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Fall 2012
Parents of alumni:
If this magazine is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address
at your home, please e-mail us at with his or her new address.
Brewster Academy Summer Session
It’s a school
It’s a camp
It’s a blend of academics and adventure recreation
To learn more or reserve your place on the lake,
contact the Office of Summer Programs at Brewster Academy.
Summer Programs Office • 603-569-7155 •
My Best Self
Kai Armstrong on Becoming Her Best Self
Girls’ Soccer Wins New England Championship
People Make a Difference
Nilsen Arias ’14 (Quito, Ecuador)
Brewster Academy
Board of Trustees
Daniel T. Mudge, Chair
(Tapley-Ann ’98, Ashley ’02)
David Hadley
(Olivia ’12, Juliet ’15)
Arthur W. Coviello Jr., Vice Chair
Michael Keys
(Matthew ’04)
Roy C. Ballentine, Treasurer
(Brian ’97, Susan ’94)
Douglas H. Greeff, Secretary
(Hilary ’11)
Ronn Bronzetti ’92
C. Richard Carlson
Estate Trustee
Leslie N. H. MacLeod
(Todd ’97)
Barbara Naramore
(Maya ’16)
Arthur O. Ricci
Estate Trustee
David L. Carlson ’54
The Reverend Nancy Spencer Smith
Estate Trustee
Candace Crawshaw ’64
Steven R. Webster
(Brooke ’08, Tori ’11)
George J. Dohrmann III
(George ’05, Geoffrey ’12)
Karen W. Fix
(Will ’11, Keenan ’13)
Trustee Emeritus
Gabrielle “Bri” J. Gatta ’05
President, Alumni Association
P. Fred Gridley ’53
(Deborah ’81)
Bruce and Shadow Gorrill were always so approachable
and always willing to help. Bruce for AP Biology and
Shadow’s research help in the library – they were both
a great resource throughout my four years. They made
me feel confident, prepared, and challenged (in a good
way). Along with how incredible they both are outside
of Brewster – hockey, traveling, and everything else
they do – I’m so grateful to know them!
– Bri Gatta ’05
to make your gift and share your stories.
Fall 2012
Head of School
Dr. Michael E. Cooper
2 Head Lines
Director of Admission
and External Affairs
Lynne M. Palmer
Editor, Director of Communications
Marcia Eldredge
Dr. Michael Cooper, Marcia Eldredge,
Helen Hamilton, Beth Hayes ’81,
Peter Hess, Matt Hoopes,
Rachael Jeffers ’05, Matt Lawlor,
Daniel T. Mudge, Bob Richardson,
Shirley Richardson, Sally Smith
Steve Allen, Brewster Academy
Archives, Johnny Bivera, Marcia
Eldredge, Maria Found, Beth Hayes ’81,
BG Hodges ’66, Kristy Kerin,
Scott Proposki, Phil Stiles
Our Best Selves
4 My Best Self
A student’s perspective
6 Palmer Honored for Success
in Admissions Field
Lynne Palmer receives Bretnall Award
7 It’s Time to Moodle
Comprehensive tool complements
Brewster’s learning initiatives
8 Brewster’s 192nd
Graduates encouraged to be their
best selves
Page 8
14 What’s for Dinner?
Meet Brewster’s executive chef and
find out what’s hot in the Estabrook
16 Educators Take Note of
Brewster Programs
23 Another Banner Season
for Soccer Girls
Team captures New England
24 Rolling Out a New Future
for Field Sports
The grass just got greener for
Brewster athletes
26 Return to Campus
Highlights of Reunion 2012
Page 24
28 Hoopla:
is published twice a year
and mailed to alumni, parents of
students, and friends of
Brewster Academy
80 Academy Drive
Wolfeboro, NH 03894
©2012 Brewster Academy. All Rights Reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part
without permission is prohibited.
Matt Hoopes Looks Beyond the
Ballot at Alumni in Public Policy
42 In Appreciation
Two trustees emeritus remembered
48 Honor Your Mentor
Who Will You Honor?
18 Newsmakers
20 On the Road
34 Class Notes
41 In Memoriam
44 Writing Brewster’s History
Page 23
ith the fall trimester behind us, there is time for pause and
reflection. Students have worked hard, completed exams,
and are settling into their second trimester. Freshmen and
other new students have become familiar with the Brewster
program and know that their growth and success are the priority of our faculty.
Seniors have completed first rounds of college applications, a big relief no doubt.
Another successful sports season concluded (with New England championship
and Lakes Region titles earned) and a new season is upon us, and a new season
is upon us, and we celebrated the opening of our latest facility – the turf surface
on Brown Field. We’ve even had our first snowfall and thus the winter trimester is
Best Selves
fast underway.
One point of emphasis that the entire school has been focusing on this year has
been in the introduction of the concept of being your best self. The concept is
such an integral component of The RULER Approach, and the anchor called meta
moment, that we have been devoting quite a bit of time and attention to training
students in its use. It is one of the key skills in teaching students how to regulate
and understand the impact that emotions have on their decision making,
interpersonal relationships, and academic and personal success.
While more information on meta moment and the concept of being your best
self may be found on our website, for purposes of what you will find in the
following pages of this issue of Connections, the best way to characterize the
concept within the context of our emotional literacy skill development training
is to think of it as a way for one to visualize how they would ideally like to
respond to an emotional trigger versus how they would normally respond, and
to internalize why and how these two different ways of responding can lead to a
more positive response to issues confronted on a day-to-day basis. The interview
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
“One point of emphasis that the entire
school has been focusing on this year
has been in the introduction of the
concept of being your best self.”
with Kai Armstrong ’14 (Cornwall, Vermont) is a great example of what I am
TV, and two faculty members are honored for growth and excellence.
talking about.
Our parents, alumni, and friends ensured that Brewster had a recordWhen we couple the concept of best self with what we espouse in the Brewster
breaking (in attendance and numbers) annual auction so much so that we
Principle (Respect, integrity, service: Serve yourself and others with your best
can actually say – our best yet.
in all you do.), we fervently believe that what we are offering our students
is a tremendous set of skills that will not only adequately prepare them for
And, sadly, we say good-bye to two trustee emeriti who gave nothing but
their futures, but will do so in a way that positions them, by all definitions, for
their best selves to help make Brewster Academy the successful school that
personal success.
it is today.
Running through the pages of this issue of Connections you will meet members
In the above, we acknowledge our own for being their best selves.
of the Brewster community who are the embodiment of the Brewster Principle
and the concept of best self. While being one’s best self is an important concept
Meanwhile others have taken note of our best selves. Since the spring,
within the context and parameters of RULER, the concept also extends beyond
some of my Brewster colleagues and I have presented at three national
how it is used to help students regulate and manage their emotions and extends
education conferences on different Brewster programs that have caught
into areas of how one chooses to conduct one’s life. When married with the
the attention of educators. Our Director of Admission and External Affairs
precepts expressed in the Brewster Principle, as you will see in the following
Lynne Palmer received an award for her success and dedication to the field
pages, being one’s best self can take on many meanings.
of independent school admissions.
In “What’s for Dinner”, we open the cupboard and look at how Brewster’s
These are just some of the examples of the Brewster community being
new dining services department is bringing the highest quality ingredients
their best selves and living the Brewster Principle.
into the kitchen to turn out the best (most nutritious, tasty, and creative)
dishes to sustain 360 growing adolescents as well as the greater
But we won’t rest on our accomplishments. We have much to do.
The list of members of the community being their best selves continues
in Newsmakers – an alumnus finds his best self despite life altering career
plans, an alumna competes for the coveted Top Chef designation on reality
Dr. Michael E. Cooper, Head of School
Kai Armstrong
Talks About Her
Best Self and
Emotional Literacy
By Marcia Eldredge
“How we handle
our emotions has a
huge impact on our
decisions, and research
has shown that emotion
skills are integral to
personal, social, and
academic success.”
– Dr. Marc Brackett, lead developer
of The RULER Approach to Social and
Emotional Learning at Yale University.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
nowing your best self helps you better respond to
situations that trigger an emotional experience.
Imaging your best self when these experiences
occur, helps you choose an effective strategy (or avoid
choosing an ineffective strategy) when responding.
Here Kai Armstrong ’14 (Cornwall, Vermont) reflects on
her best self and other components of Brewser’s emotional
literacy program.
My Best Self
For me my best self is taking a situation that might be
negative and trying to find the positive so that I don’t
spread my negativity.
My Best Self Goals
• If I’m in a really good
mood, try to pass
having a good week … it helps me realize
it on to someone else;
why I’m having a bad week; it helps me
I really admire people
make goals.
who have the ability
to make other people
Reflecting on a Dorm Charter
feel good with how
“Creating a charter is really important.
they’re feeling.
Unless there are boundaries you can’t
expect to be respected unless people know
• Stay focused
what that means. There are simple rules
like if you’re going into someone’s room,
• In the midst of trying
knock on the door; write your name on
to be your best self,
it’s important to remember who you really are. Some people think
that being your best self is being the perfect student … but really
your best self is who you are in the best form, the best form of you.
stuff in the fridge if you don’t want people
to take it; it’s common courtesy. You would think it’s really obvious but
sometimes it’s not, and so it’s important to lay down those rules in a
charter so everyone shares how they expect to be treated and what they
expect of people who are living with them.
What is a Meta-Moment to You?
A meta-moment is basically an adult timeout. Last year in English there
was a situation where I was really annoyed so I removed myself from
the classroom for a minute or two just so I wouldn’t react negatively at
my teacher – a meta-moment is putting yourself in a position where you
recognize that you need time to yourself to think ‘is this really a big deal
or can I just move on?’ The outcome ended up fine but taking the metamoment was more productive than me arguing with my teacher.
As an example, in the morning, some people get up later than other
people and some people are louder in the morning because they are
‘morning people’ so when we were doing our charter we talked about
when we are supposed to be quiet and how to be respectful of the people
who are still sleeping. Basically it’s just really important to set some
ground rules.
Why do you think Brewster feels this is important for students?
Meta-Moment: the process for prolonging and managing the “space in time”
between an emotional stimulus and response in order to promote personal wellbeing and both academic and professional growth. – The RULER Approach
I think it’s important for Brewster to incorporate emotional literacy
because they are trying to teach us to grow up and live [and work] in a
way so that we know how to get along with other people and respect
them. What it boils down to is respect.
A Weekly Reflection
Each Friday during advisory, students reflect on their week in a Weekly report,
which is shared with their parents. A Weekly has four areas: current grades, BMP
record, My Best Self Goals, and This Week in My Life. Students reflect on each
area, and parents are encouraged to respond.
Hear Kai talk about how she applies
I think the intention of the weekly is to reflect on yourself … for me if
emotional literacy to her Brewster experience:
I’m feeling something and I can talk about it; it helps me reflect on who
my best self is. The weekly reflection is more beneficial when you are not
Palmer Honored for Success in
Admissions Field
By Marcia Eldredge
ynne Palmer, director of admission and external affairs at
Brewster, was recently honored for her success in and commitment
to independent school admissions. At the annual meeting of the
Secondary School Admission Test and Secondary School Admission Test
Board (SSATB) in Chicago in September, Palmer was presented with
the Bretnall Award. Named for distinguished educator and first SSATB
Program Director William B. Bretnall, the award is given annually to a
leader and educator who has made significant contributions to the field of
independent school admissions.
A few forums
where Lynne has
helped lead the
charge include New
Hampshire boarding
school fairs, New
Hampshire consultant
tours, and New
Hampshire receptions
Ed Cooper, head of school at the Wolfeboro Camp School, offered the
following remarks in his introduction of Palmer at the SSATB awards
“Lynne arrived at Brewster in the summer of 1987. Though she has held
many different roles within the Wolfeboro and Brewster community,
she always kept an active foot in the Admission Office. She appreciates
that the Admission Office is where the connection starts with Brewster
at independent
educational consultant
conferences, he noted.
“In addition, Lynne
and her staff have
hosted a myriad
of professional
families, and enjoys the opportunity to be a part of that new relationship.
development events
“As she starts her 25th year at Brewster, she notes that she is thankful
campus and she often
make a difference.
conferences. And,
“During the past 25 years, our recipient has more than made her mark on
continues to be an effervescent and omnipresent presence in the world
every day for the quality of life at Brewster and the great accountability to
also [has] made a continual impact on the health and vitality of private
school admissions in New Hampshire, New England, and beyond,”
Cooper shared.
professional endurance. Beyond the number of
years however, it is the quality of her leadership,
the effectiveness of her professional instincts but
most of all, it is her contagious enthusiasm for
advancing independent schools that merits this
recognition today.
“At Brewster and on every level, Lynne Palmer’s
enthusiasm for the sophisticated details of
admissions, her passion for student success, and
presents at national
thankfully, Lynne
the enrollment success and strong reputation of Brewster Academy. She
“Few admissions directors have our recipient’s
on the Brewster
of admissions. I am most confident that few of us, if any, possess greater
devotion to the admissions profession and to our respective schools than
does Lynne,” Cooper concluded.
“It is the quality of her
leadership, the effectiveness
of her professional instincts,
and her contagious
enthusiasm for advancing
independent schools that
merits this recognition.”
her zeal for institutional advancement trump the
numbers by a long shot.”
Cooper continued, “A high profile proponent of professional development
Lynne has forged her success in the admissions field
while she and husband TJ Palmer, a Brewster history
teacher and coach, raised a family of three schoolaged children – now all Brewster graduates.
“SSATB presenting Lynne with this award could not
have picked a more deserving recipient,” said Dr.
Michael E. Cooper, Brewster’s head of school. “Not
only is Lynne dedicated to her work at Brewster,
she truly is committed to making sure that what
she does for the field of admission adds value to
a family’s experience no matter where they are
applying. She brings a depth and breadth of experience to admission that
few can equal.”
efforts, Lynne has continually been a champion of professional
Mike Cooper and Palmer were at the Chicago meeting to present the
visibility – particularly in Northern New England.”
collaboration; she has often served as a catalyst for independent school
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
workshop “Systematic Planning: A Necessary Evil or an Imperative for
In the Classroom:
modular • ob j ect oriented • dynamic • learning • environment
By Peter Hess
he start of the 2012-2013 school year was highlighted by the launch
Economics teacher Mike Jacobs has been an early adopter of Moodle and
Moodle has become very popular around the world with over 60
into his classes. Here are Mike’s reflections on Moodle:
of Moodle, a new learning management system at Brewster.
million users worldwide, as an invaluable tool that assists educators in
delivering academic courses to students through dynamic web sites.
Moodle was selected after an exhaustive search for a comprehensive tool
that could supplement our custom Brewster Portal database. Because
Moodle is Open Source software (i.e., software usually developed
the talents of our onsite database developer, Wes
Matchett. This means that we can take advantage of the
wide variety of educational tools that Moodle has to
offer, while still having database support for the parts
of our program that are unique to Brewster such as the
Recognition Program and the production of transcripts
that reflect our multi-leveled classrooms.
“Moodle has helped me evolve as a teacher, and it has given me the ability
to do a lot of things with the curriculum that I didn’t even consider a few
years ago. The advantages that I see for students and for teachers are
many. Students no longer are merely consumers of education; they have
also become producers. collaboratively and available in source code form), it
is able to integrate seamlessly with the Portal through
has been at the forefront of finding exciting ways to incorporate Moodle
“Incorporating multimedia
into lesson plans has
become the norm, and
I think that student
engagement is up.”
In 2011-2012 a team of Brewster teachers trained in
Moodle piloted the software within 10 different courses. This allowed us
to test how Moodle could support our curriculum structure, how reliable
it would be on our network, and how well students would acclimate to
it. The pilot was highly successful and provided confidence that we could
move forward by introducing it to the entire faculty.
These Moodle experts used in-service sessions to train faculty in the basics
of how to build their courses in Moodle, which they did over the summer
to build their courses in Moodle, and we are pleased to report that 100
“Glossaries, forums, and wikis have been helpful
in involving the students in an interactive way.
Incorporating multimedia into lesson plans
has become the norm, and I think that student
engagement is up. I have made screencasts
of solutions to simple math problems, and
embedded them within my lessons. Students can
return to them on their own time, and at their
own pace. “Another great advantage is that students that are not in class can get all
of the material easily. It is much easier for them to get caught up, because
they don’t have to rely on having a face-to-face conversation with me. On
the days that I have had to be out, my students have been able to easily
access the lesson plan and any materials they need.
“Learning Moodle has been a pretty labor intensive endeavor, but it has
been well worth it.”
percent of Brewster’s faculty are using Moodle this year. In the world of
educational technology adoption, this is a remarkable feat and testament
to the commitment that Brewster teachers have for creating a unified
learning community.
What the Moodle adoption means for our students is that they can now
access their course materials and assignments anywhere and anytime they
wish. This will be a great benefit for students who miss classes because
of illness. Moodle is designed to support ways for students to construct
knowledge together and thus offers a variety of tools, such as forums
and wikis, to engage students in collaborative learning activities. It’s
especially useful when students are collaborating on projects outside of
the classroom from different locations. The grade book function offers
more options for teachers to provide students with feedback on their
assignments, which is invaluable to the learning process.
Commencement Speakers Encourage
Graduates to Be Their Best Selves
Seek guidance through mentors, live a life of integrity,
and make tomorrow more purpose driven than today
By Marcia Eldredge
he sun shined on Brewster’s
He also spoke of his father teaching him to use change as a catalyst to open
192nd Commencement day
doors and discover new opportunities. He shared that his acceptance to
on May 26 as 116 students
Brewster took him out of his comfort zone. “Arriving at Brewster I was unsure
received diplomas. As is recent tradition,
of how beneficial the change would be to me. However, I quickly discovered
a Scottish bagpiper led the processional
that embracing change could be exciting, edifying, and illuminating. The
of administrators, faculty, and the Class
smaller classes, the personalized teaching approach, and the interesting class
of 2012 into the Smith Center. After the
environment reinvented the idea of ‘school’ for me.
investiture of Head of School Mike Cooper
Raymond Soriano
and the invocation by The Reverend Sue
“My attendance at Brewster taught me that although I did not always know the
Poulin, Richard O’Brien delivered the
direction I was going, by adhering to my father’s advice, I knew I would always be
salutatorian address.
walking on solid ground.”
