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Serving the Jackson County Community for 149 years
Volume 149, Issue 49
HOLTON, KANSAS • Monday, June 20, 2016
12 Pages
Tech updates
approved for
new school
By David Powls
its recent meeting, the
Holton USD 336 Board of Education discussed and approved
an expenditure of $159,589.20
in technology updates for the
Holton Elementary School after visiting with technology director Tom Sextro and assistant
Gordon Lamme.
Most of the money was budgeted in the bond money and
with the rebate from e-rate
funding, the district has enough
to cover all the costs, it was reported.
The district will sell 120 fiveyear-old laptops at $72 per laptop to Capitol Asset Recovery
for $8,640. This will help the
district purchase 281 iPads for a
2 to 1 ratio, 250 keyboards and
20 charging stations for elementary staff and students, along
with the licenses and software
needed to manage and run all of
the new equipment.
In other business, the school
*Noted the absence of board
member Orin Marshall.
*Approved bills totaling
*Approved payrolls in the
amount of $1,579,361.65
*Approved new hires - Jeff
Price, assistant director of Special Education cooperative;
Christie Fearing, SPED behavior specialist/SW; Jason Curley, SPED teacher IRC, JHM/
HS; Diane Butler, SPED para,
RV; Ronald Kuglin, bus driver;
Tracy Hill, bus driver; Nadine
Bryant, custodian HES; Sheila
RVHS, IRC; Abby Strathman,
SPED Axtel IRC, half time;
Chris Heineken, CAPS para;
and Jane Bauerle, SES EC.
*Approved the following resignations - Dennis Tegethoff, assistant boys golf coach; Hunter
Price, assistant HS wrestling
coach; Kristina Corvin, Central
Ele. para; Kenneth Gibson, assistant director ACE Program;
Nancy Mann, SPED teacher,
visually impaired; Scott Moore,
SPED teacher IRC, RVHS; and
Bill Jones, bus driver.
*Approved the following nonrenewals: Alecia Hug – Sped
Elem para; and Keith Eubanks
- custodian elementary.
*Approved the following
transfers: Randee Balocca –
Central Elem to pre-school
para; and Nikki Wiecken – Sped
CAPS para to Sped Para JHHS/
*Accepted the following
donations - Target Support of
Education donation for $11.15;
Wal-Mart $1,000 donation for
scholarships for the pre-school
program; Class of 1966 $220
donation to HHS band; and Tom
Davies memorial donation of
$1,320 for boys and girls athletics.
*Approved various student
months, and Teresa was pregnant with our third,” he said.
“It’s been a good place to raise a
family. I’m very thankful for all
our patients over the years.”
A native of Emporia, Dr. Schneider received a bachelor of
science degree in business administration from Emporia State
University. He went on to earn
his doctor of chiropractic degree
from Cleveland Chiropractic
College of Kansas City.
Dr. Schneider is also trained
in acupuncture for a wide variety of conditions.
After moving to Holton, Dr.
Schneider opened an office on
Pennsylvania Avenue. The office
was previously occupied by chiropractor Dr. Harry Thompson.
A year and a half later, Dr.
Schneider’s office moved to
105 W. Fifth Street for several
years before the practice moved
to the south side of the Square
at its current location at 125 W.
Fourth St.
He has operated the business
alongside Teresa, who works
with insurance companies and
accounts receivable.
Throughout his career, Dr.
Schneider said he’s seen a positive shift in the opinion of chiropractic medicine among other
medical professionals.
“Other doctors have been cooperative about patients utilizing chiropractic medicine,” he
said. “I heard that the first chiropractic license issued in Kansas
was for a doctor in Denison, so
this area has a strong history of
Follow us on
twitter for
updates on
high school
Lifeguards at the Holton municipal swimming
pool could be seen this
past week helping kids of
all ages improve on their
swimming skills during this
summer’s first session of
swim lessons. Lifeguards
shown from left in the photo above are Brady Boswell,
Gracie Fischer, Cali Smith
and Nicole Darveaux; swimmers, from left, are Hannah
Johnson, Reagan DeVader,
Kreighton Roush and Holden Schroder. In the photo
at left, Boswell (center) assisted DeVader (left) and
Patrick Lemon with their
Level I lessons. This summer’s second session of
swim lessons is scheduled
for July 11-15; registration
deadline for that session is
July 7. Photos by Michael Powls
Continued to Page 11
Schneider to retire after 31+
years as local chiropractor
By Ali Holcomb
Schneider, a doctor of
chiropractic medicine in Holton,
is set to retire at the end of this
Dr. Schneider’s last day with
patients is Friday.
“I began working in Holton
August of 1984, so it’s been
31 years and 10 months,” Schneider said.
Schneider has been easing
into retirement as he started
working only part-time hours at
his office on the south side of the
Holton Square a year a half ago,
he said.
He and his wife, Teresa, also
sold their house in Holton and
moved to Topeka recently to be
closer to family.
“When we moved to Holton,
our sons were three and nine
Miller opts out as county counsel
By Ali Holcomb
County Attorney
Shawna Miller is resigning from
her position as the county counselor and will no longer be advising the Jackson County Commissioners on legal matters, it
was reported.
During a recent commission
meeting, the commissioners
received a letter of resignation
from Miller as the county counselor effective July 1.
In her letter, Miller said her
large caseload as county attorney has prompted her resignation as county counselor.
“I cannot express to you the
workload that I am attempting
to maintain and the concern I
have in my ability to continue to
maintain it,” she wrote.
Miller will continue to serve
as the county attorney, which is
an elected position. As the county attorney, Miller is responsible
for prosecuting a variety of
crimes that have occurred in the
On the other hand, the role of
the county counselor is varied
and includes working closely
with the county commissioners to write resolutions, review
county contracts, research laws
and prepare the county’s tax
sale, among other legal issues.
In many counties, the county
attorney also serves as the county counselor, it was reported.
Miller began serving as the
county counselor in January and
received a $12,000 increase in
pay to fill the position previously held by Holton attorney Alex
Morrissey served as county
counselor for six years, replacing her father, the late Ed Dunn.
Dunn had served as the county counselor since 1998.
It was reported that the commissioners are in the process of
seeking to fill the county counselor position.
In other business, according
to the approved minutes from
June 6, the commission:
Continued to Page 11
Purple Heart Profiles
Presbyterian pastor traded
Bowers files motion for third trial church for combat zone
According to court documents, Bowers was found guilty
by a jury on the three charges
on March 31 and was given a
14-day window to file a motion
for a new trial. How­ever, Swain
stated, she and Bowers were not
able to meet that deadline because they were still waiting on
a transcript of testimony given
by Chapman during the trial.
After Swain was granted a
60-day extension for filing the
motion for a new trial, she filed
the motion for a new trial, citing
several “re­versible errors” committed by the court in allowing
Chapman’s testi­mony to stand.
The motion was predicated upon
the court allowing Chapman to
testify as a layperson on matters
“far outside her qualifi­cations,
knowledge and education.”
“Opinions are only allowed
to be offered by experts. This
woman is not testifying as an expert here. And I would object to
questions calling for her opinion
based on that,” Swain said durTUESDAY’S
High 95
91the trial.
By Brian Sanders
being convicted in
March on child sex charges in
Jackson County District Court,
a Soldier resident is asking for
a third trial on the charges, with
his attorney stat­ing that due to a
witness for the prosecution allegedly misrepre­senting herself,
he did not receive a fair trial.
Anthony Bowers was found
guilty by a jury in March on
charges of rape, aggravated
inde­cent liberties with a child
and ag­gravated criminal sodomy that re­portedly stemmed
from incidents that allegedly
occurred in late 2012. Bowers’
March trial was the sec­ond time
he faced a jury on the charges,
the original trial conclud­ing in
2014 with a hung jury.
Bowers’ attorney, Sarah G.
Swain of Lawrence, has filed
a motion seeking a new trial,
stating that the court erred in
Continued to Page 11
allowing a prosecution witness,
forensic inter­viewer Jill Shehi
Chapman, “to testify as a layperson on subjects far outside
her qualifications, knowledge
and education.”
Swain also alleged that Jackson County Attorney Shawna
Miller “committed prosecutorial
miscon­duct by misleading the
court and defense counsel about
the nature” of Chapman’s testimony. As a re­sult, Swain said,
Bowers was de­nied his right to
a fair trial.
A hearing on the motion for
a new trial for Bowers has been
set for Tuesday, Aug. 9 in Jackson County District Court, after
Miller filed for an ex­tension
of the date, citing a need for
more time to properly respond
to Swain’s motion. If Swain’s
motion is denied, however, the
court will proceed to sentencing
on Bowers’ March convictions.
See our weather forecast on Page 2 for more
Look for the
complete forecast on page 2.
Continued to Page 3
Editor’s note: This is the
18th in a series of stories
about past and present Jack­
son County residents who
earned the Purple Heart Med­
al, which is awarded to mili­
tary personnel wounded or
killed in the line of duty.
The names of those profiled
in these stories will be placed
on a special monument for
Purple Heart Medal recipi­
ents to be built soon in Hol­
ton’s Linscott Park.
In a time of war, church
pastors are most often seen
reaching out to the families of
young men and women killed
in the line of military duty.
But in the case of a leader of
Holton’s now-defunct Presbyterian Church, it was the pastor who was killed in the line
of duty during World War II.
Eunace A. Wallace, who
was pastor of the Holton Presbyterian Church for two years
before leav­ing to accept a
chaplaincy in the U.S. Army,
U.S. Army Chaplain
Eunace A. Wallace
was killed in action on Feb.
18, 1944, in Italy, according
to reports that appeared in The
Holton Recorder that year.
Wallace was 45 years old at
the time of his death and was
posthumously awarded a Purple Heart.
Wallace, born on an Arkansas farm in 1902, graduated
from Princeton Theological
Seminary in 1926 and was
ordained later that year by the
Council Grove Presbytery. He
married Laura Van Slyke as
he was finishing his seminary
work, and the two of them
would make homes in Council Grove, Ottawa and Freeport, where Wallace pastored
Presbyterian churches.
In 1939, Wallace and his
growing family were called to
Holton, where he served as the
Presbyterian church’s minister. Two years later, in July of
1941, it was reported, he “felt
the call to serve the many men
who were entering the armed
services of our country,” and
he was commissioned a first
lieutenant to serve as a chaplain in the Army.
Continued to Page 11
Stella M. Mahkuk, speeding,
Aaron J. Minde, no seat belt,
David S. Underwood, driving
while license canceled, suspended or revoked, $325.50.
Colby J.J. Williams, restriction violation, $273.
Phillip Martin, individually
and as surviving spouse and
heir at law of Phyllis S. Martin
vs. Roger Gooderl and Gooderl
Rentals L.L.C., seeking judgment in excess of $75,000 plus
court costs.
Discover Bank vs. Dawn M.
Pence, seeking judgment of
$2,074.91 plus interest and court
Limited Civil
Community HealthCare System Inc. vs. Daniel Boltz and
Melody Boltz, sought judgment
of $625 plus interest and court
costs; dismissed.
Small Claims
Holton Lumber Company Inc.
vs. Ken Bailey, doing business
as KC Concrete, seeking judgment of $526.74 plus interest
and court costs.
State of Kansas vs. Levi I. Dudoit, Holton, battery; sentenced
to six months in jail, suspended;
placed on 12 months probation
and fined $100 plus court costs.
Hoyt council discusses
park, utility concerns
By Shawna Blackwood
Hoyt City Clerk
The Hoyt City Council met
in regular session on Tuesday,
May 3, 2016. Present were Mayor Debbie Dreasher and council
members Lana Dillner, Farrell
Holthaus and Ed Ryan. Council
members Leonard Allen and Nathan McAlister were absent.
Also present were Samantha
Hancock, Trevor Bausch, Sharon
Gabriel, Pamela Brown, Gregory
Lewis, Susan Lewis, Larry Valdez, Melissa Hosier, Edward
Kester, Tracy Evans and Cara
Mayor Dreasher called the
meeting to order at 7:01 p.m.
The council reviewed minutes from the April 5 meeting.
Ryan made and Dillner seconded
a motion to approve the April 5
minutes as presented. The motion
Susan and Greg Lewis met
with the council and discussed
the recent water leak at their
property. They asked if the council would waive the above average sewer charges from their recent utility bill.
Holthaus made a motion to
average the sewer rates for 606
Highland Ave. and waive the
amount above the average sewer
charge on this bill. The charges
for water will remain. Dillner
seconded the motion, which carried.
Pam Brown with Delaware
Valley Center for Independent
Living met with the council and
discussed the many services offered by the company. Some of
the services discussed were assistance with Medicaid, disability, work training, youth transition
skills and peer counseling. The
main office is located in Horton
and can be contacted at 785-4871370.
Council member Allen arrived at the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
Sharon Gabriel met with the
council about the recent fees implemented for renting the shelter
house and gazebo. After much
discussion, the council agreed to
leave the rates the same. If there
are issues or requests for reduced
fees, those can be addressed on a
case-by-case basis with the council.
Gabriel also stated that there
are still funds available from the
county for specific projects. The
option is still there for the city to
request a specific amount from
the county for a specific project.
Kenny Bryan discussed a
need for a better spray system
for spraying weeds around the
city. Bryan received a price from
Heritage Tractor of $1,250 for a
system with a 55-gallon tank and
14-foot boom that will attach to
the tractor.
Dillner made a motion to allow Bryan to purchase this spray
system from Heritage Tractor for
$1,250. Allen seconded, and the
motion carried.
Bryan also discussed an upcoming necessary leave of absence. He will need to be off at
least four to six weeks. The council discussed possible replacements while Bryan is off work.
Larry Valdez asked why so
much water was released recently
from the water tower. The reason
for this was because of a scheduled washout for the tower.
Ed Kester presented a bulk
water invoice.
Dillner inquired about publication of fire department calls
in the Jackson County Commissioner minutes.
Tracy and Cara Evans met with
the council and discussed the recent fire to their home. There was
also discussion relating to their
utility bill.
Holthaus made a motion to
grant additional time (to the end
of the month) to the residents at
104 Highland Ave. to pay their
utility bill. Dillner seconded the
motion, which passed.
The Evans also discussed the
possibility of living in their garage while trying to make repairs
to their home. It was recommended that they discuss this with
Trevor Bausch and the zoning
board first, and then the council
can make a decision after hearing
the zoning board’s recommendations. The mayor asked that they
keep in touch on the progress of
cleanup and repair to the residence.
