2013 AACC AGM ROLLER SPORTS AUSTRALIA Inc ACCREDITED ARTISTIC COACHES’ COMMITTEE 44c Wolya Way Westminster 6061 AACC AGM Agenda 2013 VENUE: Skate International Malaga. 7.00pm Saturday September 28th 2013 1. Open Meeting. 2. Roll Call. 3. Apologies. 4. Minutes of the 2012 A.G.M. (Attached) 5. Business arising 6. Chairman’s report (Attached) 7. Queensland report (attached) 8. New South Wales report (attached) 9. South Australian report (Attached) 10. Victorian report (Attached) 11. Western Australian report (Attached). 12. High Performance report (attached) 13. New Accreditation courses. 14. Oceania’s 2013 / 2014 15. Nationals 2013 16. Worlds 2013 - Taiwan 17. General business 18. Next AGM 19. Close of meeting. Please note: Reports and minutes of last year have been reformatted to fit in this document. No text has been changed in this process SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc ACCREDITED ARTISTIC COACHES’ COMMITTEE 44c Wolya Way Westminster 6061 11th August 2012 MINUTES OF THE 2011 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ACCREDITED ARTISTIC COACHES’ COMMITTEE HELD AT “Whitlam Leisure Centre”, Memorial Avenue Liverpool on Sunday 1st July 2012. 1. OPENING Having established there was a quorum and that all coaches who intended to attend were present, the Chairman, Barry Andrews opened the meeting, at 6:19 pm. 2/3. ROLL CALL & INTRODUCTION Members and visitors present signed the attendance roll. Those present were also asked to tender any apologies. The attendance record indicates the following: PRESENT Debbie Kokonis Rachel Tonkin Bryan Lloyd Jones Anita Lloyd Jones Tamera Russell Marie White Barry Andrews Teresa Chittick John Lane Debbie Simms Kathleen McPhail Gawaine Davis Ebony Cassady Paul Fraumano Tony Millett Christine Turner Wendy Lane Visitors Jackie Blythe Rachael Sketcher Bianca Burow Bill Foster Shenae Kealley Samantha Russell Ron Martinez Jodie Garufo Vanessa Butson Andrew Simms Kerrie Curtis Brian Inglis Susan Brooks Brad Fraumano Shelley Haughey Madanna O’Brien Shane Haylock Aaron Sprigg Apologies Charmaine Bond Alan Wehlow Christine Keogh Esther Ambrus Luke Kelly Courtney McManus Gordon Homes Michele Wollens Margaret Clough Danae Clark Skye McManus Total attendance of 33 members (Quorum of 10 met). 2 Visitors recorded others attended who were not signed in. The Chairman thanked everybody for attendance at the meeting, and confirmed the legality of the meeting. The chairman thanked all the coaches who had made an effort to come to this meeting, their participation was most welcome. All attendees reminded to sign the attendance sheet and to enter any apologies. 4. MINUTES OF THE 2011 AACC AGM HELD IN SA It was moved Kathleen McPhail, seconded John Lane. That the minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting of AACC, as distributed, be confirmed as a true and correct record of the meeting. 5. BUSINESS ARISING 13.0 Requirements committee has changed order of loop figure in Intermediate to match Oceania Youth event. Inner Back loop has been added into the schedule for Intermediate for each year, also raised at Oceania level and changed there. 14.0 Penalty for falls is now 0.2 as per CIPA requirements. Requirements for Tiny Tot, Primary and Juvenile Freeskating have been clarified and simplified by requirements committee in conjunction with AACC. Vocal music will be permitted in competition for Tiny Tot and Juvenile grades from 2013. 6. PRESENTATION OF CHAIRMAN’S REPORT It was moved Barry Andrews, seconded Susan Brooks That the Chairman’s report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. Chairman advised meeting that the courses for Development, Intermediate and Advanced were now approved by the ASC with Elite still being processed. As of August 2012 all updates would be to the equivalent level in the new structure. Chairman thanked Aaron, Jackie and all those involved in getting the course to completion. 7. NEW SOUTH WALES AACC REPORT It was moved Kerrie Curtis, seconded Gawaine Davis That the NSW report as written by Kerrie Curtis and circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. Since the writing of the report there had been two new accredited coaches in NSW, Nicole Wilkes and Chris Stuart. 8. QUEENSLAND AACC REPORT It was moved John Lane, seconded Jodie Garufo That the Queensland report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. Correction from John, should have said Vanessa Butson in report and not Meagan Bevan. 9. SOUTH AUSTRALIAN AACC REPORT It was moved Marie white on behalf of Sarah Watson who was unable to attend, seconded Wendy Lane. That the South Australian report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. 10. VICTORIA AACC REPORT It was moved Debbie Kokonis seconded Rachael Sketcher. That the Victorian report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. 11. WESTERN AUSTRALIA AACC REPORT It was moved Susan Brooks, seconded Tamera Russell. That the Western Australian report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. Since the time of the report Sue added four new accreditations. Shenae Kealley Level 1 Dance Tamera Russell Level 2 figures Kelly Zaccaria Level 2 Freeskate Lauren King Level 1 Freeskate. 