focus on life sciences in provence
focus on life sciences in provence
MAy 2012 NEWS T h e p rov e n c e pa rt n e r s h i p © Altedia w w w. t h e p rove n c e p a r t n e r s h i p. c o m FOCUS ON LIFE SCIENCES IN PROVENCE INNOVATION AND FINANCING IN PROVENCE SATT: A €78 M Boost for Technology Transfer The SATT Paca Corse (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and Corsica Technology Transfer Accelerator) is the fruit of a project carried by the Valorpaca association and coordinated by Aix-Marseille Université, the purpose of which is to promote technology transfer. SATT Paca Corse brings together 8 stakeholder research institutions representing a potential pool of more than 6000 researchers with a budget of €78 M, the largest such financing granted to any SATT organization. As the preferred interface between public research laboratories and industry, the SATT Paca Corse’s aims are three-fold : federate the structures promoting technology transfer, increase the level of innovation within businesses and contribute to the region’s economic development by creating innovating startups and new jobs in partnership with the business incubators. The SATT PACA provides a link between pure research and industry by ensuring that discoveries are taken through to maturity so that results are translated into patent applications or the acquisition of other intellectual property rights. Thanks to the launch of the SATTs, France – and in particular the PACA Region, which has a remarkable life sciences research pool (the second largest in France) – has become a world leader in terms of innovation. It is worth quoting here Dr Ashley J. Stevens, the outgoing president of the AUTM (Association of Universities Technology Managers) and co-founder of the Massachusetts Association of Technology Transfer Offices. When asked what strategy university chancellors should put in place to develop technology transfer, he replied, “ One of the main changes over the past five or ten years has been the increasing importance of translational research. I think the right strategy is the one adopted by France with its technology transfer accelerators (SATTs), one that involves setting aside a portion of public funds for translational research. ” BIOTECHNOLOGIES AND FUNDRAISING Provepharm raises €2.7 M for its international expansion The year 2011 was an eventful one for Provepharm. After receiving marketing authorization from the European Medicines Agency in May for Proveblue®, the company signed an exclusivity contract in November with the Japanese laboratory Daiichi Sankyo (n° 20 worldwide). The climax of the year came in December, when Provepharm finalized a €2.7 M funding drive with Viveris Management, with €1.6 M coming from Sofipaca, Paca Investissement and the balance from private investors. Thanks to this financing capacity, Provepharm can now concentrate on its future development. This will include the construction of new 17,000 sq. ft. headquarters in Marseilles and the creation of a subsidiary based in New York. ICDD Raises €800,000 to Further International Development and Research ICDD (Innovative Concepts in Drug Development), the biotechnology company specializing in predictive toxicology, has just completed an €800,000 fundraising operation with Paca Investissement, Grand Delta Angels and Var Business Angels. “These funds will allow us to accelerate our sales development, including the creation of a US subsidiary. We shall also continue our research efforts to identify diagnostic markers for Alzheimer’s, thanks to our partnerships with the AP-HM (Marseilles hospital authority) and Montpellier University, ” explains ICDD’s founder, Dr. Nathalie Compagnone. Founded in 2007, ICDD has focused its work on lowering the risk factor involved in developing new drugs through the early detection of serious side effects thanks to a range of biomarkers known as the Mitostream® technology. This solution, which has been validated by the Drug Safety Executive Council, has enhanced the young French company’s profile on the US market with contacts being made with the world’s top ten manufacturers. Second Successful Fundraising Campaign Nets €450 k For AmiKana BioLogics Founded in 2008 by Pablo Gluschankof, doctor in biochemistry and researcher at the CNRS, the Marseilles-based firm AmiKana BioLogics, specializing in HIV diagnosis and treatment, has just completed a successful fundraising campaign that has raised €450 k. The company’s novel approach to diagnostic testing – a complete departure from the existing technology - has managed to convince a number of regional investors. Coordinated by Alumni Business Angels, the fundraising campaign brought together Var BA, the SCR CDPS, the SCR Provençale et Corse and PACA Investissement. Thanks to this new round of financing, AmiKana BioLogics will be able to complete the marketing of its first diagnostic test for HIV drug resistance in 2013. The young company expects annual turnover to reach €5 M by 2018. TESTIMONIAL sanofi-aventis and the institut mérieux. the Cma-CGm, the world’s 3rd largest shipping group, is also