Trevor Bausch met with the
council to discuss the status of
progress on updating the zoning
There was discussion relating
to a possible new business on
the property across the highway
from Wege’s.
Crystal Kiely discussed the
need for “dogs need to be leashed”
signs at the park. Holthaus made
a motion to purchase and install
“dogs need to be leashed” signs
that cite the appropriate ordinance
at the park. Dillner seconded, and
the motion passed.
Kenny Bailey discussed interest in purchasing the lots at Fifth
Street and Kansas Highway 214.
Holthaus made and Allen seconded a motion to sell the two
lots at Fifth Street and Kansas
Highway 214 to Bailey for $50.
The motion passed.
Dillner discussed the city’s
cleanup day and brush cleanup.
She also discussed needing to
amend the recently passed ordinance relating to dog tag fees.
The council revisited the discussion regarding a replacement
for Bryan while he is off work.
Allen made a motion to allow
the mayor authority to set a rate
and pick a replacement for Bryan
while he is off work. Holthaus
seconded, and the motion carried
with a 3-0 vote with one abstaining.
Mayor Dreasher discussed a
request by the Harvesters Distribution Group to make coffee
while they wait for the truck.
There were no issues with the
Mayor Dreasher discussed
communication between the
Pride of Hoyt Days Committee
and the council. Dreasher inquired if there would be any interest in the city having a more
active role in the planning of the
event. This will be discussed further at future meetings.
State of Kansas vs. Kalena
E. Tannahill, Holton, giving a
worthless check; sentenced to
12 months in jail, suspended;
placed on six months probation
and assessed court costs.
State of Kansas vs. Kalena
E. Tannahill, Holton giving a
worthless check; sentenced to
12 months in jail, suspended;
placed on six months probation
and assessed court costs.
State of Kansas vs. Julius C.
Garvansites, Topeka, attempted
murder in the second degree, aggravated battery, criminal threat,
theft, domestic battery, criminal
damage to property.
State of Kansas vs. Julius C.
Garvansites, Topeka, violation
of a protective order, intimidation of a witness or victim.
State of Kansas vs. Julius C.
Garvansites, Topeka, two counts
of violation of a protective order.
State of Kansas vs. Jacob C.
Ewing, Holton, rape, aggravated
criminal sodomy, battery.
State of Kansas vs. Robert
N. Kirk Jr., Topeka, possession
of methamphetamine, traffic in
contraband in a correctional institution or care and treatment
facility, possession of marijuana, possession of drug paraphernalia.
State of Kansas vs. Curtis A.
Clark, Powhattan, violation of
the Kansas Offender Registration Act.
State of Kansas vs. Nicole M.
Twemlow, Topeka, two counts
of theft, two counts of criminal
use of a financial card.
State of Kansas vs. Richard P.
Parrack, Holton, assault.
State of Kansas vs. Racheal
K. Dudoit, Holton, possession
of marijuana, possession of drug
1346 US Hwy 75 • Powhattan, KS 66527 • (785) 467-5355
In the matter of the marriage
of Jacob J. Huyett and Jessica L.
Huyett, seeking divorce.
Shaun A. Deegan, 47, Holton
Suzanne M. Nydegger, 43,
Edward A. Wright, 76, Holton
Daisy M. James, 89, Holton
Robert J. Huyett, 34, Holton
Carilyn E. Slocum, 24, Holton
Benjamin S. Railey, 32, Allen
Shania S. McCullough, 20,
of possession of a stimulant,
possession of illegal drug paraphernalia, obstruction and transporting an open container.
 On June 14, Brandi Place,
37, Holton, was arrested on a
criminal warrant on a charge of
failure to appear.
 On June 14, Kari Hopkins,
37, Denison, was booked into
the jail on an arrest and detain
 On June 14, Shawna
Greemore, 29, Mayetta, was arrested on a criminal warrant on
a charge of aggravated escape
from custody.
 On June 15, Michael Immenschuh, 33, Wichita, was arrested on a criminal warrant on a
charge of failure to appear.
 On June 15, Jacob Brown,
26, Horton, was arrested on
charges of driving while suspended and operating a vehicle
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I am retiring from my practice in Holton.
I am available for patients through
Friday, June 24, 2016.
Thank you to all of the patients
who gave me the opportunity to work
with you these last 31 years.
June 25, 2016
In Wednesday’s Holton Re­
corder story on the June 13
Jackson Heights school board
meeting, the correct base salary of $33,875 for teachers in
the 2016-17 school year was
incorrectly reported. The online
version of the story has been
corrected to reflect this fact.
The Recorder apologizes for
any confusion this may have
June 20 – 25
Windspinners • Wind Chimes
Gazing Balls • Hats
and more!
Details in store.
Regular Hours:
Mon.-Fri.: 9 am-5:30 pm
Sat.: 9 am-5 pm
Sunday, June 26th • Starting at 10 a.m.
1301 Kansas Ave., Atchison, KS
HOUSEHOLD: Sofa Sleeper; (2) Recliners; Love Seat; Oak Bunk Beds; Full-size Bed
complete w/matching dresser; Hot Point Refrigerator w/top freezer; Gas Range, Coffee
Table & Lamp Tables. ANTIQUE FURNITURE: Walnut Occasional Table; (6) Walnut Saw
Tooth Dining Chairs; (4 pcs.) Parlor Set w/rocker, armed chair, straight chair, sette; Oak
Rocker, (2) Chrome Leg Dinette Tables w/gray tops; Walnut Wardrobe, Luggage Rack;
Floor Lamps; Piano Bench; Assorted Dining Chairs; Voss Round Rub Wringer Washer.
COLLECTIBLES: Savage Arms Sporter 25-20 Rifle; (3) Swords; 3D Wall Plaques; 8-gal.
Superior Sanitary Butter Churn (Northville, MI); 5-gal. Red Wing Churn; 6-gal. Union Churn;
1-gal. Borserini Wholesale & Retail Dealer Crock (Atchison, Kansas); 10-gal. Crock; Brown
Stone Jars; (2) Tub Wringers; American Flyer Train Set; Detroiter Gas Range; Copper
Boiler; Coca Cola Wall Clock; Western Saddle; Hog Scraper; Assorted Sheet Music; 19th &
20th Century Books; 1916 Home & School Reference Books; Sm. Cider Press; Lard Press;
Glass Front Pharmacy Cabinets (out of drug store in Atchison, Kansas); Advertisement
Pieces; Elk Antlers; Safe; Carnival Glass Depression Glass; Fire King Glass; Conoco 5-gal.
Can; Well Pulleys; Post Cards; Military Boxes. MISCELLANEOUS: Craftsman LT 2000
Riding Mower-18.5 hp, 42-in. deck; Homelite XL Chainsaw; Mantis Tiller (needs work);
Wheelbarrow; Rigid Pipe Vise and Thread Cutter; Car Ramps; Propane Fish Fryer; Lawn &
Garden Tools; Many Other Items Too Numerous To Mention.
Continued to Page 11
FRIENDLY SERVICE • Open 24 hours
Arrests made in county
The Jackson County Sheriff’s
Office has reported the following arrests:
 On June 10, Michael
Whyne, 39, Mayetta, was arrested on a traffic warrant on a
probation violation charge.
 On June 10, Randall Rath,
52, Meriden, was arrested on
a charge of driving while suspended.
 On June 10, Jacob Ewing,
21, Holton, was arrested on a
criminal warrant on charges of
rape, aggravated criminal sodomy and battery.
 On June 11, Kimberly Hollis, 45, Topeka, was arrested on a
Shawnee County traffic warrant
and on charges of driving while
suspended and driving while declared a habitual violator.
 On June 11, Racheal Dudoit, 26, Horton, was arrested on
charges of possession of marijuana and possession of illegal
drug paraphernalia.
 On June 12, Jeremy Fox,
33, Holton, was arrested on a
charge of aggravated battery.
 On June 13, Sonja Schroeder, 25, Hiawatha, was arrested
on a criminal warrant on charges
Truck Stop
AUCTIONEER’S NOTE: The Gerardy’s purchased this historical home from
Isobel “Goldie Altis. It has been on the Atchison Haunted Trolley Tour several
times. There are many items that were left in the house and they have added
many, many more nice things over the years.
ews Call the Recorder.
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OR CELL 913-370-2265
Bowers seeks new trial...
Continued from Page 1
But Swain’s objection was
overruled and Chapman’s testi­
mony was allowed to stand. Swain
later contended that the state offered Chapman as a “fact witness” and that Chapman “was not
confused in the least about what
State’s counsel was really asking
her to do,” also citing a case where
similar action occurred and an objection was granted.
Swain said the court also “committed reversible error” by allowing Chapman “to testify as to the
supposed common charac­teristics
of child sex offenders” as a lay
witness. Swain also said Miller
committed “prosecutorial miscon­
duct by misleading the court and
defense counsel about the nature
of Ms. Chapman’s testimony,
deliber­ately eliciting inadmissible
evi­dence, and encouraging im-
proper inference stacking.”
Swain also targeted the court for
permitting “testimonial hear­say”
of Bowers’ alleged victim to come
in through Chapman and Jackson County Deputy Travis Spiker
when the alleged victim “later
proved unavailable for cross-examination.” She argued that Bowers was entitled to face the al­leged
victim in the trial, rather than hear
secondhand testimony, due to state
and national constitutional law
Miller filed a motion to deny
Bowers’ motion late last week.
Public Notice
From left, Aaron Eisenbarth, Adam Clark, R.J. Bone, Brian Nelson and Kipp Lamberson, all of Lamberson Construction of Holton, were recently seen preparing a red
concrete entrance to the dog park that is under construction at Countryside Park. Not
pictured, but also at work that day, was Ace Eisenbarth.
Photo by Brian Sanders
5 Years Ago
Week of June 19-25, 2011
Construction on the new Banner Creek Science Center southwest of Holton was recently completed, it was noted. Fund-raising
efforts for the science center, to
house the 20-inch telescope currently located at Elk Creek Observatory behind Holton High
School, will also be stepped up
in the near future, according to
Tom Davies and Mike Ford.
Holton High School graduate
Fielding Brenner, son of Dan
and Marcia Brenner of Holton,
is looking for a spot in the NFL.
Brenner credited the Holton
High and Ottawa College coaching staffs for his progression as
a player, and Holton native Russ
Riederer, former strength coach
for the Chicago Bears, whom he
contacted about making the pros.
Residents and staff at Medicalodges Jackson County recently compiled relief care packages
for victims of the tornado that
recently swept through the town
of Joplin, Mo.
Denison State Bank of Holton has, for the 90th consecutive
quarter, received Bauer Financial
Reports’ Five Star Superior rating, which recognizes the institution’s overall safety, strength
and performance.
10 Years Ago
Week of June 19-25, 2006
District Court Judge Tracy
Klinginsmith of Holton will retire from the bench, effective
July 1, it has been announced.
His distinguished career as judge
spanned 29 years.
Michael Bridges and Tina
Martin are the owners of a new
Holton business that sells and
installs Clear Choice windows.
Currently, they operate out of
their home, which they share
with their son, Joshua.
First Dollar of Profit and
Chamber Member Plaques were
recently presented to Don Fate
(Shelter Insurance agent) and
Tammy Holliday (Shelter Insurance secretary), Luke Deeter and
Jessica Watts of Buzzard’s Pizza
and Scott and Becky Brown of
Holton Carpet Outlet.
The Farmers State Bank in
Holton has announced its Masters Club, which features benefits upon meeting specified
25 Years Ago
Week of June 19-25, 1991
Doris Drechsler has been
named the Outstanding Businessperson of the year by the Holton
Area Chamber of Commerce, it
has been announced. Drechsler
has been actively involved in
with the Jackson County Historical Society.
At special ceremonies on Saturday, June 1, in Wichita, David
L. Adkins, president and manager of Adkins Insurance Agency
in Holton, received the Certified
Insurance Counselors (CIC) designation, it was reported.
Plans for Holton’s sewer
renovation project have been accepted, and bidding for the proj-
ect will begin on July 23. The
project consists of a three-cell
aerated lagoon system to be located west of the existing plant,
south of Elk Creek and east of
the railroad.
About 400 motorcyclists from
across northeast Kansas rode
through Holton on Fourth Street
Sunday, June 23, as part of a 70mile Muscular Dystrophy Association fund-raiser. Mayetta’s
Cecil Terrel was top fund-raiser
for the 11th annual Motorcyclist’s
Ride for the MDA event, with
more than $5,000 in pledges.
50 Years Ago
Week of June 19-25, 1966
Robert Baum of Holton has
been named by the directors of
the Holton Chamber of Commerce to fill out the unexpired
term as director of L.C. Bowser,
who has moved from the city.
Baum is manager of the Sears
Catalog Company here.
Naylor’s Pharmacy in Holton
will soon close for business, it
has been announced. The store
has supplied the people of Holton and Jackson County with
prescription drugs, books and
sundries for more than 50 years.
Eubanks Auto and Implement
Company of Holton has moved
its location to 216 E. Fifth St., it
has been announced. Chryslers
and Plymouths are now sold and
serviced at the new location.
The centennial anniversary of
the Circleville High School was
held in the high school auditorium on Saturday, May 28, it was
Public Notice
(First published in The Holton Recorder, Holton, Kan., on
Monday, June 13, 2016.)
NO. 8
K.S.A. 15-201, RELATING
NO. 1.
Monday in January of 2018,
when the city officials elected
in the November 2017 general election take office. Those
governing body positions with
terms expiring in April 2019,
shall expire on the second
Monday in January of 2020,
when the city officials elected
in the November 2019 election take office.
Section 4. General elections shall take place on the
Tuesday succeeding the
first Monday in November
2017. Succeeding elections
will be held every two years
for all such governing body
positions whose terms have
expired. A mayor and two
council members shall be
elected at one election, and
the remaining three council
members shall be elected at
the succeeding election. The
mayor and all council members shall have four year
Section 5. All elections for
the City of Hoyt Kansas shall
be nonpartisan.
Section 1. The City of Hoyt,
Kansas, by the power vested
in it by Article 12, Section 5
of the Kansas Constitution
hereby elects to and does
exempt itself and make inapplicable to it the provisions of
K.S.A. 15-201, which applies
to this city, but is part of an
enactment which does not
apply uniformly to all cities.
