www.elorafergusstudiotour.ca 42 ARTISTS OPEN THEIR DOORS


www.elorafergusstudiotour.ca 42 ARTISTS OPEN THEIR DOORS
The Elora Arts Council is seeking a
Treasurer for our registered non-profit
organization. The work commitment is
approximately 4 hours a month The
Treasurer will also attend our monthly
Arts Council Executive meetings. We
use Quickbooks for non-profits. We
are happy to provide knowledgeable
training in this software if it is not
Interested? Contact Barb Lee, Chair
at barbararuth.lee@gmail.com
Fall is an exciting and invigorating time when we all
think of new beginnings, fresh starts and turning
leaves. I think the crisp air, Indian summer,
harvest celebrations and art everywhere are in
themselves renewals.
We have much to look forward to this fall here in
our community , including a Plein Air Artists
Picnic and our amazing Fergus Elora Studio
Tour. I am delighted to hear that this year we
have more artists than ever welcoming people
into their studios.
The Elora Arts Council is also seeking to renew
and refresh our focus and mandate. We had a
stimulating work group session this June that
resulted in clarifying where we need to put energy
and efforts to keep EAC relevant and vital to the
arts and artists in our community of Centre
We will be posting the work group results and
planned actions to our website soon. Thank you
to all those in the working group for your insight
and input.
Barb Lee
Autumn 2015
Sept 26-27 and Oct 3-4
10 am to p.m ., 2015
Exhibition Opening night, Elora Centre for
the Arts Thursday, Septem ber 17 th
Forty-two vibrant, professional artists and craftspeople open their studios to
the public this fall for the 2015 Elora-Fergus Studio Tour. The tour offers a
look behind the scenes, a chance to meet artists where they live and work,
see works often not shown in gallery settings, and buy a special creation - all
during two weekends in the fall.
"This year we have the most varied and highest calibre of artist we have ever
had on a studio tour," says Studio Tour Chair and participating artist Grayce
Perry. The large tour has the variety of art that appeals to all tastes and to
people who collect all types of art. There are artists working in glass, clay,
metal, fibre, encaustic, mixed media, photography, painting and jewellery.
A good place to start the tour is at The Elora Centre for the Arts. The Gallery
show has a representative piece from every artist. Entrance is FREE and all
the studios are within easy driving distance and many within walking distance
of each other.
This year, six artists are new to the tour: glass artist Jean Loney who is known
for her flowing mosaics, and painters Meredith Blackmore (known for portraits
and figures), Judy French (landscapes), Ruth Lane (figurative), Dick Marvin
(landscapes) and Rick Worthington (urban landscapes and interiors).
For information, directions, and artist details and photos of work, go to our
90 PROOF : The Art of Copp, Masewich and McCarthy
Wellington County Museum Exhibition Hall. September 12-November 1, 2015
A journey through the Wellington County landscape as seen through the eyes of
three of our most renowned artists: Linda Risacher Copp, Joel Masewich and Barry
McCarthy. Between them, they have 90 years of experience, each masters in their
chosen areas: the reflective peace of Copp's batiks, the edgy power of Masewich's
acrylic and metal abstracts and the stunning representational watercolours of Barry
McCarthy. This will be a show to remember...
Please join us at the opening on Friday evening, September 11, 7-9pm.
Returning to Elora, what had been the craft of ceramics evolved into
multiple sculptures. Numerous semi-repetitive women figures, austerely rigid
and constrained in wire or glowingly finished in raku, expressed her
sensibilities in the series Women I Have Known for which she won first prize
for ceramics at the Insights Show in 2007. Grayce again won the sculpture
prize in 2009. “Perhaps it was a seed planted in that foreign country, nurtured
by conflicting doctrines, that transformed the paint by number child into the
passionate, intuitive artist that I am”, Grayce says.
While working in ceramics, she shared The Studio, a very small space on
Mill Street East, Elora, with Shirley Al and Jo Lomas, experimenting with the
raku process under Riki Weiland.
“At the core of my work is a fascination with the complex emotions and
relationships that constitute the human journey”. Expressions in sculpture
transformed into paintings on mylar: happier paintings in oil, graphite and
charcoal, abstracts in colours of ochre and grey-blue, the translucent
backgound giving light to subjects connected with Grayce’s love of nature.
