Journal of Urban Design The Future of a Chinese Water Village
Journal of Urban Design The Future of a Chinese Water Village
This article was downloaded by: [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] On: 11 March 2014, At: 22:48 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Journal of Urban Design Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: The Future of a Chinese Water Village. Alternative Design Practices Aimed to Provide New Life for Traditional Water Villages in the Pearl River Delta a b d Peter C. Bosselmann , G. Mathias Kondolf , Feng Jiang , Bao c d Geping , Zhang Zhimin & Liu Mingxin c a Department of City and Regional Planning , College of Environmental Design, University of California at Berkeley , USA b Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning , College of Environmental Design, University of California at Berkeley , USA c Department of Landscape Architecture , South China University of Technology , Guangzhou, China d Research Center of Architecture History and Culture, South China University of Technology , Guangzhou Published online: 25 Mar 2010. To cite this article: Peter C. Bosselmann , G. Mathias Kondolf , Feng Jiang , Bao Geping , Zhang Zhimin & Liu Mingxin (2010) The Future of a Chinese Water Village. Alternative Design Practices Aimed to Provide New Life for Traditional Water Villages in the Pearl River Delta, Journal of Urban Design, 15:2, 243-267, DOI: 10.1080/13574801003638053 To link to this article: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors, and are not the views of or endorsed by Taylor & Francis. The accuracy of the Content should not be relied upon and should be independently verified with primary sources of information. Taylor and Francis shall not be liable for any losses, actions, claims, proceedings, demands, costs, expenses, damages, and other liabilities whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with, in relation to or arising out of the use of the Content. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Journal of Urban Design, Vol. 15. No. 2, 243–267, May 2010 Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village. Alternative Design Practices Aimed to Provide New Life for Traditional Water Villages in the Pearl River Delta PETER C. BOSSELMANN*, G. MATHIAS KONDOLF**, FENG JIANG‡, BAO GEPING†, ZHANG ZHIMIN‡ & LIU MINGXIN† *College of Environmental Design, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California at Berkeley, USA; **College of Environmental Design, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning, University of California at Berkeley, USA; †Department of Landscape Architecture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou, China; ‡Research Center of Architecture History and Culture, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou ABSTRACT Chinese cities have experienced unprecedented growth and transformation in the recent decades. Urban expansion into former agricultural land and the incorporation of villages into urbanized areas are commonly observed. This paper focuses on the current city extension of Foshan into the river landscape of the Pearl River Delta. The authors examine a group of water villages that will become part of Foshan’s new city centre. A morphological analysis of settlement forms is used in combination with a fluvial morphological analysis of the water system. Through direct observation, select interviews with villagers, mapping and measurements, an international design team developed proposals demonstrating how social and ecological conditions can be incorporated into the design of Foshan’s new urban centre, producing a transformation that has roots in the village’s essential spatial structure and the functioning of its water system. Introduction The Pearl River Delta Region (Figure 1) experienced the consequences of China’s 1978 economic reforms earlier than other parts of the country. Due to its history as a gateway into China and its location near Hong Kong, investments in industry arrived earlier in the Delta Region than, for example, in Shanghai or other coastal regions. The delta is now home to a greater concentration of manufacturing plants than anywhere in the world, and is the origin of many consumer goods that can be found on store shelves worldwide. At the time of the 2000 census, the Greater Pearl River Delta Region, which includes Hong Kong, Macao and the Pearl River Economic Zone of Guangdong Province, had a population of 31 million registered inhabitants, or 48 million when including migrant workers from rural parts of China (Greater Pearl River Delta, no date). The Delta Region’s gross domestic product (GDP) reached 282 billion USD by 2000, with an annual growth rate of Correspondence Address: Peter C. Bosselmann, College of Environmental Design, Department of City and Regional Planning, University of California at Berkeley, USA. Email: 1357-4809 Print/1469-9664 Online/10/020243-25 q 2010 Taylor & Francis DOI: 10.1080/13574801003638053 Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 244 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 1. Pearl River Delta, an urban region of 50 million inhabitants. Source: Berkeley GISC, utilizing Landsat 2000 satellite data. 13.5%. The explosion of manufacturing in this region has been accompanied by rapid urbanization and a transformation of land and water, much of which has occurred more rapidly than the official planning process can keep pace. The lifeline of the region is the Pearl River, which is composed of three rivers that debouch into a common estuary. The main branch, the Xi Jiang (West River), originates over 2000 kilometres to the west in Yunnan Province, a mountainous region to the east of the Himalayas. With its many tributaries, the Xi Jiang drains over 353 120 square kilometres of southwestern China. With an average discharge of 7580 m3s21, it is by far the largest affluent to the Delta (SCUT, no date). Its main flow meets the northern branch of the Pearl River, Bei Jiang, in the western portion of the Delta and connects there during floods, but turns sharply to the south and exits west of Macao into the South China Sea. The Pearl River Delta was formed by sediments deposited at the mouths of the western, northern and eastern branches. Much of the land in the Delta was deposited within the past millennium (Figures 2a and 2b). Since the Ming Dynasty (1368 – 1644) an extensive open estuary has been filled by alluvial sediments, traversed by the many tributaries and distributaries of the three rivers. The city of Guangzhou, capital of Guangdong Province and, in the West, still better known as Canton, was founded in 214BC on what was then the main branch of the Bei Jiang, the ‘North River’. As the main flow of the Bei Jiang shifted southward in the 7th century towards another distributary, the Fen Jeng, the city of Foshan developed along its banks. Foshan was one of the Four Famous Towns in Late Imperial China, and is now Guangdong’s third largest city (Figure 3). The natural history of the changing river system has been well recorded since Guangzhou opened to the West in the 17th century; it was the first Chinese city to permit foreign trade. Since that time, the commercial importance of navigation made it necessary to chart the complex river system, and the approaches to Guangzhou and Foshan were well documented on maps. Water Villages This paper focuses on the City of Foshan and one water village in particular, Dadun, within the prefecture of Foshan and now part of the its new City Centre. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 245 Figure 2a and 2b. Growth of the Pearl River Delta, based on historical maps. Source: adapted from Marks (1998). Dadun exemplifies many characteristics typical of water villages in the Pearl River Delta. The history of the village reaches back to the Qing Dynasty (17th century), when the low-lying alluvial lands of the Delta were densely settled in a characteristic pattern of canals, fish ponds and ‘water villages’. Water villages are crossed by canals and surrounded by fishponds, with a large banyan tree typically marking each entrance to the village (Figure 4). The tree-lined canals and dense spacing of buildings create a compelling, intimate urban experience (Figure 5) with a cool micro-climate during hot summer months. The network of canals provides a convenient water supply and method of transport using narrow boats (Wu, 1995). Although the many branches of the Pearl River that cross the Delta are channelled by levees, major floods (2.5 metres deep) inundated the low-lying region in 1915, in 1924 (knee-deep, or about 0.35 metres), and again in 1962 (2.3 metres-deep) (Liang, 1988). In the 1962 flood, the levees failed, causing extensive flood-plain inundation. Many residents took refuge from the flood in the second and third floors of buildings, an experience that has motivated the construction of multi-storey buildings in Delta villages since.1 Silk Worms and Fish Farms Traditionally, until the 1980s, villagers such as those in Dadun derived their livelihood from a combination of aquaculture, silkworm cultivation and growing fruit trees, vegetables and flowers in garden plots (for subsistence and market trade). Villagers cultivated mulberry trees on the berms between ponds, and fertilized the trees with nutrient-rich mud, excavated from the fishponds when they were periodically drained (Figure 6). They harvested the leaves of the mulberry trees and fed them to silk worms, whose larvae they sold to silk processing facilities in the region (Marks, 1998). Organic matter, notably the dung of silkworms, served as food for fish.2 Villagers also collected their ‘night soil’ (faeces) to put on garden plots as fertilizer. This traditional practice is highlighted Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 246 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 3. Maps showing southward migration of the main branch of the North River from the 18th to the 21st century. Source: adapted from Marks (1998). Figure 4. Map of canals and fish ponds outside Dadun. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 247 Figure 5. The main canal in Dadun. Note the stone faced sides of the canal and the steps that lead down to the water, wherever a lane meets the canal. Source: photo by Bosselmann. as an example of a sustainable, closed system, in which the waste products from one process were utilized in another (Bruenig et al., 1986). From 1925 to 1930, the silk industry developed rapidly, creating strong demand for silkworm larvae. In Dadun during this time, approximately 60% of the cultivated area was taken up by mulberry trees and 40% by fishponds. The farmers could make several times more per unit area of cultivation by combining silk and fish production, than by growing rice or other crops (Liang, 1988). The farmers sold the silkworm larvae to a small nearby silk factory, one of the many that were scattered around the region. Shortly before World War II, this nearby factory closed, and silk production in Dadun ceased until the 1960s. From the 1960s to the 1980s, the government required farmers to rebuild the silk production. However, by the 1980s, silk production was negatively affected by air pollution, and the industrialization of silk production in large factories resulted in low prices for silkworm larvae, causing silk production in Dadun to cease once Figure 6. Traditional fish pond operation and garden plots on adjacent lands, showing energy and nutrient flows in a closed system, in which wastes from one function were utilized in other functions. Source: diagram by Kondolf. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 248 P. C. Bosselmann et al. again (Liang, 1988). Most mulberry trees were cut, and land use adjacent to the fishponds shifted to other cash crops, such as flowers, or to garden plots. After this change, farmers in Dadun began purchasing food to feed their fish, and this richer food was probably responsible for the episodes of anoxia that began to occur in the ponds, typically triggered by changes in the weather such as heat waves. With the advent of electric water pumps in the 1960s, farmers could easily empty the ponds to harvest the fish, allowing them to harvest annually instead of every few years as had previously been the practice (Liang, 1988). After the construction of several large fertilizer plants in 1972, chemical fertilizers became widely available, and the traditional practice of collecting night soil for use as fertilizer was gradually discontinued. Since the human faecal matter was no longer used as a resource, it became a waste product, and toilets were installed that discharged either directly to canals or to pipes that drained into the canals. Urbanization of Agricultural Land Since the opening of Guangdong Province to investment and trade in 1978 and the explosive industrialization that ensued, Pearl River Delta cities such as Guangzhou and Foshan have expanded rapidly. In 1990, Guangzhou had a population of 3 million; in 2005, it had 7.4 million permanent residents (see City of Guangzhou, no date) and (as estimated in 2003) 4.2 million ‘floating people’, a Figure 7. Master plan proposed by Sasaki Associates (2003) and modified by the Foshan City Planning Department (City of Foshan). Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 249 working population from various rural parts of China that migrated to the Delta Region in search for work. Twenty kilometres to the southwest of Guangzhou, Foshan, one of the fastest-growing cities in the Delta, grew through annexation and emigration from 323 000 inhabitants in 1990, to 4 million (see Population of Guangdon City, no date) 10 years later. This trend continues as the city grows southward, jumping over the Dong Ping River, its former southern limit. An impressive new bridge now links the newly-constructed stadium with the old city centre. The south bank has been designated a new city centre for Foshan, and a plan developed by Sasaki Associates, Inc. in 2003 (Sanchez-Ruiz, 2003) was selected in a competition, and adopted (with modifications) by the city (Figure 7). While the plan’s text called for landscape elements to be “built according to the existing natural context, such as canal, lake, island, hill, wetland”, the plan did not acknowledge the complex pre-existing system of canals and the traditional