The Quarterly_cmyk (Read-Only) - Greater Mount Airy Chamber of
The Quarterly_cmyk (Read-Only) - Greater Mount Airy Chamber of
Proudly serving our members for 50 years! CALENDAR OF EVENTS: JUNE 12TH BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:30 PM ROUND PEAK VINEYARDS. JUNE 23RD RIBBON CUTTING AND OPEN HOUSE NORTHERN HOSPITAL OF SURRY COUNTY 2:00 PM JULY 11TH DASH 7:00 PM MOUNT AIRY NIGHT AT THE PARK In this Issue: Officers/ Board/Staff 2-3 President’s Message 4 Ambassadors 5 Chamber Committees 6 New Members 7 Existing Members 8-9 All About Our Members 10-21 Tourism 22-23 Annual Meeting 24-25 Contact Us 26 CHAMBER CONNECTIONS The Quarterly June 2009 THE GREATER MOUNT AIRY CHAMBER OF COMMERCE CONNECTS ITS MEMBERS TO THE COMMUNITY … The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce is proud to serve its members going into its 50th year! ! The Chamber is the voice of the business community of Mount Airy and the surrounding area. The organization is comprised of over 440 members with over 700 direct contacts. Those 440 business represent over 13,000 employees in our community. Our valued members invest time and money to make the community the ideal place to live, work and play. The Chamber is not a department of the city, county, state or federal government. Its purpose is to advance the economic, commercial, industrial, civic and cultural well being of Mount Airy and its surrounding area. It is financed primarily by the investment of its members, along with programs and events that are held to enhance and promote the business and community environment. Support from businesses and professional interests in the community is essential to finance the programs that are vital to community growth and development. In 2008 we revamped our newsletter to showcase the membership of the Chamber as well as bringing them up-to-date information that will benefit our members specific business. We are taking that opportunity a step further and have partnered with The Mount Airy News to connect our Members with the Community. This is an effort to continue to find more ways to support OUR MISSION TO ADVANCE, PROMOTE AND ENCOURAGE SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS GROWTH FOR OUR MEMBERS. PAGE 2 Let us introduce to you our... The Chamber Staff and Membership appreciates and recognizes the important responsibility taken by each individual serving and representing The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce and its interests. Executive nd Officers a Directors DR. GEORGE SAPPENFIELD Surry Community College CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD Britta Needham RBC Bank CHAIR ELECT VICE-CHAIR EDUCATION Traci Hamilton Workforce Carolina VICE CHAIR - MEMBERSHIP Raynelle Hamblin Residential Mortgage Corp. VICE CHAIR - PUBLIC POLICY PAGE Gary Lawrence Mount Airy News 3 VICE CHAIR - COMMUNICATIONS Jessica Icenhour Tourism Development Authority VICE CHAIR TRAVEL AND TOURISM Dennis Lowe Associate Member Retired Surry Community College VICE CHAIR - BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Doug Norman The North Carolina Granite Corporation CO-VICE-CHAIR BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT Chad Stafford Haynes, Strand and Co. PLLC TREASURER ..and staff Left to Right: Tanya Taylor - Membership / Communications Jessica Icenhour - Tourism Director Fawn Shaw - Visitor Center Information Specialist Betty Ann Collins - President Yvonne Nichols - Executive Assistant and Autumn Leaves Festival Director PAGE 4 s ’ t n e d Presi … e g a s s me B E T T Y A N N C O L L I N S I am honored to be the President of The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber is here to advance, promote and encourage successful business growth for our members. Promotion of all of our members and the support of our small businesses are the cornerstones of the Chamber’s programs throughout the year. The Chamber continues to encourage and promote the program “BUY LOCAL” to keep jobs in our community. We value what our small businesses contribute to society through jobs, financial donations and volunteerism. We believe that the business community is only sustainable when it is integrally linked with the entire community. Our committees, programs and projects are focused to highlight that connection. This quarterly Chamber publication is the perfect vehicle to showcase our Members and to let you see the programs and activities that our Chamber Membership is involved in. Staying connected to information networks and sales prospects is critical in tough economic times like we are experiencing today. People do business with people they know and The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce wants to get to know you and provide you with that connection! One of the greatest joys and most rewarding experiences of living in a small town is community involvement. Our sense of community defines our relationships in the greater Mount Airy area. Our dedicated, caring and creative members are committed to make The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce a progressive force in our community. That sense of community allows us to tackle difficult issues and tasks with enthusiasm and determination. Whether you are talking about the health of our schools, the safety of our streets, the cleanliness and beauty of our community or the vibrancy of our economy, the Chamber is concerned, involved and leading the way. Our goal is to give all facets of our membership a voice where they create innovative, dynamic, meaningful projects that work to ensure the businesses in our community will be successful. The services we offer our residents, visitors and businesses, strengthens our partnerships creating a sustainable community. If your business is not a member of The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce, call us today at 336-786-6116. We want to get to know you and your business! PAGE 5 The Ambassadors