Summer 2016
Summer 2016
ETA STATE NEWS Published by The North Carolina State Organization Volume 75, Number 4 Summer 2016 2016 Convention Recap P Rising Stars for 2016 Leslie Black Nu Deborah Christensen Alpha Zeta Debra Clayton Gamma Chi Jamie Davis Gamma Lambda Meredith Pope Fychok Omicron Deidre Lee-Grier Eta Dr. Misty Hathcock Beta Tau Tina Higgins Delta Chi Wendy Bryant- Motley Delta Rho Lindsay H. Walker Delta Tau Tonya Welch Chi Melinda WillisonKappa reconvention: A group of members met at the Reynolda House Museum of American Art for a tour of the renowned home of R.J. Reynolds, founder of R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company. Docents lead the tour of the home, providing a grand idea of family life in the early 1900’s. The estate was given nonprofit status in 1965 and became affiliated with Wake Forest University in 2002. After the home tour, the participants spent more time in the gardens and viewing the Ansel Adams: Eloquent Light exhibit. The business of Eta State NC called, and the tour ended with members returning to the hotel. Thank you to Sharon Frazier, Alpha Kappa, First VicePresident, for planning the excursion. 2016 Convention: President Sheila Groves, Beta Delta, rapped the gavel to call to order the 2016 Eta State NC Convention in Winston-Salem, NC. The Executive Board met on Friday afternoon with board members hearing from some of the officers and committee chairs continued on page 6 Golden Key Class of 2016 Region I Region II Region III Region IV Region V Region VI Region VII Region VIII Region X Region XI Mary Alice Chapin Alpha Omega Beatrice Harriett Gamma Epsilon Margaret H. Bingham Gamma Theta Thommi Stammer Delta Iota Geraldine Gilmore Larson Delta Gamma Emily F. Lucas Delta Rho Rachel V. Scott Alpha Delta Margaret “Peggy” Granger Beta Tau Patricia F. Gibson Nu Dr. Barbara H. Capps Alpha Iota Table of Contents President’s Message NC at Work Convention 2016 NCDKGEF Chapter & Member News International News Convention Photo Gallery 2 3-5 6-9 10 11-13 14 15-16 “Voices of Influence Empowering North Carolina Women Educators” 2015-2017 Eta State Theme: Create the Future - Imagine, Inspire, Ignite 2015-2017 Eta State Executive Board President Sheila Groves 1804 Huntington Road Greensboro, NC 27408 336-274-1079; 336-337-8409 Cell Will You Accept Your Responsibility? Across North Carolina DKG chapters are celebrating their accomplishments, inviting outstanding women into membership, and installing new officers. As part of each officer installation ceremony, the membership is given a charge: In order to ensure chapter success Sheila V. Groves this biennium, you must cooperate with and Eta State President 2015-2017 support these new leaders. Will you accept your responsibility? We are all eager to say “Yes we will.” Each one of us cares about our chapter and we want to support our leaders and contribute to chapter success. In a recent issue of DKG NEWS, International President Dr. Lyn Schmid suggests being a “thought partner.” Be a listener, give thoughtful, honest feedback to state and chapter officers. Create a positive environment that supports innovative thinking, where leaders are free to try something new. No matter how good our leaders are, they cannot do it all. Members play an important role. It takes the talent and support of many to accomplish goals. What are some other ways we can support our chapter leaders as they begin their biennium? Be informed members. Attend meetings, read newsletters, visit chapter, state, and International web sites regularly. This provides a valuable perspective on important DKG issues and events. Gathering suggestions and insight from a variety of knowledgeable members can be most helpful as our leaders ponder options and make plans. Be reliable members that our leaders can count on to get the job done in a timely manner. Share experience and special talents. Take the initiative to join in when help is needed. Be part of the team. Be a little forgiving. Our new leaders do not need to know everything today. Even missteps are learning opportunities. Be patient. Give ideas time to work. Allow our leaders time to grow. In June new chapter presidents, treasurers, Educational Excellence Committee chairs, and Membership Committee chairs will come together to share ideas, to learn new strategies, and continue growing their leadership skills. They will be encouraged to share responsibilities and promote teamwork in their chapters. You have promised to cooperate with and support these new leaders. Will you accept your responsibility? Yes, I will! I am excited to work with chapter officers and committee chairmen in their new biennium as they create the future of DKG in North Carolina. sheila Page 2 Eta State News - North Carolina First Vice President Connie Savell 206 North Roxford Road Kings Mountain, NC 28086 704-477-0450 Cell Second Vice President Sharon Frazier 23167 NC Highway 48 Enfield, NC 27823 704-445-3522 Recording Secretary Hilda Parlér 1035 Lake Royale Louisburg, NC 27549 919-357-4649 Cell Immediate Past President Patricia Taylor 5904 Sandford Road Wilson, NC 27896 252-243-7349; 252-883-4193 Cell Treasurer Ruth Jones 3607 Wyneston Road Greenville, NC 27858 252-756-0136; 252-258-6704 Cell Executive Secretary Dr. Barbara Perry-Sheldon 183 Emory Mitchell Road Zionville, NC 28698 828-297-3375; 828-964-5340 Cell Editor Suzanne Roberts 314 Basswood Court Lake Wylie, SC 29710 704-488-8352 Cell Webmaster Beth Winstead 1307 Holland Road Greenville NC 27834 252-752-5154; 252-717-4686 Cell Parliamentarian Betty Marshall, RP 6212 Dresden Lane Raleigh, NC 27612 919-844-0313; 919-593-4671 Cell Please insert Eta State in the subject line when sending an email to state officers. Thanks! Summer 2016 Corrections to the 