2011-2012 Annual Report - Family Services of Westchester
2011-2012 Annual Report - Family Services of Westchester
FSW Family Services of Westchester ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 Family Services of Westchester www.fsw.org What Participants Have to Say about FSW: “ “Fathers Count made me take a look at myself. It helped me to get back to what I needed to do as a father, which is being responsible, being stable and learning how to deal with life on life’s terms.” – Fathers Count participant Larry Watts “I was worried that adoption would be daunting and difficult. Mia Diamond Padwa and her staff at FSW made the process work beautifully for me and for the young birth mother. We both felt that all our logistical and emotional concerns were addressed and that we could embark on our open adoption feeling confident that everything would go well.” – Stephanie Reice, adoptive mother, with her daughter “Many students at Port Chester High School deal with major life challenges like the impact of grinding poverty and immigration issues on their lives and their families’ lives. Social workers from FSW do a remarkable job helping our students find ways to handle these issues and be resilient so teens can become their best selves personally, socially and academically.” – Andrea Davis, Social Worker at Port Chester High School “Respite helped my son so much. He learned to share, try new things, interact with others and see that it was OK to be away from Mommy and Daddy. The staff was remarkable and so dedicated. They would talk with him and listen and calm him down when necessary and coax him to experience new things. It’s great that FSW has this program for the children who really need it.” – Carol O’Connor, a recent Respite parent “Zhane’s Big Sister Debbie has made such a deep impact on her life. Zhane has a hopeful attitude about life and her goals. Her Big Sister has shown her how important it is to look outside of yourself, so now Zhane is volunteering at a food pantry and working with the homeless. I am so grateful for this program. And now, all three of my children have Bigs!” – Gwen Edwards, BBBS parent ” Family Services of Westchester STRONG FAMILIES FSW OUR MISSION FAmILy SerVICeS OF WeSTCHeSTer, FOunDeD In 1954, OFFerS A BrOAD rAnge OF SOCIAL AnD menTAL HeALTH SerVICeS HEALTHY BEGINNINGS TO STrengTHen AnD SuppOrT FAmILIeS, CHILDren AnD InDIVIDuALS AT eVery STAge OF THe LIFe CyCLe, FrOm InFAnCy THrOugH ADuLTHOOD. YOUTH DEVELOPMENT For 57 years, FSW has stayed true to its mission: to make a difference right here at home. Today, FSW has seven family centers across Westchester County and an annual budget of $21 million. Our 50 programs reach more than 30,000 people a year and run the gamut from adoption to home health care, from youth residences to AmeriCorps, from Head Start to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Our 500 employees and 350 volunteers work with all segments of the community in all geographic corners of Westchester. Children, teens, adults, families, older adults, Latino immigrants and families affected by HIV/AIDS all benefit from FSW’s programs. Thank you for taking the time to learn about our mission and our programs. www.fsw.org AGING WITH DIGNITY 1 UPDATE FROM SUSAN B. WAYNE, PRESIDENT AND CEO HIGHLIGHTS OF 2011-2012 he 2011-2012 fiscal year was an exciting time for FSW. We embarked on a major capital campaign and site-creation project, secured several important federal and foundation grants and launched a Veteran’s Outreach program that will potentially reach many veterans in Westchester. We reaped the benefits of an improving economy and were able to maintain and even expand several programs to meet growing needs. I am enormously proud of our 500 employees, 350 volunteers, our outstanding Board of Directors and our nascent Junior Board. I am also so grateful for the loyal support of our generous donors and friends. With the help of supporters and staff, we were able to accomplish many goals in 2011-2012. Here are just a few of the highlights: T FSW Embarks on Campaign to Create The Center for All Ages in White Plains: In may 2012, FSW embarked on the single most ambitious and exciting site-creation project in the non-profit’s nearly 60-year history. The Lanza Family Foundation offered FSW a $1,000,000 Challenge Grant to create The Center for All Ages in White plains, a multigenerational facility that will house an adult day program with caregiver support, Head Start/Early Head Start, recreation for special needs youth, Big Brothers Big Sisters activities as well as after-school and summer programs for youth and teens. Housed in a specially designed building, the Center will replicate and expand some of the services provided by FSW’s award-winning My Second Home intergenerational community in mount Kisco. The matching gifts campaign extends through June 2013. Harvard Alumni Group Offers Pro Bono Strategic Planning to FSW: Community Partners, an initiative of the Harvard Business School Club of New York, provides free consulting services to non-profits and other organizations throughout the new york City metropolitan area. During the spring of 2012, five members of this group, all Westchester residents, spent four months doing research, conducting 50 interviews, analyzing the information and compiling their strategic planning recommendations in a report they delivered to the agency’s Board of Directors. The Harvard team made suggestions concerning infrastructure, programs, board development, fundraising and the agency’s ambitious new project, The Center for All Ages. FSW Launches a Veterans Outreach Program to Serve the County’s 40,000 Vets: In January, FSW launched its Veterans Outreach Program with the hiring of Director Joshua gaccione, a four-year Army vet who served as a paratrooper in both Afghanistan and Iraq. The program focuses on the re-integration of service members who were deployed in Iraq or Afghanistan back into the Westchester community. Veterans Outreach serves families, before, during and after deployment. One of the program’s earliest accomplishments was the creation of The Westchester Veterans Service Providers Network, which meets quarterly and includes more than 50 service providers. FSW’s new program also offers direct services to veterans through individual and family counseling, peer-to-peer discussions, veteran-civilian dialogues, focus groups and referrals to resources. Big Brothers Big Sisters Offers Free Home Pickup of Clothing: FSW restarted free home pickup of clothing, housewares, small appliances and toys through its Big Brothers Big Sisters program. From pelham to peekskill, Bronxville to Buchanan, the Big Brothers Big Sisters trucks travel throughout the county for scheduled pickups in 24 zones that cover 61 towns. residents can call the tollfree number 1-877-399-2570 to arrange a free home pickup of donated household items. Or they can go online to www.bbbsdonate.org to schedule a pickup. 2 Fathers Count Wins a $544,000 Grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services: FSW began administering its Fathers Count program in 2006, and in 2011, the program was one of 120 grantees chosen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to promote healthy marriage and responsible fatherhood. This $544,000 grant enables Fathers Count to serve a targeted population of 125 fathers annually over the course of three years. These men include fathers who are about to be released from incarceration, on probation supervision, or in child support arrears. Fathers Count uses a Responsible Fatherhood curriculum to teach parenting, healthy relationships and financial literacy skills in a series of ten two-hour workshops. Brandon Steiner Spearheads Renovation of the Evelyn Sachs Steiner Home for Girls: FSW Board member Brandon Steiner, CeO of Steiner Sports marketing, held a charity event and raised $275,000 for the renovation of FSW’s Girls’ Residence. Contractors donated their time to make these improvements in the White plains home: modernized the kitchen; replaced all siding and roofing; refurbished all bedrooms; overhauled two bathrooms; updated the foyer and office; provided new landscaping and renovated the front porch. The residence, which has been renamed in honor of Brandon’s mother, is