PDF DOCUMENTUnimin Sustainability
PDF DOCUMENTUnimin Sustainability
OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Unimin Corporation Sustainability Report PDF DOCUMENT Unimin Sustainability Welcome to our second sustainability report, "Value Beyond Minerals." Sustainable development continues to be a guiding principle at Unimin, LEARN MORE ABOUT and one that we have integrated into our business practices and daily Unimin Corporation operations. We are always mindful of our environmental, social and economic impacts, and regularly engage our internal and external stakeholders to ensure we are operating responsibly and sustainably in the communities in which we operate. FOLLOW US OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Managing resources responsibly, efficiently utilizing water and energy assets, and minimizing emissions and waters have always been an integral part of our business strategy. Our Report Dear Valued Stakeholders, Report Parameters I'm proud to share with you our Company's accomplishments since publishing our Organizational Profile first report, "Value Beyond Minerals." Unimin remains committed to transparency and Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality sustainability, and serving as good neighbors to our operating communities. As we raise the bar on our sustainability performance, Unimin gains efficiencies, competitive advantages and the ongoing trust of our stakeholders. Enduring community partnerships continue to play an integral role in shaping our business decisions. Unimin's successful greenfield development project in Tunnel City, Wisconsin reflects the emphasis we place on community outreach and stakeholder engagement. Critical milestones that included accelerated prospecting, planning and permitting programs were achieved in large part to the constructive dialogue that exists between our Company, our employees and our stakeholders. A signature strength of Unimin is our safety culture. Health, safety and personal sustainability are top priorities at Unimin and we are proud to be recognized with numerous national and regional awards citing our safe operating practices and preventative programs. We are acutely aware of the importance of safety vigilance and the need for frequent and repetitive safety training invested at all levels of our organization. Continuous improvement and innovation will continue to define Unimin as we strive for operational excellence. As a privately held company Unimin is afforded a longer term approach to business and our relationship with our many stakeholders. With this important advantage, and the financial flexibility to continuously reinvest in plants, processes and people, our objective is to be a valuable and sustainable partner by our customers, shareholders, employees and communities. Finally, I am excited to announce the establishment of our 2015 sustainability goals; developed through a highlevel assessment of Unimin's most material issues. The assessment involved evaluating our most significant impacts and setting targets related to our local communities, employees, safety and health, water, energy, emissions, effluents and waste, economic impact, and innovation. We look forward to reporting our progress in these key areas in the coming years. Looking ahead, Unimin will continue delivering "Value Beyond Minerals" by investing in our people, our communities, and in the growth and innovation of our diverse businesses. By operating sustainably every day, we will effectively and efficiently meet the needs of our customers while sustaining our future for many years to come. Sincerely, Luke Anderson OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR REPORT Report Parameters This is Unimin's second sustainability report providing data and stories from 2011 through 2013. Report content represents all wholly owned mining operations and related facilities managed by Unimin Corporation including Unimin Specialty Our Report Report Parameters Minerals Inc. and Southern Lime in the United States, Grupo Materias Primas in Organizational Profile Mexico and Unimin Canada. All of these entities report to our corporate Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality headquarters in New Canaan, Connecticut. This report is prepared in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3.1 guidelines and the Mining and Metals Sector Supplement. It is a GRIChecked Application Level C report, and GRI has verified that the report is completed in accordance with Application Level C. GRI Content Index GRI Content Index STANDARD DISCLOSURES PART I: Profile Disclosures 1. Strategy and Analysis PROFILE DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE 1.1 Statement from the most senior decisionmaker of the organization. Fully Our Report 2. Organizational Profile PROFILE DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE 2.1 Name of the organization. Fully Unimin Corporation 2.2 Primary brands, products, and/or services. Fully Unimin Corporation is one of North America's leading producers of non metallic industrial minerals including silica sand, quartz, feldspar, nepheline syenite, olivine, calcium carbonate, clay, kaolin, resin coated sand, lime and limestone products. We do not outsource our mining, processing and production services. 2.3 Operational structure of the organization, including main divisions, operating companies, subsidiaries, and joint ventures. Fully Organization Profile/Governance 2.4 Location of organization's Fully New Canaan, headquarters. 2.5 Number of countries where the Connecticut (USA) Fully organization operates, and names of countries with either major operations or that are specifically relevant to the sustainability issues covered in the report. Canada, United States, Mexico 2.6 Nature of ownership and legal form. Fully Privately Held 2.7 Markets served (including Fully Unimin is a geographic breakdown, sectors served, and types of customers/beneficiaries). worldwide supplier to the glass, ceramic and lighting industries; oil and natural gas service companies; and paint, plastic, rubber and composite manufacturers. We also supply to the semiconductor and solar photovoltaic cell producers, metallurgical, and foundry industries, and we participate in a range of civil, industrial, environmental and buildingrelated applications. 2.8 Scale of the reporting organization. Fully We employ approximately 2400 people in our U.S., Canadian and Mexican Operations. Our 2012 revenue totaled over $1.4 billion. As a privatelyheld company we do not disclose net sales, total capitalization, or quantity of products provided. 2.9 Significant changes during the Fully Since the last reporting period regarding size, structure, or ownership. report, we have closed these plants: Aurora, Green Mountain, Hamilton, Ione and Midland. We have sold the following plants: Badgeley Island, ON and Byron, CA. We have established two new plants: Utica II, IL and Tunnel City, MN. 2.10 Awards received in the reporting period. Fully Our Company/Awards & Recognition 3. Report Parameters PROFILE DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE 3.1 Reporting period (e.g., Fully The metrics reflect baseline fiscal/calendar year) for data collected from 2013. information provided. Narratives are from 2013 and 2014. 3.2 Date of most recent previous report (if any). Fully The last report was published in February 2014. 3.3 Reporting cycle (annual, biennial, etc.) Fully Biennial 3.4 Contact point for questions Fully The point of contact for this 3.5 regarding the report or its report is Craig Johnson contents. (sustainability@unimin.com). Process for defining report content. Fully Report Parameters; Stakeholder Engagement, Materiality and the GRI Process; We conducted a formal materiality assessment with out Executive Management Group and key leaders in the company to help inform report content, as well as identify bold goals. 3.6 Boundary of the report (e.g., countries, divisions, Fully Report content is for Unimin's mining operations subsidiaries, leased in the U.S., Canada and facilities, joint ventures, Mexico. suppliers). See GRI Boundary Protocol for further guidance. 3.7 State any specific limitations on the scope or Fully boundary of the report (see Data for our railroad subsidiary is not included in this report. completeness principle for explanation of scope). 