In his remarks, O’Brien paid homage to
In concluding his address to classmates, O’Brien said “Although we, at times, may
his father who, despite not having active
be tempted to be satisfied with what we have, and what we have done, above
parents in his life and having navigated
all, I encourage you Class of 2012 to continue pushing forward and be as your
many of his younger years alone, has
found success. O’Brien encouraged
JaKarr S
and Jaso itch McGary,
n Smith
his classmates not to discount the
The Class of 2012’s valedictorian Rebecca Marisseau spoke to her classmates
importance of mentors and to seek
next, encouraging them to live a life of integrity and faith. She noted that the
guidance from those wiser or more
Class of 2012 was graduating during the school’s 125th anniversary and just as
experienced as they travel along their
Brewster continues to evolve so did the Class of 2012 during her four years. They
road to independence.
were the first project-based learning class and saw the basketball team earn two
national championships, a first for the Academy.
“Although today we enter into a new
realm of independence and self discovery,
Marisseau also encouraged her class to define their own success. “Whatever it is,
I implore you Class of 2012 not to walk
define it and do your best, your way.”
alone. Although, my father navigated
on and M
Lottie Bart
Preye O
kara and
through life without guides, he taught me
Following these student remarks, 14 commencement awards were presented
that it is important to accept help.”
(See page 10).
Patrick and Abigail Keelty
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
and Addie
Kate Silvia
Bruce Ha
wkins ’01
Dan Mud
ge, The R ike Cooper,
ev. Sue P
After the presentation of awards, board of trustee president Dan Mudge
“Remember that you will be defined
introduced this year’s commencement speaker, 2001 Brewster graduate Bruce
by how you travel down the path,
Hawkins ’01.
not by the stumbles you make. …
Find your path of purpose and you
While at Brewster, Hawkins was president of the student body during his senior
will never have a wasted step.”
year. He credits Brewster with helping to develop his leadership skills and
with igniting his passion to help others. Hawkins is a graduate of Vanderbilt
Following Hawkins’ speech, the HOWL
University and the Howard University School of Law and is the author of two
Chorus performed “And We Shined,” a
autobiographies. Two and half years ago he opened his own law practice near his
song written by HOWL member Olivia
home in Stone Mountain, Georgia.
Hadley ’12 for Commencement.
Throughout his journey, Hawkins says he simply “aims to make today better than
Then, smiling graduates accepted their
yesterday and dream of a tomorrow more purpose driven than today,” a theme
diplomas; Mike Cooper congratulated
that resonated in his remarks to graduates.
graduates in their native languages;
ffrey C
Max S
d, Geo
HOWL led all those in attendance in
“We live in a world that seems so focused on dividing us, yet the only thing that
singing the school song, “Emblem’s
really makes us different are ideas. I want to share an idea today.”
Divine;” The Rev. Poulin delivered the
benediction; caps were tossed, and the
“There was a time when someone held you in their arms and they nurtured you,
piper led Brewster’s newest alumni
and they believed in you – before you believed in yourself.”
out of the Smith Center and into the
congratulatory arms of faculty, family,
He went on, “then you believed in yourself but there is a big change that happens
and friends.
from growing out of an innocent childhood – where imagination reigns – to
Vilhelm Nilsson
adulthood … and that is that we become afraid to fail. I’m not sure why, but
Visit us online to see which colleges
we do. … and when we do this, we sacrifice the extraordinary for the ordinary,”
and universities graduates are
Hawkins said.
He implored graduates to believe in themselves and not to be afraid of failure.
“I need you not to change. When I was here, I was just a student with big dreams.
The teachers here led me to see those dreams. I feel I was guided to law school.”
“I know that you’re great. We come from the same stock, taught by many of the
same teachers, but you will only be as great as you believe you are.”
Jordan Jo
nson an
Hanna Skelley and Amy Misera
ikael and
ns M
ent with so
Nora Clem
Kris ’06
Commencement Speaker
Bruce Hawkins ’01
d Allie H
pat V
and hienlux,
an A hris Brow
ong ’87,
2012 Commencement Awards
Reflections at the Ivy Address
Athletic Director’s Award • Brady Palmer • Hanna Skelley
The Headmaster’s Prize • Rebecca Marisseau
The Postgraduate Award • Thanapat Vichienlux
Faculty Service Award • Lottie Barton
Faculty Service Award • Brady Palmer
The traditional Ivy Address marked the opening of the Commencement
celebrations on the eve of graduation. With a packed Anderson Hall, the Ivy
League Orchestra, under the direction of Chris Nourse, began the ceremony
with a prelude that included Music for the Royal Fireworks by George
Frideric Handel. Following a welcome from Head of School Mike Cooper
Ronald “Buzzy” Dore Memorial Award • JaKarr Sampson
and introductions from Academic Dean Marilyn Shea, the top academically
Jill Carlson Memorial Award • Amy Misera
ranked postgraduate, Thanapat Vichienlux (Chonburi, Thailand), and the
Faculty “Growth Achievement” • Nicola Bernardini de Pace
Mabel Cate Tarr Award • Byung Koo Kang
David Sirchis School Service Award • Hung-Yi “Kenith” Chang
Arthur J. Mason Foundation Award • Mitchell McGary
Burtis F. Vaughan Award • Kate Silvia
Arthur M. Hurlin Award • Rebecca Marisseau
To learn more about these awards, visit:
third academically ranked senior, Lottie Barton (Kenai, Alaska), offered
reflective remarks to graduates, their families, and faculty.
At the conclusion of the Address, senior prefects Evan Cohn (Dublin, Ohio)
and Marshall Lee (Seoul, South Korea) announced the senior class gift to
the Academy: $2,500 to be put toward the new dormitory furnishings in
Sargent 1.
Finally, Shea presented the senior prefects with an ivy plant – a lasting and
living symbol of the graduating class. The ivy was planted in the gardens
around the Academic Building where it commingles with the ivy of previous
n and M
Ivy speakers Thanapat Vichienlux and Lottie Barton stand with Mike Cooper on
the Senior Patio, comprised of the individually designed bricks of seniors from
the Class of 2012 and previous classes.
organ R
The Class of 2012 by the Numbers
116 -number of graduates
47 - number of graduates who held leadership positions
46 - number of lifers
31 - number of graduates who will play sports in college
8 - number of graduates who left behind at least one
sibling at Brewster
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Mike Cooper with senior prefects Marshall Lee and Evan Cohn after the
presentation of the senior class ivy.
Regional Alumni Chapters
Return to “Brewster”
By Beth Hayes ‘81
n a hot summer day in July a group
of alumni from the Lakes Region and
beyond met at the Pinckney Boathouse
to lay the foundation for the first regional chapter
– the Lakes Region Alumni Chapter. Candace
Crawshaw ’64, who splits her time between
Sarasota, Florida, and Wolfeboro, inspired the idea
of this local alumni chapter. When in Wolfeboro,
Candace is committed to spending quality time
with her Brewster family, friends, and former
classmates. Working with the Alumni Office,
Candace brought her vision to life with the help of
other local alumni.
Almost immediately the group established two
events for September, kicking off with a guided
tour of historic gems in nearby Effingham. The
group boarded a Brewster microbus from campus
for the tour, created and narrated by Effingham
historian Erik Jones ’93. The group then reflected
on their morning over lunch at an Ossipee Village
The second event was a breakfast gathering in the Estabrook followed by
a student-guided tour of the Academic Building. Although these types of
events occur at Reunion, it was especially fun for alumni to visit the dining
hall and Academic Building when they were bustling with students.
Regional chapters serve to make local connections among Brewster
alumni, parents, students, and friends. Throughout the country, and
around the world, there are pockets of alumni and friends who share a
Brewster bond. Life is full, we all get busy, and folks often don’t see each
other until they gather for Reunion in Wolfeboro and many just don’t
want to wait another year or for that special reunion year to see their
South to New York
We looked next to the Big Apple to plant the seeds for the New York Area
Regional Chapter. A brainstorming evening was held in Manhattan in mid
October to establish goals, leadership, and an events calendar for the New
York Area Regional Chapter. A previously established event took place on
October 13 – a day of community service with an organization called New
York Cares. “Team Brewster” joined 6,000 New Yorkers to help revitalize
90 public schools, painting murals and classrooms in a Brooklyn school all
while making a difference with some familiar faces.
former classmates.
In early November, a Meet and Greet Brunch was held at Northeastern
The cornerstone of regional chapters will be the leadership and
the Boston area. The group established goals and leaders and discussed
involvement of our alumni living in these areas, with Brewster’s Alumni
Office supporting the planning and promotional efforts of chapters.
Examples of chapter events may include:
Social – comedy club, boat cruise, wine tasting, happy hour
Academic – faculty lectures, seminars, luncheons, guided tours
Athletic – professional and Brewster athletic competitions
Networking – career connections and alumni speakers
University with Brewster alumni who are working or attending college in
events for the Boston Area Regional Chapter.
Chicago and Washington, DC, chapters also are in the works.
These chapters are about alumni connecting with each other and sharing
their Brewster bond, without requiring a trip to Wolfeboro. Although we
are always ready for and happy to greet you on your return to campus, we
Community service – local volunteer projects
want to help you make Brewster connections from afar.
Promotional – school fairs, gatherings for school counselors and
For more information on Brewster regional chapters, please contact Beth
Cultural – art museum/zoo/garden tours, symphony events, music festivals
consultants, admissions gatherings, campaign events, phonathons
Hayes ’81 at or 603-569-7133.
in Photography
Anna DiMaggio ’15 (Westford, Massachusetts)
Stand Tall, Sam Kiley ’16 (Wolfeboro)
Photographers use well thought-out
and purposeful techniques to make their
photographs more interesting. Balancing
objects in a shot, framing the photo, choosing
an interesting point of view, using symmetry,
or using the rule of thirds are important
composition techniques to think about when
getting that final shot. For the last project of
fall trimester our photography students set
out to capture their own photographs using
these principles. Having already mastered the
manual settings for good photography and
learning how to take photo pictorials, this is
the next natural step to learning the concepts
involved in professional photography.
Compositional elements can take a good
photo to a great photo and with this project
our students showed us some remarkable
results. – Steve Burgess, Multimedia Teacher
Golden Autumn, Amy Chen ’14 (Guangdong, China) Chris Rizzo ’14 (Groton, Massachusetts)
Brown Hall, Jordan St. Peter ’15 (Moultonborough, New Hampshire)
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Outer Bark, Jose Cojab Sacal ’16 (Mexico City, Mexico)
Pillars of the “Ac”, Sam Peffer ’16 (Newburyport, Massachusetts)
Brick Work, Vincent Reichheld ’15 (Wolfeboro)
Front Row View of the KPAC, Danny Roberts ’16 (Wolfeboro)
Bryn Murray ’15 (Rowayton, Connecticut)
Kolby McKenzie ’16 (Alton, New Hampshire)
Constellation, Kyzer Gardiola ’13 (Ras Tanura, Saudi Arabia)
Parents: Save the Date Spring Student Showcase
Friday, April 26 and Saturday, April 27
A few showcase highlights:
“Talent in the House”, Performing Arts Concert
Academic Team Open House • Athletic Contests • Visual Arts Show
What’s for Dinner?
Delicious, Nutritious Meals are Always on the Menu at the Estabrook
By Marcia Eldredge
ach day Executive Chef Chris Dill and his culinary team serve
1,200 meals in the Estabrook Dining Hall – that’s 8,400 meals a
Dill’s team includes 14 full-time and seven part-time staff as well as a
separate 12-person catering crew for internal and external events around
campus, including nine weddings last summer.
Although regular Brewster diners can attest to the careful attention and
delicious ingredients that go into menu planning, including American,
nouvelle, vegetarian, and ethnic cuisine, and everyone’s favorite comfort
foods, the uninitiated need a little convincing.
One of the most common questions new families ask, according to
Admission Director Lynne Palmer, is “What if my student doesn’t like the
main entrée?”
Dill has a hearty answer. In addition to the main entrée, all lunch and
dinners include a vegetarian option; a full salad bar; two or three specialty
salads, such as Caesar salad, insalata caprese, Belgian endive and apple
salad; a deli bar; and homemade soups. There are gluten free options,
fresh fruit, and soft, chewy cookies that students and staff grab as they
hustle off to class.
“Sometimes we will have ‘Mark’s dinner.’ If a student has a favorite recipe
from home, and he or she can give us the recipe, we will try to make it,”
Dill explains. “Anything that feels like comfort food for them, what’s
going to make them comfortable, we like to do these small things for them.
“Our philosophy in the kitchen is that we are always open,” Dill says.
“This is why we have a dining committee set up through the kids. I try to
get them talking as much as possible. It allows me to get to know the kids,
which allows me to say ‘Hey let’s do a sushi night, or French cuisine or
flambé...’ the more open we are in the kitchen, the better we can serve the
hard to accommodate those with different allergies as well.”
Baker noted that many beverage options have disappeared this year.
“I think we need to bring back Powerade for one.” With ongoing
conversations between students and the dining services team that just
might happen.
Baker’s favorite dining hall meal: the chipolte bar and her favorite dining
hall dessert: ice cream.
Sunday Brunch
Dill admits brunches are pretty special. It’s well known, at least among
the Brewster community, that the Estabrook has the best Sunday brunch
in Wolfeboro. “It’s Tom that’s the special part,” Dill says, referring to Sous
Sydney Baker ’13 (North Conway, New Hampshire) was a member of the
dining committee last year. “I personally worked with Chris Dill and the
rest of the kitchen staff to change the way we walk in and out of the dish
line. This was something every kid did [the opposite way] so I decided to
take initiative and change it.”
On January 1, 2012, the dining services program became an official
Academy department. Previously a contractor had run the dining
operation. Chris Dill, executive chef, took the helm of Dining
Services and most of the staff stayed on to continue providing
exceptional service to the community.
She added, “I like how friendly the staff are and how they have worked
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Chef Tom Kelliher. “He treats every person like they are his best friend and
the kids warm up to him immediately. By himself he will throw out 200
made-to-order ‘Tomeletes’ on average. With the Grateful Dead playing in
the servery and dining tables draped in white table clothes, students and
faculty are treated to omelets; fresh fruit; homemade granola; warm, fresh
pastries; lox and bagels; waffles and pancakes; eggs Florentine; and more.
More Enjoyment, Less Waiting
With 30 minutes for lunch on class days, students want to spend as much
of that time relaxing with friends and enjoying their food, not waiting in
line for it. With this in mind, there are plans for a new design and flow to
the Estabrook. Eventually the dining hall will be expanded outward onto
the current patio, which will open up the seating area providing more space
for community dinners and other events. The first stage of the new design,
however, will focus on more immediate, efficient service to the students.
“For us to get them in and out in 30 minutes, we are creating a brand new
kitchen that’s more conducive to the number of kids we have and helping
them get their meals within five minutes of entering the dining hall,” Dill
Throughout this winter and spring the dining hall will receive a facelift.
The servery – the area between the kitchen and the dining room where
students select their meals – will eventually undergo a significant layout
change. There will be duplicate hot and cold service areas, so waiting
time should be cut in half. The area outside the servery, currently home to
From the CIA to
the Estabrook
hris Dill is a graduate of the Culinary
Institute of America in New York
City. After graduation he worked for
four years as a chef de cuisine at Four Seasons
Resort in Kona, Hawaii. He then worked as a
personal chef to celebrity clientele at Honuala’I,
an oceanfront estate on the Big Island’s Kohala
Coast. “It was basically a big hide-a-way for A
list movie stars, and I came with the house,” he explained. Among his
clients: Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Courtney Cox, and David Arquette.
He also worked for Ocean Sports Hawaii where he was a chef on private
charter sailboats and whale watch cruises.
made-to-order sub sandwiches and the soup bar, will become an enclosed
After 10 years in Hawaii, Dill missed the change of seasons. He moved
walk-through area for beverages and snacks and will remain open and
to Crested Butte, Colorado, and became an executive chef at a mountain
accessible to students all day. There is already a self-serve express entrée
lodge where he was a fly-fishing guide in the morning and a sushi chef
line to help expedite lunch. The dining area will get updated flooring,
lighting, and furnishings.
in the afternoon. He then opened his own restaurant, Suzette’s Fine
Southern Cooking, in Fort Collins, Colorado, but after working for “a
straight solid two years” with hardly a day off he went corporate. “I got
Buying Local and Organic
Aside from the physical changes, Dill wants to offer students a complete
awareness of what they are eating. “We are at a good time for this
awareness because everyone is hyper aware of how food arrives at the
table,” he says. Dill’s goal is to offer the community the best ingredients he
can and to make people aware of how to eat properly.
all the sushi bars up and running at Kroger grocery stores.” Then, it was
his wife Chani’s career (she’s a professor at St. Anselm’s College) that
brought him east and to Brewster Academy.
“This is the best job I’ve ever had. I’ve got it all.”
“Before making purchases I ask a lot of questions of vendors. I’m looking
for local [ingredients] and hormone-free meats and produce. Where is this
beef slaughtered? I won’t take it from a feedlot. How far does it travel?
All of our beef, pork, and chicken is hormone free and mostly from New
Hampshire. Our eggs are from New Hampshire cage-free chickens.”
Although buying from local and/or organic sources as much as possible
can be more costly than non-organic or purchasing meat from distant,
large distributors, Brewster has a volume advantage. “Because Brewster
is such a large account, we have a lot of buying power,” Dill says. “We are
able to get all these nice organic products at a competitive price that you
or I wouldn’t necessarily get.”
Even the napkin holders will soon hold some nutritional value. Students
will see QR codes on the napkin holders, which they can scan to learn the
nutritional value of what they are eating or what they need to eat. Dill
explains, “If I’m going to be a ballerina what do I need to sustain myself?”