2015-2016 Leadership Directory Eta State NC at Work New Chapter Leader Training The summer leadership training sessions will be held between June 24-28 for new incoming presidents, treasurers, Educational Excellence Committee chairs, and Membership Committee chairs. Send in your form by the deadlines listed below. June 24 in Wilson - Deadline June 8 June 25 in Asheboro - Deadline June 8 June 28 in Black Mountain - May 20 The registration form is on the Eta State Website under the tab Calender of Events. Page 2 Dr. Sherry Willis, Alpha Nu (no h) email should read: Page 3 Patricia Taylor, Past President (extra 1) email should read : Page 3 Judy Carlson Street name in address should read Laurel Hill Drive, not Laurel Hill Road The Editor extends apologies to these members. NC/2016ChapterLeaderTraining.pdf CHAPTER TREASURERS, TAKE NOTE! P hyllis Hickey at Delta Kappa Gamma International has announced beginning March 2016; the IRS has a new 990-N filing procedure. It is critical for all chapter treasurers (both new and experienced) to attend workshop training sessions in June where further details will be given on the new procedures. The training will be in Wilson June 24, in Asheboro June 25, and in Black Mountain June 28. More information on site locations is in this newsletter and Eta Data. Thanks, Ruth Jones, State Treasurer Cornetet Individual Professional Development Award K athryn Parker of Eta State NC Delta Rho Chapter has received a Cornetet Individual Professional Development Award in the amount of $1250.00. She plans to use her award for the National Board Certification Renewal program. Congratulations to Kathryn as she prepares to enhance her teaching credentials. Next Eta State News Deadline: July 10, 2016 Page 3 In Memoriam ~White Roses~ Betsy Nichols Cranford Alpha Nu Bobby Jean English Gamma Omega Mavis Boston Hedrick Gamma Phi Shirley Leona Henkle Alpha Xi Joan Horne Delta Upsilon Danielle W. James Delta Zeta Mary Jordan Long Alpha Xi Margaret Phillips Alpha Zeta Annie C. Salter Gamma Zeta Barbara Timberlake Beta PatriciaTyndall Theta January 26, 2016 March 4, 2016 February 24, 2016 January 30, 2016 February 18, 2016 February 8, 2016 February 16, 2016 January 25, 2016 January 15, 2016 January 30, 2016 January 8, 2016 Reporting the Death of a Member Chapter presidents are to report the death of a member immediately to International and to Eta State. The updated interactive report form (Form 6) is available at under Forms. It may be completed online and sent to the Membership Services Administrator or mailed. A copy is to be sent to Eta State Treasurer, Ruth Bell Jones,, Eta State Membership Chair, Carol Maidon,, and State President, Sheila Groves, Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Eta State NC at Work Educational Law & Policy Committee Susan Phipps, Committee Chair Heads Up! Alert! T he General Assembly in Raleigh is contemplating major changes to the NC Teachers and State Employees’ Retirement Plan. Under consideration is the discontinuation of the Defined-Benefits Retirement System and the introduction of a Defined-Contributions System. The difference is stark and has implications for North Carolina’s ability to attract high-quality educators and other workers to our state in the future. The current Defined-Benefits System has state employees contributing 6% of their salaries and the state contributing another 9.15% for retirement. These funds are invested and monitored by the state treasurer and results in a guaranteed pension based on a standard formula of service time and money invested. The Defined-Contribution System, on the other hand, has no guaranteed benefits and all the risks and benefits of any investment are shouldered by the employee instead of the state. Retirement benefits will fluctuate with market ebbs Scholarship Committee Dr. Kim D. Pemberton, Committee Chair T Congratulations Eta State Scholarship Recipients! he Scholarship Committee is proud to announce the awarding of scholarships to four very deserving young ladies during the 2016 Eta State NC Convention President’s Banquet. The 2016 scholarship recipients are: Meredith Fychok, Omicron, received a Special Projects Scholarship of $500. Meredith passed part of the components for National Board certification, and this scholarship will allow her to complete the final component. and flows. (During the stock market crash of 2008 this retirement system would have been very debilitating for retirees.) Money invested by an employee would also be subject to management fees. Please do all you can do to head this idea off before it can get any traction. Contact your Senator and Representative to urge their support for a Defined-Benefits Retirement System. To find your representatives’ contact information, go to www.ncleg. net and click on “Who represents me?” at the top right side of the homepage. Find your District numbers for House and Senate on the map, put in the numbers and see your representatives’ contact information. Committee meetings happened before the 2016 session began on April 25, so NOW is the time to act! UPDATE: Although this new law would only pertain to educators hired after the system is changed to a Defined Contribution Plan, it has dangerous ramifications for educators on the current Defined Benefits Plan. When the new system begins, no more contributions from new educators or state contributions for new hires will flow into the state retirement fund because these funds will be directly invested in the stock market by the new employees. As time goes by there will be less and less in the retirement fund to pay the Defined Retirement Benefits owed to retirees who worked under the old plan. Lindsay Walker, Delta Tau, received the $4,000 HunterMoore Doctoral Scholarship. Lindsay