Club… The Ambassadors Club represents one of the most important volunteer groups within the life of the Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce. Ambassadors are committed to assisting and maintaining an open line of communication with our members and building relationships between the Chamber, members and prospects. They are charged with helping us to promote our membership’s social activities. We have referred to the Ambassadors as the arms and legs of the Chamber, the Cheerleaders of the Chamber …. what ever we call them…. their excitement and energy is contagious and we are thankful to them for their service and grateful to their employers for allowing them to serve. If you would like for your company to have a representative, be a part of our Ambassadors Club for 2009-2010! Please contact Betty Ann Collins at 786-6116 or Traci Hamilton - WorkForce Carolina Vice Chair– Membership Deidre Rogers Club Chair Rogers Realty & Auction Co. Allison Poteat Ashly Lancaster Janet Stewart Jennifer Frye Jennifer Hatcher Julie Perkins Kim Shelton Mary Thompson Nikki Hawks-Ragland Patricia Bondurant Christy Tilley Sandra Richards Scott Kniskern Shannon Wall Sheila Jones Tim VanHoy WorkForce Carolina Northern Hospital of Surry County Rogers Realty & Auction Co. Mount Airy News Comfort Keepers Perkins & Associates Financial Group Haynes, Strand & Co. PLLC RBC Bank Mount Airy News Residential Mortgage Corp. Haynes, Strand & Co. PLLC Residential Mortgage Corp. Rogers Realty & Auction Co. City of Mt. Airy Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care The Greater Mount Airy Habitat for Humanity PAGE 6 Chamber Committees Q: Are you wondering how members get the most out of their Chamber membership? A: They join a Chamber Committee!! Chamber volunteers help in a variety of ways - they choose a committee that suits their interest and help make The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce even better! Like any organization, the more you are able to devote in terms of time and effort, the more you and your company and the Chamber of Commerce will benefit. Please consider getting involved with one of the following committees. *Business & WorkForce Development Division – __________ Dennis Lowe– Vice Chair Doug Norman– Co-Vice Chair Business Development Committee Support of existing businesses in Surry County, Partnering with governmental and economic agencies to encourage new economic growth, Small Business Award, Green Business Award and Longevity Award *Education Division – Britta Needham, Vice-Chair, Chair Elect ___________ Education Support Committee Youth Leadership Surry Program, Project Y.E.S., Learning Ventures Grants Program and Business in Education Award *Membership Division – Traci Hamilton, Vice-Chair __________ Ambassadors Club (application and selection process) Membership contact and recruitment, Chamber Surprise Patrol, Business After Hours, Golf Outing, Annual Meeting, Administrative Professionals Day. *Communication Division – ___________ Communication Committee Gary Lawrence, Vice Chair Membership Directory, Programs, Membership Packages, Business Briefs, Radio Programs, Videos, Tabloids, etc. *Public Policy Division – Raynelle Hamblin, Vice-Chair ___________ Public Policy Committee Addresses issues and policies that affect the business community at the local, state or federal level. *Travel and Tourism Division – Jessica Icenhour, Vice-Chair ___________ Relocation Committee Newcomers & Retirees publications and resources. WELCOME TO OUR NEW MEMBERS FOR 2009!!! Toshiba Business Solutions Sela Building Corporation This ‘N That United Processing Company J’s HVAC Unlimited, LLC. Piedmont Triad Computer Consulting, Inc. Window World of the Foothills Froo Froo Pet Boutique The Fruit Basket The Gallery Group & Art Studio Inc. Barney’s Skyline Memorial Gardens Chelli & Associates Consider the Word Hodges Realty Nor-Pak Services, Inc. Behavioral Services, Inc. BNI Platinum Producers Dennis Lowe– Associate Member Pet Stop of the Foothills Tourism Partnership of Surry County 7 Call the Chamber today to find out how your business can benefit by becoming a member of The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce. AO Technologies, Inc. Pro-rated rates are available to get your membership started now! E.T. Bass & Co. PC NEEDS, Inc. SageSport Fancy Gap Outfitters City to City Link dba The Top Ten Reasons to Join The Chamber … 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. PAGE Government Voice Investing in a local healthy economy Supporting “BUY LOCAL” Increased visibility on the internet. Marketing Opportunities Business Referrals Small Business Opportunities A way to get involved in your community! Networking to make new business contacts ! And finally… #1 reason To support business growth in your community !!! Think our new quarterly newsletter is great? Check out our more detailed monthly newsletter available on-line. Go to and click newsletters for additional membership news, recognitions/awards, small business information, education and upcoming events ! PAGE 8 A Cleaner World, E X I S T I N G M E M B E R S A. Brown Mechanical, Inc. Aaron's Sales and Leasing Accent Professional Travel Acme Stone Co., Inc. Advanced Electronics, Inc. (AT&T Retailer) Advanced Compressor Technology, Inc. Advanced Electronic Services, Inc. Airmont Florist & Gift Shop All In One Portrait Studios Allstate Insurance/Tonda Phillips Corporation America Charters/Coach USA American Healthcare Services, Inc. AmeriGas Propane LP Andrew Jade Financial Services Andrew Pearson Industries, Inc Andy's Homeplace Animal Medical Services AO Technologies, Inc. Arnder Electric, Inc. B & B Produce B & L Custom Jewelers B- 52's Bar & Grill B. M. Sumner, Jr. DDS B.H. Tharrington Primary School Bailey , Peoples & Oghalai Drs., PA Barney’s Bank of America Bankers Life and Casualty BB&T Blue Ridge Burke Beasley Appraisal Services, Inc. Behavioral Services, Inc. Belk