- Huddersfield Rotary Club


- Huddersfield Rotary Club
….. And so it looks as though our regular meetings may well be at Lockwood
Park from April onwards, subject to ratification at the speaker meeting coming
up on 7th March. If the decision is confirmed to try the Lockwood Park
alternative for the next few months, it will be with many thanks to the
proprietors and staff at Durker Roods for their help and hospitality over the
last three years. The decisive issue at the end of the day is the location, right
on the southern edge of “our boundary”. Just to be clear, meetings on 7th,
14th and 21st March will still be at Durker Roods – there is no meeting on the
Bank Holiday Monday, 28th March. Any agreement we come to with
Lockwood Park will not yet be on a long term basis, but my own thoughts
would be that we should try the venue regularly for say the next six months
with a change “every now and then” as opportunities arise in the programme.
Looking back, over the last month or so, once again we have enjoyed a varied
programme with first up being Carl Sykes, Community Business Relations
Manager at Syngenta (ICI) with an illustrated talk on the history of the
chemical giants in Huddersfield, but also looking forward to the future of the
Plant here on Leeds Road.
Then came the social evening at Lockwood Park, courtesy of the Borough
Club, when defending champion Alan Booth beat off all comers on the
snooker table to reach the final. He awaits the winners from the other semifinal yet to be played. The two contenders are Ian Fillan, currently “resting” in
Mexico and President Raymond, currently “limbering up” at the Croppers
Ann Dawtry informed us of the dangers of eating the wrong foods
unknowingly. Watch out for the huge sugar content in a Costa latte or
cappuccino! Lots of other things too, for example:
Question 3 - Which of the following supermarket sandwich options is highest
in calories? a) cheese & tomato; b) egg mayo and cress; c) BLT; d) ham salad
Yes, it’s the inoffensive cheese & tomato with 472 – quite a chunk towards the
recommended daily input.
Looking forward to March, our first speaker will again have a food theme to
her talk. Mandy Taylor is the Manager of the Huddersfield Town Foundation
(American word for charity) which works towards ensuring that selected young
children have a healthy breakfast each school day.
Samantha Jones will be speaking on the subject of “Kirklees Safe Places”
which is an aid towards protection of vulnerable people. That’s on 14th March.
On 21st March is the rearranged opportunity for Kathryn Leverette to speak to
the Club about the charity “Action on Hearing Loss”.
April will get off to a cracking start when Judge Karen Woodhead provides a
few observations from her 40 years in the law. This will then be followed by
Charter Night when the excellent Paul Fletcher MBE will be the guest
speaker. Ex-Huddersfield Town, Burnley and England centre forward, in his
business life Paul is a University Lecturer in sports stadia. He must know his
stuff as he was in charge of the development of the John Smith’s Stadium
here in Huddersfield, the Reebok Stadium at Bolton and then onto Wembley,
which is somewhere down south.
Do remember please that the capacity at Woodsome Hall Golf Club is around
60/65. It’s a black tie do with guests very welcome. Names and numbers to
John Denham please.
Besides all of the above education, coming up shortly we have the following:
The Design & Technology Tournament on 10th March at Kirklees College.
The selection and presentation to the Club of our RYLA candidate for the
residential leadership course at Hebden Bridge in the summer.
The Community Concert at the Parish Church, Huddersfield will be on 12th
April, although it is likely with much reduced capacity than hitherto available
at the Town Hall. More specific detail of that event coming up soon.
The miracle of Facebook to add to the Club’s excellent website.
The next Dragon Boat Race at Pugneys Country Club on Saturday 9th July.
Environmental work at Lockwood Station in conjunction with Moor End
So, much to look forward to and with daylight hours extending fast, daffodils
and cherry blossom ahead of their time, we will soon have the first green
leaves on the trees to appreciate again and a reminder of how fortunate we
are to live in the foothills and valleys of England’s Northern National Parks.
President Raymond
A gentleman’s shed is an asset
Of that there’s no shadow of doubt
It’s great to be there on the inside
When stormy clouds gather without.
It’s top hole if you have a notion
To play with computers all day
Perhaps dart in there with your crossword
When Mother-in-Law comes to stay.
For those with a musical talent
It’s ideal to tune your guitar
And knock up a tune on the squeezebox
Or practice your Tonic-Sol-Fa.
