ANNUAL REPORT OF TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORK LIMITED FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 2015 NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the 9th Annual General Meeting of the Members of TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited (“the Company”) will be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 12:15 p.m. at the registered office of the Company at 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, Mercantile House, 15 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110 001 to transact the following businesses: ORDINARY BUSINESS: 1. To consider and adopt the audited financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon. 2. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Deepak Gaur (DIN: 02909570) who, retires by rotation at this Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 3. To appoint a Director in place of Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli (DIN: 00253613) who, retires by rotation at this Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offers himself for re-appointment. 4. To re-appoint Walker Chandiok & Co. LLP as the Statutory Auditors and fix their remuneration and in this regard, to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 139, 141, 142 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Walker Chandiok & Co. LLP, (ICAI Firm Registration No. 001076N) (formerly Walker, Chandiok & Co.), New Delhi, be and are hereby re-appointed as the Statutory Auditors of the Company, to hold office for a term of five (5) years from the conclusion of the 9 th Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of the 14th Annual General Meeting of the Company, subject to ratification by the Members at every Annual General Meeting, on such remuneration as may be fixed by the Board of Directors of the Company.” SPECIAL BUSINESS: 5. To appoint Mr. Adil Zainulbhai (DIN: 06646490) as an Independent Director and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Sections 149, 152 read with Schedule IV and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Mr. Adil Zainulbhai (DIN: 06646490) who was appointed as an Additional Director (Independent) pursuant to the provisions of Section 161(1) and 149 of the Act, who holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act from a member proposing his candidature for the office of Independent Director, be and is hereby appointed as an Independent Director of the Company, not liable to retire by rotation, to hold office for 5 (five) consecutive years for a term upto May 3, 2020.” 6. To appoint Mr. Rohit Bansal (DIN 02067348) as a Director and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Mr. Rohit Bansal (DIN: 02067348), who was appointed as an Additional Director pursuant to the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Act and the Articles of Association of the Company and who holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act from a member TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India proposing his candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation.” 7. To appoint Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani (DIN 00078665) as a Director and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani (DIN: 00078665), who was appointed as an Additional Director pursuant to the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Act and the Articles of Association of the Company and who holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act from a member proposing his candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation.” 8. To appoint Ms. Kshipra Jatana (DIN 02491225) as a Director and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 152 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and the Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Ms. Kshipra Jatana (DIN 02491225), who was appointed as an Additional Director pursuant to the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Act and the Articles of Association of the Company and who holds office upto the date of this Annual General Meeting and in respect of whom the Company has received a notice in writing under Section 160 of the Act from a member proposing her candidature for the office of Director, be and is hereby appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation.” 9. To ratify the remuneration of the Cost Auditors for the financial year ending March 31, 2016 and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as an Ordinary Resolution: “RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 148 and all other applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 (the “Act”) and the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014 (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof, for the time being in force), Pramod Chauhan & Associates, Cost Accountants (Registration No. 000436), the Cost Auditors appointed by the Board of Directors of the Company, to conduct the audit of the cost records of the Company for the financial year ending March 31, 2016, be paid remuneration of Rs.2,50,000 (Rupees Two Lacs Fifty Thousand only) excluding reimbursement of out of pocket expenses and applicable taxes, in any, thereon. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorised to do all such acts and take all such steps as may be necessary, proper or expedient to give effect to this resolution.” 10. To shift the Registered Office of the Company and in this regard to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following resolution as a Special Resolution: "RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Section 13 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013, (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force), read with applicable provisions of the Companies (Incorporation) Rules, 2014 and the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 and subject to the approval of the Central Government and other necessary approval(s), if any, in this regard from appropriate authority(ies), and/ or sanction(s) as may be required, specified, imposed or suggested by the appropriate authorities, while granting any such approval(s), consent(s), permission(s), modification(s) and/or sanction(s) which may be agreed to by the Board of Directors (hereinafter referred to as the "Board", which term shall, include any Committee(s) of the Board already TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India constituted/ to be constituted by the Board to exercise its powers including the powers conferred by this Resolution), consent of the Members of the Company be and is hereby accorded to shift the Registered Office of the Company from the National Capital Territory of Delhi to the State of Maharashtra, i.e. within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra at Mumbai. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT pursuant to Section 13 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 2013 and rules made thereunder (including any statutory modifications or reenactment thereof for the time being in force) and subject to such approvals/ sanctions as may be required, the existing Clause II of the Memorandum of Association of the Company be substituted by the following: ''II. The Registered Office of the Company will be situated in the State of Maharashtra, i.e. within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra at Mumbai.'' RESOLVED FURTHER THAT for the purpose of giving effect to the above resolutions, the Board of Directors of the Company be and are hereby authorized on behalf of the Company to do and perform all such acts, matters, deeds, and things, as it may at its discretion deem necessary, desirable, proper, expedient or incidental for the implementation of the above resolutions including but not limited to, delegation of all or any of the powers herein conferred to any Director or any other officer(s) of the Company to implement the above resolutions, to sign, seal and execute all deed(s), application(s), document(s) etc. that may be required on behalf of the Company or to settle any questions, difficulties or doubts that may arise in regard to the above resolutions, without being required to seek any further clarification, consent or approval of the Members or otherwise to the end and intent that the Members shall be deemed to have given their approval thereto expressly by the authority of this resolution." By order of the Board of Directors For TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited Place: Noida Date: August 14, 2015 Sd/Meenakshi Bahl Company Secretary NOTES: 1. A MEMBER ENTITLED TO ATTEND AND VOTE AT THE ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (“THE MEETING”) IS ENTITLED TO APPOINT A PROXY TO ATTEND AND VOTE ON A POLL INSTEAD OF HIMSELF AND THE PROXY NEED NOT BE A MEMBER OF THE COMPANY. A MEMBER HOLDING MORE THAN TEN PERCENT OF THE TOTAL SHARE CAPITAL OF THE COMPANY CARRYING VOTING RIGHTS MAY APPOINT A SINGLE PERSON AS PROXY AND SUCH PERSON SHALL NOT ACT AS A PROXY FOR ANY OTHER PERSON OR MEMBER. A BLANK PROXY FORM IS ENCLOSED HEREWITH AND IF INTENDED TO BE USED, THE FORM DULY COMPLETED SHOULD BE DEPOSITED AT THE REGISTERED OFFICE OF THE COMPANY NOT LESS THAN FORTY-EIGHT HOURS BEFORE THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE MEETING. 2. Route map of the venue of the meeting is given at the end of the Notice. 3. Corporate members intending to send their authorised representatives to attend the Meeting are requested to send to the Company a certified true copy of the Board Resolution/ other valid authorization, authorising their representative to attend and vote on their behalf at the Meeting. 4. Brief resume of Directors proposed to be appointed/ re-appointed, their age, qualification, date of first appointment on the Board, experience, nature of their expertise in specific functional areas, TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India names of companies in which they hold directorships and memberships / chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationships with other directors / key managerial personnel, number of meetings of the Board attended during the year are Annexed to the Notice as Annexure I. 5. A Statement pursuant to Section 102(1) of the Companies Act, 2013, relating to the Special Business and in respect of other resolution proposed in the ordinary business to be transacted at the Meeting is annexed hereto. 6. Relevant documents referred to in the accompanying Notice and the Statement are open for inspection by the Members at the Registered Office and copies thereof shall also be available for inspection at the Corporate Office of the Company on all working days, except Saturdays, (between 10 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.) upto the date of the Meeting. Copies of such document shall also be made available for inspection at the meeting. ROUTE MAP TO THE VENUE FOR THE 9th ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India EXPLANATORY STATEMENT IN RESPECT OF THE SPECIAL BUSINESS PURSUANT TO SECTION 102(1) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 (THE “ACT”) AND IN RESPECT OF OTHER RESOLUTION PROPOSED IN THE ORDINARY BUSINESS Item No. 4 None of the Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the ordinary resolution set out at Item No. 3 of the Notice, relating to the ratification of appointment of the Statutory Auditors. The following Statement sets out all material facts relating to the special businesses mentioned in the accompanying Notice. Item No. 5 The Board of Directors of the Company, upon the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, appointed Mr. Adil Zainulbhai as an Additional Director (Independent) on the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 161(1) and 149 read with Schedule IV to the Companies Act 2013 (the “Act”) and the Articles of Association of the Company. He holds office as an Additional Director (Independent) upto the date of this Annual General Meeting. In accordance with the provisions of Section 149 read with Schedule IV to the Act, appointment of an Independent Director requires approval of Member of the Company. The Company has received a notice in writing from a member along with the deposit of requisite amount under Section 160 of the Act proposing the candidature of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai for the office of Independent Director of the Company. Mr. Adil Zainulbhai is not disqualified from being appointed as a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act and has given his consent to act as a Director. Further, the Company has received a declaration from Mr. Adil Zainulbhai that he meets with the criteria of independence as prescribed under sub-section (6) of Section 149 of the Act. In the opinion of the Board, Mr. Adil Zainulbhai fulfills the conditions for his appointment as an Independent Director as specified in the Act. Mr. Adil Zainulbhai is independent of the management and possesses appropriate skills, experience and knowledge. Brief resume of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai, his age, qualification, date of his first appointment on the Board, experience, nature of his expertise in specific functional areas, names of companies in which he holds directorships and memberships / chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationship with other directors / key managerial personnel, number of meetings of the Board attended during the year and other details as stipulated under the Secretarial Standard-2, are annexed to the Notice as Annexure I. Keeping in view his vast expertise and knowledge, it will be in the interest of the Company that Mr. Adil Zainulbhai is appointed as an Independent Director of the Company. Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors have proposed that Mr. Adil Zainulbhai be appointed as an Independent Director of the Company, not liable to retire by rotation and to hold office for 5 (five) consecutive years for a term up to May 3, 2020. Copy of the letter for appointment of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai as an Independent Director setting out the terms and conditions is available for inspection by Members at the Registered Office of the Company. Save and except Mr. Adil Zainulbhai and his relatives, to the extent of their shareholding interest, if any, in the Company, none of the other Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 5 of the Notice. The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 5 of the Notice for approval by the Members. Item No. 6 The Board of Directors of the Company, upon the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, appointed Mr. Rohit Bansal (DIN: 02067348) as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Articles of Association of the Company. He holds office as an additional director upto the date of this Annual General Meeting. The Company has received a notice in writing from a member along with the deposit of requisite amount under Section 160 of the Act proposing the candidature of Mr. Rohit Bansal for the office of Director of the Company. Mr. Rohit Bansal is not disqualified from being appointed as a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act and has given his consent to act as a Director. Brief resume of Mr. Rohit Bansal, his age, qualification, date of his first appointment on the Board, experience, nature of his expertise in specific functional areas, names of companies in which he holds directorships and memberships / chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationship with other directors/key managerial personnel, number of meetings of the Board attended during the year and other details as stipulated under the Secretarial Standard-2, are annexed to the Notice as Annexure I. Keeping in view his vast expertise and knowledge, it will be in the interest of the Company that Mr. Rohit Bansal is appointed as a Director of the Company. Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors have proposed that Mr. Rohit Bansal be appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation. Save and except Mr. Rohit Bansal and his relatives, to the extent of their shareholding interest, if any, in the Company, none of the other Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 6 of the Notice. The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 6 of the Notice for approval by the Members. Item No. 7 The Board of Directors of the Company, upon the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, appointed Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani (DIN: 00078665) as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 Articles of Association of the Company. He holds office as an additional director upto the date of this Annual General Meeting. The Company has received a notice in writing from a member along with the deposit of requisite amount under Section 160 of the Act proposing the candidature of Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani for the office of Director of the Company. Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani is not disqualified from being appointed as a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act and has given his consent to act as a Director. Brief resume of Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani, his age, qualification, date of his first appointment on the Board, experience, nature of his expertise in specific functional areas, names of companies in which he holds directorships and memberships / chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationship TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India with other directors/key managerial personnel, number of meetings of the Board attended during the year and other details as stipulated under the Secretarial Standard-2, are annexed to the Notice as Annexure I. Keeping in view his vast expertise and knowledge, it will be in the interest of the Company that Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani is appointed as a Director of the Company. Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors have proposed that Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani be appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation. Save and except Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani and his relatives, to the extent of their shareholding interest, if any, in the Company, none of the other Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 7 of the Notice. The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 7 of the Notice for approval by the Members. Item No. 8 The Board of Directors of the Company, upon the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, appointed Ms. Kshipra Jatana (DIN: 02491225) as an Additional Director on the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015, in accordance with the provisions of Section 161(1) of the Companies Act, 2013 and the Articles of Association of the Company. She holds office as an additional director upto the date of this Annual General Meeting. The Company has received a notice in writing from a member along with the deposit of requisite amount under Section 160 of the Act proposing the candidature of Ms. Kshipra Jatana for the office of Director of the Company. Ms. Kshipra Jatana is not disqualified from being appointed as a Director in terms of Section 164 of the Act and has given her consent to act as a Director. Brief resume of Ms. Kshipra Jatana, her age, qualification, date of her first appointment on the Board, experience, nature of her expertise in specific functional areas, names of companies in which she holds directorships and memberships / chairmanships of Board Committees, shareholding and relationship with other directors/key managerial personnel, number of meetings of the Board attended during the year and other details as stipulated under the Secretarial Standard-2, are annexed to the Notice as Annexure I. Keeping in view her vast expertise and knowledge, it will be in the interest of the Company that Ms. Kshipra Jatana is appointed as a Director of the Company. Based on the recommendation of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee, the Board of Directors have proposed that Ms. Kshipra Jatana be appointed as a Director of the Company, liable to retire by rotation. Save and except Ms. Kshipra Jatana and her relatives, to the extent of their shareholding interest, if any, in the Company, none of the other Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 8 of the Notice. The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 8 of the Notice for approval by the Members. Item No. 9 The Board of Directors of the Company, on the recommendation of the Audit Committee, have approved the appointment and remuneration of Pramod Chauhan & Associates, Cost Accountants (Firm Registration TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India No. 000436), as the Cost Auditors to conduct the audit of the cost records of the Company for the financial year ending March 31, 2016 as set out in the resolution, excluding applicable taxes and out of pocket expenses, which shall be paid on actual basis. In accordance with the provisions of Section 148 of the Act read with the Companies (Audit and Auditors) Rules, 2014, the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors has to be ratified by the Member of the Company. Accordingly, consent of the Members is sought for passing an Ordinary Resolution as set out at Item No. 9 of the Notice for ratification of the remuneration payable to the Cost Auditors for the financial year ending March 31, 2015. None of the Directors / Key Managerial Personnel of the Company / their relatives are, in any way, concerned or interested, financially or otherwise, at Item No. 9 of the Notice. The Board commends the Ordinary Resolution set out at Item No. 9 of the Notice for approval by the Members. Item No. 10 The Registered Office of the Company is presently situated in New Delhi, in the National Capital Territory of Delhi. However, the entire administrative process (including its legal and general administrative department) of the Company are being controlled from its office situated in Mumbai, in the State of Maharashtra. Therefore, as a measure of rationalization and to carry on the business more economically and efficiently, it is proposed to shift the Registered Office of the Company from National Capital Territory of Delhi to the State of Maharashtra, i.e. within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra at Mumbai. As a sequel, Clause II of the Memorandum of Association of the Company is required to be accordingly amended. Section 13 of the Companies Act, 2013, inter alia, provides that for the shifting the Registered Office of the Company from one State to another, approval of the Members by way of a special resolution and also approval of the Central Government is required. Accordingly, consent of the members is sought for passing a Special Resolution as set out at Item No. 10 of the Notice. None of the Directors or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company/ their relatives, are in any way concerned or interested financially or otherwise, in the resolution set out at Item No. 10 of the Notice. By order of the Board of Directors For TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited Place: Noida Date: August 14, 2015 Sd/Meenakshi Bahl Company Secretary TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India ANNEXURE I BRIEF PROFILE AND OTHER DETAILS OF DIRECTORS PROPOSED APPOINTED TO BE APPOINTED / RE- Mr. Deepak Gaur Mr. Deepak Gaur, (DIN:02909570) aged 38, is currently the Managing Director at SAIF Partners. Prior to joining SAIF Partners in 2006, Mr. Deepak Gaur was a consultant with McKinsey & Company, where he focused in consumer products/services, IT, telecom, and the automotive sector. He has also worked at IBM Global Services in their Telecom and Media Services division. He was awarded the Chairman’s Gold Medal at IIM Lucknow and has a B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering from IIT Kanpur. He has expertise in business management and consulting. During the financial year 2014-15, Mr. Gaur had attended 6(six) Board meetings held on May 23, 2014, August 11, 2014, October 10, 2014, January 9, 2015, January 13, 2015 and February 24, 2015. He joined the Board of the Company on August 3, 2011. He does not hold any shares of the Company in his name. He is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli Mr. Ravi Adusumalli, (DIN: 00253613) aged 39, graduated from Cornell University with a B.A. in Economics and Government He joined SAIF Partners in 2002. Prior to this, he worked at Mobius Venture Capital, Credit Suisse and Wasatch Funds. He has expertise in business management and venture capital. During the financial year 2014-15, Mr. Adusumalli attended 1(one) Board meeting held on January 9, 2015. He joined the Board of the Company on August 3, 2011. He does not hold any shares of the Company in his name. He is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. Mr. Adil Zainulbhai Mr. Adil Zainulbhai (DIN: 06646490), 62 years, is currently Senior Advisor to McKinsey. He retired as Chairman of McKinsey, India after 34 years at McKinsey. Prior to returning to India, he led the Washington office of McKinsey and founded the Minneapolis office. Over the last 10 years in India, He has worked directly with the CEOs and promoters of some of the major companies in India and globally –private companies, MNCs and PSUs. He has also been working with several parts of the government and led efforts around urbanization, inclusive growth and energy. Recently, He co-edited the book, ‘Reimagining India’ which featured 60 authors including prominent businessmen, academics, economists, authors and journalists. The book has been #1 in non-fiction in India on its release and #2 on Amazon’s International Business List in the US. He is currently on the Boards of Reliance Industries Ltd., Larsen & Toubro Ltd. and Cipla Ltd.. He grew up in Bombay and graduated in Mechanical Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology. He also has a M.B.A. from Harvard Business School. He is very active in community and social causes. He is a Board member of the American India Foundation, Saifee Hospital, Board of Trustees at Saifee Burhani Upliftment Trust (redeveloping Bhendi Bazaar in Mumbai), Advisory Board of the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Wockhardt Foundation, HMRI (Health Management Research Institute), Harvard Business School Alumni Association of India and on the Global Advisory Board of the Booth School of Business at University of Chicago. He has expertise in business management and consulting. Mr. Zainulbhai joined the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015. He does not hold any shares of the Company in his name. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India He is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. Mr. Rohit Bansal Mr. Rohit Bansal (DIN: 02067348) aged about 48 years, has done B.A. (Hons.) from St. Stephen’s College and Advance Management Program from Harvard Business School. He is a British Chevening scholar and has undertaken professional programmes at University of Westminster, The Times Centre for Media Studies, and The European Journalism Centre, Maastricht. Mr. Rohit has served on the board of the News Broadcasters Association and has been Resident Editor of The Financial Express, New Delhi; Managing Editor (and later COO) of Independent News Service; Editor-Business, Zee News; Special Correspondent, Television 18; and Senior Business Correspondent, The Times of India. He is a Trustee of the St Stephen’s Alumni Foundation. Mr. Bansal in collaboration with Hammurabi & Solomon advised CEOs across the spectrum of strategy, regulation, advocacy and the media. He served as Treasurer of The Editors Guild of India and Foundation of Media Professionals. His columns reflecting issues before government, financial institutions, private equity, industry leaders, political executive, alumni networks, and global think tanks appears in Governance Now, The Pioneer and exchange4media. His expertise lies in strategy, regulation, advocacy and media. Mr. Rohit Bansal joined the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015. He does not hold any shares of the Company in his name. He is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani (DIN:00078665), 52 years, holds BE(hons) in EEE from BITS Pilani India and MS in Printing Technology from Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) USA. Mr. Chhajlani began his career in 1986 as a planning executive with Semline Inc. a leading printing company in Boston. Mr. Chhajlani founded Suvi Information Systems Pvt. Ltd., an IT consulting and solutions company in 1988 and set up a subsidiary in US, Diaspark Inc. He serves as Group Chairman of Webdunia. com (India) Pvt. Ltd. and Diaspark Inc. He has keen interest in Technology and Media space with which he has been involved in various Executive and Strategic capacity for last 20 years. His expertise lies in IT consulting and Business Management. Mr. Chhajlani joined the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015. He does not hold any shares of the Company in his name. He is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. Ms. Kshipra Jatana Ms. Kshipra Jatana (DIN: 02491225), aged 43, is a Group General Counsel for Network18. She oversees legal operations and regulatory matters for all group businesses and joint ventures including A+E Networks, TV18, Viacom18, HomeShop18 and Indiacast. Earlier Ms. Jatana has been Head, Legal for the Group’s news networks and General Counsel at Capital18, the group’s investment arm where she was responsible for deal structuring, legal and compliance for its portfolio investments. She brings with her 19 years of work experience in the legal advisory and corporate law space. Prior to joining Network18, she was the General Counsel/Head of M&A at MIH India and has also worked with Star TV and AZB & Partners in the past. She holds a degree in law & sociology from the University of Delhi. She has expertise in corporate legal advisory. Ms. Kshipra Jatana joined the Board of the Company on May 4, 2015. She holds 1(one) share of the Company as a nominee of NW18 HSN Holdings Plc, Cyprus. She is not related to any other Director, or Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Other Directorship(s)/ Committee Membership(s) of the Directors proposed to be appointed / re-appointed are given below: Name of Director Mr. Deepak Gaur Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli Mr. Adil Zainulbhai Other Directorships/ Committee Memberships Name of the Indian Companies Position on the Board and Committee thereof IVision Media Private Limited Director Urban Ladder Home Décor Director Solutions Private Limited Big Tree Entertainment Private Director Limited Just Dial Limited Director One 97 Communications Limited Director Just Dial Global Private Limited Director Brainbees Solutions Private Director Limited Robemall Apparels Private Director Limited Le Travenues Technology Director Private Limited Zen Lefin Private Limited Director Nuvo Logistics Private Limited Nominee Director Reliance Industries Limited Director Chairman – Human Resource Nomination and Remuneration Committee Chairman – Risk Management Committee Member – Audit Committee Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited Director Chairman- Audit Committee Chairman–Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman–Nomination and Remuneration Committee Larsen and Toubro Limited Director Cipla Limited Director Member – Audit Committee Reliance Retail Ventures Limited Director Chairman – Audit Committee Chairman – Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman–Nomination and Remuneration Committee Network18 Media & Investments Director Limited Chairman – Audit Committee Chairman – Stakeholders Relationship Committee Chairman – Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman – Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member - Share Transfer and Allotment Committee Chairman – Risk Management Committee TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India TV18 Broadcast Limited Mr. Rohit Bansal Network18 Media & Investments Limited Infomedia Press Limited Indiacast Media Distribution Private Limited IBN Lokmat News Private Limited Panorama Television Private Limited Viacom18 Media Private Limited Prism TV Private Limited AETN18 Media Private Limited TV18 Broadcast Limited Mr. Vinay Chand Chhajlani Diaspark Infotech Private Limited Webdunia.Com (India) Private Limited Navratan Buildtech Private Limited Mid-India Infrastructure Private Limited Shradha Buildcon Private Limited Print Pack Private Limited Naidunia Entertainment Private Limited Panorama Television Private Limited Greycells18 Media Limited Vinilok Solutions Private Limited P.T. Education And Training Services Private Limited Truworth Holdings Private Member–Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Member–Nomination & Remuneration Committee Chairman – Audit Committee Chairman – Risk Management Committee Director Member – Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member – Audit Committee Member – Stakeholders Relationship Committee Member – Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman – Share Transfer and Allotment Committee Member – Risk Management Committee Director Chairman – Nomination and Remuneration Committee Member – Audit Committee Chairman – Share Transfer Committee Member – Stakeholders Relationship Committee Director Member – Nomination and Remuneration Committee Director Director Chairman – Audit Committee Chairman – Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Chairman–Nomination and Remuneration Committee Director Director Director Member – Share Transfer Committee Member- Nomination & Remuneration Committee Member–Corporate Social Responsibility Committee Member – Risk Management Committee Director Whole-time Director Director Director Director Director Director Additional Director Additional Director Director Director Director TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Ms. Kshipra Jatana Limited Jewels Buildcon Private Limited Infomedia Press Limited Network18 Media & Investments Limited Prism TV Private Limited AETN18 Media Private Limited IBN Lokmat News Private Limited Greycell18 Media Limited Equator Trading Enterprises Private Limited Colosceum Media Private Limited Limited Capital18 Fincap Private Limited Infomedia Press Limited Indiacast Distribution Private Limited (earlier Indiacast UTV Media Distribution Private Limited) Prism TV Private Limited Director Director Member–Corporate Social Committee Director Director Additional Director Member – Audit Committee Member–Nomination and Committee Member–Nomination and Committee Director Director Director Director Director Responsibility Remuneration Remuneration Director TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India DIRECTORS’ REPORT To, The Members, TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited Your Directors are pleased to present the Ninth Annual Report of the Company together with the Company’s Audited Accounts and the Auditor’s Report thereon for the Financial Year ended March 31, 2015. FINANCIAL RESULTS The financial performance of the Company for the year ended March 31, 2015 is summarised below: Particulars Revenue from operations Other Income Expenditure Profit/ (Loss) before exceptional and prior period items Exceptional and prior period items Profit/ (Loss) before/after tax for the year Financial year ended st 31 March, 2015 443.86 5.49 5,54.99 (105.64) (Amount in Rs. Cr.) Financial year ended st 31 March, 2014 362.19 6.07 452.11 (83.85) 69.27 (174.91) (83.85) During the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the Company has earned Rs.449.36 crores whereas the expenditure was Rs. 554.99 crores, resulting to a loss of Rs.105.64 crores. SIGNIFICANT AND MATERIAL ORDER PASSED BY THE REGULATORS OR COURT No significant and/or material orders were passed by any Regulators/ Courts/Tribunals which would impact the going concern status of the Company or its future operations. BUSINESS OUTLOOK Your Company is consistently setting benchmarks in the digital shopping space in India. With innovation at its heart and technology as it’s forte, HomeShop18 has constantly evolved to accelerate the industry’s transformation, at a macro level. The Company has simplified shopping by being available on all three screens - television, web and mobile that has benefited customers tremendously. HomeShop18 has emerged as one of the largest, most trusted digital commerce platforms for shoppers. The omnipresence of HomeShop18 across all three screens-TV, Web and Mobile has earned the brand trust across millions of households in India. The Company completed seven years in operation in April, 2015. The past one year has seen further growth in the business of the Company. The Company’s Business Income increased to Rs. 443.9 crores from Rs 362.2 crores in the previous year, registering a growth of 23% Year on Year and the Loss (before tax) for the year stood at Rs. 174.9 crores (including prior period and exceptional loss of TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Rs. 69.3 crores) as against loss of Rs. 83.9 crores for the previous year. The Company has a combined reach of around 250 million consumers through TV, Web and Mobile and has placed over 33 