Stores Bel-Vue Trophy Benny Parsons Rendezvous Ridge Beroth Oil Company Better Business Bureau of Northwest N.C. Big Sheep Communications Blessed Blends Coffee Blevins Workshop, Inc. Blue Ridge Concrete Products, Inc. Blue Ridge Enterprises Blue Ridge Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, P.A. BNI Platinum Products Bodet- Horst USALP Bogey's Bojangles #410 Branch Banking and Trust Brannock & Hiatt Furniture Company Bray's Recapping Company Brenda R. Lineberry, CPA, P.C. Brintle Enterprises/Best Western Brown Communication Bunn Engineering Company, P.C. Burton Signworks, Inc. Buttonwood Chiropractic Center Cana Mt. Airy Florist Canaan Land Children's Home, INC. Carolane Propane Gas Carolina Carports, Inc. Carolina Connections, Inc Carolina Environmental Contracting, Inc. Carolina Farms and Homes (Real Estate) Carolina West Wireless Cedar Ridge Elementary School Central Middle School Century 21 Homestead Realty Chappell Insurance Agency, Inc. Chelli & Associates Children’s Center of Surry, Inc City of Mount Airy City to City Link, LLC dba CK Technologies, LLC SE Clear Channel Radio Cloud 9 Coffee Coca Cola Bottling Company Coldwell Banker Mountain Valley Properties Collins Chevrolet Subaru Collins Pest Control, Inc. Comfort Keepers Commercial Air Systems, Inc. Community Employee Benefits, Inc. Consider the Word Cooke Rentals Cooke Trucking Company Copeland Elementary School Coram, J.G. Company, Inc. Country Additions County of Surry Creative Designs Flowers & Gifts Creek Cide Cabin Rentals Cross Creek Country Club Crossroads Behavioral Healthcare Dairy Center Data Publishing Davey's Fudge David Hill Builders, Inc. Day Trips & Tours Delp Chiropractic Dennis Lowe DePaul Twelve Oaks Dobson Elementary School Dobson Optometric Eye Care, PA Doe Run Lodge at Ground Hog Mountain Donaldson Ins. & Financial Services Downtown Business Association Dr. Mark Appler Dream Mill Music Company Dry Bridge Station Duke Energy Carolinas Eagle Storage, Inc. East Coast Wings & Grill East Surry High School Edward Jones Embarq Emily S. Loftis Enterprise Rent-a-Car E.T. Bass and Co. F. Rees Company Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Fancy Gap Outfitters Farm Bureau Mount Airy / Tim Hamlin Fashion Floors of Mount Airy Fastlink Communications Inc. Faw, Folger & Johnson, Attorneys First Citizens Bank First Southern Title Agency, Inc Flat Rock Elementary School Foothills Cycling Franklin Elementary School Frontier Natural Gas Froo Froo Pet Boutique G & B Energy Gardner, Gardner & Campbell, PLLC, Atty Garson McMillian Real Estate & Auction Company, Inc. Gary and Marianne Pruett Gates Pharmacy Gaynell Dancy Gilmer Smith Foundation Goin Postal Golden Corral Golden Living Center Golding Transport, Inc. Good Life Cafe' & Market, The Goodwill Industries of Northwest NC, Inc. Granite City Construction Company, Inc. Granite City Insulation Granite Development, LLC Granite Tactical Vehicles, Inc Grassy Creek Cabooses Greene Finance Corporation Gwyn, Lucy Ellen Properties H & H Auto Sales H & R Block H & W Trucking Company H. Lee Merritt, Attorneys at Law Hampton Inn & Suites Shelton Vineyards Hampton Inn of Mount Airy Hanesbrands Inc. Harrell Oil Company Harvest Time Bread Company of North Carolina LLC Haynes Strand and Company, PLLC Heartland Payment Systems Henredon Hiatt & Fawcett, Attorneys at Law, PLLC High Cotton Interiors, LLC Hodges Realty Holcomb Hardware Hollows Motel, The Holly Springs Cafe Homeplace Recreational Park, Inc. Homeway Furniture Company Hutchens Laundry and Cleaners I-77 North Welcome Center Imperial Images Infinity Day Spa of Mount Airy, LLC Inman & Sparks Realty Insteel Industries, Inc. J & B Foods, Inc. dba Aunt Bea's BBQ J. Sam Gentry Middle School J.C. Penney Company J.E.B. Stuart Birthplace Preservation Trust J.J Jones Intermediate School Jack L. Wilson, CPA PLLC Jack Thomas Jantec Neon Products John Jackson Insurance Agency, Inc. John L. Gravitte, DDS, PA John S. Clark Company, LLC Johnson Granite, Inc. Joy Ranch Home for Children J's HVAC Unlimited, LLC J's Office Supply & Etc., Inc. Kelly Office Solutions Kentucky Fried Chicken Knights Inn Mayberry Kyoto at the Lake III L.C. Transportation Service, Inc. L.S. Starrett Company Lanier Worldwide Inc. Leonard Buildings and Truck Accessories Leonard's Jewelers Libby Hill Seafood Liberty Business Partners Ligon Electric Supply Lisa's Hallmark, Inc Little Richards BBQ Loftis HVAC Company, Inc. Lonestar Steakhouse & Saloon Lorene's Bakery & Catering Lowe & Williams, PLLC Lowes Foods #143 Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse Lydens Associates M & M Granite, Inc. M & M Signs, Inc. Mac Papers, Inc. Main-Oak Emporium Majure Skin Care and Wellness Center Makayla's March of Dimes- Greater Triad Division Marilyn's At The Lodge, LLC Marion & Son Landscaping Services, LLC Marion's Jewelry Master Craft Builders of Mount Airy, Inc. Mayberry Alarm Company Mayberry Campground Mayberry Consignments & Souvenirs Mayberry Learning Center Mayberry Mall Mayberry Motor Inn Mayberry on Main Mayberry Pharmacy Mayberry Vending Mayberry Waterworks McKinney Builders, Inc. Meadowview Middle School Merritt Machine, Inc. Mickey W. Kiger, CLU Millennium Charter Academy Mills, Lee Construction Company Mister Sparky Mom & Me on Main Moody Funeral Services Mount Airy "Mayberry" Coffee Company Mount Airy City Board of Education Mount Airy Fire Department Mount Airy High School Mount Airy Middle School Mount Airy Museum of Regional History Mount Airy Newspapers, Inc. Mount Airy Ob-Gyn Center Mount Airy Oil Company Mount Airy Paint Store Mount Airy Police Department Mount Airy Public Library Mount Airy Rescue Squad Mount Airy Restoration Foundation/Moore House Mount Airy Tourism Development Authority Mount Airy Veterinary Hospital Mount Airy Vision Center Mount Airy-Surry County Airport Authority Mountain Park Elementary School Mountain Valley Hospice and Palliative Care MRI The Mayberry Group, Inc Mt. Airy Diner Mt. Airy