2nd Grade - Whitesburg Christian Academy
2nd Grade - Whitesburg Christian Academy
Learning Targets Reading Literary Elements – main idea/detail, sequencing, character/setting/plot Comprehension Skills – compare/contrast, cause/ effect, fact/opinion Genre identification and book reports Vocabulary enrichment Grammar – sentence structure, parts of speech, punctuation, capitalization Spelling – phonetic principles and sight words Formal writing process Math Writing and identifying numbers within 1,000 in standard and expanded form Addition and subtraction within 1,000 with and without regrouping Mental addition and subtraction within 1,000 Counting money – dollar bills, half dollars, quarters Telling time to hour, half-hour, and quarter-hour Science Characteristics of the six major animal groups Identify geological features of Earth Describe the water cycle Identify basic components of the solar system SECOND GRADE TEACHERS Teresa Brumlow and Kristi Chatham Mrs. Brumlow holds a bachelor’s degree in elementary education from UAH, and has been teaching for 27 years. “It is such a privilege to help mold and shape the next generation of learners. I love watching children discover their strengths and become confident thinkers!” Teresa.Brumlow@WhitesburgChristianAcademy.org Mrs. Chatham holds a master’s degree in elementary education from the University of Alabama, and has been teaching for 5 years. “I am so thankful for the opportunity to teach at the Academy. I love learning the kids’ personalities and seeing how much they grow!” Second Grade Warriors Kristi.Chatham@WhitesburgChristianAcademy.org Social Studies /History Relate the principle of democracy and the founding of our nation Identify continents, oceans, and states Production/distribution process Immigration to the U.S. Bible Verse memorization and application Bible story discussion and application Handwriting D’Nealian manuscript and cursive Whitesburg Christian Academy 7290 Whitesburg Drive Huntsville, Alabama 35802 Phone 256.704.7373 www.WhitesburgChristianAcademy.org Second Grade Warriors Service Projects CASA Pen Pals and supply collection Scarf and mitten tree supporting Alabama Baptist Children’s Home Field Trips Special Activities High School Plays (The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe) Read A Genre— (RAG) Tag Reading Santa’s Village Read-In Day Science Day Christmas cards for nursing home residents Planetarium Homebound Christmas Caroling Jeremiah 29:11 bracelets Canned food drives Rock Your Pink Day to support breast cancer research Huntsville Botanical Gardens Thanksgiving Brunch Birmingham Zoo Christmas Around the World