Whether it’s a Tomelet, a specialty salad, a vegetarian entrée, a
thoughtfully prepared “comfort meal”, or a warm, chewy cookie, the table
“The focus this year is on awareness, complete awareness of what they are
has been set at Brewster and the dining services staff continue to sustain
eating. This is what your are eating and this is the nutritional value.”
the community with an abundance of healthy options.
Educators Take Notice of Brewster
Character Education and Systematic Planning
By Marcia Eldredge and Rachael Jeffers ‘05
n the past few months Brewster representatives have traveled to
education conferences to share successful, student centered programs
in place at Brewster, specifically the emotional literacy program, the
engaged discipline program, and the Academy’s disciplined systematic
planning approach.
Secondary School Admission
Test and the Secondary School
Admission Test Board (SSATB)
Head of School Dr. Michael E. Cooper
and Director of Admission and
External Affairs Lynne Palmer led the workshop “Systematic Planning:
A Necessary Evil or an Imperative for Survival?” at the SSATB’s Annual
Meeting in Chicago in September.
Cooper and Palmer focused on the importance of schools being systematic
in their planning efforts when it comes to marketing, curriculum
development, and delivery of message. “Understanding the environment
Yale University professor Dr. Marc Brackett, here with Mike Cooper, discusses
Brewster’s emotional literacy program with parents over Family Weekend.
in which a school operates, how the school is communicating what it does
label emotions, understand what triggers certain emotions, express and
school is addressing the needs of its students through the delivery of its
might be better handled in the future.
If we do not continue to show value for what we do, we run the risk of
Next, Fernald shared how an intentional response to student misconduct
a code violation into a highly personalized and meaningful growth
evolved its educational program. “Taking our lead from what experts
relations, and retention. By highlighting components of the skills-based
Academy has brought high value to its student-centered experience,”
the regulation of emotion can be on student conduct.
its review of research on how best to prepare students for college, and
How does emotional literacy impact Brewster’s approach to discipline?
Brewster’s curriculum and a constant in community living, the Academy
The Association of Boarding Schools
independent schools, Brewster students are held to a high expectation
in a compelling manner and distinguished from the crowd, and how the
program, is critical to the school’s growth and development,” Palmer said.
regulate feelings and reactions, and finally reflect and plan how situations
obsolescence, she added.
(the Engaged Discipline System) can turn a perfunctory reaction to
They also shared how Brewster has focused on data analysis as it has
opportunity positively impacting academic performance, interpersonal
promote as the skills necessary for success in today’s world, Brewster
emotional literacy approach the three were able to show how impactful
Cooper said. “We have done so based on an understanding of its market,
how this has translated into the development of three high-value program
As the Emotional Literacy (EL) program becomes further ingrained in
has been integrating EL principles into its disciplinary system. Like many
(TABS) National Conference
of moral and ethical conduct. Now, when disciplinary issues arise, the
More and more, emotional literacy and intelligence are highlighted in
Engaged Discipline System offers students the opportunity to grow in
and later, the workforce. At the recent TABS national conference in
These situations provide teaching moments and allow for an intentional
news reports as key skills for students to master before entering college,
moral development, rather than simply being given a disciplinary strike.
Washington, D.C., Cooper, along with Joe Fernald, dean of students; and
and systematic approach grounded in five principles:
the curve on teaching emotional literacy to students.
• The dean of students and other adults in the community must work
Yale University professor Marc Brackett, showed how Brewster is ahead of
In the session, Teaching Emotional Literacy and Its Impact on Student Conduct,
Brackett and Cooper first shared how in Brewster classrooms and dorms,
students and teachers are gaining the tools they need to recognize and
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
together to help the student change behaviors.
• Brewster must try to take a systematic, not random, approach to
helping students change their behavior.
• Students must examine their behavior in relation to the Brewster Principle.
• Brewster mentors work with students to identify the impact their behavior has on self,
family, and community, and then assist them in changing behavior.
• The program is grounded in Lawrence Kohlberg’s stages of moral development as a
philosophical framework in the Academy’s approach to discipline.
As Fernald notes, “Time and time again, parents and students tell me that working through
the Engaged Discipline System was one of the strongest growth experiences they’ve had. I
have, literally, had parents say to me that their son or daughter, ‘getting in trouble turned out
to be such a positive experience’.” The focus on turning a poor choice into an opportunity for
growth is yet another piece of what sets a Brewster education apart from other schools, and in
the long run it does Brewster students a great service.
By refocusing the disciplinary process on engaging students and helping them employ
emotional literacy skills to recognize, understand, and alter how emotions impact their
choices and actions, sets Brewster students up for success in the future. After graduation, they
may not have the same systems in place to hold them accountable for choices and the impacts
they have on others, but the goal is for them to leave campus with the tools to realize and
understand their emotions and actions better in the future so that they can be their best selves.
Brewster’s Engaged
Discipline System
rewster’s Engaged Discipline System is coordinated by the Office of the Dean
of Students and moves students through a series of six steps – drawing on
emotional literacy skills – where they are required to:
1.Keep a journal dealing with their own morality, decision making, and values
2.Respond, in writing, to four moral dilemma questions assigned to them by the
school counselor
3.Work with the school counselor on learning to take a meta-moment before making
4.Interview a member of the Brewster community who has been impacted by the
student’s poor decision making. Complete the “blue printing” (one of the four
anchors of the RULER Approach) with that student in conjunction with the faculty
member who oversees the step.
5.Make a presentation to a group of students focusing on the offense that put the
student on probation and outline how the student has grown from the experience.
6.Write a reflection piece to be shared with the Academy’s student-faculty Judicial
Board as part of petitioning to come off disciplinary probation status.
By completing the various stages of the Engaged Discipline process, students may earn
back privileges that were lost as a result of their misconduct.
Cheer on the national
defending champion
Brewster Bobcats at the
Hoophall Classic
Brewster Academy
vs. South Kent School
Springfield College - Blake Arena
Sunday, January 20 at 12 p.m.
Pre-game reception at 10:30 a.m.
Springfield College Wellness Center
Refreshments, fan shirt,
and ticket all for $25
For more information, please
contact Sally Smith, Special
Events and Programs at
or 603-569-7470
Madison Blauth ’15
Trey Adams’ ’12 talents earned them national
(Pennington, New
play. Hennessey (Londonderry, New Hampshire)
“I talk to my teammates all the time about how
Jersey) was selected to
competed at the US Lacrosse Women’s Division
they should appreciate what they have right now,”
attend USA Hockey’s
National Tournament in May. More than 100 players
Negedu said. “Win or lose, they should do it hard
girls’ national player
tried out for the regional team, and the young,
because you never know when its your last. But the
development camp this
hard-nosed Brewster goaltender beat out 10 other
way you work at whatever you’re doing, that stays
past July in St. Cloud,
goaltenders for two coveted spots on the Upper
with you no matter what.”
Minnesota. Also, her U-14 Tier 1 Connecticut Polar
New England A team.
Freshman Curvey Scholars
Bears team made it to the quarterfinals of the 2012
U.S. Nationals.
Adams (Akwesasne, New York), earned a spot on
the Iroquois U-19 National Lacrosse Team. Adams
Juliet Hadley ’15
(Tuftonboro) has been
recommended to the
2013 Futures Program, the
Olympic Developmental
was chosen as one of two goalies to make this
prestigious team, and in July he played in the 2012
U19 Men’s World Lacrosse Championships in Turku,
Finland. Adams was the Bobcats goaltender for the
past two years and now plays for Utica College.
Program for USA Field
“An exciting opportunity lies ahead for Juliet having
earned a recommendation,” said head field hockey
coach Kim Yau. “She is pursuing the Futures Program
following her freshman season as a Brewster Bobcat
on the varsity field hockey team, and Futures is an
invaluable stepping stone for Hadley to further her
Former Bobcat Named D-1
Scholar Athlete
Luke Apfeld ’09 (Wolfeboro), a junior at the
University of Vermont, was named to the 20112012 Division I-AAA Athletics Directors Association
Scholar-Athlete Team. A double major in English and
sociology with a 3.82 grade point average, Apfeld
was one of only 11 men in the nation honored.
positive potential.”
Mike Cooper with the newest Curvey Scholars (l to r):
Ali Reed, Hannah Coulter, and Kolby McKenzie.
In September, the community welcomed three more
Curvey Scholars. This is a special year in that there are
now Curvey Scholars represented in all four grades.
The three newest scholars are freshmen Hannah
Coulter (Tuftonboro), Kolby McKenzie (Alton), and
Ali Reed (Tuftonboro). In December 2008, James C.
Curvey and his family donated 11 acres of waterfront
Among the
Negedu Inspires Players
property in Alton to Brewster Academy. Through
Despite being sidelined from his college hoops career
the land donation, it was Curvey’s desire to create
due to a heart condition, Emmanuel Negedu ’08 has
scholarships so that more local students would have
not left the court of the University of New Mexico
the opportunity to attend Brewster.
Brewster lacrosse
Lobos. In a profile The Albuquerque Journal (October
netminders Elise
21) reports that Negedu continues to inspire his
The freshmen scholars join sophomores Chase
Hennessey ’15 and
former teammates.
Gardner (Wolfeboro), Tre Galligan (Gilford), and
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Isabella Monzione (Alton); juniors Sean Cassidy
Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A.), whose
the grant will also support up to two paid seasonal
(Alton Bay) and Rebecca Jones (Wolfeboro); and
executive director is Josh Arnold ’01, was the New
internships for interested youth. (
seniors Cristina Adams (Alton), Bianca Barcelo
Hampshire representative in the recent Tom’s
(Wolfeboro), and Ashley Rogers (Alton Bay).
of Maine 50 States for Good grant campaign. The
challenge asked supporters to vote for their favorite
Hodges’ Dedication to a Day
of Thanks
Coming to a Theatre Class
Near Us
organization each day online for the chance to win up
In mid-November, multimedia teacher BG Hodges
to $50,000. When all the votes were counted, G.A.L.A.
’66 was featured on the Boston Rescue Mission
Actor Topher Grace ’97 plans to join the Fine and
was one of five second place winners across national
website for his commitment to the Boston shelter
Performing Arts Department as an artist in residence
and the organization has received a $20,000 grant.
whose mission is to offer resources to prevent and
end homelessness. For 20 years BG, along with
during the production of Bye Bye Birdie, the winter
The influx of funds will support the organization’s
student volunteers, has traveled to the Rescue
Sustain-a-Raisers program to help it grow into a
Mission to help prepare its annual Day of Thanks
Grace is currently filming A Many Splintered Thing, a
youth-led model for sustainable home and yard
celebration. For many years these students have
romantic comedy starring Michelle Monaghan and
makeovers and green skills education. Funding from
included members of Brewster’s Faith Community.
Chris Evans. He also recently completed filming on
The Big Wedding, a comedy with an ensemble cast
set for release in the spring.
The Excellence in Teaching
Award: Jonathan Fouser
Awarded annually
the Excellence in
Cmar is Top Chef Contestant
Teaching Award is
Talk about being your best self, as Connections
was going to print, Stephanie Cmar ’03 was set
to be a “chef’testant” on “Top Chef: Seattle.” The
chef’testants will be “pared down week by week as
“With generous volunteers like BG Hodges and
students of Brewster Academy, our cup of blessing
runneth over,” the article states.
The Career Growth Award:
Doug Skelley
given in recognition
Awarded annually,
of demonstrated
the Career Growth
excellence in teaching
Award is given in
practices and overall
recognition of that
they compete to out-flavor, out-cook, and out-do
contributions within the Brewster Academy
their competition,” according to the Bravo TV
faculty member who
over the course of the
year has demonstrated
website. The showed premiered on November 7 with
21 “Top Chef: Seattle” hopefuls.
When you hear this faculty member talk
about teaching, his passion immediately draws
the most accelerated
professional growth within the Brewster
Academy program.
After Brewster, Cmar attended Johnson & Wales
you in and fills you with energy. He loves to
University. She is currently a rounds cook at No. 9
share his passion for teaching with others and
Distinguished by his relationship with students
loves to have colleagues visit his class. He is
that is a foundation of his effective teaching,
always pursuing innovations and professional
he is a teacher who cares about his students
development that can enhance his teaching. He
and invests in their success. He has taken on a
is completely dedicated to his profession and
leadership role in Brewster’s summer program
to his students. He holds the bar high for all his
and he is a wonderful ambassador for our school
Park in Boston. According to her Bravo bio, if she
were a food, she would be mayonnaise “because it
makes everything better.”
Arnold’s Leadership Earns
GALA Grant
students, and because he believes in their ability
to reach that bar, his students are inspired to
stretch and aim for excellence. His students
learn to respect their own abilities because he
insists they give their work their best both in
in the larger Wolfeboro community. Always
upbeat, with that ‘can-do’ attitude, he has been
a resource for others with technology, and
particularly Moodle. Just as he is always available
to those who need his help, he is eager to learn
and grow and is always seeking ideas for his
the classroom and on a tough mountain climb.
teaching. He joined Brewster in September 2007
He joined Brewster in September 1998 to teach
as the community living parent in Sargent 3 and
within the Instructional Support department
also coached three seasons. In 2008 he taught in
and coaching within the athletic department. He
the Instructional Support department until his
moved to the English department in 2001.
transfer to the history department in 2009.
On The
New York City
July – Trey Whitfield Benefit – Brewster alumni
England. We were happy to see Nikeiva Crawford
Mike Clark ’89 and Janiya Johnson ’00, joined
‘05, Danah Gordon ‘04, and Dominique Aubry ‘02.
Mike and Andrea Cooper, Kristy Kerin, and Whitney
White ‘07 at the Trey Whitfield Foundation’s 20th
October – New York City area alumni joined Beth
Annual Awards Banquet. The evening celebrated
Hayes ’81 and Whitney White ’07 for an unofficial
the successes of academic honorees from the Trey
kick-off for the New York Regional Alumni Chapter.
Whitfield School, some of whom have graduated
At a planning session in mid-town the group
from Brewster, it was another chance to remember
brainstormed ideas for upcoming events, timing,
Trey ‘89 and celebrate the connections between the
venues, and focus; setting a goal of three or four
K-8 school in Brooklyn and Brewster Academy.
events a year. On October 13 alumni volunteers
assisted in restoring an elementary school library at
July – Whitney White ’07 and Beth Hayes ’81 met
a public school in the Bronx. Stay tuned throughout
Brewster alumni at a social, networking event for
the year for more opportunities to get together with
alumni of color from independent schools in New
NYC area Bobcats! Summer Receptions
The Brewster Admission Office hosted five summer
July –Bill and Beth Depietri (Justin ’16) hosted
receptions to offer newly enrolled families an
the first of the receptions just around the corner
opportunity to meet other families, alumni, and
from the Brewster campus in Wolfeboro. Mike and
faculty and staff before the opening of school. A
Andrea Cooper and staff members including Marcia
big thank you to the Depietri, Scott, Fix, Reiner,
Eldredge (Alexa ’16), Lisa Braiterman (Shira ’13),
and Curran families for hosting these receptions.
Fred Garnsey (Ryder ’14), and Maria and Matt Found
Following is a quick review of the receptions and
(Gunner ’16) joined many other new local families
some of the attendees.
for introductions. This was a great kick-off for our
summer reception events!
Wolfeboro area students at the summer kick-off reception.
Kristy Kerin with hosts Ally ’10 and Amy Reiner and
Mike Cooper.
Kristy Kerin, Spencer Liautaud ’13, Luke O’Brien ’13, and Emilee Brackenbury ’14
August – Neal and Amy Reiner (Ally ’10) hosted the
hosted the fourth summer reception in Chicago.
second reception in their Wellesley, Massachusetts,
Will Fix ’11 joined the group of new families and
home. Mike and Andrea Cooper and Kristy Kerin, Lynne
Brewster staff to share his Brewster memories and
Palmer (P’12) and Martha Trepanier ’83 were joined
talk about the faculty who made a big difference
Mike Cooper and Lynne Palmer, director of admission
by three alumni – Ally Reiner ’10, Maeve Connolly ’10,
during his time on campus. Martha and Kristy;
and external affairs. They visited with current and
and Jimmy Murphy ’11, as well as Kevin Murphy ’13
Students Keenan Fix ’13, Luke O’Brien ‘13, Spencer
past families as well as with Bermuda Brewster
all of whom welcomed new families.
Liautaud ’13, Andrew McMahon ’14, and Ashleigh
alumni Shannon Dyer ’03 and Kareem Johnson ’99.
Wirtz ’15. From Brewster, Martha Trepanier ’83 and
Both are doing well and enjoying life on the island.
Kristy Kerin attended from Brewster.
Stay tuned for plans for a Brewster Bermuda alumni
August – Polly Scott (Samuel ’15) hosted the third
reception at her Manhattan home. Bri Gatta ’05
September – Kristy Kerin traveled to Bermuda with
event in April 2013!
and Christina Strong ’05 attended along with board
August – Kevin and Claudine Curran (Alex ’06,
president Dan Mudge and wife Kathy Mudge (P’98,
Genevieve ’11) hosted the final and late-summer
’02). Mike Cooper, Kristy Kerin, and Martha Trepanier
gathering on Nantucket. Ethan McMorrow ’87 and
’83 travelled from Brewster for the reception.
Wendy Kagan Roultiard ’88 joined staff at the
September –The Lakes Region Alumni Chapter
event. Lynne Palmer P’08, ’09 ’12 and Fred Garnsey
(LRAC) enjoyed a historic tour of nearby Effingham
(Ryder ’14) attended from Brewster.
and a visit back to campus while classes were in
August – Bob and Karey Fix (Will ’11, Keenan ’13)
session. (See page 11) The group will return to
Fenway Park
campus for cookies and hot cocoa in the Pinckney
July –Red Sox fans and Brewster alumni and faculty got
Boathouse this December. Any Brewster alumni in
together on a warm July night for a game at Fenway
the Lakes Region area are welcome to join in LRAC
Park. While it wasn’t a win for the Sox, it was a home
events and meetings. Please contact Beth Hayes
run for everyone who attended! Thirty alumni, faculty,
’81 in the Alumni and Development Office for more
and friends gathered at Copperfield’s Bar and Down
Under Pub before heading to the stands. Alumni from
and visited with faculty members Doug Kiley, Yu Lui,
Saudi Arabia
Rob O’Blenis, and Jaime Garzon. New Alumni Office
October – Admission officer Jay Anctil traveled
1980 through 2008 enjoyed each others company
staff members Rachael Jeffers ‘05 and Whitney
White ‘07 joined Beth Hayes ’81 at the event.