Drug, Inc. Mullins Pawn Shop & Jewelers NC & Virginia Properties, LLC NCFI Polyurethanes Neighbors Stores, Inc. Network Dynamics, Inc. Nor-Pak Services, Inc North Carolina Employment Security Commission North Carolina Granite Corporation, The North State Physicians Services, LLC North Surry High School Northern Hospital of Surry County Northwest Medical Partners/Pro Health Center OfficeVision, Inc. Old North State Winery Olde Mill Music Opie's Candy Store Pandowdy's Papa Johns Pizza Paradigm Financial Group, Inc. Parkway Neurology, PLLC Parrish Tire Company Patterson Associates, Inc. Patterson Automotive, Inc. Patterson, Inc. PCI Communications PC Needs, Inc. Pepsi Bottling Ventures Perkins & Associates Financial Group Pet Stop of The Foothills Phillips Motors Company Piedmont Authority for Regional Transportation Piedmont Companies Piedmont Hematology Oncology Associates, PLLC Piedmont Triad Computer Consulting, Inc. Pike Electric, Inc. Pilot Knob Inn Bed and Breakfast Pilot Knob Park Country Club Pilot Mountain Middle School Pine State Marketing, Inc. Pioneer Printing Company Premium Tobacco Company U.S., Inc. Primland Resort Print Distribution Service. LLC Professional Networks, Inc. Quality Inn & Suites Quality Termite & Pest Control RBC Bank Realty World/Brantley & Associates Reeves Community Center Renfro Corporation Reserves Network, The Residential Mortgage Corp Richards, Dr. Swanson Riddle, R.W. RidgeCrest Retirement LLC Right Care Riverside Building Supply Rock Solid Dimensional Stone, Inc. Rockford Digestive Health Specialists, P.A. Rockford Inn Bed & Breakfast, The Rogers Realty and Auction Company, Inc. Round Peak Vineyard (LLC) Sagebrush Steakhouse Restaurant SageSport Salem Logistics Distribution Services, LLC Samet, Payne, Wood, Horton & Company Sanders Electric Company, Inc. Sawyers & Sawyers Accounting Services SB&T Insurance Scenic Motors Scenic Overlook Bed & Breakfast Security Financial Services Sela Building Corporation Select Real Estate, LLC Select Staffing SERVPRO Sheets Transfer and Storage, Inc. Shelton Vineyards Shoals Elementary School Simmons, Dean DDS PA Simplex Construction Services, LLC Skyline Memory Gardens Smith & Smith, DDS Smith Auto Parts Smith-Rowe, Inc. Snappy Lunch Snow Mountain Properties Sobotta Manor Bed & Breakfast Something Different on Main, Inc. Sonbert Security Systems, INC SouthData, Inc. Southern Community Bank Specialty Gifts, LLC - The Mayberry Collectors Center Springthorpe Agency, Inc. Squad Car Tours State Employees' Credit Union State Farm Insurance Company (SG) Surrey Bank & Trust Surrey Investment Services Surry Animal Hospital, PA Surry Arts Council Surry Center - NC Cooperative Extension Service Surry Central High School Surry Chemicals Surry Community College Surry County Board of Education Surry County Chapter American Red Cross Surry County Economic Development Partnership, Inc. Surry County Historical Society Surry County Senior Services Surry Friends of Youth Surry Inn Sarang, Inc. Surry Insurance Surry Port-a-John Service, Inc. Surry SCAN Surry Telephone/Internet Surry Yadkin Electric Membership Corporation Sylvan Learning Center SYRS Gift Shop T.P. Supply, Inc. T.W. Signs & Graphics Talley's Custom Frame & Gallery Terminix The AC Group, Inc. The Fruit Basket The Gallery Group & Art Studio Inc The Greater Mount Airy Area Habitat for Humanity The Messenger The Optical Place, Inc. This 'N That This Olde Place Antiques & Collectibles Thomas House Bed & Breakfast Thunder Road Museum Time Systems Inc. Time Warner Cable T-N-T Carports, Inc. Toshiba Business Solutions Total Communications Systems and Solutions Tourism Partnership of Surry County Town and Country Realty and Construction Transportation Services Co. Inc Tri-County Orthopedic & Sports Medicine, PA Truliant Federal Credit Union United Country Spring Valley Realty, LLC United Fund of Surry, Inc United Plastics Corporation United Processing Co. Veterans Memorial Park Inc Video Works of North Carolina, INC Wally's Pharmacy Wal-Mart Stores Waste Management Mount Airy Wayne Farms We Care Concessions Webb Interiors Westfield Dog Boarding Kennel's Westfield Elementary School White Plains Elementary School White Sulphur Springs Rehab & Wellness Center White's International Trucks, Inc.of Mt. Airy WIFM Window World of the Foothills Winston Salem DASH Baseball Club Winston-Salem Journal Wolf Creek Farm Woltz, Edwin Attorney at Law Wood's TV, Inc. Wordsprint, Inc. WorkForce Carolina WPAQ Radio Yadkin Valley Cabinet Company, INC Yadkin Valley Economic Development District Yadkin Valley Wine Trail The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce exists due to your continued support and active participation in our programs of work. The Chamber sincerely appreciates all you do during these hard economic times. Our promise is to continue to work for you to promote your business and to provide you with the resources and tools to ensure your successful growth. PAGE 9 T H A N K Y O U ! y a D s l a n o i s s e f o r P e v i t a r t s i n i m Ad PAGE 10 Thanks to the following businesses for their support! Talley’s Custom Frame & Gallery Creative Designs Flowers & Gifts Reeves Community Center Olympia Restaurant Pine State Marketing Mountain Valley Hospice & Palliative Care Rogers Realty & Auction Company Susan Thomas, Just Jewelry Consultant Nikki Montgomery Massage Therapy Haynes Strand & Company Libby Hill Seafood The Mount Airy News First Southern Title Agency Comfort Keepers Harrell Oil Barney’s Café Residential Mortgage Corp. Holly Springs Café Bojangles Farm Bureau-Tim Hamlin Leonard Building’s and Truck Accessories Congratulations to Teresa Montgomery, the 2009 Administrative Professional of the Year ! The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce hosted the annual Administrative Professionals Day Luncheon on Wednesday April 22, 2009 at Cross Creek with 230 Chamber members and guests in attendance. The annual event recognizes and