From Pastor Pat - Crosspoint Community Church
From Pastor Pat - Crosspoint Community Church
1 January July 20132013 In this issue: From Pastor Pat p.1 Family Ministry Corner p.2 Music Notes p.2 Missions p.2 Library News p.3 Profiles in Action p.3 Momentum p.4 Who We Are ...and much more! Our Mission Connecting people to Christ… Equipping them for life! Our Vision Our five-year vision is that by 2016 we would be: A dynamic community of joyful believers experiencing the lifetransforming power of Jesus Christ, our hearts ablaze with love for God, love for one another, and love for a needy world; where the atmosphere is charged with inspirational teaching, fervent prayer, passionate worship, extravagant generosity, and a spirit of expectancy, all to the glory of God. Our Affiliation Crosspoint is part of Converge PacWest, the Northwest District of Converge Worldwide (formerly known as the Baptist General Conference). Converge’s focus is to Connect, Ignite, and Transform: Connecting God’s people around God’s purposes, that He might ignite movements of reproduction for the purpose of transforming lives and communities with Christ’s love and truth. From Pastor Pat The adventure of discipleship continues at Crosspoint! Our leadership is wholeheartedly committed to following Jesus’ Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) to make disciples and help Crosspoint to follow Jesus in making disciples! On Friday night, June 21st., we had our “connecting” discipleship meeting. As a result, many of our people are now connected in a discipleship relationship. In fact, thirty people are now involved in discipleship in various ways: one-on-one, couples with couples, and (in one case) discipleship in a group setting. It’s very exciting! We are becoming a disciple-making church! Christ followers are disciples who make disciples, who make disciples! One question some might be asking is: will there be another time when others, who missed this first go-around, can sign up for discipleship, get some training and disci- ple others or be discipled? The answer is… YES! More information on this is forthcoming. So, please continue to pray for Crosspoint. We want to impact our community for Jesus Christ Making disciples (in its many forms) is the method and the means God uses to bring people to faith in Christ and then grow in Christ-likeness. Therefore, if you are not in a discipleship relationship (in one way or another) please pray and ask God who He wants in your life to either disciple and mentor you, or who you might disciple. And know, our elders and pastoral staff are praying for you! We’re expecting God to do great things as we follow Jesus! 1 New GALILEAN WEDDING PICTURE GALLERY: Page 5 1 2 Crosspoint Music Notes In the midst of Philippians 3:7-10, there is a phrase that says: “I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord”. We live in a very “do” oriented world. The very concept of success in our wonderful country is based on “doing” it on your own, “make your own way”, “pull yourself up by your bootstraps”. But God has a different way for us to go, it’s called “knowing”, and He’s not talking about your intellect alone. He wants us to have an ongoing, intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. Graham Kendrick, in his song entitled “Knowing You”, said it very well: “Knowing You, Jesus, knowing You, there is no greater thing. You’re my all, You’re the best, You’re my joy, my righteousness, and I love You, Lord”. A good song, or sometimes an annoying one, can stick with you the whole day. This is a good one. Ruminate on that chorus and draw closer to Him as you do. God will begin to change your perspective from a “do” mentality to a “know” mentality. “That I may know Him...” (Phil. 3:10). God bless, and...Soli Deo Gloria (To God Alone Be The Glory) by Jim Humphreys, Director of Worship Services. Family Ministry Corner God is good! The student ministry at Crosspoint had a very unique and exciting opportunity this summer. I was asked to fly out to East Texas to speak at a summer camp for a collection of Dallas / Ft. Worth Chinese American Churches. When I accepted the position as camp speaker, I decided there could be nothing better than to bring several of our students from Crosspoint along with me! So, Ginny Ward and I left at 4 am on Wednesday morning, June 19th, to fly to Dallas with five of our students. The camp was incredible! This was such a unique experience: getting to worship and learn