September 2015 - Parrotheads of Port Aransas
September 2015 - Parrotheads of Port Aransas
ISLAND POOP September 2015 WingsPhlyingAlong TheWingseventisfastapproaching.Anyonewhowantstovolunteerwillhave toacceptthecommitteeweassignyouto.Thecommitteesaremostlyfulland wearenowputtingpeoplewhereourneedsare.Mostofthejobsarenot dif icultbutmustbedone.Oureventiscomingalongnicelybutnowwemust startrollingandgetthingstocompletion.Startworkingonyourcostumetoo, oratleastthinkingaboutit.YoucancontactmeorMaggieifyouwantto volunteerorhavethedesiretohelpwithWings.Ifanyonewantstobea sponsorletMaggieknow.Ihavebeenaskedwhatittakestobeonthetshirt anditis$250.00orthatmuchingoodsorservices. Thedeadlineisfastlyapproachingforthis. Deno"moondog"Fabrie CheckouttheAugustMoonFire! PORT A PETE’S PHUNTASTIC PHEATURES Lines n Lyrics Can you name this Jimmy Buffet tune from one line or lyric in the song ? Once a high ballin’ loner he thought he could own 'er Bought her a fur and a big diamond ring. Parrothead Phacts Try to identify one of our phantastic phriends from this phun phact ! This ‘damn proud’ native Texan Veteran loves Viet Nam Era Rock and Roll and was a Federal employee for over 40 years ! Answers on The Back Page I HEARD IT ON THE COCONUT TELEGRAPH Thanks to everyone who submitted Parrot Head names to me. Many were very entertaining, some were good and some were not so good. All Parrot Heads can select a parrot head name for themselves and I encourage it. I labored with this for a lot of reasons but I have selected the parrot head name", Moondog". Thank you again to all who submitted a name or names. This has been interesting and fun. Try it for yourself but if you start you have to finish. So I will be known forever in the Parrot Head world as Deno "Moondog" Fabrie Was that a cool breeze I felt ? Could Fall be just around the corner ? I need a License to Chill ! Check out the parrot head pirate personas in the pics this month. Not much time left to get your pirate on ! Don’t forget your phlip phlops ! Last Day to register for Wings and Guarantee your T-Shirt is Friday September 25. Don’t Delay Register Today ! DENO’SDIALOGUE IhavehadseveralinquiriesonWingsrelatedtohotelsandeventactivities.Should youreceiveacontactfromaParrotHeadorotherinterestedpersonhereissome infoyoucanshare.Thebelowlistedhotelsareeventsponsors. Whenyoucontactthemaskfora"parrothead"rate. IslandHotel 2607Hwy361 Amelia’sLanding SandCastle SeaSideMotel reservation#7498200 PetFriendly 104N.Alister 800SandCastleDrive 841SandCastleDrive SharkReefResort ExecutiveKeys 7495572 7496201Ext500 7499835 314CuttOffRoad PetFriendly 7496993 800AccessRd1A 7496272 DunesCondos1000LantanaDr 7495155 Thisisalistofsponsorcondos.Wewillencourageourvisitorstouseour sponsors.AsfarastheeventisconcerneditwillbeganonFridayand theTENTATIVEscheduleisFridayevening530pmto730pmSunset,dolphinwatch andpirateextravaganzacruise.YouneedtobeatWoody'sSportCenterforloading about515pm.Itisnotnecessarytohavecheckedinwithreservationsatthistime. Wewillhavealistofcruisers.Afterthecruiseyouneedtogotothepartylocation atthebeach(locationtobedeterminedbutwewilltellyouhowtogettherewhen youleavetheboat)wewillhaveapotatobakeatthebeachandlivemusicanda bon ire.Ifyouarenotgoingontheboatcruisethepartyatthebeachwillstart about630pm.Registrationwillbesomewherebuttheexactlocationhasnotbeen determinedatthisdate.IfyouwanttocometoFridayeventonlythecostis$15.00 anddoesnotincludetheboatride.Theboatrideisanadditional15.00. Saturdaytherewillbeaturtlereleaseabout10amandthelocationhasnotbeen determined.Theseareturtlesthathavebeenrescuedandarereadyforrelease.Itis arewardingeventifyouhavenotbeentoone. TherestofthemorningisforyoutovisitourIsland"closetoTexas".About1pm fromtheCivicCenterwewillhaveapubcrawl.Thisisabucketlistitemifyouhave neverbeenonone.WetakeeveryoneonapirateshiptovarioushousesofGrog aroundtheIsland.Itisafuneventandenjoyedbyall.Wereturneveryonetothe CivicCentersokeepinmindaboutgettingbacktotheplaceyoustay.About6pmwe areopeningtheCivicCenterforoureventWingsOverPortAPiratesinPhlip Phlops.Wearehavingadresslikeapiratecostumecontestwithprizes.Wehopeto haveaphotographerforafeeandraf lesandliveactionstodiefor.Wewillalso havesomeliveauctions.OurmealconsistsofappetizersofAmberackCrostinisand boiledshrimpandadinnerofsouthernfried lounder,shrimp,hushpuppiesanda vegetable.Shortlyafterdinnerwillbeagrandperformanceby "TheBadMonkeys".Agreattimewillbehadbyall.Ourapplicationforthiseventis