rcfm free press - Rocket City FurMeet


rcfm free press - Rocket City FurMeet
Volume 1, Issue 7R2
April, 2008
Official Newsletter of Rocket City FurMeet
Mews From the Head Cat (Chairman)
Hey Y'all!
At the recent Online Staff meeting we were discussing how MANY things are
going to be going on at RCFM this year! We've improved the Food programs,
increased the size and scope of the Furry Variety Show, and expanded the Fursuiter participation programs... and SO much more!
Keep in mind that the Radisson Suite hotel is accepting room reservations from
May 20th through the 28th at the RCFM room rate of $79 a night. Get a couple
roomies and keep your costs down! More information is available here -->
The RCFM pre-reg will save you money! You have until mid-May to get that pre-reg into our system, but
don't wait until it's too late! Visit the registration page of the RCFM website and see just how little you might
spend to have an entire weekend of FUN with 400 of your best friends this year!
All this information and more is available at this easy to remember website --> http://www.rcfm.net
We're busy working to make this the BEST year of RCFM - EVAR!!! Look forward to seeing you here in
Head Cat
Rocket City FurMeet
Registration: Kiran Lightpaw
Do you know what the best way to start your Rocket City Furmeet experience is? By ... not waiting in
a registration line! Pre-registration for Rocket City Furmeet is now available on the website. An Attending-level membership can be had for $35, a Sponsoring level for $45, a Super-Sponsoring level
for $75 and a Booster-level membership for $140. Booster level members will receive a special
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RCFM T-shirt, an exclusive 8 1/2" x 11" color print autographed by our Guest of Honor, a Chinese buffet lunch with the Guests of
Honor at the New China Buffet, an invitation to the Head Cat's Booster Appreciation Room Party, front row seating at all the popular events in the RCFM Event Room, a booster exclusive 8 1/2" x 11" color print autographed by the Guest of Honor, a special
Boosters' Sunday Brunch, and a private stock of selected beverages and snacks.
Visit us online at http://www.rcfm.net/registration and sign on our ship today!
Programming: Cmdr Kitsune/Camstone Fox
Submitted by - Camstone Fox & Commander Kitsune - Programming Co-Chairs
In the last issue you might remember me saying that the convention's programming was looking
AWESOME! Well, I was right - it's still AWESOME! About all we need to do is trim the sails a little
and catch the breeze into the RCFM Huntsville Radisson Harbor, and dock at the pier!
What's that you say, you haven't put in your programming materials yet? Well, we are definitely almost out of space, but if you submit your ideas now - and I mean right now, we might be able to hook
you up. But no promises! We're only 60 days away from the start of the con! And others are already
asking for the remaining spaces and time slots! So this is your last call for programming of submitting any con events or panels! And anyone wishing to hold a panel at RCFM Deep 6 should contact
the programming chair at camstone.fox@gmail.com - NOW!
And did you know that we've gotten so big, that we are continuing the con - ALL DAY Sunday?
That's right, programming doesn't end until the dead dog is tossed over the side, and saluted with the
biggest burial at sea that the con can throw and that he deserves! Drink up me hearties and drink to the Dead Dog at the Dance
on Sunday Night! More programming and more fun, right to the con's last wee hours!
Also new this year - Video Gaming Competition! So bring your hottest, modded GameCube and your rad DS system, and warm
up those thumbs - because only the best will win in the "Gamecube Super Smash Tourney!" Sign up and competition starts with
elimination rounds on Saturday, and only one will hold the coveted "Grand Champion" trophy and RCFM title as "Most Awesome Gamer!" And at our DS Fest, you'll get a chance to match your Nintendo DS skillz with others, or just share your latest
cheats and hard won codes!
And we've moved the Furry Variety Show from Sunday to Saturday! Yep you asked - we listened! And we rolled back Opening
Ceremonies to Friday at 5pm, because you asked for it!
And here is a short a recap of the other con highlights and major programming changes you should all be aware of:
And you may have read that Second Life has its own dedicated track now, but did you know we are actually going to
have a panel about business on Second Life?! Or that we are having a Second Life Scavenger Hunt? RCFM is the only
Furry Convention with its own Dedicated Second Life Track that is FULL of Panels! RCFM on Second Life - 24/7 the con that never ends! (Type Rocket City in your search window on SL to find us!)
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And this year, All artists who show or contribute pieces for charity will be invited to a special "Artist's Reception" to be
given in their honor! That's right; Boosters and Artists will be invited to a special reception Saturday evening in the
Artist show where some fine finger food and beverages will be served!
And still we have a few remaining panels in the Art Show! - But they are filling up fast! This should be the best RCFM
art show and auction - EVAR!
And Speaking of which the Art Auction is a silent auction, and the bid pieces will not be part of the charity auction.
This means the price you bid, is the price you pay (not including sales tax, unfortunately.) So bid high, bid often!
