Happy Holidays - santaclarabnc.org


Happy Holidays - santaclarabnc.org
Happy Holidays
Volume 44, Number 4
Brandeis Bulletin
November/December 2012
University on Wheels Presents: Dr. Jonathan D. Sarna
Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University
Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Lecture and Buffet Luncheon
Rinconada Hills Clubhouse
100 Avenida Del Sol, Los Gatos
Reservations: Call Judy Stein (408)270-0726 and talk to her personally
Send your check $30 ($10 tax deductible) to Judy Stein, 8656 Solera Drive, San Jose, CA 95135
For questions call chairperson, Lil Berman at (408) 268-8935
See page 5
Free Bonus Program
Sponsored by Brandeis National Committee and Villages Hadassah:
Dr. Mike Turbow
A retired Oncologist from Stanford University will talk and interact with us about “Living with Dying”. Learn from Dr. Turbow about how to make our last days full of meaning and life.
Monday, November 12, 2:00 p.m., at Foothill Center at The Villages (seating limited to 100 people).
Reservations required–contact Glenda Dennis 408-253-4391 or Ursula Friedeberg 408-274-3543
Voluntary contributions may be made to The Second Harvest Food Bank.
See page 4
Another exciting musical program “Porgy and Bess” by George Gershwin presented by Fred Stern
Sunday, November 18, 2:00 p.m., at The Villages’ Cribari Auditorium See Page 12
Entertainment® Book Fundraiser - The Perfect Holiday Gift!
For questions call Marilyn Meltzer at (408) 268-2186 or e-mail hmeltzer@bigfoot.com
See page 12
November/December 2012
President’s Letter
Judy Israel knitbee@gmail.com
Our Santa Clara Valley chapter is a warm, caring community. We are fortunate to
have a cadre of dedicated volunteers helping us with Study Groups, special events
and fund-raising .
But.... we do need more BNC members to help in small, but significant ways. Here
are ten "loving acts of kindness" that you can perform for yourself, our chapter and
Brandeis University itself:
1. Invite a new BNC member or potential member to a chapter event. Remember the first time you joined
BNC and didn't know anyone? Smooth the way by volunteering as a "buddy" to drive and then introduce
your new friend to older friends at the event.
2. Make a donation to BNC's "Sustaining the Mind” campaign by clicking: http://www.brandeis.edu/bnc/philanthropy/sustaining-the-mind.html This is an easy and simple way to support important research by Brandeis University scientists in neuroscience and neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's . The campaign also seeks to establish an endowed scholarship for students in the sciences. All online donations and gifts are credited to our chapter.
3. Buy a book at our premier event, Lunch with the Authors, on April 4, 2013. Look for your invitation in
early 2013 from Chairpersons Diane Fabri and Rocki Kramer.
4. If you missed Study Group Showcase 2012, you can still sign up for new Study Groups such as Knitzvah,
Historical Background of Religion, Nonfiction Books, Sing Along or Creative Centerpieces. Please contact Study Groups’ chairperson, Joey Stern, 238-4890, sternjo@pacbell.net .
5. Bring some goodies to two great programs in November co-sponsored with Hadassah. The first, a
free Bonus program entitled "Living with Dying" by Dr. Mike Turbow is on Monday, November 12, 2 pm
at The Villages' Foothill Center. Voluntary cash or check donations to the Second Harvest Food Bank are
welcome for this event. The second free program, Fred Stern's "George Gershwin - Porgy and Bess," will
be held Sunday, November 18 at 2 pm at Cribari Auditorium.
6. Join the Fashionista Tea team. We invite all non-Board members to the Fashionista Tea Team Meeting
to be held December 3 at 11:30 am at Denny's Restaurant, 1140 Hillsdale Avenue, San Jose after our
regular Board Meeting.The Fashionista Tea itself will take place Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 12:30 pm at
The Villages' Clubhouse.
7. Be a gift-wrapper this December at Barnes & Noble locations in Eastridge and Almaden. Volunteers
raised over $1700 for BNC last year. Contact Iris Drotman,Chairperson, 266-8366
8. Buy a 2013 Entertainment Book for (almost) any area in the country for $30. Fifty percent of the proceeds
go directly to BNC. Contact Marilyn Meltzer 268-2186 hmeltzer@bigfoot.com .
