Uplink Quarterly news from SAT-7 MARCH 2011 Revolution! People Power Removes Dictators in Egypt and Tunisia 02 Wave of Arrests Leaves Iranian Church in Crisis 04 Revolution and the Arab Church 06 15 Years of Serving Arab Children 07 Revolution! People power removes dictators in Egypt and Tunisia. How is SAT-7 responding and what does it mean for the cause of Christ in the Arab World? Initially, the SAT-7 team in Cairo could not respond directly to the political unrest on-air because the authorities disconnected mobile phone lines, turned off the Internet, and instituted a restrictive curfew. But even as the SAT-7 team bunkered down for their own safety, they were preparing for the moment when they could again broadcast live from within Egypt. Once phone and Internet services were restored, SAT-7 broadcast a special edition of its weekly live show “From Me to You.” The show, which originates in SAT-7’s Lebanon studio, usually focuses on music and Bible verses to encourage its audience. But this time, on 3rd February, the same day that the world watched peaceful protesters being violently assaulted by gangs of Mubarak supporters, the SAT-7 show focused on the turmoil in Egypt. “The Egyptian Church has played a huge role in supporting the Church in Iraq...” O n 11th February 2011, the streets of Egypt erupted in celebration as Egypt’s long-serving leader Hosni Mubarak fell from power. His departure followed 18 continuous days of demonstrations in Cairo’s Tahrir Square and in other Egyptian cities. Similar protests in Tunisia had resulted in the downfall of that country’s President some three weeks earlier. How did SAT-7 respond to these unprecedented and historic events? 02 From the start of the demonstrations in Tunisia through to the resignation of Egypt’s President on 11th February, SAT-7 has broadcast on its ARABIC channel prayer requests, live phone interviews with church leaders, and even a Christian service conducted within Tahrir Square itself. The service included Christians singing and speaking to the crowd. The main speaker was an elder at the Kasr El Dobarah Church, the largest Evangelical Church in the Middle East, and a Partner with SAT-7. He told the crowd, “Jesus, Mary’s Son, also suffered from injustice. He too stood against it. He too stood against the leaders of the age. And today you are doing that—standing up for justice!” He also quoted verses from the Bible about being united and said that Christians and Muslims were standing together, “as one hand”, and the crowd repeated “as one hand” in Arabic. Naim Atef, a well-known Christian poet and author, speaking via telephone from within Egypt said, “I am proud of these young people who believe they can make a change. I love my country. I love Egypt. And I believe God has the ability to turn this situation for our good.” During the show, viewers from across the Arab world called in to express their sympathies and to pray for the situation. Particularly poignant were calls from Iraqi Christians who have suffered greatly in recent years. One pastor in Iraq said, “The Egyptian Church has played a huge role in supporting the Church in Iraq, even sending missionaries here during the time of Saddam. We send our love and our prayers for the whole Church of Egypt.” And a young Iraqi said, “We are all of one Christian family, not Iraqi, Egyptian, Syrian. We are one, and your pain is ours. We will keep praying for you as beloved members of the same body.” The hosts of “From Me to You” were able to speak to Maher Fayez on the phone. He is an Egyptian and one of the most famous Christian singers in the Arab world. Maher stressed that the whole region is undergoing a process of change, and that SAT-7 must keep alert to continue broadcasting messages of hope to millions of people in great need of guidance during such difficult times. An Egyptian viewer who watched the show later called one of SAT-7’s producers to say, “Thank you, you are truly shining a light during this time of darkness.” “I am proud of these young people who believe they can make a change. I love my country. I love Egypt. And I believe God has the ability to turn this situation for our good.” SAT-7 continued to call for prayer for the situation in Egypt and, on 12th February, the day after the announcement that Egypt’s President had given up power, SAT-7 broadcast a special live TV programme from its Cairo studio. Rev. Dr. Sameh Maurice hosted the programme and began the show by stating, “At the beginning of this very special episode, I would like to offer a very sincere ‘congratulations!’ to the Egyptian people. I am saying this from my heart to every Egyptian that loves this nation. Now every Egyptian can raise his head as high as any citizen of any other democratic country. It is the right of the people to choose for themselves. Congratulations to the great young people that led this revolution, the revolution of freedom.” Pastor Sameh also offered his sincere condolences to the families of the estimated 300 people who lost their lives fighting for Egypt’s freedom. One caller to the programme said, live on air, “Allow me to say in the beginning that what made me go out from the first day and join the Egyptian crowds was a very personal motive. I was not ordered or told to go, but my Christian conscience and the work of God in me told me that I cannot pray for the people of Egypt and then, when