Term 3, Week 5 - St John Bosco School
Term 3, Week 5 - St John Bosco School
St John Bosco School, Brooklyn Park A Catholic School in the Salesian Tradition Our school was founded by the Salesian Sisters in 1954 THE SJB SCHOOL BULLETIN Term 3, Week 5 St John Bosco School 19 Lipsett Tce Brooklyn Park SA 5032 Phone: 8352 7073 Fax: 8443 3040 Web: www.sjb.catholic.edu.au Email: office@sjb.catholic.edu.au Wednesday 19th August 2015 Saint John Bosco’s 200th Birthday Celebration To mark this historic occasion the three Salesian Schools in South Australia: St Mark’s Port Pirie, Xavier College, Gawler and St John Bosco came together for the first time to celebrate this event. UNIFORM SHOP Phone: 8354 0832 Fax: 8443 3040 Open Tuesday 8.30am - 11.00am PARISH OF ST ALOYSIUS & ST JOHN BOSCO Parish Office Phone: 8352 3561 PARISH PRIEST Fr Joseph Lee SDB, PP Mass Times: Saturday 9.00am & 6.00pm 1st, 3rd & 5th Saturdays Sunday 8.30am (Italian) & 10.00am Weekdays Mon - Fri 7.30am (Public Holidays 9.00am) SCHOOL CALENDAR Week 5 20 Aug Carly Ryan Cybersafety Session Year 4-7 Students/Parents 21 Aug Casual Day Week 6 24 Aug Sports Committee Meeting 25 Aug Uniform Committee Meeting 25 Aug Sacramental Meeting 6.30pm 26 Aug Mary ‘Assumption’ Mass 9.00am Father Joseph Lee, Vicar General Philip Marshall and Father Brian Ahern. Vicar General, Father Philip Marshall LATEST EDITION OF THE SOUTHERN CROSS Keep in touch with your local Church by taking time to read the news and stories in The Southern Cross. THIS SUNDAY’S GOSPEL READING Many of Jesus’ disciples who were listening said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?” Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, “Does this shock you? What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and life. But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him. And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.” As a result of this, many of his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him. Jesus then said to the Twelve, “Do you also want to leave?” Simon Peter answered him, “Master, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and are convinced that you are the Holy One of God.” John 6: 60-69 DIRECT LINK: ASK FR JOE http:// www.thesoutherncross.org.au/ John Bosco wrote, “I was born on the day dedicated to Mary Assumed into Heaven in 1815.” Although the records show he was born 200 years ago on the 16th August. VOLUNTEERING AT St John Bosco School Our School values the rich contribution of volunteers in the life and work of our community. Requirements: Registration Catholic Police Check Induction Online Training: Responding to Child Abuse and Neglect. Please click onto the website. PUPIL FREE DAYS Friday 4th September Friday 11th December OUR UNIFORM SHOP OPEN TUESDAY MORNINGS SCHOOL BANKING DAY IS TUESDAY Respect St John Bosco was born 200 years ago Throughout the world, all those who know about St John Bosco would most likely be celebrating the bicentenary of his birth. We did that last Sunday at the Parish/School family Mass on the day itself, Sunday 16th August. The Mass had extra specialness. Mrs Mia Harms organised parents and staff to do the Universal Prayer in languages other than English, e.g. Italian, Chilean, Sri Lankan, Malayalam, and Japanese. There was an international theme too with the early lunch that followed in the St Maria Mazzarello Memorial Complex (Hall). Thanks to Mr Paul Murphy and the Out of School Hours staff we were able to use their area and new kitchen facilities as well as the canteen kitchen. Another feature was Anthony C who read from his persuasive writing essay on Saint John Bosco, and Mrs Harms also spoke about this wonderful saint for today. The next part was the international brunch where we shared dishes brought by many people. There were numerous parish volunteers who helped bring this about. The school’s Parents and Friends Association contributed generously with the jumping castle and face painting, and the ice cream from the pizza and pasta night. The day began with a cloudy morning, and the last few weeks have been cloudy with showers on and off. But during Mass the sun started to shine strongly through the orange-yellow frosted windows. We thank God for blessing us and for the prayers of Mary for our celebrations today. We also thank everyone who helped and everyone who came. God bless you all, Fr Joseph Lee SDB, PP Understanding Affirmation Happiness NEWS FROM AROUND OUR SCHOOL... DEEPEST SYMPATHY is extended to Despina (6-7GC), Michael (3-4MB) and Paras (3-4TV) Andonopoulos and Paras (6-7GC) and Ilias (1-2CS) Georgopoulos on the passing of their Grandfather and Great Grandfather. THANK YOU to our parents and staff and students who attending Sunday’s Parish/School Celebration for Saint John Bosco day. Your interest and support was appreciated by