9. Get in touch with Estelle Kadis, Community Service Chairperson, 293-8084, kadisestelle@att.net to participate in the Jewish Family Services' " Embrace a Child/Family," a non-sectarian program to help needy
families during the holiday season. You can either provide a monetary contribution, shop for items requested, or have Estelle shop for you.
10. Talk, talk, talk about the wonderful benefits of BNC membership to friends, relatives and neighbors.
November/December 2012
Brandeis Confidential
By Iz Truman
You know something? It’s never too late to correct an oversight…in most cases anyway. The fact that I wasn’t born the son of a fabulously wealthy father is only one of several oversights I can’t correct at this late date. You’ll have to read my diary to find out about the others. There is, however, one oversight I can easily
put to rest right now.
For some unknown reason I never wrote much, if anything, about The Brandeis
Hoot, and for that I sincerely apologize. The other day when I took a really good look at the
on-line edition of Hoot, I was awed by the sheer excellence of this student newspaper, a Runner Up for New England College Paper of 2012.
”The Hoot was established in 2005 as a community newspaper written about, by, and for the members of the Brandeis community. Since the paper’s founding, The Hoot’s growth as a newspaper-doubling in size since its inception-reflects its immediate influence on the Brandeis
community. Articles from The Hoot are read worldwide and have been cited by national media outlets including National Public Radio. The Hoot publishes every Friday.” So, log on to … www.thebrandeishoot.com/ …and say thank you for me to Editor-in-Chief
Jon Ostrowski and his Editorial Board.
By the way, did you know That the Brandeis National Committee with its more than 25,000 members nationwide is
one of the largest and most successful friends-of-a-library organizations? And that more
and more members of the male persuasion are joining BNC everyday to raise money for,
among other things, Brandeis research and scholarships, and finding it not just rewarding,
but fun (that’s what I said, fun), and educational (that too), and chock full of study group
activities and socials (where you and the missus, or someone, can go without spending a
fortune and having to get dressed fancy)?
That the Princeton Review named Brandeis one of “81 Great Schools with Outstanding Community Involvement” for its record of having excellent service-learning programs and
blending academics with community work?
That the Rose Art Museum opened on September 20th with 100 Steps to the Mediterranean, a solo exhibition of photography and video installations by Dor Guez, one of the
most compelling emerging artists in the Middle East? The Guez exhibition explores the
overlooked histories of the Christian Palestinian minority in the Middle East by tracing the
memories and present experiences of three generations of the artist’s family. (Sounds
great, but I’m embarrassed to admit that among all of my middle eastern concerns, I haven’t spent too much time worrying about the Christian Palestinian minority.)
That’s it for now.
November/December 2012
L I V I NGw i t h
November 12, 2:00 PM
Foothill Center at The Villages
At a recent meeting of our chapter's Board, I suggested a unique topic for a possible Bonus presentation - "Living With Dying". I had no idea how the members would react to this idea.
Dr. Mike Turbow, a retired oncologist from Stanford University and a personal acquaintance, had told
me about his presentations on the subject. He emphasizes what to do - and what NOT to do - so
that one can spend one's final days or months in peace. He also talks about how one transmits our
ethics and values to succeeding generations.
Dr. Turbow practiced oncology for thirty-five years and was hospice medical director for twenty-five
years. He taught at Stanford Medical School for forty years and still helps to teach a course for
medical students entitled "The Healer's Art" which increases the ability of students to listen better
and that some things cannot be fixed.
A few of our Board members who had been widowed mentioned that it would have been so helpful to
have heard this before their spouses had passed away so that they both could have handled things
together in a more open manner and I related to the group about how facing the death of my first
husband was such a frightening and lonesome experience, and that we had no idea of how to talk to
each other and share our feelings.
One Board member whose spouse is currently very ill told the group that she really needed to hear
what Dr. Turbow had to say. The board members unanimously voted to have this presentation!
When Dr. Turbow first described to me his interest in helping people prepare themselves for living
while dying, he actually left me SMILING when we said goodbye. This amazed me, and I then realized what a special person he is to have the ability to discuss this important and delicate subject with
Please make your reservations to this Free Bonus as soon as possible.
Looking forward to learning with you.
Glenda Dennis
Voluntary contributions may be made to The Second Harvest Food Bank.
