public Administration Academy Recommends NSDI Changes,” GIS World,Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 34-35. Dobson, J. E. 1997. “UCGIS Depends on Volunteers,” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 11, p. 38. Dobson, J. E. 1997. “GIS Supports Decision Making Time After Time,” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 34, 36. Dobson, J. E. 1997. “UCGIS Promotes Research Priorities.” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 7, pp. 5455. Dobson, J. E. 1997. “No, Einstein Didn’t Say Geography is Harder Than Physics!” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 5, p. 30. Dobson, J. E. 1997. “Laboratory Plans Space/Time/Entity/Process System,” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 3, p. 34. 16 Dobson, J. E. 1997. “Did Einstein Really Say Geography is Harder Than Physics?” GIS World, Vol. 10, No. 1, p. 36. Dobson, J. E. 1996. "President Carter's Fireside Chat," GIS World Sourcebook (Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.), pp. 346-348. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “Australia and North America May Have Collided 300 Million Years Ago,”GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 11, p. 38. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “Real-Time GIS Is on the Rise,” GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 9, p. 34. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “GIS Has an Image Problem,” GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 7, p. 32. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “How Can We Advance Geography and Improve Science?” GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 5, p. 34. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “Something's Brewing Beneath the Sea,” GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp. 40. Dobson, J. E. 1996. “The National Center for Environmental Decision-making Research Debuts,”GIS World, Vol. 9, No. 1, p. 38. Dobson, J. E. 1995. “GIS Technology Trends: Geographic Analysis,” in the GIS World Sourcebook(Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.), pp. 287-288. Dobson, J. E. 1995. “What's the Next ‘Final’ Frontier?” GIS World, Vol. 8, No. 11, pp. 40, 42. Dobson, J. E. 1995. "A Novel Approach to GIS," GIS World, Vol. 8, No.9, p. 38. Dobson, J. E. 1995. "GIS Progresses in Central Europe," GIS World, Vol. 8, No.7, pp. 34-35. Dobson, J. E. 1995. "International Conferences Address GIS in Coastal Zone Management," GIS World, Vol. 8, No.5, pp. 42-43. 17 Dobson, J. E. 1995. "Defining the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science," GIS World, Vol. 8, No.3, pp. 44, 46. Dobson, J. E. 1995. "Watch out for Jökulhlaups!," GIS World, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 37-38. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "GIS Industry Trends and Forecasts," 1994 International GIS Sourcebook (Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.), p. 227. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "Face the Ground Truth about Accuracy Assessment," GIS World, Vol. 7, No.11, pp. 32, 34. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "The GPS Fieldstation Rides Again," GIS World,, Vol. 7, No.9, p. 54. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "Chesapeake Bay Land Cover Change Database Created " GIS World,, Vol. 7, No.7, pp. 30, 32. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "GIS Research Community Seeks Stronger Voice," GIS World,, Vol. 7, No.5, pp. 26, 28. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "GIS Integration Requires a New Kind of Parallel Processing," GIS World,, Vol. 7, No.3, p. 28. Dobson, J. E. 1994. "GPS Advances Geography's Field Tradition," GIS World,, Vol. 7, No.1, pp. 60-61. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "GIS Applications and Functional Requirements," 1993 International GIS Sourcebook (Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.), p. 203. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "Can Your GIS Solve This Puzzle?" GIS World,, Vol. 6, No.11, p. 26. Dobson, J. E. 1993 "Consider Both Sides of GIS Ethics," GIS World,, Vol. 6, No. 9, pp. 20-21. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "What in the World is a Geographer?," GIS World,, Vol. 6, No. 7, pp. 62-63. 18 Dobson, J. E. 1993. "Technology Transfer Is a Major Mission," GIS World,, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 26, 27. Dobson, J. E. 1993. "Land Cover, Land Use Differences Distinct," GIS World,, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 20, 22. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Exploring Geographical Analysis," 1991-92 International GIS Sourcebook(Fort Collins, CO: GIS World, Inc.), pp. 335-337. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "To Change the Space Program, Join the International Space University," GIS World,, Vol.5 , No. 1, pp. 34-35 . Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Global Challenges Demand More Precision, Better Generalization," GIS World,, Vol. 5, No. 8, pp. 68-69. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "The Rembrandt Effect Occurs in GIS," GIS World,, Vol. 5, No. 6, pp. 32, 34-35. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Remembering The Long Hard Battle for NCGIA," GIS World,, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 22, 25. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "A Geographic Flaw Toppled Communism," GIS World, and GIS Europe, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 30, 32. Dobson, J. E. 1992. "Land Cover Monitoring Efforts Progressing," GIS World, and GIS Europe, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 28, 30. Dobson, J. E. 1991. "Grand Challenges Lie Ahead in Global Research," GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 9, pp. 32, 34-35. Dobson, J. E. 1991. "Lack of Spatial Intelligence Hampers Communication," GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 7, pp. 96, 98. Dobson, J. E. 1991. "Advice on Going Digital," GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 5, pp. 96-97. 19 Dobson, J. E. 1991. "What is Kansas?" GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 4, pp. 96-97. Dobson, J. E. 1991. "Gaining Perspective: The 1990 GIS World, Software Survey Results," GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 76,78-79. Dobson, J. E. 1991. "The G in GIS: Geography Is To GIS What Physics Is To Engineering," GIS World,, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 80-81. Conference Proceedings: Kostelnick, J. C., J. E. Dobson, S. L. Egbert, M. D. Dunbar, and A. Arnold. 2006. “A Proposed New World Standard for Humanitarian Demining Map Symbols” 26th ESRI Users Conference, San Diego, California, August 7-11, 2006. Dobson, J. E. 2002. “War Is God’s Way of Teaching GIS,” Proceedings of the Merrill Conference on Science at a Time of National Emergency ( Dobson, J. E. 1999. “Geographic Exploration of Digital Earth,” Proceedings of the International Symposium on Digital Earth, Beijing, China. Dobson, J. E., and E. A. Bright. 1994. "Large-Area Change Analysis: The CoastWatch Change Analysis Project (C-CAP)," Proceedings of the Pecora 12 Conference (Bathesda, MD: American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing) pp. 73-81. James P. Thomas, Randolph L. Ferguson, Jerome E. Dobson, and Ford A. Cross, 1991. "NOAA's CoastWatch Change Analysis Program," Coastal Zone '91 Conference Proceedings. Dobson, J. E. 1987. "Geographic Analysis for Wetlands Change Detection," Remote Sensing of Estuaries: Proceedings of a Workshop, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, pp.157-161. Ph. D. Dissertation: 20 University of Tennessee, 1975, “The Changing Control of Economic Activity in the Gatlinburg, Tennessee, Area, 1930-1973,” 150 pp. M. A. Thesis: University of Georgia, 1972, “A Geographic Analysis and Classification of Ski Settlements in the Southeastern United States, 1971,” 64 pp. Project Reports: Egbert, S. L., M. D. Dunbar, J. E. Dobson, and J. C. Kostelnick. 2006. Evaluation of the EOD IS-Survey Handheld Tool for Technical Surveys: Final Report. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. 57 pp. Rugg, R. D., M. J. Egenhofer, and J. E. Dobson. 1998. Formalisms and Schema Languages for Modeling Geographic Information, Final Report to the Federal Geographic Data Committee, Standards Working Group, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Research Contract #97-5040-02182. Rugg, R. D., M. J. Egenhofer, and J. E. Dobson. 1997. Initial Evaluation of EXPRESS as a Conceptual Schema Language for Geographic Information Standards, Report Number 2 to the Federal Geographic Data Committee, Standards Working Group, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Research Contract #97-5040-02182. Rugg, R. D., M. J. Egenhofer, and J. E. Dobson. 1997. Requirements for Modeling Geographic Information, Report Number 1 to the Federal Geographic Data Committee, Standards Working Group, University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Research Contract #97-504002182. Dobson, J. E, E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, and R. C. Durfee. 1987. Geographic Analysis and Remote Sensing Support to the National Marine Fisheries Service, 54 pp. plus appendix. Durfee, R. C., S. M. Margle, L. E. Till, E. P. Tinnel, and J. E. Dobson. 1987. Development and Application of Geographic Information Systems Technology for the U. S. Air Force. 21 Dobson, J. E. and Richard C. Durfee. 1985. Options for Acquiring, Disseminating, and Processing Environmental, Resource, and Planning Information for the United States Air Force. Wilson, D.L., David S. Joy, Jerome E. Dobson, Paul E. Johnson, et al. 1984. A Spatial Analysis of Factors involved in the Transportation of Nuclear Fuels, . Dobson, J. E. and R.C. Durfee. 1984. Atlas of Selected Resources for Emergency Management. Knight, C. Gregory, Jerome E. Dobson, and Jacob S. Sandikie. 1983. "Background Paper on Energy Use and Supply Potential in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors in Liberia," Report to the Agency for International Development and to the Government of Liberia. SELECTED GRANTS AND CONTRACTS Department of Defense, “Study of Transportation in Kazakhstan,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., 1/1/20099/30/2009, $115,411. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, “Analysis of Cluster Bomb/Bomblet Footprints,” J. E. Dobson, P. I, S. L. Egbert, Co-P. I., 1/15/09-6/31/10, $75,000. North Central (Kansas) Regional Planning Commission, “GIS Analysis of Workforce Geography in North Central Kansas,” J. E. Dobson, P. I. 10/30/2007 -7/31/2008, $56,901 Foreign Military Studies Office, Department of Defense, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, “Global Property Regime-Jordan,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., 11/01/2007-10/31/2008, $544,116. Foreign Military Studies Office, Department of Defense, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, “Bowman Expedition to Colombia,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., 6/01/2006-05/31/2007, $176,761. Foreign Military Studies Office, Department of Defense, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, “Bowman Expedition to the Antilles,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., 6/01/2006-05/31/2008, $520,598. Foreign Military Studies Office, Department of Defense, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, “Mexican Open Source Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Project,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., P. H. Herlihy, Co-P. I., 6/01/2005-05/31/2008, $ 766,528. 22 Foreign Military Studies Office, Ft. Leavenworth, KS, Department of Defense, “Geographic Analysis of Land Tenure in Mexico,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., P. H. Herlihy,, Co-P. I., 3/16/200512/15/2005, $96,264. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, “Geographic and Cartographic Assistance for Humanitarian Demining,” J. E. Dobson, P. I, S. L. Egbert, Co-P. I., 1/15/0412/31/08, $550,000. Zilkha Renewable Energy, LLC, “Kansas Windpower Project,” J. E. Dobson, P. I., 12/18/20021/31/2003, $16,727. Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, LandScan Demographics, LLC. “Casualty Estimation,” J. E. Dobson, S. Campbell (LandScan Demographics, LLC.), P.I.s, R. W. Peplies (East Tennessee Statue U.), Co-P. I., 2/1/02-8/8/02, $16,750, Funded; 9/1/02-10/04/03, $76,298. Environmental Protection Agency, STAR Grant, “Watershed Classification System for Tiered Diagnosis of Biological Impairments: A Scalable, Central Plains Focus with National Applicability,” E. Martinko, P. I., F. deNoyelles, J. H. Thorp, D. Huggins, J. E. Dobson, J. Whistler, M. Jakubauskas, P. Liechti, K. Price, Co-P.I.s, 10/1/02-9/30/05, $1,149,266. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Oak Ridge National Laboratory, LandScan Demographics, LLC. “Support to Operation Able Ally,” J. E. Dobson, S. Campbell (LandScan Demographics, LLC.), P.I., J. J. Feddema, Co-P. I., 9/1/02-8/30/03, $60,000. National Science Foundation, Grant ATM-0107404: “Development of surface based anthropogenic climate change scenarios for CCSM,” J. J. Feddema, P. I., J. E. Dobson, Co-P.I., 1/15/01-1/14/02, $35,640. Department of Defense, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, “Casualty Estimation,” J. E. Dobson, P.I., R. W. Peplies (East Tennessee Statue U.), Co-P.I., 2/1/02-8/8/02, $16,750. Department of Defense, “LandScan Global Population Project,” J. E. Dobson, P.I., E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, Co-P.I.s., 10/01/97-8/17/01, $2,120,000. 23 Department of Energy, Hazardous Materials Transportation, Defense Programs, “LandScanUSA: Houston Prototype,” J. E. Dobson, P.I., E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, Co-P.I.s, 1/30/01-8/17/01, $70,000. Environmental Protection Agency, National Center for Environmental Assessment, “LandScanUSA,” J. E. Dobson, B. L. Bhaduri, P.I.s, E. A. Bright, P. R. Coleman, Co-P.I.s, 1/018/17/01, $120,000. Environmental Protection Agency, “STEP Linkage System,” J. E. Dobson, M. Sale, P.I.s, Y. Cheng, S. Bao, Co-P.I.s, 1/1/98-12/31/98, $250,000. National Science Foundation, “National Center for Environmental Decision-Making Research,” M. Russell, R. Turner, P.I.s., J. E. Dobson, B. Tonn, V. Dale, S. Estep, Co-P.I.s, 10/1/96-9/30/97, $1,000,000. SUMMARY OF GRANTS AND CONTRACTS 1975- 1997 For 26 years, I worked at a national laboratory where all research is dependent on grants and contracts. As a group leader and project leader I served as P.I. or Co-P.I. on federally funded projects covering myself and two to ten colleagues per year. My responsibility was to design and promote new research initiatives and to lead ongoing projects. Throughout that time, I was one of two principal staff members responsible for financial support of groups ranging from 10 to 40 people. At current FTE rates, my career total prior to 1997 thus amounts to a conservative estimate of more than $20,000,000 in projects funded by: • Department of Energy • Nuclear Regulatory Commission • Department of Defense • Department of State • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration • National Science Foundation • Environmental Protection Agency • Department of Interior • Water Resources Council • Other federal agencies. 24 SELECTED PRESENTATIONS “Policy Issues Arising in Foreign Field Research,” Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers,” Las Vegas, NV, March 26, 2009. “The Bowman Expeditions to Mexico and the Antilles Region,” Bowman Conference, Ixtlán de Juarez, Oaxaca State, Mexico, August 12, 2008. “The Bowman Expedition to Colombia,” Javeriana University, Bogotá, Colombia, July 10, 2008. “Restoring Geography in America,” Mackay School of Earth Sciences & Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, NV, April 2, 2008. “The AGS Bowman Expedition to Mexico,” Plenary Address, International Congress on Territorial Management, San Luis Potosí, Mexico, November 13, 2007 “Restoring Geography in America,” Ridgley Lecture Series, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, November 9, 2007. “Peace War and Geopolitics,” Dole Institute Forum, Lawrence, KS, September 20, 2007. “The New AGS Bowman Expeditions,” Bill Wood Commemorative Session III, Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, April 19, 2007. “Bring Back Geography,” Opheim Lecture, South Dakota Geography Convention, Brookings, S. D. March 30, 2007. “But, What About All Those Little Brothers? Geofencing In the Land of the Free.” GIS Day. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, November 15, 2006. “Bowman Expeditions,” Regional Meeting of the Great Plains, Rocky Mountain, and West Lakes Divisions of the Association of American Geographers, Lincoln, NE, October 7, 2006 25 Keynote address, “Echoes of a Silent Revolution,” Minnesota GIS/LIS Conference, St. Cloud, Minnesota, October 5, 2006. “A Proposed New World Standard for Humanitarian Demining Map Symbols” (with J. C. Kostelnick, S. L. Egbert, M. D. Dunbar, and A. Arnold), ESRI Users Conference, San Diego, California, August 9, 2006. “Mexico’s New Land Reform: Bringing GIS to Indigenous People,” (with P. H. Herlihy) . Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, March 10, 2006. “Orwell’s Wolf Is Back: Tracking Kids, Dogs, Old People, and Everyone In Between.” Symposium Organizer; “Human Tracking: Framing the National Debate,” Speaker (with P. F. Fisher), Annual Meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, St. Louis, MO, February 19, 2006. “KU Geographers Tackle Landmines,” New Generation Society, Lawrence, KS, February 8, 2006. “Using GoogleEarth,” Endacott Society, Lawrence, KS, January 25, 2006. Invited Campuswide Lecture, “Human Tracking and Geoslavery,” Minnesota State University, Mankato, Minnesota, December 9, 2005. “Geoslavery or Cyber-Liberation: Freedom and Privacy in the Information Age,” Bridges to the Future Symposium, University of Denver, September 14, 2005. Seven Lectures on the Geography of Alaska, American Geographical Society’s Educational Travel Program on Cruise West’s Spirit of Oceanus, August 1-25, 2005. “Past President’s Commentary: What’s the Future of UCGIS?” University Consortium for Geographic Information Science, Jackson, WY, June 30, 2005. “Breakthroughs in GIS,” Endacott Society, Lawrence, KS, March 10, 2005 “Social Implications of Human Tracking,” Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO, March 9, 2005. 26 “GIS: Silently Changing Society,” GIS Day. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, November 17, 2004. “A New Call and Cause for Settlement Geography” Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA, March 14-19, 2004. “The Priceless Message of a $1,000,000 Globe,” Dinner Address, Annual Meeting of the Lawrence Technology Association, Lawrence, KS, February 5, 2004. “Ten Things You Didn’t Know About Geography,” Dinner Address, Rotary Club, Lawrence, KS, February 2, 2004. “Kansas Rural GIS Initiative,” Presentation to Sub-Cabinet on Natural Resources, Topeka, KS, December 4, 2003. “The American Geographical Society: Geography’s Advocate for 152 Years,” Colloquium Lecture, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, November 21, 2003. “GIS, Warfare, and Society,” and “The American Geographical Society,” Colloquium Lectures, University of West Virginia, Morgantown, WV, October 31, 2003. “Geographic Information Science: Reprising Geography’s Role in International Affairs,” Geography in International Affairs Conference, The George Washington University, Washington, DC, October 24, 2003. “GIS in War and Peace,” Great Plains/Rocky Mountains Regional Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Manhattan, KS, October 4, 2003. “Report on the American Geographical Society,” Committee on Geography, National Science Foundation, Washington, DC, April 25, 2003. “The Geographic Revolution in Science and Society” Colloquium Lecture, University of Missouri at Kansas City, April 17, 2003. 27 “A Special Program About Geographic Information Systems (GIS),” Invited Lecture, Dean’s Club Brunch, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, April 4, 2003. “GIS Trends and Directions,” Invited Lecture, Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, March 26, 2003. “An Interdisciplinary Discourse on Iodine in Evolution,” Colloquium Lecture, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, March 13, 2003. “Geoslavery: A New Ethical Dilemma for GIScience,” Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, LA, March 7, 2003. “Geography’s Spatial Language,” Course Lecture, SPLH 660 (Speech Class), University of Kansas, February 27, 2003. “GIS in War and Peace,” Colloquium Lecture, University of Southern Maine, Portsmouth, ME, February 10, 2003. Master of Ceremonies and Keynote Speaker, Globe-Signing Ceremony Honoring Junko Tabei (First Woman to Climb Mt. Everest), Ann Bancroft (First Woman to Reach the North Pole by Dogsled, 1986, and the South Pole on Skis, 1993), Liv Arneson (With Bancroft, One of the First Women to Ski Aross Antarctica, 2001), and Capt. William Anderson (Commander of the Nautilus, First Vessel To Cross the North Pole by Water, 1958), May 25, 2004. Master of Ceremonies and Keynote Speaker, Globe-Signing Ceremony Honoring Bryan Allen (Pilot of the Gossimer Albatross, First Human-Powered Aircraft to Cross the English Channel, 1979), Sylvia Earle (Deepest Unassisted Ocean Dive, 1979), and Edith Ronne (First Woman to Winter Over in Antarctica, 1947), March 31, 2004. “War is God’s Way of Teaching Geography,” Invited Colloquium Lecture, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, October 25, 2002. Keynote Address, “GIS Since 9/11,” Mid-America GIS Conference, Kansas City, April 16, 2002. 28 “The Iodine Imperative,” American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Buffalo, NY, April 11, 2002. “GIS in Homeland Security,” GIS Policy Board, State of Kansas, Topeka, KS, 2002, March 8, 2002. “GIS in the War on Terror,” Congressional Breakfast (Hosted by University Consortium for Geographic Information Science), February 7, 2002. “Geoslavery,” Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 19-22, 2002. “Estimating Populations at Risk,” Homeland Security Vulnerability Analysis Summit, Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI), Redlands, CA, January 22-23, 2002. "LandScanUSA: A High Resolution Population Distribution Modeling Project,” Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta, GA, October 19, 2001. “AGS Exploration: A Century on the Frontiers,” Maps and Milestones: a Sesquicentennial Symposium on the American Geographical Society, 1851-2001, AGS Library, Golda Meir Library, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, May 18, 2001. Master of Ceremonies, Globe-Signing Ceremony Honoring Neil Armstrong (First Person on the Moon), Don Walsh (Deepest Ocean Dive), Bertrand Piccard and Brian Jones (First to Circumnavigate Earth by Balloon), Bill Ryan (Discover of Mediterranean Sea Inundation and Co-Discoverer of Black Sea Inundation), and Walter Pittman (Co-Discoverer of Black Sea Inundation), New York City, December 11, 2000. Keynote Address, “Geographic Exploration of Digital Earth,” International Symposium on Digital Earth, Beijing China, December 2, 1999. “Large-Area Land Cover Change Analysis,” CoastGIS '95: International Symposium on GIS for Coastal Zone Mapping, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, February 1995. “Coastal Change Analysis,” Bordomer 95: Coastal Change Conference, Bordeaux, France, February 1995. 29 Featured Presentation, Bilateral Conference on Carrying Capacity and Environmental Impact Assessment, Bratislava, Slovakia, April 1995. “Earth and Space Applications of GIS,” International Space University, Kitakyushu, Japan 1992; Huntsville, Alabama 1993; Barcelona, Spain 1994; Stockholm, Sweden 1995. “Thünen in the Digital Information Age,” Keynote Address, North American Chapter of the Thünen Society, Annual Meeting, Washington, D. C., 1993. “The Geographic Revolution in Science,” Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Showcase Presentation, 1993. Various topics on geography and GIS, Colloquia Lectures at Numerous Universities, including: University of South Carolina University College Cork University of Wyoming University of Utah Appalachian State University Ohio State University University of Alaska “GIS in Regional Planning,” Lecture Series, Appalachian Regional Commission, 1991. “Advancing the Analytical Strength of GIS,” Opening Address, Third Annual Geographic Information Systems Conference at Towson State University, 1990. “GIS in Science and Society,” Visitors Seminar Series, University of Hawaii, 1990. “Automated Geography,” Robinson-Wagner Lecture, University of Wisconsin, 1988. Numerous presentations (approximately 25) at the Annual Meetings of the Association of American Geographers, c. 1975-current. 30 Numerous presentations (approximately 6) at the Applied Geography Conferences, c. 1985-91. “Computational Strengths of GIS,” Defense and Government Computer-Graphics Conference, c. 1987. “Automated Geography: Status and Prospects,” International Conference on the Role of Geography in a Post Industrial Society, Vechta, Federal Republic of Germany, 1986. Keynote Address, Management Series, Intergraph Users' Conference, Huntsville, Alabama, May 1988. Presentations (approximately 2) at Natural Hazards Workshops. “Geographic Analysis of Water Resources,” American Water Resources Association, c. 1982. “The Geography of Emergency Response,” National Association for Search and Rescue., c. 1982. AAAS Conference on Rural America: Energy Needs and Alternatives, c. 1982. “Geographic Analysis of Land and Water Resources,” National Conference of State Legislatures, c. 1980. “Geographic Analysis of Energy Resources,” National Conference on Energy and the Environment, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, c. 1979. PROFESSIONAL WORKSHOPS Organizer and Speaker, “Cartographic Symbolization of Landmines, Minefields, and Mine Actions,” (with J. C. Kostelnick), Workshop, American Geographical Society, New York, NY, June 7, 2005 and Washington, DC, November 7, 2005. Invited Participant, National Land Cover Change Modeling Workshop, United States Geological Survey, Pingree Park, CO, September 19-21, 2005. 31 United States Representative to Workshop on Criteria, Conflicts, Uncertainty, and Institutions in Regional Water Management, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria, October 1980. World's Fair International Energy Symposia, Knoxville, Tennessee, October 1980 and November 1981. Battelle Seminars Program, Principles of Management, March 1979. Association of American Geographers, Workshop on Digital Processing of Landsat Data, Columbia University, April 1976. National Science Foundation and Association of American Geographers, Short Course in Remote Sensing (5 weeks), University of Denver, 1971. ORGANIZATIONAL MEMBERSHIP American Association for the Advancement of Science Association of American Geographers. American Congress on Surveying and Mapping. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. American Geographical Society. National Geographic Society. Royal Geographic Society. Sigma Xi. 32 FOREIGN TRAVEL AND FIELDWORK For geographers, the earth is our laboratory. Travel is essential. I regard every trip (foreign or domestic, business or personal), as a serious opportunity to study unfamiliar territory. My goal is to have studied every sector of the globe by the time I retire. So far, I’ve visited the following foreign areas: Senegal, Berkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, South Africa 2009, U. S. Department of State Delegation Mexico 2008, Conference Colombia 2008, Fieldwork Jordan 2008, Fieldwork Mexico 2007, Conference France 2007, Landmine Project: Train Regional Coordinators Mexico: Huasteca Region, 2005; Oaxaca Region, 2006, Fieldwork Italy, 2006, Personal. Bering Sea and Coast of Russia, 2005 Lecturer. China, South Korea, and Japan, 2003, Fieldwork Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Slovenia, 2003, Fieldwork Jordan and Kuwait, 2003, Fieldwork 33 Colombia and Ecuador, 2002, Fieldwork Slovenia, 2001, Discuss European Union De-Mining Project for Balkans Kenya and Eritrea, 2001, Fieldwork. Belgium and United Kingdom, 2000, NATO and U. K. Ministry of Defense Germany, 2000, Geoscope Workshop Chile, 2000, International Space University Egypt, 1999, Fieldwork China, 1999, International Symposium on Digital Earth. China, 1998, International Standards Organization Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics. United Kingdom, 1998, International Standards Organization Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics. Norway, 1998, International Standards Organization Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics. United Kingdom, 1997, International Standards Organization Technical Committee on Geographic Information/Geomatics. Ireland and France, 1995, Conferences. Central Europe, 1995, Conference. Sweden, 1995, International Space University. 34 Spain, 1994, International Space University. Japan and Australia, 1992, International Space University and Fieldwork. Europe (including Czechoslovakia), Fall 1991, Conference. Europe (including Czechoslovakia), Spring 1991, Conference. Europe, 1987, Fieldwork. Europe, 1986, Conference. Europe, 1985, Personal. Liberia, 1982, Assist in Developing National Energy Plan. Europe, 1980, Conference. Europe, 1968, Personal. 35 STEPHEN L. EGBERT Position: Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas 785 864-4252, FAX: 785 864-5378, Email: Associate Scientist, Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program 785 864-1507, FAX: 785 864-1534 Education Ph.D. University of Kansas, 1994. Geography (Honors) Dissertation: The Design and Testing of An Interactive Choropleth Map Exploration System M.A. University of Nebraska, 1983. Geography Thesis: The Resettlement of Nance County, Nebraska: Land Alienation Patterns, 18781913 B.S. Brigham Young University, 1980. Geography (Minor: Asian Studies) B.A. University of Minnesota, 1971. Chinese Academic Experience and Appointments Associate Professor Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Fall 2004 – present Associate Scientist Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas, Fall 2004 – present Courtesy Associate Professor Environmental Studies Program, University of Kansas, Spring 2009 – present Assistant Professor Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Fall 1998 – Summer 2004 Assistant Scientist Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas, Fall 1998 – Summer 2004 Courtesy Assistant Professor Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Fall 1996 - Summer 1998 Research Associate Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas, January 1996 – July 1998 Postdoctoral Research Associate and Project Manager Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program, University of Kansas: Multi-temporal Land Cover Characterization Project (NASA), January 1994 - August 1995 Other Related Experience Digital Imagery Consultant - Seventh U.S. Army Training Command Terrain Visualization Center, Technical Services International, Grafenwoehr, Germany, September 1995 - December 1995 Digital Image Processing Consultant - Battlefield Visualization Demonstration, with the Topographic Engineer Center (TEC) and the 649th Topographic Engineer Company - Cubic Applications Corporation, Schwetzingen, Germany - November 1994 Professional Memberships American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS), 1981 – present Association of American Geographers (AAG), 1980 – present International Network of Genocide Scholars (INOGS), 2009 – present TEACHING Courses Taught GEOG 104 GEOG 526 GEOG 571 GEOG 658 GEOG 658 GEOG 926 GEOG 980 GEOG 980 Principles of Physical Geography Remote Sensing of Environment I Topics in Cultural Geography: Geography of Genocide (with Shannon O’Lear) Topics in GIScience: Introduction to GPS in Environmental Applications Topics in GIScience: Remote Sensing Applications Seminar in Remote Sensing: Electro-Optical Systems; Landscape Visualization Geography Seminar: Topics in Remote Sensing Multispectral Sensors and Data Professional Development in Remote Sensing Advanced Data Classification Technologies GeoWall Visual Enhancements for Remotely Sensed Images Time-Series Image Analysis LIDAR Google Earth Applications Geography Seminar: Defining Genocide Geographically (with Shannon O’Lear) Students Ph.D. Completed Sunyurp Park – Summer 2003. Dissertation Title: Determination of Thermal Response of Vegetation to Water-Stress and Its Relationship with NDVI in Western-Central Kansas Using MODIS Data. Funded by NASA Earth System Science Fellowship. (Co-advised with Johannes Feddema) Brian Wardlow. PhD (Honors). Fall 2005. Disseration Title: The Development of a Near Real-Time Mapping and Monitoring Protocol for the U.S. Great Plains Agro-Ecosystem Using Time-Series MODIS 250-Meter Data. Funded by NASA Earth System Science Fellowship. Iwake Masialeti. Spring 2008. (Co-advise with Garth Myers.) Yoshinori Nakazawa. Summer 2009. (Co-advise with A. Townsend Peterson.) Matthew Dunbar. Fall 2009. (Co-advise with JerryDobson) Ph.D. in Progress Geoffrey Demarest. 2007 – present. Lynnette Dornak. 2007 – present. (Co-advise with A. Townsend Peterson) Eunmok Lee. 2010 – present. M.A. Completed Joshua Artman. Completed Fall 2000. (Co-advised with Robert Buddemeier) 2 30 March 2010 Matthew Dunbar. Completed Spring 2005. (Co-advised with Mark Jakubauskas) Willem Helms. Completed Summer 2003. (Co-advised with Mark Jakubauskas) Michael Houts. Completed Summer 2000. Elizabeth Montgomery-Anderson. Completed Fall 2008. (Co-advised with Shannon O’Lear) Brianna Mosiman. Completed Summer 2003. Carleen Roberts. Completed Summer 2003. Peder Sandhei. Completed Summer 2003. (Co-advised with Robert Buddemeier) Sarah Signiski. Completed Fall 1999. (Co-advised with Kevin Price) Patrick Tayor. Completed Summer 2004. M.A. in Progress Kevin Dobbs. 2006 – present. Chris Bishop. 2007 – present. Cara Haas. 2008 – present Lisa McKinney. 2009 – present. Nicole Reiz. 2008 – present. (Co-advise with Shannon O’Lear) Service on Other Graduate Committees and Undergraduate Honors Committees Ph.D. Dissertation Committees: 18 completed M.A. Thesis Committee: 10 completed B.A./B.S. Honors Committee Chair: 3 completed Short Courses and Workshops GIS for Tribal Natural Resource Managers. 2007. Presented modules on remote sensing applications and imagery data resources for natural resources specialists from several tribes in the central and western U.S. Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, May 15-17. (With Kevin Dobbs) GeoWall in Geographic Education. 2007. Presented a half-day workshop on the GeoWall, a system for 3D stereo visualization of the environment. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, California, April 16. (With Terry Slocum and Matt Dunbar) Geospatial Technologies for Mine Action Professionals II. 2006. Presented modules on topics in GIS, GPS, and remote sensing for the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Murten, Switzerland, July 18-22. (With Matt Dunbar) GeoWall in Geographic Education. 2006. Presented a half-day workshop on the GeoWall, a system for 3D stereo visualization of the environment. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers, Chicago, Illinois, March 8. (With Terry Slocum and Matt Dunbar) Geospatial Technologies for Mine Action Professionals. 2006. Presented modules on remote sensing, GIS, sources of map error, datums, and GPS, and conducted training in ArcGIS using geospatial image sets created at KU for the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Geneva, Switzerland, January 16-19. (With Matt Dunbar) GIS for Tribal Natural Resource Managers. 2005. Presented modules on remote sensing applications and imagery data resources for natural resources specialists from several tribes in the central and western U.S. Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, November 17. (With Josh Campbell) GIS for Tribal Natural Resource Managers. 2004. Presented modules on remote sensing applications and imagery data resources for natural resources specialists from several tribes in the central and western U.S. Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS, November 30. (With Brianna Mosiman) 3 30 March 2010 ESIC Science Teachers Workshop. 2004. Presented modules on remote sensing applications and imagery data resources for a nationally selected group of high school and middle school science teachers. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, July 15. (With Brianna Mosiman) ESIC Science Teachers Workshop. 2003. Presented modules on remote sensing applications and imagery data resources for a nationally selected group of high school and middle school science teachers. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, June 19. (With Brianna Mosiman) KansasView State and Local Government Remote Sensing Workshop. 2003. For geospatial technical managers in state and local government agencies in Kansas. Kansas Data Access and Support Center, Kansas Geological Survey. Lawrence, Kansas. May 16. (With Theresa J. Crooks, Kenneth Nelson, Brianna N. Mosiman, and Brian D. Wardlow.) Geospatial Technologies Workshop. 2002. For faculty of the University of Zambia and geospatial specialists in Zambian government ministries. Held in the School of Mines at the University of Zambia. Lusaka, Zambia, June 3-19. (With Garth A. Myers, Kevin P. Price, Terry A. Slocum, and Brianna N. Mercier) Applications of Remote Sensing. 2001. Presented at the NASA/Western Governors’ Association Remote Sensing Workshop held in conjunction with the Nebraska GIS Symposium. Lincoln, Nebraska, May 7. Remote Sensing Use to Address Regional and Local Issues. 2000. NASA Regional Workshop, MidAmerica Focus, State and Local Governments Initiative. Osage Beach, Missouri, May 15. Remote Sensing Workshop. 2000. Mid-America GIS Symposium. Osage Beach, Missouri. May 14. A half-day intensive introduction to remote sensing principles and applications for GIS professionals. (With Mark E. Jakubauskas) Introduction and Overview of Satellite Imagery for Agricultural Applications. 1999. Presented to management and staff from Strategic Weather, Inc., a partner in Agrimetrix, Inc. Presented characteristics of polar orbiting satellites, including satellite, sensor, and resolution concepts. Lawrence, Kansas, 27 October. (With Kevin P. Price) Map Display for Geographic Information Systems. 1991. Geographic Research, Applications, and Information Laboratory (GRAIL), Success with GIS Workshop Series, Department of Geography, University of Kansas. (With Terry A. Slocum) The Cartographic/GIS Interface. 1990. Mid-America GIS Symposium, Overland Park, KS. (With Terry A. Slocum) Teaching Honors Kemper Teaching Fellowship, Fall 2005 Nominated for Byron L. Alexander CLAS Graduate Mentor Award. 2002. 4 30 March 2010 RESEARCH Research Interests Most of my earliest research at the Ph.D. level focused on the development and testing of interactive cartographic displays, including both formal and informal analysis of user needs and responses. Subsequently, my focus turned to remote sensing, where I had received extensive training and experience through military service. The broad emphasis of my research currently lies in the application of time-series satellite imagery for land cover mapping, analysis, and modeling. More recently, I have returned to my earlier interest in visualization in cartographic displays. Ongoing and projected research under these and related topics include: • • • Development of methods for exploiting information in time-series multi-year composite vegetation index data sets from NASA’s MODIS sensor to characterize and map vegetation dynamics on the Great Plains. Initial investigations using the new generation of decision-tree classifiers have produced very promising results in monitoring crop health and progress. Evaluation of geotechnologies to assist in creating spatial databases of minefields. Through funding from the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, we are investigating the use of a portable tool (handheld PC, GPS, and laser rangefinder binoculars) to map minefields under a variety of environmental and cultural conditions. Evaluation of low-cost stereo 3D technology for visualizing geographical datasets, including those created from satellite imagery and digital elevation models. This is a topic that combines my current research interests with the focus of my dissertation research – the visualization of complex spatial data. In addition to my tradition research concentration in remote sensing, I have recently begun research into the geographic nature of genocide, mass murder, and related crimes against humanity, which has been a long-time personal interest. The motivation for this research is that the geographic component is often understated or even missing from genocide studies, and I believe that geography has much to offer in this regard. Funding for my research in the geospatial sciences (over $6,000,000 to date) has come primarily from multi-investigator grants and contracts received from the national and state level. National funding agencies include NASA, NSF, and USGS, while state agencies include the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks, the Kansas Department of Agriculture, and the Kansas GIS Policy Board. Refereed Articles, Book Chapters, and Case Studies – Published or in Press Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2010. A Comparison of MODIS 250-m EVI and NDVI Data for Crop Mapping – A Case Study for Southwest Kansas. International Journal of Remote Sensing 31(3):805-830. O’Lear, S., Egbert, S.L., and Montgomery-Anderson, E. 2009. Space and Polity 13(1):1-8 (introduction to edited special issue). Kostelnick, J.C., Dobson, J.E., Egbert, S.L., and Dunbar, M.D. Cartographic Symbols for Humanitarian Demining. Cartographic Journal 45(1):18-31 Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2008. Large-area crop mapping using time-series MODIS 250 m NDVI data: An assessment for the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment 112(2008):1096-1116. Park, S., and Egbert, S.L. 2008. Impacts of the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) on Landscape Structure in Southwest Kansas, USA. GIScience & Remote Sensing 45(1):83-108. 5 30 March 2010 Wardlow, B.D., Egbert, S.L., and Kastens, J.H. 2007. Analysis of Time-Series MODIS 250m Vegetation Index Data for Crop Classification in the U.S. Central Great Plains. Remote Sensing of Environment 108(3):290-310. Kostelnick, J.C., Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., McNyset, K.M., and Cully, J.F. 2007. Ecological Niche Modeling of Black-Tailed Prairie Dog Habitats in Kansas Using Geographic Information systems (GIS), Remote Sensing, and the Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction (GARP). Transactions, Kansas Academy of Science 110(3/4):187-200. Slocum, T.A., Dunbar, M., and Egbert, S.L. 2007. Evaluating the Potential of the GeoWall for Geographic Education. Journal of Geography 106(3):91-102. Anderson, R.P., Peterson, A.T., and Egbert, S.L. Modeling the Spread of a Recently Detected Invasive Species Using Remotely Sensed Data: Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria) in Kansas. Southwestern Naturalist 51(4):471-480. Wardlow, B.D., Kastens, J.D., and Egbert, S.L. 2006. Using USDA Crop Progress Data and MODIS Time-Series NDVI for Regional-Scale Evaluation of Greenup Onset Date. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 72(11):1225-1234. Park, S. and Egbert, S.L. Assessment of Soil Erodibility Indices for Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Lands in Southwestern Kansas Using Satellite Imagery and GIS Techniques. Environmental Management 36(6):886-898. Park, S. Feddema, J.J., and Egbert, S.L. 2005. MODIS Maximum-Temperature Composite Data and Their Relationships with Climatic Water Budget Factors in the Central Great Plains. International Journal of Remote Sensing 26(6):1127-1144. Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2004. Identifying historical and recent land-cover changes in Kansas using post-classification change detection techniques. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science 107(3/4):105-118. Park, S. Feddema, J.J., and Egbert, S.L. 2004. Impacts of Hydrologic Soil Properties on Drought Detection with MODIS Thermal Data. Remote Sensing of Environment 89(2004): 53-62. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2003. A Comparative Analysis of the GAP and NLCD Land Cover Data Sets for Kansas. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 69(12): 1387-1397. Park, S., Egbert, S.L., Peterson, D., Stewart, A., Lauver, C., Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Blodgett, C., Culley, J. Jr., and Kaufman, G. 2003. Kansas Vegetation Mapping Using Multi-Temporal Remote Sensing Data: A Hybrid Approach. Journal of the Korean Geographical Society 38(5):667-685. (Korean, with English abstract.) Park, S., and Egbert, S.L. 2003. Spatial Analysis of Landscape Structure Changes Caused by the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program in the Central High Plains. Journal of the Korean Association of Regional Geographers 9(4):519-533. (Korean, with English abstract.) Egbert, S.L., Park, S., Price, K.P., Lee R.Y., Wu, J., and Nellis, M.D. 2002. Using Conservation Reserve Program Maps Derived from Satellite Imagery to Characterize Landscape Structure. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 37(1-3): 141-156. Griffith, J.A. and Egbert, S.L. 2001. Remote Sensing Education and Internet/World Wide Web Technology. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 27(2): 159-168. Ortega-Huerta, M.A., Martinez-Meyer, E., Egbert, S.L., and Price, K.P. 2000. Mapping the Land Cover of Mexico Using AVHRR Time-Series Data Sets. Geocarto International 15(3): 5-18. Peterson, A.T., Egbert, S.L., Sanchez-Cordero, V., and Price, K.P. 2000. Geographic Analysis of Conservation Priority: Endemic Birds and Mammals in Veracruz, Mexico. Biological Conservation 93 (2000): 85-94. Egbert, S.L., Lee, R.Y, Price, K.P., Nellis, M.D., and Boyce, R. 1998. Mapping Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Grasslands Using Multi-Seasonal Thematic Mapper Imagery. Geocarto International 13(4):17-24. Egbert, S.L., Peterson, A.T., Sanchez-Cordero, V., and Price, K.P. 1998. Modeling Conservation Priorities in Veracruz, Mexico. In, Morain, S. (ed.), GIS Solutions in Natural Resource Management: Balancing the Technical-Political Equation. High Mountain Press (pp. 55-63). 6 30 March 2010 Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Nellis, M.D., Lee, R.Y., and Boyce, R. 1997. Mapping Land Cover in a High Plains Agro-Ecosystem Using a Multi-Date Landsat Thematic Mapper Modeling Approach. Transactions, Kansas Academy of Sciences 100(1-2): 21-33. Wu, J., Nellis, M.D., Ransom, M.D., Price, K.P., and Egbert, S.L. 1997. Evaluating Soil Properties of CRP Land Using Remote Sensing and GIS in Finney County, Kansas. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 52/5: 352-358. Nellis, M.D., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and Wu, J.P. 1996. Natural Resource Capability of CRP Lands as Grasslands in Southwest Kansas: A Remote Sensing and GIS Perspective. Geocarto International 11(3): 23-28. Whistler, J.L., Jakubauskas, M.J., Egbert, S.L., Martinko, E.A., Baumgartner, D., and Lee, R.Y. 1996. Development of a Land Use / Land Cover Map. In Morain, S. (ed.) Raster Imagery in Geographic Information Systems, Chap. 5, Case Studies (pp. 328-334). Egbert, S.L. and Slocum, T.A. 1994. Using C and MetaWINDOW Graphics Primitives to Develop Software for Exploring Spatial Data. Case study in Chapter 6 of MacEachren, A.M. and Taylor, D.R.F. (eds.) Visualization in Modern Cartography. New York: Pergamon (pp. 94-96). Slocum, T.A. and Egbert, S.L. 1993. Knowledge Acquisition from Choropleth Maps. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 20(2):83-95. Egbert, S.L. and Slocum, T.A. 1992. EXPLOREMAP: An Exploration System for Choropleth Maps. Annals, Association of American Geographers 82(2):275-288. Slocum, T.A. and Egbert, S.L. 1991. Cartographic Data Display. Chapter 9 in Taylor, D.R.F. (ed.) Geographic Information Systems: The Microcomputer and Modern Cartography. Oxford: Pergamon (pp. 167-200). Baker, W.L., Egbert, S.L., and Frazier, G.F. 1991. A Spatial Model for Studying the Effects of Climatic Change on the Structure of Landscapes Subject to Large Disturbances. Ecological Modelling 56/1-4:109-125. Slocum, T.A., Robeson, S.H., and Egbert, S.L. 1990. Traditional Versus Sequenced Choropleth Maps: An Experimental Investigation. Cartographica 27(1): 67-88. Campbell, C.S. and Egbert, S.L. 1990. Animated Cartography: Thirty Years of Scratching the Surface. Cartographica 27(2): 24-46. Refereed Articles in Review Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Egbert, S.L., and Klopfenstein, S.T. New methods for Identifying and Mapping Playa Lakes on the High Plains, Kansas , USA. Submitted to Wetlands. Dobson, J.E., Egbert, S.L., Dunbar, M.D., and Kostelnick, J.C. Landmines, Minefields, and Mine Actions. Submitted to Focus on Geography. Refereed Articles in Revision or Ready for Submission None currently Proceedings and Other Articles Peterson, D.L., Whistler, J.L., Bishop, C., Egbert, S.L. and Martinko, E.A. The Kansas NextGeneration Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Initiative. Accepted for publication in Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Baltimore, Maryland. March 8-13, 2009. Egbert, S.L. and O’Lear, S. 2008. Geographies of Genocide, in Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Barney Warf, Ed. 7 30 March 2010 Kostelnick, J.C., Dobson, J.E., Egbert, S.L., Dunbar, M.D., and Arnold, A. 2006. A Proposed New World Standard for Humanitarian Demining Map Symbols. Proceedings, 26th Annual ESRI Internation user Conference. San Diego, California, August 7-11. Kostelnick, J.C., Dobson, J.E., Egbert, S.L., and Dunbar, M.D. 2005. Cartographic Symbols for Landmine Hazards and Humanitarian Demining. International Cartographic Conference. A Coruña, Spain, July 9-16. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2005. State-Level Crop Mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains Agroecosystem using MODIS 250-meter NDVI Data. Pecora 16 “Global Priorities in Land Remote Sensing,” Sioux Falls, South Dakota, October 23-27. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2002. Discriminating Cropping Patterns for the U.S. Central Great Plains Region Using Time-Series MODIS 250-meter NDVI Data – Preliminary Results. Proceedings, 15th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium, Denver, Colorado. (CD-ROM) Egbert, S. L., E. Martinez-Meyer, M. A. Ortega-Huerta, and A. T. Peterson. 2002. Use of Datasets Derived From Time-Series AVHRR Imagery As Surrogates For Land Cover Maps in Predicting Species' Distributions. Proceedings IEEE 2002 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 4:2337-2339. Park, S., Feddema, J.J., and Egbert, S.L. 2002. MODIS Land Surface Temperatures and Their Relationship with Hydroclimatological Parameters. Proceedings, Thermosense XXIV. Orlando, Florida, April 1-5. (CD-ROM) Anderson, A.K., and Egbert, S.L. 2002. Hyperspectral Remote Sensing of Hydrocarbon and Brine Seepage in Hutchinson, Kansas. Proceedings, 2002 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Conference and FIG XXII Congress. Washington, DC, April 22-26. (CD-ROM) Mercier, B.N., Whistler, J.L., Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2002. Remote Sensing Tools for Statewide Management: Developing a Landsat 7 Imagery Database of Kansas. Proceedings, 2002 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Conference and FIG XXII Congress. Washington, DC, April 22-26. (CD-ROM) Park, S., Feddema, J.J. and Egbert, S.L. 2002. Evaluation of MODIS Land Surface Temperature Data as a Drought Detection Indicator. Proceedings, 2002 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Conference and FIG XXII Congress. Washington, DC, April 22-26. (CD-ROM) Egbert, S.L., Park, S., Stewart, A.M., Peterson, D.L., Lauver, C.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2001. Landscape Structure and the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program on the Central High Plains. Proceedings, ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. (CD-ROM) Wardlow, B.D., and Egbert, S.L. 2001. A Comparison of the GAP and Regional MRLC Land Cover Data Sets for the State of Kansas – Classification Systems, Methods and Results. Proceedings, ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. (CD-ROM) Park, S., Feddema, J., and Egbert, S.L. 2001. An Application of AVHRR Thermal Response Patterns from Land Surfaces to Mapping Drought-Prone Areas in Western-Central Kansas. Proceedings, ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. (CD-ROM) Peterson, D.L., Stewart, A.M., Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C., Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Park, S., and Cully, J. 2001. Identifying and Understanding Land Use/Land Cover Changes in Kansas. Proceedings, ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. (CD-ROM) Egbert, S.L., Ortega-Huerta, M., Martinez-Meyer, E., Price, K.P., and Peterson, A.T. 2000. TimeSeries Classification of High-Temporal Resolution AVHRR NDVI Imagery of Mexico. Proceedings, IEEE 2000 International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. Vol V: 1978-1980. Honolulu, Hawaii, July 24-28. 