GMS (Pri) Newsletter - Geylang Methodist School
GMS (Pri) Newsletter - Geylang Methodist School
GMS (P) A Newsletter by Geylang Methodist School (Primary) Issue 51 4 Geylang East Central Singapore 389706 Tel: 6748 6746 Fax: 6748 8980 Website: Principal’s message “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” Matthew 22:37 Dear Parents and pupils, Thank you for giving your best during The Methodist Schools Walkathon 2013. With your generous support, we raised $80,000 for our school’s upgrading project- SUPER! Indeed, the first semester has shown us how depending on our God has been most crucial as we decide on the fund- raising projects for building a strong sense of school pride and belonging to GMSP. Our goal at school is to grow a school community that helps our pupils build the 21st century skills they need to prepare life in the future effectively. Our work is to create a sense of community where students feel like they belong and can connect, often for the first time in their lives. We seek to build the 4 Ds- Determination, Discipline, Diligence and Dedication to goals in every pupil. Through these traits, our pupils will become courageous learners, self- directed, compassionate leaders and responsible and useful citizens of the future. Whilst our staff at GMSP are remarkably warm, patient and compassionate with our pupils which naturally fosters belonging, how can our parents and pupils nurture a strong sense of pride and belonging to school? Our pupils are filled with both resilience and vulnerability but whom, I think, are defined by society for their worst and hardest moments. How can we help our pupils to learn better now for the future? SUPER at school is not just about raising the funds, $2.1 million for the upgrading project. More deeply and importantly, it is about engaging our whole school community to be excited about learning and thriving in the future through enhancements of our present school environment. Through engaging everyone, including the teachers, pupils and their families in voting for the school building colours, the school SUPER carnival and our upcoming 90th Anniversary preparations for 2014, we are nurturing a strong sense of community and pride at GMSP. Whilst we are also focussed on giving, we can also be thankful for amazing pupils, parents and staff and to work at GMSP and the many blessings we have received thus far regardless how challenging things are for us sometimes in school, at home and in our personal lives. We thank God for the following achievements this semester: 1. Gold awards for BB/GB 2. Sports excellence in Badminton , Skipping and Athletics 3. School niche award for ‘Using ICT to develop 21st century competencies in pupils. 4. Arts excellence for Singapore Youth Festival, Youthphoria 5. Launch of Environmental Education and Earth Warrior 6. Strong partnerships especially in upcoming SUPER fund raising projects- golf tournament , alumni dinner, Carnival and activities by PALS and Dads for Life Let’s continue to love our God by pursuing excellence in everything we seek to do at GMSP! Have a restful and refreshing June break , everyone! Strategic Thrust 1 2 GMSP Learner (Academic Excellence) P.R.A.I.S.E@SAM Programme P.R.A.I.S.E@SAM Programme is a collaboration between GMS(P) and the Singapore Art Museum (SAM). It is an interdisciplinary programme that integrates Art and Crafts, Social Studies and English together with Museum appreciation and understanding skills. This programme aims to guide and mould our Primary Four pupils to be self-directed and inquisitive learners who are rooted in Singapore and proud of their local talents and heritage. P.R.A.I.S.E stands for: Find one thing good in the art work Praise Think about the message that the artist is trying Reflect to convey The effort put in by the artist, the creative Appreciate process and the art form Link the artwork with our Asian / Singapore roots through art-making, learning journey to Integrate Fort Canning, journaling and presentation Seek knowledge; through research, self-directed Seek inquisitiveness and discussions Explore the wide range of artwork, experience Explore, the processes in art making and be motivated Experience and excited about the possibilities of creating and Excite their own masterpiece. Excited Faces Before Entering SAM Learning Journey to SAM P4 pupils with their friend, Wally High Ability Learners (HAL): Wits and Words Inter-School Debating Championships 2013 On 22nd March and 6th April 2013, a team of Primary 5 High Ability Learners (HALs) from Geylang Methodist Primary competed in Wits and Words Inter-School Debate Championships 2013. The preliminaries which consisted of 3 rounds were held at Raffles Girls Secondary School. Through a careful selection process that began in November 2012, the dedicated lot of 10 students learnt their craft well in the short but effective 6 training sessions that began in early February conducted by qualified trainers from Core Teaching Solutions Pte Ltd. This year, they sparred against teams from Singapore Chinese Girls School (SCGS) to better prepare them for the actual competition. This was a move that paid off with our first win in 2 years against Admiralty Primary School in round 1. The Bosnian National Debating Coach who was the chief judge for preliminary rounds 1 and 2 was left very impressed with the high standard and engagement of the debate and the quality of our speakers which really spurred the pupils on. Our school debate team has grown from strength to strength since our maiden journey in 2012. GMPS is ranked in the top 5 schools out of 17 schools that competed in the East zone. Our third speaker, Goh Xinyi Jessi from 5KI, was ranked third in the top ten debaters amongst the 183 students that represented 61 schools in this year’s competition. We believe that the pupils have gained valuable debating experience to value-add to their learning journey here in GMSP and with their determination, the best is yet to come! The motions “The House will scrap the compulsory CCA system”, “This House believes that E-learning is the way to go” and “This House believes that video gaming should be made a sport” were challenging and most of the teams comprised of older primary six students. However, our speakers rose to the challenge. The team that did our school proud! 