Reservations required – contact Glenda Dennis (408)253-4391 or Ursula Friedeberg (408)274-3543
Next Board Meetings
Members and guests are welcome
9:30 Breakfast and Business Meeting
Monday, November 5th and December 3rd
Denny’s Restaurant
1140 Hillsdale Ave, San Jose
to be on the agenda
Contact Judy Israel, knitbee@gmail.com
November/December 2012
"Looking Ahead: American Judaism in the 21st Century"
Tuesday, January 29, 2013 10:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Lecture and Buffet Luncheon
Rinconada Hills Clubhouse
100 Avenida Del Sol, Los Gatos
To simply say that we are honored to have Dr. Sarna as our University on Wheels guest speaker
doesn’t even begin to reflect how fortunate we really feel. Nor does it accurately reflect how happy we are to welcome Jonathan Sarna, a universally acknowledged leading commentator on Jews in
America, and on American Jewish history and life. Dr. Sarna is, of course, the Joseph H. & Belle R.
Braun Professor of American Jewish History at Brandeis University’s Department of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies. He is also the Chief Historian of the new National Museum of American Jewish
Dr. Sarna has written, edited, or co-edited more than twenty books, including The Jews and the Civil
War and A Time to Every Purpose: Letters to a Young Jew. He is best known for the acclaimed
American Judaism: A History. Winner of the Jewish Book Council’s “Jewish Book of the Year Award in 2004, it has been praised as being “the single best description of American Judaism during its 350 years on American soil.”
There is so much more I could write about Dr. Sarna’s achievements through the years, but space requirements prohibit my continuing. However, and isn’t there always a however, I did come across a little reported achievement that I would be remiss if I were to overlook mentioning. As noted in the
Brandeis student newspaper The Hoot, on December 7, 2007, the Hillel and Brandeis Academic Debate and Speech Society came together on the third night of Chanukah with the aim of answering
that age old question: Which is the quintessential Jewish food, latkes or hamantaschen? Professor
Jonathan Sarna and Professor Reuven Kimelman sought to answer this question at the first annual
Brandeis Latke vs. Hamantaschen Debate.
After a spirited debate, Professor Sarna, who advocated hamantaschen, was declared winner by a
vote of the audience members. I must however mention that I was particularly impressed by one of
Professor Sarna’s telling points that potatoes were a “New World vegetable” first discovered in the 16th century and that “Jews should be suspicious of this new innovation.”
Dr. Sarna, you are a person to be much admired. Welcome.
Reservations: Call Judy Stein (408)270-0726 and talk to her personally
Send your check $30 (tax deductible $10) to Judy Stein, 8656 Solera Drive, San Jose, CA 95135
For questions call chairperson, Lil Berman at (408) 268-8935
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not
on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost. Dalai Lama
November/December 2012
Photos by Judy Israel and Mark Lutvak
Many of the former presidents
at the first Board Meeting of the
year -Front row left to right:
Lynda Fox, Rita Loren,
Diane Fabri;
Back row left to right:
Janet Truman, Judy Marlin,
Marcy Forman, Marilyn Meltzer,
Jean Marxheimer, Selma Zinker
and Judy Stein
Brandeis Prospective/New Members' Tea
held September 20th at Iz and Janet Truman's. Eighteen people attended this event.
Special thanks go to Phylis Davis, Membership
Chairperson, Janet Truman, Financial Secretary,
Glenda Dennis and Eileen Demick
Mark Lutvak, Milt Rosenthal, Danny Demick,
Len Schlussel, Iz Truman and Mike Guzman
Bottom Row left to right:
Phylis Davis, Bertha Rotner, Inge Rosenthal,
Sharon Nunez, Top Row left to right:
Marcie Pais, Eileen Demick, Fanny Grizolet,
Judy Israel, Bev Guzman, Joyce Mendel and
Janet Truman
November/December 2012
Brandeis Briefs….
Rita Loren, 408-379-8681, ritaloren@sbcglobal.net
The officers, board, and members of the Santa Clara Valley
Chapter of BNC wish:
Congratulations to Ariel Kattan, son of Karen and Shalom Kattan, grandson of Lil
and Ray Berman, on his graduation, Magna Cum Laude from the University of
California San Diego in Political Science.
Best wishes to Marilyn and Chuck Jacobs on their move to the Terraces.
Special get well wishes to:
Diane Fabri for a complete recovery.
Judy Rogers, Judy Stein and Janet Truman on their recent surgeries.
Special Thanks:
To Irene Danziger for storing our supplies. We appreciate her kindness.
