1407 Milen Report 2014
1407 Milen Report 2014
or t p e R 4 l 1 a 0 u /2 n n 3 A 01 2 Creative hands project in partnership with Mosaic Art with artist Fiona Goodwin, user members and manager of Milen Care Trip to Bridlington Contents Page Vision and Mission statements 2 Highlights 3 Foreword by the Chair 4 Manager’s Overview 5 Highlights of Silver Jubilee Celebration 6 Foreword by the Chair - Gujarati 8 Manager’s Overview - Gujarati 9 Annual Survey results 10 Manager’s Overview - Urdu 12 Foreword by the Chair - Urdu 13 Accounts And Balance Sheet 14 Milen Care Advice Service Statistics 15 Organisation Chart 16 Does Milen's Services Improve your life? 100% 100% 90% always 94% 88% 82% No. Of Service Users 80% Sometimes 70% 60% Never 50% 40% 30% 18% 20% 6% 12% 10% 0% Mostly MON TUES WED Groups THURS “I was initially unsure about joining. But having attended Milen I think it’s great. All the staff are great and I’ve made many new friends.” Badrunnisa Rashid Page 1 Vision Statement To be a provider of quality community care services, which meet the ongoing identified needs of local communities Shopping trip to Bradford Bazaar Mission Statement To provide quality care and support that is culturally sensitive and promotes independence, dignity and choice for frail older people and their carers Page 2 2013/2014 Highlights • Group activities • Quiz Competition • Carrom Board Tournament • Competitive games • Advice Surgeries held on areas such as health, pension and grants “I Joined Milen recently which has been a very good move. I was getting bored and frustrated at home. Attending Milen has inspired me to go out more it has given me some of my confidence back.” Abdul Ghafoor • Celebrate 25 years of Milen Care • Health Awareness week • Regular group outings to places of interest • Working with other service providers and agencies • Treating user members to a nice meal at a local restaurant • Mushaira / Poetry event • Local schools visit the centre – intergenerational activities • Stalls held at various health events • Talks by various organisations • Members visit Paradise School • Creative Hands project with Fiona Elle and members for Silver Jubilee Event Talk by an optician – lovely spectacles • Exercise sessions and Tai Chi • Eye screening surgery held for user members Taking in the beauty of Llandudno and Ryl Page 3 Foreword by the Chair demand for personalised services such as those we offer will be in greater demand as they become an integral and important part in the lives of older people and their carers. It gives me great pleasure as Chair of Milen Care to introduce our Annual Report for 2013-14 in our Silver Jubilee Year. Milen Care (aka Milen Day Centre) was established in March 1988 with the desire to improve care services for Asian elderly people. We made some inroads by providing limited services from the Taylor Street Community Centre in Batley. The services were limited due to financial and physical constraints. Since then Milen Care has made substantial progress in providing quality day care services that promotes independence, dignity and choice for frail Asian older people and their carer’s. We celebrated our Silver Jubilee by hosting various activities and a special programme in which our guest speakers were Cllr M Bolt –Mayor of Kirklees, Professor Naina Patel OBE and Lady Baroness Sayeeda Warsi. Once again I am delighted to inform you that our survey revealed an overwhelming 100% of our user members found attending Milen was important to them and were satisfied with our services and the professionalism of our staff. This is evidence of our passion, commitment and understanding of the needs of the community we serve. In ending I would like to thank Kirklees Council for their continued support over the last twenty five years. It is only through their financial support and the hard work of the committee and members of staff that the name Milen has become synonymous with helping older people within the Asian community. Therefore I would like to thank the user members, committee members and the staff for their support and hard work in ensuring Milen is the success it is today. Aziz Daji Chair Furthermore we published a special Silver Jubilee booklet to mark the anniversary. This booklet can be obtained by ringing our office or viewed via our website on www.milen.org.uk. Many of the people we serve are of ill health, poorer pensions, and other age-related concerns. With