onourwebsite.Thecostforthisweekendisonly$60.00. IfyoucanonlyattendonedaytheSaturdaypriceis$30.00. Youcannotpurchaseonedayeventticketsforbothdays. Iamprovidingthisinfotoallofourmemberssoyoucanbeinformedofmostofthe basicinfoonourevent.Ifyouhaveanyquestionspleasecontactanyoneonthe boardoraCommitteechairpersonoftheareayouareinterestedin.Ifyougeta contactfromParrotHeadsfromotherclubsyoumaysharethisorreferthemtome oranyoneelseonourboard.Pleasetrytokeepagoodpositiveattitudetowardour event.Wehavemadeagreatefforttokeepyouallinformedofthingsandweareall tryingtomakeitagoodfundraiser.Uninformednegativecommentsdonothelp especiallytootherclubparrotheads. Weareinneedofsmallitems(sortofparrotheadornauticalrelated)neworin gentlyusedconditiontocompletesomebaskets.Wealsoareinneedoflargeor mediumbasketsifyouhaveanyyoudonotneed.Wealsohaveaneedofsome volunteerstosolicititemsfromlocalbusinesses.Wehavealistofprior contributorsforyoutochoosefrom.Itwillmakeyoueligibleforthevolunteer admissiontowings.Wearetryingtolightentheloadtomembers whichcanbeeasierforallifweallaretrue parrotheads.Finsup! “Moondog” Inspired by Naked Came the Sharks by Jed Donellie and Devorah Fox A WHALE OF A TAIL © Copyright 2015 by Orville Ballard and Devorah Fox In previous episodes, Cheri Bradshaw, a student at the Intracoastal Marine Institute in Turtle Point, has been helping with a team excavating the skeleton of a whale buried in the dunes and has uncovered a human skull. Cheri, fellow student Corny, freelance journalist Tool, local law enforcement, and the director of the IMI all want to know to whom did the skull belong and how did it end up buried on the beach. While Game Warden Cindy and the injured Windy are working on a plan to convince the bad guys that they were successful in eliminating Windy we now check in with Henry and Helen whose kayak Cindy had borrowed to rescue the injured Windy from the water. “Henry, all I’m finding are tiny broken shells.” Helen straightened and held open the plastic Walmart sack she had scavenged from the beach. “Look, hardly anything. I can’t go home from a beach vacation without shells. No one will ever believe we were here.” “The tractors have ruined the beach in front of the condo we rented in town. That doesn’t even look like a beach … more like the Bonneville Salt Flats, which, by the way I think the drivers of the golf carts think it is.” Helen pouted. “You promised me that if I came all the way down here with you that I could find shells and sea beans while you fished.” “Well,” Henry replied, “when that girl game warden appropriated my kayak to rescue that young man she had to dump my rods and reels in order to make room for the body. She claims that the state will reimburse me if I submit a requisition but that doesn’t help me today.” Henry scrutinized the sand. “Weird. Those little broken shells are why they call this area of the beach Little Shell. These abnormally high tides we have been having push everything up to the dunes including the sargassum so I thought that there’d be shells in the wrack line at the base of the dunes.” Helen threw up her hands in exasperation. “A beach with no shells. Who ever heard of a beach with no shells?” She wadded up the plastic bag and stuffed it into a bucket in the Jeep for trash. “Should’a bought some at a souvenir shop in town. Back home no one would know that the shells in the souvenir shop all come from the South Pacific.” “Beats me. But hey, Helen, come look at this.” Harry pointed to two lines in the sand. Helen peered at them. “Looks like someone dragged two pieces of driftwood side by side from the water to the dunes. Why would anyone do that?” An area of soft disturbed sand marked the end of the trail. “To me it looks like someone dug a hole and then filled it back up, tamped it down, and then brushed something back and forth over the sand to try and hide that. What do you think they buried?” Two parallel marks headed back to the water radiated from the disturbed area of sand. “Oh my gosh,” exclaimed Harry. “I think I know what’s hidden, and who hid it. This looks exactly like the scene we saw in the video playing at the visitors’ center where we stopped as we came into the park this morning. You know, the film about the sea turtles nesting here.” “I don’t think I saw that,” replied Helen. “No, you probably missed it because you were too anxious to visit the gift shop.” Henry scowled. “Who cares about a turtle? I needed to get t-shirts for the grandkids and a book about seashells and other things we might find along the shoreline.” “Well, I found the film to be very interesting. Did you know that there are at