the school and by the Parish. The day was a terrific celebration of Mass and a shared Brunch. The children enjoyed the Jumping Castle and Face Painting. THANK YOU to our P&F Team for helping with activities on Sunday at the celebration. The P&F team were very helpful in managing the serving of food. Our P&F supported the costs of the Jumping Castle and Face Painting. Your care and team work was really appreciated. THANK YOU to our Parish for the support and help with the celebration on Sunday. OUR SAINT JOHN BOSCO CELEBRATION: we enjoyed a great day yesterday with Mass, a BBQ and a Concert. This day honoured our patron, Saint John Bosco. We joined with St Mark’s College, Port Pirie and Xavier College, Gawler Belt. This was a very historic gathering of Salesian schools. THANK YOU to our students and staff for the great work in hosting our visitors yesterday from St Mark’s College and Xavier College. The hospitality of our school was appreciated. The behaviour and respect from our students was fantastic. THANK YOU to our wonderful BBQ helper’s yesterday, cooking a record 1250 sausages! Amazing! The group fed a crowd of about 700 people. Thank you to Vanessa Miglis for coordinating the helpers. Thank you to our BBQ Team: Debra Olds, Gill & Ben Stanton, Maria Manocchio, Lucy Panozzo, Carolta Mendoza, Angela Stravolemes, David Gentile, Saldy Mendoza, Antonia Arena, Lanie Engelhardt. We really appreciated your effort and skill. Thanks for working with us to help make a great day. THANK YOU to Velina Del Tedesco from our Parish for the help in organising the BankSA tent for our use yesterday. This was a marvellous asset for the celebration. Thank you to BankSA SONYA RYAN CYBERSAFETY RSVPs: a reminder to Years 4-7 parents that we are expecting attendance at the session as per the letter you received last week. The response from parents has been disappointing. RECEPTION PARENT WORKSHOP: Thanks to Giovanna and Emma for their work in presenting a wonderful workshop on Oral Language for our Reception parents. Your skill and knowledge was appreciated by those attending. We were also joined by our Speech Pathologist, Andrea Ferguson. Thanks to the parents who attended and showed their support and partnership with us. We appreciated your interest.. HEAD LICE: we recently have had an outbreak of Head Lice in our school. We ask families to check their child/ren’s hair and treat if necessary. A CASUAL DAY To END OUR SAINT JOHN BOSCO CELEBRATIONS and to say well done to our students for their efforts on Tuesday. THIS FRIDAY Sensible casual clothes. Students who have a sport lesson on Friday need to be dressed appropriately. We also have whole school Fitness on Friday and students need to be dressed for activity. Respect Understanding Affirmation Happiness OSHC Pupil Free Day Friday 4th September Open 8am – 6pm (If numbers allow) Cost $40 (CCB Subsidies can apply if eligible) It’s that time of year when the Royal Adelaide Show is here. We will be having our own OSHC show day here at School. Children will get to make their own showbags, lucky dips, face painting and enjoy some yummy fairy floss. If you require care please let Danielle or one of the OSHC Educators know by Wednesday 2nd September. Call 8352 7073, come into OSHC, or email danielle.green@sjb.catholic.edu.au to book in CRAFT GROUP WHEN: Term 3 Wednesday Mornings from 9.00am WHERE: SJB OSHC Room WHO: ANYBODY, siblings COST: FREE RSVP: Linda lpiszcyk552@hotmail.com This term we are making scrunchies and ribbons for Sports Day. You can also come in and do your own craft project too! Some materials supplied with tea and coffee provided. Siblings are also welcome. It has been great to see some new faces. LIBRARY NEWS— BOOK WEEK SJB will launch celebrations on Thursday August 28th with a Dress Up Parade for Reception to Year 3-4 students. What: Dress up as your favourite Book Character Where: in the Library When: 9.00 am Thursday 27th August All Welcome Book Fair Opening Times: Thursday 27th August Monday 31st August Tuesday 1st September Wednesday 2nd September Lunch time 2.45 - 3.15 8.45 - 9.15 2.45 - 3.15 8.30 - 9.00 Lunch time 2.45 - 3.15 Fathers and Grandfathers Open Morning 8.30 - 10.30 Lunch time 2.45 - 3.15 Maryka Spurling-Janes Respect Understanding Affirmation Happiness HAVE YOU DOWNLOADED OUR NEW SCHOOL APP? We now have a FREE app Receive school information, instantly and directly to your smartphone ABSENTEES Did you know that you will be able to advise us of absentees simply by completing the form on the app? An email will be sent directly to the school Office to advise us of your child’s absence saving you the inconvenience of having to telephone the school. ALERTS Receive important reminders or notifications from us such as cancellation of sport training or special events happening at our school. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the school Office, but more importantly let us know what you think! Take advantage of free postage to ANYWHERE IN AUSTRALIA For a limited time only St John Bosco School are offering FREE POSTAGE to your door! CLICK HERE FOR FREE POSTAGE CONTINUING OUR RESPONSES TO THE SATISFACTION SURVEY Re Community/School Events “Give more notice to working families so they can get time off.” PUPIL FREE DAY TERM 3 We do try to give notice via The Annual School Parents Handbook – calendar on the last page The weekly School Bulletin - calendar front page and Term Calendar in the Week 1 edition each term Class Newsletters issued in Week 1 of each term The Calendars on our Website Letters/Forms sent home in hard copy via Class Boxes. We do our best to be helpful with dates. We need families to read the event lists that are issued through our various communications. We love having our parents involved at school and we like to see more families connecting with our school events and classrooms. Paul Respect Understanding FRIDAY 4TH SEPTEMBER allowing for a Family Show Day. Staff gathering for a Salesian Conference with St Marks, Port Pirie and Xavier College, Gawler Belt in a unique and historic event with SA Salesian Schools to honour Saint John Bosco's 200th Year. OSHC available if numbers allow. Affirmation Happiness P & F NEWS ST JOHN BOSCO 200 YEAR CELEBRATION WITH PARISH & SCHOOL We had the St John Bosco 200 year celebration with the Parish last Sunday and it was a wonderful event. The weather was perfect and there was a great turn out. The children were entertained with a Jumping Castle and Face Painting which they enjoyed greatly and had lots of fun. Thank you to the Parish members who helped organise the event and set up all the tables and chairs. Many thanks also to the parents who helped served food on the day. A special thank you to the MacFarlane family who made the fairy floss for the children on the day. It was a big hit. ST JOHN BOSCO 200 YEAR CELEBRATION AT SCHOOL Yesterday our school celebrated the St John Bosco 200 years with 700 students from St Marks, Pt Pirie and Xavier College. Thank you to the Parent Volunteers who helped to prepare, cook and serve the sausages for our Sausage Sizzle along with cleaning up as well. . WOOLWORTHS EARN AND LEARN REWARDS PROGRAM Don’t forget the Woolworth Earn & Learn Program which enables schools to earn educational resources when anyone from the School Community shops at Woolworths stores. It’s simple to participate. Shop at any Woolworths and you will receive Earn & Learn Point Stickers at the register to place on your sticker card. Anyone can participate including Parents, Grandparents and Staff. You will receive one sticker for every $10 spent. Once your sticker card is complete, please place them in our collection box located in the school Office, or give them to your child to put in the class office box. The program runs until Tuesday 8th September. THE CARLY RYAN FOUNDATION An evening with Sonya Ryan regarding online safety is being held this Thursday 20th August in the Parish Hall at 7 pm for all Year 4 - 7 parents. This presentation has been funded by the P&F as we believe it is extremely important for all our parents to be educated on Cybersafety as this is a very common problem we are facing these days with the modern technology our children have access to. Hope to see you there. FATHER’S DAY STALL AND RAFFLE The St John Bosco School Parent and Friends will be holding their annual Father’s Day Stall on Thursday 3rd September. All students have the opportunity to purchase a gift for their Father, Grandfather or any other significant male in their life. Items ranging in price from $1 - $5 will be available on the day. This will be the only day that these gifts will be available due to the Pupil Free Day the following day. Raffle Books have been sent home today and tickets are 10 for $2.00. Please return sold raffle books in a clearly marked envelope to the school Office by no later than Friday 28th of August. The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 3rd September! The prizes are currently on display in the school Office. Respect Understanding Father’s Day Raffle Prizes Angela Stravolemos, Chairperson P & F Affirmation Happiness P & F FUNDRAISING DRAKES COMMUNITY DOLLARS PROGRAM Remember also the Community Dollars Program from Drake Foodland Supermarkets of SA. When making a purchase at ANY Drake Foodland Supermarket in SA, scan the key tag barcode at the register and 1 cent from EVERY $2 spent will go to the school. Please attach the tags to your key ring (sent home last term) and pass any spares to parents, grandparents, carers and friends. Extra barcode tags are available at the school Office for any families that require extras for Grandparents, Uncles, Aunties and Friends. 