8 30 March 2010 Stewart, A., Peterson, D., Egbert, S., Price, K., Blodgett, C., Park, S., Lauver, C., Martinko, E., and Cully, J. 2000. Land Cover Mapping for GAP: A Hybrid Classification Approach to Identifying the Vegetation of Kansas. Proceedings, ASPRS 2000, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Washington, DC, May 23-26. (CD-ROM) Egbert, S., and Mercier, B. 2000. Evaluation of Time-Series Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery and Derived Spectral Indices for Differentiating Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Cropland in a Semi-Arid Environment. Proceedings, ASPRS 2000, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Washington, DC, May 23-26. (CD-ROM) Egbert, S.L., Lee, R.Y., Park, S., Price, K.P., Wu, J., and M.D. Nellis. 2000. Using CRP Maps Derived From Satellite Imagery to Characterize Landscape Structure and Relationships. Proceedings, Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. I: 520-527. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January. Lomas, J.M., Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L. and D.L. Kastens. 2000. Development of a Value-Added, Remotely Sensed Product for Commercial Distribution. Proceedings, Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. II: 140147. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January. Houts, M.E., Lee, R., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and E.A. Martinko. 2000. Using 10-Meter Digital Airborne Imagery to Classify Crop Types in Iowa. Proceedings, Second International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry, Vol. II: 453-459. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, 10-12 January. Bian, L., Sun, H., Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Li, W.P, Ran, L.M., and Koussis, A.D. 1996. Integration Architecture and Internal Database for Coupling a Hydrologic Model and Arc/Info. Proceedings, HydroGIS '96 (IAHS Publication Number 235, pp. 11-17). Vienna, Austria, April 16-19. Bian, L., Sun, H., Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Li, W.P., Ran, L.M., and Koussis, A.D. 1996. An Integrated Interface System to Couple the SWAT Model and Arc/Info. Proceedings, Third International Conference / Workshop on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling ( Santa Fe, New Mexico, January 20-25. Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Nellis, M.D., and Lee, R.Y. 1996. Developing a Land Cover Modeling Procedure for the High Plains Using Multi-Temporal Thematic Mapper Imagery. Proceedings, Canadian Society for Remote Sensing, Annual Meeting. Vancouver, British Columbia. Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P., Nellis, M.D., Lee, R.Y. 1995. Developing a Land Cover Modelling Protocol for the High Plains Using Multi-Seasonal Thematic Mapper Imagery. Technical Papers, ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention and Exposition, Vol 3: 836-845. Charlotte, North Carolina. Whistler, J.L., Egbert, S.L., Jakubauskas, M.E., Martinko, E.A., Baumgartner, D.W. and Lee, R.Y. 1995. The Kansas State Land Cover Mapping Project: Regional Scale Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Data. Technical Papers, ACSM/ASPRS Annual Convention and Exposition, Vol. 3: 773-785. Charlotte, North Carolina. Slocum, T.A.; Egbert, S.L.; Prante, M.C.; and Robeson, S.H. 1988. Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps. Proceedings, Third International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Sydney, Australia (pp. 293-305). Abstracts and Conference Presentations (only those not included under Proceedings) Kastens, J.H., Dobbs, K.E., Egbert, S.L., Huggins, D.G., Williams, B.S., and Thorp, J.H. 2009. using Digital Elevation Data for River Valley Identification and Floodplain Mapping. First Biennial Symposium of the International Society for River Science. St. Petersburg Beach, FL, July 12-17. Dobbs, K., Kastens, J., Egbert, S.L., and Thayn, J. 2009. Real-Time and Forecast Flood Extent Mapping in Eastern Kansas. Accepted as poster presentation for the Annual Conference of the 9 30 March 2010 American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Baltimore, Maryland. March 8-13, 2009. Egbert, S.L., Wardlow, B.D., and Kastens, J. 2008. Using Dense Time-Series MODIS NDVI Data to Map Crop Types. Presentation to Kansas Biological Survey Seminar, February 29. Dobbs, K., Egbert, S. L., and Kastens, J. 2008. The Role of KansasView in Disaster Response and Recovery. The 17th William T. Pecora Memorial Remote Sensing Symposium. Denver, Colorado, Nov. 16-20. Dobbs, K.E., Campbell, J., and Egbert, S.L. 2006. KansasView: Remote Sensing Lesson Packs for K-12 Education. Annual Conference, Kansas Association for Conservation and Environmental Education. Pittsburg, Kansas, November 3. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2006. An Evaluation of Multi-temporal MODIS 250-Meter Vegetation index Data for Crop Mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains. Global Vegetation Workshop, 2006. Missoula, Montana, August 7-10. Egbert, S.L., Dunbar, M.D., Dobson, J.E., Kostelnick, J.C 2005. Evaluating a Field Tool for Creating Spatial Databases of Minefields. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Denver, Colorado, April 5-9. Kostelnick, J.C., Dobson, J.E., Egbert, S.L., and Dunbar, M.D. 2005. Cartographic Symbols for Landmine Hazards and Humanitarian Demining. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Denver, Colorado, April 5-9. Slocum, T.A., Dunbar, M.D., and Egbert, S.L. 2005. The GeoWall and Its Potential for Geographic Education. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Denver, Colo., April 5-9. Masialeti, I., Egbert, S.L., and Mosiman, B.N. 2004. Assessing the Effects of Forest Depletion in the Chongwe District of Zambia Using Object-Oriented Land Cover Mapping and Landscape Pattern Metrics. Proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2004 Fall Conference, Kansas City, MO, September 12-16. Wardlow, B.D. and S.L. Egbert. 2004. An evaluation of time-series MODIS 250m vegetation index data for crop classification. Proceedings of the American Society of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2004 Fall Conference, Kansas City, MO, September 12-16. Egbert, S.L., Dunbar, M., and Dobson, J. 2004. Evaluating the EOS IS-Survey Tool: Objectives, Methods, and Preliminary Results. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, IMSMA Summer Workshop – Information Management: A Tool for Operations. Geneva, Switzerland, 6-8 July. Kostelnick, J.C., Dobson, J., Egbert, S.L., and Dunbar, M. 2004. A Cartographic Study of IMSMA Symbology: Reviewing Its Value for Operations. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, IMSMA Summer Workshop – Information Management: A Tool for Operations. Geneva, Switzerland, 6-8 July. Egbert, S.L., Mosiman, B.N., and Taylor, P.C. 2004. Creating a Pond Inventory in Kansas Using Satellite and Airborne Sensors. Water and the Future of Kansas, 21st Annual Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, March 11. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2004. Regional Scale Crop Mapping Using a Decision Tree Classifier. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Mar 14-19. Egbert, S.L., Dobson, J., Dunbar, M., and Kostelnick, J. 2004. Evaluating a Field Tool for Creating Spatial Databases of Minefields. University of Kansas GIS Day, Lawrence, Kansas, November 17. Egbert, S.L., Mosiman, B.N., Taylor, P., and Buddemeier, R. 2004. A Comparison of Pond Inventories Using Satellite and Airborne Sensors. Kansas Statewide EPSCoR Conference, Kansas State University, September 8. 10 30 March 2010 Mosiman, B.N., Egbert, S.L., and Taylor, P. 2004. Mapping and Comparing Pond Inventories Using Satellite and Airborne Sensors. AmericaView Fall Meeting. EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, September 21-22. Mosiman, B.N., Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., and Peterson, D.L. 2004. The Kansas Satellite Image Database: Benefits and Services. The 9th Bienniel Mid-America GIS (MAGIC) Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, April 18-22. Kostelnick, J.C., Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., and McNyset, K. 2004. Modeling Blacktailed Prairie Dog Habitats in Kansas Using the Genetic Algorithm for Rule-Set Prediction (GARP). The 9th Bienniel Mid-America GIS (MAGIC) Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, April 18-22 Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. 2003. Crop Mapping in the U.S. Central Great Plains Region Using Time-Series MODIS 250-Meter Data. International Symposium for Remote Sensing of Environment. Honolulu, Hawaii, November 10-14. Mosiman, B.N., Egbert, S.L., Taylor, P., and Scherer, M. Inventory of Dams Using Remotely Sensed Satellite Imagery. Annual Meeting, Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers. Manhattan, Kansas, Oct 2-4. Wardlow, B.D. and Egbert, S.L. A State-Level Crop Mapping Prototype Using Intermediate Resolution EOS Data – Early Results. Annual Meeting, Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers. Manhattan, Kansas, Oct 2-4. Park, S., Feddema, J., and Egbert, S.L. 2003. Drought Response-Soil Factor Relationships Based on NDVI, MODIS Thermal Infrared Data, and Digital Soil Database. ASPRS 2003 Annual Conference: Technology Converging at the Top of the World, Anchorage, Alaska, May 5-9. Price, K.P., Ramspott, M.E., Foster, B.L., Murphy, C.A., Egbert, S.L., Wardlow, B., and Martinko, E.A. 2003. Remote Sensing as a Carbon Measurement and Monitoring Tool. Carbon Measurement and Monitoring Forum. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, October 1517. Wardlow, B.D., and Egbert, S.L. 2003. An Agricultural-Related Land Use/Land Cover (LULC) Mapping Protocol for the U.S. Central Great Plains Region Using Time-Series MODIS 250Meter Data. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, Louisiana, Mar 5-8. Lauver, C.L., Peterson, D.L., Stewart, A.M., Egbert, S.L., Martinko, E.A., and Price, K.P. 2002. The Challenge of Mapping Grasslands: Assessing the Accuracy of the Kansas Gap Analysis Land Cover Map. Society for Range Management, 2002 Annual Meeting. Kansas City, Missouri, February 13-19. Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., and Whistler, J.L. Development of Satellite-Derived Land Use/Land Cover Databases – The Kansas Experience. The 8th Biennial Mid-America GIS (MAGIC) Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri, April 14-18. Egbert, S.L., Park, S., Peterson, D.L., Stewart, A.M., and Lauver, C.L. 2002. Impacts of the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program on Landscape Structure in Southwest Kansas. 17th Annual Symposium, International Association for Landscape Ecology, United States Regional Association. Lincoln, Nebraska, April 23-27. Mercier, B.N. and Egbert, S.L. 2001. The Effects of Radiance and Atmospheric Corrections in Mapping Irrigated and Nonirrigated Cropland Using Time-series Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery in a Semi-Arid Environment. ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Jakubauskas, M.E., and Crooks, T.J. 2001. The NASA Great Plains RESAC: Developing Remote Sensing Applications on a Foundation of Fundamental Research. ASPRS 2001: Gateway to the New Millennium. St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. Egbert, S. L., Park, S., Peterson, D.L., Stewart, A.M., and Price, K.P. 2001. Effects of the U.S. Conservation Reserve Program on Landscape Structure in Southwest Kansas. Program and 11 30 March 2010 Abstracts, 133rd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science (Vol. 28). Lawrence, Kansas, April 6-7. Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C.L., Stewart, A.M., Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., and Park, S. 2001. Detecting Land Use/Land Cover Change in Kansas Using the Post Classification Change Detection Technique. Program and Abstracts, 133rd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science (Vol. 28). Lawrence, Kansas, April 6-7. Park, S., Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2001. Thermal Response Patterns from Land Surfaces and their Relationship with Land-Cover Diversity in Western Central Kansas. Program and Abstracts, 133rd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science (Vol. 28). Lawrence, Kansas, April 6-7. Park, S., Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2000. Digital Vegetation Mapping and Characterization of Landscape Patterns in Finney County, Kansas. Abstracts, 29th International Geographical Congress: Living With Diversity. Seoul, Korea, August 14-18. Mercier, B.N., and Egbert, S.L. 2000. Differentiating Between Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Cropland in Southwest Kansas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal Data. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 4-8. Wardlow, B.D., Egbert, S.L., and J.A. Harrington. 2000. A Multi-Sensor Approach to Assessing the Relationship Between Physical Limnological Patterns and Watershed Conditions. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, April 4-8. Egbert, S.L., Lander J.R., and Price, K.P. 2000. An Exploration of The Effect of Rainfall Events on Spectral Response in Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery. Abstracts of Papers Presented, 132nd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science. Hutchinson, Kansas, March 31 - April 1. Houts, M.E., Egbert, S.L., Bennett, D.A. and Price, K.P. 2000. Using Logistic Regression and Multiple Mapping Units to Model Gray Wolf Habitat in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Abstracts of Papers Presented, 132nd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science. Hutchinson, Kansas, March 31 - April 1. Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Jakubauskas, M.E., and Whistler, J.L. 2000. Development of the NASA Great Plains Regional Earth Science Applications Center (GP-RESAC). Abstracts of Papers Presented, 132nd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science. Hutchinson, Kansas, March 31 - April 1. Park, S., Egbert, S.L., Price, K.P. and Martinko, E.A. 2000. Multi-temporal Approach to Kansas Natural Vegetation Mapping and Landscape Pattern Analysis in Finney County, Kansas. Abstracts of Papers Presented, 132nd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science. Hutchinson, Kansas, March 31 - April 1. Peterson, D., Egbert, S.L., Stewart, A., Lauver, C., Martinko, E., Price, K.P., Park, S., Blodgett, C., and Cully, J. 2000. Mapping Vegetation for Kansas GAP Using a Hybrid Classification Approach. Abstracts of Papers Presented, 132nd Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science. Hutchinson, Kansas, March 31 - April 1. Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Price, K.P., and E. A. Martinko. 1999. Development of Satellite-Derived Land Use/Land Cover Databases for Kansas. Program and Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers. Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 23-25. Mercier, B.N., and S.L. Egbert. 1999. Differentiating Between Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Cropland in Southwest Kansas Using Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal Data. Program and Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers. Colorado Springs, Colorado, September 23-25. Lauver, C.L., Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Ellis, E.K., Riffer, J.C., Kennedy, S.S., Stewart, A.M., and Park, S. 1999. Mapping Great Plains Vegetation at the Alliance Level Using a Supervised Approach. Abstracts, National GAP Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota, August 3-5. 12 30 March 2010 Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Blodgett, C.F., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 1999. Mapping Kansas From Space: Twenty-Five Years of Mapping Kansas Land Cover with Satellite Imagery. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, Manhattan, Kansas, April 16-17. Ortega-Huerta, M., Martinez-Meyer, E., Egbert, S.L., and Price, K.P. 1999. Mapping Mexico’s Vegetation Types Using NDVI Data. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, Manhattan, Kansas, April 16-17. Park, S., S.L. Egbert, and K.P. Price. 1999. A Quantitative Analysis of Landscape Pattern Changes in Relation to the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) in Finney County, Kansas. Program and Abstracts of Papers and Posters Presented at the 131st Annual Meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science, Vol. 18, Manhattan, Kansas, April 16-17. Ellis, E.K., Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C.L., Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Stewart, A.M., Kennedy, S.S., Riffer, J.C., and Park, S. 1999. A Two Stage, Multi-Temporal Approach to Mapping Kansas’ Natural Vegetation with Satellite Imagery. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, Manhattan, Kansas, April 16-17. Egbert, S.L. and Larson, C.R. 1999. Characterizing Changes in Iraq’s Marshes Using Time Series AVHRR Imagery. Abstracts, 95th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 23-27. Egbert, S.L., Lander, J.R., and Price, K.P. 1998. Effect of Rainfall Events on Spectral Response Patterns in Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, Kansas, September 24-26. Kennedy, S.S., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and Martinko, E.A. 1998. Mapping Crop Types and Irrigation Status in Haskell County, Kansas, Using Multi-seasonal Landsat Thematic Mapper Data. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, Kansas, September 24-26. Martinez-Meyer, E., Sanchez-Cordero, V., and Egbert, S.L. 1998. Predicting the Species Richness and Distribution of Pest-Rodents in the Crop Systems of Veracruz, Mexico. Abstracts, Annual Meetings, Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, Kansas, September 24-26. Blodgett, C., Lauver, C., Egbert, S., Martinko, E., Price, K., Ellis, E. , and Riffer, J. 1998. A Supervised Approach to Mapping the Natural Vegetation of Kansas. 8th Annual Gap Analysis Principal Investigator's Meeting, Santa Barbara, California, July 20-24. Riffer, J., Blodgett, C., Egbert, S., Martinko, E., Price, K., and Ellis, E. 1998. A Multi- Seasonal Approach to Mapping Kansas' Natural Vegetation with Satellite Imagery. Kansas Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Wichita, Kansas, April 19-20. Blodgett, C., Egbert, S., Martinko, E., Price, K., Lauver, C., Stewart, A., Ortega-Huerta, M., and Boyce, R. 1997. A Multi-Seasonal Approach to Mapping Kansas' Natural Vegetation. 7th Annual Gap Analysis Principal Investigators’ Meeting, Reston, Virginia, August 4-8. Egbert, S.L., Lee, R.Y., Price, K.P., Boyce, R., and Nellis, M.D. 1997. Mapping Conservation Reserve Program Lands Using Multi-temporal Thematic Mapper Imagery. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Fort Worth, Texas. Nellis, M.D., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and Wu, J.P. 1996. Natural Resource Capability of CRP Lands as Grasslands in Southwest Kansas: A Remote Sensing Perspective. Remote Sensing/GIS Symposium, Society for Range Management, Wichita, Kansas. Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Nellis, M.D., and Lee, R.Y. 1996. Developing a Land Cover Modelling Procedure for the High Plains Using Multi-Date Thematic Mapper Imagery. 1996. Abstracts, 128th Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Sciences. Emporia State University, Emporia, Kansas. Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Bian, L., and Sun, H. 1995. Developing Visual Links Between ARC/INFO, Visual Basic, and SWAT. GIS/LIS '95. Nashville, Tennessee, November 14-16. 13 30 March 2010 Nellis, M.D., Wu, J., Ransom, M., Price, K.P., and Egbert, S.L. 1995. Evaluating Conservation Reserve Program Land Soil Properties Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System Techniques. Agronomy Society of America, St. Louis, Missouri. Nellis, M.D., Wu, J., Price, K.P., and Egbert, S.L. 1995. Evaluating Conservation Reserve Program Land in Southwest Kansas Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques. Great Plains-Rocky Mountain AAG Meeting, Rapid City, South Dakota. Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Nellis, M.D., and Lee, R.Y. 1995. Development of a Land Use/Land Cover Mapping Protocol for a High Plains Agro-Eco System Using Multi-Temporal Landsat Satellite Imagery. KU Environmental Research Symposium, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Jakubauskas, M.E., Lee, R.Y., and Baumgartner, D.W. 1995. Perspectives on Developing a Statewide Land Cover Database for Kansas. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, Illinois. Price, K.P., Nellis, M.D., Egbert, S.L., and Lee, R.Y. 1995. Modelling High Plains Land Cover Using Multi-Date Thematic Mapper Imagery. Abstracts, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, Illinois. Whistler, J., Jakubauskas, M., Egbert, S., Baumgartner, D. and Lee, R. 1992. All of Kansas: Perspectives on Developing a Statewide Land Cover Database from Satellite Imagery. MidAmerica GIS Conference, Overland Park, Kansas. Egbert, S.L. and Slocum, T.A. 1992. ExploreMap: A Data Exploration System for Choropleth Maps. Mid-America GIS Conference, Overland Park, Kansas. Slocum, T.A. and Egbert, S.L. 1990. Software for a Choropleth Map Information System. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Miami, Florida. Baker, W.L., Egbert, S.L., and Frazier, G.F. 1990. A GIS-Based Model for Studying Changes in the Structure of Landscapes Subject to Large Disturbances. (Abstract). Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 71 (2-supl): 83. Egbert, S.L. 1985. Post Office Openings and Closings: Patterns in the Nebraska Sandhills, 18781950. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Detroit, Michigan. Egbert, S.L. 1984. Land Records and Land Holding: Patterns at Fort Hartsuff, Nebraska. Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, Washburn University, Topeka, Kansas. Egbert, S.L. 1983. An Approach to Identifying Urban Areas on Landsat Images of China's Arid Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Midwest Conference on Asian Affairs, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Abstracts Submitted and in Review Egbert, S.L., and Roekard, K.G.R. 2010. Rediscovering Rawa Ruska: Employing Geospatial Genealogy to Reveal Residential, Business, and Kinship Patterns in a Pre-Holocaust Ukrainian Village. Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., April 14-18. Other Publications: Technical Reports, Highlight Articles, Bulletins, and Maps Egbert, S.L., Dunbar, M.D., Dobson, J.E., and Kostelnick, J.C. Evaluation of the EOD IS-Survey Handheld Tool for Technical Surveys: Final Report. Submitted to the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. (Submitted April 2006.) 57 pp. Mosiman, B.N., Egbert, S.L., and Taylor, P.C. 2003. The Kansas Dam Inventory Project: Final Report. Kansas Biological Survey Report #114. Lawrence, Kansas (19 pp.). Taylor, P.C., Mosiman, B.N., Egbert, S.L., and Whistler, J.L. 2003. The Kansas Surface Water Database 2003: Final Report. Kansas Biological Survey Report #116. Lawrence, Kansas (6 pp.). 14 30 March 2010 Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program. 2002. Kansas Vegetation Map. Lawrence, Kansas: Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas. [Authors: Peterson, D.L., Egbert, S.L., Stewart, A.M., Lauver, C.L., Whistler, J.L., Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., and Blodgett, C.F.] Egbert, S.L., Peterson, D.L., Stewart, A.M., Lauver, C.L., Blodgett, C.F., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 2001. The Kansas Gap Land Cover Map: Final Report. Kansas Biological Survey Report No. 98. (38 pp., plus appendices). Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Jakubauskas, M.E., and Crooks, T.J. 2000. Building on Three Decades of Remote Sensing and Decision Support: the NASA Great Plains RESAC and the Kansas Applied Remote Sensing (KARS) Program. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 66(10): 1158-1165. Lauver, C.L., Egbert, S.L., and Blodgett, C.F. 1999. Vegetation Mapping and Digital Data Base Development for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. Final report, submitted to National Park Service. Kansas Biological Survey Report No. 93. Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C.L., Blodgett, C.F., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 1998. Mapping the Kansas Grasslands. Kansas Maps and Gaps: Newsletter of the Kansas Gap Analysis Project 2/1: 3-4. Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Griffith, J.A., and Riffer, J.C. 1998. Mapping Agriculture on the High Plains: An Applied Approach using Hybrid Classification of Time-Series Landsat Thematic Mapper Imagery. Kansas Biological Survey Report #113. Lawrence, Kansas (195 pp.). Egbert, S.L. 1998. KARS Named as NASA Regional Applications Center. Biota 6 (Spring 1998), Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas. Blodgett, C.F., Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C.L., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 1997. Mapping Vegetation Alliances for Kansas GAP: A Multi-Seasonal Approach. Kansas Water Office Newsletter. Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., and Price, K.P. 1997. The Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program. RSSG Newsletter: Remote Sensing Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers 18(1): 7. Egbert, S.L., Lauver, C.L., Blodgett, C.F., Price, K.P., and Martinko, E.A. 1997. Mapping the Kansas Grasslands: A Multitemporal approach. GAP Analysis Bulletin, 6:12-13. Whistler, J.L., M.E. Jakubauskas, S.L. Egbert, E.A. Martinko, D.W. Baumgartner, R.Y. Lee. 1997. Kansas Land Cover Patterns. Kansas Applied Remote Sensing Program. (Land cover map derived from computer classification of satellite imagery.) Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and Griffith, J.A. 1996. Mapping Agriculture on the High Plains — A Pilot Study Using a Multidate Landsat Image Classification Approach: Final Report. Kansas Biological Survey Technical Report 79. Larson, C.R., Egbert, S.L., Miller, W.A., Rohde, W.G., and Fernengel, F.H. 1994. United States Army Multispectral Imagery Product Guide (2nd Ed.). U.S. Army Intelligence Threat Analysis Center: Dept. of the Army Publ. ATC-IA-2681-030-94. Baker, W.L.; Egbert, S.L.; and Frazier, G.F. 1990. Simulation of Landscape Disturbances and the Effect of Climatic Change. Technical Progress Report No. 1, DOE Report No. DOE/ER/608831, March 1, 1990. Williams, T.H.L.; Brunfeldt, D.; Moore, R.K.; Hossein-Mostafa, R.; and Egbert, S.L. 1985. Radar Return from Terrain in a Forest. RSL Technical Report 7120-1, Final. Lawrence, KS: Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory, University of Kansas. 15 30 March 2010 Research Grants and Contracts (Investigator or Co-Investigator) Summary of Grant Activity Grants Funded Pending 26 1 Contracts $5,243,862 Funded $147,759 Pending 18 0 $1,596,561 --- Funding agencies: Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining National Science Foundation National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Department of Defense U.S. Geological Survey National Park Service Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources Kansas GIS Policy Board University of Kansas Grants Funded Grant Proposals Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2009-2010. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 09/30/09 – 09/29/10. $23,100. Dobson, J.E., and Egbert, S.L. 2009. Bowman Expedition: Study of Transportation in Kazakhstan. Radiance Technologies, Inc. 01/01/09-09/24/09. $115,411. Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2008-2009. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 09/30/09 – 09/29/09. $23,989. Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2007-2008. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas, FY2006. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 7/1/2007 – 6/30/2008. $51,000. Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2006-2007. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas, FY2006. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 7/1/2006 – 6/30/2007. $84,000. Johnson, W.C., and Egbert, S.L. 2006-2009. Mapping and Characterization of Playa Basins on the High Plains of Western Kansas and Development of a Regional Subclass-Specific Guidebook for Applying the Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Approach to Assessing Wetland Functions of Playa Basin Depressional Wetlands. Environmental Protection Agency. 10/01/2006 – 09/30/2009 $249,956. Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2005-2006. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas, FY2004. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 7/1/2005 – 6/30/2006. $89,500. Egbert, S.L. 2005. MODIS Time-Series Datasets for Environmental Modeling. Sub-award from the Biodiversity Research Center (grant FED 36230 from the Department of Defense). 01/01/05 – 06/30/05. $15,000 Egbert, S.L., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2004-2005. StateView Program Development and Operations for the State of Kansas, FY2004. AmericaView Inc. (through funding from U.S. Geological Survey). 7/1/2004 – 6/30/2005. $89,500. 16 30 March 2010 Egbert, S.L., Crooks, T.J., Nelson, K., and Whistler, J.L. 2003-2004. KansasView: Advancing the Use of Remote Sensing Data and Technology in Kansas in FY04. U.S. Geological Survey. 09/25/03 – 09/24/04. $89,500. Buddemeier, R.W., deNoyelles, F.J., Sleezer, R.O., and Egbert, S.L. 2003. Landscape-Scale Detection and Classification of Small Water Bodies: Temporal Integration of Diverse Types of Data. Kansas NASA EPSCoR Seed Grant Program. $79,880. 4/15/03 – 12/31/03. Egbert, S.L., Crooks, T.J., Warner, B., Nelson, K., Whistler, J.L., and Peterson, D.L. 2002-2003. KansasView: Advancing the Use of Remote Sensing Data and Technology in Kansas through Geospatial Archive Enhancement, Consortium Expansion, Cooperative Demonstration Projects, and Outreach and Workshops. USGS. 09/01/02-08/31/03. $169,983. Egbert, S.L. 2002-2003. Using Multi-Date Satellite Imagery and Geospatial Techniques to Characterize the Miombo Woodlands of Chongwe, Zambia. General Research Fund, University of Kansas. 7/1/98-6/30/00. $5,398. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L., and deNoyelles, F.J. 2002-2003. Incubating Commercial Remote Sensing Products. NASA. 04/01/02-03/31/03. $150,000. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Jakubauskas, M.E., Egbert, S.L., Martin, C., Foster B., and Kindscher, K. 2001-2003. Linking Remote Sensing, Land Use, and Carbon Sequestration: Insights from Leaf to Landscape Scales in America’s Heartland. NASA. 09/18/01-09/17/03. $997,800. Krishtalka, L., Peterson, A.T., Egbert, S.L., Vieglais, D., and Beach, J.H. 2001-2002. Leveraging NPACI Partnerships for Developing and Disseminating Enhanced Tools for Biodiversity Analysis. National Science Foundation: National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure, Earth Systems Science Thrust (NPACI/ESS). $80,000. Krishtalka, L., Peterson, A.T., Egbert, S.L., Vieglais, D., and Beach, J.H. 2000-2001. Enhanced Infrastructure for Modeling Global and Micro-scale Biodiversity Change. National Science Foundation: National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure, Earth Systems Science Thrust (NPACI/ESS). $111,912. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L., and deNoyelles, F.J. 2001-2002. Incubating Commercial Remote Sensing Products. NASA. 07/15/00-01/14/02. $100,000. Egbert, S.L. 1998-2000. Using Time-Series Thematic Mapper Imagery to Identify, Characterize, and Monitor Irrigated Agriculture on the Great Plains. New Faculty General Research Program, University of Kansas. 7/1/98-6/30/00. $5,398. Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L, Stiles, J.M., and Jakubauskas, M.E. 19982001. The Great Plains Regional Earth Science Applications Center (GP-RESAC): A Consortium to Transfer Remote Sensing Products and Technology to Support the Great Plains Agroecosystem. NASA Earth Science Enterprise. 10/01/98-12/31/02. $1,550,000. Peterson, A.T., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., Sanchez-Cordero, V., Soberón-Mainero, J., and Buddemeier, R.W. 1997-2000. Biodiversity Consequences of Global Climate Change in Mexico. National Science Foundation. 10/1/97-9/30/00. $350,000. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L., and deNoyelles, F.J. 1998-1999. Research in the Incubation of Commercial Remote Sensing Products. NASA Mission to Planet Earth. 7/01/986/30/99. $150,000. Price, K.P. Egbert, S.L., Whistler, J.L., Martinko, E.A., deNoyelles, F.J., and McColl, R.W. 19971998. An Interdisciplinary Center of Excellence in Environmental Remote Sensing at the University of Kansas. NASA 97-MTPE-05 (10/1/97 - 9/30/98). $362,676. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L., and deNoyelles, F.J. 1997-1998. Research in the Incubation of Commercial Remote Sensing Products. NASA Mission to Planet Earth. 5/1/974/30/98. $140,431. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., Egbert, S.L., and deNoyelles, F.J. 1996 – 1997. Development of a Land Use Mapping and Monitoring Protocol for the Great Plains Region: A Multitemporal Remote Sensing Application. NASA Mission to Planet Earth. $149,431. 17 30 March 2010 Grant Proposals Pending Slocum, T.A. and Egbert, S.L. 2010-2012. Evaluating the Effect of Large-Format Stereoscopic Displays on Student Learning in Introductory College Physical Geography Classes. Submitted to National Science Foundation (Geoscience Education). 09/01/10 – 08/31/12. $147,759. Contracts Contracts Funded Egbert, S.L. 2008. Mapping Potential Inundation Extents Along Kansas Waterways for Emergency Planning and Response. Kansas GIS Policy Board. 07/01/08-06/30/09. $73,095. Martinko, E.A., Jakubauskas, M., Whistler, J.L., and Egbert, S.L. 2008. Next-Generation Land UseLand Cover Mapping (Year 3). Kansas GIS Policy Board. 07/01/08-06/30/09. $96,982. Egbert, S.L. 2008. Mapping Potential Inundation Extent Along Kansas Waterways. Kansas GIS Policy Board. 01/11/08-11/15/08. $19,746. Dobson, J.E. and Egbert, S.L. 2008. Contract for Professional Services Between the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and The University of Kansas. 01/01/0812/31/08. $100,000. Johnson, W.C., and Egbert, S.L. 2007-2008. Database Development: Playa Basin Occurrence on the High Plains of Kansas. 07/01/07-06/30/08. $33,904. Dobson, J.E. and Egbert, S.L. 2007. Contract for Professional Services Between the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and The University of Kansas. 01/01/0812/31/08. $150,000. Dobson, J.E. and Egbert, S.L. 2006. Contract for Professional Services Between the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and The University of Kansas. 01/01/0612/31/06. $150,000. Dobson, J.E. and Egbert, S.L. 2005. Contract for Professional Services Between the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and The University of Kansas. 01/01/0512/31/05. $100,000. Dobson, J.E. and Egbert, S.L. 2004. Contract for Professional Services Between the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining and The University of Kansas, Annex II: Field Data Collection Equipment and Procedures. 1/15/04-12/01/04. $100,000. Whistler, J.L., Egbert, S.L., Mosiman, B.N., and Martinko, E.A. . 20054-2005. Kansas Satellite Image Database. Kansas GIS Policy Board. 12/1/04 – 12/15/05. $59,400. Peterson, D.L., Whistler, J.L., Martinko, E.A., Crooks, T.J., Egbert, S.L., and Price, K.P. 2003-2004. Kansas Satellite Imagery Database (KSID). Kansas GIS Policy Board. $38,002. Egbert, S.L., and Whistler, J.L. 2002-2003. An Inventory of Dams for the State of Kansas Using Remotely Sensing Satellite Imagery. Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources. 07/01/02 – 06/30/03. $57,247. Whistler, J.L., Stewart, A.M., Peterson, D., Egbert, S.L., and Martinko, E.A. 2001-2002. Landsat 7 Satellite Imagery Database. Kansas GIS Policy Board. 07/01/01 - 06/30/02. $59,850. Egbert, S.L., Martinko, E.A., and Price, K.P. 2000-2001. Applying Enhanced Techniques to Map Irrigated Agriculture Using Multidate Landsat Thematic Mapper Image Classification. Kansas Department of Agriculture. 05/15/00 - 04/15/01. $24,507. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., and Egbert, S.L. 1999-2000. Kansas Land Cover GIS Database Update. Kansas Water Office. 12/31/99-12/31/00. $64,210. Price, K.P., Martinko, E.A., and Egbert, S.L. 1998-1999. Kansas Land Cover GIS Database Update. Kansas Water Office. 7/1/98-12/31/99. $57,854. 18 30 March 2010 Egbert, S.L., and Lauver, C.L. 1998-1999. Digital Interpretation and Classification of Vegetation Associations, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. National Park Service. 7/30/98-6/30/99. $10,000. Martinko, E.A., Price, K.P., Egbert, S.L., and Whistler, J.L. 1997-1998. Mapping Agriculture on the Great Plains Using Multidate Landsat Thematic Mapper Image Classification. Kansas Department of Agriculture, Division of Water Resources. 12/1/96-2/28/98. $251,764. 19 30 March 2010 ACADEMIC SERVICE Department, College, and University Chair, Geography Graduate Studies Committee, 2006 – present Chair, Geography Department Colloquium Series Committee, 2003 – 2006 GIS Steering Committee, University of Kansas, 2003 – present Department Ambassador to Center for Teaching Excellence, 2002 – 2005 Faculty Adviser, Mt. Oread Geospatial Technologies Club, 2002 – present Faculty Committee, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 2001 – 2003 Systems Analysis and Design Program Committee, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, University of Kansas, 2001 - 2003 Review Committee, Kansas Biological Survey Director, University of Kansas, 2000 – 2001 Student Affairs Committee, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 1999 – 2001 Faculty Adviser, Latter-day Saint Student Association (LDSSA), 1999 – 2006 Chair, Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 1998 - 1999 Project Lead, Land Cover Mapping, GP-RESAC, KARS, December 1998 – 2003 Search Committee, Cartographic Services Director, Geography, Summer 1998 Chair, GP-RESAC Proposal Development Committee, KARS, Summer 1998 Chair, Search Committee, GP-RESAC Coordinator, KARS, December 1998 – March 1999 Publication Committee, Kansas Land Cover Map and KARS Program Brochure, KARS, 1997 State, National, International State Director, KansasView Program. Coordinate activities with other consortium members (universities and colleges, plus state and local government agencies), especially through meetings of the state GIS Policy Board. Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining. A significant portion of our relationship with GICHD focuses on service functions. In our capacity as field evaluators for the handheld field survey tool, I have conducted site visits to Chile, Albania, Ecuador, and Lebanon, and have conducted geospatial workshops at GICHD headquarters in Switzerland for key personnel. Professional Societies Session Chair, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, California, 2007 Session Chair, Annual Meeting, American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Washington, DC, 2000 Session Chair, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Honolulu, Hawaii, 1999 Session Chair, Annual Meeting, Great Plains – Rocky Mountain Division, Association of American Geographers, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1999 Session Chair, Annual Meeting, Kansas Academy of Science, Manhattan, Kansas, 1999 Reviewer for Grant Proposals and Professional Journals NSF, 2003 NASA, 1996, 2000 Annals, Association of American Geographers, 2007 20 30 March 2010 Emporia State Research Journal, 2007 Environmental Protection Agency, 2000 Geoscience Letters, 2007 Great Plains Research, 2002 International Journal of Remote Sensing, 1998, 2003 Landscape Ecology, 2001 Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 1993, 1998, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2007 Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 1992, 2000, 2001 Geocarto International, 1996, 1997, 2000 Transactions, Kansas Academy of Science, 2008 Book and Software Reviews Egbert, S.L. (1993). MapInfo for Windows 2.0, in Cartography and Geographic Information Systems 21/1: 50-52. Egbert, S.L. 1990. Mosher, Steven W., Journey to the Forbidden China (1985, New York: The Free Press), in Focus 40/4: 31. 21 30 March 2010 Curriculum Vitae JOHANNES J. FEDDEMA Department of Geography, University of Kansas 1475 Jayhawk Boulevard, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Telephone: (785) 864-5534 • Email: March 2008 EDUCATION Ph.D. Climatology, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, December 1990. Dissertation: Evaluation of Terrestrial Climate Variability Using a Moisture Index. M.S. Geography, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, August 1985. Thesis: Air Pollution Effects on Marble Weathering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. B.A. Biology and Geography, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, June 1982. RESEARCH INTERESTS Climate Change Bioclimatology Environmental Modeling Human-Environment Interactions Spatial Statistics and GIS Hydroclimatology PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS 2007-Present 2000-2007 2006-Present 1998-2000 1990-1998 1989-1990 1988-1990 1984-1989 1981 Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Affiliate Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles, CA. Instructor, Department of Geography, University of Delaware, Newark, DE. Consultant, Duffield Assoc Inc and Tetra Tech Richardson Inc, Newark, DE. Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, Dept. of Geog., U. of Delaware, Newark, DE. Undergraduate Research Assistant, Dept. of Biology, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE. AWARDS • • • • • • Excellence in Undergraduate Advising Award (Dept. award while Undergrad Director), 2004. Teaching Excellence Award from the Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Kansas, 2002. Visiting Scientist, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, 1994, 2002-5. UCLA Department of Geography Nominee for the Luckman Teaching Award, 1993. Student Paper prize, Climate Specialty Group, AAG, 1990. Departmental Fellowship, University of Delaware, 1987-1988. PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS American Geophysical Union American Meteorological Society Association of American Geographers Climatology Specialty Group, Water Resources Specialty Group, Africa Specialty Group TRAVEL AND LANGUAGES Countries of residence: Netherlands, Kenya, Rwanda, Switzerland, and U.S.A. Extended travel to: Pakistan and Tunisia. Language Proficiency: Fluent Dutch and English, conversational Frisian and French. TEACHING EXPERIENCE GEOG 148/EVRN 148 - Introduction to Environmental Studies, University of Kansas (KU) GEOG 149/EVRN 149 - Introduction to Environmental Studies, Honors, KU GEOG 210 - Computers, Maps and Geographic Analysis, KU GEOG 304 - Environmental Conservation, KU GEOG 321/ATMO321 - Climate and Climate Change, KU GEOG 339 - Topics in Physical Geography: Climatology, KU GEOG 521/ATMO521 - Microclimatology, KU GEOG 531 - Seminar in Physical Geography: Environmental Issues, KU GEOG 531 - Seminar in Physical Geography: Climate Change, KU GEOG 731 - Seminar in Physical Geography: Climate-vegetation interactions, KU. GEOG 731 - Seminar in Physical Geography: Climate Change Studies, KU. GEOG 958 - Seminar in GIS, KU GEOG 5 - People and the Earth's Ecosystems (laboratory course), UCLA GEOG 104 - Climatology, UCLA GEOG 128 - World's Ecosystems: Problems and Issues, UCLA GEOG 129 - Seminar: Environmental Problems, UCLA GEOG 159d - Problems in Geography (applied/microclimatology), UCLA GEOG 199 - Directed Independent Study, UCLA GEOG 204b - Advanced Climatology (Water Balance), UCLA GEOG 205 - Climatology Seminar, UCLA GEOG 229 - Seminar: People and Environment, UCLA G152 - Climate and Life (laboratory course), University of Delaware G230 - Humans and the Earth's Ecosystems, University of Delaware Teaching Assistant (Univ. of Delaware) for the following: Physical Geography, Introductory Meteorology, Air-Photo Interpretation, Climatic Geomorphology, Computer Cartography (graduate) Undergraduate Honors advisees: Peter Gogol, Jessica Drees Undergraduate Honors Committee member: Jeremy Wolf (EECS) GRADUATE STUDENT COMMITTEES * = current advisee, † = Advanced to candidacy, ‡ = Co-Chair Ph.D. Committee Chair: Lin Wu, Aaron Allen, Sun Park‡, Christopher Atkinson* Ph.D. Committee member: Geography: Jacqueline Gallagher, Mario Picazo, Oxana Marenko, Paul Price, Jeff Harvey, Ivan Cheung, Mark Kuhlman, Caroline Tepley, Peter Sam, Cameron McCormick, Hugh Howard, John Bauer, Lister Lanham Atmospheric Sciences: Jia-yuh Yu, Yurdanur Sezginer, Corrol Hsu, Ning Jiang Computer Science: Daniel Cliburn Geology: Willian Heins, Jeffery Fillipone, Linda Garinger, Marcello Minzoni Biology: Jose Luis Andrade-Torres, Paula Jackson Environmental Science and Engineering: Nancy Steele, Michael Benjamin, Eric Stein, Estelle Shiroma, Doug Meffert, Alice Kwan, John Karlik, Spencer McNeil M.A. Committee Chair: Aaron Allen, Gary Tilkian, Terry Nakazono, Phelicia Gomes, Jason Shields, Sergio Friere, Trish Jackson, Tom Baffa* M.A. Committee Member: Alexander Stege, Janet Fleming, Leonard Tang, Amy Segelin, Janice King, Linda Fair, Caitlin Dempsey, Travis Hull, Mark Gruber, John Banning, John Bauer, Rachel Saifullah, Julie Morris Feddema CV page 2 PUBLICATIONS (Refereed) Feddema, J. (2007) Contributing Author, Box 11.4: Land Use and Land Cover Change Experiments Related to Climate Change, in Christensen, J.H., B. Hewitson, A. Busuioc, A. Chen, X. Gao, I. Held, R. Jones, R.K. Kolli, W.-T. Kwon, R. Laprise, V. Magaña Rueda, L. Mearns, C.G. Menéndez, J. Räisänen, A. Rinke, A. Sarr and P. Whetton, 2007: Regional Climate Projections. In: Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Solomon, S., D. Qin, M. Manning, Z. Chen, M. Marquis, K.B. Averyt, M. Tignor and H.L. Miller (eds.)]. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom and New York, NY, USA. Mahowald, N. M., J. A. Ballantine, J. Feddema, and N. Ramankutty (2007), Global trends in visibility: implications for dust sources, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 7, 3013–3071. Feddema, J.J. (2005) A Revised Thornthwaite Type Global Climate Classification. Physical Geography, 26 (6): 442-466. Feddema, J.J., K. Oleson, G. Bonan, L.O. Mearns, L. Buja, W.M. Washington, and G. Meehl. (2005). How important is land cover change for simulating future climates? Science 310(5754): 1674-1678. Feddema J.J., K. Oleson, G. Bonan, L. Mearns, W. Washington, G. Meehl, D. Nychka (2005). A comparison of a GCM response to historical anthropogenic land cover change and model sensitivity to uncertainty in present-day land cover representations, Climate Dynamics, 25: 581-609. Park, S., J. J. Feddema, S. L. Egbert (2005). MODIS land surface temperature composite data and their relationships with climatic water budget factors in the central Great Plains, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 26(6): 1127-1144. Feddema, J.J., J. Shields, O. Taylor and D. Bennett (2004): Chapter 23: Simulating the development and migration of the monarch butterfly in Monarch Butterfly Biology and Conservation. Eds, K. Oberhauser and M. Solensky. Cornell University Press. pp. 229-240. Yu, F, K.P. Price, J. Ellis, and J.J. Feddema (2004). Monitoring the Interannual variations of the grassland boundaries bordering the Eastern edge of the Gobi desert in central Asia with time series NOAA/AVHRR data, International Journal of Remote Sensing,25(2): 327-346. Slocum, T.A., D. Cliburn, J.J. Feddema, and J.R. Miller (2003). Evaluating the Usability of a Tool for Visualizing the Uncertainty of the Future Global Water balance. Cartography and Geography Information Science, 30(4): 299-317. Park, S., J.J. Feddema, and S.L. Egbert. (2003). Impacts of hydrologic soil properties on drought detection with MODIS thermal data, Remote Sensing of Environment, 89(1): 53-62. Cliburn, D., J.J. Feddema, T.A. Slocum and J.R. Miller (2002): The design and evaluation of a decision support system in a water balance application. Computers & Graphics, 26(6): 931 –949. Feddema, J.J and S. Freire (2001): Soil degradation, global warming and climate impacts. Climate Research 17(2): 209-216. Feddema, J.J. (1999): Future African Water Resources: Interactions Between Soil Degradation and Global Warming. Climatic Change, 42(3): 561-596. Feddema, J.J. (1998): Estimated Impacts of Soil Degradation on the African Water Balance and Climate. Climate Research, 10(2): 127-141. Feddema CV page 3 PUBLICATIONS (Refereed) -- Continued Savage, M., Brown P. and J. Feddema, (1996): The Role of Climate in a Pine Forest Regeneration Pulse in the Southwestern United States. Ecoscience, 3(3): 310-318. Allen A.O., and J.J. Feddema (1996): Wetland Loss and Substitution by the Section 404 Permit Program in Southern California. Environmental Management, 20(2): 263-274. Raphael, M.R., J.J. Feddema, A.J. Orme and A.R. Orme (1995): The Unusual Storms of February 1992 in Southern California. Physical Geography, 15(5): 442-464. Willmott, C.J., S.M. Robeson and J.J. Feddema (1994): Estimating Continental and Terrestrial Precipitation Averages from Raingauge Networks. International Journal of Climatology, 14: 403-414. Feddema, J.J. and J.R. Mather (1992): Hydrologic Impacts of Global Warming over the United States. In Global Climate Change: Implications, Challenges and Mitigation Measures. pp. 50-62. Edited by S.K. Majumdar, L.S. Kalkstein, B. Yarnel, E.W. Miller and L.M. Rosenfeld. Willmott, C.J. and J.J. Feddema (1992): A More Rational Climatic Moisture index. In The Professional Geographer, 44(1): 84-88. Willmott, C.J., S.M. Robeson and J.J. Feddema (1991): Influence of Spatially Variable Instrument Networks on Climatic Averages. Geophysical Research Letters. 18(12): 2249-2251. Mather, J.R. and J.J. Feddema, (1987): Hydrologic Consequences of Increases in Trace Gases and CO2 in the Atmosphere. In Effects of Changes in Stratospheric Ozone and Global Climate, Vol. 3, Climate Change. Edited by J.G. Titus, EPA, Washington D.C., pp. 251-271. Feddema, J.J. and T.C. Meierding (1987): Marble Weathering and Air Pollution in Philadelphia. Atmospheric Environment, 21(1): 143-157. Willmott, C.J., S.G. Ackleson, R.E. Davis, J.J. Feddema, K.M. Klink, D.R. Legates, J. O'Donnell and C.M. Rowe (1985): Statistics for the Evaluation and Comparison of Models. Journal of Geophysical Research. 90(C5): 8995-9005. PAPERS ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION Oleson, K.W., G.B. Bonan, J. Feddema, M. Vertenstein (2007): An urban parameterization for a global climate model: 1. Formulation and validation, in preparation for J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. In Press. Oleson, K.W., G.B. Bonan, J. Feddema, M. Vertenstein (2007): An urban parameterization for a global climate model: 2. Sensitivity to input parameters and the simulated urban heat island, in prep J. Appl. Meteorol. Climatol. In Press PAPERS SUBMITTED AND IN PREPARATION Oleson, K.W., G.B. Bonan, J. Feddema, and M. Vertenstein (2007): Technical Description of an Urban Parameterization for the Community Land Model (CLM), NCAR Technical Note, NCAR/TNXXX+STR, in review, 222 pp. Under review Heald C.L., D.K. Henze, L.W. Horowitz, J. Feddema, J.-F. Lamarque, A. Guenther, P.G. Hess, F. Vitt, J.H. Seinfeld, A.H. Goldstein and I. Fung, 2007. Predicted change in global secondary organic aerosol concentrations in response to future climate, emissions, and land-use change. Submitted to Journal of Geophysical Research. Feddema, J.J., P. Lawrence, J. Bauer, T. Jackson (2007): A global land cover dataset for use in transient climate simulations, in prep J. Applied Meteorology and Climatology. In preparation. Feddema CV page 4 PAPERS SUBMITTED AND IN PREPARATION -- Continued Papers Thornton, P.E., S.C. Doney, K. Lindsay, J. K. Moore, N Mahowald, J. Randerson, I. Fung, J-F. Lamarque, J.J. Feddema, Yen-Huei Lee. 2007. Carbon-nitrogen interactions regulate climate sensitivity of carbon uptake. In Preparation MONOGRAPHS Feddema, J.J. (1994): Evaluation of Terrestrial Climate Variability Using a Moisture Index. Publications in Climatology, Vol. 47, No. 1. (Refereed) Feddema, J.J. (1986): Air Pollution Effects on Marble Weathering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Publications in Climatology, Vol. 39, No. 1. (Refereed) PROCEEDINGS PAPERS J.R. Miller, D.C. Cliburn, J.J. Feddema, T.A. Slocum (2003): Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in a Global Water Balance Model. Proceedings ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2003), March 9-12, Melbourne, Florida. Park, S., J.J. Feddema, and S.L. Egbert (2002): Evaluation of MODIS land surface temperature data as a drought detection indicator, ACSM-ASPRS Conference and Technology Exhibition 2002, Washington, D.C., April 19-26. Park, S., J.J. Feddema, and S.L. Egbert (2002): MODIS land surface temperatures and their relationship with hydroclimatological parameters, Thermosense XXIV, SPIE’s 16th Annual International Symposium on AeroSense, Orlando, FL, April 1-4. Park, S., J.J. Feddema, and S.L.Egbert (2001): An application of AVHRR thermal response patterns from land surfaces for mapping drought-prone areas in western-central Kansas, In: ASPRS Technical Papers, 2001 ASPRS-ACSM Annual Convention, St. Louis, Missouri, April 23-27. Bennett, D, E*. Martinez-Meyer, and J. Feddema (2000): The Effect of Measurement Error on Habitat Utilization Models. 