least four species of sea turtles that lay their eggs on the beaches here?” “And one of the species is very rare. Whenever a nest is found, park personnel remove the eggs to protect them from predators. Humans were once the greatest threat because the eggs were said to be very tasty and more importantly easy pickings because the mama turtles didn’t hang around to guard the nest. Nowadays, humans aren’t that interested in the eggs but that’s not the case with coyotes and raccoons. They will tear into a nest and by the time they and the birds are through …no more eggs.” “Well, I got each of the grandkids a t-shirt with a turtle printed on it and I got Baby Logan a stuffed turtle.” She held up the toy. “Isn’t this cute? And all the profit from those items goes to support turtle rescues, so there, I do know about the turtles,” Helen smirked. “When a nest is discovered, rangers and volunteers take the eggs to an incubation facility near the park headquarters where they’re protected until they hatch. The rangers take the baby turtles back to the beach and release them, protecting them from gulls and other predators until they can reach the water. It’s a pretty big deal around here. Even attracts tourists who want to see the babies as they are released.” “I can imagine. All babies are so cute, even baby turtles.” “We need to call the Visitors’ Center and report that we’ve found a nest.” Henry said as he reached for his phone. “No signal … maybe when we get closer to town. “Development up the island has pretty much destroyed all the nesting sites for the turtles. If a female turtle tries to come ashore there it runs into crowd of tourists and traffic. Might even get run over by one of those infernal golf carts we saw zooming up and down the beach. That’s also why the speed limit on the beach is slower here than in town. Be real easy to run over a turtle if you’re driving thirty.” “In town you may be the one to get run over if you are driving that slow,” said Helen. “I don’t know what we should do now. We’re at least thirty minutes, maybe even an hour, from any area with cell service and no telling when a ranger or anyone will come by on patrol. I hate to go off and leave the nest untended. There’s probably a coyote watching At the mention of a coyote Helen shuddered. “Didn’t we hear stories in town about coyotes attacking pets and even stalking people on the beach?” “Yes,” Henry answered, “but that’s in the developed areas where there is no longer any native food for them. And since people leave pet food out on decks and porches for their pets, the coyotes have learned to associate people with food.” Henry continued to puzzle about what they should do about protecting the nest. “We can just stay here until someone comes by that will carry word to the rangers or one of us can stay here while the other takes the Jeep and drives far enough up the beach to get a cell signal.” “Well, you know I don’t like driving the Jeep in this loose sand and I am darn sure not going to stay here by myself if there are coyotes looking for a meal. Can’t we just both leave … maybe put up a scarecrow to keep the coyotes away? Make it look like a giant roadrunner,” Helen continued. “You get it? Like those cartoon characters. Wile E. Coyote and the Road Runner. The coyote will see the Road Runner and be afraid that it is a trap of some sort. I can find enough stuff in all the trash on the beach and I can—“ “Helen, stop being silly, I think the sun has gotten to you. You haven’t been drinking enough water.” “No, I’m okay. I just don’t want to be left here all alone and I don’t want to drive that Jeep of yours. You know I don’t know how to operate all those gears and stuff if I start bogging down in the loose sand,” she pleaded. “Oh all right, Helen. We’ll just both wait here for awhile. We still have several hours before dark. We have plenty of water and food. Maybe someone will come by. If worse comes to worse we could even spend the night on the beach, build a fire and watch for kangaroo rats and ghost crabs. Be just like we did all those years ago when we were newlyweds. Heck, we might even go skinny dipping in the surf,” he said Will help arrive in time so that Henry and Helen don’t have to spend the night on the beach? Will Cindy be able to make contact with her friend the taxidermist? Or maybe we’ll find out what Cherie saw when she was skydiving over the beach? Tune in again in October for the answer to these and other exciting mysteries as the story continues. Head Phlocker — Deno Fabrie