Section 6. In case of a vacancy in the council occurring by reason of resignation,
death, or removal from office
or from the city, the mayor, by
and with the advice and consent of the remaining council members, shall appoint
an elector to fill the vacancy
until the next election for that
office. In case any person
elected as a council member
neglects or refuses to qualify
within 30 days after election,
the council member shall be
deemed to have refused to
accept the office and a vacancy shall exist. The mayor
may, with the consent of the
remaining council members,
appoint a suitable elector to
fill the vacancy.
Section 2. The governing
body shall consist of a mayor
and five council members
to be elected to terms as
set forth herein. The mayor
and council members shall
be residents and qualified
electors of the City of Hoyt,
Section 3. Those governing body positions with
terms expiring in April 2017,
shall expire on the second
Section 7. In case of a vacancy in the office of mayor,
the president of the council
O ver 7
& Used Fire
n St k
Compiled from the Holton Recorder archives by Kendra Moppin
(Published in The Holton
Recorder, Holton, Kan., on
Monday, June 20, 2016.)
Free Layaway for up to 8 months!
Video Games & Game Systems
DVDs • Tools • Electronics
Gold & Silver Jewelry & lots more!
The family of Lorene Kehler
will honor her with a
90th Birthday Reception
Saturday, June 25, 2016
2 p.m.-4 p.m.
at Penny’s on the Square
409 New York Ave., Holton
You are hereby notified that
on the 11th day of April, 2016,
the Jackson County Board
of County Commissioners
deemed it necessary that the
below described road should
be vacated.
A hearing will be held
concerning this road alteration on the 11th day of July,
2016 at 10:00 a.m. in the
Commissioner’s Chambers
at the Jackson County
Courthouse, for the purpose
of hearing objections or comments. If no objections are
received the following road
will be vacated.
A portion of F Road at
the intersection of 182nd Rd
proceeding north approximately 2,640 feet between
Section 2 and 3, Township
8 South, Range 13 East
of the P.M., in Jackson
County, Kansas.
This action is taken pursuant to the provisions of and
under the authority granted
by K.S.A. 68-102 and 68102a.
Any person affected by
such vacation may make written application to the Board
of County Commissioners of
Jackson County, Kansas, for
damage to property caused
by such vacation pursuant to
K.S.A. 68-107.
Dated this 16th day of June,
Your presence would be a cherished gift.
/s/ Kathy Mick
Kathy Mick,
Jackson County Clerk
Hoyt’s Annual Independence Day Celebration
Sunday, July 3 • Hoyt City Park
shall become mayor until the
next regular election for that
office and a vacancy shall occur in the office of the council
member becoming mayor.
Section 8. In accordance
with K.S.A. 25-205, and
amendments thereto, any
person may become a candidate for city office elected
at large by having had filed
on their behalf, a nomination
petition or a declaration of
candidacy, accompanied by
any fee required by law. The
nomination petition must be
signed by five of the qualified
electors of the City of Hoyt.
Section 9. This Charter
Ordinance shall be published
once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official
city newspaper.
Section 10. This Charter
Ordinance shall take effect
61 days after the final publication unless a sufficient
petition for a referendum is
filed, requiring a referendum
to be held on the ordinance
as provided by Article 12,
Section 5, Subsection (c)
(3) of the Constitution of the
State of Kansas, in which
case this Charter Ordinance
shall become effective upon
approval by the majority of
the electors voting thereon.
Passed by the Governing
Body, not less than two-thirds
of the members elect voting
in favor thereof, this 7th day
of June, 2016.
/s/ Debra L. Dreasher
/s/ Shawna Blackwood
Hoyt Fire Department Cookout
Serving Hamburgers and Hot Dogs • 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Hoyt City Park Basketball Court • Donation requested at site
Hoyt UMC Ice Cream Social
Homemade Ice Cream & Desserts • 6 p.m.
Hoyt City Park Shelter House • Serving until supplies are gone
or we stop to enjoy the fireworks display • Donation requested at site
Fireworks, by Hoyt Fire District #3
Begins at Dark • Donation requested at the Park Gates.
Events are fundraisers for the sponsoring organizations.
Your donations support their ongoing activities within the
Hoyt community. Bring your lawn chair, blanket, etc.
and enjoy the evening!
from the
Homeless in Holton
riving to work this morning shortly after 6 a.m., I
spotted a young man sprawled out apparently asleep on
the park bench in front of the Beck-Bookman Library in
Holton along Fourth Street – the town’s main thoroughfare – about a block and half from the Town Square.
The summer sun was coming up and many motorists
like me were already on the road.
The young man looked like he was using a black
Hefty trash bag filled with something soft – probably
extra clothes ­– as his pillow. He had what looked like a
white bandage on one of his wrists.
My first thought upon seeing this unusual sight in
Holton was that this person must need some immediate
help. So I slowed down my pickup a little more and by
the time I had reached the Holton Police Station I decided to pull in to a parking stall there and report what I
had seen to the police dispatcher on duty.
I informed the dispatcher that there was someone
apparently sleeping on the park bench in front of the
library and I suggested that a police officer may want
to perform a welfare check on the person to make sure
they weren’t very sick or even deceased.
The dispatcher took my statement and soon a policeman entered the dispatch room also.
I asked if Holton has homeless people sleeping outside these days and the police employees confirmed
that, yes, Holton does have homeless people sleeping
outside these days.
The policeman said there were three other homeless
people in the town over the weekend. Most of them, it
was reported, are just passing through town and do not
stay very long. Others, it was reported, have been found
sleeping in the portable buildings for sale in the lot just
north of Trails Café.
At 7:45 a.m., I drove past the library again and I was
surprised to find the man still sleeping on the park bench
in front of the library.
When we think of homeless people, we often picture
them in bigger towns like Topeka and Lawrence, for
Motorists like me who drove down Fourth Street in
Holton this morning were shown what homelessness
apparently looks like in a small town and it was a sad
In upcoming editions, we will provide additional reports on the issue of homelessness in small towns like
ours. The first question to get answered, I think, is what
should we do to help?
There is so much violence in our society these days.
I wondered to myself this morning whether I would be
putting myself in danger if I met with the man on the
park bench and offered to help him.
Ultimately, I decided not to “get involved’’ this time
but that seems to go against everything we’ve ever been
David Powls
taught as Christians.
Bike Safety
for Kids
A bike safety rodeo for
kids was provided by
State Farm Insurance of
Holton during the recent
Glory Days activities.
State Farm was assisted
by Holton Rotary Club
members and some
Holton High student volunteers.
The top photo shows,
left to right, Jack and
Cash Brown with their
new bike helmets provided by State Farm at
the bike safety rodeo.
shows HHS student Cali
Smith (at right) helping a
local youth navigate the
obstacle course.
The photo at left shows
Rotarian Cale Worthington also helping at the
bike safety rodeo.
Some more observations
about contemporary cattle
By Jim Hoy
Here are a few more observa­
tions about contemporary cattle
and cattle handling compared to
half a century
As I’ve
before, two
big changes
switch to
from older
steers and
the invasion
of the exot­
L o n g horns, as well as Angus and
Herefords, had been in the New
World long enough to become
adapted to range conditions in
cat­tle country. But the exotics
haven’t fully adapted to the way
we do things here.
European farmers bring their
cows into a barn every night,
and they handle them on foot,
knowing each cow by name.
Out on the range cattle run free,
are worked from horseback (or,
unfortunately, on four-wheelers) and never see the inside of
a barn.
Nor do they receive the tender
loving individual care they got
back in the Old Country. Some
years ago, on a trip to Scotland,
we took a ferry to the Isle of
Hoy in the Orkney Islands, and
stayed on a cattle farm bed-andbreakfast.
The owner gave me a tour,
walking out into the pasture and
putting an arm around several of
his cows, calling each by name.
Even in summer he brought
them into a shed each night.
Another reason today’s cattle are harder to handle is age.
Working with yearlings that
haven’t fully matured and that
haven’t learned to herd up like
two- and three-year-olds is like
working with undisci­plined
teenagers as compared to re­
sponsible adults. Compound
that with exotics, and it’s even
harder. Here’s an example:
A few years ago, my son re­
ceived several hundred Limousine yearling heifers for the
summer. I don’t think they’d
ever seen a horse. Every time
you rode into the pasture, they’d
start running. In or­der to try to
make things easier at shipping
time, Josh decided to “break”
A bunch of us went into the
pasture and pushed the more
docile heifers after the wilder
ones run­ning in front. After three
times around the thousand acre
pasture, we tried putting them in
a corner, but they broke.
After pushing them hard a cou­
ple of more times, they stayed
in the corner, albeit somewhat
uneas­ily, so we backed off and
left them. They never did completely gentle down, but at least
we were able to get them all in
the pens when the trucks came
to get them.
Contrast that with a story
the late Andy Olson of Council
Grove told me one time. Sometime in the 1930s, Andy and a
friend were hanging around
either the White City or the
Dwight stockyards late one afternoon when a train dropped
off two carloads of steers, about
90 head. The man receiving the
cattle asked the boys if they
could drive them about a dozen
miles to his pasture.
Sure, they said, and headed
out. But the cattle were tired and
weak after the long train ride
from a droughty part of Texas,
and every once in a while, some
of them would just play out and
couldn’t be driven. When they
got to the pas­ture, Andy said,
they had left all but about 20
head behind.
By this time, the sun was setting and the teenaged boys got
off their horses to contemplate
the situation. “My friend had a
bottle of hot wa­ter,” Andy said,
meaning a bottle of bootleg
whiskey, “so we sat on the side
of the road to have a sip, and
the next thing I knew the sun
was coming up, the bottle was
empty, and my head wasn’t feeling so good. I said to my buddy,
‘We better go get those steers
that dropped out.’”
“Yeah,” he said, “but let’s
go in the pasture first and get a
count. Some of them might have
come in overnight.”
Andy said that every steer was
in the pasture. Those older cattle
knew how to herd up, and as
they rested and gained strength,
they had trailed their mates to
get back to­gether with them.
Note: Jim Hoy, retired professor of history, is co-author of
the Plains Folk column.
Top photo by David Powls,
other photos submitted
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Even when it upsets and overwhelms us,
truth above all.
Editors and Publishers: David
and Connie Powls
Advertising Sales: Errin Edwards and
Shannacy Schimmel
City Editor: Brian Sanders
County Editor: Ali Holcomb
Sports Writer: Michael Powls
Advertising Design: Leslie Paine
Business Office: Kendra Moppin
Production Dept.: Allen Bowser
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Although summer doesn’t officially start until June 20, temperatures are already hitting the
90s and higher across Kansas..
And with those soaring temperatures comes the potential
for a variety of heat-related injuries. Heat is one of the leading
causes of weather-related deaths
in the United States, according
to the National Weather Service. Heat injuries include heat
cramps, heat syncope (fainting),
heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
Heat stroke is a failure of the
body’s temperature control system resulting from prolonged
exposure to high temperatures,
often in combination with dehydration.
The medical definition of heat
stroke is a core body temperature greater than 105 degrees
Fahrenheit, with complications
involving the central nervous
system that occur after exposure
to high temperatures.
Common symptoms of heat
stroke include a throbbing
headache; dizziness and lightheadedness; lack of sweating;
red, hot, and dry skin; muscle
weakness or cramps; nausea and
vomiting; rapid heartbeat, either
strong or weak; rapid, shallow
breathing; behavior changes
such as confusion, disorientation, or staggering; seizures and
heat stroke can be fatal.
Heat injuries may affect anyone, although children, older
adults and pets are particularly
Annually, dozens of children
and untold numbers of pets die
when left unattended in parked
vehicles. Studies have shown
that the temperature inside a
parked car may rise rapidly to
dangerous levels for children,
pets and even adults.
Leaving the windows slightly
open does not significantly decrease the heating rate. The effects can be more severe for
children because their bodies
have not developed the ability
to efficiently regulate their internal temperature.
And it does not take long for
a car’s internal temperature
to reach danger levels. Studies have shown a car’s interior
may go from 80 degrees to 99
degrees Fahrenheit in as little as
10 minutes. In 20 minutes, it can
reach nearly 110 degrees. After
an hour, it‚ is at 123 degrees!
Be prepared
As with any weather season,
preparedness is essential to the
safety of you and your family.
To avoid heat-related injuries
this summer, the Kansas Division of Emergency Management advises following these
safety tips:
*Be weather-aware. Local offices of the National Weather
Service collaborate with local
partners to determine when a
heat-related alert should be issued for an area. These criteria
vary across the country.
Excessive Heat Outlooks are
issued when the potential exists for an excessive heat event
in the next 3-7 days. An outlook
provides information to those
who need considerable leadtime to prepare for the event.
*Excessive Heat Watches‚ Be
Prepared! Heat watches are issued when conditions are favorable for an excessive heat event
in the next 24 to 72 hours. A
watch is used when the risk of
a heat wave has increased, but
its occurrence and timing is still
*Heat Advisory‚ Take Action! A Heat Advisory is issued
within 12 hours of the onset
of extremely dangerous heat
conditions. The general rule of
thumb for this advisory is when
the maximum heat index temperature is expected to be 100
degrees or higher for at least
two days, and night time air
temperatures will not drop below 75 degrees.
Excessive Heat Warning‚
Take Action! An Excessive Heat
Warning is issued within 12
hours of the onset of extremely dangerous heat conditions.
The general rule of thumb for
this warning is when the maximum heat index temperature is
expected to be 105 degrees or
higher for at least two days and
night time air temperatures will
not drop below 75 degrees.
Stay out of the heat as much
as possible. Limit outdoor activities until the cooler part of
the day.
Dress for summer. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing to
reflect heat and sunlight.
If you must work outside for
an extended period, use sunscreen. Sunburn reduces your
body’s ability to dissipate heat.
Crops and Soils
Cool, humid weather
boosts tick population
By David G. Hallauer
Meadowlark Extension
District Agent
Crops & Soils/Horticulture
Ticks are
very active
the state, and
for the past
month. Cool
weather ear­
lier this sum­
mer provided
a great op­
portunity for
numbers to increase, causing
them to be encountered even in
corn fields!
Ticks are typically more prev­
alent in more undisturbed ar­
eas of grasses, weeds and other
overgrown vegetation. Even so,
they are very good at finding
hosts and getting the blood meal
they require for development
and reproduction.
