the unrecables news
the unrecables news
THE UNRECABLES NEWS LO S ANGELES CHAPTER O F DISABLED SPORTS USA • TH E UNRECABLES • PO BO X 24856, LO S ANGELES, CA 90024-0856 SPRING ISSUE THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF T H E U NRECABLES A P R I L- JU N E 2 0 1 3 CLUB ELECTIONS & FWSA CONVENTION HELD IN JUNE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE J. DAVIS A s I’m writing this message, I’m sitting in our condo in my Mammoth Office (aka The Looney Bean) ready for another funfilled Unrecables ski weekend. Spring is already in the air as it was 90 degrees as I climbed out of the L.A. Basin yesterday and 60’ish when I rolled into Mammoth at 7:00pm. I even saw one patch of wildflowers starting to come out. By the April trip the drive along Route 395 could be beautiful. Even as the spring brings us some unpredictable and tricky conditions, I have to say it’s been a great snow year at Mammoth. Especially if you compare it to last year…but then, most years were better than that. We’ve had three trips since the last time I wrote and all of them have been awesome. It seems like we’ve had more new volunteers this year than we have had in past years, and seen some of our previous volunteers that haven’t been up in a while. We’ve also had some new students. So, thanks to all our members that are getting the word out about our club. continued -- p. 5 THE UNRECABLES ELECTION SEASON Board Nominations April 9 - May 14 General Election & Annual Meeting June 11, 2013 @ 6:30pm Mi Ranchito Family Restaurant see back page for location INSIDE THIS ISSUE • • • • • • • • • • • Vice President’s Message Memberships Matters L.A. Council News Spring Skiing has Arrived Unrecables Celebrates Whoolly’s Birthday LAC & FWSA & The Unrecables Sunshine Keep Fit and Think Safety Calendar of Events 2013 FWSA Convention Membership Application VICE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE SPRING SKIING HAS ARRIVED KEITH BONCHEK MARINA SALLAWAY I finally got on the slopes this winter! Better late than never I guess. It was spectacular, both the weather and the snow. No one could have asked for a better weekend. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time together, especially at the gathering on Saturday night. On a personal note, I want to thank my ski buddies Kenny Chan and Cindy Julian, they were awesome. Kenny had that GoPro Hero camera on top of his helmet. I can hardly wait to see the video he has from it, and laugh at myself. MEMBERSHIP MATTERS GORDON CARDONA T hank you to those who signed up for membership or renewed their membership during our ski trips this season. We appreciate your support. To those who have not renewed this season, please submit your Membership Application and dues to me. Your dues help keep our club up and running. Our club is run by volunteers and your dues help with our bills (eg. equipment & maintenance, storage, insurance, etc). Thank you for your support! ! Gordon Welcome New Members Herbert Raymond Joseph Takeli Kaitlin Yang SPRING ISSUE Helen and Chuck DeBerard retired from the club after being in it for many years. We will be sorry to see them go, but wish them well. I want to thank them for volunteering and helping with the club in training and teaching the disabled skiers. I don’t want to say “good bye” but I do want to give them a BIG HUG for all they have done and want them to know they can always come by and say “hi”. Ski season is rapidly coming to a close. There are only two or three more months left. Some of you who haven’t made the trip this year, need to start planning now, before the season slips away. Yeeeeee Haaaaaw!! ! Keith L.A. COUNCIL NEWS L .A. Council General Elections will be held on April 1st at Dinah’s Family Restaurant. If you’re interested in running for a position, contact Sigrid Noack, our L.A. Council Representative. The FWSA Convention will be in Reno, Nevada, on June 6-9, 2013. The event will be hosted by the Bay Area Council. If you are interested in attending, contact Sigrid. We hope to see you there! ! H i Skiers!! We l c o m e to Spring! We