Agora SA
Agora SA
Investor presentation Financial and market performance 3Q 2011 Advertising market slowdown Quarterly performance of ad market segments +8.5% 8.5% 10% +6. +6.5% +6.5% 6.5% +4. +4.5% +2.5% 2.5% +2.0% 2.0% Yoy % change yoy % change Quarterly ad spend performance 48% 40% 0% 0% 1Q09 2Q09 3Q09 4Q09 1Q10 2Q10 3Q10 4Q10 1Q11 2Q11 3Q11 -5.5% 5.5% 32% 24% -8.0% 8.0% -10% 16% -14.0% 4.0% -13.5% 3.5% 8% -20% 0% -2- -24% Radio 8.5% y0.5pp Internet Television¹ Magazines Outdoor Dailies Cinema Source: ad spend estimates by: Agora (press based on Kantar Media and Agora’s monitoring, radio based on Kantar Media), Starlink (TV, cinema, Internet – comprise revenues from e-mail marketing, display, search engine marketing and affiliate marketing), IGRZ (outdoor); ¹ Data, for 1Q09 -3Q11, according to new methodology of TV ad market measurement (by media house Starlink), comprise standard TV advertising and sponsoring revenues. The estimates for previous reporting periods have not been adjusted adequately therefore they are not fully comparable. Radio 3Q11 2Q11 1Q11 4Q10 3Q10 -32% 2Q10 1pp -16% 1Q10 y2.0% Magazines 11.5% -8% 4Q09 PLN 1.6 billion 1.5pp Dailies 8.5% 1.5pp 1pp Television 43.5% 0pp yoy % and pp change 3Q09 2.5pp Outdoor 9.5% Cinema 1.5% 2Q09 Internet 17.0% 1Q09 Advertising market structure in 3Q11 Revision of advertising market estimates Current advertising market estimates – November 2011 24% 18% 18% yoy % changer 24% 13-17% 13-17% -3- dailies outdoor radio cinema Total ad television Internet magazines dailies market -6% -12% Source: 3Q 2011: ad spend estimates by: Agora (press based on Kantar Media and Agora’s monitoring, radio based on Kantar Media), Starlink (TV, cinema, Internet – comprise revenues from e-mail marketing, display, search engine marketing and affiliate marketing), IGRZ (outdoor); 2011 – Agora’s own estimates. (-9%)-(-12%) magazines (-1%)-(-3%) Internet (-7%)-(-9%) -12% 2-4% 0% market -6% 6-8% 6-8% 0% 3-5% television 2-4% 3-5% Total ad 6% 2-4% 3-5% 6% 7-9% 12% 7-9% 12% (-4%)-(-6%) yoy % changer Previous advertising market estimates for 2011 outdoor radio cinema Financial performance of the Agora Group 3Q 2011 yoy change Revenues, incl.: 283.6 15.0% 898.7 15.8% - advertising 162.4 2.9% 514.5 0.3% - copy sales 42.3 (13.0%) 142.7 (7.0%) - tickets sales2 34.8 - 104.3 - - other 44.1 32.4% 137.2 33.5% 275.7 18.4% 854.2 18.4% - raw materials, energy and consumables 57.5 30.1% 184.1 34.2% - external services 84.5 26.5% 256.2 31.8% - staff cost 76.6 15.5% 232.7 13.7% - - 8.8 49.2% - marketing & promotion 26.8 (7.6%) 81.7 (10.2%) - D&A 22.4 8.2% 70.3 17.4% PLN million Operating cost, incl.: - non-cash expense relating to share-based payments EBIT EBIT margin Operating EBITDA1 Operating EBITDA margin1 Net profit -4- 1-3Q 2011 yoy change Growth of revenues caused by consolidation in the Group’s results the revenues of Helios S.A.. Additionally, positive contribution of Radio, Outdoor and Internet segments. The growth of advertising revenues results from positive contribution of radio, Outdoor and Internet segments. The decrease caused mainly by lower copy sales revenues in the Newspapers and Magazines segments. The growth results mainly from the inclusion of revenues from food and beverages sales in Helios cinema network and higher revenues from the sales of printing services to external clients. The growth results mainly from the consolidation of the operating cost of the Helios cinema network. The growth results mainly from the higher cost of production materials, the inclusion of the cost of purchase of products to be sold in the bars located in Helios cinema network, cost of materials and energy of Helios cinema network. Growth resulting from the increased number of employees due to the purchase of Helios group and execution of development projects in the Group Result of reduced advertising expenditure by most segments in the Group. 