water villages based upon them. The plan evidently assumed the water villages would be erased and replaced with an entirely new urban structure. An eight-lane road was proposed to pass through what is now the centre of Dadun village. The villagers resisted, asserting their ownership rights to village land and dissatisfaction with the compensation offered by the government. As a result, the new road now stops abruptly at the edge of the village. The Sasaki Plan is thus partially constructed: completed elements include the city’s new stadium, a large media headquarters building and a central park, whose water features include a meandering, decorative canal. Since the water quality in the canals in Dadun is compromised due to the discharge of untreated sewage, the authorities have installed a water gate along the northern boundary of the village, disconnecting the polluted waters of the village canals from contaminating the decorative canal in the new park. This disconnection has exacerbated the contamination problem within the village by eliminating flushing from the north, although the village canals still have one connection to the larger canal system (and ultimately the Dong Ping River) to the east, which induces a tidal range of about 1 metre in the eastern end of the village canal network. The Sasaki Plan called for a large, decorative landscaped lake and a symmetrically meandering canal. These features have been built in a modified form. The lake measures 230 metres in diameter and the canal is approximately 30 metres wide and 500 metres long. The new lake is substantially larger than any existing water body on the site, and the new canal is several times wider than any existing canals. These new features are too wide to be shaded and so will receive direct sunlight over their entire surface. However, the Sasaki Plan did not present or refer to analyses of water temperature and water quality in the proposed lake and canal, anticipated loading of nutrients, expected rates of flushing by tides, or detail whether this flushing would be sufficient to keep pace with the eutrophication of such nutrient-laden waters when exposed to direct sun. The Rapidly Changing Cultural Landscape Today in China, great pressures on cultural landscapes have helped to create an awareness of the lacking conceptual foundations capable of guiding past and current planning practices (Whitehand & Gu, 2006). Past development practices, such as encapsulating villages (erasures are rare) with new housing and industry, are being met with much resistance; the villagers of Dadun proved no exception. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 250 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 8. Modified Road Grid to bypass ‘Water Villages’. Source: collage by Sugrue). At the national level, land development practices are now being reconsidered in light of their social and environmental consequences. Dadun’s resistance is consistent with a revised national policy that China’s President, Hu Jintao, proposed to the October 2006 Central Committee meeting, in which he called on the committee to “build a harmonious socialist society”.3 This shift in policy was designed to address the widening gap between rich and poor in Chinese society and the environmental degradation associated with prior policies, which had aimed to ‘expand the economy’ at any cost. The October 2007 party congress and re-election of President Hu Jintao confirmed the commitment to better urbanization practices, where “new developments meet the old with greater harmony”.4 The Foshan-Dadun example is far from unique, and similar conflicts are likely to arise in coming decades throughout the Delta Region as government officials interpret what a more harmonious co-existence between new and old might entail. As an alternative to confrontation, a ‘harmonious’ integration of such villages into the newly-developing urban fabric would create a green belt of ponds, canals and villages within the new centre, as shown (Figure 8). The villages could play an economically viable and socially important role as distinct districts within the new cities. To date, there are no models for such successful integration of water villages in the Delta. However, if such an approach could be articulated and disseminated, it may be possible to avoid some future social conflicts, and preserve the unique cultural and environmental attributes of such villages while the surrounding landscape transforms. However, ‘harmonious integration’ would also need to address the changing demographics of the population that now occupy the villages, especially the large influx of a young migrant workforce from rural parts Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 251 of China that have taken up residence in the villages in order to work in nearby industries. This paper presents results of a collaborative study between faculty and students of the South China University of Technology (SCUT) and the University of California Berkeley (UCB), in which the authors worked with city and village leaders to develop strategies to preserve and restore fluvial patterns, and to transform the urban patterns of Dadun village and its four neighbouring water villages to suit the needs of all villagers, including the migrant population. From this experience and research in other such villages, a general approach is proposed to integrate distinct villages into newly-developing urban areas, articulated through a set of planning and design principles. The approach proposed here should also be applicable to other villages throughout the Pearl River Delta. The work proceeded in three steps. First, the methods included detailed observations combined with interviews with village leaders, as well as a review of the literature that was available to the authors. This preliminary research made it possible to articulate hypothetical design approaches that addressed a gradual transformation of the settlements within a fragile cultural and ecological landscape. Second, fieldwork was conducted, water quality was measured, and investigations examined planned sewer systems, road networks, and topics related to village morphology and building typology. Use of public spaces by the villagers was also recorded and maps were made of urban form using photographic records and satellite data. Third, design principles were illustrated as a partial test of the hypotheses. Observing, Listening and Reading Villages within Cities The integration of rural villages into expanding cities is a current and common phenomenon in China. Like the expanding cities of the industrialized world at the turn of the 19th to the 20th centuries, Chinese villages are being absorbed into new urban structures. As in the West, the current rapid urbanization in China follows regular geometric patterns. Wide and straight roads form a large-scale grid of city blocks that accommodate sizeable building footprints with high land utilization. If villages are encapsulated into the new urban fabric, the new regular urban pattern is interrupted by an obviously older pattern of narrow irregular pathways, small blocks and the occasional historic structure, frequently