4th International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling (GIS/EM4): Problems, Prospects and Research Needs. Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 2 - 8. Mills, G.M., M.N. Raphael*, J.J. Feddema, and M.A. Savage (1991): Monitoring for Sustainable Development: A Research Design for Santa Cruz Island, California. Conference Proceedings, American Statistical Association. August 18-22. Feddema, J.J. and T.C. Meierding (1989): Marble Deterioration in the Urban Atmosphere. In Proceedings of the European Symposium on Science, Technology and European Cultural Heritage. Commission of the European Communities, Bologna, Italy. REFEREED ABSTRACTS Park, S., J.J. Feddema, and S.L. Egbert. (2003): Drought response-soil factor relationships based on NDVI, MODIS thermal infrared data, and digital soil database, ASPRS Annual Conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 5-9. NON REFEREED PAPERS AND REPORTS Feddema, J.J., (1999): Assessing the impacts of global warming and landuse change on California water resources. Final report to NIGEC, DOE Grant DE-FC03-90ER61010 Feddema, J.J. and R. Ambrose (1998): Southern California Environmental Report Card: Wetlands. Section of a report published by the UCLA Institute of the Environment, Univ. of CA, Los Angeles, CA. Feddema CV page 5 Feddema, J.J (1998). Section 2.6 of Lower Malibu Creek and Malibu Lagoon Resource Enhancement and Management Project. (Ed) R. Ambrose and T. Orme. A report to the city of Malibu and California State Coastal Conservancy. GRANTS 2008 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1998 1997 1996 • Assessing Climate Change in Kansas. The Land Institute. CoPI with Brunsell • NSF grant Collaborative Research: Fire at the Intersection of Global Carbon and Water Cycles. PI Mahowald and 5 Co-Is. • NSF Science and Technology Center grant Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets. PIs Gogineni and Braaten, and ~40 Co-Is. • NSF grant Development of historical and future land cover and land use change datasets for the Community Climate System Model. • NCAR internal Assessment Initiative grant, Weather and Climate Impact Assessment Science Initiative (Mearns and Washington PIs); Feddema KU • Support to Operation Able Ally, NATO grant. • NSF SGER grant, Development of surface based anthropogenic climate change scenarios for CCSM. With Dobson. • US Department of State Linkage Grant between the University of Kansas and the University of Zambia (Myers PI) • NSF Workshop on African Environments: Technology, Modeling and Political Ecology. CoPI with Garth Meyers. • KU Research Development Fund (RDF), Coupled Remote Sensing and Climate model for determining Crop productivity. PI with Bennett, Martinko, Price and Slocum • KU Research Development Fund (RDF), Playas (“buffalo wallows”): Environmental Barometers of the Central Great Plains. With Johnson (PI), Bozarth, Logan, Price and Steeples • KU Research Development Fund, Pre-proposal for Digital Libraries consortium: map archival and distribution. With Knoepp (PI), Bennett and Niebaum • Intel Corporation, Regional Environmental Assessment Laboratory and GIS (REAL/GIS). Co-PI with Turco and 15 Co-Is. • NASA, Campus-wide Initiative for Inter-disciplinary Study of the Environment with Remote Sensing. With Smith (PI) and Turco. • California State Coastal Conservancy, Lower Malibu Creek and Malibu Lagoon Resource Enhancement and Management Project. With Ambrose and Orme (PIs), and 5 Co-PIs. • University of California Institute for Geophysics and Plantary Physics, Application of the UC-LLNL Regional Climate System Model to the Malibu Watershed. With Dracup and Miller (PIs). • Office of Instructional Development, UCLA, Geography 5:Ocean Field trip funding. PI with MacDonald and Muldavin • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA. • EPA/NSF Integrated Urban Watershed Analysis: The Los Angeles Basin and Coastal Environment. With Turco (PI), and 19 co-PIs. • Office of Instructional Development (OID), UCLA, Institute of the Environment GE curriculum development. With Suffet and Vance. • Office of Instructional Development, UCLA, Geography 5: Laboratory Improvement Grant. Feddema CV $ $ 36,012 632,689 $ 19 Million $ 169,096 $ 167,592 $ $ 13,580 35,640 $ 142,138 $ 29,998 $ 40,578 $ 30,846 $ 101,140 $ 703,485 $275,000-UCLA $ 223,000 $ 246,805 $ 26,674 $ 4,275 $ 2,549 $ 1.2 Million $600,000-UCLA $ 20,000 $ 7,712 page 6 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA. • National Institute for Global Environmental Change (DOE), Assessing the impacts of Global Warming on California Water Resources. • Office of Instructional Development (OID), UCLA, GIS Laboratory. PI with Mills and Ellis. • Office of Research, UCLA, GIS Laboratory. PI with Mills, Ellis, Zhang and Clark. • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA. • National Science Foundation. Water as an integrating theme in landscape change and undergraduate environmental education. With Entrikin (PI), Matthews, Mills, Orme, Raphael, Savage and Trimble. • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA • Academic Senate Grant, UCLA $ $ 2,367 77,768 $ 54,000 $ 47,500 $ 2,500 $ 29,782 $ 29,782-UCLA $ $ $ $ 4,200 2,880 3,100 2,830 INVITED LECTURES (* = person presenting paper if not first author) Feddema, J.J. (2008): “Climate Change and Kansas,” Keynote Address to the Kansas Air Quality Seminar, Topeka, KS, March 6. Feddema, J.J. (2008): “Conveying Science to a Global Audience: Inside the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,” Presentation for the Globalization Seminar Series of the Hall Center for Humanities, University of Kansas, March 3. Feddema, J.J. (2008): “AR5 Land Cover Change Scenarios,” Presented at the joint Land and Biogeochemistry working group meetings of the CCSM, Boulder, CO, February 21. Feddema, J.J. (2007): “Environmental Impacts of Climate Change on Kansas” as part of the Forum on Agriculture’s Role in the New Carbon Economy for the Consortium for Agricultural Soils Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases, Manhattan, KS, December 18. Feddema, J.J. and N Brunsell (2007): “Kansas and Climate change,” presented at Kansas E3: Energy, the Environment, & Economics conference, Lawrence, KS, Oct 11. Feddema, J.J. (2007): “Model System Needs: Global Datasets: Current and Future implementation.” NUDAPT workshop (by phone), Salt Lake City, UT, April 19. Feddema, J.J. (2006): “Land Cover Change Experiments and the Urban Model in CLM,” 11th CCSM workshop Climate Change Research Working Group, Breckenridge, CO, June 22. Feddema, J. (2006): “Urbanizing global models,” workshop presentation for Collaborative Project: National urban morphological database and web portal access tool for advanced urban dispersion and air quality modeling, Boulder, CO, May 11. Feddema, J., K. Oleson and G. Bonan (2006): “Developing a global database for the CLM urban model,” Sixth Symposium on the Urban Environment, 86th AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, February 1. Oleson, K., G. Bonan and J. Feddema (2006): “Development of an urban parameterization for a global climate model,” Sixth Symposium on the Urban Environment, 86th AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 30. Feddema, J.J. (2005): “Using GIS to put humans into the CCSM,” GIS in Weather, Climate and Impacts Workshop 2005, Boulder, Colorado July 6. Feddema CV page 7 INVITED LECTURES – Continued Feddema, J.J. (2005): “Land Cover Change,” 10th CCSM workshop Land Surface Working Group, Breckenridge, CO, June 22. Feddema, J.J. (2005): “Land use Change in the CCSM,” CCSM Biogeochemistry Working Group Meeting. Boulder, CO, April 1. Feddema, J.J. (2004): “Putting People into the CCSM,” Institute for the Study of Society and Environment. NCAR, Boulder, CO, December 7. Feddema, J.J. (2004): “Land Cover Forcing from the SRES Scenarios in Climate Models,” Progress report for the Weather and Climate Impact Assessment Science Initiative. NCAR, Boulder, CO, Aug 3. Feddema, J.J. (2004): “Land Cover Change Simulations in CCSM,” 9th CCSM workshop Land Surface Working Group, Breckenridge, CO, June 22. Feddema, J.J. (2004): “GCM Simulations of the Impacts of Anthropogenic Land Cover Change on Climate,” Department of Geography, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, April 23. Feddema, J.J. (2003): “Simulating the impacts of anthropogenic land cover change on climate,” Department of Geography, Kansas Sate University, Geography Awareness Week lecture, Manhattan KS, November 21. Feddema, J.J. (2003): “Simulating Anthropogenic Land Cover Change in Global Circulation Models,” presentation to the Terrestrial and Sciences Section, Climate and Global Dynamics Division, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, July 17. Feddema, J.J. (2003): “Results from Land Surface Change Experiments and an Update on Future Directions,” 7th CCSM workshop Climate Change Working Group, Breckenridge, CO June 26. Feddema, J.J. (2003): “Using Tombstones to Measure the Impact of Air Pollution on Marble Weather,” School of Mines, University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, January 10. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Simulating Anthropogenic Land Cover Change in Global Circulation Models,” Department of Geography, University of Iowa, Iowa City, September 19. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Climate variability and change: from scenarios to adaptation,” Presentation at the workshop on GIS in Weather, Climate and Impacts. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, 12-14 August. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Past and Future Land Cover Change,” CCSM workshop Land Surface Working Group, Breckenridge, CO, June 27. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Status of Land Use Change Dataset Preparation and Experiments,” CCSM workshop Climate Change Working Group, Breckenridge, CO, June 26. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “The Value of GIS to Human Induced Surface Change Scenario Development,” GIS seminar Series, National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder CO, March, 6. Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Developing GCM surface change scenarios using GIS, a population model and soil degradation data,” Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, April 12. Feddema, J.J. (1997): “Impacts of Desertification on African Water Resources,” Paper presented to the Department of Geography, University of Utah, January 27. Feddema, J.J. (1997): Panel member for the Water Resources Specialty Group session on hydroclimatology. Session held at the 1997 AAG Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, Texas. Feddema CV page 8 INVITED LECTURES – Continued Feddema, J.J. (1994): “Projected African Climate Change,” Paper presented to the Department of Geography, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, November, 18. Feddema, J.J. (1993): “Materials Damage in an Urban Environment,” Joint Seminar presentation to the Environmental Science and Engineering Program and the Environmental Health Sciences Department, School of Public Health, UCLA, October 21. Feddema, J.J. (1993): “Global Warming: Can Tropical Africa be Neglected?” Paper presented as part of a Workshop Program “Changing Environments: How Vulnerable are We?” Bloomington Indiana, October 14-16. Feddema, J.J., C.J. Willmott, and S.R. Robeson (1993): “Influence of Spatially Variable Observation Networks on Detecting Climatic Change,” Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, June 4. Feddema, J.J. (1993): “Marble Weathering in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Using a Geographical Approach,” Seminar presentation to the Department of Geography, University of California, Los Angeles. Feddema, J.J. (1993): “Current Research Topics in Climatology,” Seminar presentation to the Department of Geography, California State University, Northridge, March 3. Feddema, J.J. (1992): “Detecting Global Climate Change,” Seminar presentation to the Department of Geography, University of Southern California. Feddema, J.J. and M.N. Raphael (1991): “A Geographer's perspective on Global Warming,” Presentation to the Friends of Geography, Department of Geography, UCLA, December 7. PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS (* = person presenting paper if not first author) Feddema, J.J. (2007): “Simulating Urban Systems in a GCM.” AAG annual meetings, San Francisco, CA, April 20. Feddema, J, K. Oleson, G. Bonan, L. Mearns, G. Meehl, W. Washington (2006): “Simulating Human Land Cover Change in the NCAR GCMs,” (solicited) EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, Apr 5 Feddema, J., K. Oleson, G. Bonan (2006): “Incorporating urban systems into global climate models: part 1, model description,” AAG annual meetings, Chicago, IL, March 9 Jackson, T., P-L. Lin, J. Bauer, and J. Feddema (2006): “Incorporating urban systems into global climate models: part 2, parameterization,” AAG annual meetings, Chicago, IL, March 9 Feddema, J., L. Mearns*, K. Oleson, G. Bonan, L. Buja, G. Meehl, and W. Washington (2006): “How important is land cover change for simulating future climates?” 86th AMS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, January 31. Feddema, J.J. (2005): “Assessing the impacts of land cover change on global climate,” AAG annual meetings, Denver, CO, April 7 Feddema, J.J. (2004): “A Revised Thornthwaite Type Global Climate Classification,” AAG annual meetings, Philadelphia, PA, March 19 Yu, F., K P. Price, J. Ellis, J.J. Feddema, and P. Shi, (2001): Impacts of Regional Climate Variation on Vegetation Green-up Patterns in Central Asia (1982-1990). 2001 ASPRS Annual conference, St. Louis, MO, April 23-27. Feddema CV page 9 PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS -- Continued Feddema, J.J. (2002): “Development of surface based anthropogenic climate change scenarios for GCMs,” AAG annual meetings, Los Angeles, CA, March 23 Feddema, J.J. (2000): “Impacts of Soil Degradation on the African Water Balance and Climate,” Paper presented at the 2000 AAG Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Feddema, J.J. (1998): “Future African Water Resources: Interactions between Soil Degradation and Global Warming,” Poster Presentation at the 1998 AAG Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. Feddema, J.J. (1997): “Impacts of Global Warming on California Water Resources,” Paper presented at the 1997 AAG Annual Meeting, Ft. Worth, Texas. Feddema, J.J. (1996): “Terrestrial Precipitation and Temperature Variability and Their Use in Evaluating GCMs,” Paper presented at the 1996 AAG Annual Meeting, Francisco, California. Feddema, J.J. (1994): “Seasonal Impacts of Global Warming in Africa,” Paper presented at the 1994 AAG Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California. Feddema, J.J. (1993): “Hydroclimatic impacts of Global Warming in Africa,” Paper presented at the 1993 AAG Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Mendel, A. C. and J.J. Feddema (1993): “Historical Analysis of the Precipitation Patterns Associated with Los Angeles Flood Events,” Paper Presented at the 1993 AAG Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia. Feddema, J.J. (1992): “Hydroclimatic Changes Under Double CO2 Conditions in the United States,” Paper presented at the 1992 AAG Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. Feddema, J.J. (1992): “The Unusual Storms of Winter 1992 in Southern California,” with M.N. Raphael, A.J. Orme, L. Haston, A.R. Orme, and J. Michaelsen. Special session at the 1992 AAG Annual Meeting, San Diego, California. Feddema, J.J. (1991): “Detecting Global Climate Change: The Neglected Arid Lands,” Paper presented at the 1991 APCG Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona. Feddema, J.J. (1991): “Analysis of Moisture Regimes over the Conterminous United States,” Paper presented at the 1991 AAG Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida. Feddema, J.J. (1990): “Evaluation of Terrestrial Climate Sensitivity Using a Moisture Index,” Paper presented at the 1990 AAG Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. Mather J.R., J.J. Feddema, and M.J. Mack (1989): “Poster presentation on Applications of the Water Budget in Environmental Analysis,” in honor of the 25th Anniversary of the Water Resources Institute Program, Washington D.C. Feddema, J.J. and T.C. Meierding (1989): “Poster Presentation on Marble Deterioration in the Urban Atmosphere,” at the European Symposium on Science, Technology and European Cultural Heritage, Bologna, Italy. Feddema, J.J. (1989): “A Water Budget Approach to Global Climate Change,” Paper presented at the 1989 AAG Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. Feddema, J.J. and T.C. Meierding (1986): “Marble Deterioration in the Urban Atmosphere,” Paper presented at the 1986 AAG Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Feddema, J.J. and T.C. Meierding (1984): “Rates of Marble Tombstone Weathering from Pollution in the Philadelphia Region,” Paper presented at the 1984 AAG Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C. Feddema CV page 10 WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES Participant (2008): Joint CCSM Land Model Working Group and Biogeochemistry Working Group Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, February 20-22. Participant (2008): Energy Modeling Forum sponsored workshop for the Integrated Assessment Modeling Consortium on developing the new IPCC Scenarios, Washington DC, February 5-7. Participant (2007): IPCC Expert meeting on New Scenarios , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, September 19-22. Participant (2007), 11th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Breckenridge, CO, 19-21 June. Participant (2006), 11th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Breckenridge, CO, 20-22 June. Participant (2005): GIS in Weather, Climate and Impacts Workshop, Boulder, Colorado July 6-8. Participant (2005), 10th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Breckenridge, CO, 21-23 June. Participant (2005): CCSM Land Model Working Group Meeting. Boulder, Colorado, March 14-15. Participant (2004), 9th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Santa Fe, NM, 7-9 July. Participant (2003), 8th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Breckenridge, CO, 24-26 June. Conducted a workshop (2003) on the “Water budget, Remote Sensing and GIS and environmental analysis” at the University of Zambia, Lusaka, Zambia, January 8-10. Participant (2002), “Water Quality Protection in Agroecosystems: Integrating Science, Technology and Policy,” as part of the “Technology Focus Group,” University of Iowa, Iowa City, September 22-23. Member advisory panel and Chair of Working group A: GIS applications (2002). At The NCAR GIS Initiative Workshop: “GIS in Weather, Climate and Impacts,” Boulder, Colorado, August 12-14, 2002. Participant (2007): IPCC Expert meeting on New Scenarios , Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, September 19-22. Participant (2002), Workshop on a Design for a Prototype CitySat, "Imaging Regional Urban/Industrial Environmental Footprints," Boulder, Colorado, August 7-8. Participant (2002), US Workshop on Climate Projections, Uncertainty and Scenarios for Impacts Assessment, Boulder, Colorado, July 17-19. Participant (2002), 7th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 2000, Breckenridge, CO, 25-27 June. Participant (2000), 5th Annual Community Climate System Model (CCSM) workshop, Sponsored by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) June, Breckenridge, CO, 27-29. Delegate (2000), representing the University of Kansas to the University Consortium for GIS (UCGIS) Annual Summer Conference, Oregon, June, 21-24. Co-organizer, discussion leader and participant (1999), NSF sponsored workshop on African Environments: Feddema CV page 11 Technology, Modeling, and Political Ecology, Sept 8-11. WORKSHOP ACTIVITIES -- Continued Participant (1998), AAAS workshop on “Collaborative Research in Earth System Science – Continental hydrology subgroup,” 18-19 November, Lawrence, KS. Participant (1993), Indiana Center on Global Change and World Peace workshop on “Changing Environments: How Vulnerable are We?” Bloomington, Indiana, October 14-16. Participant and discussion leader (1991), NATO Advanced Research Workshop: Channel Islands Study, Lake Arrowhead, CA, November 11-17. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE National and International Service • Prepared materials for a presentation on “Kansas and Climate Change” to the Kansas Governors’ Kansas Energy Council, presented by Brunsell, February 21, 2008 • Testified on Climate Change in Kansas before the Kansas House of Representatives Committee on HB 2711, February 6, 2008 • Community forum presentation on the impacts of Climate Change on Kansas, for the Energy and Climate Project of the Land Institute, January 23, Topeka, KS. • Reviewer for the following journals (various times): Annals of the AAG, Cartographic and Geographic Information Science, Climate Dynamics, Climate Research, Climatic Change, Environmental Management, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Journal of Paleolimology, Physical Geography, Professional Geographer, Society & Space: Environment and Planning D, Urban Atmosphere, • Reviewer for the National Science Foundation. • Reviewer for the Netherlands Research Organization (NWO). • Outside reviewer for University of Colorado faculty tenure promotion (2006) • Reviewer, NCAR Opportunity fund proposals (2005) • Chair: Session of the 1998 Annual meeting of the Rocky Mountains/Great Plains Division of the AAG, Lawrence, Kansas. • Director of the Climate Specialty group of the AAG (1997-1999). • Chair: AAG joint Climate Specialty Group and Water Resources Specialty Group Session on Climate Change and Water Resources, at the 1997 Annual AAG meeting in Ft. Worth, Texas. • Director of the Water Resources Specialty group of the AAG (1994-1997). • Served on the AAG Climate Specialty Group Honors Committee (1993-1996). • Chair: AAG Climate Specialty Group Session on Global Climate and Climatic Change, at the 1993 Annual AAG meeting in Atlanta, Georgia. • Co-organizer (with K.M. Klink): AAG Climate Specialty Group session on large-scale climatology at the 1991 Annual AAG meeting in Miami, Florida. • Evaluation Consultant for Project Geogram a 6-8th Grade program for introducing Geography into the National K-12 Education System. University of Kansas University Service • Outside member for director search committee: Environmental Studies 2008 • Assessment of General Education Committee (2003-present). • Coordinator for integrating the Atmospheric Science program into the Geography Department • Outside member for faculty search committee: Geology 2003 • Served on several Environmental Studies committees (Faculty evaluation and curriculum) Feddema CV page 12 • Marshall at graduation ceremonies PROFESSIONAL SERVICE – Continued Department Service • Associate Chair (2005 – Present) o Scheduling officer o Initiating M.S. Program in Geography o Developed Long Range Plan for the Geography Department o Faculty evaluation committee chair o Led promotion committees • Chair, Faculty search committee: Atmospheric Sciences position 2007. • Faculty search committee: Glaciologist position 2006. • Initiated and organized annual department graduation ceremonies (2003, 2004 and 2006) • Organized Geography Department tours for Southwest Middle School science class, Lawrence KS, 2002, 2003, 2005 • Undergraduate Affairs Committee: Chair (2000-2004). o Revised B.S. degrees in the Department of Geography o Developed undergraduate guide to the Geography Program o Incorporated Atmospheric Sciences into the Geography Department o Led Advising activities • Curriculum Committee (1998-2003) • Organized Department activities for KU Open House (October 5, 2002) • Graduate Affairs Committee (1998-2000). • Faculty search committee: GIS position 2001 University of California, Los Angeles: University Service • Committee for Education Development Department Service • Computer Committee (1992-1998); Chair (1993-1994, 1995-1997). • Graduate Affairs Committee (1994-1995). • Undergraduate Affairs Committee (1991-1994). • Colloquium Committee (1990-1991). • Various promotion committees. Institute of the Environment • Research Committee (1995-1998). • Curriculum Committee (1995-1998). • GIS/Remote Sensing Committee (1995-1998). • Council on Educational Development (1992-1995). • Steering Committee: The UCLA Consortium for Global Change and Regional Impacts (Became the Institute of the Environment). Other activities • Presented commencement address at the UCLA Geography Graduation Ceremony. June 18, 1995 • Developed Department of Geography Computing Plan. With Stephen Matthews. • Proposed and implemented new graduate and undergraduate computer laboratories in the Department of Geography. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE – Continued • • • • Developed a Laboratory manual for Geography 5: People and Earth’s Ecosystems. Faculty Sponsor to the UCLA Student Research Program (SRP). Faculty Advisor to the UCLA branch of Association of Environmental Professionals (AEP). Faculty fellow to Rieber Hall, 1993-94; Faculty fellow to Hedrick Hall, 1991-92 and 1992-93. Feddema CV page 13 University of Delaware: • President of the University of Delaware Cosmopolitan Club (International Student Soc.), 1986-1988. • Member of the University of Delaware Health Service Student Advisory Board, 1987-1988. • Feddema, J.J. (Coordinator and Organizer), D.R. Legates, J.K. Titlow, G.H. Henderson, and Y. Schreuder (1986): Small Town Development on the Delmarva Peninsula. Day trip for a group of visiting geography students (led by Dr. P. Lukkes) from the University of Groningen, Netherlands. • Feddema, J.J. (Organizer), D.C. Lomis (Moderator), J.L. Burmeister, I. Stakgold, K. Schneider, D.R. Legates, and B. Marthi (1986): Foreign Teaching Assistants in American Universities, Panel Discussion, In Praise of Teaching: A Conference on Instruction for Faculty and Teaching Assistants, Newark, Delaware. COMMUNITY SERVICE • Led several ecology and weather discussion for Cub Scout Pack 3072, Lawrence KS. 2003-2005 • Led weather discussion in 2nd grade class, Foothill Elementary School, Boulder, CO, 2005 • Assisted community groups opposed to the placement of a Wal-Mart store across from Free State High School in Lawrence KS. Attended city planning and city commission meetings and created a GIS database and map of households opposing the development • Assisted local neighborhood to develop a traffic-calming plan on Harvard Road. Used GIS and aerial photos to develop and present plans to Lawrence, KS City Commission. The proposal was funded and implemented. MEDIA ACTIVITIES • • • • • • • • • • • • Fox and KCEP TV appearances and numerous media stories about climate change and proposed Holcomb coal power plant construction (2008) Multiple newspaper and web news source interviews for land cover change studies (2005/6) Interview with KC Channel 5 TV (2005) Interviewed for a research article on global change by the Daily News (London), 2000 AAG sponsored press release on Hydroclimatic Impacts of Global Warming in Africa, 1993. Radio Interview on global warming for KPCC Radio (NPR), Pasadena, Nov 4, 1991. Television interview with T.C. Meierding on air pollution for the Science and Technology section of the CNN Headline News program, May 1989. Television interview for the WCAU Channel 10 News (CBS), Philadelphia, March, 1989. Television: Coverage in the weekly PBS show Science Journal, 1988. Radio Interview on atmospheric pollution, WLIM Radio, Wilmington, DE, 11/22/88. Tombstone Erosion Reveals History of Air Pollution; Article in the Wilmington News Journal/The Morning News (DE), November 21, 1988 (portions of this article were released on the AP newswire and published nation wide including, The New York Times (12/4/88), The Los Angeles Times (11/28/88), The Chicago Tribune (11/24/88), and numerous other news papers. Tombstones: A vanishing Past; Article in The Philadelphia Inquirer, April 5, 1987. Feddema CV page 14 Daniel R. Hirmas Department of Geography University of Kansas 1475 Jayhawk Blvd., Lindley Hall, Room 415A Lawrence, KS 66045-7613 Office: 785.864.5542, Lab: 785.864.4194, Fax: 785.864.5378 E-mail: Website:∼soil EDUCATION • Ph.D. in Soil and Water Sciences, University of California - Riverside, June 2008 Dissertation: Surface Processes, Pedology, and Soil-Landscape Modeling of the Southern Fry Mountain Bolson, Mojave Desert, California • M.S. in Soil Science, Texas Tech University, 2003 Thesis: Degradation of Pedogenic Calcretes in West Texas • B.A. in Biology, Texas A&M University, 1999 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS • Courtesy Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Program, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2009-Present. • Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS, 2008Present. PUBLICATIONS Articles (italics indicate students) • Hirmas, D.R., D. Giménez, V. Subroy, and B.F. Platt. 2012. Fractal distribution of mass from the millimeter- to decimeter-scale in two soils under native and restored tallgrass prairie. Geoderma. (In review) • Hirmas, D.R., T.A. Slocum, A.F. Halfen, T. White, E. Zautner, P. Atchley, H. Liu, W.C. Johnson, S. Egbert, and D. McDermott. 2012. Effects of seating location and stereoscopic display on learner outcomes in an introductory physical geography class. Computers and Geosciences. (In review) • Platt, B.F., S.T. Hasiotis, and D.R. Hirmas. 2012. Empirical determination of physical controls on megafaunal footprint formation through neoichnological experiments with elephants. PALAIOS. (Accepted with minor revisions) • Subroy, V., D. Giménez, D.R. Hirmas, and P. Takhistov. 2012. On determining soil aggregate bulk density by displacement in two immiscible liquids. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:1212-1216. • Hirmas, D.R., B.F. Platt, and S.T. Hasiotis. 2012. Determination of calcite and dolomite content in soils and paleosols by continuous coulometric titration. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76:1100-1106. • Hirmas, D.R., R.C. Graham, and K.J. Kendrick. 2011. Soil-geomorphic significance of land surface characteristics in an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, USA. Catena 87:408-420. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2011. Pedogenesis and soil-geomorphic relationships in an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, California. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:192-206. • Platt, B.F., S.T. Hasiotis, and D.R. Hirmas. 2010. Use of low-cost multistripe laser triangulation scanning technology for three-dimensional, quantitative paleoichnological and neoichnological studies. Journal of Sedimentary Research 80:590-610. • Hirmas, D.R., C. Amrhein, and R.C. Graham. 2010. Spatial and process-based modeling of soil inorganic carbon storage in an arid piedmont. Geoderma 154:486-494. • Rossi, A.M., D.R. Hirmas, R.C. Graham, and P.D. Sternberg. 2008. Bulk density determination by automated three-dimensional laser scanning. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:1591-1593. • Graham, R.C., D.R. Hirmas, Y.A. Wood, and C. Amrhein. 2008. Large near-surface nitrate pools in soils capped by desert pavement in the Mojave Desert, California. Geology 36:259262. • Hirmas, D.R., and B.L. Allen. 2007. Degradation of pedogenic calcretes in West Texas. Soil Science Society of America Journal 71:1878-1888. • Hirmas, D.R., and S.A.C. Furquim. 2006. A simple modification of the clod method for determining bulk density of very gravelly soils. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37:899-906. Book Chapters • Wysocki, D.A., P.J. Schoeneberger, D.R. Hirmas, and H.E. LaGarry. 2011. Geomorphology of Soil Landscapes. p. 29-1−29-26. In P.M. Huang, Y. Li, and M.E. Sumner (eds.) Handbook of Soil Sciences: Properties and Processes, 2nd ed. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. Conference Abstracts and Proceedings • Halfen, A.F., D.R. Hirmas, T. Slocum, T. White, E. Zautner, P. Atchley, H. Liu, W.C. Johnson, S. Egbert, and D. McDermott. 2012. A hybrid online/offline curriculum for implementing stereoscopic technology in large lectures. In GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annu. Meet., GSA, Charlotte, NC. 4-7 Nov. 2012. GSA, Denver, CO. • D.R. Hirmas, N.A. Brunsell, and D.B. Mechem. 2012. Optimization of soil structure under differing climatic regimes. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Cincinnati, OH. 21-24 Oct. 2012. ASA, Madison, WI. • Niehues, N.D., D.R. Hirmas, and D.V. Eck. 2012. Effects of soil moisture on macropore geometry. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Cincinnati, OH. 21-24 Oct. 2012. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hasiotis, S.T., D.R. Hirmas, and A.F. Halfen. 2012. Sediment Mixing Depths and Rates in Continental Environments and the Creation of Macrochannels and Macropores: Lessons Learned and Implications for Alerting Porosity and Permeability by Bioturbation. In AAPG Annu. Convention & Exhibition Abstracts, Long Beach, CA. 22-25 Apr. 2012. • Hirmas, D.R., T. Slocum, A.F. Halfen, T. White, P. Atchley, S. Egbert, D. McDermott, W.C. Johnson. 2012. Mapping the effects of seating location and stereoscopic displays on learner outcomes in an introductory physical geography class. In Abstracts and Programs, Annu. Meet., AAG, New York, NY. 24-28 Feb. 2012. AAG, Washington, DC. • Eck, D.V., and D.R. Hirmas. 2012. Characterizing geometries of preferential flow paths in soils using structured-light laser scanning. In Abstracts and Programs, Annu. Meet., AAG, New York, NY. 24-28 Feb. 2012. AAG, Washington, DC. • Halfen, A.F., T. Slocum, T. White, D.R. Hirmas, A. Gilbreath, D. McDermott, P. Atchley, S. Egbert, W.C. Johnson. 2012. Assessing the impact of stereoscopic displays in introductory physical geography courses. In Abstracts and Programs, Annu. Meet., AAG, New York, NY. 24-28 Feb. 2012. AAG, Washington, DC. • Eck, D., and D.R. Hirmas. 2012. Characterizing interpedal pore geometries in soils with vertic properties in eastern Kansas. p. 32. In Proceedings, Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. 26-27 Jan. 2012. KCWF-KCAFC-GPSAF-KSSRM-KCSWCS, Wichita, KS. • Paxson, C., D.R. Hirmas, and K. Kindscher. 2012. Evaluating impacts of concentrated animal feeding operations on nitrate levels of the Arkansas River, central Kansas. p. 35. In Proceedings, Kansas Natural Resources Conference, Wichita, KS. 26-27 Jan. 2012. KCWF-KCAFCGPSAF-KSSRM-KCSWCS, Wichita, KS. • Eck, D.V., and D.R. Hirmas. 2011. A novel method for characterizing geometries of interaggregate planar pores in soils with vertic properties. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASACSSA-SSSA, San Antonio, TX. 16-19 Oct. 2011. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., B.F. Platt, and S.T. Hasiotis. 2011. Determination of calcite and dolomite content in soils and paleosols by continuous coulometric titration. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, San Antonio, TX. 16-19 Oct. 2011. ASA, Madison, WI. • Slocum, T., A. Halfen, T. White, D. Hirmas, S. Egbert, D. McDermott, and W. Johnson. 2011. Adoption of stereoscopic displays in geographic education: A persistent problem in geographic visualization. In Proc. 25th Intern. Cartographic Conf., Paris, France. 3-8 July 2011. ICA/CFC, Saint-Mandé, France. • Hirmas, D.R., and N. Brunsell. 2011. Application of wavelet and fractal techniques to the analysis of soil structure and color. In Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU General Assembly 2011, Vienna, Austria. 3-8 Apr 2011. EGU, Munich, Germany. • Hasiotis, S.T., D.R. Hirmas, B.F. Platt, and J. Reynolds. 2011. New frontiers in ichnology using MLT (multistripe laser triangulation) and rapid prototyping technology for three-dimensional analysis, printing, and sharing of modern and ancient traces with other ichnophiles. In GSA Abstracts with Programs, Northeastern and North-Central Annu. Joint Meet., GSA, Denver, CO. 20-22 Mar. 2011. GSA, Denver, CO. • Hirmas, D.R., and J.A. Decker. 2010. Effects of land use on soil organic carbon and hydraulic properties in upland landscapes of eastern Kansas. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASACSSA-SSSA, Long Beach, CA. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., N.A. Brunsell, and B.L. Allen. 2010. Soil morphological applications of wavelet and fractal analyses. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Long Beach, CA. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., and S.T. Hasiotis. 2010. Development of three-dimensional virtual models to enhance conceptualization of soil morphology. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA- SSSA, Long Beach, CA. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., S.T. Hasiotis, and B.F. Platt. 2010. Field application of multistripe laser triangulation (MLT) scanning to enhance and quantify descriptions of soil and exogenic trace morphology. In GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annu. Meet., GSA, Denver, CO. 31 Oct.-3 Nov. 2010. GSA, Denver, CO. • Reynolds, J., S.T. Hasiotis, and D.R. Hirmas. 2010. Utilizing three-dimensional image scanning and printed models of traces and trace fossils in K-12 classrooms. In GSA Abstracts with Programs, Annu. Meet., GSA, Denver, CO. 31 Oct.-3 Nov. 2010. GSA, Denver, CO. • Decker, J.A., and D.R. Hirmas. 2010. Effects of land use on hydraulic properties in upland landscapes of eastern Kansas. Annu. Meet. Rocky Mount. Div. AAG, Lawrence, KS. 8-9 Oct. 2010. • Platt, B.F., S.T. Hasiotis, and D.R. Hirmas. 2010. Three dimensional ichnofossil analyses using multistripe laser triangulation (MLT) technology: Quantifying trace-fossil morphology, bioturbation patterns, and ichnopedologic fabrics in sedimentary rocks. AAPG Annu. Convention & Exhibition., New Orleans, LA. 13 Apr. 2010. • Hirmas, D.R., D. Giménez, and X. Li. 2009. Characterization of soil structure and pore architecture from the aggregate to horizon scale. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSASSSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov. 2009. ASA, Madison, WI. • Zautner, E.J., D.R. Hirmas, and J. de Koff. 2009. A rapid and accurate field test for the analysis of soil phosphate. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov. 2009. ASA, Madison, WI. • Platt, B.F., D.R. Hirmas, and S.T. Hasiotis. 2009. Footprints in the landscape: Quantifying bioturbation in soils and paleosols with multistripe laser triangulation (MLT) technology. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov. 2009. ASA, Madison, WI. • Rossi, A.M., D.R. Hirmas, R.C. Graham, and P.D. Sternberg. 2009. Bulk density determination by automated three-dimensional laser scanning. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov. 2009. ASA, Madison, WI. • Platt, B.F., S.T. Hasiotis, and D.R. Hirmas. 2009. Use of multistripe laser triangulation (MLT) technology for quantitative, three-dimensional analyses of trace fossils. In GSA Abstracts with Programs, Vol. 41, Annu. Meet., GSA, Portland, OR. 18-21 Oct. 2009. GSA, Denver, CO. • Hirmas, D.R., R.C. Graham, and M. Harlow. 2008. Links between land surface characteristics and near-surface accumulations of dust, soluble salts, nitrate-nitrogen, and carbonate in the southern Fry Mountains, Mojave Desert, USA. In Abstracts with Programs, Joint. Annu. Meet., GSA/ASA-CSSA-SSSA/GCAGS/HGS, Houston, TX. 5-9 Nov. 2008. GSA, Boulder, CO. • Pietrasiak, N., D.R. Hirmas, R.C. Graham, and K.N. Bozhilov. 2008. Mineralogy of a paralithic horizon (well weathered bedrock) in the Mojave Desert. In Abstracts with Programs, Joint. Annu. Meet., GSA/ASA-CSSA-SSSA/GCAGS/HGS, Houston, TX. 5-9 Nov. 2008. GSA, Boulder, CO. • Graham, R.C., D.R. Hirmas, Y.A. Wood, and C. Amrhein. 2008. Large near-surface nitrate pools in soils capped by desert pavement in the Mojave Desert, California. In Abstracts with Programs, Joint. Annu. Meet., GSA/ASA-CSSA-SSSA/GCAGS/HGS, Houston, TX. 5- 9 Nov. 2008. GSA, Boulder, CO. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2007. Spatial distribution of inorganic carbon storage in an arid landscape. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, New Orleans, LA. 4-8 Nov. 2007. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2007. Soil-geomorphic classification of an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, USA. In Abstracts of the 88th Annu. Meet. AAAS, Pacific Division, Boise, ID. 17-21 June 2007. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2006. Pedology of an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, CA. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Indianapolis, IN. 12-16 Nov. 2006. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2006. Soil surface properties of Mojave Desert landforms. In Abstracts, 18th World Congress of Soil Science. IUSS, Philadelphia, PA. 9-15 July 2006. • Hirmas, D.R. 2005. Spatial and process-based modeling of inorganic carbon storage in the Mojave Desert. Kearney Foundation Conf., Davis, CA. 24 May 2005. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2004. Relationships between soil surface characteristics and geomorphology in the Mojave Desert. 3rd Annu. Mojave Desert Science Symposium, Redlands, CA. 16-18 Nov. 2004. • Hirmas, D.R., and R.C. Graham. 2004. Relationships between soil surface characteristics and geomorphology in the Mojave Desert. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Seattle, WA. 1-4 Nov. 2004. ASA, Madison, WI. • Hirmas, D.R., and B.L. Allen. 2003. Degradation of pedogenic calcretes in West Texas. In Abstracts, Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Denver, CO. 2-6 Nov. 2003. ASA, Madison, WI. Manuscripts in Preparation • White, T., A.F. Halfen, T.A. Slocum, W.C. Johnson, Hirmas, D.R., P. Atchley, D. McDermott, S. Egbert, and A. Gilbreath. Developing 3-D stereoscopic content for introductory physical geography classes. Journal of Geoscience Education. (70% completed) Highlighted Contributions • Science. 2011. Arid mountains affect soil-geomorphic evolution and biogeochemical cycling in desert soilscapes. CSA News 56(3):14. • Research and Industry. 2009. Soil bulk density determination by automated three-dimensional laser scanning. CSA News 54:4. • Research Highlights. 2008. Nitrate under the pavement. Nature Geoscience 1:210. • Spotlight. 2008. Large source of nitrate, a nutrient and potential water contaminant, found in near-surface desert soils. UC Riverside Newsroom. 28 Feb. 2008. (http://www.newsroom.ucr .edu/cgi-bin/display.cgi?id=1782) PRESENTATIONS Invited Research Presentations • Quantifying soil architecture: Application of structured-light scanning to soil morphology from the horizon to pit scale. Natural Resources Conservation Service—National Soil Survey Center. 8 Aug 2012. • Soil geomorphology and biogeochemistry of an arid mountain bolson, Mojave Desert, USA. Kansas Biological Survey, University of Kansas Ecosystems Research Group. 24 Sep. 2010. • Land-use effects on soil architecture and near-surface hydrology in eastern Kansas. Iowa State University, Department of Geological and Atmospheric Sciences, Seminar. 10 Sep. 2010. • Soil Architecture of the Rockefeller Experimental Tract: Initial Findings and Implications. Kansas Biological Survey, KU Field Station and Ecological Reserves, Seminar. 13 Nov. 2009. • Soil Geomorphology of an Arid Mountain Bolson, Mojave Desert, USA. Kansas State University, Department of Geography, Seminar. 11 Sep. 2009. • Geomorphology, pedology, and soil-landscape modeling of the southern Fry Mountain bolson, Mojave Desert, USA. Rutgers University, Department of Environmental Sciences. 30 Jun. 2009. • Surface processes, pedology, and soil-landscape modeling, Mojave Desert, California. University of Kansas, Department of Geography, Colloquium Series. 25 Feb. 2008. • Spatial distribution of inorganic carbon storage in an arid landscape. UCR Department of Environmental Sciences, Soil and Water Sciences Program, Riverside, CA, Seminar. 3 Dec. 2007. Invited Teaching Presentations • Soil and paleosol geochemistry. University of Kansas, Department of Geology, Paleopedology guest lecture. 23 Apr. 2012. • Soil and paleosol geochemistry. University of Kansas, Department of Geology, Paleopedology guest lecture. 28 Apr. 2010. • Soil-biota relationships. University of Kansas, Department of Geography, Introduction to Soil Geography guest lecture. 26 Feb. 2008. • Soils. Heritage K8 Charter School, Escondido, CA, 6th-grade class period guest lecture. 17 Jan. 2008. • What is soil science? Rancho Buena Vista High School, Vista, CA, Four class periods of 10thgrade Integrated Science guest lectures. 22 Feb. 2007. Volunteered Research Presentations • Optimization of soil structure under differing climatic regimes. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 21-24 Oct. 2012. • Effects of soil moisture on macropore geometry. Intern. Annu. Meet., ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Cincinnati, OH. 21-24 Oct. 2012. ASA, Madison, WI. • Mapping the effects of seating location and stereoscopic displays on learner outcomes in an introductory physical geography class. AAG Annu. Meet. 24-28 Feb. 2012. • Determination of calcite and dolomite content in soils and paleosols by continuous coulometric titration. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 16-19 Oct. 2011. • Application of wavelet and fractal techniques to the analysis of soil structure and color. EGU General Assembly 2011 3-8 Apr. 2011. • Effects of land use on soil organic carbon and hydraulic properties in upland landscapes of eastern Kansas. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. • Soil morphological applications of wavelet and fractal analyses. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. • Development of three-dimensional virtual models to enhance conceptualization of soil morphology. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 31 Oct.-4 Nov. 2010. • Characterization of soil structure and pore architecture from the aggregate to horizon scale. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 1-4 Nov. 2009. • Links between land surface characteristics and near-surface accumulations of dust, soluble salts, nitrate-nitrogen, and carbonate in the southern Fry Mountains, Mojave Desert, USA. GSA/ASA-CSSA-SSSA/GCAGS/HGS Joint. Annu. Meet. 5-9 Nov. 2008. • Large near-surface nitrate pools in soils capped by desert pavement in the Mojave Desert, California. GSA/ASA-CSSA-SSSA/GCAGS/HGS Joint. Annu. Meet. 5-9 Nov. 2008. • Spatial distribution of inorganic carbon storage in an arid landscape. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 4-8 Nov. 2007. • Soil-geomorphic classification of an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, USA. AAAS Pacific Division Annu. Meet. 17-21 June 2007. • Pedology of an arid mountain range, Mojave Desert, CA. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 12-16 Nov. 2006. • Soil surface properties of Mojave Desert landforms. IUSS 18th World Congress of Soil Science. 9-15 July 2006. • Spatial and process-based modeling of inorganic carbon storage in the Mojave Desert. Kearney Foundation Conf. 24 May 2005. • Relationships between soil surface characteristics and geomorphology in the Mojave Desert. 3rd Annu. Mojave Desert Science Symposium. 16-18 Nov. 2004. • Relationships between soil surface characteristics and geomorphology in the Mojave Desert. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 1-4 Nov. 2004. • Degradation of pedogenic calcretes in West Texas. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Intern. Annu. Meet. 2-6 Nov. 2003. GRANTS, AWARDS AND HONORS External Research Grants • National Science Foundation: NSF 10-544, Developing virtual and physical models to enhance conceptualization of soil and biogenic structures in undergraduate geoscience classes, Principle Investigator, 2012-2015 ($199,999) • Kansas Water Resources Institute/USGS, Investigation of recharge to the High Plains Aquifer, Northwestern, Kansas, Co-Investigator, 2012-2014 ($30,000) • National Science Foundation: NSF 05-550, Facilities to Enhance Research and Teaching at the University of Kansas Field Station, Co-Investigator, 2011-2014 ($329,890) • US EPA Office of Water, National Wetland Condition Assessment, Field Sampling Services for National Aquatic Resource Surveys, Co-Investigator on Central Plains Center for BioAssessment (CPCB) subcontract, 2011 ($142,407 CPCB subcontract portion) • Kearney Foundation of Soil Science Graduate Fellowship, 2004-2006 ($64,965) Internal Research and Teaching Grants • KU General Research Fellowship, 2012-2013 ($2,596) • KU Center for Teaching Excellence, Faculty Seminar Participant, 2011 ($1,000) • KU General Research Fellowship, 2011-2012 ($3,656) • KU Center for Teaching Excellence, BPI Faculty Facilitator, 2011 ($1,000) • KU New Faculty General Research Program Grant, 2010-2011 ($7,950) • KU Center for Teaching Excellence, Best Practices Institute, 2010 ($700) • KU Field Station Small Grants Program, 2010 ($250) • Frank T. Bingham Memorial Fellowship, 2006-2007 ($2,000) • Albert Marsh Environmental Sciences Scholarship, 2006-2007 ($400) • UCR Graduate Dean’s Dissertation Research Grant, 2006 ($1,000) • UCR Dean’s Fellowship, 2003-2004 ($33,527) Travel Grants • KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Travel Award, 2011 ($700) • KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Travel Award, 2010 ($700) • KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Travel Award, 2009 ($700) • KU College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Faculty Travel Award, 2008 ($900) • Stolzy-Letey Environmental Science Travel Scholarship, 2007 ($750) • AAAS Pacific Division Student Travel Award, 2007 ($150) • UCR Academic Senate Omnibus Field Research Travel Grant, 2006 ($500) • UCR Graduate Student Association Conference Travel Grants, 2004-2007 ($2180 in total) Awards and Honors • AAAS Pacific Division J. Thomas Dutro, Jr. Geosciences Award, 2007 ($275) • Western Soil Science Society/AAAS Pacific Division 1st Place Poster Award, 2007 ($150) • Sigma Gamma Epsilon Geological Honor Society: Alpha Beta Chapter, Texas Tech University, 2002-2003 COURSES TAUGHT • GEOG 104 Principles of Physical Geography, KU, Spring 2009, Fall 2009, 11-12. • GEOG 331 Regional Geomorphology of the United States, KU, Fall 2008. • GEOG 335 Introduction to Soil Geography, KU, Fall 2009-12. • GEOG 535 Soil Geography, KU, Fall 2008-12. • GEOG 538 Environmental Soil Physics and Chemistry, KU, Spring 2010, 12 • GEOG 735 Soil Geomorphology, KU, Spring 2010, 12. • GEOG 935 Soil Geography Seminar, KU, Spring 2009. GRADUATE COMMITTEES Committees Chaired • Timothy Bents (M.A., Geography, in progress) • Kim Drager (M.A., Geography, in progress; co-chair with Prof. Stephen Hasiotis) • Dennis Eck (M.A., Geography, in progress) • Eric Zautner (M.A., Geography, in progress) Committee Member • Mark Bowen (Ph.D., Geography, completed March 2011) • Tyler Buck (M.S., Atmospheric Science, completed June 2010) • Ryan Callihan (M.A., Geography, in progress) • Kathryn Clark (M.S., Atmospheric Science, in progress) • Erin Dempsey (Ph.D., Anthropology, completed, April 2012) • Rubina Firdous (Ph.D., Geology, in progress, ABD) • Patrick Green (M.A., Anthropology, completed January 2012) • Andrew Gottsfield (Ph.D., Anthropology, ABD) • Alan Halfen (Ph.D., Geography, completed, April 2012) • Daniel Keating (M.A., Anthropology, completed January 2012) • Benjamin Keil (Ph.D., Philosophy, in progress) • Scott Klopfenstein (M.A., Geography, in progress) • Aaron Koop (M.A., Geography, in progress) • Anthony Layzell (Ph.D., Geography, in progress) • Pei-Ling Lin (Ph.D., Geography, in progress, ABD) • Laura Murphy (Ph.D., Anthropology, in progress) • Brian Platt (Ph.D., Geology, completed, April 2012) • Karen Willey (Ph.D., Geography, completed July 2009) • Garrett Welch (M.A., Anthropology, completed January 2012) • Kristopher West (M.A., Anthropology, in progress) • Terri Woodburn (Ph.D., Geography, in progress, ABD) PROFESSIONAL SERVICE International • Reviewer, Cambridge University Press, 2011. • Reviewer, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 2011–2012. • Reviewer, SEPM Special Publication, 2011. • Reviewer, The Professional Geographer, 2011. • Reviewer, European Journal of Soil Science, 2011. • Reviewer, Plant and Soil, 2011. • Editorial Board Member, Open Journal of Soil Science (OJSS), 2011–2012. • Reviewer, Soil Science, 2008–2011. National • Presiding Officer, Ecosystem-Mineral Interactions–II Symposium, Div. S05 & S09, ASA-CSSASSSA, Cincinnati, Ohio, 21-24 Oct. 2012. • Member, Soil Micromorphology Committee, Soil Science Society of America, 2011–2013. This committee works to facilitate the planning and organization of soil micromorphology workshops and practicum at the annual meetings. • Presenter and Participant, Two iQuest camp panels to engage learning among underrepresented and economically disadvantaged 7th and 8th grade students (primarily Hispanic, African American, Native American, and women) for the NSF ITEST program, 15 & 22 July 2010. • Session Organizer, Soil Characterization, Modeling, and Prediction using Novel Instrumentation and Techniques, Div. S05, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Pittsburgh, PA. 1-4 Nov. 2009. • Presenter and Participant, iQuest camp panel to engage learning among underrepresented and economically disadvantaged middle-school students (primarily Hispanic and Native American) for the NSF ITEST program 16 July 2009. • Mentor, Hosted and trained a high-school Earth science teacher in standard soil analyses, 1824 Jun. 2009. • Co-Administrator, Algorithms for Quantitative Pedology (AQP) R-Forge Project. (http://rforge. • Presiding Officer, Mineralogical Controls on Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Processes, Div. S09, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, New Orleans, LA, 4-8 Nov. 2007. • Presiding Officer, Pedologic Progress, Philosophy, and Perspectives, Div. S05, ASA-CSSASSSA, Indianapolis, IN, 12-16 Nov. 2006. Institutional • Member, Atmospheric Science Search Committee, KU Department of Geography, 2011–2012. • Member, Curriculum Committee, KU Department of Geography, 2011–2012. • Member, Executive Committee, KU Field Station, Kansas Biological Survey, 2010–2011. • Member, Honors Committee, KU Department of Geography, 2010–2011. • Member, Outreach Committee, KU Department of Geography, 2009–2010. • Member, Curriculum Committee, KU Department of Geography, 2008–2009. PROFESSIONAL ADVANCEMENT • Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 2012 • Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 2008 • Western Society of Soil Science/AAAS Pacific Division, 2007 • Desert Project Tour, 2007 • World Congress of Soil Science, 2006 • Friends of the Pleistocene, Pacific Cell, 2005 • International Salinity Forum, 2005 • Learning ArcGIS 9, Online Course, UCR Extension/ESRI, 2005 • Mojave Desert Science Symposium, 2004 • Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, 2002–2012 • International Conference on Aeolian Research (ICAR-5), 2002 • Nematode Identification Short Course, Clemson University, 2000 PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • European Geosciences Union (EGU), 2011–Present • Association of American Geographers (AAG), 2009–Present • American Geophysical Union (AGU), 2002–Present • Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), 2001–Present • Association of Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International, 1999–2003 Curriculum Vitae WILLIAM CHARLES JOHNSON Professor of Geography Neogene, Quaternary and Archaeological Geologist Department of Geography 1475 Jayhawk Blvd, Room 213 The University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045-7613 785.864.5548 (office & lab) 785.864.5143 (dept. office) 785.864.5378 (fax) Advanced Education Doctor of Philosophy (1976) Master of Science (1971) Bachelor of Science (1968) Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin-Madison Dissertation: The Impact of Environmental Change on Fluvial Systems: Kickapoo River, Wisconsin (James Knox, advisor) Department of Geography, Northern Illinois University (with Honors) Thesis: Discrimination of Stagnation Moraine from End and Ground Moraine on the Missouri du Coteau and Coteau des Prairies of North Dakota Department of Earth Sciences, Northern Illinois University (with Honors) Majors (2): Geology and Meteorology/Climatology Academic Appointments Courtesy Professor Geoarchaeologist Research Associate Associate Chair Full Professor Research Affiliate Associate Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Lecturer Department of Geology, The University of Kansas Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands (CO State U) Kansas Geological Survey, The University of Kansas Department of Geography, The University of Kansas Department of Geography, The University of Kansas Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT Department of Geography, The University of Kansas Department of Geography-Meteorology, The University of Kansas Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma Department of Geography, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee 4/10-present 3/03-present 8/06-present 1/99-8/05 8/97-present 11/95-5/02 8/81-7/97 8/78-8/81 8/76-5/78 8/75-5/76 Curricula Biogeography Field Camp Field Mapping Methods Geomorphology Geoarchaeology Palynology Plant Geography Principles of Physical Geography Late Quaternary Paleoclimatology Late Quaternary Environments Quaternary Stratigraphy Research Methods River Systems Rock Magnetic Analysis Seminar (many topics) Research Themes Geologic mapping of Neogene and Quaternary deposits: field mapping and development of large-scale digital maps of surface and near-surface geology for selected areas of central and western Kansas Quaternary stratigraphy: litho-, chrono-, pedo-, bio-, and magnetostratigraphy of eolian deposits (loess and sand) in the central Great Plains, and environmental (flora, fauna, climate) reconstruction Geoarchaeology: paleoenvironmental conditions and landscape evolution in the central Great Plains, as related to prehistoric peoples; modeling the distribution of surface and buried cultural materials 13 15 18 Stable isotope geochemistry: application of stable isotopes (δ C, δ N, δ O) to soil-vegetation-climate relationships in modern soils and paleosols of the central Great Plains Fluvial geomorphology: stream system response to late-Quaternary (middle-late Pleistocene and Holocene) climatic variation, and development of alluvial chronostratigraphies Grants 2011-2015 Extracting the first lacustrine (lake) record of prehistoric drought history in the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $3410, 7/12-6/13. Geologic Mapping in Kansas-FY12: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $293,010, 5/12-4/13. Geologic and geomorphic mapping in the middle Kansas River valley, Kansas—An undergraduate EDMAP experience: U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $22,793, 5/12-5/13. Evaluating the impacts of land use and climate change on playa form and function and effectiveness of grass buffers to mitigate these impacts: Playa Lakes Joint Venture ConocoPhillips Fund, $12,705, 6/12-5/13 (Bowen and Johnson) Oldest sand dunes in the North American Great Plains: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $2,000, 7/11-6/12. Valley-fill architecture and alluvial landforms within the upper Kansas River: Undergraduate EDMAP experience: U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $22,609, 5/11-5/12. Geologic Mapping in Kansas-FY11: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $216,325, 5/11-4/12. FY10 Funding for University of Kansas Research and Educational Support for U.S. Army Programs and Initiatives at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Research Office, $1,940,000, 1/1/11-12/31/12. (Lewis et al.) (Water Resources & Landscape Modeling--$431,504) 2006-2010 Field sampling services for National Aquatic Resource Surveys: Central Plains Center for BioAssessment (CPCB): US Environmental Protection Agency, $73,280 (KU subcontract), 5/11-9/11. (Huggins et al.) Evaluating the effect of large-format stereoscopic displays on student learning in introductory college physical geography classes: NSF—OCE Geoscience Education, $147,759, 9/10-8/12. (Slocum et al.) Holocene Megadroughts of the Central Great Plains: NSF Doctoral Dissertation Improvement—Geography and Spatial Sciences Program, $11,970, 8/10-1/12. (Johnson and Halfen) University of Kansas Research and Educational Support for U.S. Army Programs and Initiatives at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: U.S. Army Research Office, $1,900,000, 2/10-2/12. (Lewis et al.) (Landscape modeling $66,000) Geologic Mapping in Kansas-FY10: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $221,100, 5/10-4/11. (Ludvigson et al.) Geologic mapping and stratigraphic characterization of alluvial landforms within the Kansas River valley: U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $37,389, 5/10-4/11. Mapping dune morphology, age, and mineral-grain trends in the Great Bend Sand Prairie of south-central Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $22,202, 5/09-4/10. Geologic Mapping in Kansas for FY09: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $198,628, 5/09-4/10. (Ludvigson et al.) Mapping surface geology in Republic County, Kansas (Year 2): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $20,493, 5/08-4/09. Ceramic Geography and Social Formation of the Smoky Hill Phase, east-central Kansas: NSF-Anthropology, $133,000, 6/08-5/10. (Adair et al.) Geologic Mapping in Kansas-FY08: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $206,164, 5/08-4/09. (Ludvigson et al.) Database development: Playa basin occurrence on the High Plains of Kansas: Kansas GIS Policy Board, 33,904, 8/07-6/08. Undergraduate Research Assistantship Fund: The University of Kansas Center For Research, $2500, 7/07-8/07. Timing and Environment of the Last Interglacial Period in the Central North American Continent: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $5,000, 7/07-6/08. Mapping surface geology in Doniphan County, Kansas (Year 1): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $22,250, 5/07-4/08. Geologic mapping in Reno County, McPherson County, Dickinson County, Miami County, and Morris County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $153,798, 5/07-4/08. (Ludvigson et al.) Mapping and characterization of playa basins on the High Plains of western Kansas and development of a regional subclass-specific guidebook for applying the hydrogeomorphic (HGM) approach to assessing wetland functions of playa basin depressional wetlands: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, W.C. Johnson - 2 $249,956, 10/06-12/11. (Johnson and Egbert) Soil development and carbon sequestration along the east-west climatic gradient of the central Great Plains— forest/prairie ecotone of central Missouri to the foothills of the Colorado Rockies: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $1,780, 7/06-6/07. Mapping surface geology in Republic County, Kansas (Year 1): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $12,000, 5/06-4/07. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Geary, Washington, Norton, and Dickinson Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $98,698, 5/06-4/07. (McCauley et al.) 2001-2005 Detection and mapping of the Santa Fe Trail in the Kansas City Green Way Project Zone: Challenge Grant Program, National Park Service Long Distance Trails Group, $5,000, 6/05. Mapping surface geology in Jewell County, Kansas (Year 2): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $14,950, 5/05-4/06. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Geary, Washington, Norton, and Dickinson Counties, Kansas: USGS STATEMAP Program, $82,288, 5/05-4/06. (McCauley et al.) Mass spectrometry laboratory facility for stable isotope analysis: W.M. Keck Foundation, $492,000, 7/04. (Gonzalez et al.) National Register of Historic Places Evaluation of the Caenen and Paul Sites, Stranger Creek Valley, Leavenworth County, Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society, $66,171, 5/04-4/05. (Logan and Johnson) 13 Vertical distribution of SOM δ C values in upland soils from ungrazed watersheds with 1-, 2-, 4-, and 20-year burn frequencies: Kansas State University Konza LTER Project (NSF-funded), $2,000, 1/04-12/04. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Saline, Geary, Washington, Pawnee and Edwards Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $107,951, 5/04-4/05. (McCauley et al.) Mapping surface geology in Jewell County, Kansas (Year 1): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $14,988, 5/04-4/05. Acquisition of isotopic ratio mass spectrometers and related peripherals for geologic, paleoenvironmental and environmental research at The University of Kansas: NSF-EAR MRI Program, $629,301, 9/03-8/06 (Gonzalez et al.) A key to the prehistory of the central Great Plains: microfossil remains from the depths of Big Basin, Clark County, Kansas: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $6,390, 7/03-6/04. Mapping surface geology in Morton County, Kansas (Year 2): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $13,150, 5/03-4/04. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Saline, Crawford, Washington, Pawnee and Edwards Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $106,123, 5/03-4/04. (McCauley et al.) Mapping surface geology in Morton County, Kansas (Year 1): U.S. Geological Survey EDMAP Program, $11,000, 5/02-5/03. Relationship of soil chemistry and mineralogy to Cs, Pb, and PGE distribution, and implications to erosion evaluation models: U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center (BAA Program), $200,000, 3/02-3/04. (Johnson and Macpherson) Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Saline, Crawford, Pawnee and Edwards Counties, Kansas; and compilation of a digital geologic map base from existing maps in a portion of Wabaunsee County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey STATEMAP Program, $150,516, 5/02-4/03. (Brady et al.) Doctoral Dissertation Research: Modeling the effect of climate on erosion and deposition events in the loess canyons of the Breaks, Cheyenne County, Kansas: NSF-G&RS, $10,000, 8/01-7/03. (for K.L. Willey) Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Barber, Crawford, and Gray-Hodgeman Counties, Kansas; and compilation of a digital geologic map base from an existing map in Pottawatomie County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP Program, $172,254, 5/01-4/02. (Brady et al.) Mapping surface geology in Cheyenne County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, EDMAP Program, $10,102, 5/01-4/02. 1996-2000 137 210 Relationships of soil chemistry and mineralogy to Cs, Pb and Platinum Group Elements distribution: U.S. Army, BT-25 Program (Environmental Quality Basic Research), $25,000, 11/00-10/02. (Johnson and W.C. Johnson - 3 Macpherson) 137 210 Relationships of soil chemistry and mineralogy to Cs, Pb and Platinum Group Elements distribution: U.S. Army, BT-25 Program (Environmental Quality Basic Research), $5,000, 11/00-10/02. (Johnson and Macpherson) 13 Cynomys sp. (prairie dog) and Spermophilous sp. (ground squirrel) bone-derived carbon (δ C) and oxygen 18 (δ O) isotopic values as proxies of past climates in the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $4,762, 7/00-6/01. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Barber, Crawford, and Gray-Hodgeman Counties, Kansas; and compilation of a digital geologic map base from an existing map in Pottawatomie County, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP Program, $60,839, 5/00-4/01. (Brady, Johnson, West, McCauley, and Collins) AASG Mentored Field Research Experience Program: American Association of State Geologists, $2,500, 5/998/9 Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (REU) Supplement: NSF-G&RS, $2,500, 5/99-7/99. Geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Barber, Crawford, and Gray Counties, Kansas and compilation of digital geologic map bases from existing maps in Johnson, Franklin, Osage, and Shawnee Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP Program, $50,000, 5/99-4/00 (Brady et al.) Playas (AKA buffalo wallows): Environmental barometers of the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas Research Development Fund, $30,846, 1/99-6/2000. Reconstruction of past climates using the microbotanical record contained within loess deposits of the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, $6,938, 7/98-6/99. Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (REU) Supplement: NSF-G&RS, 3/98-7/98, $3,750. Continuation of geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Bourbon, Comanche, Hamilton, and Kearny Counties, Kansas; and compilation of digital geologic map bases from existing maps in Anderson, Chase, Franklin, Johnson, Lyon, Osage, Shawnee, and Wilson Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, STATEMAP Program, $74,544, 5/98-4/99. (Brady et al.) Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (REU) Supplement: NSF-G&RS, 3/97-7/98, $4,809. A proposal submitted to the STATEMAP Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, for continuation of geologic mapping and compilation of digitized county data bases in Greenwood, Bourbon, Comanche, Hamilton, and Kearny Counties, Kansas; and the compilation of digitized county data bases for Johnson, Anderson, and Chase Counties, Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, 5/97-4/98, $61,000. (Brady et al.) The magnetic and carbon isotope record of climate as derived from loess deposits of the central Great Plains: NSF-G&RS, 8/96-7/98, $119,968. (M.R. Farr, co-pi) A proposal submitted to the STATEMAP Program of the U.S. Geological Survey, Department of the Interior, for completion of work in Greenwood and Bourbon Counties, Kansas, and new work in Comanche-Hamilton, and Kearny Counties, Kansas, to support field mapping and compilation of digitized data bases leading to a revised geologic map of Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, 5/96-4/97, $70,000. (Brady et al.) 1991-1995 High-resolution climatic reconstruction in the central Great Plains: a pilot study: The University of Kansas General Research Fund, 7/95-6/96, $5,505. Reconstruction of late Quaternary paleoclimates of the central Great Plains using magnetic and nonmagnetic parameters: NSF-G&RS, 6/95-5/96, $8,490. A proposal submitted to the STATEMAP Program of the U.S. Geological Survey for continuation of work in Greenwood, Clark, Comanche, and Bourbon Counties, Kansas, and new work in Ford County, Kansas, to support field mapping and compilation of a digitized data base leading to a revised geologic map of Kansas: U.S. Geological Survey, 9/93-8/94, $64,385. (Maples et al.) Approximation of age, extent, and risk potential of late-Quaternary faulting along the Chadron-Cambridge Arch in south-central Nebraska using geomorphic and shallow seismic-reflection techniques: U.S. Geological Survey (NEHRP), 4/93-3/95, $71,625. (Johnson et al.) Paleoenvironments and desertification of a large sand sheet in the central Great Plains: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 8/92-95, $66,000. Reconstruction of Glacial Age climates in the central Great Plains, The University of Kansas Office of Research, Graduate Studies and Public Service, 7/90-6/91, $6,160. W.C. Johnson - 4 Pre-1991 Detailed mapping and dating of Quaternary-age deposits in Phillips County, Kansas: Dane G. Hansen Foundation, 7/89, $2,000. Radiocarbon dating of soil humate fractions in late-Quaternary paleosols: NSF-G&RS, 2/89-8/90, $12,000. Ranching culture and the Cimarron River: Hall Center for the Humanities, The University of Kansas, 4/88, $380. Research Experience for Undergraduate Program: Supplement Request: NSF-G&RS, 7/87- 2/89, $3,941. A phytogeographic reconstruction using botanical microfossils extracted from a 110,000-year fauna-rich sedimentary sequence, Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming: NSF-G&RS, 2/86-6/87, $34,500. Enhancement of Palynology Laboratory Facilities: Exxon Education Foundation, 9/85, $5,000. A 620,000-year opal phytolith record from the loess of central Nebraska: National Geographic Society, 10/8510/86, $6,900. Development of a pollen-analysis laboratory for the study of Quaternary environments of the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas Office of Research, Graduate Studies and Public Service, 7/81-7/84, $89,757. (W. Dort, Jr. et al.) Reconstruction of past environments on the central Great Plains: The University of Kansas Office of Research, Graduate Studies and Public Service, 8/81-5/82, $4,523. The impact of Prehispanic Maya agriculture on the physical environment: the Pulltrouser Swamp archaeological site of northern Belize: Tinker Foundation and The University of Kansas Center of Latin American Studies, 3/81, $7,500. Reconstruction of Late Quaternary vegetation at Natural Trap Cave Wyoming: a pilot study: The Association of American Geographers, 2/81, $325. Funds for establishing a fossil-pollen extraction laboratory: The University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, and Office of Research, Graduate Studies, and Public Service, 6/80, $2,000. Accurate prediction of river sediment loads: The University of Kansas Office of Research, Graduate Studies, and Public Service, 7/80-6/81, $4,005. Research equipment for physical geography laboratories: NSF-G&RS, 12/79-5/81, $22,889. Recent climatic variation in the highlands of western Honduras: The University of Kansas Office of Research, Graduate Studies, and Public Service, 1979-80, $4,000. Soils geomorphology of the Copan, Honduras Maya archaeological site: University of Oklahoma Office of Research, 1977, $4,500. Contracts 2006-2012 Activation history and geoarchaeology of the Tanana River Lowlands dunes, central Alaska: Center for Management of Military Lands (Colorado State University), $12,400, 7/10-6/11. Geomorphology and environmental reconstruction at the Donnelly Training Area archaeological sites, Fort Greely, Alaska: U.S. Army & Center for Management of Military Lands (Colorado State University), $20,000, 7/096/10. Geoarchaeology of the McCormick Road Area of the Republican River Valley, Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army & Center for Management of Military Lands (Colorado State University), $6,850, 1/09-12/09. Geoarchaeology of XMH 874: Donnelly Training Area, Alaska: U.S. Army & Center for Management of Military Lands (Colorado State University), $10,000, 5/07-4/08. Geoarchaeology of buried Paleoindian sites (14RY6175 & 6176), Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army & Center for Management of Military Lands (Colorado State University), $17,000, 3/06-12/06. 2001-2005 Phil Site Phase IV data recovery, analysis and report preparation: Bureau of Reclamation, $80,330, 9/05-6/06. (Logan and Johnson) Geomorphologist and geoarchaeologist: Service Contract with DOD for installations in Kansas, Missouri, Kentucky, and Tennessee: Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands, 2005-2008. Phase IV excavation of the Phil site (14JW48), Lovewell Reservoir, Jewell County, Kansas: Bureau of Reclamation, $69,506, 10/04-9/06. (Logan and Johnson) National Register of Historic Places evaluation of three archaeological sites at Lovewell Reservoir, Jewell County, W.C. Johnson - 5 Kansas: Bureau of Reclamation, $78,406, 7/04-3/05. (Logan and Johnson) Data recovery and mitigation (site 41CV595) for Fort Hood, Texas: Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands—Colorado State University, $23,067, 1/03-12/03. Temporal archaeological model for Fort Hood, Texas: Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands— Colorado State University, $10,641, 2/03-12/03. 3-D GIS visualization of the Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge: Bureau of Reclamation, $1,452, 9/02-5/03. (Logan and Johnson) Archaeological survey of Kirwin Reservoir, Phillips County, KS: Bureau of Reclamation, $30,000, 5/02-12/03. (Logan and Johnson) Geoarchaeology of the Kirwin Reservoir area, Phillips County, Kansas: The University of Kansas Office of Archaeological Research, $10,000, 5/01-3/02. 1996-2000 GIS modeling of landform evolution, Fort Riley, Kansas: Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program, $20,000, 1/00-7/00. GIS representation of the potential for buried archaeological sites on the Fort Riley Military Reservation: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, $25,000, 1/99-8/99. A Geographic Information System (GIS) based model of late-Quaternary landscape evolution: the Fort Riley military reservation: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 4/98-4/99, $38,264. Development of a comprehensive geoarchaeological model for Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 5/97-4/98, $47,930. Soil organic matter (SOM) samples for radiocarbon dating: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 8/97, $1,200. Soil organic matter (SOM) samples for radiocarbon dating: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 9/96, $2,400. Geoarchaeology of the DB site, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas-mitigation phase: U.S. Army Corps of EngineersKansas City District, 6/96-8/97, $35,867. (Logan and Johnson) 1991-1995 Geoarchaeology of the DB Site, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas-testing phase: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-Kansas City District, 6/95-12/95, $3,892. Alluvial stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstruction - Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 5/96-9/96, $49,918. Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using magnetic parameters - Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 6/95-5/96, $18,994. 13 Paleoenvironmental reconstruction using C and opal phytolith parameters - Fort Riley, Kansas: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 6/95-5/96, $22,579. An integrated hillslope and channel evolution model as an investigation and prediction tool: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 9/95-8/98, $467,787. (Bras et al.) Archaeological investigations at State Route 87, Saguaro Lake Road to Gila County Line: Statistical Research, Inc., 3/95-10/95, $1,250. 12 13 Phytolith and C/ C analysis at Fort Riley, Kansas: a paleoenvironmental reconstruction: U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories, 9/93-5/94, $19,908. Surficial geologic mapping of Republic County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, 5/93-8/95, $12,000. Sand Prairies geoarchaeological survey, central and southwestern Kansas: Kansas State Historical Society, 6/926/93, $79,964. (Logan and Johnson) Paleoenvironmental overview of the Central Plains: U.S. Army Corps, 1/92-12/94, $65,000. (Hofman et al.) Geoarchaeology of the Lower Verde River: Bureau of Reclamation, 5/92-10/94, $48,055. Investigation of Anasazi/Cohonina cultigen use at AZI:2:11 near Cameron, Arizona: Arizona Department of Transportation and Statistical Research (Tucson), 11/91-3/92, $4,400. Pre-1991 Documentation of cultigen use via pollen and opal phytolith analysis of prehistoric fields, Roosevelt Reservoir Rural Sites Study (AZ): Bureau of Reclamation, 8/90-8/91, $21,000. Surficial geologic mapping of Finney County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, 5/90, $9,500. Stratigraphy and Quaternary geology of Phillips County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, 5/89, $7,000. W.C. Johnson - 6 Age and extent of the shallow confining silt layer in the Great Bend Prairie: Kansas Groundwater Management District 5, 5/89, $2,450. Impact of increasing groundwater withdrawal on riparian vegetation and stream channel morphology: Arkansas and Cimarron Rivers, Kansas: Kansas Fish and Game Commission, 10/85-7/86, $13,700. Geomorphology and paleoecology of Eglin Air Force Base, Florida: New World Research, Inc. (National Park Service Award), 1/82-1/86, $40,000. Abandoned Mined Lands Inventory Prototype Study: Office of Surface Mining, 1/80, $91,000. (Mandel et al.) Journal Articles and Notes 2001 to Present Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Spencer, J.Q.G., Young, A.R., n.d., Dune activation during MIS 3 in the central Great Plains: Geology (in preparation) Hirmas, D.R, Slocum, T.A., Halfen, A.F., White, T., Zautner, E., Atchley, P., Liu, H., Johnson, W.C., Egbert, S., McDermott, D., n.d., Effects of seating location and stereoscopic display on learner outcomes in an introductory physical geography class: Computers and Education (in review) Knox, J.C., Fitzpatrick, F.A., Johnson, W.C., n.d., Channel erosion and deposition responses to land-use change, climate and floods, Driftless Area, Wisconsin: Geology (in review) Haflen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., n.d., A Review of Late Quaternary dunefield chronologies in the North American Great Plains: Aeolian Research (accepted) Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Woodburn, T.L., Spencer, J.Q.G., Ludvigson, G., Young, A.R., 2012, Activation history of the Hutchinson dunes in east-central Kansas, U.S.A. during the past 2200 years: Aeolian Research 5: 9-20 Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., Gaines, E.P., 2011, 12,000 years of environmental change archived on morainal ridges in central Alaska: Current Research in the Pleistocene 28: 143-145 Gaines, E.P., Yeske, K.S., Shirar, S.J., Johnson, W.C., Kunesh, J.F., 2011, Pleistocene archaeology of the Tanana Flats, Eastern Beringia: Current Research in the Pleistocene 28: 42-44 Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., 2011, Lunette distribution on the High Plains of Kansas—A guide to seeking Paleoindian Sites: Current Research in the Pleistocene 28: 129-131 Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., 2011, Late-Quaternary environmental reconstructions throughout playa-lunette system evolution on the Central High Plains of Kansas, United States: Geological Society of America Bulletin (doi:10.1130/B30382.1) Cordova, C.E., Johnson, W.C., Mandel, R.D., Palmer, M.W., 2010, Late Quaternary environmental change inferred from phytoliths and other soil-related proxies: case studies from the central and southern Great Plains: Catena 85: 87-108. Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Egbert, S.L., and Klopfenstein, S.T., 2010, A GIS-based approach to identify and map playa wetlands on the High Plains, Kansas, USA: Wetlands 30: 675-684. Wu, S., Zhou, S., Li, X., Johnson, W.C., Zhang, H., and Shi, J-F., 2010, Heavy metal accumulation trends in Yixing, China—an area of rapid economic development: Environmental Earth Sciences 61: 79-86. Hanson, P.R., Arbogast, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Joeckel, R.M., Young, A.R., 2010, Megadroughts and late Holocene Dune activation at the eastern margin of the Great Plains, north-central Kansas: Aeolian Research 1:101-110 Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Klopfenstein, S.T., and Dunham, J.W., 2009, Developing a geospatial database of playas within the High Plains of Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 26: 191-193 Mason, J.A., Miao, X-D., Hanson, P.R., Johnson, W.C., Jacobs, P.M., Goble, R.J., 2008, Loess record of the Last Glacial-Interglacial transition on the northern and central Great Plains: Quaternary Science Reviews 27: 1772-1783 Aleinikoff, J.N., Muhs, D.R., Bettis, E.A. III, Johnson, W.C., Fanning, C.M., and Benton, R., 2008, Isotopic evidence for the diversity of late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Glacial and non-glacial sources: Geological Society of America Bulletin 120: 1362-1377 Muhs, D.R., Bettis, E.A. III, Aleinikoff, J.N., McGeehin, J.P., Beann, J., Skipp, G., Marshall, B.D., Roberts, H.M., Johnson, W.C., Benton, R., 2008, Origin and paleoclimatic significance of late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Evidence from stratigraphy, chronology, sedimentology, and geochemistry: Geological Society of America Bulletin 120: 1378-1407 Johnson, W.C., Macpherson, G.W., and Willey, K.L., 2007, Biogeochemical signatures within soils of the Konza Tallgrass Prairie LTER site, in Mandel, R.D. (ed.) Guidebook of the 18th Biennial Meeting of the W.C. Johnson - 7 American Quaternary Association Kansas Geological Survey Technical Series 21, pp. 2.1-2.6. Johnson, W.C., Sherman, S.A., Hall, S., and Zeidler, J.A., 2007, Paleoindian-Age Artifacts Recovered from a Buried Alluvial Soil in Northeastern Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 24: 106-108. Campbell, J.S., Johnson, W.C., and Bowen, M.W., 2007, Ehmke Playa: relationship between playas of the central High Plains and potential Paleoindian archaeology: Current Research in the Pleistocene 24: 194-195. Bailey, D.G., and Johnson, W.C., 2007, Magnetic Susceptibility Signals from a Late Pleistocene and Middle Holocene Alluvial Sequence in the Central Great Plains: Current Research in the Pleistocene 24: 191193. Cordova, C.E., and Johnson, W.C., 2007, Paleobiomes and Paleopastures: A reconstruction of interactions of vegetation, climate, grazing, and fire in south-central North America since the Last Glacial Maximum: Current Research in the Pleistocene 24: 196-198. Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., and Macpherson, G.L., 2007, Carbon isotope variation in modern soils of the tall-grass prairie: analogues for the interpretation of isotopic records derived from paleosols: Quaternary International 162/163:3-20. Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., Mason, J.A., and May, D.W., 2007, Stratigraphy and environmental reconstruction at the Middle Wisconsinan Gilman Canyon Formation type locality, Buzzard’s Roost, southwestern Nebraska, U.S.A.: Quaternary Research 67:474-486. Miao, X., Mason, J.A., Johnson, W.C., and Wang, H., 2007, High-resolution proxy record of Holocene climate from a Bignell Loess section in Southwestern Nebraska, Great Plains: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology and Palaeoecology 245:368-381. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., Holen, S.R., and Willey, K.L., 2007. Magnetic expression of the late-Pleistocene La Sena mammoth site, southwestern Nebraska: Current Research in the Pleistocene 23: 187-189. Logan, B., Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., 2002, Geoarchaeological Survey of Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Kansas: Application of GIS Method: Current Archaeology in Kansas 3: 44-49. Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., and Campbell, J.S., 2002, Isotopic and biosilicate records from playalunette systems of the High Plains in Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 19: 122-123. 1996-2000 Johnson, W.C. and Willey, K.L., 2000, Isotopic and rock magnetic expression of environmental change at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in the central Great Plains: Quaternary International 67:89-106. Willey, K.L., Johnson, W.C., and Isaacson, J.S., 1998, Preservation of the Paleoindian Record in alluvial fill, northeastern Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 15: 68-70. 14 Johnson, W.C., and Martin, C.W., 1998, Humate Fraction and Laboratory Differences in Conventional C Ages from Late-Quaternary Soils in the Central Great Plains: Quaternary International 51/52: 49-50. Arbogast, A.F. and Johnson, W.C., 1998, Late-Quaternary Landscape Response to Environmental Change in South-Central Kansas: Association of American Geographers Annals 88: 126-145. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., and Valastro, S., 1998, Temporal and Environmental Resolution of a Buried Loessal Soil in Kansas and Nebraska: Quaternary International 51/52: 48-49. Logan, B., Hatfield, V.L., Johnson, W.C., and McLean, J.A., 1998, More evidence of Paleoindian occupation of The DB Site, northeastern Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 15: 37-39. Johnson, W.C., Park, K., Isaacson, J.S., and Johnson, D.L.,1997, Late Pleistocene and Holocene Environments on Fort Riley, Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 14: 163-165. Logan, B. and Johnson, W.C., 1997, Paleoindian Occupation of the Lower Missouri River Loess Hills: Buried Evidence from the DB Ridge, Northeastern Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 14: 48-50. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., and Mandel, R.D., 1996, A Data Base of Alluvial Radiocarbon Ages from the Central Great Plains (Kansas and Nebraska): Current Research in the Pleistocene 13:79-81. 14 Maat, P.B. and Johnson, W.C., 1996, Thermoluminescence and New C Estimates for Late Quaternary Loesses in Southwestern Nebraska: Geomorphology 17:115-128. Arbogast, A.F. and Johnson, W.C., 1996, Surficial Geology and Stratigraphy of Russell County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Technical Series 7. Hofman, J.L., Hill, M.E., Johnson, W.C., and Sather, D.T., 1996, Norton: an Early Holocene Bison Bone bed in Western Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 12: 19-20. 1991-1995 Feng, Z-D. and Johnson, W.C., 1995, Factors Affecting the Magnetic Susceptibility of a Loess-Soil Sequence: Barton County, Kansas, U.S.A.: Catena 24:25-37. Martin, C.W. and Johnson, W.C., 1995, Variation in Radiocarbon Ages of Soil Organic Matter Fractions from Late W.C. Johnson - 8 Quaternary Buried Soils: Quaternary Research 43:232-237. Feng Z-D., Johnson, W.C., and Diffendal, R.F., 1994, Environments of Eolian Deposition in South-Central Nebraska during the Last Glacial Maximum: Physical Geography 15: 249-261. Feng, Z-D., Johnson, W.C., Lu, Y-C., and Ward, P.A., III, 1994, Climatic Signals from Loess-Soil Sequences in the Central Great Plains, USA: Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 110:345-358. Arbogast, A.F. and Johnson, W.C., 1994, Climatic Implications of the Late Quaternary Alluvial Record of a Small Drainage Basin in the Central Great Plains: Quaternary Research 41:298-305. Feng, Z-D., Johnson, W.C., Sprowl, D.R., and Lu, Y-C., 1994, Loess Accumulation and Soil Formation in Central Kansas, United States, during the last 400,000 Years: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 19:5567. Feng, Z-D. Kukla, G., Johnson, W.C., 1992, Global climatic signal of loess deposition from Kansas: EOS 73 (14): 185. Johnson, W.C., 1991, Buried Soil Surfaces Beneath the Great Bend Prairie of Central Kansas and Archaeological Implications: Current Research in the Pleistocene 8:108-110. Pre-1991 Johnson, W.C., Cheney, N., and Martin, C.W., 1990, The Kohn-Schneider Mammoth Site of Western Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 7: 113-115. Johnson, W.C. and Logan, B., 1990, Geoarchaeology of the Kansas River Basin, Central Great Plains: in Archaeological Geology of North America, N.P. Lasca and J.E. Donahue (eds.), Decade of North American Geology (DNAG) Centennial Special Volume 4, Geological Society of America, pp. 267-299. Johnson, W.C. and Kost, E., 1988, Distribution of Mammut americanum (Mastodon) and Mammuthus (Mammoth) Occurrences in Kansas: Current Research in the Pleistocene 5: 75-78. Johnson, W.C. and Martin, C.W., 1987, Emergence of an Alluvial Geoarchaeological Model for the Kansas River Basin: Current Research in the Pleistocene 4: 130-132. Martin, C.W. and Johnson, W.C., 1987, Historic Channel Narrowing and Riparian Vegetation Expansion in the Medicine Lodge River Basin, Kansas, 1871-1983: Association of American Geographers Annals 77:436449. Johnson, W.C. and Logan, B., 1986, Geoarchaeological Investigations in the Lower Kansas River Basin: Current Research in the Pleistocene 3: 84-85. Johnson, W.C., and Fredlund, G.G., 1985, A Procedure for Extracting Palynomorphs (Pollen and Spores) from Clastic Sediments: Kansas Academy of Science Transactions 88:51-58. Fredlund, G.G., Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr., 1985, A Preliminary Analysis of Opal Phytoliths from the Eustis Ash Pit, Frontier County, Nebraska: Nebraska Academy of Sciences TER-QUA Symposia Series 1:147167. Johnson, W.C., 1983, The Physical Setting: Northern Belize and Pulltrouser Swamp (Chap. 2) and Further Comments on Soils and Raised Fields (Chap. 5): in B.L. Turner and P.D. Harrison (eds.) Pulltrouser Swamp: Ancient Maya Habitat, Agriculture, and Settlement in Northern Belize, University of Texas Press, pp. 8- 20, 91-93 (Chap. 2 and 5, resp.). Schaetzl, R.J. and Johnson, W.C., 1983, Pollen and Spore Stratigraphy of a Mollic Hapludalf (Degraded Chernozem) in Northeastern Kansas: Professional Geographer 35: 183-191. Johnson, W.C., McMaster, R.B., and Sorenson, C.J., 1980, The Rangeland Ecology of Garden Park, Colorado: Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Geographical Journal 9: 59-71. Johnson, W.C., 1980, Dendrochronologica1 Sampling of Pinus oocarpa Shiede Near Copan, Honduras: a Preliminary Note: Biotropica 12: 315. Turner, B.L., II, and Johnson, W.C., 1980, A Maya Dam in the Copan Valley, Honduras: Yaxkin 3: 199-209. (in Spanish) Johnson, W.C., Dean, T., and Cantwell, H., 1980, The Impact of Agricultural Settlement on Canadian Sandy Creek, Oklahoma: Proceedings, Oklahoma Academy of Science 60: 82-88. Johnson, W.C., 1979, Historical Trends in Sediment Movement within Stream Systems of the Midwestern United States: in Proceedings of the Second Annual Applied Geographers Conference, SUNY Binghamton, New York, September, pp. 225-236. Turner, B.L., II, and Johnson, W.C., 1979, A Maya Dam in the Copan Valley, Honduras: American Antiquity 44: 299-305. W.C. Johnson - 9 Geologic Maps Johnson, W.C., and Koop, A., n.d., Surficial Geology and Buried Valley Fill-Stratigraphy of Jefferson and Atchison Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—mapping in progress Johnson, W.C., and 9 others, n.d., Geology and Geomorphology of the Kansas River Corridor: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—mapping in progress Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., n.d., Geologic Map of Reno County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., Koop, A.N., Woodburn, T.L., Zung, A.M., n.d., Geologic Map of Republic County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., Bowen, M.W., and Klopfenstein, S.T., n.d., Playas of the High Plains of Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey of Kansas Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., n.d., Geology of the Arkansas River Corridor, Western Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., n.d., Geologic Map of Pawnee County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 114—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., n.d., Geologic Map of Edwards County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Woodburn, T.L., and Johnson, W.C., n.d., Geologic Map of Jewell County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., and Bowen, M.W., n.d., Geologic Map of Norton County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series—in cartographic production Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., n.d., Geologic Map of Doniphan County, Kansas: unpublished field sheets Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., 2011, Preliminary geologic field maps and stratigraphic column, Reno County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file 2011-15 (8 sheets) Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., Koop, A., 2011, Preliminary geologic field maps and stratigraphic column, Nortonville quadrangle, Jefferson-Atchison counties, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2011-14 (1 sheets) Johnson, W.C., 2010, Preliminary geologic field maps and stratigraphic column, Reno County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2010-9 (9 sheets) Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., 2009, Surficial Geology of Ford County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 108 Johnson, W.C., Klopfenstein, S., Jackson, T., 2009, Preliminary geologic field maps of Republic County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2009-13 (10 sheets) Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., 2009, Preliminary geologic field maps of Reno County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2009-12 (10 sheets) Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., and Messinger, L.G., 2009, Geologic Map of Morton County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 116 Johnson, W.C., and Arbogast, A.F., 2008, Geologic Map of Finney County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 28 – revised 2011 (Johnson, W.C. and Woodburn, T.L.) Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., 2008, Geologic Map of Hodgeman County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 107 Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., 2006, Preliminary geologic field maps of portions of Norton County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2006-17 (18 sheets) Johnson, W.C., 2004, Geologic Map of Gray County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 112 Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., 2003 (revised 2011), Geologic Map of Kearny County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 62 Johnson, W.C., and Messinger, L.G., 2003, Preliminary Geologic Maps of Portions of Morton County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-40 (6 sheets) Johnson, W.C., 2003, Geologic Map of Hamilton County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 61 Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T., 2003, Preliminary Geologic Maps of Portions of Pawnee County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-File Report 2003-24 (7 sheets) Willey, K.L., and Johnson, W.C., 2002, Preliminary geologic field maps for a portion of Cheyenne County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2002-20 (9 sheets) Johnson, W.C., 2001, Preliminary geology field maps for portions of Hodgeman County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2001-15 (4 sheets) Johnson, W.C., 2000, Preliminary geologic field maps for portions of Gray County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2000-22 (18 plates) W.C. Johnson - 10 Johnson, W.C., 1997, Preliminary geologic field maps for portions of Hamilton and Kearny Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 97-32 (7 sheets) Arbogast, A.F. and Johnson, W.C., 1996, Geologic Map of Stafford County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 46 Johnson, W.C., and Arbogast, A.F., 1995, Geologic Map of Russell County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 37 Johnson, W.C., and Arbogast, A.F., 1993, Geologic Map of Phillips County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 29 Johnson, W.C. and Arbogast, A.F., 1993, Geologic Map of Finney County, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Map Series 28A & B Books and Book Chapters Johnson, W.C., Arbogast, A.F., and Homburg, J.A., 1997, Alluvial Geomorphology and Geoarchaeology of the Lower Verde River: in Vanishing River: Landscape and Lives of the Lower Verde Valley, V. 2 Agricultural, Subsistence and Environmental Studies, J. Homburg and R. CiolekTorrello, eds., p. 17-31 (+ 67 pages of figs. and tables; on CD-ROM). Johnson, W.C. and Park, K., 1997, Late Wisconsinan and Holocene Environmental History: in Archaeology and Paleoecology of the Central Great Plains, J.L. Hofman, ed., Arkansas Archeological Survey Resource Series No. 48, p. 3-28. Madole, R.F., Ferring, C.R., Guccione, M.J., Hall, S.A., Johnson, W.C., and Sorenson, C.J., 1991, Quaternary Geology of the Osage Plains and Interior Highlands: (Chap. 17) in Quaternary Nonglacial Geology: Conterminous United States, R.B. Morrison (ed.), Geological Society of America, The Geology of North America, v. K-2, pp. 503-545. Johnson, W.C., 1987, Quaternary Environments of Kansas, Kansas Geological Survey Guidebook 5. Johnson, W.C. and C.W. Martin, 1987, Holocene Alluvial-Stratigraphic Studies from Kansas and Adjoining States of the East-Central Plains: in Quaternary Environments of Kansas, W.C. Johnson (ed.), Kansas Geological Survey Guidebook Series 5, pp. 109-122. Turner, B.L., II, Johnson, W.C., Mahood, G, Wiseman, F.M., and Poole, J., 1983, Habitat and Agriculture in the Copan Region: in Introduction to the Archaeology of Copan, C. Baudez (ed.), The National Institute of Anthropology and History, Tegucigalpa, Honduras, pp. 35-142.(in Spanish) Knox, J.C., McDowell, P.F., and Johnson, W.C., 1981, Holocene Fluvial Stratigraphy and Climatic Change in the Driftless Area, Wisconsin: in Quaternary Paleoclimate, W.C. Mahaney (ed.), Geo Abstracts Ltd. (Norwich, England), pp. 107-127. Reports of Investigation and Databases 2006-2008 Johnson, W.C., Halfen, A.F., Koop, A.N., n.d., High-resolution distribution sand dunes and sheets, with morphological attributes, Kansas (ver. 1): Kansas Geological Survey, database for Data Access and Support Center. (in review) Johnson, W.C., and Klopfenstein, S.T., n.d.., Pioneer Cemetery Distribution within Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, database for Data Access and Support Center. (in review) Johnson, W.C., Klopfenstein, S.T., and Bowen, M.W., 2009, Lunette Distribution on the High Plains of Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, database for Data Access and Support Center. (in review) Johnson, W.C., Bowen, M.W., and Klopfenstein, S.T., 2011, Distribution of Playas on the High Plains of Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey, Data Access and Support Center (database available at Johnson, W.C., and Halfen, A.F., 2009, Geoarchaeological investigations in the McCormick Road and Whitside Project Areas—Fort Riley, Kansas: Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands Technical Report, Colorado State University. Johnson, W.C., 2008, Pedologic history and landscape change on a morainal ridge (XMH 874) in central Alaska, 2007. Center for the Environmental Management of Military Lands Technical Report Series, Colorado State University. Sherman, S.A., and Johnson, W.C., 2006, National Register Evaluation and Geoarchaeological Analysis of the Mandel (14RY6175) and Hall (14RY6176) Sites and Shovel Testing of Site 14RY5175 at Fort Riley, Kansas: Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands TPS 06-13, Colorado State W.C. Johnson - 11 University. Logan, B., Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., 2006, Geoarchaeological and GIS Modeling of Archaeological Site Locations at Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, Phillips County, Kansas: University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology Report No. 105. 2001-2005 Johnson, W.C. and Campbell, J.S., 2005, Distribution of playas in western Kansas: database available on-line from DASC, Kansas Geological Survey Johnson, W.C., Macpherson, G.L., and Willey, K.L., 2004, Biogeochemical signatures within soils of the Konza Tallgrass Prairie LTER site, in Guidebook for Field Trips, Mandel, R.D., compiler, Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 2004-33. Campbell, J.S., and Johnson, W.C., 2004, Three-Dimensional Predictive Archaeological Model for Fort Hood, Texas: U.S. Army Fort Hood Archaeological Resource Management Series Research Report No. 50. Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., 2003, An assessment of military impacts on the archaeological record at site 41CV595, in Military Impacts and Archaeological Site Mitigation at the Firebreak Site (41CV595), Fort Hood, Texas, Zeidler, J.A., ed., U.S. Army Fort Hood Archaeological Resource Management Series Research Report No. 49, pp. 84-92 Merriam, D., et al., 2001, The Stratigraphic Record in Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey (1 sheet) Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., and McLaughlin, C.J., 2001, Late-Pleistocene and Holocene landscape reconstruction and model validation through geoarchaeological investigation (Chapter 3), in Dynamic Modeling of Landscape Evolution and Archaeological Site Distributions: a Three-Dimensional Approach, J.A. Zeidler, ed.: The Center for Environmental Management of Military Lands TPS 01-8, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, pp. 29-44. 1996-2000 Johnson, W.C., 1999, Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction at Fort Riley, Kansas (1998 Phase): report to the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. Johnson, W.C., 1998, Paleoenvironmental Processes and Archaeology at Fort Riley, Kansas (1997-1998 Phase): report to the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. Johnson, W.C., 1998, Geoarchaeology: in Prehistoric Settlement of the Lower Missouri Uplands: The View from DB Ridge, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: in The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology Project Report Series 98, B. Logan (ed.), pp. 24-73. Denne, J.E., Miller, R.E., Hathaway, L.R., O'Connor, H.G., and Johnson, W.C., 1997, Hydrogeology and Geochemistry of Glacial Deposits in Northeastern Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Bulletin 229. Johnson, W.C., 1997, Late Quaternary environments on Fort Riley, Kansas, as reconstructed from upland loessal and valley alluvial stratigraphic sequences (1996-1997 Phase): report to the U.S. Army Construction Engineering Research Laboratories. Johnson, W.C., and Park, K., 1997, Late Wisconsinan and Holocene environments of the central Great Plains: a status report for geoarchaeological investigations: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 97-7. Johnson, W.C., Miller, R.D., and Steeples, D. W., 1997, Approximation of age, extent, and risk potential of lateQuaternary faulting along the Chadron-Cambridge Arch in south-central Nebraska using geomorphic and shallow seismic-reflection techniques: report to the U.S. Geological Survey National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program. Johnson, W.C., 1996, Stratigraphic investigations of a possible late-Quaternary fault system at the Bone Cove site on Harlan County Lake, Harlan County, Nebraska: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 9633. Johnson, W.C., Mandel, R.D., and May, D.W., 1996, A Radiocarbon Data Base for the Central Great Plains: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 96-9. Johnson, W.C. and Bozarth, S.R., 1996, Variation in opal phytolith assemblages as an indicator of lateQuaternary environmental change on Fort Riley: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 96-35. 