lorenzo villoresi: the world-champion nose
lorenzo villoresi: the world-champion nose
iEPI( LjREAN-'fRAVELER.corn Home EoicureanTastinq Room EoicureanTraveler Discussion Resources Contact !g By Lucy Gordan Site Mao Photosby JacquesGavard Media KE Bav Area Wine Writers Florence,November27, 2OOG Links On ThanksgivingFlorentineperftrmerLorenzoVilloresireceivedthe FrangoisCoty prize at the Chateaud'Ertignyin the LoireValley and was crownedLe Roi des Nez or "The King of the Ads bv Gooole Noses",surpassingall his Frenchcompetitorson their home turf and at the professionthey longto be their nationalexclusive.In all faimessVilloresiis not the first ltalianto be awarded boasted Discount Perfumes this prize,but the otherswere multi-nationals,never beforean independentperfumer. Online PopularFragrancesAt AffordablePrices.Order Safely& Securely! L OR E N ZO V ILLO R E S I : THEWO R LD -C H A MP IO NS E NO www.Scentiments.com M Spiritual Sky Perfume oil Patchouli,Amber, Sandalwood,Musk Opium,Vanilla,etc. Free Shipping www.incensewarehouse.com The Perfume Spot Sale Brandnamefragrancesat a discountReal fragrancesat unreal prices www.USAperfumes.com Anqel Perfume 100%Pricematch guaranteeFreeshipping on ordersover $55.00 photoOjacques. gavard@mac.com www.arcperfum€s.com Todayfragrances(includingVilloresi's)are sold all over the world in duty-frees,department stores,and specialtyshops, but perfumehas a historyas ancientas Egypt,where tomb remains Name Brand Perfume - revealthe use of fragrant ointmentsand oils. Avicenna,a 10th-century Arab physicianand Less philosopher,is said to have discoveredthe distillationprocessthat greatly reducedthe cost of Hardto Find Huge makingthe essentialoils used in perfumery,and knowledgeof distillationspreadthroughEurope Selectionof Name Brand duringthe MiddleAges as the Crusadersretumedwith samplesof Arab essences. 9orfrrmo a t h i cn n rrn l I vr ru r I rv gr ur gwgr 11 Prices! www.PerfumeLA.com Advertiseon this site Four Generationsof Villoressi photo Ojacques.gavard@mac.com The first modemperfume,madeof s@ntedoils blendedin an alcoholsolution,was madein 1370 at the commandof QueenElizabethof Hungaryand was knownthroughoutEuropeas Hungary Water.The art of perfumeryprosperedin RenaissanceFlorence-- even Leonardoda Vinci was especiallyof laurel-- and in the 16thcenturyFlorentineculinaryand an expertin distillation, perfumeryrefinements were takento Parisby Catherinede' Medici,the youngbrideof the future FrenchKing Henryll, and her personalperfumer,RenatoBianco.Thus Francequicklybecame the Europeancenterof perfumemanufactureit still is today. the religiousritesof ancientChina,Palestine,and "The bumingof incensethat accompanied Egyptled graduallyto the personaluse of perfume,.explainsLorenzoVilloresi,who in his acceptancespeechcomparedhimselfto a panda,becausehe too is a beastfrom the pastwho resiststhe freneticpace of modemlife and the driveto be 'in fashion."He considershimselfan Catherinede' Medici.A 50alchemistand a discipleof both Avicennaand of fellow-Florentine year-oldcosmopolitan gourmet,Villoresihas combinedhis lovelofhistory,travel,and spicycuisine intothe unusualesotericprofessionof perfumer. researcherin philosophy, Villoresitravelledwidelyin the Far and MiddleEast: As a post-graduate at home, India,lsrael,Jordan,Sinai,the Red Sea,and Egypt.Here he felt particularly undoubtedlybecause duringthe early 1950shis parentshad owneda boutiqueofFlorentine artisanryat King Farouk'sCourt. "l stilllove to wanderendlesslyin Khartoum'sOmdurman,Old Jerusalem's and Cairo'sbazaars searchingfor