Summer 2014
Summer 2014
Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID New Britain, CT 950 Slater Road, New Britain, CT 06053-1658 PERMIT # 914 p: {860} 229-6665 voice/tdd | f: {860} 826-6883 | summer To have your name removed from our mailing list, please write, call, or email 2014 Would you like your newsletter delivered electronically? To be added to the list, please send an email to A MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT Richard L. Judd, Ph.D. THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR SPONSORSHIP and Golfer Information contact Noreen Hills, Director of Development 2014 CCARC GOLF OPEN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 Timberlin Golf Course, Berlin, CT 4 at 860-229-6665 or email or online at Annual meetings of organizations all have special features and ours are well spelled out in this newsletter: recognizing outstanding clients, volunteers, community and state leaders and celebrating the important work of CCARC. The evening, at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church, was one of ambiance, being with friends of CCARC and enjoying the cuisine of Teresa’s catering. However, there is more to an annual meeting than these typical, but important happenings. What strikes me most is the deep level of commitment that CCARC’s volunteers demonstrate in carrying out our mission to make dreams happen. The annual meeting serves as the lynch pin each year for CCARC, founded in 1952, to continue to provide an array of services for those with developmental disabilities. The volunteers of CCARC reflect what many Americans do in making America stronger as a nation: volunteering is one of the cornerstones of our society. Booker T. Washington had it right when he said, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Not only do volunteers provide leadership to CCARC’s organizational units but also devote much time and expertise in raising funds, fulfilling what Alexis deToqueville observed in his analysis of the American spirit in the 1830’s: “…Americans make a great deal of real sacrifices to the public welfare…they hardly ever failed to lend a faithful support to one another…” CCARC ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION CCARC held its Annual Awards Dinner on Wednesday, May 14th at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Hall with Teresa’s Catering. Approximately 150 people attended, enjoyed a great meal, nice company and learned a little more about CCARC. CCARC gave awards to Faith Ondrick, a long time Board member and volunteer, as the “Person of the Year.” Faith was humorous and thoroughly pleased during her thank you speech Representative Elizabeth Boukus was honored as the “Partner in Care.” Betty told a great story about when she was able to assist a CCARC individual with meeting Governor Malloy – it was this person’s dream to personally thank the Governor for all his hard work. Grace C.M.E. Church and Pastor Thomas Mills, Jr. was awarded the “Partner in Community.” Pastor Mills promised that Grace’s gifts to CCARC would renew again and again. Faith Ondrick receives the Person of the Year Award from CEO Anne Ruwet and Chris Conlon of Smokin’ Board President Richard Judd with Chris restaurant was awarded the “Partner in Employment.” Chris’ son Dylan graciously accepted the award on his father’s behalf. Reflecting on these values is what encourages me as CCARC’s President, but more so, to commend all of the CCARC team volunteers, management and employees – who continue our Physical Address Phone (voice/tdd) / Fax quest to make dreams happen. {860} 229 • 6665 950 Slater Road New Britain, CT 06053 {860} 826 • 6883 Email / Web We Make Dreams Happen CCARC 2nd Annual w o h S Art This past June, CCARC individuals displayed 70 pieces of artwork at their main location at 950 Slater Road, New Britain. The evening was a resounding success with approximately 150 attendees – artists, family, friends and the community. Fortunately, most of the needs of the event were donated. This was especially important since there was no charge to attend! CCARC thanks Hampton Inn Suites Farmington, Spring Brook Ice and Fuel Service, Ace Advance Paper Company, Marzi Florist, and Town & Country Pizza for helping to make this event happen. And, they extend heartfelt gratitude to the committee volunteers who made this all come together: Lillian Agostini, Angela Campagna, Vince Stryeski, and Cathy Vacchelli. Bob poses with his art Margaret enjoys all the artwork Together they all fulfilled CCARC’s mission to make dreams happen! * Indicates that a second term is being served. June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2016 President, Richard Judd* 1st Vice President, Ernestine Weaver* 2nd Vice President, Harry Sitilides* Secretary, Cathy Vacchelli Treasurer, Gregory Stafstrom Immediate Past President, Michael Carrier* Directors at Large June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2017 Jack Isaac Carl Lovitt Jeffrey Plocharczyk Lynn Ricci Gary Robinson* Patricia Strazzulla 2 Directors at Large June 1, 2013 – May 31, 2016 Mary Jean Agostini Angela