holiday message from the CEO


holiday message from the CEO
Pantone 653 U - %100
C 0
M 0
Y 0
K 88
R 67
G 67
B 69
Pantone 426 U - %90
C 0
M 0
Y 0
K 88
R 67
G 67
B 69
holiday message from
the CEO:
It is that time again, Christmas and the holiday season.
As always hard to believe another year has gone by, and 2012 is right around the corner.
2011 has been another interesting year. First off it is our first full year of being a private company again. Many events have happened over
the year, but the most exciting ones are clearly our ability to acquire companies again, this year seeing the integration of Ocean Truck
Equipment in Nova Scotia and Walker Equipment in Ontario, grow our company year over year by over 30%, plus bring our employment back
to 2006 figures. It is very rewarding for me to see our company return to pre-recession levels.
As we break for Christmas and enjoy time with our friends and families, let’s not forget how fortunate we are to live in a safe, well governed,
and economically sound country. As I watch the events around the world, from the Euro zone financial crisis, the Middle East political crises,
with thousands of innocent people being killed, and the death and destruction around the world from natural disasters, this makes me
feel really fortunate to live in Canada. Make no mistake, like most of us, I often get frustrated with our governments at all levels with their
inability to spend our tax dollars wisely. Not sure how this will ever get fixed, but we are clearly better than most countries.
We at Drive Products are also fortunate. Our company is doing very well. With all the
negative financial news around the world, we are bucking the trend. We are well positioned,
diversified, and financially strong. Our outlook for 2012 is strong, and we are forecasting
continued growth.
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your support in 2011; you have all been
truly amazing.
Lastly I want to wish you all the best of the holiday season, Merry Christmas, and a Happy
Prosperous New Year.
dp milestones
5 Years at Drive Products
Daniel Bautista - Trinity
Robert Gautreau - Docap
Tomasz Plaza - Toronto
Duane Drouillard - Calgary
Darren Boothe - Docap
Nii Ashittey Larbie - Toronto
Naomi MacMillan - Toronto
Elizabeth Wells - Toronto
Darcy Chevrier - Toronto East
10 Years at Drive Products
Frank Kaposvari - Trinity
Shane Martin - Toronto
Alexandru Rettegi - Trinity
Martin Cook - Toronto East
Michael Llewellyn - Toronto
Pierre De Grandpre - Montreal
15 Years at Drive Products
Ronald Kedney - Toronto
Laurie Westman - Toronto
dp babies of 2011
Maia Angelina Perello
- Born January 3
Joanna Rita Regele
- Born February 16
Austin Kumar
- Born February 24
Ethan Alexander Miklos
- Born April 6
Maya Pearl Llewellyn
- Born August 15
Calvin Kuntz
- Born September 5
Violet Elizabeth Brewster
- Born December 8
drive products &
At the end of May, Drive Products officially acquired Ocean Truck
Equipment in Halifax, and we couldn’t be more excited with integrating the
current Pantone
with another leader in the sales
U - %100
426 Ubranch
- %90
and service
ofR truck
C 0
R 67
C 0 equipment
G 67
M 0
in Atlantic Canada!
Y 0
B 69
K our
88 core products,
In addition to
Ocean adds Brandon dump bodies,
Bri-Mar trailers, and increased
snow & ice control with BOSS
and Munroe. With the recent
announcement of the $25-billion
shipbuilding contract to the Halifax
Shipyard, and the increased
offshore oil activity in the area,
things are definitely looking up
B 69
Y 0
Kin 88
the Maritimes, and
Drive Products is now
better positioned than
ever to service our
customers and expand
our business.
We would like to take
this opportunity to
thank all the staff
from both Ocean and
Drive for
their support,
and hard work
during this
process of
bringing us
together. Since
May, we have
in migrating
Ocean to our
Dameon Lowe, Oraleen Strickland, John Braman
system, and
Back Row L-R:
Front Row L-R: Pat Brewster, Scott Hurshman, Doug Barkhouse, Lorraine Hirtle,
Chris Lloyd, Cathy Gammon
new product announcement
Drive Products has a great tradition of finding the
very best product manufacturers and forming strong
relationships with them as partners. This has been a key
to our strategy to secure our position as a market leader
in systems solutions for mobile equipment. In keeping
with this tradition we have formed an agreement with
Thermal Transfer Products to expand our product offering
to include Custom Engine Cooling packages. This means
that we are part of an elite group of distributors capable
of providing heat transfer solutions at the highest level.
For any questions on this product please contact either
Debbie Cook or Pedram Shadpoor in Eastern Canada or
Matt Taylor in Western Canada.