These were a distinctive signature, bringing” a solo show at Whitestone
Gallery and numerous group shows and sales. “For me painting is a form of
meditation. Through the process of layering and gestural marking, my work
evokes memories and longings, strength and vulnerability”
Grayce Perry
Paint, Sculpture, Collage
Writing of herself Grayce says “The fact that I am
driven to create artwork remains a mystery to me”.
She never saw herself as an artist. But in
response to a tragedy, to work through anger,
sorrow, memories and dreams, she explored her
latent talent, discovering the purging joy of
There was no artwork in her childhood home in
the hill station of Shillong, north east India, known
as the Abode of the Clouds.. Her parents were
missionaries, and Grayce was the eldest of eight
children in her family. She attended school, the
only blond, blue-eyed girl in her class, barefoot
and speaking Khasi, an Austroasian language.
At 16 she left India to complete her bachelor’s
degree in Arkansas and Louisiana, majoring in
Psychology and Biology.. She later took a
teaching degree in Hamilton, leading to
employment at J.D.Hogarth school in Fergus
teaching math, English and art for grade 7-8 youth
Four years ago Grayce left teaching to focus on
her artwork. Her three children had left home:
Nathan Perry, her eldest still lives in Elora and is
the father of seven children. Erin Perry studied
visual arts at Emily Carr and completed her MFA
at Rhode Island School of Design. She is now
establishing her career as an artist in Vancouver.
Alexei Perry Cox is recognized internationally as a
musician and writer, with a recently published
book of poetry “Under Her”. Grayce had nurtured
creativity in her children but was only beginning to
discover her own artistic talent.
In an attempt to resolve pain and loss, Grayce
engaged in a ceramics night class with Geoff
Stevens at the Elora Pottery. She also travelled to
San Miguel d’Allende in Mexico, a hub of art
where she experimented with paint and clay.
More recently Grayce, has explored multi-media collage through the series
These Women I Know and Women in the Zodiac, both series leading to solo
shows and awards. The elegance of these figures and the psychological
insight that she has transformed into a visual shorthand have marked her
work with distinction. We sense the exuberance of her creation as she paints
and stipples the paper, adds marble dust, sparkles, anything that may
enhance the flowing outlines of the elongated feminine figures Her
minimalist sculptural women have come alive in subtle lines and curves,
revealing daring and risk taking, affirming a belief in the strength of women.
In earlier years, the lovely Grayce was captured in a wonderful painting by
Jim Reed. The large portrait is still in
his collection.
Now her house on 64 Colborne
Street, Elora, is pervaded with the
joy of creation. Her partner Bob
Norris, a classical guitarist (see
Profile: Winter 2006) is a performer,
composer, teacher and recording
engineer. Their small home includes
their studios and the extension of a
lovely enclosed garden.
In May of this year Grayce paired with
marquetry artist Stephen Haigh in the
show Water, Wood and Sky, with a
vibrant opening night of visual art,
music and poetry.
An avid supporter of local arts and
artists, Grayce has been on the
executive of the Elora Fergus Studio
Tour for five years and has been the
chair for the past three years. Prior to
that she served on the executive of
Insights Committee for three years.
Of her creative analogies Grayce says: ,
“I like to create something people can
relate to. To tell a story. My hope is to
capture some recognizable essence of a
common human experience, emotion
or place”.
“I am having so much fun!”
Interview by
Beverley Cairns
Mixed Media Collage: Leap of Faith.
In The Council Chamber, Municipal Building
Laurie Stockton
I think I have been an artist most of my life! Art was a means to express myself
emotionally and to interpret the world around me . Sometimes I need to problem
solve or explore conflict through my art, and sometimes I want to capture the world
around me. Since moving to an off-the-grid home in the country, I have been drawn
to the rural countryside: the farm animals, the landscape and the big skies.
At Groves Memorial Community Hospital Lobby:
Anne Hobbs : Photographs from Paris
Anne lives in Elora where she finds inspiration for her dual interest in Textile Art and
Photography. For the past five years she has studied photography in Paris, France
taking courses, participating in numerous photo shoots with photography groups
and expanding her collection of images on the themes of windows and doors.
Elora Arts Council
Artists’ Picnic: Sun. Sept 13, 10am-4pm.
