FCH newsletter Sept 2015


FCH newsletter Sept 2015
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Faith Community Homes
News from
Faith Community Homes
September 2015
302 N. Dunton Avenue
Arlington Heights IL 60004
• FCH Happenings •
Message from the Executive Director
Student Intern Helps FCH
As we move into the new school year, we here at Faith Community
Homes are reminded of the struggles families often have. School
supplies have become a significant expense, let alone additional fees
many parents are faced with when their children want to participate
in extra-curricular activities, such as sports. Fortunately, for many
of the families we work with, generous organizations have stepped
forward to help with this challenge as you will see in other parts
Chuck Warner
of this newsletter. It is with this kindness and generosity that our
families can keep pace with expenses.
This year, Faith Community Homes is
host to a student intern from St. Viator
High School. This arrangement is proving
to be beneficial for both Faith Community
Homes and our student. She is learning
a great deal about non-profit, charitable
work while learning about the problems
and challenges of poverty in our own
community. She is also helping with a
number of important projects for us.
Community Groups Support FCH
Outreach Of Encouragement for Families of FCH
A family wrote:
“All that FCH does for us is so helpful, and we couldn’t get
along without it. But I hope you know what I mean when
I say that the card with the words of encouragement and
‘believe in yourself, you can do it’ was one of the greatest
gifts I could receive. Sometimes I feel so alone in my
struggle (except for my mentors, of course), but then I
read the card again and I KNOW that I am not – this
wonderful Christian person who doesn’t even know me
and is sending me positive thoughts and prayers, IS WITH
ME! That is such a good feeling, and then I find strength
to go on, and to keep working hard on my goals and
All of the ways in which Faith Community Homes assists
families has as its purpose to give hope and encouragement
to the families as they strive to balance and better
their lives while working towards financial stability and
independence. Cards/notes at Christmas, or Valentine’s
Day, or Easter, or summertime, or the beginning of a new
school year, or simply any time – “thinking of you”
is another way for the families to receive support and
encouragement and to feel the care of others.
Would you like to be part of this note-writing outreach?
If so, it’s simple.
1) Let Sister Carrie know of your interest, and she will
provide you with a list of names of families (using just
the first name of a parent) that would be blessed to receive
a note from you.
2) Write a note to the family, put it in the envelope, seal
the envelope and write the family name on it.
3) Send or bring the note(s) to Sister Carrie and she will
forward it/them to the families.
* When signing the note, please use only your first name,
and do not include your address, phone number, or email.
“Brothers and sisters, you are children of light. Therefore
encourage one another and build each other up. . .”
News from Faith Community Homes • September 2015
The community of 1st United Methodist
Church provided back packs loaded with
school supplies for all of the children in
the families assisted by Faith Community
Homes. The sorting tables overflowed
with their generosity! This was a great
help to the families as the cost of school
supplies can add up quickly.
The Kiwanis Club of Arlington Heights
provided a new school outfit for each FCH
child and new shoes for many of them.
AND – they have already requested a list
of the children’s sizes for winter coats!
Support FCH Through
Amazon Smile
When you make a purchase on Amazon,
think about checking into Amazon Smile
before you finalize that purchase and
select FCH as your charity of choice. It
will cost you nothing, but FCH will receive
a portion of your purchase price.
The mission of Faith Community
Homes is to reach out to low income,
employed families with children living
or working in the Arlington Heights
and Palatine area to assist them in
securing attainable rental housing
and to provide appropriate support
services, especially mentoring, as they
move toward greater financial stability
and independence. Furthermore, the
mission is to educate the community
about the need for affordable housing
and to advocate for the inclusion of
affordable housing in the community.
We also know there are many other families who need help beyond what we are able
to provide. Recent reports show that there is as much poverty in the suburbs now as
there is in the city. In 2011, 48% of people living below the poverty level in the entire
metropolitan area resided in the City of Chicago, the remaining 52% in the suburbs.
Of course, suburbs are experiencing poverty at varying levels; south suburbs have very
high rates of poverty, while the lower rates are in the northern suburbs. However,
poverty is present in the Arlington Heights and Palatine areas. For this reason, we are
grateful for all the support that you provide to us to help these families find ways out
of poverty and into a more stable and enjoyable existence.
Faith Community Homes WANTS YOU!
Let us know if you would like to be involved with Faith Community Homes - Don’t be
shy! Right now we are looking for a few good women or men who would like to join
the FCH team.
If you are reading this, then you know about how much Faith Community Homes has
helped needy families over the past 12 years. What I’d like to tell you about is how
much it means to be on the helping side of the story.
I’ve been an FCH board member for that same 12 years, helping to shape the
evolving program - determining what families to accept, working on outreach
to churches and the community, hiring and supporting staff, learning more
about poverty in the suburbs and the need for housing- and yes, helping to
raise money. It takes all of those things - communication, education, advocacy,
dedication, and funding to keep FCH moving forward.
