KANE BOROUGH COUNCIL JANUARY 4, 2016 CALL TO ORDER The Re-Organizational and regular Council meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Mayor Osmer. The meeting was held at the Kane Borough Building, 112 Bayard Street, Kane, PA 16735. Members were notified of the meeting on December 31, 2015. ROLLCALL Present: William Osmer (Mayor), Dennis Drost, John Gentilman, Tom Kase, Gary Schul, David Walker, Brandon Johnston, Donald Payne (Secretary), Anthony Alfieri (Solicitor), Lori Feldbauer (Recording Secretary), Tim Hold (Fire Chief), Heath Boyer (Police Chief), Philip Lingenfelter (WWTP Foreman). Excused: Joe Couch (Street Department Manager) STATEMENT OF CITIZENS ON AGENDA ITEMS None ELECTION OF OFFICERS President of Council Mr. Osmer recognized Mr. Walker who nominated Mr. Schul for President of Council. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Kase Schul Gentilman Drost Walker Johnston No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Motion carried on a 4 - 2 vote. Vice-President Mr. Osmer recognized Mr. Schul who nominated Mr. Kase for Vice-President of Council. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: Mr. Kase Mr. Schul Mr. Gentilman Yes Yes Yes 1 1,4- / ~. ~. ~. l)rost Walker Johnston )res )res )res Motion carried on a 6 - 0 vote. President Pro-Tern Mr. Osmer recognized Mr. Schul who nominated Mr. Drost for President Pro-Tern of Council. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: Mr. Kase' ~. Schul Mr. Gentilman Mr.l)rost Mr. Walker Mr. Johnston Yes )res )res )res )res Yes , Motion carried on a 6 - 0- vote. Mr. Osmer then turned the meeting over to Mr. Schul. A.PPOINTMENTS A motion was made by Mr. Gentilman, seconded by Mr. Kase, to approve the following appointments: Alfieri & Alfieri KLH Engineers Donald Payne Lori Feldbauer Haines & Company Berkheimer Jessica Gabriel =Delegate Elaine Bodistow - Alternate Delegate Solicitor Engineer Secretary Treasurer Auditor LSTIEIT Tax Collector Act 32 Delegates Motion carried. EXECUTIVE SESSION Council then entered into Executive Session for possible litigation at 4:08 p.m. REGULAR SESSION Council re-entered into Regular Session at 4:18 p.m. 2 APPROV AL OF MINUTES A motion was made by Mr. Kase, seconded by Mr. Walker, to approve the minutes of the December 14, 2015 regular monthly meeting minutes as presented. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS Resignation Letter - Councilmember Holly Harris A motion was made by Mr. Gentilman, seconded by Mr. Kase, to accept Ms. Harris' letter of resignation from Council, effective December 31, 2015. Motion carried. CORRESPONDENCE 1) McKean County Planning Commission - Correspondence regarding a proposed subdivision of property belonging to Douglas and Emily Rook. A motion was made by Mr. Kase, seconded by Mr. Gentilman, to approve the subdivision of property belonging to Douglas and Emily Rook with not comments from Council. Motion MONTHL Y REPORTS Tax Collector - Balance on duplicate - $115,819.98 Budget - Report submitted to Council A motion was made by Mr. Drost, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve the Tax Collector and Budget Reports, as presented. Motion carried. BILLS FOR PAYMENT Check detail in the amount of $20,605.94 was presented to Council for approval. A motion was made by Mr. Kase, seconded by Mr. Johnston, to approve the bills for payment and any outstanding utility billings or bills due for discount. Motion carried. STAFF REPORTS Office - Mr. Payne reported: l) Report submitted to Council. 2) Mr. Alfieri is working on the documents needed for the PIB loan. Mr. Payne hopes to get the project for this loan together soon. 3) Continuing to work on updating the violations and penalties sections of the Borough ordinances. Solicitor - Mr. Alfieri reported: 3 1) Working on the Local Government Unit Debt Act documents needed for the PIB loan. 2) Worked on a Right-to-Know appeal with Mrs. Feldbauer and noted that the appeal was dismissed by the PA Office of Open Records. 3) Putting together the tentative collective bargaining agreement with the Street and Sewer Department workers. Police - Chief Boyer reported: 1). 104 calls for service in December 2015, resulting in 44 arrests. 2) 8 calls for assistance. 3) UCRs are up-to-date. Mr. Kase brought up the issue of parking on the sidewalk in front of the Black Egg on Greeves Street and on Biddle Street near the Quick Stop Market. Mr. Payne will contact PennDOT to get their ideas on possibly removing part of the sidewalk in the area of the Black Egg with their Route 6 plans for 2018. The issue of the crosswalks on Greeves Street was put into the Public Works and Public Safety Committees. Fire Chief - Chief Holt reported: 1) !6 alarms in December with a total of 191 for 2015 and noted that there were 177 alarms in 2014. 2) Stated that he will present the 2015 report at the February meeting. ...~, WWTP - Mr. Lingenfelter reported: 1) Monthly report submitted. 2) Noted that 48 million gallons passed through the plants in December. Health Board - No report Building Permits - Report submitted Street Department - In Mr. Couch's absence Mr. Payne reported: 1) Monthly report submitted. 