an ancestor’s hall or a shrine. Literally translated, “villages within a city” can easily be spotted on drives through the recently built city extensions in Guangzhou and Foshan. The reasons why villages have become encapsulated into the expanding cities and why villages were not simply erased is related to historically defined rights. During the ‘Long March’, Mao Zedong severed China’s long feudal tradition, which had ruled the existence of an estimated 300 million landless farmers (Ping Li, 2003). As a result of land reforms, the Chinese farming population was given autonomy of operation, including land ownership (Ping Li, 2003). At the same time, the land reform, known as ‘tu gai’, solidified support among the rural population, who had been active participants in the Chinese revolution of 1949— referred to in China as the 1946 –1950 ‘War of Liberation’ (Ping Li, 2003). In the mid-1950s, following the Soviet Russian models, individual rights to property Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 252 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 9. The benefits for the migrant population who find housing in Dadun are rarely acknowledged. Source: photo by Bosselmann. were converted to collective rights, which have been maintained to the present day (Ping Li, 2003). The village as a farming collective holds authority over land use rights and controls development independent of neighbouring city or prefecture government. As the neighbouring city expands onto farmland, the collective is compensated for their loss of land. The villagers transfer their remaining land, including their homestead, into 30-year land leases for industry or commerce, or 50-year leases for residential property. Inside the village, villagers frequently rent housing to migrant workers, the so-called ‘floating population’. Thus, the former farmer becomes a landlord and the village becomes an enclave for migrants. The incentive to increase density in the former rural village has led to new four or five-storey cinderblock construction replacing the original one-storey farm buildings. The already narrow lanes become narrower as building heights ascend and upper floors cantilever until they nearly touch each other across the lane. The lanes are damp and dark even during the day and the migrant population quickly outnumbers the local villagers by a sizeable factor. The rental income gained can be invested and some villagers prefer to move into nearby modern high-rise apartments. The neighbouring city authorities frequently perceive village conditions as undesirable; urban villages are considered slums, overpopulated, full of precarious construction, and plagued by severe infrastructure deficiencies and sometimes social disorder. Rarely acknowledged are the benefits for the migrant population (Figure 9). For the growing pool of migrant workers, much work is readily available, but there are few affordable places to live. The relatively cheap housing in the urban villages is vital for the existence of low labour costs, thus to the economy of the region (Ma & Wu, 2005). A research team from the Berlage Institute in The Netherlands, together with planners at South China University of Technology, have identified four stages of village transformation in the Pearl River Delta (Uehara, 2004).The first, the ‘village stand-alone’ phase is replaced by the beginnings of urbanization, as in the case of Dadun, where a new road grid points towards the village. In the second, ‘target’ phase, the former farming village transforms into a village within the city. The Future of a Chinese Water Village 253 The local government reclassifies farmland as ‘land for collective development’ or ‘housing based land’ and starts farmland compensation procedures. The Dutch group labels this third phase as ‘swallowing, extrusion and amputation’. The three terms describe the encapsulation of the village, the increase in land utilization up to a ratio of five times the land area, and the breaking of wide roads through the former village, dividing the village in the process. In a fourth phase, rarely observed thus far, erasure of the village is expected.5 Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 Dadun Village within the City of Foshan In the winter of 2008, Dadun village was at the beginning of the second phase. The village had become a target. The ‘floating population’ of an estimated 6000 people already outnumbered the 3500 permanent residents. Dadun, like the neighbouring villages, was still traversed by a system of canals and surrounded by fishponds. Until the recent past, the canal network was connected to the Dong Ping River, whose tidal fluctuations induced a circulation through the connected canal system. Dadun had maintained a classic water village structure, with its basic form determined by the canals and its lanes arranged perpendicular to the canals. Its traditional pattern of fish ponds and silk production has been abandoned, and with the explosion of industrial growth in the region, villagers have leased some surrounding agricultural land to industry and intensified land use within the village to create rental units in order to meet the housing demand created by the large population of immigrants from other parts of China. Setting The setting of a village in a river landscape held great attraction to the participants in this collaborative study. Dadun’s spatial structure of lanes, canals and public spaces was of high quality. The participants were impressed by the canals with their stone-faced walls. Two centuries ago, in a concerted effort, identical stone rings were carved into natural stone blocks to serve as ties for boats. Wherever a lane meets a canal at right angle, steps lead down to the water. Ancestor halls of the two predominant families, the Her and the Liang, open out to medium sized squares. Remnants of two watchtowers remind visitors that the village was once a wealthy market town and that the need for protection was of some urgency. Apparently, the two leading families had been in a state of feud at some time in the past. Remnants of a wall that separated the village could still be seen near an ancient shrine at the centre. There, next to the Buddhist shrine, a bosque of old trees enclosed a formal stone-faced pond. Observations of Dadun quickly led to an understanding of how the village had functioned in the river landscape of the Pearl River Delta. The elements of the landscape that were observed had formed the basis of Dadun’s social and cultural existence, an existence that had abruptly disappeared in the last two decades. Admittedly, the authors looked at the disappearing river landscape with much appreciation, but with full realization that the landscape had been permanently changed. At the same time, it was realized that the observations could lead to a better understanding how the former landscape had evolved and how a future landscape could be constructed that is attentive to the balance of natural and social forces, such as the interplay between the water system, vegetation, climate, settlement patterns and the dynamics of changing demographics. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 254 P. C. Bosselmann et al. In January 2008, Chairman Liang Jinghua and the committee of Dadun villagers were faced with two choices. On the one hand, they could negotiate with land developers who would offer higher compensation for the land than the Foshan city government. If the villagers agreed to an offer, they would gain funds and could invest in property inside the new centre or elsewhere. The local government would return 15% of the land areas to them and the villagers would have the right to develop it. The real estate developer, together with the City of Foshan, would implement the city centre plan, which would call for the demolition of the village, the building of a park connected to the new sport stadium and completion of the road grid. The details of this planning scenario have not been worked out, but could include the preservation of historic structures within the village, the canals and some of the ponds. One could imagine a museum-like park landscape that evokes memories of the past, including displays of fish farming and mulberry-silkworm cultivation. Unresolved in this scenario is the future of the 6000 migrant workers, who currently rent space in the village. A second scenario, the one currently pursued by the local village committee, was not to sell the development rights, but to maintain collective ownership and control over the village’s planning and building permit process. The contribution here supported the second choice. Four hypotheses guided the work: The villager’s control over land use and building renewal activities make possible a gradual renewal that will lead to the village’s transformation as part of the new centre for Foshan. To finance the renewal, the villagers invest the lease and rental income into new revenue generating ventures that support commercial, recreational and cultural activities for the emerging city centre population of 30 000 new residents. . The historic canal system can be improved and the water system of ponds and canals together with the trees that line them can play an important role in attenuating potential floods. . The canals have an important ecological function, beneficial to plant and animal life, thus importantly contributing to air quality and a comfortable microclimate. . The existing physical configuration of village’s blocks and parcels has the potential for renewal, modernization and improved sanitary conditions. The envisioned building improvements will benefit all village residents including the migrant workers. . Admittedly, the first of the four hypotheses constitutes a weak link in the conceptual approach and it will be necessary to return to the topic of what historians call ‘synoecism’, the amalgamation of settlements of uneven size and power, later in the discussion. In addition, the first hypothesis could not be tested conclusively in a two-week workshop. However, the remaining three hypotheses were to be tested, first by gathering detailed information through measurements and field surveys, followed by the illustration of design principles. Fieldwork, Map Making and Detailed Measurements Canals, Water Quality and Micro-climate It had become clear from the observations that villagers made frequent use of the multiple steps leading down into the canals (Figure 5). In the past, they The Future of a Chinese Water Village 255 Table 1. Concentrations of Fecal Coliform in Sampled Water Bodies in Dadun Sample no. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 1 2 3 4 5 Faecal coliform concentration (colonies/litre) 1 £ 104 1 £ 104 2 £ 104 1.4 £ 105 2.8 £ 105 Location Dong-Ping River mainstream Fish ponds Canal between Dadun and Xiaochong Well water in Dadun village Canal in Dadun traditionally drew water, washed clothes and swam in the canals, all activities reflecting a good water quality (some long-time villagers in Dadun insisted that they could drink the canal water in the past). Drinking water was drawn from shallow wells, which were hydrologically connected with the canals. However, once night soil was no longer applied to crops, and raw sewage began to be discharged into canals, the waters became too contaminated for these practices. As part of the workshop, water samples were collected and tested for faecal coliform from the nearby Dong Ping River, from a fishpond, from a domestic well and from several locations within the Dadun canal systems. The presence of faecal coliform bacteria indicates sewage contamination and the possible presence of pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Lab results showed extremely high concentrations of faecal coliform in the canal and the well (which are inferred to be hydrologically connected to the canal). It is worth noting that the water samples from the middle of Dadun and the well would not be suitable for agricultural or general landscape use according to the water quality standards for surface water in China.6 The water sample from the canal between Dadun and Xiaochong met the standard for industrial uses and recreation with no direct contact. Measurements were made of concentrations an order of magnitude lower in the mainstream river and fishpond samples. These samples met the standard for direct human contact in China, such as swimming, but do not meet the standard in the United States (10 000 colonies/Litre compared with 2000, respectively) (US EPA, 2003). The US standard for swimming correlates to an 8 added gastrointestinal illnesses per 1000 swimmers (USGS, 2007). Clearly, water quality Figure 10. Locations where water samples were taken. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 256 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 11. Shading the water surfaces. Source: photo by Bosselmann. was compromised in Dadun, and the domestic well and canals were heavily contaminated and not fit for human contact (Table 1 and Figure 10). The loads of sewage and constituents from runoff make the canals vulnerable to eutrophication, the over-enrichment by nutrients, which, when combined with sunlight, can result in algal blooms that rob the water of dissolved oxygen. The tree-shaded canals and close spacing of buildings (creating alleys 1.5 metres wide, or just wide enough for two people with poles to pass) created a cooler micro-climate, both by virtue of the shading from trees and buildings and by the circulation of cool air from the canal along the alleys, which are oriented perpendicular to the canals (Figure 11). Most of the canals in Dadun are oriented roughly NW – SE, along the axis of the southeasterly breezes that prevail during the hot summer. Comb Structure As part of the workshop, maps were made from satellite information. When the maps were carried around the village they attracted much attention. Villagers had rarely seen a map image of their village, especially not one that showed buildings and lanes in photographic detail. For us the maps became a way to analyze the village’s fine-toothed comb structure of canals and lanes; the walks along the canals form the ridge of the comb and the narrowly spaced lanes form the finetoothed teeth of the comb. The distance between lanes allowed for a single property with front and back entrances