You may have a bent for invention
To discover a cure for the flu
Or, just slip in there to write poetry
As some silly sods seem to do.
You can cook in your timber built hideout
Make coffee or tea and a sarny
Believe me, it’s the right place to be
When you and the wife have a barney.
Yes a gentleman’s shed is his castle
His refuge, his fort, his redoubt
A place of his own in all weathers
Where the sins of the world are locked out.
There’s many a septuagenarian
Who did nowt, and finished up dead
He’d have lasted a bloody sight longer
If his missus had bought him a shed.
Alan Parry-Booth
"Monday 11 April is the black tie event of our year. It is Charter Night and here are the details. Venue:-­‐ the splendour of Woodsome Hall Dress;-­‐ Black Tie Cost:-­‐ £25 per person We will have as our chief guests our District Governor Hazell Hass and the speaker is the renowned after dinner speaker Paul Fletcher MBE, Chief Executive of Wembley Stadium. President Raymond gave a resume of his career in the last Newsletter but it bears repeating. He was Chief Executive of the McAlpine Stadium before taking on the Reebock Stadium at Bolton. and now the big one. MENU Chilled feathers of melon served with Palma Ham and mixed leaves ++++++++++ Roasted Duck breast, creamed potatoes and season spinach with red wine sauce and seasonal vegetables ++++++++++ Treacle tart with Chantilly cream ++++++++++ Fresh brewed coffee and chocolates There is of course a vegetarian option and they will cater for any other allergies as long as you let me know in advance. PLEASE COME ALONG WITH YOUR GUESTS and make it a memorable Night. Please email me with the names of your guests and any special dietary requirements that you or any of them need. I will collect cheques on the coming Mondays and I will need final numbers by the first week in April. Space is limited at Woodsome so the sooner you get your bookings in the better. John Denham Tel:01484 425705; 07711398430; john@denham4.wanadoo.co.uk" Notes from District Council, Fulford, York. Saturday 30th January 2016 1. Accounts. All 2016/17 budgets going up by 1/3 because of 24 clubs joining 1040. Membership down by 2% 2. No increase in subs. 3. All compliance statements done. 56 clubs attended this meeting. District Directory available next week. 4. Equality & diversity. Have a microphone and use at each club. 5. International Chair. Report on Yorkshire School in Sri Lanka. Request for further £20k. Will look at the sustainability of this project. 6. Membership. Need new member at each club. 7. Floods. 1040 clubs raised £50k. £10k to York, £10k to Calderdale. Discussion on what to do with remaining money. Voted to retain for the present and to be available as needed. The £20k was doubled with Government money. 8. Need someone to organise Young Musician 9. MPRC Carmel Harrison carmel.harrison@bt.com Rotary in Yorkshire face book page. There is training on 1040 website on use of facebook. Request that link for training option should be on opening page. 10.
Resilience planning. Civil Contingencies Act 2004. Rotarians from reported on working with Cheshire Emergency Services & Voluntary Agencies. Noted that social media was very effective in helping flood victims and immediate help could be provided. ADG Ann Denham BE A BADGER !!!
Please remember that I have a good supply of Rotary
Badges in stock, including the ladies’ brooch and Past
Secretary Barrie
7th March
Mandy Taylor ~ Hudds.
Town FC Foundation
Narrell Leffman
John Denham
14th March
Samantha Jones ~
Kirklees Safe Places ~
Protecting Vulnerable
Sheila Brodie
Anne Dawtry
21st March
Kathryn Leverette ~
Action on Hearing Loss
Chris Naylor
Ian Chapman
28th March
Easter Monday ~
No Meeting
4th April
Judge Karen Woodward
~ 40 Years in the law
~ A few observations
George Webster
Duty Rotarian
Julian Holdroyd
If you can start the day without caffeine
If you can get along without pep pills
If you can always be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains
If you can resist complaining and boring people with your troubles
If you can eat the same food every day and be grateful for it
If you can understand when your loved ones are too busy to give you any
If you can take criticism and blame without resentment
If you can resist treating a rich friend better than a poor friend
If you can conquer tension without medical help
If you can sleep without the aid of drugs…….
You are probably the family dog!
Barrie Schofield
All this and more on our website http://www.huddersfieldrotary.org
A little Aussie Humour Editor Narrell