have had a few trips with blizzards and one gre a t , sunny trip. I hope many of you can make the April 19-21 trip. Mammoth hands out a hard card for lift tickets now. If you have one please include the red number on the back when you respond, yes to a trip. Also, when you respond to me, I need certain information in order to make a trip happen. Do you need lodging or will you find your own? How many days will you be skiing? Do you have a hard card, number? Can you take passengers or do you need a ride? (Trip forms are always appreciated.) Thanks and hope to see you in April. ! Marina SKIING MADNESS IN MARCH THANK YOU DONORS Erika Riddel Rinda Wohlwend ROKKA Race League 2 T H E U NRECABLES N E W S THE UNRECABLES CELEBRATES WOOLLY’S BIRTHDAY MICHELLE MCCARTHY H appy birthday, Woolly! We had another wonderful weekend in February at Mammoth where we sampled Mother Nature’s offerings. Friday was a glorious sunny day. Saturday, participants braved the wind and were treated to soft luxurious snow to ride on. The winds eased up on us in the afternoon, and we enjoyed a light snowfall as we drove down the hill at the end of the day. Sunday it was back to beautiful Mammoth weather. We welcomed new members John Gray and Kaitlyn Yang. February trip participants were: Dee Armstrong, Earl and Karen Boyko, Gordon and Wally Cardona, Darryl Coit, J a n d Amanda Davis, John Gray, Erin Hayden, Cindy and Mike Julian, Soo Lee, Steve Lefkowitz, Michelle and Robert McCarthy, Hannah Nishimoto, Sigrid Noack, Chuck Tucker, Alex Wolansky, and Kaitlyn Yang. Volunteers-in-training joined in the fun as well: Jason Julian (6 yo), Taylor McCarthy (5 yo), Katelyn Julian (4 yo), and Joslyn McCarthy (3 yo). Highlights: Gordon Cardona T H E U NRECABLES N E W S and Kaitlyn Yang rocked the half pipe with Mike Julian at the helm. Earl Boyko entertained us with the story of Mammoth and how the ski re s o r t started. Darryl Coit gave his instructors a workout from Main Lodge to Chair 9. Saturday night we had a Taco feast. Thanks go out to Soo Lee for shopping and our chefs: J, Amanda, Soo, and Erin who did an amazing job. Things were spiced up with Wally’s amazing guacamole. Then we were t reated to Chuck’s applecake a la mode for dessert. Thanks to Hannah Nishimoto for doing double duty as Equipment Manager and check-in coordinator. Thanks to J doing triple duty as Ski School Director, President, and chef. Thanks to our videographers, Michelle (well, she tried) and Robert. Thanks to Marina for coordinating the trip including tickets, condo, rides and more. A great time was had by all! Thanks to Mammoth Mountain for supporting our program! ! Michelle 3 SPRING ISSUE LAC & FWSA & THE UNRECABLES SIGRID NOACK L ots of happenings are coming up! L.A. Council is holding its annual Election on Monday, April 1st (no, it's not an April Fool's joke). We should have 2 or 3 reps at the meeting to show our support & vote! The meeting is at 7:00pm at Dinah's Family Restaurant at Sepulveda & Centinela, just off the I-405 fre e w a y. Really easy to find, and they have very good food. Located at 6521 S. Sepulveda Blvd, LA 90045; 310-645-0456. FWSA is busy getting the 81st Annual Convention organized. Please make a note on the dates: June 6-9, 2013 in Reno, Nevada. The early delegate registration $149 deadline is May 10th. After that the price goes up to $175. Some of the exciting activities include Thursday’s River Walk Pub Crawl, Friday's 7th annual Michael German Memorial Golf Tournament, Reno Run Whitewater Rafting, Tahoe Rim Trail Hike, Grand Sierra Spa Day, Grand Sierra Resort Fun, and a Beach Party right there at the Resort Swimming Pool! Some of the other Convention highlights are the huge Friday night Silent Auction (Sigrid is one of the assistants), the Saturday morning Travel Expo (which Sigrid is in charge of!), the Snowsports Leadership Academy, Celebrity Speakers, the Public Affairs Panel, the Saturday Awards Luncheon, a Celebrity MultiMedia Presentation, Saturday Awards Dinner, and Sunday's Far West General Meeting, Elections, the Charity Recognition awards (Sigrid is in