home to eight adolescent girls, all of whom have experienced emotional trauma or abuse. previously, Steiner spearheaded a $250,000 renovation of the Boys’ Residence, which was renamed the Jerome Wagner Youth Residence in honor of the late father of Steiner’s wife, mara. RideConnect Provides Transportation for 115 Older Adults a Month: When RideConnect launched in January 2012, the transportation referral program for older adults in Northern Westchester was helping about 30 older adults find taxis or community vans to take them shopping, to the bank, the doctor or the hairdresser. now with a coordinated volunteer driving program that includes 20 drivers, the program is helping 115 older adults find rides every month. Funded by the New Freedom program, rideConnect has a call center and a website which older adults can use to find out about transportation options. This initiative aligns with the goals of Livable Communities, a program funded by the Westchester County Department of Senior Programs and Services. FSW Junior Board Awards $7,500 in Grants to Youth Programs: A group of emotionally challenged adolescent males are treated to a weekend trip to Washington, DC. Seven children with serious mental disorders enrolled in our Social Stars After School Program enjoy field trips to the Bronx Zoo, new york Aquarium and the new york Hall of Science. These and other enrichment activities were funded by grants from FSW’s Junior Board, a group of dedicated volunteers who support the Board of Directors and promote the mission of FSW through educational, fundraising and service initiatives. During its inaugural year, the Junior Board raised more than $20,000 for a Youth Enrichment Fund, which provides supplemental funding to FSW’s youth programs. In the first half of 2012 the Junior Board awarded $7,500 in grants to fund seven different projects. We pursued these accomplishments to achieve positive outcomes for families, children, youth and seniors throughout our county. We are optimistic that, with your help, we will continue to significantly impact the quality of life in our community. With much gratitude. Susan B. Wayne 3 FSW HAPPENINGS Tony Lembeck and his family were the honorees at this year’s STAR Gala, which celebrated programs that Help Families Transcend Challenges, including Camp Viva, a one-week sleepaway camp for families affected by HIV/AIDS that Tony helped found 18 years ago. Swiss Re was the corporate honoree. Eagle Scout Jeffrey Bosmediano recruited 43 other Eagle Scouts to help him collect 200 holiday toys for Head Start, which was his “preschool alma mater.” Members of three churches and one synagogue in Pelham banded together to create 300 Thanksgiving boxes for needy families working with FSW. Participating congregations included Huguenot Memorial Church, Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH), St. Catherine’s Rectory and The Pelham Jewish Center. FSW received the Community Partner Award from the Junior League of Central Westchester at the group’s 65th Anniversary Gala. Susan B. Wayne, left, President and CEO of FSW, emcee Brian Conybeare and Lynn Marvin, President of the JLCW, celebrated at the event. 200 teens attended the 27th Youth Action Convention at Pace University in Pleasantville, which was orchestrated by FSW’s Westchester County Youth Councils. In their student leadership roles, Youth Council members have created a community garden, taught workshops, served food at a soup kitchen and have advocated for peers in Albany and White Plains. 4 Meridith Alin, Marcy Berman-Goldstein and Leslie Chang were among the 75 guests who attended a springtime wine-tasting held by FSW’s Junior Board. Proceeds from the event at Tarry Wine Merchants were used to help the Junior Board offer supplemental grants to FSW’s youth programs. FSW’s Sharing Shelf filled 232 backpacks with school supplies for needy elementary and middle school children throughout the county. Twenty volunteers worked alongside Deborah Blatt, founder and volunteer coordinator of The Sharing Shelf. FSW’s Sharing Shelf moved to a new Port Chester warehouse location this year and now provides clothing to 150 children a month through more than 20 social service agencies. Approximately 120 PepsiCo employees participated in the “Bowl for Kids Sake” fundraising bowl-a-thon. The event generated $30,000 for FSW’s Big Brothers Big Sisters program. Nearly 160 guests attended a festive fundraising dinner, “La Dolce Vita,” which raised $70,000 for FSW’s My Second Home, an award-winning intergenerational adult day program in Mount Kisco. Co-chairs Steve and Christy Ruvituso were delighted that the event will enable more older adults with Alzheimer’s and other challenges to benefit from My Second Home’s innovative approach. 5 PHILANTHROPY IN ACTION While federal, state and local governments provide funding for many FSW programs, social service budgets are being reduced resulting in cuts to vital programs. Consequently, funds provided by private philanthropy – corporate and private foundations – are increasingly important as FSW strives to meet the growing needs of our community. Here are five examples of philanthropy in Action: Filling in the Service Gaps for Older Teens and Young Adults When adolescents age out of foster care or residential living, they are often not ready to live independent lives. grants from New York Life Foundation, The Marion E. Kenworthy-Sarah H. Swift Foundation, and the Viola W. Bernard Foundation help FSW support these adolescents through a three-pronged umbrella program called Launching Pad. Launching pad provides counseling services for youth and their families to ease the transition out of group residences, foster care and mental health support programs. It also offers a twice weekly support group for young adults who have received mental health services, and a Special Assistance Fund to enable youth to take advantage of opportunities that help them succeed in life. This fund covers fees for SAT/ACT college prep courses; geD courses and tutoring; appropriate clothing for job/college interviews; and transportation costs for work or education-related travel. “We are so grateful to these foundations for helping FSW create Launching pad,” notes CeO Susan Wayne. “We know this is a successful model, and we are already seeing real benefits for the young adults in this program.” Providing Exercise and Healthy Nutrition to Young Children and Their Families Over the past three decades, the childhood obesity rate for preschool children has more than doubled. Fortyfive percent of the 194 Head Start children served by FSW are considered obese. FSW also serves 40 toddlers from low-income families in Early Head Start and another 180 children in its Universal Pre-K program. In may 2012, Dannon awarded a $30,000 Next Generation Nutrition Grant to FSW to implement a Healthy Lifestyle program that serves all these young children. yoga and Zumba classes are offered to the preschoolers, evening nutrition workshops are presented to parents and caregivers, and family field trips to a local supermarket are led by a retail dietician. Darlene glasel, Senior Director of FSW’s early Childhood programs, comments, “Like Dannon, we want to promote healthy lifestyles and reduce childhood obesity. This grant is enabling FSW to take proactive steps to encourage our families to eat right and exercise every day.” photo credit: Newsday/Xavier mascarenas 6 Helping Incarcerated Parents Rejoin Their Families, Develop Financial and Job-Readiness Skills Since 2006, FSW has been running Fathers Count, a federally funded initiative promoting responsible fatherhood and economic stability for fathers who have been involved in the Westchester County or New York State Criminal Justice System. The Sills Family Foundation and the Wyman Foundation have provided supplemental grants to support a family component to Fathers Count, so that children and spouses of fathers being released from prison can attend educational workshops and enrichment activities to further the family’s bonding. EMERGE, a parenting education program for incarcerated women that prepares them for re-entry into the community, also received a supplemental grant from The Sills Family Foundation. This initiative enables program administrators to provide education