I see them going out to demand change, sit at home and pray more. I respect all points of view, whether they agree or disagree with me, but my own conscience was telling me that what we will see is the real change that God wants to bring upon our country and its people.” “We are all of one Christian family, not Iraqi, Egyptian, Syrian. We are one, and your pain is ours. We will keep praying for you as beloved members of the same body.” This caller had been tear gassed, had helped protect a policeman from being beaten, and had constantly cried out “Be peaceful” in demanding a peaceful change. And when the President finally stepped down and the streets erupted with joyful celebration, this Christian demonstrator said, “I cried because I never imagined, even for one day in my life, that I would live to see a day like this in Egypt!” How you can help Praise God for the new spirit of unity that has appeared between people of different faiths. Pray for those who have lost loved ones in the demonstrations. Pass your copy of Uplink on to a friend when you have finished with it. 03 News SAT-7 PARS News SAT-7 TÜRK broadcasts 20 hours a day on Hot Bird 8 at 13˚ East 10.949 GHz V broadcasts on the same frequency as SAT-7 PARS at 09:30-11:30 and 21:30-23:30 CET New Opportunities For SAT-7 PARS Wave of Arrests Leaves Iranian Church in Crisis SAT-7 PARS helping to fill the void as “Virtual Pastor” to the masses N umerous Christians and church leaders have been arrested in Iran in recent weeks. As a result, their flocks have scattered and many house churches have closed. In consequence, Christian leaders say that Christian satellite TV is playing an ever more important role in supporting isolated Iranian believers. Pastor Hovsepian on SAT-7 PARS One of these church leaders recently told the head of SAT-7 PARS, “You have become more crucial, because we aren’t able to work with as many people in Iran anymore. But you can. So you have more responsibility to fill the gap left by house church leaders being arrested. You have to be there.” 04 “Satellite TV has taken the Church into people’s homes and has made their homes into God’s home.” Edward Hovsepian, a well known Iranian church leader now living in the UK and who hosts some programmes on SAT-7 PARS says, “Satellite TV has taken the Church into people’s homes and has made their homes into God’s home.” He also confirmed that SAT-7 PARS is helping train new leaders at a time when they are desperately needed. “One of the programmes we have is designed to help the church grow by training leaders. We want to give them hope and to develop and support them. We are moving forward with these plans in faith and hope.” Pastor Hovsepian believes that the serious challenges facing the Church in Iran will eventually result in a positive outcome. “The current suffering in Iran is helping some church groups become more rooted in their faith. I believe that we are actually at a point of great significance in the history of Christianity in Iran.” Over recent years huge numbers of Christians have left Iran, mainly to escape the increasing levels of persecution and violence against their community. Many of them – perhaps more than 100,000 – are now living in the United Kingdom. The UK is also home to a significant number of Persian churches, seminaries and ministries. Being unable to make programmes in Iran, and with only a small Iranian community in Cyprus from which to draw technicians and hosts, SAT-7 PARS has opened a production studio in London, tying in to the local Persian community’s strengths for the benefit of the indigenous church within Iran itself. Pastor Hovsepian of an Iranian church in London is one of those whom SAT-7 PARS has been able to call on to present teaching programmes on leadership, and the suffering Church. The new studio is enabling SAT-7 PARS to increase the amount of hours of live programming broadcast to Iran, from six hours to ten hours per week, and they hope to add more live programmes in the near future. The studio is also large enough that the PARS team has no need to rent separate office space for its Audience Relations manager and technical crew. Working to Become a 24/7 Internet Broadcaster! O Dandelion PARS leaders are very excited about the new studio arrangement that is helping the channel better fulfil its mission to support and strengthen the Christian community in Iran. ver the last year, the output of the SAT-7 TÜRK production team has more than doubled from 50 to 120 hours of new TV programming! The ramp-up in production began a year ago when the Turkish channel fully merged with SAT-7, with the goal of becoming a 24-hour broadcaster. The next step for SAT-7 TÜRK is to begin a 24-hour online broadcast stream of its programmes. The channel will also continue to broadcast on satellite TV for four hours a day, on the SAT-7 PARS frequency, but going 24/7 online will give SAT-7 TÜRK the ability to reach more Turks than ever before, because viewers will be able to access the channel at anytime, day or night. It will also help the SAT-7 TÜRK team prepare to become a fully-fledged 24-hour broadcaster in anticipation of gaining access to their own designated satellite channel, sometime in the future. Streaming their programmes online will also give the channel the ability to do one more thing it has never done before: go live! “This is something we are