Salobo ramp up
Salobo ramp up
Salobo Copper / Gold Operation May / 2014 Location 1 Infrastructure available Power supply comes from two Eletronorte substations, Serra Norte and Integradora, both 230 kV. The source of power is Tucuruí hidropower plant which generates 8,000 MW. Copper concentrate warehouse (Parauapebas) 2 warehouses with 16,000 tonnes each one, 1 for Sossego and 1 for Salobo. Carajás Railroad Extension: 892 kilometres Linking Carajás to Ponta da Madeira Terminal in Maranhão. Copper concentrate warehouse (São Luis) 2 warehouses with 60,000 tonnes each, 1 for Sossego and 1 for Salobo. Sea port terminal Pier 2, owned by EMAP but operated by Vale. Ship loading 1 ship loading system shared by Salobo and Sossego – 1,350 t/h Ship loading time - 1.5 to 3 days (according to ship capacity) 2 Copper in Carajás Vale has two copper operations in Carajás: Sossego and Salobo. 3 Sossego’s operation 110 Ktpa of contained copper in concentrate 4 Southern Hub – concept OPTION FOR EXTENDING SOSSEGO’S LIFE Southern Hub consists of extending Sossego’s life of mine after current open pits exhaustion, through the beneficiation of ores from Sossego Underground and Satellite Ore Bodies. In this concept, Cristalino, located 45 km to the east, would come into operation in the future, feeding Sossego’s processing plant and disposing of tailings inside Sossego and Sequeirinho final pits. 5 Salobo Plant View 6 Salobo project facts 70’s Deposit discovery 1993 -2004 Testworks, engineering, downstream integration to cathode concept 2005 Commercial contracts to customer smelters 2006 Construction license granted 2007 Project approval by the Board 2008 Start of construction 2012 Start up of Phase I 2014 Expected start up of Phase II 7 Salobo project summary Project is divided into two phases: Salobo I and Salobo Expansion Life of mine: + 50 years Drilling : 150 thousand meters Ore types: magnetite-chalcopyrite-bornite and magnetite bornite-chalcocite. Total production capacity of 200 kt of copper in concentrate (Salobo I + II). Total capex: US$ 4.2 billion concentrate (Salobo I + II). Reserves * Mineral Reserves Mt Cu (%) Au (ppm) 1 136.4 0.71 0.4 * 20F 2013 8 Salobo process flowsheet Primary screening and Secondary crushing plant Primary crushing HPGR and secondary screening plant Primary screens Gyratory crusher Grinding mills Cyclone cluster HPGR Secondary crusher Secondary screening Ball mills Primary Crushing stockpile Secondary Crushing stockpile Thickening Rougher 2 Concentrate tickener Cleaner 1, 2 and 3 Concentrate Storage tank Rougher 1 Flotation and regrinding Scavenger Cleaner Filter press Tallings Cyclones Concentrate stockpile Vertmills Tallings dam Product 9 Salobo I + II master plan TAILINGS DAM PROCESS WATER PUMP STATION PRIMARY CRUSHING SECONDARY CRUSHING OVERLAND PIPE CONVEYOR CONCENTRATION PLANT FILTER PLANT MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FACILITIES MAIN SUB-STATION N OPEN PIT 10 Salobo mine Fleet - Salobo 24 Mtpy # Drill rig - 12 1/4 in 16 Drill rig - 9 7/8 in 5 Shovel - 70 jd3 5 Hydraulic shovel - 33 jd3 3 Front end loader - 40 jd3 2 Truck - 240 t 29 Truck - 360 t 18 Grader 8 Dozer 16 Wheel dozer 10 Water truck - 90 m3 3 11 Salobo primary crushing Salobo I Salobo II 1 Gyratory crusher – 60” x 89” 1 Gyratory crusher – 60” x 89” 12 Salobo secondary crushing Salobo I Salobo II 2 (* ) Cone crusher 1 Cone crusher 2 (*) Vibrating screen 12 x 24 ft 1 Vibrating screen 12 x 24 ft (*) 1 cone crusher and 1 vibrating screen are common for both Salobo I and II 13 Salobo long distance conveyor belt Salobo I and II 1 Overland pipe conveyor ( 78.7’’) 6,000 hp 1,700 m length 4,600 t/h capacity 14 Salobo HPGR Salobo I 2 High pressure grinding rolls – Ø 2.0 x 1.5 m Salobo II 2 High pressure grinding rolls – Ø 2.0 x 1.5 m 15 Salobo ball mill Salobo I Salobo II 2 Ball mills – Ø 26 ft x 40 ft 2 Ball mills – Ø 26 ft x 40 ft 16 Salobo flotation / filtering Salobo I Salobo II 24 Flotation tank cells – 200 m3 24 Flotation tank cells – 200 m3 14 Flotation columns – 14 m 14 Flotation columns – 14 m 4 Vertimills – 1500 hp 4 Vertimills – 1500 hp 1 Concentrate thickener – Ø 15 m 1 Concentrate thickener – Ø 15 m 2 Pressure filters 1500 x 1500 / 50 chambers 2 Pressure filters 1500 x 1500 / 50 chambers 17 Salobo tailings dam Initial height: 35 m Final height : 100 m 18 Salobo 36 Mtpa Salobo 2nd Expansion – An option for growing Salobo 2nd Expansion would consist of the construction of a new concentration plant in Salobo, with 12 Mtpa capacity, using the existing tailings dam, access road, pre-stripping, workshops, transmission line, all the mine infrastructure and administrative facilities. This expansion is possible given the large amount of reserves at Salobo. The processing plant would have the same design than the existing now at Salobo I. The timing of this expansion will depend on the copper market evolution and the business cash flow generation. 