life expectancy continuing to rise the Sheikh Rafiq (user member) is presented the Life time achievement award by Mayor Cllr Bolt and Aziz Daji Page 4 Manager’s Overview It has been a very busy and an eventful year. Amongst many other things we celebrated our Silver Jubilee with a variety of activities and a special event to commemorate the twenty five years. Photographs of some of the activities and event have been included in this report. We all know that you can’t stop getting older and health generally deteriorates with old age but that doesn’t necessarily mean you have to stop doing the things you enjoy. Furthermore elderly people prefer to age and remain in their own home. Our services are designed to maintain their independence, empower them and reduce illnesses i.e. preventative care. This is done via an Individual Support and Care plan. This means we take on board the views of an individual and their needs and choices. It’s about listening to people and recognising each person as an individual and has different care needs. In order to deliver a quality service we also work in partnership with local and national organisations in raising awareness on various topics such as health, legal matters, home and fire safety issues. Once gain the results from our annual survey are a testimony of Milen’s success in the services it delivers. It also highlights the confidence our users have in us. I have outlined some of the results throughout this report which I feel speak for themselves: I am delighted to inform you that we continue to keep up to our high standards as once again we received five star under the Kirklees Council’s food hygiene rating scheme and Gold under the healthy Choice award. Our achievement levels are highest attainable under each of the schemes To access our services a social worker will assess an individual to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria set by the Council. Majority of our referrals are by the way of word of mouth which is then passed on to social services for an assessment. In ending I would like to say it is a privilege to work with dedicated staff who continue to be professional and conscientious despite the challenges we face. Can I also take this opportunity to thank the committee for their hard work, support and the major role they continue to play in the success of Milen Care Shahed.M.Mayet Manager Mayor Cllr Martyn Bolt presents trophy to Ebrahim Chopdat winner of Silver Jubilee quiz competition Silver Jubilee Quiz Competition Page 5 Highlights of Silver Jubilee Celebration Milen Care celebrated its Silver Jubilee (1988-2013) by holding various events and programmes. We also produced a Silver Jubilee booklet which covers the history of Milen Care. A copy of this booklet can be accessed online via our website www.milen.org.uk or by ringing our office for a hardcopy. The pinnacle of our celebration was our Silver Jubilee programme in which key note speakers were: Mayor Cllr Martyn Bolt, Professor Naina Patel O.B.E and Lady Baroness Sayeeda Warsi. We have included some photos of the celebration in this report which I hope you will enjoy. Talk by Yacoob Rawat from Carers Count Health Awaren ess Week Talk by Shabana Ali from Kirklees Health Watch Talk by Chris Evans from Action on Hearing Loss Talk by Dr Vinod Shukla on Mood Swings and memory problems Talk by Marine Yarde on assistive technology from Gateway to Care Talk on Aches and Pains followed by an exercise session Page 6 Mayor Cllr Martyn Bolt presents trophy to Ebrahim Mamaniat winner of Silver Jubilee Carrom Competition Shabbir Kazi (user member) reading his poem about Milen Care Talk by Ambreen from Community Links Guest performing at Silver Jubilee Mushaira Event Professor Naina Patel OBE delivering her speech at the Silver Jubilee Event Shahed Mayet,Manager Of Milen Care giving a speech Mushaira Event as part of Silver Jubilee Celebration Aziz Daji Chair of Ebrahim Loonat of Batley Post Milen with Mayor Cllr Martyn Bolt office presenting a trophy to Aziz Launch of Silver Jubilee booklet Daji in recognition of Milen Care's 25 years of excellent service to the community Gifts presented to all members to commemorate Milen Care’s Silver Jubilee Manager presenting Silver jubilee gift Page 7 "I like Milen very much. I really enjoy the exercise sessions" Mohammed Rafiq Page 8 Talk by Kirklees IAPT service (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies) Page 9 Annual Survey Results Do you receive information in a format that you can understand? 