August 2013 Newsletter - Crosspoint Community Church


August 2013 Newsletter - Crosspoint Community Church
In this issue:
From Pastor Pat p.1
Family Ministry Corner p.2
Music Notes p.2
A.W.A.N.A p.2
Missions p.3
Profiles in Action p.3
Momentum p.4
...and much more!
Who We Are
Our Mission
Connecting people
to Christ…
Equipping them for life!
Our Vision
Our five-year vision is that
by 2016 we would be:
A dynamic community of
joyful believers
experiencing the lifetransforming power of
Jesus Christ, our hearts
ablaze with love for God,
love for one another, and
love for a needy world;
where the atmosphere is
charged with inspirational
teaching, fervent prayer,
passionate worship,
extravagant generosity,
and a spirit of expectancy,
all to the glory of God.
Our Affiliation
Crosspoint is part of
Converge PacWest, the
Northwest District of
Converge Worldwide
(formerly known as the
Baptist General
Converge’s focus is to
Connect, Ignite, and
Transform: Connecting
God’s people around
God’s purposes, that He
might ignite movements of
reproduction for the
purpose of transforming
lives and communities with
Christ’s love and truth.
From Pastor Pat
Elders / Pastors’ Retreat update: Thank you for
your prayers regarding our Bodega Bay elders’ /
pastors’ retreat on July 10. We enjoyed being together, praying and seeking God’s direction for
Crosspoint over the next 18 months. One of the
main topics involved answering the question: What
are the next steps for Crosspoint as we continue to
grow as a disciple-making church? We agreed
this venture requires collective effort. We’re asking
that everyone who calls Crosspoint their church
home become a part of this God-directed movement. This means several things: fervent prayer,
making discipleship a priority in
your life, signing up to be discipled
or to disciple, and faithfulness in
your commitment to your discipleship relationship(s). So far, over 30 people are currently involved in the discipleship process. We will have
another Discipleship signup opportunity in October, so please prayerfully consider joining this
movement, and be ready for God do accomplish
great things in and through your life!
building projects. Our Phase 4 building project is
next! This will involve our Worship Center, lobby,
new monument (new church sign), and more. This
is a significant, much needed upgrade and remodel. It’s currently in the planning stages. So,
our leadership (for the past several months) has
been formulating plans. We will soon secure an
estimate. Once plans and estimates are finalized,
we will bring this information to you, our beloved
congregation, and together seek God for his timing
and provision.
At Crosspoint, we are all about building—building
into people’s lives (Discipleship), and providing a
building (a facility) conducive for optimum ministry.
Let’s remember our mission is: “Connecting people
to Christ and equipping them for life. Our five year
vision is that by 2016: we will be… “A dynamic
community of 600 joyful believers experiencing the
life-transforming power of Jesus Christ, our hearts
ablaze with love for God, love for one another, and
love for a needy world; where the atmosphere is
charged with inspirational teaching, fervent prayer,
The other main topic of discussion was our Phase passionate worship, extravagant generosity, and a
4 Building project. One of the realities of a 35 spirit of expectancy, all to the Glory of God.”
year-old facility is that repairs and upgrades are
inevitable and needed. However, these improve- As we petition God to continue to bring this mission
ments go beyond paint, plants and new cabinetry. and vision to fruition, we must remember… minisWe believe to better reach our community for try is and will always be about people. However, to
Christ and to be good stewards of all that God has accommodate the needs of our congregation (and
entrusted to us, improvements are essential. Sev- anticipate future growth) it is wise to make plans.
eral building projects have been completed. For Please continue to pray for the role God would
example: phase one was landscaping our church’s have you play with regards to discipleship and
front yard. Phase 2, renovating two classrooms our Phase 4 building project. Let’s
with recessed lighting and new cabinetry; Phase seek God with a spirit of expectancy
3, nursery remodel. We are grateful to God and to and with His glory as our ultimate goal!
all of you who supported and participated in these
I love, in Mark 8:27, where it
says Jesus was talking to
His disciples “on the way”.
That’s how discipleship is
supposed to happen: investing in each others’ lives
while doing life together.
That’s what is happening in
Momentum. We are creating
an atmosphere where discipleship can happen as we
share life. Our beach day
was a great example of this: a
relaxed, enjoyable
time with parents
and kids playing
together. Different people,
from different backgrounds,
with one thing in common:
what Christ has done in their
lives .
This “on the way” idea of
discipleship is what family
too…husbands and wives,
parents and children, engaging in meaningful spiritual
conversations while going
through life.
“training up their children”
through being intentional to
model Christ-likeness and
talk about what He has done
and is doing.
As Momentum grows, we will
be able to see discipleship
happening more and more,
among the adults and between parents and children.