13 Johnson, W.C., 1996, Magnetic and stable isotope ( C) parameters as indicators of late-Quaternary environments on Fort Riley, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 96-34. Johnson, W.C., 1996, Archaeological geology and geomorphology: in The DB Site: Data Recovery Plan for a Stratified Prehistoric Upland Occupation, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, B. Logan, ed., The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology Project Report Series 96, pp. 15-22. W.C. Johnson - 12 1991-1995 Johnson, W.C. and Valastro, S, 1994, Laboratory preparation of soil and sediment samples for radiocarbon dating of humates (total, humic acid, and humin fractions): Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 94-50. Johnson, W.C., 1995, Alluvial geomorphology of the Lower Verde River - the Horseshoe and Bartlett Reservoir area, Arizona: report to Bureau of Reclamation and Statistical Research (Tucson). Johnson, W.C., 1994, Present Environment, Geomorphology, and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of Fort Stewart and Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia: report to Prentice M. Thomas and Associates (Ft. Walton Beach, FL). Johnson, W.C., Spray, K.L., and Dort, W., Jr., 1994, Impact of Surface-Water and Groundwater Withdrawal on Riparian Vegetation and Stream Channel Morphology in the Arkansas River Valley, Western Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 94-39. Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., and Diekmeyer, E., 1994, Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction via Opal Phytolith and Carbon Isotope Analyses of Late-Wisconsinan Loess: Geoarchaeological Investigations on Fort Riley, Riley and Geary Counties, Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 94-38. Johnson, W.C., 1993, Surficial Geology and Stratigraphy of Phillips County, Kansas, with Emphasis on the Quaternary Period: Kansas Geological Survey Technical Series 1. Logan, B., Arbogast, A.F., and Johnson, W.C., 1993, Geoarchaeology of the Kansas Sand Prairies: The University of Kansas Museum of Anthropology Project Report Series No. 83. Johnson, W.C., 1993, INQUA Paleopedology Commission 6 Field Guide: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 93-30 (editor and contributor). Johnson, W.C. and Fredlund, G.G., 1993, Geomorphological Studies (Chap. 5) and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction (Chap. 6): in Cultural Resources Investigations at Eglin Air Force Base, Santa Rosa Okaloosa, and Walton Counties, Florida, P.T. Thomas and L.J. Campbell (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 192. Johnson, W.C., 1992, Geomorphology (Chap. 5): in Phase 3 Mitigation Data Recovery at the F.M. Hall Site, 9EB44, a Multi-Component Site in Elbert County, Georgia, J. Meyer et al. (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 199. Brooks, R.E., and Johnson, W.C., 1992, Macrobotanical analysis of the Admiralty site (Chap. 14): in Life in the Ballona: Archaeological Investigations at the Admiralty Site (CA-LAN-47) and the Channel Gateway Site (CA-LAN-1596-H), J.H. Altschul, J.A. Homburg, and R.S. Ciolek-Torrello (eds.), Statistical Research Technical Series No. 33. Johnson, W.C., and Martin, C.W., 1991, Alluvial Stratigraphy, Chronology, and Geomorphic History of the Lukachukai Creek Area: report to Statistical Research (Tucson) for the Bureau of Indian Affairs (Tucson). 1986-1990 Brooks, R.E., and Johnson, W.C., 1990, Evidence of Cultigen Use from Macrobotanical Remains in Prehistoric Middens of the Lukachukai Fan: report to Statistical Research (Tucson) for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Johnson, W.C., 1991, Geomorphic Setting (Chap. 6): in Phase 3 Data Recovery at the Mashburn Site (1Mo52): a Multi-Component Occupation in Western Alabama, Marengo County, Alabama, A.F. Servello and C.T. Hays (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 197. Altschul, J.H., Johnson, W.C., and Brooks, R.E., 1990, Paleobotanical analyses (Chap. 8): in Prehistoric Adaptation to a Desert Spring Environment: Archaeological Investigations of Surprise Spring, San Bernardino County, California, J.H. Altschul (ed.), Statistical Research Technical Series No. 27. Johnson, W.C., 1990, Geomorphology - Lukachukai Archaeological Project: report to Statistical Research (Tucson) for the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Johnson, W.C., 1990, Field Methods and Results (Chap.4): in Data Recovery at 16VN791: a Multi-Component Prehistoric Site in the Birds Creek Drainage, Fort Polk Military Reservation, Fort Polk, Louisiana, L.J. Campbell et al.(eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 188. Johnson, W.C., 1990, Geomorphology of the Perry Lake Project Area and Site Description: in Archaeological Investigations in the Ferry Lake Project Area, Northeastern Kansas - National Register Evaluation of 17 Sites, B. Logan (ed.), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Kansas City District). Altschul, J.H., Johnson, W.C., and Stemer, 1989, The Deep Creek Site (CA-SBr-176): A Late Prehistoric Base Camp in the Mojave River Forks Region, San Bernardino County, California, Statistical Research Technical Series No. 22. Johnson, W.C., 1989, Stratigraphy and Late-Quaternary Landscape Evolution: in Archaeological Investigations at the North Cove Site, Harlan County Lake, Harlan County, Nebraska, M.J. Adair, (ed.), U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Kansas City District). W.C. Johnson - 13 Johnson, W.C., and Bozarth, S.R., 1987, Pollen Analysis of 36LV90, 36MR12, and 36MR74: Late Archaic and Woodland Sites in Eastern Pennsylvania: in A Cultural Resources Survey of a Portion of the Transcontinental Gas Pipeline Corporation SS-1 Storage Service Project - Pipeline Expansion Project, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, C.S. Weed, W.P. Winstrom, and P.M. Thomas (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 150. Vogler, L., Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., 1987, Cheyenne Bottoms Geology: in Cheyenne Bottoms: An Environmental Assessment, T.J. McClain and W. Hoffman (eds.), Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report 87-5. Johnson, W.C., 1987, Project Area Physical Environment: in Archaeological Excavations at the Lago Gely Site (P031), Pence, Puerto Rico, P.M. Thomas, L.J. Campbell, and M. Swanson (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 152. Dicks, A.M., Lenzer, J.P., and Johnson, W.C., 1986, Regional Data Base and Environment: in Archaeological Investigations of the Little Cypress Bayou Site (3CT50), Crittenden County, Arkansas, A.M. Dicks and C.S. Weed (eds.), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 82-21. Pre-1986 Dort, W., Jr., Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., 1985, Potential for Stratigraphic and Paleoenvironmental Use of Quaternary Pollen, Spores, and Opal Phytoliths from the Proposed Nevada Nuclear Waste Storage Sites: report to U.S. Geological Survey (Denver). Johnson, W.C., 1984, Soil-Geomorphic Relationships and Paleoenvironmental Interpretations at Pulltrouser Archaeological Site, Belize (Central America): report of the 1981-82 University of New Mexico - NSF Pulltrouser Swamp Project. Johnson, W.C. and Fredlund, G.G., 1983, Geomorphology and Environmental Interpretations as Related to Prehistorical and Historical Cultural Activity, Eglin Air Force Base, Florida - Preliminary Analysis: NPS. Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., 1983, Palynological Investigation (Chap. 9): in Bug Hill: Excavation of a Multi-Component Midden Mound in the Jackfork Valley, Southeastern Oklahoma, J.H. Altschul (ed.), New World Research Report of Investigation No. 81-1. Thomas, P.M., and Johnson, W.C., 1982, Archaeological Investigations at the Linsley Site (16OR40), New World Research Report of Investigations No. 73. Johnson, W.C., and Rice, K., 1982, Revegetation assessment of abandoned mined lands in southeastern Kansas: Office of Surface Mining (Federal Abandoned Mined Lands Inventory and Prototype Studies). Johnson, W.C., 1980, The Study Area and Geomorphology of Pulltrouser Swamp and Ground Patterns Assessment: (Sections 2.1 and 1.1 resp.): in Maya Raised Field Agriculture and Settlement at Pulltrouser Swamp, Northern Belize, B.L. Turner et al.(eds.), report of the 1979-80 University of Oklahoma-NSF Pulltrouser Swamp Project. Knox, J.C., Bartlein, P.J., and Johnson, W.C., 1979, Environmental Analysis of the Kickapoo River Impoundment: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Institute for Environmental Studies Report No. 28, pp. 77-116. Crowley, J.F., and Johnson, W.C., 1978, Land Management Transfer Assessment: Public Lands on the Little River and Hog Creek Arms of Lake Thunderbird-Norman, Oklahoma: Oklahoma Department of Tourism and Recreation and Bureau of Reclamation. Turner, B.L., II, and Johnson, W.C., 1978, Ecology and Subsistence in the Copan Region, Honduras: research report to NSF-Peabody Museum Copan Valley Project – 1977. Knox, J.C. and Johnson, W.C., 1974, Late Quaternary Valley Alluviation in the Driftless Area of Southwestern Wisconsin: in Late Quaternary Environments of Wisconsin, Knox and Mickelson (eds.), American Quaternary Association, Third Biennial Meeting, Madison, pp. 132-162. Contributed Abstracts Johnson, W.C., Mandel, R.D. , Campbell, J.S., Willey, K.L., Bozarth, S.R., 2000, Playa systems as environmental barometers of the central Great Plains: investigations in Kansas: American Quaternary Association, Program and Abstracts, 16th Biennial Meeting, Fayetteville, p. 70. Johnson, W.C., 1998, Evidence for dramatic environmental change derived from the late Pleistocene-early Holocene Brady soil of the central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Program and th Abstracts, 15 Biennial Meeting, Puerto Vallarta, p. 120. Johnson, W.C., and Park, K., 1996, Loess-derived magnetic signatures of global warming events in the central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Program and Abstracts, 14th Biennial Meeting, Flagstaff, p. 171. W.C. Johnson - 14 Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., Valastro, S., 1995, Temporal and Environmental Resolution of a Buried Loessal Soil in Kansas and Nebraska: in INQUA/ISSS Paleopedology Commission Newsletter No. 11, pt 2: 15-16. 14 Johnson, W.C. and Martin, C.W., 1995, Humate Fraction and Laboratory Differences in Conventional C Ages from Late-Quaternary Soils in the Central Great Plains: in INQUA/ISSS Paleopedology Commission Newsletter No. 11, pt 2: 16-18. 14 Maat, P.B., and Johnson, W.C., 1994, Thermoluminescence and New C Age Estimates for Late Quaternary Loesses in Western Nebraska: in Lancaster, N. (ed.) Response of Eolian Processes to Global Change: Desert Research Institute, Quaternary Sciences Center, Occasional Paper No. 2, p. 73-75. Johnson, W.C. and May, D.W., 1992, The Brady Geosol as an Indicator of the Pleistocene/Holocene Boundary in the Central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Program and Abstracts, 12th Biennial Meeting, Davis, p. 69. Johnson, W.C., 1990, Age Determinations on the Gilman Canyon Formation and Brady Paleosol in Kansas," American Quaternary Association Program and Abstracts, Waterloo (Ontario), p. 21. Johnson, W.C., Fredlund, G.G., Wells, P.V., Stewart, J.D., and Dort, W., Jr., 1986, Late Wisconsinan Biogeography of South Central Nebraska: The North Cove Site: American Quaternary Association Abstracts and Program, Champaign (Illinois), p. 89. Johnson, W.C., Fredlund, G.G., and Dort, W., Jr., 1984, A 620,000-Year Opal Phytolith Record from the Central Nebraska Loess: American Quaternary Association Abstracts and Program, Eighth Biennial Meeting, Boulder, p. 65. Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., 1984, Palynological Evidence for Late Quaternary Paleo-environmental Change in the San Juan Basin: American Quaternary Association Abstracts and Program, Eighth Biennial Meeting, Boulder, p. 46. Johnson, W.C., Dort, W, Jr., and Sorenson, C.J., 1980, An Episode of Late-Holocene Soil Development on Flood plains of the Central Plains: American Quaternary Association Abstracts and Program, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Orono, p. 116. Johnson, W.C., 1978, Intensified Fluvial Activity in Response to Holocene Climatic Variations: American Quaternary Association Abstracts and Program, Edmonton, Alberta, p. 216. Reviews Playa: Encyclopedia of Geography, B. Warf, ed., Sage Publishing (in press) The Biomarker Guide: Volumes 1 & 2, K.E. Peters, C.C. Walters, and J.M. Moldowan: Book Review, Geoarchaeology 21:515-521, 2006. Quaternary Geology of the United States, D.J. Easterbrook, ed.: book review, Geoarchaeology 20:653655, 2005. North America: A Geographical Perspective, F.W. Boal and S.A. Royle, eds.: book review, Great Plains Research, 2000. Landforms and Geomorphic History of the Lower Kansas River Valley, field trip guide for the Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division of the Association of American Geographers, September, 1998. Chronometric Dating in Archaeology, R.E. Taylor and Martin J. Aitken, eds., book review, Geoarchaeology, Age Determination of Young Rocks and Artifacts, Gunther A. Wagner, book review, Geoarchaeology (1999). The Evolution of Geomorphology: a Nation-by-Nation Summary of Development, H.J. Walker and W.E. Grabau, eds., book review, Association of American Geographers Annals 85(4):739-740, 1995. Glaciotectonics and Mapping Glacial Deposits, J.S. Aber, book review, Geotimes 40(11):25, 1995. Soils in Archaeology, V.T. Holliday, ed., book review, Great Plains Quarterly 15:150-151, 1995. Current Research in Phytolith Analysis: Applications in Archaeology and Paleoecology, D.M. Pearsall and D.R. Piperno, eds., book review, Geoarchaeology 10:405-407, 1995. Geological Society of America, Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, meeting report, Geoarchaeology 10:151-154, 1995. Quaternary Ecology, A Paleoecological Perspective, H.R. Delcourt and P.A. Delcourt, book review, Geoarchaeology 8:75-77, 1992. Climate and the Delores River Anasazi, K.L. Petersen, book review, Geoarchaeology 5:385-87,1990."Penrose Conference: Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Paleosols," meeting report, Geoarchaeology 3(2): 165, 1988. Second View: the Rephotographic Survey Project, M. Klett et al., book review, American Studies 26(2): 120, 1986. Environmental Geology, D.R. Coates, book review, Professional Geographer 34:362-363, 1982. W.C. Johnson - 15 Oral and Poster Presentations (int'l, nat'l, reg. meetings; all abstracts published) 2012 McDermott, D, Slocum, T.A., Halfen, A.F., White, T., Hirmas, D.R., Egbert, S., Atchley, P., Johnson, W.C., Gilbreath, A., Do stereoscopic displays improve learning in introductory physical geography classes? AutoCarto Conference, Columbus, OH, September Johnson, W.C., Mein, A. R., Dobbs, K.E., Macpherson, G.L., Landscape setting of ancient karez irrigation systems in southern Afghanistan: Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, April Gaines, E.P., Johnson, W.C., Halfen, A.F., Depositional history of archaeological sites in eolian dune contexts, Tanana Flats, Central Alaska: Society for American Archaeology, Memphis, April Slocum, T.A., Halfen, A.F., White, T., Hirmas, D.R., McDermott, D., Atchley, P., Egbert, S., Johnson, W.C., Gilbreath, A., Developing 3-D stereoscopic content for introductory physical geography classes: Association of American Geographers, New York, February Hirmas, D.R., Slocum, T.A., Halfen, A.F., White, T., McDermott, D., Atchley, P., Egbert, S., Johnson, W.C., Gilbreath, A., Mapping the effects of seating location and stereoscopic displays on learner outcomes in an introductory physical geography class: Association of American Geographers, New York, February Halfen, A., Slocum, T., White, T., Hirmas, D.R., McDermott, D., Atchley, P., Egbert, S., Johnson, W., Assessing the impact of stereoscopic displays in introductory physical geography: Association of American Geographers, New York, February Koop, A.N., Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Eolian sands of Kansas: a new high-resolution database aiding in research throughout the state: Association of American Geographers, New York, February 2011 Johnson, W.C., Karez irrigation in Afghanistan—a remote sensing approach: Combat Command Historical Cultural Archaeological Group—Cultural Property Protection Seminar, Inter-Agency Defense Board, Washington, D.C., December , 2011. Johnson, W.C., Halfen, A.F., New chronologies of dune activation extracted from the Central Great Plains: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Morphology, chronology, and evolution of alluvial terraces within the Kansas River valley, Kansas, USA: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2011. Johnson, W.C., Bowen, M.W., Past, present and future of our playa wetlands on the High Plains of Kansas: EPA Region 7 Wetland Program Capacity Building Workshop, Kansas City, November 2011. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Evidence of Late-Holocene megadrought activity in dunefields of the United States Central Great Plains: Minerva Gentner Symposium on Aeolian Processes, Ben Gurion University, Eiliat, Israel, October, 2011. Johnson, W.C. Mason, J.A., Woodburn, T.L., Halfen, A.F., Loess record of pedogenesis during the Last Glacial— Interglacial transition within the Central Great Plains, U.S.A.: Minerva Gentner Symposium on Aeolian Processes, Ben Gurion University, Eiliat, Israel, October, 2011. Fine, S.T., McGowen, S.L., Carter, B.J., Bement, L.C., Johnson, W.C., Simms, A.R., Halfen, A.F., Investigation of parna (silt) dune formation in the panhandle of Oklahoma: Soil Science Society of America, San Antonio, October 2011. Johnson, W.C., Macpherson, G.L., Dobbs,, K.E., Mein, A., Ancient kariz groundwater acquisition systems in the context of the southern Afghanistan landscape: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2010. Johnson, W.C., Halfen, A.F., Eolian sand evidence for landscape stability in the central Great Plains during MIS 3: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2011. Creason, C.G., Hekman, M.S., Vallotto, M., Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Valley-fill architecture and alluvial landforms within the upper Kansas River: An undergraduate experience: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2011. Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Lithostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of playa-lunette systems on the Kansas High Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2011. Payton, B.W., Johnson, W.C., Terwilliger, V., Geiss, C., Magnetic analysis of fluvial soils may aid in reconstruction of Ethiopian paleoenvironments: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2010. Woodburn. T.L., Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., High-resolution biosilicate analysis of the Pleistocene—Holocene th transition using the Brady Soil in southwestern Nebraska: 8 International Meeting on Phytolith Research, Estes Park, CO, September 2011 W.C. Johnson - 16 Slocum, T.A., Halfen, A.F., White, T., Hirmas, D.R., Egbert, S., McDermott, D., Johnson, W.C., Adoption of stereoscopic displays in geographic education: A persistent problem in geographic visualization: International Cartographic Association Geovisualization Commission, Paris, May, 2011. Macpherson, G.L., Johnson, W.C., Whisner, C.R., Dobbs, K.E., Egbert, S.L., Karez systems of southern Afghanistan—Adaptation to Environmental Change: International Quaternary Association, Bern, July, 2011. Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., Mason, J.A., Pedogenic climate signals in the Great Plains (USA) during the Pleistocene—Holocene Transition (Bølling/Allerød – Boreal): International Quaternary Association, Bern, July, 2011. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Medieval Climatic Anomaly and Little Ice Age dune activity in the Arkansas River valley, Central Great Plains, USA: International Quaternary Association, Bern, July, 2011. Johnson, W.C., Dobbs, K.E., Egbert, S.L., Macpherson, G.L., Imaging the Karez Irrigation Systems of th Afghanistan: 9 International Conference on Military Geosciences: Desert Warfare—Past Lessons and Modern Challenges June, 2011. Macpherson, G.L., Whisner, C., Johnson, W.C., Karez response to past, present, and furture climate: the ancient th water-supply system is a crucial modern water source in Afghanistan: 9 International Conference on Military Geosciences: Desert Warfare—Past Lessons and Modern Challenges June, 2011. Gaines, E.P., Kunesh, J.F., Yeske, K.S., Johnson, W.C., FAI: A recently identified multicomponent Pleistocene archaeological site in the Tanana Valley, Interior Alaska: Society of American Archaeology, Sacramento, April, 2011. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Spencer, J.Q.G., Woodburn, T.L., Young, A.R., Rapid climate shifts, dune activity, and megadroughts in the central Great Plains around the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and Little Ice Age: Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April, 2011. Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., Woodburn, T.L., Hasiotis, S.T., Moore, R., Halfen, A.F.,The Pleistocene—Holocene Transition in the Central Great Plains: An Unashamed Lust for Loess: Association of American Geographers, Seattle, April, 2011. Gaines, N.P., Yeske, K.S., Johnson, W.C., Shirar, S.J., McLaren, W.E., Footsteps on the Frontier: Early huntergatherer occupation of the Tanana Flats, Eastern Beringia: Alaska Anthropological Association, Fairbanks, March 2011. Johnson, W.C., Bowen, M.W., Playa distribution and geomorphic evolution on the Kansas High Plains: Rainwater Basin Joint Venture—Playa Lakes Joint Venture Research Symposium, Grand Island, NE, March 2011. 2010 Lopez, G., Johnson, W.C., Geiss, C.E., The Effect of Prairie Fires on the Magnetic Properties of Modern Soils at Konza Prairie, Kansas American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2010. Johnson, W.C., Gaines, E.P., Stable-isotope perspectives in Holocene environmental change at archaeological sites in the Middle Tanana Valley, interior Alaska: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2010. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Spencer, J.Q.G., Woodburn, T.L., Young, A.R., A new high-resolution chronology of megadrought following the Medieval Climatic Anomaly and Little Ice Age in the central Great Plains: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2010. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Spencer, J.Q.G., Young, A.R., New ages of dune activity during and following the Medieval Climatic Anomaly on the eastern margin of the Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November 2010. Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Spencer, J.Q.G., Woodburn, T.L., Young, A.R., Geomorphology and activation chronology of the Arkansas River Dune Field: Geological Society of America, Denver, OctoberNovember 2010. Rockel, R.A., Wooten, S.M., Sanderson, B.F., Halfen, A.F., Johnson, W.C., Geologic mapping and stratigraphic characterization of alluvial landforms within the lower Kansas River valley: An undergraduate USGS EDMAP experience: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November 2010. Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Spatial distribution and geomorphic evolution of playa-lunette systems on the Kansas High Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November 2010. Moore, R.R., Hasiotis, S.T., Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., Soil biota community’s response to C3-C4 transition in the Brady Soil, central Great Plains, Pleistocene-Holocene transition: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November 2010. W.C. Johnson - 17 Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., May, D.W., MIS 3 viewed through pedogenesis on the loess-mantled uplands of the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November 2010. Klopfenstein, S.T., Johnson, W.C., Woodburn, T.L., Dunham, J.W., A new geologic map of Ford County, Kansas: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Section of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, KS, October 2010. Johnson, W.C., Halfen, A.F., McGowen, S., Carter, B.J., Bement, L.C., Silt dunes of Panhandle Oklahoma: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Section of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, KS, October 2010. Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., Late-Quaternary paleoenvironment and playa-lunette system evolution on the central Great Plains: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Section of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, KS, October 2010. Halfen, A.F., Spencer, J.Q.G., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Young, A.R., The Great Plains’ Oldest sand dunes: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Section of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, KS, October 2010. Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., Stratigraphy and paleoenvironment characteristics of the Brady Soil in southwestern Nebraska: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Section of the Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, KS, October 2010. Mason, J.A., Jacobs, P.M., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.R., Miao, X-D., Swinehart, J.B., Stratigraphic record of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition in eolian sediments of the central and northern Great Plains, and its paleoenvironmental implications: American Quaternary Association, Laramie, August 2010. Cordova, C.E., Porter, J., Mandel, R.D., Johnson, W.C., Palmer, M.W., Paleobiomes, Paleopastures, and Paleofires: an initiative to reconstruct the evolution of post-glacial pastures of the south-central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Laramie, August 2010. Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., Geiss, C.E., Woodburn, T.L., Hasiotis, S.T., Moore, R.R., A multiproxy approach to deciphering environments of the Pleistocene-Holocene transition Brady Soil of the central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Laramie, August 2010. Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., and Bozarth, S.R., Environmental reconstruction of a Brady Soil in southwestern Nebraska, using high-resolution biosilicate and charcoal analysis: Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., April 2010. 2009 Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., Woodburn, T.L., Macpherson, G.L., View of the MIS 2—MIS 1 transition from paleosol archives within loess of the North American Great Plains: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 2009. Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.F., Halfen, A.F., Woodburn, T.L., and Young, A.R., Late Holocene dune activation after the Medieval Climatic Anomaly in the Arkansas River Valley, south-central Kansas: Geological Society of America, Portland (OR), October 2009. Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., Playa Lake Response to Rapid Climate Changes during the Late-Pleistocene and Holocene on the Kansas High Plains: Geological Society of America, Portland (OR), October 2009. Halfen, A.F., Spencer, J.Q.G., Johnson, W.C., Hanson, P.A., and Young, A.R., Luminescence ages for dune activation on a Pleistocene terrace of the Kansas River valley: Geological Society of America, Portland (OR), October 2009. 2008 Geiss, C.E., Shakya, P., Quinton, E., Johnson, W.C., and Mason, J.A., Using magnetic remanence to reconstruct past precipitation from buried soils: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December 2008. Johnson, W.C., and May, D.W., Alluvial environmental history for the Bølling-Allerød through Boreal Phases within the central Great Plains: Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Austin, October 2008. Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., Environmental History of Playas: The Eolian-Fluvial Systems of the High Plains of Kansas: Binghamton Geomorphology Symposium, Austin, October 2008. Johnson, W.C., and Mason, J.A., Chemostratigraphy of the Late Pleistocene to Holocene transition in the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Houston, October 2008. Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., Playa-lunette systems and paleoenvironmental change in the central High Plains: Geological Society of America, Houston, October 2008. Mason, J.A., Johnson, W.C., Miao, X-D., Jacobs, P.M., Goble, R.J., Formation of a thick A horizon through aggradational pedogenesis in the buried Brady Soil, central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Houston, October 2008. W.C. Johnson - 18 Hanson, P.R., Joeckel, R.M., Johnson, W.C., Young, A., and Arbogast, A.F., Dune activation in the eastern Great Plains of Nebraska and Kansas: Geological Society of America, Houston, October 2008. Geiss, C.E., Shakya, P., Quinton, E., Johnson, W.C., and Mason, J.A., Paleoprecipitation reconstructions for the Brady Soil based on rock magnetic analysis: Geological Society of America, Houston, October 2008. Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., Miao, X-D., Hanson, P.R., Jacobs, P.M., and Goble, R.J.,Loess chrono- and chemostratigraphy of the last glacial-interglacial transition on the central and northern Great Plains, USA: American Quaternary Association, Pennsylvania State University, June 2008. Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., Landscape response to climate change recorded within playa-lunette systems on the central High Plains, Kansas: American Quaternary Association, Pennsylvania State University, June 2008. 2007 Johnson, W.C., Mason, J.A., May, D.W., and Woodburn, T.L., Late Pleistocene (>MIS 3) environmental change and pedogenesis in the loess mantle of the Central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2007. Muhs, D.L., Bettis, E.A. III, , Aleinikoff, J.N., Mcgeehin, J.P., Roberts, H.M., and Johnson, W.C., Episodic landscape instability recorded in Late Quaternary loess-paleosol sequences: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2007. May, D.W., Hill, M.G., Rapson, D.J., Theler, J.L., Semken, H.A., and Johnson, W.C., Two complementary late 14 Paleoindian sites buried in laminated silt 9050 C yr BP along Ash Hollow, western Nebraska: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2007. Woodburn, T.L., Dunham, J.W., Johnson, W.C., and Bieker, C.R., Kansas geologic mapping – More than just paper maps: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2007. Bowen, M.W., and Johnson, W.C., Mapping and stratigraphic investigations of playa basins on the High Plains of Kansas: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2007. Johnson, W.C., Stable isotope reconstruction of Quaternary climates recorded within sedimentary sequences of the Central Great Plains: American Chemical Society, Boston, August 2007. Johnson, W.C., Zeidler, J.A., Sherman, S.A., and Hall, S.M., New evidence for Paleoindian occupations in the Kansas River valley, Fort Riley, Kansas: Society for American Anthropology, Austin, April 2007. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., and Woodburn, T.L., Isotopic expression of the Younger Dryas event in the Central Great Plains: Geological Society of America North-Central/South-Central Meeting, Lawrence, KS, April 2007. Muhs, D.L., Bettis, E.A. III, Aleinikoff, J.N., Beann, J., Skipp, G.L., Roberts, H.M., Johnson, W.C., Benton, R., and Ager, T.A., Origin and paleoclimatic significance of Late Quaternary loess in Nebraska: Geological Society of America North-Central/South-Central Meeting, Lawrence, KS, April 2007. Johnson, W.C., Dort, W., Jr., and Bozarth, S.R., Holocene Bignell Loess chronology, stratigraphy and paleoenvironmental reconstructions from within a loess table, Southwestern Nebraska: Geological Society of America North-Central/South-Central Meeting, Lawrence, KS, April 2007. Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., and Bozarth, S.R., Environmental history preserved in a Quaternary sequence at the Barton County land-fill site, central Kansas: Geological Society of America North-Central/SouthCentral Meeting, Lawrence, KS, April 2007. Bowen, M.W., Johnson, W.C., and Gray, A., Identification and mapping of playa lakes within a GIS environment for the High Plains of Kansas: Geological Society of America North-Central/South-Central Meeting, Lawrence, KS, April 2007. 2006 Johnson, W.C., Zeidler, J.A., Sherman, S.A., and Hall, S.M., Paleoindian occupation of a Younger Dryas landscape preserved within high-terrace fill of the Kansas River valley, east-central Kansas: Plains Anthropology Conference, Topeka, November 2006. Johnson, W.C. and May, D.W., Alluvial paleosols and the Younger Dryas Event of the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Philadelphia, October 2006. 2005 Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., Late Pleistocene to early Holocene climatic change recorded in fill of a dissolution collapse feature within the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, October 2005. W.C. Johnson - 19 Dunham, J.W., Wright, G.W., III, Ross, J.A., and Johnson, W.C., Innovations in current Kansas Geologic Mapping: Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, October 2005. Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., Ramirez, I.J., and Bieker, C.R., High-resolution mapping of surficial geology in western Kansas: an application along the Arkansas River valley corridor: Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, October 2005. Macpherson, G.L., Johnson, W.C., and Gatto, L.W., REE in Konza Prairie LTER Site (USA) Soil— th Allochthonous?: 15 Annual Goldschmidt Conference, Moscow (Idaho), May 2005. Johnson, W.C., Temporal and spatial isotopic patterns in modern soils and buried paleosols of the central Great Plains and hemispheric-scale linkages: Geological Society of America—North-Central Section, Minneapolis, May 2005. Johnson, W.C., Isotopic signals in soils on the Konza LTER site: Annual Konza LTER Workshop, Manhattan (KS), March 2005. 2004 Johnson, W.C., and Willey, K.L., Early Holocene isotopic shift in the Brady paleosol, central Great Plains (USA): Geological Society of America, Denver, November 2004. Campbell, J.S., and Johnson, W.C., Archaeological predictive model of southwestern Kansas: a binary logistic regression approach: American Quaternary Association, Lawrence (KS), June 2004. Johnson, W.C., and Willey, K.L., Environment and distribution of Mid-Wisconsinan grassland in the central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Lawrence (KS), June 2004. Rosner, S.M., Johnson, W.C., Campbell, J.S., Bozarth, S.R., and Woodburn, T.L., The Pleistocene—Holocene transition as viewed from Big Basin, southwestern Kansas: American Quaternary Association, Lawrence (KS), June 2004. Woodburn, T.L., Johnson, W.C., and Ross, J.A., Mapping surficial geology of western Kansas: a perspective on the Quaternary: American Quaternary Association, Lawrence (KS), June 2004. Johnson, W.C., and Macpherson, G., Topographic variation in biochemical signatures within soils of the Konza Tall-Grass Prairie LTER site, Kansas: Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, March 2004. 137 Macpherson, G.L., and Johnson, W.C., Konza as a baseline for soil erosion and evaluation of the Cs method: th 15 Annual Konza Prairie LTER Workshop, Manhattan (KS), March 2004. Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., Distribution, attributes, and history of playas on the High Plains of western th Kansas: 10 Regional Wetlands and Water Resources Meeting, Kansas City, March 2004. Campbell, J.S., and Johnson, W.C., 3-D Archaeological Probability Model for the Cowhouse Creek Watershed, Fort Hood, Texas: Society for American Archaeology, Montreal, March-April 2004. 2003 Johnson, W.C., and Messinger, L.G., Historic patterns of dune instability in the Cimarron National Grasslands, southwestern Kansas: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2003. Macpherson, G.L., Johnson, W.C., Landsberger, S., Ketterer, M.E., Gatto, L., and Blair, G.N., Non-radioactive cesium and rubidium as analogs for 137Cs behavior in soil at the Konza Prairie LTER site, northeastern Kansas, U.S.A.: Geological Society of America, Denver, October 2003. Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., Campbell, J.S., and Robinson, J.R., SOM- and bone-derived isotopic signals as proxies of Late Pleistocene and Holocene climatic conditions In the central Great Plains, U.S.A.: International Quaternary Association (INQUA), Reno, July 2003. Gatto, L.G., Hohmann, M., Johnson, W.C., Macpherson, G.L., Kaste, J., and Heimsath, A., Relationships of soil chemistry and mineralogy to Cs, Pb, and PGE distribution: U.S. Army Engineer Research & Development Center IPR Conference, Arlington, May 2003. Campbell, J.S., and Johnson, W.C., Probability Model for the Distribution of Surficial Archaeological Materials in Morton County, Kansas: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Topeka, April 2003. Johnson, W.C., Logan, B., and Campbell, J.S., GIS Rendering of the Geoarchaeology of Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, Northwest Kansas: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Topeka, April 2003. 2002 Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., Distribution and prehistory of playa basins in Kansas: Kansas Playa Study Workshop, NRCS, Salina, 12/02. Campbell, J.S., and Johnson, W.C., Geoarchaeological survey of Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, Northwestern Kansas: A GIS Model: Plains Conference: Geological Society of America, Denver, October, 2002. W.C. Johnson - 20 Logan, B., Johnson, W.C., and Campbell, J.S., Geoarchaeological survey of Kirwin National Wildlife Refuge, northwestern Kansas: A GIS model of site locations: Plains Conference, Oklahoma City, October, 2002. Campbell, J.S., Johnson, W.C., and Logan, B., Modeling archaeological site distribution on the High Plains of Kansas—a geographic perspective: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Manhattan, April 2002. Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., and Bozarth, S.R., Landscape evolution and the potential for preservation of the cultural record on Fort Riley, Northeast Kansas: Flint Hills Archaeological Society, Manhattan, April 2002. Campbell, J.S., Johnson, W.C., and Logan, B., Modeling archaeological site distribution on the High Plains of Kansas: a GIS approach: Society for American Archaeology, Denver, March, 2002. 2001 Hunter, L.E., Gebhart, D.L., Macpherson, G.L., Johnson, W.C., Landsberger, S., Hohmann, M.G., and Gatto, L., Detailed investigations of soil geochemistry to evaluate radioisotope distribution in prairie soils: Geological Society of America, Boston, November, 2001. Johnson, W.C., Application of Rock Magnetic Analyses to Geoarchaeology: Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April, 2001. 2000 Johnson, W.C., Bozarth, S.R., Campbell, J.S., and Willey, K.L., Biostratigraphy, magnetostratigraphy and the environmental history of playas on the High Plains of western Kansas: Geological Society of America, Reno, October, 2000. Willey, K.L., Johnson, W.C., and McLaughlin, C.J., Late Quaternary landscape evolution and the potential for preservation of the cultural record at Fort Riley, Kansas: Geological Society of America, Reno, October, 2000. Johnson, W.C., Mandel, R.D., Willey, K.L., Campbell, J.S., and Bozarth, S.R., Playa systems as environmental barometers of the central Great Plains: investigations in Kansas: American Quaternary Association, 16th Biennial Meeting, Fayetteville, May, 2000. Johnson, W.C., and Willey, K.L., Buried soil distribution and age on the Fort Riley military reservation, northeastern Kansas: Kansas Association of Professional Soil Classifiers, Manhattan (KS), April, 2000. Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., and Cochran, D., Reconstruction of late-Quaternary landscape evolution and geoarchaeological modeling at Fort Riley, Kansas: Society for American Archaeology, Philadelphia, April, 2000. 1999 Johnson, W.C., Willey, K.L., May, D.W., Mason, J.A., and Bozarth, S.A., Chronologic, pedologic, rock magnetic, isotopic, and biologic signals from the middle Wisconsinan Gilman Canyon loess of the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October, 1999. Tucker, G.E., Gasparini, N.M., Bras, R.L., Lancaster, S.T., Zeidler, J.A., Johnson, W.C., and Isaacson, J.S., Numerical simulation of catchment and floodplain dynamics: implications for alluvial stratigraphy and geoarchaeology in the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October, 1999. Johnson, W.C., Modeling the potential for buried prehistoric archaeological remains on the Fort Riley military installation, Kansas:North-Central Section meeting, Geological Society of America, Champaign, April, 1999. 1998 Johnson, W.C., Late-Pleistocene-Early Holocene climatic change on the central Great Plains: Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division meeting, Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, September, 1998. Johnson, W.C., Derivation of late-Quaternary climatic records from loess deposits of the central Great Plains using magnetic, isotopic and other parameters: Dust Aerosols, Loess Soils and Global Change, October, 1998. Johnson, W.C., and Mandel, R.D., Potential Pre-Clovis sedimentary environments in the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Toronto, October, 1998. Willey, K.L., and Johnson, W.C., Holocene climatic records extracted from eolian deposits of the central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Toronto, October, 1998. W.C. Johnson - 21 Bettis, E.A., III, Muhs, D.R., Rutledge, E.M., and Johnson, W.C., Soil and carbon isotopic evidence of North American Midcontinent vegetation during the Last Interglacial Period: Geological Society of America, Toronto, October, 1998. Johnson, W.C., Evidence for dramatic environmental change derived from the Late Pleistocene-Early Holocene Brady soil of the central Great Plains: American Quaternary Association, Puerto Vallarta (Mexico), September, 1998. 1997 th Johnson, W.C., Late-Quaternary stratigraphy at the DB Site, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas: 55 Annual Plains Anthropological Conference, Boulder, November, 1997. Johnson, W.C., Rock magnetics as a tool for environmental reconstruction: examples from the Great Plains: Great Plains/Rocky Mountains Division meeting, Association of American Geographers, Bozeman, September, 1997. Johnson, W.C., Late-Quaternary environments and archaeological geology of the loess-mantled terrain in northeastern Kansas: Geological Society of America, Salt Lake City, October, 1997. Johnson, W.C., and Park, K., Rock magnetic and carbon isotopic signals from the loess sequences on Fort Riley, Kansas: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Manhattan, March, 1997. Johnson, W.C., Investigation of late-Quaternary faulting at the Bone Cove site, south-central Nebraska: Association of American Geographers, Fort Worth, April, 1997. 1996 Johnson, W.C.,, Park, K., and Farr, M.R., Coincident use of isotopic and magnetic parameters in the characterization of late-Quaternary environments on the Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October, 1996. Muhs, D.R., Bettis, E.A. III, Johnson, W.C., Rutledge, E.M., Maat, P.B., and Stafford, T.W., Pedologic evidence for the climate of the Last Interglacial period in the Midcontinent of the United States: Geological Society of America, Denver, October, 1996. 13 Johnson, W.C., Carbon isotope data (δ C) as a proxy of late-Quaternary climates: Institute for TertiaryQuaternary Studies Symposium, Lawrence, February-March, 1996. Johnson, W.C., The magnetic signal in soils: Kansas Association of Professional Soil Classifiers, Lawrence, Feb., 1996. 1995 Johnson, W.C., Miller, R.D., and Steeples, D.W., Geomorphology, stratigraphy, and chronology of a lateQuaternary (Holocene) fault, Harlan County, Nebraska: Geological Society of America, New Orleans, November, 1995. Johnson, W.C., Lithostratigraphy, chronostratigraphy, and environmental reconstructions of the middle and late Wisconsinan loess deposits in Kansas and adjacent Nebraska: North-Central meeting, Geological Society of America, Lincoln, April, 1995. Park, K., Johnson, W.C., and Farr, M.R., Regional variations of rock magnetic parameters in the loess deposits of the central Great Plains: North-Central meeting, Geological Society of America, Lincoln, April, 1995. Bettis, E.A., III, Muhs, D.R., Stafford, T.W., Mahan, S.A., Cowherd, S.D., and Johnson, W.C., Geochemical trends in loess and paleosol sequences of the last interglacial-glacial cycle, Iowa, Nebraska, and Mississippi: North-Central meeting, Geological Society of America, Lincoln, April, 1995. 1994 Farr, M.R., Park, K., and Johnson, W.C., Rock magnetic properties of the Sangamon soil from southwestern Nebraska: lack of evidence for ultrafine ferrimagnetic grains: Geological Society of America, Seattle, October, 1994. Johnson, W.C., Park, K., Farr, M.R., and Feng, Z-D., Environmental and chronological indicators for the Sangamon soil of the Last Interglacial, Nebraska and Kansas: Geological Society of America, Seattle, October, 1994. 4 Maat, P.B., and Johnson, W.C., Thermoluminescence and ' C age estimates for late-Quaternary loesses in southwestern Nebraska: Workshop on the Response of Aeolian Processes to Global Change, Zzyzx (CA), March, 1994. W.C. Johnson - 22 Johnson, W.C., Diekmeyer, E., and Bozarth, S.A., An Emerging Environmental Record for the Late-Wisconsinan Loesses and associated paleosols in the central Great Plains: Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, March-April, 1994 1993 Johnson, W.C., A detailed rock magnetic record from Quaternary loess and associated soils at the Eustis Ash Pit, Nebraska: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December, 1993. (M.R. Farr, W.C. Johnson, and K. Park) Johnson, W.C., Park, K., Diekmeyer, E., and Muhs, D.R., Chronology, Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironment of the Late Wisconsin (Peoria) loess of Kansas and Nebraska: Geological Society of America, Boston, October Park, K., Farr, M.R., and Johnson, W.C., Magnetic susceptibility record of two Quaternary loess sections, Nebraska: American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, April, 1993 Johnson, W.C., Logan, B., and Arbogast, A.F., The Kansas Sand Prairies Geoarchaeological survey: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Wichita, March, 1993. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., and Valastro, S., A 36,000-year Chrono-, Bio-, and Magnetostratigraphic Record from Loess of South-central Nebraska: Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, April, 1993 Martin, C.W., and Johnson, W.C., Close Interval Radiocarbon Dating of Buried Soils in Late-Quaternary Loess and Alluvium, Central Great Plains: Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, April, 1993. 1992 13 Johnson, W.C., and Martin, C.W., Radiocarbon Dating of Buried Soils-Humate Fractionation, δ C Correction and Paleoclimatic Signals: Geoarchaeological Implications in the Central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Cincinnati, October, 1992. Johnson, W.C., Some Geomorphic and Palynologic Approaches to Deciphering the Pre-Columbian Cultural Environment: keynote address at the International Geographical Congress, Washington, August, 1992. Feng, Z-D., Johnson, W.C., and Sprowl, D.R., Global Climatic Signal of Loess Deposition from Kansas: national meeting of the American Geophysical Union, 1992. Johnson, W.C., and Sophocles, M., Late-Quaternary Succession of Fluvial Processes and Its Impact on Contemporary Hydrology of the Arkansas River in Kansas: Association of American Geographers, San Diego, April, 1992. 1991 14 Johnson, W.C., and Martin, C.W., Sources of Variation in C-age Determinations from Soil Humates and Archaeological Implications: Examples from the Kansas River Basin: Plains Anthropological Conference, Lawrence, November, 1991. Johnson, W.C., Late Pleistocene and Holocene Eolian Stratigraphy of the Central Great Plains and Paleoclimatic Reconstruction: Geological Society of America, San Diego, October, 1991. Feng, Z-D., and Johnson, W.C., Loess Depositional History and the Climatic Implications During the Last 400,000 years in Central Kansas: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lawrence, February-March, 1991. Johnson, W.C., and Sophocles, M., Late Quaternary Eolian and Alluvial History of the Great Bend Prairie, Kansas, and Potential for Evidence of Early Man: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lawrence, February-March, 1991 Homburg, J., and Johnson, W.C., Landscape Evolution in Relation to Basketmaker III Occupation of the Lukachukai Valley: Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April 1991. 1990 Nettleton, D., et al., A Soils Transect in Holocene Eolian Sediments in South Central Kansas: American Society of Agronomy/Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, San Antonio, October, 1990. Feng, Z-D., Johnson, W.C., and Sprowl, D.R., The Chronology of Loess Deposition in Central Kansas: Geological Society of America, Dallas, October, 1990. Johnson, W.C., May, D.W., and Souders, V.L., Age and Distribution of the Gilman Canyon Formation of Nebraska and Kansas: Geological Society of America, Dallas, October, 1990. Johnson, W.C., Biogeography and Geomorphology of late Pleistocene Megafaunal Remains and Potential W.C. Johnson - 23 Paleoindian Associations in the East-Central Great Plains: special session (organizer), Association of American Geographers, Toronto, March, 1990. Johnson, W.C., Potential for Site Archaeological Burial in Eolian and Alluvial Deposits in Kansas: Flint Hills Archaeological Conference, Kansas City, March, 1990. Johnson, W.C., Paleosol Dating and Correlation via the Radiocarbon Method: Kansas Association of Professional Soil Classifiers, Lawrence, KS, February, 1990. 1985-1989 Johnson, W.C., and Sprowl, D.R., Paleomagnetic Secular Variation Record from Loess in South-central Kansas: Absence of the Mono Lake Excursion: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, December, 1989. Johnson, W.C., and C.W. Martin)Holocene Alluvial History of Lukachukai Creek and Prehistoric Cultural Associations: Geological Society of America, St. Louis, November, 1989. Johnson, W.C., Extinct Megafaunal Finds in Kansas: Their Geomorphic, Paleoenvironmental, and Cultural Implications: South-Central Meeting, Geological Society of America, Arlington (TX), March, 1989. Johnson, W.C., Late-Quaternary Geomorphic History and Environments of the Kansas River Drainage, Central Plains: special session (organizer), Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, March, 1989. Johnson, W.C., Stratigraphic and Cultural Resolution of the Altithermal in the Central Great Plains: Geological Society of America, Denver, October-November, 1988. Johnson, W.C., Historic Changes in the Arkansas and Cimarron River Systems of the Central Plains: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lincoln (NE), October, 1988. Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr., Paleochannels of the Arkansas River, Western Kansas, and Hydrologic Implications: Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, April, 1988 Johnson, W.C., and Kost, E.J., Distribution of Megafaunal Finds in Kansas and Cultural Implications: Flint Hills Archeological Conference, Lawrence (KS), March, 1988. Fredlund, G.G., Johnson, W.C., and McClain, T.J., Correlation of Late Quaternary Eolian Deposits with Cheyenne Bottoms Stratigraphy, Central Kansas: North Central meeting, Geological Society of America, Lawrence, March, 1988 Johnson, W.C., Geomorphology and Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction of the North Cove Paleoindian Site, Nebraska: Geological Society of America, Phoenix, October, 1987. Dort, W., Jr., Martin, L.D., and Johnson, W.C., Late-Glacial Fauna and Flora of the Central Great Plains: International Union for Quaternary Research (INQUA), Ottawa, August, 1987. Johnson, W.C., Hydrologic Assessment of Cheyenne Bottoms: American Geophysical Union (AGU), Baltimore, May, 1987. Johnson, W.C., Holocene Patterns of Alluvial Stability within the Kansas River System: Association of American Geographers, Portland, April, 1987. Jaumann, P.J., Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., Late Wisconsinan Paleoecology of South-Central Kansas: The Arkansas River Valley at Wichita: Kansas Academy of Science, Emporia, April, 1986. Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr., Post Glacial History of the Kansas River System: Kansas Academy of Science, Emporia, April, 1986 Johnson, W.C., Fredlund, G.G., and Thomas, P.M., The Impact of Sea-Level Changes on the Cultural Prehistory of the Choctawhatchee Bay Area, Florida: Society for American Archaeology, New Orleans, April, 1986. Johnson, W.C., Revision of Terrace Chronologies Along the Kansas River and Tributaries: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lawrence, October, 1985. Jaumann, P.J., Johnson, W.C., and Fredlund, G.G., Late Wisconsin Full-Glacial Vegetation Record from SouthCentral Kansas: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lawrence, October, 1985. Fredlund, G.G., and Johnson, W.C., Palynological Evidence for Late Pleistocene Vegetation from Sanders' Well Locality in East-Central Kansas: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lawrence, October, 1985. Johnson, W.C., Valley Aggradation and Flood plain Formation in Response to Late-Quaternary Sea-Level st Fluctuations in NW Florida, U.S.A.: 1 International Conference on Geomorphology, Manchester (England), September, 1985. Dort, W., Jr., Johnson, W.C., Fredlund, G.G., Rogers, R.A., Martin, L.D., Stewart, J.D., and Wells, P.F., Evidence for an Open Conifer Woodland in the Central Great Plains During the Late Wisconsinan Glacial Maximum: Canadian Quaternary Association, Lethbridge (Alberta), August, 1985. Johnson, W.C., Late Quaternary Evolution of the Yellow River System, Panhandle Florida: Association of American Geographers, Detroit, April, 1985. W.C. Johnson - 24 1980-1984 Johnson, W.C., and Martin, C.W., Historical Channel Changes in the Cimarron River System, Panhandle Oklahoma: West Lakes/Great Plains-Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Lawrence, November, 1984. Fredlund, G.G., Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr., Evidence for Late Wisconsinan Sagebrush Steppe on the Northwestern Great Plains: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Dallas, October, 1984. Johnson, W.C., and Fredlund, G.G., Two Holocene Pollen Records From the Southeastern Pine Forest in the Florida Panhandle: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, October, 1984. Fredlund, G.G., Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr., A 620,000-year Opal Phytolith Record from the Central Nebraskan Loess: First Phytolith Research Workshop, Raleigh, May, 1984. Fredlund, G.G. and Johnson, W.C., Problems in the Simultaneous Extraction of Pollen and Phytoliths: First Phytolith Research Workshop, Raleigh, May, 1984. Johnson, W.C., Spores as Paleoenvironmental Indicators: An Archaeological Example: special session (organizer) Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., April, 1984. Johnson, W.C.,, L.D. Martin, W. Dort, Jr., C.J. Sorenson, R.A. Rogers, G.G. Fredlund, and J.D. Stewart)Evidence for a Pine Parkland in Central and Western Kansas and Adjacent Nebraska during Mid- and LateWisconsinan Time: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lincoln, October, 1983 Fredlund, G.G., Johnson, W.C., and Dort, W., Jr.)A Preliminary Analysis of Pollen and Phytoliths from the Eustis Pit, Frontier County, Nebraska: Institute for Tertiary and Quaternary Studies, Lincoln, October, 1983. Johnson, W.C., Soil-Geomorphic Relationships and Prehispanic Land Use Patterns in Northern Belize: Association of American Geographers, Denver, April, 1983. Johnson, W.C., and K. Rice)The Utilization of Remote Sensing and Field Techniques in Revegetation Assessment of Abandoned Mined Lands, Southeast Kansas: West Lakes Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Terre Haute, December, 1982 Johnson, W.C. and Fredlund, G.G., Preliminary Pollen Analysis of a 110,000-year Faunal Sequence, Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming: Great Plains-Rocky Mountains Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Laramie, September, 1982. Johnson, W.C., A dendrochronological Study of Pinus oocarpa Shiede in Western Honduras: Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, April, 1982. Johnson, W.C., Palynological Interpretation of Late Quaternary Pond Sediments Near Gilmore, Lemhi Mountains, Idaho: Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, April, 1982. (D. Butler and W.C. Johnson) Dort, W., Jr. and Johnson, W.C., Diversity of Channel Patterns, Kansas River: Geological Society of America North Central Section, Ames, April, 1981. Johnson, W.C., Geomorphic and Archaeologic Evidence of Late Holocene Stream System Change in the Central Plains: Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, April, 1981. Johnson, W.C., Cultural Response to River Change: the Ancient Maya of Copan Honduras: Association of American Geographers, Louisville, April, 1980. Johnson, W.C., The Use of Geomorphic Techniques in Paleoenvironmental Reconstruction: Flint Hills/Osage Hills Archaeological Conference, Lawrence, Kansas, March, 1980. Pre-1980 Johnson, W.C., Holocene Climatic Variation and River Activity on the Central Great Plains: Great Plains Rocky Mountain Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Grand Forks (ND), October, 1979. Johnson, W.C., Historical Trends in Sediment Movement Within Stream Systems of the Midwestern United States: Second Annual Applied Geographers Conference, Binghamton (NY), September, 1979. Sorenson, C.J., Johnson, W.C., and Davis, A.M., Evidence for Holocene Bioclimatic Stability Northern Labrador/Quebec: Eighth Annual Eastern Canadian Arctic Workshop, Institute for Arctic and Alpine Research, Boulder, May, 1979. Johnson, W.C., Accelerated Erosion and Sedimentation During the Ancient Maya and Modern Periods: Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, April, 1979. Johnson, W.C., Contemporary Patterns of Interaction Among Fluvial Variables Within Mid-Western Stream Systems: Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, April, 1978. Johnson, W.C., Holocene-Age Paleosols Within Valley Alluvium of Southwestern Wisconsin: Association of American Geographers, Salt Lake City, April, 1977. Johnson, W.C., Stream Channel and Flood plain Response to Historical Changes in Land Use: Western Social Science Association, Denver, April, 1977. Johnson, W.C., Thresholds in Fluvial Systems and Holocene Climatic Variations: special sessions in geomorphic W.C. Johnson - 25 thresholds, Association of American Geographers, New York, April, 1976. Hesler, J.L., and Johnson, W.C., Quantitative Discrimination among Hummocky Stagnation Moraine, End Moraine, and Ground Moraine: the Sixth Annual Meeting, North-Central Section, Geological Society of America, DeKalb (IL), May, 1972 Educational Materials Johnson, W.C., and Woodburn, T.L., 2008, Image collection from the Smoky Hills and High Plains of Kansas: Kansas Geological Survey Educational Resources—Photographic Library. Johnson, W.C., and Jackson, T., 2008 ed., Laboratory Exercises: Physical Geography 105, Kendall-Hunt Publisher. Johnson, W.C., 2005 ed., Laboratory Exercises: Physical Geography 105, Kendall-Hunt Publishers. Johnson, W.C., 2004 ed., Laboratory Exercises: Physical Geography 105, Kendall-Hunt Publishers. Johnson, W.C., 1990, 1992, 1995, 1997, 2001, 2002, 2003 ed., Laboratory Exercises: Physical Geography 105, produced by The University of Kansas Division of Continuing Education. Martin, C.W., and Johnson, W.C., 1988, 1995, 1998 eds., Geography 104 - Principles of Physical Geography, University of Kansas Continuing Education course workbook and materials Continuing Education Site/Structure Scanning Workshop and Related Positioning: Society for American Archaeology Workshop, Memphis, 04/12. Teaching about Earth’s Climate History-A workshop for geoscience faculty: Geological Society of America Short Course, Minneapolis, 2011. Terrestrial Laser Scanning (Ground-based LiDAR) methods and applications in geologic research and education: Geological Society of America Short Course, Denver, 2010. SEPM Short Course Number 15: Recognizing continental trace fossils in outcrop and core: Geological Society of America Short Course, Lawrence, KS, 4/07. Abrupt Climate Changes, Geological Society of America Short Course, Denver, 10/02 st Recent Archeological Prospection Advances for Non-destructive Investigations in the 21 Century: National Park Service workshop, Vancouver, WA, 5/02 KUCR-NSF State EPSCoR Funding Forum, The University of Kansas, 2/01 Regional Grants Conference: NSF, The University of Kansas, 10/98 Geomorphic Application of In-Situ Produced Cosmogenic Isotopes, Geological Society of America Short Course, New Orleans, 11/95 International Quaternary Association Paleopedology Symposium: University of Illinois, 8/93 Paleosol Short course: Department of Geology, The University of Kansas, 3/92 Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Paleosols: Geological Society of America Penrose Conference, University of Oregon, 9/87 Short course on Fungal Palynomorphs: American Association of Stratigraphic Palynologists, Louisiana State University, 10/81 Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research Workshop: University of Arizona, 4/79 Third Inter-Agency Sedimentation Conference: Denver, 3/76 Service Activities Profession Associate Editor for Aeolian Research Panel member, USGS EDMAP Program Newsletter editor and web page manager, Geological Society of AmericaQuaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division Councilor, American Quaternary Association Panel member, NSF, Anthropology Program (MRI) Chair and Vice Chair, AAG, Rocky Mountain-Great Plains Region Secretary/Treasurer, Geological Society of America-Archaeological Geology Division Geological Society of America W.C. Johnson - 26 20122006-2010 1999-2003 1998-2002 1998-1999 1996-1998 1996-2001 Webmaster and Newsletter editor, Geological Society of AmericaArchaeological Geology Division, Geological Society of America Archaeological Geology Division Awards Committee (chair) Kansas Geological Survey Committee on Stratigraphic Names Editorial Board for Current Research - Kansas Geological Survey Association of American Geographers Geomorphology Specialty Group (Chair) Geological Society of America Archaeological Geology Division Awards Committee Nomination Committee for R. Rapp Award, Geological Society of America Panel member, NSF, Geography and Regional Science Program Organizer, leader, and/or co-leader for field trips for NSF, Friends of the Pleistocene, Association of American Geographers, Geological Society of American, American Quaternary Association, and International Quaternary Association Organizer, chair and co-chair of several special/topical sessions at national meetings (Geological Society of America and the Association of American Geographers) 1996-2001 1991-1994 1992-present 1992-present 1992-1993 1991-1994 1991-1994 1988-1993 1986-present 1984-present Department Curriculum Committee Colloquium Planner Undergraduate Advisor Honors Coordinator Study Abroad Advisor Associate Chair Faculty Affairs Committee (chair and member) Faculty Search Committees (chair and member) Geography 104 & 105 (coordination, management, teaching materials production, and supervision of GTAs) Student Affairs Committee (chair and member) College Disciplinary Board Promotion and Tenure Review Committee Chair Review Committees Sabbatical Leaves Committee (chair and member; two terms) Graduate Research Fund (member and departmental representative) Faculty Search Committees (Anthropology, Museum of Anthropology, Geology) University Current Research in Earth Sciences (Kansas Geological Survey)-advisory board member Staff Search Committees—Kansas Geological Survey (4) School of Education Reaccreditation Committee (member) Environmental Studies Advisory Board (member) Summer Orientation Advisement Awards and Recognition Steeples Service to Kansans Award Bryon A. Alexander Graduate Mentor Award Fellow, Geological Society of America Big 12 Faculty Fellowship Institute for Rock Magnetism Fellowship—NSF/University of Minnesota KU Center for Teaching Excellence Small Grants KU Faculty Development Fund Awards Sabbatical Leaves Intra-University Visiting Professorship Tinker Foundation Research Fellowship W.C. Johnson - 27 2012 2008 2003 2002 2000, 2002 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 1981, 1990, 2000 1989, 1998, 2005 1987-88 1981 Junior Faculty Summer Research Fellowship (U Oklahoma) NDEA IV Fellowship (U Wisconsin) 1977 1971-72 Professional Affiliations American Chemical Society (Geochemistry Group) American Geophysical Union American Quaternary Association Kansas Soil Classifiers Association Association of American Geographers Geological Society of America (Archaeological Geology Division) (Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division) Society for American Archaeology Sigma Xi 05/2012 W.C. Johnson - 28 Xingong Li Department of Geography University of Kansas 1475 Jayhawk Blvd Lawrence, KS 66045 USA phone: (785) 864-5545 fax: (785) 864-5378 E-Mail: Education Ph.D. M.S. B.S. Geography, University of South Carolina, 2000 Geography, Nanjing University (China), 1992 Geology, Nanjing University (China), 1989 Academic Appointments Assistant Professor Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 2003-present. Assistant Professor Dept. of Geography & Planning, Appalachian State University, 2000-2002. Research Scientist State Key Laboratory of Resources and Environment Information System, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 1992-1996. Refereed Publications 1. A.T. Peterson, A.G. Navarro-Siguenza, and X. Li. (in press) Joint effects of marine intrusion and climate change on the Mexican avifauna, submitted to Annals of the Association of American Geographers. 2. Menon, S., J. Soberon, X. Li, and A.T. Peterson. (in press) First-pass global assessment of biodiversity consequences of sea level rise mediated by climate change, Submitted to Journal of Biodiversity and Conservation. 3. A.T. Peterson, S. Menon, and X. Li. (in press) Recent Advances in the Climate Change Biology Literature: Learning from Rip Van Winkle, Submitted to Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change. 4. Wu, S., S. Zhou, X. Li, W.C. Johnson, H. Zhang, and J. Shi. (in press) Heavy-metal accumulation trends in Yixing, China: an area of rapid economic development, Journal of Environmental Geology. 5. Wu, S., S. Zhou, X. Li, T. Jackson, Q. Zhu. (in press) An approach to partition the anthropogenic and natural components of heavy metal accumulations in roadside agricultural soil, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 6. Setiadi, M.I., A. Hamidy, Z. Abidin, D. Susanto, R. Brown, A.T. Peterson, X. Li, and B.J. Evans. (2010) Geographic genetic structure of herpetofauna on Halmahera Island, Indonesia: implications for the Aketajawe-Lolobata National Park, Journal of Conservation Biology. 24(2): 553-562. 7. French, K. and X. Li (2010) Feature-based cartographic modeling, International Journal of Geographical Information Science. 24(1): 141-164. 8. Tucker, D.F., and X. Li. (2009) Characteristics of warm season precipitating storms in the Arkansas-Red River basin, Journal of Geophysical Research—Atmospheres, 114, D13108, doi:10.1029/2008JD011093. 9. Li, X., R.J. Rowley, J.C. Kostelnick, D. Braaten, J. Meisel, and K. Hulbutta (2009) GIS analysis of global impacts from sea level rise. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 75(7): 807-818. 10. Wu, S., S. Zhou, X. Li, H. Zhang, K. Ren, and Q. Zhao (2009) Estimating the anthropogenic fluxes of heavy metal accumulations in roadside agricultural soils. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 18(7b): 1336-1340. 11. Li, X. and M. Williams (2008) Snowmelt runoff modeling in an arid mountain watershed, Tarim Basin, China. Hydrological Processes, 22: 3931-3940. 12. Legra, L., X. Li, and T. A. Peterson (2008) Biodiversity consequences of sea level rise in New Guinea. Pacific Conservation Biology, 14(3): 191-199. 13. Rowley, R.J., J.C. Kostelnick, D. Braaten, X. Li, and J. Meisel (2007) Risk of rising sea level to population and land area. Eos, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 88(9): 105-107. 14. Li, X. (2005) Deriving directional variance from covariance matrix. Transactions in GIS, 9(3): 443-445. 15. Li, X., C. Larson, and A. Rex (2005) Creating buffers on surfaces. Cartography and Geographical Information Science, 32(3): 195-210. 16. Li, X., S. Wang, and M. Harman (2005) Improved lake/reservoir water quality modeling using an environmental model and GIS. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 42(4): 320-332. 17. Li, X. and M. Hodgson (2004) Vector field data model and operations. GIScience & Remote Sensing, 41(1): 1-24. 18. Hodgson, M., X. Li, and Y. Chen (2004) A parameterization model for transportation feature extraction. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 70(12): 1399-1404. 19. Lin, H., Q. Wan, X. Li, J. Chen, and Y. Kong (1997) GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation support system for investment, Environment Management and Planning B, 24(2): 403-414. 20. Li, X. and T. Chi (1995) The design and implementation of a feature-oriented GIS. Remote Sensing Technology and Applications. 10(4): 65-70. (in Chinese) 21. Li, X., F. Qiu, and S. Zhan (1995) Application of GPS and GIS in vehicle real-time monitoring. Remote Sensing Technology and Applications, 10(2): 33-37. (in Chinese) 22. Wu, B., M. Zhang, and X. Li (1994) Development of GIS. Acta Geographical Sinica. 49(8): 632-640. (in Chinese) Other Publications Li, X. (in press) Map algebra, in Encyclopedia of Geography (Ed. B. Warf), SAGE Publications, 2 pages. Li, X. and T. Xu (2008) Using NEXRAD Precipitation in AnnAGNPS, Software and Technical Report to USDA, 28 pages. Harman, M., X. Li, and S. Wang (2004) GIS extension for BATHTUB—software and user manual. Kansas Biological Survey Publication No. 122, 35 pages. Li, X. (1998) Distributed storm runoff modeling using GIS. Proceedings of GIS/LIS’98 Annual Conference, Fort Worth, Taxes, pp: 68-75 Li, X. (1997) Development of neural network spatial interpolator for precipitation estimation. Proceedings of GIS/LIS’97 Annual Conference, Cincinnati, Ohio. pp: 653662. Manuscripts under Review Scholarly Presentations Bentlage, B., A.T. Peterson, X. Li, A.G. Collins, and P. Cartwright, Biogeography of open ocean jellyfishes: integrating ecological niche modeling and phylogeography in a 3D environment, the 10th International Congress of Ecology (INTECOL), Brisbane, Australia, August, 2009. Li, X., (invited) Snow-/glacier-melt water in southern Xinjiang, China, Conference of the opening of western China: problems and prospects, University of Kansas, Lawrence, April, 2009. Li, X. and D. Tucker, Precipitation events—their spatio-temporal characteristics and movement, AAG Annual Conference, Las Vegas, March, 2009. Tucker, D. and X. Li, Climatology of warm season precipitating storms in the southern Great Plains, AMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, January, 2009. Tucker, D. and X. Li, Distribution of Warm Season Precipitating Storms in the Southern Great Plains, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December, 2008. Li, X., Snowmelt runoff modeling in the Yarkant river basin, International Workshop of Glaciers in Watershed and Global Hydrology, Obergurgl, Austria, September, 2007. Li, X., GIS Tools for Visualizing and Analyzing the NEXRAD Precipitation Data, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, April, 2007. Li, X., R.J. Rowley, J.C. Kostelnick, D. Braaten, J. Meisel, and K Hulbutta, GIS Analysis of Global Inundation Impacts from Sea Level Rise, AAG Annual Conference, San Francisco, March, 2006. Li, X., Creating buffers on topographic surfaces, AAG Annual Conference, Denver, March, 2005. Li, X., Wind Farm Siting Using GIS in Western North Carolina, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Denver, May, 2004. Li, X., Viewshed Characterization for Wind Farm Siting in Western North Carolina, Twenty-fourth annual ESRI international user conference, San Diego, August, 2004. Li, X., Integrating Analytic Hierarchy Process with GIS through the COM technology, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., April, 2002. Li, X., Data model and operations for vector fields, The First International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Savannah, October, 2000. Hodgson, M. and X. Li, Shortest path considering the direction of movement, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Portland, May, 1999. Hodgson, M. and X. Li, Sensitivity analysis on feature extraction algorithm, ASPRS Annual Meeting, Tampa, April, 1998. Carbone, G., R. Lloyd, R. Bunch, and Li, X., Comparison of different interpolation techniques with monthly precipitation data, AAG Annual Conference, Boston, March, 1998. Li, X., Digital road map for vehicle navigation, International Symposium of Geoinfomatics'95 Hong Kong: RS, GIS and GPS in sustainable development and environmental monitoring, Hong Kong, May, 1995. Research Grants Sea level rise effects on coastal ecosystem distributions and biodiversity status in the U.S. Middle Atlantic region, PI, DoE, $125,000, 04/01/09 – 8/31/10. Geographic and cartographic assistance to the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, co-PI, Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, $80,000, 3/15/09-12/31/09. IGERT: C-CHANGE: Climate Change, Humans, and Nature in the Global Environment. Participating Faculty, NSF, $3,200,000, 2008-2013. Snowmelt runoff modeling in the Sierra-Nevada watersheds, PI, University of Kansas Faculty General Research Fund, $7409, 07/01/2008—06/30/2009. Developing NEXRAD-based precipitation datasets for the Cheney Lake watershed for use in water quality models, PI, USDA, $19,685, 05/01/2007 – 01/31/2008. NSF Science and Technology Center: Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets, Participating Faculty, NSF, $19,000,000, 08/01/2005--07/31/2010. Conservation Evaluation and Assessment Project for the Cheney Reservoir Watershed, PI, USDA, $18,000, 09/01/2005 – 05/31/2006. Understanding snow and glacier runoff processes in an arid mountain watershed, PI, University of Kansas Faculty General Research Fund, $4,438, 07/01/2005— 06/30/2006. Developing a GIS Extension for Lake Water Quality Model BATHTUB, PI, EPA, $15,000, 06/01/2004—12/31/2004. Multi-resolution representation and analysis of vector GIS data, PI, University of Kansas New Faculty General Research Fund, $7,964, 07/01/2003 – 06/30/2004. Honors and Awards University of Kansas Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, 2009 University of Kansas Big 12 Faculty Fellowship, 2007 University of Kansas Team Award, 2003-2004 Teaching Experience 2003-present Department of Geography, University of Kansas Principles of Geographic Information Systems (GIS): introductory GIS Intermediate GIS: upper division/graduate GIS GIS Application Programming: upper division/graduate GIS Geographic Information Science: upper division/graduate GIS Seminar in GIS: graduate seminar in GIS 2000-2002 Department of Geography & Planning, Appalachian State University Physical Geography: introductory physical geography Introduction to GIS: introductory GIS Advanced GIS: upper division/graduate GIS GIS Application Programming: upper division/graduate GIS Remote Sensing Digital Image Processing: upper division/graduate remote sensing Graduate Committees Committees Chaired Keith French (M.S. geography) Tom Overly (M.S. geography) Justin Penka (M.S. geography) Tingting Xu (M.S. geography, defended thesis in September 2009) Matt Harman (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2005) Committee Member Iwake Masialleti (Ph.D. geography) Joshua S. Campbell (Ph.D. geography) Willy Rittase (Ph.D. geology) Corinne Emanuelle (Ph.D. geology) Bastian Bentlage (Ph.D. EEB) Sarah Bodbyl (Ph.D. EEB) David McLeod (Ph.D. EEB) Jeet Sukumaran (Ph.D. EEB) Arpi S. Nyari (Ph.D. EEB) Justin Busboom (M.S. geography) Amber Reynolds (M.S. geography), Andrew Gottsfield (M.S. anthropology) Rohith Kumar Gali (M.S. Biological and Agricultural Engineering, KSU) Matt Dunbar (Ph.D. geography, graduated in August 2009) Yoshi Nakazawa (Ph.D. geography, graduated in August 2009) Monica Papes (Ph.D. EEB, graduated in May 2009) Simeon Rabbani (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2007) Matt Dunbar (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2006) Joshua Campbell (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2006) Monica Papes (M.S. EEB, graduated in May 2006) Rex Rowley (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2005) Patrick Taylor (M.S. geography, graduated in May 2005) Service Department and University Service Department Curriculum Committee, 2008-present Department Internship Coordinator, 2006-present University Graduate Council, 2006-present Department Faculty Search Committee, 2007-2008 University Campus GIS Server Committee, 2007-2008 Department Faculty Affairs Committee, 2006-2008 Department GIS Day Event Committee, 2003-2009 University Standing Committee on Scholarship and Fellowship, 2006-2007 Department Undergraduate Studies Committee, 2005-2006 Department KU Edwards GIS degree-completion program Committee, 2004-2005 University Chinese Student Association Faculty Advisor, 2004-2005 Department Graduate Studies Committee, 2003-2005, Department Instructional Technology Funds Committee, 2003-2005 Department Geography-Urban Planning Joint MA Degree Committee, 2003 National Service Session Chair of AAG annual conference, 2008 Member of the Advisory Council of the Department of Geography, Northwest Missouri State University, 2006-2007. GIS course evaluation for the Geosciences and Urban Planning departments at the University of Missouri, Kansas City, 2008 Session Chair of ASPRS annual meeting, 2004 KU delegate to the University Consortium for Geographic Information Science (UCGIS), 2003-2005 Journal and Grant Reviewer International Journal of Geographic Information Science, Geomatica, Hydrological Processes, Water Resources Management, The Professional Geographer, Wetlands, and National Science Foundation Professional Affiliations Association of American Geographers (AAG) American Society for Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) David B. Mechem Atmospheric Science Program Department of Geography University of Kansas 1475 Jayhawk Blvd., Room 213 Lawrence, KS 66045-7613 Phone: 785-864-5707 Fax: 785-864-5378 Email: Education 2003 Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences University of Washington 1993 B.S. Meteorology with Mathematics minor, University of Oklahoma summa cum laude Professional Experience 08/2007–present 01/2011–present 07/2003–08/2007 01/2004-05/2004 01/2001–07/2003 01/1999–12/2000 09/1993–12/1998 09/1989–08/1993 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC Research Scientist, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, OK Adjunct Instructor, School of Meteorology (Physical Meteorology II), University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK Research Associate, Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, OK Research Associate, Coastal Meteorology Research Program, Norman, OK Research Assistant, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA Meteorological Technician, National Severe Storms Laboratory, Norman, OK Field Project Participation 07/2001 12/1995 Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus (DYCOMS-II) Coastal Observation and Simulation with Topography Experiment (COAST-II) Funded Proposals “Collaborative Research: Cloudiness transitions within shallow marine clouds near the Azores” [PI, 9/15/2011–9/14/2014, Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, $329,071] “Improving mesoscale prediction of shallow convection and cloud regime transitions in NRL COAMPS” [PI, 8/1/2011–7/31/2014, Office of Naval Research, $279,860] “Assessing Regional Scale Variability in Extreme Value Statistics Under Altered Climate Scenarios” [co-PI, 1/2011–12/2013, Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Climate and Environmental Sciences Division, $510,554] “Drizzle and Cloudiness Transitions in Southeast Pacific Marine Stratocumulus” [PI, 8/2010–7/2013, NOAA Climate Prediction Program for the Americas, $312,206] “Aerosol and Thermodynamic Control of Southeast Pacific Marine Stratocumulus” [PI, 7/2010–6/2012, General Research Fund, University of Kansas, $4500] "Understanding Climate Change in the Great Plains: Source, Impact, and Mitigation" [Collaborator, KU PI: J. Feddema, 7/2009-2014, KU subcontract to NSF EPSCoR, $1,086,575] "Regional modeling infrastructure for assessing precipitation feedbacks in climate change scenarios" [PI, 4/2009-2011, New Faculty General Research Fund, University of Kansas, $7870.70] “Improvement of the Cloud Physics formulation in the U.S. Navy Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System” [Co-PI, 2/2003-2008, Office of Naval Research, $889,393] Professional Societies and Service Member, American Meteorological Society Member, American Geophysical Union Reviewer for Acta Geophysica, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Atmospheric Research, Boundary Layer Meteorology, Geophysical Research Letters, Journal of Applied Meteorology, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences, Journal of Geophysical Research, Journal of Glaciology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, Monthly Weather Review, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, and Weather and Forecasting Reviewer for National Science Foundation proposals Reviewer for Oxford University Press Session chair: Fifth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 6-8 Aug. 2003, Seattle, WA, American Meteorological Society Session chair: 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, 17-20 August 2009, Salt Lake City, UT, American Meteorological Society Session chair: 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, 28 June–2 July 2010, Portland, OR, American Meteorological Society Member, AMS Committee on Cloud Physics (Scientific and Technologies Activities Commission) J. Michael Young award for academic advising in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (2009) Center for Teaching Excellence Teaching Achievement Recognition (2010) Formal publications In review [–] de Szoeke, S. P., S. Yuter, D. Mechem, C. Fairall, C. Burleyson, and P. Zuidema, 2012: Observations of stratocumulus clouds and their effects on the eastern Pacific surface heat budget along 20°S. J. Climate, in review. [–] Huber, D. B., D. B. Mechem, and N. A. Brunsell, 2012: Effects of Great Plains irrigation on regional climate. Theor. Appl. Climatol., in review. ! Published [17] Kogan, Y. L., D. B. Mechem, and K. Choi, 2012: Effects of sea-salt aerosols on precipitation in simulations of shallow cumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 463–483. [16] Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, and S. P. de Szoeke, 2012: Thermodynamic and aerosol controls in southeast Pacific stratocumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 69, 1250–1266. [15] Brunsell, N. A., D. B. Mechem, and M. C. Anderson, 2011: Surface heterogeneity impacts on boundary layer dynamics via energy balance partitioning. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 3403–3416. [14] Melnikov, V. M., D. S. Zrnic, R. J. Doviak, P. B. Chilson, D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2011: Prospects of the WSR-88D radar for cloud studies. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatology., 50, 859–872. [13] vanZanten, M. C., B. Stevens, L. Nuijens, A. P. Siebesma, A. Ackerman, F. Burnet, A. Cheng, F. Couvreaux, H. Jiang, M. Khairoutdinov, Y. Kogan, D. C. Lewellen, D. Mechem, K. Nakamura, A. Noda, B. Shipway, J. Slawinska, S. Wang, and A. Wyszogrodzki, 2011: Controls on precipitation and cloudiness in simulations of trade-wind cumulus as observed during RICO. J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., 3, M04001, doi:10.3894/JAMES.2011.3.5. [12] Mechem, D. B., Y. L. Kogan, and D. M. Schultz, 2010a: Large-eddy observation of post-cold-frontal continental stratocumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3368–3383. [11] Mechem, D. B., Y. L. Kogan, and D. M. Schultz, 2010b: Large-eddy simulation of post-cold-frontal continental stratocumulus. J. Atmos. Sci., 67, 3835–3853. [10] Kogan, Y. L., Z. N. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2009: Fidelity of analytic drop size distributions in drizzling stratiform clouds based on large-eddy simulation. J. Atmos. Sci., 66, 2335-2348. [9] Li, Y., Y. L. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2008: An idealized modeling study of the effect of continental air mass aerosol parameters on marine stratocumulus. Atmos. Res., 88, 157-167. [8] Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2008: A bulk parameterization of giant CCN. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 2458-2466. [7] Mechem, D. B., Y. L. Kogan, M. Ovtchinnikov, A. B. Davis, K. F. Evans, and R. G. Ellingson, 2008: Multi-dimensional longwave forcing of boundary layer cloud systems. J. Atmos. Sci., 65, 3963-3977. [6] Kogan, Y. L., Z. N. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2007: Assessing the errors of microphysical retrievals based on Doppler radar parameters. J. Hydrometeor., 8, 665-677. [5] Mechem, D. B., S. S. Chen, and R. A. Houze, Jr., 2006: Momentum transport processes in the stratiform regions of mesoscale convective systems over the western Pacific warm pool. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 132, 709-736. [4] Mechem, D. B., P. C. Robinson, and Y. L. Kogan, 2006: Processing of cloud condensation nuclei by collision-coalescence in a mesoscale model. J. Geophys. Res., 111, D18204, doi: 10.1029/2006JD007183. [3] Kogan, Z. N., D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2005: Assessment of variability in continental low stratiform clouds based on observations of radar reflectivity. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D18205, doi: 10.1029/2005JD005982. [2] Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2003: Simulating the transition from drizzling marine stratocumulus to boundary layer cumulus with a mesoscale model. Mon. Wea. Rev., 131, 2342- 2360. [1] Mechem, D. B., R. A. Houze, Jr., and S. S. Chen, 2002: Layer inflow into precipitating convection over the western tropical Pacific. Quart. J. Roy. Meteor. Soc., 128, 1997-2030. Informal publications (Selected) Includes extended abstracts, posters, and oral presentations De Szoeke, S., S. Yuter, and D. Mechem, 2012: Determining conditions for stratocumulus clouds at the Azores. Proc. of the Third Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, Arlington, VA. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, and S. P. de Szoeke, 2012: Characteristics of low cloud variability over the Azores. Proc. of the Third Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, Arlington, VA. Yuter, S., M. Miller, S. de Szoeke, and D. Mechem, 2012: Comparison of factors modulating marine stratocumulus in the northeast Atlantic and southeast Pacific. Proc. of the Third Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Science Team Meeting, U.S. Department of Energy, Arlington, VA. Bishop, P. R., D. B. Mechem, S. E. Yuter, S. P. de Szoeke, and C. Burleyson, 2011: Mesoscale variability of turbulence-generating mechanisms in southeast-Pacific stratocumulus. Preprints, 14th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Los Angeles, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P1.21. Brunsell, N. A., C. J. Wilson, and D. B. Mechem, 2011: Assessing regional scale variability in North American extreme weather events. DOE CESM PI Meeting, Washington, D. C. Clark, K, R., and D. B. Mechem, 2011: Interactive precipitation feedbacks in an unforced single-column model. WCRP Open Science Conference, Denver, CO, World Climate Research Programme, C33/W249A. de Szoeke, S. P., N.Elmer, S. E. Yuter, and D. B. Mechem, 2011: Drizzle classification with cloud radar. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, Colby College, Waterville, ME. Gordon Research Conferences. Mechem, D. B., 2011: Improving mesoscale prediction of shallow convection and cloud regime transitions in Navy prediction systems. ONR DRI Workshop on Unified Parameterization, Monterey, CA. Mechem, D. B., and N. A. Brunsell, 2011: Preliminary results from a regional climate modeling framework for investigating North American extremes. Proc. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, AGU. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, and S. P. deSzoeke, 2011: Numerical simulation of heavily drizzling cloud regimes in VOCALS. 3rd VOCALS Science Meeting, Miami, FL. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, S. P. de Szoeke, and C. Burleyson, 2011: Isolating contributions to the diurnal cycle in southeast-Pacific stratocumulus. Preprints, 14th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Los Angeles, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 12.6. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, S. P. de Szoeke, C. D. Burleyson, and P. R. Bishop, 2011: VOCALS/Southeast Pacific science: Factorial analysis of mechanisms governing the diurnal cycle in southeast-Pacific stratocumulus. WCRP Open Science Conference, Denver, CO, World Climate Research Programme, C12/M57A. Brunsell, N. A., and D. B. Mechem, 2010: Assessing the role of surface heterogeneity on energy balance partitioning and land-atmosphere feedbacks, Preprints, 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Keystone, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 7B.5. Huber, D. B., D. B. Mechem, and N. A. Brunsell, 2010: Influence of irrigation on midsummer convective rainfall in the Great Plains, Preprints, 29th Conference on Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Keystone, CO, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P1.27. Huber, D. B., D. B. Mechem, and N. A. Brunsell, 2010: Effects of irrigation on Great Plains and Midwest precipitation processes. Annual Meeting, AAG Great Plains/Rocky Mountain Division, Lawrence, KS, Session 1.3, Association of American Geographers. Huber, D. B., D. B. Mechem, and N. A. Brunsell, 2010: Effects of irrigation on Great Plains and Midwest precipitation processes. Energy, Climate, and the Future: The role of Kansas, 2010 Kansas Statewide EPSCoR Conference, Lawrence, KS, Kansas EPSCoR. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, and S. P. deSzoeke, 2010: Thermodynamic and aerosol controls on eastern Pacific stratocumulus precipitation processes in VOCALS, Preprints, 13th Conference on Cloud Physics, Portland, OR, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 9.7. Mechem, D. B., 2010: Clouds. Encyclopedia of Geography, B. Warf, Ed., SAGE publications. Mechem, D. B., and A. J. Oberthaler, 2009: The role of cumulus congestus in the tropical western Pacific. Preprints, 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, UT, Amer. Meteor., Soc. 7.4. Melnikov, V., P. B. Chilson, and D. B. Mechem, 2009: Extending the capabilities of the polarimetric WSR-88D: Observations of cirrus clouds and moist layers. Preprints, 33rd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Williamsburg, VA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM, P3.1. Yuter, S. E., D. B. Mechem, C. W. Fairall, and W. A. Brewer, 2009: Unexpectedly strong convection under an inversion-topped marine boundary layer. Preprints, 13th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Salt Lake City, UT, Amer. Meteor., Soc. 10.6. Mechem, D. B., S. E. Yuter, S. P. deSzoeke, and C. W. Fairall, 2009: Near-LES modeling of eastern Pacific stratocumulus drizzle and cloud variability in VOCALS. Proc. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, AGU. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2008a: Scalings for precipitation and coalescence scavenging obtained from simulations of trade cumulus. Preprints, 15th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Cancún, Mexico, International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2008b: Structure and persistence of post-frontal stratus in numerical models. Proc. of the Eighteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, Ed. By D. Carrothers, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, WA. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2008c: Simple scaling relationships of coalescence processing obtained from simulations of trade cumulus. Proc. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, AGU. Kogan, Y. L. , Z. N. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2007: Parameterization of cloud drop distributions by analytical functions. Gordon Research Conference on Radiation and Climate, Colby-Sawyer College, New London NH, July 29-August 3, 2007. Kogan, Y. L., and D. B. Mechem, 2007: Approximation of cloud drop distributions by analytic functions. Proc. of the Seventeenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, Ed. By D. Carrothers, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, WA. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2007: Large eddy observation and LES of liquid stratus over the ACRF. Proc. of the Seventeenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, Ed. By D. Carrothers, U.S. Department of Energy, Richland, WA. Kogan, Y., Z. Kogan, and D. Mechem, 2007: Assessing precipitation flux in low layer clouds using Doppler radars. Proc. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, AGU. Melnikov, V. M., D. S. Zrnic, R. J. Doviak, Y. L. Kogan, P. B. Chilson, and D. B. Mechem, 2007: The WSR-88D observes nonprecipitating clouds. Preprints, 33rd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Cairns, Austrailia, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P6A.3. Kogan, Y. L., Z. N. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2006: Sensitivity of the retrieval of stratocumulus cloud liquid water and precipitation flux to Doppler radar parameters. Preprints, 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P1.17. Kogan, Z. N., Y. L. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2006: Scale dependence of variability in continental stratiform clouds. Preprints, 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P1.24. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2006a: Improving the representation of aerosol-cloudprecipitation interactions in numerical models. Proc. of the Sixteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, Ed. by D. Carrothers, U.S. Department of Energy. Richland, WA. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2006b: Bulk parameterization of giant CCN. Preprints, 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM, P1.3. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2006c: Three-dimensional aspects of droplet nucleation. Preprints, 12th Conference on Cloud Physics, Madison, WI, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, 1.2. Childers, M. E., K. M. Donner, and D. B. Mechem, 2005: Toward a diurnal climatology of cold season turbulence statistics in continental stratocumulus as observed by the ARM MMCR. Proc. of the Fifteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 14-18 March 2005, Daytona Beach, FL. Kogan, Z. N., D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2005: Variability of continental stratiform clouds and its scale dependence based on millimeter-wave radar data. Preprints, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P2R.10. Kogan, Y. L., Z. N. Kogan, and D. B. Mechem, 2005: The enhancement of radar retrievals by the use of higher moments of drop spectrum. Preprints, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CDROM, P2R.6. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2005a: Representing cloud processing of aerosols in numerical models. Proc. of the Fifteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 14-18 March 2005, Daytona Beach, FL. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan 2005b: Turbulence structure of cold season continental stratocumulus as observed by the ARM MMCR. Preprints, 32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology, Albuquerque, NM, Amer. Meteor. Soc., CD-ROM, P2R.1. Kogan, Z. N., D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2004: Characterizing stratiform cloud variability from millimeter-wave radar data. Proc. of the Fourteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 22-26 March 2004, Albuquerque, NM. Mechem, D. B., M. Ovtchinnikov, Y. L. Kogan, K. F. Evans, A. B. Davis, R. F. Cahalan, E. E. Takara, and R. G. Ellingson, 2004: Multi-dimensional longwave radiative forcing of PBL cloud systems. Preprints, 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Bologna, Italy, International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation, 1533-1536. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2003: Drizzle-induced mesoscale variability of boundary layer clouds in a regional forecast model. Preprints, AMS Fifth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, Seattle, WA, 6-8 August 2003, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Kogan, Z. N., D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2003a: The effect of precipitation on variability of low stratiform clouds over ARM SGP site. Proc. of the Thirteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 31 March-4 April 2003, Broomfield, CO. Kogan, Z. N., D. B. Mechem, and Y. L. Kogan, 2003b: Radar study on variability of continental low stratiform clouds. Proc. of the 31st AMS International Conference on Radar Meteorology, 6-12 August 2003, Seattle, WA, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Mechem, D. B., M. Ovtchinnikov, Y. L. Kogan, K. F. Evans, A. B. Davis, R. F. Cahalan, E. E. Takara, and R. G. Ellingson, 2003: Simulation of PBL cloud fields with interactive multi- dimensional longwave radiative forcing. Proc. of the Thirteenth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 31 March-4 April 2003, Broomfield, CO. Mechem, D. B., Y. L. Kogan, and M. R. Poellot, 2002: Large eddy simulation of postfrontal boundary layers in the ARM 2000 Cloud IOP. Proc. of the Twelfth Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) Science Team Meeting, 8-12 April 2002, St. Petersburg, FL. Mechem, D. B., M. Ovtchinnikov, Y. L. Kogan, A. B. Davis, R. F. Cahalan, E. E. Takara, and R. G. Ellingson, 2002: Multi-dimensional broadband IR radiative forcing of marine stratocumulus in a large eddy simulation model. Preprints, 11th Conference on Cloud Physics, 3-7 June 2002, Ogden, UT, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Ovtchinnikov, M., D. B. Mechem, T. P. Ackerman, R. F. Cahalan, A. B. Davis, R. Ellingson, K. F. Evans, Y. L. Kogan, and E. Takara, 2002: Longwave cooling rates in inhomogeneous stratocumulus clouds: 3D radiation transfer versus independent pixel approximation calculations. Preprints, 11th Conference on Cloud Physics, 3-7 June 2002, Ogden, UT, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Mechem, D. B., and Y. L. Kogan, 2001: Representation of marine stratocumulus in regional forecast models: Role of subgrid inhomogeneity. AMS Fourth Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, 6-9 November 2001, St. Petersburg, FL, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Mechem, D., Y. Kogan, and F. Kong, 2000: A new microphysical parameterization for marine stratocumulus clouds in regional forecast models. Proc. of the 13th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Reno, NV, 14-18 August 2000, International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation. Kogan, Y., and D. Mechem, 1999: On formulation of microphysical processes for marine stratocumulus in regional forecast models. Preprints, AMS Third Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Prediction and Processes, New Orleans, LA, 3-5 November 1999, Amer. Meteor. Soc. Supervision of graduate students (chair or co-chair of committee) David Huber Kathryn Clark Halley Holmes Prescott Bishop Lei Cai Oluseun Idowu M.S. Atmospheric Science (Completed summer 2011) Thesis title: Effects of Great Plains irrigation on regional climate) M.S. Atmospheric Science (2010–present) M.S. Atmospheric Science (2010–present) M.S. Atmospheric Science (2011–present) M.S. Atmospheric Science (2011–present) Ph.D. Geosciences, University of Missouri — Kansas City (2011– present) Margaret Wickens Pearce Department of Geography University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66044 785-864-7874 EDUCATION Ph.D., Geography, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, received 1998. Fields of study: Cartography, Cultural Geography, and Native and non-Native Relations during Colonization. Dissertation title: Native and Colonial Mapping in Western Connecticut Land Records M.A., Geography, Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1995. B.A., Hampshire College, Amherst, Massachusetts, 1989. ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 2010-present. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Ohio University, 2005-2010. Director, Ohio University Cartographic Center, 2005–2010. Founder, Journey Cake, 2004. [Sole proprietor map company emphasizing cultural and historical geography] Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Western Michigan University, 2001-2004. Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Humboldt State University, 1998–2001. Acting Director, Guy H. Burnham Map & Aerial Photograph Library, Clark University, 1995–96. PUBLICATIONS Books M. Pearce and O. Dwyer. Exploring Human Geography with Maps. 2nd ed. N.Y.: W. H. Freeman, 2010. M. Pearce. Exploring Human Geography with Maps. N.Y.: W. H. Freeman, 2003. Cartography They would not take me there: People, places, and stories from Champlain’s travels in Canada, 1603-1616. Orono, Me.: Canadian American Center, University of Maine, 2008. [4-color, 34 x 58 inches] Third Place, Best Thematic Map, CaGIS Map Design Competition, 2008. The intricacy of these turns and windings: A voyageur’s map. Marshall, Mich.: Journey Cake, 2005. [7-color, 25 x 76 inches] Honorable mention, Best Thematic Map, CaGIS Map Design Competition, 2006. Peer-reviewed Articles M. Pawling, M. Pearce, and D. Soctomah. Native mapping in Maine. In S. J. Hornsby and R. W. Judd, eds. The Historical Atlas of Maine. Orono: University of Maine Press, forthcoming 2011. M. Pearce and M. Hermann. Mapping Champlain’s travels: Restorative techniques for historical cartography. Cartographica 45 no. 1 (March 2010):33-48. M. Pearce. Non-western mapping. In R. Kitchin and N. Thrift, eds. International Encyclopedia of Human Geography, Elsevier 2009. M. Pearce and R. Louis. Mapping Indigenous depth of place. American Indian Culture & Research Journal, Special Issue, “Mainstreaming Indigenous Geographies,” 32 no. 3 (2008), 107-26. M. Pearce. Framing the days: Place and narrative in cartography. Cartography and Geographic Information Science 35 no. 1 (January 2008):17-32. M. Pearce. Reservation surveys in Lower Michigan. In David Macleod, ed. Mapping in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region. E. Lansing, Mich.: Michigan State University Press, 2007, 145-172. M. Pearce. The holes in the grid: reservation surveys in Lower Michigan. Michigan Historical Review 30 no. 2 (Fall 2004), 135–66. M. Pearce. Encroachment by word, axis, and tree: mapping techniques from the colonization of New England. Cartographic Perspectives 48 (Spring 2004), 24–38. 1 M. Pearce. Native mapping in Southern New England Indian deeds. In G. M. Lewis, ed. Cartographic Encounters: Perspectives on Native American Mapmaking and Map Use. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, 157–86. Non-peer-reviewed Articles M. Pearce. Reservation surveys in lower Michigan. In I. Sutton and D. Cole, eds., Mapping Native America: Cartographic Interactions between Indigenous Peoples, Government and Academia, accepted for publication. [Reprint of M. Pearce, “The holes in the grid: reservation surveys in Lower Michigan. Michigan Historical Review 30 no. 2 (Fall 2004), 135–66.] M. Pearce. Indigenous cartographies. In B. Warf, ed. Encyclopedia of Geography. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage, 2010. BOOK REVIEWS Prinz Maximilian von Wied, “The North American Journals of Prince Maximilian of Wied. Volume 2: April–September 1833,” Book Review Essay, Historical Geography, forthcoming 2011. Nato Thompson & Independent Curators International, eds., “Experimental Geography: Radical approaches to landscape, cartography, and urbanism,” Cartographic Perspectives, forthcoming 2011. Jon Parmenter, The Edge of the Woods: Iroquoia, 1534-1701,” Imago Mundi, forthcoming 2011. Barbara Belyea, “Dark Storm Moving West,” Imago Mundi 61 no. 1 (2009):108. Ward L. Kaiser & Denis Wood, “Seeing through Maps: The Power of Images to Shape Our World View,” Geographical Review 93 no. 1 (January 2003), 133–36. Jeremy Black, “Maps and Politics,” Economic Geography, 76 no. 3 (July 2000), 295–97. Emerson W. Baker, Edwin A. Churchill, Richard D’Abate, et al., eds. “American Beginnings. Exploration, Culture, and Cartography in the Land of Norumbega,” Cartographica 33 no. 6 (Summer 1996), 65–66. Doug Aberley, ed., “Boundaries of Home: Mapping for Local Empowerment,” Cartographic Perspectives 20 (Winter 1995), 48–50 (with Jean McKendry). INVITED TALKS AND WORKSHOPS “Indigenous cartographies of the earthworks,” The Newark Earthworks and World Heritage: One Site, Many Contexts. Invited presenter and participant for national symposium. The Ohio State University at Newark, May 2011. “Rethink the Reader: Toward Cartographic Design to Engage, Inspire, and Empower,” Invited colloquium speaker, Bucknell University, March 2011. “Indigenous cartographies and depth of place: Innovating cartographic language,” Humboldt State University, Geography Colloquium, 2008. “Place and the Language of Cartography,” Geography & Anthropology Colloquium, University of Southern Maine, April 2006. “Hands-On Map Activity for Exploring California Indian Country,” American Indian Civics Summer Institute, Humboldt State University, June 21–25, 1999; American Indian Civics Fair, Hoopa Valley High School, Hoopa, Calif., May 30, 2000. 