is currently pursuing an Ed.D. at Gardner-Webb University in Educational Leadership. Congratulations to all of our 2016 Eta State NC scholarship recipients and thank you for your dedication to education. Your Eta State NC sisters recognize your potential to excel, encourage others, and forge new paths in education. So continue to dream big and create a future that many can only IMAGINE. Elisabeth Harrell, Tau, received the $4,000 GilbertMcNairy Doctoral Scholarship. Elisabeth is in the doctoral program at UNC Wilmington pursuing an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a focus on Curriculum and Instruction. Malinda Pennington, Mu, received the $4,000 Emmons Flintom Doctoral Scholarship. Malinda is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at North Carolina State University in the area of Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in Special Education. Page 4 L-R Malinda Pennington, Dr. Kim Pemberton, Lindsay Walker, Meredith Fychok, and Elisabeth Harrell Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Eta State NC at Work Rules Committee Emily Lucas, Committee Chair T he Rules Committee would like to thank everyone for reading and studying the 2016 proposed changes to the Eta State Standing Rules. The entire set of proposed Standing Rules changes was adopted at the convention as printed in the Spring edition of Eta State News and are listed below. The updated version (4/23/16) of the Eta State Standing Rules are posted on the Eta State website. I also want to extend a special thank you to the Rules Committee members for making sure that the proposed changes were clear and easy to understand. SR 4 Finances B.6 (c) A one-time fee of $49.50 is paid to International for each honorary member. SR 4 Finances C.2 (a) cost of printing convention programs and reports; (b) meeting site technology equipment and services as needed for general sessions and board meetings (c) lodging and meals for the international representative; SR 10 Activities A.4 (b) (b) Scholarships may be awarded to members for post-baccalaureate work in two categories: (1) academic graduate work for which first priority is given those seeking master’s degrees, and (2) non-degree activities such as special projects, research, special studies and/or add-on certifications, national certification renewal, or similar projects at master’s or post-master’s levels. SR 10 Activities D. Headquarters Building (d) as a meeting and storage place for the North Carolina Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation APPENDIX IV B. AND C. B. To be considered for a scholarship to support work toward a master’s degree, an applicant must document that she is accepted and enrolled in a master’s program at a nationally accredited college or university. C. To be considered for scholarship funds non-degree support (e.g. National Board Certification), an applicant must be engaged in special projects in research or study at post-baccalaureate, master’s, or post-master’s levels and must document involvement in such an endeavor. SR 4 Finances D.5 …A memorial gift of $100 shall be presented to a state or international fund in memory of state officers and appointed personnel, regional directors, or state committee chairmen who pass away during their term of office. The Eta State Treasurer shall send a letter to the family of the deceased in notification of the gift. Mark Your Calendar The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International North Carolina State Organization Suzanne Roberts, Editor Eta State News A publication of Eta State – North Carolina The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Published quarterly Next Deadline: July 10 Our Mission The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International promotes professional and personal growth of women educators and excellence in education. Page 5 2016 June 24, 25, 28 New Officer Trainings July 5 - 9 DKG International Convention, Gaylord Opryland Resort, Nashville, TN September 10 Elon Fall Executive Board Meeting 2017 April 28 - 30 Eta State Convention, Wilmington, NC Region IV June 23 - 25 Eta State Leadership Development Seminar, Asheboro, NC July 19 - 22 SE Regional Conference Myrtle Beach, SC Eta State News - North Carolina NOTICES: Send address and email changes IMMEDIATELY to your chapter treasurer and to International Office. Log in to to change your personal information. Don’t miss a single DKG publication! All photos used in this issue were submitted to the editor for use in Eta State News. With the lighting at the convention hotel , photos are difficult to edit. Please enjoy the photos and forgive the quality in many of them. Headquarters painting on page 1 used with permission of Dianne Garner, Alpha Epsilon Thank you! Proofers for this issue are: Sheila Groves, Connie Savell, Sylvia Eaglin, Susan Kuenzel, and Judy Gruebmeyer. Summer 2016 Eta State NC Convention 2016 Continued from page 1 reporting on the committee activities of the past year. The evening session opened with greetings from the Honorable Allen Joines, Mayor of Winston-Salem. Harmonious Highlights: Kristine “Kiki” Neale, Beta Tau, Eta State NC Music Representative summed up the WSSU performance by saying, “The highlight for many was the harmonious inspiration provided by the Winston-Salem State University Singing Rams, under the very capable direction of Maestra D’Walla SimmonsBurke. The chorus treated the group to an extensive variety of music, from gospel to opera and back again, performed with specialized precision and deep emotional feeling. What unbelievable talent these young men and women possess – and it did not go unnoticed that they sacrificed a college Friday night to come sing for us!” The concert was made possible in