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News Ambassadors’ journal No. 11 Suisse. tout naturellement. Summary Edito Edito 2 Nendaz has a new logo 4 News from Nendaz 5 Coming winter activities 6 Important dates this winter 7 Enjoy Switzerland 8 Shuttle buses 9 Information on Holiday taxes 9 For all property owners 10 Environment 11 Before-season offers by Télénendaz 12 2| news The price of the Swiss Franc, Europe with its difficulties and its uncertain future is painting a negative picture of Switzerland’s tourist industry. The mountain resorts are suffering and the Valais cannot avoid this situation. Let’s not complain but do something about it In a world where competition is rife, there is no point in whining about the situation: we have to act! We are acting for the present, but also and even more so for the future. Most products in a number of Alpine resorts have remained unchanged. It is, therefore, necessary to stand out from the others by offering quality and by showing innovation. With this in mind, we are striving to improve our services in Nendaz. In this booklet, you will find a few examples of some of these projects, like: • The launching of Enjoy Switzerland, whose objective is to improve what is on offer and to bring a warm and friendly atmosphere to our destination; • The development of the public transport service in the resort; • An increase in comfort throughout the 4 Vallées ski domain; • Original entertainment structures like the «Wood Park» and the «Wintergolf»; • A useful Iphone application «Nendaz 4 Vallées» with the concept «improved reality»; • Consequential investments destined to improve our guests’ well-being (road crossing Haute-Nendaz, car park at the Ecluses, lift between the plaine des Ecluses and the cable car departure station, new ice-rink); • Various projects aimed at improving the visual impact of the resort (lighting, decorations, trees in the resort, diverse changes). Property owners are our best ambassadors We cannot forget our second residency property owners: make the most of the pre-season discounts at Télénendaz! «Clever renters» remind you that those property owners who rent out their accommodation are rewarded with certain advantages. The «Sportpass» allows you to benefit from special conditions regarding activities proposed by the Sports Centre. Those among you who wish to participate actively in the development of our destination, while taking part regularly in friendly meetings, benefiting from discounts and diverse upgrading, are invited to join the «Club Nendaz». Your regular presence among us is essential, to favour the local economy: this is at present even more important as the investment projects in Nendaz are extremely ambitious and you will also profit from theses projects. Opening hours of Nendaz Tourisme Projects are coming to life Recently, we were able to consolidate, through the signing of a partnership convention, a collaboration with our neighbours in Veysonnaz: we are developing yet other partnerships for the future. The Mer de Glace hotel complex is in progress, it will be opening in winter 2013 by the Boas group who have already been successful in other resorts. This luxury establishment will be proposing four star superior hotel rooms, a top of the range spa, two restaurants, conference rooms and boutiques. The heart of the resort of Haute-Nendaz is gradually going to become pedestrian: the local authorities are carrying out changes each year in order to make the resort centre more and more pleasant for pedestrians. Télénendaz’s willingness and financial means are important: lets hope that soon this company will be no longer held back by authorisation procedures that slow down its development and that of our destination! AUTUMN 23.10-15.12.2011 • Monday to Saturday 09:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 18:00 • Sunday closed • All Saints Day 01.11.2011 09:00 - 14:00 • Immaculate Conception 08.12.2011 09:00 - 14:00 With energy and hope, we will face the obstacles that await us. We are counting on your support to help us. Sébastien Epiney WINTER 16.12.2011-15.04.2012 • Monday to Friday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 18:00 • Saturday 09:00 - 12:30 13:30 - 19:00 • Sunday 09:00 - 14:00 SPRING 16.04-30.06.2012 • Monday to Saturday 09:00 - 12:00 14:00 - 18:00 • Sunday closed except on 22 and 29.04.12 09:00 - 14:00 SUMMER 01.07-31.08.2012 • Monday to Saturday 09:00 - 18:00 • Sunday 09h00 - 14h00 Contact Nendaz Tourisme - 1997 Nendaz T +41 27 289 55 89 - F +41 27 289 55 83 - news |3 Nendaz has a new logo A new logo for Nendaz The Nendaz Tourisme SA committee has recently approved a new logo for Nendaz’s communication (attached). Nendaz Tourisme and Télénendaz’s marketing departments created it, in close collaboration with IGN. As you can see, it consists of an evolution of the logo which has been used now for many years. Thanks to the lettering used, this new logo’s ambition is to improve