L-R: Jean-Yves Martell, Dave Hessian, Ken Strang,
Lea Poulin, Mike Hickey
we continue to renovate and
reconfigure the Ocean facility to
accommodate our entire operation
there. Currently we have moved
our truck shop operations, the
driveline shop is scheduled to
move in December, the warehouse
is being reconfigured, and our new
customer service and showroom
area will be completed in January.
It will be great when all of our team
is under one roof, so hang in there
everyone, we’re almost there!
“Clear the Path”
Snow season is fast approaching, and for the first
time in its history, Drive Products is on the airwaves!
To promote our snow removal products and 24/7
service during snowstorms in the Greater Toronto
Area, Drive Products has been running radio ads
on our most popular classic rock station, Q107, and
during all Leafs games on AM640. The ads have been
generating great response, for those of you out of
range, you can listen online at and!
If you are viewing
this newsletter
Click on the button
to hear the ad!
CTEA conference
Solidifying our position as an industry leader
for our technical expertise, 2 members of the
Drive Products team were chosen this year to
present at the CTEA 48th Manufacturers Technical
Conference in Moncton, NB. Matt Taylor from
Edmonton gave a presentation entitled “Automatic
transmission – limited space, large expectations”, discussing PTO’s, gearbox options and
hydraulic system solutions for applications with tight clearances, minimizing the size of
the components and decreasing the weight a hydraulic
system adds to a truck. Dave Woodyatt from Toronto
did a driveline session, discussing the effects of angle
and speed on a driveshaft and how this corresponds
to noise, vibration, and harshness, and also manned
our table at the vendor fair. Great job guys, we look
forward to this great event again in 2012, which will be in
Montreal, QC in November!
Matt Taylor
Dave Woodyatt
We would like to thank Cindy
Stevens for once again stepping
up to organize our annual Food
and Toy Drive. Now in its 6th
year, this has become a great
tradition of giving to help
those less fortunate enjoy the
holiday season, and each year
has been a bigger success.
We greatly appreciate Cindy’s
community efforts and a big thank you to all the people who helped donate,
your generosity certainly makes a difference!
docap’s new website
DOCAP is excited to announce the launch of their NEW
website! The site went live October 2011 and can be
viewed at
The site will be updated on a regular basis, with featured
specials (Docap seasonal flyers), product spotlights/
launches and new content. We also encourage visitors
to sign-up to receive the latest product announcements,
offers and promotions via email.
Together with the website, Docap also launched the
newly redesigned catalogues! To view and download the
latest copies, head to the “WHAT WE SELL” page.
Since we are in the topic of websites, we would like to
give you a sneak peak of the new and re-vamp Drive
Products website coming soon in the new year!
toronto east
Our Toronto East location
has enjoyed its best year yet,
thanks to a strong integration
of companies that has made
us grow and prosper in this
important marketplace. The
branch was born out of the
acquisition of 4WD Equipment
in 2007, which gave us a
presence in the area and
brought a retail focused
L-R: Aaron Pinfold, Martin Cook, Shane Meadows, Wesley Young, Eddie Mantsios, Pat
environment for products in
Buxton, Darcy Chevrier, Bruce Schulz, John Brillinger, Edgar Aleman, Dave Schulz,
Lanny Elson, Nick Tanguay, Rob Kazanjian, Ryan Prout, Jake Deighan, Ajay Rajput
the light construction and
landscaping industry. In order to
service this market with our core products, a new building was constructed which opened
in December of 2008. This new facility also integrated the employees of Dynamic Shaft
(also acquired in 2007), bringing excellent driveline services for our customers.
When we absorbed the operations of Walker Equipment in January of this
year, the branch reached new heights by adding strong personnel and
expanding our customer base.
With everyone now under one roof, we have become a great
presence in the market, having the best people and
the best products, which has shown in record
sales and lots of positive customer
Greg Edmonds
feedback. Congratulations
Mike Edmonds
everyone and here’s to
Anne Borja
another great year
Kasia Sitnik
in 2012!
Riz Premji
Melissa Roomes
Adam Gautreau
John Brillinger
Matt Taylor
To contribute to subsequent newsletters
please contact the Marketing dept at
Landscape Congress Show (January 10-12 @ Toronto
Congress Centre Booth # 744)
NTEA Work Truck Show (March 5-8 @ Indiana
Convention Center)
Atlantic Heavy Equipment Show (March 29-30 @
Moncton Coliseum Complex Booth #204)
Expo Grands Travaux (April 13-14 @ Parc Olympique
Montréal Québec)
Truck World (April 19-21 @ International Centre
Toronto Ontario)
Global Petroleum Show (June 12-14 @ Stampede Park
Calgary Alberta)
employee spotlight: NADIA YADLOWSKI
Nadia began her career at DPI as a receptionist for the Edmonton branch at the age of 18.
