in resources
in resources
ARII PUBLIC-SECTOR SOLUTIONS IN H U M A N RESOURCES HR engineering by the Agence Régionale pour l’Innovation et l’Internationalisation des Entreprises in the Provence - Alpes - Côte d’Azur region « An expert’s angle on your investment project » An HR Task Force for your project FINANCING PACA Mode d’Emploi The Human Resources Department at the ARII (Regional Agency for Innovation and Enterprise Internationalization) has a multi-disciplinary team at your disposal to help you set up or develop your business in the Provence - Alpes Côte d’Azur region. Who are we? > A human resources service, unique in France, providing specialized support to companies investing in the Provence Alpes - Côte d’Azur region. ADVICE >A joint initiative by the key players in the fields of employment and training. Our mission > Identify the company’s needs and understand its expectations in terms of human resources. RECRUITMENT TRAINING > Mobilize the appropriate networks. > Devise solutions along with local partners. > Provide continual follow-up throughout a project’s development. What we provide > Assistance with job qualification > Salary benchmarking > Skill pools > Training opportunities > Sourcing diversification > Organize public support Human Resources and attractiveness Foreign investment in the PACA region - 2013 (Data supplied by Business France and the ARII) 69 3 530 3rd new investments by foreign companies in the PACA region potential new jobs within 3 years most attractive French region in terms of numbers of projects and jobs PACA Mode d’Emploi in figures - 2013 210 7 300 40 4 company projects handled (foreign projects and French projects identified by the département-level agencies) potential jobs within 3 years companies have benefited from the diversified sourcing main sectors: > audiovisual - multimedia >biotechnology >ICT >industrial « ... The State and the Region are committed to actively supporting economic development projects. Identifying skills, mobilizing local expertise, providing a comprehensive human resources engineering solution to optimize support for companies are important issues that the ARII is acting on... » Jean-Yves LONGERE Agence Régionale pour l’Innovation et l’Internationalisation des entreprises - PACA General Director Skills from here and elsewhere A Strong Vitality Remarkable demographic growth (Source: INSEE 2012) > Population of 4.9 million >3rd most-populated region in France > 21% of the population aged between 17 and 32 A growing pool of human resources (Source: INSEE 2012) > Working population of 2 million > Increase in population of 10,000 each year > Qualified jobs in demand A diverse student population (Source: INSEE 2013) 156,000 students in the PACA region (ranked 3rd in France), including: > 101,000 at university > 17,000 in higher technical education > 11,000 in business schools > 5000 in engineering schools « ... There is a pool of talent available in the PACA region. In addition, young people are very mobile and see the whole of Europe as a single work environment... » Philippe BRUN STMicroelectronics Vice-President A region that attracts talent A positive inter-regional migratory rate (Source: INSEE 2010 - 2012) > 32,000 workers gained in 5 years > Half the new arrivals aged under 40 > Ranked 3rd in France for influx of young people aged 16 to 29 A cosmopolitan area (Sources: INSEE 2012, Ministry of Education, 2013) > 310,000 foreign residents > Ranked 3rd in France in terms of number of foreign students > Almost 18,000 foreign students > Ranked 4th in France in terms of influx of foreign companies Overwhelmingly popular with senior managers (Source: Apec 2013-2014) > More than 215,000 management-level employees working in the PACA region >2nd most attractive region for managers and young graduates > 72% of French managers consider the PACA region to be the most attractive in France > 74% of young managers like the PACA region for the quality of life it offers « ... Provence attracts talent from all over the world, and especially from the Mediterranean Rim. For example, 20% of my employees are from Morocco, which has led to an increased in our business with the Maghreb Countries... » Jean-Philippe BETOIN Cassis International, SAFRAN Group President High-quality education and research Excellence in education and research With a tripling of its budget in 10 years, the PACA Regional Council is investing in higher education and research (Sources: DRRT PACA 2012, STRATER PACA 2012, INPI 2012) > 2 universities in the Shanghai Ranking >2nd most popular destination region for doctoral students on foreign exchange > €2.8 bn in R&D investment each year > More than 17,000 research staff (ranked 3rd) > More than 1000 theses presented each year « ... For the students, being able to study in an area that provides so many opportunities is a real privilege. With top-quality research, a strategic location and an undeniable quality of life, our education and training programs are very attractive... » Frédéric FOTIADU Regional Conference of Elite Schools, PACA President Ecole CENTRALE de Marseille Dean Attractive and diverse study and training courses The region offers a diversity of subjects that allows students to find a professional path that suits them (Source : ONISEP 2013) > 4 universities > 16 engineering schools (certain being EUR-ACE*-certified) > 15 business schools (EQUIS, AMBA, AACSB*-certified) > 2 teacher training schools on 8 sites across the region > More than 40 apprenticeship centers (excluding regional centers) * European and international standards of quality The means to fulfil any ambition Employees in the region often turn to training to enhance their skills: personal training leave (CIF), work experience accreditation (VAE), skills assessments, vocational training, work/study programs... (Sources: INSEE 2012, STRATER PACA 2012) > Ranked 2nd in terms of university diplomas earned through the VAE scheme > Ranked 3rd for vocational training > More than 32,000 students on apprenticeships « ... Over the past ten years, strong ties have been developed between higher education, research centers and industry which have boosted companies’ capacity to innovate and grow... » Philippe BRUN STMicroelectronics Vice-President A dedicated and dynamic workforce Results-oriented Efficient, hard-working and committed workers (Sources: INSEE 2012, DIRECCTE 2013, AFII 2012) > France: Ranked 3rd in Europe in terms of hourly productivity > PACA region: Ranked 3rd most productive region in France (GDP per worker) > Strong belief in collective bargaining, with more than 4100 collective labor agreements signed in 2012 (an increase of 5% on 2011) « ... Our employees are passionate about their work and are very committed. The combination of an interesting job and an attractive region is motivating for people and makes hiring easy… » Magali FERRY EOLE-RES HR Director An appetite for entrepreneurship and innovation A high rate of enterprise creation (Source: INSEE 2012) > Region ranked 2nd in France in terms of enterprise creation (11% of total) > More than 61,000 companies created, of which 58% for self-employment Thriving innovation (Sources: DRRT PACA 2012, INPI 2012) >3rd region in France for the number of brand, design and patent registration applications > 670 patents applied for > 202 companies granted “Young Innovating Enterprise” status Active participation of companies in competitive clusters and PRIDES (Regional Cluster for Innovation and Socially Responsible Economic Development) clusters (Source: PACA Regional Council 2013) > 16 PRIDES-certified clusters in sectors including aeronautics, chemicals, agribusiness, logistics, photonics, renewable energies and ICT, of which 11 are competitive clusters (3 world-ranked) « ... The quality of life here makes the region very attractive for our employees, which means we can rely on a stable workforce. The other advantage in the Côte d’Azur area is the education system, which supplies us with qualified engineers... » Christophe ARZANO AKKA TECHNOLOGIES Director A region open to the world Internationally-acclaimed education Education with an international focus (Sources: Aix-Marseille and Nice Schools Boards, 2012, AFII 2014) > 30 public and private international schools including the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur International School in Manosque > 474 European – and Oriental – language sections > 45 international sections > More than 15,000 students in European-language sections > More than 40% of doctoral students of foreign origin > Ranked 2nd for the number of doctoral students on foreign exchange schemes International projects (Source: PACA Regional Council 2012) Key scientific R&D projects unique in the world: ITER (fusion energy) and ANTARES (particle physics) « ... The climate, pleasant living conditions and real-estate costs that are more affordable than in London or Paris are all factors attracting the English-speaking community to the South of France. British and American nationals also have access to many international companies here... » William PETERSON Mediterranean Anglo-American Business Network Director A region that welcomes foreign investment Foreign investment projects that create new jobs (Sources: MDER PACA 2012, DIRECCTE 2012, AFII 2012) > 224 investment projects in 5 years (2007-2012) generating more than 7700 jobs > A majority of enterprise creation projects (160 out of 224) > Ranked 1st in terms of jobs created in the energy and recycling sectors, thanks to foreign investment > 36 countries invested in the PACA region in 5 years (2007-2012) > The biggest investors are the United States, Germany and Great Britain, followed by Italy and Spain Foreign investment in added-value sectors (Source : MDER PACA 2012, AFII 2012) n 25% in decision-making center projects n 21% in R&D, engineering and design projects n 20% in business service projects n 15% in production and manufacturing projects n 8% in logistics projects n 7% in personal service projects n 4% in retail outlet projects « … Sophia Antipolis is the largest international technology park in France. The companies located there attract highly-qualified human resources… » Stéphane THOMAS Broadcom Director A preferential partnership with: PRÉFET DE LA RÉGION PROVENCE - ALPES CÔTE D’AZUR GRAPHICS: STEPHAN CRESCENZO - 06 72 22 93 06 - – PRINTED BY: MAGENTA NUMERIQUE - 04 91 32 64 54 – Photo credits: - © PACA Mode d’Emploi 2014 22, Rue Sainte Barbe 13001 MARSEILLE Tél : 33 (0)4 96 17 01 40
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sectors and is home to many companies with foreign capital
and to internationally-renowned projects such as ITER.
Access to such a skills pool is a considerable advantage for a
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