really looking forward to and hope to do as soon as possible,” says David Middleton, the channel’s Executive Director. “We want to broadcast live because we know that viewers really want to call in and interact with our hosts, to feel a part of what’s going on and to get their questions answered immediately and personally.” David adds, “Starting out online gives our team a chance to learn about the process and to reach and bless viewers at the same time!” “Thank you very much for your programmes. You are a blessing to me and other Christians.” Text message from E in Turkey 05 News SAT-7 ARABIC News SAT-7 KIDS broadcasts 24/7 on Nilesat/AB4A at 7˚ West 11.355 GHz V Reaching Preschoolers to Pre-Teens: SAT-7 KIDS Launches Age-Specific Schedule New Freedom Brings Vision of Heaven to One SAT-7 Viewer “I was one of the people praying for Egypt, “Oh Lord, save our country!” I am so happy that the Lord is good and has provided a solution, and I am very glad that today there is freedom. We didn’t go to any protests because my husband was worried it wouldn’t be safe for us. Yesterday, however, I begged my husband to go down to the street. So we went and walked amidst the people. We got teary eyes from what we saw and then the Lord gave me a small revelation. There were so many people and all of them were shouting and happy and I said, ‘Oh Lord, is this what the crowds will look like in heaven? And instead of shouting for Egypt, we will be praising you!’ It was a beautiful thing to see. I feel the Lord wanted me to see it because I feel I will see it in heaven. S 06 “I would like to ask you to pray for the church in Iraq as well as for the churches in Egypt. We need to be strong and peaceful.” From an Egyption viewer People on the streets of Jordan, Algeria, Bahrain, Libya, Yemen and Iran have also been demanding political change but the outcomes of the uprisings in those countries are, as of writing, far less certain. Andrea El Mounayer’s story O What do the Tunisian and Egyptian Revolutions Mean for the Church in the Arab World? AT-7 exists to be a voice for the local church and continues to call for prayer for Egypt, Tunisia, and the rest of the Arab World, since the political future of all these nations remains uncertain. But many Egyptian and Tunisian Christians see the relatively peaceful removal of their long-serving leaders as the result of prayer and they have great hopes for the future. One Tunisian pastor, whose teaching programmes are broadcast on SAT-7, says that Tunisian Christians believe they will now have opportunities previously denied to them, including the ability to officially register new churches and Bible schools. 15 Years of Serving Arab Children Everyone knows that children of different ages must be taught differently. Churches and schools around the world divide their pupils into different age groups. SAT-7 KIDS has recently made room in its schedule for three different audiences to receive age-specific teaching and programming. “And instead of shouting for Egypt, we will be praising you!” But Arab (and Persian) Christians everywhere agree that people must continue to pray for the entire region. The expectations for positive change are high and, in many cases, unrealistic – more jobs, higher salaries, cheaper food, political change and the creation of more democratic institutions cannot all happen overnight! But do pray that the processes set in motion will continue and that, under the guiding hand of God, we may begin to see more open and just Arab societies, where the Church can freely give glory to Jesus and where Christians will be treated as fellow citizens, and not as a second-class religious minority. Egyptian children The new schedule is broken down into two hour blocks of programming specifically designed for ages 2 to 4, 5 to 8, and 9 to 12, respectively. The channel’s producers say that breaking the schedule up in this way will help them create more age-appropriate shows, promotions, quizzes and teaching elements tailored precisely to help each audience better learn about God’s love. “Hi. My brother and I adore the “Bedtime Story” programme and we love to listen to the wonderful stories from the Bible. Thanks and blessings.” SAT-7 KIDS broadcasts 24/7 on Nilesat/AB4A at 7˚ West 11.355 GHz V n 31st May 1996, SAT-7 first went on air. Before that could happen, however, Andrea had to be up all night editing SAT-7’s first ever programmes. “It was crazy,” she says. “I remember taking naps on the studio couch as we worked late into the night to meet the deadline.” In her career with SAT-7, Andrea has done just about everything. She started out as a technical person, running cameras and editing video. She then became an actor; “I’ve been ‘Angelo the Alien’ and ‘Lala the Clown’ and ‘Booly the Naughty Little Boy,’” she says with a laugh. While she was acting, she started to write and produce TV programmes as well. Today Andrea is the Children’s Production Manager in SAT-7’s Lebanon studio, responsible for at least six different productions at a time, a growing crew of people, the SAT-7 KIDS broadcast schedule, and its website – which is currently going through a major redesign. Why does Andrea have such a passion for children’s television? Partly it’s because when she was a child, she and her sister would watch happy, fast-moving children’s cartoons as a way to keep their young minds from being