12. HIGH PERFORMANCE It was moved Anita Lloyd Jones, seconded Tamera Russell. That the High Performance report as circulated with the agenda be taken as read and received. Chairman thanked Anita for her work and meeting congratulated her on organising of fitness tests for world team members as part of nationals. 13. OCEANIA’S There are now 2 grades of Masters for Oceania, matching Australian championships and hopefully encouraging greater participation at this level. Next Oceania’s will be at the Whitlam Centre in Sydney in April 2013. Youth grade now has both IB and OB loops each year. 14. NATIONALS Figure layout was advised to coaches to ensure they were aware of which panels were at which end of the floor and to ensure that competition and practice circles were known. Figure draws for Junior and Senior Figures were provided for the meeting. These were advised by the chairman, Junior “A” foot and Senior Group 2 “A”. Coaches reminded that all compulsory dances must start toward the judges. Coaches advised that all mp3 files were loaded onto the computer and any changes need to go to Gawaine Davis or Brett Beatty. Coaches reminded that any changes to the marshaling area passes must be given to the chairman well before the events involved to ensure smooth running of this part of the events. Coaches also reminded there was a two coach maximum limit in the marshaling area for any one skater. 15. WORLDS 2012 Discussions were held regarding plans for Worlds 2012 in Auckland NZ. Team meeting will be held at end of the championships. Coaches asked to register their interest so that team management can ensure passes etc. are able to be organised. Fitness tests details were also advised to meeting by HP Coach Anita Lloyd Jones. 16. GENERAL BUSINESS No general business. 18. NEXT MEETING Will be held in conjunction with 2013 Australian Championships in Perth. Meeting will be held on the night prior to the commencement of championships. 19. CLOSE Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and their frank and open discussion on all matters. The contribution of discussion was very good from all attending and made for a very fruitful meeting. Meeting was closed by the Chairman at 7:00 pm Barry Andrews AACC CHAIRMAN SKATE AUSTRALIA Inc. ACCREDITED ARTISTIC COACHES COMMITTEE AUSTRALIA Barry Andrews – 44c Wolya Way Westminster 6061 25th August 2013 Report to AAC and AACC Annual General Meetings 2013 Dear AAC Our state representatives this year are: Kerrie Curtis NSW John Lane Queensland Sarah Watson South Australia Debbie Kokonis Victoria Bill Foster Western Australia Thanks to all of these people for their efforts and also to their support people in each state. Unfortunately we no longer have Charmaine Bond as the South Australian representative and I would like to thank her for her contribution to the AACC and welcome Sarah Watson back to the job. Due to workload Rachel Tonkin has also had to resign from her position in Western Australia and I thank her for the work she has done and welcome Bill Foster to the position This section of my report for the past few years has been about how the new accreditation courses are coming and how I was progressing on their development. This year I am very happy to say we now have all 4 new courses approved and registered with the ASC. So now the hard work switches over to the coaches and the states to ensure everyone who needs to coach at nationals on their own is appropriately accredited as Advanced (Old Level 2). This means that any current level 1 coaches need to complete their level 2 general principles and either supply Recognition of Current Competency for Advanced grade or complete the advanced course. This must be done prior to nationals so cut-off date for accreditations being in is September 1 st 2013 to allow Jackie time to process them. Mentors must also apply to be registered so that we have a record of approved mentors in every state. Some states have already done this which is great but we need all registered to ensure growth of our coaching and retaining of knowledge. There has been a lot of fore warning regards the new accreditation requirements and it is a little disappointing to see some people waiting so late before starting on their upgrades. On a brighter note is was great to be able to have Charmaine Bond as our first registered Elite Coach, a long overdue recognition of her coaching at the highest levels of our sport. Additionally a number of other coaches are now finally getting proper recognition as Elite coaches. I would like to thank the skate Australia office for their assistance in getting these courses through, particularly Aaron who has chased them up for me when things were dragging along. Most of the coaches who received grants towards completion of their level 2 general principles have now completed their general principles and I thank Skate Australia for making these funds available