million orders in the last seven years. HomeShop18 has made a mark in virtual shopping with the smarter, easier and hassle-free experience extended to the growing Indian TV, internet and mobile population. In the past one year, over 876 new products were launched on the Channel. Growing acceptance of virtual retail combined with superior product proposition and value for the customer enabled the Company to become one of the largest marketing & distribution platform for mobiles and digital cameras in the country. The Channel reach has decreased by 9% Year on Year to approximately 23.2 Million households in March 2015 as compared to 25.4 Million in March 2014. The TV Channel today is seen as one of the largest alternate distribution platform with a pan India reach in over 82.0 Million st households (as on 31 March 2015). This has enabled us to partner with some of the biggest brands like Spice, Samsung, Puma, Micromax, HCL, Panasonic, Signature, Eureka forbes, Philips, VLCC etc. and provide unique products and propositions for our viewers. During the year Company’s unique business model was acknowledged and awarded at various prestigious forums – ‘Innovative Retail Concept of the year, ‘Retailer of the year: E-Commerce and Online’ by ET Now Awards for Retail Excellence at Asia Retail Congress, ‘Best eRetail Marketing Initiative’ by Indian eRetail Awards 2013, ‘Best Customer Service in Retail’ by Retailer Customer Service, Businessworld’s ‘2nd most respected companies in emerging sector’amongst others. Your Company has begged the following awards: Thought Leader Awards 2014-Most admired change Management Program in Telecom, Internet & E-commerce “eRetail Leadership of the year” by Indian eRetail Awards 2014 Best use of Social Media in Marketing by Retail Excellent Awards 2014 Delhi/NCR’s Hot 50 brands by Paul Writer DIVIDEND In view of the losses incurred during the Financial Year under review, your Directors have not recommended any dividend for the year ended March 31, 2015. DISCLOSURE UNDER THE SEXUAL HARASSMENT OF (PREVENTION, PROHIBITION AND REDRESSAL) ACT, 2013. WOMEN AT WORKPLACE The Company has in place Prevention of Sexual Harassment (POSH) Policy in line with the requirements of The Sexual Harassment of Women at the Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. An Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) has been set up to redress complaints regarding sexual harassment. All employees (permanent, contractual, temporary, trainees) are covered under this policy. During the year, no complaint was received under the policy. PARTICULARS OF LOANS GIVEN, INVESTMENTS MADE, GAURANTEES GIVEN AND SECURITIES PROVIDED Your Company has not given loan, made investments and not given guarantees or provided securities under the provisions of Section 134(3)(g) read with Section 186(4) of the Companies Act, 2013, during the year under review. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India DEPOSITS During the year under review, your Company has not accepted any fixed deposits from the public under Chapter V of the Companies Act, 2013. SHARE CAPITAL The Company has not issued any Equity Shares with differential voting rights as to dividend, voting or otherwise. DIRECTORS During the year under review, Mr. Saikumar Ganapathy Balasubramanian and Mr. Raghav Bahl, Directors of the Company resigned with effect from May 28, 2014 and July 1, 2015 respectively. The Board place on record its gratitude for the services provided by Mr. Saikumar Ganapathy Balasubramanian and Mr. Raghav Bahl during their tenure. Mr. R.D.S Bawa, Director of the Company has resigned from the Directorship of the Company and as a sequel ceased to be the Managing Director of the Company with effect from May 29, 2014. The Board place on record its sincere appreciation for the contribution made by Mr. Bawa during his tenure. Mr. Rohit Bansal, Mr. Vinay Chhajlani and Ms. Kshipra Jatana were appointed as Additional Directors th w.e.f. May 4, 2015 and they shall hold office up to the date of the ensuing 9 Annual General Meeting. The Company has received requisite notices in writing from members proposing the candidatures of Mr. Rohit Bansal, Mr. Vinay Chhajlani and Ms. Kshipra Jatana for their appointment as Directors. Mr. Adil Zainulbhai was appointed as an Additional Director (Independent) w.e.f. May 4, 2015 and he th shall hold office upto the date of the ensuing 9 Annual General Meeting. Mr. Adil Zainulbhai has confirmed that he meets the criteria of independence as prescribed under Section 149(6) of the Companies Act, 2013. The Company has received requisite notice in writing from a member proposing the candidature of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai for appointment as a Independent Director, not liable to retire by rotation for a term of 5 years upto May 3, 2020. In accordance with the Companies Act, 2013 and the Articles of Association of the Company, Mr. Deepak Gaur and Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli retire by rotation at the ensuing Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, have offered themselves for re-appointment. Your Board has recommended their re-appointment. Further as per the provisions of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013, your Company is required to have 1 (one) more Independent Director. The Company has identified a candidate for being appointed as an Independent Director and has made an application for approval to Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, which is pending for approval. The following policies of the Company are attached herewith marked as Annexure A1 and Annexure A2 respectively: a) Policy for selection of Directors and determining Directors Independence; and b) Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees. As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, your Company is not required to appoint a Managing Director or a Whole-time Director. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India The Company has formulated a policy on performance evaluation of the Independent Directors, Board and its Committees and other individual Directors which shall be based on inter alia criteria like attendance, effective participation, domain knowledge, access to management outside Board Meetings and compliance with the Code of Conduct, vision and strategy and benchmark to global peers. KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL During the year under review, your Board appointed Ms. Meenakshi Bahl as the Company Secretary of the Company with effect from August 11, 2014. NUMBER OF MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND ATTENDANCE OF DIRECTORS AT BOARD MEETINGS During the financial year ended March 31, 2015, six (6) meetings of the Board of Directors were held i.e. on May 23, 2014, August 11, 2014, October 10, 2014, January 9, 2015, January 13, 2015 and February 24, 2015. The maximum time gap between two Board Meetings was less than 120 days. The Details of attendance of Directors at Board meetings during the financial year 2014-15 are given below: Name of the Director Mr. Deepak Gaur Mr. Kim Joon Shick Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli Mr. Raghav Bahl* Mr. R.D.S Bawa** @ Mr. Saikumar Ganpathy Balasubramanian Attendance at Board Meetings 6 3 1 3 1 1 * Resigned w.e.f. July 1, 2015 ** Resigned w.e.f. May 29, 2014 @ Resigned w.e.f. May 28, 2014 Pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Notice along with the detailed Agenda was circulated well within prescribed time. AUDIT COMMITTEE The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company presently comprises of three (3) Directors. All the members of the Committee possess financial / accounting expertise / exposure. The Company Secretary acts as the Secretary of the Committee. Name of the Member # Mr. Adil Zainulbhai # Ms. Kshipra Jatana Mr. Kim Joon Shick Executive/Non-executive Independent Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Position held Member Member Member # Inducted as members of the Committee w.e.f. August 11, 2015. Pursuant to Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board shall appointment of another Independent Director, upon receipt of necessary approval of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India During the financial year ended March 31, 2015, one (1) meetings of the Audit Committee were held i.e. on May 23, 2014. The Details of attendance of Directors at meetings of Audit Committee during the financial year 201415 are given below: Name of the Director $ Mr. Deepak Gaur Mr. Kim Joon Shick Mr. Sai Kumar Ganapathy Balasubramanian* Mr. Raghav Bahl** Attendance at Committee Meetings 1 1 NIL NIL $ Ceased to be member of the Committee w.e.f. August 10, 2015 Ceased to be member of the Committee w.e.f. May 28, 2014 consequent upon his resignation as Director of the Company. ** Inducted as member of the Committee w.e.f. February 24, 2015 and ceased to be member of Committee w.e.f July 1, 2015 consequent upon his resignation as a Director of the Company. * NOMINATION AND REMUNERATION COMMITTEE The Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company was renamed as the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors. The Nomination & Remuneration Committee presently comprises of three (3) Directors. Name of the Member Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli Mr. Kim Joon Shick Mr. Adil Zainulbhai* Executive/Non-executive Non-Executive Director Position held Member Non-Executive Director Independent Non-Executive Director Member Member * Inducted as member of the Committee w.e.f. August 11, 2015 No meeting of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company was held during the financial year ended March 31, 2015. Pursuant to Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013, the Board shall appointment of another Independent Director, upon receipt of necessary approval of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The policy formulated by Nomination & Remuneration Committee on Director’s appointment and remuneration including criteria for determining qualifications, positive attributes, independence of a director is uploaded at the Company’s website i.e. ALLOTMENT COMMITTEE The Allotment Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company presently comprises of two (2) Directors. Name of the Member Ms. Kshipra Jatana* Mr. Rohit Bansal* Executive/Non-executive Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Position held Member Member * Inducted as members of the Committee w.e.f. August 11, 2015 No meeting of the Allotment Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company was held during the financial year ended March 31, 2015. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India ACCOUNTS COMMITTEE The Accounts Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company presently comprises of two (2) Directors. Name of the Member Ms. Kshipra Jatana* Mr. Rohit Bansal* Executive/Non-executive Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Position held Member Member * Inducted as members of the Committee w.e.f. August 11, 2015 No meeting of the Accounts Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company was held during the financial year ended March 31, 2015. SUB-COMMITTEE The Sub-Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company presently comprises of three (3) Directors. Name of the Member Mr. Kim Joon Shick Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli Mr. Adil Zainulbhai* Executive/Non-executive Non-Executive Director Non-Executive Director Position held Member Member Independent Director Member Non-Executive * Inducted as member of the Committee w.e.f. August 11, 2015 No meeting of the Sub-Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company was held during the financial year ended March 31, 2015. DIRECTORS’ RESPONSIBILITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the provisions of Section 134(3)(c) read with Section 134(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, with respect to Director’s Responsibility Statement, it is hereby confirmed that: a. in the preparation of the annual accounts for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the applicable Accounting Standards read with the requirements set out under Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013, have been followed and there are no material departures from the same; b. the Directors have selected such accounting policies and applied them consistently and made judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudent so as to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Company as at March 31, 2015 and of the profit and loss of the Company for the year ended on that date; c. the Directors have taken proper and sufficient care for maintenance of adequate accounting records in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 for safeguarding the assets of the Company and for preventing and detecting fraud and other irregularities; d. the Directors have prepared the annual accounts of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015 on a ‘going concern’ basis; e. the Directors have devised proper systems to ensure compliance with the provisions of all applicable laws and that such systems were adequate and operating effectively. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India VIGIL MECHANISM The Company promotes ethical behaviour in all its business activities. Towards this end, the Company has adopted a policy on Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower. The Company has constituted an Ethics & Compliance Task Force to process and investigate a protected disclosure made under the policy. The confidentiality of those reporting violations is maintained and they are not subjected to any discriminatory practice or victimization. The Audit Committee shall overseas the Vigil Mechanism. The policy on Vigil Mechanism and Whistle Blower is available on Company’s website at CONSERVATION OF ENERGY, TECHNOLOGY ABSORPTION Pursuant to Section 134(3)(m) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules 8(3) of the Companies(Accounts) Rules, 2014, the details of conservation of energy, technology absorption, foreign exchange earnings and outgo are as follows: a. Conservation of energy: The Company is not an energy intensive unit, hence alternate source of energy may not be feasible. However, regular efforts are made to conserve the energy. The Company conducted an energy audit and suggested means to reduce energy consumption. Further, use of low energy consuming LED lightings are being encouraged. b. Technology absorption: The Company is conscious of implementation of latest technologies in key working areas. Technology is ever changing and employees of the Company are made aware of the latest working techniques and technologies through workshops, group e-mails, and discussion sessions for optimum utilization of available resources and to improve operational efficiency. Your Company is not engaged in manufacturing activities, therefore, certain disclosures on technology absorption and conservation of energy etc. are not applicable. There is no expenditure on Research and Development. c. Foreign exchange earnings and Outgo: The foreign exchange earnings and outgo are given below: Particulars Total Foreign Exchange Earned Total Foreign Exchange Used Amount (in Rs. Cr.) 0.69 2.43 PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEES The information required in terms of the provisions of Section 197(12) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rules 5(1), (2) and (3) of the Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel) Rules, 2014, is annexed with this report and marked as Annexure B. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India STATUTORY AUDITORS The Statutory Auditors, Walker Chandiok & Co. LLP (formerly known as M/s. Walker Chandiok & Co.), th New Delhi hold office till the conclusion of the ensuing 9 Annual General Meeting and are eligible for re-appointment. The Company has received letter from them to the effect that their re-appointment, if made, would be within the prescribed limits under Section 141(3)(g) of the Companies Act, 2013 and that they are not disqualified for re-appointment under Section 139 of the Companies Act, 2013. Accordingly, the Board recommends the re-appointment of the Statutory Auditors for five years to hold th th office from the conclusion of the ensuing 9 Annual General Meeting till the conclusion of 14 Annual General Meeting of the Company, subject to ratification by the members at every Annual General Meeting. AUDITORS’ REPORT The Auditor’s Report and the notes on the Financial Statements referred to in the Auditor’s Report are self-explanatory and do not call for any further comments. However, the auditors have commented on cash losses in current and preceding financial year (Point (viii) of the Annexure to the Auditors’ Report) which is primarily due to significant investment made by your Company in expanding e-commerce business and other long term commitments. SECRETARIAL AUDITOR AND SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT The Board of the Company had appointed Chandrasekaran Associates, Company Secretaries, to conduct the Secretarial Audit for the financial year 2014-15. The Secretarial Audit Report for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, in the prescribed format is attached with this report and marked as Annexure C to this report. The observations of Secretarial Auditor and the Company’s response to their observations are given below: 1. The Company has made necessary application with Ministry of Information Broadcasting (MIB) to obtain necessary approval for appointment of Independent director. 2. The Company has made necessary application with Ministry of Information Broadcasting (MIB) to obtain necessary approval for appointment of woman director. 3. Constitution of Audit Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Committee has not been complied with due to non availability of Independent Directors on the Board of the Company. 