Veepoda Phlock — Randy Hansen Chief Squawker — Sharon Stricker Keeper o’da Phunds — Maggie Evans Da Sarge — Bill Thomas Public Squawker—Diana Fabrie Keeper o’da Scrapbook — Brenda Porter Phounder o’da Phlock—Lu Ann Ferguson Pirate’s Ball Parrot Heads Thanks phor the pics Diana Fabrie Pirate’sBall2014! It’saPirateCongaLine! PHINSUP! PIRATE PARADE y a h d t r 9 tu 1 Sa ber tem p Se Arrr gh! Scal lywa g s you get r b o oty the Para to de! 3rd Annual Pirate Parade Na onal Talk Like a Pirate Day is Saturday, September 19th, 2015 The Gaff will be Headquarters to stow your Booty for the 3rd annual Talk like a Pirate Parade. The entry fee for Golf Carts or other Vehicles is $5. All entry fees will be collected Saturday Sept 19th star ng @ 4 pm at The Gaff. You will receive a number for your cart. Parade begins at 5:30pm. We will return to The Gaff, For music, drink and announce The winners. Dress like a Pirate, Talk like a Pirate and Decorate your Cart Support our local kids! (No foot traffic please) Golf Cart’s, Vehicles and or Floats All Proceeds go to the Port Aransas EMS Toy Round Up! Contact Kevin 817‐578‐7513 Perfect Your Pirate Persona Why just look like a pirate when you can Talk Like A Pirate too ! The Basics Pirate lingo is rich and complicated, sort of like a good stew. If you just want a quick fix, a surface gloss, a "pirate patina," if you will, here are the five basic words that you cannot live without. Master them, and you can face Talk Like a Pirate Day with a smile on your face and a parrot on your shoulder, if that's your thing. Ahoy! - "Hello!" Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa! Get a load of that!" which today makes it more of a "Check it out" or "No way!" or "Get off!" Aye! - "Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did." Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir, as soon as my break is over." Arrr! - This one is often confused with arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you sit on a belaying pin. "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win it all," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made." And those are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr! Thanks to Click the map to visit the site ! ISLAND POOP PHEATURES Have an idea for a pheature, phun phact, lyric, photo, etc. phor the Island Poop ? It’s your newsletter so please pheel phree to share any and all ideas to: We would love to hear phrom all of our Parrot Head Phriends ! THE BACK PAGE RailroadLady September 2015 Trips Around The Sun Stoney McGerald 9/2 Steve Boling 9/8 Andrea Bussey 9/12 Gerry Gage 9/15 Cindi Bosworth 9/17 Denise Christopherson 9/17 Andrew Ferguson Johns 9/17 John Krampitz 9/17 Sharon Stricker 9/18 Joyce Walters 9/21 Jay Honeck 9/26 Joel Block 9/28 She'sarailroadlady Justalittlebitshady Spendin’herdaysonthetrain She'sasemi‐goodlooker Butthefastrailstheytook'er Nowshe'stryin',justtryin'togethomeagain. SouthStationinBostontothefreightyardsofAustin FromtheFloridasunshinetotheNewOrleans'srain Nowthattherailpacks Hastakenthebesttracks She'stryin',justtryin'togethomeagain. She'sarailroadlady Justalittlebitshady Spendingherlifeonatrain OnceaPullmancartraveler NowtheBrakemanwon'thave'er She'stryin',justtryin'togethomeagain. Onceahighballin’lonerhethoughthecouldown'er Boughtherafurandabigdiamondring. Shehocked‘emforcoldcash LefttownontheWabash Neverthinkin’,neverthinkin’ofhomewaybackthen. Buttherailsarenowrusty Thediningcar'sdusty Goldplatedwatcheshavetakentheirtoll Yeatherailroadsaredying Andtheladyshe'scrying OnabustoKentuckyandhomethat'shergoal. LinesnLyrics‐RailroadLady AWhiteSportCoatAndAPinkCrustacean1973 Clickthetraintolisten. ParrotHeadPhacts VeepodaPhlockRandyHansen She'sarailroadlady Justalittlebitshady Spendingherlifeonthetrain She'sasemi‐goodlooker Butthefastrailstheytook'er Nowshe'tryin',justtryin'togethomeagain. Yes,onabustoKentuckyandhomeonceagain. "RailroadLady"wasco‐writtenbyJerryJeffWalkerand JimmyBuffettwhiletheywereridingthelastrunofthe PanamaLimitedin1971.ThePanamaLimitedwasa passengertrainoperatedbytheIllinoisCentralRailroad betweenChicagoandNewOrleans. ThesonghasbeenrecordedbyJerryJeffWalker, JimmyBuffettandWillieNelson. September 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Monthly Meeting 630p Island Hotel 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Uncle Sam Day 20 American Legion Day 21 22 23 Miniature Golf Day 27 28 Good Neighbor Day 29 30 Talk Like A Pirate Day 24 Wings Work Day Time & Location TBA 25 26 Adopt A Beach Cleanup 8a Ave G