Forest Gait Farm, 8122 Eramosa-Garafraxa
Town Line ( just east of County rd 29)
A Plein Air Event for Artists of all kinds. FREE.
Please register at 619 846- 2221 or
Elora Centre for the Arts.
75 Melville St., Elora
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. Weekends 1pm-3,30pm
Wordfest: Thurs. Oct. 22, 2015, 7pm. The Harris
Room. Open to all ages.
Elora Acoustic Café:: perform, listen, converse.
2 Friday of month (most months)
Elora Self-guided Art Walk: start here. Includes 15
galleries, Elora Sculpture Park and 3 displays.
At The Fergus Sportsplex Board Rooms
Fergus Grand Theatre
The artwork of students from St. John's Kilmarnock School
Many beautiful black and white patterned and abstract drawings reflect the
assignments of an excellent art teacher and the work of receptive pupils.
In the window of Greg Oakes Office, Geddes Street, Elora
Participation in the Elora “Save Our Water” campaign with the vivid paintings of
rivers and streams by Nils Goran Bengetsson. From September 9 to 27: new art
works by Graeme Chalmers, Fergus, prior to his participation in the Elora Fergus
Studio Tour.
244 St Andrews St. West
ECT has a new rehearsal space, found after an exhaustive search when the
previous space on Mill St East was sold. The search included looking at potential
sites in both Elora and Fergus. We have now found a home at the corner of
Highway 86 and Katherine Street (from Elora) near West Montrose, which offered
two buildings including storage space, rehearsal space and building space.
Everything was moved at the beginning of August with a great turnout of people and
vehicles for rental.
The space is already being used for rehearsal of our first play Don’t Talk to the
Actors , by Tom Dudazick, a comedy about the ego-driven world of Broadway. and
auditions for The Drawer Boy, an award winning Canadian play by Michael Healey,
directed by Julie Wheeler-Bryant are being booked now for October 4, 5, 6 , with
rehearsals starting shortly after for this play.
The Drawer Boy, which will be ECT’s entry for the WODL drama festival, tells the
story of two farmers in Southern Ontario who took in a city boy, a university student
who wanted to write a play about farming and learn by living with the two farmers.
A comedy, but also a touching drama that deals with friendship, loyalty, love and
secrets. Production will take place in February. Contact: jwheelerb@cogeco.ca
The third play of the season is the classic Little Women.
September 13th, 7pm, we are holding our Annual General Meeting at our new
space. Everyone is invited and we are proud to welcome everyone to our new
Season's tickets are available at the box office for all three shows for
a great price of $51.00
2pm at the Wellington County Museum’s Exhibition Hall
Oct 25:
Nov 15:
Jan 17:
Mar 6:
Brad Halls - music of James Van Heusen, writer for Crosby & Sinatra
Ken Gee, Paule Barsalou & 2nd violins from the Guelph Symphony
an afternoon of piano, flute & horn
to be announced.
Cantabile Strings, a programme of Beethoven.
Acting classes with Take 2 Drama (ages 8-12)
Approved FGT Technical Course
The Grand Impressario Events 101
Please register for these events at theatre.
Elora Community Theatre: Don’t talk To The
Actors by Tom Dudazick, Directed by Nancy
Reaume: Nov 6,7,8,14,15 . Show times Fri, Sat
at 8pm. Sun:2pm
Wellington County Museum and
Wellington Rd. 18 between Elora and Fergus
Poor House Spirit and Cemetery Walk,
October 22 - 29, various times
Military Lecture Series, Nov 5 and 12, 7:00 pm,
90 Proof: The Art of Copp, Masewich and
McCarthy September 12-November 1, 2015
Wellington Artist Gallery & Art
Wellington Rd 29, RR#4, Fergus
Annual Juried Art Show: Opening and award
ceremony, October 3, 2pm to 4pm. Exhibition:
Oct. 1 to 28, Jurors: J, Reed, D, Marvin, P, Deitrich.
Café Creperie- Ashanti,
Mill St., Elora
Water Month Show of local artists till Sept 14.
Communiqué is published quarterly and has been in
constant production for 30 years. It provides information
& an archival record of EAC’s activities.