2 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Papers Presented “A Closer Look at How We Translate Indigenous Place Names into Map Symbols,” Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Sacramento, Calif., May 2011. “Our Accomplice, the Map Reader,” Special sessions on the Humanities, Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Seattle, 2011. “Place codes: Narrative and dialogical strategies for cartography,” International Cartography Conference, Santiago, Chile, November 2009. “Encoding place: Rethinking cartographic language for Indigenous geographies,” Native American and Indigenous Studies Association, Minneapolis, Minn., May 2009. “Champlain in Canada: A restorative cartography,” North American Cartographic Information Society, Missoula, 2008. Co-presented with Michael Hermann. “Decolonizing historical cartography through narrative: Champlain’s travels revisited,” Critical Geography Conference, Athens, October 2008. “They would not take me there: Mapping the people, places, and stories of Champlain’s travels in Canada 16031616,” Canadian Association of Geographers, Quebec City, 2008. Co-presented with Michael Hermann. “Decolonizing historical cartography through narrative: Champlain’s voyages revisited,” Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Boston, 2008. Co-presented with Michael Hermann. “Incorporating depth of place in Indigenous cartographies,” Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, 2007. Co-presented with Renee Pualani Louis. “Mapping journeys,” Conflux Festival, Brooklyn, NY, September 2006. “Place codes for cartography,” 102nd Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, 2006. “The mapping of treaty reservations in Southern Michigan,” Cultures in Conflict: New Perspectives on Peoples of the Americas, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, 2005. “Reserved for Removal: The Mapping of Treaty Reservations in Southern Michigan,” Annual Meeting of the East Lakes Division, Association of American Geographers, Athens, Ohio, 2004. “The holes in the grid: Reservation surveys in Lower Michigan,” Mapping in Michigan and the Great Lakes Region, Mt. Pleasant, Mich., 2004. “The holes in the net: Native people and reservation surveyors in Southern Michigan,” 100th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, 2004. “Encoding place and experience in a voyageur map,” Annual Meeting of the East Lakes Division, Association of American Geographers, Kalamazoo, Mich., 2003. “Encroachment by axis, word, and tree: Local mapping techniques from the colonization of New England,” CARTO 2001, Montreal, Quebec, 2001. “Visual thinking for undergraduates: Transforming geographic education at Humboldt State,” 97th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, New York, N. Y., 2001. Co-presented with Paul Blank. “Thinking visually at Humboldt State,” 20th Annual Meeting, North American Cartographic Information Society, Knoxville, Tenn., 2000. Co-presented with Mary Beth Cunha. “New media for old traditions: Incorporating visualization into geography curriculum,” Association of Pacific Coast Geographers, Arcata, Calif., 2000. Co-presented with Mary Beth Cunha. Posters Presented “Voice and design in a voyageurs map,” 99th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, New Orleans, La., 2003. “The shape of sovereignty: Exploring California Indian country with maps,” 96th Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, Penn., 2000. Presentations on Panels “The Colonial Present V: Post-Coloniality and Indigenous Geography,” Association of American Geographers, Boston, 2008. “Historical Cartography,” North American Cartographic Information Society, Missoula 2008. “The Champlain Map Project,” American Council for Québec Studies, Québec City, November 2008. “Cartographic Engagement and the Social Life of Maps,” discussant, Association of American Geographers, 3 Washington, D.C., 2010. “Indigenous Cartographies and Counter-Mapping,” discussant, Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C., 2010. “Indigenous Knowledges and Decolonization,” discussant, Perspectives on African Decolonization: African Intellectuals and Decolonization, Ohio University, 2008. Exhibits The Intricacy of These Turns & Windings: A Voyageur’s Map. Selected for Mark Dion installation and gallery exhibition Collections Collected, Kennedy Museum of Art, Ohio University, September 24-November 29, 2009. GRANTS AND FELLOWSHIPS Franklin Research Grant, American Philosophical Society, $6,000. Project Title: Native Place Names Mapping: Developing Best Practices. 2011. Co-PI, NSF Geography and Spatial Sciences Grant, $571,859. Project Title: Linking Local Knowledge and Local Institutions for the Study of Adaptive Capacity to Climate Change: Participatory GIS in Northern Tanzania, 2009-2011. P.I. Thomas Smucker. Athens Foundation, Athens, Ohio, $6,100. Project Title: Southeast Ohio Bicycle Map. With Athens Bicycle Club. Principal Investigator, NSF Course, Curriculum, and Laboratory Improvement — Adaptation & Implementation Grant, $180,348, for project 1999–2001 (NSF DUE 9972511). Project Title: Creation of a Cartography and Visualization Laboratory at Humboldt State University. See American Fellow, American Association of University Women Educational Foundation, 1996–97. Association of American Geographers Dissertation Grant, 1996. Jeanette D. Black Memorial Fellow, John Carter Brown Library, Fall 1994. Fellow, The Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography, Newberry Library, Summer 1994. COURSES TAUGHT GEOG 911 Mapping Place, University of Kansas, 2011 GEOG 102 Principles of Human Geography, University of Kansas, 2011 GEOG 601/801 & GINS 801 Indigenous Peoples of the World, University of Kansas, 2010 GEOG 210 Maps, Computers, & Geographic Analysis, University of Kansas, 2010 GEOG 260 Maps, Ohio University, 2005-2006 GEOG 268 GIS and Mapping Sciences, Ohio University, 2008-2009 GEOG 360/560 Cartography I, Ohio University, 2005-2009 GEOG 361/561 Cartography II, Ohio University, 2006-2010 GEOG 468/568 Cartography III, Ohio University, 2006-2010 GEOG 687 Critical Cartographies, Ohio University, Fall 2006 GEOG 687 Mapping Place, Ohio University, Fall 2008 GRADUATE THESES CHAIRED Elbie Bentley, “A narrative atlas of the Gunnison-Beckwith Survey for the Pacific Railroad, 1853-1854” (M.A. 6/09) Ana Mojica, “Multiple-scenario interface for visualizing urban structure models: the case of the Salvadoran cities of San Salvador and Santa Tecla” (M.A. 12/08) 4 STUDENT AWARDS (Cartography awards won by students under my supervision) NACIS Student Poster Competition [Mike Boruta, 2009; Kenny Ling, 2007]; NACIS Animated Map Competition [Kenny Ling, 2008, Ana Mojica, 2006; Verena Kellner, 2001; Curt Schaffer, 2000]; NACIS Interactive Map Competition [Nathaniel Vaughn Kelso, 1999 and 2000]; David Woodward Award for Best Electronic Map, CaGIS Map Design Competition [Ana Mojica, 2007]; Best Student Map, CaGIS Map Design Competition [Mike Boruta, 2010; Honorable Mention, Elbie Bentley, 2008] PROFESSIONAL SERVICE International & National President, North American Cartographic Information Society (NACIS), 2009–2010; Vice President, 2008-2009; Secretary, 2005–2007; Board Member, 2003–2005. Reviewer and Panelist, Ford Foundation Diversity Fellowships, Washington, D.C.: Interdisciplinary Panel, 2008– 2011; Social Sciences Panel, 2007. Co-Chair, Indigenous Peoples Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers, 2002–2004; Board Member, 2000–2002. Editorial Board, Historical Geography, 2010-present. Editorial Board, Cartographica, 2007–present. Editorial Board, Cartographic Perspectives, 2003–present. Reviewer and Panelist, Division of Undergraduate Education CCLI grants, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA, July, 2000. GIS/GPS Technology Advisory Council, Hocking College, April 2007. University of Kansas Open Access Liaison, 2010-present. Colloquium committee, 2010-present. 5 David A. Rahn Atmospheric Science Program Department of Geography University of Kansas 201 Lindley Hall 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. Lawrence, KS 66045-7613 USA Email: Education Ph.D., 2008: Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY Dissertation Topic: Forcing mechanisms of coastally trapped wind reversals M.S., 2006: Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY Thesis Topic: Modification of the coastal jet by Cape Mendocino B.S., 2003: Atmospheric and Oceanic Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI Professional Positions 8 / 2012 - Present: Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 9 / 2008 - 9 / 2012: Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile 9 / 2004 - 8 / 2008: Graduate Research Assistant and Teaching Assistant, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming Research Interests Coastal meteorology (including coastally trapped wind reversals, coastal lows, and low level jets), synoptic and large scale influences on the marine atmospheric boundary layer, and aircraft instrumentation. Refereed Publications Rahn, D. A., 2012: Influence of large scale oscillations on upwelling-favorable coastal wind off central Chile. J. Geophys. Res., 117, D19114, doi:10.1029/2012JD018016. Juliá, C., D. A. Rahn, J. A. Rutllant, 2012: Assessing the influence of the MJO on strong precipitation events in subtropical, semi-arid north-central Chile (30°S). J. Climate, 25, 7003-7013. Rahn, D. A., R. Garreaud, and J. Rutllant, 2011: The low-level atmospheric circulation near Tongoy Bay / point Lengua de Vaca (Chilean coast, 30°S). Mon. Wea. Rev., 139, 3628-3647. Garreaud, R., J. Rutllant, R. Muñoz, D. Rahn, M. Ramos, and D. Figueroa, 2011: VOCALSCUpEx: The Chilean Upwelling Experiment. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 2015-2029, doi:10.5194/acp-11-2015-2011. Rahn, D. A. and Garreaud, R., 2010: Marine boundary layer over the subtropical southeast Pacific during VOCALS-REx – Part 1: Mean structure and diurnal cycle, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 4491-4506, doi:10.5194/acp-10-4491-2010. Rahn, D. A. and Garreaud, R., 2010: Marine boundary layer over the subtropical southeast Pacific during VOCALS-REx – Part 2: Synoptic variability, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 45074519, doi:10.5194/acp-10-4507-2010. Rahn, D. A. and T. R. Parish, 2010: Cessation of the 22-25 June 2006 Coastally Trapped Wind Reversal. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 49, 1412-1428. Rahn, D. A. and T. R. Parish, 2008: A Study of the Forcing of the 22-25 June 2006 Coastally Trapped Wind Reversal based on Numerical Simulations and Aircraft Observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 4687–4708. Parish, T. R., D. A. Rahn, and D. Leon, 2008: Aircraft Observations of a Coastally Trapped Wind Reversal off the California Coast. Mon. Wea. Rev., 136, 644–662. Rahn, D. and T. R. Parish, 2007: Diagnosis of the Forcing and Structure of the Coastal Jet near Cape Mendocino Using In Situ Observations and Numerical Simulations. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 46, 1455-1468. Other Non-peer reviewed Publications Garreaud, R., J. Rutllant, R. Muñoz, D. Rahn, M. Ramos, and D. Figueroa, 2010: VOCALSCUpEx: The Chilean Upwelling Experiment. CLIVAR-Exchanges Newsletter, 15(2), 5-7. Participation in Scientific Meetings Rahn, D. A., 2012: Assessing intraseasonal to interannual variability of upwelling-favorable coastal winds off central Chile. 10th Symposium on the Coastal Environment, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 3A.3. Rahn, D. A., and R. D. Garreaud, 2011: Climatology of the 10-m wind along the west coast of South America from 30 years of high-resolution reanalysis. Segundo Congreso de Oceanografía Física, Meteorología y Clima, Coquimbo, Chile. Rahn, D. A., and J. Rutllant, 2011: Eventos de Precipitación intensa en función de la altitud en el valle del Elqui: Parte III: Eventos aislados en La Serena y en Embalse Laguna [Intense precipitation events as a function of altitude in the Elqui valley: Part III: Isolated events in La Serena and the Laguna Dam]. Segundo Congreso de Oceanografía Física, Meteorología y Clima, Coquimbo, Chile. Rahn, D. A., R. Garreaud, J. Rutllant, and R. Muñoz, 2010: Daytime coastal jet maximum in central Chile (30°S) during VOCALS-CUpEx. Eos Trans. AGU, 91(26), Meet. Am. Suppl., Abstract A24B-04, Foz do Iguaçu, Brasil. Rahn, D. A., 2009: Variabilidad sinóptica de la capa límite marina durante VOCALS-REx (primavera 2008) [Synoptic variability of the marine boundary layer during VOCALS-REx (spring 2008)]. Primer Congreso de Oceanografía Física, Meteorología y Clima, Concepción, Chile. Rahn, D. A., and R. Garreaud, 2009: Upsidence wave during VOCALS. 2nd VOCALS Science Meeting, Seattle, WA., 3B. Rahn, D. A., 2007: Aircraft observations of a coastally trapped wind reversal off the California coast, 7th Conf. on Coastal Met./7th Conf. on Urban Environ., San Diego, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 8.2. Current Projects: NSF Grant: AGS-1034862, 2012-2014 Title: PREcision Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (PREAMBLE) PIs: David A. Rahn and Thomas R. Parish FONDECYT Grant: 3110100, 2010-2012 Title: Synoptic Influence on the subtropical Marine Boundary Layer in the Southeast Pacific: The SIMBL Experiment PI: David A. Rahn Field Work May/June 2012: PREcision Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer Experiment (PREAMBLE). Directed aircraft missions that investigated a variety of coastal meteorological phenomena in southern California. Total flight hours: 34.5 September 2011: Synoptic Influence on the subtropical Marine Boundary Layer (SIMBL). Radiosondes were launched twice daily for two weeks from Robinson Crusoe Island (archipelago Juan Fernández), ~700 km west of the central Chilean coast. December 2009 – January 2011: VOCALS-CUpEx. Flew missions measuring the coastal jet along the coast of Chile. Total flight hours: 9.3. November/December 2009: VAMOS Ocean-Cloud-Atmosphere-Land Study – Chilean Upwelling Experiment (VOCALS-CUpEx). Stationed at Talcaruca, Chile with main duties including launching radiosondes. June 2006: Dynamics and Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus (DMIMS). Maintained airborne aerosol instrumentation and directed missions. Total flight hours: 23.7. Past Projects: FONDECYT Grant: 1090412 Title: Dynamics of the Atmospheric Marine Boundary Layer off Subtropical Chile Role: Post-doctoral researcher and technical support 2009-2010 FONDECYT Grant: 1090492 Title: Variabilidad Climática en Chile: Evaluación, Interpretación y Proyecciones (ACT19/R19) Role: Post-doctoral researcher 2008-2009 ONR Grant N000140510720 and NSF Grant ATM-0332202 Title: Dynamics and Microphysics in Marine Stratocumulus (DMIMS) Role: Research assistant (Ph. D. Student) 2006-2008 NSF Grant: ATM-0332202 Title: An Application of Airborne Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurements to Studies of Atmospheric Dynamics Role: Research assistant (Masters Student) 2005-2006 Teaching Experience ATMO105 – Introductory Meteorology, University of Kansas (Fall 2012) ATMO505 – Weather Forecasting, University of Kansas (Fall 2012) ATSC 2000 Lab – Introduction to Meteorology, Lab Instructor, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming (Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Spring 2007, and Fall 2007). ATSC 2000 Lecture – Introduction to Meteorology, Co-lecturer, Department of Atmospheric Science, University of Wyoming (Fall 2006 and Fall 2007). Professional Activities 2012 – present: Undergraduate Affairs Committee 2006 – 2008: Member, University of Wyoming Flight Safety Committee Professional Affiliations 2004 – present: American Meteorological Society 2007 – present: American Geophysical Union 2010 – present: European Geophysical Union Computer Skills and Proficiency UNIX, Windows, IDL, MatLab, GEMPAK, GrADS, IDV, VAPOR, WRF Languages English (native), Spanish Terry A. Slocum Curriculum Vitae, March 2010 Department of Geography University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045 Phone: 785-864-5146 E-mail: I. EDUCATION Ph.D. (1980) University of Kansas Major field of study: Cartography Secondary field: Quantitative Methods M.A. (1976) State University of New York at Albany Areas of Study: Cartography and Quantitative Methods B.A. (1974) State University of New York at Albany Major: Geography Minor: Mathematics II. ACADEMIC EMPLOYMENT Chair, Department of Geography, University of Kansas Associate Professor, University of Kansas Assistant Professor, University of Kansas Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Consultant to Robert Aangeenbrug, Chair, 4th International Conference on Computer-Assisted Cartography (AUTO-CARTO IV) Systems Analyst for GBFDIME project, Lawrence, Kansas Teaching Assistant, University of Kansas Assistant for University of Kansas Cartographic Services Teaching and Research Assistant in cartography, State University of New York at Albany 2003-present 1986-present 1981-1986 1980-1981 1978-1979 1978 1977-1978 1976-1977 1974-1976 III. GRANTS National Science Foundation, $1,060,747, 2001-2005. “Extending Scientific Inquiry through Geographic Information Systems” (with Joseph Heppert (PI), Dennis Lane, Thomas Baker, and Steven Case). US Department of State Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, $142,138, 2000-2004. “Partnership between the University of Kansas and the University of Zambia: Enhancing Technological Capabilities in Environmental Science Teaching and Research,”. (Senior Personnel with Garth Myers (PI) and other faculty at KU). National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, $3000, 1999. “A Preliminary Evaluation of MapTime” KU Research Development Fund, $40,577.82, 1999. Project to incorporate a water balance model with the Green Report ( (with Johan Feddema (PI), David Bennett, Ed Martinko, and Kevin Price). 1 National Science Foundation, $90,700, 1993-1994. "Enhancing Analytical and Physical Geography Curriculum at the University of Kansas" (with Kevin Price (PI) and others). KU General Research Fund, $8082, 1992. "Exploring Time-Based Data for Choropleth Maps." National Science Foundation, $50,000, 1987-1990. "Developing and Analyzing an Information System for Choropleth Maps." New Faculty Research Grant, $4500, 1982. "Regionalization on Automated and Non-Automated Choropleth Maps." IV. PUBLICATIONS Books 2009 Terry A. Slocum, Robert B. McMaster, Fritz C. Kessler, and Hugh H. Howard. Thematic Cartography and Geovisualization. Third Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. 2005 Terry A. Slocum, Robert B. McMaster, Fritz C. Kessler, and Hugh H. Howard. Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization. Second Edition. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education. 1999 Terry A. Slocum, Thematic Cartography and Visualization. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Articles and Book Chapters Published (* refereed; + invited) * forthcoming Fritz C. Kessler, Terry A. Slocum. “Analysis of Thematic Maps Published in Two Geographical Journals in the Twentieth Century,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 11,000-word Manuscript. + forthcoming Terry A. Slocum, Fritz C. Kessler. “Thematic Mapping,” in Cartography in the Twentieth Century, ed. Mark Monmonier. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. (8000-word manuscript) * 2007 Terry A. Slocum, Matthew D. Dunbar and Stephen L. Egbert. “Evaluating the Potential of the GeoWall for Geographic Education,” Journal of Geography 106:3, pp. 91-102. * 2004 Terry A. Slocum, Robert S. Sluter, Fritz C. Kessler, and Stephen C. Yoder. “A Qualitative Evaluation of MapTime, a Program for Exploring Spatiotemporal Point Data,” Cartographica 39:3, pp. 4368. + 2004 Terry A. Slocum, Hugh H. Howard, Fritz C. Kessler, and Robert B. McMaster. “Recent and Ongoing Developments in Cartography,” ACSM Bulletin, No. 207, pp. 8-18. * 2003 Terry A. Slocum, D.C. Cliburn, J.J. Feddema, and J.R. Miller. “Evaluating the Usability of a Tool for Visualizing the Uncertainty of the Future Global Water Balance,” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 30:4, pp. 299-317. 2 * 2002 Daniel Cliburn, Johan Feddema, James Miller, and Terry A. Slocum. “Design and Evaluation of a Decision Support System in a Water Balance Application,” Computers and Graphics, 26:6, pp. 931 - 949. * 2001 Terry A. Slocum, Connie Blok, Bin Jiang, Alexandra Koussoulakou, Daniel R. Montello, Sven Fuhrmann, and Nicholas R. Hedley. “Cognitive and Usability Issues in Geovisualization,” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 28:1, pp. 61-75. * 2000 Terry A. Slocum, Stephen C. Yoder, Fritz C. Kessler, and Robert S. Sluter “MapTime: Software for Exploring Spatiotemporal Data Associated with Point Locations,” Cartographica, 37:1, pp. 15-31. + 1999 Terry A. Slocum. “Changes in Symbolization Research,” Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 26:3, p. 219. * 1996 Terry A. Slocum and Stephen C. Yoder. “Using Visual Basic to Teach Programming for Geographers," Journal of Geography, Sept./Oct., pp. 32-37. + 1995 Terry A. Slocum. "Introduction" to the 1995 U.S. National Report to the International Cartographic Association, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 22:2, pp. 109-114. + 1994 Terry A. Slocum. "Visualization Software Tools," in Visualization in Modern Cartography, eds. Alan M. MacEachren and D.R. Fraser Taylor. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 91-122. (Numerous co-authors were involved, but I was the lead author and editor.) * 1993 Terry A. Slocum and Stephen L. Egbert. "Knowledge Acquisition from Choropleth Maps," Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 20:2, pp. 83-95. * 1992 Stephen L. Egbert and Terry A. Slocum. "EXPLOREMAP: An Exploration System for Choropleth Maps,” Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 82:2, pp. 275-288. + 1991 Terry A. Slocum and Stephen L. Egbert. "Cartographic Data Display," in Geographic Information Systems: The Microcomputer and Modern Cartography, ed. D.R. Fraser Taylor. Oxford: Pergamon Press, pp. 167-199. * 1990 Terry A. Slocum, Susan H. Robeson and Stephen L. Egbert. "Traditional Versus Sequenced Choropleth Maps/An Experimental Investigation," Cartographica, 27:1, pp. 67-88. * 1990 Terry A. Slocum. “The Use of Quantitative Methods in Major Geographical Journals, 1956-1986,” The Professional Geographer, 42:1, pp. 84-94. * 1986 Terry A. Slocum and Robert B. McMaster. "Gray Tone Versus Line Plotter Choropleth Maps: A Matching Experiment," The American Cartographer, 13:2, pp. 151-164. * 1986 Gregory A. Plumb and Terry A. Slocum. "Alternative Designs for Dot Matrix Printer Maps," The American Cartographer, 13:2, pp. 121133. * 1985 Jeffrey C. Patton and Terry A. Slocum. "Spatial Pattern Recall: An Analysis of the Aesthetic Use of Color," Cartographica, 22:3, pp. 70-87. 3 * 1984 Terry A. Slocum. "A Cluster Analysis Model for Predicting Visual Clusters," The Cartographic Journal, 21:2, pp. 103-111. * 1984 Terry A. Slocum, Robert Hanisch and Derek Thompson. "The Design and Applications of a Cartographic Data Base for Redistricting," Geoprocessing, 2, pp. 151-176. * 1983 Terry A. Slocum. "Predicting Visual Clusters on Graduated Circle Maps," The American Cartographer, 10:1, pp. 59-72. * 1982 Terry A. Slocum. "Circle Size Judgment and Map Design: A Comment," in the Commentary Section of The American Cartographer, 9:2, pp. 179-181. * 1981 Terry A. Slocum. "Analyzing the Communicative Efficiency of Twosectored Pie Graphs," Cartographica, 18:3, pp. 53-65. * 1979 Terry A. Slocum and Patricia P. Gilmartin. "Cartographic Analysis of Proportional Circle Maps Using Delaunay Triangles," The Canadian Cartographer, 16:2, pp. 133-144. Conference Proceedings 2003 J. R. Miller, D. C. Cliburn, J. J. Feddema, and Terry A. Slocum. “Modeling and Visualizing Uncertainty in a Global Water Balance Model,” Proceedings 18th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2003), March 9-12, 2003, Melbourne, Florida, pp. 972-978. 1995 Terry A. Slocum. "Summary of the 1995 U.S. National Report to the ICA," Proceedings of the 17th International Cartographic Conference, Volume 2, Barcelona, Spain, pp. 1959-1963. 1993 Terry A. Slocum, John C. Davis and Stephen L. Egbert. "Developing Software for Exploring Temporal Spatial Data," GIS/LIS '93 Proceedings, Vol. 2, Minneapolis, Minnesota, pp. 642-653. 1988 Terry A. Slocum, Stephen L. Egbert, Mary Catherine Prante, and Susan H. Robeson. "Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps," Third International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Sydney, Australia, pp. 293-305. 1982 Derek Thompson and Terry A. Slocum. "A Geographic Information System for Political Redistricting in Maryland," Proceedings of Applied Geography Conferences, 5, pp. 73-87. In-House Departmental Publications 1986 Terry A. Slocum and Gregory A. Plumb. "Software for Dot Matrix Printer Mapping," Occasional Paper Series, No. 5, Department of Geography, University of Kansas. Book Reviews 1993 "Map Generalization: Making Rules for Knowledge Representation", editors Barbara P. Buttenfield and Robert B. McMaster, Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 4 1991 "Geographic Information Systems and Cartographic Modelling" by C. Dana Tomlin, The Professional Geographer, Vol. 43, p. 126. 1990 "Analytical and Computer Cartography" by Keith C. Clarke, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, Vol. 17, pp. 314316. 1986 "Technological Transition in Cartography" by Mark S. Monmonier, Journal of Geography, Vol. 85, p. 38. 1985 "Principles of Thematic Map Design" by Borden D. Dent, The American Cartographer, Vol. 12, pp. 177-178. 1984 "The Visual Display of Quantitative Information" by Edward R. Tufte, The American Cartographer, Vol. 11, pp. 175-176. 1984 "Graphic Communication and Design in Contemporary Cartography", D.R.F. Taylor, editor, The Professional Geographer, Vol. 36, p. 137. 1982 "Computer-Assisted Cartography: Principles and Prospects" by Mark S. Monmonier, Journal of Geography, Vol. 81, p. 118. V. PRESENTATIONS Papers Presented 2009 Fritz C. Kessler and Terry A. Slocum. “History of Thematic Mapping in the 20thCentury: Design and Construction Issues,” Association of American Geographers, Las Vegas, NV. 2009 Terry A. Slocum. “History of Thematic Cartography, 1900-2000,” Department of Geography Brownbag Series, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. 2006 Terry A. Slocum. “Overview of an Introductory Course in Quantitative Methods at the University of Kansas,” part of the Special Panel Session: Teaching Quantitative Methods at the Dawn of the 21st Century, 69th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Coast Geographers, Eugene Oregon. 2005 Terry A. Slocum, Matthew Dunbar and Stephen Egbert. “The GeoWall and its Potential for Geographic Education,” Association of American Geographers, Denver, CO. 2001 Terry A. Slocum, Johannes Feddema, Daniel Cliburn, and James R. Miller. “Visualizing Uncertainty in Global Water Budget Simulations,” North American Cartographic Information Society, Portland, Oregon. 2000 Terry A. Slocum. “Cognitive and Usability Issue in Geovisualization,” Commission on Visualization, International Cartographic Association, Melbourne, Australia, June 14-16 (This presentation involved a series of lectures and discussions over a two-day period.) 2000 Terry A. Slocum, Robert S. Sluter, Fritz C. Kessler, and Stephen C. Yoder. “A Preliminary Evaluation of MapTime,” Association of American Geographers, Pittsburgh, PA. 5 1999 Terry A. Slocum. “Cognitive Issues in Visualization”, Commission on Visualization, International Cartographic Association, Ottawa, Canada, August 22-23 (This presentation involved a series of lectures and discussions over a two-day period.) 1996 Stephen C. Yoder and Terry A. Slocum. "Software for Exploring Temporal Data Associated with Point Locations," Association of American Geographers, Charlotte, NC. 1996 Stephen C. Yoder and Terry A. Slocum. "Software for Exploring Temporal Data Associated with Point Locations," North American Cartographic Information Society, San Antonio, TX. 1995 Terry A. Slocum and Stephen C. Yoder. "Using Visual Basic to Teach Concepts of Visualizing Spatial Data, "Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL. 1994 Terry A. Slocum. "Using Visual Basic to Teach Concepts of Visualizing Spatial Data," Department of Geography, University of South Carolina. 1993 Terry A. Slocum, John C. Davis and Stephen L. Egbert. "Developing Software for Exploring Temporal Spatial Data," GIS/LIS '93, Minneapolis, MN. 1991 Terry A. Slocum and Stephen L. Egbert. "Software for a Choropleth Information System," Association of American Geographers, Miami, FL. 1991 Terry A. Slocum. "Some Design Considerations for Maps Created Using GIS," for Kansas City Area ArcInfo User's Group, University of Kansas. 1989 Terry A. Slocum. "A Comparison of Sequenced and NonSequenced Presentations for Choropleth Maps," Association of American Geographers, Baltimore, MD. 1988 Terry A. Slocum, Stephen L. Egbert, Mary Catherine Prante, and Susan H. Robeson "Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps," Third International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Sydney, Australia. 1988 Terry A. Slocum. "Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps," Association of American Geographers, Phoenix, AZ. 1987 Terry A. Slocum. "Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps," National Council for Geographic Education, October, Springfield, MO. 1987 Terry A. Slocum. "Developing an Information System for Choropleth Maps," Department of Geography, University of Kentucky. 1984 Terry A. Slocum and Robert B. McMaster. "Perception of Line Plotter Versus Gray Tone Choropleth Maps," Association of American Geographers, Washington, D.C. 1982 Jeffrey C. Patton and Terry A. Slocum. "An Evaluation of Color on Graduated Circle Pattern Recall," Association of American Geographers, San Antonio, TX. 6 1981 Terry A. Slocum. "A Comparison of Individual Scaling and RangeGrading in a Visual Clustering Experiment," Association of American Geographers, Los Angeles, CA. 1980 Terry A. Slocum. "Predicting Visual Clusters on Graduated Circle Maps," Association of American Geographers, Louisville, KY. 1979 Terry A. Slocum. "Recall of Graduated Circle Patterns on Maps," Association of American Geographers, Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentations 1995 1985 Terry A. Slocum. "Summary of the 1995 U.S. National Report to the ICA," 17th International Cartographic Conference, Barcelona, Spain. Gregory A. Plumb and Terry A. Slocum. "Improving the Visual Quality of Dot Matrix Printer Maps," Association of American Geographers, Detroit, MI. Invited Discussant 1987 VI. Terry A. Slocum. For the session "Recent Research on the Cartographic Use of Color," Association of American Geographers, Portland, OR. COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate 104 - Introductory Physical Geography Upper-division Undergraduate and Graduate 316 - Introduction to Quantitative Methods in Geography (basic use of statistics in geography through simple correlation and regression) 358 - Principles of Geographic Information Systems (an introduction to the principles of GIS) 514 - Visualizing Spatial Data (an analysis of techniques for visualizing spatial data and their implementation in a programming language) 516 - Applied Multivariate Analysis in Geography (the use of multivariate data analysis methods geography) 517 - Data Handling and Map Symbolization (focuses on the quantitative and perceptual aspects of map symbolization) Graduate Courses 806 Basic Seminar (largely MA thesis proposal development) 7 911 Seminar in Cartography (Visualization) (research issues in geographic visualization) VII. RESEARCH SUPERVISED Dissertation Committees Chaired John H. Kostelnick, 2006, “An Interactive Mapping System for Exploring the Geography of American Religion.” Hugh H. Howard, 2003, “Development of an Expert System for Cartographic Design Education.” Fritz Kessler, 1999, “The design and evaluation of the U-boat narrative: A tool for exploring the U-boat conflict of 1939-1945.” Karen Trifonoff, 1994, "Using thematic maps in the early elementary grades." Stephen L. Egbert, 1994, "The design and evaluation of an interactive map exploration system." Masters Thesis Committees Chaired Spradlin, Kevin L. 2000. “An evaluation of user attitudes toward classed and unclassed choropleth maps.” Yoder, Stephen C, 1996, "The development of software for exploring temporal data associated with point locations." Yadav-Pauletti, Sunita, 1996, "MIGMAP, A data exploration application for visualizing U.S. Census migration data." Douglas Greenfield, 1994, "Animating point symbols for cartographic display." Linus L. Smith, 1988, "Improving the cartographic quality of geomorphic lines displayed on low-resolution computer screens." Stanley J. Gerber, 1987, "Assessing the value of shaded relief to road map users." Steven R. Miller, 1986, "Local context effects on obtaining tabular information from choropleth maps." Masters Non-thesis Committees Chaired Hughes (1993), Ziegler (1991). Shapiro (1989), Jones (1988), Gillespie (1986). VIII. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Editorial Work Member, Editorial Board, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 2006-present. 8 Editor, Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 1999-2002. Associate Editor, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 19961999. Edited the 1995 U.S. National Report to the International Cartographic Association, published as a special issue of Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 1995, 22:2. Software Review Editor, Cartography and Geographic Information Systems, 1991 - 1994. Member, Editorial Board, The Professional Geographer January 1, 1985 December 31, 1987. Served on a committee to select the best article appearing in the publications of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping (19821985). Organizational Officer Academic Director, Cartography Specialty Group, Association of American Geographers, 1991-1993. Vice President, Cartography and Geographic Information Society, 2010. Workshops and Short Courses Taught "Modern Stereoscopic Displays for Geographic Education", with Matthew D. Dunbar and Stephen L. Egbert, Association of American Geographers, San Francisco, CA, 2007. "Modern Stereoscopic Displays for Geographic Education", with Matthew D. Dunbar and Stephen L. Egbert, Association of American Geographers, Chicago, IL, 2006. "Spatial Data Exploration and Mapping", with Stephen L. Egbert, Association of American Geographers, Atlanta, Georgia, 1993. "Computer-assisted Cartography: Data Display", with Barbara Buttenfield, International Geographical Congress, Washington, D.C., 1992. "Map Display for GIS", with Stephen L. Egbert, for the GRAIL spring workshop series, University of Kansas, 1991. "The Cartographic/GIS Interface", with Stephen L. Egbert, MidAmerica GIS Symposium, Kansas City, MO, 1990. "Digital Cartography", Governor's Conference on Applied Remote Sensing, Geographic Data Analysis and Mapping in Kansas, University of Kansas, 1983. Miscellaneous Member, Steering Committee, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis Varenius Workshop “Cognitive Models of Dynamic Phenomena”, Pittsburgh, PA, 1998. 9 Member, Advisory Board for an NEH start-up grant “Visualizing the Past: Tools and Techniques for Understanding Historical Processes,” 2008-2009. IX. DEPARTMENTAL SERVICE Chair, 2003-present. Graduate Director, 1993-2002. Member, Committee to evaluate in-house GRF proposals, 1994 Chair, Student Affairs Out-of-House Committee, 1992-1993, 1995-1998 Chair, Search Committee for Computer Technician, 1991 Chair, Staff Committee (1990-1991) Chair, Student Affairs Committee, 1989-90 Search Committee for GIS, 1988-1989 Search Committee for GIS/Physical, 1987-1988 Search Committee for Remote Sensing/GIS, 1987 Co-Chair, Student Affairs Committee, 1988-1989 Chair, Student Affairs Committee, 1986-1988 Student Affairs Committee, 1985-1986 Computer Committee, 1985-1986 Staff Committee, 1981-1985 Ad Hoc Cartographic Services Committee, 1983 Cartographic Services Projects Committee, 1982 X. UNIVERSITY SERVICE Planning Committee for the Center for Analysis of Data, 2007-2008. College Academic Council, 2005-8. College Enrollment Processes Subcommittee, 2003-2004. DLAG (Digital Library Advisory Group), 2002-2008. CGS (Committee on Graduate Studies), 2001-3, Chair 2002-2003. Served as Stadium Marshall at commencement, 1994. First-Level Review Committee, General Research Fund 1990-1991 CGS (Committee on Graduate Studies), 1988-1991; Chair 1989-1990 CUSA (Committee on Undergraduate Studies and Advising), 1985-1987 Graduate Council and the Standing Committee on Graduate Faculty Appointments, 1982-1985 Advised for summer orientation, 1983-1984 XI. AWARDS Teacher Appreciation Award, Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), 2007. Teacher Appreciation Award, Center for Teaching Excellence (CTE), 1998. XII. Membership in Professional Organizations Association of American Geographers Canadian Cartographic Association Cartography and Geographic Information Society North American Cartographic Information Society The British Cartographic Society 10 XIII. References Pete Shortridge Department of Geography University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 Johannes Feddema Department of Geography University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 Stephan Egbert Department of Geography University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 66045 Keith Clarke Department of Geography University of California Santa Barbara, California 93106-4060 11 DONNA F. TUCKER Current Addresses Office: Department of Geography 1475 Jayhawk Blvd. 213 Lindley Hall University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas 66045 (785) 864-4738 (785) 864-5378 (fax) E-Mail: Education Ph.D. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 1987. Dissertation: The Anatomy of Heavy Rainfall Over Complex Terrain: A Modeling Approach. M.S. Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University, 1982. Thesis: April Circulation over the Tibetan Plateau: Studies with a Primitive Equation Model. B.S. Atmospheric Science, Cornell University, 1980. Professional Experience Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas, 2003- present Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 2000-2003. Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1994-2000 Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Kansas, 1993-1994 Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Creighton University, 1990-1994. 1 Research Meteorologist, U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, 1988-1990. College Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, New Mexico State University, 1989. Instructor, Department of Earth Sciences, New Mexico State University, 1988. Postdoctoral, Center for Cybernetic Communications Research, Colorado State University, 1987-1988. Teaching Experience: Introductory Advanced Undergraduate/Graduate Severe and Unusual Weather Computer Programming in Atmospheric Sciences Mountain Meteorology Introduction to Atmospheric Science Introduction to Meteorology Cloud Physics and Dynamics Boundary Layer Meteorology Dynamic Meteorology I Dynamic Meteorology II Advanced Synoptic Meteorology Synoptic Meteorology Microclimatology Aviation Meteorology (Internet) Graduate Atmospheric Dynamics Mountain Meteorology Numerical Weather Prediction General Circulation, Colorado State University, TA, 1983 Professional Affiliations American Meteorological Society American Geophysical Union National Weather Association Association of American Geographers 2 Sigma Xi Sigma Pi Sigma Professional Service President, El Paso-Las Cruces Chapter of the American Meteorological Society, 1989-1990 Geophysical group member, 1991, Chair 1992,1995,1997 of the National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship Evaluation Panel Nominating Committee, 1992-1994, National Weather Association Board of Meteorological and Oceanographic Education in the Universities of the American Meteorological Society, since 1994; Chair of committee on the bachelor's degree in meteorology or atmospheric science 1997-1999. National Science Foundation, Lower Atmosphere Division, Committee of Visitors, 1995 National Science Foundation, Evaluation panel for Unidata, 1998. Committee of Judges for Undergraduate Awards, American Meteorological Society, 2001-2005, currently chair Unidata Users Committee, 2002-2005 NSF Review Panel, IGERT, Dec. 2003. Selection committee, Unidata Equipment Awards, 2003, 2004 National Weather Association Aviation Meteorology Committee 2006-present NSF Review Panel, Unidata, June 2008 Grants Received: 3 NSF, "Expansion of a PC McIdas network for enhanced teaching and research.", 8/92 -2/94, $14,300. K*STAR NSF EPSCoR, "Numerical modeling of mesoscale convective systems", 6/94 - 9/94, $3500. COMET/UCAR, "Eta model performance for warm season heavy rainfall events across the Central United States", 8/94 8/95, $4909. NSF, "Development of a computer-based synoptic and mesoscale meteorology laboratory", 10/94 - 9/95, $20,000 (matched by KU). University of Kansas/GRF "Initiation of Mesoscale Convective Complexes", 1/1/95 - 6/30/96, $5000. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Initiation of Mesoscale Convective Systems, 3/1/92 - 5/31/96. 50 GAU of computer time. University of Kansas/GRF "Effect of a Local Moisture Source on the Precipitation Produced by Convective Systems", 7/1/96-6/30/97, $9,000. National Center for Atmospheric Research, Orogenic Mesoscale Convective Systems, 7/1/96-8/31/98, 175 GAU of computer time NSF, "Summer Plateau Circulation Systems of Western North America", 5/1/96-11/30/97, $75,000. University of Kansas/GRF “ Effect of Wind Regimes on the Initiation Point of Large Convective Systems”, 7/1/976/30/98, $4,281. Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation, Compilation of a Set of Site-Specific Screening Criteria to be Used for Meteorological Data Verification and Validation, 7/15/971/1/98, $3,783. 4 University of Kansas/GRF, Aviation Weather Hazard Characterization and Verification, 7/1/99-6/30/00, $5000. NSF, “Favored Regions of Convective Initiation”, 6/1/9911/30/05, $170,000. COMET/UCAR, “Terminal Area Forecasts for Kansas City”, 7/1/99-6/30/01, $60,888. NSF, “New Directions for a Meteorology Laboratory in Research and Education”, 11/1/99-10/31/00, $10,500 (matched by KU). Sprint-Nextel, “Robust Millimeter Wave Metropolitan Mesh Network” 3/23/2007-3/31/2008, $198,850. Sprint-Nextel, “Robust Wireless Mesh Networking Research: Extension to 23GHz” 10/15/2007-10/14/2008, $140,000 Invited Presentations "Numerical Model Forecasts of Convective Orographic Precipitation" seminar presented at the Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services (PROFS), on 22 October 1986. "Moisture Convergence and Convective Storms in Complex Terrain" seminar presented at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 25 January 1990. "Orographic Effects on Precipitation", presented to the Omaha-Offut chapter of the American Meteorological Society, Oct. 18, 1990. "Women in Science" presented jointly with Holly Harris and Janet Seger to the Philosophy and History of Science Forum at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, April 3, 1992. "Orographic Influence on Precipitation in South Central New Mexico" presented to Geography Department, University of Kansas, Feb. 2, 1994. 5 "Using GEMPAK for the Analysis of Mesoscale Data in Complex Terrain" at workshop on Teaching Meteorology in the Age of Modernized Weather Services sponsored by NSF and COMET in Boulder CO, June 15, 1994. "New Trends in Meteorological Education", presented to the Kansas City chapter of the American Meteorological Society, Oct. 25, 1995. "Forecasting Heavy Precipitation using the ETA Model and GEMPAK", presented to the COMET Cooperative Regional Workshop, St. Louis. MO Nov. 12, 1996. “Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Numerical Modeling in Complex Terrain”, presented to the Kansas Center for Advanced Scientific Computing, University of Kansas, August 23, 1997. “The Development of a Mesoscale Convective System to the East of the Rocky Mountains” presented at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, CO, June 13, 1997. “Will El-Nino Bring Floods to Kansas this Spring?” Presented to the Kansas Society of Civil Engineers, Emporia, KS, Jan. 8, 1998 “The Bachelor’s Degree in Atmospheric Science”, Presented at the 11th Meeting of the Heads and Chairs of Atmospheric Sciences Programs “What is a Monsoon?” Presented at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India, Jan. 4, 1999. “Great Plains Thunderstorms: The Rocky Mountain Connection, Presented at Grinell College, April 4, 2000. “Summer Convective Precipitation Patterns in the Western United States”, Presented at CSIRO, Aspendale, Australia,May 29, 2000 6 “High Plains Thunderstorms: The Rocky Mountain Connection” Presented at the University of Missouri - Columbia, March 14, 2001 “Initiation of Thunderstorms in the Rocky Mountains”. Presented at Western Michigan University, April 8, 2004 “Initiation of Convective Precipitation in Complex Terrain Under Reduced Moisture Conditions”, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, Dec. 9, 2005. “Thunderstorm Initiation in the Rocky Mountains: A Case Study”. Expanding the Use of Models as Educational Tools in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences, Unidata, UCAR, Boulder CO, Jul. 10-14, 2006 “Causes of preferred places for thunderstorm initiation in the mountainous regions” presented at State Key Laboratory of Severe Weather, Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences, Beijing, China, May 21, 2007. “Thunderstorm Initiation in the Rocky Mountain Region” presented to the Department of Geography, University of Oklahoma, Feb. 27, 2008. Panel discussion Preparing the Next Generation to Meet New Demands on Science and Services (Joint between the 19th Symposium on Education and the Fifth Symposium on Policy and Socio-economic Research), Atlanta, GA, Jan. 17-21, 2010. Refereed Publications Reiter, E.R., B. Macdonald, and D.F. Tucker 1987: Decision support architecture for the Portable Interactive Weather Prediction System (PIWPS). In: Emrich, M.L., Sudlowe, A.R., Arrowood, L.F. (eds): Expert Systems and Advanced Data Processing, New York: North Holland, pp. 316-330. Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1988: Modeling heavy precipitation in complex terrain. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 39, 119-131. 7 Tucker, D.F., P.W. Mielke, and E.R. Reiter 1989: The verification of numerical models with multivariate randomized block permutation procedures. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 40, 181-88. Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1989: Heavy rainfall in complex terrain: insights from a numerical model. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics. 40, 194-210. Tucker, D.F., 1993: Diurnal precipitation variations in South Central New Mexico, Mon. Wea. Rev., 121, 1979-1991. Winkler, J.A., D.F. Tucker, and A.K. Smith, 1996: Salaries and advancement of women faculty in atmospheric science: some reasons for concern. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 473490. Tucker, D.F., 1997: Surface mesonets of the western United States. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 78, 1485-1495. Tucker, D.F., 1998: Comments on “Rainfall and climate variation over a sloping New Mexico Plateau during the North American Monsoon”. J. Climate, 11, 292-293. Tucker, D.F., 1999: The summer plateau low pressure system of Mexico, J. Climate, 12, 1002-1015. Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 1999: The generation of a mesoscale convective system from mountain convection. Mon. Wea. Rev., 127, 1259-1273. Tucker, D.F., G.A. Marotz, and G.F. Frazier, 1999: Elements of a CERCLA action at a former army ammunition plant. 92nd Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Paper 99-355, St. Louis, 15 pp. Tucker, D.F. and K. S. Zentmire, 1999: On the forecasting of orogenic mesoscale convective systems. Wea. Forecast., 14, 1017-1022. Marotz, G.A., R.W. Baldauf, D.F. Tucker, D.D. Lane, and R.E. Carter, 2000: Mesoscale atmospheric conditions and their 8 relationship to temporal, spatial distribution of PM2.5 and metals in a rural setting. Proceedings, AWMA International Specialty Conference PM-2000: Particulate Matter and Health, Charleston, S.C.. Marotz, G.A., R.W. Baldauf, D.F. Tucker, D.D. Lane, and R.E. Carter, 2000: Distributions of PM2.5 and selected metal constituents in a rural area containing several hazardous waste incinerators. 93nd Annual Meeting of the Air and Waste Management Association, Salt Lake City, UT. Tucker, D.F., 2005: Precipitation, Encyclopedia of World Climates, J. Oliver, Ed., Kluwer, 552-555. Tucker, D.F., 2005: Orographic Precipitation, Encyclopedia of World Climates, J. Oliver, Ed., Kluwer, 574-576. Crook, N.A. and D.F. Tucker, 2005: Flow over heated terrain. Part I: Linear theory and idealized numerical simulations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 133, 2552-2564. Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 2005: Flow over heated terrain. Part II: Generation of convective precipitation. Mon. Wea Rev., 133, 2565-2582. Tucker, D.F. and X. Li, 2009: Characteristics of warm season precipitating storms in the Arkansas-Red River basin. J. Geophys. Res., 114, D13108, doi:10.1029/2008JD011093 Tucker, D.F., D. K. Ginther, and J. A. Winkler, 2009: Gender issues among academic AMS members: Comparisons with the 1993 membership survey. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 90, 11801191. Tucker, D.F., 2009: Precipitation, Encyclopedia of Snow, Ice and Glaciers, Springer, in press. Other Publications Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1986: A numerical model for forecasting topographically induced rainfall. Preprints, 9 Eleventh Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis, Kansas City, Missouri 17-20 June, 1986. pp. 375-378. Bresch, J.F., D.F. Tucker and E.R. Reiter 1986: Forecast of the 1 August Cheyenne Flood, using a numerical model. Preprints, Eleventh Conference on Weather Forecasting and Analysis, Kansas City, Missouri, 17-20 June, 1986. pp. 126-30. Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1986: Orographic precipitation model forecast of the Big Thompson Flood. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Big Thompson Flood, Boulder, Colorado, 17-19 July, 1986. pp. 119-126. Bresch, J.F., E.R. Reiter, D.F. Tucker, and Luiz Teixeira 1986: Limited area modeling with a desktop computer. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Short and Medium Range Numerical Weather Prediction, Tokyo, Japan, 4-8 August, 1986. Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1987: Treatment of orographic effects in a numerical model. Preprints, Fourth Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Seattle, Washington, 25-28 August, 1987. pp. 156-157. Klitch, M.A. and D.F. Tucker 1987: Using satellite data to verify a numerical model that employs realistic terrain details. Preprints, Fourth Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Seattle, Washington 25-28 August, 1987. pp. 158-159. Reiter, E.R. and D.F. Tucker 1988: Integration of weather prediction and decision support for specific user environments. Preprints, Fourth International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Anaheim, California, 31 January-5 February, 1988. Tucker, D.F. and E.R. Reiter 1988: Precipitation forecasting for flash flood events. Proceedings of the American 10 Geophysical Union's Eighth Annual Hydrology Days, Fort Collins, Colorado, 19-21 April 1988. Tucker, D.F. 1988: Response of a diagnostic wind model to various initial conditions. Proceedings of the 9th Annual EOSAEL/TWI Conference, 29 November-1 December 1988, Physical Science Laboratory, Las Cruces, New Mexico. pp. 417-426. Tucker, D.F. 1989: Obtaining divergent surface winds in complex terrain. Preprints, Twelfth Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, 2-6 October, Monterey, California. pp. 547-550. Tucker, D.F. 1989: Precipitation forecasting on tactical computers with a numerical model. Proceedings of the 10th Annual EOSAEL/TWI Conference 28-30 November, 1989, Physical Science Laboratory, Las Cruces, New Mexico. pp. 92-97. Tucker, D.F. 1990: Operational prediction of mesoscale precipitation with a numerical model on a portable computer. Preprints, Conference on Operational Precipitation Estimation and Prediction, February 7-8, 1990, Anaheim, California. pp. 13-15. Tucker, D.F. and T. Henmi 1990: Usefulness of diagnostic models for real time analysis of the wind field. Technical Report, TR-0274, U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Laboratory. 