Condolences to the family of Marion Lebermuth, a former Brandeis member,
who died at the age of 101 years old
We can only report events for
recognition which you report to Judy
and Joyce such as graduations with
special honors, significant birthdays
(85,90 and over)
weddings, births, hospitalizations,
surgeries, death, or any event that is
November/December 2012
Welcome New Members
Dorothy Green, 7746 Kilmarnok Drive, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 238-7273 E-Mail: maxgreen@yahoo.com
Susan Lewis, 7582 Tayside Court, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 265-5791 E-Mail: salewis249@gmail.com
Sharon Nunez, 3302 Lake Lesina Drive, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 528-0525 E-mail: nunez-sharon@yahoo.com
Marcie Pais, 7012 Via Valverde, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 622-4600 Email:marciepais@yahoo.com
Loretta Ann Parker, 7711 Galloway Drive, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 223-8853 E-Mail: lorettaparker@comcast.net
Terri Rubin, 6264 Blauer Lane, San Jose, CA 95135
Telephone: (408) 239-0834 terubin16@gmail.com
Change of Address and/or Contact
Judith Israel
Marilyn and Chuck Jacobs marchu5@yahoo.com
Last year, the national agency in charge of area codes determined that the 408 area code will soon
be exhausted. The new area code 669 was assigned to the area. Based on public feedback, the California Public Utilities Commission determined that the two area codes would be overlaid on top of
each other, rather than geographically split in two. This means that customers with either a 408 or
669 area code will be required to switch to 11-digit dialing for all calls beginning October 20.
In the new service overlay, no current customers will be required to change their phone numbers. The price of a
call, coverage area, or other rates and services will not change due to the overlay. Anyone who currently has a
408 area code number will keep it. New numbers will now be assigned the 669 area code. Customers in both
area codes will no longer be able to dial only the 7-digit phone number for local calls.
Landline users will need to dial 1 + area code + telephone number to complete calls from a landline
phone. Cell customers with either of these area codes do not need to dial the 1 first. Seven-digit calls
made after October 20 will not be completed. A recording will instruct callers to hang up and dial again.
Three digit numbers such as 911 and 411 will remain unchanged.
In addition to changing dialing procedure, all services, automatic dialing equipment, or other types of equipment
that are programmed with a 7-digit number will need to be reprogrammed to use the new dialing procedure.
Some examples are life safety systems, fax machines, internet dial-up numbers, alarm and security systems,
gates, speed dialers, call forwarding settings, voicemail services, and similar functions. You may also want to
check your business stationery or advertising materials to ensure that the area code is included.
November/December 2012
Tuesday, January 29: University on Wheels Dr. Sarna, Professor at Brandeis University
Thursday evenings, February 7 and February 28:
The Life and Music of George Gershwin a two-part presentation by Fred Stern
If you need a lift to a BNC event,
or are willing to drive fellow
members, please contact
Judy Israel, (408) 841-9555,
Saturday, February Date TBA- another Bunco Night
Thursday, April 4 - Lunch with the Authors
Wednesday, May 1 - Fashionista Tea
E-bulletin circulation
Judy Stein
Joyce Mendel
Judy Rogers
Judy Eskinazi
Janet Truman
Our established Study Groups are going strong and are meeting as scheduled thanks to our wonderful leaders. Many of you
signed up for new Study Groups at Showcase and we are getting them launched. If you were not at Showcase, you can
check out the new Study Groups on our website at
www.santaclarabnc.org. If any of the new groups interest
you, call or e-mail the leader for information.
If you have not as yet paid your study group fee, you can give a check, payable to
BNC, to any study group leader or send your check to Janet Truman at 8471 Grenache Court, San Jose, CA 95135. The study group fee is $25.00 per person or
$35.00 for two people living in the same household. This fee is good for an unlimited
number of study groups so I hope you join more than one.
If you have any questions or ideas pertaining to the study groups, please contact me,
Joey Stern, at sternjo@pacbell.net or 408 238-4890. I hope to hear from you and I
am looking forward to a great year.
November/December 2012
Brandeis Book Nook
By Iz Truman
Faculty Books
Fairness and Freedom: A History of Two Open Societies
By David Hackett Fischer, Oxford University Press
You might expect the United States and New Zealand to be mirror images of each other. Both were founded
by English speaking colonists who had to find ways of co-existing with native populations. Both were deeply
rooted in English law and customs. Both developed democracies and mixed-enterprise economies. And yet,
the political value each came to hold most dear is different: freedom, for Americans; fairness, for New Zealanders. Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Fischer examines why this came to be. And how open societies
make “fundamentally similar choices in profoundly different ways.”
Alumni Books
Third Base for Life: A Memoir of Fathers, Sons, and Baseball
By Joshua L. Berkowitz ‘91, Vantage Press
Why would a nice, risk-averse internist brave long odds to lead his son and a motley crew of other Newton,
Mass., fourth-graders to the uber-competitive
youth baseball tournament at Cooperstown Dreams Park? Does the first all-Jewish team to play in the tournament win the trophy? Does it win even a single game? Berkowitz tells an entertaining sports story, but at its
heart this is a warm, nuanced tale about the bonds that nourish parent and child, skipper and team.
A Short History of Jewish Ethics
By Alan L. Mittleman ‘76, Wiley-Blackwell
How should we behave? What kind of person should we strive to be? In an economical 200 pages, Mittleman, professor of Jewish thought at New York City’s Jewish Theological Seminary, thoroughly explores the chronology of Jewish moral thinking, tracing an interesting progression of ideas from the Bible to the work of
leading contemporary ethicists.
Jews Welcome Coffee: Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Germany
By Robert Liberles, Brandeis University Press
For a unique lens on early modern Jewish culture, look no further than your neighborhood coffeehouse.
Studying the consumption and commercialization of coffee in 18th-century Germany offers many surprising
insights into Jewish life at the time, reports Liberles, who teaches European history at Ben Gurion University.
What was then a new beverage serves as “an almost perfect symbol of the advent of new times,” he writes. Liberles’ lively, original take provides a bracing jolt of quotidian detail about how social change gets brewed.
Jewish Major Leaguers in Their Own Words
By Peter Ephross,M.A. ’93, with Martin Abramowitz, McFarland & Company
The roster goes well beyond Sandy Koufax. Between 1870 and 2010, no fewer than 165 Jewish Americans
played Major League Baseball. Ephross’ volume collects the oral histories of 23 of them, including lesserknown players like Cal Abrams and Lou Limmer alongside such stars as Hank Greenberg and Al Rosen.
Their personal reminiscences offer an engaging look at what it’s like to be a Jewish athlete in big league ball.
November/December 2012
This is a big Fundraiser for our chapter: we gift wrap books at Barnes and
Noble at Eastridge Mall and Almaden Plaza for donations, and it’s lots of
fun! Most people tell us that gift wrapping with your shift partner and
chatting with the people you wrap books for really is a fun thing to do.
More to-the-point, your efforts provide funds for our major research
projects! Don’t know how to wrap? Give Iris ten minutes and she will
make you an expert!
Shifts for Eastridge Mall Barnes and Noble store
Sat. 12/15
Shift Hours: 1:00 to 5:00
Sun. 12/16, Tues. 12/18, Wed. 12/19, Thurs. 12/20
Shift Hours: 2:00 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 10:00
Fri. 12/21
Shift Hours: 2:00 to 6:00
Sat. 12/22
Shift Hours: 9:00 to 12:00, 12:00 to 3:00 and 3:00 to 6:00
Sun. 12/23
Shift Hours: 9:00 to 12:00, 12:00 to 3:00, 3:00 to 6:00 and 6:00 to 10:00
Please call Iris Drotman at
266-8366 or Eileen Demick
at 223-7565 for Almaden
Call Eileen (first) or Iris
(second) for Eastridge
If you can work only part of
the shifts, just call Iris or
Eileen to see what can be
worked out.
Mon. 12/24
Shift Hours: 11: 00 2:30 and 2:30 to 6:00
Shifts for Almaden Plaza Store:
Sat. 12/1 and Sun. 12/23
Shift Hours: 2:00 to 6:00
More hours will be added as time goes on
Send editorial contributions to:
Judy Stein, artform3@att.net AND Joyce Mendel, emendel2@gmail.comom
November/December 2012
Entertainment® Books Make Great Holiday Gifts
and Raise Funds for Brandeis
With the holidays quickly approaching, consider the 2013 Entertainment® discount book for all your
holiday gifts. This is the gift that can be enjoyed all year. You don’t have to fight crowds or worry about sizes and colors. It is always the right fit. And it is one of the chapter’s best fundraisers. The San Jose/Santa Clara book has a discount coupon for San Jose Rep good for any show any day
and you can print one a month for additional savings. American Airlines has a $10 off
each coupon for up to six passengers. There are discounts on over 400 restaurants,
all car rental companies, thousands of hotels, entertainment, stores, wineries and
much more. There are five pages of listings of on-line printable coupons, many of
which are not in the book. You may enjoy many of the restaurants in the book more
than once – first by using the coupon in the book, and again by printing on-line coupons. You must register your card for Repeat Savings™.