2) Stated that the new spreader has a 120-day delivery date. 3) Ordered rest of the garage doors for the Street Department garage. They will wait for nice weather to install them. COMMITTEE REPORTS Public Works - Mr. Kase had no report. Finance - No report 4 /P Public Safety - Mr. Schul had no report. Borough Properties - Mr. Drost reported: 1) Attended the December 18th Park Commission meeting. Cable/TeclLl1ology - Mr. Gentilman had no report. I I T - Mr. Kase reported: Vacancies on boards and commissions are listed on the Borough website. 2) Received an email from PSAB stating that the Borough's website calendar has been updated. 1) NEW BUSINESS Resolution #01-16 - Eliminating employee contributions to Police Pension Fund A motion was made by Mr. Drost, seconded by Mr. Kase, to approve Resolution #01-16 eliminating employee contributions to the Police Pension fund for the year 2016. Motion carried. Appointment of Council Member for vacancy Mr. Payne noted that four letters of interest have been received for the vacancy created on Council due to the resignation of Council member Holly Harris. Mr. Payne stated that Council could interview potential candidates and appoint at a special meeting or Council could make the appointment now. After discussion, Mr. Schul set up the Borough's Personnel Committee which consists of Council members Tom Kase (Chairperson), Dennis Drost and Brandon Johnston. It was the consensus of Council to have the Personnel Committee interview the candidates and make a recommendation to Council. Code Enforcement Officers Mr. Walker stated that he would like to see monetary restrictions for the code enforcement officers in the 2016 budget. After discussion, Mr. Payne stated that he is trying to get compliance with the hiring of code enforcement officers. Meeting Times Mr. Johnston stated that he would like to see the meeting times changed. A motion was made by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Drost, to change the meeting dates and time to the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. A roll call vote was taken with the results as follows: 5 / ~ Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Johnston Walker Drost Gentilman ~ase Schul Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No The motion carried on a 5 - 1 vote. MAYOR'S REPORT Mr. Osmer had no report. STATEMENT OF CITIZENS Lori Gordon - 319 West Pine Avenue, Kane, PA Ms. Gordon stated that she lives at the intersection of West Pine Avenue and Schoolhouse Drive. She stated that there is so much traffic and congestion in that area due to the: drop off/pick up at the daycare. She stated that people are parking their vehicles in front ofdriveways as well as on the sidewalk for extended periods oftime. Ms. Gordon stated that when the KASD owned the building there was not a problem because there was a large parking lot in the front of the building which most everyone used. She said that she heard that the trees along one side of Schoolhouse Drive were to be removed and replaced with limestone. She felt that this would cause more problems. She wondered why the large parking lot in the front of the building could not be used instead. Ms. Gordon stated that she felt that this was a safety issue and that there will be accidents here and someone will get hurt. Mr. Schul stated that he and Mr. Payne are working on a solution for this situation and have been in contact with Mr. Kurt Johnson from Kane Innovations, owners of the building. Chief Boyer stated that if someone calls and complains about parking in a "no parking" zone the officer will come down and ticket the vehicle. He urged residents when calling to use the non-emergency 91-1 number. Mick Petruney - ~earney Street, ~ane, PA Mr. Petruney requested a clear answer whether or not the public would be allowed to attend the interview meeting with the potential Council candidates. Mr. Alfieri stated that if it were a Personnel Committee meeting for the interviews he felt that it would not be a public meeting but he said it would be up to the Personnel Committee and their chairperson. Mr. Schul said that he would contact PSAB for a clear answer on this issue. Pamela Miles - KADC Director Ms. Miles notified Council of upcoming ribbon cuttings by the Chamber of Commerce. 6 Jason Eastman - 305 Greeves Street, Kane, PA Mr. Eastman stated that he purchased the property at 301 Greeves Street and will demo the existing structure in a timely manner. He said that he wanted to do it cheaper than a price that was given to him by a contractor and would like to have the opportunity to take it down himself. Mr. Payne stated that before he begins he must first obtain a demolition permit. Dave Eastman - Kane, PA Mr. Eastman asked if the demolition permit was only good for 30 days. Mr. Payne stated that the demolition permit is only good for 30 days according to the Borough's ordinance. Mr. Eastman asked about the Borough's Building Code Official declaring a building unsafe. Mr. Payne explained that Mr. Braun determines the condition of the buildings and takes the information and passes it along to him. Mr. Eastman said that he hopes that the Borough hires someone that is fair to be the Code Enforcement Officer. He thanked Borough Council for all of their work. ADJOURNMENT Being no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Kase, seconded by Mr. johnston, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried. The meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m. Lori Feldbauer, Recording Secretary 7 16