7.9 (42.8%) 44.5 (18.5%) 2.8% (2.8pp) 5.0% (2.0pp) 30.3 (12.2%) 123.6 2.7% 10.7% (3.3pp) 13.8% (1.7pp) 5.5 (53.0%) 34.1 (36.4%) Source: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; ¹ excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments. 2 lack of yoy comparison as the ticket sales of 3q11 and 1-3q11 includes only revenues contributed solely in September 2011. Due to the consolidation of Helios in the Agora Group. Segment performance: Newspapers (Gazeta Wyborcza, Metro, Special Projects, Printing Division) Financial performance¹ yoy change 1-3Q 2011 yoy change 132.9 (7.6%) 436.8 (7.2%) - advertising in Gazeta 57.3 (15.5%) 189.5 (16.4%) - copy sales of Gazeta 31.6 (12.2%) 97.3 (11.1%) PLN million Revenues, incl.: 113.7 0.5% - raw materials, energy, consumables and printing services 46.0 - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - marketing & promotion Operating cost, incl.: EBIT² EBIT margin² Operating EBITDA³ operating EBITDA margin³ -5- 3Q 2011 366.4 2.3% 7.0% 150.5 7.7% 33.1 2.2% 100.1 2.8% 14.9 (14.4%) 48.2 (12.0%) 19.2 (37.7%) 70.4 (37.5%) 14.4% (7.0pp) 16.1% (7.8pp) 25.8 (30.5%) 96.8 (28.3%) 19.4% (6.4pp) (22.2%) (6.5pp) Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; ad spend in dailies: Agora, display advertising, 3Q11; ¹ incl. Gazeta Wyborcza, Metro, Special Projects, Printing Division; ² excluding allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.; ³ excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments and allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A. The decline in revenues caused mainly by limited expenditure in the following advertising categories: recruitment, tourism and automotive. The decrease caused by smaller number and impact of dual pricing offer and global trend of copy sales decline. Results mainly from higher newsprint prices. Due to limited number of promotional campaigns of Gazeta Wyborcza and smaller number of book series in 3Q11. Position of Gazeta Wyborcza in dailies segment % share in copy sales of selected dailies¹ Weekly readership reach in 3Q11¹ Thou. copies 100% no of readers 13.0% Fakt 3.9 million Gazeta Wyborcza 3.6 million Super Express 1.7 million 5.6% Metro 1.7 million 5.5% Rzeczpospolita 1.1 million Dziennik Gazeta Praw na 0.6 million 75% 12.1% 50% 27% 27.7% 25% 2.0% Gazeta Fakt Super Express Rzeczpospolita Dziennik 0% Sep'11 J ul'11 May '11 Mar'11 J an'11 Nov '10 Sep'10 J ul'10 May '10 Mar'10 J an'10 Nov '09 Sep'09 J ul'09 May '09 Mar'09 % reach J an'09 0% 3.6% 4% 8% 12% 16% Dziennik Gazeta Prawna² Change in ad spend in the largest ad categories in dailies in 3Q11 (till Sept. 11, 09 Gazeta Prawna) y0.5pp Mecom (local) 8.5% 0pp yoy % change n TA L Au t nc ia na Fi TO ks or ln et w R et ai e ls er vi om ce s ot ive R ec ru it m en In t te rio rd es Te ig n le co m m un To ic ur at ism io er en t d an nc Si e C ul tu r le e st at nc e ea R ou e m en ts ta i nm yoy % and pp change z0.5pp 20% 3Q11 15% 10% 5% 0% PLN 0.17 billion z14% Other 8.5% 0.5pp 5% 3 Polskapresse 19.0% y2.0pp -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% -35% 1% -1% -5% Dziennik Gazeta Prawna 3.5% 0pp Fakt 8.5% z1pp -6- Gazeta W yborcza 36.5% An n Rzeczpospolita 7.5% z1.5pp Super Express 3.5% Metro 4.5% y1pp en t Dailies ad spend structure¹ -12% -8% -13% -14% -17% -30% -40% Source: copy sales: ZKDP, total paid circulation, Jan09 – Sep11, comparison; financials: consolidated financial statements IFRS, 3Q11; readership: Polskie Badania Czytelnictwa, execution MillwardBrown SMG/KRC, Jul-Sep 11, N=12 124, CCS indicator (weekly readership), elaboration Agora S.A.; ad spend in dailies Agora, estimates, display advertising; ¹ comparison of major dailies only; ² the title appeared on the market on September 14, 2009 from the merger of Gazeta Prawna and Dziennik. Previous copy sales data based on copy sales of Gazeta Prawna. The copy sales of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna in the period Sep 