Mandel JCC - Gross Schechter Day School
Mandel JCC - Gross Schechter Day School
Mandel JCC AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN IN GRADES K-6 'SPNTDIPPMEJTNJTTBMUPQNt"VHVTUo+VOF When your school is out, the Mandel JCC is in! We also offer*: t7BDBUJPODBNQT t4OPXEBZJOTVSBODF t#JNPOUIMZ,JET/JHIU0VU XJUIHZNBOEQPPMBDDFTT t&OSJDINFOUDMBTTFT t+4QPSUT$BNQ t'VMMEBZTVNNFSDBNQPQUJPOT Convenience for Parents tTransportation from Beachwood Schools tTransportation from Orange Schools* tTransportation from Gross Schechter Day School* tMandel Jewish Day School students will be escorted to The J t$POWFOJFOUMPDBUJPO t8FMMUSBJOFETUBò t4UBUFMJDFOTFE t4UBUFPGUIFBSUGBDJMJUZBOEQSPHSBNTJODMVEJOH gym and pool t4UVEFOUTGSPNBMMTDIPPMEJTUSJDUTXFMDPNF Adventures For Kids Transportation provided from Beachwood Schools, Orange Schools* & Gross SchechterDay School* Mandel JDS Students Escorted to The J * additional fees may apply t4QBDJPVTEFEJDBUFESPPNGPS,JET$MVC t3FDSFBUJPOBMTXJN t0SHBOJ[FETQPSUTBDUJWJUJFTCBMBODFEXJUIGSFF play in our state-of-the-art gym & fields t1SJWBUFTVQFSWJTFEIPNFXPSLSPPNBOE reading space The Staff t)JHIMZUSBJOFETUBò t-PXDIJMEUPTUBòSBUJP t0VSTUBòQSPWJEFTBTBGFOVSUVSJOHBOEGVO environment for your children after school CALENDAR 2016 / 2017 August 15 First day of Kids’ Club September 5 CLOSED – Labor Day October 3 -4 CLOSED – Rosh Hashanah 11-12 CLOSED – Yom Kippur 17-18 CLOSED – Sukkot 24 CLOSED – Shemini Atzeret 25 CLOSED – Simchat Torah November 8 Vacation Camp – Election Day 22 1/2 Day Vacation Camp 23 Vacation Camp – Day Before Thanksgiving 24-25 CLOSED – Thanksgiving December 19-23 Winter Vacation Camp 26-29 Winter Vacation Camp 30 Winter Vacation Camp – Close at 4 pm January 2-6 Winter Vacation Camp 16 Vacation Camp – MLK Day February 20 Vacation Camp – President’s Day Enrichment Classes* March 24 1/2 Day Vacation Camp 27-30 Spring Camp 31 Spring Camp 5IF+PòFSTBWBSJFUZPGGVOBOEFYDJUJOH enrichment programs. For a complete list of DMBTTFTPò April 10 CLOSED – Erev Passover 17-18 CLOSED – Passover For Information: 216.593.6222 May 29 CLOSED – Memorial Day June 2 Last Day of Kids’ Club Reg!strat!on Form Kids’ Club Policies $IJMET/BNF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#JSUIEBUF@@@@@@@@@4ZOBHPHVFBóMJBUJPO________________________ Grade in Fall ’16________School _________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________City______________________________ State____ Zip _____________ Phone ________________________ Email __________________________________________________________________ .PUIFST/BNF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#JSUIEBUF@@@@@@@@@&NBJM _______________________________________ "EESFTT*GEJòFSFOUUIBODIJME ___________________________________________________________________________ 1IPOF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@XPSL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DFMM ________________________________________ 'BUIFST/BNF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@#JSUIEBUF@@@@@@@@@&NBJM ____________________________________ "EESFTT*GEJòFSFOUUIBODIJME ___________________________________________________________________________ 1IPOF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@XPSL@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@DFMM _______________________________________ )PX%JE:PV)FBS"CPVU6T Email Blast Returning Student Family Member Received brochure in the mail Website/Internet Search 'SJFOEXIP _______________________________________________ /FXTQBQFSNBHB[JOFBEXIJDIPOF@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3FDFJWFEJOGPUISPVHIDBNQXIJDIPOF ___________ Registering for the following days Mondays Tuesdays Signature required below Wednesdays OFFICE USE: Date__________________ Thursdays Fridays efinesstri Amount received $___________ Roster Parent Packet 1MFBTFSFUVSOUP,JET$MVC3FHJTUSBS.BOEFM+$$ 48PPEMBOE3PBE#FBDIXPPE0) Email: 'BY Upon receipt of this form and payment arrangements, you will receive an enrollment