30 pp. Tucker, D.F. and R. Bonner observations taken by Laboratory. Internal Sciences Laboratory. 1990: Surface and rawinsonde the U.S. Army Atmospheric Sciences Report, U.S. Army Atmospheric 24 pp. Tucker, D.F., 1990: Orographic influence on summer diurnal precipitation pattern in south central New Mexico. Proceedings of the 11th EOSAEL/TWI Conference, 27-30 November 1990. Physical Science Laboratory, Las Cruces, New Mexico. pp. 514-522. Tucker, D.F., 1992: The use of cumulant methods to delineate diurnal precipitation regimes. Preprints, 12th Conference 11 on Probability and Statistics in the Atmospheric Sciences, June 22-26, 1992, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pp. 44-49. Tucker, D.F., 1993: GEMPAK on a personal computer, Preprints, Ninth International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology. January 17-22, 1993, Anaheim, CA, pp. 309-311. Tucker, D.F., 1994: Accuracy of finite differencing techniques, Preprints, Tenth Conference on Numerical Weather Prediction, July 18-22, 1994, Portland, OR. American Meteorological Society, pp. 374-375. Denton, A. W. and D.F. Tucker, 1995: Evidence for a local anthropogenic climate change. Preprints, Ninth Conference on Applied Climatology, Jan. 15-20, 1995, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society, pp. 308-312. Tucker, D.F., G. Phillips, and P.A. Castleberry, 1996: HPGEM: A series of GEMPAK scripts for forecasting heavy precipitation. Preprints, 12th International Conference on Interactive Information and Processing Systems, Jan. 28Feb. 2, 1996, Atlanta, GA, American Meteorological Society. pp. 502-505. Castleberry, P.A., D.F. Tucker, G. Phillips and B. Wallewender, 1996: The identification and verification of precipitation fields in the ETA model using Multivariate Randomized Block Permutation Procedures (MRBP). Preprints, 18th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Feb. 19-23, 1996, San Francisco, CA, American Meteorological Society Castleberry, P.A., D.F. Tucker and L. Pease, 1996: The use of a possible vortex signature in the ETA model to predict the onset of heavy precipitation. Preprints, 18th Conference on Severe Local Storms, Feb. 19-23, 1996, San Francisco, CA, American Meteorological Society Tucker, D.F. 1996: Mesoscale convective system initiation near complex terrain. Preprints, Seventh Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Sept. 9-13, 1996 Reading, United Kingdom, American Meteorological Society. pp. 255-256. 12 Tucker, D.F. 1997: Western United States surface mesonets, Preprints, First Symposium on Integrated Observing Systems, Feb. 3-7, 1997 Long Beach, CA, American Meteorological Society. Jia, Y. and D.F. Tucker 1998: Environmental conditions for the development of mesoscale convective systems: diagnostic study and numerical simulation. Preprints, 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Jan. 11-16, 1998, Phoenix AZ, American Meteorological Society. pp. 112-114. Weeks-Hulecki, R., M.L. Bentley, and D.F. Tucker, 1998: Mesoscale circulations within a Kansas mesoscale convective system 31 May 1996-1 June 1996. Preprints, 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Jan. 11-16, 1998, Phoenix AZ, American Meteorological Society. pp. 155-157. Tucker, D.F., 1998: Genesis of mesoscale convective systems near the Rocky Mountains. Preprints, 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Jan. 11-16, 1998, Phoenix AZ, American Meteorological Society. pp. 193-195. Jezewski, M.C. and D.F.Tucker, 1998: Large hail distribution on the High Plains. Preprints, 16th Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting, Jan. 11-16, 1998, Phoenix AZ, American Meteorological Society. pp. 329-331. Tucker, D.F., American Mountain American 1998: Interannual variability of the North plateau circulation system, 8th Conference on Meteorology, Aug. 3-7, 1998, Flagstaff, AZ, Meteorological Society, pp. 60-65. Tucker, D.F., 1999: The bachelor’s degree in atmospheric science - revision of the 1995 AMS statement. 8th Symposium on Education, Jan. 10-12, 1999, Dallas, TX, American Meteorological Society Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 2000:Rocky Mountain convective activity under various flow regimes. 9th Conference on Mountain Meteorology, Aug. 7-11, 2000, Aspen, CO, American Meteorological Society, pp. 355-358. 13 Braaten, D.A., I. Jirak, D.F. Tucker, C. Pan, P.A. Browning, 2000: Key parameters in forecasting IFR conditions: Two case studies., 9th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Sept. 11-15, 2000. Orlando, FL, American Meteorological Society, pp. 165-166. Tucker, D.F., D.M. Crnkovich, D.W. McCann, and D.A. Braaten, 2000: An investigation of clear air versus in cloud turbulence. 9th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Sept. 11-15, 2000. Orlando, FL, American Meteorological Society, pp. 212. Pan, C., I. Jirak, D.F. Tucker, D.A. Braaten, P.A. Browning, and D. Beusterien, 2000: Improvement of terminal area forecasts. 9th Conference on Aviation, Range and Aerospace Meteorology, Sept. 11-15, 2000. Orlando, FL, American Meteorological Society, pp. 377-380. Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 2001: Favored regions of convective initiation in the Rocky Mountains. 9th Conference on Mesoscale Processes, Jul. 30-Aug. 2, 2001, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, American Meteorological Society, Tucker, D.F., 2002: Characteristics of severe hail events in eastern Australia. 21st Conference on Severe Local Storms, 12-16 August 2002, San Antonio, TX, American Meteorological Society. pp. 91-94. Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 2004: Initiation of precipitating convection in mountainous regions. 18th Conference on Hydrology, 11-15 Jan. 2004, Seattle, WA, American Meteorological Society. Tucker, D.F. and N.A. Crook, 2005: Initiation of Convective Precipitation in Complex Terrain Under Reduced Moisture Conditions. EOS Trans. AGU, 86(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53J-03 Tucker, D.F. D.W. Smith, D. Depardo, T. Euler, P. Youngberg and H.W. Johnson, 2008: Effect of atmospheric hydrometeors on 14 millimeter wave transmissions. Preprints, 12th Conference on IOAS-AOLS, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P2.4 Tucker, D.F. and J.A. Winkler, 2008: Statistical analysis of survey data related to gender issues among academic AMS members. Preprints, 19th Conference on Probability and Statistics, New Orleans, LA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., P5.2 Tucker, D.F. and X. Li, 2008: Distribution of Warm Season Precipitating Storms in the Southern Great Plains, Abstracts, AGU Fall Meeting. Dec. 15-19, 2008, San Francisco, CA. Tucker, D.F. and X. Li, 2009: Climatology of warm season precipitating storms in the Southern Great Plains., Preprints, 21st Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Phoenix, AX, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 12A.4 Tucker, D.F. 2010: An internet based aviation meteorology course. Preprints, 19th Symposium on Education, Altlanta, GA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J5.2 15 2010-03-30 C. J. VAN DER VEEN PROFESSOR, DEPARTMENT OF GEOGRAPHY UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS Education: 1986 Ph.D., State University of Utrecht, Physics Thesis topic: “Ice sheets, atmospheric CO2, and sea level”. 1982 M.S., (“doctoraal”) State University of Utrecht, Physical Oceanography and Meteorology. Thesis topics: “The energy budget of the tidal currents in the southern North Sea” and “Numerical modelling of the ocean mixed layer in shallow seas with tidal friction”. 1978 B.S., (“kandidaats”) State University of Utrecht, Physics. Positions held: 2009present Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas 20062009 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, University of Kansas 20032006 Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Geological Sciences, The Ohio State University 1999 Interim Director, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University 19972006 Research Scientist, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University 19922006 Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, The Ohio State University. 19901997 Senior Research Associate, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University. 19871990 Research Associate, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University. 19861987 Post doctoral Fellow, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University. 19821986 Ph.D. student at the State University of Utrecht. 2 Service: 2010 Chief Scientific Editor for the Annals of Glaciology, Proceedings of the IGS symposium on “Earth vanishing ice” to be held in Columbus, OH (September) 2009 Co-organizer Summer School on “Ice sheet models for the 21st Century” held in Portland, OR (August 3-14). 2008 Co-convenor Workshop on ”Improving Ice-Sheet Models” held in St. Petersburg, Russia (July 5-7, 2008). 2008 Member of the NASA ROSES Cryosphere proposal review panel. 2006 present Chair SCAR Expert Group on Ice Sheet Mass Balance and Sea Level (ISMASS). 2006 Co-convenor AGU Fall Meeting session C14, ”Advances in observations of ice sheets and glaciers: mass balance and beyond” held in San Francisco, California (December, 2006). 2005 Co-convenor AGU Fall Meeting session C41”The Dynamics of Glacier System Response: tidewater glaciers and the ice streams and outlet glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica” held in San Francisco, California (December, 2005). 2004 Associate editor for the Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 40, Proceedings of the IGS symposium on “Ice and Water Interactions”, held in Portland, Oregon (July, 2004). 2003 present Member of the Publications Committee of the International Glaciological Society. 2002 Co-Chief Editor for the Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 36, Proceedings of the IGS symposium on “Fast Glacier Flow”, held in Yakutat, Alaska (June 10-14, 2002). 2000 Member of the NSF Polar Glaciology Program Antarctic proposal review panel. 1999 Associate editor for the Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 31, Proceedings of the IGS symposium on “The Verification of Cryospheric Models: Bringing data and modelling scientists together”, held in Zurich, Switzerland (August 16-20, 1999). 1999 Interim Director, Byrd Polar Research Center. 1999 2006 Editor Polar Geography. 1997 Convenor of the “Workshop on Tidewater Glaciers”, Feb. 28 - March 2. 1996 2003 Chair of the Executive Committee of the Byrd Polar Research Center. 1994 Member of the NSF Polar Glaciology Program Antarctic proposal review panel. 1994 Associate editor for the Annals of Glaciology, Vol. 21, Proceedings of the IGS symposium on “The Role of the Cryosphere in Global Change”, held in Columbus, Ohio (August 7-12, 1994). 1994 Member of the local organising committee for the IGS symposium on “The Role of the Cryosphere in Global Change” , held in Columbus, Ohio (August 7-12, 1994). C.J. VAN DER VEEN 3 1985 Main organizer of a three-day workshop on “The dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet” held in Utrecht (May 6-8, 1985). 1984 1987 Member, Special Committee, reporting to the Dutch government on the possible effects of a CO2-induced climatic warming. Field experience: 6 / 2004 Glacial geology fieldwork near the ice margin, Kangerlussuaq, West Greenland (Byrd Polar Research Center and University of Illinois at Chicago expedition) 7 / 2003 Glacial geology fieldwork near the ice margin, Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland (Byrd Polar Research Center expedition). 11 / 1988 – 1 / 1989 Glaciology fieldwork in West Antarctica (NASA and Byrd Polar Research Center expedition). 5 - 6 / 1987 Glaciology fieldwork in Central Greenland (Byrd Polar Research Center expedition). 11 / 1985 – 1 / 1986 Glaciology fieldwork in West Antarctica (Institute of Polar Studies expedition). 5 - 6 / 1980 Member of two, two-week expeditions with the Dutch oceanographical research vessel Tyro, to collect data for M.S. research. 5 / 1979 Joined a one-month cruise of the Dutch weather ship to the northern Atlantic Ocean to perform oceanographical observations. Courses taught (University of Kansas): Spring 2010 Topics in Environmental Studies: Climate change in Greenland and the Arctic ENVR 720 (3 credit hours) (together with David Braaten, Sharon Billings, and Joane Nagel) Spring 2010 Principles of Physical Geography Geography 104 (3 credit hours) Fall 2009 Geography of the Energy Crisis Geography 556 (3 credit hours) Spring 2009 State of the Planet Geography 531/731 (3 credit hours) Spring 2009 Principles of Physical Geography Geography 104 (3 credit hours) Fall 2008 Glaciers and Landscape Geography 332 (3 credit hours) Summer 2008 Teaching Climate & Cryosphere Geography 731 (3 credit hours) (workshop for teachers) Spring 2008 Understanding Climate Change Science Geography 531/731 (3 credit hours) (together with Johannes Feddema) C.J. VAN DER VEEN 4 Spring 2008 Advanced Geostatistics Geography 716 (3 credit hours) Fall 2007 Geography of the Energy Crisis Geography 556 (3 credit hours). Spring / Summer 2007 Introduction to Glacier Dynamics Geography 531 (3 credit hours) (webcast to the University of Stockholm, .with auditing students at Penn State, Ohio State University and the University at Buffalo). Spring 2007 Advanced Dynamic Meteorology ATMO 660 (3 credit hours). Fall 2006 Glaciers and Landscape Geography 531 (3 credit hours). Courses taught (Ohio State University): Spring 2006 Glaciers and Pleistocene Geology Geological Sciences 650 (5 credit hours) Winter 2006 Fueling our economy after Peak Oil Arts and Sciences 137.11 (2 credit hours) (together with Garry McKenzie) Winter 2006 Fall 2005 Global change and sustainability in the Earth System Geological Sciences 663 (5 credit hours) (together with Garry McKenzie and Lonnie Thompson) Sustainability and Peak Oil: exploring pathways for our future Geological Sciences 694 (3 credit hours) (together with Garry McKenzie) Fall 2005 Earth Systems I: Geologic Environment Geological Sciences 100N (5 credit hours) Spring 2005 Glaciers and Pleistocene Geology Geological Sciences 650 (5 credit hours) Winter 2005 Computational Geology Geological Sciences 245 (5 credit hours) Fall 2004 Earth Systems I: Geologic Environment Geological Sciences 100N (5 credit hours) Fall 2004 Spring 2004 Quaternary and Precambrian glacial deposits of the central Great Lakes Geological Sciences 850 (3 credit hours – 6 day fieldtrip) (together with Garry McKenzie) Earth Systems I: Geologic Environment Geological Sciences 100N (5 credit hours) Winter 2004 Computational Geology Geological Sciences 245 (5 credit hours) (together with John Olesik) C.J. VAN DER VEEN 5 Winter 2004 Glaciers and Pleistocene Geology Geological Sciences 650 (5 credit hours) Fall 2003 Seminar in Geophysics Geological Sciences 880 (3 credit hours) Spring 2003 Global Climate and Environmental Change: Individuals Matter Geography H294 (5 credit hours; Honors Class) (together with Ellen Mosley-Thompson) Fall 2001 Glaciers and Pleistocene Geology Geological Sciences 650 (5 credit hours) Spring 2001 Geographical Analysis II Geography 883-02 (4 credit hours) Winter 2001 Geographical Analysis I Geography 883-01 (4 credit hours). Publications: 2009 Dahl-Jensen, J. Bamber, C.E. Bøggild, E. Buch, J.H. Christensen, K. Dethloff, M. Fahnestock, S. Marshall, M. Rosing, K. Steffen, R. Thomas, M. Truffer, M. van den Broeke, and C.J. van der Veen, The Greenland Ice Sheet in a changing climate. Arctic Monotoring and Assessment Program (AMAP), Oslo, 115 pp. 2009 Van der Veen, C.J., Y. Ahn, B.M. Csatho, E. Mosley-Thompson, and W.B. Krabill, Surface roughness over the northern half of the Greenland Ice Sheet from airborne laser altimetry. Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, F01001, doi:10.1029/2008JF001067. 2008 Berliner, L.M., K. Jezek, N. Cressie, Y. Kim, C.Q. Lam, and C.J. van der Veen, Physicalstatistical modeling of ice-stream dynamics. Journal of Glaciology, 54, 705-714. 2008 Berliner, L.M., N. Cressie, K. Jezek, Y. Kim, C.Q. Lam, and C.J. van der Veen, Equilibrium dynamics of ice streams: a Bayesian statistical analysis. Statistical Methods & Applications, 17, 145-165. 2008 Csatho, B., T. Schenk, C.J. van der Veen, and W. Krabill, Intermittent thinning of Jakobshavn Isbræ, West Greenland, since the Little Ice Age. Journal of Glaciology, 54, 131-144. 2007 Forman, S.L., L. Marin, C. van der Veen, C. Tremper, and B. Csatho, Little Ice Age and neoglacial landforms at the Inland Ice margin, Isunguata Sermia, Kangerlussuaq, west Greenland. Boreas, 36, 341-351. 2007 Nick, F.M., C.J. van der Veen, and J. Oerlemans, Controls on advance of tidewater glaciers: results from numerical modeling applied to Columbia Glacier. Journal of Geophysical Research, 112, F03S24, doi:10.1029/2006JF000551. 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., T. Leftwich, R. von Frese, B.M. Csatho, and J. Li, Subglacial topography and geothermal heat flux: potential interactions with drainage of the Greenland ice sheet. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L12501, doi: 10.1029/2007GL030046. 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., K.C. Jezek, and L. Stearns, Shear measurements across the northern margin of Whillans Ice Stream. Journal of Glaciology, 53, 17-29. C.J. VAN DER VEEN 6 1 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., Fracture propagation as means of rapidly transferring surface meltwater to the base of glaciers. Geophysical Research Letters, 34, L01501, doi: 10.1029/2006GL028385. 2006 Monaghan, A.J., D.H. Bromwich, R.L. Fogt, S-H. Wang, P.A. Mayewski, D.A. Dixon, A. Ekaykin, M. Frezzotti, I. Goodwin, E. Isaksson, S.D. Kaspari, V.I. Morgan, H. Oerter, T.D. Van Ommen, C.J. van der Veen, and J. Wen, Insignificant change in Antarctic snowfall since the International Geophysical Year. Science, 313, 827-831. 2006 Van der Veen, C.J., 199&202. 2006 Raymond, C.F., G.A. Catania, N. Nereson, and C.J. van der Veen, Bed radar reflectivity across the north margin of Whillans Ice stream, West Antarctica, and implications for margin processes. Journal of Glaciology, 52, 3-10. 20051 Van der Veen, C.J., and B. Csatho, Spectral characteristics of Greenland lichen. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 59, 63-73. 20051 Csatho, B., C.J. van der Veen, and C. Tremper, Trimline mapping from multispectral Landsat ETM+ imagery. Géographie Physique et Quaternaire, 59, 49-62. 2005 Stearns, L., K. Jezek, and C.J. van der Veen, Decadal scale variations in ice flow along Whillans Ice Stream and its tributaries, West Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 51, 147157. 2005 Schenk, T., B. Csatho, C.J. van der Veen, H. Brecher, Y. Ahn, and T. Yoon, Registering imagery to ICESat data for measuring elevation changes on Byrd Glacier, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, L23S05. doi: 1029/2005GL024328. 2005 Csatho, B., Y. Ahn, T. Yoon, C.J. van der Veen, S. Vogel, G. Hamilton, D. Morse, B. Smith, and V.B. Spikes., ICESat measurements reveal complex pattern of elevation changes on Siple Coast ice streams, Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 32, LS23S04, doi: 1029/2005GL024289. 2004 Van der Veen, C.J., Glacier Mass Balance. In: Encyclopedia of the Arctic, volume 2 (G-N) (ed. M. Nuttall), 744-745. 2004 Van der Veen, C.J., Glacier Ice. In: Encyclopedia of the Arctic, volume 2 (G-N) (ed. M. Nuttall), 742-744. 20022 Van der Veen, C.J., Recent accumulation rate changes in south Greenland from internal layering. Polar Geography, 26(4), 308-320. 2002 Van der Veen, C.J., Polar ice sheets and global sea level: how well can we predict the future? Global and Planetary Change, 32, 165-194. 2002 Van der Veen, C.J., Calving Glaciers. Progress in Physical Geography, 26(1), 96-122. 20013 Van der Veen, C.J., E. Mosley-Thompson, K.C. Jezek, I.M. Whillans and J.F. Bolzan, Accumulation rates in south and central Greenland. Polar Geography, 25(2), 79-162 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., Greenland Ice Sheet response to external forcing. Geophysical Research, 106(D24), 34,047-34,058. Published in 2006 Published in 2003 3 Published in 2002 2 Reevaluating Hubbert’s Prediction of U.S. Peak Oil. EOS, 87, Journal of C.J. VAN DER VEEN 7 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., D.H. Bromwich, B.M. Csatho and C. Kim, Trend surface analysis of Greenland precipitation. Journal of Geophysical Research, 106(D24), 33,909-33,918. 2001 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Transmission of stress between an ice stream and interstream ridge. Journal of Glaciology, 47, 433-440. 2001 Whillans, I., C. Bentley and C.J. van der Veen, Ice streams B and C. In: The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Behavior and Environment (eds. R.B. Alley and R.A. Bindschadler), American Geophysical Union, Washington DC, Antarctic Research Series, vol. 77, 257-281. 20003 Van der Veen, C.J., K.C. Jezek, E. Mosley-Thompson, I.M. Whillans and J.F. Bolzan, Two decades of glaciological observations in south and central Greenland, 1980-1981 and 19871989. Polar Geography, 24(4), 259-349. 20004 Van der Veen, C.J., Fourier and the greenhouse effect. Polar Geography, 24(2), 132-152. 19995 Van der Veen, C.J., Crevasses on glaciers. Polar Geography, 23(3), 213-245. 5 Lazzara, M.A., K.C. Jezek, T.A. Scambos, D.R. MacAyeal and C.J. van der Veen, On the recent calving of icebergs from the Ross Ice Shelf. Polar Geography, 23(3), 201-212. 19995 Van der Veen, C.J., Evaluating the performance of cryospheric models. Polar Geography, 23(2), 83-96. 19995 Csathó, B.M., J.F. Bolzan, C.J. van der Veen, A.F. Schenk and D-C. Lee, Surface velocities of a Greenland outlet glacier from high-resolution visible satellite imagery. Polar Geography, 23(1), 71-82. 19995 Van der Veen, C.J., Sea level forecast build on hot air but no science. Polar Geography, 23(1), 1-11. 1999 Van der Veen, C.J., E. Mosley-Thompson, A.J. Gow and B.G. Mark, Accumulation at South Pole: comparison of two 900 year records. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D24), 31,067-31,077. 1999 Van der Veen, C.J. and J.F. Bolzan, Interannual variability in net accumulation on the Greenland Ice Sheet: observations and implications for mass-balance measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104(D2), 2009-2014. 1999 Van der Veen, C.J., I.M. Whillans and A.J. Gow, On the frequency distribution of net annual accumulation at the South Pole. Geophysical Research Letters, 26, 239-242. 1998 Van der Veen, C.J., W.B. Krabill, B.M. Csatho and J.F. Bolzan, Surface roughness on the Greenland Ice Sheet from airborne laser altimetry. Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 38873890. 1998 Sohn, H-G, K.C. Jezek and C.J. van der Veen, Jakobshavn Glacier, West Greenland: 30 years of spaceborne observations. Geophysical Research Letters, 25, 2699-2702. 1998 Van der Veen, C.J., Fracture mechanics approach to penetration of bottom crevasses on glaciers. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 27, 213-223. 1998 Van der Veen, C.J., Fracture mechanics approach to penetration of surface crevasses on glaciers. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 27, 31-47. 1999 4 5 Published in 2001 Published in 2000 C.J. VAN DER VEEN 8 1997 Venteris, E.R., I.M. Whillans and C.J. van der Veen, Effect of extension rate on terminus position, Columbia Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., Annals of Glaciology, 24, 49-53. 1997 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, The role of lateral drag in the dynamics of ice stream B, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 43, 231-237. 1996 Van der Veen, C.J., Tidewater calving. Journal of Glaciology, 42, 375-385. 1996 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Model experiments on the evolution and stability of ice streams. Annals of Glaciology, 23, 129-137. 1995 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Reply to Lliboutry's letter "Why calculated basal drags of ice streams can be fallacious." Journal of Glaciology, 41, 205-206. 1994 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Development of fabric in ice. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 22, 171-195. 1993 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, New and improved determinations of velocity of ice streams B and C, West Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 39, 483-490. 1993 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Patterns of calculated basal drag on ice streams B and C, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 39, 437-446. 1993 Van der Veen, C.J. and K.C. Jezek, Seasonal variations in brightness temperatures for central Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 17, 300-306. 1993 Van der Veen, C.J., Interpretation of short-term ice-sheet elevation changes inferred from satellite altimetry. Climatic Change, 23, 383-405. 1993 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Location of mechanical controls on Columbia Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., prior to its rapid retreat. Arctic and Alpine Research, 25(2), 99105. 1992 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Determination of a flow center on an ice cap. Journal of Glaciology, 38, 412-416. 1991 Van der Veen, C.J., State of balance of the cryosphere. Reviews of Geophysics, 29, 433455. 1990 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Flow laws for glacier ice: comparison of numerical predictions and field measurements. Journal of Glaciology, 36, 324-339. 1989 Whillans, I. M., Y. H. Chen, C. J. van der Veen, and T. J. Hughes, Force budget: III, Application to three-dimensional flow of Byrd Glacier, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 68-80. 1989 Van der Veen, C. J. and I. M. Whillans, Force budget: II. Application to two-dimensional flow along the Byrd Station Strain Network, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 61-67. 1989 Van der Veen, C. J. and I. M. Whillans, Force budget: I. Theory and numerical methods. Journal of Glaciology, 35, 53-60. 1989 Van der Veen, C. J., A numerical scheme for calculating stresses and strain rates in glaciers. Mathematical Geology, 21, 363-377. 1988 Van der Veen, C. J., Projecting future sea level. Surveys in Geophysics, 9, 389-418. 1987 Van der Veen, C. J., Ice sheets and the CO2 problem. Surveys in Geophysics, 9, 1-42. C.J. VAN DER VEEN 9 1987 Van der Veen, C.J., Longitudinal stresses and basal sliding: a comparative study. In: Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (eds. C.J. van der Veen and J. Oerlemans), D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 223-248. 1987 Van der Veen, C. J., The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: the need to understand its dynamics. In: Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet (eds. C. J. van der Veen and J. Oerlemans), D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 1-16. 1986 Van der Veen, C. J., Numerical modelling of ice shelves and ice tongues. Geophysicae, 4(B), 45-54. 1985 Van der Veen, C. J., Response of a marine ice sheet to changes at the grounding line. Quaternary Research, 24, 257-267. 1984 Van der Veen, C. J. and J. Oerlemans, Global thermodynamics of a polar ice sheet. Tellus, 36(A), 228-235. Annales In Press: In Review: Beem, L.H., K.C. Jezek, and C.J. van der Veen, Basal melt concentration below ice stream shear margins, Whillans Ice Stream, West Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters. Nick, F.M., C.J. van der Veen, A. Vieli and D.I. Benn A physically based calving model applied to marine outlet glaciers and implications for their dynamics. Journal of Glaciology. Books: 1999 Van der Veen, C. J., Fundamentals of Glacier Dynamics, A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 462 pp. 1987 Van der Veen, C. J. and J. Oerlemans (eds.), Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 368 pp. 1984 Oerlemans, J. and C. J. van der Veen, Ice Sheets and Climate. D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht, 217 pp. Book chapters: 2009 Turner, J and 8 others (eds.), Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment. Cambridge, U.K.: Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Contributing author to chapters 2 and 4. 2004 Van der Veen, C. J and A.J. Payne, Modelling land-ice dynamics. In: Mass balance of the Cryosphere: Observations and Modelling of Contemporary and Future Changes) eds. J.L. Bamber and A.J. Payne), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 183-246. C.J. VAN DER VEEN 10 1993 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Controls on changes in the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. In: Ice in the Climate System (ed. W.R. Peltier). NATO ASI Series Vol. I12, Springer Verlag, Berlin, 47-54. 1992 Van der Veen, C.J., Land ice and climate. In: Climate System Modeling (ed. K. Trenberth), Cambridge University Press, 437-450. Non-refereed publications: 2010 Cogley, J.G., J.S. Kargel, G. Kaser, and C.J. van der Veen, Tracking the source of glacier misinformation. Science, 327, 522. 2008 Van der Veen, C.J., V.I. Lytle, and S. Gogineni, Observations to support predictions of sea level – CReSIS’ contribution toward understanding the term glacial speed. Earthzine, April 7, 2008, 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., and ISMASS Members: A need for more realistic ice-sheet models. SCAR Report No. 30, 27 pp. 2003 Csatho, B., T. Schenk, S. Shin, and C. J. van der Veen: Investigating long-term behavior of Greenland outlet glaciers using high resolution imagery. In: Proceedings of IGARSS 2002, 1047-1050, published on CD-ROM. 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., Book Review: The Arctic. Environment, People, Policy, edited by Mark Nuttall and Terry V. Callaghan. Polar Geography, 25(1), 72-77. 2001 Van der Veen, K. and R. Alley, Obituary: Ian M. Whillans (1944-2001). Ice, 126/127, 4445. 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., Book Review: Glaciers and Environmental Change, by A. Nesje and S.O. Dahl. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 82, 2040-2042. 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., Book Review: The two-mile time machine: Ice cores, abrupt climate change and our future, by Richard B Alley. EOS, 82(4), January 23, 2001. Also in: Earth in Space, 13(8), 14-15. 2000 Kim, C., B. Csatho, R. Thomas and C. J. van der Veen, Studying and monitoring the Greenland Ice Sheet using GIS techniques. International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, XXXIII (B7), 678-685. 2000 Kieffer, H., J.S. Kargel, R. Barry, R. Bindschadler, M. Bishop, D. MacKinnon, A. Ohmura, B. Raup, M. Antoninetti, J. Bamber, M. Braun, I. Brown, D. Cohen, L. Copland, J. DueHagen, R.V. Engeset, B. Fitzharris, K. Fujita, W. Haeberli, J.O. Hagen, D. Hall, M. Hoelzle, M. Johansson, A. Kaab, M. Keonig, V. Konovalov, M. Maisch, F. Paul, F. Rau, N. Reeh, E. Rignot, A. Rivera, M. de Ruyter de Wildt, T. Scambos, J. Schaper, G. Scharfen, J. Schroder, O. Solomina, D. Thompson, K. van der Veen, T. Wohlleben and N. Young, New eyes in the sky measure glaciers and ice sheets. EOS, 81(24), June 13, 2000. 1999 Van der Veen, C.J., Correspondence: A disagreement about global warming. Polar Record, 35(193), 167-168. 1998 Van der Veen, C.J., Letter to the Editor: Melting, Maybe. Science, 281, 1285-1286. 11 C.J. VAN DER VEEN 1997 Van der Veen, C.J., Backstress: what it is and how it affects glacier flow. In: Calving Glaciers: Report of a Workshop, February 28 - March 2, 1997 (ed. C.J. van der Veen). BPRC Report No. 15, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 173-180. 1997 Van der Veen, C.J., Controls on the position of iceberg-calving fronts. In: Calving Glaciers: Report of a Workshop, February 28 - March 2, 1997 (ed. C.J. van der Veen). BPRC Report No. 15, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 163-172. 1997 Sohn, H-G, K.C. Jezek and C.J. van der Veen, Seasonal variations in terminus position of Jakobshavn Glacier, West Greenland. In: Calving Glaciers: Report of a Workshop, February 28 - March 2, 1997 (ed. C.J. van der Veen). BPRC Report No. 15, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 137-140. 1997 Van der Veen, C.J., Letter to the Editor: California traffic has been making kinematic waves since fifties. Physics Today, 50(10), 140-141. 1992 Van der Veen, C.J., Ice sheets: growing or shrinking? Earth in Space, 5, 5-9. 1991 Van der Veen, C.J., Mass balance of the cryosphere. In: Towards an integrated system for measuring long term changes in global sea level. Report of a workshop held at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, May 1990, Joint Oceanographic Institutions, Inc., Washington, D.C., 77-83. 1990 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Application of the Global Positioning System in Antarctica. Antarctic Journal of the U.S., 25(2), 6-9. 1989 Tseng, Y.H., I.M. Whillans and C.J. van der Veen, Ionospheric effects on GPS in Central Antarctica. Proceedings, 5th International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Positioning, Las Cruces, New Mexico, March 13-17, 1989, 1114-1123. 1989 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Design of strain networks: experience from glaciology. Proceedings, 5th International Geodetic Symposium on Satellite Positioning, Las Cruces, New Mexico, March 13-17, 1989, 842-848. 1985 Van der Veen, C. J., West Antarctic Ice Sheet Dynamics (Meeting Report). EOS, 66, 732733. Abstracts: 2009 Csatho, B.M., A.F. Schenk, C.J. van der Veen, and W.B. Krabill, Reconstruction of Greenland Ice Sheet changes from laser altimetry measurements. EOS, 90, Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract G52A-04. 2009 Van der Veen, C.J., Ice sheet mass balance and sea level (ISMASS). Symposium on Glaciology in the International Polar Year, Keynote 2. 2008 Nick, F.M., C.J. van der Veen, and A. Vieli, A calving law for ice sheet models; Investigating the role of surface melt on dynamics of Greenland outlet glaciers. EOS 89, Fall Meeting Suppl. Abstract C31C-0513. 2008 Csatho, B., and C.J. van der Veen, Subglacial control on ice flow in northern Greenland. GSA Northeastern Section, 43rd Annual Meeting (27-29 March 2008), Abstract 135687. International 12 C.J. VAN DER VEEN 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., A need for more realistic ice-sheet models. EOS, 88, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C42A-08. 2007 Leftwich, T.E., C.J. van der Veen, R.R. von Frese, and B. Csatho, Crustal geothermal controls on ice sheet dynamics of Greenland. EOS, 88, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C41C-06. 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., A community-driven ice-sheet modeling initiative. Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Abstract C02-1B5.8. 2007 Van der Veen, C.J., B. Csatho, and T. Schenk, Intermittent thinning of Jakobshavn Isbræ, west Greenland, since the Little Ice Age. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, Abstract H06-4B4.1 (Invited). 2006 Leftwich, T.E., C.J. van der Veen, R.R. von Frese, and B. Csatho, Subglacial topographic controls on the geothermal heat flux of the Greenland Ice Sheet. EOS, 87, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C41A-0319. 2006 Huh, K.I., B. Csatho, C.J. van der Veen and Y. Ahn, Reconstructing Holocene glacier changes in west Greenland from Multispectral ASTER imagery. EOS, 87, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C11A-1134. 2005 Nick, F.M., and C.J. van der Veen, Controls on advance of tidewater glaciers: results from numerical modeling applied to Columbia Glacier, Alaska. EOS, 86, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C44A-05. 2005 Csatho, B., C.J. van der Veen, T. Schenk, and R. Thomas, Intermittent thinning of Jakobshavn Isbræ since the Little Ice Age, reconstructed from photogrammetry, remote sensing and glacial geologic evidence. EOS, 86, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C41A08. 2005 Cressie, N., L.M. Berliner, K. Jezek, C.J. van der Veen, Y. Kim, and C.Q. Lam, Hierarchical Bayesian modeling of the movement of ice streams. EOS, 86, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract NG22A-06. 2004 Van der Veen, C.J., B. Csatho, Y. Ahn, W. Krabill, and E. Mosley-Thompson, Analysis of surface roughness derived from airborne laser altimetry on the Greenland Ice Sheet and comparison with stratigraphic records. EOS, 85, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C12B03. 2004 Braun, A., B. Csatho, K. van der Veen, T.J. Wilson, R.R.B. von Frese, J.J. Daniels, M. Bevis, and C.K. Shum, Greenland: a geophysical target for the International polar Year. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, 06485. 2004 Van der Veen, C.J., A calving boundary condition for numerical ice-sheet models. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6, 03166. 2003 Braun, A., B. Csatho, K. van der Veen, T.J. Wilson, R.R. VonFrese, J.J. Daniels, M. Bevis, and C.K. Shum, Greenland: a geophysical target for the International Polar Year? EOS, 86, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C41C-0996. 2003 Csatho, B., T. Schenk, K. Huh, C.J. van der Veen, I. Lee, V.B. Spikes, and W. Krabill, ICESat calibration-validation and mass balance studies in Antarctica. EOS, 86, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract C32A-0444. Canadian C.J. VAN DER VEEN 13 2003 Van der Veen, C.J., B. Csatho, and A.F. Schenk, Investigating long-term behavior of Greenland outlet glaciers using high-resolution satellite and aerial imagery. 30th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Honolulu, Hawaii (Nov. 1014, 2003). 2001 Csatho, B., T. Wilson, K. van der Veen and J. Kiss, Investigation of geologic control on ice sheets using airborne geophysics and remote sensing. II International Workshop on GeoElectro-Magnetism, Lerici, Italy (Sept. 26-28, 2001). 2001 Stearns, L.A., I.M. Whillans, and C.J. van der Veen, Controls on ice stream motion. EOS, 82, Spring Meeting Supplement, Abstract H52A-12. 2000 Van der Veen, C.J., Polar ice sheets and global sea level: how well can we predict the future? EOS, 81, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract U62A-09. 2000 Van der Veen, C.J., Controls on the position of iceberg calving fronts. EOS, 81, H51E-10. 1996 Van der Veen, K., E. Venteris and I. Whillans, Flow of Columbia Glacier, Alaska. Ice, 110, 10. 1994 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Search for controls on ice stream speed and width. EOS, 75, 225. 1994 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Stress maps for Columbia Glacier, Alaska. EOS, 75, 222. 1990 Van der Veen, C.J., Interpretation of short-term ice-sheet elevation changes inferred from satellite altimetry. EOS, 71, 1307-1308. 1988 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Force Budget: general theory. Annals of Glaciology, 11, 212. 1988 Whillans, I.M., Y.H. Chen, C.J. van der Veen and T.J. Hughes, Force budget: application to three-dimensional flow of Byrd Glacier. Annals of Glaciology, 11, 212. 1988 Van der Veen, C.J. and I.M. Whillans, Force budget: numerical methods and application to two-dimensional flow along the Byrd Station Strain Network, West Antarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 11, 210. 1988 Van der Veen, C.J., I.M. Whillans and J.F. Bolzan, Anistropy in polar ice. EOS, 69, 366. 1988 Whillans, I.M. and C.J. van der Veen, Local patterns in strain rate on ice streams B and C, and shortcomings with the flow law. EOS, 69, 366. Internal Reports: 2006 Van der Veen, C.J., Oil’s History of Booms and Busts: Towards the Ultimate Downturn. BPRC Report No. 21, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 46 pp. 1997 Van der Veen, C.J. (ed.), Calving Glaciers: Report of a Workshop, February 28 - March 2, 1997. BPRC Report No. 15, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 194 pp. C.J. VAN DER VEEN 14 1996 Van der Veen, C.J., Glacier Dynamics into the Next Century: A Ten-Year Plan for the Glacier Dynamics Group. BPRC Technical Report No. 96-02, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 26 pp. 1995 Van der Veen, C.J., Controls on calving rate and basal sliding: observations from Columbia Glacier, Alaska, prior to and during its rapid retreat, 1976-1993. BPRC Report No. 11, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 72 pp. 1988 Van der Veen, C.J., Decoding TI-4100 tapes bit by bit. Unpublished report, 91 pp. 1986 Van der Veen, C.J., Ice sheets, atmospheric CO2, and sea level. Ph. D. thesis, State University of Utrecht, 184 pp. 1985 Van der Veen, C.J., Some thoughts about the stress distribution in ice sheets and ice shelves. IMOU Report R85-4, Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, State University of Utrecht, 37 pp. 1985 Van der Veen, C.J., On the wind-driven circulation: the Munk theory updated. IMOU Report V85-2, Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, State University Utrecht, 20 pp. 1983 Van der Veen, C.J., A note on the equilibrium profile of a free floating ice shelf. IMOU Report V83-15, Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography, State University Utrecht, 15 pp. Grants received: 2009 Leuschen, C.J. (PI), D.A. Braaten, S.P Gogineni, S.A. Seguin, and C.J. van der Veen (coPIs), MRI: Development of an anechoic chamber and instrumentation for remote sensing of polar regions and transportation interdisciplinary research and education. NSF-ARC, $1,374,617 (5 years). 2008 Leuschen, C.J. (PI) and C.J. van der Veen (co-PI), Collaborative Research: Subglacial water intrusion in Greenland. NSF-ARC, $161,016 (2 years). 2007 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), Collaborative Research: IPY: POLENET/Greenland: using bedrock geodesy to constrain past and present day changes in Greenland’s ice mass. NSF – The Ohio State University, $22,812 (2 years). 2006 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), Long-term mass balance of the Pacific Ocean Sector of Antarctica based on multisensor fusion. NASA – University at Buffalo, $19,992 (3 years). 2005 Jezek, K.C. (PI), E. Mosley-Thompson, L.G. Thompson, C.J. and van der Veen (Co-PIs), Science and Technology Center: Ice sheets and sea level rise. NSF – University of Kansas, $2,281,157; matching funds (OSU), $2,965,504 (5 years). 2005 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), Investigating the dynamics of tidewater glaciers with application to Columbia Glacier, Alaska, and Kangerlussuaq Glacier, east Greenland. NSF-ARC, $180,847 (2 years) (NSF-ARC 0520427). 2004 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI) and B.M. Csatho (co-PI), Pilot study for using ASTER images to map glacial geomorphology. NASA, $14,442 (1 year). 2003 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), D.H. Bromwich, K.C. Jezek, E. Mosley-Thompson, and L.G. Thompson (co-PIs), Glacial Assessment: Past, Present and Future – Acquisition of essential research instrumentation. NSF, $354,171; matching funds (OSU and OBR), $151,787 (1 year). C.J. VAN DER VEEN 15 2003 Csatho, B.M. (PI), A.F. Schenk and C.J. van der Veen, C.J. (co-PIs), Investigating longterm behavior of outlet glaciers in Greenland. NASA, $78,430 (1 year). 2002 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), L.M. Berliner, N.A. Cressie and K.C. Jezek (Co-PIs), Dynamics of Ice Streams: A Physical statistical Approach. NSF, $366,525 (2 years). 2001 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), D.H. Bromwich, B.M. Csatho and E. Mosley-Thompson (Co-PIs), Understanding Recent Mass Changes of the Greenland Ice Sheet. NASA, $570,000 (3 years). 2001 Jezek, K.C. (PI) and C.J. van der Veen (Co-PI), Mobile Sensor Web for Polar Ice Sheets. NASA, $436,437 (5 years). 2001 Van der Veen, C.J., Modeling Greenland outlet glaciers. NASA, $70,761 (2 years). (NAG5-10978; RF-741140). 2000 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI) and A.F. Schenk (Co-PI), Greenland surface velocities and flow features from high resolution visible satellite imagery. NSF-OPP, $239,527 (3 years). (OPP-9911981; RF-739360). 1999 Van der Veen, C.J., Modeling Greenland outlet glaciers. (NAG5-8632; RF-737823). 1998 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI) and J.F. Bolzan (Co-PI), Interpreting the mass balance of the Greenland Ice Sheet. NSF-OPP, $136,366 (1 year). (OPP-9807521; RF-736310). 1997 Whillans, I.M. (PI) and C.J. van der Veen (Co-PI), Stress transmission at ice-stream shear margins. NSF-OPP, $207,170 (4 years). (OPP-9615127; RF-733711). 1997 Van der Veen, C.J., Workshop on tidewater glaciers. NSF-OPP, $13,870 (6 months). (OPP-9701756; RF-733678 & RF-733501). 1994 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI) and I.M. Whillans (Co-PI), Studies on the mechanical controls of Columbia Glacier, Alaska, U.S.A., during its rapid retreat. NSF-OPP, $208,285 (3 years). (OPP-9321556; RF-729143). 1994 Whillans, I.M. (PI) and C.J. van der Veen (Co-PI), Mass balance and ice-stream mechanics in West Antarctica. NSF-OPP, $399,092 (3 years).(OPP-9316509; RF-728733). 1990 Whillans, I.M. (PI) and C.J. van der Veen (Co-PI), Mass balance and ice-stream mechanics in West Antarctica. NSF-DPP, $405,000 (3 years). (OPP-9020760; RF-725115). 1990 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), Numerical studies on the onset of, and controls on fast streaming flow. NSF-DPP, $90,000 (2 years). (DPP-9017445; RF-724857). 1990 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), Numerical studies on the onset of, and controls on fast streaming flow. NOAA, $75,548 (2 years). (NA90AA-D-AC501; RF-724070). 1990 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), The effect of stochastic and non-stochastic climate forcing on the interpretation of satellite-derived changes in ice-sheet topography. NASA, $31,071 (1 year). 1988 Van der Veen, C.J. (PI), An anisotropic flow law for ice. OSU Board of Regents’ Research Challenge Program Investigator’s Fund, $3,225 (2 months). NASA, $70,761 (1 year). C.J. VAN DER VEEN 16 Meetings, Conferences, etc.: (Presentations are marked *) 2009 2009 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007 2006 2004 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 *Summer School on “Ice sheet models for the 21st century”, Portland State University, Portland, OR (August 3-14). (Co-organizer) *International Symposium on “Glaciology in the International Polar Year”, Newcastle, UK (July 27-31). (Invited Keynote Lecture) *Workshop on “Building a next-generation community ice sheet model.” Los Alamos National Laboratories, Los Alamos, NM (August 18-20). (Invited) SCAR/IASC IPY Open Science Conference. St. Petersburg, Russia (July 8-11). *Workshop on “Improving Ice Sheet Models.” St. Petersburg, Russia (July 5-7). *Eighth Annual Center for Atmosphere and Ocean Science winter Workshop on “Predicting sea level in the 21st century: the role of ice-ocean interaction.” New York University, NY (February 22-23). (Invited) *American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (December 10-14). (Invited) Future Climate Change Research and Observations: GCOS, WCRP and IGBP learning from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report (AR4). Sydney, Australia (October 4-6). (Invited) *Department of Meteorology, Stockholm University (June 23-30). *Canadian Geophysical Union – Annual Meeting, St. John’s, Newfoundland (May 29-June 1). (Invited). *American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (December 11-15). *University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS (March 2-3). *Texas A&M, College Station, TX (February 12-14). *American Geophysical Union – Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (December 13-17). *European Geophysical Union – 1st General Assembly, Nice, France (April 25-30). (Invited). International Glaciological Symposium on “Fast Glacier Flow”, Yakutat, AK (June 10-14). (Poster). Global Change Open Science Conference “Challenges of a Changing Earth”, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (July 10-13, 2001). *Workshop on “Autonomous Long-Range Ice Sheet Traverses”, Washington DC (February 14-15). *PARCA Meeting, Granlibakken, Tahoe City CA (September 22-23). Workshop on “Scientific Applications of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Satellites”, Los Angeles, California (June 26-28). *PARCA Meeting, Boulder CO (February 10-11). International Symposium on “The Verification of Cryospheric Models”, Zurich, Switzerland (August 16-20). (Poster). Workshop on “Satellite Measurements and Monitoring of Glaciers and Ice Sheets”, Zurich, Switzerland (August 14-15). Chapman Conference on “The West Antarctic Ice Sheet”, Orono, Maine (September 14-18). (Poster). IPCC workshop on “Rapid Non-Linear Climate Change”, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands (March 31 - April 2). (Invited). *EISMINT workshop on “Rheology and anisotropy”, Grindelwald, Switzerland (September 28-30). (Invited). Third EISMINT workshop on “Model Intercomparison”, Grindelwald, Switzerland (September 25-27). (Invited). *Workshop on “Tidewater Glaciers”, Mohican State Park (Columbus), Ohio (February 28 March 2). 17 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985/86 1985 1984 1983 C.J. VAN DER VEEN *Midwestern Glaciologists Meeting, DeKalb, Illinois (April 19-21). EISMINT - International Symposium on ice-sheet modelling, Chamonix, France (September 18-22). (Poster). *Northwestern Glaciologists Meeting, Tacoma, Washington (December 2-3). International Symposium on “The Role of the Cryosphere in Global Change”, Columbus, Ohio (August 7-12). (Poster). Second EISMINT workshop on “Model Intercomparison”, Bremerhaven, Germany (June 22-24). (Invited). Midwestern Glaciologists Meeting, Columbus, Ohio (April 22-23). Fifth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology (VISAG), Cambridge, England (September 5-10). (Poster). *EISMINT workshop on “Model Intercomparison”, Brussels, Belgium (June 16-18). (Invited). *Symposium on Remote Sensing of Snow and Ice, Boulder, Colorado (May 17-22). *AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California (December 3-6). *Sea Level Workshop, Woods Hole, Massachussetts (May 2-4). (Invited). *Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung, Bremerhaven, Germany (July 27). *AGU spring meeting, Baltimore, Maryland (May 20). *World Lab-Archimede Project. First workshop: “Interaction of the solid planet with the atmosphere and climate”, Erice, Italy (November 18-December 5). (Invited). *Glaciology and Geophysical Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (September 15-16). *Fourth International Symposium on Antarctic Glaciology, Bremerhaven, West Germany (September 7-12). *Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (November 21). *Geology Department, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois (November 20). Institute of Polar Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (October 16, 1985March 4, 1986, including fieldwork in Antarctica). Workshop on “Hydraulic effects at the glacier bed”, Interlaken, Switzerland (September 1621). *Workshop on “Dynamics of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet”, Utrecht, the Netherlands (May 6-8). NATO Advanced Study Institute course on “Large-scale transports in the atmosphere and ocean”, Les Houches, France (February 11-22). University of East Anglia, Norwich, England (August 17). Scott Polar Research Institute, Cambridge, England (August 14). British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, England (August 14). *10th Annual Meeting of the European Geophysical Society, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgium (July 30-August 3). *Glaciology and Geophysical Institute, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (May 7-8). Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polarforschung, Bremerhaven, Federal Republic of Germany (May 4). Department of Geological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois (December 16). Geophysical and Polar Research Center, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin (December 13-15). 18 1982 C.J. VAN DER VEEN Meeting of north-western glaciologists, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (December 1-2). *Department of Geophysics and Astronomy, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada (November 30). *CIRES/University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado (November 23-24). Department of Geophysics, University of Arizona, Tempe, Arizona (November 21). NASA Headquarters, Washington, D. C. (November 14). Institute for Quaternary Research, University of Maine, Orono, Maine (November 9-12). *Institute of Polar Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio (September 13November 8). Second School on climatology: CO2 and climate changes, Erice, Sicily, Italy (July 16-26).