opening onto parallel lanes. The buildings fronting the canals along the ridge of the comb were generally executed in a more Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 257 elaborate design and frequently housed small ancestor halls belonging to one of the two predominate clans. Some comb structures accommodated two separate properties between lanes. The properties were generally smaller and would have only a front entrance, but no back door. This fine grain pattern could have emerged through divisions among family members. The spacing between parallel lanes rarely exceeded 10 metres with 7.8 being a more common dimension. The property frontage length alongside the lanes also generally measured 10 metres. Thus the properties were square or nearly square and measured between 80 – 100 square metres. Judging from the roof structures, ceiling beams span 4.5 to a maximum of 5 metres, which is typical of single span wooden roof construction between masonry walls in other parts of the world. Thus property dimensions produced a main structure with gable walls of 5 metres in width and a length of 7 to 10 metres measured along the roof ridge. The single orientation of the main structure is directed towards a small court in the centre of the property. Two very small buildings flank the court, serving as entrances to the court from the lanes; they were generally also used for storage. The settlement pattern described here constitutes a regional adaptation of an ancient Chinese building typology,7 it is still visible in Dadun, but only traces can be found on the aerial views. As a result of extensions and remodelling, the courtyards and small flanking buildings have almost disappeared. Although the ridged roof with gables facing the lanes is still most common, new flat roofed structures and some pavilion shaped roofs have started to appear as a result of remodelling. This type of roof suggests a freestanding structure with an orientation to four directions and it is always associated with multi-storey structures (Figure 17a). The residential typology described above is also evident in the Liang family ancestor hall, but with the far more generous dimensions of 35 by 25 metres. Members of the project team subsequently surveyed this group of structures (Figures 12a and 12b). Public Life The team found public spaces inside the village to be of high quality. The main square in front of the Liang ancestral hall (Figures 12a and 12b) measures 30 metres between the entrance to the ancestral hall and the canal. The length of 74 metres appears too generous nowadays, but must have been adequate when the square was used as a yard by school children. In the 1980s, a new primary school was built three blocks away, at the western edge of the village. The square in front of the Her family ancestral hall is more modestly dimensioned. It measures 18 metres from the canal to the front steps of the ancestral hall and is 35 metres long. The two main ceremonial squares are not used much on a daily basis. Elderly residents and children sit or play on the paved walks alongside canals; these walks widen in places and sometimes have a width of 10 metres, but generally measure only 3 to 5 metres. Particularly popular is a place alongside a canal in front of the Buddhist shine. A cluster of male residents gathers here to sit in the shade under a bosque of trees. Clearly, people gather in the places that are comfortable and subject to shade and light breezes from the canals. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 258 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Figure 12a and 12b. Liang’s Family Ancestral Hall in Dadun. Source: Surveyed by Zhang Zhimin and Shelpy Huang, assisted and drawn by Gan Yile, Zhao Yiyun, Xu Huan, Cheng Zhi, Li Ran and Hua Sha. Testing Hypotheses through Design When the workshop team arrived in January 2008, the upgrading of buildings was in evidence. In addition, villagers had built new modern homes for themselves at the village outskirts. It was more difficult for the villagers to address the issues related to water quality and water circulation, and the repairs necessary to the Figure 13. Location map of Dadun, nearby villages, the Dong Ping River and the system of canals. Source: drawn by SCUT students. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 259 Figure 14. Proposed improvements to canal cross-sections with provisions to treat and store grey water from homes and run-off after rains for release into canals. The section sewer pipes under the paved walkways along the margins of the canals collect household sewerage and connect them to the sewer main. system of canals and ponds (Figure 13). Therefore, the team prioritized tasks, designed solutions and illustrated them as principles that could direct the integration of the village into the new Foshan City Centre. The first group of principles addressed the water system: Improve water quality in canals up to a level that permits human contact, including swimming. As trunk sewer lines will serve the surrounding new urban development, it will be possible to collect sewage within the village by laying sewer pipes under the paved walkways, along the margins of the canals, and connect them to the sewer main. At the same time, grey water from homes, together with run-off after rains, can be locally treated under the pavement of the canal margins and stored there to be fed into the canal system as needed (Figure 14). . Preserve waterways and wind flow paths to preserve and restore the important function of canals as a cool air resource. This requires maintenance of the perpendicular orientation of lanes to avoid blocking ambient wind flow patterns (Figure 15). . Distinguish the village from the surrounding urban center. This can be accomplished through retention of a ring of fishponds around the village, or similar strategies to create a sense of entrance to the village (Figure 16). To address the gradual transformation of the village’s closely-knit building fabric, the team illustrated additional design principles that address the dimensions of blocks, lanes and . Figure 16. Fishponds around the village, or similar Figure 15. The perpendicular orientation of lanes strategies to create a sense of entrance to the to the canals is maintained to avoid blocking of village and set the village apart from the New Centre. ambient wind flow pattern. 