4. Separate meeting of Independent Directors has not taken place during the year. Your Board would like to clarify that as per the Guidelines of Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (“MIB”), the Company needs to obtain prior approval from the MIB for appointment of Director on it’s Board. Accordingly, the Company had filed applications for appointment of Independent Directors and Woman Director on it’s Board. The Company had received approvals for appointment of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai on April 21, 2015 as Independent Director and appointment Ms. Kshipra Jatana on April 24, 2015 as Woman Director. Upon receipt of the approval the Company had appointed Mr. Zainulbhai as an Independent Director and Ms. Kshipra Jatana as Director of the Company on May 4, 2015. The application for appointment of another candidate as Independent Director is pending for approval with MIB. Upon receipt of the approval the Company shall take necessary steps for the appointment of Independent Director on the Board. In view of the above, the Company could not appoint two (2) Independent Directors on the Audit Committee and the Nomination & Remuneration Committee.. Accordingly, in the TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India absence of two (2) Independent Directors, meeting of Independent Directors could not be held during the financial year 2014-15. COST AUDITOR AND COST AUDIT REPORT The Company had appointed Pramod Chauhan & Associates, Cost Accountants (Regd No. 000436) as the Cost Auditors of the Company for the financial year 2014-15 for conducting the audit of the Cost Records of the Company. Further, the Cost Auditor of the Company is required to forward the Cost Audit Report to the Company by September 27, 2015. The Company is required to submit the same with Central Government within 30 days of receipt of Cost Audit Report from the Cost Auditor. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS All the Related Party Transactions were entered on arms’ length basis and were in the ordinary course of business. Further, the transactions with related parties were in compliance with applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 2013. A statement of all related party transaction is presented before the Board/Audit Committee on a quarterly basis. The details of the transactions with the Related Parties are provided in Note no. 31 to the Financial Statements for the year ended March 31, 2015. EXTRACT OF THE ANNUAL RETURN The extract of the annual return, in the Form No. MGT-9 as prescribed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, is annexed herewith as Annexure D. RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY The Company has formulated and adopted a Risk Management Policy. The Board of Directors of the Company is responsible for the direction and establishment of internal control to mitigate material business risks. The policy is framed to identify the element of risk for achieving its business objective and to provide reasonable assurance that all the material risks, misstatements, frauds or violation of laws and regulations will be mitigated. The Committee shall inter alia oversee, evaluate and implement the Risk Assessment Policy and Manual of the Company and suggest effective measures to counter or mitigate the risks. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Your Directors place on record their gratitude for the continuing support of Bankers, Business Associates and all the stakeholders. Your Directors also acknowledge with deep gratitude the dedicated efforts and sincere services of the employees of the Company and look forward to their continued commitment, involvement and support. By Order of the Board of Directors For TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited Place: Noida Date: 11 August, 2015 Sd/Director TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Sd/Director Annexure A1 Policy for Selection of Directors and Determining Directors’ Independence 1. 2. Introduction 1.1 TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited (the “Company” or “TV18”) believes that an enlightened board of Directors (“Board”) consciously creates a culture of leadership to provide a long-term vision and policy approach to improve the quality of governance. Towards this, TV18 ensures constitution of a Board with an appropriate composition, size, diversified expertise and experience and commitment to discharge their responsibilities and duties effectively. 1.2 TV18 recognizes the importance of Independent Directors in achieving the effectiveness of the Board. TV18 aims to have an optimum combination of executive Directors, nonexecutive Directors and Independent Directors. Scope and Purpose: 2.1. 3. This Policy sets out the guiding principles for the Nomination & Remuneration Committee for identifying persons who are qualified to become Directors and to determine the independence of Directors, in case of their appointment as Independent Directors of the Company. Terms and References: Unless defined elsewhere in this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 3.1. “Director” means a director appointed to the Board of the Company. 3.2. “Nomination & Remuneration Committee” means the committee constituted by TV18’s Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013. 3.3. “Independent Director” means a director referred to in sub-section (6) of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013. 4. Policy: 4.1. QUALIFICATIONS AND CRITERIA The Nomination & Remuneration Committee, and the Board, shall review on an annual basis, appropriate skills, knowledge and experience required of the Board as a whole and its individual members. The objective is to have a Board with diverse background and experience that are relevant for the Company’s operations. In evaluating the suitability of individual Board members, the Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall take into account many factors, including the following: General understanding of the Company’s business dynamics, global business and social perspective; Educational and professional background; Standing in the profession; TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Personal and professional ethics, integrity and values; and Willingness to devote sufficient time and energy in carrying out their duties and responsibilities effectively. The proposed appointee shall also fulfill the following requirements: Shall possess a director’s identification number; Shall not be disqualified under the Companies Act, 2013; Shall give his written consent to act as a Director; Shall endeavour to attend all Board meetings and wherever he is appointed as a Board committee (“Committee”) member, the Committee meetings; Shall abide by the Code of Conduct established by the Company for Directors and senior management personnel; Shall disclose his concern or interest in any company or companies or bodies corporate, firms, or other association of individuals including his shareholding at the first meeting of the Board in every financial year and thereafter whenever there is a change in the disclosures already made; Such other requirements as may be prescribed, from time to time, under the Companies Act, 2013 other relevant laws. The Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall evaluate each individual with the objective of having a group that best enables the success of the Company’s business. 4.2. CRITERIA OF INDENPENDENCE The Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall assess the independence of Directors at the time of appointment / re-appointment and the Board shall assess the same annually. The Board shall re-assess determinations of independence when any new interests or relationships are disclosed by a Director. The criteria of independence, as laid down in Companies Act, 2013, is as below: An independent director in relation to a company, means a director other than a managing director or a whole-time director or a nominee director — a. who, in the opinion of the board, is a person of integrity and possesses relevant expertise and experience; b. (i) who is or was not a promoter of the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company; (ii) who is not related to promoters or directors in the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company; c. who has or had no pecuniary relationship with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company, or their promoters, or directors, during the two immediately preceding financial years or during the current financial year; d. none of whose relatives has or had pecuniary relationship or transaction with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company, or their promoters, or directors, amounting to two per cent or more of its gross turnover or total income or fifty lakh rupees or such higher amount as may be prescribed, whichever is lower, during the two immediately preceding financial years or during the current financial year; TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India e. who, neither himself nor any of his relatives— (i) holds or has held the position of a key managerial personnel or is or has been employee of the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company in any of the three financial years immediately preceding the financial year in which he is proposed to be appointed; (ii) is or has been an employee or proprietor or a partner, in any of the three financial years immediately preceding the financial year in which he is proposed to be appointed, of— (A) a firm of auditors or company secretaries in practice or cost auditors of the company or its holding, subsidiary or associate company; or (B) any legal or a consulting firm that has or had any transaction with the company, its holding, subsidiary or associate company amounting to ten per cent or more of the gross turnover of such firm; (iii) holds together with his relatives two per cent or more of the total voting power of the company; or (iv) is a chief executive or director, by whatever name called, of any non-profit organization that receives twenty-five per cent or more of its receipts from the company, any of its promoters, directors or its holding, subsidiary or associate company or that holds two per cent or more of the total voting power of the company; or (v) is a material supplier, service provider or customer or a lessor of lessee of the company. f. shall possess appropriate skills, experience and knowledge in one or more fields of finance, law, management, sales, marketing, administration, research, corporate governance, technical operations, corporate social responsibility or other disciplines related to the Company’s business. g. shall possess such other qualifications as may be prescribed, from time to time, under the Companies Act, 2013. h. who is not less than 21 years of age. The Independent Directors shall abide by the “Code for Independent Directors” as specified in Schedule IV to the Companies Act, 2013. 4.3. OTHER DIRECTORSHIPS / COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIPS 4.3.1 The Board members are expected to have adequate time and expertise and experience to contribute to effective Board performance. Accordingly, members should voluntarily limit their directorships in other listed public limited companies in such a way that it does not interfere with their role as directors of the Company. The Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall take into account the nature of, and the time involved in a Director’s service on other Boards, in evaluating the suitability of the individual Director and making its recommendations to the Board. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India 4.3.2 A Director shall not serve as Director in more than 20 companies of which not more than 10 shall be public limited companies. 4.3.3 A Director shall not serve as an Independent Director in more than 7 listed companies and not more than 3 listed companies in case he is serving as a wholetime Director in any listed company. 4.3.4 A Director shall not be a member in more than 10 committees or act as chairman of more than 5 committees across all companies in which he holds directorships. For the purpose of considering the limit of the committees, audit committee and stakeholders’ relationship committee of all public limited companies, whether listed or not, shall be included and all other companies including private limited companies, foreign companies and companies under Section 8 of the Companies Act, 2013 shall be excluded. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Annexure A2 Remuneration Policy for Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and Other Employees 1. Introduction 1.1 TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited (“TV18” or the “Company”) recognizes the importance of aligning the business objectives with specific and measureable individual objectives and targets. The Company has therefore formulated the remuneration policy for its Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees (“Policy”) keeping in view the following objectives: 1.1.1 Ensuring that the level and composition of remuneration is reasonable and sufficient to attract, retain and motivate Directors of the quality required to run the company successfully; 1.1.2 Ensuring that relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meets the performance benchmarks; and 1.1.3 Ensuring that remuneration involves a balance between fixed and incentive pay reflecting short and long term performance objectives appropriate to the working of the company and its goals. 2. Scope and Purpose: 2.1. This Policy sets out the guiding principles for the Nomination & Remuneration Committee for recommending to the board of Directors of the Company (“Board”) the remuneration of the Directors, Key Managerial Personnel and other employees of the Company. 3. Terms and References: Unless defined elsewhere in this Policy, the following terms shall have the following meanings: 3.1. “Director” means a director appointed to the Board of the Company. 3.2. “Key Managerial Personnel” means (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) the Chief Executive Officer or the Managing Director or the Manager; the Company Secretary; the Whole-Time Director; the Chief Financial Officer; and such other officer as may be prescribed under the Companies Act, 2013 3.3. “Nomination & Remuneration Committee” means the committee constituted by TV18’s Board in accordance with the provisions of Section 178 of the Companies Act, 2013. 4. Policy: 4.1. REMUNERATION TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL 4.1.1 The Board, on the recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, shall review and approve the remuneration payable to the executive Directors (“Executive Directors”) within the overall limits approved by the shareholders of the Company. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India The Board, on the recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee, shall also review and approve the remuneration payable to the Key Managerial Personnel of the Company. The remuneration structure to the Executive Directors and Key Managerial Personnel may include the following components: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Basic pay Perquisites and allowances Stock options Commission (applicable in case of Executive Directors) Retiral benefits Annual performance bonus 4.1.2 The Annual Plan and Objectives for senior executives and Executive Directors shall be reviewed by the Nomination & Remuneration Committee and the annual performance bonus will be approved by the Nomination & Remuneration Committee based on the achievements against the Annual Plan and Objectives. 4.2. REMUNERATION TO NON-EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS The Board on the recommendation of the Nomination & Remuneration Committee shall review and approve the remuneration payable to the non-executive Directors (“NonExecutive Directors”) within the overall limits approved by the shareholders of the Company. Non-Executive Directors shall be entitled to sitting fees for attending the meetings of the Board and the committees thereof. The Non-Executive Directors may also be entitled to profit related commission in addition to the sitting fees, as may be decided by the shareholders of the Company, from time to time. 4.3. REMUNERATION TO OTHER EMPLOYEES Employees are assigned grades according to their qualifications and work experience, competencies as well as their roles and responsibilities in the organization. Individual remuneration is determined within the appropriate grade and is based on various factors such as job profile, skill sets, seniority, experience and prevailing remuneration levels for equivalent jobs. Remuneration and other perquities / facilities (including loans/advances) shall be governed by the prevalent policies and practices of the Company. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Annexure B STATEMENT OF PARTICULARS OF EMPLOYEE REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 197(12) OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 2013 READ WITH RULE 5(2) & (3) OF THE COMPANIES (APPOINTMENT AND REMUNERATION OF MANAGEMENT PERSONNEL) RULES, 2014 A. Employed for Full Financial Year 2014-15 Name of the Employee Age (yrs.) Designation Raman Gulati 57 Director Operations & Logistics Atrash Aman 43 Sundeep Malhotra 51 COO & Business Head Mcommerce CEO - Home Shopping Vikrant Khanna 42 Gross Remuneration Received (Rs.) PA 76,54,893 87,21,140 3,80,02,182 Chief Marketing Officer 65,27,550 Qualification Experience (years) Date of Commencement of Employment Previous Employment CA & MBA 23 26-Sep-06 MBA from FMS Delhi 16 01-Mar-07 B.Com (Hons.), PGD in Mktg from AIIMA PGDBM (MBA)\IMT\G haziabad. 23 01-Aug-06 Pepsi Foods Pvt. Ltd. 20 06-Jun-13 Bharti Airtel Limited Qualification Experience (years) Date of Commencement of Employment MBA from LBS 14 14-Jun-10 Google India Private Limited MBA From IIM Lucknow 19 27-Feb-12 Videocon Industries Ltd Bennett Coleman and Company Limited Bharti Airtel Limited B. Employed for a Part of the Financial Year 2014-15 Name of the Employee Age (yrs.) Designation Narasimha Jayakumar 40 Dhruva Sankarakrishn an Chandrie 44 COO & Business Head Ecommerce COO & Business Head - TV Home Shopping Gross Remuneration Received (Rs.) PA 88,34,727 1,36,69,794 Previous Employment Note: 1) All the above are permanent employees of the Company and other terms and conditions are as per Companies rules. 2) None of the employees are related to any of the Directors. 3) Remuneration includes Salary, Allowances, Company’s Contribution to Provident Fund, Medical Benefits, Leave Travel Allowances & Other Perquisites and benefits valued on the basis of the provisions of Income Tax Act, 1961. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Annexure C SECRETARIAL AUDIT REPORT FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED MRACH 31, 2015 To, The Members, TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited We have conducted the secretarial audit of the compliance of applicable statutory provisions and the adherence to good corporate practices by TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited (hereinafter called the company). Secretarial Audit was conducted in a manner that provided us a reasonable basis for evaluating the corporate conducts/statutory compliances and expressing our opinion thereon. Based on our verification of the Company’s books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the company and also the information provided by the Company, its officers, agents and authorized representatives during the conduct of secretarial audit, We hereby report that in our opinion, the company has, during the audit period covering the financial year ended March 31, 2015 complied with the statutory provisions listed hereunder and also that the Company has proper Board-processes and compliance-mechanism in place to the extent, in the manner and subject to the reporting made hereinafter: We have examined the books, papers, minute books, forms and returns filed and other records maintained by the Company for the financial year ended on March 31, 2015 according to the provisions of: (i) The Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and the rules made thereunder; (ii) The Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 (‘SCRA’) and the rules made thereunder; Not Applicable (iii) The Depositories Act, 1996 and the Regulations and Bye-laws framed thereunder; Not Applicable (iv) Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and the rules and regulations made thereunder to the extent of Foreign Direct Investment, Overseas Direct Investment and External Commercial Borrowings; (v) The following Regulations and Guidelines prescribed under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (‘SEBI Act’): Not Applicable (a) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 2011; (b) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992; (c) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2009; TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India (d) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999; (e) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue and Listing of Debt Securities) Regulations, 2008; (f) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Registrars to an Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Regulations, 1993 regarding the Companies Act and dealing with client; (g) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009; (h) The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buyback of Securities) Regulations, 1998; (vi) The other laws, as informed and certified by the management of the Company which are specifically applicable to the Company based on their sector/ industry are: 1. Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Act, 1995. 2. Ministry of Information and Broadcasting directives relating to surrogate advertisement. 3. Policy Guidelines for Downlinking of Television Channels. 4. Policy Guidelines for Uplinking of Television Channels from India. We have also examined compliance with the applicable clauses of the following: (i) Secretarial Standards issued by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Not applicable for the year 2014-15. (ii) The Listing Agreements entered into by the Company with Stock Exchange(s), if applicable; Not Applicable During the period under review the Company has generally complied with the provisions of the Act, Rules, Regulations, Guidelines, Standards, etc. mentioned above subject to the following observations: 1. The Company has made necessary application with Ministry of Information Broadcasting (MIB) to obtain necessary approval for appointment of Independent director. 2. The Company has made necessary application with Ministry of Information Broadcasting (MIB) to obtain necessary approval for appointment of woman director. 3. Constitution of Audit Committee and Nomination & Remuneration Committee has not been complied with due to non availability of Independent Directors on the Board of the Company. 4. Separate meeting of Independent Directors has not taken place during the year. We further report that The Board of Directors of the Company is duly constituted with proper balance of Executive Directors, Non-Executive Directors subject to above observations. The changes in the composition of the Board TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India of Directors that took place during the period under review were carried out in compliance with the provisions of the Act. Adequate notice is given to all directors to schedule the Board Meetings, and a system exists for seeking and obtaining further information and clarifications on the agenda items before the meeting and for meaningful participation at the meeting. All decisions at Board Meetings and Committee Meetings are carried out unanimously as recorded in the minutes of the meetings of the Board of Directors or Committee of the Board, as the case may be. We further report that there are adequate systems and processes in the company commensurate with the size and operations of the company to monitor and ensure compliance with applicable laws, rules, regulations and guidelines. We further report that during the audit period the company has no specific events/actions that having a major bearing on the company’s affairs in pursuance of the above referred laws, rules, regulations, guidelines, standards, etc. Rupesh Agarwal Partner For Chandrasekaran Associates Company Secretaries Membership No. A16302 Certificate of Practice No. 5673 Date: August 10, 2015 Place: New Delhi Note: This report is to be read with our letter of even date which is annexed as Annexure-A and forms an integral part of this report. Annexure-A The Members TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, Mercantile House, 15 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110001 1. Maintenance of secretarial record is the responsibility of the management of the Company. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these secretarial records based on our audit. 2. We have followed the audit practices and processes as were appropriate to obtain reasonable assurance about the correctness of the contents of the secretarial records. The verification was done on the random test basis to ensure that correct facts are reflected in secretarial records. We believe that the processes and practices, we followed provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. 3. We have not verified the correctness and appropriateness of financial records and Books of Accounts of the Company. TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India 4. Where ever required, we have obtained the Management representation about the compliance of laws, rules and regulations and happening of events etc. 5. The compliance of the provisions of Corporate and other applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards is the responsibility of management. Our examination was limited to the verification of procedures on random test basis. 6. The Secretarial Audit report is neither an assurance as to the future viability of the company nor of the efficacy or effectiveness with which the management has conducted the affairs of the Company. Rupesh Agarwal Partner For Chandrasekaran Associates Company Secretaries Membership No. A16302 Certificate of Practice No. 5673 Date: August 10, 2015 Place: New Delhi TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Annexure D FORM NO. MGT.9 EXTRACT OF ANNUAL RETURN as on the financial year ended on March 31, 2015 [Pursuant to section 92(3) of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 12(1) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014] I. REGISTRATION AND OTHER DETAILS: i) CIN U93091Dl2006PLC149705 ii) Registration date June 13, 2006 iii) Name of the Company TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited iv) Category/ Sub-Category of the Company Public Company limited by shares v) Address of the Registered office and contact details 503, 504 & 507, 5 Floor, Mercantile House, 15 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi–110 001 th Tel: +91 11 49812600 Fax: +91 11 41506115 vi) Whether listed company No vii) Name, Address and Contact details of Registrar and Transfer Agent, if any N.A. Company has in-house transfer/transmission etc. system of share II. PRINCIPAL BUSINESS ACTIVITIES OF THE COMPANY S.No. 1 Name and Description of main products/ services NIC Code of the product/ service Business of Creating, owning & distributing non-news & current affairs television channel 9540 % to total turnover of the Company 98.8 III. PARTICULARS OF HOLDING, SUBSIDIARY AND ASSOCIATE COMPANIES S. No. 1 Name and address of the Company NW18 HSN Holdings Plc. Registratio n No. /CIN/GLN NA Holding/ Subsidiary/ Associate Holding Company % of shares held 87.2%* Add Kanika International th Business Center, 6 floor, Profiti Ilia no. 4, 4046 Germasogeia, Limassol, Cyprus. * This includes Equity shares and Compulsory Convertible Preference shares. Applicable section 2(46) of the Companies Act, 2013 TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India IV. SHARE HOLDING PATTERN (Equity Share Capital Breakup as percentage of Total Equity) i) Category-wise Share Holding Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year Dem at Physical Total No. of Shares held at the end of the year % of Dem Total at Shar es Physical Total % Chang e during the year % of Tota l Shar es A. Promoters (1) Indian a) Individual/ HUF b) Central Govt c) State Govt (s) d) Bodies Corp. e) Banks/FI f) Any Other.. Sub-total (A)(1):- - - - - - - - - NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL (2) Foreign a) NRIs Individuals b) Other Individuals c) Bodies Corp. d) Banks / FI e) Any Other.... Sub-total (A) (2):- - 1240791 - 1240791 - 100 - - 1240791 - 1240791 - 100 - NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL - 1240791 1240791 100 - 1240791 1240791 100 NIL 1. Institutions a) Mutual Funds b) Banks/FI c) Central Govt d) State Govt(s) e) Venture Capital Funds f) Insurance Companies g) FIIs h) Foreign Venture Capital Funds i) Others (specify) Sub-total (B)(1):- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2. Non-Institutions a) Bodies Corp. i) Indian ii) Overseas - - - - - - - - - Total shareholding of Promoter (A) = (A)(1)+(A)( 2) B.Public Shareholding TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Category of Shareholders No. of Shares held at the beginning of the year Dem at - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 1240791 1240791 100 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL Total Public Shareholding (B) = (B)(1) + (B)(2) C. Shares held by Custodian for GDRs & ADRs Grand Total (A+B+C) (ii) Total % of Dem Total at Shar es Physical Total % Chang e during the year % of Tota l Shar es - b) Individuals i) Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital uptoRs. 1 lakh ii) Individual shareholders holding nominal share capital in excess of Rs 1 lakh c) Others (specify) Sub-total (B)(2):- Physical No. of Shares held at the end of the year Shareholding of Promoters S.N Shareholder's Shareholding at the beginning of Share holding at the end of the o. Name the year year No. of % of total %of Shares No. of % of total %of Shares % Shares Shares of Pledged/ Shares Shares of Pledged/ change the encumbered the encumbered in share company to total company to total holding shares shares during the year 1 NW18 HSN 1240791 100 NIL 1240791 100 NIL NIL Holdings Plc. Total 1240791 100 NIL 1240791 100 NIL TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India NIL - (iii) Change in Promoters' Shareholding (please specify, if there is no change) There was no change in Promoters’ shareholding during the year. Sl. No. Shareholding at the beginning of the year No. of shares % of total shares of the company At the beginning of the year Date wise Increase/ Decrease in Promoters Share holding during the year specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/transfer/bonus/ sweat equity etc): At the End of the year (iv) Cumulative Shareholding during the year No. of % of total shares shares of the company 1240791 100 1240791 100 NIL NIL NIL NIL 1240791 100 1240791 100 Shareholding Pattern of top ten Shareholders (other than Directors, Promoters and Holders of GDRs and ADRs): Sl. No. For Each of the Top 10 Shareholders Shareholding at the beginning of the year No. of shares % of total shares of the company Cumulative Shareholding during the year No. of shares % of total shares of the company At the beginning of the year Date wise Increase/Decrease in Share holding during the year specifying the reasons for increase/decrease (e.g. allotment/ transfer/ bonus/sweat equity etc): At the End of the year (or on the date of separation, if separated during the year) TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India (v) Shareholding of Directors and Key Managerial Personnel: Sl. No . Name Shareholding at the beginning of the year No. shares 1 2 RDS Bawa (Managing Director) (Ceased to be Managing Director on May 29, 2014) 1 share Raghav Bahl (Director) (Ceased to be Director w.e.f. July 1, 2015) 1 share of Date Increase/ Decrease in sharehol ding 0.00 May 29, 2014 0 - 0.00 October 10, 2014 -1 Transfer % of total shares of the company (as a nominee of NW18 HSN Holdings Plc.) (as a nominee of NW18 HSN Holdings Plc.) Reason Cumulative Shareholding during the year No. of % of total shares shares of the company 1 1 NIL NIL V. INDEBTEDNESS Indebtedness of the Company including interest outstanding/accrued but not due for payment: (Amount in Rs.) Secured Loans Unsecured Deposits Total excluding Loans Indebtedness deposits Indebtedness at the beginning of the financial year i) Principal Amount ii) Interest due but not paid iii) Interest accrued but not due Total (i+ii+iii) 34,87,40,991 - - - - 34,87,40,991 6,07,077 - - 6,07,077 34,93,48,068 - - 34,93,48,068 Change in Indebtedness during the financial year • Addition 50,27,86,756 - - 50,27,86,756 • Reduction -6,82,22,013 - - -6,82,22,013 43,45,64,743 - - 43,45,64,743 78,33,05,734 - - 78,33,05,734 - - 6,16,286 - - 6,16,286 78,39,22,020 - - 78,39,22,020 Net Change Indebtedness at the end of the financial year i) Principal Amount ii) Interest due but not paid iii) Interest accrued but not due Total (i+ii+iii) - TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India VI. REMUNERATION OF DIRECTORS AND KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL A. Remuneration to Managing Director, Whole-time Directors and/or Manager: Sl. no. Particulars of Remuneration Name of MD/WTD/ Manager …… 1. 5. 2. …… Remuneration to other directors: Sl. no. 1. …… Gross salary (a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income-tax Act, 1961 (c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) Income- tax Act, 1961 Stock Option Sweat Equity Commission as % of profit others, specify... Others, please specify Total (A) Ceiling as per the Act 2. 3. 4. B. …… Total Amount Particulars of Remuneration Independent Directors • Fee for attending board committee meetings • Commission • Others, please specify Name of Directors …… NIL …… …… Total Amount …… Total (1) Other Non-Executive Directors • Fee for attending board committee meetings • Commission • Others, please specify Total (2) Total (B) = (1 + 2) Total Managerial Remuneration Overall Ceiling as per the Act TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India C. REMUNERATION TO KEY MANAGERIAL PERSONNEL OTHER THAN MD/MANAGER/WTD: Sl. no. Particulars of Remuneration CEO 1. Gross salary (a) Salary as per provisions contained in section 17(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (b) Value of perquisites u/s 17(2) Income-tax Act, 1961 (c) Profits in lieu of salary under section 17(3) Income-tax Act, 1961 Stock Option Sweat Equity Commission as % of profit others, specify... Others, please specify Total 2. 3. 4. 5. VII. Key Managerial Personnel Meenakshi CFO Bahl Company Secretary NIL 356740 Total NIL 356740 NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL NIL 356740 NIL NIL NIL 356740 PENALTIES/PUNISHMENT/COMPOUNDING OF OFFENCES: Type Section of the Companies Act Brief Description Details of Penalty/Punishme nt/Compounding fees imposed Authority [RD/NCLT/C OURT] Appeal made, if any [give details] A. COMPANY Penalty Punishment Compounding B. DIRECTORS Penalty Punishment Compounding C. OTHERS OFFICERS IN DEFAULT Penalty Punishment Compounding TV18 Home Shopping Network Limited CIN- U93091DL2006PLC149705 7th Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India T +91120 4071818 F +91120 4242415 W 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, ‘Mercantile House’, 15, Kasturba Gandhi, Marg, New Delhi 110001, India Walker Chandiok&Co LLP Independent Auditor,s Report To the Members oI1 3 T | \\e chaldtot I Co LLp New Derhil 1000 t Home Shopprg Netwotk Limited Repott oh the Financial Statements l. r (Fomeiy Wa ier Chandiot & Co) +91 l1 4278 7070 +91 ll427n1011 ha\:e rudire.l rhc accompsnlmc tinarcizt sraremenrs ofT\ lB Home Shopprng .C".np_i.,. \,rucn compnse rhc tsalance Sheer a. ar l1 2U15. rhe Srarcm"ni ,,r: p Loss tht Cash Flow sratemenr for the^tarch vsu, cndcd a d a .","-J:!:Td oi tbc simil'icant accouniing ,*. Nenvork LrmiteJ '6" *r'.. *prr"'..i--i."--"u'.r]'-"* Policres and Managerhenr's Responsibility for the f inancial Stat€ments l.'fhrComp.nlsRoa.d,)fDire.ranr,responrbteforrhcmarrerr.raLcdrnSecuon 134(5)-of the-Cornpanies Ao, 2013 (rhe i-\cr) wirh ,."p""i,. ,f,"'or**""..ri rtresc 6n,n.irl .rrrcmcnr,. rhr eve i tlue jn.J fr;. "r trnanoal pcrf.,rm.rnce rnd crsh floo ""* ,,i;;i;#"", (--otnPdy ol' I' a'cordancc wrrh rhe accounu'g pnnciple. ge..,^ttr,...n,.'] 'hc \cc'rrnring srrndardt speotred undcr s(cuon r3r .i ,i..d]"l"d'".-dudn'grhe a R:'.., ;' i"l ;,.1.1i: ;."11"il[ J.^i:" l":i:,*."*lxiil:: accuur:u's m accordanie. with ;. p,.;i;; ::::":::lj. ;t..i.,, s,rrcguzrJing rhe assers of-recotds dre CornDa, ;pk;ti,f 1 H: i:,,.f'1-,:.; tuogments ,nd esrim:rrrs that ar( pnrdenrr rnd dcsrgn, unprelnenrahon .a1d ;;;;. ;i tri .+il "; iil:ilff l1.*fi ::i:::i*:*: ancr maintcnancc opirating cft'ectively 11a1, DteJnrl fin'rncjal controls' that w-cre r,".,"*,"i j,"i."-,--::1'yo" i'q""te .a"*1,i.,",,r." ffi.TXffl. fait ;ffi:";:;:."il il:i:L*H::uijl:ff ::ril:: from mitcrial 'iew and are free rrussratemen! *h.,h.;;;;.;. Auditor,s Responsibility 3. n Ouur fesponsibiliry js ro cxpress an opinion on these financial statements basecl on r.rken rnro nccount rhc provrsrons of the Act, rhe accountinp and Y:,-i1* eudlung st.lndarJ* :rn.j mancrs rvhich teportindertheprtvi;;;l;j:;,;;.i,i'j;:q;i'.d t",t.,in.r,'d"d,'' tr'".",ait ffir,r#*:i"d#in#f#r# Walker Chandiok&Co LLP 5. We conducted ouf audit in accordance with ih€ Srandards on Auditing specified under Sectiot 143(10) of the Act. 'lhose Standaids require that we *itt cthiczl requiremcnts and plm and perform the a"dit to obtain"-"olu reasonatte assurxncc about whether the inancial statcments are ftce from material misstarement. 