September 2011 - nc jci senate


September 2011 - nc jci senate
September 2011 NC JCI SENATE THE
President Jeff Williams # 65414 Welcome to the latest issue of our newsletter. This one is special. It's special because it's dedicated to the memory of those who perished 10 years ago on 9‐11. It's also special because it's a tribute to heroes on that day. Your fellow North Carolina JCI senators have been busy, so I'll be brief and give a few highlights: We had 40 JCI senators attend the NC Jaycees' Midyear Convention in Charlotte in August, including 3 from S. Carolina and one (Ron Whitmore #25946) from his home state of Florida. z
We are “plus” for the fiscal year! We submitted 1,161 hours officially for the Return The Favor program. Way to go! The Reverse Raffle was a significantly greater success this year than last year. Chairman Terry Jones #52694 and his committee deserve tremendous credit. Terry has the juicy details inside. Hurricane Irene was an unwelcome visitor, making first U.S. landfall near Wilmington, NC. We have a new webmaster! Bobby Saunders #53025 was honored with a national award for all of his work chairing the annual Jim Ollis Memorial Golf Tournament, held during the Region IV Calabash Beach Bash (April 13‐15) in Myrtle Beach, SC. The tournament is April 14, 2012, and the spaces will be upped from 48 to 60, so bring your best game. Our suite for the NC Jaycees' Year‐End Convention in High Point, NC (Jan. 27‐29) is booked. In about a week and a half, a number of us will be traveling to Ft. Worth, TX for the US JCI Senate Fall Boards. We'll bring back some fun stories and photos. At the beginning, I said this newsletter is special because it honors the first responders of 9‐1‐1. It is also dedicated to the men and women in uniform, not just for their work over several days, but for many days (and months and years). So, take a moment to pause, and be thankful. Thankfully yours, Jeff Williams #65414 Excellence In Action! Vice President Terry Jones #52694 Hello Fellow Senators, I want to THANK all that participated in this year’s North Carolina Senate Reverse Raffle which was held in Charlotte, NC during the NC Jaycee’s Fall Convention. I could not have done it without your generosity; you bought and sold tickets and donated door prizes for this event. There are many of you that traveled from nearby and from a great distance to help with this event. You all are appreciated more than you know and thank you for your support. I also need to thank Pam Padgett # 51341 for suggesting that I include a Silent Auction with our Reverse Raffle this year which was a big success bring in $609.00. Ticket Sales were $3911.00 and Sponsorship money is $1075.00. Total from the Reverse Raffle is $5,595.00 !! We gave $300 to the NC Boys and Girls Home, $300 to the NC Jaycee Burns Center, $300 to Duke Cancer, $1520.28 to the NC Jaycees and $500 to Al Mills #58497, our grand prize winner !! Thank you to our sponsors this year Terry Bennett #44805 owner of Sir Speedy Printing for donating the tickets, Debbie Deal #58161 and Frank Moody #54393 (LBM, Inc.) for their extra $400 donation, Mac Campbell # 32382 for his extra $75 and myself #52694. Special thank you to Kim Bode #62467 for coaching me and helping me chair this event. It was also great to see fellow NC JCI Senators who have been missing in action; several renewed their dues ! Thank you, 2011 VP & Reverse Raffle Chairman Past President Daryl and VP Terry ‘TJ’ Jones share a moment at the recent meeting in Charlotte… (right, below) President Jeff and VP Terry Jones present the Raffle Proceeds checks to NC Jaycee President Troy Powell as President‐Elect (2012) Jennifer Salmon looks on. (left, above) Chaplain Aimee Scotton #69448 Remembering . . . Most of us remember where we were on the morning of September 11, 2001 when the planes hit the twin towers. We remember the sense of disbelief and then mounting horror as the buildings fell and as reports came in regarding the Pentagon and the plane that went down in Pennsylvania. We think about the lives lost and the senselessness of these acts of terrorism, and we remember how sad and helpless it all made us feel. Now, ten years later, we still feel that senselessness. We still mourn the deaths. But we can also see that, out of that tragedy, came story after story of heroism and selflessness, stories that inspire us and that remind us that even as humans are capable of extreme violence, they are also capable of extreme sacrifice and love. We can see that this horrible event united the nation in mourning in a way that celebrations never can. It made us appreciate our families and our friends and our freedom. In the Book of Romans, it states that “all things work together for good for those who love the Lord, for those who are called according to his purpose.” This does not mean that all things are good. It doesn’t mean that all things feel good. But it does mean that God can bring good even out of the most horrible of circumstances. Nowhere is that more evident than in the events surrounding 9/11. Our God is an awesome God. Webmaster Angela Sweeney #69453 Hello everyone, I've just started as the new webmaster for the NC JCI site and wanted to take a minute to introduce myself and share what we have planned for the site. I am COB for Hickory Jaycees and a relatively new senator. I was also a Roanoke, VA Jaycee for a few years before moving to Hickory. Jeff and Ray have shared some items that need to be updated and ideas for