c h a rge of this program), and the SPRING ISSUE Communication Awards presentation, w h e re we are sure to be able to applaud Gordon Cardona again for his terrific work on our Unrecables’ newsletter and Bonnie West for her outstanding volunteer work as our Webmaster! FWSA is offering a special registration deal this year. If we have 6 delegates, we get a refund for the 6th person. A wonderful incentive. Reno is a fun place, maybe we can get 6 delegates. I'm signing up as our first delegate.... who else wants to sign up! Please let me, Sigrid, and J. Davis know. The accommodations for the Convention are very reasonable, convenient, & beautiful! The Grand Sierra Resort & Casino has offered us double occupancy rooms for $79 a night. That’s a real bargain. There are also RV spots available. For reservations call 1-800-648-5080 and mention Far West Ski Association 2013. Make your reservations online at WestSki. Please check out for complete details of this Convention. The Unrecables continues to shop at Ralphs. Remind everyone you know and everyone you meet, to resign up for Ralphs Community Support Program. We need to re-register every September. Give your friends & everyone you meet one of our scanbar papers (I’ll send you some if you don't have any) or they can sign up online at Click on Community, then Community Contribution, under Participant, click Enroll, then you need to do the sign-in/password thing. Then the Unrecables or account #80831. That’s it. Remember that this is our #1 fundraiser. Because of this, 4 we can aff o rd not having trip fees again this year. So, please help us out be spreading the word, all year long! Skiing at Mammoth is great! We’ve had totally awesome trips so far, but just because Spring has sprung, there is no need to pack away your ski stuff yet! We have the April & May trips coming up! In past years they have been some of our greatest trips! Remember the huge snow storm on a May trip weekend! Unbelievable! So, make reservations with Marina Sallaway as soon as possible and don't miss out on all the fun! Contact Marina at ! Sigrid SUNSHINE Sympathies Marina Sallaway grandmother passed away in January Thank You Helen & Chuck DeBerard retired from skiing T H E U NRECABLES N E W S THE UNRECABLES KEEPS FIT AND THINKS SAFETY Skier’s Responsibility Code by Richard Lubin, D.C. Part II WHEN STARTING DOWNHILL OR MERGING INTO A TRAIL LOOK UPHILL AND YIELD TO OTHERS While people downhill do have the right of way, there are times when you and another skier may be merging at the same time. Always look up the hill to assess the situation. Please realize that the ever-increasing population of snowboarders is at a distinct disadvantage because of the mechanics of snowboarding. Skiers are looking straight ahead and can look both ways with equal facility. Snowb o a rders ALWAYS have a side to which they cannot easy see, it is the side behind them. The very nature of snowboarding makes it hard to see in one direction, unless one makes a very concerted effort to turn your whole head and trunk around. The importance of this is that you must realize that if you are approaching on the back side of a snowboarder they will likely not see you. Assume they will not and you can easily avoid a collision. USE DEVICES TO HELP PREVENT RUNAWAY EQUIPMENT This includes brakes on a ski and snowboard leashes. Skis can release if you fall, making them a dangerous missile. All modern skis have devices that stop them. Snowboards on the other hand stay attached to your legs, so unless your foot comes off, they stay put. So why require a leash? It is when you may be removing that board that it may get away from you. The leash acts as a safety while you are removing your leg from the binding. So we are all secure, just watch for those runaway hats and sunglasses. T H E U NRECABLES N E W S OBSERVE SIGNS & WARNINGS AND KEEP OFF CLOSED TRAILS There is probably a good reason why the trail is closed like lack of coverage, avalanche danger, not patrolled, etc. Skiing is a relatively safe sport largely because the resorts have made it that way. People