and job-readiness training to the mothers being released from prison. “eighty percent of children of incarcerated parents will have some involvement with the criminal justice system, so Fathers Count and emerge are critical to breaking that cycle,” notes marissa malett, Director of Criminal Justice Services for FSW. Scholarships Enrich Futures for Adolescent Girls and Boys in Youth Residences FSW established two Youth Residences in 1974, one for eight boys ages 13 to 21, the other for eight girls the same age. Life can be challenging for these teenagers, all of whom for emotional or safety reasons, cannot remain in their own homes. These adolescents received some great news in 2011 when The Fridolin Charitable Trust gave the current and future youth in these residences a $100,000 grant to establish a Scholarship Fund, which will provide internships, college scholarships, and specialized training opportunities for youth in the homes who demonstrate promise. An enrichment portion of the grant will enable the teens to attend educational trips and attend cultural and athletic events. “The teens in our Youth Residences will now have greater access to life-expanding experiences through this funding,” says Lynn green, Vice president of Development for FSW. “This grant encourages teens to meet their potential and gives them the confidence to pursue their dreams.” ADAPT Helps Parents and Teens Resolve Conflicts FSW created the ADAPT (A Different Approach for parents and Teens) program in 1985, in partnership with the Westchester Family Courts to divert children who are at risk for incarceration from the Juvenile Justice System. The program has been highly successful in reducing truancy and school suspensions, raising students’ grades and decreasing conflict in the home. ADApT has been so successful, in fact, 90 percent of the teens and families who are referred to the program through Child Protective Services will be diverted from pInS (persons in need of Supervision). grants from the Westchester Community Foundation and St. Faith’s House Foundation allow ADApT to continue in the villages of Tarrytown and Sleepy Hollow, where 43 percent of the student population is eligible for free and reduced lunch and many parents struggle with literacy. “ADApT mediators help parents and children resolve conflicts and improve communications,” notes Kathy Howard, Clinic Director, Family Mental Health in Sleepy Hollow. “It is a model program for intervention that encourages students to stay in school and work harder.” 7 FINANCIALS OPERATING EXPENSES OPERATING SUPPORT AND REVENUE Family Mental Health Government and Other Grants Contributions Youth Services Program and Client Fees Elder Services Home Care Services Education Services Fundraising Other Management and General STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES year ended June 30, 2012 OPERATING SUPPORT AND REVENUE Contributions $ 2,400,368 government and Other grants 8,845,422 program and Client Fees 10,818,291 Other 262,049 11% 40% 48% 1% Total Support and Revenue $22,326,130 100% OPERATING EXPENSES program Services youth Services Family mental Health elder Services Home Care Services education Services $ 5,724,940 5,348,927 2,261,512 2,473,858 4,417,458 26% 25% 10% 11% 20% Total Expenses $21,825,784 100% management and general Fundraising non Operating Activities Change in net Assets net Assets Beginning of year net Assets end of year 1,277,397 321,692 6% 2% (274,589) 225,757 $ 2,562,237 $ 2,787,994 8 Family Services of Westchester spends 92 percent of its income on programs. DONORS July 2011 – June 2012 We are grateful for the contributions we have received from our friends and corporate and foundation partners during the past year. Without your support, we would not be able to meet the mental health, mentoring, housing, education, mediation and many other important needs of thousands of Westchester residents. This list represents donations received during the 2011-2012 fiscal year, which extends from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012, and does not reflect pledges. If you have any questions about this list or how to donate, email Donna Weissman at dweissman@fsw.org. Thank you! Cornerstone Contributors $25,000 and up Mr. and Mrs. David Boillot Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Chang The Community Fund of BBBS of SWCT Foundation Bronxville Eastchester Tuckahoe The Dammann Fund The David Rockefeller Fund Fridolin Charitable Trust Mr. RS Falk The Helen Andrus Benedict Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Foley, Jr. Naomi and Isaac Kaplan Family Foundation Gay Men's Health Crisis, Inc. Mrs. Patricia Lanza Goldman, Sachs & Co. Mrs. Jill L. Leinbach Howard Properties, Ltd Mr. and Mrs. Steven Madden Imperial Bag & Paper Co. New York Life Foundation Mrs. Penny Johnston Foote United Way Of Westchester & Putnam The Vera and Walter Scherr Family Foundation, Inc. Mr. Douglas Karp The Keith Haring Foundation William & Sylvia Silberstein Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerson van Ameringen Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Lembeck Leaders Machinists Non-Partisan Political League $10,000-$24,999 Madison Estates & Properties Mr. Robert Arnow Manhattan Sports Restaurants of America Blackbaud Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J. McClintock Bloomberg, LP The Meyer Handelman Fund The Charles A. Frueauff Foundation Mr. Roberto Mignone Con Edison Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller Credit Suisse Mr. Jeremy Neuer Mr. Stephan Feldgoise The Hon. Suzi Oppenheimer Mr. Paul Francis Mr. Robert E. Paredes Mr. and Mrs. James Gentile Party City Corp. IBM Mr. and Mrs. James Pennington The Joseph LeRoy & Ann C. Warner Fund The Pepsico Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Francis Kernan Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reingold The Kohlberg Foundation Rita Aranow Charitable Fund MBIA Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Moelis The Ruth and Seymour Klein Foundation, Inc. Mr. Frank Oswald Mr. Olav Sanders Ms. Nadine Ramos Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schwartz Mr. John Rapaport Mr. Howard Sontag Red Ribbon Foundation Hon. Andrea Stewart-Cousins Ronald McDonald House Charities Swiss Re America Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sacher TD Bank Charitable Foundation Sills Family Foundation Turn 2 Foundation St. Faith's House Foundation Wyman Foundation Steiner Sports & Entertainment Mkting Mr. Alan Zimmerle Mr. Gary Sumers Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zuckerberg The TJX Foundation Tailwind Capital Partners The Virginia McGuire Foundation $1,000 - $4,999 The Wallace Fox Foundation A Louise Filipek Estate Westchester Community Foundation A & J Home Care, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zahakos AXA Investment Managers Benefactors $5,000-$9,000 Mr. Dale Adams Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Mr. Frank Bisignano Black Enterprise Bridge Foundation Anonymous Astoria Federal Savings Austin Community Foundation BD Realty LLC Mr. and Mrs. David Baranick Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bauer 9 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Baumer Ms. Karen Beatty Ms. Pierina Bellamy Mrs. Jewel Bellush Mr. and Mrs. Robert Belson Mr. Ken Bersgstol Mr. Curt Beusman Ms. Dabby Blatt Ms. Fran Boller Mr. Michael Brescio Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, Jr. Mr. Raymond Brusca Build-A-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation Mr. Mark Burnstein Mr. Joseph Cabrera The Charitable Fdn. of the Burns Family Child Care Council of Westchester Chubb & Son Insurance Ms. Daniele Churchill Ms Victoria Clark Conigliaro Mr. and Mrs. Julius Cohn Mr. and Mrs. Jordan Copeland Mr. and Mrs. Francis Corcoran Corporate Synergies Group, Inc. Mr. Frank J. Denniston Mr. Vinny Dimarco Diversified Investment Advisors, Inc. Ms. Danielle Dronet Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Dunphy Elaine Gorbach Levine Charitable Foundation Elaine S. Stein Revocable Trust Emigrant Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Feigin Flushing Savings Bank Mr. and Mrs. Jack Foley Ms. Mary Foley Forest Hills Coin & Stamp Mr. John Fosina Dr. and Mrs. Andrew Francella