6. An zudir involves pelforming procedures to obtain audir evidence about the amounts and thc disclosutcs in the fir.nciat statements. Thc procedurcs sel€cred depend on the audiror,s judgment, including the n"".s"*.rrt of ttrc rist s of matcrial misstatemcnt of the financial statcments, whcrhcr due to fraurl or crtor. In making rhosc risk assessrnents, the audiror consid€rs ilrretul financial conhols rrlevant to the rlomprnt.s preparation of the financial statem.r," ,fr" *i* nnc r.rr vrew rn order ro dr"ign audit pr.crdurci Lhat a;e appropriare "L" rr, ttre orcum,rarce,, bur nor for rhr turpose of erprcsing an opi"i,,n whefier rhe Lomp:rnv hns rn pl?cr ,n ,Jequatc intemal nnancial controls "n system over fintndrl rcporEng .ind rhe opcrat'rg effectivcness of such conrols. An audit also incluctes eviru,rong rhe approptureness of the accor:nting policies used and reeson,btcness wc 7. of rhe accounring esrimates madc t y ii. c_"p""y," as evatuihng lhe ovcrall presenrrri.,n r,l rhc frnancral st:rrcmc.rirs. ure o;""|i*".'^ \ve believe rhat the audit e\,idencc we hayc obrarned is sufficrenr and approDflere ronr,'!idcaIJasl5forourrrrdiropinrononLhe|rnanciaIsrareme Opinion 8. In ou! opinion And to the best of our inlormatlon arld eccordinq to rLe explanations givcn to us, the aforcsaid fi,,rn.,,t g"; d*;;a.r;i;., r<lurrcd by the Act in the manncr so.required "tar.ment. gr". ;;;;; ;;,-;;.;;,, conforrflty wirh the,rcct,unting pr;ociples genernlly "rdai-cepted ^ i,, I",ti", ;i;;r;"," of affars of rhe ct,mpany o, ot ii,v"r.L zoi, ended on rhat dare. t,.l;i"',*r,;;,;;;;;;..;;. Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements e As tequited by the companics (Au+:ol: Repdg order, 201s (he .ordc!/ issued by thc Central Govcrntnelt o{ rnd'a rn ..tms or scctron 1'13(11) or the rct, we live in ,i; i;;;;;;;.;i )n t on rhe ma I t€rs specifred il,t paragraph s 3 and 4 of th e Ordet. 10. As ftqufed by Secdon 1,t3(3) of thc Act, we report thnt: a. rve have sought and obtaincd all the,information antt explanations which to rhe,.bcsr of our knowledge and belief wete ,,""."",,y r",.,h;;."p;';;;;; o. m our oprlxon, propcr books of account as required by law havc been kcpt by -, the Lompan,v so far as it appears from orrt exa_i""i", c "f,fr""" U"ll.,--.. ihc financial state$ents dealt books of accounr; with by this report are in agreeftent with tbe Walker Chandiok&Co LLP d. in our opinion, the aforc-said fillancial statem€nts comply with the Accouotiog Standards specified unde! Section 133 of the Acf read with Rule 7 of thi Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 (as amendcd); on the basis of the \r.ritten reprcsentations received ftom the directors and taken on rccord by the Board of Directors, none of the directors is disqualified as on 31 March 2015 ftom being lppointcd as a director in terhs of Section 164(2) of the Act; with respect ro the or}|er marrers to bc indud€d in the Audito/s Rcoon in accordance wifi Rule I I ot the Companies rAudit and Auditors) Rul€s, 2bt4, in our opinion and to the best of our information and according to tle er<planations givelr to usi i. rhe Company.does not have any perding litigations which would irnprct its turalloal posirionl ii. . the Compary did not have ary long-tenn conaacrs includine dcrivativc cootraca lbr which there were any mater:al foreseeabie losses; iii. tbere w€re no rmounts which were requlfed ro be rransfened ro th€ lnvestor r:,cucadon and protecrjon Fund by the Company. [^ff.^ Fo! W.lker Chatrdiok & C-o WalAcr Cbandiola. et L ,62i A) istration No.: 001076N/N500013 perBP Partner Metnbdship Place ; New Delhi Date : 13 April2015 Walker Chandiok&Co LLP Annexure to the Independent Auditot'6 Repo( of even datc to the members of TV18 Home Shopping Nerwork Limired, on the financial statements for the vear ended 3l.Mrrch 2015 Based on the audit ptocedurcs perfonned for the pulpose of rcporting a rrue and fair uew on the {inanciat statemcnts of the Company and taki"g iflto clnsideration th. informatron and crllanations given to us and it. ioot u.i.orrnt and .ther recorj, cxamrned by rrs in thc normal course of audir, we repon " "f tnat: (i) (at Thc Company ha\ marrrrarncd propcr rccords showinq mcludrng qu,our,ruve deraris and .iruzrion of fixed ,*.,.1 fu[ oanicul.rrs (b) The Company has a tegutat program of phvsical verinczdon of its fixcd ass(s undef which fixed assets ate verificd in a phased manner over a period of thrce 1cars, which, in our opinion, is reasonable having rcgard to the sizc of the Company and thc nature of its assers. Ni Jat"ti"l orscrepancles were noticed on such vctification. :i:,::ff (in) . (i) TLf:.;,1:: l::""::il1,:fi::1. *corc,ing,v,,hc p,ovisions or The Compar) bas granted unsecuretr ()zris ro a company covercd irr thc rcsister marrtAined undc Section 189 of the .{ct; "".i ;i;h ;";;"; ;; ;" the prin.if'al am()unrs arr reo.rvable on ttrmand and srrrce the reo,rvmenr sucn roans has not been rlimrnded. in our opinion, .eccipi of rhe prncpar alnount rc regular. Furthcr, receipt of tle intercsr amount oI is O) thcfc is no overdue amount in rcspecr of loans granted to such company. (i9 ()wnrg,to the naore of rrs bLrsric.s. rhc C,,mpan) does not mainta;n an! pnlsrczr mvenrodes.or seu ,rn! go,ds. \ccordraglr. clause jirv) of the Onlcr wro respect ro purchi5e .l inucnrorrc" aad sale goods of is noi anplicrble. tn our op,nion, rh, rc i. in adcquatc inrerrrat control i",._ .,,-#:;,:';,; the sizc of the oompany and ihe nanre ofits b,"r.J_ r". ,rr. f*.1,"* a.sers and for rhe sele of senrces. Dunng rhe c,)u$r ol our,rudt. no"irC mrior rvcakness has been noriced in rhe inrcmal .."".f ,,.,,.rnrn *.p".,',,f ,ir.i. Thc Company has nor accepted scctions 73,Jza .r ir," J* an, j?B:['Jf "IJir,;Afi:ff::(;::Hi"*: r,,"", ii.U,..',"1'"r ,il Rulcs. 201I rrs amendedl. .\.c,,rtlingt1. r trc pro, Order are nor applicabte. We havc broadly tc.vicwed the books o€ accounL maintained bv companl' pursuant the to the Rules made by the c",,,i"i c.,..""r_"r, ij. iil maintenancc of cosr records under sub_section (1) .f S".,i"" ;; \cr i" r.*pccr of Comprnl! serui.(s and arc of rhe o1li,tion ih';; rhar. nn) Jr'./p. Lne prescflbed accounr, and rccords have b.en m,d;,nd ma;nri;n".r. Ilo.rvewer, we have not made a detailed exxmin^rion with a view ro dctemrifle whether they arc accuratc "f th. """t ...;r;. or complcre. Walker Chandiok&Co LLP &rll:xtlre to the Independent Auditot's Repod of even date to the members of TV18 Home Shopping Netwo* Limited on the financial statements for the yeat ended 3l March 2015 (contd.) (vii) (4 the, rcguhr in depositing un<tisputect starutory ducs includrng prov'dent tund. cmployees. state insurance, iocome,tax, salcs tax, we.lth tax, scrvice tax, dury of customs, duly of excise, valuc added tax, ,nd mnrcrrzt srarurn+ dues. as applicablc. wirh rhe apnronrrare .orhrr aurnoro,:. t-urrher, no undispure<J amounr. prlablc in ,espe.i rhcreof were outstandrog ir rhc 1'err-cnd for a pcdodo? more ,fr",i _"rir* rrom rnc dare rhc]. brcome p^\.2ble. "i" ::lt:l:n:u:: ;;::j. [i, ;"."T:" j^tilff : "' not lli#";.'""':.lill becn depositcd with ihe appropriate authotities on dlsDute, ;il;i;,, (c) lhere wcrc no amounts which were rcqurred to be ttansfered to the Inve.ror F.Jucadon rnd r"",r ,i. with the retevanr plovisioos 'rorecrio., of,hc conp.rnre" act, rdsc i, iuilj ,"a rules madc thereunder. !!q4dngD Accorrl rhe Prolisjons of claux"r3(v of i, i.'.p",,y;'j.:;l;";:. o.a* -. '., "fpi ("!1) the Companyl l:.":::^,.11." rnandat ),ear arc morc than 6fi .rt. . r,* accumutatcd tosses at the eod of thc of wonh. rhe company r,'""1' and the immediat'ly trrc current preceding """r,-i;;'il ilI ^*,:...i Iinancial ycar. (lx) (x) )1c) Thc Cornpany tras nor rtefaurrcd to.anv bank crurins ,r," 1*.. c"-p""r il.:111-*t or dues debenrr-cs or rrucs parnbre r^ nn.rncjar'l."r,;i;;;,r""r' l:,,:",Jsrandins il'. ;:;;;; The Comparry has nor eiven an\. ror roans takerr bl others rrom u""r-' h';'"rlr ;":'r";; ,.tccotdrngr).. thc provr,ioo" ''' of clau{e '1(x) .f tl,. od., ;;;;,;;.".,"",,r r;;'rY:T:'':s (*r) (xO , fhllilS"lli;jii..i.lllj"j"" No fraud on pcnod covered lUUA""-, For Walker Chandiok itJ,i::f"-*"t &E i lru/kcr Ctndok "-{ P rl a9 (.b) o.: 001076N/N500013 per B P Singh Me'rbcrsllp No 70n6 Place : Ncw Delhi Date : 1-3,{pril20t5 ^nnr.a thc r-m roans ror rhe puq,ose ro, has been noticccr or rcpotted dudng the TV1E HOME SHOPPING NETVORK shcet .s ar 31M.rch LIMITED 2015 Ar.r A..r 31Mr.f2015 31M.ich2014 at EQUITY AND LIABTLITIES E9,675,5r0 llcscocs ard ntrylus 27J80,489 11?,155,99 89,675,510 1,780,?65,191 1,870,:12(),?04 NoD{.cor liibiud.s I/Dg re@ boEownlgs Other l()ng rcrn Liabiliiics r-ong tcrm tbvls,ons 5 5r,302,922 121)A?.922 38,362,r18 36,fi7,450 90.41t.249 t@,44t,155 r.020,181 sho.t lcm b.iiowinr 8 662,0tt2,813 187,438,069 ()thcr cuiicdr labiliries 9 929.116,581 816.266,214 l0 Shortrrm nrovisions 491,867,1t8 310,927,939 I] 48,7302t2 61,745,A76 2,t31,936,7U 7,69A1a158 __.j:g,so3pt- 3,500,?60,0r? ASSETS t2 ldt oAlbll as!*s 357,155,982 ll toaos ard atvaic€s 410,895.944 119,149,632 121,731)20 _808.128,87t 617,390,?tt r,$0,017,983 1,285234,493 15 (:.ih rnd bhk bdrnccs Sl'ort.rcm loais ( iid advanccs 117,008,027 ?1.01q.665 1Jl5,270,185 82t,000,134 17 \hc. cur(mr lsserr 103155,825 112,263.449 15.?49.771 l8 16,941.957 r,034,269,419 2)soa2,0y 299503972 Nore6 I ro 40 'I-his i hc 3,5m2fi,0r1 fom m in(e8,at pjd of rhcsc firflci.r sbtcm.n6 bdirc€ shRt .c.(rrcd ro in our q,o.r ofcy d .h#*".*:*JA"a"l c. Io. dld on belDlfof BM.d of Dirccto^ of TVIE Home Shopping N.tmrk Liaircd ,.1 4.1) P.Singh l)lN:00015280 - l)lNr0rl7l73 ...w rye */",J k 'lt' Macn.lihi Blhl o^. 1 3 /y'120u' TVI8 HOME SHOPPING NETWORK LIMITED !t tdcnt of pmfit od Lo.5 lor.he end€d 3l March m$ Yca.Gndcd Ycrcrdcd 2013 3lrl'.i.han4 3l M.rcb R.bu. from opcsrioos 4,438,664,036 t9 3,62r,879570 5t918,681 m 60,662,435 4:493,582:717 i,682,542fi5 Employe benefit cxpeftcs 21 683,71r261 75,1U,999 t81,172,t87 22 D.prcci.tjoo rnd emo.riz{ion.xp.ns. 252,397,521 1tr,t22,826 4,6O9,9O9,8a0 3,522,239!t5 24 Lo!. bcfor pdor pc.iod .od dccptio.rl 615,363,498 5,549,978,327 4,521,t23266 0,056,395,610) (E38,581,26 | ) ird! (635,422t34 l-oss befor / .ftGr t x fo. lnc E4iings p.. cquity sharc (hsic Note. 1to 40 fom .. j25,0$ ry19,t43,105 rd dilutcd) 27 (675.U) 0,409.70) in car.l p..t ofrhc.. Gn,nc,-t sorcmcar6 di:::-:&irtfP *i;$fi[ Forwrlk Cb:ldiok-de; Ltp . 57 y... h'*'n*'r"*" a'" Foi rnd oo beherf of Bord ofDnecbrs of Homc Shopping Network Lioited fi18 frrl""*' DIN: m015280 D,e, t3 Aftl 4+t - Kim Joo! Shick DIN:029373?3 Q,t- G& su6l6 M.$orn S.rbvi. Siogh Chicf Exe.urivc Cbicf Firmcid (Xdcc of6cr Jl*,.l"rr!^ vL^&d"a.H D.t 13/lPi\ rorr' TVI3 HOME SHOPIING NET\VOII( UMITED fo, d.r.ftnt for d. y.rr md.d 3t M.rch Z0t5 C..h A. a CASH FTOTO FROM OPEMTING AC1rVITIES tjtpGi.ion iftl rnoniado' sp.ns ra3 / (r\ofiD l6rrn'n rd on ,rc ot tucd !*R dou[rfd dcbts / ldyrn.or anmrr \in , off {bilni6 stire. brck I Goodwiltwdr.noff hr6r c{..s bh Poe$ns chlgtr 21t,5\1,rtl o9,663,354) oFanng Lss btfoft m*ing cei6t .bugG Dc.@e/(I"@c) I"cI* if, in Idc& r Clh s.d rnd. Keierbtq lolG .nd '.rdun D. *h e,l CASH (r5t.0ul,26e) 0r.770,e66) opmroni in '|ns prid (ner or €tund Nct 6 cufrnr rnd non.clmnr tirbili!., prt,rn'iins in (covrd) (205,0.16,653) orra.i,g ci\rlcs p15t2e27n GoatJ3?J60) F[.oV FROM INVESTING ACTTV|TIES I,whae of bltiblc sids PEh* ol inonsibt. $$( [rlud!.g I,na{Js nim s e or hn*ibl. r*s @runFuf ri$l Ner .tuh B.ncdhd f(h 42s221,739) rnn,Bibt. *re6 udcr ()qiE' {)/ F.Ed' ftm C. t79t)115* 0r,r0{.1.r) J+sn (ne0 nJ52!x1 i.ycr,nx miynjs 439,160,42t CASH FI.oW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES i*e of prfm.e sh,6s Pdlarls frtm (Re0rrmen0/rmcedr orloda rLfr b.rtou,ic Eer{cnr/p@.rcr or3ho( km hfr,ws (nd) i @ ((1.6\7,565) c6irgcs f(n fl,n1.472.J Net 6h N.r ;ncMc/(dccc&) in 6sh &d cs6 .gd9t.nb .!b (id\ rimb { dr b*jn4r of$e vc& gcl@Gd {iah rnd Crh rn't Ca5h rnd s* quiqtcnG cmh oh fin,ncinA.crirni6 1r rie e.d of.hc 1'c* 217,635 3,46rI69 r27,217,685 .qui\rcn6 inctudrl ('t)ug'' Dfp.lB Nrh o'i*,nj nrru.n rrila.& No..r r lnn * rtr d ior.S,,j clh ltaq,ir!m(d hs-+l.n ,,f booK (erer noE ro lo 6m u rhc{3fit t65.l2L1t fr iR rtun t%3y9\7 rfrr,\rtd t!, .d]3[,erv) 101.301,930 16) _ _]i46]1!! 771,019,665 pd orfi.r fin4i.t *& Rru -*ckiiJI{?.U,il lorrnd.fl bohJfoa nornt otl)idbc of TVA Hone Sh9pinc Ndwrk Limir.d // \ t*",fiat D.",ti l ),:l Jt. fio1t^l/ ffi.; DrN 00o'r3o Jz .Js.: ,_*s ChicfIimn irl ().tr.c. ,l^.Jrt$ il1T1 !''/y,r l, o l.h#,.#- Tvr8 Home Shopping Netq'ork Limited Sununary of signific.nt accounting policies and othcr explanatory ittformation for .he year .nded 31 March 2015 L Background TvlS Home Shoppine Network Umited ('the Company"), was incorporated in India on 13June 2006. The Companf n primrrjly cngged in pii,viding rhc platfom ro v€ndors for markctirg and disnibutjo. of corsmer goods tkough the tdoision channel owned by tbe Compary, irs websjte lnd call cent€rs and c(,urier compdnics €ng.rgcd bj' it for delvcry of the goods of such third parry vendors k, customcrs across India. 2. Basis ofpreparation 'Ihe financial srrtemen$ havc been prepaied under hrsroricd cost convention, on a€cruat bas;s, in rc.ordmce with the rcounting principlcs generalv acccpted in India, includj.g the Accounting Standards specified udde{ Sectjon I 33 of rhe Act, r€ad wirh Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Ruics, 2014 (as lmcnded). The accounring policies hav€ been consjstently applied by the Compan\r 2.1 Surffnary of a. signficant accounting policies Us€ ofesrimatet The prcPffiuon of firEncirl sritemenrs tr €onforniq. wirh gen€raly acccpt€d .ccoufihg princjpl.s requires manngement to makc €somrtes xnd rssumprions that affecr thc reported motrnrs ofrsscc rDd lilbilities rnd dr€ disclosure of coDtingcnt labitities on thc dare ofthc 6nanci,r st,temenrs and the rcsuhs of operadors during rhe leponing pcriods. Although rhcse cstimates ffe bas€d up{,n manag€menrs knowledge of currenr €vcn$ a.d rctions, actual resutrs codd differ fiom thosc cstimares ind revisions, if uy, are rccoLntscd in rhe cu'rcnt and tururc pcriods. b. Txngibl€ {ixed assers Tangiblc fixed assels ar€ statcd ar cosr, net of accumular€d deprcciation afld accumurared rmpairmcnt losscs, if any. Thc cost compdses purchase price, and djrectly atdbutable cost of bringhg the asser to irs workiog €ondidon for rhe intend€d use. Subsequcnt expenditure rctated to an itcm of fixed ass€t is ndded to ir. booL lalue onty jfit incr€aies the futurc benefits ftom the cx'sting asser beyond its previously assessed standard of perfofinancc. Alt othet cxp€nres on elisrjng 6-\cd asse$, j.ctuding da) to_,tay repnr rnd maintenance expendrure ana cost of repLcrng p,ns, ar€ chrDg€d to thc starcmenr ofprofir and loss fo. the period duinj *U.r, _.r, *p.n*"" Capital expendirure incurred on rcntetl propenies is ctassified as .Lcasehotd improvcments, undc, 6xcd Gains or losses alitng trom deiec%f,ition of fixed assets are mcasu*d as the {:tiff€rence beween the ncr ud the carq,Dg amount of the asser and are rccognjzed in rhe starement of profit ad drsposal procceds loss when the esset is der(co!,nized. TV18 Home Shopping Ne.wotk Limit.d Surnmary of siSnifcant accounting policies and orhcr cx!'lanarory inlorrnarion fo. the year cnded 31 Mrrch 2Ol5 c. Deprecletion on iangible txed asserE Depreciatioo is rccogDizcd on a stnighcline basis brsed on useful life to wiire dowo rh€ cost tess r€siduel value of tangible fixed assets. The periods appli€abte are: Asset D.scription Usetul life Coopute! hard\rire 5 years Plant end nachineq' 2-7 yezts Fwniture a6d fixtulcs 5-10 y€lrs 6-7 tcars I-easehold improvemcnts are amorti2ed ovcr rhc cxpecred useful livcs of thc undetlying essets (determined by refercnce to complnble ovncd asscts) or over rhe rerm of thc lcase, I,hichevct is Gtns or losses arising on thc disposal of tangjble assets arc d€tcrmined rs ih€ differcncc betw€en the disposal p(,ceeds and the carrying anount ofth€ ass€ts and lrc recogniz.d ;n rhe Shrcm€nt of d, Intangible ass€ts Intangible ass€ts acquired scparately are mea6ur€d on rec%nition, intangible asscts dc cafficd at cost lcss idtial recognition at cost, Foltowing initiat rccumulated @orti"ation and accumulated jmpdirmcnt losses, if my. lotcmally gencrarcd intrngibte rss€ts, exctuding capitalized dwdopmenr cosrs, {e not c.pitalized ,nd qpcnditutc is rellected in the statcmenr of profir rnd loss in thc ,E r in vhjch the expenditure is incuffcd. Goodwill G rccordcd in thc books when consid€nrion is paid in excex of the vdue of rhe ner .ssers of the busin€ss taken over. Gains or losses arising from de,rc.ogrxtion of an intanSible asset are meas$cd r! th€ diffdeoc€ betw€en the nct disposal proceeds and the carrying emoulrr of thc asset and are rccognizcd in thc statcm.nt of po6t e. and loss vhen the assct is d$ccognizcd. Amodisation of inrangible rssets tntangible assets arc amonized on a srnigbr tr.rr basis over rhc estimated ureful life.Compurcr softwnre, Customs iflrcraction porrals and tndcmarks rre amortised ovcr a pcriod of fi!.e yeers on str:ight_line Goods'il is amoniz€d over the r€riod of five vci's. TV18 Hom€ Shopping Nerwork Limited Summary of sigtrificant accounring poli€ies and other explanarory information for the year end€d 31 March 2015 f. Op€rating leases i€tij's subshrtialy atj rhe risks and benefrs of ownershjp of rhc operaring leascs. Operating leas€ palmcnts are recognized is ur Expcnsc ,n thc st2tement ofprofir ard loss on a straigh!,line bisis rhc lmse rerm. Irases wbele tbe lessor cffectivelv leased term, are classified g. $ Impairmenr oflssers The Company assesses rr €ach balance sbeer datc vhcthei rhere is any indicfiio. that an asset may be impaired. If,rny such indicatlon exists, th€ Company csrjmites rhc recov€iable amounr of th€ asser. such recovelable nmomt of th€ asser or rhe r€cov€rable uount of rhe cash gcnenting unir to whrch the isser bcl()ngs is less rhan i$ can]'ing amount, the carq,ing amount is Educed to its recovcrable amount lnd thc reducnon is ncarcd as an impairment loss aod is recogr sed i. the stat€mem of pro6t and loss. If ar the balance shcct date thcre is an iodicauon thar I prcviously asscssed impairment loss no longcr exists, the r<coverlble imounr is rcasssscd and th€ ass€r is reflcctcd at rhe re€overable amount sublcct ru a naximum of depr€ciated hjstoric,t cost ,nd the sme is accordingly rcvcrsed in thc staremeot of lf profit .lnd loss. h. Revenue (ecognition d. Commission on sale ofproducrs and reimbusemcnt of freighr and collection €xp€nses: Cornmrssion on sale of produ€t and reimburscmenr of frcigbt and colecrion cxpenscsrs recogruzed ar the time of delivery of producrs bv rhe courier conpaores to cusrome n accordance with cuDuacted r€f'ns with rhe vendors. b. Interest incohe: Intdesr jncome is recogoised on rirne proportioo basis raking into iccounr rhc amount outstxnding and rhc iate applicabte. i. Forcign currency transactions lncom€ ind expense jn foreign currercjes rie