The SOUTH COLLEGE CHURCH of CHRIST BULLETIN 410 South College • Tahlequah, Oklahoma 74464 • 918-456-3414 • Volume 8, No. 3 - March 2009 Pulpit Minister David Deffenbaugh Do we dare hope that winter is over? I saw some daffodils blooming, but we’ve been fooled by that false harbinger of Spring before. Whether it is or not, there’s nothing we can to do hasten Winter’s departure. It will leave when it’s done, not when we’re done with it. Some things we do not know. Some things we do. Among those things is the need for our continued faithful service to God. Opportunities abound. So, Winter or not, let’s be involved and active in the work of the kingdom! This month marks the beginning of our “Spring Enrichment Series.” You have heard about this before, just not by that name. This is what we are calling the special series of lessons that will be presented on the third Wednesday evenings of March, April, and May. These lessons are designed to strengthen, encourage, motivate, and challenge us in our Christian walk. They are also intended to serve as an opportunity for all of us to invite our friends, families, and acquaintances to hear lessons that will be of interest and spiritually enriching to them as well. As you will notice on this page, our first lesson is on godly parenting and grand-parenting. This is a subject of great appeal. So, let’s all be here ourselves and invite guests to come join us on Wednesday, March 18. Wow! I don’t know what else to say about our second Equipping the Saints break out session night on Wednesday, February 18. So much good has come from these two events (the first one was January 21). We have more people who have volunteered and already actively involved in various ministries than before. I have been overwhelmed by the good that has been accomplished. I’m convinced that this kind of gathering needs to happen again…and again. Keep your eyes and ears open for future announcements about ways we can all become more actively involved in the ministry and service of the Lord’s church. What a great encouragement! I’m speaking of the 2nd Annual Affirming the Faith seminar in Oklahoma City last month. I was encouraged to know that twenty-one congregations of the Lord’s church cooperated in planning and supporting this great program. I was encouraged by the great attendance from all over the area. In excess of 700 were present for the Friday night lesson. I was encouraged by the speakers I heard. All did an outstanding job. I do pray this program will continue into the future and will grow each year. All of the lessons from this year’s seminar are available for audio download on the web site (with the exception of one lesson). “David’s Article” continued on page 7 Kent is an Oklahoma Christian University graduate (’79) with a degree in Bible. He served for 25 years with the Memorial Road church of Christ, the last several years as their pulpit minister. He has also served as Director of Operations for Continent of Great Cities (a mission ministry that places missionaries where Spanish or Portuguese is spoken). Currently serves as Senior Gifts Officer for Oklahoma Christian University. He has also led mission campaigns to Brazil, Guatemala, England, Zimbabwe, the Bahamas, Kenya. Kent is married to Phyllis (33 years) and they have two sons: Kelly (and his wife Kristen) and Kory. For more information visit us online at or call the church office at 456-3414. Youth Minister Tyrel Hatfield Every year David, Edgar, and I take a trip to Freed Hardeman University for their annual lectureships. This year, along with Dalton Deffenbaugh, we made the trip again. It is truly a wonderful experience to be able to do this. Throughout the week, we heard so many great lessons from many wonderful preachers. Thank you for this opportunity. We look forward to attending again next year. February was a great month for the youth of this congregation. We are always proud of their willingness to serve. Our youth, along with several ladies of the congregation, hosted a Valentine’s Brunch on the 14th. Our theme was, “Love Makes the World Go Around.” Myself, Dalton Deffenbaugh, and Edgar Lucero performed a few songs, we heard lots of corny jokes from several of the other youth, and heard wonderful stories from several of the ladies. Thanks to everyone involved in this very important event. Burnt Cabin Camp Project It’s time to send out Burnt Cabin applications. If you like to be involved in this project, please come to Monday Night for the Master, March 9 at 6:30. We will mail off both applications for our full week and mini-camp. Thanks! Upcoming Events: March 8, Teen Connections at Henryetta; Bus will leave at 3:00 and will return at 7:00. March 6-7, Family Retreat. Details on page 3. ***Spring Break 16-20*** March 29, Devotional with the University Group at the RFC Student Center Youth Service Our youth hosted a nice Valentine’s Brunch for the ladies of the congregation. Campus Minister Tony Bradley The words SNAP! CRACKLE! POP! have