celebrates all administrative personnel, the backbone and the glue of our businesses. It was a wonderful event and a great way to celebrate and honor all Administrative Professionals! Thanks to all the Businesses and Ambassadors for their support of this event. Ms. Toast (Greg Perkins, bottom left), the reining queen makes an appearance and crowns Ms. Rockford (Scott Kniskern, bottom right) selected by the audience as the 2009 Miss Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce! PAGE Youth Leadership Surry is a program administered through the Greater Mount Airy Chamber’s Education Support Committee which consists of volunteers from the education and business community who are committed to developing the leadership potential of our youth through engaging activities and experiences. The top 20%, 35 students, in the county are identified and selected to participate in the program. The goal is to increase the participant’s awareness of the community by exploring its history, economics, government, law enforcement, and legal system as well as state government. The program develops a sense of community pride and encourages students to become more involved in community based activities. In keeping with our mission to promote our members, we have implemented several spotlights. YLS The C h Spotlig amber hts... The first is the Chamber Champion. A Chamber Champion would be an individual with a member company that goes above and beyond to support the events of the Chamber and its mission. We could not be successful without them. There is a long list and you may be next! Our Small Business Spotlight is our second. We choose a small business that continues to promote the Chamber in their own way from word of mouth referrals to participation, or through donations. We also choose members that we feel could use the extra promotion of their unique business. The last spotlight will begin in our May newsletter and it is called the “Getting To Know You Spotlight” This can be won through a door prize drawing at our Business After Hours events. This is our way to thank our members for their attendance at our Chamber Business After Hours. The more you come the more chances to win !!! We hope to see your name drawn next! 11 You may just be next! PAGE 12 Waste Management of Mount Airy C H A M B E R 625 Smith Road Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 336-320-2263 The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce could not operate without Rick Davies during the Autumn Leaves Festival. Rick Davies, District Ops Manager for Waste Management, has donated a trash bin and receptacles for the Autumn Leaves Festival weekend the last several years. Jerry Sheets Sheets Transfer and Storage, Inc. 271 Hickory Street Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 336-789-5596 C H A M P I O N S Sheets Transfer & Storage Co. Sheets has been a long time Chamber supporter. They have helped move furniture and have delivered items for the Chamber. They are always willing to help. Haynes Strand and Company, PLLC 400 S. South Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 789-8989 John Haynes and Jeff Gordon are no strangers to this community. They are leaders in community service as well as public accounting. John and Jeff have supported the Chamber of Commerce at all levels. They also encourage their employees to support the Chamber and their community If you know Jay Hartsook with Sagebrush then you know the first thing he will say is “what can I do?”. He has always been supportive of the Chamber as well as other organizations in this Community. . Sagebrush Steak House 2000 Woodland Drive Mount Airy, NC 27030 336-786-9717 PAGE Creative Designs Flowers & Gifts 1220 South Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336)719-2333 Dawn Lawson strives to develop customer’s and friends for life. She is definitely a friend to the Chamber and to this Community! Located on 711 W. Independence Blvd. Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 336789-8220 There is no question that community is the top of Teresa Lewis’ agenda. “Her resume of community service is one to be respected and admired. She encourages her employees to follow her lead of serving this community. Northern Pediatrics holds Open House Northern Pediatrics 100 Northpointe Boulevard Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 789-6267 Hundreds of families turned out for the open house event and festivities. Car seat checks were done by Surry County Emergency Services in the parking lot; face painting was a popular activity for many children….spiders and flowers adorned many young cheeks, purple balloons for the kids and tasty refreshments were enjoyed by all. The staff at Northern Pediatrics consists of: Dr. Mae Daniels MD, Dr. Melinda Darling MD, Dr. James Robertson MD, Dr. Andrew Robertson MD, Dr. Lori McClanahan MD, and Dr. Peter Barbian MD. The Open House event was great and everyone seemed to have a wonderful time! 13 “I strongly encourage Chamber membership as well as participation to be able to take advantage of the many networking opportunities that the Chamber offers.” , Says Jay Hartsook with Sagebrush Steakhouse. “Through my Chamber membership I have been able to brand the Sagebrush name with my customers.” PAGE 14 308 W. Pine Street Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 336-786-2101 SMALL BUSINESS S P O T L I Steve Scott, owner of Airmont Florist & Gift Shop ,says”...whatever I can do to help the community.” He goes the extra mile for his community as well as for his customer’s to make their gift extra special! Gary & Cindy Hoback 688 Gid Collins Lane Ararat, VA 24053 800-416-WOLF (9653) Your out of the box vacation can be found just 6 miles from Mt. Airy and catered to your needs. They are often promoting and referring Mount Airy to their guests. They are often seen volunteering at the Northern Hospital of Surry County. G H T Hwy 52N Bypass 336-783-4833 