with other students from a different cultural background, halfway across the country, who were all brothers and sisters because of Christ. Our own students connected great with the students there; by day 2 it felt like there was no difference between us. Most excitingly, two of our students made decisions to put their faith in Christ as a result of this trip! Eternity has been affected for these young lives. Thank you for your prayers, and continue to pray for student ministry at Crosspoint as we make disciples; we are learning about how to study the Bible on Thursdays this summer. God is so good! by Mike Baker, Pastor of Family Ministries Missions Corner DISCIPLESHIP --- FOR MISSIONS? Following the Business Meeting at Revive, the Haskins and Walshes would love for Discipleship means learning how to serve you to join them for an informal visit over the Lord Jesus Christ. pizza at the Marlow Round Table Of course, discipleship for Missions! Eve- Pizza. See you there! rything we do to serve our Lord Jesus Don’t forget! Get that Baby Bottle filled with Christ, including Missions, means loving change or a check returned to the church Him enough to want to give our very best to ASAP. and for Him. Please call Alice Lowe at the Redwood On June 30 Bill Walsh will be speaking to Gospel Mission (707-578-1830) if you feel us before he and Cholpon and family leave called to help at the birthday party for for Kyrgyzstan, so, for a while, this is the homeless people in July, or if you are willlast chance we will have to hear him. ing to staff the Crosspoint booth at the City Kids festival in August– this is A great opportunity for discipleship! Now is the time to be watching out for specials to fill you shoeboxes for the annual Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child, coming up in October/Novembernow that’s a fun one! Also on June 30, Forrest and Purity Haskins and family will be with us before leaving for Tanzania and both families will be re-commissioned through prayer as they return to their special fields of missionary service. You will not want to miss praying for them together with all of the CrossPoint worshippers ! A special broadcast, My Hope, with Billy Graham, really spells out discipleship in November, as you make plans to invite family and/or friends to your home to meet the Lord Jesus Christ personally. by Irene Barton, Missions MTL 2 2 3 Library Corner Bill Wallace of China, by Jesse C. Fletcher. This is the story of an ordinary man, who, in the providence of God, lived an extraordinary life. After becoming convinced that God wanted him to be a medical missionary, in 1925, Bill proceeded to prepare himself. That decision took him to China and to the Southern Baptist Stout Memorial Hospital in the ancient city of Wuchow. He was a direct answer to prayer, as Christians in Wuchow had been praying fervently for a missionary doctor to come their way. Happy, productive and useful years flew by as Bill became proficient in the language, explored the countryside, and discipled the people he served. But tough times lay ahead. During World War II, Japan attacked, and all hospital personnel were displaced. Then, when everything appeared to be settling down, communism began its march across the country, endangering many, particularly foreigners. When America entered the Korean War, anti-American feeling ran strong in China. Mission boards urged their people to leave. Bill refused. Although he was known as one of the best surgeons in China and many Communists had profited from his skill, the Communists did not spare him. He was tortured and killed. Dr. Wallace was buried in an unmarked grave by the Communist Army, to cover their crime. Chinese Christians later would risk their own lives to place a simple marker where he was laid to rest that read, "To live is Christ." Rarely has a grave marker so accurately summarized a life. But then, rarely has a person's life so exemplified the principle expressed in Philippians 1:21, "For me to live is Christ and to die is gain." Bill Wallace lived a life worth examining and emulating. His story will challenge you to a deeper dedication and a clearer awareness of the will of God for your life. Bibliography: 1. "Bill Wallace." Wallace Memorial Baptist Church. 