different meaning to me now than just a jingle from a breakfast cereal. That is the sound of all our trees breaking during the ice storm of January 2009. The damage was quite severe and with clean up spanning into the next several months, it was time for a weekend getaway to recharge our spiritual batteries. OSU provided the destination last weekend with their annual Campus Encounter. This years theme was “Thirst No More” and the combination of singing, excellent breakout sessions, and fellowship with over 300 Christians, proved to be the answer. Our devotionals on Tuesday nights have been well attended and several visitors have been in attendance to worship and fellowship with RFC. Our hope and prayer is to reach as many students as we can with this weekly devotional. Our group is continuing the work in preparation of our mission trip which is March 14-21. The group is excited to work and worship with the Johnstown, NY Church and pray that we can serve Christ in this effort. Continue to pray for us in this endeavor and as we represent Christ on the NSU’s campus. BAPTIZED Family Retreat March 6-7 at Burnt Cabin Christian Camp. FRIDAY 6:00 - Meal 7:00 - Devotional / Getting to know you 7:30 - Father’s Class / Mother and Child activity 9:00 - Game 10:00 - Bedtime SATURDAY 8:00 - Breakfast 9:00 - Devotional 9:30 - Mother’s Class / Father and Child activity 11:00 - Free Time 12:00 - Lunch 1:00 - Goodbyes COST $10 Per person. Children under the age of 5 are free. DEADLINE: Monday morning, March 2 Michael Zamora For directions to the camp, go to Hispanic Minister Edgar Lucero The month of February was very special for us in the Hispanic congregation. We celebrated Valentine’s Day with a very romantic dinner among the Hispanic couples. We had a talk about the importance of comunication between the husband and wife and also we spoke about romanticism. We ended the meeting with a special dinner and roses, poems, songs, etc. There were 11 couples and everybody left very pleased and encouraged. We also are happy to announce that Michael Zamora was baptized. Please pray for him and for the Hispanic ministry as we continue working in the evangelism among the community. did Jesus Need a good pr man? David Deffenbaugh Did Jesus need some help with His PR (public relations)? Through the middle portion of John’s gospel, it appears that things are headed south for Jesus as far as His image and popularity are concerned. Notice in chapter six that many people decide to follow Him no longer (6:66). In chapter seven there is a decided interest in having Him arrested (7:30, 32, 44) because some had reached a decision that He should die (7:1, 19, 25). And in chapter eight people are so upset they forget about arrest and try to kill Him on the spot (8:59). Wow. Jesus isn’t exactly a big hit. His “successes” seem to be with individuals, not multitudes. There were better outcomes with Nicodemus (chpt. 3), the Samaritan woman at the well and the royal officer at Capernaum (chpt. 4), and the blind man whom He healed (chpt. 9). Why did so many people dislike Jesus? Several reasons. One, and probably the most significant, was that He had this bad habit of speaking the truth. He also had a greater desire to please God instead of men, and He was determined to fulfill His true identity as God’s Son instead of bowing to popular expectations and desires. In other words, He was light that came “into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light; for their deeds were evil” (1:9; 3:19; 8:12). Men who love darkness are not just the rank sinners, they also include many of the politically powerful and religiously elite. Of course Jesus wasn’t in need of a better image. His ministry experience serves as a sober reminder to His church today. There are some important points to be remembered: • We ought not fear being disliked. • We should always serve and care for those in need while imparting the truth is our ultimate goal (note how Jesus handled the multitude whom he miraculously fed – chpt. 6). • God is the only one worthy to be pleased, not men or the religious establishment. • In reaching for the masses we should never lose sight of the individual. • The light of truth is not, in reality, appealing to most people. • Jesus is the only means of salvation. That point is not negotiable. We ought never to underestimate the power of Satan’s influence in this world. The extent of that influence is never more clearly seen than with man’s reception of Jesus. He was the very embodiment of grace and truth – and people wanted Him dead. But Jesus’ success is not measured by the response of the masses. It is measured by the ones who came to believe that He is God’s own Son, and believing found life in His name (John 20:3031). Jesus didn’t need better public relations and neither does His church. We need an even deeper commitment to presenting Jesus to the world in all of His grace and truth. We measure our success not by mass appeal, but by the ones who come to believe