essencesand spices.Cairo is the best placein the worldto leam aboutperfume production," explainsVilloresi,who beganhis careerconcoctingfragrancesfirstas a hobbyfor friendsand then for Fendi(scentedcandles),Armani,and Trussardi.Now,althoughhis products for the home and bath are sold at London'sFortnum& Mason,New York'sBergdorfand Barney's, or San Francisco'sGumps,and lsetanin Tokyo,Villoresiprefersto createpersonalized "signature"perfumes. Startingat around$150,usuallyVilloresi'sone-of-a-kindfragrancescost only a littlebit morethan a brandnameand the formula-- a secret-- remainsexclusiveto its wearer.Someessences, The most such as cinnamon,nutmeg,sandalwoodoils, and citrusflavorsare quite inexpensive. preciousessence-- and thereforeperfumesmade with it -- is iris root, which at $35,000per kilo is morevaluablethan gold. Villoresihas countedamonghis 400 regularclientsJackieKennedyOnasis,supermodelLinda fashiondesignerRobertoCapucci,CherieBlair,Sting,Jodorowky,and Madonna. Evangelista, Most peoplecomealoneand in one sittingchoosesummer,winter,momingand evening fragrances;only 5% oomeas couples,thougheveryone'soommongoal is "sexualaftraction." "WhenCatherinede'Medicileft Florencefor Francein the 1550s.and introducedthe art of makingperfumesto the French,the most popularfragrancewas woodbine,a fragrant flower:everyFlorentinewore it," says Villoresi,whoseoldersisterCristinaoffers honeysuckle 28-roomHotelVillaVilloresi,a week-longcookingcoursesat the family'ssplendidly-frescoed Renaissancecountryhousesix milesnorthwestof Florence(Via Ciampi2, Colonnatadi Sesto or e-mail:cvillor@tin.it FAX 011-39-055-/142063, tel.011-39-055-443212, Fiorentino,50019, where Lorenzocreateshis pot-pourriand homeessences,"my lLAVilloresi@ila-chateau.com), way to help you personalizeyour environment." 'Duringthe Renaissanceit was relativelyeasyto makea perfume.Now it's different.Peoplewant to distinguishthemselveswith a uniqueperfume-- somethingdesignednot only as a personal statementbut also as a moodenhancer."Since1989LorenzoVilloresihas dreamedup his scents view over the Amo and RenaissanceFlorence.Sunoundedby in an atticwith a breath-taking some 1,000smallcoloredbottlesbearingsuch intriguinglabelsas "sea breeze,'"freshlycut grass"and "damphay,' with his charmingwife Ludovicahe beginsby askingabouthis client's favoritesmells.Thenthereis the sniffingsession.'The powerof smellis reallyincredible"he explains."Lots of memoriesand emotionscan be evokedby a particularessence.My nose or the client'snose is not the end-alland the be-all.A perfumeis bom in the brain."This complex lastsan averageof two to threehoursand usuallycostsaround$1,200 olfactorypsychoanalysis "your very own" perfume.The quantityof each essenoeis then carefullyrecordedin a including personalfile, makingreorderssimple. "An Arab emir once asked me for a fragrancethat evokeda horse at full gallop. However,the most unusualrequestI ever created,'Villoresichuckles,"wasfor an Englishladywho wantedto the scentof her recentlydeceasedbeloveddog. I must have beensuccessful immortalize startedhowlingand following becauseas soon as she left all the straydogs in the neighborhood her down the street." Whencreatinga personalperfume,Villoresiusuallyblends30 to 40 essencesof the 100 or so sniffed.'Combiningessencesis like composingmusic,"he explains."A perfumeis createdfrom differentnotesthat take sometime to playout. lt is like a symphony,but I don'tmakeyour perfume.You use me to makethe perfumeyou want. lt is very personaland reflectswho you are, who you thinkyou are, and who you wouldlike to