package with enrollment form, payment plan, medical form, and parent agreement. Gross Schechter/Orange Students (includes $500 transportation fee) K!ds’ Club 2016–2017 Members Community Members Community EBZTXFFL EBZTXFFL EBZTXFFL EBZTXFFL $760 $912 $1260 $1412 EBZXFFL $380 $456 $880 $956 Payment Methods: Method of Payment: Payment Options: $_______________ Total amount due A non-refundable $150 deposit and arrangements to pay the CBMBODFNVTUCFJODMVEFEXJUIZPVSSFHJTUSBUJPO Enclosed is a check for the full amount of the after school program. Enclosed is a check for the deposit of $150 and a voided check GPSBVUPNBUJDXJUIESBXBMTPOUIF15th of the month of: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Cash Check (payable to the Mandel JCC) Credit card: MasterCard Visa Discover "N&Y _____________– _____________– _____________– _______________ Credit Card # Enclosed is a check for half the balance and a voided check GPSUIFCBMBODFPO+BOVBSZ __________________________________________________________ &YQJSBUJPOEBUF Charge my credit card the full amount of the after school program today. __________________________________________________________ /BNFPO$SFEJU$BSE Charge my credit card the deposit of $150 and additional payments on the 15th of the month of: Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May __________________________________________________________ Signature of Credit Card Holder $IBSHFNZDSFEJUDBSEIBMGOPXBOEIBMGPO+BOVBSZ I have read and agree to all Mandel JCC After School policies listed on the right. MUST BE SIGNED BY BOTH PARENTS OR GUARDIANS Signature______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________ Signature______________________________________________________________________ Date _________________ A. To obtain Mandel JCC member rate members must have a valid frequent family membership at time of registration and throughout the school year. B. Families registering multiple DIJMESFOXJMMSFDFJWFPòGPS UIFTFDPOEDIJMEBOEPò for each additional child. The child at the highest program DPTUXJMMCFBUSFHVMBSGFFTBOEBMM TJCMJOHTXJMMCFHJWFOUIFEJTDPVOU (discount applies only for Kids Club afterschool program fees). C. There is a $20 charge for JOTVóDJFOUGVOETVTJOHDIFDLPS credit card. D.5IFSFXJMMCFBDIBSHF for every 5 minutes past the designated closing time on Monday through Thursday and XJMMCFDIBSHFEGPSFWFSZ 5 minutes past the designated time on Fridays and on days XIFOUIF.BOEFM+$$DMPTFTFBSMZ EVFUPB+FXJTIPSMFHBMIPMJEBZ This late fee is payable no later than 48 hours after the late day. *GOPUQBJEUIFDIJMEXJMMOPUCF admitted back into the program. E. Participant’s family must have a $0 balance from other Mandel JCC programs in order for after school registration to be processed. F. If a child does not complete the semester at program director’s TVHHFTUJPOBSFGVOEXJMMCFNBEF GPSUIFVOFYQJSFEEBZTPGUIF TFNFTUFS*GBDIJMEJTXJUIESBXO from the program prior to the FOEPGUIFTDIPPMZFBSSFGVOET XJMMCFEFUFSNJOFEPOBQSPSBUFE basis. G. I understand that after school fees are NON-TRANSFERABLE. H.*VOEFSTUBOEUIBUJGNZDIJMESFO VOFOSPMMT CFGPSFUIFFOEPGUIF DVSSFOUTDIPPMZFBS*XJMMPXFGFFT through the end of the current month. I. 3FHJTUSBUJPOTXJMMPOMZCF QSPDFTTFEXJUIGVMMQBZNFOU or deposit and payment plan agreement for remaining balance. J. *OUIFFWFOUPGBOFNFSHFODZ* authorize the after school director to act for me according to his/her best judgment. I understand that payment for medical services is solely the family’s responsibility. K. *BHSFFUPBMMPXUIF.BOEFM+$$UP SFMFBTFNZDIJMETOBNFBEESFTT and phone number to others as part of a roster. L. A completed packet of forms is required for each child including: Child Enrollment and Health 'PSN1BSFOU"HSFFNFOU $POöEFOUJBM4UVEFOU1SPöMF 1FSNJTTJPO4MJQTUSBOTQPSUBUJPO IBOECPPLTXJNNJOHBOE XBMLJOH BOEUIF1BSFOU.BOVBM "DLOPXMFEHFNFOU M. Participant’s photo and quotes may be used for publicity purposes. N. The Mandel JCC is not responsible for loss or damage to anyone’s property during their time in the after school program.