Sit down for dinner at Marilyn’s and you are in for a treat! They also offer private catering to your business needs for lunch. Marilyn’s is also a part of our member to member discount program. GREAT PRICES, GREAT VARIETY, GREAT FOOD….and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC !!! PAGE Squad Car Tours 625 South Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 336- 789-6743 Mike took an idea, a love of Mount Airy, and a tourism need and turned it into a Mayberry adventure. Today he tours 3 cars to give each visitor a personal touch of Mayberry. WPAQ Radio Station 2147 Springs Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336)786-6111 “If people are doing the same thing in 25 places, why should I be number 26?” said Mr. Ralph Epperson. Sixty years later, and after the recent passing of his father in ‘06, Kelly Epperson, son, still represents the core mission that his father started so many years ago with the commitment to community and reflecting the local culture and musical values. WPAQ now offers streaming audio where you can listen to Old Time Music and Bluegrass anytime on the internet. WPAQ receives thousands of hits from all over the world proving the music only gets better with time. Mount Airy Paint Store 222 Franklin Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 786-6755 The Mount Airy Paint Store, owned by Mike Butler, has been a part of our community since 1948. He is very thankful for his committed and dedicated contractors and homeowners that keep his small businesses growing in hard economic times. ….His message is the same as ours. “Buy Local!” 15 “We support each other… that is what a small town is all about.”, “Joining the Chamber has been the best thing I have ever done for my business.” Says Mike Cochran of Mayberry Squad Car Tours. PAGE 16 Chamber Surprise Patrol !!! Ligon Electric Supply 998 West Pine Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 !!! e s i r p Sur Ligon Electric Supply is owned by, State Electric Supply Company that was founded over 57 years ago. The company was born in Huntington, WV in 1952 when Art Weisberg loaded his pickup truck with light bulbs, extension cords and fuses and then hit the road selling to grocery and hardware stores that were so numerous back then. State Electric Supply Company has evolved into one of the nation’s largest and best-known electrical distributors, one with more than 700 employees at 40 branch locations in five states. State Electric is Customer Focused and Quality Driven through their Quality People, Products, Processes, and Planning. H&W Trucking Company Since 1966, H&W has provided LTL (less-thantruckload) and truckload transportation services in the Carolinas and coast-to-coast. Originally established by Bobby Harold, the company is presently family owned and operated by his children, Susan Harold Thomas and Gary Harold. H&W Trucking Company’s mission is to provide fast dependable truck transportation to their customers at a reasonable price. Their fleet consists of late model Peterbilt and International tractors with 53’ refrigerated air-ride trailers. The tractors are equipped with Qualcomm satellite-based tracking and communication systems to enhance efficiency and customer service. H&W also provides tractors, trailers, and containers for sale, rent, or lease. For your trucking needs contact H&W Trucking Company. H & W Trucking P.O. Box 1545 Mt. Airy, N.C. 27030 336-789-2188 PAGE The Chamber Surprise Patrol paid an unexpected visit to the Mount Airy City Board of Education Administration Office located at 130 Rawley Avenue in Mount Airy. Superintendent Dr. Darrin Hartness was meeting with School Board Chair, Wendy Carriker reviewing the budget when the Chamber Surprise Patrol knocked at the door. The entire Mount Airy City Board of Education City Administration staff joined in the fun and for a photo. . Mount Airy City Board of Education Administration Office 130 Rawley Avenue Mount Airy, NC 27030. Phone (336) 786-8355 or visit Network Dynamics, Inc. has the capability to analyze the computer needs of any organization because of their broad exposure and extensive knowledge. Services include the following: Local area network design and implementation, wide area network design and implementation, computer network testing and certification, network operating system determination and installation, desktop configuration and upgrades, network administration, database administration, remote connectivity, applications training support, Microsoft BackOffice installation and configuration, Microsoft Office installation and configuration, as well as many more. What a fascinating business and warm reception the Chamber Surprise Patrol received while visiting Network Dynamics, Inc. Network Dynamics, Inc. 720 East Old Hwy 52 By-Pass Pilot Mountain, NC 27041 (336) 368-2560 17 S U R P R I S E P A T R O L PAGE 18 Cloud 9 Coffee and Truliant Federal Credit Union B U S I N E S S Past Chair -Greg Perkins introduces Crystal Dalton to the group. Crystal and her husband Jason own Cloud 9 Coffee. Truliant Federal Credit Union P.O. Box 25508 Winston-Salem, N. C. 27114 Cloud 9 Coffee 2123 Rockford Street Suite 200 Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 RS fter Business A ld e h Hours are provide monthly to with ers our memb opporg in rk netwo d to allow n a s tunitie st member for the ho their se to showca business. White Sulphur Springs Rehabilitation & Wellness Center hosted an Open House and Business After Hours event. Casey Vedder, Physical Therapist and Dr. Leslie Stoklosa, Chiropractic Physician welcomed chamber members and guests to their office located at 2994 Riverside Drive in Mount Airy. Dr. Leslie and Cassy have reorganized and joined their specialties into White Sulphur Springs Rehabilitation & Wellness Center. A total of eight employees work at the facility with three physical therapists floating between Tri-County Orthopedics and White Sulphur