part by a donation from Gamma Zeta Chapter in memory of Annie Coward Salter. The next musical sensation was a performance by the Steel Magnolias of Ashe County. Gamma Delta members Maurene Blackburn, Becky Burgess, Judy Dancy, and Barbara Miller have performed together for 14 years. It is easy to see why the group is considered Ashe County’s Favorite Female Quartet. Kiki Neale praised the Convention Chorus by saying, “Congratulations to the 2016 Convention Chorus for making beautiful music, for having a willing spirit to work hard, learning together, and for bringing me great joy in your cheerful camaraderie. I’m looking forward to seeing you all next year in Wilmington!” The chorus presented several selections throughout the weekend. Kiki orchestrated a sing-along on Friday; the chorus joined her as they sang a spiritual at the Saturday President’s Banquet, Page 6 performed two soothing hymns at the Ceremony of Remembrance, and led a rousting version of “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing” at the Sunday Brunch. On Saturday night, Thomasine Hassell, Alpha Psi, performed a beautiful solo, which took our breath away. The Ceremony of Remembrance featured a solo by Johanna Owens, Gamma Lambda, and handbell artist Marcia Wooten, Beta Delta, playing the Prelude and handbell intervals during the responsive reading. Kiki accompanied the selections on the piano. Awards: Edris Glover, Alpha Pi, presented the prestigious Golden Key Award to 10 members. The list and photo are on the front page of this newsletter. Congratulations to each of the Golden Key winners who work tirelessly for their chapters. Nancy Tunstall, Gamma Chi, Chair of the Communication & Publicity Committee, bestowed 60 newsletter and 44 website awards to North Carolina chapters for the 2015-2016 award cycle. How thrilling for so many chapters to be recognized for outstanding communication within their chapters and other chapters in the state. Congratulations to the editors and webmasters for their continued diligence to deliver the information members need. Edris Glover, chair of the Awards Committee, took the stage to acknowledge 28 chapters for Distinctive Achievement, 11 chapters for Excellent Achievement, and three chapters for Superior Achievement. 39 chapters in all met and exceeded the goals set by Eta State NC for outstanding achievement. Congratulations to each chapter for their well-earned recognition. See the chapter listings on page 8. As part of the Birthday Brunch Celebration to honor our 12 founders, A Rising Star Award was given to 12 outstanding members who exhibit the leadership skills to carry on the DKG traditions and goals in the future. Connie Savell led the cheers for the newly selected Rising Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Eta State NC Convention 2016 Stars at the final Sunday Brunch. See our Rising Stars on page 1. Eta State NC Business: The International Report was given by the International Guest Barbara Whiting, DKG Administrative Board Member-at-Large. Barbara issued a personal invitation from Dr. Lyn Schmid, International President, to attend the International Convention in Nashville, TN, July 5-9, 2016. Each member of the Executive Board and Appointed Board members reported on their activities, and committee chairs gave reports on the committee’s activities. Several committees have reports beginning on page 3 of this issue. As noted by the Rules Committee, all proposed changes to the Standing Rules passed and are now part of the official Standing Rules document. The Revised Standing Rules are posted on the Eta State NC website. Tommi Stammer, Delta Iota, and Judy Busick, Theta, issued an invitation to the 2017 Eta State NC Convention to be held in Wilmington, NC. Watch for more details in future Eta Data and Eta State News issues. The Saturday President’s Banquet honors state Chapter Presidents. Sheila Groves, State President, was pleased to honor the outgoing 2014-2016 Chapter Presidents in a PowerPoint showing the president’s photos and three words that describe their chapter. Dr. Kim Pemberton, Beta Delta, proudly announced the 2016 Scholarship Winners. See page 4 for the details of how the winners plan to further their educational goals with the scholarship funds. The convention project for 2016 was Dreams and Kitestrings of Wilkes County. The organization provides financial assistance to students and teachers, funds classroom grants, and sponsors educational events. It is a volunteer-lead non-profit, with all donations going directly to support projects. Tina Higgins and Dr. Susan Blackburn, convention co-chairs, presented Tathel Miller, Executive Director of Dreams and Kitestrings, with over $2,000 in donations, books, and other gifts. Speakers: Past President Linda Little, with humor and pride, introduced her son, Dr. Gregory Little, as Saturday evening’s guest speaker. Dr. Little is Superintendent of Mount Airy City Schools, soon to be Superintendent of Lexington County School District One in Lexington, SC. He entertained and enlightened the attendees with stories of life in the Little family and later making the decision to follow in his parent’s footsteps to become an educator, and is now an appreciated leader in North and South Carolina education. Dr. Little’s vision on “Imagine What Could Be” left the members to ponder what can be done with a vision and the will to achieve the vision. Elaine McRae, Beta Delta, with the flair of a professional, introduced the Sunday Brunch speaker, Carol Andrews. If you ever wanted to try out different career choices, speak to Ms. Andrews. She has served as a twenty plus year television anchor. After having a son, Ms. Andrews wanted to spend more time with him, so staying at home, but not idle, she published