Campagna* Janice Mazadoorian Claudia McGhee* Marion Sangeloty Timothy Stewart Directors at Large June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2015 Marlene Michaud Jean Plocharczyk Alicia Rostkowski Steve Westall 2013 Employee of the Quarter Awards June May, Employee of the 1st Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet Georgia Harvey, Employee of the 2nd Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet A parent commented how pleased she was that she had stayed and what an enjoyable evening it was. The anticipation lives up to the reality of the event. People come alive at this dine and dance. For some, this may be the only time they get out on a yearly basis to something that is clearly catered just to them. There were nothing but smiles to be had – all around – attendees and volunteers. Some really came out of their shell. Hilda Pacinda John Visnauskas Anne L. Ruwet CEO Anne Ruwet, Board President Richard Judd present Rep. Elizabeth Boukus with the Partner in Care award. CCARC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors 2014-2016 OFFICERS President, Ernestine Weaver Vice President, Michael Carrier Treasurer, Harry Sitilides Secretary, Hugh Penney Caitlin Greco, Employee of the 4th Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet PEERS Dinner Dance Directors Emeriti Chief Executive Officer Josh Esposito, Employee of the 3rd Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet On a rainy, dreary evening this spring about 130 individuals from CCARC and the community gathered at St. Jerome Church to dine and dance the night away. This has been happening for over 20 years. Some of the comments heard before the dance included someone who was just excited about all the food! Dinner included a generous Italian meal with plenty of cookies to top it off. The annual event was provided by the Italian Heritage Foundation, formerly the Unico Club. Music ranged from top 40 to Country to the ever popular limbo! Some enjoyed singing along and the karaoke was a lot of fun. Welcome to the New and Returning Members of the CCARC, Inc. Board of Directors Officers CONGRATULATIONS! DIRECTORS Mary Jean Agostini Charles Boos Roderick Brown Joseph Harper Richard Judd Justine Moriarty Jean Plocharczyk Paul Salina Steve Westall Anthony Lazzaro, the President of the Italian Heritage Foundation said “It’s always a joy for us to be here!” Maria leads the limbo line CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Anne L. Ruwet Yes I Can members present Bill with the Mary Perez Self Advocacy Award Steven & Bea mastering the limbo Jill, Kasha, Jill, and Nancy having fun at the Dinner Dance 3 CCARC 2nd Annual w o h S Art This past June, CCARC individuals displayed 70 pieces of artwork at their main location at 950 Slater Road, New Britain. The evening was a resounding success with approximately 150 attendees – artists, family, friends and the community. Fortunately, most of the needs of the event were donated. This was especially important since there was no charge to attend! CCARC thanks Hampton Inn Suites Farmington, Spring Brook Ice and Fuel Service, Ace Advance Paper Company, Marzi Florist, and Town & Country Pizza for helping to make this event happen. And, they extend heartfelt gratitude to the committee volunteers who made this all come together: Lillian Agostini, Angela Campagna, Vince Stryeski, and Cathy Vacchelli. Bob poses with his art Margaret enjoys all the artwork Together they all fulfilled CCARC’s mission to make dreams happen! * Indicates that a second term is being served. June 1, 2014 - May 31, 2016 President, Richard Judd* 1st Vice President, Ernestine Weaver* 2nd Vice President, Harry Sitilides* Secretary, Cathy Vacchelli Treasurer, Gregory Stafstrom Immediate Past President, Michael Carrier* Directors at Large June 1, 2014 – May 31, 2017 Jack Isaac Carl Lovitt Jeffrey Plocharczyk Lynn Ricci Gary Robinson* Patricia Strazzulla 2 Directors at Large June 1, 2013 – May 31, 2016 Mary Jean Agostini Angela Campagna* Janice Mazadoorian Claudia McGhee* Marion Sangeloty Timothy Stewart Directors at Large June 1, 2012 - May 31, 2015 Marlene Michaud Jean Plocharczyk Alicia Rostkowski Steve Westall 2013 Employee of the Quarter Awards June May, Employee of the 1st Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet Georgia Harvey, Employee of the 2nd Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet A parent commented how pleased she was that she had stayed and what an enjoyable evening it was. The anticipation lives up to the reality of the event. People come alive at this dine and dance. For some, this may be the only time they get out on a yearly basis to something that is clearly catered just to them. There were nothing but smiles to be had – all around – attendees and volunteers. Some really came out of their shell. Hilda Pacinda John Visnauskas Anne L. Ruwet CEO Anne Ruwet, Board President Richard Judd present Rep. Elizabeth Boukus with the Partner in Care award. CCARC Foundation, Inc. Board of Directors 2014-2016 OFFICERS President, Ernestine Weaver Vice President, Michael Carrier Treasurer, Harry