Next issue: January 2016 Deadline for submissions,
January 5,2016 EAC Members may include notices of
events in our calendar sent by e-mail if space is
Editors: Beverley Cairns & Patricia Reimer.
e-mail: eloraartscouncil@gmail.com
website: www.artscouncil.elora.on.ca
Annual Membership
Memberships are due by
January 1 for the following year.
Please print. Make cheques payable to:
The Elora Arts Council,
P.O. Box 3092
Elora, ON., N0B 1S0
! Individual ($20)
! Family ($30)
! Groups ($30)
Grazyna Adamska – “Poised and Unbalanced” – Painting Award
Sonia Bukata – “Boro’d and Blue # 1” – Material Arts Award
Marilyn Clarke – “Autumn Hill, Bath UK” – Insights Award and People’s Choice Award
Fraser Forsythe – “Sandstone Dreams” – Elora Arts Council Award
Sophie Hogan – “Night Door” – Photography Award
Anastasia McEwen – “If I Were Joyce Carol Oates” – Works on Paper Award
Richard Pilon – “Les Effacements” – Ellen Langlands Memorial Award
Sunday. September 13. 10 am to 4 pm
At: Forest Gait Farm
8122 Eramosa-Garafraxa Town Line (just east of County Rd 29)
A Plein Air event for Artists visual artists, poets, musicians, actors, singers,
dancers. photographers. composers.
Come together and create and socialize.
Bring your lunch, a chair and the tools of your art. Be inspired by the rolling
pastureland and the magnificence of Paso Fino horses.
12 noon: group lunch. No fee, but please register in advance:
susan.thorning@ cogeco.ca or 519 846-2221
Tel. No: _____________________________
E-mail: ______________________________
The most significant change this year has been our venture into shared
puppetry By ‘shared puppetry’ we mean dispensing with the traditional miniproscenium format and using two or three, usually larger, puppets to interact
directly with our audiences. In ‘Stone Soup’, for example, we involve all the
audience as villagers.. Performers are in full view of the audience and use no
ventriloquist tricks, yet the audience – even an adult audience – quickly
meshes with the puppetry and forgets the puppeteers.
!!!!Also we welcome new puppeteers to our team: Gail Brown and Susan
Brideau, and her granddaughter, Cassie have added their own skills and
ideas to our group. We look forward to another great season.
Puppets Elora had a wonderful 20th anniversary season bringing a
combination of performance, show-and-tell, and puppet manipulation
workshop to three schools this spring to support their puppetry units. We
have over fifty practice mouth and hand puppets and were able to adjust the
program for students from kindergarten up to grade six.
With our new cordless microphones we were able to perform at outdoor
venues. The troupe had an informative trip to the puppet festival in Stratford
to learn from other puppeteers. Currently we are investigating the creation
of a new show using a Cranky: a method that employs a rolling backdrop for
the story. To hone our painting skills for this we took a Sumi-e workshop.
! I am interested in working as a volunteer at
EAC events, or being part of a committee.
These are my particular interests:
EAC’s Annual General Meeting is in April
April 2015-April 2016
Chair: Barbara Lee
Vice Chair: Beverley Cairns
Secretary: Susan Thorning
Assistant Secretary: Louise Dench Beney
Treasurer: Melanie Morel
Special Projects: Patricia Reimer
Dorothy Collin
Meetings of the Board take place the first
Wednesday of each month at 7.30 p.m. Members
are encouraged to come to meetings. For location,
please phone 619 846-0556..
Bring us your project proposals
100 Thousand Poets for Change
On 26 September 2015 the Elora Poetry Centre is once again taking part in
the world-wide "100 Thousand Poets for Change" celebration, for peace,
sustainability and justice. Over 100 countries are participating and it is
estimated that there will be over 700 simultaneous initiatives. Our event this
year is centred on "water."
Beginning at 3.00 pm MICHAEL BASINSKI, Curator of the Poetry
Collection, SUNY Buffalo, as well as a text, visual and sound poet, will be
reading from his works and talking about the Collection.
GEORGIA SIMMS, dancer and choreographer, will be performing on a
water theme, and JERRY PRAGER and MORVERN McNIE will be reading
relevant poems.
After the readings there will be a finger-food supper and wine. Donations will
be gratefully received. Details: (519) 846-2551

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