260 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 parcelization. It was urgent in this regard to tighten the existing regulatory responses to increased building heights for structures located on narrow lanes, thus preserving natural ventilation and access to ambient light. . Retain the distinctive urban morphology. This principle acknowledges the transformation of structures from farming-related activities to more exclusively residential use including the construction of units for the migrant population. The increase in building heights should be limited to four floors. The spacing of neighbouring structures should be set to 4 metres across lanes for all structures exceeding two floors. Land coverage by new building construction should be Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 261 Figure 17. Dadun’s characteristic urban morphology: (a) existing village fabric; (b) existing building heights; and (c) proposed rules to provide sufficient ambient light, ventilation and open space. Source: diagrams by Andrea Gaffney. reduced and, as a result, the open space area on a given lot will increase from the current 10% to 25%. Some parcels will prove too small to accommodate new development under these rules. In that case, assembly of neighbouring parcels should be encouraged, but land assembly should be limited to not more than two parcels. Parcels should never be assembled across lanes, since that would result in the closure of lanes. The building frontage facing canals should be maintained; new construction along canals should be built up to the frontage line established by neighbouring buildings (Figure 17a, 17b, 17c and Figure 18). These detailed rules would apply to all new construction. In addition, in the villages two significant family heritage halls and the Buddhist shrine (with its three separate temples) should be placed on a historic registrar. The team illustrated rehabilitation proposals for the abandoned historic schoolhouse, two partially ruined fortification towers, numerous small ancestor shrines, an abandoned factory building, and a former social hall. While not necessarily of great historic significance, these structures contribute significantly to the character of the village and they could be reused as commercial enterprises, restaurants and shops (Figure 19). Attention to the historic structures of the village, to the canals and ponds, squares and lanes and the gradual renewal of the villages’ residential fabric could result in a high quality environment that would be in marked contrast to much of what is developed in China today. However, there is much delicacy to this proposal and this was briefly mentioned in the first hypothesis: the villagers right P. C. Bosselmann et al. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 262 Figure 18. New construction along canals should be built up to a building frontage line established by neighbouring buildings. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 263 Figure 20. Workshop participants in Dadun. Note, incremental construction and building activities in the background. Photograph by Kristen Podolak. Figure 19. Historic tower structures from the Qing dynasty, 17th century watchtower contribute significantly to the character of the village and they could be reused as commercial enterprises attractive to the nearby New City Centre population. Photograph by Peter Bosselmann. to self-determination and their control over an incremental process that transforms the village into a part of the new centre. The aim of the work was not to simply preserve a rural way of life that has largely disappeared from the outskirts of cities in the Pearl River Delta, but to bring new life into Dadun that could serve as a viable cultural, residential and commercial place within the new City Centre of Foshan. The proposal was based upon the premise that a Dadun with its ponds and canals transformed in the manner described here would be in stark contrast to the urban high-rise development that will soon surround it and therefore, because of its contrast, remain attractive to the current residents as well as to newcomers, in a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The proposal is of a delicate nature, because it is based upon land use controls that originated in the early Communist era and rest with the village central committee. The question remains: will the villagers maintain their right to selfdetermination in light of sky rocketing land values on neighbouring land that was once farmed by them and their forefathers? In addition, examples of the incremental renewal envisioned here are in their infancy, a private developer or government entity might be reluctant to satisfy such a highly specialized sector of the housing market. Only very few projects of this type have been observed in the Guangzhou area. One project, on Jiefangzhong Road designed by the architect He Jingtang together with preservation architects Feng Jiang and Lui Hui, incorporates traditional row housing and combines it with new commercial space and low-income housing. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 264 P. C. Bosselmann et al. The strongest evidence that the villagers have an interest in transforming their village comes from the gradual renewal of residential structures consistent with the ‘comb’ structure of lanes and canals. In places near the village edges that are accessible by car, villagers have invested in new construction. Also, in the core of the village much recent rebuilding activity can be observed. This gradual transformation is illustrated in Figure 17b, a map that was traced from recent satellite information; the new construction is distinguished, in grey, from the traditional building typology. However, the transformation needs to be further directed through controls that benefit the construction of rental units for migrant workers. Justification for such controls will be driven by the housing demand for the migrant workforce population. The demand for a skilled workforce is growing in the industrialized cities of the Pearl River Delta. More so than in the past, industry will try to hold on to qualified workers and that can only happen if the workers are compensated with a higher quality of life, including better housing. The next phase of industrialization will also address water issues more comprehensively. The responsibility to connect Dadun to modern sewer infrastructure falls under the authority of the Foshan city government. For the official planner, the urban landscape management of canals, levees, water gates and ponds requires a shift in thinking that embraces alternative approaches, more sensitive to natural processes the cultural landscapes and the changing needs of the population. Greater value would need to be placed upon local identity not being lost in the trend towards internationalization of urban form. These issues are just in the beginning state of receiving attention, and implementation frequently falls by the wayside due to the unrelenting pace of change that planners need to manage. An alternative development practice might yield results that could be considered similar by some observers. However, upon a closer look, here the control over land-use does not rest with local residents, but with a real estate developer. Xintiandi is a successful development in Shanghai that incorporated historic structures into a commercial entertainment district. As a place it has become so successful that the name is used as a verb among developers and designers, as in to ‘xintiandi’ a place, evoking an image of alleys lined with restored historic courtyard houses and full of people sitting on tables along streets enjoying world-class hospitality. Literally translated as ‘New Heaven and Earth’, Xintiandi is located in the centre of Shanghai, a car-free two city block area, where only 15 years ago there was a crowded neighbourhood with up to 30 families per courtyard house. The inhabitants were