60TH ANNIVERSARY WINES We have found a few spare unsold bottles of the 60th Anniversary Wine (9 x red and 9 x white) @ $15 per bottle. Email Chris MacFarlane chrisphysio@gmail.com, if you would like to buy some. First in first serve so don't delay. Chris MacFarlane, Chairperson P & F CANTEEN NEWS SAUSAGE SIZZLE DAY Friday 11th September is Sausage Sizzle Day. On this day we will need extra Volunteers to help. If you are able to assist and have a Catholic Police Clearance and are a Registered Volunteer please contact Jenny Boulton or the school Office. Special Treat Tuesdays For sale on Tuesday 25th August At RECESS only for our Canteen Roller Shutter Fundraiser Nachos with salsa and cheese for $1.00 Contains Dairy and Wheat Product and other Allergens Thanks to Tony & Marks at Torrensville for donating the Pasta we had for the Soup morning last week. Commonwealth Bank School Banking Update – Please Read Concerns have been raised regarding the ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ reward item due to the inclusion of four button batteries that can be accessed by unscrewing the back of the torch. Whilst this reward has been independently tested and deemed to meet relevant product standards the Commonwealth Bank have made the decision to proactively withdraw this item from the School Banking Rewards Program. Parents/Guardians are requested to dispose of any ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torches’ their child may have already received as part of the Rewards Program. Students who have previously received a ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ are welcome to redeem an alternative reward item. Respect Understanding Affirmation Happiness SPORT NEWS SOCCER RESULTS SATURDAY 15TH AUGUST Under 7 SJB 0 def by Nazareth Charcoal 3 A terrific effort from all players especially our Goalie, Rose who had some terrific saves well done!! Chris Saridakis Under 8 SJB Gold 3 - Flinders Park 1 This was an excellent game. Our team was 1-nil down at half time having played one player short. All players turned on their 'turbo boots' and worked as a team to kick three terrific goals in the second half. There were also some very impressive goal-keeper saves and defensive tackles during the whole game to stop the opposition from scoring more goals. Well done team. Goal scorers: Cooper 2, Francesco 1 Clinton Cenko Under 8 Green SJB 8 def Immaculate heart of Mary 1 Our Under 8 Green Team are on a winning streak. We were up by 4 goals the first half. In the second half I switched positions giving a chance for other players to score goals. Well done to John Michalantos for scoring his first goal. The other goal scorers were Christian, Dante and Aaron. Well done team!! Ilias Leventeris Under 10 SJB 8 def Flinders Park 0 Another amazing team effort with some special goals! All players are working so well together. Leading goal scorer & best player on the day: Franklin Goal scorers: Franklin 5, Sebastian 2, John 1 I am so very proud of every player! Frank Rositano Under 12 St John Bosco defeated Alberton Primary 7-1 Captain: Samuel K Scorers: Antony M 2, Jacob C 2, Jonathan M 1, Costa C 1 and Elleni A 1 Great first win of the season for the Under 12’s against a fierce opponent in the Alberton Primary School. The Team as a whole played with confidence and Team spirit was well demonstrated with 5 different goal scorers on the day. The Under 12 Team keeps improving every game and they are looking forward to another entertaining game this weekend against Lockleys North Primary. Max Masiello Respect Understanding SENIORS SJB 16 def Prospect 0 The team achieved this result with five players missing and therefore two players short on the pitch. ALL Scored goals and ALL played well. Thank you to the parents for a wonderful turnout. Phil Curtis Elleni A (6-7GC) has been selected in the SAPSASA Under 13 Team to play in the Australian/Pacific Soccer Games in November this year. The competition is played against other Under 13 State Representative Teams from Australia and other Pacific Countries. Games are held in Adelaide this year and Elleni will represent our school and our State in the Team. Congratulations to Elleni for being selected! NETBALL RESULTS Year 4/5 SJB 3 def by St Dominics 9. Great team effort again this week. Well done to all the girls for playing hard to the end. Special mention to Fatima who seemed to be everywhere on the court and did a fantastic job in defence. Carly Omand Year 6/7 SJB 1 def by Goodies 28 This week was a fast paced game with SJB playing a much more experienced team. All the players rose to the occasion and stayed committed to their positions defending right until the end. Special thanks to Kobe for filling in and excelling in defence against a very difficult opponent. Well done to our goal scorer Zara and