14-30 amounted to 126 thou. Copies; 3 in July 2011 PolskaPresse purchased remaining 75% stake in Dziennik Polski. -21% -32% -37% Metro and Special Projects Metro Special Projects Financial performance 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 z3.5% yoy % change PLN million PLN million Financial performance y10.4% 3Q11 2.7 mln 2.0 mln 1.4 mln 0.0 mln 3Q11 1-3Q10 Revenues 1-3Q10 4.5% z24.7% -0.5 mln -0.8 mln 3Q10 3Q11 Revenues 3.0% 1.2 mln 1-3Q10 -0.6 mln 1-3Q11 EBIT² Statistics 3Q11 3Q10 1 4 One-offs 14 7 Total: 15 11 Copies sold (million)³ 0.1 0.3 0.5pp Series local y0.3% yoy % change Operating EBITDA¹ Metro ad market share in 3Q11 national 42 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 -3 4.5% 1.0pp (Total) (excl. Warsaw) 1pkt% 16.0% 2.5pp Warsaw 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% % share -7- Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; ad expenditure in dailies: Agora’s estimates, display advertising; ¹ excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments and allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.; ² excluding allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.. ³ books and books with CDs and DVDs. Growth of revenues in Internet segment Financial performance¹ Position in thematic categories (August‘11)4 PLN million 3Q11 yoy change 1-3Q11 Revenues, incl.: 26.0 11.1% 81.4 15.5% - display ads 18.0 13.2% 57.4 21.6% - ad sales in verticals 6.0 3.4% 18.6 8.1% Operating cost, incl.: 24.6 7.4% 78.5 14.4% 12.5 15.7% 36.2 12.8% 3.2 (28.9%) 13.3 3.9% 1.4 180.0% 2.9 52.6% 5.4% 3.3pp 3.6% 0.9pp 2.8 33.0% 8.1 11.0% 10.8% 1.8pp 10.0% 0.4pp - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - marketing & promotion EBIT ² EBIT margin ² Operating EBITDA³ operating EBITDA margin³ yoy change Real users position 6.5 #3 3.9 #1 News & journalism 5.3 #3 Lifestyle 4.7 #4 1.1 #2 Education 1.8 #3 Sports 3.1 #3 Construction, real estate 1.8 #1 Recruitment 1.5 #4 Communities - Forums & discussion groups - Children, Family Mobile page views (August’11)4 70 90% 59.1 71.8% 60 59.1% y0.1% z2.8pp 11.1 mln y1.9% z1.8pp 11.2 mln y4.4% 12.2 mln y3.5% z0.3pp 13.4 mln 30% z1.0pp 50 52.8% z4.1pp z2.7% 59.5% 60% No. of page views 54.0 65.4% 9.9 mln % reach Reach of websites of selected Internet publishers (August ‘11)4 Category Yoy pp change 40 27.9 30 no. of real users yoy % change 15.1 20 10.0 10 0 0% group -8- Wirtualna Polska - Orange group group group group group Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; Internet ad spend: Starlink (display, search engine marketing, e-mail marketing and affiliate marketing); ¹ Internet division, Agora Ukraine, AdTaily, (Polska) including print revenues; ² excluding allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.; ³ excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments and allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.; 4 Megapanel PBI/Gemius, reach, real users, page views of websites of the selected Internet publishers by means of mobile appliances August 2010, August 2011; Wirtualna Polska Orange group group group group Outdoor segment improves operating results Financial results AMS ad market share in 3Q11 ² PLN million 3Q11 yoy change 1-3Q11 yoy change Revenues, incl.: - advertising 40.1 39.3 12.0% 12.0% 126.0 123.2 8.8% 8.2% Operating cost, incl.: 39.1 4.5% 117.0 (0.4%) 6.1 18.1 (4.0%) 4.6% 19.7 55.0 2.6% 1.7% 5.0 13.6% 15.0 8.7% 4.5 (16.7%) 13.7 (16.0%) 1.1 (26.7%) 3.4 (26.1%) 1.0 2.5% 7.0pp 9.0 7.1% 8.6pp 5.5 13.7% 48.6% 3.4pp 23.4 18.6% 56.0 5.6pp - execution of campaigns - maintenance cost - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - D&A - marketing & promotion EBIT EBIT margin Operating EBITDA¹ Operating EBITDA margin¹ Adjustment of portfolio of panels to market requirements3 Yoy change Billboard City light Scroll Backlight Frontlight -17 -8 Total 274 300 250 200 150 100 22 50 0 -50 -62 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 -350 -400 -9- -333 Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; ad expenditure in outdoor: IGRZ; ¹ excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments; ² excluding cross-promotion of Agora’s other media on AMS panels if such promotion was executed without prior reservation; 3 IGRZ: ad expenditure in outdoor; structure of panels as of September 30, 2011. yoy pp and % change Growth of ad revenues in accordance with outdoor ad expenditure growth. AMS 27% y2pp Growth of staff cost resulting from higher variable component of remuneration (meeting sales objectives) and development of regional sales structure. 3Q11 y12% New advertising solutions on AMS panels Segment performance: Magazines Financial results Ad spend structure in monthlies in 3Q11 PLN million 3Q11 Revenues incl.: - copy sales - advertising Operating cost, incl.: - raw materials, energy and consumables yoy pp change yoy change 17.6 (10.7%) 56.4 (10.5%) 7.4 10.1 (19.6%) (1.9%) 23.3 32.6 (17.4%) (5.2%) 14.7 (4.5%) 45.2 (10.7%) (4.6%) 19.4 (0.5%) 4.3 4.9% 13.0 3.2% 3.1 (16.2%) 8.9 (31.5%) 2.9 16.5% (32.6%) (5.3pp) 11.2 19.9% (9.7%) 0.2pp 2.9 (34.1%) 11.7 (9.3%) 16.5% (5.8pp) 20.7% 0.2pp Operating EBITDA² Operating EBITDA margin² 1-3Q11 6.2 - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - marketing & promotion EBIT¹ EBIT margin¹ yoy change Decrease resulting from reduction in prices of selected magazines and lower number of copies sold. Av anti Cztery Kąty Limited number promotional campaigns and termination of some editions with expensive gadgets. Poradnik 5.5% Glamour Moj e Mieszkanie 4.5% 3.4% Joy 3.2% Elle 2.6% Olivia Hot 0.8% M j ak 2.9% 0% %6 %reach 12% -10- Świat 24% 81.2 6.3% Rady Naj 0.7% 0% 5% % reach1 0 % interior home design 50 72.5 2.4% Magazyn 15% #3 in parenting monthlies 6.5% Dobre 2.0% Decoration 18% #1 interior home design monthlies 6.6% Kobiety Dobre Elle women luxurious 170.7 100 Wnętrze 1.2% #2 in women luxurious monthlies 3.1% Wnętrze mieszkanie InStyle Other 16.3% 7.6% Życie Dom & Cosmopolitan 3Q11 Copy sales position in selected magazine segments (Jan-Jul’11) 150 Kobieta i Burda Media Polska 7.3% 1.7pp Murator 9.2% 0.8pp 1.3pp 8.3 Domowy 3.3% Marquard 10.3% 0.9pp Bauer 21.1% 7.1pp . 9.9% Claudia 9.0% 1.7pp 0.7pp 200 12.3% Gruner+Jahr 15.5% 0.7pp Ringier Axel Springer 3.7% 0.7pp Edipresse 6.7% Reduction in number of inserts and gadgets. Stable readership position in selected magazine segments (Jan-Aug’11) Twój Styl Agora 10.0% 0% 5% lifestyle 10% % %1 5reach 0 Avanti Cztery Kąty Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; monthlies ad market: monitoring of Kantar Media based on rate card data, 126 titles in Jul-Sep 2010 and 129 in Jul-Sep 2011, excl. specialist titles; readership: Polskie Badania Czytelnictwa, execution MillwardBrown SMG/KRC, Jan-September 11, N=36 674, target group: all; CCS indicator (weekly readership), elaboration Agora S.A., comparison; ¹ excluding allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A.; ² excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments and allocations of general overhead cost of Agora S.A. 3 copy sales: ZKDP, total paid circulation Jan-Jul 2011, elaboration Agora S.A., comparison (women luxurious monthlies: Twój Styl, Joy, Avanti, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Hot Moda & Shopping; interior home design monthlies: Cztery Kąty, M jak Mieszkanie, Moje Mieszkanie, Dobre Wnętrze, Dom & Wnętrze; parenting monthlies: Mamo To Ja, Dziecko, Mam Dziecko, Twoje Dziecko, M jak Mama); Dziecko Segment performance: Radio Financial results¹ PLN million Radio ad market structure in 3Q11 3Q11 yoy change 1-3Q11 yoy change Revenues, incl.: 21.4 30.5% 62.0 17.9% - ad revenues 21.1 31.1% 61.0 18.0% 21.7 34.8% 59.8 15.7% Operating costs, incl.: - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - promotion & marketing EBIT EBIT margin Operating EBITDA² Operating EBITDA margin² 6.1 5.2% 