Ginger Leib ’06, Mary Seaman ’06, and Maggie Weeks
’06 were part of Bobcat Nation at Fenway Park in July.
abroad to attend school fairs and visit with current
and alumni families in Saudi Arabia.
Fall Fundraising Auctions Break Records
Generous Donors and Bidders Made for an Exciting Night
By Sally Smith
he M/S Mt. Washington provided a cozy atmosphere for
Brewster’s Fall Family Weekend Auction Fundraisers. The
attendees – 320 parents, grandparents, staff, friends, and even a
few students – came aboard the docked steamship to enjoy the evening,
with The Mount staff serving dinner, dessert, and cocktails.
The success of the silent and live auctions was made possible by the many
generous and creative contributions of Brewster families, friends, and area
businesses as well as all of the enthusiastic bidders. The auctions help
support financial aid for students as well as other programs.
“With record-breaking attendance and total dollars raised ($151,000), our
Fall Family Weekend Auction was a huge success thanks to our dedicated
parents and friends,” said Kristy Kerin, director of advancement. “Our
Two of the three auction chairs: Raquel Rogers and Darla Monzione.
ability to guide student growth is directly impacted by the generous
support of our auction sponsors and bidders. Heartfelt thanks to our
parents, friends, and merchants for your generosity and support!”
Student entertainers who shared their musical, dance, and poetic talents
throughout the evening were Shira Braiterman ’13 (Wolfeboro), Will
Foote ’13 (Rockport, Maine), Taylor Cantrall ’13 (New Durham, New
Hampshire), Megan Harp ’14 (Hollis, New Hampshire), and Ashley
Rogers ’13 (Alton Bay, New Hampshire).
One of the highlights of the Live Auction was a surprise item – a Brewster
quilt, handcrafted by a local parent of a junior (as well as a graduate) –
which garnered $6,000. Angelo Varrone’s (Brewster’s equipment room
Will Foote ’13 was one of the student entertainers at the auctions.
manager) now famous Italian feast went to a hungry bidder for $8,500,
and various trips and packages for one-of-a-kind adventures created a
flurry of bidding.
The auction came together seamlessly due to the talents of Brewster’s
returning auction chairs – Josephine Grayson (Bradley ’14), Darla
Monzione (Bella ’15), and Raquel Rogers (Ashley ’13) – who started
planning last spring and organized and worked with the auction
committee of Brewster parents.
Dynamic auctioneer Bill Zafirson (P’11) opened the Live Auction sharing
his affinity for the school as the parent of a 2011 graduate. Bill expressed
that his son’s success, now a college sophomore, is a direct result of his
experience at Brewster.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Alumni parent and auctioneer Bill Zafirson accepts bids on this afghan
enthusiastically crafted by Brewster teachers and staff.
New England Champions
Seeded Seventh in the NEPSAC Tournament, the Lady Bobcats Rise to the Top
he Brewster girls’ varsity soccer team defeated St. Luke’s School
1-0 to win the New England Preparatory School Athletic Council
(NEPSAC) Class C championship on November 18.
The Bobcats were seeded seventh in the prestigious NEPSAC Tournament
and the road was a tough one for the Bobcats. It was an overtime goal
from freshman Liz Lane (Parsonsfield, Maine) that propelled seventh seed
Brewster to a 1-0 win over second seed Lexington Christian Academy in
the quarterfinals. While Lane’s goal proved to be the difference, it was the
indomitable defending of the Bobcats that kept them in the game even
during stretches where LCA controlled the play.
In the semifinals Brewster advanced with a convincing 2-0 victory over #3
seed Greens Farms Academy. Lane and freshmen Katy Bryan (Sanford,
Maine) were the scorers.
Front row: (l to r) seniors Meaghan Spurling, Sam Bryan, Danielle Tidd, Katie Parkman
Standing: Coach Matt Butcher, Kat Truelson ‘14, Taylor Fry ‘14, Katy Bryan ‘16, Zoe
Rafalowski-Houseman ‘15, Liz Lane ‘16, Shea McIntyre ‘16, Malani Lee ‘16, Kolby
McKenzie ‘16, Skler Sherman ‘14, Rebecca Jones ‘14, Shannon Godin ‘14, Assistant
Coach Laura Cooper. Missing: Emilee Brackenbury ‘14 and Laurence Porlier ‘13.
In the finals they met the #1 seed and defending NEPSAC Champions,
St. Luke’s School. Brewster scored on a Liz Lane goal midway through
the first half and never looked back. Senior captains Sam Bryan (Sanford,
Maine) and Danielle Tidd (Alton, New Hampshire) were the backbone of
a defense that bent but never broke.
“I am so pleased with this group,” said a very proud and elated coach
Matt Butcher after the dramatic win. “This was an amazing week for us,
and I am just happy for this group of girls; we had nothing to lose and just
stuck together.”
Brewster and St. Luke’s have quite the history meeting in the NEPSAC
finals. Last season, the Red Storm defeated the Bobcats 1-0 in another great
game. “Over the years St. Luke’s and Brewster have been the elite of Class
C soccer,” said Director of Athletics Matt Lawlor. “This Brewster team is
special and were fun to watch these last few weeks. Coaches Butcher and
Laura Cooper do an outstanding job and these girls make Bobcat Nation
The boys’ varsity team earned the Lakes Region League title and
also earned the seventh seed in the NEPSAC tournament. They
were knocked out in the quarterfinals (3-0) by second seed Rivers
The team will
School, however. Overall, they were 13-5-1 on the season and 10-2
hang another
in the Lakes Region.
New England
“I am so proud of these kids,” Coach Karl Edmonds said. “This
banner in the Smith
has been such a fun year and to be around these guys is great. We
Center for Athletics
are proud to hang a banner in the Smith Center.”
and Wellness. The
team last won the
Junior Andre Simmond (Londonderry, New Hampshire), above
NEPSAC title in
on the left, senior Charlie Kelly (Liverpool, England), and senior
2009. In 2011 they
Kevin Park (Orinda, California), not pictured, were named to
were finalist and
the New England Prep School Soccer Association All-Star Teams
in 2010 they were
Lakes Region Champs, New England
representing the eastern region.
Rolling Out a New Future for Field
lot can happen in a year. During the last week of October 2011,
Head of School Mike Cooper stood on the back steps of Lord
House looking out over more than a foot of snow that had
just blanketed campus during an unseasonable October snowstorm. He
wondered how the snow would impact the fall field teams.
Fast forward a year to October 30, 2012. Despite the soaking effects of yet
another October storm – Hurricane Sandy – Cooper stood at the edge of
Brown Field looking out over a brand new synthetic turf surface. This
year, he didn’t have to ponder the elements so much. Despite
the afternoon drizzle, enthusiastic soccer and field hockey
players stepped onto the field for the first practices to be
played on the new surface.
“When I think about where we were a year ago and how an
idea has turned into a reality in such a short time ... well, it’s
simply amazing that so many could come together to make
this happen for the school,” Cooper said. “Watching the
coaches on the field was like watching new parents on the
arrival of their first child, excitement, anticipation, and sense
of pride all rolled into one.”
This beautiful facility was made possible thanks to generous
support by dedicated parents, alumni, and friends. It will be home to
Brewster’s soccer, lacrosse, and field hockey teams.
By luck of the schedule, the boys’ junior varsity soccer team had the
honor of playing the first game on the new turf, while the boys’ varsity
soccer team captured the first Brewster win on the turf. Go Bobcats!
Watch the turf rollout in
a time-lapse video.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
From Bobcat
to the NCAA
rewster Academy’s graduates are prepared not only for the
academic rigors of college but they are also ready for the playing
fields. Over the past two years, more than one in four graduates
has gone on to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Brewster has sent
student-athletes onto Division I, II, and III schools to play basketball, ice
hockey, field hockey, soccer, baseball, crew, cross country, and tennis and
even to a collegiate swim team. In the Class of 2011, 31 Brewster graduates
found themselves on college rosters and another 32 in 2012.
“As an athletic department we are very proud of these statistics,” said
Director of Athletics Matt Lawlor. “We have dedicated, hard-working
student-athletes here at Brewster, and we enjoy seeing them have success
and earning opportunities to play at that next level.”
Lawlor is quick to credit Brewster’s coaching staff and college counselors
in guiding student-athletes in the right direction. “We are fortunate to
have a College Office that works very hard at guiding students toward an
appropriate placement. And our coaches should be applauded too, as they
provide guidance during the recruiting process and assist the student-
athletes in making a decision that best fits each individual in the classroom
and on the playing fields.”
In conjunction with National Signing Day on November 14, seven
students made commitments to colleges and universities for next fall.
B R E WS TE R AC AD E M Y • 2013
Alumni and Hockey Enthusiasts
Brewster’s Winni Classic
is Sunday, February 17, 2013.
Bring your family for winter fun on
the Brewster campus and on the lake.
Pond hockey games will be played in
front of the Pinckney Boathouse.
Men’s alumni game begins at 12 p.m.
Women’s alumni game begins at 2 p.m.
The students are (standing l to r): Kyle Washington (basketball, North Carolina
State); Jon Gomer (lacrosse, Sacred Heart University); Elijah Macon (basketball,
University of West Virginia); (seated l to r) Kevin Murphy (lacrosse, Hobart and
William Smith Colleges); Ron Patterson (basketball, Syracuse University); John
Edwards (basketball, University of New Hampshire); Jon McNamara (lacrosse,
Loyola University). Brewster anticipates having more student athletes make
commitments during the spring signing period.
Let us know that you’re coming:
contact Sally Smith, special events
and programs coordinator, at
or call 603-569-7470.
member and
Former faculty
Ron Nentwig
dean of stude
Mike Cooper and guests
enjoying the 1962 50th
Reunion dinner reception in
the Smith Center on Friday
evening of Reunion.
Sisters Diedra Magnifico-Cardamone ’89
and Krista Magnifico ’87 with faculty
members Maureen and Bob Simoneau.
Return to Campus:
Alicia Wielgosz
Kelly O’Donnell,
a, Ja
Elizabeth Siracus
Faculty membe
r Barb Thomas
enjoying Saturd
ay night’s
lobster bake.
lthough the pouring rain seemed to be a popular conversation
The class of 1962 also gathered on Friday evening, celebrating their
topic throughout Reunion, the weather did not dampen spirits
50th Reunion. Thirty members returned to reminisce and celebrate in
or attendance. More than 225 alumni gathered for a fabulous
the Turner Hall of Fame at the Smith Center. The evening included a
reception; dinner; a DVD presentation that brought both laughs and tears;
and the awarding of pins and certificates. It was a wonderful evening that
Thank you to our talented alumni who contributed to the alumni art
ended with strong handshakes, hugs, and promises to stay in touch.
exhibit. We had submissions across five decades of alumni – a lot of talent
represented. We are already planning for the 2013 Reunion Art Show.
Some new events introduced to Reunion 2012 included the Friday night
off-campus parties. Alumni, friends, and current and former faculty
The class of 1987 gathered to celebrate their 25th Reunion on Friday
members kicked off Reunion with multiple gatherings at local alumni
evening at the Pinckney Boathouse. They were joined by former Brewster
homes, Bearce Hall, and downtown restaurants and taverns.
faculty: Doug and Mary Fallon, Beth Fox, Matt Hoopes, Ron and Sue
Nentwig, Bob and Shirley Richardson, and David and Sheila Smith; and
Alumni gathered on Saturday morning for a presentation on Brewster’s
current faculty Bob and Maureen Simoneau. After a warm welcome from
evolving program. Mike Cooper, Lynne Palmer, director of admission
Head of School Mike Cooper, they watched their yearbook set to music in
and external affairs; Peter Hess, dean of studies; and Matt Butcher,
a slideshow.
English department chair; led an engaging presentation on how Brewster
Liz Scully, Tamah French-Proops, John Hamblett, Doug Irwin, CB Currier,
Bryce Jackson, Heather Monroe Rohner, Steve Finn, Mandy Clark Scheel,
George Ide, Krista Magnifco, Ethan McMorrow, Kevin French, Daphne Sands Corso
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Members of the Class of 1992: Front row (l to r): George Trojan, Erica (Cohen) Lewy,
Shonda (Thomas) Stewart, Stephanie (O’Connor) Leahey, Mike Heinbach, Gerry
Holmberg; Back row (l to r): Ronn Bronzetti, Philip Walker , former Headmaster
David Smith, Terrence Spitler, Matt Cullen, Curtis Coleman
Matt Cullen ’92
and his wife
Jenelle enjoy an
old yearbook.
and Janna (Vau
Ed Isenberg ‘62
mates at
thering wi
Kasarjian ‘62 ga
at n dinner.
Reunion celebr
the 1962 50th
her Monroe
roops ’87, Heat
Tamah French-P
heel ’87
dy Clar
Rohner ’87, Man
Former faculty member Sue Nentwig.
continues to evolve and enhance its programs to prepare students with
the skills they need for success in college and the 21st century.
On Saturday afternoon, some brave souls enjoyed a lake cruise aboard the
Winnipesaukee Belle while others enjoyed games in the Smith Center and
the Estabrook. A Reunion highlight was the Saturday evening Lobster Bake
in the Estabrook with all the fixin’s and grilled steak. A special thanks to the
Denley family, Geoff ’00, Andrew ’03, and Brad ‘09, for their support of the
Our oldest alumni attending Reunion:
Bob Hanson ’41
Traveling farthest:
Phil Walker ’92 from San Francisco
lobster dinner.
Following dinner, the Pinckney Boathouse was the site of music, lights,
and dancing, not to mention a photo booth! Sunday morning found the
Boathouse filled again for a delicious brunch, a few sleepy alums, and
warm embraces.
Now we pause only briefly before we began planning for next year’s
The class with the highest
percentage attending Reunion:
the 50th Reunion Class of 1962
The class with the highest percentage
of participation in the Annual Fund: 1954
Reunion when we look forward to celebrating all of our classes, May 31June 2, 2013.
Back row: Steve Petsche, Kate Donahue, Jill Egan’s boyfriend, Forrest Letarte; Middle
row: Dan Mardis, Darin Levesque, Marie Maseng, Nicole Black, Megeen Simoneau,
Wes Budrose, Jason Flanders, Ryan Barber; First row: Dominique Aubry, Jillian Egan,
Samantha (Lion) Trask, Sheena (Kirk) Babine, Victoria Bevz, Matt Rogers
First row (l to r): Jireh Billings, James Simoneau, Kate Buesser, Christopher Bodkin;
second Row (l to r): Kelly O’Donnell, Chezney Auburt, Alicia Wielgoszinski, Anne
Debow, Denise Sprague, Janna Anctil Kim Cooper, Elizabeth Siracusa; third row (l to
r): Kelsey Kirker, Andy O’Brien, faculty member Bob Simoneau, Tyler Hunt, Brendan
Marlow, Whitney White, Jessica Stern, Carlos Rodriguez, Brad Hoyt, faculty member
Maureen Simoneau, Bank Tangjaitrong, Jennifer O’Leary, Beth Gallugi, Kelsey
Harger; fourth row (l to r): Ryan Buesser, Andrew Lowrie, Ben Sinnett, Christopher
Cason, Jay Kravis, Dr. Mike Cooper, Andrea Cooper
by Matt Hoopes
Beyond the Ballot
Alumni in Public Policy Positions
ere in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas, we’ve just held an election
covering all 58 inhabited islands. It took a total of 90 days from opening
campaigning to final voting. Nowadays, campaigning in the United States seems
almost non-stop. Although elections are over, the work goes on and this work
includes that of our alumni, many from behind the political scenes.
In the election year that was, Connections editors were curious about how many
alumni might have careers in politics. After an extensive search, I discovered
that currently Brewster doesn’t have any alumni holding elective office at
the national or state level. If my sleuthing was faulty, and I missed a possible
future senator or president, I sincerely apologize. Please do let me know and I
promise to contribute to your next campaign! I know we did have office holders
among our alums, but they’ve all retired. They were all of one party, however, and
I was a little nervous that some of my faithful readers of the ‘other’ party might
cry foul, but no worries there now.
Evan Shone ‘83, founder of San Francisco Motor Sports, shipped this 1964 Morris
Minor to Matt Hoopes in the Bahamas 12 years ago. Here Hoopes chauffeurs
brothers Tim ‘91 and Dan ’93 Smith and Dan’s wife Inese around Eleuthera.
Since Brewster alumni do work in politics and public affairs, though, we decided
I’m always searching for topics for this column, so please get back to me with
to profile those in non-elected positions. While I assumed that a great deal of
your suggestions: or reply to one of my postage paid pink
hard work and endless hours were logged by those paid and unpaid staffers
postcards that hopefully find their way to your mailbox.
supporting the office seekers, it wasn’t until I started hearing the following battle
tales that I fully understood the extent of their expertise and devoted labor.
Wishing all ‘Aldebest,’
Again, the usual appeal – please keep in touch. I’m always interested in
hearing from all alumni who have ‘tales to tell’ of their work or adventures.
Matt Hoopes was a faculty member from 1975 to 1996. During this time he and his journalism students founded The Brewster Browser and the Outcroppings literary
magazine. Since his “retirement” from the classroom in 1996, Hoopes has worked as the alumni correspondent from his hilltop banana farm on the island of Eleuthera, The
Bahamas, helping to keep the alumni connection alive. In each issue he brings life-after-Brewster stories to the pages of his Hoopla column.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Jeff Goldberg ’97
Senior Program Manager,
Office of the Senate Sergeant At Arms
While Jeff’s job title might not seem as impressive as some of the other alumni
“I learned an enormous
interviewed for this column, don’t let the title fool you. His job, be it behind
amount in a relatively
the scenes, has involved many years of extensive training leading to the varied
short time. The tragedies
emergency planning expertise he has acquired. Jeff is a modest individual and
of so many individuals and
almost ‘aw-shucks’ his many years of training and background, saying that
families made the work
gaining his present position was mostly luck, being in the right place at the right
heart breaking, and yet
time. He obviously enjoys what he does, and at the same time, is awed by his
rewarding, as I could see
position’s responsibilities.
the benefits of my help.