convc(cd at cxchange rar€s prevaiting oo rhe date of the transaction. Foreign currency monctary asscB and tiabililes are rranslarcd at the exchange rate prevailing oo tle bdaoc€ she€t date. Exchange differences arisng on the serttcmenr of monetary ir€ms or on rcporing Compa.y\ moneraf', items at mres diiferent ftom thorc at which rhey w€re inioaly record€d duflng the year, or reponed in previous finmcial statemenrs, ere recogn;sed as income o. as expeDs€s m thc yer in which rhel nrise. i. Employcc benefirs Expenses and liabilitles in respccr of emptoyee beqefits are recorded in accordancc Standard 1 5, 'Employee Bcnefits, of Complores (AccouDtjng Sendardt Rules, 2006. i. Povidem fund and Emptoyee Starc rnsura,cc Schcme vith Accuunting TVl8 Home Shopping N€twork Umited Suffnary of signitrcant accounting policie6 and other expl.natory informarion for the year ended March 2015 31 Employcc benefits il1 thc form of Prolide't Fund and Employee Statc lnsurance Sch€me are defioed contribution plers 2nd rhc contributions are charged to rh€ st tement of proEt and loss of the year whm the contributions ro thc fmds are due. Therc are no other obtiaations other than tbe conrribuuon oavabl€ to the funds. Gratuity Gratuity is a post- ernploymenr beneir ind is in the nature of a defincd l,encfir ptan. The lrbfiry tecogniscd in tbe balalrc€ she€r in respect of grarujry ;s rhc present value of the defi.ed benefit obligarion at th€ bal.nce sheet date. Tlr€ defiDed bcneiroblgation is cdculared at the batance shccr date by an ind€pendent .ctu.ry using the projccted unit cr€dit method. A(1uarial garns al)d losses arising from past expcricnce and ch.ngcs in acrurriai assmptions are credited or chargd to rhc srdremcnt ofprofit.nd loss io the ycar id which such gains or losses,rc d€termjncd. iii. CompensaGdabsedces Iiebiliry in respect of compe.seted abscnces becoDltrg due or €xpected to b€€d within one year from rhe balance she€t date is rccognised on rhe b.sis of undiscount€d vruc of estimared amoudr requucd to be paid or estjmated ralue of benefit expectcd to bc availed by the cmploy€es. Li.bilig in respct of compensated abseoces becorning due or expectcd to be availed mor€ rhan onc ye.r ift€r the balance sheet date is estjmated on the basis of an ectuarial latuarion performed by an independeDt actueq ushg the projected hit credit method. Tax expense conprises of cuncnt tax and deferr€d tax. Culrent income tax is mcasured at the amolnt €xpected to be paid to thc tax authorities in accordadce wirh the prorisjons of Income Tax Act, 1961 as .pplicable to the financial year. Defcrrcd income taxes reflects the impact of currcnt par timrng differences betveen taxable jncome and a.counting in€ome for rhe lcar and reverrrl of timine diffaences of earller yearc. rax rates and rhe i,x laws <naced or substrndvc\' @cted * rhe balance sheet rlatc. Defcrred tex assers arc recognized only to thc exrenr tl.u therc is rerv,nable c(nlhr) Defeted tax is mcasured bsed on the that sufncidt furure sxrble income will be availlble cg.hsr wh;ch such d€feffed tax nssets can be rcrlizd, In situatioo, whcre thc compaoy has unabsorbed dcpreciation or crr4 forw{d of losses, dcferred tax assets are recogflizcd only if there rs vinull ccrtamry supported by convincing evidcncc that ficy cin be realizcd ,gainst tuturc uublc pr,fir l. Eatnings/ (loss) p€r share Basic earnings or loss per share are calculfted by dividir:g the n€t pro6t or loss for the pcriod attributable to equity shareholden (.rfter deducting preference dividends and a$riburable raxes) by rhe werghted tverige nmber of equit! sharcs outstrnding duriDg the peiod. The weighted averqe number of equiry sbar€s c,utstanding duting tbe period is adiusted for events such as bonus issue, bonN elem€lr ln a rights split, .nd rcvcrse share split (coDsolidatron of shares) that have changcd the number of equiw shar( ousunJiny, wr(hout. c.rrc"pording chdnrre in rc"ourc.s. ,ssue, sharc TVl8 llomc Shoppiry Netx'ork Limited Surnmary_ofsigniEcant accounting policies .nd oth€r explanarory inform.tion for ihc ycar end€d 3t March m|5 For the purpose of calculating ditutcd ernings or loss per share th€ net Fofir or loss for the p.riod attributable ro equiry shrrchotders add rhe veight€d av.ra8€ numb€r of sharff outst nding duiing the p€dod are adjusted foi the €ffecrs ofrl dilurive pot€nrial €quity sh{.€s. m" Ptovisions erd contingent liabitties The Coopaoy makcs a provision wh€n rhetc is a prcscnt obligarior .s a resulr of a past cvent eDd where dl€ outnow of economic reources h probable and a r.liabt€ cstiD:te of rhe ,nount of thc obliqation A disclosurc is madc for . contiogent labitity q,h€n rhere is a - possible obligatio4 rhe dristcoce of which wil bc confirmed by tlre occuttcncc/non-occurcnce of one or morc uncerr,in cvclts, not tuIy vithin rhc control of ihe Company; or - pt€r€nt obligarion, where ir is not probablc rhat an outflow of resources cmbodying economic bcncfis wil bc rcquircd ro sctdc the obligrtion; ot - Fes€nt obl.igarion, whcrc a reliable estimarc canoot b€ mrde. Wlere thet€ is a pr.sent obligrion jn respecr of which the likelihood of outflow of rcsources h r€more, no provision oi dildosurc is madc, n. Cash rnd carh equivel€dt Cash and cash €quivd€nr compdse carh at bank aDd oiigind maturity of three months or less. (fbi pac. bdr b..,' in hand and shon relm bank deposits vith i"t ntional, hf blank) an TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORK S"--"ry of.lsnitlcmr ..o!nrir! !n!e, ii. PrtfcEnc. of a lD shls 15% rhrs of 0.01 . i 10 cz.h fully 124!)J,r up Fid conycfriblr prctcrcncc shr6 ol of a I (r.001'/. Compululr, m M.r€h ,15 onlriihl€ prcfc*nc rh.E or 135,00n 11.t{D,(xx) l0t,l3l 10, 10l,t3t 10,118,100 291998 29.rrq.8oo Toel l..ucd, suSraib.d .nd 6rlly pdd-up sfirE 3,100 2r1,rr8 I 12,407,q0 rl,5{x},fxxl lr 6 tFid!t r,210,i91 lti.000 a 100 compu-oD on\c'rbl. f'rf.r.n( !l/F.fa l0Oo.n 31 €*h Compulort corvdiblc nrcfsldrc. 59'Onion ll .ndcd of a lC$ ctch l.Ncd' .!b.cri6.d md laid-np .rpncl F4uitt Ft c'pibl Atrthori0d ehlr i. Dquity LIMITED policftr .nd orh.r dDl.n2rory inloddion for rh. 244,4t1 c+ib 2\44\ntN 2441e1 4r,675,510 -____31419_ -------qi:I:19- . R..orcilj!.ion ofrh. ah... c.p&.! ShG. outtadiog ar ihe cnd of rhc ii, l5% .onpul6o.y conv.diblc pE A h? beg.n'ng or the tc* 12'/0,1t1 cct.c 144ot,910 .hare: ya' 135,000 ku.n duin* the rar ouurodirg .r rh. .nd of rh. Add; iii, 5% t!.r 1!5,000 op'iondt 6nrdibl. paa.Fncc ourimdirg .r lhe €.d of th. lv, 0,01% Gnd or rh. ttat lJ!,000 lJ.5{x),(,O0 10,118,100 101,131 10,118,100 .nG. y.r 101J31 cohpul$ry cmvcdibl. prcf.lde thaet Oltbnding { de a,soo,ool) 291,998 AV18 HOME SHOPPiNG NETWORI( sulmrn of.ignilicanr .c.ounrinr tolici.. .6pu!&ry v, o.Ot% i. Ar $r bq'nni.g convedbL pEf.Fnc. of th. and othcr of She. i. '€ar 'nd'd 31 M2rc1' 2015 244!97 24,491 24,419:ltlt) 21,419,11\\ holditg @mpoy and by rhc p@fl o{ftr. itlllrcdid. holdlttg @mP44' ltcld by Nv13 HSN Holdin€! PI-c , thc Rs I0 c,ch tuUy paid tol, Cobpulk,ry 5olo { th' Fi. .bs. b.ld by th. idmdi.k Eqdiy shrres 0f I fo. .ht3 OusEnding .t rh. .nd ol .h. y.rr b It bilt LIMITED upld.rolv |tlom.rion ' onvcnibl. t|lrfthi.r shr6 oi I I m ddr 135,0m )pn.nily convenible Frf.snc. shar.s of a I00 .rch (J.ol% i Conpul$ry cmvdiil'I. pr.tcdcc Slnr6 oi 100 N.M.t 18 M.di. & Inw.@€nu Umitd, ih. holdina omp.ny oftrNr8 HSN Holdiia. il, 6fi.8g held by 0.001% conpulrct! convdiblc ptuferscc Sh&. of a . lnclu\ive nr'snrc rE hdd c tt n nintes of NN'r 8 100 HsN Holdrqs Plc D.rnilr of shurholdeG hol.ling ooc rhM 5% sha€. in rh. ComPsy Nuhbd L Shur€s h.ld by l.,Nrl3 HSN Holding. PLC , l]lil' liquig sni6 1 "rI l0 6ch fulll t% conpuhory convctublc ptcfcrcncc shfics ol a I00 .!ch 5'lo Oprion.lly r) convdibl. prrflt.nft sLr6 of a I rD ol% conpul$ry convdiblc plcfcrocc thrE! hdun"€ ol rh.!.! rc held Rightr paf.Enc.s r,2.r0J85 t,240,785 115,000 101,131 l0l,l3t 100 Irvdhnb Hordit€. O,ml%Conl'uln)4 conv.ftjbL( fruflr.nct shlra ' 6ch of i N.Mr|( 13 Mcdia & holdtng @nPrny ofrrNcl8 l|SN ii. Sb.c ndd by Lihi&4 rrr %otholding fie by of a 1u) nomilce. of NVl8 HSN rd E.rictions d@lt.rt to 244A97 Holdin$ ! .sh .l*6 otshti"ip"nyt.*"'ry.*cl"s0..quir'rhs.svidrli.cvr|Ue.|.l0!elshr.Ljrlldd{0i(jliy\h[.is.n .ti,irlcnd in lndiin RuFts upon rcconn.n lrtio. or Bo,.l of Direcias intl tPprcvrli. $c!.1mceting ot rh. conp.ol, riquattion of rh. cmpn , lb. holder ot .guq ,h16 sit t. cnudcd @ ,€ave rcnrini.g !s "r lilbiliti6. Th. dirtibubon *,ll l* in Prono.iutr to ln. ndnbs of eqdl lhircs h'ld bI 'nt tn"*no'u* ,., Company,*c rnj c"-p,ny tn ,r,. _-i mndt of il lO0"/" or pays .,,, . Y\ 'n. .ri.r TVA HOME SHOPPING NETIIORT UMITED Surluw ol.lrnidcsr r@mti6r edicio tr 1]i% C@9dery .Dd orlEr 6$lo.brv ldoduriq fd r!. yd .nd.d n t|{.Eh A,!! .ffiibL p..'.Frc atc. 6 6tcd ditdcn'l it rhc EE oa l5ol. sDbjcd @ d. rnll,bilny of po6t ind h.v. ! enue ofm F!! fd tlE &r of n:c, The ihc d. lon.@muLnw i! o@ .nd @nv*iblc inb .qui9 tnr6 of 6. CdFnr 6cfm rb. dpirr of dE @@ hr*d @ d. rudnl c@' or $. @dpd6, Th6. .hr! I'w piiority dd dtuity !h.c. id €g!.d b prlMt of llc diriddd rtol eprr4G The rh@. rE $nd.d iii. 57. 6nv.dibl. pr.f.rcnc. .hae. The firc Diltsft cE or qny a'pdcdl oPti@ of or dE (ndpty rco{onvGioo of of tI|. Oap{t {. pde d.6iEd mdlt by tlE eulbdftlr.ra d. &rrd of si.h thc +pliobL teulbry pdnions rclilng b pnc. pmiljnS at th. tihc of .xcrclF of thc optiod ln $.ys sill b. cd@:.d .tor $e dPry oi 10 t6, ot . pmiM of a 400 p6 .hd.. @6ion i.b.q{ny she c6f(nity rle dr6, @tibl. pEa4@ .h.e Cdq'i.o,y tc. 0.01% in conv.dbl. in@ .guiry 3n3d r hy ritu ddnS tl'. Fiod or l0 F{i fion rh. d4. of se n . prie€d nutult of D'fu of dE Co+any in @!6diry drh dE rppUdble EsuLbry pdinoni ..!dn! b th. prie Fd.ililg ft th. tii. of conEEio.. Th. F.f.Eo@ rh.c snlu h. add.d tJ ! prsniun, b b. dcEml6.d 6.5.d (,n th. edme r.e ot divid.nd by s Indi{ c6F2.t qdd tlE pl€giliig r.sdnory gidcld (o. pnidbft 3hG ndd by 2 roES! idBb.). Tbe rhfts & @dpdoq by d. sbKibF ..d i o.dtl% inc BiBI Compdst colEntbL pr.fe!€ .h.H aM.nd .r oNmiLtL in@ .+it rh.c ofuh€ or} d d'. n!b.l .l]Mt ol tn @prni.r nm .unmul{iE rE atitLd o &.d dividl et th. re of 0.001% tubjat !o d. rqihbdig of Pon6 &d h.r. 2 hu€ or l0 ys 6om lhc &E or dloltBr Th* 3i.c d Dca|| ofrh.n. in - t6su.d psu.rt to con$d vtrhour 5 y.u for cd cl.{ of.h.s b.lng c..lEd In .lloned .t n Oy P.ld uP by wry of tE.ut The I.!c. .nd blashr bclr dudrg rh. L.. No suh nu hs Blcn 6.i!a @iv.d in s[ pls in th.{dy I'Ec.dtB fi! m' l$ lh€ bda dy b9.btut of }d. It. Conlany hr! dot nluid My rhac. Psht in dE @t td .'d Pl.c.dine 6t tE6. sln6 (rti' tt* ta tn hh.*ut! 14 ttaq b i cddvithout Par@t IIOME SI{OPPING NETITORX LIMITED TV18 S|,muw of ..&6tirr drni6cu. Doliqd ad oth.. dDl@rory infomuiid fo. .be yer 3l Mdch S.cui.ie6 pr6iM .@ut 6&d 3r Mlch m|! 31M*cb 2015 a .t thc b.ginnins of th. y..r Add: pEdim o! iite of 135,000 15 2J01,096,142 6,603J96,863 Ddznc€ % Compuliory ?014 a .onve.tiblc |,432,816913 Add, prcmiud on i$E of244,497 0.001 % conpulsor) conEnibl. 2,469,123,$A E.Lnc. { th. cnd oflhe yet D.licit D the .trtcmert ofprclit .nd lo.s Bahoce 4 th. b.,rimidg of th€ y.r D.pEiation chz4F (afcr notc !9) B.toce.. the cnd ofihe 6,601,396,E63 6,603J96,863 14,822,631,669) (3,rij4,050,4o8) (4,141599) fl,749,14t,106) (6,575,916,374) y.{ 27,4&.449 (838,581260 (4,822,631,66' 1J80,t65,19.1 Lng-tem bodowing3 51,$2,922 l2l3o1qu 51.3{2.922 12t fi2,922 *On 26 July 2013, thc cdnpint.ot red into an zmnseheni with bdt m aqil.rcdit facilitics upto < 250,000,000 taiLble for r p.iod of 48 tund8, crlting .o iotcresr BE 2.?5% $ov. th. batl's bas ntc sd aPallbl€ io 14 stutu d quftdt inst lnedB liofr 30 Ju. 2014 onwrd' Th. f.dliq s seued by hr?orh@tbn of holabl. fixcd a$d sd .ntir cmd. d!c6 G.ctuding lorn.nd advdc6) and tudrd b' wy of coAoht gu2mte by N.two <18 M€di. & Iovcttoc.ts LiFiEd. Othc. loog lcm Uebilri.s 146.119 3,020,183 744,119 3p20,783 Log-..m povl.i@ Prcvision for enployce ben€66 (Ibi' !t@ hu kd 38,362,1,ftl 35,958,089 3836418 36,117,450 159J61 i'k' bf rb'h) ,.a;t., ,:KO rl; Sut@.iy of T!'18 }IOME SHOPPING NETVONK UMITED polict . dd orh.r.,oLBroty infomdon foi ih. .knif,or acosrio* v.d o{l.d 3l Mcb 2015 Shon-t .m bomrntg3 31Mah !t 2015 t Vo*ing c.pitd dem.nd lo.n I 500,000,000 94915,167 61,027,l'46 123,191,119 662,002,81l 187,438,069 rshod b@ bo@wioS! ftom bank .G 3<ur.d by scl$iye ch.rgc on cmnt rnd moveblc 6xcd rnd corpoEE gunntee by N.wot|t16 U.di. & Inv6ltmc ljmied. tdvde (r) DE to M.rch a)1{ hi@, lhrl sd m.diM .ot rpliica (dro, Efcr 64240390 rs induding ldns rnd not 929,116,581 929.3 .54t u6 u6 6,274 6214 The Conpoy h$ Equcstcd its v.ndoB to co.6m 3tatut uod.r rhc Mi.o, Smdl ud Mcdiud htcrpri&s DftlopD.nt A.t,2006 (MSMr,D)- Bs.d on @n6mnirr, th@ r no do66 de.o anr mico,3D.I sd m.di@ dt rprilc uodd th.lilSMED Act, 2006. Furih.., the Coap.!t\ Lbilitt tos!.dr dy irrqet fo. d€hycd Plrhcnti, if dI, und.r th. prdisiotu of th. srid Act ir nor likely h b. hu dial. Orhqcurenr lirbiliti.. Cufrn! matudry oflont - t m boftwi.8r: t m l@D frem b.dt Aden@ fred cstons CoGid.niio. oU@Ed o! b.h.[ of vcndoB fo. s:16 to cosnrres lnt€e$ ac.rucd but not duc fnDd.l li.biliii.s D€rivrdve 70,(XD,ux) 40,000,000 t1,n4{nl 29,090,816 46,210p28 29,338,305 3,t64,422 1,000,000 1,000,000 m9t439,U1 2rs,560,E14 G16,286 601,071 1,9?3,3t3 1:739491 50,092,821 42,655,3O3 7W,422 491,867.118 Provkion for ehployee befttts Prcvisn for ioc.orivcs to dploydd 1J71,7O5 l?0,92?,939 1,653,009 1,650,057 41pn,n3 63p95,819 4.7JO2t2 64145,416 :o- sd- slsl f1t,1t ri 3 dt .i ltsl l-.1 t'l tl e i. 3"1€-l Q t'l >! ii dl$ll lt ""t-t 3-' l*l * B? lFl ; tl tl ---t-l Il E I qlH.l nl6-l -"t"tl r.lnt l cl q -ilr:l -t-l E p 'l3l ll E + R l=l --t-t 4 6 F" "lul t'l t"l =-- tl l.ll 5 -l€l s. 3 e 6 -i "--l-t .i e tp. + F" 3^ 3- Fr tdo 8 i *l=ll @. tl "-"t-l e- x" qlql c tl 1.. 'l'l tl --t-tl €. l3l * i3?tst ; 'lgl l'l tt tsl f h -r toil Z2 .l*ll r. -- B" >E nlF,l _-"t_l .r + 6l:rl r^l*-l ","t-l : l{l g !JF "e r, E;*l4l tl ; 3 8t3l s E tl 63 1_1 - t1l rlql 't"ltl c.- N. ;? slsll liill 3 e. tl a e" s.l5l -t", F" .il..i i::tltl I "l-l tl '€ 6 ^i "li ldl I .E & H l14 RR E ER :rd o; 9 gR g, ;> E!:3E 4q { I a6 : a3 +; € ; !rt:: 56 x,.^ -d i ! =9? :E KJi t ili*e E'i li I sE P t l1 s E E: {! ; e! iE{6S idd !;5rE r ?gPA !> <at + RR ;; v. 30 *!!6 69J.i =55 ZAA TVIE HOME SHOPPING NETVORK LIMITED Summry oflignificmi a.counrlng polici6s and orhct.xph.atory infod.tion for !h. y.rend.d 31M.tch 13 ....6 rntdltbl. Cn .t I April2013 Baldc. d .t 4 .t Bdan . 31 M.rch 3l Mmh 2tl15 s d I Aplil2013 Rahrce aahnc€ ae r.31 Mdch 102.145399 20,413,431 122,449 4,653,524 25,066,961 722,449 53,109.420 155254,519 25,M,96t 50.0tllj,0u1j 131,37?,040 50,000,000 177,934,509 46,557,469 - 447,000 r,r(0,449 51?.261 11,460,980 2014 1E,606 13,460,08? 24,92tP61 4,546,165 144,490 5,119,026 163,t96 26:91,15t 4,691,351 $DJAz 50,000,000 d b op.ning rcscpcs ( rcrcr Dalmc. a6 .t Mdch 2015 37.614 st,252,0t6 9,816,383 Msh B.loe d .! 31 Mr.h 2(,l4 z)1s ,-1,224,032 104,002.4E3 79,941,935 559,351 15250,5?8 496,511 Brlrce { 31 al 3l (bit 'laa bt bid i"t 'd@dlt kta bk'h) 53J56,q 418L 16,000,000 10,000JJ00 28,051,84? 26,000,000 56,203,188 2,500,000 2 t ,\diBt ) Pona 60,241,1:4 .|l,903,945 2014 i Cu.rom.r inteo(tion . Bal{nce a, 2015 ,i{xJ,rxxl 211,151,341 34,000J94 2t,500,tx10 31]!L 672,878 5o,00o,0q9 !!11!14 24,000,0110 121J11,321 - 119,149,632 TV18 HOME SHOPPTNG NETWORK IJMITED smmary of .l8nific.nlaccoundnS polici$ md orhc. .xplanetory infomsiion for 6e 14 hng-tcm lo.'r| (utrlccltcd rd cnd ycnr .dd.d 3l Mrch 2015 3l March 2014 r&.nc.! con6id.Ed good) 3l Mach z)15 I { 452s7202 Capirrl advaicc! *N.t of p@vision for income t x I Nil (Frdiou, yq I 41,681,834 2,164,145 23,514,681 760,707,5i2 552,t742U 808,128,879 617.390.719 Nil) Tade G.iublcs outstrd1ng for . p.riod crccedinS six morrhs Uls@rcd, consid.led sood UnwuBd, coNidcftd doubttul k$: Pdirion for doubtful d.bts 6,565,711 ?,583,306 11,0t1.992 18,422,072 (r7,017994 114,422,472) 6565:711 7,s83,306 Unseurcd, @nsidered doubtfin 96,690,114 96,690,114 ro3255,825 16 Cash md b.rk b.l.nce. ca6h ed .a5h equiv.leots 1J96,606 Bddc.. Id wfth | 47,008,027 3(,2,748 b.r*r: c@nt rccount Other t39,424,121 139t24J21 bdk b.l.nce3 eth oigio.l n.tuiry D.posits +Iftlqdes depo$n of I of morc rbrn 3 molths but 1'5s thd 80,464 (prd'ious yc.r a 80J64) plcdged wirh Unar 6,664363 126,454,937 8A6rA69 127,217,685 103,801,9E0 643,801,980 103,801,9E0 643,801,980 lL2,24J,441 771,O19,665 tnde tax dep.|nneot TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORX LIMITBD Summ.ry of sigdncor ..@mtitrC poltcies .nd othd .rDl.nato.y i'riolm.ti@ for th. vcar .nded 3t 17 Shon-crm los .nd .dt?cd 3l (un...@4 con.lderd g@4 u' e!. orteri6c .h.d) Ccnvrt s20,866,514 3l M.rch 2014 I 138388283 Advanc.s recovcBblc in cash or ki.d (ncludc doubd! edvarc.s I 2015 a)t5 I ldns {d advd.cs t.) r.l.t€d piny (ndude doubrtul .dv.nc6 doMtibg t 28,600,000 Pdious Fr Nil) ,mounthg Meh Mch 1,165,094,850 Prqious ycar 123,015,018 leov@blc 12,477,304 54,032,9t4 44?3,591 1.1t2.466.948 70,116,334 1,301 ,307 ,662 15,85t,225 43,323,%2 1,687,120 I.4'18.285.,101 L€!s: Provjsions for doubtful aSain,r.dvanc6 Kov.mblc if, ca,h o! 1549,466,5141 823,om'434 lE Othei c@ent (23,015.018) 1,413270,385 a.ct! Intcrcst accned but f,ot due oo fix.d d.posits (Ibi Edd tra ba' irhdlk'dt blt btz'L) 15,149,111 16,943,t)57 t5J49,771 16,94t,95? TYIE HOME SHOPPING NETI'ORI( LIMITED S@m4y 19 of .4nifcdt .m$dir polcl.t dd o.h.r dDl.nno.v infod.don fo. rtE vcs .rdcd 31 MNb frcm op.hiiob. 31M Iftoc froo ..r. of ch 2015 31 dFG.t 1361,566,561 3,516,519,664 47,.109,690 80384p?3 8.6A1179 4,438,664,036 RGtund of Pofi iftooc bx on of 4,004,000 2,574,000 2,914,449 20,596,460 u\051 t0,6(2115 cxFn.. Sahrics, wages and bonus Contibution to piovident fund O$e. cmploye b{n€6is ftv.lfe .q9,5?0 37,094,854 54918,631 St r 391,121 irome Employ.. b.r.fit6 24fi5,8r3 :r.62 34,783867 l?374,1(,4 6s6 r-iabililica wJiacn Mck Milcel.dcou5 M{.h AI4 I t .dier Cohmi$ioo on elc ofFoducc R.idbue6.!t of fi.iSht .nd @U€tioo Spommhip incone a 20!5 lnd odler fsds etpcces 609,860,796 568,675,1s8 30,1t1,606 16211,6s5 28,130,123 26,855204 25,14105 683,71126t 12,835512 635,363,494 241,834,991 Ir-rchnngc 3,2s4162 lds on buycs crcdit 8:E1,763 75.184,999 1,965,269 6,591 1 25491,521 2l D.pei.rion.nddoni..tion.xP.n.. of t ngible iss.k Ahontltiot of int ngible 147,171,603 14,000,494 rs*tr 181,111147 (Ihi' lpe bd tc' i,rnnotuE bf btn4 82,911,444 28,131,342 111,t2.E26 TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWOru( LTMITED Sffi.ty of ..eutina policic6 dd olher iofomdon 31 for $. v.t M&cb md.d 2015 31 M.ah 2015 3l MNh 2014 I a 137,909,604 Concnt purchisc .nd production cosb 166,E4E,?68 R.rt. tic.hriges r03246,229 93,484421 Commutation .xpeces 163,846,514 120,069J61 2,854,712,853 1182,161,963 539.0?5J44 551,482,414 Frci'ih md dnuibution erp.6e! A<lvenbeddt.nd buin€s Prcmooon 50.395,782 39,942,625 1l249,221 10,976.411 R€p!i! .nd mift.