the website. I should have new forms and addresses updated on the site soon. I'll also be checking the current links and possibly archiving dated files. What kinds of things would you like to see on the website and how would you like to use it? Is there information you've tried to find but couldn't? Take a Quick Look at I will appreciate your comments and feedback… I'm looking forward to hearing your ideas, getting started as webmaster, and getting more involved with the Senate. Editor Mike Harris 24801 Newsletter deadlines are a little flexible… I will try to get a newsletter out every two months or so. Next deadline will be Dec. 1st for mid‐December posting. After that, the dates will be Feb 1st and April 1st. These are timed to be in your computer mailbox shortly before the next scheduled NC JCI Meeting. It has been suggested that the December Winter Gathering may be moved to February, 11th (around Valentine’s Day) if we can find a sponsor/organizer, since the first week in December is so busy. The Jan. NC Jaycee/JCI Senate Meeting and Induction of new Senators will be In High Point, by the way. After that will be the Calabash Bash and Jim Ollis Memorial Golf Tournament (April 13‐15, 2012) and the NC JCI Senate’s Annual Meeting and Elections. (Probably in Pinehurst as in the past‐‐‐ not sure of the date.) Freshman Senators Chairman & Regional Director Peggy Lewis #58375 Cystic Fibrosis Telethon Experience…. Can you remember the first time you felt like something you did made a difference? Oh,! You say you have not had that experience yet…? Then let me tell you about an Event that will make you feel that way. It is the CF Telethon. I remember hearing reports from the CF project chairman as a young Jaycee (such a long time age) that the life expected of a CF Child was 12 years old. Now it is well up over 30 years. One of the CF Children I have seen grow up is Danniel Scott; she is from Wilson, NC. She is now married and comes back each year to sing on the Telethon. I can also remember when they identified the gene that carries Cystic Fibrosis. Treatments involving gene therapy have helped these children live to be adults. I work the registration table so everyone comes thru me to get on the show. I started this about 15 years ago. Some of the performers come back each year and we know one another by sight. A few give me copies of their CD’s when they leave. The CF Families all check in with me; I now have more little ones to get to watch grow up. This year a friend at work and her son went with me. They both thought it was wonderful. Her son is 9 years old and he became a runner (he did not understand why they called it runner… he walked). He worked the entire 12 hours and smiled the whole time. Once he found out what his job was he never can back to his mother or me. You, too, can make a difference. The telethon is held the 2nd Saturday in August, and with the numbers of Jaycees growing smaller we, as Senators, need to step up and help the CF Foundation and Bruce Joyner (fellow Senator) to make next year’s CF Telethon even greater. See you in New Bern next year….! Gary Jones purchased flowers for Peggy at the CF Telethon. Many NC JCI Senators helped the Winston‐Salem Jaycees at the Winston‐Salem Air Show. Mike & Pat Moritz and Kathy McNair at Reverse Raffle CJ and Pam Promote US JCI Reverse Raffle National Jaycee President & Senator #65355 Joanie Cramer (left below) (Above right) Each year, the Winston‐Salem Jaycees run food and beer tents at the air show in Winston‐Salem. This is a major ways and means project for the Winston‐Salem Jaycees. This year, several NC Jaycee Senators assisted the Winston‐Salem Jaycees by providing manpower. The Winston‐Salem Jaycees were very appreciative of the help received from the Senate! Some of the Senators who assisted included: Steve Eller, Carmen Stauffer Miller, Zahid Kathari, Jeff Williams, Kim Bode, James and Amy Barton, Scott Alexander and his wife Jill. Of Note: Last week I took a young lady (she is 30) with me to help the Cary Jaycees with concession sales at the NC State home football game. She had a good time meeting young, active people who were around her same age; she will probably help again and may eventually join the chapter. On the way home she totally surprised me: Her comment was that she was happy to meet so many active and involved young people. She said that before the evening, she had thought of Jaycees as a bunch of old people. I wonder… if my association with Jaycees is “keeping me young,” am I at the same time making the Jaycees appear to be “old…?” I certainly hope not… but that does answer one question I often ask myself: Why do the young people whom I suggest look into Jaycees rarely ever do so…? Could I (and the older JCI Senators) be giving the wrong impression about who the Jaycees are…? Mike Harris 24801 New JCI Senator Carmen Miller #70382 Three Jaycees‐‐Mitzi McLean (Winston‐Salem), Stacy Hanna and Ashley Nemeth (both from Raleigh)‐‐and I traveled to the 2011‐2012 HOBY Training Institute in Houston, TX August 11‐ 14 to receive training and important information regarding the 2012 HOBY curriculum. Over 140 adults from all over the nation were in attendance! We attended planning seminars, networked with other HOBY volunteers, and consumed lots and lots of food! Both sites are in the preliminary planning stages but you will soon be receiving updates on both sites and how you can help! HOBY‐East and HOBY‐West plan to conduct their 2012 seminars in