who work there are professionals whose job it is to ensure safety, trust their judgment as to what are and unsafe areas. Also STAY IN BOUNDS. Every year there people lost and sometimes fatally because they went out of the ski area border. If you are lost, you may be liable for the expensive rescue attempts. If you seek a thrill, find it in the ski area. At the end of each day the ski patrol ‘sweeps ‘ the area for people. Anyone can have an accident, make sure it is in a patrolled, accessible area. KNOW HOW TO LOAD, UNLOAD, AND RIDE THE LIFTS SAFELY Is this no brainer for most people? Sure it is. But if you are a beginner skier, or a snowboarder, this can be more challenging. Snowboard e r s who have to ride onto and off the lift with only one leg in the binding. If you get on the lift with some boarder who seems unfamiliar ask them if they prefer one side or the other. Don’t rock your chair and never ever jump off the lift, this can send a ‘shock wave’ and throw others off the lift. Also, don’t spit, drop things, or clear off snow, there may be people below you. ! Part 2 of a three-part article. Always Think Safety While Skiing or Boarding. 5 President’s Message continued -- p. 1 As far as my bi-ski specialty goes, we’ve been getting in a good mixture of fun days with students and clinics for our new volunteers when we didn’t have any bi-ski students and happened to have enough instructors. All my lessons to date have been intermediate students so we have been having a blast going all over the mountain and satisfying our “need for speed”. We’ve even had a little fun in the terrain park! On the Board side of things, we are busy revising and bringing the Club By-laws up-to-date, making sure the equipment is all in good shape, and restocking what is necessary. At the March meeting, Steve Lefkowitz let us know that he had talked to our Founder Ron Bass, and that he asked Steve to pass on his greetings to our club members. Please let us know if there is anything you think we should be working on, and stop by for the Social Hour and dinner before the Board meeting sometime! ! J. CALENDAR OF EVENTS April 1 9 9 19-21 L.A. Council Mtg @ 7:00p Social @ 6:30p Board Meeting Mammoth Ski Trip May 6 14 14 17-19 L.A. Council Mtg @ 7:00p Social @ 6:30p Board Meeting Mammoth Ski Trip June 3 6-9 11 L.A. Council Mtg @ 7:00p FWSA Convention in Reno Elections & Annual Mtg July 1 9 L.A. Council Mtg @ 7:00p Social @ 6:30p SPRING ISSUE Far West Ski Association 81st Annual Convention Mountain Magic Moments June 6-9, 2013 Grand Sierra Resort & Casino 2500 East 2nd Street Reno, NV 89595 (775) 789-2129 (reservations) hosted by Bay Area Snow Sports Council Grand Sierra Resort & Casino Reservations call 800-648-5080 or 775-789-2129 Group Name Far West Ski Association 2013 Online Room Rates per night plus tax single or double occupancy Grand Sierra Room $79 Summit Grand II Upgrade $104 RV Spots at Grand Sierra: call 800-648-5080 or 775-789-2129 Hotel Features • 11 Restaurants, 5 Bars & Lounges, Casino, Beach/Pool, Spa/Health Club, Movie Theater, Bowling, Miniature Golf • NO Resort Fees, FREE In-room Wi-Fi, FREE Parking • Rates available 3 days pre and post Convention • FREE Transfer from Reno International Airport • Room block release date is May 10, 2013 Information •Jane Wyckoff FWSA Convention Chair or 949-933-9607 Convention Highlights • • • • • • • • • Silent Auction Travel Expo Snowsports Leadership Academy Celebrity Speakers Public Affairs Panel Saturday Awards Luncheon Celebrity Multi-Media Presentation Saturday Awards Dinner Far West General Meeting & Elections Optional Activities • • • • • • • • Mary Olhausen Silent Auction/Travel Expo Chair or 503-880-7383 Pub Crawl Michael German Golf Tournament Reno Run White Water Rafting Tahoe Rim Trail Hike Grand Sierra Spa Day Grand Sierra Resort Fun Beach Party • Linda Indreboe BAC Host Council Convention Coordinator or 408-248-8426 2014 Annual Ski Week in Beaver Creek, CO FWSA Package Includes: 7 Nights Lodging (dbl. occ.) Far West Amenity Package Registration Presents Mountain Rally Welcome Party Races