Are you ready to rumble with the best? Think you're good enough with Microns and Oil Paints? Well then, come to
"Leg Iron Artist!" and chain yourself and your creativity to our task at hand, from items provided at random. The winner is given the title "RCFM Iron Artist" for the rest of the year, and other snazzy bragging rights!
And yet still more Art - as our Guest of Honor, WerePuppy has offered to give an awesome panel on anatomy for beginners, and our Guest of Honor Lionel, from the Lion of the Sun Studios will be giving three panels on constructing
your own fursuit!
And talking of fursuits... we have permission from the hotel to hold a fursuit swim party- which includes our ever popular swimsuit competition! No one else has this! But RCFM does - that's right, for some participants, fursuits will be
allowed in the hotel pool! Contact Santa Fox for the requirements/details, as we have to ensure both your safety and
that your suit is safe for the hotel's filtration system! (And matted fur is sooooo passé')
We still have 4, count them -FOUR-, bands with live performances every night of the con!
Critical Fail
Crimson Mist
Controlled Substance
And while Wyldwood is not performing as planned Friday - due to other commitments - they still will be performing in the Furry Variety Show, Saturday!
2 The Ranting Gryphon will be performing live, twice at RCFM6! That's two time the fun from 2! And we’ve even
made arrangements to have our last year's winners in the comedy competition, to open for 2 this year! And maybe, just
maybe - we can even get 2 to do three shows... but he has to know you want that third one... so do yah?
Dances are -still- scheduled every night of the con! We're polishing the list of DJ's, and they are finalizing their sets as
you read this!
If you didn't hear, The Furry Variety Show is now on Saturday Afternoon! That's right, it's moved up to a prime spot
Saturday Afternoon with the rest of the major prime time line up of the convention!
GAH! My typing hand can't take much more of this - it's just too much! Can you believe it's all going to happen?! Well it will!
So thanks again for reading this update and we'll be updating you with even more next month! Now th question I have for you
is... have you registered yet for the most awesome of RCFM's - EVAR?!!!
Second Life: Lacy Amberwolf
Due to an great response at RCFM 5, Rocket City FurMeet has added an entire
track of programming dedicated to furriness in the Second Life virtual world!
Our Meet n' Greet has been moved to Friday night of RCFM6, giving you more
time to meet up with furs that you may have met in-world face-to-face and get to
know each other throughout the con weekend.
Eltee Statosky, one of the four founders of Luskwood, will be joining us as a Guest of Honor and will be running a panel about business in SecondLife. Luskwood is the largest PG furry area in the Second Life world,
covering several sims, and is one of the most widely-known furry avatar shops in-world. Luskwood was the
first vendor in Rocket City FurMeet's Second Life dealer's den, and we are extremely happy to have Eltee join
us for RCFM6!
The Second Life Team is also planning a Treasure Hunt for the con -- with plenty of treasure to be found. If
you're curious to know more about what we have planned for the con, feel free to visit us in Second Life!
Greetings everyone!!!
We have finally managed to get the Dealer Registration site for RCFM online. I am
so sorry that it has taken this long. To register as a dealer, please go to
and click on "Register Online Now." This will allow you to register your tables and
yourself at the same time.
If you have already registered yourself, please email me directly and I can take care of your table registration
I look forward to seeing you all and we are looking forward to yet another banner year with record sales in the
Dealers' Den!!!
Dealers' Den Commander
Member, RCFM Board of Directors
Do you have artwork, stories, or other content you'd like to submit for possible inclusion in
the RCFM Deep Six conbook? If so, then read on to learn how to submit your creative works
for consideration. While specific information for each submission type is provided below,
please remember our one main rule: the general rating of the Meet is PG and all submissions
for the conbook must meet this requirement to be considered.
The other main requirement for submissions is that they must be received by our Graphics Assistant, Kiwihunter, before the conbook deadline of April 2nd, 2008 to be considered for the
conbook. Please note that the editor of the conbook reserves the right to edit all submissions
for content and space requirements. Please also note that by submitting material for the RCFM
conbook, you agree to grant a limited license to Rocket City FurMeet to publish the material in
our conbook and to use it for RCFM advertising, though you retain all other rights to your submitted material.
If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact Kiwihunter and she will be
happy to assist you.
How about advertising in the RCFM conbook? It's a great opportunity. Advertisements are
o $25.00 for a full page ad
o $15.00 for a half-page ad
o $10.00 for a quarter-page ad
o $40.00 for the full page inside the front or back covers
Advertisement graphics should be black & white or grayscale. Acceptable formats are Adobe
Photoshop (.psd) and Adobe Illustrator (.ai) documents as well as JPEG (.jpg) and TIFF files.