3 High Ability Learners (HAL): Destination Imagination (DI) 2013 Destination Imagination is an international competition that seeks to provide a platform for pupils to showcase their creative thinking and problem solving skills. The culmination of this event is the Global Finals held at Knoxville, Tennessee in USA this year. Prior to the Global Finals, teams would have to first qualify in Destination Imagination (Singapore) 2013 which is hosted by Anglo-Chinese School Junior (ACSJ). Schools can send teams of up to 7 pupils and they must choose an intriguing category to participate. They would also have to perform an Instant Challenge segment that tests their creativity, teamwork and problemsolving skills within a very short amount of time. Team Thunder 14 high-ability learners(HALs) who had undergone a 3-term enrichment module when they were in primary 4, through our in-house HAL programme participated in this year’s DI on 30th Mar 2013, Saturday. They had been hard at work since January to prepare for this competition. They took part in Category D: “In Disguise” which required them to enact a story without any spoken or written words, involving a morphing mask and a decorative mask that add a definitive impact to their stories, all in 7 minutes. We were up against teams from Rosyth and ACSJ in this category. Team Phoenix Although they did not win, it was certainly a fruitful experience for the pupils. They practised self-leadership as they analysed the different ideas presented by the other schools. Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) was also evident as they reflected on how they could make improvements in their own maiden performances and encouraged each other to do better. They also made new friends and benefitted immensely from the positive and constructive feedback given by the panel of 5 judges. At the end of a tiring day amidst the laughter and celebrations, the pupils are determined to come back stronger next year! Speak Good English Movement Speak Good English Week was held in Term 2 Week 1 this year. It aims to inculcate the need to speak English that is universally understood in pupils. Other than Tongue Twisters for all levels and Storytelling at the library for Primary 1 and 2, pupils also took part in such activities as Spot the Mistake (in signs and advertisements), Catch Phrases and Idioms and Spell the Picture. To add to the merriment, the Air Studio was alive with our own GMSP Speak Good English rap and our own pupils trying out their skills as DJs for the day. For Assembly, two Primary 5 pupils did a tongue-incheek skit to emphasize the need to speak English, not ‘Singlish’. To round up the activities for the week, there was a quiz to test pupils on their ability to spot and correct mistakes. Beaming teams with their teacher-in-charge, Mr Saravanan Strategic Thrust 1 GMSP Learner (Academic Excellence) Strategic Thrust 1 4 GMSP Learner (Academic Excellence) Mother Tongue Department Fortnight The Mother Tongue Department organised the inaugural Mother Tongue Language Fortnight from the 25th March to 4th April. The MTL Fortnight aims to create a learning environment for pupils to learn more in depth about their culture and interact with one other in their mother tongue. For the Chinese department, cultural lessons such as Chinese Opera Mask Painting, Chinese Chess, Chinese Paper Cutting and Bean Art for different levels were conducted during curriculum time. The lessons provide opportunity for pupils to have a handson experience to appreciate Chinese culture and traditional arts. Pupils also get to participate in Quiz, riddles and song dedication during recess. as they tasted the cookies demonstrated how much they enjoyed themselves. The P2 pupils also had a story telling session with Ms. Jeeva Ragunath, a well-known story teller from India. The pupils were seen participating actively in the interactive story-telling experience. The P4 & P5 pupils played a traditional game called ‘Kabadi’. The P6 pupils participated in a Debate Competition. P4 to P6 pupils also learned how to make a traditional dessert. All these activities helped pupils to learn more about the Indian Culture. It also built good teacher-student relationships. As for the Malay department, the pupils were exposed to a wide range of traditional activities which promote active involvement and participation. These activities include cultural games, singing, making of “onde-onde” and to wrap up the programme, we had an Amazing Race. The MTL Fortnight is truly an enriching experience for the pupils as they demonstrated the 4Ds: Dedication, Discipline, Diligence and Determination. Furthermore, aligned with the school’s vision “To Grow in Stature with God and Man”, the pupils have definitely shown great leadership and cooperation throughout the activities. The Tamil Department also organized baking sessions for the P1 pupils to bake Tamil Alphabet cookies. The smiles on their faces Some of the artworks done by our pupils Time to make onde-onde! 