During this time I met and
Jeff works for the Office of the Senate Sergeant At Arms. He lives in Washington,
worked with many fine
D.C., and works in the U.S. Capitol. Jeff and his staff are in charge of emergency
people who’s knowledge
and friendship have
Jeff Goldberg ’97
boosted me professionally.”
“We are preparing for the next 9/11.”
When asked whether he considered himself a public servant or does he feel
His department is responsible for training senators and their staffs in the proper
protocol to follow in a threat or emergency. If an attack on the Capitol occurs,
Jeff’s roll then becomes an advisory one, and he and his staff would work with
those responding to the situation.
“My job requires that I stay in the shadows. If I am doing everything correctly,
the plans I put into place will never need to be tested. My work allows those who
make the laws to do their job, uninhibited.”
When asked how he became interested in his field of work, Jeff immediately
mentioned his Brewster days. “When I was at BA I was co-captain on the crew
team with Jesse Green ‘96, and he took an EMT class with the Wolfeboro fire
department. It seemed like such a good way to be involved with the community
and give back in a manner that also interested me. Jesse encouraged me to take
an EMT class when I got to Ithaca College. … Fall of my sophomore year I took a
three-week firefighting class and started the EMT class. I later took a paramedic
class and worked full time [as a firefighter and paramedic] while finishing my
a need for change in the way government works, Jeff’s humility once again is
evident as he points out that he serves those who are the real public servants.
“There are 100 individual employers in the Senate and every office does things
differently. It requires a lot of attention to detail in order to comply with their
requests and make them feel that they are the only one that really matters.”
Jeff goes on with a comparison to Brewster. “There are many moving pieces
when a new Congress is elected. This year there are 10 retiring Senators and 33
who were up for reelection. This means a lot of new offices and staff. It’s like
move-in-day at Brewster – everyone is lost!”
While Jeff doesn’t think that a lot of change is needed to improve government,
he does believe that voters need to be more selective. “I would tell people not to
pick a candidate based on what they can do for you as an individual, rather on
what the candidate proposes to do that will better the nation.”
Jeff, still single, says that he’s not “chasing the dream,” but living it. «I take public
transportation to work. Every day I get to walk to the Capitol, and I am still
enamored with the building. I work in a place where people are lucky if they even
As mentioned, Jeff felt that his professional career advanced due to timing
get to visit once. I work in and for a working monument. There is a lot of pride
of events and people with whom he met and worked. “After graduating from
among my co-workers toward doing their best.”
Ithaca College and working a few years as a paramedic, I decided to move to
Washington and enter the government consulting world. I was working on
Jeff also travels frequently, covering security at events throughout the country.
various small projects when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, and
I was rushed to Louisiana to work with the Federal Emergency Management
Not certain as to how long he’ll remain working for the government, he says
System’s recovery efforts. Originally I was contracted for just a week, but
that he is enjoying it and those he works with immensely. Still, Jeff has a
thereafter was assigned as managerial consultant to a recovery center, working
hankering to try something else in the future. He said that he believes that
out of an abandoned shoe store. For four months I worked with a team that
involvement in education is a way to test ideas and meet the right people. This
made certain that funds were made available for community needs, repairs to
has proven to be true for him in the past and that in the future he may return to
libraries, senior centers, and such.
graduate school and see where it leads him.
Christine Garrison ’88
Communications and Development Consultant
I’m a self-employed communication and development consultant working
mostly with political clients. I’ve worked for incumbents, caucuses, and political
campaigns as well as organizations. I’ve worked a couple of federal campaigns,
but most of my clients are in the Texas Legislature. I call myself a consultant as
people in my role do every possible thing it takes to have the client succeed. One
day you’ll find me directing a major event or handing a media crisis. The next day
you’ll find me making 30 phone calls in a row to raise money. I also perform all
the tasks of being my own secretary. So the title ‘consultant’ is broad by necessity.
I was known by my Brewster classmates as both a painter and a writer.
Whenever anyone wanted to find me, especially on weekends, they’d just check
the art building or journalism studio. As I loved to write creatively, poems and
descriptive pieces, I’d find a quiet, comfortable place and write away! I spent a
lot of time in the journalism studio helping Chris Seifert ‘86 edit pieces for the
Christine Garrison with husband Eddie Rodriquez and Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.)
Outcroppings magazine. I loved the work. During my college years, however, I
I developed key mentorships, even friendships with several Brewster faculty
had to make the choice between my two passions and bowed to the journalism
members, again something that I could never have enjoyed in a public school
route, realizing that it would be more likely to allow me to pay my bills on time –
setting. My beloved Matt Hoopes made literature a great adventure and gave me
I now paint with my little boy!
a hunger for books that I will never abandon. Hoopes also got me started writing
at least twice weekly in my journal, something I still do, and something that has
After college I went on a great journalism adventure, working at newspapers,
yielded a wealth of perspective over the years. Other mentors included my art
first in Texas, then along the East coast, and then the West coast. In 2002 I found
teacher Cheryl Dumont and my dorm parent Barbara Douglass – each in their
myself living north of San Francisco and running the politics/government desk at
own way helped me to grow into a more serious young person with a plan for my
a New York Times outlet.
future. Without my years at Brewster, I very much doubt that I would have made it
to or through college. Brewster was the foundation to the professional I became.
While that might sound glamorous, I was actually stuck in a mid-level job where
I worked very hard to receive very little credit. Still, in that role my interest in
I don’t consider myself a public servant as many consultants do; however, I would
politics grew, and I wanted to know what it was like on the other side, where
have to say that I serve the public servants in my various roles. There have been
the truth is more forthcoming. Both the newspaper industry and the state of
instances where I have dealt directly with their constituents, yet it’s not the
California were entering their unfortunate years, so it was a good time to leave.
same as the daily complicated work that legislators and their staff juggle for
real people. In my private life, however, I more directly serve the public through
I returned home to Texas and got a great job at a top-10 lobby firm. It was a
my church and through my husband’s own legislative office in my role as his
fascinating time to be in politics because of the major developments following
partner. We are active in the Democratic Party, and we support charities for the
Governor Bush’s departure for Washington and the presidency. I call my three
homeless, animals, and environmental conservation.
years at the firm “boot camp” because those were the most satisfying 60-hour
weeks I’ve ever worked.
My husband and I gave our support, both in money and time, to the Obama ReElection Campaign. I’m a committed Democrat in a very ‘Red State.’ Through my
My career ambitions lost ground when my son was born and my new desire
clients I’m involved in efforts to stop losing Democratic seats to Republicans.
was to stay at home with the best little person I’d ever met. I couldn’t give up
working altogether, and in March of 2005, I launched my consultancy, which
As far as improving our election process I would have to say that I feel we should
meant doing much of the same sort of work, but from home – and in pajamas!
do away with the Electoral College. I feel that it defies the spirit of our Democracy
I’ve been self-employed ever since.
in its ability to override the popular vote on presidential elections. Having said
that, I feel that the biggest need by far is campaign finance reform. The error of
Looking back at the two years I spent at Brewster, I realize that had I not gone
code needs to be corrected by the courts so that corporations cannot possess the
to Brewster I would never have accomplished what I have today, nor would I
Constitutional rights of individuals. And finally, I feel that the loophole on soft
have had the opportunity to realize that I was not a misfit after so many years
money needs to be closed to prevent elections from being bought. It is my hope
of struggling with learning disabilities and dyslexia. Brewster taught me how to
that one day our Congressional representatives will find the courage to self-
learn, which is a key step that many public schools skip over.
regulate by putting a stop to our present runaway influence spending.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Nat Sillin ’98
Press Secretary, National Republican Congressional Committee
Nat finally reached me from 35,000 feet during a flight from Washington D.C.
to San Diego. The last several months were an extremely hectic time for him, as
he works 18 hours a day, seven days a week for the 90 days prior to an election.
During this time he was focused on Republican House races, including two in
New Hampshire both which, a month out from the election, he still considered “toss up” races. During the final weeks leading up to the election, Nat saw
very little of his home in downtown Washington, located between the White
House and the U.S. Capitol.
Nat graduated from the University of Vermont and then did graduate work at
the U.S. Navel War College in Newport, Rhode Island. His girlfriend is understanding of his time away and busy schedule, as she, too, is involved in politics.
Hoopes: As press secretary for the National Republican Congressional Committee you’d say your job is ...
Nat: The best job in politics. Previously I worked for senators and members of
It’s not all politics for Nat Sillin: with a friend in Glacier National Park.
Congress, but as part of a political organization, I now have a latitude that I
didn’t have as an official staff member. It’s fun, exciting, and has an impact on
Hoopes: Did the focus of your organization change in the months leading up
the national political landscape. For non-politicos, we’re best known for running
to the elections?
all those negative political TV ads you see during election time. Love or hate
Nat: It’s hard to explain this in a few words, but our focus is to get Republicans
them, they’re effective.
elected to the House. Last cycle we picked up 63 seats in a wave election. Our
job is to protect the House majority, and we’re playing offense expanding the
Hoopes: How did you get involved in the politics?
Nat: I took courses in political science and right after my time at the Naval
War College I went to work for Sen. Judd Gregg of New Hampshire and a few
members of Congress, but after a few years I decided this work would be more
exciting, make more of an impact. We’re political operatives and we’re in the
business of winning and covering the national landscape. My educational background really isn’t applicable. Sure I studied economics and took grad courses
in naval warfare, but political operatives come from a broad swath of academic
backgrounds, and we’re a unique bunch.
Hoopes: Describe your typical day.
Nat: Most of the time I’m advising candidates and members of Congress, acting
as a spokesman for the committee, working with the media from Florida to
Maine. But the days vary and one day recently my first meeting was advising a
member of Congress on communication strategy and debate negotiation tactics.
My second meeting, however, was a discussion of whether it was feasible to
raise money online by having a live stream of junked cars in a field and when we
reached our goal the car would blow up live on the web. I don’t think that one
political playing field. We’re looking for seats to pick up as well as making sure
our incumbents are re-elected. It’s a zero sum game. You know the other team
is hungry, and the scorecard is as visible and as public as it gets. If that doesn’t
motivate you, you don’t belong in politics!
Hoopes: If you could change one aspect to our election process, what would
it be?
Nat: Tough question. As one of my candidates likes to say ‘I’m a card carrying
realist. It is what it is and you’ve got to play to win.’ I do think that good policy
and positive outcomes sometimes suffer because of politics, and that’s deeply
Hoopes: Do you think what you do improves the direction in which the country is going?
Nat: Sure, that’s why you do what you do. It’s important to be balanced in your
opinion, however. I’ve seen the impact of what we do and it’s not insignificant.
Still, you can’t lose your perspective.
Hoopes: How about a Brewster connection? Was there some experience,
will likely happen, but it illustrates the breadth of activities and the creativity in
some person you met, that helped you realize your potential, may have
our work.
changed your direction?
Nat: Without a doubt, Peter Mann had the greatest impact on my BA experience,
Hoopes: Do you consider yourself a public servant?
and he’s in no small way responsible for where I am today. He was my advisor,
Nat: Well, I was when I worked for Sen. Judd, but now as an operative for a na-
mentor, friend – and saving grace. Athletic pursuits and involvement with the
tional party committee that would be a stretch!
Brewster Browser were defining, but I owe Peter a debt of gratitude.
Todd Willens ’89
Congressional Chief of Staff
Todd Willens is the chief of staff for U.S. Rep. Steve Pearce of New Mexico,
a Republican who represents southern New Mexico. Todd works in Pearce’s
Washington office and lives in D.C. with his wife Morna and their children
Maxwell, Chase, Genevieve, and Honore.
Hoopes: You attended Brewster for just one year as a PG, but did any
experience you had while at the Academy influence your choice of
Todd: Well, not a particular course or teacher, but Brewster certainly prepared me
for the discipline to organize and work independently. Those skills have certainly
affected the way I work as a chief of staff. Brewster is a lot like Washington, with
lots of different personalities. The majority of people in Washington are
“transplants” from other places around the world, again somewhat like Brewster.
Hoopes: What is your educational background, any ties with the political
Todd: Well, I got my bachelors in history at UCLA, but no, no real connections
Hoopes: What steered you toward politics? Had you worked in other fields
Todd: Actually it all started with an internship I received in 1991. I got bit by the
policy and political bug, and since then I have worked in various rolls, both in the
federal government and in the private sector.
Hoopes: Describe a typical day.
Todd: No day is typical, other than drinking from the end of a fire hose. Each day
Todd Willens ’89 with his family.
brings it’s own set of challenges, along with some unexpected outcomes. We’re
constantly dealing with policies and strategies, and depending on what comes up
concerning our state, we have to be able to cover things quickly.
Hoopes: If you could change one thing about the country’s election process,
Hoopes: Do you consider yourself a public servant?
what would that be?
Todd: Yes, but I never forget that I am “staff”.
Todd: I’d make the congressional term four years rather than the two we now
have, and I’d have it run off cycle to the presidential election cycle.
Hoopes: Did the campaign and the election change the focus of your own
activities or those of your office?
Hoopes: Do you feel what you do changes or improves the direction in which
Todd: No changes, really, our activities basically remain the same. The House
the country is going?
of Representatives is up for reelection every two years, so unfortunately, the
Todd: Yes, but then again, not all change is good. I hope to be able to improve the
campaigning never stops.
future my children will have.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
John Mautz ’89
Legislative Director, U.S. House of Representatives
John Mautz is the legislative director for Rep. Howard Coble (R-N.C), who
represents North Carolina’s 6th congressional district, in the central portion of
the state. John works in Coble’s Washington, DC, office but lives in St. Michael’s,
Maryland, with his family and near his brother and parents.
John still helps with the family business, the Carpenter Street Saloon restaurant.
He relocated from Edgewater, just south of Annapolis, in May. While his commute
to Capitol Hill is 90 minutes each way, John claims it’s heaven living in an area
where he can hunt, fish, sail, and be with family and friends.
John’s path to politics began during the summer months while attending the
Claude W. Pettit School of Law at Ohio Northern University. He interned with
John Mautz ‘89
the House Judiciary Committee, which led to a full-time position after his
graduation. Here he served under Chairmen Henry J. Hyde (R-Ill.) and F. James
Sensebrenner Jr. (R.-Wis.). John then served in the office of Governor Robert L.
Ehrlich in Annapolis, Maryland before joining Rep. Coble’s staff.
committee staff to help prepare legislative initiatives and coordinate two or
three congressional caucuses chaired by Coble. Evenings might include receptions
John’s first political experience, however, actual came at Brewster when senior
year he was elected president of the Student Council. He quickly points out,
however, that was before California voters discovered the recall ballot, or he
wouldn’t have lasted a month!
and meetings. Every day is different. Some days he is in committee for the entire
day, or he can be in meetings all day. John and the staff also have to respond to
all those constituent e-mails as well as traditional letters.
Actually, his tenure was popular as he made arrangements to have pizza delivered
John considers himself a public servant. Working in Congress, unlike some
on campus, worked toward getting student discounts at local merchants, and
other sectors of the federal government, is refreshing because the job must be
was even successful at making some adjustments to study hall hours.
renewed every two years and employees in the legislature realize and appreciate
accountability, he said. There is a sense of responsibility and urgency in the
“Brewster was a terrific experience, filled with real people, sharing real ideas, and
while it may not have been directly linked to my pursuing law school or working
legislature, which makes work challenging and enjoyable, he added.
in politics, it certainly had a lasting effect on me.”
Given his direct experience as a legislative aid, John does not think the
Today, when Congress is in session, it’s not unusual for John to receive more
gerrymandering process is good for democracy. It usually does not produce a
than 200 e-mails a day and participate in three or four 30-minute meetings with
result that reflects the people who are drawn into the newly contorted districts.
constituents and industry leaders. He also has to track all floor votes, ranging
He also believes that the two-year term for members of the House is too short.
from as few as four a day to as many as 30 a day. He is responsible for making
certain that the staff in both the Washington and North Carolina offices have
the information they need to brief the congressman.
Every day that a congressman votes on bills, responds to constituent letters, and
places calls is a day that drives the government in the right direction, John said.
He works directly with Coble to make sure the congressman has information
Constituent service is the top priority and every step possible to represent the
needed for meetings, votes, and committee work. John also works with
constituents effectively must be taken, he added.
Class Notes
of Brewster’s 1960-1961
Elsie Chesley writes: “I live with my daughter
football team. A native
Deborah. I am 92. My late husband and I traveled
of Bristol, Rhode Island,
extensively throughout the world. My life has been
Rodrigues was a Providence
Journal-Bulletin All-State
halfback. He continued
his football career at the
Mary Jane Richardson grew up in Wolfeboro and
University of Rhode Island,
writes that she loved going to Brewster. Mrs. Paige
and after his intercollegiate
in English and Miss Barbara Lewando in ancient
playing days, he taught
history were two of her favorite teachers and led her
at Bristol High School
to earning a degree in history and English and later
certification in elementary education and library
work from the University of New Hampshire. Mary
Some members of the Class of 1952 gathered at Lois Wyman Carey’s Wolfeboro
home during Reunion Weekend. From l to r: Muriel Roberts Massey, Rob Nelson,
Bill Coppins, Lois, Fred Goodwin, and Claire Glidden Hlushuk.
and became a legendary
wrestling and football coach.
