ATI Martial Arts -


ATI Martial Arts -
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ATI’s Wickham and Broome
clubs are going great guns
The ICP –Leadership
program is as usual going very well.
Over The Easter week end (22nd of April) there will be the annual
training camp for Wickham & Broome clubs. They are in the
throws of organising a small interclub comp, nothing too fancy,
for the 23rd of April. With point sparring, contiuous sparring and
a 5 man team event, Wickham vs Broome, at the end. All ATI
members (CITY SLICKERS) are welcome to attend.
The ATI Instructor Certification program has 4 parts, Part one and
Fours were run on Sat 12th Feb 30 members sat part one and 12
Sat part Four.
It is a very rewarding course that teaches so much and helps
develop leadership and confidence .The bi product is a pool of future
instructors who have the skills to teach in a professional martial arts
ATI Martial Arts
April/May/June 2011 edition
Directors Kihap! Public acknowledgement!
Firstly, I would like to extend a warm welcome
from TEAM ATIMA to all of our new members
across every ATI school. We welcome you to
martial arts and know that you will be happy
with our service.
SPORT Taekwondo News
April Cam Sutton, Any Fortescue and Brad Kidd off to the
Belgium Open
23rd April Broome Club comp
25th and 26th June 2011 State Championships July US Open
goodwill tournament, Dallas Texas – a small team from ATI wil
compete at this event as we speak it is Sarah McGovern, Ashley
Farris, Michael Kaplan and Aidan Tucker.
September. 2011 National Championships Canberra will be held
at the AIS 8th-11th
With Sympathy
Our deepest condolences to Chris Schoeman and family for the
loss of Beautiful Genievve who passed so suddenly on19th
March. Chris and Genievve were just married in February. This is
a tragic loss for Chris and both families. Our hearts go out to you
all. "Rest in Peace Genievve"
Tips for successful
Board Breaks
Everyone at some stage lacks confidence or skill when it comes
to breaking boards “Gyokpa” here are a few tips to help you
choose a technique that is with in
your skill level
line up the board once only
be confident and aggressive when
focus with the correct part of hand
or foot and focus to strike through
the board
keep your eye on the target at all
Use your Kihap! To fucus your
energy and power
Practice your footwork for the break at home even if you
have no actual board to break,it will help program you
for the event.
“Good luck with it and best regards” Master Curtis
All members and parents please visit our website and register.
Check out the e-zone and e-news so you can stay up to date with
events, grading times, newsletters etc.
Many questions can be answered by clicking
on the ezone section.
14 LOCATIONS ACROSS PERTH – For a school nearest you please call
9301 0277
9248 7811
9385 0577
3 & 4/10 Mercer Lane, Joondalup
7/1924 Beach Road, Malaga
20 Graylands Road, Claremont
During the busy month of March ATI centres
at Joondalup, Claremont and Malaga and other ATI clubs hosted the
Kickathon fundraiser! The goal was 1000 kicks (adults + kids) and
500 kicks (dragons). This event was aimed at raising funds for the
state Tae Kwon Do association to buy latest Olympic scoring system
and the ATI fundraising for the National championships State Team.
To boost fundraising efforts each school also provided a car wash
service whereby generous members and parents of ATI improved
their ‘wax on, wax off’ skills and cleaned passers by cars for a small
fee. Cake stalls were also a big hit and the directors at ATI would like
to thank all those who kindly donated baked goods, car cleaning kits
and gave up their time to be involved and help, thank you again.
By the way we need updated contact details of all our members
Please fill in a form with current email, phone numbers and address
with your instructors.
Throughout the years ATI fighters are invited to take part in various
martial arts events. On March 5th Mortal Combat Mixed martial art
fight night was held in Midland. The fight cards included ATI's "Clay"
who featured in a MMA bout, "Sarah McGovern" and "Jack-Hammer
Haskett" both fought K1 Kickboxing rules. These completions are
not for the faint hearted or inexperienced, as full contact rules apply.
Congratulations to all those students who made it to the first cycle
of gradings for 2011. We hope that you were happy with your
performance on the day of your grading and you have achieved some
of your short term goals that you set at the beginning of the year.
Buddy month at the start of the year was a lot of fun and very
successful across all of our schools. Thank you to all the members
who invited someone along to experience FREE martial arts training
at ATI during this month. Don’t forget about our referral program!