special mention to Lauren who was kept running throughout the game as centre. Viviana Graney BASKETBALL RESULTS - TUESDAY 4TH AUGUST Tuesday 18th August Year 6/7 SJB Lions 29 def Blackforest Primary School 21 Scorers: Jack, Tom, Carlos & TJ Monday 17th August Year 4/5 SJB Tigers def NAPS Scorers: Caitlin, William, Lucas, Trevor Special Mention: Caitlin, Costa Affirmation Happiness Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of St John Bosco School, Today I have asked Anthony and Hana to share their speeches from the St John Bosco Mass. Paul Murphy, paul.murphy@sjb.caholic.edu.au Good morning, My name is Anthony and I am a Year 7 Senior Leader. In the first semester we were asked to write a persuasive text about how St John Bosco inspired us, and today on his 200th birthday celebration I would like to share some of my thoughts with you. St John Bosco was an inspiring man, he would risk it all for the greater good and he continues to inspire young people from around the world, even today. St John Bosco’s childhood was not easy. He and his family really struggled. John’s family was going through a lot of trouble and he and his mother were working really hard for little money. He knew plenty of other people who were going through the same thing. He made a decision, there and then, that he was going to make a few changes because he didn’t want any more people to experience how he grew up. The poverty, the hunger, the cold. He did however, have a great love of God and believed that God would look after him. In John’s desire to help others he was willing to make commitments and he was also willing to dedicate himself to God and the children of his world. He wanted to be a Priest, and being a Priest involved many sacrifices, but in his eyes, all of this effort and this hard work were worth it. He strived to serve the Lord with joy. This is our school motto. St John Bosco didn’t accomplish everything by himself; he wasn’t just a one man army. He received help from a lot of other like-minded people, simple people who also had a passion and a vision to make positive changes for young people. Together they accomplished many great things, establishing schools for young orphaned boys and giving them an opportunity for a better life. He was also involved in founding the Salesian Sisters who in turn founded our school back in 1954. Sometimes, not everything you do is an instant success but St John Bosco taught us to be persistent and to be cooperative so we could be the best we could be, no matter if we fail. St John Bosco was absolutely a great man and he has taught us many great things about life, about Christianity and about how to serve the Lord with joy and this is something I do every day. My name is Hana and I am a senior leader at St John Bosco School. I’d like to share a few of my thoughts about St John Bosco with you and why he continues to inspire me today. St John Bosco was a successful, smart and very helpful man who accomplished many tremendous things in his life. He has inspired and changed the lives of many people from around the world, especially mine. Throughout the seven years that I have been at this school, I have learnt and been influenced by the actions of St John Bosco. He was known to be a very helpful and respectful man to others. Through his teaching he has helped all children at this school to follow the RUAH – respect, understanding, affirmation and happiness. As I started to learn about St John Bosco, I was taught about his family, how hard his life was with only a mother and three brothers. I also learned about what he sacrificed for others. This was very inspiring because it showed not just me but my entire fellow class mates about what true respect was. We were taught about how life wasn’t easy for St John Bosco but he believed in himself and knew that anything could happen if he kept God in his heart. Inspired by his faith, St John Bosco made a life changing decision to open a Salesian society. Even though he didn’t have all the money he needed, he always tried as hard as he could by following his motto, “work, play, pray.” This motto got him through many ups and downs in his life. He knew that God would always be with him throughout all his life. Sadly in 1888, John Bosco died. He continues to inspire us today. Look at me telling you about his life’s story. Today, St John Bosco is a great example and role model for the children at St John Bosco School. John Bosco taught us to be persistent, believe in God and to love one another. He was inspired by Jesus and I hope to always follow the footsteps of St John Bosco in my interactions with others. Furthermore, I hope to remember St John Bosco as the respectful, loving and caring man he was, may we continue to serve the Lord with Joy. Hana Anthony Respect Understanding Affirmation Happiness