Jane and husband Edwin raised six children in New
Child. Her group makes toys (cloth dolls, stuffed
Hampshire and then retired to Maine where they
animals, jump ropes, games) and provides filler items
Susan (Eldridge) Simpson writes: “I was chosen
live on land settled by her husband’s ancestors, who
for the hygiene kits in each shoe box. This year they
Ossipee 2011 Citizen of the Year and elected
came from Scotland. They have been active in their
will make 350 boxes.
chairman of the Ossipee Old Home Week Committee.”
Linda White writes: “I’m very busy with
Beatrice Lavery-Corf still spends summers in
organizations I belong to. Love to help with them
Patricia Catalfo writes:
Wolfeboro and the rest of the year in Winchester,
all. My special love is our veterans; I belong to The
“Sixty-seven years ago
Massachusetts. “I’m busy watching grandkids (17)
Rodney A.White Sr. #8270 VFW Auxillary (named
this June I graduated
in sports (track, football, soccer), graduations,
from Brewster Academy
weddings; still play tennis and do lots of knitting for
and have been retired
30 years.” She enjoys
Muriel Beach ’45 in Rio de
trips, her grandsons, and
being blessed with good
Carolyn Roth writes: “My hobby since 1976 has
health. Pat stays busy
been miniature collecting and creating. I now have
with Red Hatters, movies, and enjoying every day.
a website featuring my 12 completed miniature
Dorothy “Dotty” Woodroof and her husband have
three children, 12 grandchildren, and two great-
Roland Rodrigues was inducted into the Rhode
grandchildren. Dotty is active in her church and
Island Interscholastic League’s Hall of Fame in
enjoys making shoe boxes for Operation Christmas
May 2012. Rodrigues was an outstanding member
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
George Hodgson ‘59 made this Bobcat blueberry pie
with berries from his farm in Maine to share with Kristy
Kerin and Mike Cooper.
after my husband) as well as other veteran’s and
controversy surrounding it – from an informed place.
historical groups.”
I miss the practice of law, but I am delighted to be
making a contribution in the healthcare community.
I have enjoyed catching up with some Brewster
John “Jake” Carr writes: “Now living in Scarborough,
classmates on Facebook. And I am still trying to talk
Maine. Looking forward to retiring after 44 years in
my youngest son into transferring to Brewster for his
the lumber industry. Been busy boating and fishing
sophomore or junior year – we shall see! Best to all,
on Casco Bay. Also serving as an off-ice official with
Mary Lou”
the American Hockey League in Portland for the
Portland Pirates AHL team.”
Teresa Hooper writes: “… after spending time this
summer at the International Fabric Tradeshow at
Pamela Judge writes: “As chairman of Wakefield
the Jarvis Center in NYC, my travels will take me to
Heritage Commission, I just received the New
Marrakesh to celebrate the new year. I am looking
Hampshire Preservation Alliance Award 2012 for
forward to the camel races! No, I am not one of the
outstanding education, planning, and advocacy of
local preservation.”
Marina Tew celebrated her 40th anniversary with a
Jonathan Hopewell, wife Valerie, and their dogs
family get-together in Kauai, Hawaii, in June. “Our
Chester and Lily have moved back to the Lakes
summers are spent in the cool White Mountains of
Region. Jonathan writes that he “quit the software
Arizona escaping the heat of the Valley of the Sun.”
industry after 23 unproductive years and is now
making furniture –
Commissions are always accepted!”
Charles “Chuck” Goldstein lives in Wellington,
Florida, a suburb of West Palm Beach and works
Richard O’Brien writes: “All is well in Denver,
with Keller Williams Realty. Chuck has many fond
Colorado. Hi to everyone!”
memories of Brewster and mentors Dave Pollini, as
well as other teachers and coaches, including Pop
Susan (McDonough) Schultes bought a huge log
Whalen, Mal Murray, and Dave Brown. “I feel very
cabin on two acres in the country and is having fun
fortunate to have gone to Brewster and winning
year-round gardening and chasing her Chihauhua
the 1966 Lakes Region Golf Championship. My wife
Skipper. She is hoping to acquire some chickens this
Andee of 39 years is a teacher in Wellington, and our
winter and is loving the Florida life.
son Adam is a graduate of the University of Alabama
and Cornell University. Thank you Brewster!”
Michael Adams lives in Grand Junction, Colorado,
and works at the Grand Junction VA Medical Center
Allan Bierweiler lives in Arizona and works for an
as a physician’s assistant. He and Sharon have
Air Force contractor in the security police sector. He
been married 24 years and they have a daughter
plays a lot of golf, has a son, Zachary, three dogs, and
Stephanie, who graduated from the University of
a love of wine.
North Carolina last year.
Mary Lou Ciolfi writes: “Going back to school at
Curtis Garrett writes from Ladera Ranch, Califorina:
age 50 for a master’s in Health Policy has been at
“All’s good here! Playing a little golf and going to
turns wonderful and exhausting! I will finish in the
lacrosse games with my 14-year old son Conner. My
spring and I will look forward to having weekends
son Cole, 20, headed back to Spain for spring break,
back to myself. The good news is that I have been
and my son Chad, 21, is working in sales and living a
able to follow health reform – and all the debate and
block away from Huntington Beach Pier.”
Experienced Alumni Recall
Their Brewster Days
Cynthia (Bly) Blandini ‘63
Wolfeboro and North Andover, Massachusetts
Cynthia (Bly) Blandini ‘63 offered these
recollections about her four years at Brewster
– revealing that, despite infrastructure and
program enhancements, some things really
do stay the same at Brewster.
I drove my VW to school and parked behind
the Estabrook. Every day we had morning
chapel in the Academic Building. We said
the Pledge, a prayer, and heard the day’s
announcements. We were expected to dress
nicely and be respectful to our teachers
and fellow students. Day students didn’t
eat in Estabrook. I remember going across
to Carpenter School to eat lunch (which
we brought) and later we had lunch in the
Alumni Center (now the Art Center).
We worked hard in class. Brewster had three
tracks: business education, general education,
and college preparatory; I took college
prep classes. It wasn’t easy; the teachers
were tough on us. No computers, not even
Sports were required and they were fun. I
played basketball and softball, and we skied
and tobogganed all winter at Abenaki Ski
Area. We went to the football, soccer, and
hockey games, and watched basketball in the
Rogers Gym; it was the thing to do.
We had little free time, our days were filled! I
was involved in Glee Club, yearbook, and TriHi-Y. We also did community service projects,
I remember baking and making baskets.
There was a movie theater downtown, a
bowling alley, and the drug store had an ice
cream soda fountain, which we all loved.
Dockside was a popular place, too.
Our Headmaster Burtis Vaughan was kind,
intelligent, and he always listened to us.
The students loved him. He was a man to be
proud of, a born teacher who enjoyed his role
of teacher more than any other role.
We had great respect for our teachers; they
were wonderful people – Pop Whalen,
Barbara Zulauf, George Hall, Burtis Vaughan,
June Tilton, Gertrude Gardiner, Jim Hathcock,
Jean Perkins, and so many more! Brewster
was a special place filled with special people.
Cynthia will celebrate her 50th Reunion in
Class Notes
working in my ‘backyard’ as it were. Then I’m heading
Louise “Breckie” Hayes-Snow is a legal service
Douglas Irwin lives in Wellesley, Massachusetts,
to the South Pacific and Indonesia for the winter.”
lawyer in Concord, New Hampshire. She and husband
with wife Jennifer and their two children, Charlie and
Richard have two children: Sarah, 13, who is ready to
Winn. He is the vice president of sales for a small
take on the world. “She runs, skis, plays softball, plays
software company.
Abigail Newberry writes: “Jason and I are getting
married June, 8, 2013! I am still the director at
the flute, and is teaching herself the piano. Arthur is
10 and keeps life interesting! His primary activity is
Roderic “Scott” Pearman writes: “I had really
the Children’s Center, part of Harwich Ecumenical
hockey. He also loves baseball and plays the sax. We
intended to make it up to BA for the Class of ’87’s
Council for the homeless. Lots of hard work but I
live in a town right outside of Concord with a dog,
25th reunion as I had not been back since 1993.
love every minute. We provide affordable child care
cat, rabbit, and seven chickens. That just about sums
However, the family travelled with me to Kingston,
to working families. I do lots of grant writing and
it up; there isn’t much time for anything else.”
Ontario ... for my MBA graduation ceremonies from
fundraising. Hope all is well, and life is good!”
Queen’s University. I left my wife at home with a
four-year old and a four-month old as I travelled to
Julie Reinhart wrote last spring: “I’m loving life,
Jonathan Hibbard writes: “My hobby of raising
China (twice), the United Kingdom, and South Africa
coaching racing, which is fun. Traveling to Italy this
chickens is going great. Nothing beats fresh eggs.
on a mix of study and business travel so I exhausted
summer to climb in the Dolomites. Saving coins for
I have a big following on Facebook regarding my
all of my hall passes. [I am ] working as the Chief
more adventures.”
‘girls’... Looking forward to my 30th reunion. Hoping
Operating Officer for the Bermuda Hospitals Board
the Class of ‘83 will be there in force. The family
and own my own radio station www.hott1075.
is doing well. My son is now in his senior year of
com. Look me up if you come into town on vacation
Peter Baron of Seattle, Washington, and
college. Where does the time go?”
(rephrase – please come to Bermuda on vacation
Brenda Noiseaux ’96 made an unexpected
as we need the tourism business). ... BA played
Brewster connection through their work with
Alice Matheson was in New Hampshire in
a defining role in my life so by extension so did
AdmissionsQuest and WhippleHill Communications,
September for husband Todd’s daughter and her
many of you; best of luck and see you at 30th. Does
step-daughter’s wedding in Jackson. Alice is looking
anyone have contact with Curtis Nelson?”
Eugene “Gino” Spelta visited campus in March with
forward to her 30th reunion and says that she can
his wife Beth and son Jacob, 4. After spending the
Kristin Van Wagner was home in Wolfeboro in July
day at Mt. Cranmore teaching Jacob how to ski, they
Evan Shone is a single dad, enjoying his three
and was looking forward to a break after nine weeks
stopped by to say hello to the Palmers. Gino is a
children: Sofia, 12; Bryce, 9; and Andrew, 7. He started
at sea. In the fall she was planning to sail from Nova
police officer in Nahant, Massachusetts.
San Francisco Motor Sports in 2010 and is loving life.
Scotia to Savannah, Georgia, with a possible trip to
still party!
Svalbard, Norway, as well. “I’m looking forward to
Charles Cheney writes: “I have a fantastic job at
a cheese factory. Still single. Love going to church
where I sing in Praise Team. I will never forget the fun
times at Brewster with everyone. Wishing my class
all the best.”
Douglas (Rothstein) Kasle writes: “Last May I
switched from over 15 years of working with kids to
doing pain management (i.e., meditation, changing
lifestyle.) I’m still a psychologist but now working in
Upper Napa Valley at a residential clinic, growing my
skills, helping people, otherwise living the same yoga
Cali lifestyle.”
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Steve Promislo ’88 with actor Delroy Lindo at the Trey
Whitfield Foundation Awards Dinner in July.
Standing (l to r): Sarah Munroe, Courtney Crane
Munroe ’88, Jessie Munroe, and Sage Daly Wirth ’88.
Sitting (l to r): Ana Munroe, Cyris Hamblett, Porter
Wirth, Barb Matthews Hamblett ’88, Teddy Wirth, Jack
Wirth, and Willy Hamblett
and terrific weather. I now have an adorable one-
Christopher Crowley is executive producer for
year-old nephew, Benjamin.”
Former Faculty:
Where are They?
NBC’s Outside Television, where he is responsible
for all original production from concept through
Andreas Ninios writes: “I am now working for Global
execution for the network, which includes Outside
Language Translation on a contract with the State
Television’s morning program Outside Today, as well
Department. I am a Greek instructor (teach Greek to
as the network’s newsmagazine series.
diplomats). Also have two part-time jobs: ushering at
the Kennedy Center and coaching soccer to toddlers.
Michael Heinbach writes: “After 11-plus years
Life is good here in Virginia. I love where I live and
of hard work in the sports department at the
have made a nice circle of friends in the Washington
Missoulian, I have finally been offered and have
D.C. area. I really like the proximity to the city as
accepted a full-time position at the newspaper.
well as what Virginia (i.e., vineyards, camping) has
... will be promoted to prep sports editor, a job
to offer.
previously held by positively brilliant writers like Rial
Cummings, Kim Briggeman, and Nick Lockridge. I am
Tyler Van Wagner writes: “Things are going well with
truly humbled, honored, and excited beyond words
the Van Wagners. Mollie and I love watching our girls
to have the opportunity to produce content I can
Emma and Elizabeth grow up, but it’s happening
only hope will reach the high standards set by my
so quickly! I have a great job as a business analyst
for one of Fidelity’s business units. I got to thinking
about my time at BA and how glad I am that I
transferred into Mr. Fahy’s Intro to Economics when
Daniel McCoy lives in Laramie, Wyoming, where he
I did.”
Former faculty and college office deans Shirley
Richardson and Dick Weeks with foreign language
teacher Bob Simoneau. Weeks was visiting from
rom time to time requests come
in asking if we know what former
faculty members are doing. Most
recently, Rich O’Brien ‘79 wrote me
suggesting an update in Connections on
former faculty so I decided it was time to
go exploring, and I’m happy to share what I
discovered. If you have an update on former
faculty not included here, please contact me
(Matt Hoopes) on Facebook or
Seth and Carrie Ahlborn, 1994-2001
Former faculty members Seth and Carrie
is the assistant director of campus recreation for
the University of Wyoming. “I love it here. I’m slowly
working on my master’s in adult and post-secondary
Holly (Brooks) Robinson writes: “I’ve been living in
education. I should complete all in about a year and
Boulder, Colorado, for 15 years, married a great guy,
a half. Work is great and keeps me busy.”
and have a one year-old. Motherhood is amazing.
Life is great!”
Ahlborn (P’00 ) report that they now live in
Henderson, Nevada. Seth is headmaster at
Henderson International School, and Carrie
is director of annual giving at the University
of Nevada Las Vegas Foundation.
Kevin Bradley, English and
drama teacher, 1986-1993
Todd Cadagan writes: “I’ve completely changed
Kevin is teaching
careers. After 15 years of the corporate world, I
English and
figured out that it was not for me. I decided to go to
drama at Trinity-
the culinary school at Le Cordon Bleu in Cambridge,
Pawling School,
Massachusetts. I completed a three-month internship
in Pawling, New
York. His wife
at Craft Restaurant in New York City in March 2011.
Julie is director of
They offered me a line cook job that I worked until
admission at Miss
they asked me to move to another restaurant called
Hall’s School
Colicchio. Very pleased with the change of careers.”
in Pittsfield,
Peter Hopple writes that he’s doing fine and is
Their son Dan
now running the general contracting business Cape
graduated from
Syracuse University last year and works in
Coastal Builders. His company does residential
marketing for a hospital in Brooklyn, New
construction from Boston to Providence.
York. (
Jessica Kirshenbaum writes, “Still doing my thing in
Naples, Florida, with my dog Gracie, fabulous friends,
Martha Trepanier ‘83 with Mike Kirschner ‘95, who
works with the Chicago Cubs, at Wrigley Field this
continued on page 39
Class Notes
Mark Fine wrote, “Reminiscing about BA’s radio
station and doing a show with Topher Grace ’97
during the first year of the station’s existence. My
two kids, Max, 5, and Mallory, 3, keep me very busy.
I’m still working for the Harlem Globtrotters and
finished my second year as an adjunct professor at
Georgetown, teaching a grad level sports marketing
class, which I’ve found really enjoyable.”
Rebekah (Seaman) Levit married Dana Levit in
September 2011, and her wife Dana delivered their
daughter Reagan Ananais Levit in July. Rebekah
Nick Millette ’99 and the 767 Omni Air International
plane he pilots.
received her master’s from Simmons College last
spring and is now a licensed clinical social worker
and the director of a memory care unit. San Francisco ever since. I started as a therapist but
have been the camp director for the past three years.
Working in the Redwoods with amazing kids can
Dennis McNally ’00 with friend Sherri and TJ Palmer
during a visit to Brewster last winter.
never be bad. I also love San Francisco and living in
Claire Kastner writes that her first son was 5 in
such a diverse place.”
and I live in South Burlington, Vermont, and are
October, and she is expecing her second child at the
end of January.
good friends with him during their time there. Sam
Dennis McNally stopped by Brewster last winter
Nathan Morin has been working for the U.S. Marine
after watching a boys’ varsity hockey game. Peter
Corps training their off-leash bomb sniffing dogs and
Marfione ’99 joined Dennis at the game. Dennis
teaching the Marines how to handle them prior to
recently purchased five acres of tidelands in Prince
deployment to Afghanistan.
Edward Island and has started an oyster cultivation
looking forward to our honeymoon in Ireland come
October. We were happy to have some BA alumni
attend our wedding: Karolina Hanham ’03 with her
fiance Frank; Ben Lord ’03; and my matron of honor
Carissa (Vilders) Dube ’03. We are all excited for
our 10-year reunion coming up this spring!
business. Robert Gehring writes that he is currently working
Hilary Smith writes: “2012 has been a big year!
We bought our first home at the end of March.
at the Volkswagen Group of America as MMI3G+
In May I graduated with a degree in nursing and
Kate Considine writes: “Looking forward to my 10th
project leader and systems test engineer in Belmont,
have subsequently passed my boards. Recently
reunion! Can’t wait to see everyone in June 2013.
California, south of San Francisco.
I secured a job as a medical-surgical nurse at St.
Still in school, finishing my RN and BSN and will
Luke’s University Health Network in Allentown,
finish law school in June 2013. Living in Boston and
Brian Kee is marrying Heather McEldowney in
praying for a better Red Sox season next year!”
December and Ben Lord will be his best man. Brian
is in Army Special Operations and stationed at
Joe Rizzo writes that he is still in Houston selling
Fort Bragg, North Carolina where he is enrolled
Nick Millette ’99 was married in September. He and
medical devices and growing his clothing line
in the Special Forces Qualification course. He
wife Lucy live in Richmond, Virginia, where Nick is a
Backside Five. He misses Brewster and everyone still
recently finished a language school with a language
pilot for Omni Air and Lucy is a preschool teacher.
living up north. Joe is stoked for the 10-year reunion
proficiency in Korean and has about another year
Jake Harrington ’99 and Spencer Weisberg ’99 were
next summer.
of training ahead before moving again to Okinawa,
in the wedding.
