January 2013 - Delta Kappa Gamma Delta Chapter
January 2013 - Delta Kappa Gamma Delta Chapter
Delta Kappa Gamma Delta Data Eta State—Region II—Greenville, North Carolina VOLUME 13, ISSUE 2 January 26, 2013 Delta Chapter Officers February Business Meeting: 2012-2014 President: Joy Carter The February business meeting will be held in the Auditorium at Cypress Glen, 100 Hickory Street, Greenville, North Carolina 27858. 1st Vice-President: Karen Klaich 2nd Vice-President: Date: Tuesday, February 12 Time: 6:00 pm Cost: $13.00 per person Dorothy Muller Recording Secretary: Miranda Dunn Corresponding Secretary: Phyllis Wooten Treasurer: Tara Parker Parliamentarian: Stephanie Peo Past President: Michelle Hairston Inside this issue: President’s Corner 2 Tri Chapter Christmas Dinner 2 February 1 State Deadlines 3 Congratulations—Jubilee Moments 3 New IPhone App 4 International Deadlines 4 Africa Fund. Our chapter did a wonderful job at the Tri-Chapter meeting in December with the basket raffles, we ask that you open your hearts as you consider these funds in your preparation for this meeting. If you have not already paid for this event, you will need to have your A “Bucket” will be available for contri- reservation to Tara no later than butions to World Fellowship, the Edu- Thursday, February 7. (2255 Cotcation Foundation, the Emergency tondale Rd., Greenville, NC, 27834). Fund, the Golden Gift Fund, the Paul- Final count is due to Cypress Glen ine Longest Leadership Fund, Eta on Thursday, so please make your State Headquarters Fund, Eta State reservation early (if you have not Scholarship Fund, and the Schools for already done so). See you there! Program: “ Being a Healthy Teacher” and Recognition of our 2013 Grant-inAid Recipient Hostesses: Lavette Ford (Chair), Pat Clark, Mary Elizabeth Daley, Dorsey Egerton, Jean Gore, Margie Gurkin, Delilah Jackson. Upcoming Events. . . Next Delta Meetings: Tues. April 9th at 6:00 will NOT meet at Rep Express. New location will be announced ASAP. Executive Board, March 19th at China 10. April 26-28 Annual Eta State Convention in Charlotte, NC. For more information, www.deltakappagamma.org/ NC/ has registration information for the convention and tour information for your stay in Charlotte. April - Delta Chapter Spring Fun. Join your sisters for an evening of fun and fellowship. More information to come. Plan ahead. . . July 10-13, 2013-Southeast Regional Convention in Kissimmee, FL Great trip for fellowship and relaxation! Plan on it! PAGE 2 D E LT A D A T A V O LU M E 1 3 , I S S U E 2 The President’s Corner “The State of Our Chapter. . .” Dear Sisters, Happy New Year from your President! I am certainly learning a lot in this new leadership role! We have a great group of executive board members (both officers and committee chairs) who wish to keep our society vibrant and growing. I want to personally thank each of them for their service to our Delta Chapter. I ask you to seriously consider prospective members and encourage them to join us. Why? Our chapter supports beginning teachers, literacy in education and Schools for Africa. It provides a valuable network of diverse professional colleagues, celebrates our achievements and is striving to include more "fun" social activities (a request from you!). We have a chapter website in the making and we are planning a Zumba fun time (easy version!) for the spring. We are all very busy, but I know that I am never disappointed when I leave a DKG meeting. Just being together as a professional group can be invigorating. I wish you well and I hope to see you all at Cypress Glen on February 12. Don't forget to send your money ($13) to Tara Parker prior to the meeting. ~Joy Contact Joy Carter at carterj@pitt.k12.nc.us Delta Xi Chapter hosted the Tri-Chapter Christmas Dinner at Rock Springs Center. Thanks Delta Xi for a wonderful evening. V O LU M E 1 3 , I S S U E 2 D E LT A D A T A PAGE 3 Remember: A February 1 deadline: Ladies, remember the deadline for submitting Eta State Scholarship applications. The applications must be postmarked no later than February 1st, 2013. If you are currently working on your doctorate degree, please consider applying for an Eta State Scholarship (if you have not done so)! There is still time, if you hurry! You might want to view the video interview, at the address below, of a DKG sister who was awarded an Eta State Scholarship. The address for downloadable forms and the video is: http://www.deltakappagamma.org/NC/scholarship.htm Delta Executive Board meets recently to plan for an exciting year . . . Got information to share? News, reviews, Jubilee Moments. , ,send information to Phyllis Wooten at plw1861@gmail.com for inclusion in the Delta Data. Jubilee Moments Robin Loy - achieved National Board Certification Karen Klaich - renewed National Board Certification Latoya Harvey - promoted to K K--5 Curriculum Facilitator for Wilson County Schools Stephanie Peo - is now NC Music Educators Chair Elect for Middle School Choral Section Joy Carter - Elmhurst Teacher of the Year Cathy Keeter - retirement Sylvia Mizzelle - earned her Doctoral Degree in Educational Leadership from Fayetteville State University Jennifer Mabe - Bless Your Heart recognized her excellence as a Math Teacher at Rose High Delta Chapter 1861G Quail Ridge Rd Greenville, NC 27858 ATTENTION APPLE USERS! Up-coming International Deadlines: February 1: Scholarship Application February 1: Lucile Cornetet Award for Professional Development Application February 1: Chapter President and Necrology Annual Report Forms due March 1: International Achievement Award Recommendation Form due Check out the App Store for the newly updated DKG International App. Check out DKG information right on your IPhone or IPad. we others, h t i hw strengt share e e r w a e n e w Wh nd them a n e h t g stren Helms y l r e ened. v e Dr. B