看,这脸谱画得多好看啊! “I want some onde-onde too!” Let’s play congkak! ! et cookie y alphab m t a e to ait I can’t w 剪纸,不是只有华人才会。 我虽是非华族,但也能剪 出好窗花。 哦,原来如此。成功了! Debate in progress 5 P1 Healthy Sandwich Making Competition 2013 During the annual Health Month 2013 in GMSP, a slew of activities was organised to advocate leading a fit and healthy lifestyle among staff and pupils. In order to promote using healthier options in food preparation, a HealthySandwich Making Competition, sponsored by Gardenia, was implemented for the P1s. This activity was in conjunction with the English STELLAR Programme where pupils have learning experiences in context of the unit themed book that they are reading. In order to prepare the sandwiches, the pupils discussed with their teachers and decided on the ingredients they wanted to purchase at the “GM Minimart”. They used cubes to purchase the ingredients and learnt to make their own sandwiches in class before writing a personal recount using the Modified Language Experience Approach. This activity also integrated Mathematics, Health Education and Social Studies as recommended by the SEED programme. On 10 April 2013, it was a fabulous experience indeed for the little ones in when they made their own sandwiches with their classmates and parents who came down to help out with the ingredients. The little sandwich chefs’ creative creations included sandwiches with themes of the beach, a butterfly garden and animals in the zoo. One-to-One Teacher-Pupil Interaction The school believes that good Teacher-Pupil Relationship is important in cultivating good learning habits and nurturing pupils to maximise their potential. Knowing pupils beyond the classroom context is important as it gives teachers a more holistic understanding of how he/she is at home, his/her interaction with others and his/ her learning habits. Beyond academic development, the school Supporting each other socially and emotionally hopes having an interaction session will also be an opportunity for teachers to build positive bond with the pupils to influence an all-round development of the child. Hence in Semester 1 , either the Form or Co-Form Teachers of the class have conducted such sessions with pupils during pre-assembly slots or recess. Getting to know the pupil well Strategic Thrust 2 GMSP Citizen (Character Excellece) Strategic Thrust 2 6 GMSP Citizen (Character Excellece) Student Leadership 2013 With the underlying belief that ‘Every pupil a leader’ , our school aims to provide the necessary training, leadership opportunities and platforms to equip and develop our pupils in the skills and values needed to become a confident, self-directed and compassionate leader. Customised leadership cum lifeskill training was conducted for all pupils by our school counsellors. These trainings focussed on a specific skill at each level, encompassing SEL competencies, that builds their selfleadership skills. For example, P6 workshop focussed on self-motivation and goal-setting. Thereafter, teachers will follow-up with the pupils using FTGP journal as they re-visit what they have learnt and apply them. Strategizing ways to solve problems Mass Leadership Workshop was conducted to cater to pupils with class leadership potential (i.e. class committee). Besides increasing their awareness and understanding of the qualities of a GMS(P) student leader through activities focusing on these qualities and theme of the year (Leaders of Stature), the workshop will also convey and allow them to understand their respective roles and responsibilities. To develop pupils with higher leadership potential, workshops such as the Prefects’/ Junior & CCA leaders’ workshop and Prefect Council Retreat equip them with communication, creative problem solving, conflict management and planning skills. This will enable them to perform at their level platforms such as sharing their views and promoting values through the air studio and assembly talks. These platforms, ranging from school based activities to external Values-in-action projects, are provided to enable student leaders to display their leadership traits and skills. Team work in action! We will continue to strive towards a values-driven education, building each child’s capacity so that they will ‘Dare to Lead, Lead to Serve, Serve with Compassion ’! Working together towards a common goal! Learning the importance of trust and communication as a leader Class librarians trying out their cataloguing skills during mass Leadership Training Staff Welfare Committee GMSP believes that the well-being of the staff is integral to the success of our education service in nurturing the young. A deep sense of wellbeing will energise staff and enable them to connect their life and work to their inner calling and larger purpose of making a difference to the lives of others and shaping the future of the nation. This year, our focus is in promoting active living through health & fitness programme for our staff. The Singapore Health Promotion Board has granted a fund in support to our Health and Fitness initiatives. All staff were encouraged to get active together through events such as Staff Exercise Day, where we participated in a Mass Kickboxing session, and MOE Healthy Lifestyle Day where we took part in different sport activities. Some of the staff joined in a Fun & Fitness Champion Programme to lose weight and to get fit. Let us grow in Friendship, Body and Mind. We hope that GMSP will become a great place for us to Grow, Connect