2. Comparison Poland / Austria
2. Comparison Poland / Austria
Short description Identity is a communications agency specialized in consulting, conception and implementation of integrative projects in the areas of communication and media. analysis idea implementation concept Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Project definition The “Team Österreich” shall be exported as an Idea, brand and project within the scope of an EU project. •Analysis of the Polish media landscape •Scenario 1 – national •Scenario 2 – regional - region West Pomerania Within the scope of this analysis the following media genres will be examined: •TV •Radio •Print •Online Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Basic data With its 38,482,919 inhabitants Poland has the eighth largest population in Europe. More than 90% of the population are roman-catholic, with about 70 % practicing their religion. The Catholic Church up to date has a great influence in politics and the daily lives. Poland Austria Total area 312.678 m2 83.871 Population 38,482,919 8,336,549 71,6 % 67,5 % 37,9 42,2 Amount of urban population 61,8% 67% Unemployment rate Dec. 09 11,9 8,6 Average income per month 2009 775€ 1763€ Inhabitants between 15 and 64 Average age Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Basic data In Poland 4.650 EUR are spent annually per person for goods and services (in Austria its 19.560 EUR per person annually). Consumer spending per month is divided as follows: Poland Austria Living 55€ 373€ Nutrition and anti-alcoholic beverages 82€ 207€ Health 14€ 53€ Traffic / transportation 29€ 252€ Communication 15€ 44€ Leisure and culture 24€ 205€ Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Poland vs. Austria Comparison of the usage and distribution of the media in Poland and Austria. Poland Austria Market share public TV 42% 42% TV usage in min/day 254 157 13.543.000 3.406.000 of which are via cable 36% 38% of which are via satellite 21% 54% of which are digital 17% 42% Radio usage in min/day 287 205 Radio stations 251 62 Internet access 52% 74% 16.600.00 5.111.000 TV reception in hh Internet user Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland First findings • • • • There a a number of similar media in Poland. The size of the country and thus the penetration of a key medium is too low. Stability in a partnership and appropriate resources are given with the relevant media groups. Also when looking at individual stations / titles, it always comes back to the top corporations. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Media • It follows a closer look at the relevant media for the national roll-out for: – – – – TV Radio Print Online Teaming up for civil protection – team poland TV • TVP – – – – • Polsat – – • Market leader is the Polish television Two national - TVP 1 und TVP 2 – and further 12 local The two channels TVP 1 and TVP 2 reach more than 99% of the households The money from advertising and sponsoring about 60% In 1992 the TV-station Polsat was the first to receive a license for terrestrial broadcasting. The station offers mainly entertainment and fun, supplemented by well-founded information programs. TVN – – – – Since its establishment in 1997, TVN is gaining popularity and development dynamics. TVN offers a broad range of programmes. TVN is the favourite of a young audience aged 16-49 years. TVN belongs - as mentioned - to the media holding ITI, which holds 52.7 percent stake in TVN. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland TV Przeciętny dzienny czas spędzony przed TV [h:mm] 3:20 1998 • • 3:24 1999 3:32 2000 3:39 2001 3:38 2002 3:37 2003 3:29 2004 3:28 2005 3:24 2006 3:21 2007 3:08 3:02 2008 3Q 2008 Since 2009 the daily TV consumption increases again. Television is a relevant media in Poland. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland 3:13 3Q 2009 TV TV-Channel Market share TVP 1 23,82 % TVP 2 16,88 % TVN 16,45 % Polsat 15,21% TVP Info 4,13 % TV4 1,54 % TV Puls 0,74 % Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Radio • Radio RMF – The first private radio in Poland, RMF FM, went on air in 1990 in Krakow. In 1994 it received the broadcasting license for the whole of Poland and is currently among the largest and most modern radio stations in Europe. • Radio ZET – The second nationwide receivable radio station is Radio Zet. Owner of Radio Zet is Eurozet the international media holding company. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Radio Radio broadcasting station Market share RMF FM 23,07 % Radio Zet 17,66 % 1. programme of the Polish broadcasting 13 % 3. programme of the Polish broadcasting 6,42 % Radio Maryja 1,87 % Tok FM 1,14 % 2. programme of the Polish broadcasting 0,54 % Radio Bis/ Polskie Radio Euro 0,28 % Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Print • • In the area of the print sector, there are three relevant titles for the project. Two of these are daily newspapers and one is a TV magazine. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Print Title Sold total circulation Publisher Orientation FAKT www.efakt.pl 495.358 Axel Springer Polska Boulevard, everyday topics and rumours about stars Gazeta Wyborcza www.wyborcza.pl 411.192 AGORA Super-regional Left-liberal 1.202.506 Gruppe Bauer Media TV Magazine Tele Tydzień Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Online • • • The Internet media is booming in Poland, continuously reporting great growth and expands its audience considerably. According to the opinion research institute CBOS in 2006 had about 45 percent of the households had a PC at home and 36 percent had Internet access. In April 2008 there were correspondingly 57 percent and 44 percent. In 2009 already 49 percent had access to the Internet. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Interia.pl o2.pl Wp.pl Onet.pl Gazeta.pl Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Online • Also in the area of social media, the development, the range and the use is comparable to other countries. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Online Websites Share Google 85.71% Onet.pl 63.65% Wirtualna Polska Wp.pl 54.30% Allegro.pl 53.36% nasza-klasa.pl 52.44% INTERIA.PL 48.71% o2.pl 47.12% Gazeta.pl 45.84% youtube.com 45.82% wikipedia.org 34.44% Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Media groups Corporation Newspaper Axel Springer Polska FAKT Dziennik Gazeta Prawna Przegląd Sportowy AGORA Publishing house Gazeta Wyborcza Metro (gratis) GRUPPE ITI Tygodnik Powszechny Gruppe Bauer Media Tele Tydzień Tele Świat Z życia wzięte Radio TV Radio TOK Radio FM Radio Roxy Radio FM Radio BLUE TVN RMF FM RMF Maxxx RMF Classic Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Internet Other eFAKT.pl Dziennik. Pl students.pl Weekly magazines Monthly magazines Gazeta.pl Wyborcza.pl Autofoto.pl GazetaPraca.p l AMS Outdoor – advertising magazines Onet.pl Tenbit.pl TVN Med Multi-cinema ITI Cinema Youth magazines Women’s magazines TV and PC magazines Conclusion • Expertise campaigns national – Which media would you select if you had to promote XXXX? Occasion TV Print Online Radio President TVP1 Gazetta Onet RMFM FMCG TVN Fact Onet ZET Misfortune – Fundraising TVN Fact Onet RMFM Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Recommend ation • In a purely national roll-out • Focus on media groups and the related cross-media potential. – Axel Springer Fakt, fakt.pl (Print, Online) – Gruppe ITI TVN, Onet.pl (TV, Online) – AGORA Gazeta, gazeta.pl, AMS (Print, Online, Poster) – Bauer Media Tele Tytcien, RMF FM (Print, Radio) • • Change from media mono strategy to cross-media As a single medium, additional talks with Radio ZET and the public broadcasting station TVP would be advisable. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Scenario 2 • • In order to test out and grow the Team Poland from a smaller unit, a regional market rollout is recommended. The Goal is the identification of media partners through which only the target group in the region Zachodniopomorskie can be addressed. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Facts Poland West Pom. Austria Total area 312.678 m2 22.896 m2 83.871 m2 Population 38,482,919 1,692.355 8,336,549 11,9 16,5% 8,6 Unemployment rate 09 Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Print Głos - Dziennik Pomorza •Published since 2007, Issued six times per week •Circulation: 53959 copies, Sold total circulation: 41741 •Mutations are produced for • Szczecińecki, Koszalinski, Slupski Teraz Koszalin • Free weekly, Published every Thursday since 2007 •Circulation: 12000 copies •Information about events for the weekend planning •Published in Koszalinski •Distributed in shopping centres and at traffic intersections Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Print MM Moje Miasto Szczecin • Free weekly, Published since 2006 • Distributed by post to households • Deals with the issues of everyday life. • Relies on interaction with readers. •It is published on Mondays and Thursdays KURIER SZCZECIŃSKI •Published since 1945 •Average circulation, Monday through Thursday: 25.128 •Storage on the Friday edition: 85.000 copies Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Radio • Polskie Radio Szczecin SA – Number of listeners per day: • 80000/86000 • Belongs to public sector broadcasting corp. Polskie Radio • Polskie Radio Koszalin – Number of listeners per day: 74000 – during summer: 130000 – Not available in Settin – Also receivable in the neighbouring regions Teaming up for civil protection – team poland TV • Regional station of the public sector TV TVP • Broadcasted on TVP Info • Average viewers March 2010 Monday 60.254 Tuesday 81.538 Wednesday 93.480 Thursday 72.200 Friday 77.497,5 Saturday 11.2225 Sunday 88.535 Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Online • The same portfolio as for the national planning also applies for the regional market. • All the major portals can be sorted out regionally over IP targeting and content targeting. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Recommend ation scenario 2 • In order to test out and grow the Team Poland from a smaller unit, a regional market rollout is recommended. • For this we recommend the cooperation with a public sector corporation, focusing on a combination of television and online. Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Content 1. Project definition 2. Comparison Poland / Austria • Basic data • Media landscape • Poland vs. Austria 3. First findings 4. Scenario 1: national roll-out 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 5. Scenario 2: regional roll-out in West Pomerania 1. Overview relevant partners 2. Recommendation 6. Overall recommendation Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Overall recommenda tion • In consideration of the structural and resource-technical conditions, we recommend the following: • The main focus on the media selection is to be subordinated to the project‘s organisational facts. Especially with a purely regional roll-out, the choice is naturally very limited. Stepwise roll-out in West Pomerania then national – Media selection should be based on project organisation. – TV or radio together with online. – Strong integration of social networks Cooperation with the public sector TV TVP – Regional is possible – Public sector mission is important aspect for the project. • • • Teaming up for civil protection – team poland Contact Mag. fh Patrick Lenhart, Managing Director Inger Stolla, Authorised Officer Identity medienservice und Produktion OG Identity BeteiligungsGmbH Rembrandtstrasse 7/7 1020 Vienna Phone/Fax +43 1 958 22 42 Mobile: +43 699 11 22 33 80 E-Mail: patrick.lenhart@identity.ag www.identity.ag Teaming up for civil protection – team poland
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