Directorio ifex ingles
Directorio ifex ingles
IFEX FLOWER EXPO TOKIO October 13-15, 2011 TOURISM, FOREIGN INVESTMENT AND EXPORTS PROMOTION BELLA FLOR Since 2004 Inversiones Bella Flor is a Colombian company dedicated to the production of fresh cut roses for exportation, especially for the Russian and European markets. We count on an excellent team that is highly qualified, adequate infrastructure and the best technological resources. This permits us to guarantee our quality in the selection of the rose, excellent classification, temperature, packaging and transportation managing. WINNERS OF THE MEDAL IN QUALITY EXPOFLOWERS MOSCOW 2008, 2009. Contact E-mail Website Phone Jose Luis Ardila + (571) 857 4574 Bogotá - Colombia C.I. FLORES PRISMA S.A. Prisma Flores is growing flower company located in Tocancipá at 41 km from Bogota, capital of Colombia. We own 20 hectares of farmland. We have 220 people working for us, 65% of them are women. We produce 45 varieties of roses that meet the expectations of our clients; we like to maintain a renewal program for these varieties, aiming to maintain the validity of each it throughout the different parts of the country and the world we serve. Our Rose is produced in compliance with quality standards demanded by our clients, taking into account the social and environmental responsibility. We develop a safe and neat production considering the standards for environmental care. In addition, we provide care and protection for our workers, to whom we promote healthy entertainment through various sports and cultural activities; we provide care services for our worker minor children in a children's home business. For all the above, we have the seal of GLOBAL GAP. Contact E-mail Website Phone Edgar Mosquera Hoyos + (571) 531 3985 Bogotá - Colombia EL MILAGRO At the place where miracles come from. El Milagro, we take special care and time to grow roses of the highest quality. Once the flower is cut and send to be processed it passes a rigorous quality inspection to ensure that only those that meet the highest standard reach our clients. Blessed with a special micro-climate, at El Milagro, we are constantly working on improving to allow us to send our customers a one of a kind product. Contact E-mail Website Phone Mauricio Danies L. + (57) 3144043533 - 3153642409 Colombia HOSA With more than 30 years of experience, Hosa is composed by 7 farms, with a grown area of more than 120 hectares. Hosa is dedicated to provide customers with reliable service, offering a wide range of products such as Standard roses with more than 60 varieties, Spray roses with more than 60 varieties and being the biggest grower of spray roses in the world!, Spray Carnations with great color range, Oriental Lilies and LA Lilies with premium quality. At HOSA, all of our relationships are guided by the principles of integrity and loyalty. We believe that the key to our success lies in the quality and depth of our relationship with our customers and suppliers. Contact E-mail Website Phone Pamela Duperly + (571) 742 8507 Bogotá - Colombia LUISIANA FARMS S.A. C.I. Luisiana Farms S.A.C.I. is a producer of superior quality carnations, with 20 years experience serving clients worldwide. Its innovative and committed team applies the best administrative, financial and human resource management practices, therefore promoting community development and environmental care. Our achievements thus far encourage us to continue working with dedication and diligence to attain production efficiency and business excellence. Contact E-mail Website Phone Ximena Perilla + (57) 3153977976 Colombia PERFECT QUALITY ROSES PQR (Perfect Quality Roses) is a company created to export roses, born from the alliance between flowers production farms, dedicated exclusively, since several years back, to the harvesting and production of roses. The farms, located in different regions of the Bogotá Plateau (Colombia) jointly exploit over 25 hectares for harvesting/production and currently have over 40 varieties of roses which are exported to different markets, amongst them Russia, Japan, the Caribbean Islands, Europe, The United States, Canada and South America. PQR (Perfect Quality Roses) endeavors in rendering an excellent quality service through permanent communication with its customers in order to satisfy all their needs and concerns. Our well defined techniques and production processes warrant availability of a superior quality flower, with an ample variety of vivid colors, solid and diverse length stalks and different size heads that together ensure satisfaction of the most demanding consumers. We are most careful in terms of our packing processes and the management of the cold chain. Our farms have been awarded several socio-environmental certifications for our safety and continued enhancement, warranting of optimum process in the handling of the human and physical resources and in terms of environmental control. Contact E-mail Website Phone Jorge Ortega + (571) 604 5704 Bogotá - Colombia YASA S.A.S. YASA SAS is a company dedicated to produce Fujis, (disbudded) and new (spray) in Chrysanthemum, we are located in the savannah of Bogotá, Colombia near El Dorado International Airport. Formed 7 years ago on the need to reinvent the concept and process of producing flowers in Colombia, under a scheme of technology and productivity. Our facilities consist of 87500 m2 under greenhouses with mechanized roof ventilation, computerized irrigation systems, efficient lighting systems (unique in the country), allowing all year round to ensure a consistent quality production and keeping us in the search for new developments help guide the company to an organic production scheme, self, and thus be able to meet demand for unique markets such as Japan. With these strengths, we rooted in our own substrate, electrical better use of resources, climate, water and respecting human social responsibility and environmental business. Our team is characterized by warmth, commitment, dedication and loyalty to the company becoming one big family, reflected in a high quality product. Contact E-mail Phone Javier Mauricio Aguirre + (571) 442 1030-39 Bogotá - Colombia PROEXPORT COLOMBIA in the World CANADA Toronto Montreal UNITED KINGDOM London RUSSIA Moscow GERMANY Frankfurt USA Washington D.C. Chicago Atlanta Los Angeles New York Houston Miami SOUTH KOREA Seoul FRANCE Paris GUATEMALA Guatemala City MEXICO Mexico City Guadalajara COSTA RICA San Jose COLOMBIA PANAMA Panama City PERU Lima CARIBBEAN San Juan Santo Domingo Port of Spain SPAIN Madrid TURKEY Istambul INDIA New Delhi UNITED ARAB EMIRATES JAPAN Tokyo CHINA Beijing Shanghai Hong Kong VENEZUELA Caracas SINGAPORE Singapur BRAZIL Sao Paulo ECUADOR Quito CHILE Santiago de Chile PROEXPORT COLOMBIA, TOURISM, FOREIGNFOREIGN INVESTMENT AND EXPORTSAND PROMOTION PROEXPORT COLOMBIA, TOURISM, INVESTMENT EXPORTS Further information contact Alejandro Ossa Cardenas For more information contact: / Hiroshi Wago - Tels.:86 10 6532 9767 Ext.: 321 Mobile 86 139 1070 1725 34 Guang Hua Lu, Beijing 100 600, P.R. China PROMOTION TOURISM, EXPORTS PROMOTION PROMOTION TOURISM, FOREIGN FOREIGN INVESTMENT INVESTMENT AND EXPORTS
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