Let’s continue to make disciples “as we go”, as Jesus
commands us in Matthew
by Mike Baker,
Pastor of
Family Ministries
A.W.A.N.A : Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed
It’s August, and the summer seems half
over, but the planning for September
AWANA is in full swing. In case you are not
familiar with this ministry, it is based on
II Timothy 2:15,
*Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed.*
Our purpose is to lead boys and girls to
Jesus Christ and train them to serve Him: other words discipleship! This ministry
reaches children from 2 years pre K thru 6th
grade. We meet on Sunday nights from 5:30
- 7:10 beginning on September 8th. Teaching God’s word thru memorization and Bible
large group time, we are reaching nearly 60
children. For some children, it is their only
encounter with the Bible.
We need your help as the start of AWANA
draws near. We need prayer partners.
Pray for God’s Word to be planted firmly in
young hearts.
Pray for more workers. If you are wondering if you are qualified, the questions for
you to answer are:
Do you love the Lord?
Do you have a heart to minister to
If that is you, then you are qualified. We
will train you and we will do all the preparations for each night. If God is speaking to
you about ministry, then why not come to
the leaders’ meeting on August 25th at
5:30pm in the outdoor café (canopy area)
If you have questions please contact Rich
or Peg Thomas at Church, or call them at
528-7244, or email them at
By Rich and Peggy Thomas
Crosspoint Music Notes
The summer months hold, some say, a
majority of the collective wedding anniversaries (at least in our country). Ours is in
July, I’ve been married to Barb for 35 wonderful years . One wedding tradition that I
think is worth keeping around is “something
borrowed, something new...” and we’ve
used that same philosophy throughout our
married life… just ask our neighbors (we
just borrowed some foil to grill an ear of
corn on our formerly new BBQ).
Musically, I’ve been considering a “new”
song that marries the new with an old song.
“Christ is Enough” by Reuben Morgan and
Jonas Myrin says: “Christ is enough for me,
Christ is enough for me, Ev’rything I need is
in You, Ev’rything I need”. This is a concept
that we love to recite, but we find it difficult
to make it the default response when those
hard situations arise. Often, our first
response is to try to deal with the hard
situations by the self-centered philosophies
of the world around us, and turning to the
God of all sufficiency ends up being our
second choice, or even lower, perhaps not
until we are absolutely desperate.
“I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning
back, no turning back”. This involves our
will along with our understanding.
It is not enough to understand that “Christ
is Enough”; we must also use our will and
decide to act on in by “deciding to trust/
follow Him” to meet our every need, even/
especially during the hard times.
Discipleship, knowing Christ, and following/trusting Christ. These are concepts that
are being taught and discovered here at
Crosspoint. Please consider adding marriage to that list...try marrying your understanding of who Christ is with the determination to do what Christ says. Many of you
know a lot about Christianity. Maybe now is
the time to start sharing that information
with someone else in the form of a
discipling relationship.
God bless, and...Soli Deo Gloria (To
God Alone Be The Glory
The thing I like about this new song is actu- by Jim Humphreys,
ally the spouse involved in the marriage:
Director of Worship Services
Missions Corner
August again! Time to go fishing!
Time for the Annual City Kids Festival, put
on every year by the Redwood Gospel
Mission. This year it is on August 17th.
Crosspoint has sponsored a “Fish Pond”
each year for the last three years in which
`` “fish” for cardboard fish that can help
them win a prize of a back-to-school backpack. At the same time, those helping at
the booth are “fishing” for the hearts of the
children to come to Jesus Christ. This is
your chance to put discipleship into practice. Helpers are needed, so please see
Irene Barton or call her at 546-9069. Also
part of this city outreach are packages of
college ruled binder paper which everyone can help supply. Please bring them to
the church by August 11th. so they can be
put in the backpacks at the mission.
August is also a good time to shop for
things to go into the shoeboxes which we
will fill for the annual Samaritan’s Purse
Operation Christmas Child. You may not
be able to travel to a far away mission field,
but your box can. Let your boxes travel for
you. You have until November to fill them.
Another excellent way for you to grow in
discipleship is to plan now to invite family
and friends to your home to help celebrate
Billy Graham’s 95th birthday in November
by watching him on television in your home
as he preaches the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Start by making sure you know Jesus personally and then share how He has impacted your life. My Hope with Billy Graham is putting discipleship into action.
What an opportunity!
by Irene Barton, Missions MTL
Michelle Gordon is Pastor
Pat’s wife. She is in charge
of organizing our group of
dedicated leaders and facilitators who make up the
“Revive Hour” team. This
month, we asked her to tell
us a bit more about this ministry.