JPEG and TIFF files should be 300 dpi (dots per inch). Please zip files over 3 MB. Pre-printed
ad pages may be sent via postal mail. Please address them to RCFM Conbook, c/o Ken Barnes,
2603 Landsdale Drive, Huntsville, AL 35810, USA. For help with advertisement design at very
reasonable rates, please contact Lacy Amberwolf . Advertisement submissions will be accepted
up to the conbook deadline on a first come, first served basis until all advertising space is filled.
Volume 1, Issue 7R2
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Volunteers: Samii Tiger
With only a month left until Rocket City FurMeet, the Volunteer Department is pleased to welcome
Xanthe Equine as a member of the Rocket City FurMeet Staff. Xanthe will be assisting Samii with duties
for the con this year, so that means double the wrangling power!
Do you want to help your side of the coup? Provide assistance to one of the friendliest cons in the
United States? Rocket City FurMeet is looking for willing volunteers to help in such departments and
as Security (with the approval of Alex "The Exalted" Katz), the Art Show, Hospitality, Sub-Level 03 and
Critical Fail concert set-up, and much more! If interested, e-mail Samii Tiger or Xanthe Equine for more
Rocket City Volunteering is a neutral party in the struggle for control of Rocket City FurMeet and supplies volunteers to both sides. Thusly, Rocket City Volunteers are considered neutral parties by affiliation. However, Samii and Xanthe make no attempts at enforcing this in an effort to promote an atmosphere of free will.
Rewards for completing volunteer hour "landmarks" are as follows:
5 Hours of Volunteering -- RCFM Volunteer Mousepad
10 Hours of Volunteering -- RCFM Volunteer T-Shirt
15Hours of Volunteering -- Free Attending-Level Membership to RCFM 2009
For more information or to sign up to volunteer, e-mail Samii at SamiiTiger@gmail.com or Xanthe at Xanthe_Equine@yahoo.com.
We look forward to seeing you on Memorial Day Weekend!
Writing, The 'Other" Furry Art
Are you a writer? Poet? Story teller? Fabulist? If so, then be sure to check out the 2008 Writing Track at
Track Head Phl Geusz is committed to presenting a series of panels that will be both enjoyable and educational to authors of all skill levels, from beginners still stringing their first words together to commerciallypublished novelists.
So far, topics will include the art of writing in story universes, how to compose ultrashort works, and a special
panel, in tribute to our con's theme, on nautical storytelling. Best of all, the whole shebang kicks off with a
low-key meet and greet where writers can let down their hair together and complain about stingy publishers,
slow royalty payments, and how in our fandom graphic artists always get all the glory.
See you there!
Volume 1, Issue 7R2
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Some of you have been asking about the hotel room block. True, we've had delays
getting the room block ready - there is a change in hotel managers at the Raddison
this year, so it's like starting from scratch in some areas!
I would like to say that you are now able to reserve a hotel room at the always-low
RCFM room rate of $79 per night. You can either call reservations at 256-8829400 (and ask for the RCFM room block) or go to their website: http://
Another issue we have been having is the shortness of the room block. Our room block will be extended!
We're merely having issues with the hotel's online reservation service, and we will announce when we get the
block extended.
Some of you are asking what "STE 1", "STE 2", etc. are on the hotel reservation page. Each one is a different
type of suite available in the hotel. If you choose one and go to the next page, you can see what amenities are
included with each suite. I forget exactly what is in each one, but I think the STE 1 option is a king or two
queens Sleep Number bed(s), and STE 2 is 2 normal double beds. I don't think STE 4 or 5 are available at this
Hope this clears some info up!
See you soon,
Brody Catsmouth
RCFM co-chair
Chair Insert:
Just as an update to what Brody was saying, the room reservations dates have been changed to May 20th through the
28th at the RCFM room rate. Please note that you MUST select "STE1" when reserving your room.
(The "STE2" has a data glitch, and as Brody said - the only difference is that the "1" type is a sleep-number bed and the
"2" type is a regular bed. Since you can't reserve a bed-type in a room block such as ours anyway... I don't see why Radisson left the "select rate" info on their website. But, whatever. Just select "STE1" and all will be well. ;> )
All pertinent details have now been updated on the Hotel page of the RCFM website, which you can find here: -->
(P.S. In case you think $79 isn't very good, look at the prices outside the RCFM room block on the Radisson site for this
hotel. They're normally $134 a night or higher! (!!!)
Rocket City Furmeet
We’re on the Web!
RCFM is produced by the members of NARF (North Alabama
Regional Furs) and is funded through the Alabama non-profit
corporation "Rocket City FurMeet, Incorporated." All site content
and/or funds collected are the property of Rocket City FurMeet,
Inc. and shall be used specifically for the purpose of hosting
Referenced sites in this issue
NARFgroup: http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/narfgroup
Rocket City FurMeet: http://www.rcfm.net
Con Hotel: http://www.radisson.com/rcfm2008
RCFM On LiveJournal: