Tucson Chapter Hanukkah Party
Tucson Chapter Hanukkah Party
Tucson Chapter Volume 12, Number 9 www.TucsonBNC.org November 2013 Hanukkah Party Tuesday, November 19, 2013 4:30 to 6:30 P.M. at the Home of Janet and Steve Seltzer 5001 East Calle Guebabi, Tucson Latke Buffet, Beverages, and Dessert Tucson’s New Shlihah, Oshrat Barel Speaking on “Israeli Hanukkah Traditions” Members $18, Guests $23 Profit goes to the “Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and Scholarships” program. Bring new children’s socks and underwear for Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse for our Social Justice/Community Service project. ✂Hanukkah Party Please Print _____ Attendees @ $18 = $____ Name(s)_ _________________________________ _____ Attendees @ $23 = $____ Contact information (phone and e-mail) Total amount enclosed = $____ ($2 per person is NOT tax-deductible) I cannot attend, but donate $____ (Tax-deductible) _ _______________________________________ Make check out to BNC and mail by November 13 to Arlene Zuckerman, 5448 N. Paseo del Sonoyta, Tucson, AZ 85750. (Call 577-1457 for transportation help.) Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 2 November 2013 M e mber s h i p P a g e From the President We Wish Our Members… This year. we celebrate Hanukkah at the same time as Thanksgiving. What an opportunity to have everyone together and bring both traditions to life. We will have our Hanukkah Party at the home of Janet and Steve Seltzer, a latke party with our own cooks preparing a variety of latkes and salads. Our speaker will be Oshrat Barel, the new director of the Israel Center here. She will be sharing with us her personal loss during the Hanukkah holiday as well as special celebrations of the season in Israel. We will welcome her to the Tucson community and the BNC. If you have not noticed, we now have a large Brandeis banner upstairs at the “J”. We are proud of our reading and writing program under the direction of Terri Freed and Kathy Cohen and of Bubbe’s Kitchen, both at the JCC. We are building connections to local high schools for young men and women to help us with the Book & Author silent auction and our Book Depot. The young people work quickly and efficiently at the depot under the direction of Meg Sivitz. I hope most of you attend the Opening Luncheon at Hacienda del Sol with our guest speaker, Professor Robert Williams, Jr. What a fantastic speaker! Many of you travel regularly. Please save hotel toiletries for one of our Social Justice projects. We also collect children’s books, new socks, and women’s products for these projects. The books go to children whose mothers are in prison. The mother reads the book to the child and then the child takes it home as a gift from the mother. We stamp the inside of these books to show the book was sponsored by our chapter. We have many special programs planned for this year. Please join us as we embrace each program the BNC offers. Have a great Thanksgiving and Hanukkah season. Lynn Cramer, President The officers, board, and members of the Tucson Chapter of BNC wish: Directory Changes Please make the following corrections in your Membership Directory (changes underlined): Roggie Edberg EdbergRoggie@gmail.com Linda J Gorsky LJGorsky@gmail.com Harriet Kronman 299-6441 heykron@gmail.com We previously listed a new member as Sondra Winick. Her correct name is Sondra Wikman. Fern & Ed Feder Doris Roland Congratulation on your son’s honor Get well wishes If you know of anyone with a simchah or a sorrow, contact Sunshine chair Charlotte Hegwer, C.Hegwer@comcast. net or 529-8484. A card will be sent and an acknowledgment will appear in the bulletin. New Members Since the last bulletin, the following people have joined our chapter. Add them to your Membership Directory: Bernard Alper (see Candace Alper) BernardAlper@hotmail.com Lois Bodin (assoc) 7537 E Camino Amistoso 85750 468-8704 & Herb Meshel Lois ©702-219-6704 lesLois@earthlink.net Meshel@OPD1850.com Evelyn Browne 12753 N Rain Shadow Ct 847-224-0004 Marana 85658 TucsonGal24@yahoo.com Dr Robert Fridrich (see Lisa Ungar) Shirley Goldberg 7351 E. Speedway #25A 85710 777-8448 Cherie0407@aol.com Rhonda Kauffman 5702 N Via Umbrosa 85750 Barbara Kessler 38000 S Rolling Hills Dr 85739 Beatrice & 3771 E Nugget Canyon Pl 85718 529-7391 Dr Herbert Krauss BeaKrauss@gmail.com HHarrisKrauss@gmail.com Leonard Kronman (see Harriet Kronman)LenKronman@yahoo.com Ira Leavitt (see Donna Leavitt) IraLeavitt@gmail.com Charlotte Toppel 5400 N Vía Velázquez 85750 615-0123 ATCT5400@aol.com New members are the life of our chapter. When you see new members at a Tucson Chapter event or Study Group, welcome them warmly. Condolences Tucson Chapter sends its condolences to Joan Kaye Cauthorn on the loss of her husband Robert. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 3 November 2013 New Study Group: “Personality and Society” Herbert “Herb” Krauss, PhD, is a clinical psychologist, therapist, and academician. He is offering a fascinating course called “Personality and Society.” This course is offered on Second Tuesdays, from December through April. The meeting time is from 10:00 a.m. until noon. There is a class limit of a minimum of 6 members and a maximum of 15. The sessions will be held at Villa Hermosa (southwest corner of Speedway and Wilmot). Herb can be reached at HHarrisKrauss@gmail.com or 529-7394. The fee is $18. Dr. Krauss is an emeritus professor of psychology and former chair of psychology at Hunter College and Pace University, both in New York. His teaching and research has focused on self and society, abnormal psychology, personality, and adjustment to stress. His wife Bea is a social psychologist. Please send your request to join this group by including your name, phone number, e-mail address, and the phrase “39. Personality” with your $18 check made out to BNC and mail to Karen Loeb, 6703 N. Green Bay Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53209. This promises to be a great course, so sign up now before the class is full. Study Groups Looking for You A number of Study Groups are not yet filled and could take some more members. Consider taking some of these excellent classes: #7: Books and Bagels 2 #8:Local Authors Club #9b: 97 Orchard Street #20:Louis Brandeis and the Patriot Act #23: Jewelry Making for Novices #24:CRIZMAC #25: Beginning Mah Jongg #29:Mosaics #30: Artisan Bread #35:Dinner with Brandeis #38: Lady Boomers This is your opportunity to join with excellent leaders for a great learning or social experience. Send your $18 check made out to BNC to Karen Loeb, 6703 N. Green Bay Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53209, with the course number and name. Sign up now before the classes are full. Happy Thanksgiving The new Membership Directory will be coming out with the next bulletin in mid-November. Be sure your dues are paid. Send your check made to BNC for $60 ($100 for two people at one address) to Betty Koppel, 7531 E. Calle Brisas, Tucson 85750. to All Tucson Chapter, BNC November 2013 Page 4 EDF F el lows Mee t ing Study Group Corrections The correct e-mail address for Judy Fishman, the instructor for Kabbalah and Meditation, is MagicJudy1@ gmail.com. In the form for signing up for Study Groups, courses number 33 should be “Ladies Who Lunch” and number 34 should be “Let’s Meet for an Ethnic Lunch,” often shortened to “Ethnic Lunch.” Our men’s group, the EDF Fellows, will hold its next lunch meeting on Monday, November 11, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Viscount Hotel. The speaker will be Bill Baker, a former NFL scout, talking about his experiences. Anyone in Tucson is cordially invited to attend, join the fellowship, and enjoy the fascinating speakers. Members are encouraged to bring guests. Lunch is $20. For more information, contact Steve Seltzer, 299-3788, seltz5001@aol.com, Howard Schwartz, 615-2915, howtru3@comcast.net, or Tom Herz, 7455852, tghmkh@mindspring.com. Change in Artisan Bread Date Buy from Amazon, Earn Money for Brandeis • • • • Go to www.tucsonbnc.org. Fill out the Amazon search box on the left. Buy anything from Amazon. The Tucson Chapter will benefit from all your Amazon purchases made this way. Mission Statement Brandeis National Committee Brandeis National Committee is dedicated to providing philanthropic support to Brandeis University, a distinguished liberal arts and research university founded by the American Jewish community. Its membership is connected to the university through fund-raising and through activities that reflect the values on which the university was founded: academic excellence, social justice, nonsectarianism, and service to the community. The “Artisan Bread” Study Group, a one-time event, has been moved to Wednesday, December 4, from 10:00 to noon, at the home of Fran Caspe as described in the Study Group Guide. Community Service/ Social Justice The Tucson Chapter gives back to our community. Marilyn Lobell, our Community Service chair, reminds us Emerge! is one of the organizations that Brandeis community service supports. In 2008, two organizations came together to form the Emerge! Center Against Domestic Abuse. Emerge! is the largest domestic abuse shelter and provider of domestic abuse prevention services and programs in Southern Arizona. Its agneda includes an emergency shelter, housing program, outreach, advocacy centers, accredited community-based child care center, and prevention, education, and volunteer programs. Emerge! is committed to improving and expanding services to all members of the community who are experiencing domestic abuse in their lives. Its mission provides the opportunity to create, sustain, and celebrate a life free from abuse. You can go on the Internet to find the many ways you can help. We are always looking for new ways to help our community. If you have a way to help, contact Marilyn Lobell, MMLobell@msn.com or 615-0877. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 5 November 2013 Meet Your Study Group Leader Born in Chester, Pennsylvania, Terri Freed moved to nearby Media after she graduated from high school. She was fortunate to grow up in a loving family with her twin sister Myra and both sets of grandparents close by. From a young age, she discovered a love of learning and knew from age 10 she wanted to become a teacher. Terri graduated in 1968 from Pennsylvania State University with a BS in education and taught a year in the Rosetree-Media School District. Married in 1969, she moved to Pittsburgh, spending 12 years in the Mt. Lebanon School District. While there, she earned her masters in education from Duquesne University and became certified as a reading specialist. Later, as a divorced single mother, she moved in 1982 to raise her son close to family and friends, settling in Mt. Laurel, New Jersey. In New Jersey, Terri taught elementary grades in the Moorestown School District and earned the New Jersey Governor’s Excellence in Teaching Award. Many wonderful mentors encouraged her to move into educational administration, leading to a Principal/Supervisor Certification from Rowan University. She then became an elementary school principal, serving three years in Audubon and 16 years in Haddonfield, both in New Jersey. Although she thoroughly loved classroom teaching, leading a school as its principal provided many creative opportunities to effect positive change in the schools. During those years, she was awarded a fellowship from the state to pursue best practices in schools with other administrators throughout New Jersey. She is particularly proud of her accomplishments as a principal including, •implementing an award-winning, integrated language arts curriculum, with a strong emphasis on reading and writing skills; •implementing a K-5 peer mediation program, one of the first of its kind in New Jersey; •providing, in one of the first schools in the area, inclusive classroom environments for special needs students; •implementing a gifted program; •implementing a School Advisory Committee to ensure the needs and interests of all parents were heard and met; •implementing a reading-recovery program for at-risk first-grade students; and •supervising student teachers from the University of Pennsylvania, Rowan University, and Rutgers University. Terri retired in 2008 after 35 years in education and Continued on page 6 2013–14 Tucson Chapter Calendar Fall Opening Luncheon Board Meeting* Hanukkah Party Board Meeting* Holiday Fund-Raiser Board Meeting* University on Wheels Book Sale Opening Night Annual Used Book Sale Board Meeting* Presidents Day Luncheon Board Meeting* Book & Author Soirée Book & Author Luncheon Book Fund Event Board Meeting* Spring Luncheon and Installation Board and Planning Meeting* Monday, October 21 Monday, November 4 Tuesday, November 19 Monday, December 2 Tuesday, December 24 Monday, January 6 Thursday, January 9 Thursday, January 16 January 17–26 Monday, February 3 Monday, February 17 Monday, March 3 Wednesday, March 12 Thursday, March 13 Friday, March TBD Monday, April 7 April TBD Monday, May 5 *Come to our open Board Meetings Save the dates and mark your calendar Officers President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Cramer Vice-president Book Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meg Sivitz Vice-president Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brenda Schneider Vice-president Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Steve Seltzer Vice-presidents Study Groups . . . . Fran Caspe & Kathy Cohen Recording Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Natalie Smith Financial Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betty Jane Koppel Corresponding Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Aimee Doctoroff Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Arlene Zuckerman Advisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elaine Lisberg Questions? Leave a message at the Book Depot phone, 7473224 or e-mail us at BNCTucson@gmail.com Tucson Chapter Newsletter Editor-in-chief................................................... Steve Seltzer Board Liaison........................................................ Meg Sivitz Associate Editor......................................... Bob Rothenberg Copy Editor.........................................................Beverly Fine Proofreaders.........................Soralé Fortman, Janet Seltzer Circulation..............................................................Fern Feder To provide articles or information for the newsletter, contact Meg Sivitz, megaron3@msn.com, or Steve Seltzer, seltz5001@aol.com. The newsletter is published from August through April. The deadline is the 10th of the preceding month. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 6 November 2013 Meet Your Board continued from page 5 moved to Arizona to be close to family and enjoy the beautiful desert and glorious weather. While here, she has volunteered in many programs, including The Mature Worker Connection with Pima County, aiding seniors seeking employment. When that program lost funding, she served as a teaching volunteer with the Sahuarita Schools. This past year, she developed a reading enrichment program for K-2 students as part of the JCC-Brandeis BNC Partnership and worked with several great Brandeis volunteers to provide weekly classes introducing the children to quality literature and focusing on reading skills for emergent and early readers. It has been an extremely positive experience that the volunteers plan to continue this fall. Brandeis is also discussing the writing needs of upper-elementary children and the possibility of developing a writing workshop to enrich the public school experience. Terri’s son Mark and daughter-in-law Amber live in Houston. She sees them often and always cherishes their times together. Terri became a Brandeis member in 2011 after attending a new member brunch and became more actively involved this year. The Tucson chapter has provided her with a warm and welcoming atmosphere, and she values the many wonderful friendships she made these past two years. She is particularly interested in the Brandeis University research programs focusing on neurological issues and the BNC’s commitment to community service. Terri loves to travel and also enjoys movies and the theater she finds so readily available in Tucson. Living in Green Valley provides Terri a “country living” environment, while being close enough to Tucson to enjoy all of the amenities of a city. Terri look forward to many interesting and personally enriching opportunities with Brandeis in the years to come. Pear Up With People in the Tucson Chapter. Enjoy our many volunteer projects. Membership Hosts a Teamwork Success T.E.A.M. (Together Each Achieves More) is more than just a slogan. Membership Committee’s first get-together in September was a fantastic happening. Many new and prospective Brandeis members enjoyed learning about our mission and how to get involved. An overwhelming number of people from the community attended and you, our members, made it happen. Through your referrals of friends and acquaintances, interest in Brandeis has tremendously expanded. Keep the referrals coming, as Sunday, January 12, will be a delicious brunch for new and prospective members. Your friends want to know what Brandeis has to offer the Tucson community. Let them in on a “good thing.” Thank you so much for your membership support. We all are working as team! Meg Sivitz is always surrounded by books. Brandeis University Is Ranked 32nd in the Magazine List of Universities Tucson Chapter, BNC November 2013 Page 7 Members’ Daughter at Brandeis New members Jeff and Adrianna Kaufman have a daughter who is a freshman at Brandeis University. Jessica Kaufman attended Cienega High School in the Vail School District, where the Kaufmans live. You can see their daughter, uniform number 15, in the photo below, rear, third from the left. Jessica is the second Tucson-area student currently at Brandeis of whom we are aware. We are proud to have her parents as members of our chapter of the Brandeis National Committee. You Make Money. Students Benefit. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 8 November 2013 Express Your Thoughtfulness With a Book Fund Card or Journal Donation Sending a Brandeis tribute card or a Learned Research Journal (LRJ) is a quick, meaningful, and philanthropic way to express support, congratulations, get-well wishes, sympathy, and appreciation. No more running to the store to find an appropriate card — just contact one of the names below. The recipient is acknowledged in the bulletin so others can learn about the simchah or sorrow and respond. Show you care — send a Brandeis card or LRJ. Book Fund donations: $5.50* Philanthropy, learning, and community (or six for $25) $10.50* Goldfarb Library at night (or three for $25) $14.00* Brandeis art cards (set of four different covers) $18.50* Louis Dembitz Brandeis portrait card $25.50* Sustaining the Mind Tribute Card $36.50‡ Learned Research Journal $56.50‡ Learned Research Journal Folio $100.00‡ Special Book Collection $500.00‡ Major Book Collection *Contact Book Fund co-chairs Shelly Abell, REAbell@aol.com, 299-0057 or 4092346; or Sharon Greenfield, SharGren1937@gmail.com or 885-8692. ‡Contact Shelly Abell, REAbell@aol.com or 299-0057 or 409-2346. Donor Brandeis friends Message Learned Research Journal Folio In loving memory of Robert Cauthorn, with heartfelt sympathy Recipient Brandeis friends Learned Research Journal In honor of