in Jesus as God’s Son and find life in His name. GUATEMALA SURGICAL CLINIC, JANUARY 2009 Karen Bradley The following is a report of a surgical mission trip attended by Dr. Danny Minor, Leslie Minor, Herb Minor, Sam Yaws, Lindsey Bradley and Karen Bradley to Montellano, Guatemala, January 2009. First and foremost, our priority is to express our appreciation for the prayers, financial support and words of encouragement from the members of South College Church of Christ. We could not have made this trip and participated in this work without your support. The flight to Guatemala and bus travel to the clinic was long but thankfully, uneventful. The weather was fair which made the 31/2 hour bus ride more bearable than years past. We arrived at the Clinica Ezell in Montellano on Saturday evening and after quickly settling in, we headed to the Clinic/OR to prepare to start surgeries the next day. It is amazing how the workers (around 40), just fall in and work together just like they work together every day. That evening after dinner, we had a good time catching up and enjoyed our first devotional. We also had a short orientation, which was new and very helpful, especially for first-timers. Sunday morning after a wonderful worship with the local congregation, the surgeries began. From that point until Thursday afternoon, three operating rooms were running constantly. A total of 58 patients were treated with a total of 64 procedures being done including umbilical and inguinal hernias, cyst removals, hysterectomies and gall bladders to name a few. A few of the surgeries were anything but routine, and those patients were watched post-operatively a little closer. Leslie worked hard all week in sterilization. Early in the week, Herb assisted Sam with projects that needed to be done but later moved to sterilization to assist Leslie. Sam stayed busy with maintenance duties. Dr. Minor and Karen worked in the operating room all week and Lindsey served on the post-op floor with scheduled shifts to help the registered nurses with vital signs, walking the patients, delivering trays and transferring patients. The nurses on the post- operative floor were busy all week caring for the patients after their surgeries and before discharge to home. Each night at our devotional, the list of prayers grew as we added each patient to the list as well as others from home that we had concerns about. The singing was amazing and our Chaplain had encouraging and thought-provoking messages to share with our group. On Friday morning after the surgeons made rounds on their patients, the bus pulled out for the airport with a tired but blessed group. There is a Guatemalan medical staff that cares for any patients that remain hospitalized at the end of the week. Health Talents International thought it best to skip the trip to Antigua due to safety concerns. We appreciated the precaution and enjoyed arriving home a day earlier than usual. Overall, the trip was a success as our patients all had good outcomes as well as being extremely thankful for the chance to receive health care otherwise not available. Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri Sat 6 7 Monday Night for the Master 6 p.m. Kelsey Buck Jeff Bowman 8 David Spears 9 Jimmy Gulley 10 *David & Alice O'Neil 11 William Hood 12 13 14 Connie Edwards Tyler Hewitt 19 20 MNM 6 p.m. Jim Hutson Gabe Martin Rick Rozell Eddie Molloy Bryan Sanders 15 16 17 Series & & speaking Gabi Brown Gabi *MikeBrown * Millie Hewitt *Mike & Millie Hewitt 23 21 SpringAllen Enrichment Kent MNM 6 p.m. 22 18 24 Kids for Christ Kids for Christ 25 Alissa Crawford Prisila Eligio Gabriela Lucero Alexander Bowman 26 27 28 Dovie Young Colene Haynes Billie Ward *JW & Kitty Stidham Wista Waldroop MNM 6p.m. GV Gulager 29 30 Fifth Sunday MNM 6 p.m. Fellowship after pm service Dillion Sanders Hallie Foreman 31 Kyle Williams Pam Davis Paul Kile Jon Privett February April S M T W T F S S M 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 26 T W T F 1 2 3 S 4 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 * Anniversary “David’s Article” continued from page 1 Shacked Up Couples John Gipson When I turned on my computer this morning I was greeting with an item which said, “Turns out getting married is becoming downright old-fashioned. Shacked up couples now outnumber those who’ve tied the knot.” Woe to those unmarried couples who have financial quarrels over rent, utilities, credit cards, etc., and show up before “Judge Judy.” In no uncertain terms, she will tell them that if they don’t have a marriage license our courts have made no provision to settle such disputes, and they are on their own. Does it seem to you that we are getting to the point in our society where the difference between right and wrong is either not discerned or else willfully ignored? Or consider the overt promotion of homosexuality. Has some law been passed that requires every TV show to have at least a token homosexual? We must have “tolerance,” our society