to ensure every state has examiners at the Elite and Advanced levels. The assistance of all states and examiners is required to help ensure a smooth transition to the new levels in 2013 and I thank those who have organised general principles courses and practical courses in the states. The only way we start to become a more professional sport is to develop our coaching in a professional manner. The new courses go part the way to allowing this to happen, the major part is up to the coaches themselves to realise their responsibility for continued development and improvement. Now that the paperwork for the Coaching courses are out of the way for the moment I am progressing on development of a windows based database and calculating application which will hopefully soon allow us to easily display results live at nationals as the events progress as well as adding many new features. Thanks to Chris Clough for his input in this development and Lorraine Kealley for being an early tester of beta code. We successfully tested this alongside Skates at our state championships and will continue to test through to nationals. However input from all the states is required if we are to fully thrash this application and ensure it meats all our needs. I would once again like to thank Kathleen McPhail as the new AAC Chairperson who has been very supportive of the AACC including support for upgrading examiners and also helping to set up the www.sk8info.org.au web page which will allow us in future to also post music online on a protected page to allow coaches and officials access to the necessary dance tunes.. I would also like to thank Jackie from skate Australia for her efforts in processing accreditations. In most cases the certificates are now issued within 1 week of submitting which is a great turn around. Finally I would also like to thank the state AAC chairpersons, state Artistic VPs and Pat Wallace (CAOC) for their assistance to both the coaches and the sport in general. Regards Barry Andrews AACC Chairman RSA Inc Accredited Artistic Coaches Committee Western Australia. Chairman Barry Andrews 28 Porongurup Drive Clarkson Tel: (08) 9305 1852 (H) (08) 9244 3011 (W) Fax: (08) 9244 2629 Mo0417182 186 E mail bandrews@multiline.com.au Queensland Artistic Accredited Coaches Committee Chairperson: J. Lane Secretary: PO Box 231 Southport, 4215 Email: johnlane@bigpond.com.au A. Lloyd-Jones QAACC Report 2013 Thursday, August 8, 2013 Once again we have to say thank you to Barry Andrews for the terrific job that he does each year in keeping the coaching on track. Without his dedication and diligence, it would be very difficult for many coaches to maintain their accreditation. Thanks to the Skate Queensland Artistic Committee for support during the year. QAACC continues to work in conjunction with the Skate Queensland Artistic Committee in areas of planning and cooperation to assist in the smooth operation of our State Competitions. Our coaches are continuing to work very hard at the entry levels and we are beginning to see evidence of this with the larger numbers of skaters entering the Prep States and State Championships at the entry grades. Novice Challenge and Elementary league levels of competition are contributing a major number of competitors in Artistic skating in Queensland We would like to make special mention for the assistance given by Skate Queensland in subsidizing the Updating and accreditation courses that were run this year. The courses that were subsidized were the Intermediate General Principles course, held in May, and in June, the Advanced Accreditation and Intermediate Accreditation Courses. Membership and meetings: Our thanks to Lynn McVie for continuing to handle the funds associated with QAACC. Our AGM was held in November with all positions remaining unchanged from last year with Chairperson being John Lane and the Secretary, Anita Lloyd Jones. Membership continues to be strong with XX of active coaches joining again this year. Membership with QAACC is a check to ensure that coaches are fully insured and that blue cards are current. Meetings continue to be difficult to set with most coaches being unable to commit the time to attend meetings outside their busy schedules. We have been able to keep information circulating by way of Email. We used Email to accept nominations and vote on our Coaches Encouragement award for 2013. Fleur Garbellotto was chosen and was presented with the trophy at the opening ceremony for the State Titles. Accreditations: The new accreditation processes were put to the test in June with an Advanced and Intermediate course being run over 2 weekends in June. The presenters were Jodie Johnson-Garufo, Anita Hunt and John Lane. The advanced course had 12 coaches upgrading and the Intermediate course had 8 new coaches in attendance. As the process had never been used before, the presenters were a little apprehensive in the delivery and at times were pushed for time. We will be making recommendations as to how the programs should be delivered. Updating and Education: Several coaches attended the seminars held this year. These seminars are a valuable source of information and it was encouraging to see them supported by our coaches. We also conducted an Intermediate General Principles course in May with 14 coaches attending. Several of our coaches are currently in the updating process to move to the advanced level after completing the course held in June John Lane Chairperson QAACC Skate NSW AAC Report 2013 The Year to Date Skate NSW hosted a successful Nationals at the Whitlam Centre in Liverpool in 2012, a great opening show was performed by the Team Skatel Club. This was held early in July due to Worlds being held in Auckland in October 2012, so a very busy year for Coaches, Skaters and Officials. 