Sitilides Secretary, Hugh Penney Caitlin Greco, Employee of the 4th Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet PEERS Dinner Dance Directors Emeriti Chief Executive Officer Josh Esposito, Employee of the 3rd Quarter with CEO Anne Ruwet On a rainy, dreary evening this spring about 130 individuals from CCARC and the community gathered at St. Jerome Church to dine and dance the night away. This has been happening for over 20 years. Some of the comments heard before the dance included someone who was just excited about all the food! Dinner included a generous Italian meal with plenty of cookies to top it off. The annual event was provided by the Italian Heritage Foundation, formerly the Unico Club. Music ranged from top 40 to Country to the ever popular limbo! Some enjoyed singing along and the karaoke was a lot of fun. Welcome to the New and Returning Members of the CCARC, Inc. Board of Directors Officers CONGRATULATIONS! DIRECTORS Mary Jean Agostini Charles Boos Roderick Brown Joseph Harper Richard Judd Justine Moriarty Jean Plocharczyk Paul Salina Steve Westall Anthony Lazzaro, the President of the Italian Heritage Foundation said “It’s always a joy for us to be here!” Maria leads the limbo line CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Anne L. Ruwet Yes I Can members present Bill with the Mary Perez Self Advocacy Award Steven & Bea mastering the limbo Jill, Kasha, Jill, and Nancy having fun at the Dinner Dance 3 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID New Britain, CT 950 Slater Road, New Britain, CT 06053-1658 PERMIT # 914 p: {860} 229-6665 voice/tdd | f: {860} 826-6883 | summer To have your name removed from our mailing list, please write, call, or email 2014 Would you like your newsletter delivered electronically? To be added to the list, please send an email to A MESSAGE FROM PRESIDENT Richard L. Judd, Ph.D. THERE’S STILL TIME TO REGISTER FOR SPONSORSHIP and Golfer Information contact Noreen Hills, Director of Development 2014 CCARC GOLF OPEN WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014 Timberlin Golf Course, Berlin, CT 4 at 860-229-6665 or email or online at Annual meetings of organizations all have special features and ours are well spelled out in this newsletter: recognizing outstanding clients, volunteers, community and state leaders and celebrating the important work of CCARC. The evening, at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church, was one of ambiance, being with friends of CCARC and enjoying the cuisine of Teresa’s catering. However, there is more to an annual meeting than these typical, but important happenings. What strikes me most is the deep level of commitment that CCARC’s volunteers demonstrate in carrying out our mission to make dreams happen. The annual meeting serves as the lynch pin each year for CCARC, founded in 1952, to continue to provide an array of services for those with developmental disabilities. The volunteers of CCARC reflect what many Americans do in making America stronger as a nation: volunteering is one of the cornerstones of our society. Booker T. Washington had it right when he said, “If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.” Not only do volunteers provide leadership to CCARC’s organizational units but also devote much time and expertise in raising funds, fulfilling what Alexis deToqueville observed in his analysis of the American spirit in the 1830’s: “…Americans make a great deal of real sacrifices to the public welfare…they hardly ever failed to lend a faithful support to one another…” CCARC ANNUAL AWARDS CELEBRATION CCARC held its Annual Awards Dinner on Wednesday, May 14th at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Hall with Teresa’s Catering. Approximately 150 people attended, enjoyed a great meal, nice company and learned a little more about CCARC. CCARC gave awards to Faith Ondrick, a long time Board member and volunteer, as the “Person of the Year.” Faith was humorous and thoroughly pleased during her thank you speech Representative Elizabeth Boukus was honored as the “Partner in Care.” Betty told a great story about when she was able to assist a CCARC individual with meeting Governor Malloy – it was this person’s dream to personally thank the Governor for all his hard work. Grace C.M.E. Church and Pastor Thomas Mills, Jr. was awarded the “Partner in Community.” Pastor Mills promised that Grace’s gifts to CCARC would renew again and again. Faith Ondrick receives the Person of the Year Award from CEO Anne Ruwet and Chris Conlon of Smokin’ Board President Richard Judd with Chris restaurant was awarded the “Partner in Employment.” Chris’ son Dylan graciously accepted the award on his father’s behalf. Reflecting on these values is what encourages me as CCARC’s President, but more so, to commend all of the CCARC team volunteers, management and employees – who continue our Physical Address Phone (voice/tdd) / Fax quest to make dreams happen. {860} 229 • 6665 950 Slater Road New Britain, CT 06053 {860} 826 • 6883 Email / Web We Make Dreams Happen
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