The Case: Why do we need the INTERtool


The Case: Why do we need the INTERtool
The Case:
“The partner left because it was difficult to do
what they proposed. There were too many
differences between the partner
organisations – some were big some small,
some formal some informal. One manager
could make decisions on the wing, another
couldn’t and was answerable to his boss for
any changes to the approach. It had to be very
much part of the larger organisational plan.”
(Basic Survey Intertool)
230171-CP-1-2006-DE-Grundtvig G1
Why do we need
the INTERtool
Dr. Beate Schmidt-Behlau
dvv international
Institute for International Cooperation
of the German Adult Education Association
Obere Wihelmstr. 32 D-53225 Bonn
Phone: ++49/228/975 69-0 /97569-36 (direct)
Fax:++49/228/975 69-55 /97569-41 (direct)
“Projects are now more effective.
Coordinators are prepared for some of the
problems that can arise from cultural
diversity and they are also less likely to
stereotype partners. This has been proven
through research and evaluation of the Tool.
Attitudes to stereotyping have changed. The
Tool is used from the first meeting
throughout the life of projects. There is
a chat room for coordinators that
supports it” (Glyn Owen, YHDC).
The Case:
“The partner left because it was difficult to do
what they proposed. There were too many
differences between the partner
organisations – some were big some small,
some formal some informal. One manager
could make decisions on the wing, another
couldn’t and was answerable to his boss for
any changes to the approach. It had to be very
much part of the larger organisational plan.”
(Basic Survey Intertool)
Why do we need
the INTERtool
“ P r o j e c ts a r e n o w m o r e e f f e c t i v e .
Coordinators are prepared for some of the
problems that can arise from cultural diversity
and they are also less likely to stereotype
partners. This has been proven through
research and evaluation of the Tool. Attitudes
to stereotyping have changed. The Tool is
used from the first meeting throughout the
life of projects. There is a chat room for
coordinators that supports it”
(Glyn Owen, YHDC).
230171-CP-1-2006-DE-Grundtvig G1
Dr. Beate Schmidt-Behlau
dvv international
Institute for International Cooperation
of the German Adult Education Association
Obere Wihelmstr. 32 D-53225 Bonn
Intercultural Competencies
for European Project
Managers and Teams
Phone: ++49/228/975 69-0 /97569-36 (direct)
Fax:++49/228/975 69-55 /97569-41 (direct)
Partners in the Project
XENA - Centre for
Intercultural Exchange
And Dynamics
dvv international
(coordinating institution)
XENA is a non-profit, cultural
association which was set up in the autumn of 1994.
Its main objective is to increase and improve the level of
contact and interaction amongst different cultures. It
promotes projects mainly within the frame of European
Programmes such as “Leonardo da Vinci”, “Youth” (i.e.
“Youth for Europe”, “European Voluntary Service”) and
dvv international is a non
governmental organisation
giving structural support to the
field of adult education in. It has
been specialized in the conception, planning and
implementation of cooperation projects in the field of adult
education with partners from all over the world since 1969. It
is connected to the work of the 1.0000 adult education
institutions throughout Germany.
die Berater
(„the Consultants“)
die Berater® are a private company with around 400
members of staff who work in more than 50 locations all over
Austria in the following fields of:
Education and training
Coaching and counselling
EU projects
die Berater develop and organise educational seminars and
training courses for individuals, organisations, and
enterprises. The company offers a wide range of training
and education from soft skills to languages and information
technologies, reaching about 15.000 people per year
through its programmes.
The Intercultural
Institute of Timisoara (IIT)
The institute’s field of expertise is in
intercultural education, education
for democratic citizenship, interethnic relations, support for
the Roma, combating discrimination through pilot projects,
training courses and seminars for young people, students,
teachers and adults, elaboration of pedagogical materials
and publications, research, networking and dissemination
of information on the main activity areas.
YHDC - Yorkshire and Humber Development
Consortium Ltd
YHDC is a not for profit
organisation working for
national and regional public and
government agencies to Implement new strategies in
Adult education, in particular working on initiatives involving
using ICT to engage disadvantaged and disengaged
learners. YHDC consultants undertake projects which
involve project management, mentoring, teacher training,
partnership facilitation, evaluations and numerous other
project related activities.
Humap ltd
Humap ltd is a Finnish
private training company
based in Jyväskylä and
The company's core fields of business include coaching
(trainer/training, Leadership, diversity, work and
management supervision) and comprehensive services
(management system change, strategic development
projects, networking, regional development).
The Swiss Association for Adult Learning (SVEB) is the
national umbrella organization representing about 185
associations and 250 small and medium institutions as well
as individuals active in adult learning. SVEB is a non-profit
organization. Our main task is the promotion of adult
learning in Swiss educational policies and legislation.
SVEB is member of the EAEA and participates in several
Grundtvig projects.
European project work within the SOCRATES
programme is subject to specific conditions
placing high professional demands on all
project actors, especially with regard to
intercultural and diversity management and
virtual team building skills. Ambitious goals
and heavily loaded work plans need to be
implemented in an efficient and effective
The project INTERtool aims at providing
European project managers and teams in
adult education with the basic specific
intercultural competences necessary for
successful transnational cooperation in the
framework of European projects with a
strong focus on the virtual dimension. To
achieve this the project seeks to develop
'tailor made' tools concerning the intercultural
and virtual communication and management
skills needed for European projects.
Activities and Outputs
Main activities and outputs will be the
development of a guidance publication, the
development, testing and dissemination of a
virtual intercultural team tool (VITT) and the
development of a face-to- face-course to
enhance the competences of European
project actors.

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