and Impact lives. Skillful Teacher and Peer Observation With key focus on c2015 student outcomes of education, staff are building knowledge, skills as well as constantly refining or changing our mental models towards teaching and learning. This has created an understanding of the importance of building a wide repertoire of strategies to engage pupils and how these strategies must be carefully matched to the right situation and context. This is incidentally the key concepts of The Skillful Teacher, which has provided a clear outline of all the areas of performance our teachers need to build up on moving towards becoming a Skillful Teacher. In Terms 1 and 2 , the staff looked at the chapter on Assessment, in which the purpose of assessment and the twelve components were shared–determining the task, communicating standards of performance, assessing prior knowledge, collecting data and providing feedback to inform instruction and student selfassessment. Reflections of teachers on preassessment strategies To put in practice what was learnt, teachers embarked on peer observation where they go into each other’s classrooms to observe how they conduct their lessons and whether the pre-determined area of focus, in this case pre-assessing strategies are practised in their lessons. Teachers were able to learn from each other’s lessons and their understanding of assessment was deepened as they gave constructive feedback to each other. Discussion on peer observation 7 Strategic Thrust 3 GMSP Professional (Staff Excellence) Strategic Thrust 4 8 GMSP Link (Partnerships and Organisational Excellence) Involving Stakeholders in GMSP’s Environment Education Our school’s Strategic Thrust 4: GMSP Link outlines the efforts we take towards partnership and organisational excellence. This year we are excited to include our stakeholders with the approach to Environment Education relating closely to the Character Education program. The Open Terrace known as Green Cove is primed to become a new environment education venue where teachers can bring their pupils to as an addition resource for the teaching of science and other subjects related to the environment. It is also a place that inculcates school values: Honour God, School & Nation and Respect & Compassion. What we hope to achieve with this renovated place is also for stakeholders and external organisations to use as an exhibition area where they can share about their programmes and get students involved. With more awareness of environment education, it is the school’s aim to develop everyone to Be an Earth Warrior. The Rooftop Garden is also in the works to become a vibrant area where we can get stakeholders to be joint partners in the taking care of the plants. The existing decorative plants have been cleared due to water seepage problems. Crops, vegetables and herbs are now planned to be planted in the eleven planters. The purpose for the GREEN ROOF @ GMSP is not only for the students to use in the teaching about plants but also as outreach to the community. We are very grateful to South East CDC, SMRT and NEA for supporting us through the GO GREEN SEED FUND @ SOUTH EAST on this rooftop garden project. The other partners include Loystel’s Toy and Papa Palheta for giving us used coffee grinds and chaffs as compost. The main objectives of the project are to: Pupil’s Plegde Creating our own terrariums Green cove Pupils working together with recycled materials It is also the South East CDC’s desire to see the fulfilment of the following six drivers: Bonding: Space of rooftop garden can be used for bonding activities or events. Bridging: Participants can be all types of students, staff and community can be involved. Linking: Common links to help would be the love for planting and sharing the harvest. Sustainability: Program is self-sustainable with the school caretakers and environment club helping each other. Capacity Building: Sharing sessions would be included for the community to be involved. Multiplier: Benefits for the project would get the needy to receive the harvest, teaching of skills and knowledge. 1)Create a sustainable garden where the harvest can be used to support the school’s outreach efforts. 2) Make better use of an existing space with activities for pupils, staff and even the community to bond at. 3) Avail new resources for the teaching of science and plants for pupils. Learning Festival for GMSP Parents 2013 Workshops for Parents at GMS(P) have been conducted for many years but they used to be on an ad-hoc basis. Through the positive feedback of parents and other stakeholders, they have become an annual event. The GMS(P) Learning Fest 2013 was held over 2 Saturdays in February this year, with 5 sessions on Mathematics and Science conducted on 16 February and 6 sessions on languages conducted on 23 February. New MOE initiatives such as the Peri Holistic Assessment and changes for PSLE 2015 were shared with parents, and strategies and approaches in tackling difficult areas in the core subjects were covered to equip parents with necessary skills and knowledge so that they can better supervise their children at home. Many parents were pleased with the takeaways and asked for more of such workshops to be conducted in the future. We believe that ‘it takes a village to raise a child’. It is important for schools as an educational institution to link up with likeminded partners and organisations to invest in the lives of pupils. It is hence a goal for us to see every pupil entering the school to learn and use what they learn when they depart to serve the community as a concerned citizen.