moved out. China’s first ‘life style centre’ (Goldberger, 2005) now serves as the ‘value generator’ for the adjacent high-rise office and residential development complex that is part of the same development. The proposal was not to follow the Xintiandi example. We might be ahead of our time and some readers will criticize our proposal as too academic, but the pace of change in the Pearl River Delta is rapid. Social and environmental problems are mounting; a more comprehensive approach that involves local concerns in the dynamics of urbanization is urgently needed. Conclusion The historian Spiro Kostof (1991) reminds us that synoecism, the administrative coming together of several proximate villages to form a town, is repeatedly Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 The Future of a Chinese Water Village 265 attested to in history throughout the world since ancient times. Villages are absorbed into a new town in a process in which the villagers exchange their pastoral ways and the laws of their tribe or clan for the presumably free and durable institutions of the city. The transaction is of a political nature with strong physical and social consequences. As Kostof points out, history shows that such unions have mostly been involuntary and resisted strongly. The physical consequences of the merger produce a form that Kostof describes as ‘organic’ next to planed and orthogonal development patterns. Throughout history, well known examples include Athens, Sienna or numerous cities in Iran such as Kazvin, but also Calcutta, even in Greenwich Village in Manhattan. In these cities and many more, the juxtaposition of forms remains traceable, thus the dynamics of the longago social integration can still be recalled, or imagined as part of cultural progress. When the Foshan officials found the Dadun workshop proposal ‘not entirely practical’, they were referring to the difficulties that Dadun’s village committee will be facing to make the proposal a reality. Allowing a developer redevelop the central park of Foshan’s new City Centre might be simpler from the official planner’s perspective. Incidentally, the City of Foshan is talking to the developer of Xintiandi about a similar development in the historic centre of Foshan, adjacent to the famous Zumiao temple, the ancient water temple that has survived many wars and the Cultural Revolution. The attempt by the authors to convince the planners of Foshan to support the villagers in giving their village a new economic base as a service provider to the large sport arena and the new City Centre, and as a place to live for a new population that found employment in the nearby industries is consistent with the goal to develop the ‘new’ and have it meet the ‘old’ with greater harmony. If, at the same time, a compact urban settlement pattern, as opposed to free standing highrise tower development, could be further improved in a manner that saves energy, does not lead to overcrowding yet produces acceptable densities, is more compatible with the local climate, produces cleaner air through mature tree coverage and demonstrates how water quality could be improved through innovative sewer and run-off management, then the proposal to transform Dadun would be a very good idea. The time has come to think about how to solve the difficulties of its implementation (Figure 20).8 Postscript In March 2009, on a return visit to the Peal River Delta, the authors learned that the City of Foshan entered into an agreement with the Dadun Village Committee. The villagers agreed to pay for the installation of a local sewer system that the City of Foshan will connect to the new sewer treatment centre. In return, the City of Foshan has cancelled the water-lock; the barrier to the free flow of river water to the village’s canal system has been removed. Acknowledgements The workshop was made possible through funding from the Beatrice Farrand Fund, University of California, Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning and from the Institute of Oriental Architecture, South China Institute of Technology, Professor Wu Qigzhou Director. In addition to the authors, the project team included the following participants: Krishna 266 P. C. Bosselmann et al. Downloaded by [Guang Dong University of Foreign Studies] at 22:48 11 March 2014 Balakrishnan, Chen Jingxiang, Chen Lan, Chen Siyun, Chen Wei, Chen Yiping, Duan Xuewen, Peter Frankel, Andrea Gaffney, Gan Yile, Guan Faifan, Guo Xin, Hua Sha, Jin Lei, Kirsten Johnson, Li Boxie, Li Junjun, Li Wenxuan, Li Yue, Li Xuesi, Lin Feng, Lin Yuming, Liu Zheng, Luo Yunshan, Stacey Mclean, Kristen Podolak, Shelpy Huang, John Sugrue, Nadine Soubotin, Sui Xin, Carrie Wallace, Wang Ge, Sam Woodhams-Roberts, Xiong Xiangnan, Xu Diandian, Ye Bicen, Zhang Guojun, Zhang Yuanyuan and Zhao Yiyun. Special thanks go to John Sugrue for assembling the illustrations and to Kristen Podolak for her work on the water quality analysis. Notes 1. Chairman Liang Jinghua of Dadun Village, personal communication with the authors, January 2008. 2. ibid. 3. See¼ en&art ¼ 7332; dated 27 September 2006 4. ibid. 5. During our stay we learned about the erasure of one former water village within Guangzhou, Liede Village. The village was completely erased in December of 2007. The plan to move residents from Liede originated with the real estate developers. The villagers of Liede resisted and found themselves surrounded by the newly designated and expanded CBD of Guangzhou. Construction and roads destroyed the rural canal pattern. Initially the villagers objected to relocation, but after the environment inside the village deteriorated, the villagers agreed to move. 6. GB 3838-2002. Environmental quality standard for surface water. Ministry of Environmental Protection. The People’s Republic of China. Available at standards_reports/standards/water_environment/quality_standard/200710/t20071024_111792. htm 7. Rassmussen, S.E. (1934) Biledbog fra en Kinarjse. See also Rassmussen (1950) Towns and Buildings (Cambridge: MIT Press). The Chinese courtyard typology is well known. The Danish architect and planner Steen Eiler Rassmussen might have been the first to describe it. 8. To ‘visit’ Dadun, go to Google Earth, type in ‘Foshan, China’ and descend on the Foshan name label. Once you see the urbanized area you will spot a bow tie shaped river formation to the south of the city centre and a doughnut shaped, perfectly round large stadium. Shift the focus of the frame onto the round shape of the stadium and descend further. You will see the bridge across the Dong Ping River and a major new road that ends abruptly at Dadun village. References Bruenig, E. F., Bossel, H., Elpek, K. P., Grossmann, K. D., Schneider, T. W., Wang, Zhu-Hao & Yu, ZuoYue (1986) Ecological-socioeconomic system analysis and simulation: a guide for application of system analysis to the conservation, utilization and development of tropical and subtropical land resources in China, in: Proceedings of the China Resources Conservation, Utilization and Development Seminar, South China Institute of Botany, Academia Sinica Guangdong, China, 13 February –20 March 1986. 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