3.8 Basis for reporting on joint Fully Report content is for ventures, subsidiaries, Unimin’s North American leased facilities, outsourced operations, and other operations, including all wholly owned mining entities that can subsidiaries. significantly affect comparability from period to period and/or between organizations. 3.10 Explanation of the effect of any restatements of Fully We do not have any re statements of information. Fully We do not have significant changes to scope, boundary information provided in earlier reports, and the reasons for such re statement (e.g.,mergers/acquisitions, change of base years/periods, nature of business, measurement methods). 3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods in the scope, boundary, or or measurement methods. measurement methods applied in the report. 3.12 Table identifying the location of the Standard Disclosures in the report. Fully This page is the GRI Content Index. 4. Governance, Commitments, and Engagement PROFILE DISCLOSURE DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE 4.1 Governance structure of the Partially Our Report organization, including committees Organization under the highest governance body Profile/Governance. responsible for specific tasks, such as setting strategy or organizational Unimin is managed by the Executive oversight. Management Group (EMG) consisting of 10 executive officers. The EMG is responsible for defining the strategy and goals for Unimin. There are no other committees responsible for these tasks. 4.2 Indicate whether the Chair of the Fully The highest highest governance body is also an governance body is executive officer. the Sibelco Group Board of Directors and the chair is an executive officer. 4.3 4.4 For organizations that have a unitary Fully Sibelco Group is a board structure, state the number privately held and gender of members of the company and board highest governance body that are independent and/or nonexecutive members are elected by members. shareholders. Mechanisms for shareholders and Fully While we do not employees to provide have a formal recommendations or direction to the mechanism for highest governance body. communicating with executive leadership, there is no prohibition on such communication. For employee concerns, we have a wellestablished channel of communication through supervisors and managers. 4.14 List of stakeholder groups engaged Fully by the organization. Employees, Communities surrounding mining operations, Customers 4.15 Basis for identification and selection Fully of stakeholders with whom to engage. Unimin completed a stakeholder prioritization exercise using an influence/interest matrix in order to define its stakeholder groups for the first report. We used this matrix to engage stakeholders for this report. STANDARD DISCLOSURES PART III: Performance Indicators Economic INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Partially Our Company/History; Economic performance EC1COMM Direct economic value generated and distributed, including revenues, operating costs, employee compensation, donations and other Our Community; Our Employees/Employee Profile community investments, retained earnings, and payments to capital providers and governments. Market presence EC6 Policy, practices, and proportion of spending on locallybased suppliers at significant locations of operation. Fully Our Community/Community Engagement and Local Investment Environmental INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Direct energy consumption by primary Fully Our Footprint/Energy Total water withdrawal by source. Partially Our Footprint/Water Location and size of land owned, leased, Fully Our Footprint/Land Energy EN3 energy source. Water EN8 Biodiversity EN11 managed in, or adjacent to, protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. EN12COMM Description of significant impacts of activities, products, and services on and Biodiversity Fully Our Footprint/Biodiversity Fully Our Footprint/Land biodiversity in protected areas and areas of high biodiversity value outside protected areas. MM1 Amount of land (owned or leased, and managed for production activities or extractive use) disturbed or rehabilitated. EN13COMM Habitats protected or restored. Fully Our Footprint/Land & Biodiversity EN14COMM Strategies, current actions, and future plans for managing impacts on Partially Our Footprint/Land & Biodiversity Fully Our Footprint/Land & biodiversity. MM2 The number and percentage of total sites identified as requiring biodiversity management plans according to stated criteria, and the number (percentage) of Biodiversity those sites with plans in place. EN15 Number of IUCN Red List species and Partially Biodiversity; Unimin national conservation list species with habitats in areas affected by operations, has worked closely with Bat by level of extinction risk. Conservation International, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to protect the Indiana Bat, a species endangered since 1967. Emissions, effluents and waste EN16 Total direct and indirect greenhouse gas Partially emissions by weight. EN20COMM NOx, SOx, and other significant air Quality Partially emissions by type and weight. MM3 Total amounts of overburden, rock, Our Footprint/Air Our Footprint/Air Quality Fully Our Footprint/Land tailings, and sludges and their associated risks. Social: Labor Practices and Decent Work INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Total workforce by employment type, Partially Our Employment LA1 employment contract, and region, broken down by gender. LA2 Total number and rate of new employee hires and employee turnover by age group, gender, and region. Employees/Employee Profile Partially Our Employees/Employee Profile Fully Unimin did not have any lockouts or strikes. Fully Our Team/Safe Workplaces Fully Unimin provides employees and their families with Labor/management relations MM4 Number of strikes and lockouts exceeding one week's duration, by country. Occupational health and safety LA7COMM Rates of injury, occupational diseases, lost days, and absenteeism, and number of workrelated fatalities by region and by gender. LA8 Education, training, counseling, prevention, and riskcontrol programs in place to assist workforce members, their families, or community members regarding serious diseases. information that helps promote healthier lifestyles, as well as services such as health risks assessments, annual health screenings and family counseling services. Training and education LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee by gender, and by employee Fully Our Employees/Training Fully Our category. LA11 Programs for skills management and lifelong learning that support the continued employability of employees and assist them in managing career Employees/Training endings. Diversity and equal opportunity LA13 Composition of governance bodies and Partially Our breakdown of employees per employee category according to gender, age Company/Organization Profile and group, minority group membership, and other indicators of diversity. Governance; Our Employees/Employee Profile Social: Human Rights INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Operations and significant suppliers identified Fully In the United Child labor HR6 as having significant risk for incidents of child labor, and measures taken to contribute to the States, Canada and Mexico we effective abolition of child labor. abide by all applicable laws and ordinances that govern worker eligibility and prevent underage child labor. We have no operations or significant suppliers that have significant risk for incidents of child labor. Indigenous rights HR9 Total number of incidents of violations involving rights of indigenous people and actions taken. Fully We have no incidents of violations involving the rights of indigenous populations. Assessment HR10 Percentage and total number of operations that Fully have been subject to human rights reviews and/or impact assessments. We have no operations that have been or are pending human rights reviews and/or impact assessments. Remediation HR11 "Number of grievances related to human rights filed, addressed and resolved through formal Fully grievance mechanisms." We have not been subject to any formal grievances related to human rights. Social: Society INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Fully Our Community/Community Engagement Fully Our Community/Community Local communities