January 25th to February 1st, 2014 Pub Crawl Ski week package prices will be available through Council’s participating in the FWSA Ski Week in Beaver Creek Mountain Picnic Lift tickets are included in the ski week package; however, EPIC passes will also be available and should be purchased from our Tour Operator at by calling 1-800-500-2SKI (2754). Each member purchasing the EPIC pass through Skigroup, will receive a $25 discount off their lodging during our ski week. To check EPIC Pass pricing, available mid-March, go to: Awards Après Party Ski Week Banquet 5 or 6 Day Lift Tickets Lift tickets are good at 5 Colorado Resorts For More information contact a Council Trip Coordinator Arizona Council Bay Area Council Central Council Inland Council Los Angeles Council Northwest Council Orange Council San Diego Council Sierra Council Dan & Kim Spencer Paula Kinahon Mary Alexander Wayne Stolfus Sandy Blackwell Christine Ciardi Sheila Van Guilder Susan Shaffer Debbie Stewart 480-220-6906 510-357-6127 661-742-1381 909-799-3118 818-441-6191 503-819-3128 714-656-6032 858-481-5043 559-734-9294 Gloria Raminha, FWSA VP North American Travel, 12707 Windy Ridge Dr., Bakersfield, CA 93312 661-829-5996 (phone) · 661-800-8229 (Cell) · Must be a member of a Far West Ski Association affiliated ski club or a FWSA Direct Member CST #2036983-40 Free Admission Free Admission 2013 GLENDALE INVITATIONAL Power Soccer Tournament April 6-7, 2013 AT Glendale Community College Verdugo Gym 1500 N. Verdugo Road, Glendale, CA 91208 (near Lot A, off Mountain Ave.) Volunteers Needed! Snack Bar • Raffle Game Schedule SATURDAY 10:00 - Roughriders v Heat Elite 11:15 - Earthquakes v Outlaws 12:30 - Vaqueros v Heat Elite 1:45 - Roughriders v Outlaws 3:00 - Vaqueros v Earthquakes 4:15 - Heat Elite v Outlaws 5:30 - Vaqueros v Earthquakes SUNDAY 9:00 - Roughriders v Earthquakes 10:15 - Vaqueros v Outlaws 11:30 - Heat Elite v Earthquakes 12:45 - Roughriders v Outlaws Hosted by: GLENDALE GLENDALE COMMUNITY Est. 2009 Follow us on Facebook: GlendaleRoughRiders COLLEGE Contact: Benny Aviles Contact: Laura Matsumoto Glendale Rough Riders GCC Program Administrator 818.652.9086 818.240.1000, ext. 3192 Follow us on Facebook: SocalVaqueros Contact: Steve Everett So Cal Vaqueros 562.449.8664 Follow us on Twitter: #2013GlendaleInvitational Check us out on Facebook: Donations are Welcome! The Unrecables THE UNRECABLES MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Date Name Phone (H) Address Phone (W) City & State Zip-postal codes Fax E-mail Birthdates & Names: (1) (2) Disability Special Equipment Used (i.e., wheelchair) Medications Physician's Name Phone Address City & Zip-postal codes Emergency Name Emergency Phone Health Insurance Company Healthcare I.D. Number (i.e., Medi-Cal/Kaiser) Are you a U.S. Veteran? Yes No Which war? List and describe any medical conditions limiting your participation in strenuous activities (i.e., heart condition, seizure disorder, etc.): What sport or activity could you teach? Are you interested in serving on any of the following committees? (Check all that apply) Publicity/P.R. Winter Trips Fundraising Social Programs Equipment Transportation Newsletter/Web site Annual Membership Fee (includes Disabled Sports USA Membership) New Member: Individual - $40.00 Family - $50.00 Renewal: Individual - $30.00 Family - $40.00 Life Time: Individual - $250.00 Organization: One Year - $50.00 Five Years - $200.00 Make your check payable to The Unrecables. Read & sign the Waiver & Release on the back, and mail this form and a check to: Gordon Cardona, Membership Director, 550 Orange Avenue, #429, Long Beach, CA 90802-7014. Phone: 562-495-4933; e-mail: Updated 10/6/11 DISABLED SPORTS USA INSURANCE WAIVER & RELEASE OF LIABILITY and MEDIA RELEASE FORM DISABLED SPORTS USA INSURANCE WAIVER & RELEASE OF LIABILITY FORM In consideration of being allowed to participate in any way in Disabled Sports USA and DSUSA Los Angeles - The Unrecables related events and activities, I and/or the minor participant, for myself, and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, the undersigned: 1. Agree that prior to participating, I will inspect, or if a parent and/or legal guardian I will instruct the minor participant to inspect, the facilities and equipment to be used, and if I believe, to the best of my ability, that anything is unsafe, I and/or the minor participant will immediately advise Disabled Sports USA and DSUSA Los Angeles - The Unrecables of such condition(s) and refuse to participate. 