You can be rewarded for referring someone to our club who then
becomes a member. Ask our program directors for a referral business
card today! Also for MUMS starting Monday 9th May to celebrate
Mothers Day you are invited to train for Free with us for that whole
week- have a go we will look after you!
Keep up the hard training everyone!
Kind regards
Rocco Capolingua
5th Dan
Bach ED P
The Directors would like to acknowledge 4 special people from
Malaga HQ and Claremont
Specifically Ashley Farris, Sarah
Mcgovern, Clayton Simpson and
Shelley Taylor(missing from pic)
for their hard work and dedication
to the Academy. We just thought it
should be noted how much extra
they do for us. They are always on
hand to help with set up, clean up
and organisation of ATI events like
tournaments, demonstrations
social events and specifically
tournaments and Dan grading
organisation as well as being full
time teachers at the school.
And of course there are many more who deserve our appreciation
and they have it for sure. These four just needed to be highlighted.
Congratulations to all the new black belt students at ATI.
Receiving your 1st Pum embroidered black belt is a huge
achievement and a very special moment. Well done also to
those black belts who graded in December and were promoted
to another level or Pum. Keep training and inspiring others!
This is what we mean when we say “This is a Black belt School”.
Our goal is to train as many people as possible to Black belt
level and beyond. That is the real achievement and something to
be proud of. We do not believe in doing things by halves (quitting
at Blue or Red belt!!) ATI has now produced over 1000 black belts
and we are determined to produce many more through character
development and inspirational physical training in a caring,
professional manner.
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Used rubber jigsaw mats for sale
Buddy Week
Thanks for bringing your friends to the school Buddy week which
are held in the 1st week after every grading (no need to book in
just bring your friends along. Any other time you want to bring a
friend they must book into our intro program. The idea is every 3
months we have a membership drive to keep the school numbers
at a viable level and to help you save money and gain rewards.
The next buddy week will be this month starting Monday 4th
April and will be extended for two weeks so start handing
out your referral cards.
Study – Life Balance
Games held on 12th March were
a hit- LITERALLY!!!!
See pic of their new team gear!
Sponsored by Elite Screen Printing
This initiative is going well so thanks to all who have
and are continuing to refer people to our school. The
challenge is still on to refer your friends/neighbours and
family to the school to try Martial arts- we have introduced
a Reward system that will make it worthwhile inviting
people in and the more that join the more you get back!
The latest round of WA Footbrawl was held on 12th March, it was
well attended and the spectator numbers are growing.
Who will be the first to earn a Years Free membership??
Should my kids stop training in Year 11 and
12?... Absolutely not!
The Punishers def Kaos- 2 Games to nill
Ask for the Reward for referral info and your
personalised referral cards.
A healthy balance between study, social life and exercise is a
must. Everyone knows this. The stress of TEE and pressure put
on our kids is huge, why make it worse by not getting away from it
for just 2 sessions a week. Just like our coaches who take time
out to pursue other activities so they stay fresh for their
Taekwondo training and teaching.
The Dragons def Bruisers- 2 Games to nill
Joondalup's Footbrawl team The Punishers won 2 games in a
row beating Malaga's Footbrawl Team, Kaos.
Bruisers Team were made up of Denim Eccles, Declan Yeates,
Mark Perry and Olivia Roberts
The Dragons were made up of Joe Longdon, Jomile Millares,
Blake Roberts, Ronan Swingler
The Punishers were made up of Captain Justin Westcott, Michael
Duckworth, Jason Sturgeon, Russell Sheppard, Chris Dippenaar,
Mark Shaw, Jade Forlani-Brennan coached by Mark Leyland and
Callum Shahidi
Kaos was made up of Captain Kevin Eccles, Ash Farris, Andrew
Manders, Zak Roberts, Kane Roberts, Glen Peak, George
Hadsis, Corey Nicoles couched by Clayton Simpson...
Referees for the day Clayton Simpson, Mark Leyland, Callum
New Kickboxing
class available
ATI Joondalups Kickboxing Program is now available to all of
our members 5 days per week! Our new kickboxing timetable
now includes a Friday night class from 6pm – 7pm. We hope
that including this extra class per week adds further value and
flexibility for our ATI Kickboxing members. Now get training!