2013 also saw Oceanias held once again at the Whitlam Centre in April and by all reports Skaters and Coaches were very pleased with the Venue and results. This competition saw skaters from China competing and Gawaine Davis was responsible organising this. He also coached the Dance skaters at the competition. Robert Karp (coach Esther Ambrus Davis ) attended the German Cup well done Robert. Nicole Wilkes and Esther are also coaching a small showgroup with the intention of representing Australia at Worlds as they did in 2012. We welcomed two new Artistic Clubs to NSW this year, Wheels Roller Skating Club and Silver City, both clubs bring Accredited Coaches and Officials. Silver City (Broken Hill) Coach Marie White. Wheels Roller Skating Club (Sefton, Menai) Coaches Debbie Simms, Andrew Simms. Team Skatel (3) and Wheels Roller Skating Club(1) both held competitions this year with all levels covered as a lead up to Nationals. Proficiency Tests were run by Team Skatel for all clubs (Bronze and Silver) at the beginning of the year and another planned for early November. Skate NSW looks forward to a Productive and Successful year in 2014 with our numbers growing in all areas. Accredited Coaches in NSW. Esther Ambrus-Davis Gawaine Davis David Robertson Debbie Simms Andrew Simms Gordon Homes Brad Mc Donald Nicole Wilkes Yvette Colonna-Morrow Stacey Short Kerrie Curtis Chris Stuart Amy Fell Kathryn Christensen Shaun Farlow Lyndsay MacKenzie Teagan MacKenzie With Gratitude Our State Championships were held in June and from all Skaters and Coaches a huge thank you to Alan Wehlow for his attendance and officiating skills. Thank you to NSW SDO Gawaine Davis, Art VP Len Karp and CAOC Andrew Simms for all their hard work throughout 2013. I would also like to mention how hard our group of volunteers have worked this year without you all our competitions would not have run as smoothly as they did, you are all very much appreciated. Barry, you have dedicated a huge amount of your time and expertise to our sport and from all the Coaches and Skaters in NSW a huge thank you. Good luck to all our NSW Skaters attending Nationals this year. Kerrie Curtis NSW Coaches Chair. Email kericurt@optusnet.com.au 21st July 2013 AACC SA ANNUAL REPORT 2013 I would like to thank our outgoing chairman Charmaine Bond for the work she did during her term in the position and am happy to be back in the role to serve our existing and new coaches. I am pleased to say we have moved most of our coaches over to the new accreditations and are finding the new process a lot easier, thanks Barry for all your hard work in this area. We now have the following coaches in our state Elite Level Charmaine Bond Advanced Level Tammy Bryant Intermediate Level Sarah Watson Kym Griffiths Cathy Ward I’m very pleased to say we currently have six new coaches progressing through to their first Development Level, two are longstanding coaches/members of Skate Australia but had yet to formalize their coaching and three are new skaters moving into coaching, I look forward to working with our new coaches and hope they will all have succeeded to their first level by the end of this skating year. I have recently been notified that a former coach of the Mildura Club has moved to Adelaide and we are hoping to utilise her knowledge in one of our existing clubs, it’s always great to have coaches from the past rejoin the sport. I ask that this report be accepted. Sarah Watson AACC – SA AACC VICTORIA REPORT 2013 2013 with Debbie Kokonis having another year in her term as AACC Chair Rachael Sketcher nominated for the role of Development officer within the ASVI Committee. This has provided a good opportunity for the AACC Vic to work closely with the Branch. The major event for the year provided Free and Figures skaters with the opportunity to work with an International coach (Cristina Moretti). This was a follow up from the seminar that Jayson had organised the previous year. At the same time Dance skaters had an opportunity to work with Gwaine Davis. There were over 70 participants for this event which was supported financially by ASVI to ensure it was affordable for skaters to attend. This was also an opportunity for coaches to be part of the learning process. 