its impact and visibility, while bringing a modern and more elegant image: it has kept the main elements from the past logo (NENDAZ, with the graphic representation of the mountains and the sun). The adapted representation of the mountains was inspired by the Mont-Fort. 4 Vallées and Swiss flag By mentioning the «4 Vallées» instead of the «Mont-Fort», we have given a more accurate image of our main product. To answer communication needs abroad, a Swiss flag has been added. The same for Veysonnaz This same image has also been approved in Veysonnaz, a resort with which we share several touristic products. This logo, accepted by all concerned parties, is to be used in both resorts, by the tourist trade partners as well as by the lift companies. Replacing the logo in all communication and promotional material We are already using the new logo for all new documents and material. It will then be the only and unique logo as soon as the existing stock of brochures has been diminished. Souvenirs, souvenirs Please find enclosed, two stickers of Nendaz: one with the new logo, and the other, as a souvenir, with the old logo. 4| news News from Nendaz 2400 pers./hour for your well-being This winter, watch out for the Tracouet cable car. The number of passengers is increasing to over 2400 pers./hour. You can now avoid the queues at rush hour and make the most of your day of skiing! And if you really need a break… the sun drenched terraces and the ski bars await you! The ice-rink The works on the new ice-rink are drawing to a close. The official opening is due on the 15th of October 2011. A public inauguration will take place on the 15th of December 2011, in the presence of HC Fribourg-Gottéron. New play areas for big kids The Wood Park brings you right back to the roots of freestyle. On the Jean-Pierre run, this brand new concept with its new unique and original modules made out of wood await all freestyle lovers to perform their incredible style. Not far from there, on the Alpage run, you can confront the raised curves, jumps and bumps of the skicross course, new Olympic discipline. By building a course that is accessible to all, Nendaz hopes to share this new sport with a larger public. «Wintergolf» and wining & dining at 2044m in altitude Spread over 30000m2, the plaine of Tortin is, throughout the winter, home to a 3-hole compact golf course, for both golf and mini golf lovers as well as those just wishing to experience a new winter adventure. For extra enjoyment, what more could you ask for than a special golfing menu at the «La Chotte de Tortin» restaurant, located right next to the golf course. Nendaz in your pocket Guests can make the most of all the information contained on the web at directly on their mobile phone. For Iphone owners, the «Nendaz 4 Vallées» app allows you to discover the ski domain in a totally new way thanks to the «improved reality». Available on Apple Store. Link between the Ecluses - Cable car departure station A mechanical link between the Plaine des Ecluses and the cable car departure station is being built. In reality, the project of a lift that was forecasted within the Mer de Glace complex is now in progress. The local authorities have seized the opportunity to participate in the funding of this infrastructure for a sum of one million francs of the 1.7 million francs budgeted. The remaining funding is ensured by Télénendaz and the Mer de Glace promoters. This structure will transport 800 people per hour and the lift should be in function at the beginning of 2012. news |5 Coming winter activities The Alphorn legend The Alphorn legend is an activity that takes place every Thursday from 09:00 to 11:00. This activity allows our guests to be introduced to this legendary instrument. They can, therefore, try and blow their first notes… Nendaz, with its international festival, has become an important meeting place for the Alphorn, and recognised as a window on Swiss folklore. Inscriptions for this activity are made at Nendaz Tourisme on 027 289 55 89, the evening before 17:30. For more info : The children’s meeting point Do you want to play, make some crafts, do some cooking or just meet other children? Here, there are plenty of ideas, whether its drawing, playing a game or doing some cooking. Here, only fun is allowed, for the little ones. The children’s meeting point takes place in the ludothèque (games Library) in Nendaz every Thursday from 16:00 to 18:00. Inscriptions must be made at Nendaz Tourisme on 027 289 55 89, the evening before 17:30. More info: Torchlight descent in Siviez Would you like to ski in a fairy-tale atmosphere? Let yourself be tempted by a traditional torchlight descent! Every Thursday evening, from December to the end of February, we organise this torchlight descent accessible to all children and their parents. At 16:15, we meet at the Tortin bar to share a friendship drink, before skiing down to Siviez via the blue run (arrival around 18:00). Inscriptions