There is also a fight club sparring class for kickboxing on
Fridays at Malaga at 7pm Free to Instructors $10 per session
to all members who wish to join in. Call Malaga 92487811 to
check what dates classes are on as they run in conjunction
with fighters preparation.
Fitness classes
Remember fitness class are held at Malaga, Joondalup and
Claremont Gyms. Enquire for details.
Thanks Sponsors
Thanks Joondalup Resort for
supporting ATI’s instructors on the
quest to become better golfers. We
recommend a game or two at the
resort it is world class.
Thank you to our sponsors, Parkwood
Hardware, Nobles, Elite Screen printing,
Advanced Electrical Wholesalers - 39
Collingwood st Osborne Park and
Lawrence & Hansen/ Auslec Group.
Testimonials please
ATI is asking for any members or parents to forward an honest
testimonial about ATI and your experiences with us. We have so
many of you refering friends etc to us that we feel you must have
something positive to say and we would like others to hear about
it from a members or parents point of view Please forward these
to These may be used on our
website and in future newsletters. Thank you!
Remember our ATI Martial Arts themed parties are very popular,
with ATI able to host 2-3 parties each weekend at each of its 3
main locations - why not tell your friends about tour parties. All
kids get to wear a martial arts suit and participate in basic fun
martial arts drills and self defence plus great fun games. The
birthday boy or girls will be coached on breaking their own
Birthday pine board and receive the honorary Black belt for
the day!! Call one of ATI’s Full time schools for bookings.
ATI has about 300 used Jigsaw type mats for sale as Claremont
gym is replacing its black and green mats with new ones. These
are available from $12 - $15 each if you would like to mat your
garage floor to train at home or put on your patio so you can
train etc contact Shelley at Claremont on 9385 0577 to place
your order. This is the cheapest way to buy these Martial arts
training mats.
“Ray Behan of ATI Joondalup, has been training with our club for
almost four years now. Ray sets off on breathtaking adventures
with his two brothers each year, and this year is no different. Last
year they guided 17 people, normal people like you and I, plus two
tonne of equipment, as well as 49 Sherpa’s, guides, cooks and
support crew to the top of the world, setting personal records along
the way for ascending the highest non-technical ,mountain on the
planet, Mera Peak.
In 2010 the BEHAN Mera Expedition was the biggest team on
the mountain. On their journey they landed at Lukla Airport, one
of the most horrendous landing strips in the world and spent
a couple of days acclimatising with Everest Climbers, each
sharing their stories of adventures and hope. While acclimatising
BEHAN Team Leaders took a helicopter lift to have a look at
other approaches to other valleys. The Pilot was Sabin Basnyat,
a friend of Clint Behan, and Sabin had just performed the highest
ever mountain rescue in the world, just that morning, from the side
of Everest.
During their ascent to the top of the world there was plenty of time
for enjoyment and fun and taking in the breath taking scenery as
seen by only a few people on our planet today. Ray had taken a
Memorabilia Tube, a tube containing personal effects , photos and
the life story of his grandfather John Behan, and the guys had
mounted it on top of a water fall high up in the Himalayas. A
memory planted forever.
Ray recalls, ‘as we headed from Base Camp to High Camp, I
remember us all standing still for a moment, no sound, nothing,
just white, but still warm, and looking out past Everest and there
it was ahead of us, the curvature of the earth. We were breathless
at the view on front of us. And then we looked up, into and past the
stratosphere and we could see into space, see the stars, and it
was still day time. People were just dumb struck, there were no
words to say, no one spoke’.
So later in the year, Ray and his brother Clint Behan, a veteran
of Himalayan climbing and trekking, are heading back to Mera
Peak (the other brother is dog sledging across Alaska). As Ray
put it ‘reaching the top of the world has demonstrated to me that
everything I dream of, be it materialism, career, relationship,
wealth, whatever, it is all achievable, I just need to break through
the revolving door of life first, and Mera has showed me that. Now
the world is my oyster, I’m no longer satisfied with sitting back and
accepting what life dishes out
to me, I’m going to create my
own life. All I need to do is to
‘want’ and to focus’ and
believe in me’.
If you would like to talk to the
guys about going along, or if
you want to know more, call
Ray on 0422 967 602 or email
him at
Climbing experience is not
need, as the mountain is