Because of the potential dis­
eases they can transmit, prevent­
ing tick bites should be a prior­
ity, particularly if you are going
to frequent areas ticks may fre­
quent as well.
Typically, it consists of an
integrated approach that may
include modification of their
habitat (to lessen the likelihood
ticks will be present), personal
protection via the use of insect
repellants and removal of ticks
as soon as possible after they
have been found (ticks removed
within several hours after at­
tachment are very unlikely to
transmit pathogens).
For further information about
tick biology as well as suggest­
ed management and protection
recommendations, check out
our Ticks in Kansas publica­
tion available from your District
Office or online at­
Hay Harvest – And Recovery
‘Tis the season for haying!
Fortunately, weather hasn’t de­
layed progress very much – and
the heat has actually sped the
drying process up a little! Un­
fortunately, there isn’t much of a
Obituary guideline
When submitting obituaries to
be printed in The Recorder, we
request that obituaries are sent by
the mortuary or funeral home han­
dling the funeral arrangements.
Have the mortuary or funeral
home contact us at (785) 3643141 or e-mail holtonrecorder@ for more infor­
Public Notice
(First published in The Holton
Recorder, Holton, Kan., on
Monday, June 6, 2016.)
Petition Pursuant to K.S.A.
Chapter 59
In the Matter of the Estate
Frank L. McCollum, deceased
Case No. 2016 PR 17
You are hereby notified that
on the 1st day of June, 2016
a Petition for Probate of
Will and Issuance of Letters
Testamentary Under the
Kansas Simplified Estates
Act was filed in this Court by
Shawn McCollum, an heir
of Frank L. McCollum, deceased.
All creditors of the decedent are notified to exhibit
their demands against the
Estate within the latter of
four months from the date of
the first publication of notice
under K.S.A. 59-2236 and
amendments thereto, or if
the identity of the creditor is
known or reasonably ascertainable, 30 days after actual
notice was given as provided
by law, and if their demands
are not thus exhibited, they
shall be forever barred.
Shawn McCollum, Petitioner
Submitted and Approved by:
Dennis A. White, #12108
White Law Office
120 West 5th Street,
P.O. Box 445
Holton, Kansas 66436
Attorney for Petitioner
positive outlook for moisture in
the near future, either!
Early reports would indicate a
mixed bag in terms of cool sea­
son grass hay yields, with some
indicating a decent crop and oth­
ers reporting below normal.
The follow up question to that
becomes, “Why?” That’s a ques­
tion you can ponder as you pro­
ceed through harvest and contin­
ue to evaluate as you head in to
planning for the 2017 crop!
In some cases, weather is cer­
tainly a component. A dry spell
didn’t encourage much move­
ment of fertilizer into the soil
profile and hampered early sea­
son growth as well.
It could also mean it’s time to
evaluate your fertility program.
Brome and fescue require 12
pounds of Phosphorous per ton
of yield. If soil test levels are
high, lower applied Phospho­
rous rates may get you by – at
least for a time!
If they are already low, and an
adequate supply isn’t provided,
the response to other nutrients –
nitrogen in particular – will like­
ly be reduced. In other words,
lots of N doesn’t typically com­
pensate for low P levels.
Have you evaluated mowing
height or harvest timing? Har­
vesting too low can inhibit regrowth, particularly on stressed
stands. Understanding how
grass responds to later harvest
times can also help you evaluate
why a stand may not be coming
back as fast as you’d like.
Be on the alert for things like
armyworm damage as well! If a
stand isn’t re-growing like you
think it should, it never hurts to
take a closer look to see if army­
worms might be the culprit.
Just like fall harvest is a great
time to evaluate crop fields,
hay harvest is the time when
we can do the same for our for­
age stands. Taking a moment to
evaluate now can help you fine
tune your management program
to optimize yields.
Trinity Lutheran
By John and Marcia Coufal
On June 12 at Trinity Lutheran
Church, the adult Sunday school
was led by Pastor Brian Stark
and the discussion was centered
around confession and absolu­
tion. This very important event
takes place every Sunday during
the Divine Service.
How often do we feel the need
for a private confession with our
pastor or someone we trust?
How important is this in our
lives? Unless we feel this need,
we cannot be encouraged to re­
pent of our sins. True repentance
is needed in order to receive ab­
solution or forgiveness.
This Bible study prepared
the congregation for the sermon
shared by Pastor Stark regarding
mercy! Most people are ready to
help others in a crisis. But what
about helping those we don’t
think deserve the help or “mer­
cy?” It is very difficult to fully
understand God’s mercy to all
sinners who confess and repent.
The story of David and Bath­
sheba was described with the in­
tervention of Nathan the prophet.
Even with the sin of adultery and
having her husband killed, God
forgave David. God can make us
like new when we confess and
Jesus forgave the sinful
woman who came to the Phari­
sees’ home during a banquet and
washed His feet with her tears!
Truly repentant!
The ladies quilting group
members are Sylvia Meyers,
Lillian Powers, Rose Smith, Jan
Hosfeld, Maddie Sterret and
Marcia Coufal. They are in need
of help to bind the quilts they tie.
Anyone who has this skill is in­
vited to help them out.
On Tuesdays at 4:30 p.m., the
adult instruction class is held
at the church and is led by Pas­
tor Stark. Anyone interested in
learning more about Lutheran­
ism is invited to attend.
The adult choir is in need of
more members. Please consid­
er joining the choir in singing
praises to our precious Lord and
New Life Nazarene
By Janice Kneisley
is an intentional
process that involves five stepsstarting, stopping, separating,
seeking and surrendering, Kevin
Kneisley, pastor of New Life
Church of the Nazarene, preached
this past weekend on Matthew
Those five steps, he said, come
from every page of the Bible as
the formula of God’s grace He
extends to us on a daily basis.
“Questions about forgiveness
have been around since human­
kind realized that it was harmful
to bottle up the poisons of bitter­
ness and resentment,” Kneisley
said. “I have no idea what was
happening in Peter’s life at the
time when he asked Jesus how
many times he should forgive.
According to Jewish law at that
time, after the fourth sin, forgive­
ness was not required. So imag­
ine Peter’s surprise when Jesus
said, ‘you must forgive 70 times
Kneisley said the message
is clear, we are to forgive much
because we have been forgiven
much by the Creator. He went on
to say forgiveness is a gift that we
give ourselves to free us from bit­
terness and resentment. It is also
a choice that we make to free us
from ungrace, bitterness and re­
taliation. He added is it a process,
a five-step process.
In announcements, Pastor
Kneisley said Manna House, a
free supper for those in need of
a hot meal, will be Wednesday,
June 29 at the Hutchins Building
on the downtown Holton Square.
Serving times are 5 p.m. to 6:30
p.m. Tickets can be obtained from
area churches, businesses and the
Jackson County Food Pantry, or at
the door. Wednesday night Bible
study is at 6:30 p.m. in the Sun­
day school room of the church.
Please report any changes in service or personnel to the Recorder at 364-3141. Thank You.
Bethany Baptist Church
First Christian Church
St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church
Pastor: Fr. Marianand Mendem
821 New York • 364-4533
5th and Wisconsin • 364-2545
3rd & James, Mayetta, 966-2690/364-3262
Pastor Ron Sellens
Dr. Jim McCollough, Pastor
Sunday Mass: 8 a.m.
Youth Minister David Noland
Sunday: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School
Confessions 30 minutes before mass.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday school
10:45 a.m. Worship
10:15 a.m. Worship service
First United Methodist Church
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
1 p.m. Sunday afternoon service
Pastor Nancy Crowl • 1401 W. 4th • 364-3275
Wednesday: 7:15 p.m. Prayer meeting
512 Wisconsin, Holton • Rev. Ray Hartjen
Sunday Schedule: 9:00 a.m. Sunday School
Bucks Grove UM Church
Services on 2nd & 4th Sunday
10:15 a.m. Worship
Pastor: Charlotte Milroy • 234-4243
Sunday Services: 9 a.m.
Sunday: 9 a.m. Church service
Holton Kingdom Hall
Post Service Fellowship Breakfast
Christ’s Church
of Jehovah’s Witnesses
Southern Heights Clubhouse
12350 214th Rd., Holton • 364-4279
Pastor Jon Hanna
Sunday Public Talk: 10 a.m. •
Soldier Christian Church
Information 364-3468
Hoyt United Methodist Church
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. Fellowship
Rev. Bev McCurdy • (c) 785-220-0711
Ron Ahlgren, Minister
9 a.m. Worship
Sunday School: 9 a.m. • 10 a.m. Worship
Luke Schreiber: Youth Minister
New Life Church of the Nazarene
Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.
209 New York Ave. 364-3642
Immanuel Lutheran Church, Netawaka
Church Services: 10:30 a.m.
Rev. Kevin Kneisley
Pastor Jeffrey Geske • 785-340-5635
Jr. & Sr. High Youth Group: 5 p.m.
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday school
9 a.m. Sunday Worship
St. James Catholic Church
10:45 a.m. Worship service
10 a.m. Sunday School
306 5th St., Wetmore • Pastor Father Hammes
Circleville Christian Church
10 a.m. Adult Bible Class
Saturday Mass: 6:30 p.m.
7701 254th Rd., Circleville
Lakeview Faith Chapel
Alicia Spalding, Youth Leader
30 min. prior to mass
Pentecostal Church
Sunday School: 9:15 a.m.
Trinity Lutheran Church
3.5 miles south of Holton on U.S. 75
Sunday Worship: 8 a.m. Traditional Service
401 Cheyenne
Pastor Steve Cappleman • 364-2416
9:15 a.m. Cowboy Church
Pastor Brian Stark 364-2206/364-2029
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday school
10:45 a.m. Contemporary Worship
Sunday School: 9 a.m.
10:15 a.m. Worship service
Website -
Worship: 10 a.m.
Larkinburg Christian Church
Email -
Wetmore Bible Church
Rev. Mark Armstrong
Circleville United Methodist
217 Iowa St., Wetmore
Sunday: 9:30 a.m. Sunday school
Pastor: Charlotte Milroy • 234-4243
Pastor Gary Heitz • 866-2444
10:30 a.m. Church service
Sunday: 10 a.m. Worship Service
Mayetta Christian Church
Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday school (for all ages)
Community of Christ Church
Ernest Coleman - Pastor
11 a.m. Worship Hour
512 Wisconsin • Pastor Dean Sharp
Sunday: Fellowship & Waffles:
11:30 a.m. Children's Church
Sunday 10 a.m. Worship service
8:15 a.m.-8:45 a.m.
7 p.m. Adult Bible Study
Delia Presbyterian Church
Sunday school: 8:45 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Tuesday: 1:30 p.m. Women's Bible Study
514 Jackson St. • Rev. Doug Phenix
Prayer Circle: 9:30 a.m.-9:50 a.m.
Wednesday: 7 p.m. Youth Group
Sunday: 10 a.m. Morning worship
Worship service - 10 a.m.-11:15 a.m.
(Jr. High & HS Ages)
Check sign board for other events.
Wednesday: Bible Study - 6 p.m.-7 p.m.
Denison Bible Church
8 p.m. Bible Study
300 W. 5th St. • Pastor Tom Fraunfelter
Wetmore United Methodist
Rev. Howard Sudduth
Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday School
Pastor Seong Lee
Sunday: 9 a.m. Morning worship service
11 a.m. Worship
(785) 866-2512 Parsonage
785/935-2464 • 785/422-2953
866-5556 Church
Netawaka United Methodist
Denison Reformed Presbyterian
9 a.m. Sunday school
Rev. Caren Loper
Rev. J. Edward Hindman • 935-2348
9:40 a.m. Worship service
Sunday: 8:15 a.m. Worship
Sunday: 10 a.m. Bible class
Whiting Baptist Church
Onaga New Hope
11 a.m. Worship service
Seth Montgomery, Pastor
Lunch following the service
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sun. school
Rev. Charlene Banes, Pastor
1:15 p.m. Afternoon Service
10 a.m. Worship service
Sunday: 9 a.m. Worship
Evangel United Methodist Church
Whiting United Methodist
10:15 a.m. SS, Adult Bible Class
227 Pennsylvania Ave. • 364-3834
Rev. Caren Loper
Bible Study: Tuesday @ 7 p.m.
Sun.: 8:50 a.m. Life Journey
Sunday: 10 a.m. Education
Holy Communion 1st & 3rd Sunday
(contemporary service)
11 a.m. Worship
Our Lady of the Snows Church
10 a.m. Sunday school
Fr. Marianand Mendem
New Hope Family Church
11 a.m. Traditional worship service
166 and "I" Road, Mayetta, Kan. • 597-5656
Church -
515 Iowa, Holton
1st, 3rd, & 4th Sunday Mass 8:30 a.m.
Pastor -
Pastor: Sterling Hudgins
First Baptist Church of Holton
2nd Sunday Mass 1 p.m.
Wednesday Meal: 6:30 p.m.
404 Juniper, 364-3423
Potawatomi Pentecostal Church
Wednesday Service: 7:15 p.m.
Sr. Pastor: Tim O’Byrne
4.5 miles west on 134th Rd., Mayetta
Saturday Worship: 6 p.m.
Director of Descipleship - Rhett Totten
Rev. Marcia Potts
Sunday: 9:15 a.m. Sunday School
Sunday: 10 a.m. Sunday school
10:30 a.m. Worship Services
10:45 a.m. Worship service
5:15 & 6 p.m. Youth Groups
Pottawatomi United Methodist
Wed.: 10 a.m. Bible Study • 6:30 p.m. Choir
Rev. Howard Sudduth
Friday: 7 a.m. Women’s Breakfast
Sunday: 9:50 a.m. Sunday school
6:45 a.m. Men’s Breakfast
See you
10:30 a.m. Worship
First Baptist Church of Hoyt
St. Dominic Catholic Church
Pastor David Burnworth • 986-6446
Pastor: Fr. Marianand Mendem
Wednesday night prayer: 7 p.m.
416 Ohio, Holton, 364-3262
Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school
Saturday: 5:30 p.m. Mass • Sunday: 10:30 a.m. Mass
10 a.m. Worship service
Confessions 30 minutes before mass.
7 p.m. Sunday evening worship
This church directory is sponsored by:
1603 W 4th St., Holton, KS • (785) 364-3205
Buck’s Grove
Buck’s Grove Church on a beau­
tiful Sunday, June 12.
