Splash Mobile Money -Overview of Corporate Disbursement Service


Splash Mobile Money -Overview of Corporate Disbursement Service
Splash Mobile Money
Overview of Corporate Disbursement Service
Splash Overview
Splash has been in Sierra Leone since 2009 and currently has over 150,000
customers and more than 50 corporate partners
We are the only cross-network mobile money platform in the country. Thus:
You can disburse funds to any Africell, Airtel or Comium number without
forcing recipients to switch to a particular network
We provide the widest possible coverage as some areas may have good
reception on one network but not on others
We have served several corporate clients around the country, and have indepth experience dealing with many common issues including:
Agent liquidity management
Poor network coverage
Lost phones and/or sim cards
Illiterate recipients
Rapid response system for inquiries and complaints
We are dedicated to mobile money. This is our “Bread and Butter”, and it
commands full management attention. We look forward to serving you
What Can We Offer?
Our value proposition is very clear, and has already been
demonstrated with several corporate clients in Sierra Leone
Secure and timely bulk payments from our online platform to multiple
recipients across Africell, Airtel and Comium networks
Instant SMS notification for all payments
Complete audit trail with 100% electronic tracking
150+ “Pay Points” around the country with simple setup processes to add
more as needed. We can go anywhere within a short amount of time
Unlimited flexibility for recipients to decide how much to cash-out,
store in their mobile wallets, make purchases or transfer to others
Zero set-up fees
Clients who have tried other providers in the past will attest to the
difference in professionalism, dedication and attention from Splash
Illustrative Splash Deployments
Here are a few examples of organisations that have used our
disbursement service to support various activities around the country
NaCSA & World Bank
• Cash for Work payments to 6,000+ beneficiaries for 86 sub-projects
across all districts
• Incentive payments to 1,000+ participants in Youth Sanitation
Project in 20 communities with the Western Area
• Payment of monthly stipends to 300+ participants in the Graduate
Internship Program across various districts
EU Election
Observation Mission
• Subsistence payments to observers in different parts of the country
during the last presidential elections
Forum for African
Women Educationalists
• Monthly disbursements to 300+ teachers and mentors participating
in various programmes across the country
Restless Development
Catholic Relief Services
Flash Vehicle Rentals
• Disbursement of promo prizes to winners across the country
• Disbursements to 500+ field staff and volunteers around the country
• Disbursements to field staff in the provinces
• Salary payments to 100+ drivers moving through different parts of
the country
How It Works – Disbursement Process
From our online portal, you can send money to one or more recipients
at the push of a button. This triggers an instant SMS to the recipient
Musa Samura
December payment
You have
from SNAP.
Ref: December
The Cash-Out Process
Once the money arrives, recipients can cash-out, store it in their
phones or use it for their own money transfers and payments
For cash-outs, the recipient can go to any Splash agent, use a simple text
message to transfer his electronic money to the agent and collect cash in
return. This is just like going to a forex bureau to exchange currencies
Our agent network is made up of commercial banks (GTB, Ecobank, UTB),
rural community banks, independent business people with their own shops
and various roaming agents who can travel to remote locations if needed
We are currently working with NERC to establish more dependable and
convenient pay points around the country to support health worker payments
Security and Accuracy
Our system has been designed to minimize any chances of money
ending up in the wrong hands
Payments can be scheduled by uploading all relevant data automatically
from a spreadsheet. This helps to minimize input errors
We have checks and balances to prevent payments to the wrong people:
No one can receive funds from your account unless his/her number has
been registered in the Splash system and added to your account as an
authorized recipient
No one can be added to your account as a recipient if there’s a
mismatch between his/her name and phone number as registered in our
system. It is simply impossible to disburse to “unknown” accounts
Funds can be protected even if a recipient’s phone is missing or stolen
No one can cash-out without knowledge of the recipient’s unique PIN
We can block any account on demand and reactivate it once the
recipient performs a sim replacement with the same number
If necessary, we can reverse transactions and resend funds to a new
authorized number
Illustrative Mapping of Rural Footprint
There is an existing national network of rural banks that we have worked with over
the years. These are the most dependable partners for extending our services to
rural areas. However, we need more sustained transaction volumes to strengthen
the business case for these institutions and get them to commit the necessary
resources to serving our customers even more reliably.