two children’s books, conducted talks and workshops for business and non-profits organizations and maintained audio equipment in her home. She briefly returned to the television anchor desk when her son was older, only to switch careers again. Ms. Andrews is now training business and non-profits to navigate social and traditional media. She is a sought-after keynote speaker and acting/ voiceover talent for different forms of media. In her spare time, Ms. Andrews released a series of inspirational greeting cards. She operates all of her business interests from her home in Winston-Salem. Miscellaneous Highlights: Convention attendees enjoyed: Twenty-Six different Breakout Sessions; Many vendors with luscious goods and services; Education Foundation Raffle; Leadership Committee Silent Auction Baskets; outstanding planning and execution of every aspect of the convention by Region IX hosts, especially Dr. Susan Blackburn and Tina Higgins, Co-Chairmen and Carolyn Coram, Convention Registrar, who wrote a personalized note to every registered member setting the tone for a very inviting convention; Souvenir Convention Booklet worthy of a professional print artist done by Nancy Eta State NC Convention 2016 Tunstall; Convention Treasurer Chris Waters who has banker’s skills; Beth Winstead for media presentations; and special thanks to the 317 registered attendees including 65 first-timers and 19 attendees with 40+ years membership in DKG. The passing of the house netted $1,835 for headquarters funding. Every member was invited to attend the President’s Reception, held before the Saturday Banquet, to enjoy food, drink, and fellowship. What a fantastic convention; thank you to each and every planner, participant, and attendee! Dear Ladies, It’s hard to put ink to paper when words of gratefulness just doesn’t seem adequate. As founder and spokesperson for Dreams and Kitestrings, we want to extend a heartfelt thank you to each and every one of you for your gifts to support our literacy projects and your kindness shown at Eta State Convention 2016 Breakfast Brunch. For every monetary gift, every book, every gift card, every bookmark--we are elated and so appreciative. I know these gifts will encourage and touch many children and their families and inspire literacy in their lives. As teachers, educators, and members of Delta Kappa Gamma, I want to also thank you for the countless hours and sacrifices you have given and continue to do so for our children. A teacher is one who touches many generations to come even though you may never see the fruits of your labor, they are sown and will grow. As the school year comes to a close, it often comes with sadness...but always know your students will walk away with assurance that someone cared and someone believed in them. This is the gift which cannot be found in textbooks, but comes straight from a teacher’s heart. And your heart is truly like none other. May God bless each of you. With a grateful heart, Tathel Miller Founder, Volunteer Director Dreams and Kitestrings Bowman Waters first Eta State NC Convention! Beth Winstead Webmaster and Media Whiz! Thank you, Beth See more photos on pages 15-16 Silent Auction Baskets Page 8 Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Three Chapters Earn Presidential Award for Superior Achievement 2015-16 Eta State NC Convention 2016 Newsletter and Website Awards for 2016 Region I - Newsletter - Mu; Pi; Alpha Kappa; Alpha Omega; Beta Upsilon Website - Mu; Gamma Lambda; Delta Zeta. Nu Region X Alpha Lambda Region XI Alpha Phi Region XI Amanda J. Moose, President Julia Keyse, President Michelle Taylor Benigno, President Region II - Newsletter - Iota; Omicron; Alpha Psi; Gamma Epsilon; Delta Xi Website - Sigma; Alpha Psi; Beta Alpha; Gamma Epsilon Region III - Newsletter - Alpha Beta; Gamma Theta; Gamma Iota; Gamma Omicron; Gamma Tau; Gamma Chi Website - Alpha Beta; Gamma Tau; Gamma Chi Region IV - Newsletter - Theta; Upsilon; Omega; Delta Mu Website - Theta; Upsilon; Delta Mu Region V - Newsletter - Eta; Alpha Pi; Delta Gamma Website - Eta; Alpha Pi; Beta Iota; Delta Gamma Region VI - Newsletter - Lambda; Tau; Gamma Gamma; Gamma Kappa; Gamma Sigma; Delta Omicron; Delta Rho Website - Tau; Psi; Alpha Tau; Gamma Sigma; Delta Omicron; Delta Rho Region VII - Newsletter - Alpha; Chi; Alpha Delta; Alpha Upsilon; Beta Beta; Beta Gamma; Beta Delta; Beta Xi; Beta Omicron; Gamma Alpha Website - Chi; Alpha Delta; Beta Beta; Beta Delta Michelle Taylor Benigno, Marilyn Yoder accepting for Julia Keyse, and Amanda J. Moose Congratulations to each chapter! Eleven Chapters Earn Excellence Award for Excellent Achievement Region VIII - Newsletter - Epsilon; Alpha Zeta; Alpha Mu; Beta Sigma; Beta Tau; Delta Pi Website - Kappa; Alpha Zeta; Beta Tau; Delta Pi Region IX - Newsletter - Alpha Gamma; Gamma Psi Website - Zeta; Alpha Theta; Beta Nu; Gamma Psi; Delta Chi Region X - Newsletter - Nu; Alpha Nu; Gamma Beta; Delta Sigma; Delta Tau Website - Nu; Alpha Nu; Gamma Phi; Delta Sigma Region XI - Newsletter - Gamma; Alpha Iota; Alpha Lambda; Alpha Phi; Gamma Upsilon Website - Gamma; Alpha Iota; Alpha Lambda; Gamma Upsilon Congratulations to these excellent communicators! Excellent Chapter Achievement Mu - Region I Chi - Region VII Alpha Zeta - Region VIII Alpha Iota - Region XI Alpha Nu - Region X Alpha Psi - Region II Distinctive Chapter Achievement Region I - Alpha Omega; Region II - Omicron; Pi; Beta Alpha; Gamma Epsilon; Region III - Alpha Beta; Gamma Iota; Gamma Omicron; Gamma Tau, Gamma Theta Region IV - Upsilon; Delta Mu Page 9 Eta State News - North Carolina Beta Delta - Region VII Beta Omicron - Region VII Beta Tau - Region VIII Gamma Phi - Region X Delta Sigma - Region X Region V - Eta; Alpha Pi; Delta Beta; Delta Gamma Region VI - Tau; Delta Rho Region VII - Alpha Region VIII - Kappa; Alpha Delta; Alpha Upsilon; Beta Beta; Beta Xi Region IX - Alpha Gamma Region X - Beta Epsilon; Delta Tau Region XI - Gamma Summer 2016 geographical diversity and would love to represent the west as a board member. Teresa stated “I was on the original task force, helping lay the groundwork to make this Foundation a reality.” Thus, the Foundation means a great deal to her. D r. Judith B. Carlson, chair of the NCDKG Educational Foundation Board of Directors, presided at the First Annual Meeting held at the Eta State NC Convention last month. Dr. Carlson reported on the first year of operation, presented the financial report, and announced a capital campaign to begin in 2017. Representatives of the first four grants given by the Foundation spoke about their projects and Maxine McCall, chair of the Grants Awards Committee, announced that plans for the second round of grants would be released soon. The slate of members for the Board of Directors, as presented by Dr. Mary Cauley, chair of the Nominations Committee, was elected. The majority of the Board members were appointed in 2014 by then President Patricia Taylor. The twelve member board will serve rotating terms beginning July 1, 2016. Newly elected members Dorothy L. Carter, Margaret L. Church, Dr. Teresa Cowan, and Susan Kuenzel join Dr. Judith B. Carlson, Chair, Dr. Mary M. Cauley, Vice Chair, Maxine McCall, Secretary, Betty Marshall, Treasurer, Dr. Barbara B. Leonard, Louise Lomick, Dr. Patricia Wood, Sheila Groves, ex officio and Sharon Frazier, ex officio. Dorothy L. Carter - Omicron - Sims, NC Dot is currently serving on the Foundation Board’s Grants Committee as a volunteer. Dot moderated a Foundation Grants Committee workshop at the Eta State Convention recently. She is currently serving as president of Omicron Chapter. Margaret L. Church - Alpha Nu - Drexel, NC Margaret is already serving as a volunteer on the Foundation’s Communications Committee. She is currently a member of the Burke Women’s Foundation. Margaret has familiarized herself with Foundation materials and the website. She said, “It is exciting to me that this Foundation can provide opportunities to various educational groups who otherwise may not be able to have their dreams turn into reality.” Dr. Teresa Holt Cowan - Alpha Phi - Asheville, NC Teresa is currently serving on the Finance Committee of the Board as a volunteer and is interested in assisting the fundraising team. Teresa said that she is comfortable with doing fundraising, while often others are not. Teresa also stated that she would like to ensure that the Board maintains Page 10 Susan Kuenzel - Delta Chi - Millers Creek, NC. Susan is currently serving on the Communications Committee of the Board as a volunteer and is interested in continuing that service as a director of the Board. Susan stated, “I feel we have started good work and would like to be a part of continuing to advance the awareness of the Foundation to all DKG members and non-members across the state and region. We need to continue the work of defining the roles of the committee and deciding how to best communicate with each other and how to get the word out about the wonderful opportunities the Foundation offers.” Emily Weigel - Alpha Psi - Havelock, NC Emily is particularly interested in working with nominations on the Board. Emily stated, “. . . I have the honor of knowing many members statewide and remain a participant in state and International gatherings annually.” She also noted that she has served in a wide variety of roles at state and chapter levels in three states and has also served as president and treasurer of her discipline’s supervisory organization. She has also been on boards of directors twice for NCSHLA and on a variety of committees as well. Congratulations to the new Board members! The Foundation announcement of the raffle winners was much-anticipated at the Sunday Birthday Brunch. The raffle raised over $2,600 for the Foundation! The winners are: Susan Phipps - the Crystal Vase; Melinda Willison - the May NASCAR tickets; Patricia Pemberton - the other NASCAR tickets; Gwen Simmons - the Olde Beau package; Mary Cauley the Autumn candle mat; Maxine McCall - the Valentine candle mat; Tanya Brumfield - the week at the mountain cabin; and will the person who won the Biltmore Estate tickets, please notify Eta Data Editor Susan Kuenzel? The Board thanks everyone who bought raffle tickets, gave donations, volunteered time and resources, and helped the Foundation get off to a rousing first year. Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Eta State NC Chapters at Work Alpha Gamma Chapter Holds an Education Forum for Members and the Public A lpha Gamma Chapter (Avery and Watauga Counties) decided during planning meetings last summer that the public needed to have a clear picture of what is happening in our public schools, both the successes and the roadblocks. To address that need, members began working to host a Regional Education Forum on the ASU campus on March 17, 2016, with a distinguished panel of educators from all levels of public education. Panelists who answered the call were: Dr. June Atkinson, NC Superintendent of Public Instruction and DKG member; NC Teacher of the Year, Keana Triplett; Dr. Robin Groce, Interim Dean of ASU’s Reich College of Education; Dr. Scott Elliott, Watauga County Schools Superintendent; Dr. David Burleson, Avery County Schools Superintendent; Caleb Marsh, Caldwell Community representative; Allison Sparks, Watauga County Teacher of the Year; and Michelle Dellinger, Avery County Teacher of the Year. Former Eta State President Linda Little was the moderator of the discussion and current president Sheila Groves was in attendance