The book is only $30, of which $15 is a tax-deductible contribution to Brandeis. The
San Jose/Santa Clara book covers Santa Clara County from Palo Alto to Hollister, and also includes
Monterey County. This year we stock all Northern California and Hawaii books, as well as several
from Southern California and elsewhere. We can get any Entertainment book for at least $5 off retail. You get a tax deduction, help Brandeis, and we’ll mail them free. The new books are valid from the day you get them, until November 1, 2013.
Call Marilyn Meltzer, (408)268-2186, for all your Entertainment books, including free shipping.
On Sunday, November 18, Fred Stern will present a program on George Gershwin’s folk opera Porgy and Bess. This program will start at 2:00 p.m. at the Village’s
Cribari Auditorium.
Using narration and illustrative video clips, Fred will present many of the opera’s great songs including “Summertime”, “I Got Plenty o’ Nuttin’”, “It Ain’t Necessarily So”, and “Bess, You Is My Woman Now”. George Gershwin (1898 – 1937) was an
American composer. Gershwin's compositions spanned both popular and classical
music, and his popular melodies are widely known. Porgy and Bess is his best known work for the
theater. Gershwin’s score for Porgy and Bess is a true hybrid of many musical forms- jazz, classical,
blues, gospel, and traditional musical theatre.
The opera was first produced in 1935. Its initial run was not strikingly successful, both because of
critical rejection and controversial subject matter. However, subsequent tours and revivals have
earned this important and unique work a permanent place in the repertoire of musical theater.
Brandeis is sponsoring this event along with Hadassah. Mark your calendar now. Don’t miss this wonderful presentation.
All are welcome to attend. There are no tickets and admission is free.
(Note: In early 2013, Fred will be presenting a new two-part program covering George Gershwin’s life and all of his wonderful music.)
November/December 2012
Once again, Brandeis is taking the challenge of helping needy families give
their children a really happy holiday. As Chairman, I feel like “The Good Fairy”. In the past, I have enjoyed listening to the volunteers tell me how much fun they had shopping. Many bought more than the parents put on
their wish lists, and they added letters, notes, and candy or cookies to their packages. As they
shopped, they tried to envision their children and bought what they felt was most appropriate. It was
one of the most satisfying projects in which I have been involved!
Since I enjoy shopping for bargains and looking at little children’s clothes, I would be happy to shop for you if you would give me a ballpark figure of how much to spend. It’s good to know that one hun-­
dred percent of the money we are spending is going directly to benefit a child or adult.
Jewish Family Services (JFS) of Silicon Valley is once again looking forward to partnering with
Brandeis of Santa Clara Valley to help the needy families and seniors we serve. Our Embrace-AFamily program has in the last three years become an important way that our community teaches
and shows our compassion. The Embrace-A-Family program pairs need with generosity. Dreidel
boards with gift tags identifying individual’s unique needs are posted. When these gifts are delivered to JFS they are given to clients whose lives can be made easier with this simple gesture.
Each year JFS of Silicon Valley makes the holiday season brighter for those in need. We distributed
over 1,400 gifts last year alone– thank you for your support. We need your help to make this happen
again. There are many opportunities wherein you can participate.
Sponsor an Embrace-A-Family Dreidel Board (chapter members will be given dreidel tags to
choose from and then, purchase the gift that is indicated, and deliver it to JFS). The dreidels will
be available from me or at the JFS November 8 through December 11, 2012.
Here are some other options. Please be sure that you are contributing as part of Brandeis to any of
these items so our organization gets the credit for your wonderful donations.
Hold a dreidel, gelt, and candle drive
Hold a toy drive (new, unwrapped toys only please)
Donate Walmart, Target, Safeway, Trader Joe’s and gas station gift cards
Donate wrapping paper and gift bags
November/December 2012
Quick reference to
BNC Santa Clara Valley Chapter Officers
you may need to contact
Judith Israel
VP, Membership:
Phylis Davis
Josephine Stern
VP, Chief Information Officer:
Iz Truman
Treasurer, Chief Financial Officer:
Herb Meltzer
Financial Secretary:
Janet Truman
Corresponding Secretary:
Ellie Kiss
Recording Secretary:
Janis Silver
VP, Study Groups
and Learning Opportunities:
If you wish to refer to our full BNC Santa Clara Valley Chapter 2012-2013 Board of Directors, please go to
Please note that our Regional Liaison is now: Pauline Green (619) 993-4656 greenp2@att.net
Brandeis National Committee is dedicated to providing philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish community. Its membership is
connected to the University through fund-raising and through activities that reflect the values on which the
University was founded: academic excellence, social justice, nonsectarianism, and service to the community.