June. North Carolina conducts 2 HOBY seminars, which are primarily run by the Raleigh Jaycees and the Winston‐Salem Jaycees. As mentioned in the previous Senate Floor newsletter, Winston‐Salem ran their first HOBY seminar at Wake Forest University June 17 – 19, as well as, Raleigh conducting HOBY‐East that same weekend at NC State University. Jeff Zabawa 67893, Christine Bauer 68689, and Kenn Kubacki 66093 all contributed to HOBY‐East this year. Carmen, Stacy, Ashley and Mitzi in Houston, TX Between both seminars, nearly 200 rising North Carolina high school juniors fostered their leadership skills and participated in meaningful community service projects. They left HOBY with the enthusiasm and ideas on how they can apply what they learned within their communities and high schools. Each year, over 9,000 teenagers nationwide participate in HOBY! New JCI Senator Cheryl Carlson #70371 I want to encourage fellow JCI Senators to join the Greenville Jaycees for its 13th Annual Shuck n’ Pluck Event. The flyer is below. JCI Senators will be given the multi‐party discount for the advance ticket purchase of $25. Contact me at to reserve your ticket today. Come out and support a chapter that is in the midst of regrowth. This is a major community service, community fundraiser, and ways & means project for the chapter. In addition, during the past few years it has been a major membership recruitment project as well. Greenville JCs would love to see their local Senators and meet other Senators in the area. Region IV Fall Bash Chairman Brian Pike #49234 Fellow Jaycees, I would like to personally invite you to attend the “Bama Bash” hosted by the Piedmont Jaycees. This will be the best conference we’ve had in years we promise! It is actually a combination of three meetings in one including the fall conference for the Alabama Jaycees; the first ever Bama Brigade Commanders Reunion; and the Region IV U.S. JCI Senate Meeting that includes the states of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina. We have a full slate of activities planned including a Friday night meal with a chili cook‐off with some delicious homemade chili, soups, and all the fixins’ followed by a Halloween Costume Party. Saturday will be SEC Football day and then Saturday evening we will have Ron Stephens and the Huntsville Jaycees preparing some home‐cooked BBQ pork and chicken, baked beans, potato salad, desert, rolls, and tea. On Saturday evening we will have a brief Alabama Jaycee meeting, Bama Bridage Meeting, and then a dance/social for all to enjoy. Food, fun, and fellowship for all! The Alabama JCI Senate will provide hospitality for the entire weekend with a full paid registration. This will include a full bar and light hors d’oeuvres. The Best Western is located right on Lake Guntersville and provides a beautiful view right from your balcony. There is plenty of fishing, golf, and shopping opportunities in the area for the whole family to enjoy. Make sure to book your rooms early as this hotel stays booked year round and make sure to mention the Alabama Jaycees to receive your discounted room rate. Also, please mail in your pre‐registration forms A.S.A.P. so we can plan on having adequate supplies of food and beverages for the entire weekend! I hope you, your family, and your chapter plan on attending to see old friends and to make new ones to last a lifetime! The registration form is attached for your convenience. Make as many copies as you like or email me and I will send it out to you. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. I’ll see you the weekend of October 14‐15 in beautiful Guntersville, Alabama! Brian Commander C‐028 Piedmont Jaycees, Inc. 2564 Gunnels Lane Oxford, AL 36203 Region IV Fall Bash October 14‐16, 2011 BEST WESTERN on Lake Guntersville 2140 Gunter Avenue Guntersville, Alabama 35976‐2114 (256) 592‐2220 REGISTRATION FORM Name: ___________________________________ Senate #: ____________ Title: ___________________ Spouse/Guest:_____________________________ Senate #:____________ Title: ___________________ Address: ___________________________ City: ______________________ State: _____ Zip: ________ Phone #: (____)_____‐______ (h) (____)____‐_____ (c) Email: __________________________________ FULL PRE‐REGISTRATION (Postmarked by Oct. 1, 2011): $59.00 _____________ FULL ON‐SITE REGISTRATION: $69.00 _____________ PARTIAL REGISTRATION OPTIONS: Friday Hospitality $15.00 _____________ Friday Night Dinner $15.00 _____________
Halloween Costume Party $10.00 _____________ Saturday Hospitality $15.00 _____________ Saturday Night Dinner $20.00 _____________ Saturday Night Party $10.00 _____________ Bama Brigade Meeting $10.00 _____________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: _____________ ROOM RATES: $81 Night King/Double (Lakeside rooms available at no extra charge) BOOK EARLY(rooms go fast due to fishing tournaments). Be sure to mention you are with the Alabama Jaycee/Senate Convention to get the room discount. EVERYONE MUST BE REGISTERED TO ENTER ANY MEETING OR HOSPITALITY ROOMS NO EXCEPTIONS! Make Checks payable to the Piedmont Jaycees and mail to: Brian Pike Bama Fall Bash 2564 Gunnels Lane Oxford, AL 36203 *Saturday golf is being scheduled, more info. on that soon. Golfing costs will be in addition to any registration costs. **Saturday shopping trip also being planned to Unclaimed Baggage Outlet Store, more details to follow! Anyone with questions or problems should contact Brian Pike at or (256) 282‐7598.