along with hundreds of others. Response to the Forum, entitled “A Snapshot of Public Education in North Carolina,” was uniformly positive with informative articles in local papers for citizens who were unable to attend. Chapter president Susan Phipps praises the team spirit and hard work of the chapter in preparing for the event. She hopes other chapters that are located near UNC system campuses will consider holding similar educational discussions for the public. Beta Gamma’s Initiative for Beginning Teachers Submitted by Laura Hines and Nancy Teague, Beta Gamma Chapter Co-Presidents D uring this biennium, Beta Gamma wanted to find more substantive ways to support new educators. For the past two years, we invited a group of new teachers to our November meeting. Before the meeting, we had members share “Five things I wish I had known as a new educator.” Our Educational Excellence Chairman collated these ideas into a document to share with the young women. At the meeting, members verbally shared one piece of advice which generated a lively discussion. The chapter gave each new teacher a goody bag of items, from sticky notes to chocolate, then raffled off a gift certificate to a local educational supply store. Time was allotted for the new teachers to ask questions and pick the brains of the experienced members. It was an enjoyable evening for all of us, and this year, two of the beginning teachers were initiated into Beta Gamma Chapter. We are excited about the enthusiasm and energy they will bring to the chapter. New initiates in Beta Gamma Chapter AnJanette Hunt and Nina Fuller L-R Ereka Williams, AnJanette Hunt, Nina Fuller, Kimberly Erwin Page 11 Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 D elta Chi member Susan Kuenzel, has been honored with the highest award for National Board work in North Carolina through the NBCT Caucus of NCAE. Susan was presented a leaded crystal star with the inscription “In Recognition of Outstanding Contributions to the NCAE National Board Certification Support Program in North Carolina.” The award is named for Karen Garr, a former president of NCAE, who was instrumental in helping create National Board support programs across NC, worked for NBPTS, and was the first recipient of the recognition later named in her honor. This is only the fifth year the award has been given. Eta State NC Chapters & Members Shine D elta Kappa Gamma members of Region V served as ushers for the Seventh Annual Duke Regional Spelling Bee. This event was hosted by the Office of Durham and Regional Affairs and held at Duke’s Baldwin Auditorium, Saturday, March 19, 2016. Fifty-nine spellers from Durham Public Schools, Orange County Schools, and local charter, private, parochial, and home schools participated. Barbara Baker of Beta Iota Chapter coordinated DKG’s ushering of this annual event. D elta Rho member Sue Cox is the recipient of the Dave Jones Award for the Advancement of Youth Readership. The North Carolina Press Association gives the award to an educator who uses newspapers to create lesson plans to “advance reading, writing and civic learning.” The annual NCPA Awards Ceremony was January 25 on the campus of UNC-Chapel Hill. Dave Jones was the former president of the Journalism Foundation at UNCChapel Hill and president of the NCPA. Source: Sanford Herald Send member and chapter achievements to Sue Roberts, Editor Page 12 T he DKG Arts & Humanities Jury is pleased to announce the selection of the following North Carolina artists and their works for the May DKG Gallery of Fine Arts: Carol Bostian, Nu: Riding the Rails, Swiss Farm Still Life, and Dramatic Denali – photographs; Lynne K. Nadel, Kappa: Multicolored Bowl, Lidded Container, and Green Gold Coffee Cup – pottery; Patricia T. Pemberton, Delta Rho: Rag Woven Wall Hanging – textile; Amy Winston: Gamma Upsilon :Garet – watercolor; Rejoice in the Lord Always – sculpture; Congratulations to Carol, Lynne, Patricia, and Amy! See these and works of other artists at the following link: Fine_Arts.aspx C ongratulations to Sue Roberts, Beta Tau for having an article published in the Bulletin: Collegial Exchange. The article titled, “Bringing DKG Purposes Alive at Eta State (NC) Conventions: A Challenge to the Other State Organizations,” is in the 2016, Volume 82-4 issue. See page 28-29 of the edition. Magazine/82-4/Bringing_DKG_Purposes_Alive_at_Eta_ State_NC_Conventions.aspx Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Eta State NC Chapters & Members Shine Chapter Members Achievements Nu (Region X, Catawba) Kerri Wimberly has been asked to present the Tribute for past International President Dr. Dorothy Johnson at the International Convention in Nashville. The Tribute will take place at The Celebration of Life ceremony. Dr. Johnson was Kerri's great aunt. Sigma (Region II, Lenoir) Coleman Becton, Agriculture Teacher at Kinston High School, has been awarded a $2,400 grant from the AgCarolina Fund for Rural NC. This grant will enable Kinston High School to purchase a hydroponic growing system for its agriculture program which will help provide hands-on experience in the horticulture industry. Congratulations Coleman! Chi (Region VII, Guilford and Davidson) Tonya Welch received the President’s Award at GTCC. This award is given to eight candidates nominated by their peers. The President’s Awards are for employees who make outstanding or innovative contributions to the college. Alpha Gamma (Region IX, Avery and Watauga) Lori Tyler was awarded a $10,000 Delta Kappa Gamma International Scholarship for her doctoral work at Appalachian State University. Congratulations Lori, Alpha Gamma is thrilled for you and proud of you! Alpha Iota (Region XI, Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Haywood, Jackson, Macon