Springs Rehab. . R E T F A HOU Cloud 9 Coffee and Truliant Federal Credit Union teamed up to host a Chamber Business After Hours event at Cloud 9 Coffee located at 2123 Rockford Street Suite 200 in Mount Airy. Chamber member, Truliant Federal Credit Union located at 3200 Truliant Way in Winston-Salem, NC partnered with a local Chamber member for a fun and entertaining evening of networking. Chamber members and guests were treated to coffee, smoothies and wonderful sweet treats all available at Cloud 9 Coffee and great complimentary promotional items furnished by Truliant Federal Credit Union. Chamber members and guests enjoyed meeting the Truliant and Cloud 9 staffs and hearing from each of the businesses and what they specialize in. It was a casual evening of getting to know other chamber members and some of our newest members too. Thank you Physical Therapist, Casey Vedder welcomes everyone to the event. White Sulphur Springs Rehabilitation & Wellness Center 2994 Riverside Drive, Mount Airy, NC 27030 Phone: (336) 786-6565 / Fax: (336) 786-5110 The Wound Care Center at Northern Hospital Hosts Business After Hours The Wound Care Center at Northern Hospital hosted a Business After Hours event on Thursday March 5, 2009 at the new facility located at South Street Medical Park in Mount Airy. Over sixty Chamber members and guests attended the event and were given a tour of this fabulous facility that is unlike any other facility in our region! The Wound Care Center at Northern Hospital is an outpatient, hospital-affiliated program to provide treatment for problem wounds. Patients are usually referred by their primary care physician, but may be self-referred. The program operates by appointment. A state-of-the-art facility, the Center provides the most advanced therapies and the latest clinical modalities to treat problem wounds. PAGE The Wound Care Center of Northern Hospital South Street Medical Park 314 S. South Street Suite 200 Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 Phone 786-2033 The Mount Airy News hosted a Chamber Business After Hours Event celebrating 129 years of service. Publisher Gary Lawrence and The Mount Airy News staff welcomed over 100+ Chamber members and guests to the office at 319 Renfro Street Mount Airy. The dreary weather did not hinder attendance or halt the ceremony of retiring the worn and tattered United States Flag. Guests were treated to heavy appetizers from 308 Bistro and wine from Old North Sate Winery and invited to tour the facility and see the operations behind printing the newspaper. Congratulations to The Mount Airy News for 129 Years of Service to our community! If you would like to advertise in the quarterly issue of the “Chamber Connections”, call your Mount Airy News advertising representative today or call 336-786-4141. 19 PAGE 20 Residential Mortgage Corp. holds Ribbon Cutting and Open House Residential Mortgage Corp. 304 E. Independence Blvd. Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 Residential Mortgage Corp., a mortgage lender, held a Ribbon Cutting and Open House at their new office located at 304 E. Independence Blvd., Suite 101, Mount Airy, NC 27030 on Wednesday January 21, 2009. The staff of Residential Mortgage Corp. was delighted with the attendance of close to 200 Chamber members and guests taking time out of their day to drop by and visit them at the new office. Guests were given a tour of the office and treated to wonderful appetizers and refreshments. Raynelle Hamblin, former owner of Stratford Mortgage Group, Patricia Bondurant, former owner of Granite City Mortgage, Sandra Richards, former owner of First Southern Mortgage, and Tonda Phillips, former co-owner of Homeland Mortgage, joined forces with Residential Mortgage Corp., sharing the same qualities and professionalism. The four mortgage loan professionals have opened a new office, Residential Mortgage Corp. located at 304 E. Independence Blvd., Suite 101, Mount Airy, NC 27030. They may also be reached by telephone at 336 786-7110, or by visiting their website at SERVPRO hosted Open House at NEW location Scott Lawson and the SERVPRO staff hosted an Open House at their new location, 1217 West Lebanon Street Mount Airy. Chamber members and guests were treated to refreshments and tours of the new location. The spacious facility now allows SERVPRO to not only clean and restore business and home contents but to warehouse them until other arrangements are made; along with additional space for more equipment and products. The staff was informative and the tour was interesting. Thank you SERVPRO for inviting us to your new location! For all of your cleaning and restoration needs Call SERVPRO 1217 West Lebanon Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 789-3535 E.T. Bass and Co. holds Ribbon Cutting PAGE E.T. Bass and Co. located at 115 North Main Street in Mount Airy held a Ribbon Cutting ceremony on Friday March 20, 2009 at 11:00am officially opening the doors. Owned by Perry and Rebecca Turpin, E.T. Bass and Co. is a neat store…. carrying an assortment of antiques many of which have been collected by Perry and Rebecca, other collectibles, local woodwork and is an authorized dealer for Case XX knives…... a great addition to the eclectic retail mix in downtown Mount Airy. The attendance for the ribbon cutting was large with many of the downtown merchants attending the ceremony welcoming E.T. Bass and Co. to Main Street. Stop by and say hello to Perry, Rebecca and Olivia! E.T. Bass and CO. 115 North Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030. Ribbon Cutting and Anniversary Celebration Held at Froo Froo Pet Boutique Saturday April 18, 2009 at 11:00am Froo Froo Pet Boutique held a Ribbon Cutting followed with a One Year Anniversary Celebration at 171 North Main Street Mount Airy, NC. Owner, Billie Jo Easter, was a delightful host welcoming Chamber Members and guests to her wonderful shop that specializes in everything your “Pet” needs. Froo Froo Pet Boutique 171 North Main Street Mount Airy, NC 27030 (336) 719-6818 21 PAGE 22 In the month of April 2009 the Mount Airy Visitor Center greeted 5,502 Visitors. This number is up 2% from 2008. The majority of these visitors were from NC, OH, GA, FL, PA, VA, KY, MI, WV and SC. The Mount Airy Visitor Center Staff greeted Visitors from 48 States excluding Hawaii and South Dakota. International Visitors that came into the Mount Airy Visitors Center were from Canada, Germany, Spain, Scotland, Israel, and Australia. The staff greeted 53 Visitors from Canada, and 20 from Germany. As of May 24th, the staff of the Mount Airy Visitor Center greeted 4,907 Visitors. In the week of May 17-24, the staff greeted over 1,800 visitors! From January through April, The Visitor Center greeted 12,370 visitors. May 22, 2009-Vintage BMW Tour-Vintage at the Vine The group was welcomed in Downtown Mount Airy on Friday afternoon with a reception at The North State Winery. The group also enjoyed an evening movie in the downtown Cinema. The Tour was staying in our area May 22nd – 24th. The Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce has released the 2008 Autumn Leaves Festival economic impact study resulting in $8,446,493.00. The study was conducted during the 42nd annual Autumn Leaves Festival held October 10th, 11th & 12th, 2008 in Mount Airy. Information was collected and complied from 930 surveys completed by visitors and analyzed by Dr. Erick T. Byrd, Associate Professor Department of Recreation, Tourism, and Hospitality, University of North Carolina Greensboro. Statistics from the impact study show that the average party size attending the festival was 3, average age was 48, average gender was female and the majority of people who attended stayed an average of 1 day in our area. Twenty Nine states were represented and visitors from Canada, Philippines and Sweden – the following are the top states in ranking; 74.2% were from North Carolina, 13.6% from Virginia, 1.8% from South Carolina, 1.7% from Florida, 1.1% from West Virginia, 1.0% from Tennessee, .4% from Ohio and Pennsylvania, .3% from Maryland and Georgia and .2% from Texas. PAGE 23 Upcoming Tour Groups *June 9, 2009 VMCCA Chrome Glidden Tour-Car Show 100 antique cars 11am – 2pm downtown Mount Airy *August 20 – 23, 2009 North Carolina Harley Owners Group-Motorcycle Group The surveys were completed by people ranging from 19 to 83 years old 2009 North Carolina and mostly female 63.65% versus 36.4% male; 78.2% were in town for State Hog (Harley the festival, 7.6% were visiting relatives, 4% for “Mayberry” and 10.1% Owners Group) Rally for other reasons. Estimating 2,000 people 8.9% stayed overnight (average night rate $130.72), 34.5% ate in resMount Airy & the taurants (spending $60.30 on food), 81% shopped in stores or with craft Surrounding area vendors (spending an average of $39.14), 4.8% spent $130.82 on enter- Anniversary Year 25th tainment, 28% spent $22.25 on automotive. The average party spent Year for HOG Asso$156.73 while attending the festival. ciations NOSTALGIC STYLE The Direct Economic Impact of the 2008 Autumn Leaves Festival RALLY-2008 RALLY was $8,446,493.00 (eight-million, four-hundred forty-six thousand, four(Harley Davidson hundred ninety- three dollars). owners spend an average of $300 per person The Autumn Leaves Festival received the “BEST OF THE BLUE RIDGE” per day) Silver award in 2008 by the BLUERIDGE COUNTY MAGAZINE and has been recognized as one the Southeast’s Top Twenty Tourism Events by *September 17, 2009 the Southeast Tourism Society. Buick Driving Enthusiasts 50-100 Cars, 100 people The 2009 43rd Autumn Leaves Festival will 9:30am – 2:00pm be held on Oct. 9th-11th. downtown Mount Airy PAGE 24 48th Annual Meeting The Annual meeting was held January 29th, 2009 at Cross Creek Country Club with representation of over 260 members and guests. We took this time to say “Thank You” to the past Chairman of the Board, Rich Kunkel and to the Board Members whose terms retired; Kenny Meredith, Joan Inman and Susan Holder. We also welcomed our new incoming Chairman of the Board, Dr. George Sappenfield along with new Board Members; Traci Hamilton, Raynelle Hamblin, Gary Lawrence, Doug Norman, Chad Stafford, Nick Patel and Lee Cole. Social Hour PAGE Congratu la Citizen o tions to our 2009 f the Yea r !!!1 25 Mike Bowman Executive Vice-President of Renfro Mayor Jack Loftis and Guest Mary Good with the Mount Airy News have just been seated for dinner after spending time with Chamber members and guests. Thank you to our sponsors! EVENT SPONSOR - RBC BANK ASSOCIATE SPONSORS -BB& T, BB&T Blue Ridge Burke Insurance, Duke Energy Carolinas, Embarq, Haynes Strand and Company, PLLC, Northern Hospital of Surry County, SouthData, Inc., WorkForce Carolina, Inc. AWARD SPONSOR - WorkForce Carolina, Inc. Joan Inman– SouthData, Inc. WINE SPONSOR - Shelton Vineyards Susan Holder-Rogers Realty & Auction Co. Kenney Meredith-SouthData, Inc. Individuals retiring from the Board receive their services plaques as a thank you from the Chamber. The Mission of the V ISIT US ON- LINE WWW.MTAIRYNCCHAMBER. ORG AND WWW. VISITMAYBERRY. COM FIGHTING THE RECESSION… Be Creative Focus on Clients Think Long Term Use the Web Be Smarter in Your Marketing Sales Strategies in an Economic Downturn by Rod Means Marketing Advisory Council Member, SCORE® Greater Mount Airy Chamber of Commerce is to advance, promote and encourage successful business growth for our members. 200 N. Main St. Mount Airy, N.C. 27030 336-786-6116 Main 336-786-1488 Fax Betty Ann Collins - President Email: Main Line Extension 6 Yvonne Nichols - Executive Assistant and Autumn Leaves Festival Director Email: Main Line Extension 5 Jessica Icenhour - Tourism Director Email: Main Line Extension 3 Tanya Taylor- Membership/Communications Email: Main Line Extension 4 Fawn Shaw - Visitor Specialist Email: Main Line
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