Though she had no prior office experience, her enthusiasm and ability to learn quickly enabled her
to advance to the position of Administrative Assistant after a year and a half.
While developing her understanding of office operations as well as her skills in Great Plains, Nadia became responsible for
warranty related tasks and supporting the Purchasing and Receivables departments.
Her positive attitude, friendly demeanor and strong work ethic didn’t go unnoticed, and she was asked to assist with the implementation
and maintenance of the health and safety program as the branch’s coordinator in September 2010.
A short year later, Nadia was promoted to Purchasing Assistant. But, as a self-proclaimed “Jill of all trades”, she still makes every effort to help out
anywhere she can.
In her spare time, she likes to be in the company of family and friends, but Nadia’s
true joys are being with her nieces and watching Blue Jays games
with her longtime boyfriend. Although she is an avid
rollerblader, the weather in Edmonton only
allows for a few months to enjoy this
pastime; perhaps she would
Drive Products’ employees, John Brillinger and Tory
be better off trading
them in for
Holub along with Drive Products’ customers Rui Pereira and
ontario co-ed softball champions
Cheryl Derooy of City Wide Services, were crowned Provincial Coed
Softball Champions in September in Niagara Falls. The team was coached by
John Brillinger. Although they were underdogs going in to the tournament they
finished the round robin at 3 and 1 to gain a berth in the quarter-finals. From there they
won two in a row to advance to the finals. They faced the top ranked team in Ontario from
Sudbury Ontario. They were down 5-0 after the second inning; but chipped away and took the lead
for good in the top of the 7th inning 9-7. They held on and won the title 9-8.
drive products children’s
Back Row L-R: Josh Weir (Male MVP), Oliver Salvador, James Aho, Trevor Cain,
Jason Beckett, John Brillinger, Chris Beaver, Rui Perreira
Front Row L-R: Tory Holub, Sara Ducker, Nicole Boyle, Laura Brillinger, Charlene
Beckett, Christianne Tremills, Kelly Aho, Cheryl Derooy (Female MVP)
CHRISTMAS PARTY true patriot love 2011
john scott’s
On Sunday December 4th, Drive
Products hosted our annual Children’s
Christmas Party. All the kids had a ton
of fun playing games at the Playdium,
and enjoyed a special visit from Santa!
Here’s to wishing everyone a happy
holiday season with more gifts!
On Thursday November 10th,
Drive Products was proud to be
represented at the 2011 True Patriot
Love dinner and fundraising event
in Toronto. True Patriot Love is
a national foundation that supports and honours
members of the Canadian military and their
families. Through our partnership with the Military
Casualty Support Foundation, Drive Products
provides important emergency financial relief for
soldiers and their families who have needs beyond
government programs. Please go to for
more information.
Dear Friends,
During my 18 years with Drive Products, I have had the
privilege of meeting and working with many Muncie
representatives. From these encounters, I received
even more knowledge of the products that I was proud
to be part of. I also realized that I too had developed
an appetite for development and improvement to
maintain the high standard of quality that Muncie had
It has been an honor and pleasure to dedicate so many
years of my life to help maintain the standard that has
been expected as a distributor of your products. May
Muncie Power Products continue to grow and prosper
as you provide quality products to the industrial world.
L-R: Military Police
Officer Niki Laidlaw,
Greg Edmonds, Corporal
Cameron Laidlaw
Guess Who?
Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the
moustache, highlighting men’s health issues, specifically
prostate cancer. Here are two of Drive Products’ walking
billboard for men’s health!
On April 30th 2010, my wife Maureen and I departed
Drive Products and ventured into the world of
retirement. As we prepared to leave the people that we
shared our days with, they prepared to demonstrate
from their hearts, their love and care for us. It is with a
grateful and humble heart that I accept your generous
gifts. The custom made PTO with my name will be
the centerpiece of many stories as we reminisce to so
many wonderful memories with family and friends.
As for the framed tribute, the penned words continue
to bring tears to my eyes as to be recognized in this
manner has deeply touched my heart. It is through
these tears that I can only say to one and all at Muncie,
“Thank you!”
Until our paths
cross again,
your kindness
will always be
appreciated and
Russel Douglas
Last issue’s answer:
Carol Roberts
Robert Edmonds
Not pictured but also participated in Movember are John King and Fil Ganhao
Gratefully yours,
John Scott
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