overwhelmed by the Lebanese Civil War which raged around them. But Andrea’s drive also comes from a belief that TV can change the world. “Initially when I started working in TV, I didn’t have children in mind. But when I started acting in children’s programmes, I caught the vision that…if we want to change the world we have to start with children. You may not see the results now—but you will in the future.” Andrea is passionate about helping children know they are loved by God and that they can always turn to Him for help and guidance. Andrea shares from her heart, “My teen years were full of rejection and rebellion. In front of my father I was a good kid but inside me there was a big wave of rage and a cynical attitude towards people and life. When I look back, I can see how much God was merciful towards me, how He protected me. God helped me by producing major changes in me. He believed in me when I was wrecked and desolate [before I knew Him], and that is exactly what I am planning to do for others. My mission is to seek to possess this same merciful and loving heart that God showed me. And I pray that my life will be like a torch for others to lead them on the path of our Lord Jesus Christ.” From a 5 year old girl in Kuwait 07 Christian satellite television by and for the people of the Middle East and North Africa SAT-7 Celebrates 15 Years Satellite TV Ministry! O n Friday the 31st of May 1996, SAT-7 officially went on the air. That historic first two-hour broadcast followed three to four years of research, planning, fundraising and prayer. The formal partnership itself was only created six months earlier. That left relatively little time for a technical team to be put together. But once in place, they worked feverously to create SAT-7’s first programs. The production team actually missed their first broadcast deadline! But when the channel did finally begin transmitting, viewers were amazed. The first caller to respond to that initial broadcast simply said, “Mish Maoul!,” “This is unbelievable – Arab Christians on TV! ” Up until this time many people had said that it was impossible for an Arab Christian Satellite TV station to launch. “It is too expensive,” some said, citing the astronomical costs of analog satellite broadcasts in the mid 1990’s. “You will never be allowed to do it,” said those who worried that local governments would interfere. “Local Christians will be afraid to go in front of a camera,” lamented others. And yet, SAT-7 not only started broadcasting on that day 15 years ago, but has since thrived and grown into a multi-channel network. Today SAT-7 consists of five distinct channels broadcasting in three languages: SAT-7 ARABIC, SAT-7 KIDS (the first and only 24-hour Christian channel exclusively for Arab children), SAT-7 PLUS (the best programs from ARABIC & KIDS, on a second satellite), SAT-7 PARS (Persian Christian programming) and SAT-7 TÜRK (Turkish Christian programming). Additionally the ministry now has ministry offices and studios in Cyprus, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey and London - which employ around 130 local Christian staff and work with hundreds of freelancers. Those brothers and sisters are the best qualified to create programs customdesigned to meet the needs of our audiences across the Middle East and North Africa. Rita El Mounayer, Executive Director for SAT-7’s three Arabic channels is one of the few current staff members who worked on that first SAT-7 broadcast. Rita is amazed at how the ministry has grown over the years, “I think the most important development is the team God has helped us assemble today. We really struggled for many years to find people who had both the needed skills and the vision in their hearts for this ministry. “But today”, Rita says, ”qualified, Middle-Eastern Christians are seeking out SAT-7! Rita adds, “We’re very excited about our new shows and the people who want to make a difference in the life of our viewers. And we can see how much our programs are impacting people, especially those in crisis. I was recently very touched to see how Iraqis were, on-air, encouraging Egyptians during the recent unrest there. The Iraqis are going through so much themselves and yet they are calling into our shows to pray for and encourage others! It’s beautiful.” Helping Middle Eastern Christians minister through the medium of satellite television, and witness to the hope of Christ that lies within them, is what SAT-7 is all about, and what it has been about these past fifteen years! International Bankers International Office The Cyprus Popular Bank Evagorou Branch 39 Evagorou Avenue CY-1066 Nicosia, Cyprus SAT-7, P.O. Box 26760 CY-1647 Nicosia, Cyprus Phone: (357) 22 76 10 50 Fax: (357) 22 76 10 40 E-mail: Swift Code (BIC): LIKICY2N Account name: SAT-7 International Trust Account numbers: USD Account: 013-33-004591 IBAN: CY86 0030 0013 0000 0013 3300 4591 GBP Account: 013-33-004583 IBAN: CY11 0030 0013 0000 0013 3300 4583 EUR Account: 013-31-029732 IBAN: CY88 0030 0013 0000 0013 3102 9732 To make a donation or for more information visit the websites below or contact your local office SAT-7 English Website: Channel Websites: ARABIC: KIDS: TÜRK: PARS: PLUS: European Office P.O. Box 117 DK-6070 Christiansfeld, Denmark Phone: (45) 40 33 66 59 E-mail: A Middle E astern fo llower of Christ
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