2. Acknowledge and fully understand that I and/or the minor participant will be engaging in activities that involve risk of serious injury, including permanent disability and death, and severe social and economic losses which might result only from my own actions, inactions or negligence of others, the rules of play, or the condition of the premises or any equipment used. Further, that there may be other risks not known to me or not reasonably foreseeable at this time. 3. Assume all the foregoing risks and accept personal responsibility for the damages following such injury, permanent disability or death. 4. Release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Disabled Sports USA and DSUSA Los Angeles - The Unrecables, its affiliated clubs, their representative administrators, directors, agents, coaches, other employees, and volunteers of the organization, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, their heirs, and if applicable, owners and leasers of premises used to conduct the event, all of which are hereinafter referred to as "releasees", from demands, losses or damages on account of injury, including death or damage to property, caused or alleged to be caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the releasee or otherwise. 5. Acknowledge and fully understand the requirement to use a helmet when participating in the following sports: Alpine skiing, cycling, equestrian, hockey, outdoor rock climbing, snowboarding, white water kayaking and white water river rafting. While I understand that helmets are intended to reduce the risk of serious head injury, I accept that no helmet can fully eliminate or prevent injury to the head, neck, spinal cord, face or any other part of the body. I further recognize that helmets have limited capability as far as shock absorption and that serious injury or death can result from both low and high-energy impacts, even when a helmet is worn. I agree that if the helmet is damaged or involved in any kind of accident, I will stop using it immediately. I/WE HAVE READ THE ABOVE WAIVER AND RELEASE, UNDERSTAND THAT I/WE HAVE GIVEN UP SUBSTANTIAL RIGHTS BY SIGNING IT, HAVE NOT CHANGED IT ORALLY, AND SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY. X____________________________ Participant’s Signature _____________________________________ ________________ Participant's Name (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Date FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 Date of Birth ______________ This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, do consent and agree to his/her release as provided above of the Releasees, and, for myself, my heirs, assigns, and next of kin, I release and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my minor child's involvement or participation in these programs as provided above, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE. X_____________________ _____________________ _______________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature Parent/Legal Guardian Name Relationship _______________ _________ Emergency Phone Date MEDIA RELEASE FORM MEDIA/PHOTO WAIVER: I hereby authorize and give my full consent to Disabled Sports USA and DSUSA Los Angeles The Unrecables to copyright and/or publish any and all photographs, digital recordings, videotapes and/or film in which I appear may be used for public view. I further agree that Disabled Sports USA and DSUSA Los Angeles - The Unrecables may transfer, use or cause to be used, these digital recordings, photographs, videotapes, or films for any exhibitions, public displays, publications, commercials, art and advertising