12 coaches participated in all or parts of the seminar. It still appears that the more ‘senior’ coaches recognise the value of such learning opportunities more so than those with less experience. Once our mentoring program is established it is hoped this will engage some of the junior coaches in developing their skills. A second seminar was aimed at the Elementary level skaters which was well received. There are plans to hold further seminars. 12 people have undertaken the Beginning Coaching course. It was a good opportunity to trial the course and provide feedback to the AACC. All participants are currently completing their supervised hours. Since the new Accreditation program was approved we have been encouraging coaches to undertake their General Principles as a starting point to gain their Advanced Accreditation. Rachael Sketcher gained her Advanced accreditation in 2012 .However most coaches were slow to undertake the course and are frustrated now by the slowness of the documents being returned. AACC Victoria initially stated that it would be a prerequisite for coaches to have their General Principles prior to a course being held. However given the time frames and interest by 7 dance coaches to undertake the dance modules of the Advanced course, Martin Hass agreed to work with these coaches to complete their accreditation. To date Shelley Haughey has achieved her Advanced accreditation though a mixture of RPL and course work. Candace Harrison has completed all aspects of the course while Brad Fraumano, Seona Martin and Christine Turner have completed all the elements of the course but are waiting on receipt of their GP certificate. There are 3 other coaches who have completed all aspects of the course except for their practical hours. Martin will continue to work with them to complete their coaching requirements. It will however enable them to be in the marshaling area without a mentor. We are also pleased that both Debbie Kokonis and Martin Hass have had their applications for Elite coaching approved. Congratulations also go to Jayson Sutcliffe whose RPL application for Elite level has also been approved. In relation to mentoring Debbie, Martin, Jayson and Rachael have been approved as mentors. If the rules are strictly applied in relation to the experience requirements to be a mentor Victoria would have difficulty in providing sufficient mentors to cover each rink. We would therefore like to see a system whereby newly accredited Advanced level coaches who have had more than 4 years coaching experience are able to mentor Beginning and Intermediate level coaches and in turn be mentored in this role. Pam Young Secretary for AACC Vic On behalf of Debbie Kokonis AACC Chair Vic WESTERN AUSTRALIAN ARTISTIC COACHES CHAIR REPORT - 2013 Our skating year began with Nov. 17th ,2012, fitness and conditioning seminar. It was only a short ,3 hour, but intense seminar. The emphasis was aimed at getting athletes to train up to and “elite” level. The next event was the “Gaston Pasini” camp, May 3-5, for coaches and skaters and was well attended. Gaston is an Argentinian world class artistic skater/coach. It was interesting to get a perspective on coaching/skating from a leading figure from a country where skating is a MAJOR sport. His sessions all started with a physical conditioning routine, followed by actual lessons in skating skills, mostly allied to artistic in the Dance area. Our thanks go to Rachel Tonkin (chief organiser), Michele Wollens and the Kalamunda Cobra’s committee who organised/masterminded the event. The Skate Australia “skatestars” teaching syllabus (for beginner skaters) began early this year. This syllabus requires teaching in all fundamental skills irrespective of skate type. This also seemed to spark interest in coaching, and with 8 trainee requests, Barry Andrews had to set up a course day. This was achieved on July 14 th, with 8 trainees and about 23 students, mostly culled from “skatestar” classes. We now have 7 trainees working to attain Development status ( have had 1 qualify so far), along with some old system coaches doing their General Principles. New accreditations, so far. Michele Wollens Elite Jazmin Hansom Intermediate Toni King Development I would like to thank Rachel Tonkin, who started as chair person but had to resign for personal reasons, Barry Andrews for help and advice and all the other coaches for their support. Thanks Bill (E.Carfax-) Foster (ecfoster@bigpond.net.au ) Report for AAC AGM August 2013 High Performance Coach ___________________________________________________________________ Following up from the report presented at the Semi-Annual AGM, where some focus areas had been identified. Fitness: The fitness testing in 2012 took place across 5 settings. The initial (fully funded option) for skaters selected in the World Team occurred on the final Saturday of Nationals in Sydney. This was followed up with 4 separate state-based testing centres across 3 weekends --> in Sydney (through Rugby NSW), Brisbane (through UQ), Perth (through Rugby WA) and Melbourne (through VIS). These state based testing provided an alternate time for those