their son Mike being named the Pacific Coast League’s top executive Joan Kaye Cauthorn Fern & Ed Feder New “Sustaining the Mind” Card We now offer a new card for a minimum donation of $25 or more to the “Sustaining the Mind” project for research and scholarship in neurodegenerative diseases. The inside of the card says, “A contribution has been made to the Brandeis National Committee’s Sustaining the Mind: Scientific Research and Scholarships Endowed Fund, with space for an inscription to the recipient and a place for the name(s) of the donor. There is also an explanation of the purpose of the fund. To send a card, contact Shelly Abell, REAbell@aol.com, 299-0057 or 409-2346. Contact the Bulletin Steve Seltzer, Editor................ 299-3788, seltz5001@aol.com Meg Sivitz, Assistant Editor.615-4739, megaron3@msn.com Contact the Chapter Book Depot Phone (leave a message).... 520-747-3224 Chapter Web site.............................www.TucsonBNC.org Chapter e-mail................................. BNCTucson@gmail.com Chapter Facebook site........ http://www.facebook.com/ pages/BNCTucson/115524478528080 Next Board Meeting Monday, November 4, 2013 10:00 a.m. to noon Murphy Wilmot Library 530 N. Wilmot Rd. near Fifth St. All members are encouraged to come to this open meeting. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 9 November 2013 Tucson Chapter Calendar November 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday 3 5:00 97 Orchard 1 Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 10:00 Begin 5:30 Single Bridge Women’s Circle 8 9 1:00 Mah Jongg 4 5 10:00 Board Mtg 1:00 Guid ed Bridge 1:30 Medi tation 10 11 12 10:00 Books Noon EDF 7:00 Public & Bagels Policy 6 7 1:00 Cont. 1:30 Laugh Fiction & Feel Noon Men’s Good Books 17 18 12:30 97 1:00 Kab Orchard 2 balah 1:00 Guid ed Bridge 19 1:00 For eign Film 4:30 Hanuk kah Party 7:00 PM Fabulous flicks 1 & 2 24 25 10:00 Books & Bagels 26 20 10:00 Tour ist in Own Town 10:00 Jew elry Novices 11:00 Boomers 11:30 Mys tery Books 29 30 27 28 1:00 Jewel Hanukkah 2 Hanukkah 3 Hanukkah 4 ry Making Thanksgiv ing Day Novices Hanukkah 1 13 10:00 Page Turners Noon Eth nic Lunch 14 15 16 10:00 Local 10:00 Begin Bridge Authors 11:30 La 1:00 Art dies Scene Lunch 21 22 23 10:00 Begin Bridge November 11 is Veterans Day; November 27 is the first night of Hanukkah; November 27 is Thanksgiving. Hanukkah numbers above are the number of candles that evening. Tucson Chapter, BNC Page 10 November 2013 What’s New at Brandeis University in Waltham? IBS Has New Brand Platform Brandeis-Israel Research Brandeis’ International Business School (IBS) recently unveiled a new branding platform designed to enhance its reputation and visibility around the world. The initiative is encapsulated in the tag line “World Ready” and has been introduced by a new Web site and video. The new brand unifies the school’s message within a clean, modern design that befits the rapidly growing institution. Among the key components of the new site are bolder visuals, greater integration with social media, improved audiencebased navigation, and “responsive design,” which means it is compatible across desktop, tablet, and mobile devices. “We are excited to launch the new World Ready brand platform as a way to further enhance our efforts to communicate the values of our school and the world-class business education we provide students,” said Dean Bruce Magid. “This new marketing initiative showcases our strengths as a forward-thinking, globally minded institution.” Despite the advances in communication technology, nothing beats face-to-face conversations. Just ask some Brandeis University neuroscientists who recently spent two days brainstorming with their counterparts from Israel. “You’d think in the age of e-mail you wouldn’t need to sit down and chat in person,” said assistant professor of biology Suzanne Paradis. “But you can be so much more productive in 30 minutes of talking than in 30 e-mails.” Paradis is one of several Brandeis faculty members developing joint projects with colleagues in Israel as part of the Henry J. Leir Brandeis-Israel Research Initiative, which will underwrite collaborations between Israeli and Brandeis neuroscientists and fund postdoctoral appointments for up-and-coming Israeli scientists at Brandeis. The $750,000 grant aims to strengthen connections between Brandeis and Israeli scientists and support research projects on the human brain. Four Israeli scientists visited the campus to meet with the faculty and discuss research opportunities. Hanukkah Party Holiday FundRaiser DECEMBER 24 NOVEMBER 19 Fall Opening Luncheon & Meeting CALENDAR 2013 OCTOBER 21 Brandeis University Brandeis National Committee Tucson Chapter 3825 North Oracle Road Tucson, Arizona 85705-3254 BNC is 65! TUCSON, AZ PERMIT NO. 970 PAID NON-PROFIT ORG. U. S. POSTAGE
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