Amanda (Wiggins) Slater writes: “I recently married
Rebecca Randall writes: “After Middlebury College,
Samuel T. Slater in September. I met Sam through
Ben Lord writes: “After bouncing around a bit and
I went to Smith College to get my masters in social
a fellow friend and BA alumnus Brian Kee ‘03, who
finishing my BA at Plymouth State I have been living
work. I’ve been working for the Boys & Girls Clubs of
attended Norwich University with Sam and became
in Central Maine with my girlfriend since February
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Former Faculty continued from page 37
Cy Cook, English teacher, 1978-1982
Cy is in his 22nd year at Choate-Rosemary
2011. I spent the last year and half working for a
Hall, in Wallingford, Connecticut. After nine
years as dean of freshman boys and six years
trailer manufacturer in the area as an outside sales
as English department head, he is now a full-
rep with a focus on our French-speaking clients.
time teacher. His wife Megan also teaches
I recently just started a new position with Colby
English at the school. Their daughter Emma
College in Waterville, Maine, as an assistant director
is a junior and son Evan is in middle school.
of the Colby Fund. I am very excited for the change
and look forward to getting going and doing the
Fred Djang, assistant to
headmaster, dean of students,
best that I can as a Mule! I attended Amanda
chair of math department,
Wiggins’ wedding in Vermont in September with
Carissa (Vilders) Dube and Karolina Hanham. I am
Since Fred and wife Martha left Brewster
Brian Kee’s best man at his December wedding in
33 years ago, he has been chair of the math
Charleston, South Carolina.”
department and math teacher at Choate-
Rosemary Hall School. Their children Leslie,
Peter, and Robert all attended Choate, and
Fred and Martha are now grandparents to
Josh Sims is an art director at Beam Interactive
( “I handle Virginia Mobile’s
This summer marked the third annual Farm-to-
online content and am in the process of redesigning
Table Feast to support Global Awareness Local
Action (G.A.L.A.), a local nonprofit organization
directed by Josh Arnold ’01. Alumni and Development Office staff member Rachael Jeffers ’05
attended the event and the many volunteers who
made the event a success included Brewster’s
Executive Chef Chris Dill and Kelsey Hammond
’10. Sponsors of the event included Brewster
Academy as well as Build it Green New England,
a local sustainable building company co-operated
by Scott Morgan ’05 and Tyler Reed, both of
whom built the 60-foot long hand-hewn white
pine table for the feast.
Amanda Wiggins Slater ’03 and husband Sam.
Jennifer, 4 1/2, the daughter of Robert and
wife Jennifer. Fred has no plans to retire from
teaching as he says he enjoys it too much.
Contact Fred at:
Lee Eldridge, math teacher,
Lee taught at Princeton Day School in
Princeton, New Jersey, for two years
before becoming involved in computer
software applications development. He has
worked for Honeywell, AT&T, and the U.S.
Department of Labor. He lives in Maine
and now works for Northrop Grumman,
supporting the state’s criminal history and
sex offender registry. He is married and has a
stepdaughter. Contact Lee on Facebook.
Brian Fisher, English teacher,
Brian and his wife Virge live in Oxford,
Mississippi. He is director of development
and an admissions associate for The
Wolfeboro Boarding School Camp in
Wolfeboro and also is a partner with Peter
Baron ‘91 in the online boarding school
application business. Virge is a teacher.
Contact Brian at:
Mike Goldenberg, athletic
trainer, 1985-1986
Since leaving Brewster, Mike has been the
associate athletic director and athletic trainer
Doug ’03 and Brooke (Lovett) Shilo ’04 were married in June. They were joined by Jeff Shilo ‘06, Elliot Vrana ‘03,
Teddy Oram ‘04, Jamie Mitchell ‘03, and Weston Sager ‘05. In the above photo, Elliot is second from the right and
Jeff is fourth from the right. Photo by Emilie Inc.
at the Lawrenceville School in Lawrenceville,
continued on page 41
Class Notes
Noah Schmidt graduated from the University of
Chris Womack writes: “I’m doing well. I interned for
Denver in the spring with a degree in business and
the Falcons this season as a promotional and sales
economics and is now at the DePaul University
intern. Hope all is well in Wolfeboro. Chris planned to
College of Law.
spend the summer in South Korea teaching Korean
students English.
Nathaniel Billings is at the University of Vermont,
Franklin Pargh ’03 and wife Lana.
Montpelier, enrolled in the School of Business
Po-Wei Lin is doing well at the University of
Administration and is the goalie for the men’s
Washington where he is majoring in environmental
lacrosse team.
science and resource management and also thinking
about a biology major. I’m also doing a lot of art and
local videos for musicians.”
Laura Kingston graduated from Champlain College
with a degree in mass media and communication.
Ridge Garbutt is at Utica College where he plays
Brooke (Lovett) Shilo writes that she and Doug
She was a finalist for the Madeleine Kunin Public
on the men’s hockey team and is a construction
Shilo ’03 were married on June 2, 2012, at Brooke’s
Service Award and Champlain’s Mary Kay Kennedy
management major.
parent’s house in Tuftonboro. “We had lots of
Service Award. She is working for AmeriCorps
Brewster alums present: Jeff Shilo ’06, Eliot Vrana
VISTA serving at Champlain College’s Center for
Alexandria Comeau purchased her first home and is
’03, Cristin “Teddy” Oram ’04, Jamie Mitchell ’03,
Service and Civic Engagement as mentor program
a junior at the University of New Hampshire.
and Weston Sager ’05.”
for me since I left Brewster, I’m in my second year
Emily Lesko graduated from St. Joseph’s University
Hanna Pattie is at Stonehill College where
of University, and I’m planning to open my own
in May and has begun a master’s program in education.
she created her own interdisciplinary major in
business in 2015. I’m studying entrepreneurship and
photojournalism (and design) and is on the Stonehill
marketing, and I love it! I’m a sports lover, and I’m
Carl Maltais-Beland writes: “Well, life is really good
Amberlee Jones recently graduated from the
Rochester Institute of Technology with a B.S. in
American Sign Language English Interpretation.
Equestian team. She competes in Massachusetts and
New England Equitation events, including regional
working on a project to help young hockey goalies
develop themselves technically and physically. This
project is on the track with my Academy St-Louis’
goalie coach with whom I’m working. … I hope to go
Tom Holmstrom just finished his second year at
Santa Clara University. Tom spent the summer
back to Brewster next year to see what has changed
and to show the beautiful lake to my girlfriend.”
working in commercial real estate in Palo Alto,
California. In late summer he went to Africa to
work at a conservation facility to teach sustainable
farming. He is now studying abroad in Vietnam.
Jeffrey Hauser attends Hobart College, majoring in
economics. He completed an intensive three-week
Solo Wilderness Medicine Program and is now an
EMT. He also took a business statistics course over
Connor Dunn writes: “I have been back at Wake
the summer, and Mr. Lui would be glad to know Jeff
Forest since this fall and am still pre-med and intend
got an A”
to get a BS or possibly BA in biology. I am on the
Teraysa White ’08, Ross Randall ’08, Megan Doyen
’09, Jennifer Clements ’07, Tony Kotpat ’10, Peter
Rizzo ’09, and Garn Bunyatratchata ’10 worked
for Summer Programs. Ross, Tony, and Garn were
teaching assistants in the Thai Royal Scholar program,
and Teraysa, Megan, Jenn, and Peter were teaching
assistants in Brewster’s Summer Session.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Wake Cheer team ... I hope all is going well for the
Brewster community. If there is anyone looking at
Sophia Ising is studying at the German Sport
Wake and they want someone to talk to about being
University in Cologne and writes that she would
a student here they can always contact me.”
definitely like to study at an American college.
Send us your Class Note, and we will do our best to include it in
the next BrewsterConnections:
Former Faculty continued from page 37
New Jersey. He was elected to the National
Athletic Trainers Association’s Board of
Student Voices –
Are You Listening?
Directors. His eldest daughter, born while
Mike was at Brewster, is now 26 and works
in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania; Samantha, 23,
and Jared, 21, are both in college. His wife
Jackie works at the local public school as
By Rachael Jeffers ’05
an instructional assistant. Contact Mike at:
he alumni have
spoken, letting us
Peter Landre, science teacher,
know that they want
1984-1987 to hear more about and from
Peter and wife Betsy, who also taught at
today’s Brewster students. Do
Brewster, live on Canandaigua Lake in the
they still have dorm meetings?
Finger Lakes region of New York. Peter
What about that favorite English
works for Cornell University Cooperative
class? How does using computers
Extension doing water quality research
improve their learning? Do they
and education, and also directs a local
really feel prepared for life beyond
water quality office. Their son Jon is at the
BA? Does the sunshine off the
lake still make students feel lucky
to be on this campus?
Luke O’Brien ’13, Juliet Hadley ’15, Charlotte Polk ’15, Taylor Cantrall ’13,
Symphany Rochford ’14, and Baldur Dagbjartsson ’14.
University of Michigan and daughter Kristy
is a senior in high school. Peter teaches
fly-fishing for L.L. Bean and works with Jon
Brown ‘86 maintaining the local mountain
We’re happy to announce the start of an Alumni Student Ambassador program where six
students, seniors, juniors, and sophomores, will work closely with the Alumni and Development
bike club’s trails.
Baldur, Symphany, Juliet, and Charlotte to this new student organization and look forward to
Dick Weeks, college counselor
After Brewster Dick founded and was
Representing four states and two countries, these six students are boarders and day students,
Boulder, Colorado, for 16 years. He is now
and math problems, lab experiments and language studies each day, and we can’t wait to see what
in Lafayette, Colorado, where he also
Office to connect with alumni and share their view of life on campus. We welcome Luke, Taylor,
and dean of students, 1982-1987
sharing their perspectives on Brewster life with you through our new Student Voices blog at:
headmaster of the Bridge School, in
athletes, artists and performers, student leaders and tour guides. They are working hard on essays
the vice principal at Catalyst High School
they decide to share about their Brewster experiences.
teaches math. Additionally he is a math
Luke, Taylor, Baldur, Symphany, Juliet, and Charlotte also will assist at local alumni events and
Range Community College. His wife Marty
them at an upcoming event or hear from them via phone, we hope you’ll share your Brewster
the Laradon School in north Denver. Their
and human development tutor at Front
support our class agents by talking with alumni over the phone about life at Brewster. If you see
teaches developmentally disabled teens at
memories with them – they will all be joining the Brewster alumni family soon.
son Casey, 28, is a part-time art teacher
We will include the blog’s link in our monthly alumni e-News The Brewster Monthly, where we
Mackenzie, 25, works at a gift store in
Brewster family.
at Broomfield Academy and daughter
share updates from campus and welcome you back each month via e-mail as part of the extended
In Memoriam
Class of 1933
Clesson E. Hurn
April 29, 2012
Class of 1941
Franklyn H. Davis
July 8, 2012
Melvin Village,
New Hampshire
Boulder. Contact Dick at:
Class of 1944
N. Blair Brewster
August 27, 2012
Class of 1964
Dennis Dodier
June 12, 2012
Colchester, Connecticut
Class of 2005
Christopher J. Spencer
October 2012
Paget Parish, Bermuda
Class of 1948
Phyllis (Clark) Morgan
February 29, 2012
Bristol, New Hampshire
Class of 1983
Megan M. Sweeney
November 26, 2012
Portland, Maine
Trustees Emeritus
Walter N. (Rink) DeWitt ’54 P’86
September 1, 2012
Sandwich, New Hampshire
Class of 1959
Allen I. Stevens
July 25, 2012
Class of 1995
Joanna E. Rob
March 30, 2012
Rye, New Hampshire
Grant M. Wilson P ’87, ’88
September 10, 2012
Carlisle, Massachusetts
Former Faculty
Lawrence P. Bartnick
January 18, 2012
Leesburg, Virginia
Sarah Copplestone
(P ’00, ’03 ’04)
May 19, 2012
Roanoke, Virginia
In Appreciation
Walter “Rink” N. DeWitt ‘54
Rink DeWitt ’54 (P‘86) served on the Brewster Academy
Board of Trustees from 1969-1993, serving as president
from 1974-1993 and as trustee emeritus from 1993-2010
By Helen Hamilton
hroughout its history, Brewster Academy has been a significant,
private/public educational institution for learning, in the
Wolfeboro region. Rink was a proud graduate of Brewster
Academy and in 1969 when he became aware of the many difficulties the
Academy was experiencing, he was asked to join the board of trustees,
which he readily accepted. With dwindling student enrollment, faculty
retention, and financial resources, Rink understood the essence of
Brewster Academy as an educational institution.
Rink was an undaunted visionary and a game changer. In 1974 he became
the president of the board of trustees, and it was evident his mission
was to build Brewster Academy into a viable, high quality educational
institution. Soon after he assumed the role of president, Rink asked me to
be on the board of trustees because he wanted an educator on the board.
Because of another trustee commitment, I declined; however, within
three weeks he called to announce that I had joined Brewster’s Board of
Rink was pragmatic and a realistic “mover and shaker” with good
Also at this time, the board became involved in the process of selecting
communications skills, always asking provocative and thoughtful
a new headmaster. Faculty member David M. Smith was appointed
questions. He cared deeply about Brewster Academy and was integral in
headmaster and served with distinction for 30 years.
laying the groundwork for the Academy to develop and grow. Rink was
With his guidance, Rink was the backbone in securing the stability
necessary for Brewster to commence its upward mobility, to make inroads
in student recruitment, faculty retention, building repairs and maintenance,
the right person at the right time to tackle a difficult, time consuming,
volunteer job. He was a motivator with a wonderful sense of humor and a
positive attitude.
and sound, steady financial growth and development. He was continually
Rink continued his interest in Brewster with his very capable successors.
active in recruiting for the board as he recognized that the revitalization of
Grant Wilson followed Rink, and Dan Mudge, who came after Grant, is
Brewster would take leaders with a myriad of skills to prosper.
the current president. Rink and Grant passed away within weeks of each
Always in the forefront, was the need to plan for the students, faculty, and
administrators to achieve their goals and also move the Academy into
other in the Fall of 2012 (See page 41). They will be missed by all who
worked with them.
the rigorous world of independent schools and the 21st century. Along
I consider myself fortunate to have had the opportunity to work with
the way we began to have some financial successes. Brewster was an
faculty and staff, administrators, and members of the board of trustees
innovator in supporting students who needed instructional assistance and
under the leadership of these three dedicated presidents.
bringing technology into the classroom. It was an important process and
big step to commit, early on, to the introduction of technology into the
Helen Hamilton was a member of the Brewster Academy Board of Trustees from
academic world.
1974-2011, serving as secretary from 1984-2011.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
Photo courtesy of Johnny Bivera
Grant M. Wilson
Grant M. Wilson (P’87, ’88) served on the Brewster Academy Board of
Trustees from 1986-2001, serving as vice president from 1988-1989, as
president from 1989-2001, and as trustee emeritus from 2001-2012
By Daniel T. Mudge
n September 9 we lost a transformative leader, a devoted
supporter, and a wonderful advocate of the Academy when
Grant M. Wilson, beloved husband, father, and friend, passed
away on Cape Cod. Grant began his association with the Academy when
he and his wife Helene enrolled their son Grant (’87) and then their
daughter Kirsten (’88). As was the case with all the schools his children
attended, it wasn’t long before he was approached and agreed to serve on
the school’s board of trustees.
Grant and Helene had a deep appreciation of the challenge of growing up
in today’s world and worked tirelessly through various avenues to make
a difference in their affiliations. After joining the board, Grant quickly
shared retirement through world travels, family celebrations, and annual
formed a strong partnership with Headmaster David M. Smith and for 13
summer visits to Chatham.
years navigated through a comprehensive and systemic educational shift
in program at Brewster. David recalls, “At each crucial juncture, Grant
Through Grant’s 15 years of service on the board he maintained a role on
would first understand and contribute his advice collaboratively and then
the executive committee, served as chair of the development committee,
he would pass that understanding and advocacy on to the board.”
and participated on finance, board resources, and facilities planning
committees, bringing his talent and practical business experiences to all
Many would say that Grant remained on the board because he
institutional decision making.
appreciated the commitment and entrepreneurial sprit that drove the
Academy. He would often provide the leadership gift needed to enable
Grant was an entrepreneur, philanthropist, and dedicated community
and invest in that direction with his financial support. David fondly
leader. He enthusiastically approached his work and his life adventures
remembers a conversation with Grant regarding his support of the school
with vigor and was well regarded by his peers as an innovative
where Grant told him: “You have never asked me for anything. The only
investor. Brewster Academy was so fortunate to be a beneficiary of his
thing you have done was allow me to partner with you in what you are
extraordinary commitment and leadership. We will sadly miss him but
doing and for that I am grateful.”
celebrate his presence with our continued commitment to being the most
successful and responsive educational community we can be.
Their partnership at Brewster led to a close friendship for Grant, David,
Helene, and David’s wife Sheila that brought them together in their
Daniel T. Mudge (P’98, ’02) is the chairman of Brewster’s Board of Trustees.
ca 1890
e Estabrook, cir
The “Ac” and th
Estabrook’s Design for the First Campus Houses, 1890-1903
Arthur F. Estabrook often accompanied John Brewster and son William to
Brick and Mortar:
the Buildings of Brewster
Wolfeboro during the summers for relaxation, reflection, fishing, hunting,
By Robert and Shirley Richardson
and the hot city. It was perhaps during these visits that a love affair with
swimming, and birding. While staying in the village they often visited
with Dr. Henry Libby and probably were guests at the Pavilion Hotel just
on the edge of campus where the Civil War monument stands today. With
their wives, they would enjoy the pastoral life and time away from Boston
Wolfeboro and Lake Winnipesaukee and its tranquil unspoiled scenery
n May 2010, as we neared completion of the research, writing, and
publication of The Brewster Story, we began to turn our attention to the
history of the buildings, halls, and roadways of the Academy campus.