says. Those who offer objections are immediately branded with a sneer as “Fundamentalists.” Yet fundamentals are absolutely imperative today. Athletes who ignore fundamentals make for losing teams. In fact, mastering the fundamentals is absolutely necessary in any discipline. As a nation we enjoy the benefits of Christianity while tending to reject the source of those benefits. In the words of Richard Halverson, “Like parasites we are feeding on lingering blessings produced by the spiritual leadership and dedication of earlier generations; the blessings are fading, ethical and moral levels decline toward the increasingly degenerate society.” We want to sow to the wind without realizing we will reap the whirlwind. As an ancient prophet warned, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20). Will we be wise enough to heed his warning? Windsong Church of Christ Little Rock, AR Just check at One other experience I want to share from the Affirming the Faith seminar was the number of people I visited with who have ties to the South College congregation. I saw former members who moved and are now in other towns with other congregations. I saw family members of some of our members. I saw people who are good friends of some of our members. I saw people who are well acquainted with South College and are interested in her well-being. I mention all of that just to say the impact and influence of the South College church is great. Let’s continue in our faithful work and service to the Lord that His light might continue to shine through us. Debates may seem like a thing of the past. In many ways they are. Much of their demise can be attributed to a decline in interest for hearing reasoned arguments or counter arguments in regards to a stated proposition. Religious debates once proliferated and served a valuable service in the propagation and defense of the truth. There were sad occasions in which mean-spirited attitudes greatly diminished a debate’s effectiveness. Nevertheless, the medium is rather rare these days. A notable exception happened last month when Kyle Butt, a young but quite talented gospel preacher and author debated Dan Barker, the co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation (the largest atheistic organization in North America) on the campus of the University of South Carolina, February 12. The venue seated 550 people and was filled to capacity with many having to be turned away. A DVD of the event will soon be available. In the meantime, one can watch the streaming video from this debate at An interesting statement is made by the chief priests and Pharisees in response to the failure of officers whom they had sent to arrest Jesus. Having returned empty-handed, the officers said, “Never did a man speak the way this man speaks” (John 7:46). They acknowledged there was much appeal with the people by contrast to “not one” of the rulers believing in Him. Here’s the interesting statement: “But this multitude who does not know the Law is accursed” (John 7:49). Do you see a bit of intellectual snobbery there? They are saying that any favorable response to Jesus is because of ignorance. These were not the first, and certainly not the last, to characterize people of faith as ignorant, superstitious simpletons. Faith is often derided by those who miss it. Wednesday Night Adult Classes Auditorium Great Themes of the Bible Fellowship Room Why I Believe Lloyd Coppedge David Deffenbaugh Elders Daryl Buck Lloyd Coppedge Danny Mason Danny Minor David O’Neil Kevin Shumate Charles Vanlandingham Ministers David Deffenbaugh, Pulpit Tyrel Hatfield, Youth & Children Tony Bradley, University Edgar Lucero, Hispanic Deacons Tony Bradley Virgil Carter John Gwin Rob Hensley James Kaufman Dean Kelley Mike Monholland Bob Reed J.T. Sego Louis Sounders Family News SYMPATHY TO …Patsy Vaughn & Debbie Minshew on the loss of their sister Jean Kolonick in Norman. …former member Mary Jo deSteiguer on the death in Caruthers, CA, of her aunt Lucy Bradley Osburn, sister of Hazel Deem. Lucy grew up in Lowrey and lived in Tahlequah before moving to CA. …Jeff & Sara Bowman and former member Maryann Bowman, on the passing of their grandfather and father, Harry Lamprich in Tulsa. ASKED FOR PRAYERS …Trudy Mickel Missionaries George and Martha Tien - China Schedule of Services Sunday Bible School..............................9:30 a.m. Morning Worship.....................10:30 a.m. Evening Worship.......................5:00 p.m. Tuesday Women’s Class (Sept. - May)...........................10:00 a.m. Wednesday Mid-week Classes.....................7:00 p.m. Office Hours - 8 am - 5 pm, Mon - Fri Phone - 918-456-3414 Fax - 918-456-3445 410 S College, Tahlequah, OK 74464 BAPTISM …Michael Zamora, son of Sue Gaytan NEW MEMBERS Stephen & Krystal Wiser Daughter: Sarah 1100 E Allen RD Tahlequah, Ok 74464 457-0383 Monty & Bobbie Kirk Children: Teagan, Reed, & Jimmy 315 W Choctaw St Tahlequah, OK 74464 239-2776
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