2. "Dr. Bill Wallace, Martyr for Jesus." Morgan, Robert J. On This Day. T. Nelson Publishers, 1997. by Charlotte Woodworth Profiles in Action Irene Barton: Ministry Team Leader, Missions Irene says that “Missions is the perfect place of service for her”. She says that “all her adult life, she had been interested in missionaries and loved to hear the stories about the things God was doing through them as they went and made disciples”. About 10 years ago, she was working in Children’s Education Ministry here at Crosspoint when she was asked to take over the Missions Ministry. area of local missions and abroad. A true example of obedient discipleship! Convinced that everything happens through prayer, she eagerly looks for people who are committed to being prayer warriors for our missionaries. She also has a passion for helping the congregation of Crosspoint get to know the missionaries we support. Irene and her husband Rollie have been through several health challenges in the recent months. Irene says that the Lord gives her the stability that she needs and she stands on the promises of our God that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Crosspoint sent Irene to a class about Mis- “I just always keep on trusting the Lord.” sions which was held locally. She said that God really helped her identify her purpose in If you are also interested in the area of misthe area of missions. She understood that sions and feel that God is calling you to her role was not necessarily to go, but to be help this ministry, please contact Irene at a sender. Since then she has done all she 546-9069 or can do to help those in the field, both in the by Margarita Capurro, Office Secretary LIFE LINE SCREENING Painless ultrasounds (sonograms) show plaque build-up in your arteriesa leading cause of stroke. We are happy to announce that Life Line Screening is working with us to provide our members a $10 additional discount off of a screening package, in addition to a $10 donation to our church Make an appointment for you or your loved one one.. Where: Crosspoint When: August 20, 2013 Pre-registration is required. Call 1-800-324-9458 Priority code HSC7733 or register at: Sign up in advance to get both a $10 discount and a $10 donation for our church 3 3 4 Upcoming Events & Classes: Momentum Beach Day: Saturday, July 13 (see insert on this page for details) Women’s Ministry presents: Sushi GrlFriends Momentum Beach Day Who: 20-30 some- things, kids welcome Learn how to make your own delicious California Sushi Rolls. Saturday, July 20, in Ministry Center 1, from 9 to 11am. Lunch is included: sushi, salad and dessert. Cost is $5.00 per person for food supplies. Hurry to sign up! There is a limit of 12 participants. Contact: Betty Jung at 578-6864 (cell), 523-4585 (h) or email What: Swimming, sunbathing, volleyball, lawn games, hanging out... When: July 13th 11:00am-4:00pm Where: Doran Beach 201 Doran Beach Rd, Bodega Bay Bring your own picnic lunch Church Picnic : Sunday, July 28:: Howarth Park Join us after the Service. Bring a picnic lunch...share some good times with your family and friends. For your convenience, grills are available at the park. See you there! BIBLE STUDIES: ● REVIVE TEACHING HOUR HOUR: Sundays at 11:15AM. Current series is “Romans”, Chapters 14-15. July 14 is our last class before Summer break. Cost is $7 per vehicle at the gate ● STUDENT MINISTRY ● MEN MEN: Find out more and sign up at momentum Contact :Pastor Mike 528-6321. Join our group at: crosspoint.momentum Crosspoint News July 2013 Bible Study: Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm. Jr. High & High School. Questions? Contact Pastor Mike: 318-7574. "Spiritual Discipline” (Charles F. Stanley). Johnnie Vandevier leads: 539-9299. Mondays at 6:30pm in Ministry Center Room 2 “The Red Seas Rules, take the journey from panic to praise.” (Rob Morgan) Hal Mickens leads: 575- 7087. Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:45am in Ministry Center Room 2. (on vacation until July 13) ● WOMEN WOMEN: Our ladies’ Bible study and support groups are breaking for the summer. Financial Report: May 2013 General Fund Tithes Reimbursements Total Income $28,836.85 $3,611.23 $32,448.08 Expenses Net Benevolent Offering $33,967.75 -$1,519.67 $463.00 Crosspoint Community Church 1577 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403- 707-528-6321— 4 5 GALILEAN WEDDING Photography: Deborah Mickens. 5
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August 2013 Newsletter - Crosspoint Community Church
WOMEN: Our ladies’ Bible study and support groups are breaking for the summer.
* Monday night Bible study group will resume September 9 th. with “Hebrews”*