100% No. Of Service Users 100% 90% The Daycare provided is as stated in my care plan and achieves the outcome 100% 100% 100% 80% YES 60% 40% YES 10% 20% NO 0% MON TUES NO WED THURS Groups Does Milen involve you in decision making and listen to what you have to say? No. Of Service Users 100% 90% always 100% 88% 73% Staff arrive at the time agreed Usually 100% Sometimes* 27% Rarely * 10% 13% 0% Never * MON TUES Groups WED THURS Trip to Trinity shopping centre in Leeds Page 10 YES NO Are you and your family/friends treated with respect? 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% always Usually 80% No. Of Service Users Service Users by Gender 62% 60% male female Sometimes 40% 38% 20% Rarely 0% MON TUES WED THURS Never Groups I have flexible, reliable and consistent care provided to me I am able to easily communicate with members of staff Yes 100% No 60 No. Of Service Users 40 100% YES NO 20 0 YES NO Just keep the ball rolling Page 11 Page 12 “I recently joined Milen Care it has given me the opportunity to socialise with people of my own age. I have made many new friends and the staff always treat me with great respect” Zulekha Patel Page 13 Accounts Milen Care Summary Income and Expenditure Account For the Year Ended 31st March 2014 Income Income received during the year General Fund Total 129 447 Expenditure Expenditure during the year Surplus for the year 128 703 744 Balance Sheet BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MARCH 2014 FIXED ASSETS Motor Vehicle Fixtures and Fittings 796 2 818 3 614 CURRENT ASSETS Debtors Balance at Bank 1 Balance at Bank 2 Cash 7 802 126 195 409 365 134 771 CURRENT LIABILITIES Creditors and Accruals Net Current Assets 21 936 112 835 116 449 Represented by: CAPITAL ACCOUNT Balance Forward Surplus for the year 115 705 744 116 449 Page 14 Advice Service Statistics April 2013 to March 2014 What Carer’s say? “My father suffers from dementia. We find it difficult to provide the constant support he requires. But by coming to Milen Care, not only does it provide my mother and family with a break, it also provides the support my father needs. We are thankful for a place like Milen Care” Carer –Mohammed Shabbir’s son “My mother really enjoys attending Milen and it makes me happy to see this. Milen Care provides a very good service which is greatly needed within the local community. I wish Milen all the success in the future. Carer –Zulekha Patel’s son Bank/Building Societies Builders Department of Work & Pensions (DWP) Consumer Advice Council Tax Filling Forms/Writing Letters Grants Home Help Housing Insurance KMC Environmental Health Medical Miscellaneous/ Others Passport / Travel Police / Legal Referred To Other Agencies Repairs Social Services Solicitors /Courts Utilities Visa Forms Total number of cases 90 39 157 7 91 32 134 48 61 22 4 77 1 26 33 77 72 67 37 101 11 1187 “I have been attending Milen Care for quite a long time. Attending Milen improves my life as I can socialise with other members and also learn about healthy living. I look forward to going to Milen each week” Ismail Laher Using a soft batton to exercise Page 15 Organisation Chart MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Abdul Aziz Daji: (Chair) Abdul Majid Hassam Altaf Daji Ayub Bismillah Essuf Mangera Habiba Lunat Halima Mira: (Vice Chair) Ismail Daji Ismail Laher Masum Karolia Miya Saleh Patel Mohammed Laher: (Assistant Treasurer) Mukhmal Hussain Riaz Begum Sakina Hussain Shabbir Kazi Shaukat Hafez: (Treasurer) Sheikh M Rafiq: (Vice Chair) Soyab Karolia Umar Rafiq Zebun Nisa FINANCE COMMITTEE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE APPEALS PANEL Shaukat Hafez: (Chair) Halima Mira Mohammed Laher Rafiq Sheikh Abdul Aziz Daji: (Chair) Halima Mira Mohammed Laher Soyab Karolia Umar Rafiq Ayub Bismillah: (Chair) Altaf Daji Habiba Lunat Halima Mira Shabbir Kazi Soyab Karolia MANAGER Shahed.M.Mayet DAY CARE ASSISTANTS Fatma Mulla Munira Hafez Basir Goolab Munir Daji Page 16 DRIVER COOK CLERICAL ASSISTANT CARETAKER M. Ali Ravat Shameema Dawood Raheema Chopdat Munir Daji VOLUNTEERS PLACEMENT Silver Jubilee Skittles Competition Trip to Blackpool - windy but still smiling Milen Care Al-Hikmah Centre 28 Track Road Batley West Yorkshire WF17 7AA Tel: 01924 470 774 Email: info@milen.org.uk www.milen.org.uk Registered Charity No.1128282 Design: www .dap solu tion s.c o.u k