Please send separate checks for Study Group fees and Membership Dues to:
JANET TRUMAN, Financial Secretary
SAN JOSE, CA 95135-1420
(408) 238-3803
Community, Growth, Giving.
November/December 2012
by Judy Stein
Another extravaganza by Gail Fisher and Dorothy Frankel held at David’s Restaurant and Ban-­
quet facility—a winning list of Study Groups presented by Study Group and Learning Opportunities
V.P., Joey Stern, and two great comedians, Jeff Applebaum and Samson Koletkar set the scene for
a delightful afternoon! We enjoyed delicious food, a preview of this coming year’s exciting study groups and events, fun and laughter – what could be better?
Photos by Judy Israel
Collage by Judy Eskinazi
Join a Study Group
November/December 2012
Express your
$14 per package Art Cards
With a Book Fund Card
$5.50 Millionth Book Card
$10.50 Goldfarb Library Card
$18.50 Louis D Brandeis Tribute
$36.50 Learned Research Journal
$56.5 LRJ For Medical Research
$100 Special Book Collection
$200 Research Journal File
$500 Major Book Collection
Sending a Brandeis tribute card is a quick, meaningful and philanthropic way to express support, congratulations, get-well wishes,
sympathy and appreciation. No more running to
the store to look for an appropriate card – just
contact Yetta or Sharon and the card you are thinking of sending
will be mailed quickly. The person to whom the card is sent is
acknowledged in the Bulletin so others can learn about the simcha or the sorrow and respond to this appropriately. Not only is this donation a beautiful means of recognition and thoughtfulness, but it is an important way to help
Brandeis on an ongoing basis. Show how much you care – send a Brandeis card!
You can also order blank cards to be sent to you, for you to inscribe and mail at your
convenience. We recommend the six millionth-book-card packet for $25, saving you $5. Call us after sending
a card for announcement in the Bulletin.
The BNC is excited and proud to introduce Brandeis Art Cards
These all-occasion cards feature original works of art from Brandeis students. The four different designs come
wrapped in packages of four and are sold for $14 per package. All cards are blank on the inside and feature the artists’ information on the back.
Sharon Kundin slk29@att.net
Yetta Miller, (408)3956870
November/December 2012
Complete this form and mail it with your check to:
Sharon Kundin
Yetta Miller
5380 Cribari Crest
San Jose, CA 95135
15400 Winchester Blvd #22
Los Gatos, CA 95030
For telephone orders call: Sharon Kundin 408.223.2136 or Yetta Miller 408.395.6870
For email orders email:
Sharon Kundin slk29@att.net
$5.50 Millionth Book Card
$10.50 Goldfarb Library at Night Card
$18.50 Louis Brandeis Portrait Card
$36.50 LRJ with Newly Designed Inserts
$55 Medical Science Journal Folio
$14/package Brandeis Art Cards
Other Major Donations
Send Tribute to:
NAME (please print): ________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________
Brandeis Art Cards
CITY: STATE: ZIP: __________________________________
Send Tribute From:
NAME: ___________________________________________
PHONE NUMBER: __________________________________
ADDRESS: ________________________________________
CITY: STATE: ZIP: __________________________________
IN HONOR OF: ___________________________________
IN MEMORY OF: __________________________________
OCCASION: ______________________________________
Note: Orders must be accompanied by a check. Use a separate form for each tribute.
Forms may be photocopied.
November 2012
Go to www.santaclarabnc.org for events’ description
10:00AM – NOON 7:15 PM
2:00 PM
11:30 AM
GROUP 10:3011:45 AM
9:30 AM
7:00 PM
10:30AM–12:15PM HANDS ON
2:00 PM
7:15 PM
GLOBE 11:30 AM
11:30 AM
December 2012
Go to www.santaclarabnc.org for events’ description
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
11:30 AM
1:00 PM
10:30-11:45 AM
7:00 PM
10:30 AM
11:30 AM
7:15 PM

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