Michelle explains that the purpose of the
Revive Team is to facilitate discussion about
the Word of God via the Socratic Method, so
that each participant becomes active, applies
the truths learned, and flourishes in their
Painless ultrasounds
show plaque build-up
in your arteriesa leading cause of
We are happy to announce that
Life Line Screening is working
with us to provide our members
a $10 additional discount off
of a screening package,
in addition to a $10 donation
to our church
Make an
Profiles in Action
Michelle Gordon: Ministry Team
Leader, Revive
everyone in the conversation, and orchestrating meaningful, scripture-focused group
Michelle has been serving in Revive since
its inception. In fact, we thank God for Michelle– as the “Revive Hour Concept” was
her idea. When asked why she is committed to this ministry, she replies, ‘Because I
love Jesus, His Word and His people. I
want to help others develop passion for
Christ and His priorities. As is stated in
Ephesians 2:10 (ESV,) ‘…we are His
workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for
good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.’ When
Disciples of Christ are living out the works
that God has already prepared for us, we
become disciples who make disciples,
who make disciples, who make disciples…all to the glory of God.’… and that’s
what life is all about.”
As a leader, she researches and reviews
curriculum, plans studies, sets series dates,
recruits gifted teachers and discussion facilitators, solves problems, sets up teacher
training opportunities, maintains email
correspondence, and coordinates essential
In addition, Michelle is Pastor Pat’s remeetings.
search assistant and is helping to form our
The needs of this valuable ministry include discipleship ministry. She teaches teen
prayer support, additional team members, and adult Inductive Bible Studies, and is a
and new ideas. Michelle is responsible for Rincon Valley Christian School high school
recruiting gifted and passionate teachers of math teacher. Lastly, when asked what
the Word of God, who can lead the teaching recharges her batteries, she says, studyportion of our Revive hour. She also looks for ing scripture, exercising, solving math
gifted table group facilitators (men and problems, and watching period piece
women) who are good at: listening, including films.”
by Margarita Capurro, Office Secretary
for you
or your
loved one
Where: Crosspoint
When: August 20, 2013
Pre-registration is
Call 1-800-324-9458
Priority code HSC7733
or register at:
Sign up in advance to get both
a $10 discount and
a $10 donation for our church
Upcoming Events & Classes:
City Kids' Festival : organized by the Redwood Gospel Mission
August 17th Juilliard Park
Please donate college-ruled filler paper by August 11th.
Group Party
August 24th.
at the Kislings:
3711 Llyn Glaslyn, SR
Last name:
A-G bring dessert
H-R bring a main dish
S-Z bring a side dish
Leave your kids with a
fun sitter
Find out more and
sign up at
Join our group at:
Life Line Screening.
August 20th: 9am to 5pm in the Ministry Center
Registration is required. (see insert on page 3 for more info)
Baby Shower for the Pregnancy Counseling Center
August 24th: 10am to 12pm in the Ministry Center
Momentum Game Night
August 24th at the Kislings’: 3711 Llyn Glaslyn, SR
(see insert on this page for more info)
Summer break.
Bible Study: Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30pm.
Jr. High & High School. Questions? Contact Pastor Mike: 318-7574.
 "Spiritual Discipline” (Charles F. Stanley).
Johnnie Vandevier leads: 539-9299.
Mondays at 6:30pm in Ministry Center Room 2
 “The Red Seas Rules, take the journey from panic to praise.”
(Rob Morgan) Hal Mickens leads: 575- 7087.
Saturdays from 8:30 to 9:45am in Ministry Center Room 2.
WOMEN:  Our ladies’ Bible study and support groups are breaking for the summer.
* Monday night Bible study group will resume September 9 th. with “Hebrews”*
Contact :Pastor Mike
Crosspoint News
August 2013
Financial Report: June 2013
General Fund Tithes
Total Income
Benevolent Offering
$ 7,802.00
$ 552.00
Crosspoint Community Church 1577 Guerneville Rd., Santa Rosa, CA 95403- 707-528-6321—
Discipleship In THE HOLY LAND
Dear Church Family,
Thank you for your prayers for Rich and I as we traveled to Israel this summer. We had a wonderful experience in the Holy Land touring the region, studying the scriptures and worshiping the Lord.
We want to encourage you with great news that God is working in the lives of both Israelis and Palestinians.
He is drawing both the Jews and the Arabs to himself. As you know, the Lord has led this church family to
focus our time, talents and treasures on “making disciples who make disciples”. This is not a regional
movement, but a global movement of the Spirit. The theme of this trip was “The Power of the “Word to
Transform lives through Discipleship”. We were a group of 244 people from around the world who met with another 200 Christian pastors
Civil War in Syria
(Jews & Arabs) who have a ministry in Israel, to heed the call to make
disciples. Here are some pictures and some ideas on how to pray for
Israel and her neighbors.
1. Pray for the peace of
Jerusalem and all the
Messianic Pastor & Wife
people of the region.
Pray for the healthy
growth of the church, and
the only true hope of reconciliation in the region.
Israeli Government
3. Pray for wisdom for
the Israeli Prime Minister
and his advisors.
4. Pray for Israel’s Arab and Muslim neighbors and her enemies, that the
Lord would change their hearts and draw them to Himself. Pray for the
hearts of believers and unbelievers to develop a deep hunger to study &
obey God’s Word.
Rich & Karen Larsen