@ce (r) !h dd mrchincry 23,135,214 14,382,998 (!) othe6 34,220$46 34,255,514 128J56,155 102,031,037 Tdvcning md conv.,tc vcldcL Ming .nd mint.jncc rd p.of.ssiond elpeolci 5,51?549 8,043,595 105,39E,911 175,174,964 1t81259 Pruvisio! fd 40,5842m doubtfin d€bB Cstodg sdicc ctp.ndi@ W.bntc mdnEoecc clpdca Lo$ on s'l€ of 6x.d a$ci! 15,t74,552 2,148,801 2J6e,$4 1,913J57 22$fi,643 Offic. @ning .dd 'l@cd.. Printiog dd strjoncr.v 52n,t34 2p56,079 2,587,X7 21,A4,618 Psvision for doubful loens .nd .dvaoces Adruc€s iaolenblc in esh or in lind win.n off 496,972,4U Prcvkioo io. doubtful l(As and.dvanccs Adwft.s @v.nblc h esh or in Lind MitEn off C@dwil witcn off 29,535)14 Bmi.lgr 16.857,496 497t,n9 23.173.116 4.009.909.880 Misc.lbn€ols .xpcnses 27 29o1B1,211 138,449,548 635.4U,432 6289,$6 21,500,0@ 57,125.064 F..hd 0,749,143,106) (838,581.260 1210.191 12to:1e1 | 24\t,19r 1,240t91 V.ightcd avcng. numbd of(quiq shacs in olcubtins blsic los 'Wclllhted lv€r{r nunb-a of cqull sh{.s in c,lcuLtiql diluted to$ Pg .quty rh.r. &nings 1,522,219,415 Ft th.a - b.sic dd dnuFd (675.84) 0,409.70) ) 11'13 IIOME SIIOTPTNG NEFwONX IIMTTED Gflruirybcne6B cqnP.M{ed Cf-g! l, t6cn. oulg.d.s: PrBa. !rr& ofotLgtim n th. 6.atrllg 016. 22,\t6,6n ,qr r 1,397,763 Ptxnr ih! of obriadm r .hc 1214.923 cr04.r5l) r,0rl,63l oj3o.03t) 00;ro.6oe) t5J9oJ35 l1,12aSZ2 t rdd {iutrn' pori.n ot ohkadon .! * rh. ..d of lh. yor No. cuffir nonid or obkdd $ .i th. 6d of tn. /dr ErF€ F.og!6.d h ll. ri.t..|d ofPo& .!d lor f63r6tla r2,559,a91 5,91,t,991 5;1fi2m 1,004,761J r,3l3,llt (!39.t9r) 074,73r) (323,05a 23',i11 r,653,009 r,650,057 13,162,144 rt,953p39 0,375.2251 r5,,,1,e9 : 5,t00,476 oo{J51) lptpt d.umplioo. 5:nr,46e Gbtuiryb.n.nt complndr.d 4,351,156 3,033,631 9,re?62 5,9t4r9' 1,t1i],11:l o89JrO 6/3Jr5 5,761220 1,D04,7r'{ 074,783) 6,'97.19? wd ^dri.t ErFEd gLry 6..hbd lt D.'Danphic uunFd@. tor yd 6dcd 31 Md$ 20$ dd ,l MGh 2014: Y.r .na.d 3l Mdch 2015 PctsE3r t 2Yd Y.{ .nd.d 31 Mch .s. Ute loYq( l 2 I (r'ltu 9& t'! td itutteb ti tt '4 201,1 ryl3 HOME sunn.ry or dsnncrnr dc.ound.a Poticie SHOPPING NETWORX LIMIIED orhc. cptm.bry inro!n..lo. ror rh. rd v.s 20ll .nded 3l Mlrch Th!cott'jlJnPIimil'rogrgq]jdtI!Lu5in.sofPo'J'ngilEP|df1n0[}.flo6frncJndUud0nl ror Pihr4 rnd 5<(,oi2t-' s+T<nt d*lduc ; . r[|t b""^" -d x(4rphjt.l r+qmi, rh. RF*b! "r'.-d tuociil sbtrunK A<Dqnd'Bson,li r ? s.snn( Rltx untg , hlvc Dd b<n pn,uilsl i!, '.qrcFlrt Pcscdb'n bv 'h* lO Tb. dplo)ft, of tn. Cdp1dr h,E t cn !mc<l sBk apdoE qndn TV,3 HSi.. goldingi ljdc<l Sh:rc OPlion Plin ?0o3 CI:JOP 2003) of Nlvl3 IIsN I6u;sr Plc (romdl) Tv13 tlsN IloldinF rinndt ]1E pls wd.PPrcvcJ It rht:hlchold.n ofN\'13IlsN Ito o8.ll,C (romxdv Tv13 HSN Hollin83 Limitdl) vide :hrciol,l.a F,olqtion d*d ? APin 2008 T$e FJoP 2003.rtid.i ih. etphl. Plolt* 6 PUch!.. or'lin'ry sh'G of NW13 IISN Iloldin!6 PLc (fomcrly T\'13 |ISN IloHfla rmi.J) ]\ d.(nption of dt. sh3( b$d nr rBnseDcd( ofNritl3IISN Iloldinss ?la (lom.i! avls HSN ltolJi4t Usnd) i5 sivrn bdNl rvls HSN Holdi.a3 Limitd Sh{c OPtion Plrn 2003 nr cr.d$ pric in cF ofthc opdon$hrl b. daitct oPdon.3? r.d ocbb.r du 22 by drc CmFastio 2010: 2t% on rhc cxpi4 of or tor rion ihc lnd dre, 25!/" oo d'c dP'r, or rrcm rh. Snnt drE, 25% o^ lhc .rPiry of $E tt.^ ron tu gnir dlt rnd cdd.dr6drg M )d! cxplt of fod ltrn fod ?5% on tllc Oprlo lrsrcd r{Fr oponr Th" r'll!*, idk 22 or thc.rp,q opuunr Itr n\c <lrE odobq zlto: !IuE .o lx qcKj{d rgd withn tum tglmrnde . Fdod oa43 monh5 ftum th. d.E ofv6l;!a h:vt rl*) lwo lq.ted Strk /\mN'{tu6 fflghs ( sARt undd T1ll3 rrSN ndk AffN'ron tu{fio S'h!or.2trl2 silltli. h. rdmiflndkl bl i CdhP(nsdo. Comnr@ ord! llfhl of Durdn5 0|1118 HSN Holdmgs llmtud S lt (h.n. qr.rumvcd by thc.h(.holdds ofTvl8 HSN lldldi4i llnn.d udc tsoluddn d .d 2 No!.nbc 2012 l\ d.!.ri lon01$'S]\Ri *nn8.nMtot Tv13 lIsN IIo ing3 UhiEd i! glvcn b.low Thc cmfk'r$ of$c fSARi S.h.hL). ne t;Df'rr SARS Schshc r!l3 HSN Ealoy.$ srm* on Riehc sch.m, 1012 in ep€t of gdt |pPciion riqhb shnl |* d6id.d lb. a.ftir. plic bt df, til % July 204: 50,0flr ;ghs on tn. Srmt dit lincn do!igh6-grJolv6un[ 25]14 on dt qpia ofon! Fd rroN $csrui&t, 25% on tlE .rpiry of No re6 iild rlt sor dtu, 25% on $. .xPi4 of &ca y-^ lom Opdod ih. snnt J.E sJ 29'l" oo fi. !!Frr of ()u )43 Gob thc ,<rmt d.k (tpdo Sucd rft{ 26lnly 2or3: r 0.u|t i(hf on dE srd diic I'orrcmriningnth6. 8od.dv.rting.25%onthccxpiry.f oncy.4fohnh. $ddlfi 25% ttch ycr o. drc qd4 of 230 ,lry5 r'oh $r sr.nt ditc. 'rhqSIRj cdiEK. Th. holdinB codprn! b* nd Ech4gl dr .oi eLdng to DSOP 2008 trtu +e Mr tdn sb. cr.d*d wnh r p.iodoa43 modh' fon of l4ui,l,rr Bed ( n rnnid Pll,lr ofti'i4!) ud 5A& <hdc b d'. ^tutn4q ki bhat ) CdPd/ th. grbrd'r, drcofveMgP6t HOMB SIIOPPING NETWONX LIMiIED l6to@.roa fo Dolici6 ..d o.h., TVTS S!@ of irdlldr *.udq ..Dlset !!I!d!! !!44!1ir*t' ,0r5 r1 i. Nv 13 HSN Holding! PI-C (fom.iy TV13 HSN NcNorLl s }loldinsr Linn&4 lLdliu ftoldiqt ljmitd), goui.g .mpdy ol N!/IS IISN Hollngr Prr (fore y rvl Orl1!) I1SN Holdjn*t Ntur*l3 2 & l.v.'lt:BB Linibd Oi.Mkl3) O$d rhEd pcni6 (l1ffi hrw hdn rtvo ld 6dy thm Fdi! si0! rdm Edrk t Udcn .. l.dies I bMim IEv. bc. u!td.dl6 llSN Holdin8| PLC dud'B dt vso Tvls B&ikd ) Mcdir & Di$ihurio. AETNI3 M.di' emF y o,Nrrl3 Th. holdins S knl*d),C}?N hft t oiEd oodirgo ?ti6E tibir.d EigfiEn con Ljhn.J (E cjghten am ) 3 M.di. Pnh! LinnEd G€yc!sl8) Tv rrihE tiniEtt (tm 2 JrnDry un4 onuldi) (Pdh) ln@! PriEr limird {RlB l16lm$) Joi.r doF ol'w $lFdiry loi'r MtuG of aclrd uld.liq r,cl M..T.drl P.d.d.l (hlMD Ubdl T€h.oloSi. ktvrc rjnittl{trboE) KMP Asniri. w6pm DCtil Privrk Linnlcd (v.spo) Rw iihii.d (till 23 M.) 2014) Ennry Ghn 44 ol rndr'!r. holJuU co'db!.d 6y m''pmy n'divid!,j *rbins t'r*,it dddtl! ht"al : ;j 3i!anhs.. innEG oi TVI' HOMD SHOPPING NEIWORX LIMrfiD o |- Tld*dd dud'g da ({) c) C) t ! (u,491,81' n*!b||@n! of 143t (Eelv.d) , l3,l90,un (,r.',|l.r33) *: . A '" TVl' HOME SHOPPING NEIfORX LJMfiAI' dd dh. .rDlrDot b',n d6 b. Ttuion./b.r.rd outudrna *Or r.Lr.d t del (0 (.) c) (m,r45t?23) (311,r45,728 (4ni45:12rt r.ibhu!ffi orqF|6 (Fld) 02,12sJ3r) (20Jr0,42t t12125JAt) bod .dr.ctd on b.r'ir or p2&r699) (Riv.d) i2n99t (91.175,1?3) (.) s.ry b.'|lncdr Tr1I IfOIG STIOPPING NBTWOIX I.IMITED po,t i.. 4d dlE. .xpLEbry id.'nrd6 60, i5. Ddiod ..d.d 3l MdIl 2or! .@rir TMrmr jon./br&ec. @usdirs virh ElnEd prdL. o B:F.di@ 6, -de. n..rv C (r) (r) d ADINIS M'db PrPrE I'OJGd u6J,500 3,233,573 Grpour. C|fuE Riv.d ora;nr dtr.ha rnr 0,1t2:50) lnu. ot@pd.o.ilr con€dbL )Efs.G rh1$ (i'cludt'a pEmium) Smna b, of T!13 HOME SHOPPING NBTWORX IIMITBD orh.t .rrls.@o l.fornrdon ror lh. Denod ..d.d 3r Meh d'dlcst .cMnde Do!.L' sd 2015 Trsrctiom/brl.|ur oudlrdine ein d.Ed p.nio (o B. Ddrer Lorh. (o (tt .r .h. y.4 .nd / .d'rm. ourhdl'3 .! i rh. colpor.G Gu'ur.. olor.ndt'g !r rr 73rJ)5.7t5 t!5JO5,7!5 c'.dnd orbrddtra s d rhc y.' cd (5,067Jr? 8,r152tJt AL_IN l3 Mq!, ldhE LlhiEd rJ94t9 4,r21i192 o TV13 HOME SHOPPING Smmld b- of d'nLdcs. ..cdntie roli.i.r sd odt Tm:diod/bd'e. olo.mdira eith ELcd r NRIVORX UMTTED ath.6ly lln)tudm 6r (0 (a) P.dodc. ||Ld t&...|w oMr.lditA in bd.l.b rp*k.t '0x' pdi6 (.) Noc : FisuE !. Edod.nd.d 31Mu.h ligu., for lh. Prdid. tq! Irt* ga ha ha wdi L, [hLt o TV18 HOME SHOPPINC NETWORI< LIMITED Sumary of iiqnificdt* Doli.irs md o.he. €xDld.tory intormation fo. lhe peliod ended 3l Mdch 32 2015 La6 @mmitu.trt Opcnring Th. Compa.t has bk.n va.ious co@erci.l pGniss u d enc.ftble/flon-cmcelrble 4rc.mcnrs r€ nomnllf !.n.vrd on exPiry, Renrrmountiig to idcn,.nt of prcfit .nd 1o$ durng th. ym,. k,l opcntinB lascs. TlF c.nceuable ] t!!i 93J84,421) h.s h.<d debn d { 101,286,229l- (Prsious 31Meh2015 I ? :1.) h'{ Lki rhrn od€ yc.i nrm on. ydr bui not ntor than Not 19,325t10 l.r{ ihr ivc 81J29,41t 34,t2t64 103,990,682 nr ted C.pir.lcommnm€nls Esrmlrcd .mosB oi .onrhcls Emainins ro b€ crsted on opihl ,ccoun( (nd oa draqcct { 8,643J92 (Prcmus ?|3,906,?59), 34 rar { valuc of ifrpons calculsted on CIF b.6tr t t 8,584,41E 110,60?,2,16 Exp€ndiruc in forcign curcdcy (rcco.l bGid 3l M.r€h 415 a Tnvclllng md 524,012 Advcnilchcntrnd busincs! ptuhodon lnd pdne$rml cxpcns$ R.pxn ind nnintcntrn.c {rhes 12,r12,158 .t I I,040,02r 2,014,r32 373:u7 15,809,619 l6 t on"a:n( b tfu 287,082 't2,525,663 uFLinling.nd downljnkjng guidclines nsu(d by the Mini$ry of lnfonnlti.h rnd BftElcr*rq1 datcd 23 Novcmbcr 2m7 to opliok ind do$nlink ''Homcshopl3 eloision dNcl nn r p.!i,d of En ! nvc Ic6 rcspccivclt. on 2l Novc$bd 2012, thr Co,rpid! npplied fo. thc a!6d of tnc dovnt.ling li(.nr tsr I Eldsion chmel ud.r th. Do-nlirling Guidelirs, vhich n cuftdtly p€din* for atFov.l of tt. MIB. l. n.s scrlc<I. shov ctusc @ri.. d,t rl ll M,r.h 2014 atun rhr MrB rh{ n n* nor bccn comFlia.t $ith lni.inrun positivc nd vodh rcAujrm€n6 as pcr rhc lJpli.king Guidclqes Fsucd by the MlB. T1r MlB, rhn)ugl, this show clusc dotic€, hrs lcaue$ed intulm.ftn atum thcCobF..ron$hy pcnaltica nqjin! Itom susp.nsn of Fcnni$liun rnd ptuhibino. of brcadost/ hnsnissi()o f{tr 1 cda'n nuhbc! oi dlys, k) rryoedor rf penision and prchibirion of brcden for thc @.i.i.8 l,enod of th€ prmi.rioa b disqu.linotion fron, hol.Ins ary fash pl@sloo u tutui for . p.riod of arv. )Ec, b. .oi itul'osed. The Coopdli ha 3dde*al rhc net *onh r.qlim€nrs as on ll M.rch 2U1.1 dd is hoprtul rh.t thc afoestd |e .ltj4 wi! noi b€ npolql by thc MIB. Tle docs nat dF<c! ant idvcrse inpd of thc pc.dh8 downlinlinS ippl(rin,n rrisids ltum iny rcsbction ro Thc Co'nt is subicct (MIB), G!)vemncnt of lodi! md h$ obnin.d lPpiovil fro'n MIB codtinuc to uplink dd dovnlnrlns tdcvisn,n chnnn.l. TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORT< !.IMTTED Sffi..y of .irni6.d .@uiitrs polici.s Md oth.r!v infom.tion foi s;.. tr" tr*t!"4 tI. Cb-p-y hns b€d focusi.g on buildi.g PLtfoms for vendos fo. .listribution ll oi consud.r Soods' The Conl].ny hrs inv.std si8nitc.ndr it scdng up the i'\fhsrdctue Md its cotPont htud Acconlinglv being in its sq 3Bsts' !ft Compint hrs lxp.rienced (,pcnri.g lossds rnd nci riiv. flows fon oFe8rionj ltouevc., thc ultimdt mtiorill' shnrchrl(lcr, N.s!o!kl8 Mcdn & t.vcsdnc'ts llmndl, hns i$udd conrlnucd itocid ruPPot! !' thc CohPtnt !P h mrl inclu,ling 3l Mtch 2015, .nd b.sed on tlu! it.tcitrl sul,Prt, rhcs. tdn ltl sbtenen6 hrve bdn PtIJral on a going H.decd foFtgo odency sposu. Thc Companv lscs ctos-curc.ct foryld condct to h.tlg. its nsLr isocjaed with Auctuttions in focign cuftnci* idtcGr Fi.s ehdng to ioieign .umcy lilbJilcs, Thc fuuowing nr. oubbding ddivrdes cotE.ctr $ on 3l Mrrch 2015 At d 3t Mdch 20151 A! ri 31 Mrch ffinq rusD) bd : 20tr Amou! in iorci5 | Rup€.s (,7,u2r,{,401 n r.t. prokcnon r!in$ rpped)lon 'n Indhn RulEs €dns UsD prj.ble D 4spe.t dl imF trR igrid$ 1,0?0,qxj Amour in let i ofc!€dit 1,0?9,001 hdid U,841,961 Thc Company Ncogozes dcpccirtio. rnd xmoltisdtion on lnll8hlline bsis hded or the us.ful lifc to vrite doM rhe cos l.$ .stlmftd r.sidud v.luc ol dgibh Ns6. In (sPccr to rh. usetul life of tlt rs€ts rhe i3 oi th. follomg nut,,n io rq,u of r(hnologrcal, tnc $tful lift . lpro .rh8ng 5 of.rnPutr .a s tts n es).!blc lnd hcn .' txP.ct o tcPl"' ves. of Multi vie*er s.tdns, Ugnts 4d LED, cnd!, tr.ts for nsblirg th. @f c@@s' g2tMt lPPl@cts ft which iE qxcinc b the indut! of rhl c-mP.v lnd no' 'F i6cdt oqed und.r th€ Sch.dul. I I sd hdcc the 6-.$beot ldottd t' d.Pr.oat ihc sdc in lirc wirh lhr industrv PFcic.( Pbd & M.cbjn.q Aan!ii*, Mobil. cdpo* phone, _? in furniturc and ntue.omplisinll of twollin8 <hiih, obl6, ncls ind obioe$ rrc wom our in i P..iod of 5 yc!ft r$ulting in r ftcd for t€!.nd, b.,G dc FBt u$$ hnd ih. nrn4ehent hrs tdicn i l^v't ts'rul lirc' Ho1v.wr, lor the rcndoog block of furnituE dnd iis$tca, it n$ .PPtoPrirblv bk€n . lile of I0 tc.s cttuin i|cns ..N vchiclc in vchiclcs !re porided to the t,F lcv.l m.nucmcnt fot oftici{l Pugoses rfld 3E EPlic€d wjth dt hicorchnl pt,gGsnd Ac.o'dingly, t lowc! useful lile ha\ rFm bkcn for rchiclc! allo I shortr P'ricd dcpcnding on And h.ncc fitr th. n,Ioving blGk oa,sses diaadmr uscful liv.s Us.ful liac r. bkcn as conPrcd to rhe livcs sP.cifi'd in Scl''d'i' rr or .. .!*.n by On (.ounr of chmg. in the u*ful liEs as pet ,ch.dul. 11 of &. Act,th€ imP2ct of d.Prdhlion adiu$'d rcscR$ is Rs 4,141,599, lnd h1d thc Comp.nt not .hrng&l thc useful lves, the lo$ of i conPnv would 40,E52,7E8, vhjle ih. Rttu( I'rlancs would hrvc bcen hjl{h{ bI Rs 44,994,387 oP€uB 'g'ss b' lowcr bI Rs TV1E E!'M.w ot.ildfst coud.i ?sious ytu 6sud b€o IIOME SHOPPING NETITOR.T LIMITBD Dolici6 pcrdtcd t^rr,*?i**t"A/ .!d othd .mbdtorv io&! for the putpc! of .mpdm fo. th. Dc,iod cdd.d 3t md bM esoupcd/ B.P.Siog[ ..d.ssi6ed *h.d6 !d sd m bchrtf of Ad.d of Didros of TVA HoDe Sboppirg N.t*orL IjDilC.l It F M.'.h z)l5 /A _t \.t DIN:029!7373 l)1Nr00015280 \\ 4.t't- \P- UF'*",, 9*:rlgr4rt*!-I^lY v{.-rq&ffi n*,NoiJ,,. D.r., i3 /pDilro'3' ATTENDANCE SLIP TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORK LIMITED (CIN - U93091DL2006PLC149705) th Regd. Office: 503, 504 & 507, 5 Floor, Mercantile House, 15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001 Tel: +91 120 4071818, Fax - +91 120 4242415 th Corp. Office: 7 Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India Name of the sole / first named member:………………………………………………………………………………………….. Address of the sole / first named member:……………………………………………………………………………………….. Registered Folio No.:……………………………………………………...…………………………………………………….….. Number of shares held:…………………...…….………………………………………………………………………………….. th I hereby record my presence at the 9 Annual General Meeting of the Company held on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at the Registered Office of the Company at 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, Mercantile House, 15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 at 12:15 Hours (IST). Signature of Member/Proxy present Note: Members are requested to fill up the attendance slip and hand it over at the venue of the meeting. PROXY FORM FORM NO. MGT-11 [Pursuant to Section 105(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 and Rule 19(3) of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014] TV18 HOME SHOPPING NETWORK LIMITED (CIN - U93091DL2006PLC149705) th Regd. Office: 503, 504 & 507, 5 Floor, Mercantile House, 15, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi-110 001 Tel: +91 120 4071818, Fax - +91 120 4242415 th Corp. Office: 7 Floor, FC-24, Sector 16A, Film City, Noida 201 301, Uttar Pradesh, India Name of the member(s):………………………………………………………………………………….……………………..…. Registered Address:………………………………...………………………………………………………………………………. Email Id:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. I/We.........................................................................being the member(s) of Equity Shares of the above named Company, hereby appoint: 1. Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................... Address:...................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail Id:............................................................................Signature:...................................................;or failing him 2. Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................... Address:...................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail Id:............................................................................Signature:...................................................;or failing him 3. Name:.......................................................................................................................................................................... Address:...................................................................................................................................................................... E-mail Id:............................................................................Signature:........................................................................ th As my / our proxy attend and vote (on a poll) for me / us and on my / our behalf at the 9 Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Tuesday, September 29, 2015 at 12:15 Hours (IST) at the Registered Office of the Company at 503, 504 & 507, 5th Floor, Mercantile House, 15 Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 and at any adjournment thereof in respect of such resolutions as are indicated below: ** I wish my above Proxy to Vote in the manner as indicated below: Item No. Resolutions Voting For 1. 2. 3. Consideration and adoption of the audited financial statement of the Company for the financial year ended March 31, 2015, the reports of the Board of Directors and Auditors thereon. Re-appointment of Mr. Deepak Gaur as Director who retires by rotation. Re-appointment of Mr. Ravi Chandra Adusumalli as Director who retires by rotation. Against 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Re-appointment of Walker Chandiok & Co. LLP as the Auditors and fixing their remuneration. Appointment of Mr. Adil Zainulbhai as an Independent Director. Appointment of Mr. Rohit Basal as a Director. Appointment of Mr. Vinay Chhajlani as a Director. Appointment of Mr. Kshipra Jatana as a Director. Ratification of remuneration of the Cost Auditor. Shifting of Registered Office of the Company from National Capital Territory of Delhi to the State of Maharashtra, i.e. within the jurisdiction of the Registrar of Companies, Maharashtra at Mumbai. Signed this …..........…......... day of …………………………………….........… 2015. Signature of Member.................................................................................................. Signature of Proxy Holder(s): 1) ..........................2) ...........................3) ................... Affix Rs. 1 Revenue Stamp Notes: 1. This form of proxy in order to be effective should be duly completed and deposited at the Registered Office of the Company not less than 48 hours before the commencement of the Meeting. 2. A proxy need not be a member of the Company. 3. A person can act as a proxy on behalf of members not exceeding fifty and holding in the aggregate not more than 10% of the total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights. A member holding more than 10% of the total share capital of the Company carrying voting rights may appoint a single person as proxy and such person shall not act as proxy for any other person or member. **4 This is only optional. Please put a “X” in the appropriate column against the resolutions indicated in the Box. If you leave the “For” or “Against” column blank against any or all resolutions, your Proxy will be entitled to vote in the manner as he/ she thinks appropriate. 5. Appointing a proxy does not prevent a member from attending the meeting in person if he so wishes. 6. In the case of jointholders, the signature of any one holder will be sufficient, but names of all the jointholders should be stated.