19 Salobo 36 Mtpa Third concentration plant location CONCENTRATION PLANT SALOBO +12Mtpa TAILINGS DAM PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CRUSHING SALOBO +12Mtpa PRIMARY AND SECONDARY CRUSHING SALOBO I & II CONCENTRATION PLANT SALOBO I & II MAINTENANCE AND ADMINISTRATION FACILITIES 20 Salobo ramp up Nameplate capacity is 12 million tonnes ROM per year per phase. Phase I ore processing started up in April 2012. In December 2013 plant feed reached 90 % of nameplate capacity. Salobo I December 2013 Nameplate Plant feed 898 kt 1 000 kt Copper in conc 8 148 t 8 333 t 15 695 oz 10 706 oz Copper recovery 86.2% 87.6% Gold recovery 69.8% 60% Gold in conc First concentrate shipment was in September, 29th, 2012 15 shipments since September 2012 up to December 2013 213 kt of concentrate (73.6 kt of copper) already dispatched overseas Phase II will double production and is forecasted to start up in 2014 21 Salobo ramp up SALOBO TOTAL MATERIAL MINED 7,0 6,4 6,0 5,8 5,8 5,6 5,3 5,2 million tonne (wet basis) 5,0 4,6 4,4 4,0 4,0 3,6 3,8 5,6 5,3 4,6 4,5 4,5 4,1 4,2 3,8 3,2 3,0 3,0 2,3 2,0 2,2 2,0 1,0 0,0 Jan/12Feb/12Mar/12Apr/12May/12Jun/12 Jul/12Aug/12Sep/12Oct/12Nov/12Dec/12Jan/13Feb/13Mar/13Apr/13May/13Jun/13 Jul/13Aug/13Sep/13Oct/13Nov/13Dec/13 22 Salobo ramp up SALOBO PLANT THROUGHPUT 1.200 (ore to plant) 1.000 kt (wet basis) 898 771 800 723 714 632 643 570 566 600 675 514 463 409 400 359 345 253 267 294 203 200 151 0 Jun/12 Jul/12 Aug/12 Sep/12 Oct/12 Nov/12 Dec/12 Jan/13 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13 23 Salobo ramp up SALOBO - COPPER IN CONCENTRATE 9.000 8.148 8.000 7.164 7.000 6.440 6.255 5.861 6.000 5.816 tonnes 5.319 5.000 4.495 4.471 4.603 4.000 3.569 3.000 2.688 2.585 2.632 2.983 2.154 2.000 1.608 980 1.000 0 499 11 May/12 Jun/12 Jul/12 Aug/12 Sep/12 Oct/12 Nov/12 Dec/12 Jan/13 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13 24 Salobo ramp up SALOBO - GOLD IN CONCENTRATE 18.000 15.695 16.000 14.000 13.417 11.641 12.000 11.227 oz 10.597 10.000 11.155 9.377 8.014 8.000 7.745 7.027 5.767 6.000 4.804 4.603 4.000 4.929 4.045 3.177 2.284 1.515 2.000 735 0 Jun/12 Jul/12 Aug/12 Sep/12 Oct/12 Nov/12 Dec/12 Jan/13 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13 25 Salobo ramp up SALOBO COPPER RECOVERY 100 87,6 79 80 79 82 84 80 83 85 85 86 75 70 65 66 73 69 66 62 60 % 52 46 40 20 0 Jun/12 Jul/12 Aug/12 Sep/12 Oct/12 Nov/12 Dec/12 Jan/13 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13 26 Salobo ramp up SALOBO GOLD RECOVERY 80 68 65 60,0 61 60 60 65 62 68 68 69 70 64 55 50 51 50 51 % 47 41 40 35 20 0 Jun/12 Jul/12 Aug/12 Sep/12 Oct/12 Nov/12 Dec/12 Jan/13 Feb/13 Mar/13 Apr/13 May/13 Jun/13 Jul/13 Aug/13 Sep/13 Oct/13 Nov/13 Dec/13 27 Copper and Gold Five Year Production 250.000 500.000 212.582 200.000 400.000 327.660 150.000 100.000 318.574 283.810 302.787 125.000 178.604 300.000 200.000 50.000 Gold (oz) Copper in concentrate (t) 204.007 223.730 223.391 100.000 - 2014 2015 Copper (t) 2016 2017 2018 Gold (oz) 28 Salobo cash cost (C1) Salobo cash cost positions the operation in the first quartile of the industry cost curve . C1 Copper industry cost curve 300 US¢ / lb Paid Cu 250 200 150 Salobo 24Mtpa (US¢ 95/lb) 100 50 0 25 50 75 100 Cumulative Production (%) Salobo C1: 5 years average (2015 / 2019). Cost curve: projected C1 in 2017 29 Alemão Project • An additional growth option for the future could be Alemão Project, that consists of a 5.45 Mtpa ROM underground mine and beneficiation plant. Reserves 105 Mt @ 1.51 % Cu and 1.05 g/t Au Life of mine 21 years Copper annual production 64 ktpa Cu Gold in concentrate (average) 19 g/t Gold annual production 119.000 oz Au • The Alemão ore body is located beneath the Igarape Bahia gold mine final pit and because of that has high gold content (1.05 g / t compared to 0.4 g / t at Salobo). 30 31
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