involved in the project in the field of travel-related diseases. THE IHU MÉDITERRANÉE INFECTION: SCIENTIFIC ASSET AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT TOOL What services will the foundation provide to its corporate partners? marseilles will soon be home to the ihu méditerranée infection, a university hospital institute unique in europe. to achieve its ambitious aims, the project has been granted financing of €73.2 m, a first for france. the project is being carried by the université de la méditerranée and the aP-hm (marseilles hospital authority), coordinated by Prof. Didier raoult and chaired by Dr. Yolande obadia. the activities will be housed in a new, 215,000 sq. ft. “ intelligent ” building (of which more than 100,000 sq. ft. dedicated to research) on the la timone health Campus. as a center of excellence in infectious and tropical diseases, the ihu méditerranée infection will be firmly focused on developing countries while acting as a significant tool for local economic development and enhancing international prestige. Prof. Jean-marc rolain, a microbiologist and specialist in infectious diseases at la timone, details the future institute’s contribution to both science and the economy. The IhU Méditerranée Infection claims to be unique in europe. In what way? Prof. Jean-Marc Rolain: By the pooling of its strengths! the novel approach of the project is in the way it brings together several disciplines in the study of infectious diseases. researchers from several different spheres are involved: epidemiologists and microbiologists, but also specialists in the fields of human and social sciences, anthropology and mathematics. furthermore, the fondation méditerranée infection brings together major corporations such as Prof. Jean-Marc Rolain: they will have a 10,000 sq. ft. space set aside for them and they will be given access to the eight technology platforms and the ihu’s biobanks. they will be able to conduct surveys among groups of patients for the purposes of validating diagnostic or therapeutic tests. Public-private partnership contracts could involve licensing agreements and/or patent applications or the financing of theses in a joint supervision arrangement. foundation members will have right of first access to the scientific discoveries resulting from research projects. What is the stated aim of these partnerships? Prof. Jean-Marc Rolain: one of our priorities is the promotion of translational research, with at stake 1000 published papers, 50 patent applications and the creation of four start-ups over the next five years. the foundation is a “ Petri dish ” providing the perfect medium for businesses to develop. thanks to the ihu méditerranée infection, marseilles - already well-placed nationally and internationally in terms of health infrastructure - should soon be among the leading international players in the sector. however, and beyond these sole indicators, the aim being pursued is to enable patients to benefit as quickly as possible from the discoveries that fundamental research brings. FINANCIAL PARTNERS FACTS & FIGURES PAcA InVeSTISSeMenT lIfe ScIenceS In ProVence: fAcTS & fIgUreS a co-investment fund created in 2009 by the Provence-alpes-Côte d’azur regional authority with an initial capital of €12 m (including €6 m erDf), Paca investissement now has a total of €15.45 m at its disposal. this innovative fund is designed to provide financing for smes during their start-up, initial and development phases. the fund is managed by an independent fund manager, turenne Capital. • 4500 Life Science researchers, 1500 PhD students 400 life science companies (incl. 70 biotechnology); • N°2 area in France for life science research, n°2 area for new business creation, n°2 area for clinical trials; • local resources: eurobiomed biocluster, Cancéropôle (regional cancer center), CerimeD imaging platform, ihu méditerranée infection AlUMnI BUSIneSS AngelS founded in 2006 in aix-en-Provence, alumni Business angels is an association bringing together fifty or so investors (entrepreneurs, business executives, independent professionals and elite school graduates). since its founding, alumni Business angels has carried out 12 financing operations, investing a total of €1.7 m in young, innovating enterprises in the region, which will lead to the creation of around 200 direct jobs in the PaCa region. fIelDS of eXcellence • • • • • infectious, tropical and emerging diseases; rare and orphan diseases; medical devices, biomarkers & diagnosis; immunology & its therapeutic applications; treatment and care in the fields of ageing, neurological diseases and handicaps. in the area of medical devices, the main fields concerned are medical imaging (linked to Provence’s expertise in optics-photonics), diagnostic, biomechanics, it for healthcare and instrumentation. © AP-HM CONTACT THE “PROVENCE PARTNERSHIP” Matthieu vis +33 (0)4 96 11 60 25 / +33 (0)4 96 11 60 00 / PROVENCE PROMOTION economic development agency Les Docks - 10 place de la Joliette Bp 45607 - 13567 Marseille cedex 02 - France
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