18.7 3.9% 5.9 78.8% 12.7 4.1% (0.3) (1.4%) (3.2pp) 2.2 3.5% 144.4% 1.8pp 0.3 (70.0%) 4.6 39.4% 1.4% (4.7pp) 7.4% 1.1pp % udziału Share of audience in cities of broadcasting (3Q11) 8% Result of growing radio advertising expenditure and higher revenues from brokerage services and barter sales connected with the organization of ARTPOP Festival Zlote Przeboje Bydgoszcz 2011. Grupa Time 17.0% z2.0pp Grupa RMF 35.0% y2.5pp 0.9pp 2% 7.1% 4.2% 0% TOK FM -11- y8% Music stations Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 3Q11; ad market: Agora based on Kantar Media, Agora’s share incl. TOK FM, excl. brokerage, incl. cross-promotion of Agora’s other media in GRA’s radio stations if such promotion was executed without prior reservation; Radio Track, MillwardBrown SMG/KRC, cities of broadcasting, weekdays; Music stations, 15+, Jul-Sep 2010: N= 10 419; 2011: N=10 451; TOK FM, 15+ Jul-Sep N=7 735; 2011: N=7 747; ¹ local radio stations (incl. TOK FM); ² excluding non-cash cost of share-based payments. z0.5pp Polskie Radio 10.0% y0.5pp z 1pp 6% 4% 3Q11 Eurozet 19.0% yoy pp change Agora 11.0% PLN 0.14 billion Increase resulting from the organization of ARTPOP Festival Zlote Przeboje Bydgoszcz 2011. Important events in 3Q11 0pp yoy % and pp change Other 7.0% y0.5pp Cinema business in the Agora Group Number of tickets sold in the Helios cinemas PLN million 3Q2011 1-3Q2011 million tickets Financial performance Revenues incl.: 48.9 143.7 - tickets - food & beverages - advertising Operating cost, incl.: - external services - raw materials, energy and consumables - staff cost excl. non-cash cost of share-based payments - D&A 34.8 104.3 10.3 30.5 3.2 7.7 45.9 133.5 26.2 75.5 6.3 18.3 6.0 18.1 4.5 13.3 3.0 6.1% 10.2 7.1% 1 7.5 15.3% 23.5 16.4% 0 EBIT EBIT margn Operating EBITDA¹ Operating EBITDA margin¹ yoy % change + 3.0% 3.0% 6 5 4 3 5.7 mln 5.9 mln 1-3Q10 1-3Q11 - 6.0% 6.0% 2 2.0 mln 1.9 mln 3Q10 3Q11 no. of tickets sold Share of tickets for 3-D movies in Helios network of cinemas in 3Q11 Average price of tickets in the Helios cinemas in 3Q11 yoy pp change PLN yoy % change 20 + 5.0% 5.0% 15 3D 59% 2D 41% 3Q11 y10.5 pp 10 PLN 18.01 PLN 18.84 3Q10 3Q11 5 0 average ticket price -12- Source: financials: consolidated financial statements according to IFRS, 2Q11; ¹ As far as the Helios group is concerned EBITDA and operating EBITDA ratios are equal as in the period referred to in the table there was not any non-cash cost of share-based payments incurred. This presentation has been prepared by Agora SA (the "Company"). The data and information contained on the individual slides do not show a complete or coherent financial analysis, nor present the commercial offer of the Company and serve for information purposes only. A detailed description of the business and financial affairs of Agora SA is presented on website. All data therein are based on sources which the Company regards as credible. The Company reserves the right to amend data and information at any time, without prior notice. This presentation was not verified by an independent auditor. This presentation may contain slides containing statements related to the future. Such statements cannot be interpreted as forecasts or other assurances in respect of future Company's financial results. The expectations of the Company's management are based on their knowledge, experience and individual views and are dependent on many factors which may cause that the actual results may differ from statements contained in this document. The Company recommends that professional investment advice is sought in case any investment in the Company's securities is considered. -13-
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elaboration Agora SA comparison (luxurious women monthlies: Twój Styl, Joy, Avanti, Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Elle, Hot Moda & Shopping; interior design monthlies: Cztery Katy, M jak Mieszkanie, Moje