FCH is not standing still, and it’s inspiring to be here. Every week needy families
ask us for assistance, and many of them qualify for our program. So our goal
is to take as many of these families as we can and move them toward financial
stability. All of this requires a vibrant community of volunteers, committee
members and board members.
Perhaps you believe you may be able to contribute to our efforts. Again - don’t
be shy. Our Communication and Marketing Committee does just what it says
(continued on page 3)
Thank You to Our FCH Churches
Faith Community Homes Staff
Executive Director
Chuck Warner
Program Manager
Sr. Carrie Miller, SLW
Case Managers
Tom Tucker
Pam Van De Walle
Board of Directors
Jim Mayer
Greg Ford
Corresponding Secretary
Lou Walton
Recording Secretary
Donna Anderson
Paul Cochran
Ken Apicella
Sr. Mary Catherine Connolly, SLW
Jane Drezen
Chris Farnsworth
John Sonderegger
Claudia Starck
Laszlo Stephan
Tim Wayman
Faith Community Homes
302 N. Dunton Avenue
Arlington Heights, Illinois 60004
(847) 342-0846
E-mail: info@fchomes.org
Special thanks to Palatine
Township, Wheeling Township,
and the Village of Arlington
Heights for providing significant
financial assistance as well
as help to our client families.
Many thanks go to the Churches and religious
organizations for their continuous support.
Faith Community Homes would not exist
without you.
• Christian Church of Arlington Heights
• Church Of The Incarnation
• Chapel of St. John the Beloved,
Lutheran Home
• Clerics of St. Viator
• Congregation Of Divine Providence
• Congregational United Church Of Christ
• Faith Lutheran Church
• First Church Of Christ, Scientist
• First Presbyterian Church of
Arlington Heights
• First Presbyterian Church
Presbyterian Women
• First Presbyterian Church Men’s Club
• First United Methodist Church
• Kingswood United Methodist Church
• Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
• Presbyterian Church of Palatine
• Presbyterian Women of Palatine
• Southminster Presbyterian Church
• St. Edna Parish
• St. Edna Parish Outreach Ministry
• St. James Parish
• St. James St. Clare’s Guild
• St. James Elizabeth Seton Guild
• St. James St. Bernadette Guild
• St. James St. Gerard’s Guild
• St. James St. Mary’s Guild
• St. John United Church of Christ
• St. John United Church Of Christ
Faithful Friends Group
• St. Philip’s Church
• St. Theresa Church
• St. Thomas Of Villanova
• St. Viator High School Student Agency
Activity Fund
• SVDP Of Our Lady Of The Wayside
• The Chapel of Palatine
New Summer Events Raise Awareness
Rolling Meadows High School 5th Annual Mulligans for Mustangs Golf Outing
On Friday, June 12th, Head Football Coach Matt Mishler of Rolling Meadows High School
hosted a golf outing at The Bridges of Poplar Creek Country Club. Proceeds from the annual
event have been used to defer costs for underprivileged players, offset the cost of summer
camp, purchase new equipment and gear, and generally enrich the experience for Mustang
football player. But this year was different. In addition to its traditional purpose, Matt
donated a healthy portion of the event’s proceeds to Faith Community Homes.
The football program has worked closely with FCH over the past five years through food
drives and other programs, and the wonderful gift from the golf outing exemplifies the
commitment and generosity of Matt, his players, and Mustang supporters. Matt believes
that the support is important for two reasons: it benefits the community while teaching his
players the importance of giving back. Great thanks go out to Matt along with gratitude to
FCH Board Member Jane Drezen and her son, Trevor, a former Mustang football player, who
first educated Matt on the mission and opportunities to support FCH.
An Afternoon to Support Local Families at Peggy Kinnane’s
On Sunday, June 28, Peggy Kinnane’s Irish Restaurant & Pub was the place to be as Faith
Community Homes hosted an afternoon event from noon-4pm. The afternoon featured
friendly conversation, plenty of food and drink, music by the Charleston Time Machine,
a raffle for a flat-screen TV, and fellowship in support of the families of Faith Community
Derek Hanley, the owner of Peggy Kinnane’s, has a history of working with many nonprofits/charitable organizations for the purpose of fundraising. This event was no exception
– Derek and his staff provided the venue at no expense to the organization and donated a
portion of the food and drink sales to Faith Community Homes.
Along with donations from patrons and income from raffle sales, the event produced a
significant financial reward for FCH and its mission.
News from Faith Community Homes • September 2015
Faith Community Homes WANTS YOU! continued
- and can use interest or experience in this field, or in social media. The goal of our Outreach program is to reach and educate the community through churches and other organizations. Of course, our Development Committee concentrates
on fund-raising, primarily, but not entirely, through special events. Please call if you are interested in any of these areas.
Currently there are two spaces open on our Board of Directors. Board members are asked to come with some community
or business involvement and contacts, are expected to participate in a committee and be involved in fund-raising events.
Just call our office if you would like to talk about this.
- Lou Walton, Board Member & Corresponding Secretary
News from Faith Community Homes • September 2015