After Mary Ringle lighted the
candles, lay servant Joyce Im­
menschuh led the congregation
in the call to worship and the
opening prayer. The scripture
reading was 1 Kings 21:1-21 and
Galatians 2:15-21. The Psalter
reading was Psalm 5:1-8, which
was recited along with the Apos­
tles’ Creed.
LeRoy Rieschick manned
the recorded music as the con­
gregants sang “Rock Of Ages
Cleft For Me,” “Lord Speak To
Me” and “In Christ There Is No
East Or West.”
It was Althea Fordham’s Sun­
day to provide a special. Betty
Bernritter read an article about
how awesome God’s accuracy
can be observed in all things like
the hatching of eggs, the wisdom
of making animals function the
way they do and the even num­
bers of grains found on the stalk.
The gospel reading was from
Luke 7:36-8:3. Joyce’s ser­
mon was titled “Four Words To
Change Your Life.” Can four
words really change your life?
Sure they can. I’m sorry it’s can­
cer. Yes, you are pregnant. The
baby needs changed. You are be­
ing audited.
How much sin must a person
commit to be a sinner? All of us
are in one category or another –
either we know our need for sal­
vation, or we don’t.
The Bible says many good
people are lost because they
don’t realize you can’t get to
heaven by being good, only by
being saved.
What an incredible moment
when Jesus said those four lifechanging words – “Your sins are
forgiven.” Because we are for­
given, we are called to be forgiv­
ers. Until we do, our relationship
with God will continue to be hin­
dered. We can have peace when
we know we are forgiven and
when we have forgiven others.
Don Boling and Jack Bern­
ritter collected the offering as
the service closed by singing
“Let There Be Peace On Earth.”
Bible study was led by Joyce.
Note: Life without God is like
an unsharpened pencil – it has no
By Betty Bernritter
Jack Bernritter rang the bell at
Sunday, June 26, 2016
Potluck Meal at Noon
VFW Hall (North of Farm & Home)
Just west of Holton on Hwy. 16
(785) 364-1915
June 25 & 26
Brick • Block • Repairs
25 years of experience
Will Millenbruch
7600 Kiowa Rd., Lancaster, KS
Saturday • 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday • Noon-4 p.m.
Tickets available during regular business
hours at Tourch of Class Hair Studio,
Old Prairie Town/Ward Meade, HyVee,
Porterfield’s Flowers & Gifts, Skinner’s
Garden Store, Topeka Landscape
South Side of Square – Holton
Hours: Tues.-Fri. 9-5 • Sat. 10-2 • Sun. & Mon. Closed • 785-362-7111
By Michael Powls
results are in for the
high school summer volleyball
league for week 3.
The league continues on
Wedneday and the public is invited to watch the matches.
Junior Varsity
ACCHS defeated Sabetha 9th
25-12 and 25-23.
Nemaha Central 2 defeated
ACCHS 16-25, 25-21 and 15-9.
Nemaha Central 1 and 2 ended in a draw with the win going
to Nemaha Central 1 25-21 and
Royal Valley defeated Holton
A 25-23, 21-25 and 15-11.
Holton A defeated Jackson
Heights 25-22 and 25-11.
Royal Valley defeated Jackson
Heights 25-14 and 25-22.
Holton B defeated Heritage
Christian 25-15 and 25-14.
Sabetha JV defeated Holton B
25-14 and 25-11.
Sabetha 9th defeated Heritage
Christian 25-12 and 25-6.
Nemaha Central 1 defeated
Wetmore 25-18 and 25-21.
Sabetha JV defeated Wetmore
17-25, 25-11 and 15-9.
Holton 2 defeated Heritage
Christian 25-9, 18-25 and 15-9.
ACCHS defeated Holton 2
17-25, 25-22 and 15-13.
Nemaha Central defeated
ACCHS 25-12 and 25-13.
Sabetha defeated Nemaha
Central 19-25, 25-21 and 1511.
Alumni 1 defeated Sabetha
25-19 and 25-12.
Royal Valley defeated Heritage Christian 28-26 and 25-14.
Alumni 2 defeated Royal Valley 25-13 and 25-12.
Alumni 2 defeated Holton 1
25-11 and 25-21.
Holton 1 defeated Jackson
Heights 25-17, 20-25 and 1513.
Alumni 1 defeated Jackson
Heights 22-25, 26-24 and 1512.
Week 3 Standings
Junior Varsity
Nemaha Central 2 and 1 and
Royal Valley are 5-1.
ACCHS is 4-2.
Holton A and B and Jackson
Heights are 3-3.
Sabetha JV and Wetmore are
Sabetha 9th is 1-5.
Heritage Christian is 0-6.
Alumni 2 is 6-0.
Sabetha and Alumni 1 are 51.
Nemaha Central and Holton 1
are 4-2.
Jackson Heights and Holton 2
are 2-4.
SPORTS Wednesday
under construction
On Tuesday morning,
June 14, at the Holton
football stadium, some
of the Wildcat quarterbacks were being instructed on the fundamentals of playing the
position and learning
the different gaps and
plays that the Wildcats
are known for.
HHS assistant coach
Joe Purcell (shown in
the top photo at right) is
shown watching (left to
right) Parker Gilliland,
AJ Haussler, Kale Purcell, and Brady Boswell,
among others hidden
from view.
Brooks Barta is shown
at left watching the technique and footwork of
(left to right) Carson
Brandt and Boswell.
Lots of repititions using the correct techniques and footwork
equals more gametime
success for QBs.
Photos by Michael Powls
Jackson County
Fundamentals Camp
For Kids Entering Grades 3-4-5
Tuesday, July 5 - Thursday, July 7
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Junior Wildcat
For Kids Entering Grades 6-7-8
Monday, June 27 - Thursday, June 30
9 a.m.-11 a.m.
Camp 2016
At Holton High School practice fields
Make checks payable to, and mail coupon below to,
Brooks Barta, 12125 214th Road, Holton, KS 66436 • 364-3187
❏ Jackson County Football Fundamentals Camp 2016
accepting summer baseball and
softball team photos of local
teams and coaches for publication in the newspaper.
Coaches, please e-mail a photograph of your team (or teams)
to holtonrecorder@giantcomm.
net and also please identify the
players and coaches by row, left
to right. Thank you.
If you need additional information, contact David Powls or
Michael Powls at The Recorder
office 364-3141.
❏ Junior Wildcat Football Camp 2016
❏ $20 covers insurance and camp fee.
The Holton Recorder is now
❏ $5 (optional) T-Shirt
❏ $10 covers insurance and camp fee.
Name __________________________ Grade ___________
(T-Shirts can be ordered at camp.)
The Off the Square Grill Outlaws third and fourth grade soccer team that
competed in the recent sprng Holton league is shown above. Team members
were, front row, left to right, Mattox Watkins, Reese Purling, Logan Altenburg,
Brodie Dillon and Emily Horr. Back row, left to right, Blade Montgomery, Colby
Harris, Michael Cornelison, Brian Dorris, Katelyn Ingels, Jordan Acherman and
Coach Jeremy Ingels.
Submitted photo
Parent Consent: I agree to allow our son to participate in the Jackson County
Football Camps 2016. We will not hold USD #336 or the participating staff
liable for any injuries suffered during this camp. We also give permission for
our son to be treated in case emergency medical treatment is needed.
Parent Signature ___________________________________________
Emergency Phone ______________________
KDWP provides fishing reports on Banner and Nebo lakes
By Michael Powls
Fishing is one of those sum-
mer activities that anyone can
do, whether you are by yourself or with friends or even with
The Kansas Department of
Wildlife, Parks and Tourism has
released fishing reports for May
and June for Holton’s Banner
Creek Reservoir and Jackson
County’s Nebo State Fishing
So if you love to go fishing
and have plans to do some fishing this summer, check out these
Located just west of Holton,
this 535-acre reservoir has new
boat docks this summer.
Black Crappie – Fair - up to 1
lb. Fish have begun to disperse
from the shoreline and have
started spawning activity. There
is some harvest in or near structure using jig and/or minnows.
KDWPT sampled 81 crappie in
its October nets: 14 were <5”,
28 were 5-8’’, 10 were 8-10”,
24 were 10-12” and 5 were 1215” with the largest fish weighing 1.1 lbs.
Bluegill – Fair - up to 0.5 lbs.
Hunk of worm under a bobber in
the brush piles works. KDWPT
sampled 217 bluegill in October
nets: 200 were 3-6”, 16 were 68” and 1 was 8”+ with the largest fish weighing 0.43 lbs.
Channel Catfish- Fair to Good
- up to 6 lbs. Cut bait, drifting
shad or worms off the fishing
piers or in the upper reaches
near inflows works. KDWPT
sampled 37 channels in fall nets:
8 were <11”, 15 were 11-16”, 10
were 16-24” and 4 were 24-28”
with the largest fish weighing
5.8 lbs.
Largemouth Bass – Fair - up
to 3.5 lbs. Crankbaits, spinners
or plastics along the shoreline,
rip rap and structure work. The
fish are still near the shoreline,
but are now close to the end of
the spawning activity.
Walleye/Sauger – Fair - up
to 4.5 lbs. Jigs and crawlers
or spoons on those humps and
bumps work. KDWPT sampled
24 walleye in October nets: 1
was <10”, 7 were 10-15”, 15
were 15-20” and 1 was 20”+
with the largest walleye weighing 4.6 lbs.
KDWPT also sampled 73
sauger in October nets: 4 were
7-11”, 24 were 11-14”, 42 were
14-17” and 3 were 17-20” with
the largest sauger weighing 2.3
Located about 4 1/2 miles east
of Holton, this 75-acre lake and
wildlife area has 32-acres of lake
and 43-acres of land. Shoreline
access is limited but a boat ramp
is located on the north side of
the lake. A new fishing pier and
boating is allowed for fishing
purposes only.
Bluegill - Slow to Fair - up
to 0.3 lbs. Small hunk of worm
under a bobber off of the fishing pier or the corners of the
dam works. KDWP sampled 90
bluegill in October nets: 9 were
<3”, 64 were 3-6” and 17 were
6-8” with the largest fish weighing 0.22 lbs.
Channel Catfish - Fair to
Good - up to 5.0 lbs. Cut bait,
either shad or bluegill off the
piers works. KDWP sampled
35 Channels in October nets: 9
were <11”, 16 were 11-16” and
10 were 16-24” with the largest
fish weighing 4.4 lbs.
Largemouth Bass - Fair to
Good - up to 4.5 lbs. The lake
contains a nice population of
larger fish for a small state fishing lake. Spinner baits or cranks
worked slow around the brush
piles attrtacts these fish. However, the recent rains have impacted water clarity.
(Continued on Page 7)
n Area lakes offer good fishing
(Continued from Page 6)
White/Black Crappie – Fair up to 1 lb. Tube jig or minnow
along shoreline and around the
brush piles. There are a lot of
fish but most are on the smaller
side. KDWP sampled 288 crappie in October nets: 49 were
<5”, 191 were 5-8”, 29 were 810”, 14 were 10-12” and 5 were
12-15” with the largest crappie
weighing 1.8 lbs.
Located on the southwest edge
of Lawrence, this lake has 7,000
surfaces acres. Water and park
together cover 35 sq. miles.
Blue Catfish - 35-inch minimum length limit and 5 daily
creel limit went into effect Jan.
1, 2016. This regulation was implemented to protect brood fish,
so that the population could
have a chance to improve.
Smallmouth Bass - 18-inch
minimum length limit went into
effect Jan. 1, 2016. This regulation change makes smallmouth
bass regulations the same as
those for largemouth bass.
Crappie – Poor - 0.5-1.5 l a
few being taken off brushpiles
on jigs or minnows.
Channel catfish – Fair to Good
- 1-5 lbs. Anglers are catching
channel catfish on a variety of
baits; including sunfish, shad,
stink bait, minnows and worms.
Anglers are catching some in
the outlet.
White bass – Poor to Fair
- 0.5-1.5 lbs. Some have been
caught off the dam and rocky
points using jigs, small spinners
and crankbaits.
Wiper - Poor-Fair - 3-7 lbs - a
few are being picked up trolling crank baits. Some have been
caught casting jigs on the dam.
Others have been caught using
live shad. Some being caught in
the outlet.
Walleye/Sauger - Poor to
Fair - 1-4 lbs a few walleye and
sauger were caught by trolling
crankbaits and some using jig
and nightcrawler on the flats.
Black bass – Poor to Fair 0.5-4 lbs largemouth and smallmouth bass have been caught
recently using jigs, crankbaits
and spinnersbaits.
Flathead catfish - Fair - 5-50
lbs using swim baits in the outlet.
Located in Jefferson County
in the Ozawkie area, this lake
has 11,150 surface acres and
160 miles of shoreline. It is
known as one of America’s Best
100 lakes for bass fishing.
Zebra Mussels - Super Infectious! - up to 3/4”. Since the in-
By Michael Powls
are the results from
Week III of the middle school
summer volleyball league.
Matches continue this Thursday in Holton and the public is
invited t owatch the matches.
Court 1
Hiawatha Lindstrom defeated
Holton Bos/Tank 25-15 and 2726.
Hiawatha Lindstrom defeated
Holton(Witt.Prine) 25-9 and 2510.
Holton Bos/Tank defeated
Holton(Witt/Prine) 25-16 and
Court 2
Wetmore defeated Hiawatha
28-25 and 25-9.
Holton(Allen/Moore) defeated Hiawatha 25-21 and 25-12.
Holton(Allen/Moore) 27-25 and
Court 3
Jackson Heights defeated Hiawatha Saunders 25-23 and 2510.
Valley Falls defeated Jackson
Heights 25-9 and 26-23.
Valley Falls defeated Hiawatha
Saunders 25-18 and 25-19.
HMS Court
Royal Valley defeated ACCMS 26-7 and 25-5.
Royal Valley defeated Sabetha
25-12 and 25-13.
Sabetha defeated ACCMS 259 and 25-6.
Week III Standings
Royal Valley and Hiawatha
Lindstrom are both 6-0.
Holton Bos/Tank, Valley Falls,
Sabetha, Hiawatha Saunders
and Wetmore are all 4-2.
Jackson Heights is 3-3.
Holton Allen/Moore and ACCMS are both 1-5.
Holton Witt/Prine and Hiawatha are both still searching
for their first wins.