Mrs. Barbara Francis Mr. and Mrs. Blaise Fredella Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedland Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fromer GHP Office Realty Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gelfman Mr. Anthony Giliberto Mr. Anthony Giordano Give With Liberty The Glickenhaus Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Goldberg Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts Dr. and Mrs. Steven Green Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Greenspan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenspan Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gruber Mr. and Mrs. Michael Halpern Mr. and Mrs. William R. Handelman Mr. and Mrs. Bill Harden Ms. Nicole Hazard and Mr. Jonathan Brook The Helping Hand Ms. Pamela Hohlweck Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Howe Hudson Valley Lighting, Inc. Hugh J. Andersen Foundation Huguenot Memorial Church Interphase Electric Irvington Presbyterian Church J & AR Foundation JP Morgan Chase Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jedda Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jones Junior League Of Westchester On Sound Ms. Denise Keane Keefe, Bruyette & Woods Mrs. Cynthia Kempner Mr. Zachary Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kerr Mr. and Mrs. David Kies Mr. and Mrs. Michael Klein Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lanasa Mr. Arthur Landi Mr. Joseph Leary Mr. Andrew Levy Lily Palmer Fry Memorial Trust Mr. Don Lipeles Lippolis Electric Mack-Cali Realty Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Gianni Mango Ms. Marie Silverman Marich Mrs. Conna McGillicuddy Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McLaughlin Merrill Lynch Metro Mattress Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Rod Miller Mr. and Mrs. Philip Milstein Mobile Communications Plus Monroe College Mrs. Katherine Moore Ms. Carol Murray Mutual Of America Mr. Dhruv Narain and Ms. Sandhya Subbarao Mr. Walter O'Brien Olstein & Associates One Summit Ave. Realty Co. Mr. John Palladino Piber Hospitality Consultants Proskauer Rose LLP Ms. Jennifer Rabley Mr. Augie Renna Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rheingold Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Markham F. Rollins, II The Rollins Agency, Inc. Mr. Michael Rosenbaum Mr. and Mrs. Les Rosenberg Mr. and Mrs. Allen Rosenshine Mrs. Carol Rubin Kahn Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rukeyser Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Ruvituso Rye Presbyterian Church SNR Denton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Frank Savage Mr. Rob Schenker Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seduski Mr. Herbert Seesle Mr. and Mrs. Andre Segatti The Sescort Company Mr. Peter Sidoti Mr. Joseph Simone Mr. Andrew Singer Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Siniscalchi St. John's Episcopal Church Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stafford State Bank of Long Island Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Steigmeier Ms. Rita Stockett-Richardson Syd and Jan Silverman Foundation Mr. Zane Tankel Target Stores Tarry Wine LLC Total Quality Fire & Security Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Uzzo Verizon Communications Mr. Eric Vitale Wall Street Mortgage Ms. Susan Wayne Ms. Rachel Weinstein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Werder Mr. Timothy Whee Mr. and Mrs. Richard Witten Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Wolpert Ms. Lisa Young Patrons $500-999 A. Uzzo & Company ACAM Associates Mr. Andrew Albstein Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Annibale Axis Global Delivery Systems Mr. John Bailey Mr. Carl Barchus Richard Bemporad, Esq. Mr. Jack Billig Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blatt Ms. Deborah Blatt Ms. Marjorie Bliss Mr. Thomas Borek Mr. Jayson Brustman Ms. Susan Campbell The Capital Group Companies Ms. Margaret Carey Mr. Alan Cass Mr. Peter Cathone Mr. Alec Cecil Ms. Allison Chader Coastal Tile & Marble Inc. Ms. Barbara Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cokin Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cole Mr. Kevin Connelly Ms. Judith Cooper Mr. and Mrs. James G. Coulter Cross Bay Plumbing & Heating Mr. and Mrs. Renato Danese Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dannenberg Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dauman Mr. Joseph DePaolo Ms. Ashley Dolan Ms. Marcia Dolan Ms. Lusyd Doolittle Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Duckworth, III Ms. Joni Ehrlich Mrs. Linda Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fales Mr. Spencer Falk Mr. and Mrs. Roger Farah Feld Real Estate First Presbyterian Church of Yorktown Dr. Carlos Flores Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freimuth Mr. Steve Frenchman Friedland Realty Dr. Richard Garvey Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Giagni Mr. and Mrs. Barry Goldstein Mr. and Mrs. William Grammaticas Ms. Dierdra Gray Clark H & L Electric Ms. Joanne Hack Ms. Nancy Hack Mr. and Mrs. William Haley Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Handelman Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Handelman IBM Employee Services Center Mr. and Mrs. Peter Insley JKW Associates Mr. Stuart Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kaidanow Mr. and Mrs. Brian Kaminer Dr. Richard J. Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Keith Mr. Timothy Kerner Mr. Steven Kessner Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kesten Mr. and Mrs. David Kimmel Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kirsch Mr. Werner Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Robert Klugman Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Kohn Mr. and Mrs. Simon Krieger Ms. Kathleen Kundar Mr. Erik Lahada Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Landsberg Lederer, Levine & Associates P.C. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Leghorn Mr. Marco Lopez Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Lovejoy Mr. Meryl Magadino Ms. Ellen Manos Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Marino Dr. and Mrs. Peter Masella Mr. and Mrs. Steven Masket McDonalds MILLER’S TOYS: Why We Partner With FSW miller’s Toys got its start in 1908 when Joseph miller founded a bicycle and baby carriage store in Harlem. In 1948, Joseph’s son Irving opened miller’s in mamaroneck. Two generations later, Brooke (Irving’s granddaughter) and her husband Taka Andrews, run the family business and take their responsibility of “giving back to the community” very seriously. “We are deeply indebted to the community that has supported our store through three generations of miller families, almost 65 years of our neighbors buying toys, bikes and furniture from our store,” says Taka. Taka and Brooke started partnering with FSW about six years ago when the store was reducing its inventory of children’s furniture and the young couple gave some of these items to FSW’s Head Start classrooms. Soon the store was supplying clothing, supplies and toys to children in FSW’s more than 20 youth programs. A few years ago, the 20,000-foot-store and warehouse became a drop-off location for donations to The Sharing Shelf, an FSW program that distributes gently used clothing and baby goods to needy Westchester families through social workers and other partnering organizations. “We find that a lot of our customers want to help neighbors in need, and we are in a good position to help them find the best organizations to support,” notes Taka. UPDATE: When Hurricane Sandy devastated the rockaways, miller’s and The Sharing Shelf partnered to collect winter jackets, boots, hats and diapers for the children living there. “We sent out an email to about 3,500 clients on our customer loyalty list and asked for donations,” says Taka. “There was an outpouring of support from our customers, and The Sharing Shelf was able to take two large truckloads of clothing and diapers to the rockaways, ” explains Taka. “We were happy to be the conduit for this community outreach.” 