unable to attend at Nationals due to coaching, skating or other commitments. It also allowed potential future HP skaters to attend. These Oceania selected skaters were assisted with funding in Brisbane and Perth centres by the State Artistic Associations. This developed areas of focus for HP which guided the program through the beginning of 2013. Development and compilation of statistics as to current and future fitness levels of our HP athletes. o Results were compiled and presented within the Semi-Annual report. Areas of significant difficulty and future focus included strength (predominantly core), endurance and general physical health. o Pending availability of funding to run follow-up testing, this will continue to be tracked and analysed. o This would be addressed through the proposed program for 2013-2015. Development of a benchmark standard level of fitness which benefits on-skate performance (ie. developing a better understanding of the comparative benefits of off-skate fitness to onskate performance). o This would require ongoing testing and statistical analysis of the data. I would strongly recommend testing to be available to athletes at least once per year (formally) which would enable continued data gathering and monitoring. Additional data would be able to be gathered via the proposed program for 2013-2015. Continuing to support and develop the off-skate fitness of our current and up and coming International athletes. o Two skaters have taken up the opportunity to have direct support from HPC to develop/input into their fitness programs targeted identified areas of difficulty from the fitness testing. Following Worlds 2012 I have been able to work with an up and coming skater and her coaches in developing fitness programs to assist her with core strength, her specific areas of weakness as identified in the fitness testing, recovery strategies and nutrition. She has since reported decreased incidence of injury. The second skater has only recently begun the implementation of the fitness program but has reported the exercises to be beneficial. This is a support available to all identified HP skaters. o Indirect support was provided through funded Strengthening Education sessions in Victoria (adjoined to their artistic seminar – through VIS), Queensland (UQSport), New South Wales (Cronulla Sharks S&C) and Western Australia (RugbyWA). More information regarding this will be provided later in the report. o Additional indirect support was provided by assisting the AAC in the organisation of education sessions in the areas of nutrition and competition psychology at Oceania. Coaching accreditations: As part of the re-write of the coaching accreditations, there has been the inclusion of a fitness component in each level. This has both a practical and theory component and a resource focussing on fitness in skating has been developed to support education and provision of these sections. A fitness manual has been developed to support the implementation of this section of the accreditation. This resource provides information regarding best practice and relevance to skating in areas of endurance, power, strength, flexibility, agility and balance. It also summarises basic information of warm up, cool down and recovery as well as provides some example Strength and Conditioning programs as developed following the fitness testing. Thank you to the Qld skaters who made themselves available for the photo shoots to support this resource. This resource should be launched for Nationals 2013. Education & Resource Development: Fitness education sessions: Strengthening Education sessions in Victoria (adjoined to their artistic seminar – through VIS), Queensland (UQSport), New South Wales (Cronulla Sharks S&C) and Western Australia (RugbyWA) were run throughout the first half of 2013. This was available to skaters at limited cost. Each state had a slightly different format based upon number of skaters attending, however all focussed upon strengthening (particularly core). Some states opened this up to skaters outside the HP group on an increased cost. There was varying numbers of participation and also varying feedback on the effectiveness of the sessions. Numbers for participation were as follows: Victoria – unknown NSW – 6 HP skaters WA – 1 HP Skater, 1 coach QLD – 16 HP skaters, 16 non-HP skaters, 10 coaches Selected feedback was as follows: “There was about an hour of theory, and half an hour of time in the gym learning how to use medicine balls, steps to jump up onto, bosu boards, exercise balls etc... Most of it was just demonstration though - more time in the gym getting personal instruction would have been beneficial…. I'm going to talk to our coaches about getting more off-skates / cross-training happening at the rink - I can see how beneficial it is to work other muscle groups.” “The additional area of focus on recovery techniques was very useful. Also, getting different ways of modifying exercises for the level of the athlete, and haven’t key things to look for to identify areas of difficulty