purposes, television programs, and internet without limitations or reservations. X____________________________ Participant’s Signature _____________________________________ ________________ Participant's Name (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Date FOR PARTICIPANTS UNDER THE AGE OF 18 X_____________________ Parent/Legal Guardian Signature _____________________ _______________ Parent/Legal Guardian Name Relationship _______________ _________ Emergency Phone Disabled Sports USA - Revised 10/2012 Date THE UNRECABLES ADVISORY BOARD Honorable John Chiang California Board of Equalization, Fourth District Bob Darvish, M.D. Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, V.A. Medical Center, West L.A. Bob Fuss Correspondent CBS News Margo Kairoff Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Public Finance Billy Kidd Olympic Silver Medalist Director of Skiing, Steamboat Ski Resort Hal Nelson Director of Rehabilitation, Downey Regional Medical Center Tom Safran Developer of Senior Housing Safran & Associates THE UNRECABLES 2012-13 BOARD OF DIRECTORS J. Davis, President 949-378-7895 Keith Bonchek, Vice Pres./LAC Rep 818-854-7345 Annette Mann, Secretary 310-839-7772 Michelle McCarthy, Treasurer 310-795-5517 Gordon Cardona, Membership Director 562-495-4933 APPOINTED BOARD MEMBERS John Melville, Ski School Director 310-375-8843 Marina Sallaway, Winter Trips Director 8 5 8 -793-1186 Hannah Nishimoto, Equipment Manager 310-479-3104 Jonna Wilkins, Public Relations Manager 310-779-1472 Kathy Paisley, Sunshine 626-458-0059 Sigrid Noack, LAC Representative 310-823-1373 Amade Nyirak, Past President 805-300-1451 Gordon Cardona, Communications Director 562-495-4933 Vacant position ROKKA Race Chair Happy Birthday! APRIL SUPPORT THE UNRECABLES AND SHOP RALPHS! RE-REGISTER YOUR RALPHS CARD 1. Log onto 2. Click Community Contribution. 3. Click on “Participant” 4. Follow the easy steps to enroll. Our NPO # is 80831. Please complete all the information! 5. Sit back and watch your grocery shopping save YOU $$ and at the same time earn $$ for our club! 4 13 26 JUNE Bobbie Benson Erin Hayden Michael Zimmerman MAY 12 18 29 29 John Grey Lauren Kucma Jessica Downs Greg Smith 1 2 3 5 5 7 10 11 11 27 30 Bridget Morell Cathy Kinder Chris Stanley Darryl Coit Marina Sallaway Nili Hudson Karen Boyko Dina Garcia Marc Lafleur Michelle McCarthy Terry Walton If your birthday is missing, contact Gordon Cardona with your birthday. ! Thank you for your support! SigridNoack T H E U NRECABLES N E W S 11 SPRING ISSUE THE UNRECABLES NEWS NEXT NEWSLETTER DEADLINE: JUNE 3 Coming up in the next Issue: • FWSA Convention recap • 2013-14 Board of Directors SOCIAL HOURS 2ND TUESDAY, 6:30pm April 9 May 14 June 11 Elections & Annual Meeting Mi Ranchito Family Restaurant 12223 W. Washington Bl. Culver City, CA 310-398-8611 ... and much more!! SPECIAL THANKS Keith Bonchek J. Davis Michelle McCarthy Sigrid Noack Marina Sallaway PHOTOS COURTESY Michelle McCarthy Sigrid Noack Cross st: Grand View Bl. Free street and lot parking. The Unrecables News is published by CARDONA COMMUNICATIONS Take I-405 fwy, exit on Washington and turn West. Just west of Grand View Bl. Join us for dinner! Gordon W. Cardona, Publisher THE UNRECABLES MEETINGS SOCIALS: Every second Tuesday monthly at 6:30pm at Mi Ranchito Family Restaurant, 12223 W. Washington Bl., Culver City. Cross street: Grand View Bl. Take I-405 fwy, exit on Washington Bl. and turn West. The restaurant is located just west of Grand View Bl. BOARD MEETINGS: Every second Tuesday monthly, following the Social. L.A. COUNCIL MEETINGS: Every first Monday monthly, except holidays, at 7:00pm at Dinah’s Family Restaurant, 6521 Sepulveda Bl., Los Angeles. Everyone is invited. ! FAR WEST SKI ASSOCIATION SAFETY SLOGAN SKI WITH PRIDE, LET IT RIDE, WATCH ALL SIDES FIRST WITH SAFETY AWARENESS! CONTACT THE UNRECABLES By mail: P.O. Box 24856, Los Angeles, CA 90024-0856 By phone: 562-493-4933 By e-mail: Web Site: THE U NRECABLES CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED P.O. BOX 24856 LOS ANGELES, CA 90024-0856 SPRING 2013