10 Mr. and Mrs. John McKiernan Medical Insight Partners Mr. and Mrs. David Mercado Milbrook Properties, Ltd Ms. Machiko Mori Mount Vernon Police Association Mr. and Mrs. Scott Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Ira Newman Mrs. Theodore Nierenberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Nunez Ms. Felicia Passero Mr. Jay Petschek Mr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Philips Ms. Brenda Piskin The Presbyterian Church Of Mount Kisco/ Women's Assoc. Quick Title Agency RAB Lighting Racing Restaurants of America Ms. Kim Reichig Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Riordan Ms. Faith Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ross Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Ross Mrs. Barbara Ross Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Ruegger Mr. and Mrs. Scott Saltiel Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sanchez Mr. Stephen Sanders Mr. and Mrs. Vikrant Sawhney Mr. and Mrs. Dean Schaffer Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwam Mr. and Mrs. Richard Segal Mr. David Shin Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Sinatro Skody Scot & Company, CPAS Mr. David Spalthoff Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Spivak Stallion Waste Services The Standard Employee Giving Campaign Employee Donations Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stanich Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Steiner Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Stier Mr. and Mrs. Abbott Stillman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stringham TAG Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Richard Tevere Mr. and Mrs. W. Danforth Townley US Trust Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Waggoner Wal-Mart Foundation Mr. David Weinberg Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Weisz Mr. and Mrs. Carter Willsey Supporters $100-$499 Rye Police Association AIDS Related Community Services Accel Printing & Graphics Mr. Adam Adler Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adler Mr. and Mrs. George Ameer Ms. Brooke Andrews Mr. Edward Angelino Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Antonacci Arbitrio & Sons, Inc. Arbitrio Construction Corp. Mr. Jim Arce Aries Automotive of Somers Mr. and Mrs. Michael Aronstein Mr. and Mrs. Sarante Athenson Mr. and Mrs. R. Wayne Atwell Dr. Elizabeth Auchincloss and Dr. Richard W. Weiss Mr. and Mrs. Duane Averette Mr. and Mrs. Frank Axel Ms. Jancie Axelrod Mian Azmy Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baldoni Dr. David Bank Ms. Camille Banks-Lee Ms. Kenise Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Martin Barr Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Barsky Rev. and Mrs. Charles Barton Mr. Carter Beal Mr. Greg Bedard Ms. Roz Belkin-Asseo Ms. Deborah Bellush Mr. and Mrs. Yehuda Ben-Yishay Ms. Gina Benz Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Berger Ms. Susan Berger Mr. and Mrs. Richard Berner Mr. Danny Bernstein Mr. Robert Berson Mrs. Carol Best Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bial Ms. Elvira Bialt Mr. and Mrs. Howard Birnbaum Mr. Daniel Blatt Ms. Rachel Blatt Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bloomer Dr. and Mrs. David Blumenthal Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Bohm Mr. and Mrs. Scott Bolhack Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Boneparth Ms. Margaret Booth Mr. and Mrs. John Boyce Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brinster Mr. Robert Sean Britain Mr. Lazaro Broitman Feinzilber Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Brokaw Mr. David Bry Dr. and Mrs. John Buchanan Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buchwald Mr. and Mrs. Richard Buckingham Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Burns Mr. Dan Burton Mr. Aaron Calloway Ms. Maryann Campbell Mr. Jonathan Canarick Ms. Eileen Carey Ms. Elizabeth Carmany Mr. Thomas Carr Mr. Robert Cestone Ms. Bonnie Chambers Charles S. Raizen Foundation, Inc. Mr. Joseph Cherner Ms. Amanda Chesley Mr. and Mrs. James Chin, Sr. Citizens Bank Charitable Fdn. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Edward Clark Ms. Caroline Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Abram Claude Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cloonan Casey Close Mr. and Mrs. Joel Cohen 11 Mr. Peter D. Cokin Mr. and Mrs. Pat Colabello Connecticut Lighting Center, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Harmon Cooper Mr. Chris Courtien Mr. and Mrs. George Cousens Ms. Helen Crivelli Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Croce Ms. Rosina Curti Mr. and Mrs. Mike Dardano Dr. and Mrs. Michael Dattero Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Daviron Mr. and Mrs. Donald Davis Ms. Frances DeThomas Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dean Mr. Joseph Dedona Ms. Evelyn Delanoy Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dennin Mr. and Mrs. James Derasmo Mr. Bob Desana Mr. and Mrs. Michael Feiner Mr. Sean Felter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Feola Mr. Gerry Ferrante Finger & Finger Ms. Josephine Fink Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Fisher Ms. Joan Fitzgerald Mr. and Mrs. Keith Fleischman Mr. and Mrs. Cary Fliegler Mr. Steven Ford Mr. Louis Forte Ms. Elizabeth M. Frankel Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Frankle Mr. Frank Freda Ms. Ellen Freiberger Ms. Meghan French Mr. Jonathan Frey Mrs. Marian Froehlich Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Furgiuele Ms. Paula Desperito Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiChiacchio Mr. Jack Dobosh Dr. and Mrs. Robert Doherty Mr. L. Peter Dolan Ms. Mandy Dold Ms. Rosalie Dolmatch Ms Gwen Donnon Ms. Cathy Draper Ms. Margaret Drislane Mr. Eric Duchon Ms. Cynthia Dwyer Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Eaione Mr. and Mrs. Steven Edelstein Ms. Anne Eglinton Ms. Selby Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Eisler Mr. & Mrs. Bill Elbery Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ellis Ms. Kathy Ellis Mr. Warren Estis Mr. and Mrs. Richard Evans ExxonMobil Foundation, Inc. Ms. Judith R. Factor and Mr. Robert Wechsler Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Falk Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Faltz Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Fama Mr. and Mrs. James Farnsworth Ms. Mindy Fedida Ms. Marlene Furtick GE United Way Campaign Mr. and Mrs. Ed Gaffney Ms. Irma Gagliardi Ms. Monica Gaines Mrs. Lauren Gallagher Gary's Auto Body, Inc. Mr. John Giacobbe Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Gilbert Ms. Judy Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. David Gladstone Ms. Janice Glenn Ms. Dina Golas Goldberg Weprin Finkel Goldstein LLP Mr. Laurence J. Goldfarb Ms. Susan N. Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. Michael Goldstein Ms. Eileen Goodman Mr. David Goodson Mr. Jon Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gornstein Grandstand Sports & Memorabilia Ms. Iris Green Mr. and Mrs. Michael Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greene Ms. Joan Greenfield Mr. and Mrs. Drew Greenwald Ms. Margaret Gregg Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gschwind Ms. Monique Guesnon Mr. Paul Guillaro Mr. Henry Hackel Mrs. Judith Hall Ms. Katie Hall Ms. Susan Halper Halper Dentistry Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hardy Ms. Jennifer Harrigan Mr. and Mrs. Charles Harther, III Mr. James Harvat Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Hawkins Ms. Vanessa Heba Mr. & Mrs. Warren Heller Mr. Leon Henry, Jr. Mr. Edward J. Herbster Ms. Joyce Hergenhan Mr. Peter Hess Mrs. Lillian Hess Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hollahan Ms. Elizabeth Holloway Dr. Harold Horowitz Mr. William Hughes Ms. Barbara E. Hurley Mr. and Mrs. John Ingato Ms. Theresa Ingles Ms. Marjorie Ives JWHands Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Jacobi Mr. and Mrs. Toby Jordan The Joseph F. Stein Foundation, Inc. Mr. Stanley Josephson KPMG Community Involvement Program Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kaplan Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Kaplan Ms. Bernice Karlen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Katz Ms. Jessica Katz Mr. James L. Kaufman Ms. Susan E. Kaufman Mr. Gregory Keefe Mr. John Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Alan Kelsey Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Kenny Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerrigan Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Kessler Ms. Terri Kim Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kindler Klaff's Inc. Ms. Lori Klein Ms. Nina Klein Dr. Tom Knox Mrs. Arlene Kolbert Mr. and Mrs. Marc Konigsberg Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kopple Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L. Krasnow Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Kraus Mr. Gary Kreinik Mr. Charles Kretschmer Mr. Blaine Krieger Mr. Steven Krog Mr. and Mrs. James R. Kunen Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kurnit Mr. Bernard Kyle Ladies Auxil Cortlandt Eng Co. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lagano Laurevan Shoe Corp. Ms. Dena Lavinsky Mr. Scott Leach Mr. and Mrs. Liam Leary Ms. Katharine Leary Mr. Walter F. Leinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Martin Leitzes Mr. Richard Leroy Mr. Jonathan Lesser Mr. Philip Levine Ms. Barbara Levinson Ms. Tracey Levy Mr. and Mrs. Craig Libson Ms. Ann Marie Lightfoot Ms. Frances-Ann Lightsy Lilly Pulitzer: Sugartown Worldwide, Inc. Mr. Marc Lipitz Mr. Jonathan Lipman Ms. Lorraine A. Loperfido Ms. Cathy Lopez LES AND SYBIL ROSENBERG: Why Mr. and Mrs. Brian Loughman Mrs. Lynn Lucas Mr. John Paul Lussow Ms. Barbara Lyski Mr. and Mrs. Damon Maher Dr. Louis Maisel Mr. Richard Marcus Mr. Louis Marinaccio Dr. and Mrs. Joel Mark Mr. and Mrs. Dan Mastropietro Ms. Barbara McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. Donald McCree Mr. Robert McGrath Dr. Diedra McGuire Mr. and Mrs. Ian McKinnon Mrs. Sue McMahon Ms. Patricia McMorrow Ms. Rhona L. Merkur Ms. Karen Merrigan Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyer Mr. & Mrs. Jon Meyersohn The Millenium Group Alison Minter Mr. Michael Moffatt The Moody's Foundation Mr. and Mrs. James Mooney Morgan Stanley C/O Cybergrants Mrs. Louise Muller Mr. Roudolphe Munro Mr. Terry Murphy Mr. Andrew Muser Ms. Barbara Nachbar New York Life Giving Campaign Dr. Herbert Newman Mr. Dale Ng Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nodiff Ms. Kathleen M. Nokes Mr. Ira Nordlicht Norwalk Book Sales, Inc. Dr. and Mrs. Jay Robert Novins Mr. Timothy O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. Timothy O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah O'Neill We Support FSW Les and Sybil rosenberg believe in philanthropy and like to focus their giving locally. “It is so important to give back to the community you live in,” notes Les. “Sybil and I were both born and raised in the new york City area, and we don’t have any plans to leave as we approach our golden age.” In addition to giving to their local synagogue and other interests, the rosenbergs started giving to FSW in 2011 when they learned about the non-profit from two of its employees. When grants Coordinator Donna Weissman told the rosenbergs about FSW’s ambitious new multigenerational project The Center for All Ages, they were intrigued. The couple visited FSW’s intergenerational program My Second Home in mount Kisco and were hooked. “The adults were happy and the children were enjoying themselves too, so we just got such a good feeling about the program,” notes Sybil. “It clearly works for both groups,” added Les, who said he gets emotional when he thinks about his visit, perhaps because he and Sybil do not have any children. “For many of the seniors, my Second Home gives them a reason to live,” adds Les. “you have to wonder, who is mentoring whom?” The rosenbergs chose to underwrite the $35,000 cost of the playground at FSW’s new Center for All Ages, which is slated to open in 2014. “We hope the playground will be used a lot,” says Sybil. “We will definitely be there when they dedicate the playground in White plains,” adds Les. “In fact, we can’t wait!” 12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ohmes Mr. Marc Oringer Mr. Michael Orza Mr. and Mrs. Albert Osman Mr. Laurence Pagnoni Ms. Christina Pai Mr. Tom Palenschat Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Paper Mr. Keith Pattiz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Paul Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Pearson Ms. Carolyn Perelmuter Ms. Holly Perlowitz Mr. Robert Pertsas Pesco Plumbing Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Peters Mr. Michael Petri Mr. and Mrs. Felix Petrillo Mr. and Mrs. Rubin Pikus Mr. and Mrs. John Pizzarelli Ms. Melissa Polaner Mr. and Mrs. William Potter Ms. Paula Punzone RPG Consultants Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Rafeld Mr. and Mrs. Brian Raney Ms. Bonnie Sue Rauch Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Reiner Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Reynolds Mr. Greg Rhodes Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rituno Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rivo Mr. and Mrs. William Robbins Mr. Scott Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rosen Mr. and Mrs. Jon Rosenshine Mr. and Mrs. George Ross Mr. Tim Rountree Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rowland Mr. Jack Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Steven Rudin Mr. and Mrs. Edward Russell, III Ms. Stacy Saabye Mr. David Sable Wunderman Mr. and Mrs. Ed Saggese Mr. Meir Salama Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Salice Samuel S. Adelsberg & Co. Mr. and Mrs. Clive Samuels Mr. and Mrs. James Sandling Mr. Edgar W. Sands Mr. Peter Sarle Mr. and Mrs. Seymour Sarokin Mr. and Mrs. David Sasson Mr. and Mrs. Guerrino Savio Mr. & Mrs. Buz Sawyer Ms. Meg Scarpetta Scarsdale Congregational Church Scarsdale SynagogueTremont Temple-Mazel Tots Ms. Linda Schapiro Mr. and Mrs. Charles Scharf Dr. and Mrs. Seymour Schimelman Mr. Ira Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Todd Schwartz Ms. Renata Manasse Schwebel Dr. and Mrs. Isaiah Seligman Mr. Tarit Sen Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sharpe, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sheppard Dr. Harvey Shuster Ms. Janet Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Eglon Simons Ms. Jill Slansky Ms. Barbara S. Smith Dr. William Snyder Mr. and Mrs. Ted Sobel Ms. Ann Solberg Dr. & Mrs. Robert Soley Sonneman Design Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence T. Sorkin Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sorrentino Mr. and Mrs. Doug Spector Mr. and Mrs. Russell Speilman Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer, Jr. Ms. Janice Sperling Mr. and Mrs. William R. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stavis Ms. Jennifer Steeg Mr. Irwin Stein Mr. Steve Stein Ms. Carla Stein Mr. and Mrs. Carry Steiner Ms. Kathy Steiner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stern Mr. and Mrs. Murray Stern Stern Chiropractic Integrative Wellness Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Stoupnitzky Ms. Christine Stratakos Mr. and Mrs. John Stratta Ms. Judith F. Strohm Mr. and Mrs. John Stuart Mr. Edward Sumber Ms. Teresa Svendsgaard Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sydor TD Bank Ms. Diane H. Tabakman Ms. Lea Tal Mr. Thomas Tanzer Techneto, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Thayer Ms. Sara Lou Thorn Mr. Robert Tillis Top Notch Tree, Inc. Mr. Eric Toth Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tucci Ms. Diane Tukman Ms. Phyllis Tunnell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Turley Mr. James Underberg Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Ursaner Dr. and Mrs. Robert Vavolizza Mr. and Mrs. Richard Veaz Ms. Alayne Vlachos Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wachenheim, III Mr. and Mrs. David Walant Mr. and Mrs. Robert Walton Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warhit Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wasserman Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weinstock Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell Weisman Mr. Norman Weissman Mr. and Mrs. Paul Weissman Mr. Richard Wesolowski Whitby School Mr. and Mrs. Richard White Mr. Joseph Wick Mr. and Mrs. John Williams Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wise Ms. Lorraine Witt Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wolencheck Ms. Gale Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Wolff Mr. Sanford Wollman Mr. Walter Wolpert, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Wood Mr. David Sable Wunderman Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yelsey Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yoken Ms. Paula Zahakos Mr. John Zampolin Mr. Edward Zapson Mr. and Mrs. John Zygmunt Mr. Ronald Bernhard Mr. and Mrs. Jon Bidwell Mr. Michael Bifulco Ms. Tracey Bilski Blossom Flower Shops Ms. Carol R. Blucher Mr. and Mrs. Morton Blum Ms. Lindsay Boswell Mrs. Robin Bratone Mr. Philip Bronzi Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Brown Ms. Meredith Brown Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Buchweitz Ms. Gail Ann Bucolo Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Mr. Mark Burman Ms. Carol Capone Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Carran Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll Ms. Bridget Carter Mr. Lee Cashman Ms. Serena Chinnian Mr. and Mrs. John Chirico Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christiansen Ms. Phyllis Christoff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chuey Church of St. John and St. Mary Mr. and Mrs. Scott Clegg Ms. Joanne M. Clementoni Ms. Deborah Cohen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Coronios Ms. Marie-Elena Corrado Mrs. Helen Costigan Ms. Ann Cotoia Mr. and Mrs. Michael Croce Mr. and Mrs. David Cross Friends $1-99 AJG Ms. Lina Accurso Ms. Patricia Ackerman Ms. Francie Alexandre Ms. Barbara Alfarone Ms. Marie A. Alicea Mr. Lawrence E. Allen Mr. and Mrs. James Allen Mr. Anthony Amicucci Ms. Carin Andresen Ms. Joan Ardrey Dr. and Mrs. Wilbert S. Aronow Mrs. Judith Astrove Mr. and Mrs. Simon Baker Ms. Arlette Baker Mr. and Mrs. Hal Baron Ms. Donna Barrand Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Barton Dr. Caroline Bauman Ms. Marilyn Beck Mr. and Mrs. David Belkin Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bellofatto Mr. Ward Bennett Mr. and Mrs. William Berg Ms. Leslie Berkery 13 Ms. Tracy Curran Ms. Carolyn De Lisi Ms. Deborah Delaney Mr. and Mrs. William Dentzer, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Derman Ms. Theadora Desoyza Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Diamond Ms. Barbara Doctor Mr. and Mrs. Henry Doerr, Jr. Ms. Amy Dotson Mr. and Mrs. James M. Dowdle Mr. and Mrs. Burt A. Eddings Mr. and Mrs. Barry Eisenberg Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eisert Ms. Margot T. Elkin Ms. Diane Elliott-Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Everett Ms. Elizabeth Fear Ms. Anne Feldman Ms. Reva Feldman Mr. Steven J. Fier Ms. Jenna Finelli Mrs. Robert Finn Ms. Michelle Fischthal Mrs. Joyce Fish Ms. Michelle Fishman Ms. Thelma Fixler Mr. and Mrs. Brian Flynn Ms. Leticia Flynn Dr. and Mrs. Howard Forbes Mr. Wallace Forbes Ms. Carol Forchheimer Mr. Seth Forrest Ms. Donna Fournier Ms. Anna Freeland Ms. Dahna Freidus Mr. and Mrs. Donald Froude Ms. Colleen Gallivan Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gambino Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gampinsky Ms. Colleen Gardephe Ms. Linda Gerber Mr. and Mrs. John Gerli Mr. Ray Gerson Ms. Mary Goldblatt Ms. Cheryl Goldfrach Ms. Nori Goldsmith Ms. Sara Goldsmith Mr. and Mrs. David Graham Mr. and Mrs. Michael Griffin Ms. Antoniette Grijalva Mrs. Estelle Grossman Ms. Ruth L. Grossman Mr. and Mrs. Mark Haberman Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hadsell Mr. Jason Hanna Ms. Lee Ann Hansen Ms. Juliet Hatcher-Ross Ms. Carla M. Hawryluk Mr. and Mrs, Franklin Hecht Ms. Suzanne Heyer Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hoffman Ms. Lori Hoffman Ms. Inez Horn Mr. and Mrs. John Russell Imlay Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Inglese Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobs Ms. Janet Jaidi Ms. Ruth Jaisarie Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jakubowitz Mr. Blake James Ms. Leslie Jasper Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Kaplan Dr. and Mrs. Steven Karp Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman Mr. Richard Kaye Mr. Richard Keating Ms. Mary Kelly Ms. Mary Kendrick Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Kent Ms. Kathryn Kerrigan Dr. and Mrs. John Kildahl Ms. Margaret King Hon. William Lee Kinnally, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kipperman Ms. Pauline Klein Ms. Nicole Klemens Ms. Gudrun I. Klenz Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kozera Ms. Jill Krieger Mr. and Mrs. James P. Krogh Ms. Dorothy Lander Ms. Ronnie Lashkowtiz Mr. Marc Lato Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Leahy Ms. Angela Levine Ms. Beth Levy Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Lew Dr. and Mrs. Jerome Liebowitz Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Lindey Ms. Camille Linen Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Linhart Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Linton Mr. Howard Lipstein Ms. Carrie Lockton Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Loewentheil Mayor Gerald Logan Ms. Donna Loomba Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Lorusso Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lowet Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Lurie Mr. and Mrs. William A. Mace Ms. Fran Maffei Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mahaney Ms. Lindsay Malejko Ms. Kathleen Malone Ms. Rosemary Mankiewitz Mr. Henry Marcus Ms. Allison Marks Ms. Cynthia R. Martin Ms. Rosemary Martin Ms. Dene Mayer Mr.and Mrs. Michael McClintock Mr. and Mrs. John McGarry Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey McGrory Mr. and Mrs. Roger McLean Ms. Wilma Mendelowitz Ms. Irene Metaxas Mr. and Mrs. Larry Milazzo Mr. and Mrs. Norman R. Milefsky Dr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Michael Millman Ms. Hollyjaye Mirabella Ms. Donna Mokszycki Ms. Teresa Moloney Mrs. Margaret Moloshok Ms. Carol Montanari Mr. and Mrs. Filipe Monteiro Mr. Richard Morabito Dr. and Mrs. Donald Moskovitz Ms. Emile Murphy Mr. Gordon D. Murray Mr. Kenneth Myers Ms. G. Nicolini Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. O'Brien Ms. Patricia O'Byrne Ms. Jessica O'Donovan Ms. Kathleen O'Keefe Mr. and Mrs. Bill Olimpio Mr. Paul Olson Mr. and Mrs. Herbert S. Ornstein Ms. Ellen Oshins Ms. Denise Parker-Alexander Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pastell Mr. and Mrs. Edward Pearlmutter Mr. and Mrs. Darren Peister Pepsi Bottling Group Foundation Mr. Bruno Pereira Mrs. Isobel Perry Ms. Eve Poret Ms. Lynne Prior Ms. Dorothy Rainier Ms. Emilie Reddoch Ms. Varner Redmon Mr. Luz Redzeposki Ms. Ellin S. Rind Mr. Fernando Rivas Mr. Flavio Rodriques Ms. Kate Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ronan Mrs. Oren Root Mr. and Mrs. John Rosanelli Ms. Alice D. Rosenfeld Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Rosner Ms. Marissa Ross Ms. Renate M. Rossmere Ms. Chiann Roveto Mr. Martin Rubenstein Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Rubin Ms. Elsa Rubin Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Rubino Mr. Gilbert Rudolph Dr. Emma Lou Sailors Mr. Steven Saklad Mr. & Mrs. Gary Salmo Ms. Karen Samson Ms. Cindy Sarcuni Mr. John Sarle Mr. and Mrs. Alfio Scatigno Mr. Sy L. Scharf Ms. Amy Schoening Mr. and Mrs. David Schwab, II Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schweitzer Mr. and Mrs. Mark Searle Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Selden Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shelley Ms. Kathy Shepard Mr. and Mrs. S.L. Siegel Ms. Jackie Silkowitz Mr. and Mrs. David Silverman Ms. Dina Silverman Miss Alexandra Simon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snedeker Mr. & Mrs. Eric Soderberg Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sommer Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Spofford Ms. Deborah Stanley Ms. Meghan Stark Mr. and Mrs. Ira Starr Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Stein Ms. Lee Stein Mr. and Mrs. Ira Steinberg Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Steiner Ms. Anita Stockbridge Mr. Robert Stockett Ms. Anita Stockett Mr. Marcella Stratta Dr. and Mrs. Robert Stuart Suffolk Peace Network Mr. John Suh Ms. Trish Swenson Mrs. Louise Talbot Mr. and Mrs. Michael Tannenbaum, Esq. Mrs. Pat