SO1COMM (MMSS) Nature, scope, and effectiveness of any programs and practices that assess and manage the impacts of operations on communities, including entering, operating, and exiting. SO1 (G3.1) Percentage of operations with implemented local community engagement, impact assessments, and development programs. Social: Product Responsibility Engagement INDICATOR DISCLOSURE LEVEL OF REPORTING DISCLOSURE Fully Unimin does not have any incidents Customer health and safety PR2 Total number of incidents of noncompliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning health and safety impacts of products and services during their life cycle, by or infractions concerning type of outcomes. customer health and safety impacts of its products. Product and service labelling PR4 Total number of incidents of noncompliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning product and service information and Fully labeling, by type of outcomes. Unimin does not have any incidents or infractions concerning product labeling. Marketing communications PR7 Total number of incidents of noncompliance with regulations and voluntary codes concerning marketing communications, Fully including advertising, promotion, and sponsorship by type of outcomes. Unimin does not have any incidents or infractions concerning the advertising and marketing of its products. Customer privacy PR8 Total number of substantiated complaints Fully regarding breaches of customer privacy and losses of customer data. Unimin does not have any incidents or complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy or cutomer data. Compliance PR9 Monetary value of significant fines for non compliance with laws and regulations concerning the provision and use of products and services. Fully Unimin does not have any fines or pending violations for noncompliance related to laws and regulations concerning the use of its products and services. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR REPORT Organization Profile/Governance Unimin's operations are managed by the Executive Management Group (EMG) consisting of executive officers who are responsible for defining the strategy and goals for the organization. The EMG reports to the Unimin CEO, who reports to the Our Report Report Parameters Sibelco Group CEO and the Sibelco Group Executive Committee, which in turn Organizational Profile report to the SCR Sibelco Group Board of Directors, the highest leadership body for Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Unimin's operations in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. HIGHLIGHT STORY Our Vision Unimin's "Vision Document" communicates the basic elements of our management philosophy, our approach to managing our business and our commitment to our stakeholders. The Document provides the framework and processes to look beyond daily business challenges and develop longerterm and systematic solutions to achieve our ultimate goal of Operational Excellence. Five guiding principles focus our efforts and serve as benchmarks against which we measure our progress: A Safe and Healthy Workplace LongTerm Access to High Quality Mineral Reserves Industry Leading Operations and Technology People Performing at Their Best The Customer at the Center of Everything We Do OUR VISION: • • OUR CULTURE AND VALUES: Utilize our company strengths and core competencies as an industry leader to create value for all of our stakeholders. Be recognized by our customers, shareholders, employees and communities for superior, safe and sustainable operations. TRUST • DEDICATION • INTEGRITY • TRANSPARENCY • OBJECTIVITY • RESPECT WHO WE ARE: • • • • We are North America's leading producer of non-metallic industrial minerals serving a wide range of global customers. We are a part of the Sibelco Group, a worldwide industrial minerals company with more than 220 operations in 41 countries on 5 continents. We convert natural mineral resources, including high purity quartz, nepheline syenite, feldspar, clay and silica sand, into engineered solutions focused on customer requirements. We operate more than 45 plants in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. In Mexico we operate as Grupo Materias Primas. Safety First Agile and Sense of Urgency Customer Focused Driven by Operational Excellence Team Oriented OUR APPROACH: OUR MANAGEMENT PHILOSOPHY: • • • • We take a long term perspective, emphasizing growth, diversification and operational excellence. We provide an environment in which people can perform at their best. We consider an investment in our communities as an investment in Unimin. We make decisions guided by respect, responsibility and sustainability. • • • • • • Be application focused, customer oriented and technically proficient. Deliver quality products that add functionality and value for our customers. Partner with customers to continuously improve product quality and life cycle. Demonstrate market leadership and operational excellence in our core businesses. Maintain long term mineral resources and a diversified portfolio to be sustainable. Invest in talented people and innovative ideas to secure our future. OUR SAFETY & HEALTH PRINCIPLES: OUR COMMITMENT: • • • • • • • Employee, visitor and contractor safety is our highest priority. We operate in a safety-first culture to proactively minimize all risks through a program to stop, look, analyze and manage (SLAM) risks. We continuously improve and share our best safety practices. We encourage personal well being through ongoing health and wellness programs. • To treat our employees and neighbors fairly and with respect. To maintain strong and mutually beneficial customer relationships. To responsibly develop resources without compromising the needs of future generations. To build enduring partnerships with our local communities. Find out more about Unimin at www.unimin.com OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR REPORT Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality During 2012 and 2013 we saw an improved coordination of the Company's vision Our Report document and sustainability initiatives. Central to this effort was an expanded Report Parameters materiality exercise conducted with Unimin's Senior Management Team and their direct reports. The exercise identified internal and external stakeholder priorities, Organizational Profile validated our most important areas of focus and established aspirational goals in Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality those areas. A crossfunctional sustainability team is focusing its energies in three key areas: Cascade our sustainability message throughout the organization. Document independent sustainability initiatives to multiply best practices. Improve our internal sustainability reporting mechanisms. In the coming year we will establish a baseline of quantitative and qualitative data that will help improve our processes for a sustainable future. HIGHLIGHT STORY Bold Goals Community We will be the leading corporate citizen in the communities in which we work. Employee Relations We will champion ‘personal sustainability' through employee safety, wellness and enrichment programs. Occupational Health & Safety We will be the safety and health leader in our industry. Resource Management We will optimize our natural resource utilization to ensure sustainable performance for our stakeholders. Environmental Responsibility We will proactively manage our environmental impact to advance our sustainable growth. Economic Performance We will sustain our economic growth and the prosperity of our stakeholders through continuous improvement and innovation. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Unimin will be the Safety and Health Leader in its Industry Our Company We pride ourselves on being a wellrun and efficient organization. Central to that success is a processoriented, continuous improvement culture that aligns our core values with our operating environment. A safe and productive work environment is Unimin at a Glance Markets and Applications one of those core values, achieved through programs that encourage and reinforce Applied Research best practices for the health and safety of our employees and contractors. Health and Safety Culture HIGHLIGHT STORY Sentinels of Safety Award In October, representatives from Unimin's Schoolhouse Quartz plant traveled to Washington, DC to receive the Sentinels of Safety award from the National Mining Association. The award, established in 1925 by then U.S. Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, recognizes outstanding safety performance in the mining industry. This is the second consecutive year (2012 and 2013) that the Schoolhouse plant has received this coveted safety award. We are also extremely proud to note that this is the third time in four years that a Unimin facility has been recognized with the Sentinels of Safety award. Safety at Unimin is truly a team effort. Engagement of the entire team in the overall safety process, and especially the hourly workforce, is cited as the key to our safety record. Their handson experience brings important practical insight to safety initiatives. At Schoolhouse, hourly employees are increasingly taking ownership of the plant's safety programs to establish the safety agenda, identify areas for improvement, recommend corrective actions, and track deficiencies through to completion. Safety programs collaboratively conceived and collectively implemented reflect the best possible practice. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMPANY Unimin at a Glance Unimin is an applicationfocused company drawing from a diversified product portfolio and the worldwide production capabilities of Sibelco, its privately held parent organization. In Mexico, Unimin operates as Grupo Materias Primas and in Our Company Unimin at a Glance Canada as Unimin Canada Ltd/Ltee. The Unimin executive offices are located in Markets and Applications New Canaan, Connecticut with technology, analytical and sales service centers Applied Research situated throughout North America. 20,000,000 $1.6 Billion 2400 94% 44 Tons Shipped to Customers Worldwide Annual Gross Revenue Professionals Employed to Convert Natural Resources into Engineered Solutions Employee Retention Rate Mining and Mineral Processing Plants in US, Canada and Mexico Industrial sand, high purity quartz, feldspar, Our Portfolio nepheline syenite, microcrystalline silica, ball clay, kaolin, calcium carbonate and calcium quicklime and hydrated lime Health and Safety Culture Unimin Locations in Canada, U.S. and Mexico St.Canut Emmett Nephton Blue Mountain Peterborough Ottawa Kasota North & South Tunnel City Mankato Portage Oregon New Canaan Pittsburgh Troy Grove Ottawa Utica I & II Elco Roff Guion Tamms Brentwood Bakersville Camden Spruce Pine Calera Sibley Cleburne Troup Voca Canoitas Tuscaloosa Junction City Bridgeton Winchester Huntingburg Pevely Dividing Creek Gore Marston Lugoff Hephzibah McIntyre The Woodlands Lampazos Apodaca Monterrey Benito Juárez San José Iturbide PLANTS Ahuazotepec Tlaxcala San Juan Evangelist Jáltipan OFFICES OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMPANY Markets and Applications Unimin is North America's leading industrial mineral producer and technology Our Company partner to a diverse customer and market base. The Company is the world's largest producer of monocrystalline quartz proppants for oil and natural gas stimulation and Unimin at a Glance recovery, and the world's largest producer of lowiron nepheline syenite for glass, Markets and Applications ceramic, paint and plastic applications. Unimin is also the world's leading producer Applied Research of high purity quartz, a highly specialized product used in the fabrication of Health and Safety Culture integrated circuits, solar photovolaric cells and high intensity lighting. HIGHLIGHT STORY Applications Flat and architectural glass, glass containers, reinforcing fiberglass and insulation, lighting, plasma and LCD displays Sanitary ware, floor and wall tile, tableware and ornamental tiles and brick Foundry castings, precision and investment casting, steel Oil and natural gas stimulation and recovery, geothermal heat exchangers, solar energy collector panels and wind turbines Click for More Information Golf course construction, artificial sports surfaces, equestrian asphaltic emulsions, roofing shingles stabilization, flue gas desulphurization phosphate and fertilizer production, refractory bricks, shapes and sprayon linings Water production and filtration, concrete and precast structural Waste treatment and purification, soil remediation and extruded and formed plastic parts Paper and paperboard manufacturing, chemical processing, Click for More Information members, engineered stone/artificial marble, asphalt and soft rubber goods, plastic packaging and agricultural film, Click for More Information Industrial, marine and maintenance coatings, architectural trade clear coats and UVcured systems and refining Tires and hard rubber wearing parts, flexible membranes and Click for More Information paints, OEM and powder coatings, adhesives, sealants, mastics, making blast furnaces and sinter conditioners, metal conversion Click for More Information Crucibles and quartzware for computer chips manufacturing, high intensity quartz lighting, solar photovoltaic cells ceramics, porcelain and porcelanato, insulators, structural clay and race tracks, agricultural amendments, animal feed components, children's play sand Personal care products, food supplements and processing aids, pharmaceutical grade nutritional additives OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMPANY Applied Research The minerals we mine and process have inherent physical and chemical qualities, but it takes expertise and innovation to convert quarried rock into functional and valuable products. Unimin engineers industrial minerals to isolate specific chemical, Our Company Unimin at a Glance physical and performance properties and continuously refines and improves Markets and Applications product quality to deliver value to our customers. Depending on the application, Applied Research finished products can take the form of stones, aggregates, granules or powders, with chemical purities and "critical to quality" elements statistically controlled for superior performance. HIGHLIGHT STORY Technical Affiliations Unimin is proud to be aligned with numerous organizations that make significant contributions to our industry and society. Unimin is an active participant in the Industrial Minerals Association North America (IMANA), the National Industrial Sand Association (NISA), and other technical and advocacy organizations that promote best practices, enhance industry reputation and foster sustainable development in health, safety, operations and the environment. Technical Affiliations include: Adhesive and Sealant Council American Board of Industrial Hygiene American Ceramic Society American Chemical Society American Coatings Association American Foundry Society American Industrial Hygiene Association American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers American Society of Quality American Society of Safety Engineers Asociación Nacional de Transporte Privado, A.C. (ANTP) ASTM International Board of Canadian Registered Safety Professionals Board of Certified Safety Professionals Cámara Minera de México (CAMIMEX) Casting Industry Suppliers Association Ejecutivos en Relaciones Industriales A.C. (ERIAC) Glass Manufacturers Institute of America Glass Packaging Institute Glass Producers Transportation Council Golf Course Superintendents Association Industrial Minerals Association North America (IMANA) International Association of Mine Safety Engineers International Standards Association National Fire Protection Association National Freight Transportation Association National Industrial Sand Association National Industrial Transportation League National Institute of Ceramic Engineers National Lime Association National Safety Council National Sanitation Foundation North American Rail Shippers Ontario Mining Association Quebec Mining Association Society for Human Resources Management (SHRM) Society of Petroleum Engineers Society of Plastics Engineers Wildlife Habitat Council Health and Safety Culture OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMPANY Health and Safety Culture Unimin is a recognized leader in the mining and industrial minerals community, with a long working relationship with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) that reflects our ongoing commitment to workplace safety. The Our Company Unimin at a Glance Company has been singled out for its exemplary safety and health record with the Markets and Applications prestigious Sentinels of Safety award by the National Mining Association (NMA). Applied Research Health and Safety Culture HIGHLIGHT STORY Reinforcing Safety Awareness Unimin further elevated the importance of safety consciousness with the introduction of a Companysponsored Award for Safety & Health Excellence. The award and affiliated programs reflects the ongoing Executive Management Group's (EMG) commitment to promote safe practices and raise awareness of the Companywide campaign for our fellow employee's welfare. Unimin's CEO and members of its senior leadership team regularly travel to the Company's mines, plants and operating terminals to encourage and reinforce safe work practices. Plants are divided into small, intermediate and large categories and judged eligible by their performance to satisfy the following minimum criteria: Zero lost time incidents; Zero modified duty incidents; Zero regulator reportable incidents; Achieved all applicable Dust Exposure Objectives; and Zero regulator or Corporate Safety & Health housekeeping deficiencies. Plants that meet and exceed these criteria are nominated and judged by an awards committee. The award, recognition and incentives have proven to be a very effective investment to help reinforce our Safety & Health culture. HIGHLIGHT STORY Safety Awards & Recognition OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Unimin will Sustain its Economic Growth through Continuous Improvement and Innovation Our Approach Unimin strives to be the best industrial minerals company in the world by continuously improving the qualities of our products, customer services and employee skills. We accomplish these goals through our Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) employed in an environment that encourages and rewards innovative thinking. Through continuous improvement and innovation we empower our employees and entrust them with the sustainability of our company. HIGHLIGHT STORY Responsible Mining Initiative Unimin announced it will invest more than $50,000 per year in a new Responsible Mining Initiative program established at the University of Wisconsin. Unimin's financial commitment provides monies for student and educator internships, scholarships and grants for the study of geology, hydrogeology, restorative ecology and regulatory policy. The investment represents a major commitment on the part of Unimin to the University's Responsible Mining program and an opportunity for Unimin to continuously improve and innovate with the benefit of the University’s academic perspective. The initiative will span a range of industry topics, including the economics of mineral recovery, responsible mining practices and environmental stewardship. "This is an incredible opportunity for our students to gain valuable professional experience. The program will produce creative, scientifically literate graduates who can make a positive difference in the mining industry", said Dr. Kent Syverson, Department Chairman at the University. Unimin's investment in the University's Responsible Mining Initiative is an investment in the next generation of mining, mineral processing and environmental professionals. Continuous Improvement Customer Engagement Innovation at Work OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR APPROACH Continuous Improvement Unimin's Continuous Improvement Process (CIP) is a strategic program based upon the recognition that every business process within our organization can be defined, measured and improved by the people performing those tasks as part of Our Approach Continuous Improvement the process. It is the Company's essential tool to benchmark, manage and improve Customer Engagement our operational and organizational performance, and as such is an important part of Innovation at Work our sustainability program. Major processes identified by individual departments as key performance indicators regularly undergo a CIP review. HIGHLIGHT STORY Continuous Improvement With guidance and coordination by Unimin's General Manager of Continuous Improvement and Innovation, departmental and crossfunctional teams evaluate key processes by looking at the range of process types required to meet a business objective. Unimin identifies macro processes (such as mining or purchasing), major processes (such as grinding or distribution) and micro processes (such as taking samples or logging data) that need to run well in order for us to succeed. Unimin's Executive Management Group oversees the process, establishes priorities for the CIP application and regularly monitors progress. CIP teams have ownership and are responsible for improving their assigned processes by following the five steps of CIP: 1. Define the Process 2. Determine Process Goal and Requirements 3. Develop and Implement the Process and Monitoring Systems 4. Measure, Control and Improve the Process 5. Assess the Process and Review with Management OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR APPROACH Customer Engagement Customer requirements are frequently the genesis of new product development and it takes a collaborative team effort to turn those requirements into commercially viable products and services. Unimin research and development programs begin Our Approach Continuous Improvement with strong customer and industry relationships, and processes that encourage Customer Engagement cooperative exchange. Stakeholder engagement that actively listens to the ‘voice of Innovation at Work the customer' is the foundation of Unimin's product and process improvement initiatives. HIGHLIGHT STORY Customer Driven Innovation Unimin has embarked upon a formal Companywide initiative that challenges its employees to 'think outside the box' and share innovative ideas with their colleagues. Leading this initiative and designated as the innovation process manager is the General Manager Continuous Improvement and Innovation Services. The call for innovative ideas is an important engagement tool that promotes a sense of responsibility for and ownership of Unimin's future success. One novel approach successfully launched is an "Innovation Tournament"; a competition to encourage idea generation and to efficiently solicit and assess innovative ideas in a ‘crowd sourcing' exercise. In 2013, an Innovation Tournament sponsored by Unimin's Specialty Minerals Division brought together Company and industry representatives to identify current and future functional filler requirements. The brain storming session focused on improved product functionality, optimized processes and the product development pipeline. We use innovation and continuous improvement to focus and leverage company strengths to create value for our customers. In 2013 that focus was recognized by Halliburton Energy Services when it awarded Unimin it’s prestigious “Golden Hard Hat” supplier award for Service, Quality and Operational Excellence. During the award ceremony Unimin was cited as the first and only hydraulic fracturing proppant supplier to ever receive Halliburton’s Golden Hard Hat award. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR APPROACH Innovation at Work Innovation is one of the guiding principles we employ to create value for our stakeholders. Simply put, innovation is the novel solution to a need that creates value. Our approach is to encourage and nurture innovative thinkers and implement Our Approach Continuous Improvement innovative ideas that will make a positive social, economic or environmental impact Customer Engagement for our employees, customers, neighbors and communities. Innovation at Work HIGHLIGHT STORY Innovation at Work Unimin partnered with the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) to develop HelmetCAM, a hard hat mounted video monitor used to identify hazardous work environments. The invention integrates two existing technologies in a portable tool to help identify tasks or workplaces with elevated exposures to harmful dust, gases or noise. The HelmetCAM is particularly valuable to monitor the environment of mobile workers who typically move from location to location in the performance of their job function. Unimin first conceived the HelmetCAM as a small video camera with a data logging monitor that could be worn on a safety belt or safety vest. NIOSH furthered the idea with computer software that synchronized video and data to assess exposure in real time and over a full work day. The ability to review exposure data in the context of real time video helps identify specific environments for additional safety investments. A number of mineral companies have participated in field testing and refinement, and today's HelmetCAM technology has been adopted by a variety of manufacturing and industrial companies. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Unimin will be a Leading Corporate Citizen in the Communities in Which We Work Our Communities We are first and foremost citizens of our communities, and take great pride in the places we work. Our desire to be good neighbors is not just a symbolic gesture; it reflects our sincere outreach to local leaders, educators and civic organizations in support of our communities. We express our genuine interest for the welfare of our employees, friends and neighbors through donation, sponsorship and volunteerism. HIGHLIGHT STORY University of Sonora In March 2012, Grupo Materias Primas (GMP) donated 21.5 hectares (53 acres) of land at our Lampazos plant to the University of Sonora. The land is part of the Valle de los Saguaros, an area where the indigenous Saguaros (giant cacti) grow to average age of 200 to 300 years. The valley is also habitat to large populations of birds, mammals and reptiles, including at least 10 protected species listed in the NOM059SEMARNAT, the environmental protection act published by the Official Journal of the Federation of Mexico. GMP weighed a number of alternate use proposals for its holdings in Valle de los Saguaros before donating the land to the University. Citing University programs that support and promote wildlife conservation, ecosystem management and land restoration, GMP awarded the land to the University of Senora. The valley will be used by the University´s Department of Scientific and Technological Research for teaching and research projects. Community Engagement Lands for Learning Local Investment OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMMUNITIES Community Engagement Unimin depends upon good community relations and a constructive partnership between our Company, our neighbors and our many local stakeholders. We promote local collaboration and encourage our employees to be active and Our Communities Community Engagement contributing members of our communities. To this end, every Unimin plant Lands for Learning proactively develops a Community Action Plan (CAP) that reflects the needs of the Local Investment surrounding community. These plans can include financial participation, volunteer programs and environmental initiatives in coordination with local government and organizations to benefit all who live and work in our communities. HIGHLIGHT STORY Good Neighbor Unimin's greenfield project to produce hydraulic fracturing sands in the rural community of Tunnel City, Wisconsin started with a community outreach effort to ensure all stakeholders and opinions were heard. When concerns were voiced about the operating practices of newmarket entrants Unimin transported community members to its sister plants in Minnesota for a firsthand inspection of its mining, operating and land management practices. It was an important first step to build community confidence and trust. The constructive dialogue that ensued over many months helped Unimin formulate operating agreement that dispelled the town's concerns. The Tunnel City plant is a selfcontained mining, processing and shipping operation, designed to unobtrusively co exist with the rolling countryside. More than 7 million cubic yards (5 million cubic meters) of earth were excavated to locate the plant below grade and behind a ridgeline built to conceal the operation and its rail infrastructure from the local country road. From the first exploratory team, Unimin proactively engaged its many stakeholders to prove itself a considerate and environmentally aware neighbor. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMMUNITIES Lands for Learning Unimin actively supports the Wildlife Habitat Council's (WHC) Corporate Lands for Learning (CLL) program, which involves the community in wildlife and biodiversity educational opportunities. The program engages both employer and employees in Our Communities Community Engagement the development and management of public access to Company property for Lands for Learning educational activities and wildlife observation. Unimin has six sites that are certified Local Investment CLL and has recertified its Spruce Pine Schoolhouse, North Carolina and Tamm/Elco, Illinois, plants through the CLL program. HIGHLIGHT STORY Prairie Ecology Center The Prairie Ecology Bus Center (PEBC) provides environmental education programs to prekindergarten through high school aged students in Minnesota and Iowa. Sponsored by Unimin and the Save the Kasota Prairie coalition, as many as 10,000 students participate in these programs annually. PEBC field trips cover many conservation and land management subjects; including prairie, forest, lake and stream ecosystems, water and wetland science and wildlife management. Access to the Minnesota prairie is facilitated by the Ecology Bus; a custom built, mobile classroom that connects students and teachers with their natural environment. Unimin's donation of $20,000 to the PEBC toward the purchase of a new Ecology Bus reflects our commitment to preserve and protect the Kasota Prairie. These historic prairie lands, which adjoin our mining and processing operations in Kasota, MN, stand as proof that industry and environmental preservation can coexist in harmony. We're proud to play a small role in the education of next generation of ecologists and environmental stewards. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR COMMUNITIES Local Investment Unimin remains committed to the economic and social development of the communities in which we operate. We encourage each of our facilities to spend locally wherever feasible, and we're proud to report that 18 of our plants locally Our Communities Community Engagement sourced approximately 80% of their operating and constructionrelated materials. Lands for Learning We approach community investment and local spending with the same long term Local Investment perspective that we operate our mining and processing operations. We believe that an investment in our communities is an investment in our future. HIGHLIGHT STORY Investing in Our Communities Locally formulated Community Action Plans reflect our corporate commitment to support the communities in which we work. Our objective is to support the hundreds of volunteer driven initiatives that benefit our communities, our local schools, youth sports and scouting programs, veterans and service associations, and health and safety agencies. In Utica, Illinois our employees actively support the Village fire department's firefighter training programs and promote fire safety in the local schools. Unimin recently underscored its support for community safety with donations of $35,000 and $75,000 to the Utica Fire Protection District toward the purchase of a new ambulance, fire rescue truck and associated medical equipment. "Unimin has been a community supporter for many years," said Fire Chief Gary Gbur, "and the new rescue truck replaces an old van that wasn't safe, efficient or reliable to aid us in properly responding to community needs." Unimin’s financial and volunteer participation in its local communities ranges from AdoptAHighway programs to funding for the Discovery Place Children’s Museum. In North Carolina, Unimin was quick to respond when the Avery County Sheriff's police dog Mikki sustained a spinal injury and could not return to work. Unimin responded with a $8,000 donation to purchase and train Mikki's replacement. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT Unimin will Optimize its Natural Resource Utilization to Ensure Sustainable Performance for its Stakeholders Our Footprint Since its inception, Unimin has been a conscientious steward of the environment. Land While compliance with all local, state and federal regulatory and statutory Energy requirements has always been a mandatory operating objective, our intention is to Water exceed these requirements and to optimize the use and recovery rates of natural Air Quality resources in our charge through our Continuous Improvement Process. Biodiversity HIGHLIGHT STORY Greenfield CoExistence Experience gained over years of land and habitat management was particularly valuable as Unimin opened a new mine in Tunnel City, Wisconsin. When the Company discovered that its original Tunnel City site design might negatively impact a traditional habitat of the endangered Karner Blue Butterfly, it revised the site plan and proactively contacted the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to develop a long term conservancy plan. Unimin is the first mining company to partner with both the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Wisconsin Statewide Karner Blue Butterfly Habitat Conservation Plan. The Company has set aside a total of 108 acres (44 hectares) at Tunnel City as habitat for Karner Blue Butterfly and seeded the tract with a diverse mix that will support the Karner Blue and other native pollinating species. OUR TEAM OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR FOOTPRINT Land Land is one of the most important resources we manage, and we invest significant financial and human effort to efficiently use this valuable commodity. Our objective is to balance economic and environmental objectives in a manner that ultimately Our Footprint Land returns mined land to an ecologically appropriate landscape. Threedimensional Energy mine modeling maximizes the land's productive output while minimizing waste and Water specifying a reclamation strategy to be implemented throughout the mineral extraction process. Air Quality Biodiversity HIGHLIGHT STORY Reclaimed for the Future Unimin's Ottawa and Kasota operations collaborate with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and other conservation organizations like Ducks Unlimited to design and build reclaimed land and wetlands that complement the surrounding landscape. At Ottawa, MN Unimin is reclaiming the site to its presettlement 1890's prairie and big woods ecosystems. The created landforms tie into the undulating bluffs of the Minnesota River Valley and combine with newly planted native fauna to create a natural habitat for wildlife. At Kasota, MN dolomite rock outcroppings and glacial erratics are being strategically placed within the reclaimed areas to recreate glacial landforms. Other geomorphic features including depressions, wetlands and hummock features create diverse habitats for a wide range of wildlife. In the broader Minnesota River Valley, Unimin’s $40,000 donation to Ducks Unlimited is helping to restore and protect the water quality of shallow lakes and wetlands. “Unimin has been an environmental steward for many years, and we’re proud to have them as a partner”, said Minnesota State Chairman Tim Robie. Through its reclamation and conservation initiatives, Unimin has been able to connect public and private open spaces into one large greenspace corridor along the Minnesota River Valley. The area is designated as one of Minnesota's most significant and prolific locations for biodiversity. 2013 Overburden OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR FOOTPRINT Energy Consistent with our culture of continuous improvement, it is our objective to improve our energy efficiency. Unimin plants operate with stateoftheart technologies to minimize energy consumption, including renewable energy sources such as Our Footprint Land hydropower and biogas to help preserve finite hydrocarbon resources. Several Energy plants utilize exhaust gases to preheat dryer circuits for additional energy savings. Water A corporate environmental officer coordinates the activities of environmental professionals to ensure operations are consistent with our commitment to sustainability. Air Quality Biodiversity HIGHLIGHT STORY Focused on Energy Efficiency Energy efficient LED lights have been part of Unimin's engineering standards and best operating practices since 2009. While the initial acquisition cost is about 20% to 30% greater than sodium or metal halide lights, LED lights use approximately 40%50% less electricity than the comparable sodium or metal halide alternatives. The lower demand on local power generation resources and reduced operating costs can represent as much as $25,000 annual savings. LED lights are also highly efficient in Unimin's industrial environment. Their longer operating life also translates into lower total maintenance and disposal costs. Unimin recently completed another green energy investment with the installation of a 45 kilowatt solar system on the roof of its corporate office. The project employs 162 high efficiency mono crystalline photovoltaic cells produced with the Company’s IOTA high purity quartz. The solar panels will produce 55,170 kilowatt hours of electricity per year and are expected to offset that portion of the building’s annual electricity consumption for the next 25 years. The Company’s solar energy project joins a growing list of green and energy efficient projects underway throughout North America. Energy Usage (GJ/ton by plant) 2013 Total Energy Consumed for U.S, CANADA & MEXICO (GJ per ton produced) PLANT Ahuazotepec Apodaca Benito Juarez Blue Mountain Calera Camden Canoitas Cleburne Dividing Creek Elco Emmett Gore Guion Guion Resin Hephzibah Huntingburg Jaltipan Junction City Kasota Kasota South Lampazos Lugoff Marston McIntyre Nephton Ottawa Oregon Pevely Portage Roff San Jose San Juan Sibley Spruce Pine, Crystal Spruce Pine, Hawkins Spruce Pine, Quartz Spruce Pine, Red Hill Spruce Pine, Schoolhouse St. Canut Tamms Tlaxcala Troup Troy Grove Tuscaloosa Utica Utica II Voca TOTAL 0.49 0.45 0.11 0.62 5.02 0.34 0.30 0.28 0.38 1.73 0.37 0.25 0.25 0.39 0.94 0.32 0.47 0.32 0.31 0.22 0.60 0.12 0.25 1.11 0.47 0.25 0.22 0.30 0.26 0.25 1.01 0.07 0.52 0.12 0.16 14.65 5.31 0.08 0.32 1.08 0.18 0.05 0.23 0.17 0.29 0.22 0.53 OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR FOOTPRINT Water Water is an essential component of our mining and mineral processing. We understand the finite quality of this vital resource and work diligently to ensure that water is managed in a way that is cost effective for the business as well as Our Footprint Land sustainable for the environment. Unimin strives to optimize its water balance by Energy continuously recycling and reusing process water in closed loop systems. In Water addition to our conservation efforts, Unimin is equally diligent to control effluent water quality, monitor permitted discharge and proactively manage storm water to satisfy and exceed local regulations. HIGHLIGHT STORY Engineering Water Conservation Unimin's newest industrial sand plant in Tunnel City, Wisconsin produces 2 million tons of hydraulic fracturing sand per year. That annual volume typically requires 2.5 billion gallons (9.5 billion liters) of water to wash and process the mined feedstock. Process water would traditionally be supplemented either by drawing clean water from surface sources or by tapping the underground aquifer. An innovative pairing of water management technologies by Unimin’s engineering team reduced the plant's expected makeup water requirement by 97%. The Tunnel City design includes a standalone water filtration plant that employs vacuum belts, thickener tanks and filter presses to clean and recycle approximately 9,700 gallons (37,000 liters) of water per minute. Seven high capacity pumps operate in a closed loop circuit to replenish process water for the wash and hydrosizer plant with clean, treated water from the filtration plant. Air Quality Biodiversity OUR TEAM OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR FOOTPRINT Air Quality Unimin is committed to protecting the air quality of our surrounding communities by minimizing emissions from our facilities. We accomplish this objective by identifying and using cleaner alternate energy sources, installing stateoftheart control Our Footprint Land devices and practicing best management policies to minimize emissions from Energy mining, processes and related sources. Unimin plants undergo comprehensive and Water environmental audits to ensure our impacts are being minimized. HIGHLIGHT STORY Air Quality Biodiversity Innovative Clean Air Solution When fossil fuels are burned in industrial processes, nitrogen oxides are emitted into the air, contributing to the production of ground level ozone. Unimin's Southern Lime Company, in Calera, Alabama proactively installed a selective noncatalytic reduction (SNCR) system to reduce nitrogenoxide emissions at the cost of more than $500,000. The new system injects a nonhazardous urea solution into the process exhaust that reacts with the gasses to produce harmless forms of