When the original Academic Building burned in 1903, almost all records and
information about the early years of the school were lost. In an effort to avoid
took hold.
Over these summers it’s possible that the group contemplated building a
school for the children of Wolfeboro and Tuftonboro to provide them with
an educational opportunity that otherwise might not have been available
to them in this rural area.
another catastrophe of missing files and given the abundance of materials we sifted
through during our book research, we knew this was the time to pull together
As we researched the history of the more than 40 campus buildings, we
as many documents and records that could be located and compiled into a rich
discovered that the Estabrook was one of the first residential structures to
history of the Academy’s facilities, greens, and roadways. This new document
take its place at the heart of the Brewster Academy campus. In 1887, just
would complement The Brewster Story and preserve more of the school’s history.
after John’s death, Arthur purchased a piece of land from Daniel Pickering
on which to build his handsome summer home on the hill overlooking
About the time we began this project, we discovered that Harrison Moore ’46,
Lake Winnipesaukee.
a retired Marine who served on the Brewster staff for many years, had spent
decades researching Wolfeboro’s old homes and buildings. Later this hobby and
Soon after, in 1888, the John Brewster Trust acquired a large track of land
his fondness for Brewster Academy led him to frame an initial history of campus
from the heirs of Daniel Pickering, Caroline and Charles Rollins, on which
residences and buildings.
to build the school in Wolfeboro that John had made provisions for in his
1886 will. Estabrook became one of the three original Brewster Academy
Moore’s edited writings, accompanied by our broad research and annotations, follow
Trustees, and his new home would shortly become part of the Academy
in alphabetical order, usually by their current names. Cross-references are also given
mall and sit just to the left of the main Academic Building (to be built in
to some long-standing buildings whose names have changed over the years.
1890). As trustee and a competent businessman, Estabrook immediately
began laying the foundation for fulfilling the vision of John Brewster.
Here and in the next few issues of Connections we will present histories of
Brewster’s facilities and include an illustrated map showing the chronological
More buildings and homes were to come as Estabrook set out to acquire
growth and development of the campus. We anticipate compiling these into a
several other buildings along Main Street. He believed that two buildings
complementary booklet to The Brewster Story.
on Main Street, Lord and Kimball houses, would greatly expand the school
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
facilities. With this in mind, all of the existing homes along this part of
markedly different from the one before. A large three-story structure
Main Street – the Kenison, Gilman, Hersey, Cook, and Avery houses –
covered by a hipped roof covered, the ground floor opened to the lakeside
would either be moved or torn down to make room for the newly built
and would house a recreation room, two large locker rooms, a manual
Lord and Kimball houses; only Haines House and Doe House (now Main
training room, separate toilet rooms, a boiler room, and a coal bunker area.
Street dorm) would remain.
The first floor held an office for the principal, a teachers’ room, and six large
Let us consider the halls and houses in the chronological order as they
class/recitation rooms. The second floor was noted for the large assembly
began to appear on the newly acquired land that would become Brewster
hall, which included a platform stage for presentations and which would
become known as the chapel. At each end of the floor were two classrooms
with a science laboratory on the south side and an art room on the north
Academic Building, 1887-1890
end. Two recitation rooms were placed over the front entrance hall; these
For 125 years, since shortly after the founding of Brewster Academy, an
rooms later became the first library. The red brick of the old building had
Academic Building (sometimes also referred to as the Main Building or
been replaced with a much brighter gray-tan brick. True to the Neo-Greco
the “Ac”) has been a focal point for both the Academy and the town.
style, four large concrete pillars supported the roofline and the entrance to
The first Academic Building, constructed in a Neo-Gothic style between
the building. Over the years, many additions and changes would be made
1887-1890, was a rich red brick structure located on almost the same plot
to the Academic Building as curriculum and enrollment dictated.
as the present building, although much different in style. The south wing
was constructed first with plans for the later addition of two adjoining
The Estabrook, 1889-1890
sections: a large main entrance hall and a connecting north wing which
Of the five original homes, Estabrook, Lord, Kimball, Doe, and Haines,
would be identical to the south wing structure. When enrollment reached
the Estabrook has undergone the most significant changes. Serving as a
150 students and the anticipated increase in tuition income permitted,
bed and breakfast; surviving a major fire in 1897; serving as home to both
these additions would be built.
male and female students; and housing social rooms and a small dining
room for boarding students and faculty only were among its earliest roles.
The four-story building included recitation rooms, science laboratories,
Beginning in 1955 through 2005, the building was expanded with dramatic
office spaces, and rest rooms. Windows were tall and large and chimneys
changes to the dining area and kitchen and a newly designed foyer and
rose high above the roof.
stairway. It also became home to the Campus Store, the Summer Programs
Office, and the Spaulding-Emerson Student Center. Faculty apartments
It was first occupied in March 1890, but at 3:15 a.m., Monday, November 2,
underwent remodeling.
1903, just 13 years after its completion, neighbors on Green Street awakened
to the sight of flames bursting from the windows on the south side of the
Although there have been many changes to Estabrook over the years, the
building. William J. Britton, ’92, sounded the alarm from the S.W. Clow
outside still retains its original beauty and is one of the most central and
Company Engine House. Attempts to halt the spread of flames were futile,
historically important buildings on campus. Nearly all alumni have spent
and by 5 a.m. all was lost – tables, chairs, shelving, supplies, and office and
science equipment. For over a decade, voices of young people and their
teachers had been heard chatting and laughing and moving from class to
class as they attended to their schedules, but now little remained of the
considerable time in this gracious building and on occasion some still do
while enjoying a meal with former classmates, participating in meetings,
or attending the annual reunion dinner. The Estabrook takes us back to a
time when we were part of campus life.
pride of students and teachers and the symbol of the school. Only the red
brick walls were left standing with piles of ashes and rubble at their feet.
Lord House, 1890-1891
No definite cause could be determined.
In 1891, on land
Immediately following the fire, Principal Edwin Lord and the Brewster
by Arthur Estabrook
trustees began plans for replacing the burned out structure. When Lord
started out to catch the first morning train to Boston for a meeting with the
trustees, he spotted several students lugging their belongings down to the
station, thinking there would be no school. He halted them, “Gentlemen,
return to your classes immediately. There will be school!” Not a single class
purchased and prepared
for the expansion of the
newly forming Academy,
Alexander J. MacDonald
built Lord House where
the old Lincoln house once
would be missed because of the fire.
stood. This would become
Soon a new building began to emerge from the ashes of the old as the E. P.
Edwin H. Lord and
Cummings & Company of Boston began construction in the early spring
of 1904. As the structure emerged, the community saw a new building,
the residence of Principal
his family. It is not known
why Lord House was built
nt residence of
Lord House, the
the Head of Scho
facing southeast, while all the other houses faced
northeast, but at the time, its central location made
it a focus and one of the best-known landmarks
along South Main Street.
While Lord was principal, the large bay window on
the side next to the street was constructed, adding
charm and light to the living room. It is said that the
window had been built as a surprise for his daughter
when she came home for a vacation from Vassar
College. In the 1940s, during the administration of
Walter Greenall (1935-1942), the house was renovated
and the two rooms at the right of the main entrance
were combined into one, providing ample space for
teas, parties, and student get-togethers. The walls were
insulated, new floors were laid in some rooms, and
was added and the steps, floor, and sidearm were
constructed of red birch. The white columns followed the Greek design
used so much in Colonial architecture. About this time, the open porch at
Kimball House now stands. The records do not indicate clearly whether
the original house was torn down or moved to another location; but as
the rear of the house was glassed in for a solarium.
soon as the land was cleared, Estabrook began construction on a new
During the summer of 1959, extensive redecorating was planned and
George C. Kimball.
completed. Among other rooms, the study, which had not been occupied
for many years, was rejuvenated for added office space. In 1966 after
Bearce Hall became the official residence of the headmaster and his family,
Lord House underwent significant alterations, providing for faculty
family quarters on the first floor and student dormitory rooms on the
upper floors.
In 1972 after a great deal of discussion, the board of trustees and the
administration determined that the Headmaster’s residence should again
be located in Lord House. After renovations to accommodate this move,
Lord House became the permanent home for the Head of School. In 1984,
the kitchen was updated, and, finally, in 2003, significant renovations
were made to the kitchen and upstairs bathroom; additional painting and
decorating were completed at that time as well.
From 1972 until their retirement in 2003, Headmaster David M. Smith,
wife Sheila, along with their three boys Timothy ’91, Daniel ’93, and
James ’95, lived in Lord House. Head of School Dr. Michael E. Cooper and
his wife Andrea now reside in this beautiful home.
Lord House continues to be a place where students, faculty, trustees, and
visiting guests feel welcomed and are entertained by Brewster’s Head of
School and family.
Kimball House, 1890-1891
Arthur Estabrook continued with his Main Street plan and the acquisition
of the substantial amount of land that would be needed to fulfill the
dream of John Brewster. In 1891, he purchased the house and land where
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
e first campus bu
came one of th
me be
ook’s summer ho
Arthur F. Estabr
many rooms were redecorated. A Colonial style portico
building, which would house faculty and, in particular, for Professor
Over the years this building has served as a boys’ and girls’ dormitory and
as a center for domestic science classes in sewing and cooking.
As a Kimball boarding student, Nancy Wales Swaffield ’44, remembers,
“The girls always had to sign in and out of the dorm. No radios were
permitted in the rooms, but we all would gather in the lounge on Sunday
night to listen to “The Shadow.” This was where everyone was on
December 7 when the news came over the radio telling of the attack on
Pearl Harbor. The atmosphere in Kimball House was very much a family
feeling. We had a living room with a piano and often we would sit and
Throughout the years, regular renovations, painting, and redecorating
were planned, but in 1991, 100 years after it was built, Kimball House
received a major face-lift. The entire interior was gutted and revamped
with four rooms on each floor and an additional room over the newly
designed student lounge, which connects the dormitory to the faculty
living area. Sixteen students now reside in Kimball House.
Giving careful scrutiny to the structural design of 1891, the 1991 architect
carefully followed the original plan and intent of the builder for a
handsome three-story faculty home with views of the lake.
In our next Connections article: Haines House and Main Street Dorm (known
earlier as Old Bradstreet Doe House, Sargent House, and the original infirmary).
Note: Read more about these turning points and the full history of the Academy in
The Brewster Story: A Definitive History of Brewster Academy available in the
Campus Store, local stores, and at
Jon Pinckney ’84 helped Brewster win
its first (and thus far only) New England
Championship sailing title. After his
Brewster graduation Pinckney returned
Who will be the next addition to the
to his native southern California for
Hall of Fame?
college and joined the sailing team at
Bobcat Nation –Nominate a former Bobcat to the
Brewster Academy Athletics Hall of Fame.
three-time collegiate All-American, and
The Hall of Fame was formed to recognize and honor
those men and women who distinguish themselves as
outstanding contributors to athletics while at the Academy
and who have continued to exemplify the core values
of the Brewster principle of integrity, contribution, and
service in their personal and professional lives.
the University of California, Irvine. While
at UC Irvine, he was an All-American
Honorable Mention as a freshman, a
won numerous national sailing competitions. He now races Melges 24s
and continues to place high in world and national championship races.
Rebekah Seaman ’97 is the first woman
to be inducted into Brewster’s Athletic
Hall of Fame. Before there was a girls’
hockey team at Brewster, Seaman spent
four years as the goalie for the boys’
junior varsity team. During this time,
she was twice selected as team captain
and twice received the MVP Award and
once received the Coach’s Award. While
Nominations are due by January 15, 2013. Up to three
individuals or two individuals and one team may be
selected to be inducted at a ceremony during Reunion
Weekend 2013.
at Brewster, she also played for the New
Hampshire Select Girls’ Elite Team. She was the only 12-season athlete
in her graduating class. She was recruited by Division I Boston College
Women’s Ice Hockey Team where she played for two years. Her resume
also includes many years of coaching at different levels.
Tony Giglio ’70 was a three-season
For full details on the nomination process and for the
online form, visit
athlete at Brewster, playing football,
basketball, and baseball. Pop Whalen,
Tony’s football coach shared, “At the end
of our season the Boston Globe not only
Questions? Contact Athletic Director Matt Lawlor at
603-569-7115 or
selected Tony as the starting halfback
on the all-prep team but named him
to what they titled ‘The Best Eleven in
New England’. They said he was the best
Celebrate Bobcat Nation!
halfback in New Hampshire in the last
15 years.” During graduation, Giglio received the William Lord Award
as the top student/athlete, as well as the Bausch & Lomb award as the
top student in science. Recruited by Lafayette College, he won honors
as the football team’s most valuable player, and at one point in his
junior year he led the nation in total offense.
David Pollini ’57 played soccer, basketball, and baseball
Paul “Pop” Whalen made Brewster
all 12 seasons while attending Brewster. During his senior
history in 2001 by being the first person
year he also played ice hockey at the request of then coach
inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame.
Pop Whalen, thus participating in two varsity sports in one
Pop, as Brewster boys affectionately
season. After Brewster, Pollini continued his athletic pursuits
called him, was Brewster’s first athletic
at Boston University where he played soccer and baseball.
director, and over the years Pop coached
Immediately following college, he moved to the role of
basketball, golf, football, and hockey.
teacher-coach at Brewster. In addition to teaching and
Eleven of his teams won Lakes Region
coaching, Pollini also played golf and in 1967 he became
Championship titles during the 16
the head pro at the nearby Kingswood Golf Club, a position
he held until 2004, and in 1971 he became a PGA pro.
seasons that Pop coached hockey at
Who Will You Honor?
his year, as Brewster alumni you have a unique opportunity to support the school and honor the people
who made an impact on your time on campus.
Brewster has active alumni from the Class of 1929 all the way to the most recent graduates of the Class of 2012,
and we want to hear from you! Every Brewster alum has different memories, life-lessons, and friendships that
came from time on campus – who were the people who helped guide you through your Brewster experience?
Mrs. Turner was always a little piece of
Peter Friend introduced me to literature
“home” in the Smith Center. She was there
and challenged me to work harder than I
throughout my sister Kori’s sports days and
thought possible: thank you Mr. Friend.
all of mine, always welcoming to incoming
– Jon Siskel ’85
teams, families, and especially the athletes.
She always made me feel comfortable, no
matter how nervous I was for a race or game,
she made me feel at ease and reignited my
confidence in an instant.
– Bri Gatta ’05
My mentors were kind and
thoughtful teachers. I think of
them from time to time, the
World War II years were not
easy for everyone attending
Brewster Academy. However,
the Academy did their very best
to instill the very best education
instruction to its students! The
awe and the Academy spirit will
never leave me.
– Stephen Hatch ’48
David Smith was one of “the guys” in his
first years at Brewster. He was also the
youngest teacher on staff. He was my
I will honor Mr. and Mrs. Fahey, Mr. Friend, Mrs. Fallon,
dorm master in Estabrook, and I drove
and Mr. Snyder, my four years, and the memories. These
Sheila crazy with my loud Grand Funk
teachers were there for me as a person and as a student.
Railroad! David made me feel heard and
They helped me to develop as a student and as a person.
respected (not common in the old days
They gave me confidence and support, cheered me on,
at Brewster,) and he mentored me in my
and were there to help me when I struggled.
thinking process and negotiation skills.
– Elizabeth (Palmer) Traverso ’93
– Peter Sortwell ’72
Give online and share your stories at:
As part of Brewster’s history – you know first-hand the impact of caring teachers, individual attention, and the sense of community that’s
fostered here on campus. Share your memories of the people who made a difference for you and honor them with a gift supporting
Brewster’s Annual Fund. Your participation today will help generations of students form bonds with their mentors tomorrow.
BrewsterConnections – Fall 2012
People Make a Difference
Nilsen Arias ’14 (Quito, Ecuador)
Brewster Academy
Board of Trustees
Daniel T. Mudge, Chair
(Tapley-Ann ’98, Ashley ’02)
David Hadley
(Olivia ’12, Juliet ’15)
Arthur W. Coviello Jr., Vice Chair
Michael Keys
(Matthew ’04)
Roy C. Ballentine, Treasurer
(Brian ’97, Susan ’94)
Douglas H. Greeff, Secretary
(Hilary ’11)
Ronn Bronzetti ’92
C. Richard Carlson
Estate Trustee
Leslie N. H. MacLeod
(Todd ’97)
Barbara Naramore
(Maya ’16)
Arthur O. Ricci
Estate Trustee
David L. Carlson ’54
The Reverend Nancy Spencer Smith
Estate Trustee
Candace Crawshaw ’64
Steven R. Webster
(Brooke ’08, Tori ’11)
George J. Dohrmann III
(George ’05, Geoffrey ’12)
Karen W. Fix
(Will ’11, Keenan ’13)
Trustee Emeritus
Gabrielle “Bri” J. Gatta ’05
President, Alumni Association
P. Fred Gridley ’53
(Deborah ’81)
Bruce and Shadow Gorrill were always so approachable
and always willing to help. Bruce for AP Biology and
Shadow’s research help in the library – they were both
a great resource throughout my four years. They made
me feel confident, prepared, and challenged (in a good
way). Along with how incredible they both are outside
of Brewster – hockey, traveling, and everything else
they do – I’m so grateful to know them!
– Bri Gatta ’05
to make your gift and share your stories.
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Fall 2012
Parents of alumni:
If this magazine is addressed to your son or daughter who no longer maintains a permanent address
at your home, please e-mail us at with his or her new address.
Brewster Academy Summer Session
It’s a school
It’s a camp
It’s a blend of academics and adventure recreation
To learn more or reserve your place on the lake,
contact the Office of Summer Programs at Brewster Academy.
Summer Programs Office • 603-569-7155 •
My Best Self
Kai Armstrong on Becoming Her Best Self
Girls’ Soccer Wins New England Championship