are made at the Arc-en-Ciel ski school on 027 288 32 22, until 12:00 of the same day. More info : Children’s baking lessons Dates to be fixed during the winter season. On several occasions, from December to April, a baker from Nendaz introduces the children to this passionate job. For a couple of hours, our young guests learn how to bake biscuits just like the professionals… Between theory, practice and tasting sessions, this educational and fun activity allows our future bakers to discover the chef’s techniques and useful tips. An unforgettable tea-time for the little ones…and the not so little ones, who can taste the baking skills of their children. Inscriptions are to be made at Nendaz Tourisme on 027 289 55 89, the evening before 17:30. More info: 6| news Important dates this winter GiantXTour 25-26.01.2012 The Rivella giantXtour, Swiss inter-school ski and snowboard competition, run a leg in Nendaz on the 25th and 26th of January 2012. For its 15th edition, the Rivella giantXtour by Dakine is travelling around Switzerland testing the snow parks in several resorts. Boarder cross or jumping freestyle (big air) competitions, on skis or snowboards, are on the programme. Over 2000 students and apprentices are taking part in the 9 qualifying competitions in hope of winning a place in the national grand final. More info: Nendaz Freeride 16-18.03.2012 (the 19-20-21 March are the reserved dates in case of bad weather) With the huge success encountered during the first 5 editions, Nendaz is hosting for the sixth consecutive winter the Nendaz Freeride on its legendary Plan-du-Fou. The Nendaz Freeride is a freeride ski and snowboard competition that takes place in the area of the Plan-du-Fou. This stage is considered one of the best competitions of the FWQ (Freeride World Qualifier), and is why it has been awarded a «étape 4 étoiles» (4 star stage). This competition, therefore, allows the riders participating in the Nendaz Freeride to win more points in view of gaining a place among the world’s freestyle elite. During this weekend, come and see the best international riders and witness breathtaking descents ! More info: news |7 Enjoy Switzerland In our previous letters, we explained the launching of Enjoy Switzerland and gave information concerning actions being taken regarding this project up to now. Enjoy continues in Nendaz, with its completed activities and those to come. You will find below some new projects that are to be put in place this autumn. Nendaz-Siviez-Nendaz bus service : increase in frequency from summer 2012 The results of a study made in summer 2010 have shown that the wait between buses is too long for those walkers wishing to return to the resort by bus. In fact, the bus service SiviezNendaz does not run between 11:45 and 15:55. An extra run is to be added between 14:00 and 15:00 from next summer, in order to satisfy our guests’ needs. Evaluation of the Nendaz Fitness Park at Tracouet Nendaz fitness park TRACOUET Bisse du Milieu Finding the beginning of the bisse has, in the past, lead to many hesitations, this question being often asked at Nendaz Tourisme’ front desk: you must, in fact, pass through a private parking space to access it. In addition to this, the bisse begins with a simple path with no water. Therefore, a new access is to be built from the edge of the road, next to the signposts indicating the way to the bisse du Milieu. This change will make it much easier to find the beginning of the bisse in the resort. The work began in September and should be completed for and of October. by The Nendaz Fitness Park makes up the «Leisure & Health» offer aimed at training and physical fitness for amateurs as well as for professional sportsmen/women. Hiking, Nordic Walking, running and mountain biking, and many activities are available to families, amateurs and competitors thanks to an offer adapted to all levels. To improve the visibility of this diverse and attractive product, gates and totems have been placed at the beginning and the end of the hiking and mountain bike tracks (Tour of the Mont-Fort and Tour of the Printse). We hope, that with these additions these activities will gain a certain attractiveness. Restauration project for access to the Bisse du Milieu in the resort - photomontage. 