nitrogen and water. As a result, total nitrogenoxide emissions at the plant have been reduced by more than 10%. The Alabama Wildlife Federation (AWF) recognized Unimin's voluntary installation of a Selective NonCatalytic Reduction (SNCR) system with the Governor's Conservation Achievement Award: "Air Conservationist of the Year." The award is presented for making "great contributions to the conservation of Alabama's wildlife and related natural resources," in recognition of Unimin's voluntary installation of its lime kiln at the Calera plant. Emission Factors GHG Emissions (by Product) OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR FOOTPRINT Biodiversity An essential component of Unimin's resource management program is our commitment to preserve and enhance the diversity of animal and plant life on the lands we manage. Since 1993, Unimin has been regularly recognized by the Our Footprint Land Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) for our preservation and restoration efforts. Unimin Energy sites have consistently been recognized for excellence in preserving and restoring Water habitats. By the end of 2013, the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) had certified 37 of our sites through their Wildlife at Work program. Air Quality Biodiversity HIGHLIGHT STORY The Magazine Mine Unimin received the Conservation Action Award from the Wildlife Habitat Council (WHC) for its conservation efforts at its Jason and Magazine mines in southern Illinois. Unimin is a longtime partner with state, federal and private organizations to repurpose its former underground mines as home to several bat species, including the Indiana Bat, big brown bat and eastern pipstrelle. These night time predators control the insect population, and their preservation is essential to our neighbors in the local farming community. The Magazine Mine is the largest underground silica mine in the region. Unimin partnered with Bat Conservation International, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR), Southern Illinois University, the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the US Forest Service to survey and stabilize the site as a hibernation cave for the bat population. Unimin also worked with the US Forest Service to reclaim its Jason mine and restore a 10 acre area adjoining the Shawnee National Forest to create a successful wildlife food plot. Volunteers from our Tamms and Elco plants manage approximately 275 acres on Unimin property as habitat for bats and other endangered species. The team regularly visits local schools and conducts field trips to teach and encourage wildlife conservation. OUR TEAM OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM Unimin will Champion "Personal Sustainability" through Employee Safety, Wellness and Enrichment Our Team Energetic, intelligent and motivated people find professional fulfillment and life long career opportunities at Unimin. We recruit and retain the best people by offering our employees a work environment where their talents and energies are challenged. Many have been with us for a decade or more and some have been with us their entire working career. From highly trained equipment specialists to professional engineers and research scientists, talented individuals work together as colleagues with a shared vision and objectives. Safe Workplaces Health and Wellness Programs Training OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR TEAM Safe Workplaces Unimin's SLAM RISKS program trains all employees to STOP, LOOK, ANALYZE, and MANAGE potential RISKS encountered on the job and at home. If there is a risk associated with a task, we remind each other to recognize, evaluate and safely Our Team Safe Workplaces manage that risk. Originally developed by Mine Safety & Health Administration Health and Wellness Programs (MSHA), Unimin SLAMS RISKS programs have significantly reduced the number of Training reportable incidents. With very positive feedback, the program has been expanded to all office locations and homebound communications. HIGHLIGHT STORY Silver Helmet Award Our Ahuazotepec, Puebla, Mexico plant has been honored in consecutive years by the Mining Chamber of Mexico (CAMIMEX) with the Silver Helmet Award. The award recognizes mining and metallurgical companies that have achieved superior safety performance through industrial safety innovations. Ahuazotepec's achievement is further distinguished by its record 1.5 million safe working hours without a lost time incident. The operation was cited for its advanced Respiratory Protection Program which established a maximum permissible limit to dust exposure that was half of the Maximum Permissible Limit authorized by the Official Mexican Standard of the Ministry of Labor and Welfare. Engineering investments, innovative application of personal protection equipment and best work practices were combined to achieve the lower exposure levels. An expanded medical surveillance program and newly implemented contractor prequalification program reinforces the Company's emphasis on workplace safety. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR TEAM Health and Wellness Programs Our wellness programs are designed to provide employees and their families with information and opportunities that promote healthier lifestyles. Annual Health Risk Assessments and Biennial Health Programs are designed to proactively monitor and manage personal health and well being. Our Team Safe Workplaces Health and Wellness Programs Training HIGHLIGHT STORY Personal Sustainability Unimin promotes Wellness Rocks!, a preventative wellness program that encourages healthier choices and lifestyles for our employees and their families. The Wellness Rocks! Program features Company paid biennial health exams and comprehensive annual health screenings with biometric feedback. Unimin also sponsors Health & Wellness Week with an emphasis on fitness challenges and home safety and education. We also support our employees in their individual wellness challenges. To overcome the health risks associated with tobacco use, we offer employees and their spouses full reimbursement for approved methods of tobacco cessation. The Company also funds a confidential counseling program for employees and their immediate families. OUR REPORT OUR COMPANY OUR APPROACH OUR COMMUNITIES OUR FOOTPRINT OUR TEAM OUR TEAM Training We recognize the value of a skilled workforce and the need for ongoing training and education to ensure that our employees perform their jobs to the best of their ability. We also take responsibility for providing employees with professional development Our Team Safe Workplaces opportunities as well as enhancing their personal lives. Unimin University is the Health and Wellness Programs umbrella under which we organize these employee development initiatives. Training HIGHLIGHT STORY Unimin University Unimin University is our onestop shop for all inhouse training needs, whether online or inperson. These initiatives encompass the enhanced development of training plans for every employee, with greater focus on succession planning, management development, and additional resources to train employees for leadership roles in the company. All of these efforts are supported by our learning management system (LMS) and performance review system, both of which are available to employees online. We are developing a broader curriculum that will include courses in wellness, ethics, compliance and safety and health. The most unique element of Unimin University is that it will be completely selfpaced; aside from the required training courses, employees can log in at their leisure and take any course they want. Further, we are developing a skills assessment for each course that employees will be required to take upon completion of a course to determine if they have adequately learned the necessary skills or knowledge associated with the course. Our Ahuazotepec, Mexico plant champions personal growth through a program that teaches hourly employees how to read and write. This initiative is conducted in conjunction with the National Institute for Adult Education (INEA) and enjoys a very successful graduation rate. The Company also implemented a Learning Management System (LMS in Mexico) to support the professional development with 20 online courses ranging from Sustainability to Labor Relations, Troubleshooting and Performance Management.