The Holton Recorder, as always,
offers to publish the following
write-ups and photos for FREE!
Engagement photo
and write-up
Wedding photo
and write-up
Anniversary photo
and write-up (25, 50+ yrs.)
Card shower photo
and write-up (age 80+)
Club/organization news
364-3141 • 109 W. 4th St./PO Box 311
Holton, KS 66436
The Holton Post 44 Junior Legion baseball team
hosted Sabetha for a doubleheader here last
Wednesday. The top photo was taken as the team
prepared to take the field that evening. Blaine Lester, the pitcher shown above, took the mound for
Holton in the first game. Photos by Michael Powls
festation was discovered in Oct.
of 2007, these mussels have
spread throughout the lake. It’s
up to all of us to make sure these
are not spread to other area
lakes, Clean-Drain-Dry everything that is taken out of Perry.
Mussels will start spawning
as the water temperature rises
to around 54 degrees. Please do
not move water from Perry Reservoir.
Channel Catfish - Good - up
to 10 lbs. Cut bait in the Delaware River delta area and upper
reaches of the reservoir near incoming water and/or off wind
blown shoreline work.
Cut bait is good, but livers are
also seem to be a good selection
for bait during this time of year.
Set lines have been good using
sunfish for bait have been productive.
Fish are also being taken below the dam, but action will be
variable with the increase in the
outflow this weekend. There are
also some flathead on artificial
lures and live bait. While wipers are also taken using artificials, worms and cut baits below the dam.
Sauger – Slow - up to 2.6 lbs.
There are good numbers in the
reservoir but harvest is impacted by high inflows, high water
elevations & turbidity. Harvest
is also annually slower in the
warmer months.
Largemouth Bass/Smallmouth
Bass - Slow to Fair - up to 5 lbs.
Crank baits or plastics worked
around the cover/shallow best
in the Rock Creek and Slough
Creek arms. However, the high
water conditions are hampering
the catch due to the expanded
flooded habitat. Some of the
emerging smallmouth bass population are being caught. Generally off rocky shoreline and
White Bass - Slow to Fair - up
to 1.5 lbs. Fishing in the Delaware River, feeder streams to
the lake and to some extent lake
wide by anglers in recent days.
White bass fishing in the river
below the dam is also slower,
but lake releases are to go up
later in the week. There is some
harvest up in the feeder streams
where the turbid water and clear
waters meet. Anglers are using
chartreuse jigs and traditional
shad imitation lures.
White Crappie - Slow to Fair
- up to 1.5 lbs. Crappie fishing
has slowed with the rain and
higher water levels. Fish are still
spread out. Some fish will still
congregate near structure. There
is some legal harvest around fish
attractors and near docks.
Blue Catfish - Fair to Good up to 25 lbs. Some nice fish in
the 35 inch length limit range
can be taken, but most are below the length limit. Try drifting
or still fishing using shad or cut
bait in the upper reaches on the
channel and breaks. Remember,
blue cats look similar to channel
catfish, so be careful with identification. You do not want to be
caught in possession of a small
blue cat below the 35 inch minimum length limit.
Located on the east side of Topeka, this lake has 416 surface
Zebra Mussels were found in
Lake Shawnee during the summer of 2013. Lake users should
Clean, Drain and Dry boats,
trailers and any equipment that
comes in contact with the water to keep from moving zebra
mussels elsewhere.
Largemouth bass – Fair - 0.52 lbs. Fish are being caught using crankbaits, jigs and spinnerbaits.
Bluegill – Fair - Up to 0.25
lbs. Fish have been caught using
pieces of worm under bobber,
small jigs and small spinners.
Channel catfish - Fair-Good 0.5-4 lbs. Fish are being cught
using worms, shad and cut bait.
Walleye – Fair - 0.5-3 lbs.
Fish are being caught using jig
and nightcrawler and by trolling
This 135-surface acre lake is
located eight miles northwest of
Largemouth Bass – Good 1/2 to 5 pounds. The lake has a
very good population of black
bass over 15 inches, holding
along the shoreline in 3 to 6 feet
of water.
Crappie - Fair to Slow - 1/2
to 1 pound. The current crappie
population is dominated by fish
less than 10 inches, but KDWP
seen some over 12 inches this
spring, a few being caught along
the rock piers.
Channel Catfish - Good! - 1/2
- 4 pounds. The lake is in the
Urban Stocking Program and
is frequently stocked with 12
to 18 inch catfish. On May 17,
there were 1,250 channel catfish
stocked into the lake. So far this
year, 2,350 channel catfish have
been stocked. Anglers have
been doing well off the rock
piers or near the two fish feeders. Channel catfish daily limit
is 5.
From the desk of...
Barbara Bontrager, EA, CFE
Getting any disturbing
phone calls from the “IRS?”
They are threatening and
saying there is a lawsuit
against you, you owe taxes
and you need to pay them
immediately over the phone.
The IRS and state revenue
departments do not call you.
They will send you letters.
They do not file lawsuits
against taxpayers.
If you get one of these
concerned or not sure what to
do, please call your tax
preparer. If you do not have a
tax preparer, call my office.
Always, always, always
double check before starting
to worry. These fraudsters are
not going away soon. They
will keep trying to take your
money. Arm yourself and get
a professional in your corner.
A professional tax preparer is
not very expensive and will
most likely save you money.
These fraudsters have
called my home several
times. I ask them what year
are we talking about and
what type of tax and how
much do I owe and what
caused me to owe tax. They
hang up on me because I am
not easy prey. I do not want
you to be easy prey either.
You have the right to ask
them questions all day long.
You have the right to receive
a “bill” in the mail.
Never, never NEVER give
anyone any information over
the phone. Make them give
you information, after all,
they called you.
BNB Group Inc.
122 E. 5th St.,
Holton, KS 66436
July 29-31, 2016
Netawaka Softball Field
Netawaka, KS
Double Elimination
$150 per team • 15 teams max
First Game Friday 6 p.m.
Saturday Start 8 a.m.
Sunday Start 8 a.m.
For more information, contact:
Russ Bacon • 785-364-6294 •
Estate Auction
Saturday, June 25, 2016 • 9:30 a.m.
Holton National Guard Armory
West of Hwy. 75 on 4th St. (at stop light) in Holton, KS
Max was a longtime Holton resident. This auction is the second part of his collections.
Automobiles • 16’ Trailer • Tractor • Antique Furniture •
Primitives • Household Items • Much More!
Friday, June 24
6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 25
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Old Prairie Town
124 NW Fillmore, Topeka, KS 66606
(Performers subject to change.)
Wood Valley Pickers • Shyster Mountain Gang • Solo Hogs
Ryan Wills & Greg Fox • Skyler • Luke • Kyler • Acoustro
Jarrod Guth • Thorpe & McElroy • Fraoch • Jed Zeplin & many more
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Reunion held for those that
attended area country schools
By Carolyn Bohannon
was held on Sunday, May 29,
at the Hutchins Building in
Several attendees from various country schools in Jackson County were represented.
Friends and neighbors joined
together to enjoy a delicious
potluck dinner.
The welcome and introductory remarks were made by
Carolyn Bohannon, emcee.
She led the Pledge of Allegiance followed by The Lord’s
Prayer. This was the daily
practice of country schools in
earlier years. Everyone present gave their name and the
country school they attended.
The group enjoyed a trip
down memory lane through
readings and poems given
by Mary Longren and Carolyn Bohannon. Those present
enjoyed music and songs by
“15 Minutes Late” consisting
of Roy Hallauer, Jim Baxter,
Michelle McClintock Ramage and Christina Schlodder
Murphy as they played some
oldies. These musicians also
accompanied several songs
of yesteryear that were led by
Mary and Carolyn as everyone
had the opportunity to join in
group singing.
Out of town guests included:
Harold and Alice Rathbun
of Bellevue, Wash.; Jay and
Marilyn Matthias, Tecumseh;
Shirley Swartz, Verda Gharst,
Devon Schulz, Lyle and Reona
Shoemaker and Beverly Harding, all of Topeka; Don and
Carolyn Bohannon of Lyndon;
Glen and Loueen Swoyer of
Shawnee; Masen Shoptese of
Blue Rapids; Paul and Mary
Longren of Westmoreland;
Geraldine Moore of Maple
Hill; and Betty Bowser of
Guests from the Holton
area included Joe and Annette
Barnes, Harold Knouft, Mary
Schulz, Marlin and Betsy Zibell, John Zibell, Stacy McKinney, Bob Beightel, Dave
Fiedler, John Davis, Tim
Schlodder, Christina Schlodder Murphy, Roy Hallauer, Jim
Baxter, Michelle McClintock
Ramage, David McClintock
and Marianne McClintock.
A book of poems, “As The
Seasons Roll,” by the late
Winifred M. Nelson, Jackson County superintendent of
schools, was shared, and Roy
Hallauer brought a map of
Jackson County showing the
various country school districts. Visiting and reminiscing
of country school days gone by
was enjoyed by all.
Plans were made to meet
again, the same place and the
same time, the last Sunday of
May in 2018.
Royal Valley FFA had a very
successful convention at the
recent 88th annual Kansas FFA
Convention. The novice parliamentary procedure team of
Emily Albright, Eryn Daugherty, Sierrah Franklin, Alyssa
Gooderl, Lindsey Bowden and
Holly Mitchell competed at the
“This year’s FFA State Convention was a brand new experience for me,” Daugherty said.
“I am glad I had the chance to
compete in a state competition.
I don’t think that we could have
made it to state competition
without our wonderful advisor,
Kim Mitchell.”
Franklin agreed.
“This was a great experience
to be able to participate in the
novice parlaw at the state convention,” Franklin said. “Even
though we didn’t do well on the
competition, it was a wonderful
opportunity and a new experience.”
Mitchell participated in the
creed competition. Janelle Marney participated in the prepared
public speaking completion. Anna Johnson competed in the
job interview event, placing
sixth in the state. In each of these events, the
team or individuals placed high
enough at districts to qualify
for state. Jenna Thurman received a
state proficiency award in agriculture education.
“I am so glad that I got the
state agriculture education proficiency,” Marney said. “It’s been a long road to get
here, and I’m excited that I got
to experience this while still in
FFA,” Thurman said.
The chapter received a Farm
Bureau Community grant. The
chapter also placed in the silver
division for each of the three
areas of the National Chapter
and chapter. Marney represented the chapter well in her quest to become
a state FFA officer. Jordan Cox
and Blake Chance served as
delegates for the chapter at the
convention. Lastly, Patrick Broxterman,
Marney and Thurman all re-
ceived the highest degree
the state can bestow upon its
members, the golden charm of
the state FFA degree. Others in attendance representing Royal Valley were
Kim Mitchell (sponsor), Heidi
Mitchell, Heather Bailey, Cooper Daugherty, Barb Albright,
Angela Marney and Jessie
Marney. “I was honored to get to carry
the colors at the beginning of
the first ceremony,” Emily Albright said. “It was a great experience, and I was very honored to be able to be apart of
Mitchell summarized the
“What an amazing ride these
last three years have been for
the Royal Valley FFA chapter,” Mitchell said. “I believe
after our success at this convention, we can no longer be
called a new chapter. Our community and school should be
very proud of the work that our
members have put in to take
our chapter to the level that we
are at today.”
The Country School reunion
RV students excel at FFA convention
Public Notice
(First published in The
Holton Recorder, Holton, Kan.,
on Monday, June 13, 2016.)
NO. 9
Section 1. The City of
Hoyt, by virtue of the power
vested in it by Article 12, Section 5 of the Constitution of
the State of Kansas, hereby
elects and does exempt itself
and make inapplicable to it
L. 2015, Chapter 88, Section 71, relating to the filling
of governing body vacancies,
which enactment applies to
this city, but does not apply
uniformly to all cities.
Section 2. This charter ordinance shall be published
once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official
city newspaper.
Section 3. This Charter Ordinance shall take effect 61
days after final publication
unless a sufficient petition for
a referendum is filed and a
referendum held on the ordinance as provided in Article
12, Section 5, Subsection
(c)(3) of the Constitution of
the State of Kansas, in which
case the ordinance shall become effective if approved by
the majority of the electors
Passed by the Governing
Body, not less than two-thirds
of the members-elect voting
in favor thereof, this 7th day
of June, 2016.
/s/ Debra L. Dreasher
/s/ Shawna Blackwood
County buys
By Ali Holcomb
pieces of furniture
from the State Capitol Building in Topeka have found
a new home at the Jackson
County Courthouse.
In early May, several thousands of items from the Kansas
statehouse were put up for auction. The items were salvaged
during the 13-year renovation
of the statehouse, which was
completed last year.
During the online auction,
the Jackson County Commissioners – Janet Zwonitzer, Bill
Elmer and Rob Ladner – purchased (for the county) an old
large, 15-foot curved wooden
desk that will be used as their
commission table when they
move the commission chamber
from the second floor of the
Courthouse to the first floor
later this year.
It was reported that the
curved desk was previously
used as a clerk’s desk in the
State Senate chamber and was
built by E. Horn Manufactur-
Jackson County recently purchased several pieces of
salvaged furniture from the Kansas statehouse through
an auction. Some of the purchases included a larger,
curved desk (top photo) and a six-door bookcase (inset).
Both items are located in the first floor meeting room
at the Jackson County Courthouse. The commission’s
chambers are set to move to this new room sometime
this year. Photos by Ali Holcomb
ing of Topeka. The county purchased the desk for $1,010.
In addition, the commissioners purchased a large, six-door
bookcase at a cost of $3,000.
The bookcase was previously
used in the Kansas Supreme
Court, and it will also be used
in the new commission chamber, which serves also as a
large meeting room.
The commissioners also had
the highest bid for a conference
table, with a bid of $800, as
well a miscellaneous bookcase
doors and parts that were sold
separately at a cost of $430.
The total purchase price for
the county was $5,240.
The auction was managed
by Webb & Associates auction
house in Stillwell. Other items
available for purchase during
the auction included thousands
of feet of wooden trim, cast
iron circular stairs, hardwood
flooring, archways, library
ladders and doors. A copper
door that protected the staircase leading to the dome was
also sold.
All the proceeds from the
auction went back to the state
coffers, it was reported.
Kitrell, New on Wesleyan Dean’s Honor Roll
A total of 157 Kansas Wesleyan University students were
named to the Dean’s Honor
Roll for the Spring 2016 semester, it was reported.