8| news Shuttle buses An enormous amount of effort has been put into developing the mobility aspect of our resort over the past few years. To improve mobility in the resort during the winter season, several free shuttle bus lines are available. allow ski school customers to go back to their accommodation after the morning lessons which end around 12:00-12:30. The exact timetable shown on the signposts are to be taken down, the shuttle buses stop every 20 minutes. This coming winter, to improve your well-being, the timetables for the Péroua - Tsamandon and Bernoud - Antenne lines have been prolonged over the lunchtime break. This change will also Both the Nendaz-Veysonnaz and the Nendaz Tourisme-Pracondu lines that were put in place last winter will remain in place this winter. They are principally reserved for non-skiers. Information on Holiday taxes A small reminder The Holiday tax is paid by all non-resident guests, in Nendaz, who spend a night within the société de développement’ perimeter of activity. As owner of a secondary residence, you are responsible for receiving the Holiday tax from liable guests that you accommodate and then pay it in turn to Nendaz Tourisme. The different ways in which you can pay your Holiday taxes There are two ways in which you can do this : • By completing a bi-annual holiday tax declaration, then send it to the tax department at Nendaz Tourisme who will in turn send you a corresponding invoice. • By completing a request for an annual fee and sending it to Nendaz Tourisme for invoicing. The annual fee is based on 40 nights and is named, which means that you cannot take one single annual fee for several guests. The property owner with an annual fee must declare all overnight stays of their friends and guests, as well as their tenants, on the bi-annual holiday tax declaration. Thank you We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your precious collaboration. It is thanks to the Holiday Taxes that we are able to improve our services, our welcome to families and our local tourism trade products which in turn can make your stay in Nendaz an even more comfortable one. Prices for 2011-2012 Below you can find a table containing the holiday tax prices Adult Child 6 to 16 yrs Child < de 6 yrs NIGHTLY FEE ANNUAL FEE 2.50 1.25 0.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 CALCULATION EXAMPLE OF AN ANNUAL FEE : For a family of 2 adults and 3 children of 4, 10 and 12 yrs, the following applies : • 2 adults at 100.- = 200.• 2 children over 6 yrs at 50.- = 100.• 1 child under 6 yrs at 0.- = 0.Giving a total of 300.- per year. Who is liable (legal obligation to declare)? All overnight stays passed in touristic accommodation is subject to holiday tax, whether it be the property owner, his family, guests or tenants, as stated in the cantonal tourism law. Your active participation through sending your completed tax declaration forms is, therefore, essential and we thank you in advance. Meet on By clicking on the following link you can find all the relevant documents necessary regarding holiday tax, as well as the forms allowing you to declare all the overnight stays passed in your holiday accommodation. With our best regards, Administration department Tourism tax division news |9 For all property owners As property owners of secondary residences, you are our best ambassadors. This is why you can make the most of special advantages such as: Clever renting Put your accommodation up for rent, you will be rewarded with some interesting advantages ! Preferential before-season deals with Télénendaz By ordering your lift passes before the end of October, you benefit from special discounts. For further information regarding this matter, do not hesitate to visit the «Before-season offers at Télénendaz». By putting your accommodation up for rent through a rental agency in Nendaz, for 8 weeks or more during the winter or if you rent it out yourself for 8 weeks or more during the winter, you benefit: • 10% discount at Télénendaz on the purchase of a pass of 3 days or more; • Free access to the Sports Centre via Nend'access. The Sportpass This named card is a family annual pass that both offers discounts and gives access to a large number of sporting activities throughout the summer as well as the winter. Tennis, swimming pool, pitpat, archery, tabletennis, beach volley, pétanque, ice skating, ice-disco, ice-hockey are all activities that the Sportpass allows you to take part in at a discounted price. Whatsmore, from 12 rental weeks a year for accommodation for up to 6 people and 16 weeks for accommodation for over 6 people, you receive, as owner, an annual Sportspass, valid as well for your entire direct family (children up to 20 yrs). sports-center.html The Club Nendaz If as property owner, you wish to participate actively in the development of Nendaz, hesitate no longer and become a member of the Club Nendaz ! In return for the annual fee of CHF 250.-, you receive a member card and certain privileges in certain businesses in Nendaz. rent-intelligently.html The Club Nendaz is overall a means to meet, exchange ideas and participate in the development of our region. club-nendaz.html 10 | news Environment On foot to the cable-car… a great warm-up! news | 11 PRESALE SPECIAL OFFER 2011I2012 x x 4 Vallées/Mt-Fort Indiv. Adult CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF CHF 1950 Year TOTAL 7 Month Rates Family: - Parents - Youth - Child Indiv. : - Adult - Youth - Senior - Child CHF 10 Day Sector: Insurance* Year Season pass pass Snowcare Passprot. - Printse or 84.– 42.