and Swain) Congratulations to Suzanne DesLauriers, who has been re-elected as program coordinator for the Southern Appalachian Artist Guild. Beta Iota (Region V, Durham and Person) Congratulations to Jenny Umbarger, co-president of Beta Iota Chapter of DKG! Region V is very proud of her for being named Employee of the month for Durham Public Schools! Gamma Chi (Region III, Warren) Congratulations to Erin Simons, an exceptional resource teacher, who spear-headed efforts to establish a program to allow educators at her school to develop stronger relationships with students and their parents through home visits. She and co-worker Lauren Konicki wrote a grant proposal and received a $5,000 National Education Association Student Achievement Grant to enable them to establish a Home Visit Project at Vaughan Elementary School. Delta Mu (Region IV, Sampson, Wayne, Harnett) Bridgett Wise has been named teacher of the year for Hargrove Elementary School for 2016. Delta Rho (Region VI, Lee) Kathryn Parker, NCDPI’s School Library Media Consultant in the Division of Digital Teaching and Learning, has been named president of the Council of State School Library Consultants (CoSSLC). This organization is composed of statelevel school library professionals as well as retirees of those positions. As of December, 2015, Amanda Bullard completed all requirements and was granted her doctoral degree at UNC Wilmington. Amanda was a recipient of an Eta State scholarship and Delta Rho’s scholarship. The UNC School of Education honored Lisa M. Chapman with an Alumni Achievement Award at their 14th Distinguished Alumni Awards Dinner. Lisa is the senior vice president and chief academic officer of the 58 Community Colleges in North Carolina. She is in charge of Programs and Student Services. Lisa was the executive vice president of Central Carolina Community College. Delta Sigma (Region X, Lincoln) Delta Sigma is very proud to claim the 2015 Lincoln County Woman of the Year as one of its very own! Jill Eaddy received this prestigious honor at the Chamber of Commerce Banquet in November, 2015. Alpha Lambda Receives Superior Chapter Achievement Submitted by Marilyn Yoder S heila Groves presented the President’s Award to current Alpha Lambda president, Julia Keyse, at the chapter’s annual spring luncheon. Julia was unable to attend the 2016 Eta State NC Convention in WinstonSalem. Alpha Lambda has received the superior rating for the Chapter Achievement Award for the past 5 years. A “point” person facilitates the chapter’s efforts to reach the superior level each year. President Sheila Groves and Julia Keyse Page 13 Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 DKG Educational Foundation Hosts Nashville Event at the Wildhorse International at Work D International Convention Nashville, Tennessee July 5-9, 2016 Hotel and Convention Registration is open. Go to then click on Events and then Convention You must be registered on the member portal to gain access to the convention registrations. Why Wait?? June 5th is the deadline for early registration When you register, be sure to let Barbara Perry-Sheldon know you are going. Barbara Perry-Sheldon <> The International Scholarship Committee awarded $182,000 this biennium. If you are studying for a master’s or doctoral degree, be sure to check out the scholarships, you might qualify! The Eta State NC Organization also offers scholarships. ust off your western wear and boots as you pack for Nashville this summer! The DKG Educational Foundation (DKGEF) will sponsor Call Me Country at the world-famous Wildhorse Saloon during the 2016 DKG International Convention. All DKG members and their guests are urged to purchase tickets when registering for the convention, either online ( or using the registration form found in the Jan./Feb. issue of the DKG News. Plan to spend Thursday evening, July 7, in the Wildhorse Saloon located in the heart of Nashville’s entertainment district. This three-level historic warehouse has been converted into a 66,000 sq. ft. country music dance hall, restaurant, concert hall, and TV production site. Horse sculptures and murals dominate the décor with many positioned for optimal “selfie” opportunities! The extensive “all-you-can-eat” buffet on levels two and three features award-winning BBQ selections and numerous side dishes. The first floor features space for performances by a live band and a DJ, as well as line dance instruction for those wanting to kick up their heels. Besides dining seating, the second and third floors include cash bars and a variety of entertainment venues ranging from billiards to shuffle board to big screen TVs. Use your visit to the Wildhorse as an opportunity to wander in and out of all the famous clubs and shops located in the area – with a ride home to the Opryland Hotel provided at your convenience. Your ticket ($165) includes: • transportation (buses will run every 20 minutes between the Wildhorse Saloon and the Opryland Hotel) International scholarship information: • access to all levels and activities • entertainment – DJ, live band, line dance instruction, dance floor Eta State NC scholarship information: • dinner buffet • a tax deductible donation to the Foundation Mission_Purposes/Scholarship.aspx R Amazon Smile Gives Back to DKG emember as you shop on Amazon, you can earn 0.5% of your eligible purchase price for DKG Supporting Corporation by shopping at smile.—same Amazon, same deals, but DKG benefits too. Page 14 Purchase tickets for the DKGEF Call Me Country event on the Convention Registration Form and join your friends for a “get-down good time” at the Wildhorse in Nashville! Eta State News - North Carolina Summer 2016 Photos from 2016 Eta State NC Convention Photos from 2016 Eta State NC Convention