Full-time students with a semester grade point average of
3.25-3.74 and no incompletes
are listed on the Dean’s Honor
Roll at the end of each semester.
Local students Alexa Kitrell
and Brylee New, both of
Holton, were named to the
honor roll.
Kansas Wesleyan University is located in Salina and is
a liberal arts university affiliated with the United Methodist
Church. It offers undergraduate
and pre-professional majors.
Kientz Corner
Netawaka U.M.C.
.By Beverly Ramey Newell
On June 12, the Pleasant Hill
Eubanks and Eric
Eisenbarth, both of Holton, are
excited to announce their engagement and upcoming marriage.
The bride-to-be is the daughter
of Keith and Debbie Eubanks of
Denison. The future groom is
the son of Chuck and Becky
Eisenbarth of Holton.
Bailey is a graduate of Holton
High School. She is employed at
Holton Family Health Center.
Eric is a graduate of Holton
High School. He is employed
as a football coach at Washburn
University in Topeka.
The couple will wed on Saturday, June 25, in an outside
ceremony in the country outside
of Denison. The Rev. TD Hicks
will officiate. Flower girl will
be the couple’s daughter, Zoey
In print. Online.
United Methodist Church congregation opened its worship
service by singing “For The
Beauty Of The Earth.”
The concerns were prayers
for Judy Griffin, who has breast
cancer; Sally Shaffer, who has
health problems; and the family of baby Leo.
The birthdays for June 12
through June 18 were: Al Mannell, June 12; Dee Deppe, June
13; Sam Feleay and Camille
Schoettlin, June 14; Wayne
Matson, June 15; and Rita
Dowd and Karen Nicolay, June
The anniversaries for the
week were Gene and Camille
Schoettlin, June 14; Jay and
Jenny Christman, June 16; and
John and Rita Dowd, June 18.
The children’s story was
given by Kevin McDowell. He
told them a story about Jesus
going to a woman’s house. She
bathed Jesus’ feet with her tears
and dried them with her hair.
She anointed Jesus’ feet with
Jesus said, “This woman’s
sins have been forgiven because
she has shown great love.” Jesus told the woman, “Your faith
has saved you; go in peace.”
God sent His only son to die
on the cross for our sins.
Barbara Hanson read the
scriptures Psalm 8 and Ephesians 2:10. The sermon “Only
Human” was given by the Rev.
Kevin Rea, director of the Forest Park Conference and Retreat Center.
Superheroes bring us a message of hope. They help people
get involved and make a change
for the better. We hear people
say, “I’m only human,” “I can
only do so much” and “I only
By Mary E. Edwards
have two hands.”
We were created by God for
a purpose, to do great things.
We are God’s masterpiece. God
knows what His plan is for each
of us. Let us put our trust in
God and seek to do good things
in His name.
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we
are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good
works, which God prepared
beforehand to be our way of
God will show us the way.
Human beings are super heroes.
The closing hymn was “Here
I Am, Lord.” Those assisting
with the service were Barbara
Hanson, liturgist; Marty Ransdell, organist; Deb Mannell
and Joy Jepson, sound system;
Molly Strobel, acolyte; Betty
Domer, song leader; and John
and Linda Reed, Daryl Jepson
and Gary Slimmer, usher team.
On June 8 through June 10,
Gary and Barbara Slimmer attended the Kansas Association
of Retired School Personnel
Convention in Hutchinson.
Gary, serving as KARSP foundation president, presented five
checks for $500 each to five
deserving practicing teachers.
On June 11, Gary and Barbara
Slimmer attended the symphony in the Kansas Flint Hills.
On June 9, Jill and Logan Dierking from Fort Worth, Texas,
came to visit Dick and Beverly
Newell for a few days.
On June 10, Kenny, Yvonne,
Audrey and Cara Etzel were
evening visitors of Dick and
Beverly Newell.
On June 11, Jill and Logan Dierking, Chris Farmer and Dick
and Beverly Newell enjoyed a
pizza supper at the Kenny Etzel
home in Topeka.
after Pentecost, Marcia Robertson was greeter, candle lighter
and offering usher at Netawaka
United Methodist Church. Marilyn Banaka gave the welcome
and announcements.
Joys and concerns were shared.
Jim Banaka reported that Brad’s
heart valve is working now. Very
good news! Flowers and trees are
beautiful. We need to take time to
notice them.
Pastor Caren Loper led the
responsive call to worship and
Psalm 5:1-8. Hymns were “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee,”
“Lead Me, Lord” and “A Charge
To Keep I Have.” Pastor Caren
led the congregational prayer
followed by silent reflection, the
pastoral prayer and the Lord’s
The scripture was Ephesians
6:10-18 and Luke 22:1-6. Pastor Caren’s message was “Put
On The Whole Armor Of God”
in answer to the question, “What
and where are the scriptures concerning the believer who falls
away from Christ’s way?”
We live in a world that is constantly pulling us away from the
Christian way of living. We are
tempted by the devil, who we
don’t recognize as evil.
Ephesians 6 tells us to put on the
full armor of God so that when
the day of evil comes, we can
stand firm with the belt of truth,
the breastplate of righteousness
in place and our feet fitted with
(comfortable) shoes of readiness
from the gospel of peace.
In addition, take up the shield
of faith, which will put out the
flaming arrows from the evil one.
Take the sword of the Holy Spirit, which is the word of God.
After services at Netawaka,
Whiting and Horton, a potluck
lunch was held at Whiting Community Center as a farewell to
Pastor Caren, thanking her for
her time with us. She will be
moving to Lyndon at the end of
The 2nd Battalion, 130th Field
Artillery, Kansas National
Guard, conducted a change
of command ceremony on
Wednesday, June 15, in King
Field House at Fort Riley.
During the 5 p.m. ceremony,
leadership of the historic batallion was passed from Lt. Col.
Paul W. Schneider to Lt. Col.
Thomas R. Powers.
Col. John Rueger, commander, 130th Field Artillery Brigade,
a former Beattie resident, symbolically passed the responsibility for the welfare and training
of the 233 soldiers of the batallion to the new commander.
“I’m honored by the opportunity to serve my country and the
state of Kansas by leading this
incredible batallion,” Powers
said, “and I thank the governor,
the adjutant general and other
Kansas Army National Guard
senior leaders for their faith and
confidence in me.”
Schneider said it had been “an
honor to once again serve in this
historic organization made up of
exceptional soldiers.”
“Our focus the past 31 months
has been increasing the unit’s
readiness while focusing training on delivering lethal, precision artillery fires,” he said.
The batallion is headquartered
in Hiawatha and has subordinate
units in Holton, Lenexa, Marysville and Paola.
On June 12, the fourth Sunday
Change of command ceremony
held for Guard’s 2nd Battalion
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Jackson County
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All word classifieds are printed in the Recorder,
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Blind ads add $2 charge.
Regular classified display ads $7.65 per column inch.
Combo classified display ads $10.30 per column inch.
*The Heart of Jackson Humane
Society shelter is located at 414 E.
Eighth St. in Holton and is open
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Monday
through Saturday and at other
times by appointment. For more
information, call 364-5156.
Lost &
Lost & Found
LOST: 1,000-pound Hereford
heifer, no tag, lost at 286th Road/
N-Road. Call 785-933-2447.
Ron Kuglin, 364-7458.
BABY CHICKS! Day-olds to
6-weeks for sale, multiple breeds
available. Call 785-304-2182 for
detailed listing and cost.
Will overhaul cylinders &
replace any hose assembly.
TONY TONASKET 785-806-1935
Tree care and removal. Aerial
equipped. Stump Removal.
Insured. Free estimates. Holton,
Kan., 785-364-5088 or 785-3836670.
Dump Trucking: Top-soil, filldirt, fill-sand, deco rock (large/
small), pea gravel, driveway rock.
Available 7-days/week. Call 785935-2441.
C-Road, Soldier. Oak deck boards
low as $1.50! Custom-cut black
walnut, oak, ash, cedar, locust,
and your log. Call Richard, 208991-8781.
REMOVAL, aerial equipment,
stump removal, free estimates,
insured. Larrison Tree Service,
364-3743, Call anytime.
Local Youth
Local Youth<At
Mow, trim and bag as requested,
saving money for college. Call
Special Special
family member or friend?
Holton Al-ANON family group,
Wednesdays, 7p.m., Evangel
United Methodist Church, East
door, go to Library, Rm.104.
*Hours at the JCMA New Hope
Center Food Pantry, located at
Fifth Street and Wisconsin Avenue
in the Holton First Christian
Church basement, are from 3 p.m.
to 6 p.m. on Thursdays. For more
information, call 364-7021.
A consistent advertising plan
with your local newspaper,
informing your customers about
how you can serve them, builds
consumer confidence and trust
in your business. Visit with The
Holton Recorder advertising
experts about how to grow your
successful business. Simply call
us at 785-364-3141. We are here
to help your business reach your
are still taking donations and
helping people. We will pick up
donations! Call James, 785-2505244.
NOTICE: The Holton Recorder
is a local dealer for Superior
Company of Wichita. Contact
The Recorder for the following
supplies: Pre-inked stamps, selfinking stamps, daters, markers,
name tags, awards, wall signs,
plaques. 364-3141, 109 W.4th
St., holtonrecorder@giantcomm.
Special Notice
The Heart of Jackson Humane
Society is seeking donations
of several items for continued
operations, as well as more
volunteers to walk dogs at the
shelter. For more information, call
the shelter at 364-5156 or stop by
the shelter at 414 E. Eighth St. in
investing in classified ads on
“Too Good To Be True” business
opportunities, or advance fee
loans, The Holton Recorder urges
readers to visit the consumer
protection website at www. or call
Come join our winning team!
available immediately. Apply in
person at Boomers’ Steakhouse,
401 Colorado Ave., Holton-KS.
Construction company looking to
hire laborers. MUST have driver’s
license. Please contact Bussen
Builders at 785-640-0392.
HELP WANTED: We have an
opening for an Assistant Teacher
in Jackson County Head Start.
Starting salary is $8.70 adjustable
by education and experience.
This job will start in August.
please go to for
job description and application.
Please submit application and
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equal opportunity employer.
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that changes the lives of little
children. We have an opening for
a Program Aide in Jackson County
and North Pottawatomie County
Head Start Center. Starting salary
is $8.70/hour. Please go to www. for job description
and application. Please submit
application and proof of education
to NEKCAP, Inc. is an equal opportunity
Sunflower Supports has an
immediate need for Direct
Support Professionals to assist
adults with disabilities. Must be
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pass drug screen. Overnights/
weekends. Apply at 2521 SW
37th St., Topeka. Call 273-1493,
ext.1 with questions. EOE
for reliable workers! Call 785207-0831 or 785-305-1168.
HELP WANTED: Work in a job
that changes the lives of little
children. We have an opening for
a Program Aide in Jackson County
Head Start Center. Starting salary
is $8.70/hour. Please go to www. for job description
and application. Please submit
application and proof of education
to NEKCAP, Inc. is an equal opportunity
Check your Ad!
Please check your ad the first day it appears and
report any errors immediately. We are responsible
for only one incorrect publication. The Recorder
will not be held responsible for damages resulting
from any errors.
Billing Charge:
364-3141 or fax 364-3422
toll free 888-364-3141
• High School Diploma or equivalent
• Class A or B CDL license with air brake, hazmat,
and tanker endorsements
• CDL driving experience required: 2 years
• Meet all DOT requirements
• Loads, secures, transports, delivers, and unloads propane to and from
specified destinations.
• During daily interaction with customers provides exceptional customer
service by supplying service information and answering inquiries.
• Must possess a drive, determination, professionalism, and the desire to
be a significant factor in growing our business.
• Inspects, paints, repairs and loads tanks
SALARY & BENEFITS: Negotiable based upon experience and qualifications, benefits available.
OPEN: Until July 7, 2016
Candidates are encouraged to apply by sending a resume and
completed employment application to
For complete job description and to access employment applications
go to:
Call or text Tracie
at 785-383-0862
Lawn &
BULK 100% Decorative river
rock, railroad ties, 785-8510053.
Electric Remington chainsaw, 14”
Limb N’ Trim. Brand new is $50,
my price is $20! (1)Craftsman
drill, 9.6 volt, comes w/drill and
(2)9.6-volt batteries and charger
for batteries. Brand new is $50,
my price is $20! Buy both for
$30! Call 785-286-7682.
you change your address, please
inform The Holton Recorder,
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with your new address at: The
Holton Recorder, P.O. Box 311,
Holton, KS 66436; call 785-3643141; or email holtonrecorder@
Rental Rental
Property Property
APARTMENTS in Holton: $325-$450/
month, no pets. 785-484-2026 or
Jersey/Holton. $500/Rent, $500/
deposit. 364-3868.
HOUSE in Circleville with 2-car
garage. Available July! Call/text
• Goff
Wetmore •
Rental Property
newly remodeled home in the
country. 2-car attached garage,
pipe-pens for horses, fishing pond
within walking distance. $1,150/
month rent, $1,200 deposit. No
indoor pets/smoking. Available
May-1. 785-215-2829
deposit; 2-bedroom without
deposit. Available Aug.1. Please
call 785-966-2217.
HOUSE: $500/month, $500/
deposit, no pets. 6-month lease
required. 364-0197
apartment for rent. No smoking/
pets. Newer stove/refrigerator
provided. Call or text with
questions, 785-565-4189.
FOR-SALE: 716 New Jersey/
Holton: 1.5-bedrooms, fully
carpeted. 785-364-2205
FOR-SALE: 1966 Chevrolet
Corvair, 2-door, very nice, sporty
car, runs good, looks good. Call
785-364-3141 days or 785-3643800 evenings.
No Trespassing
No Trespassing
permission. Notice is hereby
given by the undersigned residents
of Jackson County that hunting,
fishing, trapping, or shooting,
or trespassing day or night is
positively forbidden on all land
owned, or rented or occupied by
us, or on roads adjacent to lands
at any time of the year, licenses or
no licenses. April 1, 2016-2017.
Phil and Colene Gutierrez, Roger
Ackeret, Jay Gilliland, BFD
Inc., Joseph B. Nick, and Harold
• Netawaka
Whiting •
• Soldier
• Circleville
Holton •
Havensville •
• Effingham
• Larkinburg
• Arrington
Denison •
Mayetta •
• Emmett
• Delia
Mobile Pet Grooming
Nemaha County Brown County
The Recorder reserves the right to edit, reject and
classify all advertising at anytime. All advertising is
subject to approval by the publisher.
Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is currently seeking applicants
that have the desire to work as a public safety dispatcher.
This position is full-time with an hourly salary of $14.38-$14.90 after training.
MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: The following are requirements: Must have a
High School Diploma or Equivalent (GED). Must be able to pass the applicant
testing, background investigation, psychological exam and drug screening. Must
be open to scheduling flexibility (must have the ability to work any shift,
weekends and holidays), must be able to accurately type at least 40 wpm,
multi-task and have excellent customer service, all of which are fundamental to
employment. Previous public safety dispatching experience is preferred, but not
required. Successful applicants will become certified in Emergency Medical
Dispatching and NCIC within 6 months of hire and maintain all necessary
certifications as required. Public safety dispatcher duties include, but are not
limited to, answering 9-1-1 telephones, transmitting vital information to
emergency personnel via the radio, relaying information via Computer-Aided
Dispatch, and answering administrative lines serving the Law
Enforcement/EMS/Fire personnel.
OBTAINING AN APPLICATION: Applications are available at or
at the Jackson County Sheriff’s Office at 210 US Hwy. 75, Holton, Kansas.
For more information call 785-364-2251.
This position will remain open until filled.
The Jackson County Sheriff’s Office is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
When you advertise in the Holton
Recorder and the Jackson County Shopper you reach every household in the
county and beyond.
A $1.50 billing charge will be added to Recorder
Classified Word Ads not paid in advance of publication. The billing charge is to cover the expense of
preparing and mailing the bills.
We Cover The County
And Beyond Each Week!
• Hoyt
Shawnee County
Next time you advertise with a display
ad, tell us to “combo” your ad!
Banner Creek is seeking a
Plant Engineer for our
facility in Holton, KS. If
you enjoy working in a team-based environment with the opportunity to acquire new
skills in the oversight of Facility Maintenance, Process Safety Management, and
Environmental utilities, this job is what
you’ve been looking for.
Great benefits, competitive pay, with bonus
program and a 401(k) plan are waiting for
you here. Candidates who are self-starters,
excellent communicators, and team-oreinted
are welcome to apply!
View details/apply online at:
We value the diversity of our workforce and we embrace the principles of
Equal Opportunity Employment. Banner Creek values the service Veterans
and their family members have given to our country.We support the hiring
of returning service members and military spouses. M/F/Vet/Disability
Sabetha Community Hospital is now accepting applications for a
FULL-TIME NIGHT RN OR LPN with IV Certification.
Shifts are 12 hrs. with 36 hrs. per week as FT.
Approximately every 3rd weekend is required. Facility is 90% lift free.
Supportive medical staff consists of five family practice physicians.
An excellent base salary is offered with a competitive shift differential.
Additional benefits include vacation, holiday, sick time, group health
insurance with dental and prescription drug riders, pension plan,
group life and dependent insurance and numerous others.
If interested in this opportunity visit the hospital’s website at
or call Julie Holthaus, Human Resource Director
at 785-284-2121 ext. 584.
(6 a.m. - 2 p.m., student school calendar)
$12.12 per hr., after training
Salary based on experience
Applications will be accepted until positions are filled and are
available at:
or may be picked up at 101 W. Main St., Mayetta, or call 785-966-2246.
KPA Classified Ads
----------------------------------------------Help Wanted/Truck Driver
Convoy Systems is hiring Class A
drivers to run from Kansas City to
the west coast. Home Weekly! Great
Call Tina ext. 301
or Lori ext. 303
-----------------------------------------------Help Wanted/Truck Driver
Driver Trainees Needed! Become a
driver for Stevens Transport! Earn $800
Stevens covers all costs!
----------------------------------------------Farm Equipment
Our Hunters will Pay Top $$$ To hunt
your land. Call for a Free Base Camp
Leasing info packet & Quote.
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00MAKE & SAVE MONEY with
your own bandmill- Cut lumber any
dimension. In stock ready to ship!
1-800-578-1363 Ext. 300N
----------------------------------------------EXPAND YOUR JOB SEARCH by
announcing openings in this special
Kansas Classified Ad Network. $300 for
25 words plus $12 for each additional
word. Contact The Holton Recorder at
785-364-3141. Your classified ad will
be printed in more than 140 Kansas
newspapers and be read by nearly one
million readers! What a great deal!
Crossword Answers
Holton school board...
Continued from Page 1
trip requests contingent upon
the court’s decision on school
*Approved a motion to enter
into executive session at 7:17
p.m. for 30 minutes to discuss
non-elected personnel with
Stones and assistant superintendent Joe Kelly. At 7:30 p.m.
Jason Schroeder, activities director, joined the executive session.
*Returned to regular session
at 7:47 p.m. with no decisions
*Approved a motion to accept the list of classified staff as
presented. The list will be published soon in The Recorder.
*Approved a motion to accept
the list of coaches as presented.
That list is published on page 6
of this edition.
*Approved a motion to transfer $2,069.30 in funds for low
priced/free adult meals for the
2015-2016 school year.
*Learned that the district
had been served a Civil Rights
complaint. Stones said he had
received a letter about two
weeks ago that a complaint had
been filed Feb. 3 with the U.S.
Dept of Education, Office of
Civil Rights. The letter alleged
discrimination on the basis of
sex and disability, involving a
student. Currently, the district’s
KASB attorney is writing a let-
ter of rebuttal with documentation included.
*Learned from Stones that
staff is currently working on a
return-to-work policy due to
the increasing number of workman’s compensation injuries
that the district is having. This
will allow the district to get
injured workers back to work
doing light duty work, Stones
*Adjourned the meeting at
7:53 p.m.
Important Dates:
June 6 – First Day of Summer
June 27- Next BOE meeting.
Sept 18 – Grand Opening of
Holton Elementary at 2 p.m.
Continued from Page 1
His first assignment was at
Fort Sill in Oklahoma, and he
stayed there for a year before
being promoted to the rank of
captain and transferring to Camp
Claiborne in Louisiana. From
there, he went to North Africa and
eventually to Italy, where he was
killed in action on the beachhead
below Rome, it was reported.
Wallace’s survivors included
his wife, Laura, and their three
children, who had relocated to
Texarkana, Ark., while he was in
the Army, as well as three brothers, all serving in the ministry —
two of them in Kansas, in fact, at
the time of his death.
Wallace may not have been
engaging in armed combat at the
time of his death, as an editorial
in the Topeka Capital newspaper — reprinted in The Recorder
on March 20, 1944 — suggested
that “not every hero of this war
carries a gun.”
“Chaplain Wallace gave his
life for his country at a time
when he was serving in the line
of duty as a man of God traveling with the troops into combat,”
the editorial said. “As he saw it,
the church has an obligation to
provide whatever spiritual assistance can be extended to our
men in uniform. He risked his
life, and gave his life, to carry
out that duty.”
Purple Heart...
County Commission...
Continued from Page 1
* Learned from Eric Fritz,
road and bridge department
co-supervisor, that he has been
looking into implementing a
hazmat spill plan for the fuel and
oil tanks located at the bridge
yard on the east side of Holton
the new road and bridge shop
just north of Holton.
The Kansas Department of
Health and Environment is mandating that plans be established
for all counties.
Fritz said that, after some research, he estimates that a spill
plan for the tanks at the bridge
yard will cost $2,100 and $800
at the new shop.
It would be ideal, Fritz said, if
all tanks were at one location. If
they were, Fritz said the county
would need a containment area
around the tanks, which generally includes two-foot concrete
walls with a concrete floor.
* Heard a weekly report from
Fritz and Earl Bahret, road and
bridge department co-supervisor, Bryson Bain, shop foreman, and Twila White, road and
bridge department administrative assistant.
An estimate was received
from Sullivan Construction of
Holton to install concrete to triple the size of the proposed tire
shop addition to the new road
and bridge shop.
The company was already
awarded the bid to pour concrete and rebar for the original,
proposed 20-foot by 50-foot tire
room at a cost of $8,960.
The new estimate for concrete
for a 50-foot by 60-foot tire area
and retaining wall is $29,585.
Later in the meeting, Fritz presented an estimate from Schulz
Construction of Topeka for in-
creasing the size of the proposed
roof for the tire area.
The new roof estimate for the
tire shop area is $55,900 for a
60-foot by 54-foot extension.
The steel framework is estimated to cost $9,720.
The commissioners said they
are interested in enlarging the
proposed tire shop addition so
that it’s large enough to accommodate county vehicles for tire
work and not just serve as a storage unit for the tires and associated supplies.
* Discussed N and 238th
Roads, which the commissioners viewed the previous week. A
resident requested that maintenance work be completed on the
road so that a few acres of land
can be sold.
Commissioners said they
were not in favor of maintaining
that portion of the road.
Continued from Page 2
Kester informed the council
that the main operator and one
of the major contributors of the
fireworks event will be retiring in
three years.
Chief of Police Dan Wentling
gave the monthly police report.
Wentling reported that the school
zone signs have been posted.
The council discussed the ordinance passed allowing Dustin
Gunter to ride his ATV to and
from school.
The council discussed parking
on Main Street and the need to repaint lines on the street. Holthaus
stated that he would look into the
options and costs for doing this
$12,000 estimate from Andrews
Asphalt and Construction, Inc.
for asphalt patching and miscellaneous crack sealing on various
streets in town. Holthaus made a
motion to accept the bid from Andrews Asphalt and Construction,
Inc. in the amount of $12,000.
Ryan seconded the motion, and
it carried.
Ryan discussed a recent water line break by the Rural Water
District No. 1 office. Ryan also
discussed a conversation with
Bryan regarding the need to clean
out the main water shut off valve
holes making for easier access
when needed and reduce chances
of valves breaking.
Bryan has discussed this with
Bob Ehrhart and it is estimated
the cost will be around $1,000.
Ryan made a motion to have Ehrhart Excavating and Bryan clean
the main shut off valve holes.
Allen seconded the motion. The
motion carried.
Ryan discussed the recent work
done by Bryan at the community
building. His repairs appear to
have fixed the condensation and
leaking problem at the building.
Dillner discussed the upcom-
ing seventh grade community
service project at the park. She
also stated that the new swing is
up at the park. The flooding of
the gazebo was also discussed.
Allen made and Ryan seconded a motion to pay bills. The motion carried.
Ryan made a motion to adjourn. Holthaus seconded, and
the motion carried. The meeting
adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
Hoyt council...
Holton chiropractor Joe Schneider’s last day on the job will be Friday after seeing
patients for nearly 32 years.
Photo by Ali Holcomb
Continued from Page 1
supporting chiropractors.”
Dr. Schneider said that Holton
is an ideal community.
“It’s a safe place to raise children,” he said. “The community
bands together in a time of need.
The ice storm of 2007 is a good
example of that. We’re appreciative of the way the community
has supported our practice.”
In their retirement, the Schneiders plan to spend more time
with their three sons, Nathan, his
wife Laura and their son Ethan;
Nick, his wife Jenny and their
children Rosalie and Andrew;
and Jacob.
Schneider taught human anatomy and physiology at Highland
Community College for nine
years, and he said he is interested
in doing additional teaching in
his retirement.
Eastridge Nursing Facility at Centralia
Openings for the following positions:
Full Time Cook
This position requires a person who likes to cook or is willing to learn to cook and enjoys working
around people. The facility will provide training to an appropriate and motivated individual. The
position is four evening shifts and one day shift a week and every other weekend and some holidays.
Full Time Night CNA
Looking for someone who enjoys working with the elderly and is very task oriented.
Will be working from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. or 10 p.m. to 5 a.m.
Full Time Evening CNA
Will be working evening shift 1:30pm – 10:00pm
Part Time Night Nurse
Will be working from 5 p.m. to 5 a.m. and every third weekend.
Competitive wages and benefits. Call Eastridge at Centralia 785-857-3388 for more details
or apply on line at
A division of Community HealthCare System, Inc. EOE
Community HealthCare System
is seeking various positions, both direct and indirect patient care.
CHCS offer competitive pay and a complete benefits package.
CHCS is a dynamic full-integrated healthcare system that promotes excellent patient care.
CHCS is currently accepting applications for the following positions:
PHARMACY TECHNICIAN responsible for coordinating the medication purchase process –
Certified Pharmacy Technician required.
RN ACUTE - 36 hours/week, 6 p - 6 a position - Onaga Campus
RN ACUTE - 24 hours/week, 6p - 6a position - St. Marys Campus
RN HOME HEALTH - 40 hours/week
RN CLINIC ST. MARYS - 30-40 hours/week
MT/MLT - 40 hours/week - Onaga Campus
For more information and to apply go to
and click on “Careers” or contact Human Resources
at 785-889-5026. EOE
Public Notice
(First published in The Holton Recorder, Holton, Kan., on
Monday, June 13, 2016.)
NO. 7
Section 1. The City of Hoyt,
Kansas, has recognized that
the two previously passed
Charter Ordinances were incorrectly numbered and thus
not listed in chronological order.
Section 2. The governing
body further recognizes that
in order to amend a Charter
Ordinance the City must do
so by Charter Ordinance.
Section 3. As such the following Charter Ordinances
are amended only so far as
to change the number of the
Charter Ordinance to correctly present them in chronological order:
Charter Ordinance 04-01,
passed on September 7,
2004 is hereby amended to
Charter Ordinance 5.
Charter Ordinance 2013-1,
passed on August 22, 2013 is
hereby amended to Charter
Ordinance 6.
Section 4. This Charter
Ordinance shall be published
once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official
city newspaper.
Section 5. This Charter
Ordinance shall take effect
61 days after the final publication unless a sufficient
petition for a referendum is
filed, requiring a referendum
to be held on the ordinance
as provided by Article 12,
Section 5, Subsection (c)
(3) of the Constitution of the
State of Kansas, in which
case this Charter Ordinance
shall become effective upon
approval by the majority of
the electors voting thereon.
Passed by the Governing
Body, not less than two-thirds
of the members elect voting
in favor thereof, this 7th day
of June, 2016.
/s/ Debra L. Dreasher
/s/ Shawna Blackwood
You may call @ (785) 817-0251, or visit in person at 3167 SE 10th, Topeka, KS 66607.