– - 4 Vallées/Mt-fort (4VMF) E-MAIL: Your Keycards have to be returned. Otherwise, new Keycards will be charged with no possible refund. Keycard (Smartcard) number: _____ CHF 5.– each Example: John Smith Name and Surname Date of Birth MAKE A CROSS, PLEASE PHONE : ADDRESS: Owner of a chalet or appartment in Nendaz ADDRESS IN NENDAZ: STREET: FAMILY AND FIRST NAME : OPENING HOURS Pre-season cash desks Haute-Nendaz: Saturday and Sunday 9 am-noon From season start cash desks Haute-Nendaz and Siviez: every day 8.30am-4.30pm Send back before 31th October to: Télénendaz SA, case postale 364, 1997 Haute-Nendaz Tél. +41 (0)27 289 52 00 - Fax +41 (0)27 289 52 01 - - ORDER FORM ID Card Copy CH36 0026 5265 8520 7706 R Société des Téléphériques de Nendaz SA Immeuble Olympic 1997 Haute-Nendaz Visa Mastercard DATE : I will collect my skipass the Please, send me my skipass at home Kind of credit card: Crypto: SIGNATURE : at the cash desk Please, withdraw the total above from my credit card / Card number Nendaz En faveur de / Zugunsten von CH36 0026 5265 8520 7706 R Société des Téléphériques de Nendaz SA Immeuble Olympic 1997 Haute-Nendaz En faveur de / Zugunsten von 80-2-2 UBS AG - 8098 Zuerich UBS AG - 8098 Zuerich Compte / Konto Versement pour / Einzahlung für 80-2-2 Versement / Einzahlung Récépissé / Empfangsschein Compte / Konto Other : Siviez Validity date: Abonnement de saison 2011/2012 Motif versement (before 30.09.2011 (-12.5 %) - before 31.10.2011 (-10 %) Versement pour / Einzahlung für My order will be paid on the following account the In order to obtain a discount (family, child, youth, senior, …), please provide an official ID. Official Identity paper copy Old keycard / Smartcard (compulsory) If you claim a discount (family rate, senior, youg person, child, etc.), please note that you must provide a copy of an official ID A PASSPORT PICTURE IS OBLIGATORY BeilagenEnclosures: 2. PASS PROTECT Unique price per person (adult and child): CHF 2.– / day (from 4 days on.), CHF 42.– / season This insurance reimburses your lift pass only : In the case of accident or illness (with medical certificate proof). We strongly advise you to acquire insurance coverage from either one of these insurances. WITHOUT INSURANCE, TÉLÉNENDAZ MAKES NO REIMBURSEMENT. In order to benefit from this special offer, the payment has to be made by the following dates: -12.5% until 30th September at midnight / -10% until 31st October at midnight * 1. SNOWCARE Unique price per person (adult and child): CHF 4.– / day, CHF 84.– / season or annual Family insurance: At the purchase of parents insurance, children (1997-2004) free Guaranteed: Reimbursement of ski pass | Reimbursement of ski lessons | Reimbursement of hired equipment | Helicopter and ambulance transportation | Rescue and repatriation from ski runs | Emergency medical fees | Third party coverage | Repatriation | Legal assistance 879 996 PRINTSE Season pass Annual pass 769 872 1037 1176 PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% 905 1026 791 897 1067 1209 PRE-SEASONF OCTOBER -10% 931 1055 1255 1422 PRE-SEASON OCTOBER -10% 724 821 976 1106 744 844 1004 1138 PRE-SEASON OCTOBER -10% 703 797 948 1074 NORMAL 615 698 830 940 PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% 632 717 853 967 PRE-SEASON OCTOBER -10% 80% > YOUTH 92-96/SENIOR 35-47 827 938 1115 1264 NORMAL PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% 80% > YOUTH 92-96/SENIOR 35-47 DISCOUNTS: ADULT – born between 1948 and 1991 SENIOR – born between 1935 and 1947 YOUTH – born between 1992 and 1996 CHILD – born between 1997 and 2004 KID – born in 2005 and after SENIOR II – born in 1934 and before Pay 100% Pay 80% Pay 80% Pay 50% Free Free WARNING: The lof passes are delivered on a micro-chipped card which costs CHF 5.– or a watch which costs CHF 80.– depending on the model. These formats are sold to you. They are strictly personal, un-transferable and re-usable; no deposit will be reimboursed. Special events such as (1st August, full-moon skiing etc.) are not included in the season pass. 1185 1343 4 VALLÉES/MT-FORT Season pass Annual pass 100% > ADULT 1948-1991 FAMILY NORMAL 1034 1172 PRINTSE Season pass Annual pass ORDINARY 1394 1580 4 VALLÉES/MT-FORT Season pass Annual pass 1220 1383 NORMAL PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% 100% > ADULT 1948-1991 ORDINARY INDIVIDUAL PRICE TABLE (CHF) NORMAL 439 498 592 672 452 513 610 691 PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% Family prices 395 448 533 604 PRE-SEASON OCTOBER -10% 465 527 627 711 PRE-SEASON OCTOBER -10% Minimum 3 people paying, of which 1 adult (father or mother, maximum 2 adults). Children must be single and born between 1992 and 2004. To benefit from this special price, the passes must be of the same duration but the sector can differ from one member of the family to the other. 384 436 519 587 PRE-SEASON SEPTEMBER -12.5% 50% > CHILD 97-04 517 586 697 790 NORMAL 50% > CHILD 97-04 Rendez-vous this winter Suisse. tout naturellement.
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