Taormina Tayco Management Corp. Mr. Philip Terpolilli Ms. Marilyn Tilt Ms. Ann Toffel Ms. Marsha Tom Mr. and Mrs. Bill Topkis Mr. Donald Ullmann United Way Of New York City Mr. and Mrs. David Urban Ms. Anna Vaccaro-Stern Mr. Louis J. Vitullo, Jr. Mr. Clint Wagner Ms. Jane Wagner Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Walsh Ms. Majorie Weschler Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Whitaker Mr. & Mrs. David Whitney Ms. Deborah Wilson Ms. Loretta Wiltraut Dr. Norbert Wolloch Mr. and Mrs. George H. Wood, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Wynne Mrs. Rose Yankovich Mr. Ryan Zenga Ms. Angela Zmuda Mr. and Mrs. Richard Zolt Ms. Evelyn Zuckerman Matching Gift Companies Chubb & Son Insurance Citizens Bank Charitable Foundation ExxonMobile Foundation, Inc. GE Foundation GE United Way Campaign Give With Liberty Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching Gifts IBM Employee Services Center Moody's Foundation Morgan Stanley C/O Cybergrants New York Life Giving Campaign Pepsico Foundation Pfizer Foundation Matching Gifts Truist HOW TO GET INVOLVED There are several ways to make a donation: • Submit a donation through our website at www.fsw.org, where you can learn about leaving a bequest, donating stocks or life insurance benefits, or making a gift to a particular program. • Send a check to Family Services of Westchester, One gateway plaza, port Chester, ny 10573, Attention: Development • Donate using your credit card by calling (914) 305-6840. We accept VISA, masterCard and American express. WE WELCOME VOLUNTEERS We are always in need of in-kind gifts of goods and services and we welcome volunteers for our many programs and advisory boards. you can volunteer for a Community Day event or become a regular helper at one of our programs. To learn about volunteer opportunities for yourself, your group or your company, please call (914) 305-6834. 14 FSW in the News! Family Services of Westchester received extensive press coverage in the 2011-2012 fiscal year with more than 100 stories written about our programs, events, initiatives, staff members, volunteers and funders. Approximately 18 news outlets as well as seven editions of patch.com and 10 editions of the Daily Voice published stories on FSW. Feature stories appeared in Westchester Magazine, Westchester Wag and 914Inc. newspapers that covered FSW included the Daily News, the New York Post, The Journal News, the Westchester County Business Journal, New York Non-Profit Press, The Examiner, the Mount Vernon Inquirer, Pelham Weekly, The Rye Record, New Rochelle Review, The Loop, Larchmont Ledger, Westmore News and Scarsdale 10583. News 12 also provided coverage. We are grateful to the media outlets who worked with us and with their readers who learned about our efforts. Follow FSW Check out our website at www.fsw.org for the latest news and events. Follow us on Twitter @FSWestchester and like our Facebook page. Thank you! 15 Family ACCREDITATIONS & AFFILIATIONS Services ACCREDITATIONS • Accredited by Council on Accreditation • Accredited by the Better Business Bureau of Westchester AFFILIATIONS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Alliance for Children & Families Big Brothers Big Sisters of America new york State Association of Family Service Agencies new york State Association of Health Care providers Westchester County AIDS Council Westchester County geriatric mental Health Coalition Westchester County elder Abuse Coalition Westchester County Adult Day Services Coalition Licensed by new york State as an Adoption Service Licensed by new york State Office of mental Health as a mental Health Clinic Licensed by new york State Department of Health to provide Adult Home for Seniors Licensed by new york State Department of Health to provide Home Health Services Licensed by new york State Department of Health to provide enriched Housing for Seniors Licensed by new york State education Department to provide Special education Services (prime Time) FSW CONTRACTS WITH OR RECEIVES PROGRAM SPECIFIC FUNDING FROM: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u.S. Department of Health and Human Services The Corporation for national and Community Service (AmeriCorps) new york State Department of Health (nySDOH) new york State Department of education (nySDOe) new york State Office of Children and Family Services (nySOCFS) new york State Office of mental Health (nySOmH) Westchester County Department of Health Westchester County Department of Community mental Health Westchester County Department of Senior programs & Services Westchester County Department of Social Services Westchester County youth Bureau united Way of Westchester & putnam City of White plains City of mount Vernon City of yonkers FAMILY SERVICES OF WESTCHESTER BOARD & STAFF EXECUTIVE BOARD edward m. Foley, Jr., Chair Douglas J. mcClintock, Vice Chair nicole Fleur Hazard, Vice Chair Howard e. greenberg, Treasurer Kerry moelis, Asst. Treasurer nicholas Wolff, Secretary 2011-2012 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Deborah Boillot Deirdra gray Clark Ona Cohn Susan Corcoran marlene e. Furtick Jill L. Leinbach Tony Lembeck marie Silverman marich perla paredes Ann Sacher Brandon Steiner gary Zahakos EXECUTIVE STAFF Susan B. Wayne, L.C.S.W. president and Chief executive Officer geoffrey Barsky Chief Financial Officer Lynn green Vp, Development and external Affairs polly Kerrigan, L.C.S.W. Senior Vice president, mental Health, educational and Community Support Services marge Leffler, L.C.S.W., CHC Vp, program Development, CQI Compliance James Kaufman, L.C.S.W. Vp, residential and Community programs Steve riordan Vp, Aging, Health and Community Support Services This Annual report was written and produced by the Development Department of Family Services of Westchester Barbara Sommer, S.D.A. Senior Director, Head Start, early Head Start, prime Time, universal pre-K Lynn green, Vice president, Development and external Affairs Colleen Davis gardephe, Director of public relations eric Toth Senior Director of youth Services graphic Design by Laura Cacciato Andrew Levine Director Human resources and Administration * These staff and Board positions are accurate for fiscal year July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. www.fsw.org 16 OUR PROGRAMS INCLUDE: STRONG FAMILIES FSW LOCATIONS ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES AND PORT CHESTER FAMILY CENTER One Gateway Plaza 55 South Main Street Port Chester, New York 10573 (914) 937-2320 Fax (914) 937-4902 Email: fsw@fsw.org HASTINGS (9/12) Echo Hills Community Counseling Center 78 Main Street Hastings, New York 10706 (914) 274-8334 MOUNT VERNON 9 W. Prospect Avenue, Suite 309 Mount Vernon, New York 10550 (914) 668-9124 PELHAM 507 Fifth Avenue Pelham, New York 10803 (914) 738-1728 SLEEPY HOLLOW 239 North Broadway Sleepy Hollow, NY 10591 (914) 631-2022 WHITE PLAINS One Summit Avenue White Plains, New York 10606 (914) 948-8004 YONKERS 20 South Broadway Yonkers, New York 10701 (914) 964-6767 Aftercare Camp Viva Family Mediation Family Mental Health Family Strengthening Fathers Count Intensive In-Home Family Preservation Latino Connections The Sharing Shelf Technology Learning Center Veterans Outreach HEALTHY BEGINNINGS BBBS Camp Success EMERGE Head Start/EHS/Prime Time In-school clinics Respite YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Adolescent HIV Prevention Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Bienvenidas Girls BBBS Boys and Girls Youth Residences Gang Prevention Services Launching Pad Therapeutic Foster Care Youth Councils AGING WITH DIGNITY FSWorks Home Health Care Maple House Enriched Housing My Second Home Senior Services Coordinators White Plains Guest House www.fsw.org Family Services of Westchester One Gateway Plaza 55 South Main Street Port Chester, NY 10573 914-937-2320 www.fsw.org NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION US POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT NO. 699 FSW ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 Our outreach to 30,000 children, teens, seniors and families each year is supported by the generosity of individuals, foundations and corporations. HELP US CHANGE LIVES Become a mentor, volunteer, make a donation or sponsor an event. www.fsw.org