be. No otherpersondoes exactlywhat I do." or FAX -39-55-2345893, at Via Bardi14, Florence,phone-39-055-2341187, For an appointment In additionto customfragrances,you can purchaseVilloresi'sovere-mail:info@lorenzovilloresi.it. the-counterline of perfumes,pot-pourri,lotions,and soaps,whichwere producedwith fashion designerGiorgioArmani,someof which are availablefrom e-bay or otherwebsites,if you google LorenzoVilloresi.His newest,"ALAMUT,"launchedat the end qf 2006in a ruby red crystalboftle with a sterlingsilverlabeland top, has a sumptuousOrientalscent of rare and preciouswoods, TonkinMusk,and amber. Startinglaterthis year you'llbe ableto visit and studyat Villoresi'slatestbrainchild:The Perfume palacenot far from his laboratory.In additionto Academy,whichwill open in a Renaissance coursesand seminarsofferedby the world'sgreatest'nez," it will includea perfumemuseum,a "perfumelaboratory," a gardenof tropicalplants,and a smallhammam. Farmaciadi BeforeleavingFlorence,anothermust for perfume-loversis the beautifully-frescoed SantaMaria Novellaat Via dellaScala 16r,-39-055-216276.lnthis etherealsetting,Dominican fathersstill produceperfumeand otherbeautyproducts,includinglotionsfor everyskin type, accordingto their orde/s Renaissanceformulas.Not to mentionAntica Farmaciadi San Marco al also foundedin the 15thcentury,with its vaultedfrescoed Via Cavour146,tel. -39-055-210604, popularwith English ceilingsand rowsof majolicajars. Theirspecificsincludean anti-hysteric expatriatefadiesduringthe 19th century,and excellentrose water and eaux de cologne. Then, to leam still more about the historyof perfumeand its production,follow in the footstepsof a certainRenatoTombarelli,a Florentinechemist,like Bianco,in Catherinede'Medici's entourage.He seftledin Grasseand, in part,thanksto his initiative,this charmingand peaceful town nestledin the hills aboveCanneson the FrenchRivierahas becomethe modernperfume capitalof the world. Nicknamed"the city of flowers,"its omnipresentfragrancesand flowersare celebratedtwice a year:at the Rose Expoduringthe last week of May and August'sJasmineFestival.Duringthe rest of the year four of Grasse's30 perfumefactoriesoffer hour-longguidedtoursduringwhich are explained.For more indepthstudy,at the International the techniquesof perfume-making Openeveryday,exceptpublic (Place 8, tel. 011-33-93-368020, du Cours PerfumeryMuseum holidays,betweenJune 1 and September30 from 10AM-7PM;and from 1OAM-noon and 2-5 PM October1-May31, exceptclosedMondays,Tuesdays,publicholidaysand the monthof November)all the secretsof perfumeare revealed:from the processingof raw materialsfrom the museum'svery own greenhouse(creationof essences,distillation,extraction)to the productionof perfumeitself. On display are a rare collectionof antiqueutensilsand perfumeboftlesfrom ancientEgypt to the present,includingMarieAntoinette'stravel case. The nearby Fragonard (BoulevardFragonard23, tel. 001-33-93360161) and MolinardMuseums(BoulevardVictorHugo FAX:011-33-93-360391 60, tel. 011-33-93-360162, ) both havefine collectionsof bottles,labels, and documentson the historyof perfumerythroughthe ages. Fragonardis the elegant 17thcenturycountryhouse of the famouscourt painterJean-Honor6Fragonard,and Molinard'soffers two differentoourses:StudrbVolatileand SfudrbFixateurto measureyour aptitudefor becoming un nez or a nose. For a hands-onexperience,after a tour of the ParfumerieGalimard,you celn create your own personalfragranceand receivea certificateas'Honorary MasterPerfumer."lt's great fun even if your nose is not up to Villoresi'ssniff!