was good.” “The presentation went for about 20 minutes in total and there was not much that could have been beneficial for the skaters. We had about 10 minutes at the gym with him showing us examples of exercises I could do under certain conditions, but it appeared that there was nothing specifically prepared for the skater to do” This feedback is useful as it helps to focus the support provided to skaters as well as identifying the suitability of the presenter in their understanding of adapting the presentation to Artistic Roller Skating. In the case identified above, an alternate future presenter has been identified. One state only had one skater attend, however despite contact with the State to identify suitable dates prior to the sessions organisation and utilising a date as recommended, I was advised after the fact that it was on the same day as a proficiency test. Also, I was advised after the session, that Skate WA had recently run a similar session. This re-identifies the need for consistent communication between the States and HP to ensure effective, targeted use of resources. Recovery strategies: Basic outline handouts on recovery strategies (best practice) have been developed and will be made available via Barry’s website. Additional, similar handouts will also be developed as required. Literature review – Warm up current best practice: A literature review was completed to identify current best practice in regards to warm up techniques/times/lengths etc to support the identification of required resources or space which should be provided at major championships. This was provided to Kathleen McPhail for her reference and distribution as required. This document will also be added to Barry’s website in the future. Data development: A final area of focus is continued development of resources, information, and statistics specifically relevant to Australian skaters. Feedback from an Australian Coach identified a recommended area of focus as: “Conduct research among universities around the country with the intention to use their programs to help high performance athletes.” Links have been made with the Exercise Science department at University of Queensland. They have advised that when a suitable student is available there may be the option for some formal research to be conducted. Proposed 2013-2015 Plan: The need for a formal HP program and plan has been identified to ensure that the relevant and appropriate skaters are identified and supported. It has been difficult to implement specific strategies without having specific skaters identified. This program is currently in development. It aims to allow the skaters to be identified and formally included in a HP program which will ensure that support is targeted to the needs of the identified skaters. This also enables formal talent identification of Cadet/Youth skaters which will allow early inclusion and development of these skaters prior to entering the World Class arena. The program proposes to include up-skilling individual coaches as to the Fitness testing protocols to allow regular testing and feedback for minimal cost to the skater and to HP. This will allow the individual coaches to identify where the athlete is currently in regards to relevant areas of fitness which would impact upon their training program as well as supporting the focus on HP athletes performing as elite athletes. This could then be supplemented by one session per year of formal testing (pending available funding). General feedback from an Australian Coach regarding their recommendations for supporting our future skaters identified a couple of areas: “High performance coaches should be considering as potential tutors, trainers in camp developments and seminars around the country. We do have excellent coaches in different areas that can work together providing feedback to other States.” This is a focal point within the proposed program by re-introducing Support Coaches. However, I am proposing the use of Specialist Support Coaches (Dance, Figures, Freeskate, Precision/Show) rather than State-Based coaches. I feel this will allow a more targeted approach that is specific to each discipline and utilises the expertise of our high level coaches to assist in the development of skaters and upcoming coaches effectively. This will also recommence discipline specific focus on development of skill and technique as part of the overall athlete development. In closing… As always I am open to suggestions or recommendations from coaches or skaters as to areas in which additional support would be beneficial. I have found the role of HP Coach to be challenging due to the lack of formal structure provided, however have utilised these two years to primarily identify areas which would benefit for ongoing support in the future. I believe the implementation of a formal plan will greatly benefit the efficiency and effectiveness with which HP programs can be implemented. I’d like to thank Kathleen McPhail and Pat Wallace for their input and support. Anita Hunt High Performance Coach