Bo District
Number of Chiefdoms: 15
Pay Points (North – South)
• Komboya: UTB Njala
• Kakua: Bo banks and agents
• Baoma: Baoma FSA, Gerihun
• Lugbu: Sumbuya CB
Bombali District
Number of Chiefdoms: 13
Pay Points (North – South)
• Sella Limba: Kamakwie CB
• Gbanti Kamaranka: Gbanti
• Biriwa: Kamabai FSA
• Gbendembu Ngowahun:
Gbendembu (Pendembu) FSA
• Bombali Sebora: Makeni
banks and agents
Bonthe District
Chiefdom Pay Points (West to East)
Number of Chiefdoms: 11
Sittia: Near Bonthe Govt Hospital
Imperi: Mobimbi
Jong: Matru CB
Kpanda Kemo: Lawana FSA
Bum: Madina FSA
Kailahun District
Number of Chiefdoms: 14
Pay Points (North – South)
• Kissi Kama: FSA in Dia
• Kissi Teng: Koindu CB
• Yawei: FSA in Baaka
• Kpeje West: FSA in
• Luawa: FSA in Giehun /
Kailahun banks and agents
• Kpeje Bongre: FSA in
• Upper Bambara: Pendembu
• Njaluahun: Segbwema CB
• Jawie: FSA in Daru
• Mandu: FSA in Mobai
• Malema: FSA in Jojuma
Kambia District
Number of Chiefdoms: 7
Pay Points (North – South)
• Tonko Limba: Madina CB
• Masungbala: Kambia town
banks and agents
• Magbema: FSA in Rokupr
• Mambolo: FSA in Mambolo
Kenema District
Number of Chiefdoms: 16
Pay Points (North – South)
• Wandor: FSA in Bama Konta
• Simbaru: Boajibu CB
• Lower Bambara: FSA in
• Kandu Lekpeama: FSA in
• Nongowa: FSA in Largo /
Kenema banks and agents
• Dama: FSA in Kpandabu
• Gaura: FSA in Joru
• Niawa: FSA in Sandumei
• Tunkia: FSA in Gorhun Tunkia
Koinadugu District
Number of Chiefdoms: 11
Pay Points (North – South)
• Dembelia Sinkunia: Sinkunia
• Follosaba Dembelia: Musaia
• Wara Wara Bafodia: Bafodia
• Wara Wara Yagala: Kabala CB
• Kasunko: Fadugu FSA
• Diang: Kondembaia FSA
• Nieni: Alkalia FSA
Port Loko District
Number of Chiefdoms: 11
Pay Points (West - East)
• Kaffu Bulom: Lungi points
• Lokomasama: Lokomasama
• Koya: Masiaka FSA
• Maforki: Port Loko points
• Dibia, Gbinti FSA
• Marampa: Lunsar CB
Pujehun District
Number of Chiefdoms: 12
Pay Points (North - South)
• Sowa: Bandajuma FSA
• Kpanga Kabonde: Pujehun
• Gallinasperi: Bumpeh FSA
• Makpele: Zimmi CB
• Yakemo Kpukumu Krim: Karlu
• Kpaka: Sumbuya Bessima CHP
• Mano Sakrim: Mano Gbongeima
• Soro Gbema: Fanima CHP
Tonkolili District
Number of Chiefdoms: 11
Pay Points (West - East)
• Yoni: Mile 91 CB
• Kholifa Rowalla: Magburaka
• Gbonkolenken: Yele FSA
• Kalansogoia: Bumbuna banks
• Kunike Barina: Makeli FSA
Thank You!
For more information please contact:
Daniel Osei-Antwi
Managing Director